Goals The experiment aims to record and analyze the EEG of Parkinson patients who have received Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) implants, while presented with certain moving or stationary visual stimuli, with the DBS on and off. The visual stimuli and the experimental protocol are designed to drive the patient into executing certain visual analysis and recognition tasks and/or to elicit involuntary "pseudo-motor" responses in his cortex. The analysis aims to detect and model possible changes in the patient's brain activity related to those tasks and elicited responses that are correlated with the DBS on/off status. Equipment and parameters During the active part of the experiment, the subject sits on a padded chair with torso upright??, head upright and unsupported, with both arms on chair armrests. The EEG signals are collected by 19 electrodes glued directly to the scalp, without a support net or cap. The signals are digitized and recorded by a Model ??? EEG unit made by ???. The potential reference is provided by ???. The sampling frequency is 500 Hz, the maximum allowed by the recorder. A flat computer monitor screen, ?? cm x ?? cm, is placed ?? cm away, with the center on the same level as the patient's eyes. The screen is controlled by a laptop (Model ?? by ???) via an HDMI? cable. A simple photodiode circuit, the screen brightness sensor (SBS), is affixed onto a corner of the display screen and monitors the brigtness of a rectangular color patch displayed at that position by the stimulus presentation software. Its output, that varies between 0.00 and -0.25 V, is recoded in a separate file, synchronized with the EEG recording. For most of the time, the experimenters and the computer are located in a "control" room, separated from the "experiment" room where the patient and the rest of the equipment reside. The patient is not enclosed in a Faraday cage, but the 60 Hz noise from the power line is filtered out by the EEG recorder. Visual stimuli In the whole experiment, three visual stimuli are used. All consist of white dots on a black background. The "SD" (single dot) stimulus is one stationary dot at the center of the screen. The "HM" (human, moving) stimulus is a cloud of dots marking the articulations, head, and extremities or an (invisible) human figure. The dots are moving as if the human was walking on a treadmill, left to right. The "HS" (human, stationary) stimulus is a single stationary frame of the "HM" movie. Experiment and data colection protocol By SESSION we mean one instance of the experiment, executed with one patient. The 19 EEG electrodes are installed on the patient scalp at the beginning of the SESSION. Then a continuous EEG recording of those 19 electrodes is made, until the SESSION ends. Then the EEG electrodes are removed. A SESSION contains two PHASES, "DBS off" and "DBS on". The PHASES alternate with three SETUP intervals, when miscellaneous activities happen, such as experimenters entering the room to turn the DBS on or off. Each SETUP interval takes about 120-150 seconds. During each SETUP, the screen shows the "SD" (single dot) stimulus. The the SBS signal blinks between 0.00 and -0.26 V, with each full period lasting about 3.6 s. Lights may be on during part of each SETUP. During each PHASE, the room lights are off and the experimenters are in the "control" room. Each PHASE consists of three BLOCKS, intercalated with two REST periods. Each REST lasts about 30 seconds. During a REST, the screen shows the "SD" (single dot) stimulus. The SBS signal is steady at about -0.10 V ("medium" value). Each BLOCK consists of 10 PROBES intercalated with 9 GAPS. Each GAP is just like a REST, except that it lasts only about 3 s. Each PROBE lasts about 30 s. During each PROBE, the screen shows either the "HS" (human, stationary) or the "HM" (human, moving) stimulus. The SBS signal is 0.00 V and -0.26 V, respectively. Manual cleanup Before further proecssing, the SBS channel was cleaned up by setting it to 0.5 during the SETUP intervals, and otherwise mapping values 0.00 V, -0.10 V, and -0.26 V (or close to them) to 0.0, 0.5, and 1.0, respectively. ---- Explicando sobre o canal do marcador, O link dele é https://1drv.ms/u/s!Anv9nV6BNVjvgbl9xWu3hjyfnK20Ew?e=XEjHbC Quando ele pisca em alta frequencia é um intervalo de repouso inicial ou final, não sendo parte do experimento propriamente, mas indicando quando ele começa. A duração esperada é de 2min-2:30min intervalos de 30s com a tensão alta indicam o estímulo homem andando e com a tensão baixa indicam homem parado. entre esses estímulos há intervalos de 3s de tensão média, que são momentos de fixação (repouso curto) após 10 estímulos há um intervalo de 30s também com tensão média, que são os momentos de repouso entre os blocos. pode-se notar que o experimento começa e termina uma vez (extremidades marcadas pelos pulsos de alta frequencia) (1o run) e então existe um período (alguns minutos, não sei precisar) no qual o dbs está sendo ligado antes de refazer o experimento (2o run).