// Last edited on 2011-09-06 23:43:41 by stolfilocal // _*_ UTF-8 _*_ » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Nitrogen injection in #Fukushima, working or not, was a PR success -- "something" is being done! Next: Sulphur massage? Mercury gurgles? 7 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Ou talvez algo realmente romântico: http://bit.ly/gjaOR6 7 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Clássico nerd : http://bit.ly/a9g8Wk http://bit.ly/esrraT Alguém se habilita p uma versão em português? (Lista: http://bit.ly/ie3ANw ) 7 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Falas de Ana de Hollanda mostram q ela não sabe o q é Creative Commons, ñ quer saber, tem raiva de quem sabe -- e não quer q ninguém saiba. 7 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi [cont] Mas, passada a noite de vinho e de prazer Lamento apenas ter pensado em resolver. --Omar Khayyam 7 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Todo dia resolvo que vou me arrepender Da via devassa, assim que anoitecer; [cont] 7 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Gaddafi paga mercenários estrangeiros para matar líbios e destruir a Líbia, só porque não o queriam como líder. Isso é "gov legítimo"?? 7 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Gaddafi hires foreign mercenaries to kill libyans and destroy Libya, only because they wanted him to step down. That is a "legitimate gov"? 7 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Seems noone knows if #TEPCO employs nuclear engineers. All subcontracted? "What I ask three times is true" (I wish someone had said this.) 7 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Updated my plots of #Fukushima reactor temp, pressure, water level, CAMS to NISA/METI release 78 (apr/07 08:00) : http://bit.ly/gAuxse 7 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » LibyanYouthMovement ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement by JorgeStolfi You can't have peace without justice-#Gaddafi must stand trial in international criminal court. #Libya #gaddaficrimes #feb17 6 Apr Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Denis Laurent denislaurent100 Denis Laurent by JorgeStolfi @JorgeStolfi Jorge you are well followed please could you RT the NRC threat assessment report on Fukushima http://tinyurl.com/Fuku-RPV 6 Apr Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @ZKOliva @midiacrucis Entendo q há um monte de lixo boiando há décadas num remanso das correntes do atlântico. (Nada a ver c/ Fukushima). 6 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @maureliomello: "As altas tôrres, que fundei no vento, Levou, em fim, o vento que as sostinha..." --Camões 6 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Quando o Criador fez a natureza Porque foi imperfeita essa proeza? Se boa é, porque finda em tristeza? Se é ruim, porque tanta beleza? -O.K. 6 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @Be_neviani O verso é de Omar Kayyam (crédito não cabia em 140 toques...) 6 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @ToneyBrooks I will leave that to experts. I suppose that even spent fuel gives off a blue glow; don't know if strong enough for the pics. 6 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi A primavera já está em dezembro, E o fogo ardente virou brasa mansa; Da tal de juventude, mal me lembro, E da vida, sei apenas quanto cansa. 6 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi #Fukushima all-night light show : http://bit.ly/f6w9of (scroll down to 3rd post or so, night webcam pics) 6 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Se kaunis kukka, on partisaanin, vapauden vuoksi taistelleen: http://bit.ly/gdPjWS http://bit.ly/2wCqH1 http://bit.ly/EoqrY 6 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Bob Krause KrauseForIowa Bob Krause by JorgeStolfi Tidbit I learned today: Where do old non-verifiable electronic Diebold voting Machines go to die? Answer: Brazil! 6 Apr Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Mon oncle un fameux bricoleur faisait en amateur des bombes atomiques: http://bit.ly/b4Whgf 6 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Argélia 1954: http://dai.ly/blkfzC 6 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @KrauseForIowa If you need such machines, here in Brazil we have over 400,000 of them! And made by Diebold, to boot. 6 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Bob Krause KrauseForIowa Bob Krause by JorgeStolfi #Question: Does #Wisconsin have any of those electronic voting machines that do not provide a receipt, and if so, where are they? #wiunion 6 Apr Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi To complicate the matter, the strangest case you ever saw: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0s5Kn9QXtU 6 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi At #Fukushima Daiichi "radiation levels are so high that monitoring devices are useless" http://www3.nhk.or.jp/daily/english/05_38.html 6 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi No one seems to know: Does #TEPCO have any nuclear engineers in their payroll? Or do they (as it is fashion) subcontract all the real work? 6 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @lenzaholic @stanleyburburin But who knows... The reactors "should not" have blown up either... 6 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @lenzaholic @stanleyburburin In the drywell, pressure and temperature should not be sufficient to make ammonia. 6 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @lenzaholic @stanleyburburin I think they plan to inject nitrogen in the drywell (outer container) not the (inner) pressure vessel. 6 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Updated my plots of #Fukushima reactor temp, pressure, water level, CAMS to NISA/METI release 76 (apr/06 08:00) : http://bit.ly/gAuxse 6 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @charlesnisz @inagaki @FAngelico Se é computação gráfica, legal --- parece verdade! Se é de verdade, legal -- parece computação gráfica! 6 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @stanleyburburin "Judiciário" ... que aliás é o 1/3 do governo que ainda não foi democratizado. Continua como na ditadura, só sem ditador. 6 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Tomas Rosa Bueno TomasRosaBueno Tomas Rosa Bueno by JorgeStolfi @ @stanleyburburin Na Argentina, parlamento tem poder d destituir juízes. Assim q se livraram de mtos juízes corruptos e/ou ligados à ditadura 6 Apr Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @Dogo_Brasil "Lula palestra para Microsoft. Cachê no mínimo R$ 200 K" Posso até perdoar, se ele acrescentar 100% de doação p/ Sfw livre. 5 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @RealMorte "(@Georg_Grey) Never knock on Death's door. Ring the bell and run! He hates that." 5 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi #原子力安全保安院から#福島原子炉変数のプロット http://bit.ly/gAuxse #fukushima 5 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @hanyakoro ありがとう... 5 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi 東京電力はすべての原子力発電所の運転を下請いますか? #tepco 5 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Does anyone know whether #TEPCO has any nuclear engineers in their payroll? Or do they subcontract the operation of their nuclear plants? 5 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Updated my plots of #Fukushima reactor variables (temperature, pressure, CAMS, water level) to #METI release 74 http://bit.ly/gAuxse 5 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Life goes on for a little bitty while: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abME1JVF18g 5 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Cada vez que mudava de escola, a coisa recomeçava, mas a receita funcionava de novo. Foi a coisa mais importante que meu pai me ensinou. 5 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Tentei e foi um milagre, em poucos dias o bullying parou. 5 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Ele me disse para não ligar e mesmo rir das ofensas. 5 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Um dia (quando eu tinha uns 13 anos) meu pai me fez ver que os bullies faziam isso só porque me incomodava. 5 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Quando eu era garoto eu sofria "bullying" na escola o tempo todo, por ser nerd, carola, gordinho, com sotaque, etc. 5 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp Desculpe. Paz e amor... 5 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp Pois é, quem define o que é "comportamento antissocial"? Falar mal de padre é antissocial? Dizer que "a propriedade é um roubo"? 4 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp Liberdade de expressão (= tolerar opiniões que achamos ofensivas) tem que ser aprendida e requer esforço. Por isso é tão rara... 4 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp Liberdade de expressão não é um troço instintivo. Nosso instinto é dar paulada em quem diz coisas que nos incomodam. 4 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp Mas se a expressão não pode ser pública, como pode ser chamada de "expressão"? 4 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp Enquanto eles só ficarem *falando* na superioridade ariana e outras bolsonarices, a Constituição os protege. 4 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp Quando menbros do KKK cometem ou organizam assasinatos, agressões, vandalismo, eles são criminosos e (modulo corrupção) punidos. 4 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp Esses crimes são *ações* não expressão. De novo, ações podem ser crimes, opiniões não. 4 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp Mas não há uma contradição nisso? Cristãos acreditam de coração que todos deveriam ser Cristãos. Vamos proibí-los de dizer isso? 4 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp *Ações* (incluindo incitação ao crime ou agressão verbal) podem ser crimes. Opiniões não podem ser. 4 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp Racismo (ou qualquer tipo de preconceito) por si não implica *ação* de eliminar o outro, nem intenção de tal. 4 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp Com toda essa publicidade grátis, em 2012 o Bolsonaro vai se eleger prefeito da cidade que escolher. 4 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @AteuMilitante @eduguim Imagine passarem uma lei que criminaliza o ateísmo pro ser repugnante, ofensivo, etc. e tal. 4 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @AteuMilitante @eduguim Enquanto não chegarmos lá não haverá liberdade de expressão. 4 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @AteuMilitante @eduguim A sociedade precisa aprender a reconhecer essa diferença, e entender a vantagem de tolerar a primeira. 4 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @AteuMilitante @eduguim Note que há uma diferença entre "emitir uma opinião que X considera ofensiva" e "agredir X verbalmente". 4 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @AteuMilitante @eduguim Liberdade de expressão significa, sim, liberdade de emitir opiniões que alguns (mesmo maioria) acham ofensivas. 4 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @AteuMilitante @eduguim É fácil tolerar a expressão de opiniões que não nos ofendem. 4 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @charlesnisz @Be_Neviani Lembrei que, MUITOS anos atrás, alguém escreveu um programa que simulava diálogo com criança autística (via tty). 4 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @osvaldoacastro São *diplomáticos* ou *funcionais*? 4 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @eduguim Gente, o Bolsonaro está provocando para mostrar que a direita é defensora da liberdade de expressão, e a esquerda da censura. 4 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi "Às vezes, um charuto é apenas um charuto." --Freud 4 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi "rw-rw-rw- : The file protection of the Beast." [Piada de Nerd - Unix] 4 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Why did the tachyon cross the road? Because it was on the other side. 4 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi O segredo para sobrepujar / O presente, sem muito enfado, / É o futuro saber farejar / E sentir o fedor do passado. --Piet Hein 4 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Updated plots of #Fukushima reactor temp, pressure, water level+rate,radiation to #NISA release 72 (apr/04 08:00): http://bit.ly/gAuxse 4 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @ToneyBrooks Ahem! 4 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @antonioprata Conclui-se então que o PSD é um partido imaginário! [Aviso: esta é uma @PiadasNerds, ininteligível para humanos ordinários ] 4 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi "[...] Porque nessas linhas / que seguros traçamos, / Igualmente seguros / depois tropeçamos." --Piet Hein 3 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » João Carlos Caribé caribe João Carlos Caribé by JorgeStolfi Eu pessoalmente acredito mais que a Ana de Hollanda esteja sendo uma "boba util" do que uma mal intencionada deliberada 2 Apr Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi A detailed description (PDF) of #Fukushima-type reactors: http://bit.ly/hpAfJn Details may vary, but the document is quite helpful. 3 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » mikemcgrath mikefj40 mikemcgrath by JorgeStolfi Video of #fukushima reactor under construction Part 1 http://youtu.be/sspp6D8giHc Part 2 http://youtu.be/cTshYXmN1AY From 1985 3 Apr Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @emirsader Acho q é pq não dá para enquadrar nos padrões habituais (imperialismo x terrorismo). E tb NENHUM tema interessa mais q 2 semanas. 3 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Got some info on how the water levels are measured at #Fukushima: http://bit.ly/fSFrM2 (thanks @mikefj40) Summary: rather unreliable now. 3 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Mohammad Al abdallah Mohammad_Syria Mohammad Al abdallah by JorgeStolfi My brother Omar is #Free after 5 years in military prison. Can't stop crying!! #Syria #Freedom #mar15 3 Apr Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @lenzaholic All seem to agree that in #1-#3 some fuel melted. In #1 the inner vessel seems intact; #2+#3 may have leak/hole or intent. vent. 3 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @lenzaholic The *working* core pressure is very high, perhaps >50 bar (>5000 kPa). I *guess* drywell is normlly underpressurized (<101 kPa) 3 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @stanleyburburin Quem conhece um pouco de história não pode deixar de peceber que o homem criou Deus à sua imagem e semelhança.... 3 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @stanleyburburin Até os 18 anos eu era católico convicto. O que me fez descrer não foi ciência nem filosofia, mas história antiga. 3 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @mikefj40 And the temperature sensors max out at 400 C. And it seems that the drywell perssure sensors max at 4 atmos (max design pressure). 3 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @stanleyburburin @LaPasionaria "W. Reich" Quem é esse cara? Um cantor de rock? 8-) 3 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Vi por acaso um artigo da SuprInteressante (Abril) sobre o Stuxnet. Vixe. "Contra editoras como a Abril, até os Deuses lutam em vão". 3 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @stanleyburburin @LaPasionaria De Sociologia só lembro q Floriano&C dividiram BR em estados para poder chamar de "Estados Unidos do Brasil". 3 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @stanleyburburin @LaPasionaria Também tive Sociologia (em plena ditadura..). 3 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @stanleyburburin Ele ensinava tudo menos português. Minto, deu uma aula sobre pron. "se" q nos fez ver q por 12 anos tivemos aula com asnos. 3 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @stanleyburburin Mas em compensação o professor de Portugues (um advogado aosentado) abriu nossas cabeças sobre o assunto. 3 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @stanleyburburin @caffeineroger Tive Filosofia no colegial. Só lembro da fessora me dando uma bronca pq ficava desenhando em vez de anotar 3 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @TheSoftScience Considering the green glow, the Springfield Plant fuel is not metallic plutonium but plutonium-kryptonite mixed oxide. 3 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @mikefj40 #TEPCO published temp/pressure data has huge gaps in the most critical periods. http://bit.ly/gAuxse Will we get them one day? 3 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @mikefj40 Three weeks after the accident, #TEPCO STILL hasn't told us how they measure the ONLY reactor data they have been letting out. 3 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @mikefj40 The #IAEA releases apparently get ALL their information from the Japanese #NISA / #METI releases which merely copy #TEPCO faxes. 3 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi "Ingênuo é decerto / quem nunca duvida / de que se for esperto / vai vencer na vida." --Piet Hein 3 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Updated plots of #Fukushima reactor temp, pressure, water level+rate,radiation to #NISA release 70 (apr/03 08:00): http://bit.ly/gAuxse 3 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi "Jamais descobriremos / o que não podemos / Se não nos empenharmos / em nunca tentar." --Piet Hein 3 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi "PURITANISMO, s.m.: A sensação desagradável de que alguém, em algum lugar, talvez esteja feliz." --H.L.Mencken 2 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Chris TheNewsBlotter Chris by JorgeStolfi /@haaretzonline: Report: Hamas, Hezbollah operatives in Brazil are planning attacks abroad http://bit.ly/fwGLZT 2 Apr Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi CHUCROECONOMIA: "Se quer controlar / Onde vai seu dinheiro / Não espere acabar:/ Gaste-o primeiro." --Piet Hein 2 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @iyad_elbaghdadi In the early 1900s the Italian Army required a minimum height. Lowered it to 1.5m so King Emmanuel could be their chief. 2 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi FREUD IMPLICA: "Tudo o que existe / É côncavo, ou -vexo: / Portanto seus sonhos / São só sobre sexo." --Piet Hein 2 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Updated plots of #Fukushima reactor temp, pressure, water level+rate,radiation to #NISA release 69 (apr/02 14:30): http://bit.ly/gAuxse 2 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @fringeblog He he. Sorry. I have seen that idea floated around quite seriously.... 2 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Sabedoria é o prêmio//de consolação//que é dado àquele//que sábio foi não. --Piet Hein 2 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @fringeblog The whole point of the fight at #Fukushima is to prevent it from blowing up by itself in a (small) nuclear explosion... 2 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi #TEPCO to wokers at #Fukushima: "We have only 300 dosimeters and there are 600 of you". So there. http://bit.ly/fIXZfT 2 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi "PT propõe extinção do TSE" Ei, primeiro de abril foi ontem! Não pensem que vou cair nessa piadinha. Boa demais para ser verdade! 2 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi "Meu filho, tenho-lhe apreço, // Por isso aqui o aconselho: // Jamais, qualquer seja o preço, // JAMAIS escute um conselho." --Piet Hein 2 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » LibyanYouthMovement ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement by JorgeStolfi #Gaddaficrimes we cannot forget: 1996 the murder of 1200 political prisoners in Abu Slim prison in ONE night #libya #feb17 2 Apr Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @MikeBurkeJapan PS. Sorry if I gave the impression I was a nuclear specialist. As I said, my profile says what I am. All the best... 2 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi I've added the CAMS radiation levels in the drywell and supression chamber to my plots of #Fukushima reactor vars: http://bit.ly/gAuxse 2 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Updated plots of #Fukushima reactor pressure, temperature, water level+flow to #METI / #NISA release 68 (apr/02 08:30) http://bit.ly/gAuxse 2 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @MikeBurkeJapan I kept silent about health effects (except copy official estimates of Chernobyl deaths) since I know nothing about them. 2 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @MikeBurkeJapan But I followed the TMI and Chernobyl incidents. Were much worse than industry admitted; took 10 years for truth to come out. 2 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @MikeBurkeJapan I do not think I am a "worst case purveyor". In fact I was one of the few tweeters to question Guardian's "meltdown" news. 2 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @jairdonadelli Obrigado! Realmente, o Bestadão a cada dia se supera... 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Important analysis by nuclear specialist on #Fukushima #4: http://vimeo.com/21789121 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Passaram um link (sinto, ñ guardei) para um post do Estadão q acusa o Tiririca de corrupção/nepotismo, mas ñ explica. Alguém sabe explicar? 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Philosophers quotes philo_quotes Philosophers quotes by JorgeStolfi He has committed the crime who profits by it. ~ Seneca http://bit.ly/philq 1 Apr Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @MikeBurkeJapan Hey, why the anger? I have NEVER claimed to be a nuclear expert; my profile says what I am. All the best... 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Some thoughts about #Fukushima #4: http://bit.ly/haiFLF They r serious, but if they turn out to be bullshit I can pretend they'r April 1st. 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @MikeBurkeJapan Consider the (non,mis)information we have given by #TEPCO so far on the state of those reactors. What can we do but guess? 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @MikeBurkeJapan None except those pics. Tweets are cheap. 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Piadas Nerds PiadasNerds Piadas Nerds by JorgeStolfi No dia 1 de abril todos mentem. Tendo isso como um axioma, a frase "Hoje é o primeiro dia de abril", é verdadeira ou falsa? (Via @Viniculoo) 1 Apr Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Câmara passaa PL2469/11 q proíbe apologia ou promoção de homosexualismo e outras práticas ofensivas à Natureza. Vai p/Senado em 1o de Abril. 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Checking their records, #TEPCO discovered that there was a 7th active reactor at #Fukushima I; had forgotten about it. Vaporized on Apr 1st. 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Updated plots of #Fukushima reactor temp, pressure, water level & pumping rate to #NISA release 66 (apr/01 06:00): http://bit.ly/gAuxse 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @BottomfedBuddha @tep_co Not questioning the methods, probably dirt is OK. Just pointing out that cooling must continue, AFAIK... 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @BottomfedBuddha @tep_co Have you seen the hi-res pics of #Fukushima? Compare the size of trucks and reactors. Any fix will take months... 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @transitionlouth IF there was a blast in #Fukushima #4 (no video?), it must have been before #3, since the North wall of #4 is pushed IN. 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Observe that the metal chunk on the roof of #Fukushima #4 seems to have hit the North wall from the side, near its top, and tumbled over it. 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Really crazy thought: the big piece of metal stuck on the roof of #Fukushima #4 is the dome of the outer containment of #3, torn & flattened 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Puzzled by pics of #Fukushima http://bit.ly/fai0uH . Seems blast of #3 wrecked #4, but left rafters of #3 in place, no scratch on #2. ??? 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @BottomfedBuddha @tep_co Yes, in #2 and #3 the water seems to be boiling and the steam is being vented to outside. (~100 C, 1 bar pressure). 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @BottomfedBuddha @tep_co All things you mention may help, I suppose. But they take months to implement, and cooling cannot stop... 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @BottomfedBuddha @tep_co So (correcting) a leak of 100 liters/min at the bottom would still allow the water level to be maintained, I guess. 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @BottomfedBuddha @tep_co We have some info on how much water they are pumping in. Between 1 and 12 tons/hour. 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @BottomfedBuddha @tep_co ... and the molten fuel becoming critical again. From the data it seems that #2 and #3 are leaking, can't tell #1 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @BottomfedBuddha @tep_co Right, those are 3 possible problems: leak from core to outside (lets dirty water out), molten fuel escaping, ... 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @BottomfedBuddha @tep_co Also there may be hole at bottom (or a failed gasket), but leaks only ~10 liters/min (less than fireline injection) 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @BottomfedBuddha @tep_co ... in the inner vesse at TMI was at one of these plates, halfway down. The fuel then dripped between two vessels. 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @BottomfedBuddha @tep_co In TMI there were horizontal steel plates inside the reactor where the molten fuel pooled for a while. The breach 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @BottomfedBuddha @tep_co Some very high pressures occurred before the explosions, perhaps the vessels cracked. 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @BottomfedBuddha @tep_co The hole may be on the side of the reactor (the upper parts of the fuel were exposed longer). 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @BottomfedBuddha @tep_co Yes, I suppose that they will try to cleanup and contain the radiation anyway they can. But if they stop cooling... 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @BottomfedBuddha @tep_co In TMI some fuel melted leaving a 3foot hole. The molten mess breached the inner vessel, ... 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @BottomfedBuddha @tep_co ...flooded with water that had been in contact with damaged fuel. And it is not clear what they are measuring... 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @BottomfedBuddha @tep_co ... 10x more water ast week; water level barely budged, temp fell somewhat... but thene they found the basement... 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @BottomfedBuddha @tep_co I do not know what is the state of the reactors. Perhas TEPCO does not know either. They started pumping 10x more 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @BottomfedBuddha @tep_co That's what they did to TMI. Took 10 years, workers chiping bits of fuel under water with very long tool handles... 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @BottomfedBuddha @tep_co The hope for Fukushima was that by pumping water the reactors could be kept cool enough to be cleaned+dismantled 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @BottomfedBuddha @tep_co TEPCO was building a central storage facility for old fuel that had been decayed enough to be air-cooled. 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @BottomfedBuddha @tep_co That is how all spent fuel is handlres currently: kept well-spaced in pools with circulating cool water for years, 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @denislaurent100 Thanks again! 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @BottomfedBuddha @tep_co Radioactive heat is not like coal fire. Smothering it makes it hotter and hotter until it melts/blasts its way out. 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi "After initial reluctance, Brazil became active participant in the Ottawa Process ... voted in favor of every pro-ban UN resn since 1996" 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Brazil signed the Mine Ban Treaty on Dec 1997 ... Law 10.300, took effect on Nov 2001. http://bit.ly/i1tmh6 #Libya 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi "Brazil is a former producer, exporter ... of antipersonnel mines... production and export ceased in 1989." http://bit.ly/i1tmh6 #Libya 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Michael Moore MMFlint Michael Moore by JorgeStolfi Important J. Stiglitz piece in VF: "Of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1%" http://mmflint.me/eTZcgv He also shows off his great pecs on the cover 1 Apr Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @denislaurent100 I should plot the CAMS readings too. Do you know what they are and where they are measured? 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @EricStraatsma ... and it was not completely entombed; IIRC the "sarcophagus" had intentional holes to allow air cooling. 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @EricStraatsma ...until the concrete melts or cracks, and we will have leaks again. By the way, Chernobyl had a graphite fire smoldering... 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @EricStraatsma ...even if smothered or diluted (unlike a coal fire), so if there is no water/air flow the temperature will keep rising ... 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @EricStraatsma I am not a nuclear expert! But I understand that the radio isotopes will continue to put out heat at slowly decaying rate... 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @BuleVoador "Bater esse número" Cassar um deputado porque expressou opiniões proibidas por lei? PERFEITO para comemorar a data! 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @rcalsaverini Acho bom esperar até terminar... 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @realjosedeabreu Minha teoria maluca é que o teatro da bolinha foi idéia "genial" do dito cujo. E talvez o candidato nem estivesse sabendo. 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Edano press conf summary http://on.fb.me/gA6mTl 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi "We have decided to wear business suits in order to show our commitment to respond both to disaster relief efforts and rehabilitation ..." 1 Apr Favorite Reply Delete » LibyanYouthMovement ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement by JorgeStolfi Robert Baer claims that Gaddafi's regime's fall will take place when his kids and clan defects #libya #gaddaficrmes #feb17 31 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @denislaurent100 Thanks! 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Stephen Kanitz StephenKanitz Stephen Kanitz by JorgeStolfi O que vc gostaria que seu melhor amigo dissesse no seu enterro ? : Ele está se mexendo !, 31 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @RicardoMonier Sei que ele é signatário (tratado de Ottawa, acho). Mas a pergunta é outra... 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @EricStraatsma @msnbc Cement pumps are already being used to pour water into the spent-fuel pools. Can see one in the hi-res pics. 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi ... a large piece of metal sheet blasted out of #Fukushima #3, hit the N wall of #4 near top edge, tumbled over it, is now stuck in #4 roof. 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi ... at #Fukushima #4 N face was breached, blast of #3 went in through that hole and blew the E & S walls and the roof outwards. Also ... 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi From pics of #Fukushima, I would say that the damage of #4 was all due to blast(s) of #3. North face of #4 was pushed in, one safety panel.. 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Japanese Gov plans to inject billion$ into #TEPCO for stockholders' sake. Meanwhile victims lack transport, housing, food... #Japanquake 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Piadores estão alegando que Gadddaffi usa minas anti-gente fabricadas no Brasil. Pergunto de novo, faz sentido? 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @EricStraatsma In fact note that core pressure in #2-#3 is 1 bar (= atmospheric pressure, ie they are open somehow) 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Everton Z. Alvarenga everton137 Everton Z. Alvarenga by JorgeStolfi "Cunningham's Law: The best way to get the right answer on the Internet is not to ask the question, but rather to post the wrong answer." 31 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @EricStraatsma I got the data from the NISA press releases. Did not bother with #4-#6 cuz they are off. Plots DO NOT exclude meltdown #2+#3 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi In photos of #Fukushima http://bit.ly/fai0uH, I see a large piece of sheet metal stuck into roof of #4, near the N wall. What could it be? 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Trabalho "escravo" no Japão: não é na carvoaria, é ... http://ch.indymedia.org/fr/2011/03/80767.shtml 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi *IF* blast of #Fukushima #3 was directed horizontally,could it have been the dome of the (outer) containment vessel rupturing at the seam? 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi "ALELUIA" = "É AÍ LULA". Deve haver algum significado cósmico nisso. 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Looking at the hi-res images of #Fukushima Dai-ichi ( http://bit.ly/fai0uH ), I would say that the blast at #3 was directed horizontally. 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @TomasRosaBueno Nas fotos http://bit.ly/fai0uH dá para comparar o tamanho dos reatores com dos caminhões. Enterrar, se der, vai levar anos. 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Updated plots of #Fukushima reactor temp, pressure, water level & pumping rate to #NISA release 65 (mar/31 12:00): http://bit.ly/gAuxse 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Lesson from #Fukushima: When stocking your nuclear plant, get plenty of camouflaged tarp to cover up blasts. Say it's to keep the iodine in. 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @requiaopmdb Senador, obrigado pela inciativa! Imagino q será no mesmo espaçõ (página, horário, etc.) com mesmo destaque e legibilidade. 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » ThinkProgress thinkprogress ThinkProgress by JorgeStolfi Fox blames poor turnout at DC Tea Party rally on overcast weather. 100K+ were in Madison in the middle of winter. http://thkpr.gs/gkZOue 31 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Recebi tuíte alegando que soldados do Qaddafi estão instalando minas anti-pessoal *fabricadas no Brasil*. (sem link) Isso faz sentido? 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Feb17Libya feb17libya Feb17Libya by JorgeStolfi Mine experts said #Gaddafi forces planted Brazilian-made anti-personnel mines & Egyptian-made anti-tank mines around Ajdabiya #Feb17 #Libya 31 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @charlesnisz Acredito que Cassar/prender Bolsonaro ñ vai acabar com preconceito de nguém. Só vai trocar preconceito aberto por ódio oculto. 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @charlesnisz Mas se a lei pune quem disser certas coisas, então vocẽ não é livre para dizê-las... 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi (@fluutekies) High-resolution photos of the #Fukushima reactors #1--#4. Note black smoke (not steam!) from #3 on 3/24. http://bit.ly/fai0uH 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Yes, nós queremos banana (nuclear): http://bit.ly/gtVMQd 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @ALuizCosta @veramp @marcofeliciano Pros autores da Bíblia, os "africanos" provavelmente eram os egípcios (os argentinos dos hebreus 8-) 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Foco inexplicável de radioatividade a 30 km NW de #Fukushima: http://bit.ly/hcGQDF Teletransporte "Star Trek" descoberto por acidente? 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Esperteza do Qaddafi: acusou rebeldes de "Al-Qaida com CIA". Delírio? Nada disso. Sabia que esquerda só ia ouvir "CIA", direita "Al-Qaida". 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Piadas Nerds PiadasNerds Piadas Nerds by JorgeStolfi O que é um Hobbyte? R: Um conjunto de 8 Hobbits. (Via @rockntech) 31 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Guardian news guardiannews Guardian news by JorgeStolfi Top-charging universities admit too few state school pupils http://gu.com/p/2z62e/tf 31 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi If the core temp of #Fukushima reactors is measured by thermocouples, it should be easy to replace the readout electronics to go beyond 400C 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Until 3/23 #TEPCO listed the temperature of #Fukushima #1 core as ~400C; urned out that 400C is the top of the instrument's range. 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Does #TEPCO have engineers on payroll, or have them all been replaced by financial managers? I bet there is no engineer at #Fukushima. 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi #TEPCO seems thoroughly unprepared to handle the crisis. (The 50 kamikaze are sub- or sub-sub-contracted technicians.) 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi 19 days after #Fukushima disater, we STILL do not have any decent measurement of reactor status. #TEPCO data is little more than garbage. 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Lots of words on #Fukushima, but very few bytes of information. #IAEA does not know anything on reactor state. #NISA doesn't. Does TEPCO? 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @patanardelli E ninguém vai rezar pelos coitadinhos dos átomos de urânio? Estão sendo cruelmente despedaçados em #Fukushima... 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @lenzaholic That was an infrared camera. But it only recorded the temp at the building's surface (debris over #1, #3, #4, roof of #2) 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @thf_mktpolitic Vi no twitter junto com essa notícia: "Enquanto isso, White Star Lines anuncia que o Titanic talvez não volte a navegar." 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @lenzaholic At worst, they are measuring pressure at the external pipe inlet/outlet and using steam tables to guess the temperature. 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @lenzaholic ... may have put them there for fire fighting purposes, like the pipes they were using to pump seawater in. 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @lenzaholic At best,they have termocouple pairs in there with wires that miraculously survived and extended out of the building. (They 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @lenzaholic ... and no camera could stand that. They cannot even peek at the outer shell to see whether it is whole. 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @lenzaholic But the thing they are measuring is behind a concrete wall+15-inch steel shell, temp >400C, deadly radiation. 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @lenzaholic I still do not know how the temperatures are measured. Nobody knows? #Fukushima #NISA #TEPCO 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Plots of #Fukushima reactor data from #NISA: besides temperature, water level, pressure, now also water injection rate: http://bit.ly/gAuxse 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Lesson from #Fukushima: When designing a reactor building, specify a strong roof and a weak floor. Reactor blowing DOWN is less scary on TV. 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Curiously, since yesterday #NISA releases omit the temperature at the bottom of #Fukushima reactor #2's inner vessel. Bottom no more? 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi According to #NISA, pressures in #Fukushima reactor #2 (RPV, DW, SC) are about 1 bar. But temperature (at inj. nozzle) is 181 C. Weird? 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Curiously, since yesterday #NISA releases omit the temperature at the bottom of reactor #2's inner vessel. It was indeed weird since mar/26. 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Updated plots of temperature, pressure, water level in #Fukushima reactors #1--#3, to #NISA release 64 (31/mar 08:30): http://bit.ly/gAuxse 31 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » C Blanks Cynabc1 C Blanks by JorgeStolfi -Y´@imsure: Perfect: Obama Accepts Transparency Award in Closed Press Ceremony is.gd/sqstFN #tcot¡ #WTF #lol 31 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Acredito que cassar o Bolsonaro vai angariar mais alguns milhões de votos para os partidos do preconceito. Será boçalidade, ou esperteza? 30 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Stan Scates stanscates Stan Scates by JorgeStolfi @ @morgansher Agreed. "The best nuclear reactor is 93 million miles away"~ Albert Einstein #Fukushima 30 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi In the #NISA data ( http://bit.ly/gAuxse ), I cannot make sense of the "core bottom" temperature of #Fukushima #1. Looks more like DW temp? 30 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @TomasRosaBueno Não sei direito, mas acho que #2 3 #3 estão no mínimo vazando vapor do núcleo, direto. 30 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi From #NISA data ( http://bit.ly/gAuxse ) I guess that in #Fukushima #3 both vessels, inner (RPV) and outer (DW) are open, but the torus isnt 30 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi From #NISA data ( http://bit.ly/gAuxse ) I guess that in #Fukushima #2 both vessels, inner (RPV) and outer (DW+SC) are open to atmosphere. 30 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi From #NISA data ( http://bit.ly/gAuxse )I guess that in #Fukushima #1 both vessels, inner (RPV) and outer (DW+SC) are tight. 30 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Updated plots of #Fukushima reactor temperature, pressure, water level; through #NISA release 63 (30/mar 15:30). Link: http://bit.ly/gAuxse 30 Mar Unfavorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @Just4Think Simples probabilidade. Chineses são 1/6 da humanidade; logo, a cada 6 malucos totais, 1 é chines. 30 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Brandon Smietana RKHilbertSpace Brandon Smietana by JorgeStolfi Q: How to generate a random string? A: Put a fresh student in front of vi and tell him to quit. 30 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Alexandre Gaigalas alganet Alexandre Gaigalas by JorgeStolfi Java tem um logotipo tão legal. Pena que desperdiçaram nessa linguagem aí. 30 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @ZKOliva ... mas nenhuma forma de vida inteligente cometeria essas idiotices. (Uma pessoa falando e milhões escutando???) 30 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @ZKOliva Sagan tinha uma noção extremamente provinciana de "vida". Ele procurava sinais de broadcasting ou radares militares... 30 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @binerighetti ... metade dos cientistas arruma correndo bolsas de água quente, e a outra metade arruma termômetros Fahrenheit. 30 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @binerighetti ... se as Autoridades decidem que o melhor cientista é o que tem sangue mais quente, .... 30 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @binerighetti O problema de métricas de produção científica é que cientitas não são como elétrons ou cobaias ... 30 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @binerighetti "Quantidade x qualidade" É verdade, e isso se aplica também ao Brasil. 30 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @ZKOliva @ALuizCosta Bonde andando: acho que uma órbita elíptica não exclui água líquida. Acredita-se que até Europa tem água. 30 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @BlogdoMiro Miro, ele recua em palavras, obviamente não em opinião. E os que pensam como ele. Acabar com preconceito, ou mudá-lo em ódio? 30 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @rejobarbosa Concordo. 30 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @iuriatan Não existe democracia perfeita, mas isso não é desculpa para nos afastarmos dela. 30 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @iuriatan A liberdade de expressão é uma cláusula pétrea da democracia. No momento que se criam "opiniões inaceitáveis", ela acaba. 30 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi "Não concordo com o que você diz, mas defenderei até à morte seu direito de dizê-lo". Voltaire não está mais na moda, uma pena. 30 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi E quanto ao abaixo assinado para cassá-lo: pergunto-me quantas assinaturas de tucanos precisa para cassar a Marta Suplicy? Ou o Protógenes? 30 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Alguém acha que o Bolsonaro (e outros que pensam como ele) vão mudar de opinião, se ele for punido por dizê-la? 30 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Proibir a expressão de certs opiniões poderia até ser aceitável, se evitasse que as pessoas tivessem essas opiniões. 30 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @BlogdoMiro Quando a lei criminaliza a expressão de certas opiniões, obviamente não existe liberdade de expressão. Tudo bem. 30 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @TheSoftScience That is a helluva loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong friday... 30 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi #IAEA is merely repeating the #NISA data on #Fukushima reactor temperature etc.. But no one seems to know how they are measured... 30 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Updated plots of temperature, pressure, water level in #Fukushima reactors #1--#3, to #NISA release 62 (30/mar 04:00): http://bit.ly/fWsGpn 30 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @TheKillerBambi Thanks. The MIT site is authoritative but seems to be updated only rarely. 30 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Anyone has data on #Fukushima reactor temperatures and pressures *besides* the #NISA press releases? Esp. from mar/11 to mar/19. Thanks. 30 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @flitterio Boiling off ... or leaking? It seems that they have increased the pumping rate quite a lot, but the water levels haven't budged. 29 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Lesson from #Fukushima: Build next nuclear plant right over a tectonic fault. "Meltdown triggers fault slip" would get us even with Nature. 29 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Does anyone know how #TEPCO is measuring the temperature of #Fukushima reactors? Is that measured inside or outside the RPV? 29 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi #Fukushima: the meltdown and breaching of reactor #2 seems to be expert speculation so far. But haven't seen any explicit denial by #TEPCO. 29 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @SaloumehZ Desculpe! Deveria ser "pró-[revolução-árabe]" 29 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp Só estou mostrando como esse pessoal agora enxerga o Chavez. Felizmente o BR não está na lista. Ainda? 29 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » João Carlos Caribé caribe João Carlos Caribé by JorgeStolfi .@diegocborba1985 Ana de Hollanda + Grassi são os portões de entrada com tapete vermelho do Acta + AI5digital e todas estas bostas 29 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Opinião d twitteiros árabes pró-revolução: "(@SaloumehZ) La escoria de America Latina: Chavez,Castro,Morales,Ortega,Kirtchner". Vamos nessa? 29 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Worrisome comments on #Fukushima by a former Three Mile Island cleanup manager: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9vCekm6AOY 29 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi O site encurtador #DoeVc "http://doe.vc/" esconde o link real e coloca o logotipo deles sobre a página "doada". Sinto muito, nada feito... 29 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Updated plots (v9) of #Fukushima temperatures, pressures, water level; theough #NISA rel. 61 (29/mar 15:00) : http://bit.ly/fWsGpn 29 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Lesson from #Fukushima: When designing a nuclear plant, if you *must* draw reactor water to flush toilets, make the bathrom door leak-proof. 29 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @ToneyBrooks Thanks! 29 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Tomas Rosa Bueno TomasRosaBueno Tomas Rosa Bueno by JorgeStolfi Lesson #1 from #Libya: Revolutions can count only on themselves & other revolutions. NO government will EVER help a revolution. #Feb17 29 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi #Fukushima: Can anyone point me to a video that shows the explosion of reactor #3? (Saw it on NHK at the time but lost the pointer.) 29 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @ToneyBrooks re Lesson from #Fukushima: Yes, I owe him an attribution. But only so much fits in 140 chars. Many thanks, #AkiraKurosawa! 29 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Expert to Guardian: " http://bit.ly/gNSRqj "indications ... that the core has melted through the bottom of the pressure vessel in unit two" 29 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Reda StCyr StCyrlyMe2 Reda StCyr by JorgeStolfi The situation has become so absurd that one five story office building in the Cayman Islands is now home to more 18,000 corporations.#p2 29 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Lesson from #Fukushima: when refueling a nuclear plant, paint uranium nuclei with various colors, to know how much leaks from each reactor. 29 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @edward_ribeiro Usei perl uma vez, para montar o site do IC-UNICAMP (não esse que está aí, um melhor 8-). Bléégh... 29 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @edward_ribeiro Para 5% dos 10% que gawk não cobre, uso Python. Pro resto é o velho C. 29 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @edward_ribeiro Tenho usado gawk que é bem legível (mas tem suas pegadinhas) e dá para 90% do gasto. 29 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @Jeroen_Snijders Thanks for the exposure! The latest version (v8, to mar/28) is here: http://bit.ly/fmvffk 29 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Janjão lvwr Janjão by JorgeStolfi @ @JorgeStolfi Perl é uma linguagem "write-only". 29 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @rcalsaverini Redes neurais não funcionam direito para nada... 29 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Tem gente que consegue até aprender perl --- e gostar! 29 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Ninguém duvida de que o cérebro esteja programado para aprender línguas, mas parece que a capacidade é extremamente genérica. 29 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi ... como "conceitos mais usados tem palavras mais curtas". 29 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi ... lingüistas estão desesperados porque não conseguiram identificar "propriedades universais" de linguas, exceto as impostas pela lógica... 29 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @rcalsaverini Não me consta que haja sinal de fatores genéticos na facilidade de aprender uma língua em vez de outra. Pelo contrário... 29 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Ash #iPhone durbatulûk, ash #iPhone gimbatul, ash #iPhone thrakatulûk agh #AppStore-ishi krimpatul! 29 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Saw claim that the spent-fuel pools at #Fukushima have doors on the side with pressurized gaskets that will leak if unpowered. Is this true? 29 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Updated my plots of pressure, temperature, water level in #Fukushima reactors #1--#3 (from #NISA data) to 28/mar 15:00 http://bit.ly/fmvffk 29 Mar Unfavorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @EricStraatsma Thanks... 29 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Iain Macadair iain2008 Iain Macadair by JorgeStolfi "The gross national product...measures everything...except that which makes life worthwhile." - Robert F. Kennedy 28 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Anthony G. Kim AnthonyGKim Anthony G. Kim by JorgeStolfi #NoNukes Over 15,000,000 (15 MILLION) spent fuel rods in SOUTH KOREA #WTF 27 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Tiago Stürmer Daitx tdaitx Tiago Stürmer Daitx by JorgeStolfi Cool RT @engadget Quadrocopters juggle balls cooperatively, mesmerize with their lethal accuracy (video) http://engt.co/hAIggw 28 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Michael Moore MMFlint Michael Moore by JorgeStolfi #1. TitleofSpeech:"Mission Accomplished!" Let's hope so. What about "Gadhafi must go"? Nah, never mind. No mention U.S. trained/armed Libya. 28 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Michael Moore MMFlint Michael Moore by JorgeStolfi Let's hope & pray all people in the MidEast succeed with their democracy movements in toppling dictators--esp the dictators we support. 28 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Lesson from #Fukushima: When designing a nuclear reactor, lay it down on rail-tracks. If it starts leaking steam, pretend it is a train. 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @requiaopmdb Senador, obrigado e parabéns pela defesa do voto proporcional! 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp Mas ela fica perto da UERJ ou perto do Maracanã? 8-) 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @leonelbrizola12 Do jeito que estava, era óleo da Líbia que virou $$ pessoal dos Qaddafis. Sim, boa parte vai sumir de qqer jeito. 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @maria_fro @ALuizCosta Pois é. SPaulo+Rio são as únicas cidades com metrô que conheço onde o dito não chega na porta da maior universidade. 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi NewScientist: Irã, China, Brasil crescem em publicações científicas mais que EUA http://bit.ly/gUad7L 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp Exatamente. 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Lembra a cena final de "A Revolução dos Bichos" (Animal Farm) de Orwell... 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Estou esperando alguém dizer que Qaddafi faz bem em torturar mulheres rebeldes. O artigo no blog do Nassif já chegou bem perto. 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @BlogdoMiro Miro, um soldado num tanque do Qaddafi mata muito mais civis que todas as bombas de urânio do Obama. 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Mas agora Qaddafi virou vítima e benfeitor dos líbios, e rebeldes são agentes da CIA/mossad/imperialistas. Arre! 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Qaddafi financiou campanha do Sarkozy. Russia armou Q até os dentes. Dinheiro do petróleo líbio tava nos EUA e UE, controlado por Q&filhos 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi É bom lembrar que Lula *e* Serra abraçaram o Qaddafi por um motivo apenas: $$$ 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Triste ver os "progressistas" defendendo a ditadura do Qaddafi 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Ash iPhone durbatulûk, ash iPhone gimbatul, ash iPhone thrakatulûk agh AppStore-ishi krimpatul! 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @leonelbrizola12 Não foram confiscados, foram congelados para impedir ao Qaddafi (que controla pessoalmente esses fundos) de escondê-los. 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Lesson from #Fukushima: when managing a nuclear plant, do not think of growing koi in the spent-fuel pools. They do not thrive in seawater. 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Updated my #Fukushima plots of pressure, temperature, and water level for reactors #1-#3, through 2011-03-27 09:00 : http://bit.ly/ifGHNZ 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @thf_mktpolitic "666 mil" isso é uma quilobesta, ou uma quibibesta? 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @guioconnor Although diamonds are interesting. Very good electrical insuators, very good heat conductors, transparent to wide spectrum... 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @EricStraatsma And even that figure is hard to believe; it may be propaganda, to discourage plutonium thieves. 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @EricStraatsma "One atom will kill if inhaled." This is quite an exaggeration. Stock phrase is one millionth of a gram = gazillion atoms 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @LilianeKhalil @ToneyBrooks Thanks. Please forgive the joke... 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @guioconnor Right. In fact, I collect pebbles for hobby, rather than diamonds. 8-) 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » James S. Henry submergingmkt James S. Henry by JorgeStolfi There's no way to "protect civilians" while the #Gaddafis retains power anywhere in #Libya.So #UN Res1973 nec. implies rt to take him out 28 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Philosophers quotes philo_quotes Philosophers quotes by JorgeStolfi Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without. ~ Confucius http://bit.ly/philq 28 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @thf_mktpolitic Qual vai ser o lema da campanha do #Serra? "Água e esgoto na porta de todos?" "Um rio vai passar em nossas vidas"? 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @ToneyBrooks @LilianeKhalil Is that in Marocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Tripoli, Benghazi, Egypt, SArabia, Iran, Bahrein, Syria, Jordan, or Yemen? 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Over and out por hoje. 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @TomasRosaBueno jantei anteontem no Sumirê em Barão Geraldo. O peixe não estava fosforescente ainda. 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @TomasRosaBueno Quando estava nos EUA sonhei em comprar um contador geiger, mas no fim deixei pra lá. Hoje faz uma falta... 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @TomasRosaBueno Esses projéteis são usados contra tanques etc. Desconfio que, em média, o tanque mata muito mais que a fumaça do urãnio. 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @TomasRosaBueno ... wikipédia diz que "menos que arsênico e mercúrio". Numa guerra acho que isso é o de menos... 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @TomasRosaBueno ... não é radioatividade mas toxicidade. O urânio da munição pulveriza e queima no impacto, a fumaça é tóxica 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @TomasRosaBueno Pela wikipédia tem 60% da radioatividade do urânio natural, que não é muito radioativo. Provavelmente o maior risco ... 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @MikeBurkeJapan See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chernobyl_disaster for some alternative evaluations. 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @MikeBurkeJapan Fallout fatalities cannot be "confirmed" individually, only statistically. But there is no question that they occured. 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Lesson from #Fukushima: when designing a nuclear plant, paint the reactor numbers on the ground, far enough to remain readable after blast. 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi #Fukushima: today´s JDF video shows a "yellow dome" in #4. Should be the top of the containment vessel, removed during maintenance, right? 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @brizola_neto PS. Parabéns pela volta, sentimos muito sua falta! 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @brizola_neto Enfim, na pior hipótese os "imperialistas" vão trocar um ditador por outro. Mas pelo menos há uma esperança que não. 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @brizola_neto A intervenção estrangeira na Líbia começou muito antes, mas através do Qaddafi. 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @brizola_neto Onde estava o Chavez (e o Brasil) enquanto o Qaddafi montava suas milícias e trocava petróleo por armas desses imperialistas? 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @brizola_neto Teria sido melhor se a revolta tivesse sucesso sem ajuda externa. Mas como ficou, sem intervenção haveria um massacre. 28 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @brizola_neto Discursos não mudam fato de q Qaddafi é um ditador, ex-apoiador+colaborador dos "imperialistas". Chavez devia ficar quieto. 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @MikeBurkeJapan 35 *immediate* deaths from Chernobyl. Total deaths between 4000 (Russian estimate) and >100.000 (Western Eur estimate). 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Ash cloud durbatulûk, ash cloud gimbatul, ash cloud thrakatulûk agh Microsoft-ishi krimpatul! 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jeremy socialistme Jeremy by JorgeStolfi Hugo Chavez's support of tyrants Al-Assad and Qaddafi should dispel any remaining illusions that he represents revolutionary socialism. 27 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Lesson from #Fukushima: When designing a nuclear plant, be sure to make the inside as nice as the outside. They may switch places some day. 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Lesson from #Fukushima: When designing a nuclear plant, pay attention to aesthetics. You never know how much media exposure it may get. 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @Just4Think "Tratamento por exceção" [3] E a gente ainda se queixa do nosso emprego... 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @Just4Think "Tratamento por exceção" [2] Ela era formada em lit. portug.. Firma entregava manual de equip industrial em inglês, SEM FIGURAS. 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @Just4Think "Tratamento por exceção" [1] Conheci uma pessoa que trabalhava para umafirma de tradução de manuais e livros técnicos. 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @freibetto A Noruega deveria abolir esse prêmio, só dá vexame. Ou pelo menos só dar para político 10 anos depois de ele deixar o cargo. 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @jphiled Burying is not a solution. Without cooling the fuel will keep getting hotter until it melts its way out. 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Minor worry for #Fukushima workers: -Y´You’re working with saltwater around your feet. This is not the way electricians usually work.-Y‘ 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @Jeroen_Snijders @makiwi http://bit.ly/hHyXSC 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @BrianDunning With salt water those filters (if they were not damaged) must be all clogged. Also explosions may have damaged pipes &c. 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @p4m I robot son sono ancora nè agili nè forti abbastanza per questo tipo di lavoro. Forse per ispezione, chissà... 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @rodpenna "Dividir, governar, arrancar petróleo" Mas isso descreve também o que Qaddafi fez durante 40 anos... 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Cristovam Buarque Sen_Cristovam Cristovam Buarque by JorgeStolfi Tem gente q/acha q/depois de votar em uma pessoa temos q/ fazer vista grossa p/ seus erros.Isto seria um erro. 27 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Alec Sulkin thesulk Alec Sulkin by JorgeStolfi Numbers are just nerd letters. 27 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Sofia Smith سهى SmithSofia Sofia Smith سهى by JorgeStolfi 'War is mass murder wrapped in a pretty flag.' ~ Michael Rivero 27 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Cristovam Buarque Sen_Cristovam Cristovam Buarque by JorgeStolfi Brasil congela salário de professores e congela formação e dedicação de professores.Coquetel trágico p/ País. 27 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Tânia Monteiro TaniaMonteiro10 Tânia Monteiro by JorgeStolfi Notícia deplorável q retrata realidade brasileira: Brasil tem mais ex-BBBs do que arqueólogos 27 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @martyn_williams Iodine 134 has half-life of 8 hours, right? Did they re-analyze the same sample they took 30 hours ago? 8-) 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @SrCCOO @FreddyAmazin Guns don´t kill people. People with guns kill people. 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi From my fixed #Fukushima plots http://bit.ly/hHyXSC it seems that reactor #2 is venting steam/water straight to atmosphere (1 bar, 100C). 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Note on my #Fukushima plots: core pressures given by #TEPCO for mar/13--17 were reative to air. Fixed. Now all pressures are absolute. 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Updated again my plots of #Fukushima water level, pressure, temperature http://bit.ly/hHyXSC (No new data; fixed core pressure mar/13--17) 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi #Fukushima Daiichi cost several billion $, but 14 days after quake #TEPCO still cannot get any decent measurements, not even temp&pressure. 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @lenzaholic Depends how shot. If 1/2-life is only a couple of hours, it may mean that the water was contacting fuel 2-3 days ago or less. 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi In #Fukushima plots http://bit.ly/f9S6uy , check #3 donut pressure. From 03/14 to 24 #TEPCO wrote "down scale". Was "over scale" >400kPa 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi In #Fukushima plots http://bit.ly/f9S6uy ,check #3 temperature. Someth weird occurred from 03/21 12:30 to 23 05:00; why is data missing? 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi The #Fukushima plots http://bit.ly/f9S6uy show wide gaps in the data, just when the reactors seem to have been out of control. #TEPCO? 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp Não dá para cimentar desse jeito. O combustível continuaria esquentando até derreter o concreto e vazar. (Aconteceu em Chernobyl) 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi ... how #TEPCO is measuring the water level and temperatures. Perhaps they are estimating them from the pressure readings? 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi ... measuring the pressures only at the emergency seawater inlet and outlet, outside the buildings. No info on how #TEPCO is measuring ... 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi I am almost convinced that #TEPCO has NO instruments working inside the #Fukushima reactors. They seem to be measuring only ... 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi The data that #TEPCO has been providing about the #Fukushima reactors is scarce, incomplete, sprinkled with errors. http://bit.ly/f9S6uy 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Two weeks after the #Fukushima nuclear disaster, we still have no reliable measurements of the reactor variables. #TEPCO? 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Updated plots of #Fukushima variables (water level, pressure, temperature) to mar/26. http://bit.ly/f9S6uy One datum fixed, some dubious. 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @sannexus NO instruments seem to be working at #Fukushima. My guess: their temp&pressure data is measured at external seawater in/outlets. 27 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi #Chavez agora defende Assad da Síria. Coitado dele, pirou de vez. Coitada da Venezuela. O que um terceiro mandato faz num homem... 26 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @RealMORTE Veja se descola este: http://bit.ly/gFHtUf (assisti). E depois este: http://bit.ly/bvy458 (não assisti). 26 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Eddie I Eddie_I Eddie I by JorgeStolfi RT @TWUncut: @skynews one of your employees offered a protester £25 to throw a brick. We have witnesses! Shame on you. #ukuncut 26 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Bram Cohen bramcohen Bram Cohen by JorgeStolfi "90% of coding is debugging. The other 10% is writing bugs" 26 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @RequiaoPMDB @Sen_Cristovam (atualmente há municípios com 1000 hab e outros com 10.000.000, impossível fazer leis orgânicas assim) 26 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @RequiaoPMDB @Sen_Cristovam Reforma política que eu gostaria: 4 - redividir país em estados/municípios/cidades c/ populações mais uniformes 26 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @RequiaoPMDB @Sen_Cristovam Reforma que eu gostaria: 3 - Partidos devem ser criados 1 ano antes das eleições e extintos 3 meses depois. 26 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @RequiaoPMDB @Sen_Cristovam Refoma que eu gostaria: 2 - Qqer decisão sobre congresso (salários, regimento, impeachment) só por plebiscito. 26 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @RequiaoPMDB @Sen_Cristovam Reforma que eu gostaria: 1 - Democratização do Judiciário (hoje auto-nomeado, não presta contas a ninguém) 26 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Updated plots of parameters in #Fukushima units #1--#3 (water level, temp, pressure), to 25/mar: http://bit.ly/fB915A 26 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Todays Politics todayspolitics Todays Politics by JorgeStolfi Microsoft switches off HTTPS to enable repressive regimes to monitor Hotmail email accounts #politics http://bit.ly/gBy4nx 26 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp Idem. A diferença entre fazer algo que pode realmente conseguir a paz+liberdade, e recitar velho script que soa bem mas só faz mal. 26 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi ... parece (no twitter, pelo menos) que fez os árabes pró-democracia acharem que BR é intere$$eiro e amoral. E Chavez então virou palhaço. 26 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Infelizmente, a posição (aparentemente) pró-Qaddafi do BR no caso Líbia, e agora o (aparente) alinhamento do BR com EUA no caso Irã ... 26 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi A intervenção de BR e Turquia no caso Irã deu o maior ibope ao BR no mundo, incl. entre os árabes pró-democracia. 26 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @jensahlstrom Right, only 2 wkers dead from explosion so far, AFAIK. Who cares about sure future deats? And it is not over yet! 26 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @yvonneridley Wait, black smoke was belching out of only one reactor in #Fukushima, three days ago! Has the situation got THAT bad already? 26 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Libyan Tripolitanian Libyan by JorgeStolfi Letterman: "Gadhafi said his people 'love him.' I think that's what he said. It was hard to hear over the rebel gunfire." 26 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Michael Moore MMFlint Michael Moore by JorgeStolfi #2. All the world's dictators should go. Including the ones in Yemen, Bahrain, Jordan Syria & Saudi Arabia. 26 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Michael Moore MMFlint Michael Moore by JorgeStolfi #1. Qaddafi must go. A truly sick and evil man. Shoulda been gone a long time ago. 26 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi As coisas em #Fukushima estão continuamente melhorando, mas a cada dia estão piores: http://bit.ly/iaKn6r 26 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi No one can instill calm and confidence in the public as well as Michio Kaku: http://bit.ly/eGtNHv 8-) 26 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Audrey Huntley AudreyHuntley Audrey Huntley by JorgeStolfi Tourists banned from Amazon village by indigenous people http://bit.ly/eEvBzE 26 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @alexhenrisantos @stanleyburburin "FT sug. BR anexar PT" Ai, esta terra ainda vai c'mprir seu ideal: ainda vai t'rnar-se um imenso P'rt'gal! 26 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » AmericaFree.TV AmericaFreeTV AmericaFree.TV by JorgeStolfi RT @coldhardtruth Fed: Household wealth plummets 23% in two years. http://tiny.cc/gm71j median wealth down - the middle class gets poorer 26 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Philosophers quotes philo_quotes Philosophers quotes by JorgeStolfi Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one. ~ Marcus Aurelius http://bit.ly/philq 26 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Slashdot slashdot Slashdot by JorgeStolfi CMU Eliminates Object Oriented Programming For Freshman http://bit.ly/hsEJ3P 26 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Antonio Luiz MCCosta ALuizCosta Antonio Luiz MCCosta by JorgeStolfi O tamanho da hipocrisia: por que o Ocidente interveio na Líbia e não nos massacres do Darfur, ali do lado? http://va.mu/BF9 26 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Rodrigo Penna rodpenna Rodrigo Penna by JorgeStolfi Dois professores pedem demissão por dia na rede pública de SP: http://migre.me/47v0A . Educação de mal a pior... 26 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Lourival Sant'Anna lsantanna Lourival Sant'Anna by JorgeStolfi Jornalistas estão passando adiante aqui em Benghazi uma história terrível contada por colegas em Trípoli. 26 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Huwaida Arraf huwaidaarraf Huwaida Arraf by JorgeStolfi Link to footage of Libyan woman's abduction. Realize it was sudden, but journos could have barricaded her! http://tiny.cc/u38ii 26 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Daphne Wysham daphnewysham Daphne Wysham by JorgeStolfi #GE's Jeff Immelt to #Fukushima 50 and the rest of us suckers: "Let them eat yellowcake." http://nyti.ms/gVg2SC 25 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @ToneyBrooks The New Orleans Katrina disaster was described in full detail (maps & all) in a Scient American cover article, 6 months BEFORE. 26 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Brasil se manifesta contra abusos de direitos humanos no Irã. Muito bem, mas e os outros países do Oriente Médio? Líbia, por exemplo? 26 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi ... orders uranium to be incorporated into his subjects' bodies, so that whenever a large crowd gathers they will go critical and explode. 26 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Mixing #Fukushima with #Libya, #Egypt, #Syria etc.= Stanislaw Lem's short story "Uranium Earpieces". Tyrannical king of robots ... 26 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Updated plots for #Fukushima units #1--#3 (water level, temp, pressure), to 25/mar: http://bit.ly/fB915A 26 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @jensahlstrom Estimated release of radioac. Cs (30yr 1/2-life) at #Fukushima is already 50% of Chernobyl's. And it is far from over yet. 25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » David Gervais NeuralCircuit09 David Gervais by JorgeStolfi CIA chief Leon Panetta reports no more than 50 al-Qaeda characters are in Afghanistan, yet the US and NATO have 150,000 soldiers there. 22 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @0_1s4b3l4 Nesse contexto não tenho certeza. Pode ser "repetir", "repetir indefinidamente" 25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @0_1s4b3l4 @stanleyburburin consulta 25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » AmericaFree.TV AmericaFreeTV AmericaFree.TV by JorgeStolfi In 1982 Hafez al-Assad's army killed 10,000+ protesters in Hama, #Syria (with artillery). Without the Internet, this caused hardly a ripple. 25 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Veramp veramp Veramp by JorgeStolfi Ministério da Cultura Não tem de fazer cultura. Tem de facilitar que povo faça. (@culturadigital live on http://twitcam.com/4a10w) 25 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @PiadasNerds @bulinha para bom programador meia palavra basta para números de 0 até 65535. 25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Mais um governo despótico cai no mundo árabe: Canadá. Ops, queria dizer ... 25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jacquie INSIBILO Jacquie by JorgeStolfi NYT: Sr.nuke executive in Japan said long vertical crack running down side of reactor 3 vessel itself & has been leaking fluids and gases. 25 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Analysis of water leaked into #Fukushima turbine room contains fission products (cobalt and molybdenum-99); probable breach in reactor #3. 25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @emirsader Mas dizem que a TV da Líbia mostra vítimas do Qaddafi como se fossem da OTAN. Será o Qaddafi mais confiável que os Marinho? 25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi "Se v. olhar diretamente p o sol, v. pode perder os dois olhos. Se v. olhar diretamente p #Fukushima, seus filhos podem ganhar mais dois." 25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Em #Fukushima, causou procupação a descoberta de que os porãos de 3 (4?) reatores estão alagados com água radioativa. 25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Em #Fukushima já se admite que provavelmente há algum tipo ed vazamento na blindagem de um reator. 25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @ThomasRHart The "coveralls" are a peculiar Japanese custom: they generaly wear uniforms at work, even ministers (except at formal events) 25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Mohamed ElBaradei ElBaradei Mohamed ElBaradei by JorgeStolfi Media still controlled by old regime.Demagoguery most lethal weapon to abort revolution 25 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi A Lei da Ficha Limpa impede a eleição de um Capiberibe, mas permite a do Maluf. 25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @rejobarbosa O fundamento moral e legal da Lei da Ficha Limpa é o princípio "brasileiro não está preparado para votar". O mesmo de 1964. 25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @rejobarbosa O objetivo da Lei da Ficha Limpa é impedir milhões de cidadãos de votar em candidatos que alguns outros cidadãos detestam. 25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Does anyone know how #TEPCO measures #Fukushima reactor params (pressure, temperature, water level)? AFAIK no instruments are working yet. 25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Seawater injection at #Fukushima reactors is done through "fire fighting" pipes. Does anyone know the vertical position of inlets/outlets? 25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @jensahlstrom Russian estimate for deaths caused by Chernobyl fallout: 4000 European estimate: over 100,000. Invisible but very real. 25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Global Edition nytimesglobal Global Edition by JorgeStolfi In a Brazilian Town, a Rogue Gene and a Boom in Twins http://nyti.ms/eAp0PY 24 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » BBC Global News BBCWorld BBC Global News by JorgeStolfi Brazil police in filmed shooting http://bbc.in/dZ4kxs 24 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @BottomfedBuddha The "more brittle" is probably nonsense, the amount is too small to make a chemical difference. The damage is to DNA. 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @abekohen How fast Zr corrodes depends on temperature. If hot enough (>1000C, red heat) it will corrode even in pure H2O & burn in dry air. 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Real World News marmite_news Real World News by JorgeStolfi Reasons For Lifting Gaza Blockade: 60% of #Gaza’s population receives running water only once every 4 or 5 days, for 6-8 hours. via @ECESG 24 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @osvaldoacastro aluno saiu. Uso Skype mas não estou podendo usar no momento. Só twitter... 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @osvaldoacastro Desculpe, apareceu aluno ... 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @jensahlstrom Yeah. The tsunami too killed no one; some people died because they were crushed by houses, their lungs failed, etc. Yeah. 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @osvaldoacastro Posso tentar... 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @FalsePolitix It is so bad that it cannot even be buried (The fuel would heat up until it blasts/melts/trickles its way out of the "tomb".) 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @RealMORTE DENÚNCIA: corre no Twitter q os dois lados na Líbia estão fotografando OS MESMOS MORTOS p provar atrocidades do outro lado. Pode? 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @lenzaholic The vacuum could have been on the far side of the building as the shock wave of the #3 blast swept past it. 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi #Fukushima reactor #4: Wall facing #3 was clearly pushed INWARDS. Sea-facing wall fell outwards; but could it be a vacuum from #3 bast, too? 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Looking at the walls of #Fukushima reactor #4, I would think that most of the damage was caused by the explosion of #3. 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @BottomfedBuddha http://www.nisa.meti.go.jp/english/index.html 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Saw official claim smwhere (sorry, URL not saved) that #Fukushima #3 black smoke was oil (from a pump) burning. How much oil can there be? 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @lsantanna Depois disso vem a "no-bike zone", então a "no-walk zone" idispois "no-crawl zone". Precisando, chegarão à "no-breathe zone". 8-) 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @stanleyburburin Stanley, voce percebeu que a Del Valle é da Coca-Cola? 8-) 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi The #TEPCO/#NISA #Fukushima reports give two readings for each pressure, labeled "(A)" and "(B)" [or "(C)"]. Anyone knows the difference? 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Anyone knows how #TEPCO measures #Fukushima reactor parameters (pressure, temperature, water level)? AFAIK no instruments are working yet. 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Tomas Rosa Bueno TomasRosaBueno Tomas Rosa Bueno by JorgeStolfi @ @veramp O que faz mesmo mal prà saúde é excesso de Twitter... 24 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi "Neutron beam" supposedly detected at #Fukushima got viral but STILL only one dubious newssource. (And "beam" sounds like mistranslation.) 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @elizondogabriel "Brazil changes course re Iran" But still recognizes Qaddafi & other dictators who are even worse in in huan rights... 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Alexey Dodsworth _lasher_ Alexey Dodsworth by JorgeStolfi Segundo O Globo, Elizabeth Taylor "minou sua saúde por excesso de álcool e drogas" e, por isso, morreu aos 79. Começo a me drogar hoje. 24 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Zeca Oliveira ZKOliva Zeca Oliveira by JorgeStolfi Ô manchete cretina! RT @1964NuncaMais: @pinkywainer @brizola_neto @DeniseSQ @vleonel @Arnobio1969 "Explorar centro da Terra já é viável" 24 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Updated plots of #Fukushima reactor data (water level, pressure, temperature): http://bit.ly/gyG0AY 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi NISA release 46 (23/mar 2011) on #Fukushima : Reactor #3, 35 tons of seawater injected into spent-fuel pool via cooling line. 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi #TEPCO press release (Mar 23, 2011) http://bit.ly/e0UsQ7: Reactor #1, increased seawater injection *trough feed line* since 02:30 am 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi "Serendipity" is this: picked up an old busted CD-ROM drive from junk pile, to take apart, just for fun. Inside: a CD of Vivaldi concertos. 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Saw on YouTube some small multi-rotor remote-control helicopters, incredibly agile. Could they be used to inspect/measure at #Fukushima? 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Data from #TEPCO about #Fukushima seems to get scarcer as time passes. Day 13, and they still cannot tell what is in the smoke/steam. 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi "Neutron beam" from #Fukushima is wildly retweeted but source seems to be a single report (NHK? Kyodo?). "Beam" may be actually "radiation"? 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi JAIF report 29 (24/mar 10:00) on #Fukushima: http://bit.ly/foSkih (not very informative -- no word about smoke/steam) 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi JAIF report 29 (24/mar 10:00) on #Fukushima, changes: Reactor #1 (inner) pressure vessel temperature now listed ("High") 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi JAIF report 29 (24/mar 10:00) on #Fukushima, changes: Reactor #3 (outer) containment vessel integrity from "maybe" to "not damaged" 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Someone posted a scanned sheet with #Fukushima #reactor temperatures by #TEPCO from 19/mar to 21/mar. Where can I get more of that data? 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Re salt accumulation inside #Fukushima #reactors: NYT article assumes that output is steam; but could be hot water. Who knows the answer? 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Bombas super-inteligentes: http://bit.ly/hiT8WD 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @stanleyburburin @klaxonsbc @veramp @Nilson_de_Vix Stanley é real, tenho ele aqui na minha mesa: http://bit.ly/gNv4P4 http://bit.ly/hRKZzF 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Bem-vindos ao Judiciário Brasileiro, o 1/3 do governo que não foi democratizado e não tem que prestar contas a ninguém. 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Agora o TSE entrou com ação de inconstitucionalidade para derrubar o voto impresso. Ação pode ser julgada pelo mesmo ministro que iniciou. 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Aí Jobim pediu pro Lula vetar o artigo do voto impresso. Lula (santo homem) se recusou e assinou a lei. 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Azeredo foi contra voto impresso, ministros do TSE fizeram lobby pesado, Jobim berrou e socou na mesa. Mesmo assim passou, mas só p 2014. 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi A introdução do voto impresso foi apoiada por quase todos os partidos políticos e aprovada em 2009. Oposição basicamente só do PSDB. 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi O pior é q TSE sabe muito bem sobre o que está rolando no mundo, mas não deixa o PiG noticiar pq "é essencial manter confiança do povo." 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp Holanda até voltou ao voto em papel. Únicos com urna eletr. sem impressão: Brasil e Índia. Mas nossa urna é MUITO pior q indiana. 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp Todo mundo (incl. Venezuela) que usa voto eletrônico usa comprovante impresso. Todo mundo que tinha urna sem impressão já trocou. 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp ... mas nas entrevistas o TSE tem sempre a útima palavra, e diz que a urna é perfeita e nós somos uns bobos, ponto final. 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp Eu mesmo já falei sobre urna em comissão do Senado, eventos da Assembléia Paulista, OAB, FGV. Dei entrevistas p/ jornais, TV. Mas... 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp De fato, não estou criticando o Amorim. A culpa não é dele; é do TSE, do Azeredoe do PiG. 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp O TSE está fazendo a maior sujeira para revogar a lei que obriga o papelzinho em 2014. ( http://www.votoseguro.org/ ) 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi E não sabe nada porque nossa "Justiça" Eleitoral, com a colaboração total do PiG, não deixa ninguém saber. 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Amorim pode ser excelente diplomata, mas (como 90% dos brasileiros) não sabe NADA do que acontece no mundo re tecnologia eleitoral. 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Amorim: "Hoje ninguém contesta resultados das eleições [...] Há confiabilidade absoluta do processo eleitoral." ATÉ QUANDO ESSA MENTIRA? 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp Esses G$ são receitas do petróleo, única (e enorme) riqueza da líbia. (Com Google Earth dá p ver montes de poços no deserto.) 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp Sim, é praxe, infelizmente. 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp De ~2005 até mes passado Qaddafi era aliado dos EUA+UE. Realmente não entendo como q ele virou um herói do anti-imperialismo. 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Amorim aponta "a confiabilidade da Justiça Eleitoral brasileira" como ajuda que o Brasil pode dar aos árabes. Coitados dos árabes. 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp Sem dúvida os bancos arrumarão um jeito de ficar com a maior parte. A esperança é que os líbios fiquem com os futuros G$. Veremos. 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp Até onde sei, esses G$ todos eram controlados pesoalmente por Qaddafi, filhos & cia. Não me consta que prestassem contas p/ povo. 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Dinheiro da Líbia congelado nos EUA 32G$; na Inglaterra, 19G$. Reservas Bco Central da Líbia, 140G$. [Washington Post http://wapo.st/e5fv4Q] 24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @TheSoftScience This "friday" has been spammed for over a week now... 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp Sim, mas em quantidade minúscula, só instrumentos detectam. Há uma corrente de vento que circula Terra nessa latitude em ~20 dias. 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Question: Could UO2 be reduced to metallic U in #Fukushima's reactors or spent-fuel pools? Or react with NaCl to form a volatile chloride? 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Any fresh information on the "neutron ray" (="radiation"?) at #Fukushima? (Only source so far seems to be TEPCO through Kyodo News.) 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi #Fukushima: reports of smoke and/or steam plumes rising from all four reactors #1--#4, workers evacuated. Source unclear, though. 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp Mais para "Tamo assobiando no escuro"... 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Guardian news guardiannews Guardian news by JorgeStolfi US soldier admits killing unarmed Afghans for sport http://gu.com/p/2zxd9/tf 23 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi JAIF #Fukushima report 28 (2011-03-23 21:00): main control rooms: #1+#2 no AC power; #3+-#4 lights on, hardly usable; #5+#6 probably OK 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi JAIF #Fukushima report 28 (2011-03-23 21:00): Seawater into spent fuel pools: #1 to be decided, #2 done 20/mar, #3+#4 level low, spraying. 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi JAIF #Fukushima report 28 (2011-03-23 21:00): Spent fuel integrity: #1+#2 unknown, #3+#4 possibly damaged. 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi JAIF #Fukushima report 28 (2011-03-23 21:00): Reactors #1-#3, venting of containment vessel temporarily stopped. 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi JAIF #Fukushima report 28 (2011-03-23 21:00): Inject. into containment vessel: reactors #1+#3 (freshwtr?) confirming(?) , #2 tbd (saltwtr) 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi JAIF #Fukushima report 28 (2011-03-23 21:00): Seawater injection to core thru firefighting lines continuing in reactors #1--#3. 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi JAIF #Fukushima report 28 (2011-03-23 21:00): Containment vessel pressure: #1+#2 stable, #3 decreasing since 20/mar peak 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi JAIF #Fukushima report 28 (2011-03-23 21:00): Core pressure: Reactor #1 stable, #2+#3 unknown. 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi JAIF #Fukushima report 28 (2011-03-23 21:00): Reactors #1--#3, AC cooling (1&2) still off, fuel damaged, pressure vessel integrity unknown. 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi JAIF #Fukushima report 28 (2011-03-23 21:00): http://bit.ly/eMJ0vW 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Iyad El-Baghdadi iyad_elbaghdadi Iyad El-Baghdadi by JorgeStolfi Find a big, hungry foreign country with no morals and offer them preferential contracts if they give you support. #ArabTyrantManual 23 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Iyad El-Baghdadi iyad_elbaghdadi Iyad El-Baghdadi by JorgeStolfi Say you never intended to have your son run after you. Make sure you have a daughter. #ArabTyrantManual 23 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Michael Moore MMFlint Michael Moore by JorgeStolfi War supporters: Pls amend ur tweets 2 me 2 read as follows: "Gaddafi, OUR ALLY, was slaughtering his people w/ arms WE gave him!" #accuracy 23 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp Queiram Deus, Alá e Jeová que essa emenda não passe. Aliás, como podemos deixar *justo essas pessoas* rascunharem a reforma??? 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Michael Moore MMFlint Michael Moore by JorgeStolfi War supporters: Pls acknowledge that saving lives isn't why we did this. If it was we'd be bombing Yemen&Bahrain palaces. Better 2 b honest. 23 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Michael Moore MMFlint Michael Moore by JorgeStolfi I think JC suggested that b4 we spend time casting the speck outta some1 else's eye maybe we should take the log outta our own eye 1st #WWJD 23 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Algumas das "nuvens negras no horizonte" q vejo neste começo de governo: voto facultativo, voto distrital, ACTA, RIC, urna fraudônica, .... 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp Idem idem! 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Se eleitores querem um presidiário no congresso, a polícia deve arrumar translado da cadeia-congresso-cadeia para as sessões. [Sério] 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Nenhum juiz tem o direito de proibir alguém de se candidatar, ser votado, e ser eleito. Se eleitores querem Roriz, tem que deixar Roriz. 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Lei da Ficha Limpa é uma das boas intenções de q o inferno está cheio. Grandes ladrões escapam, inocentes são pegos, democracia vai p lixo. 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Emir Sader emirsader Emir Sader by JorgeStolfi Israel matou ontem a 8 palestinos em Gaza: noticia de pé de página da imprensa. Explosão de ônibus feriu a 30 em Jerusalém: grande manchete. 23 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Iyad El-Baghdadi iyad_elbaghdadi Iyad El-Baghdadi by JorgeStolfi #Yemen revoked Aljazeera's license, cut off their signal, and vandalized their office. 23 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » José Simão jose_simao José Simão by JorgeStolfi Tensão no Mundo Árabe! E adorei aquela frase de um pacifista: "Bombardear pela paz é como trepar pela virgindade". Rarará! 23 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » SaloumehZ SaloumehZ SaloumehZ by JorgeStolfi RT @OmarAlmu5tar #Gaddafi tanks are now bombing the #Misrata hospital!!!!!! #Libya #feb17 23 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @LCMarinho As mesmas suas, e mais CNN, BBC, Reuters, e tudo mais que rola no twitter, sem preconceito. 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Black smoke @ #Fukushima "just rubble"? Theory: for lack of off-site storage, 40 years worth of Playboy mags were stashed in men's bathroom. 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Putz. http://www.euronews.net/2011/03/23/black-smoke-belches-out-of-fukushima-reactor/ 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Temperature at bottom of pressure vessel of #Fukushima #2 reactor was ~109C on 22/mar 15:30. Means that steam is being vented to atmosph? 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi "Neutron beam" observed at #Fukushima: http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/nn20110324a6.html Means that fission is still occurring? 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » SaloumehZ SaloumehZ SaloumehZ by JorgeStolfi RT @Levantine Gaddafi did brainwash many, and They are ones fighting for him. People need to get the truth to them - drop flyers #Libya 23 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » cristina capanema cristinacapanem cristina capanema by JorgeStolfi @ @pretozeze via @maria_fro Sexta fui roubada com arma na cabeça nos fundos d pátio dos helicópteros d Obama no RJ,na pesença de 3 guardas. 23 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @rcalsaverini digo NK/2 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @rcalsaverini Se o grau médio é k, o número exato (e não esperado) de arestas é 2Nk 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @rcalsaverini What do you mean by "edge distribution"? 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Julien Fourgeaud jfourgeaud Julien Fourgeaud by JorgeStolfi RT OH: "Your cell phone has more computing power than all of NASA in 1969. NASA launched a man to the moon. We launched a bird into pigs." 22 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @LCMarinho O que você sabe sobre Qaddafi? Quais são as suas fontes? 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Data plots for #Fukushima reactors #1--#3: Water level, pressure (13--17/mar), temperature (19--21/mar): http://bit.ly/eE4Ymd 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Recent picture of #Fukushima reactor #4 with crane/hose spraying the spent fuel http://www.photozz.com/fizz/14974643.aspx 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @edulacerda The #Chrome icon uses practically the same colors as the Microsoft #Windows icon. Is that some #Satanic message or what? 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi To fans of #NuclearPower: defending it now is a waste of time. At least wait until #Fukushima is over. Then you can laugh at will. Or not. 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @LCMarinho Acredito que os ~100 repórteres ainda em Trípoli são reféns, e por isso há ~2 semanas a mídia (CNN, BBC, AJE, ...) ficou inútil. 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @LCMarinho ... espancar e matar repórteres, e rebeldes começaram a perder, acho que 98% da info que recebemos é desinformação, dos 3 lados. 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @LCMarinho Acho que nas ~2 primeiras semanas as informações do lado rebelde eram confusas mas ainda usáveis. Depois que Qd começou a ... 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @LCMarinho Quanto às declarações do Qaddafi e de sua TV, são bits aleatórios. Uns 50% deve ser verdade, mas não dá para saber quais. 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @LCMarinho Difícl prever essas coisas. Meu chute é que ele dura ainda uma semana ou duas. Mas nisso eu não aposto um centavo. 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi AFAIK all instruments in #Fukushima reactors #1--#4 are still inoperative. How can they tell the water level in the core pressure vessel? 23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Amount of 137-Cs (1/2 life 30 yrs) released at #Fukushima is already 50% of the amount released at Chernobyl. http://bit.ly/hyWwmm 22 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Letícia Magalhaes Leticiamag17 Letícia Magalhaes by JorgeStolfi @ALuizCosta lembra do caso das criancas violadas e assassinadas por militares aqui na Colombia? Hoje mataram a juiza responsavel pelo caso. 22 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Stanley Burburinho stanleyburburin Stanley Burburinho by JorgeStolfi Where's the UN resolution calling for a no fly zone over #Gaza to protect civilians from barbaric aerial attacks? #Libya 22 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @SaloumehZ Got report that Mars was ruled by a Kaddafi who succeeded in eliminating all Al-Quaida/CIA/Zionist traitors. (Not confirmed yet.) 22 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @thf_mktpolitic "Sonho + doido" 3- Aí no sonho começou a chover. Acordei desesperado pq ñ consegui definir semântica de variável molhada. 22 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @thf_mktpolitic "Sonho + doido" 2- Uma noite sonhei q eu era uma variável, estava andando p faculdade como todo dia (falei q era doido!)... 22 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @thf_mktpolitic "Sonho + doido" 1 - Meu mestrado era projeto de uma ling de prog. Tinha que definir regas de tipos, coerção, parametros... 22 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @RepJackKimble @KrauseForIowa Right. By the way, why TWO political parties? One is plenty. Think of the savings. 22 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Bob Krause KrauseForIowa Bob Krause by JorgeStolfi Russian Chernobyl studies estimate deaths at 1 million thru 2004.IAEC missed cuz reports in Russian, estimated 4,000 instead. #fukushima 22 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @Just4Think Não sei se Chavez teve (1), mas pelo visto ñ tem (2). Se não conseguir descolar do poder, vai ficar (e terminar) igual Kaddafi. 22 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @Just4Think Duas qualidades excepcionais de Lula: (1) seu 2o mandato foi melhor que o 1o, e (2) poderia ter fácil um 3o mandato, não quis. 22 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @ALuizCosta "Chávez: 'capitalismo acabou c/ vida em Marte?'" Ou então um Kaddafi marciano conseguiu enfim acabar c/ todos os traidores. 8-) 22 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @rodpenna Melhor coerente do que inteligente, é isso? 22 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @LCMarinho Pago para ver ele fazer isso. 22 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Plots of water level and pressures in #Fukushima reactors updated (now per reactor): http://bit.ly/gWJHSA 22 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi AFP: "Governo Líbio vai libertar trẽs jornalistas presos". Viram como ele é bonzinho? Vamos conversar, quem sabe se contenta com 1/2 Líbia. 22 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Ahmed Sanalla EndTyranny101 Ahmed Sanalla by JorgeStolfi This Tyrant has destroyed & cut off everything.Water, communications, electricity, placed our cities under siege, destroyed hospitals #Libya 22 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » crislasaitis crislasaitis crislasaitis by JorgeStolfi Monocausotaxofilia: Necessidade de buscar uma única explicação para todas as causas 22 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Entire roof of #Fukushima reactor #2 (whose outer concrete walls r mostly undamaged) is hot, >100C. http://www.nirs.org/fukushima/crisis.htm 22 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @LCMarinho Não era. 22 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » cynara menezes cynaramenezes cynara menezes by JorgeStolfi RT @pdralex Nunca antes na história deste país a "grande" imprensa relinchou tão alto como em 2011. 22 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Maisa Akbik M_akbik Maisa Akbik by JorgeStolfi By the way there's no Kentucky fried chicken in the city of #Daraa #Syria so nobody can bribe its people :) 22 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Philosophers quotes philo_quotes Philosophers quotes by JorgeStolfi A confession has to be part of your new life. ~ Wittgenstein http://bit.ly/philq 22 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Gizmodo Gizmodo Gizmodo by JorgeStolfi How does a nuclear chain reaction work? gizmodo.com/#!5784351/watc… Or: ping pong balls, mousetraps, and you. 22 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » AmericaFree.TV AmericaFreeTV AmericaFree.TV by JorgeStolfi RT @FJLK9Ambiental: RT @Cirincione: BBC reports TEPCO admits falsifying safety records for 10 years at #Fukushima. 22 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Smithsonian smithsonian Smithsonian by JorgeStolfi Did Lincoln really grow a beard b/c a little girl thought it would help w/ his "homeliness"? http://ow.ly/4jA0S (via @npg) 22 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @stanleyburburin Com toda certeza. Um ponto esencial de marketing de armas é "foi usado com sucesso na Bessarábia, Mingrélia, Lapônia...." 22 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Princípio básico da guerra moderna (como em #Líbia, #Israel e alhures): "Se você matar meu vizinho, eu mato o seu!" 22 Mar Unfavorite Reply Delete » muiz muiz muiz by JorgeStolfi DISGUSTING > 2 children & 2 adults killed by #Israel tank shell as they were playing football at front of a house - East #Gaza | @AlanFisher 22 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @stanleyburburin Não sei qual é pior para vendas, um caça americano que cai sozinho ou por um tiro de arma russa. 8-) 22 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi How good is our grip on nuclear power? 3- In 11 days, all that #TEPCO "doctors" at #Fukushima could do was to give their "patients" enemas. 22 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi How good is our grip on nuclear power? 2- After 11 days, #TEPCO "doctors" @ #Fukushima are still unable to take temperature of "patients"... 22 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi How good is our grip on nuclear power? 1- #TEPCO "doctors" at #Fukushima had 4 "patients" in coma, severe trauma, septicemia for 11 days ... 22 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » The Week TheWeek The Week by JorgeStolfi Quinoa has become so popular in Western markets (and at Trader Joe's) that Bolivians can no longer afford to eat it http://ow.ly/4jAMA 22 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @ALuizCosta @stanleyburburin De fato metade dos Prêmios Nobel da Paz tem sido piadas cruéis. Esse é mais avacalhado até que o de Economia. 22 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi "All over the world, when they cannot control atomic power they will try to control the information." http://bit.ly/faQhie #Fukushima 22 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Posted plots of the water level and core pressure readings for #Fukushima units #1--#3, from 2011-03-13 to 2011-03-17: http://bit.ly/gWJHSA 22 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi "black smoke from #Fukushima #3 is just some rubble caught fire". Ok. But wait, what was so hot as to set the rubble on fire? [Shudder] 22 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Reports that #Fukushima reactors are sprayed with concrete are probably wrong. Rather seawater is sprayed with a pump meant for concrete. 22 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Plots of the water level and core pressure readings for #Fukushima units #1--#3, from 2011-03-13 to 2011-03-17: http://bit.ly/gWJHSA 22 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Michael Moore MMFlint Michael Moore by JorgeStolfi Republicans hate Obama so much it's turned them all into peacniks! Now THAT is a lot of hate! #RisforReverse 22 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Stanley Burburinho stanleyburburin Stanley Burburinho by JorgeStolfi The problem of smart bombs is that they are launched by stupid people. #libya 22 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi "ECCR risk model predicts 120,000 cancers worldwide from #Fukushima based on known releases." http://www.nirs.org/fukushima/crisis.htm 22 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @edulacerda Não ia fazer diferença, Qaddafi tem poder terrestre para ganhar a guerra. Só iria demorar um pouco mais. 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi I am Brazilian. I hate Operation Odissey Dawn but the alternative seems much worse. #Libya #Feb17 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @KrauseForIowa Forgive me, I coud not figure yet how the seawater injection is done. I see no steam plumes, so it must come out liquid, no? 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Gozado essa preocupação repentina com potẽncias imperialistas roubarem o petróleo dos pobres líbios. Qaddafi roubar por 40 anos, tudo bem? 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Felipe Sodre malkava Felipe Sodre by JorgeStolfi Esquerdistas são contra o ataque à Líbia porque é coisa dos EUA. Direitistas são contra porque é coisa do Obama. Aos dois: Vão dar a bunda. 21 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Bob Krause KrauseForIowa Bob Krause by JorgeStolfi If cooling effects of seawater diminish on 3.5 percent straightline, chances of nuclear burning increase over life of crisis. #fukushima 21 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @UNIONTWISOCIAL Por supuesto que Qaddafi fué muy económico con su sueldo de coronel. 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Sabemos que Qaddafi mente sem vergonha. Outros governos não são muito mais confiáeis. Os rebeldes podem estar mentindo tambem. ... 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Então cuidado, não dá para acreditar em número de vítimas, de qualquer lado. 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @KrauseForIowa If that is about the seawater injection to core, it seems that the output is hot seawater (dumped to sea) not steam. 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Today's burning [sorry] question about smoke out of #Fukushima reactor #3: was it black, gray, grayish --- or just a darkish shade of white? 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Stanley Burburinho stanleyburburin Stanley Burburinho by JorgeStolfi Obama has now been responsible for firing more cruise missiles than all other Nobel Peace prize winners combined. #libya 21 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Nic Robertson NicRobertsonCNN Nic Robertson by JorgeStolfi When you come to somewhere like Libya, you expect lies & deceit from the dictatorship here. You don't expect it from the other journalists. 21 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » LibyanYouthMovement ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement by JorgeStolfi http://on.fb.me/gSQ5ji Gaddafi's forces leave nothing behind.. shocking video from Zintan as even livestock killed http://on.fb.me/gSQ5ji 21 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » SaloumehZ SaloumehZ SaloumehZ by JorgeStolfi RT @LibyanThinker Zawiyah has been cleansed by Gaddafi. All males above age 16 have been either killed, kidnapped or still missing. #Libya 21 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi ... e q Russia armou/treinou/aconselhou brigadas do Qd. Porque ninguém lembrou do "imperialismo" então? (Talvez pq Brasil tb tava nessa?) 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Vale lembrar que, até 1 mes atrás, Qaddafi era queridinho dessas mesmas "potências imperialistas" por acesso ao petróleo, colab c/ CIA, etc. 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @JorgeStolfi @rafaelprince Escolha agora é líbios explorados pelas potências (talvez) ou explorados e oprimidos pelo Qd (com certeza). 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @rafaelprince Meio tarde p isso, não? Deviam ter des-reconhecido Qaddafi há anos. Parar intervenção agora é condenar 1/2 líbia a massacre. 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @AmericaFreeTV They tried to bring in a generator very early on, but it didn't wok. I don't know why. Perhaps power requirements? 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Itamaraty perdeu uma boa oportunidade de ficar calado. Dipomacia brasileira voltou a ser a de uma república de bananas. 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Posição do Brasil sobre Líbia é desconcertante, ambígua, a favor do massacre dos rebeldes por um ditador cruel. 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Posição do Brasil c/ Turquia em relação a Irã foi coerente, clara, pela paz e soberania nacional. 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Fabio R de Miranda mirwox Fabio R de Miranda by JorgeStolfi RT @guilhermerey: RT @PiadasNerds: Qual é a banda favorita dos nerds? R: Banda Larga. 21 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Iyad El-Baghdadi iyad_elbaghdadi Iyad El-Baghdadi by JorgeStolfi So proud of #Yemen. The cradle of Arabs, and a cradle of civilization. Peaceful revolution in a land of 75 million AK47s. 21 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » SaloumehZ SaloumehZ SaloumehZ by JorgeStolfi RT@ahnesh whoever claims airstrikes were a bad thing has no idea how many lives were saved by them. If only they came sooner!! #Feb17 #Libya 21 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » The Onion TheOnion The Onion by JorgeStolfi NEWSWIRE: Blogger Not Sure She Has Anything To Add To Tsunami Coverage, But Will Try 21 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Astrid Lima Astrid_Lima Astrid Lima by JorgeStolfi angeloska: "La centrale #nucleare più sicura è quella che non c’è" 21 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @iyad_elbaghdadi dunno, "anahistorical", "catahistorical"? 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi A campanha do ECAD contra Creative Commons via MinC é mais ou menos como se McDonalds fizesse campanha contra vegetarianismo via MinSaúde. 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Reports of concrete spraying planned at #Fukushima seem incorrect; firefighters plan to use a *builder's concrete pump* to spray *seawater*. 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi It seems that seawater injected in the #Fukushima reactor cores comes out as slightly radioactive hot water and is dumped at sea. Correct? 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi [Humor negro] Em #Fukushima, reatores #2 e #4 já elegeram seu Papa. No reator #3 a votação foi inconclusiva. Aguardando fumaça do #1. 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @tayloranna Your guess is probably better than mine... 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @maria_fro @pstu E precisava também denunciar ao Conselho Nacional de Justiça o juiz que autorizou a prisão em presídio sem julgamento. 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Foto de fumaça "cinza" saindo do reator #3 de #Fukushima: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/22/world/asia/22japan.html?_r=2&hp 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Em #Fukushima, nuvens de fumaça/vapor saem de 2 reatores e obrigam técnicos a recuar. E ventos apontam agora p Tóquio. http://bit.ly/eNsNmx 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @stanleyburburin Por outro lado os nomes Pró-Qaddafi que conheço são ele e seus filhos, Berlusconi, Putin, Assad, Bouteflika, ... 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @stanleyburburin Vi a lista no site do TNChá 1-2 semanas arás. Ñ diz nada. Mas tb não sei o nome de nenhum líder das outras revoltas... 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi JAIF #Fukushima Daiichi report #21, 2011/mar/21 22:00 http://www.jaif.or.jp/english/news_images/pdf/ENGNEWS01_1300712524P.pdf 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi JAIF #Fukushima Daiichi report #21, 2011/mar/21 22:00: Seawater injection to spent-fuel pool #2 finished on mar/20. 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi JAIF #Fukushima Daiichi report #21, 2011/mar/21 22:00: Pressure in (outer) containment vessel #2, from "Low" to "Stable" 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi JAIF #Fukushima Daiichi report #21, 2011/mar/21 22:00: Pressure in (outer) containment vessel #1, from "Unknown" to "Stable" 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi JAIF #Fukushima Daiichi report #21, 2011/mar/21 22:00: Pressure in (inner) reactor vessel #3, from "Stable" to "Unknown". 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @alexismadrigal Check Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_nuclear_disasters_and_radioactive_incidents 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @realjosedeabreu Firefox só funciona no Windows porque a justiça dos EUA e (princip.te) da Europa obrigaram, sob pena de enormes multas. 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @realjosedeabreu Quando software grátis compete com seus produtos (p.ex Firefox) Microsoft e Apple fazem de tudo p/ bloquear. 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @realjosedeabreu ECAD & gravadoras odeiam Creative Commons porque obras gratuitas (e 100% legais) tiram mercado das obras proprietárias. 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @realjosedeabreu Apple e Microsoft ñ se incomodam com Creative Commons pq software gratis *que não compete c/ seus produtos* aumenta vendas. 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @realjosedeabreu Creative Commons ñ tem *nada* a ver c "pirataria". É uma licença padrão p autor *que quiser* abrir mão de seus royalties. 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @stanleyburburin Eu vejo *nuvens pretas*. Ainda não sei se vai chover. Estou nervoso, que posso fazer? 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @realjosedeabreu Sim, os produtos *deles* tem copyright, patente, e tudo mais. Mas agora eles inventaram meios de cobrar p sfws de outros. 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @realjosedeabreu Microsoft+Apple não ligam p/ Creative Commons pq já tem meios mais eficientes de sangrar público do que direitos autorais. 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Michael Moore (@MMFlint): "1 Tomahawk = salário anual de uns 10 professores. Não seria mais barato mandar os professores para a Líbia?" 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @binerighetti E aos 60 você fuça no sótão procurando a caixa onde você guardou a areia... 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Carlos Latuff CarlosLatuff Carlos Latuff by JorgeStolfi #Charge - Democracia? Manifestantes q protestaram contra #Obama CONTINUAM em celas d PRESÍDIO! http://twitpic.com/4bf4i7 21 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Stanley Burburinho stanleyburburin Stanley Burburinho by JorgeStolfi É impressão minha ou a ida do Obama deu sensação de alívio e felicidade do que a chegada e estadia? 21 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @sergiorauber @mariolobato @Tsavkko @maria_fro @realjosedeabreu Nosso Judiciário É ainda da ditadura, o 1/3 do gov que não foi democratizado 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @stanleyburburin Eu sou mais pessimista, vejo nuvens pretas no horizonte q não via com Lula: reforma política, ACTA, solavancos no REUNI.. 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @stanleyburburin @soramires Quando a coisa começar a ser "La Dilma ha sempre ragione", tô fora. 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @stanleyburburin Sim, por enquanto a lembrança do Serra me faz continuar apoiando a Dilma. Mas ela TEM que dar satisfações ao povo. 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi I suppose that pressure inside the #Fukushima #1--#3 reactor vessels (inner & outer) are measured at the seawater inlet, correct? 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @norishikata How was the temperature measured? Inside the pools? Or are those the temperatures of the building exteriors? 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @iiadamogrady @debichan ... and condenses there. Sounds plausible? 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @iiadamogrady @debichan Persumably the seawater that is injected into the inner pressure vessel leaks continuosly to outer containment v. 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @iiadamogrady @debichan As I understand (2) Some steam+H2 was intentionally vented from (outer) containment vessel to the concrete building 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @iiadamogrady @debichan As I understand: (1) the seawater is being injected into the (inner) pressure vessel 21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Pablo Villaça pablovillaca Pablo Villaça by JorgeStolfi No texto do projeto da Bethânia rola até um "[Carece de fontes]", tamanho o descaramento da cópia da Wikipedia. http://migre.me/43ECe 16 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @AmericaFreeTV @Debichan Yes, where does that steam go? And what happens to the salt? 20 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @iiadamogrady @debichan Moreover water inside the reactor should be in contact with damaged fuel rods and pick up some radioactive gunk, no? 20 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @iiadamogrady @debichan But then we should see steam condensate plumes somewhere near the reactors, no? 20 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Water levels inside #Fukushima reactor pressure vessels #1--#3 is givenby JAIF as 1.7, 1.4, 1.6 meters below top of fuel. How do they know? 20 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi How do they measure the water level inside #Fukushima reactor pressure vessels #1--#3 ? I thought that all instruments were inoperable. 20 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi What happens to the seawater that is being injected into the #Fukushima reactor cores #1--#3? Does it come out as hot water or as steam? 20 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Ana de Hollanda no Ministério da Cultura é como um executivo da Souza Cruz no Ministério da Saúde. 20 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @klaxonsbc Pelo visto, pra Ministra Acta de Hollanda, cultura é cobrança de royalties, criminalização de file sharing, o q os EUA pedirem. 20 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi JAIF update 2011/mar/21 09:00 on #Fukushima http://bit.ly/dM4YQE ... but those seem to be *external* building temps, not of spent-fuel pool. 20 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi JAIF update 2011/mar/21 09:00 on #Fukushima http://bit.ly/dM4YQE Reactors #1-#6 temps measured from helic: 58, 35, 62, 42, 24, 25 C. But ... 20 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Francisco Reverbel reverbel Francisco Reverbel by JorgeStolfi Estadão: "o novo MinC teria decidido se alinhar à cartilha dos grandes conglomerados da música e do cinema" http://bit.ly/eNzm7E #foraAna 20 Mar Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @atpassos Acho que @lsantanna está em Benghazi. Mas consta-me q há ~100 repórteres (CNN, BBC, ...) em Trípoli, que não podem sair do hotel. 20 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi ... vai ressoar entre os segmento do público americano que ainda desconfia que Obama seja cripto-muçulmano. Vingança, veneno puro. 20 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi ... mas faz questão de chamá-lo de "Baracka Hussein Obama" e dizer que vê Obama como seu filho querido. Sabe muito bem como essa carta .... 20 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi Acho que a carta de Qaddafi ao Obama é excelente prova de sua esperteza política. Parece generosa e pacificadora... 20 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp Tanto assim que muitos da nossa esquerda acham que os rebeldes são da CIA. 20 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp Juntas as duas acusações não fazem sentido, mas Qaddafi é esperto e sabe que cada público vai ouvir só a metade que interessa. 20 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp Acho q Qaddafi acusou rebeldes de serem Al-Quaida p ganhar simpatia do público americano, e de serem CIA para o público líbio. ... 20 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp No Egito, EUA e UE levaram muito prejuízo político pela inércia. Mundo entendeu que eles queriam que Mubarak ou Suleiman ficassem. 20 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi @ @veramp Acho que os EUA e UE de início acreditaram que Qaddafi cairia em poicos dias, como Mubarak. Então correram p/ apoiar rebeldes. 20 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi O q entendo da Líbia: 19 e final - Supondo que o Qaddafi caia, não me atrevo a imaginar o que vaia contecer depois. 20 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi O q entendo da Líbia: 18 - Espero q a intervenção consiga ao menos derrubar o Qaddafi; o que seria muito bom, para a Líbia e outros países. 20 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi O q entendo da Líbia: 17 - Rebeldes pediram no-fly zone sem entender direito o que significava. (Sec. Gates explicou mas ninguém ouviu). 20 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi O q entendo da Líbia: 16 - de ~10 dias para cá, cobertura direta caiu a ZERO. Acredito que Qd. ameaça de morte os 100 repórteres em Trípoli. 20 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi O q entendo da Líbia: 15 - Até ~10 dias atrás, informações vindas da líbia eram muitas vezes contraditórias, mas de primeira mão. 20 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi O q entendo da Líbia: 14 - Amor do Chávez ao Qaddafi tem motivos mais psicológicos do que políticos, econômicos ou ideológicos. 20 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi O q entendo da Líbia: 13b (Acho que esse detalhe ajudou bastante estes países na decisão de qual lado apoiar.) 20 Mar Favorite Reply Delete » Jorge Stolfi JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi O q entendo da Líbia: 13 - Russia torcia pelo Qaddafi porque ele comprava armas russas. Se rebeldes ganharem, RU perde, FR/UK/EUA lucram. 20 Mar Favorite Reply Delete