#! /bin/csh -f # Last edited on 2004-02-04 05:25:37 by stolfi # A filter to be run on the main.raw to turn it into # the starting version of main.org sed \ -e '1,/# BEGIN TEXT/d' \ -e '/# END TEXT/,$d' \ | gawk \ ' /[\#] *[=][=][=].*[.]htm/ { next; } \ /[@](part|chapter)/ { print; next; } \ /[@](fix)/ { gsub(/@/, ""); print; next; } \ /[@]verse/ { \ $0 = gensub(/[ ]+[&][\#]1508[;] *$/, "", "s", $0); \ $0 = gensub(/{([0-9]+)}{([A-Z:0-9]+)} */, "{\\1}{\\2}\n ", "g", $0); \ print; next; \ } \ // { print; next; } \ ' \ | html-to-hexbytes \ | hexbytes-to-jshb \ | gawk \ ' /./ { gsub(/[_ ]+$/, ""); } \ /^ */ { gsub(//, "@"); } \ /^ *([\#]|$)/ { print; next; } \ /[@]fix / { gsub(/[@]fix +/, "# "); print; next; } \ /[@](part|chapter|[=])/ { print; next; } \ /[@]verse/ { \ $0 = gensub(/^ *@verse{([0-9]+)}{([A-Z:0-9]+)} */, \\ "@unit V \\1 verse\n \\2", \\ "g", $0); \ print; next; \ } \ /^ *([\#@]|$)/ { print; next; } \ /./ { gsub(/[_ ]+/, " "); gsub(/^[ ]/, " "); print; next; } \ ' \ | egrep -v '^ *$'