MODULE SmoothShape EXPORTS Main; (* Applies smoothing heuristics to a given ".top" file. Also writes an ".st" file with a movie of the smoothing; a ".plot" file with the evolution of various energies during the smoothing; and a ".gnuplot" file with the "gnuplot" commands to show the latter. Created 1994 by Rober M. Rosi and J. Stolfi. *) IMPORT Thread, Text, Wr, Fmt, FileWr, OSError, Process, ParseParams; IMPORT LR3, Triang, Heuristics, Energy, MixedEnergy, ParseEnergyParams; IMPORT RandomPerm, Random; FROM Energy IMPORT Gradient; FROM Triang IMPORT Topology, Coords; FROM Stdio IMPORT stderr; TYPE Options = RECORD (* Input file name (minus ".top" extension) *) inFile: TEXT; (* Output file name prefix *) outFile: TEXT; (* Number of configurations to generate *) jitter: LONGREAL; (* How much to randomize "inFile" *) seed: CARDINAL; (* Random number seed *) flatten: CARDINAL; (* Passes of "flatten" heuristic *) spread: CARDINAL; (* Passes of "spread" heuristic *) normalize: BOOLEAN; (* Keep edge lengths normalized *) eFunction: MixedEnergy.T; (* Optional: energy to watch *) showEvery: CARDINAL; (* When to write ".top" file. *) END; TYPE SmoothProc = PROCEDURE( READONLY top: Topology; VAR c: Coords; READONLY variable: ARRAY OF BOOLEAN; coins: Random.T; jitter: LONGREAL; ); PROCEDURE DoIt() = VAR flattenC: CARDINAL := 0; spreadC: CARDINAL := 0; h: SmoothProc; e: LONGREAL; <* FATAL Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure, OSError.E *> BEGIN WITH o = GetOptions(), tc = Triang.Read(o.inFile), top =, c = tc.c^, NV = top.NV, coins = NEW(Random.Default).init(TRUE), g = NEW(REF Gradient, NV)^, variable = NEW(REF ARRAY OF BOOLEAN, NV)^, plotWr = FileWr.Open(o.outFile & ".plot"), stWr = FileWr.Open(o.outFile & ".st"), NPasses = o.flatten + o.spread DO (* Initialize the generator: *) FOR i := 1 TO o.seed DO EVAL coins.integer() END; (* Write triangles for animation: *) Triang.WriteRLuisSuMa(o.outFile, top, all := FALSE, comments := tc.comments); (* Get non-fixed vertices: *) Triang.GetVariableVertices(top, variable); (* Write energy plot header and "gnuplot" commands: *) IF o.eFunction # NIL THEN o.eFunction.defTop(top); o.eFunction.defVar(variable); WritePlotComments(plotWr, o.eFunction); WritePlotHeader(plotWr, o.eFunction); WITH gnuWr = FileWr.Open(o.outFile & ".gnuplot") DO WriteGNUPlotCommands(gnuWr, o.outFile, o.eFunction.term^); Wr.Close(gnuWr) END; END; FOR i := 0 TO NPasses DO (* Choose the heuristic to use next: *) WITH flattenR = (FLOAT(flattenC)+0.25)/FLOAT(o.flatten), spreadR = (FLOAT(spreadC)+0.75)/FLOAT(o.spread), minR = MIN(flattenR, spreadR) DO IF i = 0 THEN h := JitterVertices; ELSIF minR = flattenR THEN h := FlattenVertices; INC(flattenC) ELSIF minR = spreadR THEN h := SpreadVertices; INC(spreadC) ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; END; (* Apply the heuristic: *) h(top, c, variable, coins, o.jitter); IF o.normalize THEN Triang.NormalizeVertexNorms(top, c); END; (* Evaluate the energy: *) IF o.eFunction # NIL THEN o.eFunction.eval(c, e, FALSE, g); PlotEnergy( plotWr, i, e, o.eFunction.termValue^, o.eFunction.weight^ ); END; IF i = 0 THEN WITH name = o.outFile & "-initial" DO WriteConfiguration(name, top, c, flattenC, spreadC, tc.comments) END END; IF NiceNumberCoords(i, NPasses, o.showEvery) THEN WriteCoords(stWr, c, g, flattenC, spreadC, tc.comments) END; END; WITH name = o.outFile & "-final" DO WriteConfiguration(name, top, c, flattenC, spreadC, tc.comments) END; Wr.Close(plotWr); Wr.Close(stWr) END END DoIt; PROCEDURE NiceNumberCoords( pass: CARDINAL; NPasses: CARDINAL; every: CARDINAL; ): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN (pass MOD every = 0) OR pass <= 10 OR pass = 10 OR pass = 20 OR pass = 50 OR (pass MOD 100 = 0 AND pass <= 5000) OR (pass MOD 500 = 0) OR (pass = NPasses) END NiceNumberCoords; PROCEDURE WriteConfiguration( name: TEXT; READONLY top: Topology; READONLY c: Coords; flattenC, spreadC: CARDINAL; comments: TEXT; ) = BEGIN WITH cmts = "Output of SmoothShape after " & Fmt.Int(flattenC) & " \"flatten\" passes" & " and " & Fmt.Int(spreadC) & " \"spread\" passes" & "\n" & comments DO Triang.Write(name, top, c, cmts) END END WriteConfiguration; PROCEDURE WriteCoords( wr: Wr.T; READONLY c: Coords; READONLY g: Gradient; flattenC, spreadC: CARDINAL; comments: TEXT; ) = BEGIN WITH cmts = "Output of SmoothShape after " & Fmt.Int(flattenC) & " \"flatten\" passes" & " and " & Fmt.Int(spreadC) & " \"spread\" passes" & "\n" & comments DO Triang.WriteRLuisSt(wr, c, g, comments := cmts) END END WriteCoords; PROCEDURE PlotEnergy( wr: Wr.T; iteration: CARDINAL; e: LONGREAL; READONLY termValue: ARRAY OF LONGREAL; READONLY weight: ARRAY OF REAL; ) = <* FATAL Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure *> BEGIN Wr.PutText(wr, " "); Wr.PutText(wr, Fmt.Pad(Fmt.Int(iteration), 8)); Wr.PutText(wr, " "); Wr.PutText(wr, Fmt.Pad(Fmt.LongReal(e, Fmt.Style.Fix, 5), 10)); FOR i := 0 TO LAST(termValue) DO Wr.PutText(wr, " "); WITH t = termValue[i] * FLOAT(weight[i], LONGREAL) DO Wr.PutText(wr, Fmt.Pad(Fmt.LongReal(t, Fmt.Style.Fix, 5), 10)) END; END; Wr.PutText(wr, "\n"); Wr.Flush(wr); END PlotEnergy; PROCEDURE WritePlotComments(wr: Wr.T; e: MixedEnergy.T) = <* FATAL Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure *> BEGIN Wr.PutText(wr, "#"); Wr.PutText(wr, "energy function: " &; Wr.PutText(wr, "\n"); Wr.Flush(wr); END WritePlotComments; PROCEDURE WritePlotHeader(wr: Wr.T; eFunction: MixedEnergy.T) = <* FATAL Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure *> BEGIN Wr.PutText(wr, "#"); Wr.PutText(wr, Fmt.Pad("iter", 8)); Wr.PutText(wr, " "); Wr.PutText(wr, Fmt.Pad("energy", 10)); FOR i := 0 TO LAST(eFunction.term^) DO Wr.PutText(wr, " "); Wr.PutText(wr, Fmt.Pad(EnergyTag(eFunction.term[i].name()), 10)); END; Wr.PutText(wr, "\n"); Wr.Flush(wr); END WritePlotHeader; PROCEDURE WriteGNUPlotCommands( wr: Wr.T; outFile: TEXT; READONLY term: ARRAY OF Energy.T; ) = <* FATAL Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure *> BEGIN Wr.PutText(wr, "set terminal X11\n"); Wr.PutText(wr, "set title \"" & outFile & "\"\n"); Wr.PutText(wr, "plot \"" & outFile & ".plot\" using 1:2 title \"etot\" with lines, \\\n" ); FOR i := 0 TO LAST(term) DO WITH col = i + 3 DO Wr.PutText(wr, " \"" & outFile & ".plot\" using 1:" & Fmt.Int(col) & " title \"" & EnergyTag(term[i].name()) & "\" with linespoints" ); IF i < LAST(term) THEN Wr.PutText(wr, ", \\") END; Wr.PutText(wr, "\n"); END END; Wr.PutText(wr, "pause 300\n"); Wr.PutText(wr, "quit\n"); Wr.Flush(wr); END WriteGNUPlotCommands; PROCEDURE EnergyTag(name: TEXT): TEXT = BEGIN WITH n = Text.FindChar(name, '(') DO IF n = -1 THEN RETURN Text.Sub(name, 0, 8) ELSE RETURN Text.Sub(name, 0, MIN(n, 8)) END END END EnergyTag; PROCEDURE JitterVertices( READONLY top: Topology; VAR c: Coords; READONLY variable: ARRAY OF BOOLEAN; coins: Random.T; jitter: LONGREAL; ) = VAR R: LONGREAL := Triang.MeanVertexNorm(top, c); p: LR3.T; BEGIN IF jitter = 0.0d0 THEN RETURN END; FOR i := 0 TO LAST(c) DO IF variable[i] THEN REPEAT p := LR3.T{ coins.longreal(-1.0d0, +1.0d0), coins.longreal(-1.0d0, +1.0d0), coins.longreal(-1.0d0, +1.0d0) } UNTIL LR3.Norm(p) <= 1.0d0; c[i] := LR3.Mix(1.0d0 - jitter, c[i], jitter * R, p) END END END JitterVertices; PROCEDURE FlattenVertices( READONLY top: Topology; VAR c: Coords; READONLY variable: ARRAY OF BOOLEAN; coins: Random.T; <*UNUSED*> jitter: LONGREAL; ) = <* FATAL RandomPerm.Exhausted *> BEGIN WITH perm = NEW(RandomPerm.LowQuality).init(top.NV, coins) DO FOR i := 0 TO top.NV-1 DO WITH v = DO IF variable[v] THEN Heuristics.FlattenVertex(top.out[v], c, variable, coins) END END END; END; END FlattenVertices; PROCEDURE SpreadVertices( READONLY top: Topology; VAR c: Coords; READONLY variable: ARRAY OF BOOLEAN; coins: Random.T; <*UNUSED*> jitter: LONGREAL; ) = <* FATAL RandomPerm.Exhausted *> BEGIN WITH perm = NEW(RandomPerm.LowQuality).init(top.NV, coins) DO FOR i := 0 TO top.NV-1 DO WITH v = DO IF variable[v] THEN Heuristics.SpreadVertex(top.out[v], c, variable, coins) END; END END; END; END SpreadVertices; PROCEDURE GetOptions (): Options = <* FATAL Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure *> VAR o: Options; BEGIN WITH pp = NEW(ParseParams.T).init(stderr) DO TRY pp.getKeyword("-inFile"); o.inFile := pp.getNext(); pp.getKeyword("-outFile"); o.outFile := pp.getNext(); IF pp.keywordPresent("-jitter") THEN o.jitter := pp.getNextLongReal(0.0d0, 1.0d0); IF pp.keywordPresent("-seed") THEN o.seed := pp.getNextInt(0, 999) ELSE o.seed := 0 END ELSE o.jitter := 0.0d0 END; IF pp.keywordPresent("-flatten") THEN o.flatten := pp.getNextInt(0, 1000000) ELSE o.flatten := 0 END; IF pp.keywordPresent("-spread") THEN o.spread := pp.getNextInt(0, 1000000) ELSE o.spread := 0 END; IF o.flatten + o.spread = 0 THEN pp.error("no smoothing heuristic specified"); END; o.normalize := pp.keywordPresent("-normalize"); o.eFunction := ParseEnergyParams.Parse(pp); IF pp.keywordPresent("-showEvery") THEN o.showEvery := pp.getNextInt(0, 1000000) ELSIF pp.keywordPresent("-showAll") THEN o.showEvery := 1 ELSE o.showEvery := LAST(CARDINAL) END; pp.finish(); EXCEPT | ParseParams.Error => Wr.PutText(stderr, "Usage: SmoothShape \\\n"); Wr.PutText(stderr, " -inFile -outFile \\\n"); Wr.PutText(stderr, " [ -jitter [ -seed ] ] \\\n"); Wr.PutText(stderr, " [ -flatten ] \\\n"); Wr.PutText(stderr, " [ -spread ] \\\n"); Wr.PutText(stderr, " [ -normalize ] \\\n"); Wr.PutText(stderr, " [ -showEvery | -showAll ] \\\n"); Wr.PutText(stderr, ParseEnergyParams.Help); Wr.PutText(stderr, "\n"); Process.Exit (1); END END; RETURN o END GetOptions; BEGIN DoIt() END SmoothShape.