# Gavin Andresen # 2013-03-29 16:22:27 # https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=160692.msg1700155#msg1700155 @s{quotedtext} @s{quotedtext} @p{brk} Sure. @p{par} First, you need to make sure miners will accept bitcoins with the lower fee. So lobby your favorite miner or mining pool to set the -mintxfee= parameter to something lower than the default 0.0005 BTC-per-kilobyte; you can ask them if they will increase the size of the blocks they're creating and include more free transactions, too (those are settings they control). @p{par} Then, if you're using Bitcoin-Qt, you can set the transaction fee in the Preferences/Options dialog. @p{par} Right now, network peers won't relay low-priority transactions that include a fee of less than 0.0001 BTC, so that is as low as you should go. Fixing that is near the top of the (long) TODO list, but I really want to fix it correctly so we developers get out of the business of deciding what the transaction fees should be, and instead let the network decide. @p{par} If you generate a small number of high-bitcoin-value transactions (e.g. you have more than 1 BTC in your wallet and make a few purchases a week) then you should probably leave the Pay transaction fee setting at zero; Bitcoin-Qt will send your transactions without a fee, which will be just fine. @p{par} @p{par}