# Last edited on 2004-02-04 04:31:01 by stolfi # # JSHB - An ad-hoc encodind of Hebrew letters and points as single # bytes, that is semi-phonetic when viewed with an ISO-Latin-1 font. # # Table columns: # # JSHB HebrewName = SI-1331 SI-1507 Unicode (description) # # Notes: # # SI-1331 (hex/dec) is a superset (or identical to?) ISO-8859-8 # SI-1507 (hex/dec) is used in PCs # Unicode (hex/dec) is also ISO-10646 # "*" means "invalid character" in JSHB. # # Unicode 05db/1499 (final 05db/1498) is "kaf" if followed by a # dagesh, "khaf" if followed by a rafe, and either otherwise. # # Unicode 05e4/1508 (final 05e3/1507) is "pe" if followed by a # dagesh, "fe" if followed by a rafe, and either otherwise. # # Unicode 05e9/1513 is "sin" if followed by a sin-point, # "shin" if followed by a shin-point, and either otherwise. # # The combinations "¿ä" (ayin-patah), "bä" (bet-patah) and "çä" # (het-patah), when occuring at the end of a word, are actually # pronounced in the opposite order ("ä¿", "äb", "äç"); The illogical # order used in the encoding was influenced by the scribal/typographical # convention of kerning the "ä" point under the following consonant. # ¡ alef = e0/224 80/128 05d0/1488 b bet = e1/225 81/129 05d1/1489 g gimel = e2/226 82/130 05d2/1490 d dalet = e3/227 83/131 05d3/1491 h he = e4/228 84/132 05d4/1492 w vav = e5/229 85/133 05d5/1493 z zayin = e6/230 86/134 05d6/1494 ç het = e7/231 87/135 05d7/1495 t tet = e8/232 88/136 05d8/1496 y yod = e9/233 89/137 05d9/1497 k kaf = eb/235 8b/139 05db/1499 k kaf-final = ea/234 8a/138 05da/1498 l lamed = ec/236 8c/140 05dc/1500 m mem = ee/238 8e/142 05de/1502 m mem-final = ed/237 8d/141 05dd/1501 n nun = f0/240 90/144 05e0/1504 n nun-final = ef/239 8f/143 05df/1503 s samekh = f1/241 91/145 05e1/1505 ¿ ayin = f2/242 92/146 05e2/1506 p pe = f4/244 94/148 05e4/1508 (fe_if_followed_by_rafe) p pe-final = f3/243 93/147 05e3/1507 (fe_if_followed_by_rafe) þ tsadi = f6/246 96/150 05e6/1510 þ tsadi-final = f5/245 95/149 05e5/1509 q qof = f7/247 97/151 05e7/1511 r resh = f8/248 98/152 05e8/1512 s shin-shin = f9/249 99/153 05e9/1513 (followed_by_sin-dot_or_shin-dot) ± tav = fa/250 9a/154 05ea/1514 # Consonant modifiers: ¤ dagesh/mapiq = cc/204 --/--- 05bc/1468 (dot_inside;_aka_shuruq) ¹ shin-dot = d1/209 --/--- 05c1/1473 (dot_above_right) ² sin-dot = d2/210 --/--- 05c2/1474 (dot_above_left) ~ rafe = cf/207 --/--- 05bf/1471 (dash_above;_aka_varika;_no_dagesh) # Vowel points: ° sehva = c0/192 --/--- 05b0/1456 (two_vert_dots_below) ï hiriq = c4/196 --/--- 05b4/1460 (dot_below) ë tsere = c5/197 --/--- 05b5/1461 (two_horiz_dots_below) ê segol = c6/198 --/--- 05b6/1462 (three_dots_below) ä patah = c7/199 --/--- 05b7/1463 (dash_below) â qamats = c8/200 --/--- 05b8/1464 (tee_below) ö holam = c9/201 --/--- 05b9/1465 (dot_above_left) ü qubuts = cb/203 --/--- 05bb/1467 (three_diag_dots_below) °ê hataf-segol = c1/193 --/--- 05b1/1457 (two_vert_dots_and_three_dots_below) °ä hataf-patah = c2/194 --/--- 05b2/1458 (two_vert_dots_and_dash_below) °â hataf-qamats = c3/195 --/--- 05b3/1459 (two_vert_dots_and_tee_below) # Combinations: û double-vav = --/--- --/--- 05f0/1520 (yiddish) ú vav-yod = --/--- --/--- 05f1/1521 (yiddish) î double-yod = --/--- --/--- 05f2/1522 (yiddish) # Punctuation ¬ maqaf = ce/206 --/--- 05be/1470 (dash_high) ÷ sof-pasuq = d0/208 --/--- 05c3/1475 (semicolon) ¦ paseq = d0/208 --/--- 05c0/1472 (vert_bar) * geresh = --/--- --/--- 05f3/1523 (left_dipping_dash;_perhaps_"'") * gershayim = --/--- --/--- 05f4/1524 (left_dipping_dbl_dash;_perhaps_"''") # Cantillation accents: * meteg = cd/205 --/--- 05bd/1469 (vert_dash_below;_for_stress) * etnahta = a1/161 --/--- 0591/1425 (circumflex_below) * segol = a2/162 --/--- 0592/1426 (three_dots_above) * shalshelet = a3/163 --/--- 0593/1427 (zigzag_above_left) * zaqef-qatan = a4/164 --/--- 0594/1428 (two_vert_dots_above) * zaqef-gadol = a5/165 --/--- 0595/1429 (two-vert_dots_and_vert_dash_above) * tipeha = a6/166 --/--- 0596/1430 (rightward_cedilla_below) * revia = a7/167 --/--- 0597/1431 (black_diamond_above) * zarqa = a8/168 --/--- 0598/1432 (tilde_above) * pashta = a9/169 --/--- 0599/1433 (...etc.) * yetiv = aa/170 --/--- 059a/1434 * tevir = ab/171 --/--- 059b/1435 * geresh = ac/172 --/--- 059c/1436 * geresh-muqdam = ad/173 --/--- 059d/1437 * gershayim = ae/174 --/--- 059e/1438 * qarney-para = af/175 --/--- 059f/1439 * telisha-gedola = b0/176 --/--- 05a0/1440 * pazer = b1/177 --/--- 05a1/1441 * munah = b3/179 --/--- 05a3/1443 * mahapakh = b4/180 --/--- 05a4/1444 * merkha = b5/181 --/--- 05a5/1445 * merkha-kefula = b6/182 --/--- 05a6/1446 * darga = b7/183 --/--- 05a7/1447 * qadma = b8/184 --/--- 05a8/1448 * telisha-qetana = b9/185 --/--- 05a9/1449 * yerah-ben-yomo = ba/186 --/--- 05aa/1450 * ole = bb/187 --/--- 05ab/1451 * iluy = bc/188 --/--- 05ac/1452 * dehi = bd/189 --/--- 05ad/1453 * zinor = be/190 --/--- 05ae/1454 # Miscellaneous marks: * upper-dot = d4/212 --/--- 05c4/1476 (diamond_dot_above;_perhaps_"º") * masora-circle = bf/191 --/--- 05af/1455 (open_circle_above;_perhaps_"ø")