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161  Economy / Securities / Re: Neo & Bee talk (spam free thread) on: April 15, 2014, 04:24:38 PM
In what way are my requests asymmetrical? I want evidence of news regarding NeoBee whether it's positive or negative.

Well, you take Mr. Brewster's statements at face value:

[ ... ] when Danny appears and clarifies the situation suddenly the burden of proof is back on his shoulders (hint: it's not, its up to the accuser to prove a case, not the accused to clear themselves) with regards to unpaid creditors and embezzlement of startup funds.

Even assuming that this message and the previous one are indeed from Mr. Brewster, he makes several allegations that should require proof:

* there were threats against his daughter.
* he contacted the police about the threats but they did not even file a report.
* the Cyprus police was told how they could contact him, but did not.
* ditto for the Cyprus Mail reporter.
* the people who complained to the police had failed to provide him with deposit addresses.

Also, suspicions of fraudulent management are quite pertinent, since he failed to deliver the promised financial statements.  Fom that moment, the burden was on him to prove that he is innocent of that.
162  Economy / Securities / Re: Neo & Bee talk (spam free thread) on: April 15, 2014, 03:19:17 PM
By the way, what is defintely known about Mr. Brewster's background, before he went to Cyprus? (I mean schooling, jobs, etc.)
163  Economy / Securities / Re: Neo & Bee talk (spam free thread) on: April 15, 2014, 03:15:59 PM
Needless to say, it would be, er, extremely unwise to believe ANYTHING that is said or written by a person in the situation of Mr. Brewster.  Especially when there is no reason to believe that it actually came from him, and plenty of motivation for others to impersonate him.

Even if we were to believe those allegations by this alleged "Danny Brewster", we would conclude that, among other things,
* he is still away, in an unknown country, with no way for investors, employees and creditors to reach him;
* those people who complained to the police about the missing bitcoins still haven't got their bitcoins;
* he fled Cyprus because of threats against his daughter, leaving his daughter behind;

and many other interesting "facts".

I hope that potential investors who are interested in providing funds to salvage the company can find a competent shaman or spiritual medium who can get in touch with him.

[ ... ] Not one single fucking request for evidence for all this, [ ... ]

Dear Mr. @NanoAkron, I respect your desire for hard evidence in this and other forums.  However, since your requests seem to be rather asymmetrical, perhaps you could clarify whether you are a friend of Mr. Brewster, or a close relative.

(Whatever your answer, I hope you will provide solid evidence to back it up.)

And if MP is behind all this (as I'm pretty sure he was given all his sockpuppets posting in the early days of the collapse) I hope you enjoy your US extradition hearings.
That is interesting.  Have you any evidence of that?
164  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: April 15, 2014, 01:05:41 PM
What your comments suggest to me, Jorge, is that my initial reading of the December announcement was correct, and the consistent content of all the official statements of the PBoC confirm, that there is no prohibition on banking relationships with exchanges in China.  The restriction is on banks taking on exposure to BTC, meaning they cannot have risk positions in BTC, nor can they denominate accounts in BTC.

As all the fear mongering is rendered foolish
Well, there have been at least four or five instances of banks closing the exchange accounts to deposits, confirmed by the exchanges themselves on their websites.

Curiously, Huobi had a note dated April 11 on their website reporting the account closures, but they seem to have pulled it. The newest note there is dated April 10.  They seem to be revamping their home page, and even the link to the latter seems to be gone.

EDIT: the note is still there:

It may be that the banks were over-reacting to some PBoC vague note, or to the Caixin article itself (although some of the closures were communicated to the exchanges well after the article came out).  Or it may be that the exchanges
managed to convice some of the other banks.

One important point in Huobi's April 11 note, IMHO, was a paragraph which I understood as follows: "We believe that the goal of the PBoC's 'Strengtening the December decrees' circular was to combat money laudering and other crimes.  We have done a lot in this regard and we are ready to cooperate with the authorities, hoping that we can reach a compromise that will let us keep the bank path open."  Again. this makes me belive that the 'Strenghtening'  circular saw by Caixin was not a PBoC decision but came from law enforcement and national security agencies.


we believe the central bank last year, about 289 text bitcoin is considered for anti-money laundering and maintaining the security of the financial system , it is the Bitcoin industry development in China provides a basis for policy direction and framework , fire coins Network expressed strong support for and implementation of the relevant provisions . Current trading is more conducive to the relevant regulatory authorities , including the fire because the network , including several large currency trading platform in December last year on the real-name authentication , check the source of funds , the bulk of suspicious transactions reporting mechanisms enabled. If legal compliance online trading platform operated to stop the service , Bitcoin transactions will be diverted to the next line can not be monitored , so that regulation becomes more difficult.

the result may be that every auntie and grandmother in China buys a bitcoin for the baby.  About 200 million out of perhaps 200,000 floating bitcoin.

The July bubble may be a second China bubble.

The December bubble will be the ETP bubble, and much larger.
165  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: April 15, 2014, 11:55:30 AM
In spite of what the CNBC article says, there has not been, to my knowledge, any denial by PBoC of the Caixin article.  Bobby Lee did not say that (did he?).  If there had been such a denial, it would be in block letters all over the place.  I found no new announcements on the Huobi and OKCoin websites. (Are there any?)

On the contrary, it seems that all major Chinese exchanges except BTC-China have had at least one bank account closed to client deposits, and they remain closed.  However Huobi and OKCoin still have accounts on other banks that (according to the exchanges) have not yet received any orders in this regard.

One of the two banks used by Huobi that did block client deposits has set an April 18 deadline for blocking withdrawals too. So the only part of the Caixin report that was proved wrong, so far, was the date of the final deadline (which Caixin reported as April 15).

The market may be assuming that the bank situation will not get any worse.  If that is the case, all exchanges should be able to function normally.  (As long as they have one bank account open for deposit, the closure of other accounts should not make much difference, should it?)

We'll see.
166  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: April 15, 2014, 10:52:04 AM
Have you bought some BTC's already?
I have been doubling my BTC holdings every day since December.  Wink
167  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: April 15, 2014, 10:45:51 AM
d) In 2014, price will visit below 400 = 80%
e) In 2014, price will visit above 500 = 30%
f) In 2014, price will visit above 750 = 5%

Well, I think somebody will just prove their deep lack of understanding of economics and human psychology in the next few weeks/months/years.

I for one going to keep the above quotes on hand.

Be sure to keep this one too (note the date):
If the rumor is false, I expect that the price will go back up to the pre-rumor level (around 3500--3700 CNY or  580--610 USD), and then resume the slow descent from there.

However there may be a permanent residual price drop, due to people becming aware that such a ban is possible in the future even if not right away.

168  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: April 15, 2014, 05:39:23 AM
Chinese Slumber Method prediction for Tuesday April 15

A trivial prediction:

Prediction valid for: Tuesday 2014-04-15, 19:00--19:59 UTC (not before, not after)
Huobi's predicted price: 2919 CNY.
Bitstamp's predicted price: 469 USD.

Plot legend

This was an obvious break in the trend. We have a single data point for the next trend; and a mediocre one, since there was substantial volume in the three hourly intervals 18.00--20:59 (2020, 511, and 1710 BTC;  S = 0.0058, W = 0.515).  The only reasonable guess is the trivial one, "tomorrow will be like today" - namely 2919 CNY at Huobi.

The Bitstamp prediction, as usual, is the Huobi prediction divided by the currency conversion factor R, which was assumed to be 6.22 CNY/USD. It was 6.38 6.21, 6.24, 6.32 at the last three Slumber Times.
Checking the previous prediction

Prediction was posted on: Sunday 2014-04-13, 23:11 UTC
Prediction was valid for: Monday 2014-04-14, 19:00--19:59 UTC (~20 hours later)

Foiled by the devious Chinese:

Huobi's predicted price: 2575 CNY.
Huobi's actual price (L+H)/2: 2919 CNY
Error: 344 CNY (~55 USD)

Bitstamp's predicted price: 414 USD.
Bitstamp's actual price (L+H)/2: 457 USD
Error: 43 USD
  "Never underestimate the joy people derive from
  hearing something they already know." -- Enrico Fermi
169  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: April 15, 2014, 05:27:30 AM
With Brazil's cpi at over 6% and food prices over 20% annual inflation because your government can't rob enough people fast enough, they have to print money to cover your salary. Maybe you should study how you can prevent ALL of your country's population to lose 6% of their wealth each year instead of a few people getting scammed.

Like, invite Daniel Brewster to restart Neo &Bee in Brazil?  (Although he may one day turn up here uninvited, like Biggs.  Tongue)

So instead of a currency controlled by the Brazilian government with 6% inflation I should tell them to use one controlled by Huobi's traders, with 350% inflation?  Er, can we wait until the BTC value stabilizes, before discussing that?

NOT easy for an academic to criticize the ways of his own govt. 

Actually we have been fortunate enough for the past 25 years to enjoy a fairly good level of freedom of speech, arguably better than Americans.  There are cases of libel laws used to silence journalists and bloggers, but they usually come from corrupt lower officials, mostly opposition, and private citizens.  The federal government (from both parties) has been admirably tolerant of criticism (and the main media have used and abused that freedom against Lula and Dilma). 

In fact, most of my public testimonials and press interviews about electronic voting have been criticism of the equipment which is the joy and pride of  the Electoral Justice,  whose president is a Supreme Court judge; and the criticism basically implies that the Electoral Justice is incompentent if or worse.   And in my tweets I have often and harshly critized both the São Paulo education secretariat,  the Federal education minister (now Dilma's Chief of Staff) and several other ministries, the Supreme Court and the Judiciary in general, and several other miscellaneous authorities.   I have been mostly ignored, of course, but I never felt any pressure to shut up; and ditto for uncountable other critics.  (Hm, after writing this list I am now starting to worry...  Wink)
170  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: April 15, 2014, 02:41:01 AM
As to "freedom to choose my research topics":

How can you justify to yourself to take money from the people at gunpoint to research bitcoin for hundreds of hours? How about researching wasteful spending by tenured professors?
Hint: I am a professor of computer science.   Guess where the idea of bitcoin came out of? 

And methinks that if I could prevent a few folks here losing their life savings to scammers, Brazilian or otherwise, that may already justify my salary.   Which may be more than I deserve, but is not exactly taken at gunpoint from them, 
171  Local / Economia & Mercado / Alerta sobre investimento em bitcoin on: April 15, 2014, 02:23:08 AM
Nas duas últimas semanas aparceram artigos sobre bitcoin nos principais meios de comunicaçãodo Brasil - Folha, Estadão, Globo, Correio Braziliense...  No geral positivos, esses artigos omitem os podres - MtGOX, Neo&Bee, preço em queda, restrições na China e outros países, ...

Em outros threads deste forum li várias refrências à América Latina (algumas bastante ofensivas até) como o último grande repositório de "bobos ricos" que poderiam trazer novo dinheiro para o mercado e levantar o preço do Bitcoin, compensando a perda gradual (e talvez, em breve, súbita) da China.  E infelizmente já estão atacando: ja há muitos "vendedores" de bitcoin no Brasil prometendo mil e umas virtudes, só falta curar câncer e trazer de volta a namorada.  Saiu até no Wall Street Journal, por exemplo, que na Agentina tem uma dona prometendo que bitcoin vai valer um milhão de dólares algum dia.

Quaisquer que sejam as virtudes reais do bitcoin, hoje ele é  um péssimo investimento.  O preço não está amarrado a nada (porque é 450 dólares, e não 4.50 ou 45000?) caiu mais de 60% desde novembro,  e tem caído continuamente desde fevereiro.  A taxa de "inflação" do bitcoin desde janeiro foi de 350% ao ano, muito mais que a do Real (6.5%), a do Peso argentino (11%) e até mesmo do Bolívar venezuelano (53%).  As razões da queda são conhecidas (estrangulamento do mercado da China, falência de exchanges, ...) e não há previsão de fatos positivos que possam reverter essa queda -- exceto a possível exploração dos "bobos ricos" na América Latina.

Mesmo a longo prazo, o sucesso do bitcoin está mais nebuloso que nunca.  Muitos países estã banindo ou restringindo seu uso comercial.   A maioria das bolsas e outras empresas baseadas em bitcoin opera fora de qualquer estrutura legal, e ninguém sabe como regulamentá-las sem estragar a idéia.   Sua suposta imunidade contra interferência do governo foi desmentida.  Sua suposta escassez foi negada pelo surgimento e sobrevivência das moedas alternativas.  A mineração está ficando concentrada empoucas empresas e está cada vez menos rentável.  E por aí vai.

Todo adulto que não seja incapacitado mentalmente tem direito de fazer o que quiser com seu dinheiro, inclusive jogar fora.  Se alguém quiser apostar nessa loteria doida que é o preço do bitcoin, conhecendo os fatos e os riscos, tudo bem, é problema dele.  Mas tentar vender bitcoin a pessoas sem conhecimento avançado de computação, como "bom investimento" -- sem avisar o freguês sobre todos esses problemas e podres, e mentindo sobre as chances do preço subir às alturas -- isso é vigarice, pura e simples. 
172  Local / Economia & Mercado / Re: Anedota do ano: Chipre avisa contra a Bitcoin on: April 15, 2014, 01:37:56 AM
O Governo do Chipre, aquele que no ano passado se afiambrou ao dinheiro dos depositantes e os roubou à descarada, vem agora alertar para os perigos da Bitcoin:

Acho que o único argumento que eles podem ter contra a BTC é que se quiserem voltar a gamar o povo à descarada não têm como o fazer.
Haja vergonha neste Mundo!
Aí apareceu um inglês em Chipre com  projeto de abrir um "banco bitcoin", chamado Neo, e um serviço de e-pagamento baseado em bitcoin, chamado Bee.  Coletou 12,000 BTC de investidores, fez uma baita campanha na TV e jornais da neo&Bee, prometendo pros coitados dos cipriotas que bitcoin protegeria seu dinheiro dos bancos, alugou uma sede, montou uma agência, contratou funcionários, comprou um Bentley de 70 mil euros, uma casa de luxo, e aí ...

(Adivinhe.  O que a palavra "bitcoin" mais lembra?)
173  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: April 15, 2014, 12:46:21 AM
Is your time here part of a funded research project? If so, what are the predicted benefits to those of which have funded you? Is the funding private or public?
I am a full professor of computer science at a public university, with a fixed salary, light teaching load, a few grad students, no admin duties at the moment, a foot in a slow-going research project,  and freedom to choose my research topics.  And also occasional public advocate on social things like electronic voting.

I believe that bitcoin is a terrible investment at this time.  I think I owe to the people who pay my salary to tell them so, and why.  But unfortunately the salesmen are knocking at the door (in the last two weeks, warm "news" articles about bitcoin suddenly appeared in all the major media - usually without mentioning MtGOX, Neo&Bee, China bans, the falling price, ....)   Angry
174  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: April 15, 2014, 12:21:22 AM
Anyone thinks that Huobi and the other Chinese exchanges are going to be the new mt gox (an exchange with no possibility of getting fiat out)?
I doubt it.  An exchange in Hong Kong (GBL)  tried it and the owners got caught by the Chinese police. 

Are there other cases of goxers going to jail for goxing?
175  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: April 15, 2014, 12:11:42 AM
Is he still portraying himself as his countrymen's defender against the evil of bitcoin?
If yes, I wonder why he has no posts on the Portuguese language boards of bitcointalk.
Oops! Thanks for the tip, I didn't even think of that.
176  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: April 14, 2014, 09:47:45 PM
[ ... ]
He is the most sophisticated of all trolls; he instills doubt so deep the sheep don’t can't question. [ ... ]  Wink
Uh, yes, the probabilities I posted are based on the assumption that you folks will not manage to drive me away from this thread.  If I were to stop posting here, bitcoin would immediately shoot to the moon and beyond, of course.  Grin
177  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: April 14, 2014, 09:42:45 PM
My probabilities are mine! ALL MINE! If you want to have probabilities too, go get your own!

(paraphrasing an old email signature by, about "opinion" Cheesy)
178  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: April 14, 2014, 09:19:25 PM
PS: Your "bull-mask" prediction indicate a 20% chance of staying between 400$ and 500$ this year.  Given bitcoin's volatility I think that is highly unlikely.
Indeed, I should have put more thought into those numbers.  I agree that the chance of staying in that range until december is almost zero.
179  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: April 14, 2014, 09:13:13 PM
(see my previous post, and this thread for the ownership distribution).
I saw that thread a while ago.  Congratulations for doing that work; I wish that there was more data like that.
180  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: April 14, 2014, 08:47:38 PM
Approximate annual inflation rates since Jan/2014:
[ ... ]

O.k.  You are very selective with the period of time that you selected.  

Why don't you compare the inflation or deflation over various periods of time to put your numbers into a more accurate context... for example compare the period that you selected (January 2014 to April 2014) with April 2013 to April 2014 and/or compare your period with January 2011 to April 2014.  [ ... ]
I already posted a full complete graph of that. Twice.

With this, you are attempting to spin and to spread FUD.
"FUD" as in "Facts and Undeniable Data"?

EDIT: rm bougus "/quote"
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