\ti Myths \ti How the Rabbit Killed the (Male) Winter \ti Obtained from Frank La Fleche \op Mashchiüýge-iüý amaý theý amaýma. Eýgithe Usniý thiükeýdi ahiý-biamaý. Ahauý! \tr Rabbit / the / was going, they say / It came to pass / Cold / the-at / he arrived they say. / Well! \rf jod 1890:9.1 \op thatiý-azhiý-xti-hnoü thoüýshti. Theýgedi gthiüý-ga. E'oüýxti moü'shniüý aýthiüsheý a, \tr you have not come very as a rule / heretofore. / These things by / sit. / What great matter / you have been walking / ? \rf jod 1890:9.2 \op aý-biamaý Usniý akaý. Oüýhoü, negiýha, witiými meýgoü, wikoüý akaý oüýaxthiý-xti-oüýi \tr said, they say / Cold / the. / Yes, / O mothers brother, / my fathers sister / likewise, / my grandmother / the / knocked the life out of me altogether \rf jod 1890:9.3 \op egoüý wazhiüýshte piý athiüheý ha. Xageý gthiüý-biamaý Mashchiüýge-iüý akaý; uasü*s \tr having / in a bad humor / I have been coming / . / Crying / he sat they say / Rabbit / the; / hopping \rf jod 1890:9.4 \op ithoüýthoü gthiüý-biamaý; shkoüýazhi shtewoüý g/'iüý-bazhiý-biamaý Mashchi#n*ge-iüý akaý. \tr suddenly and repeatedly / he sat they say; / motionless / at all / he sat not they say / Rabbit / the. \rf jod 1890:9.5 \op Shkoüýazhi eýgoü gthiüý-ga haý, aý-biamaý Usniý akaý. Oüýkazhi, negiýha the eýgimoü \tr Motionless / so / sit / / he said, they say / Cold / the. / Not so, / O mothers brother / this / I do it \rf jod 1890:9.6 \op shoüýshoü. Eýgithe Usniý akaý 'aýbae atheý 'iýtha-biamaý. Negiýha shubtheý taý miüke, \tr always. / It came to pass / Cold / the / hunting / going / he spoke of they say. / O mothers brother / I go with you / will / I who \rf jod 1890:9.7 \op aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge-iüý akaý. Tenaý! that'eý te ha, aý-biamaý Usniý akaý. \tr he said, they say / Rabbit / the / Why! / you die / will / / he said they say. / Cold / the \rf jod 1890:9.8 \op Oüýkazhi ha, negiýha, aýxtoü at'eý taýdoü Shoüý shubtheý teý miüke ha. Hiüýdakeý! \tr Not so / / O mothers brother, / how possible / I die / shall? / At any rate / I go with you / will / I who / . / Let us see! \rf jod 1890:9.9 \op eýgoü ga haý, aý-biamaý Usniý akaý. Usniý akaý aýshi athaýb egoüý Hw! hw! \tr so do / / / he said they say / Cold / the. / Cold / the / out / he went they say / having / Wh! / Wh! \rf jod 1890:9.10 \op aý-biamaý ki iýgashude gaxaý-biamaý, usniý heýgazhi amaý. Ki athaý-biamaý ki \tr he said they say / when / blizzard / he made they say, / cold / very / it was, they say. / And / he went, they say / when \rf jod 1890:9.11 \op zhuýgthe athaý-biamaý Mashchiüýge-iüý akaý. Mashchiüýge-in$* akaý wasiýsige-xtiý-bi- \tr with him / he went they say / Rabbit / the. / Rabbit / the / active very they \rf jod 1890:9.12 \op amaý: itan$thin$ahaý-xti shti noüýge atheý-hnoü-biamaý: xaýtha shti agthiý-hnoü- \tr say: / forward very / too / running / he went habitually they say: / back again / to0 / he came back habitually \rf jod 1890:9.13 \op biamaý: Usniý thiü noüýge shti uthiýshoü-hnoü-biamaý. Niýashiüga thiüý wasiýsige \tr they say: / Cold / the / running / too / he went around him habitually they say. / Person / the / active \rf jod 1890:14 \op iýnahiü aýhoü, etheýgoü-biamaý Usniý akaý. Egithe taýxti wiü thihiýbiamaý. Uhuý! \tr truely / ! / he thought they say / Cold / the. / It came to pass / deer / one / he scared up, they say. / Oho! \rf jod 1890:10.1 \op negiýha, taýxti wiü shuhiý ha. kiýda-ga ha, aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge-iüý amaý. \tr O mothers brother / deer / one / has reached you / . / Shoot it / . / he said they say / Rabbit / the \rf jod 1890:10.2 \op Oüýkazhi ha eýgoü uaýna-maýzhi" ha", aý-biamaý Usniý akaý. Goüýki iüdaýdoü uneý \tr Not so indeed / , / such / I do not seek / . / he said they say / Cold / the. / And / what / he seek \rf jod 1890:10.3 \op eteýdoü etheýgoü-biamaý Mashchiüýge-iüý amaý. Eýgithe niýashiüga juýba weýtha- \tr can? / he thought they say / Rabbit / the. / It came to pass / person / some / he found them \rf jod 1890:10.4 \op biamaý Mashchiüýge-iüý amaý. Uhuý! negiýha, niýashiüga juýba shuhiýi ha. \tr they say / + rabbit / the / Oho! / O mothers brother, / person / some / they reach you / . \rf jod 1890:10.5 \op Oüýhoü, eýgoü-hnoü uaýne ha, aý-biamaý Usniý akaý. Goü t'eýwathaý-biamaý. \tr Yes, / such habitually / I seek / . / he said they say / Cold / the. / And / he killed them they say. \rf jod 1890:10.6 \op Niashiüha ke wa'iüý agthaý-biamaý. Wa'iüý akiý-biamaý ki uýhoü-biamaý niýashiü- \tr Person / the / carying them / he went homeward they say. / Carrying them / he reached home, they say / when / he cooked them, they say / per- \rf jod 1890:10.7 \op ga thoükaý. Thituýshka giýthikuýtha-ga haý, noüpeýhiü-xti-oü ebtheýgoü, aý-biamaý \tr son / the / Your brothers son / work hurriedly for him / . / hungry very / I think, / he said they say \rf jod 1890:10.8 \op Usniý akaý. Niüýdethaý-biamaý uxpeý uiýzhi-biamaý niýashiüga tanuýka te. Wi \tr Cold / the. / Cooked till done they say / dish / she filled for him they say / human / fresh meat / the. / I \rf jod 1890:10.9 \op eýgoü wabthata-maýzhi-hnoü-moüý ha, aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge-in$* akaý. Weý'i-biamaý. \tr such / I eat not habitually I do / . / he said they say / Rabbit / the. / He gave it back to them they say. \rf jod 1890:10.10 \op Umoüýe te thasniý-biamaý ki shi 'aýbae atheý 'iýtha-biamaý Usniý akaý. Oügaýthe \tr Provisions / the / swallowed they say / when / again / hunting / going / he spoke of they say / Cold / the. / We go \rf jod 1890:10.11 \op taiý Mashchiüýge-iüý, aý-biamaý Usniý akaý. Oükazhi, negiýha, thiý-hnoü moü- \tr will / Rabbit, / he said they say / Cold / the. / Not so, / O mothers brother / thou alone / walk \rf jod 1890:10.12 \op thiü+ga, aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge-iüý akaý. Usniý akaý shi usniý gaxaýb egoüý shi \tr thou / he said they say / + rabbit / the. / Cold / the / again / cold / he made, they say / having / again \rf jod 1890:10.13 \op athaý-biamaý. Itheý amaý ki Mashchiüýge-iü& akaý Usniý igaýxthoüý thiükeý iýmaxaý- \tr he went they say. / He had gone / they say / when / Rabbit / the / Cold / his wife / the / he questioned her \rf jod 1890:10.14 \op biamaý. Timiýha, wineýgi iüdaýdoü noüýpe a. Thineýgi noüýpe thiügeý he. \tr they say. / O fathers sister, / my mothers brother / what / fears he / ? / Thy mothers brother / to fear / has nothing /. \rf jod 1890:10.15 \op Oüýkazhi, timiýha, wiýeshte noüýpe atoü ha: aýxtoü wineýgi noüýpe thiügeý taýdoü. \tr Not so, / O fathers sister / even I / to fear / I have (something) / : / how possible / my mothers brother / to fear / have nothing / shall? \rf jod 1890:10.16 \op Thineýgi noüýpe thiügeýe he, aý-biamaý wa'uý akaý Oüýkazhi, timiýha wiýeshte \tr Thy mothers brother / to fear / has nothing / . / she said they say / woman / the / Not so / O fathers sister, / even I \rf jod 1890:10.17 \op noüýoüxiýtha-hnoü-moüý ha: aýxtoü wineýgi noüpe thiügeý taýdü. Oühoü, thineýgi \tr me scared habitually I use / : / how possible / my mothers brother / to fear / have nothing / shall? / Yes. / thy mothers brother \rf jod 1890:10:18 \op pashtoüga-pa noüpe he. Oüýhoü, eýgoü eýskoü ebtheýgoü ha, aý-biamaý Ma-\ \tr Rocky Mountain sheep / he fears it / . / Yes, / it might be / I thought / . / he said they say / Rab- \rf jod 1890:10.19 \op shchiüýge-iüý akaý. Wiü iýthab egoüý t'eýtha-biamaý. Pa thoü maýsab egoüý 'iü \tr bit / the / One / he found, they say / having / he killed it they say. / Head / the / he cut off, they say / having / he car- \rf jod 1890:11.1 \op agthaý-biamaý. Usniý akaý akiý-biamaý. Mashchiüýge-iüý wiüýoüwaýta theý a. \tr ried it home ward they say / Cold / the / he reached hime they say. / Rabbit / in which direction / went he / ? \rf jod 1890:11.2 \op Iüýchoüxchi aýshi athaiý, aý-biama wa'uý akaý. Eýgithe paýze ki akiý-bimamaý \tr Now very / out / he went, / she said they say / woman / the. / It came to pass / evening / when / he reached home, they say. \rf jod 1890:11.3 \op Mashchiüýge-iüý akaý. Negiýha, sheýthoü pashtoüýga-pa wiüý, aý-biamaý. Gioütha \tr Rabbit / the. / + mothers brother / that the / Rocky / mountain sheep head / one / he said they say. / He threw it to him \rf jod 1890:11.4 \op theýtha-biamaý ki t'eý-xti athaý-biamaý Usniý akaý. Wa'uý thiükeý enaý-xchi ushteý \tr he sent it forcibly they say / when / dead very / he went they say / Cold / the. / Woman / the / alone very / remained \rf jod 1890:11.5 \op amaý. Aýdoü ediýtoü usniý-xti-azhi-hnoüý amaý. Shetoüý. \tr they say. / Therefore / from that cause / cold-very-not-habitually / they say. / So far. \rf jod 1890:11.6 \ti How the Rabbit Caught the Sun in a Trap \ti Obtained from Frank La Fleche \op Egithe Mashchiüýge akaý ikoüý thiükeý enaý-xchi tiýgthe zhuýgigthaý-biamaý. Ki \tr It came to pass / Rabbit / the (sub.) / his grandmother / the (st. obj.) / only very / he dwelt in a lodge / he with his own they say. / And \rf jod 1890:13.1 \op hoüýegoücheý-xchi-hnoüý 'aýbae ahiý-biamaý. Hoüýegoüých*-xchi athaý-bi shtewoüý \tr morning very early habitually / hunting / he went thither they say. / Morning very early / he went, they say / notwithstanding \rf jod 1890:13.2 \op niýkashiüga wiüý siý snedeý-xti-hnoü siýgthe thaý-biteýamaý. Ki iýbahoü goüthaý- \tr person / one / foot / long very habitually / trail / had gone, they say. / And / to know him / he wished \rf jod 1890:13.3 \op biamaý. Niýashiüga thiü iüýtoü wiýtoüthiü btheý taý miüke, etheýgoü-biamaý. Hoüý- \tr they say. / Person / the (mv.) / now / I-first / I go / will / I who, / he thought they say. / morn- \rf jod 1890:13.4 \op egoücheý-xchi kaýhoü-bi egoüý athaý-biamaý. Shi eýgithe niýkashiüga amaý siýgthe \tr ing very early / he arose they say / having / he went, they say. / Again / it came to pass / person / the (mv.) / trail \rf jod 1890:13.5 \op athaý-biteýamaý. Eýgithe akiý-biamaý. Gaý-biamaý: koühaý, wiýtoüthiü btheý akiýpaxe \tr he had gone, they say. / It came to pass / he reached home, they say. / He said as follows, they say: / O grandmother, / I-first / I go / I make for myself \rf jod 1890:13.6 \op shtewoüý niýkashiüga wiüý oüýaxai athaiý te oüý. Koühaý, ukiýoüthe paýxe taý \tr notwithstanding / person / one /getting ahead of me / he has gone. / O grandmother, / a snare / I make / will \rf jod 1890:13.7 \op miüke, ki bthiýze taý miüke ha. Aýtoü zhoü tadoüý, aý-biamaý wa'uýzhiüga akaý. \tr I who, / and / I take him / will / I who / . / Why / you do it / should ? / she said they say / old woman / the. \rf dorsey 1890:13.8 \op Niýashiüga ithaýt'abthe ha, aý-biamaý. Ki Mashchiüýge a'thaý-biamaý. Athaý-bi ki \tr Person / I hate him / . / he said they say. / And / Rabbit / he went they say. / He went, they say / when \rf jod 1890:13.9 \op shi siýgthe theý teý amaý. Ki hoüý te ithaýpe zhoüý-biama. Moüýde-koü thoü ukiýnashke \tr again / trail / it had gone, they say. / And / night / the / waiting for / he lay they say. / Bow-string / the / noose \rf jod 1890:13.10 \op gaxaý-biamaý ki, siýgthe theý-hnoü te eýdi ithoüýtha-biamaý. Eýgithe hoüýegoücheý- \tr he made it they say / when, / trail / went habitually / the / there / he put it they say. / It came to pass / very early in the \rf jod 1890:13.11 \op xchi ukiýoüthe thoü gitoüýbe ahiý-biamaý. Eýgithe Miü thoü thizeý akaýma. Toüthiüý- \tr morning / snare / the / to see his own / he arrived they say. / It came to pass / Sun / the / he had taken, they say. / Running \rf jod 1890:13.12 \op xchi uthaý agthaý-biamaý. Koühaý, iüdaýdoü eýiüte bthiýze eýdegoü oüýbaaze-hnoüý \tr very / to tell / he went homeward they say. / O grandmother / what (thing) / it may be / I took / but / me it scared habitually \rf jod 1890:13.13 \op ha, aý-biamaý. Koühaý, moüýde-koü thoü agthiýze koübtheýdegoü oüý-baaze- \tr . / he said they say. / O grandmother, / bow-string / the / I take my own / I wished -but / me it scared \rf jod 1890:13.14 \op hnoüýi ha, aý-biamaý. Moüýhiü athiüý-bi egoüý eýdi athaý-biamaý. Ki eshoüý-xchi \tr habitually / . / he said they say. / Knife / he had they say / having / thither / he went they say. / And / near to it very \rf jod 1890:13.15 \op ahiý-biamaý. Piýazhi shkaýxe. Eaýtoü eýgoü shkaýxe a. Eýdi giý-adoü iüýthishkaý-ga \tr he arrived they say. / Bad / you do. / Why / so / you do / ? / There / be coming back and / untie it for me \rf jod 1890:13.16 \op haý, aý-biamaý Miüý akaý. Mashchiüýge akaý eýdi athaý-bi shtewoüý noüýpa-bi egoüý \tr . / he said they say / Sun / the. / Rabbit / the / thither / went they say / notwithstanding / he feared the seen danger, they say / having \rf jod 1890:13.17 \op heýbe iýhe atheý-hnoü-biamaý. Ki ku'eý athaý-bi egoüý maýsa-biamaý moüýde-koü \tr partly / he passed / he went habitually they say. / And / rushing with bent head / he went they say / having / he cut it they say / bow-string \rf jod 1890:14.1 \op thoü. Goüýki Miüý akaý moüshiaýha aýiaýtha-biamaý. Ki Mashchiüýge akaý aýbaku \tr the. / And / Sun / the / on high / it had gone they say. / And / Rabbit / the / space between shoulders \rf jod 1890:14.2 \op hiüý thoü naýzi-biamaý, aýnakadaý-bi egoüý. (Mashchiüýge amaý akiý-biamaý.) I-chi- \tr hair / the / burnt yellow they say, / it was jhot on it they say / having. / (Rabbit / the / reached home they say.) / Itci- \rf jod 1890:14.3 \op chiý+! koühaý, naýthinge-xchi-moüý ha, aý-biamaý. Tushpathoü+! iüýnathingeý-xti-moüý \tr tci+! / O grandmother, / burnt to nothing very i am / . / hde said they say. / O grandchild! / for me is burnt to nothing very I am \rf jod 1890:14.4 \op eskoüý+! aý-biamaý. Shetoüý. \tr i think! / she said they say. / so far.