# Last edited on 2017-05-15 00:24:11 by stolfilocal COMPUTING THE CURRENCY CONVERSION FACTORS Computing the "currency" conversion factors to apply to the USD,CNY volumes before combining all prices into a single mean price. rundate="2017-05-14" # Nominal date of experiment. make_and_plot_currency_factor_file.sh "${rundate}" To compute the average CNY:USD exchxange rate, pipe the relevant segment of the file out/2014-11-29-01d-gox-full-ccf.txt through the script gawk \ ' /^20/ { ccf = $14; if (ccf > 0.0) { y = log(ccf); swy += y; sw += 1; } next; } END { printf "%8.4f\n", exp(swy/sw); } ' TO DO: Combine the daily prices, unsmoothed, using the currency conversion factors obtained above. Is it necessary to ignore the small bumps and dips in the factors, that are due to China being ahead to the West during the 2013-04 and 2013-11 bubbles? Maybe not. Using those variable factors will give more weight to the Western prices, which seems OK.