#! /usr/bin/gawk -f # Last edited on 2023-02-28 16:21:56 by stolfi BEGIN { FS = "|"; inlist = 0; # If {inlist} is true, we are inside a list of entries. copying = 0; # If {inlist} and {copying} are true the entries must be printed. } /^ *[#][*]/ { # General comment to be printed: if (inlist) { data_error("visible comment inside list"); } make_parag($0); next; } /^ *[#][-]/ { # Start of section to omit: if (inlist) { data_error("missing section end marker"); } inlist = 1; copying = 0; next; } /^ *[#][+]/ { # Start of section to convert: if (inlist) { data_error("missing section end marker"); } start_section($0); inlist = 1; copying = 1; next; } /^ *[#][/]/ { # End of section list: if (! inlist) { data_error("spurious end marker"); } if(copying) { end_section(); } inlist = 0; copying = 0; # Irrelevant while {inlist} is false. } /^ *[#]/ { # Internal comment, ignore: next; } /^ *$/ { # Blank line, ignore: next; } // { # Table entry line: if (copying == 0) { next; } if (NF != 6) { data_error("wrong number of columns = " NF); } yr = clean($1); pt = clean($2); en = clean($3); ot = clean($4); le = clean($5); au = clean($6); make_entry(yr, pt, en, ot, le, au); next; } END { if (inlist) { data_error("missing section end marker"); } } function start_section(lin) { gsub(/^[-+ #]+/, "", lin); gsub(/[ ]+$/, "", lin); printf "\n


\n", lin; printf "\n" printf "\n" } function make_parag(lin) { gsub(/^[# *]+/, "", lin); gsub(/[ ]+$/, "", lin); printf "


\n", lin; } function make_entry(yr,pt,en,ot,le,au, na1,na2,na3) { na1 = pt; na2 = (en == "" ? "" : ("EN: " en)); na3 = ot; if (na2 == "") { na2 = na3; na3 = ""; } if (na1 == "") { na1 = na2; na2 = na3; na3 = ""; } printf "
  • %s %s, %s", yr, edtit(na1, "b"), au; if (na2 != "") { printf " (%s", edtit(na2, ""); if (na3 != "") { printf ", %s", edtit(na3, ""); } printf ")" } printf "
  • \n" } function clean(x) { # Removes leading and trailing spaces: gsub(/^[ ]+/, "", x); gsub(/[ ]+$/, "", x); return x; } function edtit(x,b, lc,tx,mk) { # Edits a title, processing the leading language code. fa = (b == "b" ? "" : ""); fb = (b == "b" ? "" : ""); if (x == "") { return x } else if (x ~ /^[A-Z][A-Z]:/) { lc = substr(x, 1, 2); tx = (lc ": " fa clean(substr(x, 4)) fb ""); } else { lc = ""; tx = ("" fa x fb ""); } return tx; } function arg_error(msg) { printf "** %s\n", msg > "/dev/stderr"; exit(1); } function data_error(msg) { printf "%s:%d: ** %s\n", FILENAME, FNR, msg > "/dev/stderr"; printf " [%s]\n", $0; exit(1); }