# SELECTED SUBSET # Extracted by select-evt-lines (sample = engl/cul subsec = pre.1) # Nicholas Culpeper, "The English Physitian" ("Culpeper's Herbal") # Last edited on 2002-01-08 02:47:45 by stolfi # From a Yale electronic edition. # # http://info.med.yale.edu/library/historical/culpeper/culpeper.htm # Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654. # "The English physitian: or an astrologo-physical # discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation" # London : Peter Cole, 1652. # 8 p.l., 255 p. (i.e. 159 p.), [5] p., front. (port.) # Pages numbered 1-92, 189-255. # # Electronic version prepared by Richard Siderits, M.D. Yale University. # Adaptation to HTML by Toby Appel. # # Reformatted for statistical purposes by J. Stolfi, as follows: # The marginal notes (lists of diseases) were displaced # forward to the end of the current paragraph and # made into a separate unit (type G); their postition # in the original file is marked by a comment # {Note XXX here}. # Latin and English verses are made into separate # units of types "L" and "E", respectively. # Other unit types are used for titles, index entries, etc. # Indented text is marked with "{»}" comments. # Significant line breaks (in tables, indices, # verse, etc.) are marked with "~". # # NULL = "" # BLANK = "_" # ALPHA = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" # ALPHA = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" # ALPHA = "'" # SYMBOL = "0123456789&*" # PUNCT = ".,!?()/:;-«»" # BREAK = "~" # PARAG = "=" # ####################################################################### # # /The English Physitian/ # Introduction by Richard Siderits, M.D. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Nicholas Culpeper, a legendary figure in the field of herbal # medicine and author of /The English Physitian/, transcribed # within, was a man of mystery and glory - a revolutionary who taxed # the heirarchal politicos, challenged the procedures and policies # of the clergy and championed the wonderings of common folk, much # to the chagrin of the established pedantists. # # Within this manuscript, the reader will find the wit, intellect, # ethic and conviction of a man maligned by his colleagues and much # respected by his community. Culpeper worked to bring medicinal # treatments from the mysterious to the comprehensible. His # philosophy was to teach the common folk to minister to themselves # by providing them with the tools and knowledge for self health. # His mind and ambition was to reform the whole system of medicine # by being an innovative questioner paving the way for new thoughts # and principles contrary to established traditions. # # A man of and for the common people, Culpeper wrote with a personal # style revealing his insights as well as his struggles. Culpeper's # writing tends to be comprehensive and exhaustive in its approach # to reconciling astrology and medicine. # # DMS # ####################################################################### # # part a TITLE_PAGES # ## # chapter 1 TITLE_PAGE # unit B booktitle # unit F booksubtitle # unit P text # unit A author # unit N printer # unit Q printdate # # # part b PROLOGUE # ## # chapter 1 TO_THE_READDR # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text Courteous_Reader, = Aristotle,_in_his_Metaphysicks_writing_of_the_Nature of_Man,_hit_the_Nail_on_the_Head_when_he_said,_That_Man_is naturally_enclined_to,_and_desirous_of_Knowledg:_and indeed_it_is_palpable_and_apparent,_that_as_Pride_is_the first_visible_sin_in_a_child,_whereby_we_may_gather_that it_was_the_first_sin_of_Adam;_so_Knowledg_being_the_first Vertue_a_Child_minds,_as_is_apparent_to_them_that_do_but with_the_eye_of_Reason_heed_their_actions_even_whilst_they are_very_yong,_even_before_they_are_a_yeer_old,_even_by natural_instinct,_whereby_a_man_may_more_than_guess_that Knowledg_was_the_greatest_loss,_or_at_least_one_of_the greatest_we_lost_by_the_fall_of_Adam:_Knowledg,_saith Aristotle,_is_in_Prosperity_an_Ornament,_in_Adversity_a Refuge;_and_truly_there_is_almost_no_greater_enemy_to Knowledg_in_the_world_that_Pride_and_Covetousness; Excellently_said,_Juvenal,_Sat._7. = # unit L latinverse # unit E englverse # unit P text And_again,_some_men_are_so_damnable_proud_and_envious withal,_that_they_would_have_no_body_know_any_thing_but themselves;_the_one_I_hope_will_shortly_learn_better manners,_and_the_other_be_a_burden_too_heavy_for_the_Earth long_to_bear. = The_Subject_which_I_here_fixed_my_thoughts_upon_is not_only_the_Description_and_Nature_of_Herbs,_which_had_it been_all,_I_had_authority_sufficient_to_bear_me_out_in_it, for_Solomon_employed_part_of_that_wisdom_he_asked,_and received_of_God_in_searching_after_them,_which_he_wrote_in Books,_even_of_all_Herbs,_Plants_and_Trees;_some_say_those Writings_were_carried_to_Babylon_by_Nebuchadnezzar;_being kept_in_the_Temple_at_Jerusalem_for_the_publick_view_of the_People,_but_being_transported_to_Babylon_in_the Captivity,_Alexander_the_GREAT_TYRANT_at_the_taking_of Babylon_gave_them_to_his_Master_Aristotle,_who_committed them_to_the_mercy_of_the_fire. = But_since_the_daies_of_Solomon,_many_have_those famous_men_been_that_have_written_of_this_Subject,_and great_Encouragements_have_been_given_them_by_Princes,_of which_I_shall_quote_an_example_or_two,_Mathiolus_his greediness_was_such_to_finish_his_Comment_upon Dioscorides,_which_Book_is_yet_in_use_in_the_famous Universities_in_Leyden_in_Holland,_&_Mountpilier_in France,_that_he_forgot_to_count_what_the_charges_of_it might_amount_to,_although_I_rather_comend_him_for_his dilligence_in_Studie_and_Care_of_the_Worlds_good,_than harbor_the_least_ill_thought_of_him_for_not_counting_the middle_and_both_ends_before_he_began_the_Work,_I_say_when he_came_to_count_the_charges_of_Printing_and_cutting_the Cuts,_it_far_surmounted_his_Estate;_in_this_he_was abundantly_furnished_by_Ferdinand_the_Emperor,_and_diverse other_Princes_of_Germany,_as_himself_confessed_furnished him_with_great_sums_of_money,_for_perfecting_that_so great,_so_good_a_Work;_the_Prince_Elector_of_Saxony_sent him_much_money_towards_his_charge,_as_also_Joachim, Marquess_of_Brandenburg,_who_as_he_was_neighbor_to_Saxony in_Place,_so_was_he_in_Affection_to_so_good_a_Work; Frederick,_Count_Palatine_of_the_Rhine,_the_Cardinal Prince_of_Trent,_the_Arch_Bishop_of_Saltzberg,_the_Dukes of_Bavaria_and_Cleveland,_and_the_Free_State_of_Norimberg, together_with_many_others,_so_that_he_had_the_help_of_the Emperor,_of_Arch_Dukes,_Dukes,_Electors,_Cardinals, Princes._Happie_is_that_Nation_whose_Magistrates countenance_such_as_mind_and_study_their_Good:_I_might instance_in_many_more,_and_thereby_give_you_a_glimps_how Magistrates_formerly_favored_this_Art,_and_which_is_more, how_studious_they_were_in_it._Bellonius_a_man_that_soared high_in_the_Nature_of_Herbs,_also_professed_he_had_the helping_hand_of_Kings_and_Cardinals_to_maintain_him_in_his Studies,_and_more_than_this,_kings_themselves_were Studious_in_it;_amongst_which_(Solomon_excepted) Mithridates_that_renowned_King_of_Pontus_seems_to_bear away_the_Bell,_his_Writings_after_his_death_were_found_in his_Country_Mannor_by_Pompey_the_great,_but_never_a_Roman of_them_all_had_the_honesty_to_print_them_with_his_name_in the_Frontispiece,_so_that_we_have_nothing_of_them_but_what is_quoted_by_some_honest_Authors,_especially_by_Plutarch. = # unit L latinverse # unit E englverse # unit P text Mesue_King_of_Damascus,_Avicenna,_and_Evax_King_of Arabia,_labored_much_in_this_Study,_and_I_could_well_have afforded_to_have_mentioned_Dioclesian_the_Roman_Emperor had_he_not_washed_out_his_Vertues,_and_defiled_them_with_a Purple_stain,_in_a_most_bloody_persecution_of_Christians. It_is_quoted_in_Virgil,_that_when_a_famous_Prince_was proffered_by_Apollo_to_be_taught_his_Arts,_viz._Physick, Musick,_Augury,_and_the_Art_of_Shooting_in_the_Bow,_he made_choice_of_Physick_and_to_know_the_Nature_of_Herbs. = # unit L latinverse # unit E englverse # unit P text So_precious_hath_the_knowledg_of_the_Vertues_of_Herbs been_in_former_times_to_men_of_quality,_and_indeed_happy is_that_Nation,_whose_Rulers_mind_Knowledg,_as_Solomon saith_on_the_contrary,_Wo_to_that_Nation_whose_King_is_a Child,_and_indeed_in_Ancient_times_people_need_little other_Physick_than_such_Herbs_as_grew_neer_them,_some Footsteps_of_which_and_but_a_few_only,_are_now_in_use_with us_to_this_day,_as_people_usually_boyl_Fennel_with_Fish, and_know_not_why_they_do_it_but_only_for_custom,_when indeed_the_Original_of_it_was_founded_upon_Reason,_because Fennel_consumes_that_Flegmatick_quality_of_Fish,_which_is obnoxious_to_the_Body_of_man,_Fennel_being_an_Herb_of Mercury,_and_he_so_great_an_Enemie_to_the_Sign_Pisces. = In_this_Art_the_Worthies_of_our_own_Nation,_Gerard, Johnson,_and_Parkinson_are_not_to_be_forgotten,_who_did much_good_in_the_Studie_of_this_Art,_yet_they_and_all others_that_wrote_of_the_Nature_of_Herbs,_gave_not_a_bit of_a_reason_why_such_an_Herb_was_apropriated_to_such_a part_of_the_Body,_nor_why_it_cured_such_a_Disease;_truly my_own_body_being_sickly_brought_me_easily_into_a capacitie_to_know_that_Health_was_the_greatest_of_all Earthly_Blessings,_and_truly_he_was_never_sick_that_doth not_beleeve_it;_then_I_considered_that_all_Medicines_were compounded_of_Herbs,_Roots,_Flowers,_Seeds_&c._and_this first_set_me_awork_in_studying_the_Nature_of_Simples,_most of_which_I_knew_by_sight_before,_and_indeed_all_the Authors_I_could_reade_gave_me_but_little_satisfaction_in this_particular,_or_none_at_all;_I_cannot_build_my_faith upon_authors_words,_nor_beleeve_a_thing_because_they_say it,_and_could_wish_every_bodie_were_of_my_mind_in_this,_to labor_to_be_able_to_give_a_reason_for_every_thing_they_say or_do;_they_say_reason_makes_a_man_differ_from_a_Beast,_if that_be_true,_pray_what_are_they_that_instead_of_Reason for_their_judgment,_quote_old_Authors,_perhaps_their Authors_knew_a_reason_for_what_they_Wrote,_perhaps_they did_not,_what_is_that_to_us,_do_we_know_it?_Truly_in writing_this_Work_first,_to_satisfie_my_self_I_drew_out_all the_Vertues_of_vulgar_Herbs,_Plants,_and_Trees_&c._out_of the_best_and_most_approved_Authors_I_had_or_could_get,_and having_done_so,_I_set_my_self_to_studie_the_Reason_of them;_I_knew_well_enough_the_whol_world_and_every_thing in_it_was_formed_of_a_Composition_of_contrary_Elements, and_in_such_a_harmony_as_must_needs_shew_the_wisdom_and Power_of_a_great_God._I_knew_as_well_this_Creation_though thus_composed_of_contraries_was_one_united_Body,_and_man an_Epitome_of_it,_I_knew_those_various_affections_in_man in_respect_of_Sickness_and_Health_were_caused_Naturally (though_God_may_have_other_ends_best_known_to_himself)_by the_various_operations_of_the_Macrocosm;_and_I_could_not be_ignorant,_that_as_the_Cause_is,_so_must_the_Cure_be, and_therefore_he_that_would_know_the_Reason_of_the operation_of_Herbs_must_look_up_as_high_as_the_Stars;_I alwaies_found_the_Disease_vary_according_to_the_various motion_of_the_Stars,_and_this_is_enough_one_would_think_to teach_a_man_by_the_Effect_where_the_Cause_lay:_Then_to find_out_the_Reason_of_the_Operation_of_Herbs,_Plants,_&c. by_the_Stars_went_I,_and_herein_I_could_find_but_few Authors,_but_those_as_full_of_nonsense_and_contradictions as_an_Egg_is_full_of_meat,_this_being_little_pleasing,_and less_profitable_to_me,_I_consulted_with_my_two_Brothers, Dr._REASON,_and_Dr._EXPERIENCE,_by_whose_advice_together with_the_help_of_Dr._DILLIGENCE,_I_at_last_obtained_my desires,_and_being_warned_by_Mr._HONESTY,_a_stranger_in our_daies_to_publish_it_to_the_World,_I_have_done_it. = But_you_will_say,_What_need_I_have_written_of_this Subject,_seing_so_many_famous_and_learned_men_have_written so_much_of_it_in_the_English_Tongue,_nay_much_more_than_I have_done? = To_this_I_Answer, = # unit P text 1._All_that_have_written_of_Herbs_either_in_the_English_or not_in_the_English_Tongue,_have_no_waies_answered_my intents_in_this_Book,_for_they_have_intermixed_many,_nay very_many_outlandish_Herbs,_and_very_many_which_are_hard, nay_not_at_all_to_be_gotten,_and_what_harm_this_may_do_I am_very_sensible_of._Once_a_Student_in_Physick_in_Sussex sent_up_to_London_to_me,_to_buy_for_him_such_and_such Medicines,_and_send_them_down,_which_when_I_viewed,_they were_Medicines_quoted_by_authors_living_in_another_Nation, and_not_to_be_had_in_London_for_Love_nor_Money,_so_the poor_man_had_spent_much_pains_and_Brains_in_studying Medicines_for_a_Disease_that_were_not_to_be_had;_so_a_man reading_Gerards_or_Parkinsons_Herbal_for_the_Cure_of_a Disease_so_may_as_like_as_not,_light_on_an_Herb_that_is not_here_to_be_had,_or_not_without_great_diffuculty,_if possible;_but_in_mine,_all_grow_neer_him. = # unit P text 2._My_last,_though_not_the_least_of_my_Reasons_is, Neither_Gerard_nor_Parkinson_nor_any_that_ever_wrote_in the_like_Nature,_ever_gave_one_wise_Reason_for_what_they wrote,_and_so_did_nothing_els_but_train_up_yong_Novices_in Physick_in_the_School_of_Tradition,_and_teach_them_just_as a_Parrot_is_taught_to_speak,_an_Author_saith_so,_therefore 'tis_true,_and_if_all_that_Authors_say_be_true,_why_do they_contradict_one_another?_But_in_mine,_if_you_view_it with_the_Eye_of_Reason,_you_shall_see_a_Reason_for_every thing_that_is_written,_whereby_you_may_find_the_very Ground_and_Foundation_of_Physick,_you_may_know what_you do,_and_wherefore_you_do_it,_and_this_shall_call_me Father,_it_being_(that_I_know_of)_never_done_in_the_world before. = I_have_now_but_two_things_more_to_write_and_then_I have_done. = # unit I textitem # unit I textitem # unit P text 1._The_Profit_and_Benefits_arising_from_it,_or_that may_acrue_to_a_wise_man,_from_it_are_many,_so_many_that should_I_sum_up_all_the_particulars,_the_Epistle_would_be as_big_as_the_Book;_I_shall_only_quote_some_few_general Heads. = First,_The_admirable_Harmony_of_the_Creation_is herein_seen,_in_the_Influence_of_Stars_upon_Herbs_and_the Body_of_man,_how_one_part_of_the_Creation_is_subservient to_another,_and_all_for_the_use_of_man_whereby_the Infinite_Power_and_Wisdom_of_God_in_the_Creation_appears; and_if_I_do_not_admire_at_the_simplicity_of_the_Ranters, never_trust_me,_who_but_viewing_the_Creation_can_hold_such a_sottish_Opinion,_as_that_it_was_from_eternity,_when_the Mysteries_of_it_are_so_cleer_to_everie_eye;_but_that Scripture_shall_be_verified_to_them,_Rom._I._20._The invisible_things_of_Him_from_the_Creation_of_the_world_are cleerly_seen,_being_understood_by_the_things_that_are made,_even_his_eternal_Power_and_Godhead,_so_that_they_are without_excuse._And_a_Poet_could_teach_them_a_better Lesson. = # unit L latinverse # unit E englverse # unit P text This_indeed_is_true,_God_hath_stamped_his_Image_upon every_Creature,_and_therefore_the_abuse_of_the_Creature_is a_great_sin;_but_how_much_more_doth_the_Wisdom_and Excellencie_of_God_appear_if_we_consider_the_Harmony_of the_Creation_in_the_Vertue_and_Operation_of_every_Herb; this_is_the_first. = Secondly,_Hereby_thou_maist_know_what_infinite Knowledg_Adam_had_in_his_Innocencie,_that_by_looking_upon a_Creature,_he_was_able_to_give_it_a_name_according_to_his Nature,_and_by_knowing_that,_thou_maist_know_how_great_thy fall_was,_and_be_humbled_for_it_even_in_this_respect, because_hereby_thou_are_so_ignorant. = Thirdly,_Here_is_the_right_way_for_thee_to_begin_the study_of_Physick_if_thou_art_minded_to_begin_at_the_right end,_for_here_thou_hast_the_Reason_of_the_whol_Art._I wrote_before_in_certain_Astrological_Lectures_which_I read,_and_printed,_intituled_Semeiotica_Uranica_what Planet_caused_(as_a_second_Cause)_every_Disease,_and_how it_might_be_found_out_what_Planet_caused_it;_here_thou hast_what_Planet_cures_it_by_Sympathy_and_Antipathy;_and this_brings_me_to_my_last_premise,_Viz. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text And_herein_let_me_promise_a_word_or_two,_Many_Herbs, Plants,_&c_are_not_in_the_Book_apropriated_to_their propper_Planets,_the_Reason_was,_want_of_time,_or_some other_thing_else,_which_many_that_know_me_will_easily guess_at;_at_last_the_Book_hanging_longer_in_the_Press that_I_imagine_it_would,_I_took_the_time_and_pains_(though I_could_ill_have_spared_either)_to_apropriate_them_all, and_have_for_thy_benefit_(Courteous_Reader)_inserted_them in_order_after_the_Epistle,_now_then_for_thy_Instruction, = First,_Consider_what_Planet_causeth_the_Disease;_that thou_maist_find_in_my_Semeiotia. = Secondly,_Consider_what_part_of_the_Body_is_afflicted by_the_Disease,_and_whether_it_lie_in_the_Flesh,_or_Blood, or_Bones,_or_Ventricles. = Thirdly,_Consider_by_what_Planet_the_afflictd_part_of the_Bodie_is_governed;_that_my_Semeiotica_will_inform_you in_also. = Fourthly,_You_have_in_this_Book_the_Herbs_for_Cure apropriated_to_the_Several_Diseases,_and_the_Diseases_for your_ease_set_down_in_the_Margin,_whereby_you_may strengthen_the_part_of_the_Bodie_by_its_like,_as_the_Brain by_Herbs_of_Mercury,_the_Breast_and_Liver_by_Herbs_of Jupiter,_the_Heart_and_Vitals_by_Herbs_of_the_Sun,_&c. = Fifthly,_You_may_oppose_Diseases_by_Herbs_of_the Planet_opposite_to_the_Planet_that_causeth_them,_as Diseases_of_Jupiter_by_Herbs_of_Mercury,_and_the_contrary; Diseases_of_the_Luminaries_by_Herbs_of_Saturn,_and_the contrary;_Diseases_of_Mars_by_Herbs_of_Venus,_and_the contrary. = Sixthly,_There_is_a_way_to_cure_Diseases_somtimes_by Sympathy,_and_so_every_Planet_cures_his_own_Diseases,_as the_Sun_and_Moon_by_their_Herbs_cure_the_Eyes,_Saturn_the Spleen,_Jupiter_the_Liver,_Mars_the_Gall_and_Diseases_of Choller,_and_Venus_Diseases_in_the_Instruments_of Generation. = Seventhly,_There_was_a_small_Treatise_of_mine_of Humane_Vertues,_printed_at_the_latter_end_of_my_Ephemeris for_the_yeer_1651._I_suppose_it_would_do_much_good_to yong_Students_to_peruse_that_with_this_Book. = Eighthly,_Yong_Students_would_do_themselves_much good,_and_benefit_themselves_exceedingly_in_the_Study_of Physick_if_they_would_tak_the_pains_to_view_the_Vertues_of the_Herbs_&c._in_the_Book,_and_compare_them_to_these Rules,_they_shall_to_their_exceeding_great_content_find them_all_agreeable_to_them,_and_shall_thereby_see_the reason_why_such_an_Herb_conduceth_to_the_Cure_of_such_a Disease. = Ninthly,_I_gave_you_the_Key_of_al_in_the_Herb Wormwood,_which_if_because_of_the_volubility_of_the Language,_any_think_it_would_not_fit_the_Lock,_I_will_here give_it_you_again_in_another_Herb_of_the_same_Planet_which in_the_Book_either_through_my_own_forgetfulness,_or_my Amanuensis_was_omitted,_and_here_I_shal_give_it_you plainly_without_any_circumstances. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text It_is_called_Carduus_Benedictus,_or_blessed_Thistle or_holy_Thistle,_I_suppose_the_name_was_put_uppon_it_by some_that_had_little_Holiness_in_themselves:_It_is_an_Herb of_Mars,_and_under_the_Sign_Aries;_now_in_handling_this Herb,_I_shall_give_you_a_rational_Pattern_of_all_the_rest, and_if_you_please_to_view_them_throughout_the_Book,_you shall_to_your_content_find_it_true. = It_helps_Swimming_and_giiddiness_of_the_Head,_or_the Disease_called_Vertigo,_because_Aries_is_the_House_of Mars. = It_is_an_excellent_Remedy_against_the_yellow Jaundice,_and_other_infirmities_of_the_Gall,_because_Mars governs_Choller. = It_strengthens_the_attractive_faculty_in_man,_and clarifies_the_Blood,_because_the_one_is_ruled_by_Mars. = The_continual_drinking_the_Decoction_of_it_helps_red Faces,_Tetters,_and_Ringworms_because_Mars_causeth_them. = It_helps_Plague_sores,_Boils,_and_Itch,_the_Biting_of mad_Dogs_and_venemous_Beasts,_all_which_infirmities_are under_Mars._Thus_you_see_what_it_doth_by_Sympathy. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text It_cures_the_French_Pox_by_Antypathy_to_Venus_who governs_it. = It_strengthens_the_Memory_and_cures_Deafness_by Antipathy_to_Saturn_who_hath_his_Fall_in_Aries_which_Rules the_Head. = It_cures_Quartan_Agues,_and_other_Diseases_of Melancholly_and_adult_Choller_by_Sympathy_to_Saturn,_Mars being_exalted_in_Capricorn. = Also_it_provokes_Urine,_the_stopping_of_which_is usually_caused_by_Mars_or_the_Moon. = If_you_please_to_make_use_of_these_Rules,_you_shall find_them_true_throughout_the_Book,_and_by_heeding_them, you_may_be_able_to_give_a_Reason_of_your_Judgment_to_him that_asketh_you:_I_assure_you_it_gave_much_content_to_me, and_for_your_goods_did_I_pen_it;_but_I_must_conclude,_my Epistle_having_exceeded_its_Bounds_alreadie;_hereby_you see_what_Reason_may_be_given_for_Medicines,_and_what necessity_there_is_for_every_Physitian_to_be_an Astrologer,_you_have_heard_it_before_I_suppose,_but_now you_know_it;_what_remains,_but_that_you_labor_to_glorifie God_in_your_several_places,_and_do_good_to_your_selves first_by_encreasing_your_Knowledg,_and_to_your_Neighbors afterwards_by_helping_their_Infirmities;_some_such_I_hope this_Nation_is_worthy_of,_and_to_such_shall_I_remain_a Friend,_during_life,_readie_to_my_poor_power_to_help. = Nich._Culpeper. = Spittle-fields_next_door_to_the_red_Lyon. = Novemb._6._1652. = # part c AUTHORITY_LIST # ## # chapter 1 AUTHORITY_LIST # unit T chaptertitle # unit C listlabel # unit M namelist # unit C listlabel # unit M namelist # unit C listlabel # unit M namelist # unit C listlabel # unit M namelist # unit C listlabel # unit M namelist # unit C listlabel # unit M namelist # unit C listlabel # unit M namelist # unit C listlabel # unit M namelist # unit C listlabel # unit M namelist # unit C listlabel # unit M namelist # unit C listlabel # unit M namelist # unit C listlabel # unit M namelist # unit C listlabel # unit M namelist # unit C listlabel # unit M namelist # unit C listlabel # unit M namelist # part d PLANTS_BY_PLANETS # ## # chapter 1 PLANTS_BY_PLANETS # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit V plantlist # unit P text # unit V plantlist # unit P text # unit V plantlist # unit P text # unit V plantlist # unit P text # unit V plantlist # unit P text # unit V plantlist # unit P text # unit V plantlist # part g TITLE_PAGE_BIS # ## # chapter 0 TITLE_PAGE # unit B booktitle # part h HERBAL_PROPER # ## # chapter 1 ADDERS_TONGUE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 2 AGRIMONY # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 3 ALEHOOF # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 4 ALEXANDER # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 5 BLACK_ALDER-TREE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 6 COMMON_ALDER-TREE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 7 ANGELICA # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 8 APPLES # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # ## # chapter 9 ARRACH # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 10 ARCHANGEL # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 11 ARSMART # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 12 ASARABACCA # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 13 ASPARAGUS # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 14 PRICKLY_ASPARAGUS # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 15 ASH-TREE # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 16 AVENS # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 17 BALM # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 18 BARBERRY # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 19 BARLY # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 20 GARDEN_BAZIL # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit L latinverse # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 21 BAY_TREE # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 22 BEANS # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 23 FRENCH-BEANS # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 24 LADIES-BEDSTRAW # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 25 BEETS # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 26 WATER-BETONY # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 27 WOOD-BETONY # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 28 BEECH_TREE # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 29 BILBERRIES # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 30 BIFOYL # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 31 BIRCH-TREE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 32 BIRDS-FOOT # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 33 BISHOPS-WEED # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 34 BISTORT # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 35 ONE-BLADE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 36 BRAMBLE # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 37 BLITES # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 38 BORRAGE_BUGLOSS # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 39 BLUEBOTTLES # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 40 BRIONY # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 41 BROOKLIME # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 42 BUTCHERS-BROOM # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 43 BROOM_BROOMRAPE # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 44 BUCK-HORN_PLANTANE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 45 BUGLE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 46 BURNET # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 47 BUTTER-BUR # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 48 BUR-DOCK # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 49 CABBAGES_COLEWORTS # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 50 SEA_COLEWORT # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 51 CALAMINT # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 52 CHAMOMEL # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 53 CAMPIONS_WILD # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 54 CARROTS # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 55 CARAWAY # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 56 CELANDINE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # ## # chapter 57 LESSER_CELONDINE # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 58 ORDINARY_SMALL_CENTAURY # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 59 CHERRY-TREE # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 60 WINTER_CHERRIES # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 61 CHERVIL # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 62 SWEET_CHERVIL # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 63 CHICKWEED # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 64 CICH-PEAS # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 65 CINKFOYL # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 66 CLARY # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 67 CLEAVERS # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 68 CLOWNS_WOUNDWORT # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 69 COCKS-HEAD # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 70 COLUMBINES # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 71 COLTSFOOT # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 72 COMFRY # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 73 COSTMARY # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 74 CUDWEED # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 75 COWSLIPS # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 76 SCIATICA-CRESSES # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 77 WATER-CRESSES # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 78 CROSSWORT # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 79 CROWFOOT # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 80 CUCKOWPINT # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 81 DAISIES # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 82 DANDELYON # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 83 DARNEL # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 84 DILL # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 85 DEVILS-BIT # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 86 DOCK # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 87 DODDER_OF_TIME # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 88 DOGS-GRASS # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 89 DOVESFOOT # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 90 DUCKSMEAT # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 91 DOWN # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 92 ELDER-TREE # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 93 DWARF_ELDER # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 94 ELM_TREE # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 95 ENDIVE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 96 ELECAMPANE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 97 ERINGO # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 98 EYEBRIGHT # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 99 FERN # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 100 OSMOND_ROYAL # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 101 FEATHERFEW # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 102 FENNEL # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 103 SOW_FENNEL # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 104 FIGWORT # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 105 FILIPENDULA # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 106 YELLOW_WATER-FLAG # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 107 FLAXWEED # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 108 FLEAWORT # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 109 FLIXWEED # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 110 FLOWER-de-LUCE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 111 FLUELLIN # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 112 FOXGLOVE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 113 FUMITORY # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 114 FURS-BUSH # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 115 GARLICK # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 116 GERMANDER # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 117 STINKING_GLADWIN # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 118 GOLDEN_ROD # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 119 GOUTWORT # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 120 GROMEL # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 121 WINTER_GREEN # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 122 GROUNDSEL # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 123 HARTS-TONGUE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 124 HAZEL_NUT # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 125 HAWKWEED # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 126 HAWTHORN # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 127 HEMLOCK # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 128 HEMP # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 129 HENBANE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 130 HERB_ROBERT # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 131 HERB_TRUE-LOVE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 132 HYSOP # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 133 HOPS # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 134 HOREHOUND # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 135 HORSTAIL # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 136 HOUSLEEKS # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 137 HOUNDSTONGUE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 138 ST_JOHNS_WORT # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 139 IVY # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 140 KIDNEYWORT # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 141 KNAPWEED # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 142 KNOT-GRASS # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 143 LADIES-MANTLE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 144 LAVENDER # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 145 LETTICE # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 146 WATER-LILLY # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 147 LIQUORIS # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 148 LIVERWORT # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 149 LOOS-STRIFE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 150 LOOS-STRIFE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 151 LOVAGE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 152 LUNGWORT # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 153 MADDER # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 154 MAIDENHAIR # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 155 WALL-RUE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 156 GOLDEN_MAIDENHAIR # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 157 MALLOWS # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 158 SWEET_MARJEROM # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 159 MARIGOLDS # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 160 MASTERWORT # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 161 SWEET_MAUDLIN # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 162 MEDLAR # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 163 MELILOT # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 164 FRENCH_DOGS_MERCURY # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 165 DOGS_MERCURY # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 166 MINT # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 167 MISSELTO # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 168 MONEY-WORT # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 169 MOONWORT # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 170 MOSSES # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 171 MOTHERWORT # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 172 MOUSEAR # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 173 MUGWORT # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 174 MULBERRY-TREE # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 175 MULLEIN # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 176 MUSTARD # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 177 HEDG-MUSTARD # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 178 NEP # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 179 NETTLES # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 180 NIGHTSHADE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 181 OAK # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 182 OATS # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 183 ONE-BLADE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 184 ONIONS # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 185 ORPINE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 186 PARSLEY # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 187 PARSNIP # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 188 COW-PARSNEP # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 189 PEACH-TREE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 190 PEAR-TREE # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 191 PELLITORY_OF_THE_WALL # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 192 PENY-ROYAL # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 193 PEONY # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 194 PEPPERWORT # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 195 PERIWINKLE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 196 ST_PETERS-WORT # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 197 PIMPERNEL # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 198 GROUND_PINE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 199 PLANTANE # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 200 PLUMS # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 201 POLLIPODY_of_the_OAK # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 202 POPLAR-TREE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 203 POPPY # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 204 PURSLANE # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 205 PRIMROSES # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 206 PRIVET # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 207 QUINCE-TREE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 208 RADISH_HORSE-RADISH # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 209 RAGWORT # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 210 RATTLE-GRASS # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 211 REST-HARROW # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 212 ROCKET # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 213 WINTER_ROCKET # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 214 ROSES # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 215 ROSA_SOLIS # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 216 ROSEMARY # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 217 RUBARB # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 218 GARDEN_PATIENCE # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 219 GREAT_ROUND_LEAVD_DOCK # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 220 MEADOW_RUE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 221 GARDEN_RUE # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 222 RUPTURE_WORT # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 223 RUSHES # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 224 RYE # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 225 SAFFRON # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 226 SAGE # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 227 WOOD-SAGE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 228 SOLOMONS_SEAL # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 229 SAMPIRE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 230 SANICLE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 231 SARAFENS_CONFOUND # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 232 SAWCEALONE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 233 WINTER_AND_SUMMER_SAVORY # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 234 COMMON_WHITE_SAXIFRAGE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 235 BURNET_SAXIFRAGE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 236 SCABIOUS # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 237 SCURVY-GRASS # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 238 SELF-HEAL # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 239 SERVICE-TREE # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 240 SMALLAGE # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 241 SOPEWORT # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 242 SORREL # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 243 WOOD_SORREL # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 244 SOW-THISTLES # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 245 SOUTHERNWOOD # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 246 SPIGNEL # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 247 SPLEENWORT # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 248 STAR-THISTLE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 249 STRAWBERRIES # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 250 SUCCORY # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 251 ENGLISH_TOBACCO # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 252 TAMARISK_TREE # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 253 GARDEN_TANSIE # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 254 WILD_TANSIE # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 255 THISTLES # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 256 MELANCHOLLY_THISTLE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 257 OUR_LADIES_THISTLE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 258 WOOLLEY # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 259 FULLERS_THISTLE # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 260 TREACLE_MUSTARD # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 261 METHRIDATE_MUSTARD # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 262 BLACK-THORNE # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 263 THOROUGHWAX # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 264 TORMENTIL # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 265 TURNSOLE # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 266 MEADOW_TREFOYL # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 267 TUTSAN # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 268 GARDEN_VALERIAN # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 269 VERVAIN # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 270 VINE # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 271 VIOLETS # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 272 VIPERS_BUGLOSS # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 273 WALL-FLOWERS # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 274 WALNUT_TREE # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 275 WOLD_WELD # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 276 WHEAT # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 277 WILLOW-TREE # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 278 WOAD # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 279 WOODBINE # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 280 WORMWOOD # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit L latinverse # unit E englverse # unit P text # unit E englverse # unit P text # ## # chapter 281 YARROW # unit T chaptertitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # part r RECIPES # ## # chapter 1 DIRECTIONS # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit D contentsheader # unit W contentslines # unit D contentsheader # unit W contentslines # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit I textitem # unit I textitem # unit I textitem # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit I textitem # unit I textitem # unit I textitem # unit I textitem # unit I textitem # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit I textitem # unit I textitem # unit I textitem # unit I textitem # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit H figtitle # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # part x INDEX # ## # chapter 1 INDEX # unit T chaptertitle # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines