// Last edited on 2013-02-01 20:03:55 by stolfilocal #macro lamp_array(nrings,angrad,lux,shd) // A round lamp array with {nrings} rings of lamps, // total angular radius {angrad} (degrees), and total strength {lux}. // The array is perpendicular to the X axis centered on <1,0,0>. // from the origin. // If {shd} the lamps cast shadows. // Compute normalization factor {st_norm} for ring strengths: #local k = 0; // Light ring index. #local st_norm = 0; #while (k < nrings) #local st = lamp_array_rel_ring_strength(k,nrings); #local st_norm = st_norm + st; #local k = k + 1; #end #local coin = seed(4615); #local rbulb = 0.25*sin(radians(angrad)); union{ #local k = 0; // Light ring index. #while (k < nrings) // Number of lamps {np} in ring {k} and initial phase {phas}: #local np = (k = 0 ? 1 : 6*pow(2,k-1)); // Number of lamps in ring. #local phas = (k = 0 ? 0 : 0.6180/np); // Rel. position of first lamp // Total relative strength {st} of lamps in ring: #local st = lamp_array_rel_ring_strength(k,nrings); // Generate the lamps in the ring: #local p = 0; // Lamp index. #while (p < np) // Jittering terms in {k,p}: #local dk = (k = 0 ? 0 : 0.20*(2*rand(coin)-1)); #local dp = (k = 0 ? 0 : 0.20*(2*rand(coin)-1)); // Angular radius of ring: #local tau = lamp_array_rel_ring_radius(k+dk,nrings); // Relative radius of ring #local phi = (k = 0 ? 0 : angrad*tau); // Angular radius of ring. #local tht = 360*(phas + (p+dp)/np); light_source { x color rgb (st/st_norm/np)*lux*<1.0,1.0,1.0> looks_like{ sphere{ 0,rbulb texture{ pigment{ color rgb <1,0,0> } finish{ ambient 1 diffuse 0 } } } } rotate phi*z rotate tht*x #if (! shd) shadowless #end } #debug concat("light at phi = ", str(phi,6,1), " tht = ", str(tht,6,1), "\n") #local p = p + 1; #end #local k = k + 1; #end } #end #macro lamp_array_rel_ring_strength(k,nrings) // Relative total strength (unnormalized) of lights in ring {k} of {nrings} rings. #local st = (k = 0 ? 0.5*0.5 : 2*k)*((nrings-0.5)*(nrings-0.5) - k*k); st #end #macro lamp_array_rel_ring_radius(k,nrings) // Relative radius of light ring {k} in a lamp cluster with {nrings} rings. #local rr = (k = 0 ? 0 : pow(k/(nrings - 0.5),1.5)); rr #end