# Last edited on 2022-08-15 13:19:27 by stolfi "A JUSTIÇA É CEGA mas atende ao celular". Refers to incident during the judgement of the constitutionality of a law that favored José Serra over Lula. Serra was seen calling Gilmar Mendes, then president of the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court (STF), during ths judgenent, to ask that he suspend the proceedings by requesting "vista" of the folder. See Carta Capital magazine, 2016-09-15, “Impeachment é única forma de cobrar responsabilidade de ministro do STF”. Signed "J.Stolfi - 11/2010". Drawn with fine black pen, probably Pilot Precise V5 or Uni-ball, on copier paper. Imaged with unknown device, cleaned-up and colorized with gimp. Sketch file dated 2010-11-11, colorized version dated 2010-11-12. cartoon-justica-celular-2010-11-11-1.png "A Justiça é Cega, mas Atende ao Celular". Colorized. cartoon-justica-celular-2010-11-11.png "A Justiça é Cega, mas Atende ao Celular". Sketch, B&W. cartoon-justica-celular-2010-11-11.xcf "A Justiça é Cega Mas Atende ao Celular".