% Institute of Computing's logo { \def\release{2010-03-08} \def\lastedit{2010-03-12 17:59:46 by stolfi} \typeout{logo-ic-unicamp.sty release {\release} last edit {\lastedit}} } \ProvidesPackage{logo-ic-unicamp} \RequirePackage{graphicx} % MACROS DEFINED IN THIS PACKAGE % % \iclogo % This macro produces the IC logo packaged in a fixed-size square box, % without any lettering and with the necessary padding. Use % \scalebox{SCALE}{\iclogo} etc. to resize the logo. % % \iclogonamed % This macro produces the IC logo with "INSTITUTO DE COMPUTAÇÃO" % written underneath. Use \scalebox{SCALE}{\iclogoname} etc. to % resize the logo and text together. % % \iclogobare % This macro produces the IC abacus, without any lettering, % in a tight-fitting box, scaled to have the same width as % the standard logo box but with a different height. % % PARAMETERS % These parameters determine the location and style of the default % logo images. Redefine with \renewcommand as appropriate. % \newcommand{\iclogosize}{60pt} % The height and width of the logo box, including name (if any) % \newcommand{\iclogofile}{logo-ic-unicamp.eps} % The name (relative to the current directory) of the EPS image file % that contains the IC-UNICAMP logo. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Users should not need to read below this point \advance \endlinechar by -256 % Ignore line breaks in this file % Nominal logo dimensions (should match those of UNICAMP's logo!) \def\iclogowidth{\iclogosize} % Nominal width of logo box, with or without name \def\iclogoheight{\iclogosize} % Nominal height of logo box, with or without name % IC abacus in a tight-fitting box, without name \newcommand{\iclogobare}{ \hbox{\includegraphics*[width=\iclogowidth]{\iclogofile}} } % IC logo in a standard-size box, top-aligned, without name \newcommand{\iclogo}{ \vbox to \iclogoheight{ \offinterlineskip \hrule height 0pt width 0pt depth 0pt \vss \iclogobare \vss \hrule height 0pt width 0pt depth 0pt } } % Font for IC name below IC logo \newcommand{\iclogofont}{ \fontfamily{cmss}\fontseries{bx}\fontshape{n}\fontsize{7pt}{8pt}\selectfont } % IC logo in a standard-size box, top-aligned, with name below \newcommand{\iclogonamed}{ \vbox to \iclogoheight{ \offinterlineskip \hrule height 0pt width 0pt depth 0pt \kern 1pt \hbox to \iclogowidth{ \hss \scalebox{0.82}{\hbox{\iclogobare}} \hss } \kern 1pt \hbox to \iclogowidth{ \iclogofont {~}I\hss N\hss S\hss T\hss I\hss T\hss U\hss T\hss O\hss {~}\hss D\hss E{~}\vphantom{ÇÃ} } \hbox to \iclogowidth{ \iclogofont {~}C\hss O\hss M\hss P\hss U\hss T\hss A\hss \c{C}\hss \~{A}O{~} } \kern 2pt \vss } } \advance \endlinechar by 256 % Restore \endlinechar as before