# Eligite curiam per veredictum praeordinatum. choose the court by the preordained verdict. Primo accusare, testimonium postea quaerere. accuse firstly, seek evidence later Abscondere omnes inditium quod prosit reo hide all evidence that benefits the accused Satis est argumenti accusatoris suspicio. accuser's suspicion is proof enough Iudicis iudicium praesagit orbem stercore judge foretells trial to globe of shit Maius est tempore iudicii quod rectitudo the date of the verdict is more important than its correctness Pecuniae publicae est, si commode dicere It is public money, if it convenient to say so Defectum evidentiae est testimonium damnantes. lack of evidence is damning evidence. Ego reum condemnaret, quod facere possit. I condemn the defendant, because I can do that. Corrupta est etiam post mortem He is corrupt even after death Tu licet arguere, quamdiu mecum You are free to argue, as long as you agree with me Reus, quia iudicium diu. guilty, because the trial was too long. Debemus constare nostris erroribus. We must stand by our errors