# Gavin Andresen # 2014-09-17 15:56:49 # https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=770591.msg8861478#msg8861478 @s{quotedtext} @s{quotedtext} @p{brk} I think we'll see non-clone coins being broken after two things happen: @p{par} 1. They become valuable enough for attackers to bother, and there is some way for them to cash out. @p{brk} 2. The attackers have some time to do what they need to do to mount an attack@p{--} write code, deploy botnets, hack into some big exchange(s), get their hands on some early-adopter's wallet backups, or whatever. @p{par} Once the tools and techniques are developed, then I think we'll see what we see in PoW 51% attacks: attacks against even mostly-worthless clonecoins, because if they've already got the tools then they might just attack for the lulz. @p{par} I'm surprised you count peercoin a PoS success@p{--} they're still running with centralized checkpoints, aren't they? @p{brk}