# Gordon Rugg, fake Voynichese sample (by software) # Last edited on 2004-01-18 01:43:22 by stolfi # From his site "Replicating the Voynich Manuscript" # http://www.keele.ac.uk/depts/cs/staff/g.rugg/voynich/index.html # "Software Version" section # http://www.keele.ac.uk/depts/cs/staff/g.rugg/voynich/software_version.html # Reproductions 1-3 # Software written by Dr. Jonathan Knight, Keele Univ. # Reformatted slightly by J. Stolfi: # * Removed HTML formatting. # * Deleted all CR-LF breaks and spaces; # * Replaced
tag by "-" and LF. # * Added locators: # - Page number = file number (1-3). # - Whole page is a single parag. # - Line numbers correspond to original
tags. # - Transcriber code "R" is for "Rugg". # NULL = "" # BLANK = "_" # ALPHA = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" # SYMBOL = "" # PUNCT = "" # BREAK = "-" # PARAG = "=" # part p OMNIA ## # chapter 1 repro1 # unit P text ky sheey keeaiin qoty cheol sheaiin sheedy qokeedy rkey otey qokdy yty key lchaiin ky shedy lkdy qosheedy okedy ochaiin qokeedy ty keeaiin kaiin kchdy qokey kol tey okeaiin ochedy lka qokeey keaiin ky chcthdy kdy chey qochey qocheky ochy chea qokey keol olochaiin kchdy chey qochey qochedy qochekaiin otey lkeey tdy okedy olchdy oky qokeey ky qoshedy qochekdy qotedy oky oltcheain qoshy qochey t lteey oky qoctheaiin qocheal ocheady teedy qokeeam shdy ks kaiin okeedy qochal qocheedy qotaiin dchem qoteeaiin qokeeol qokedy rks kdy cheal qokealdy kdy qocheaiin solky keeaiin teol qoshey lolkar cheaiin olteedy cthor kdy py rshedy olkeeaiin kchol ochey shedy qokaiin oltaiin qokeain keeol qochedy rchdy qoteealdy olcheckhdy ochedy rpchedy ky ychckhaiin qocthdy keeol ocheaiin shedy okeedy qokeedy key rchedy shal oshedy qokedy chedy chedy rkeedy olky sheckhdy shey keear qochedy keedy qosheaiin kar py okdy okeey qocheol checthaiin chey tedy chckhol chea ky otedy ky shy keedy sheol cheaiin kdy qosheol qoshdy qokear kchdy tdy qoshy chey qocheaiin qochey qoshy chedy qoshdy py qokchdy chy oky shey pchor chedy qopdy chey dkeedy shedy kchdy keey tey qoty teeaiin chedy qoshedy tey qokaiin okey chedy okeedy keey chedy lkor chedy solshey shdy okeeaiin lkeal ky qochedy olshedar chey qochdy olkey chdy chedy osheaiin qoshekaiin qosher kedy olkeedy kedy qochs qokeedy olshedy dtar qoteedy kdy qochey okedy otedy shedy qolkeaiin keey shedy ochedy dshedy lsheal qokeey qolkeedy tedar tdy qoshckheaiin qokeey oshedy qosheedy qocheaiin ytol qoky qoteedy okeedy kesy oky qokeedy qoshedy chedy qopchey okey qocheol kedy olkedy lkesy shckhedy ykeedy shedy dtedy qocheckhy olkol keey qolshey keedy shedy ochedy chey oshedy osheear qokchol fchedy keey key okear tchaly qotey qokdy olshedy osheear qoshaiin tedy shedy keey oloshey olshealy qolshckhey lkeedy oshe sheedy qochey chdy ycheedy kear qokes shealy qokeedar qotedy osheain checkhy checkham qokdy keedy oteey qoshey ky qochedy lshedy rchedy dcheckhy qokchar pchdy yshedy qotey qoky olkor olkedy ky key fcheol otar tey tdy teey qokey qotchy olkain lkdy lke qofcheol soltdy lky keeedy cheoldy qokaiin yshey okdy dchey ochey dshedy sheol olky lshedy ky kdy teedy eeaiin qochedy kar qoshedy qopdy lsheedy kedar oteey chey tdy key tdy tedy kdy kol qocheedy okdy ochdy qokdy keedaiin okedy olochey kdy qolkal lpdy qocthedy rtdy ochey qoky qoteey teeaiin cheal kchdy lshey ochor qocheey qochckhdy ocheckhy qochey qotcheain kedy olokeedy kch osheaiin qoky teaiin rchekaiin otedy chey qosheey shy keey chey okaiin qopaldy checkhdy kdy solteedy ochey kedy okeol olky sheey oteedy lkaldy cheey qopy lkeedy otchaiin qokeeain ochedy chey qokaiin ocheaiin qoshedy lchedy qopaiin lsheey qotchaiin qopcheain ochedy olchear taiin yteey shealdy sheain qochedy dkeedy lteey qopchedy qoshedy chdy qokdy qokaiin qoshedy checkhy qopy qochdy oltchaldy solty ochedy rkdy ytdy otdy pcheaiin keear ochedy dkdy otchy tam qocheaiin shey yshy qokol sheain chey okchedy teedy qochedy okeear qopchol cheaiin olshal qotdy qokeain opdy osheaiin ochdy keey olsheckhdy okeaiin sheol qokdy qochckhdy kedy kar oshekdy ky qokeeaiin chear oshedy lolshey ytal ty qokedy keol chedy tdy chey chedy checthy chey chy qoshey qochea py shey kaiin shy qotey chol olcheol kdy qoshey shedy qokeaiin tey ochey shdy chedy lpchdy chey cheal qochey kedy kal qoteaiin keedy otey cheol opchol qochey oltey tear ocheaiin lshey shey qokaiin shedy kdy lchor qoteal shedy tdy dkees ykeol dchedy ty oshaiin chedy osheol ykeey qocheeal tedy qokdy lkol ty qokdy oltdy kedy ksheaiin qotey alshedy otdy osheaiin lshedy qoty qokdy keey qoshedy oshckhey ykeedal chedy sheey keaiin shekd qotol qokdy olkeedy ksy teol qotey keedy sheedy okey shekol qoky qoteedy otedar kaly qolshckhedar qokeeol otedy sheear teeaiin olfchedy keeol chdy olsheal ksy ochedy qokeedy shedy dtear qoshs tey qotdy okeed keal kealy qokeesdy qokdal otey otar kedy tshedy keey oloteear olokeear sheaiin qotaiin qokeedy qokshey dteedy qotdy olchdy keedy shey shear chdy qolshckhesdy lkeedar okshey qofchey qosheam qochy qoty qolteey olokey teaiin qokeeain qokol qokshedy qotear qosham qochdy tdy qotear kedy qokor keesdy kdar kain qocheckhy qoty qochy cheedy sheaiin qoshey qoky keol shedy lkshey fches solty shey qokdy qotey qokeol okol olkd lchdy chedy qotdy qochey lchy ky okey ## # chapter 2 repro2 # unit P text qoka teedy oteeaiin keey teol qokedy otedy sheey otdy ochey chea solpchey teeaiin qocheaiin okdy qoteey kdy cheey kdy kdy ky tchey oeeaiin chedy kch lteeaiin lpor qocheckhy rchckhy oteey qokeea qokeeain kedy qokeedy chey teedy lchedy lkeedy qokoldy oteedy qokeey qotchedy keeol olchedy t taiin qokdy qokeeol qoky ochdy chealdy qokeey oteedy dolchedy cheaiin okeeaiin kor lkeeain qochey otedy lky qokchol shdy chdy sheeaiin yteedy qocheeain checkhdy qocheal okeedy ocheaiin qokeedy tchdy olks sheedy qotdy qokain shedy opdy lkeedy teedy qokchdy shdy olkdy oltaiin qoteeal qochor kol chey solsheedy oshey pchedy key qokdy kdy ykdy shedy chedy ochedy solchm keealdy ty shear rshedy taiin qochedy qopcheal pol opdy dshey qokeedy okcham sheol qochey olsheeal ochckhy kedy qokey ochey shey teey sheckhy oshear cheaiin kal tdy qokedy key pdy okdy kaiin qotal pchy kal tey olchedy chedy qoky paiin rkdy keey qoshey qocheor chedy pal chckhar cheaiin ky tedy kdy qokeey keeal shey shedy ypal shey qochedy keal okchdy chy qocheaiin qocheal cheor kdy qoky qokey qoshedy keaiin sheaiin qokeaiin chedy tedy lshedy qochedy kdy oshedy qoshdy kedy kchy qokaiin oshaiin keedy teeaiin tey tedy shedy dches qosheal shekr qokey shey qosheol lchaiin tedy oltedy chear chedy ykedy chey okedy tedy shedy oteeaiin qochey chedy shdy oky qoshekal qocher qochaiin chey kedy teeaiin qotedy qochdy oshear qokeaiin key kchy kedy tey chealy kedar qokedy tedy qoshdy qoteey qofched qotr qochdy otedy chedy okedy keedy shedy chedy qokeam lkedy keey oteedy olkeear kdy qotedy qokeedy shedy checkhy oshol kedy qokeedy qolsheaiin qokeedy shealy keey qokeedar oshedy yteol qoshal kaiin qokeedy qolshedy shear kor kedy lshedy okeedy ykeear qoshy kedy olkeedy char key lkdy qotedar kain okshe osheedy qopchey olkaiin qokeedy okar okey kaiin qolcheal keeol olkeey sheeal tdy tedy qotdy teey kedy qokaiin qokeesdy qochain qoshe qokees osheal qotshedal oltdy tey qokes lkeeol qokdy dkain osh dfchedy qotaiin qopchdy qoshedy ky key qoshey qotsdy dkaiin qoky dfcheoly solteesdy lty kdy qoteey kdy tdaiin teeaiin qochaiin sheol qosheal ochey qokeedy qochckhy ochy qochey tdaiin tchaiin olochaiin chcthar qoteey kol cheey rchdy chy chedy sheedy teeaiin olky kdy okdy kdy qoshedy qochey ocheaiin ky qosheedy okeaiin olkey chedy ltal lchey qocthey ochey ocheckhaiin kdy ty okeeol olopchedy kchdy qolkal qochaiin qokeey rchekdy okdy qoky qotchey oshaiin okey kchol lteedy cheey lshedy qokdy okdy qochea soltedy shy olpches sheedy yty lshey lkdy qopaiin ochey sheain tcheam tchy dolkeaiin ky ochckhaiin qochedy shedy qotaiin dsheedy ochealdy okeedy oshedy dolchs che yty qochal shedy qocheal teem kdy kcham qoshdy lolshedy qotdy otdy qokdy qocheckhy chey lkeedy oky qopcheol shdy rkeey shdy qocheaiin qotdy okeedy oshedy dkm qoteeain otar qoshedy keeol qotedy okeeol keal chey opcheoldy lkdy okeeaiin keey qopchy rchey shedy qoshedy qotdy qokar pchedy lshedy oky chey shey chear qoshdy qochckhy qopcheal key shey oky qoshdy olkeedy qochedy kol ycheal sheaiin pchedy keaiin oshekaiin chey qokaiin olty lcheaiin cheaiin chdy qotdy qotdy oky shedy key ochey qoteal shedy cheol kal chedor qoshedy ky tey tdy ky qotey teeol cheal tedy qoshear shedy key shey okey cheaiin cheol okol keedy olcheal kear dkeedy qoshey shey qokeaiin shedy shey kaiin keal alchdy tdy qochedy okedy ty otdy shdy qosheol qochdy qokeedy tedy oty qoshdy lshekdy kol sheaiin oshey sheol qoteeaiin chedy shedy oshar qoteeal ky keer keedy chedar chedy qoshckheor qoky qochedy tey okeaiin lked chey qolchdy tedy ksy kshey qokeedy shedy dcheckhdy qokaiin ky cheol keedy olkey kdy qoltes qoky olchdy chey qopches olked qokeeol olokedy key chsy qokey qokeey ksheaiin ochedy qopcheol olkaiin qotol kedy olosheal tealy keedy qokeedal oshedy teedy qocheckhdy fcheol ty ky qokedy olshealy oshckhey lkdar olchedy dkeeol checkhaiin tshey olkdy olokey qokedy kdy qotdy lchdy she ytedy kol oltsheaiin qokdy osheaiin qokeal tchol qoky chol okdy ykeeol otam qopchy cheedy key oloshedy yshedy keal ky lkedy oshear qotol taiin qocheedy chey ## # chapter 3 repro3 # unit P text qokeedy pchey eey chey teal salteeaiin qosheedy qocheey olchedy ocheaiin qocheeky pchedaiin keeal chedy chcthdy qokedy qosheedy qocthedy otaiin ochdy chedy pchey osheaiin olochey kdy oshedy lcheaiin ltedy ochey ocheckhy qoka solpchey tchol cheal cheol lteey chy tey rkdy ochdy tchy qoty oshdy dolchy kol qotdy qochedy cheedy qochedy ochdy tchain qosheedy chedy dolcheaiin shee oshedy qochey qochedy ocheaiin osheedy kain qokchy oshol dolchaiin cheaiin qochckhy lchdy ky qochekaiin lsheedy lkdy qokey okedy olkeey olkaiin ochckhy shey ky otoldy soltedy keedy kedy key qopchedy sheeaiin ychckhal lchal qokdy qochekaiin chdy oteealdy olsheckhdy oshedy pchey ky qokeeol keor chedy ochey qoteedy otchaldy olcheckham shedy keedy qoty okeeal qokedy pdy chedy lkdy chedy osheckhdy chey lolkeear ty qoshedy pcheaiin oky ocheaiin teedy ochey tol shey rkdy qokal ychckhy keal kedy ochedy chdy okaiin solchey cheol chear qoshdy cheaiin chea kdy dpdy ty olchey qochedy sheol olchear shal ochey qochea qoky opchedy kdy shy qocheal qochol chedy solpal chear qokea pol qopchedy chey shey qotedy lsheor cheol qotedy chey qoshdy keol dshey kdy shy qokeedy ochecthdy chey soltedy shey dkdy qosheol kdy ocheaiin oshey qochedy qoteedy qochey pdy tdy qokeaiin kaiin qokol qoty otey tedy ocheaiin chey olchedy shear okes okeol qoty chedy keey tedy qokol qochey tedy tedy qoteedy lkedy qoty qochdy ochey kol qoteeol yky tedy oshdy qokeaiin lkeol qokeey qosheaiin keedy shedy kaiin qokedy shedy qotey qokeal qokedy qokeeol qochdy tear kdy teedy qoky qoshedy dtedy dshol key qokeeol qokaiin keey chdy qokeeaiin qokeedy chedy qochedy chey key qokeedy oted keedar sheaiin kedy lkdar olshey qochedy qocheckhs ky keey oloteaiin kear chdy otedy qokeeol okeedy okeeal qocheckhy tshey chey key kear shedy chedar qotedal okeedy dsheeal qotol tshey shedy teey qoshedy chaiin qochey qochdal olshey qofchey qotam qokdy qocheey tear qoshey tchy qotain lkdar tedy keear oshear chdy kdy key sheal oky kdy shedar lche keedy qoshey tey tdy tey qochdy olkeey yksdy qokain qochey qoshedy otdy tedy qokeeey sheol qokol ykor olkal chy ochedy dshedy qoty kdy lshedy oteoldy ky tdaiin key olokeey kchdy shedy qosheeol qocheeaiin ochaiin ocheckhy ka teedaiin keedy chdy kchdy qosheal qokaiin teaiin olty ochedy ky keey okeeaiin olochdy chcthy qoshedy lkdy qokeey ocheky ocheckhaiin kain qotain shol tdy kchy qolteey kor cheedy qochekal otm qokain soltedy okeeol chedy kchol qolteedy cheor qochedy qochedy qoteedy qokeey sheeam okey ochey kaiin oshey qokal cheeain qokchedy otdy oky qopchey okedy dolpchey chcthdy chckhdy ocheedy qocheedy qocheaiin osheedy qocheaiin tey qokedy qokdy qoshedy qochedy lkeor lchedy otoldy qoteey lkeey okeeain shdy qokar tdy olteedy chdy kain qopaiin dkeedy ochey olsheckhy ochedy lolpchear taiin qokdy qoshea lcheckhdy osheoldy chm olchedy qotar oshedy chey qosheal qotdy ltaiin qocheckhar ocheaiin kdy oteey oshear okey shedy oltey okaiin tain qopy osheaiin chey olkdy osheckhdy kedy kar cheal qochckhdy qocheaiin ky shedy ky qoshey olsheal qosheaiin keeaiin kal olchey pchedy key chedy key qoky olkeey qosheol chey tey chear qokea okeear tedy kdy qoty olshedy qoshedy chedy olchedy chckhy qochea kear kchy kedy okeey chedy okaiin qoky qochdy chckhy qoshaiin kdy sheky chdy qokeedy tey checthdy chedy qochdy kear keedy lkdy kchdy oty ochedar chedy shedy qokeal altedy shedy qokeedy qokeol ky okedy oshey chey kdy qokeey qochedy chey dkeaiin kedy qoky kedy shdar qokdy qoshedy olkedy qoshedy tear shaiin shekol sheol chaiin okeedy chealy kes lkey chdy osheear qocheal okol qokeey keed kedar chedy qokshedar chedy shedy sheedy kes ltdy cher qolkeey kedy shealy okdy kedy chaiin tear okam ytol qochey qoked tedar kedy qoky ykol oltedy qokeeal qoteedy ky qokeer kdy olotedy chsy shckhedar qokey oshey okeeal qocheal qotshedy qokeey teedy shedy shealy chedar lkeedal okeedy otol qokeam chdy olty oteaiin qoshedy teor qochedy lsheol ochey sheear qoshear qotshedy shey keedy qokey tchol qokdy chey ky okeedy shal shedal qocheedy oteear qosheaiin okdy qochedy qotedar okshe yshedy qokdy qotshey shey sheaiin qoshey qokeey ykdy kdy qokdy qokees checkhar pchdal olkeedy teey qokealy qosheol olkd sheain keey yshedy okar shey kdy okeoldy