\ti How the Rabbit Killed the Black Bears \st Omaha Version \au J. LaFlèche \op Mashchiüýge amaý ikoüý eýthoüba ediý akaýma tigthe zhuýgigthe. \tr Rabbit / the / his grandmother / too / there / was, they say / he dwelt in a lodge / he with his own. \rf sent 1 \op Wasaýbe tiýi thoütaý thaýzhi-a heý, ikoüý akaý egaý-biamaý. \tr Black bear / village / the to / go not / , / his grandmother / the / she said that to him, they say. \rf sent 2 \op Wasaýbe amaý niýkashiüga waweýxaxaiý he. \tr Black bear / the «pl.» / men / they are laughers at them / . \rf sent 3 \op Eýdi thaýzhi-a heý. \tr There / go not / . \rf sent 4 \op Iýthixaýxa taiý he. \tr They laugh at you / will / . \rf sent 5 \op Wasaýbe niýkagahi thiükeý paýhe sheýhithe-thoüýdi tiýi he, aý-biamaý. \tr Black bear / chief / the / hill / that distant the «cv.» at / he pitches his tent. / / she said they say. \rf sent 6 \op Eýta thazhi-a heý, aý-biamaý. \tr Thither / go not / , / she said they say. \rf sent 7 \op Egithe moüýde gthiýza-bi egaý eýdi athaý-biamaý Mashchiüýge. \tr It came to pass / bow / he took his own, they say / having / there / he went they say / Rabbit. \rf sent 8 \op Wasaýbe niýkagahi thiükeýdi Mashchiüýge amaý eýdi ahiý-biamaý. \tr Black bear / chief / the-to / Rabbit / the «mv.» / there / arrived they say. \rf sent 9 \op Tizheýbe eýdi a-iý-nazhiüý ki xageý gaxaý-biamaý Mashtiüýge. \tr Door / there / he came to and stood at / when / crying / he made they say / Rabbit. \rf sent 10 \op Mashchiüýge, eaýtoü thaxaýge a, aý-biamaý Wasaýbe akaý. \tr Rabbit, / why / you cry / ? / he said they say / Black bear / the. \rf sent 11 \op Oüýhoü-- negiýha-- wa'uýzhiüga akaý-- thineýgi-- Wasaýbe-- thiükeýta-- moüthiüý-a he-- aiý eýgoü-- oüthoüýhusai egoüý-- piý ha, aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge akaý. \tr Yes / O mother's brother / old woman / the / your mother's brother / Black bear / the-to / walk thou / / she said / having / she scolded me / having / I have been coming / , / he said they say. / Rabbit / the. \rf sent 12 \op Eýgithe noüýde masaýniata gthiüý-ga haý, aý-biamaý Wasaýbe akaý. \tr It came to pass / side of the lodge / on the other side / sit thou / , / he said they say / Black bear / the. \rf sent 13 \op Eýgithe Mashchiüýge eýdi gthiü thiükeý amaý. \tr It came to pass / Rabbit / there / he was sitting, / they say. \rf sent 14 \op Hoüý ki Mashchiüýge aýshi atha-biamaý. \tr Night / when / Rabbit / out of doors / he went, they say. \rf sent 15 \op Aýshi ahiý-bi egoüý tizheýbe eýgaxeý-xti zhaý-biamaý Mashchiüýge akaý. \tr Out of doors / arrived they say / having / door / round about very / dunged, they say / Rabbit / the. \rf sent 16 \op Hauý! iügtheý wiwiýta, oüýba wiýutoüýga uthaýgtha'aý'a taiý ha, aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge akaý. \tr Well! / &faeces / my own, / day / as soon as / you give the scalp yell / will / , / he said they say / Rabbit / the. \rf sent 17 \op Oüýba wiýutoüga eýgithe niýashiüga heýgazhiý-xti ugthaý'a'aý-biamaý. \tr Day / as soon as / it came to pass / person / not a few very / gave the scalp- yell they say. \rf sent 18 \op Negiýha, niýkashiüga heýgashtewoüýzhi shkoüýawathaiý ha, aý-biamaý. Mashchiüýge akaý. \tr O mother's brother / person / a few-- not at all / they cause to us to move / , / said they say / Rabbit / the. \rf sent 19 \op Theýthu skeýwoü-xti azhoüý thoüýzha eýbe shkoüýoüthe taý, aý-biamaý Wasaýbe akaý. \tr Here / a long while very / I lie / though / who / make me move / shall? / said, they say / Black bear / the. \rf sent 20 \op Eýde niýashiüga heýgazhiý-xti ugthaý'a'a-biamaý bthuýga-xti. \tr But / person / not a few very / gave the scalp yell they say / all very. \rf sent 21 \op Goüýki aýshi athaý-biamaý Wasaýbe amaý, niýkashiügaý-bi etheýgoü-bi egoüý. \tr And / out of doors / went they say / Black bear / the «mv.» / person «see note». / thought they say / having. \xr See @{Wajiüska}'s version. \rf sent 22 \op Aýshi hiý wiýutoügaýxti Wasaýbe t'eýtha-biamaý Mashchiüýge akaý. \tr Out of doors / arrived / as soon as very / Black bear / he killed, they say / Rabbit / the. \rf sent 23 \op Negiýha t'eýthitheý-xti-oüýi, aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge akaý. \tr O mother's brother / they kill thee very / said, they say / Rabbit / the. \rf sent 24 \op T'eýtha-biegoüý agthaý-biamaý. \tr Killed him / they say / having / he went homeward they say. \rf sent 25 \op Ki tiý teýta akiý-biamaý. \tr And / lodge / at the / he reached home, they say. \rf sent 26 \op Koühaý, Wasaýbe niýkagahi t'eýathe ha, aý-biamaý. \tr O grandmother / Black bear / chief / I have killed him / , / he said they say. \rf sent 27 \op Aýxtoü t'eýwathaýthe taý. \tr How possible / you kill them / shall? \rf sent 28 \op T'eýshe te piýbazhi he, aý-biamaý. \tr Killing / the / bad / , / she said they say. \rf sent 29 \op Koühaý, t'eýathe ha. \tr O grandmother / I have killed him / . \rf sent 30 \op Oügaýthe taiý, aý-biamaý. \tr We go / will, / he said they say. \rf sent 31 \op Wa'uýzhiüga eýdi zhuýgthe ahiý-biamaý. \tr Old woman / there / she with him / arrived, they say. \rf sent 32 \op Koühaý, sheýe ha, aý-biamaý. \tr O grandmother / that is it / , / he said they say. \rf sent 33 \op Oüýhoü tuýshpathoüý, shoüýhe, aý-biamaý. \tr Yes / O grandchild, / enough / said she, they say. \rf sent 34 \op Paýda-bi egoüý 'iüý agthaý-biamaý. \tr Carved it they say / having / carrying on the back / they went homeward, they say. \rf sent 35 \op Akiýbi ki Mashchiüýge athaý-biamaý Wasaýbe shoüýde athiüý-bi egoü. \tr Reached home they say / when / Rabbit / went they say / Black bear / &scrotum / he had they say / having. \rf sent 36 \op Wasaýbe tiýi thoütaý ahiý-bi ki, Mashchiüýge tiý ha, Mashchiüýge tiý ha, aý-biamaý. \tr Black bear / village / the-- to / arrived the say / when / Rabbit / has come / ! / Rabbit / has come / ! / said they say. \rf sent 37 \op Za'e-xti-oüý-biamaý. \tr Uproar very they say. \rf sent 38 \op Oüýhoü, atiý ha. \tr Yes, / I have come / . \rf sent 39 \op Iýubtha atiý ha, aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge akaý. \tr I tell news / I have come / , / said they say / Rabbit / the. \rf sent 40 \op Hauý! \tr Well! \rf sent 41 \op Mashchiüýge iütha tiý eýe ha, aý-biamaý. \tr Rabbit / to tell news / has come / he says / , / said they say. \rf sent 42 \op Wasaýbe bthuýga-xti eýdi ahiý-biamaý. \tr Black bear / all very / there / arrived they say. \rf sent 43 \op Aýkieý-xti ahiý-biamaý tiýata. \tr Standing very close together / arrived they say / at the lodge. \rf sent 44 \op Keý, iuthaý-ga haý, aý-biamaý. \tr Come, / tell the news / , / said they they say. \rf sent 45 \op Oüýhoü, iýubtha taý miüke ha aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge akaý. \tr Yes, / I tell news / will / I who / / said they say / Rabbit / the. \rf sent 46 \op Wasaýbe niýkagahi uýzhu thiükeý niýkaüshga aýhigi-xti eýdi ahiý-bi egoüý t'eýtha-biamaý, aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge akaý. \tr Black bear / chief / principal / the / person / many very / there / arrived they say / having / they killed him they say, / said they say / Rabbit / the. \rf sent 47 \op Niýkagahi oüguýta'eýtha-biamaý, aý-biamaý Wasaýbe amaý. \tr Chief / our / they have killed him they say, / said they say / Black bear / the «pl.». \rf sent 48 \op Wasaýbe amaý bthuýga-xti xagaý- \tr Black bear / the «pl.» / all very / cried \rf sent 49 \op biamaý. Niýkagahi uýzhu t'eýthikithaiý hnoükaýshe, shoüýde thoü sheýe ha, aý-bi egoüý, \tr they say. / Chief / principal / they killed for you / ye who are, / &scrotum / the / that is it / , / said they say / having, \rf jod 1890:17.1 \op weýtiü-biamaý. Hauý! Mashchiüýge eýoüi ha. Thixaý-ba t'eýthai-ga ha, aý-biamaý. \tr he hit them with it, they say. / Well! / Rabbit / caused it / . / Chase him and / kill him / , / said they say. \rf jod 1890:17.2 \op Weýahideý-xti-aýtahiý uxthaý-bi egoüý t'eýtha-biamaý. Zhuýga bthuýga thishpaýshpa-xti \tr Far away very at it arriving / overtook him they say / having / killed him they say. / Body / whole / pulled into small pieces very \rf jod 1890:17.3 \op egoüý oüýtha-biamaý. Ikoüý thiükedi kaýshi kiý-azhi amaý Mashchiüýge Goü ikoüý \tr having / threw away they say. / His grandmother / the-- to / a long while / reached home, not / they say / Rabbit. / And / his grandmother \rf jod 1890:17.4 \op akaý ugiýne atheý goüthaý-biamaý. Wa'uýzhiüga akaý uxthuýxaha thoüý gthiýza-bi egoüý \tr the / to seek her own / to go / wished they say. / Old woman / the / woman's bag / the / took her own they say / having \rf jod 1890:17.5 \op Mashchiüýge ugiýne athaý-biamaý. Aýgudi teýdi t'eýthai te toüýbe teýgoü uaýne btheýe \tr Rabbit / to seek her own / went they say. / In what place / the-- in / they killed him / the / I see it / in order that / I seek it / I am going \rf jod 1890:17.6 \op he, aý-biamaý wa'uýzhiüga akaý. Eýdi ahiý-bi egoüý thishpaýshpai ge bahiý-bi egoüý \tr . / said she they say / old woman / the. / There / arrived they say / having / pieces pulled apart / the / picked up they say / having \rf jod 1890:17.7 \op uxthuýxaha thoü uzhiý moüthiüý-bi teýdi, Oüýhoü, Mashchiüýge, naxiýde-thithiüýge. Tiý \tr woman's bag / the / filling / walked they say / when, / Yes, / Rabbit, / inner-ear thee-- none. / Lodge \rf jod 1890:17.8 \op gaýamaý naxiýde-thiüýgai eýgoü eýdi thaýzhi-a he, eheý thoü shoüý shiý eýgoü ch'eýthithai. \tr those / they are disobedient / as / there / go not / , / I said / in the past / yet / you went / as / they killed you. \rf jod 1890:17.9 \op Agthaý-biamaý wa'uýzhiüga, uxthuýxaha thoüý gi'iüý-bi egoüý. Akiý-bi egoüý uýzhiha \tr Went homeward, they say / old woman, / woman's bag / the / carried on her back they say / having. / Reached home they say / having / sack \rf jod 1890:17.10 \op thoü gamuý-bi egoüý Mashchiüýge nita-biamaý. Iýthoüboü thaýzhi-a he. Tiýi thoü \tr the / emptied by pouring out / having / Rabbit / alive they say. / A second time / go not / . / Village / the \rf jod 1890:17.11 \op naxiýde-thiüýgai he, aý-biamaý. Mashchiüýge akaý, Btheý taý miüke, etheýgoü-biamaý. \tr they are disobedient / , / said she they say. / Rabbit / the, / I go / will / I who, / he thought they say. \rf jod 1890:17.12 \op Moüýde gthiýza-bi egoüý athaý-biamaý Wasaýbe tiýi thoü ahiý-bi teýdi Wasaýbe \tr Bow / took his own they say / having / went they say. / Black bear / village / the / arrived, they say / when / Black bear \rf jod 1890:17.13 \op wiü hoüýbtha-biamaý. Wasaýbe xageý-xti-hnoüý nazhiüý-biamaý. Shi, aýtoü azhoüý \tr one / had a dream, they say. / Black bear / crying very habitually / stood they say. / And / why / you do it? \rf jod 1890:17.14 \op aý-biamaý. Hoüýabtheý-de piýazhi heýgazhi ithaýhoübtheý ha. Bthuýga-xti t'eýawathaiý \tr said, they say. / I had a dream but / bad / not a little / I dreamed about it / . / All very / they killed us \rf jod 1890:17.15 \op ithaýhoübtheý ha. Oüýhoü, wiý shti t'eýoüthai ithaýhoübtheý ha, aý-biamaý. Uýoüthiüýge \tr I dreamed about it / . / Yes, / I / too / me-- they killed / I dreamed about it / , / said he they say. / To no purpose \rf jod 1890:17.16 \op hoüthabtheý ha. Aýxtoü bthuýga t'eýawaýthe taýba. Wasaýbe amaý niýkashiüga enaý- \tr you had a dream / . / How possible / all / they kill us / shall? / Black bear / the «pl.» / human beings / alone \rf jod 1890:17.17 \op xti waýthataý-biamaý; aýdoü Mashchiüýge niýkashiüga wiýukiý-bi egoüý bthuýga-xti \tr very / they ate them they say; / therefore / Rabbit / mankind / sided with them, they say / having / all very \rf jod 1890:17.18 \op t'eýwathe goüthaý-biamaý. Wasaýbe tiýi thoü eýdi ahiý-bi egoüý hoüýdoü tiýi thoü \tr to kill them / desired they say. / Black bear / village / the / there / arrived, they say / having / night-during / village / the \rf jod 1890:17.19 \op eýgaxe-xti zhaý-biamaý Mashchiüýge akaý. Hauý! iügtheý wiwiýta, oüýba soüý tiheý \tr round about very / dunged, they say / Rabbit / the. / Well! / &faeces / my own, / day / distant while / approaches suddenly \rf jod 1890:17.20 \op ki ugthaý'a'aýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Wasaýbe bthuýga t'eýoüwoüýthe tai ha aý-biamaý. \tr when / give ye the scalp-yell, / said, they say. / Black bear / all / we kill them / will / / said they say. \rf jod 1890:18.1 \op Wiýtoüthiüý-xti wa'iüýaboü taý miüke ha. Eýkitoü ugthaý'a'aýi-ga ha, aý-biamaý. \tr I at the first very / I give the attacking cry / will / I who / . / At the same time / give ye the scalp-yell / , / said they say. \rf jod 1890:18.2 \op Oüýba uýwatoüga wa'iüýboü-biamaý Mashchiüýge akaý. Bthuýga-xti ugthaý'a'aý- \tr Day / as soon as / he gave the attacking cry they say / Rabbit / the. / All very / they gave the scalp-yell \rf jod 1890:18.3 \op biamaý niýashiüga amaý. Wasaýbe bthuýga aýshi ahiý-biamaý. Bthuýga-xti t'eýwathaý- \tr they say / person / the «pl.». / Black bear / all / out of doors / they came, they say. / All very / they killed them \rf jod 1890:18.4 \op biamaý Wasaýbe-maý. Nuýga wiü miüýga wiü edaýbe ugaýshta-biamaý. Wasaýbe \tr they say / Black bear the «pl.». / Male / one / female / one / also / remained they say. / Black bear \rf jod 1890:18.5 \op noüýba-maý Mashchiüýge uýthoü-biamaý. Mashchiüýge amaý uýwakiaý-biamaý Wa- \tr two the «pl.» / Rabbit / them he took hold of, they say. / Rabbit / the «mv.» / talked with them they say / Black \rf jod 1890:18.6 \op saýbe-maý. Thipiýbazhi egoüý wagthiýshka enaý-xti wahnaýte taiteý, aý-biamaý. \tr bear the «pl.». / You bad / being / insect / only very / you eat / shall surely, / said he they say. \rf jod 1890:18.7 \op Wanaýxi thithiüýge taiteý. Iüýnoühaý wineýgi edaýbe thiýthate taiteý. Wasaýbe \tr Spirit / you have none / shall surely. / My mother / my mother's brother / also / they eat you / shall surely. / Black bear \rf jod 1890:18.8 \op ethiýge taiteý. Moüthiüýi ga. Shetoüý. \tr they say to you / shall surely. / Walk ye / «???». / So far. \rf jod 1890:18.9 \ti How the rabbit killed the black bears. \op Mashchiüýge ikoüý thiükeý zhuýgigthe ahiý-biamaý. Goüýki, koühaý, te-zheýga \tr Rabbit / his grandmother / the / he with his own / arrived they say. / And / grandmother / buffalo thigh «upper leg» \rf jod 1890:20.1 \op ke 'iüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Tuýshpathoü+! wakoüýdakithaiý aýdoü noüýpewatheý-xchi \tr the / carry on your back, / said he they say. / O grandchild! / he makes himself a deity / therefore / dangerous very \rf jod 1890:20.2 \op zhoüýi. Oünoüý-xixiýxe taiý. Ubthiý'age, aý-biamaý. Keý, koühaý, shoü te-thiýtiü \tr he lies. / Me with his leg crush many times / will. / I am unwilling, / said she they say. / Come, / grandmother, / then / buffalo rib \rf jod 1890:20.3 \op 'iüý-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Wiýtushpaý! thigthoüthiü, aý-biamaý. Thieý thoü oüýbichichiýzhe \tr carry on your back / , / said he they say. / My grandchild! / you are silly, / said she they say. / Side / the / me pressing on break in \rf jod 1890:20.4 \op taiý; skiýge he, aý-biamaý. Xa-iý! aý-biamaý, aýwathoü tha'iüý te, aý-biamaý. Goü, \tr will; / heavy / , / said she they say. / What! / said he they say, / where-the / you carry on your back / will, / said he they say. / And, \rf jod 1890:20.5 \op Paý thoü 'iüý-ga ha, shi aý-biamaý. Tuýshpathoü! hiý paiý, eýgithe oüýthaxixiýxe taiý, \tr head / the / carry on your back / , / again / said he they say. / O grandchild! / teeth / the / sharp, / beware, lest / me they crush by biting / will, \rf jod 1890:20.6 \op aý-biamaý. Noüý-ape chaýbe, aý-biamaý. Ki, Hauý! koühaý, te-moüýge ke 'iüý-ga \tr said she, they say. / I am afraid of them / very / said she they say. / And, / Ho! / grandmother, / buffalo breast / the / carry on your back \rf jod 1890:20.7 \op ha, aý-biamaý. Tuýshpathoüý! sheýe he, aý-biamaý Goüýki zhsha ke uthaýha gaxaý- \tr . / said he they say. / O grandchild! / that is it / , / said she they say. / And / &membrum &virile / the / joined to it / he made \rf jod 1890:20.8 \op biamaý. Eý giýtha-biamaý wa'uýzhiüga. Goü, keý, koühaý, moügthiüý-ga ha. \tr they say. / That / she rejoiced they say / old woman. / And, / come, / grandmother, / begone / . \rf jod 1890:21.1 \op 'Iüý-adoü moügthiüý-ga ha, aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge akaý. [Eýgithe miüýdoübe noübaý \tr Carry it on your back / and begone / , / said, they say / Rabbit / the. / [At length / hour / two \rf jod 1890:21.2 \op teýdi] uxtheý shakiý taý miüke, aý-biamaý. Ikoüý akaý 'iüý agthaý-biamaý. Ki goüýki \tr at the] / quickly / I come home to you / will / I who, / said I who. / His grandmother / the / carrying on her back / went homeward, they say. / And / then \rf jod 1890:21.3 \op uxthuýxa Pamuý eýdegoü gasnuýg ithoüý agthaiý goüýki zheý ke ukiýPahaý-xti iüýzhe thoü \tr hollow / going down hill / but / slipped / suddenly / went / and / &membrum &virile / the / pushed its way very far / vagina / the \rf jod 1890:21.4 \op itheýthe-hnoüý-biamaý. U-u+! e-hnoüý-biamaý. Goüýki ituýshpa eýdi agthaý-biamaý. \tr went suddenly habitually they say. / Oh! Oh! / said only they say. / And / her grandchild, / there / went homeward, they say. \rf jod 1890:21.5 \op Eýgithe iýgithaý-biamaý. Gitoüýba-biamaý. Iýbetoü agthaý-biamaý. Piýazhi iýnahiü \tr It came to pass / he found his own they say. / He saw his own they say. / Passing around / went homeward they say. / Bad / truly \rf jod 1890:21.6 \op wa'uýzhiüga gaýxai, etheýgoü agthaý-biamaý. Goüki tiý teta akiý-biamaý. Ma- \tr old woman / did, / thinking / went homeward they say. / And / lodge / the-- at / reached home, they say / Rab- \rf jod 1890:21.7 \op shchiüýge-iüý amaý. Goüýki ikoüý amaý goüýte-xti akiý-biamaý. Goü Eaýtoü \tr bit / the. / And / his grandmother / the «mv.» / a while very / reached home, they say. / And / Why \rf jod 1890:21.8 \op moühniüý, aý-biamaý. Tuýshpathoü+! Paýthiü zhiüýga ikaýgewathaýthe amaý oüýkipai \tr you walk, / said he they say. / O grandchild! / Pawnee / young / you have them for friends / the «pl.» / they met me \rf jod 1890:21.9 \op egoüý zhuoüýgthe akiý; wathaýtoükithaiý egoüý agthiý-maýzhi. Goüýki kiý amaý ki \tr having / with me / they reached home; / they caused me to eat / having / I did not come home. / And / reached home / they say / when \rf jod 1890:21.10 \op goüýki ikoüý thiükeý wakeýga, aý-biamaý. Wamiý heýbe giýoütha theýtha-biamaý. \tr then / his grandmother / the / sick, / she said, they say. / Blood / piece / he threw on her / sent forcibly they say. \rf jod 1890:21.11 \op ikoüý thiükeý wamiý-aýgthoü giaýxa-biamaý. Koühaý, piýazhiý-xchi shkaýxe. Aýshi \tr His grandmother / the / blood diaper «?» / he made for her they say. / Grandmother, / bad very / you did. / Out of doors \rf jod 1890:21.12 \op moüthiüý-ga. Koühaý, aýshi uhoüý-ga. Sheý-thoü wathaýki'iü te-moüýge aýshi gthaýta- \tr walk. / Grandmother, / out of doors / cook. / That «cv. ob.» / you carried it on your back / buffalo breast / out of doors / eat your \rf jod 1890:21.13 \op ga ha, aý-biamaý. Tuýshpashoü+! t'eaýgitheý-xti-moüý enaý, a-biamaý. Eýgoü tateý, \tr own / , / said they say. / O grandchild! / I kill my own very I do / ! / said they say. / So / it shall be, \rf jod 1890:21.14 \op iügthoüý+! aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge ikoüý akaý. \tr O first son! / said, they say / Rabbit / his grandmother / the. \rf jod 1890:21.15 \ti How the rabbit killed a giant. \op Taýxti-giýkidaýbi akaý edediý akaýma. Waniýta daýdoü t'eýwathaiý eýshtewoüý \tr Deer-they-shoot-for-him / the / there / was, they say. / Animal / what / they killed / notwithstanding \rf jod 1890:22.1 \op iýnoüpe-hnoüý 'iý-biamaý. Ki maý tiýhe amaý ki shkoüýthe athaý-biamaý. Ki \tr fearing him on account of it habitually / they gave to him, they say. / And / snow / was lying / they say / when / to dislodge «game» / went they say. / And \rf jod 1890:22.2 \op Mashchiüýge-iüý amaý shti eýdi athaý-biamaý. Gatoüý-xti t'eýwathe eteýgoüi aýhoü \tr Rabbit / the «mv.» / too / there / went they say. / At last / to kill them / apt / ! \rf jod 1890:22.3 \op etheýgoü bi ki eýdi athaý-biamaý Taýxti-giýkidaýbi akaý. Ki Mashchiüýge-iüý amaý \tr thought he they say / when / there / he went, they say / @{Taýxti-giýkidaýbi} / the. / And / Rabbit / the «mv.» \rf jod 1890:23.1 \op tushiý wanaý'oü-bi egoüý eýdi athaý-biamaý. Eýgithe niýashiüga noüýba taýxti kiýde \tr sound of shooting / he heard they say / having / there / went they say. / It came to pass / person / two / deer / shooting \rf jod 1890:23.2 \op t'eýthe akaýma, Paýda-baýzhi nazhiüý akaýma. Kageýha, Paýdegoüýi-ga ha. Eaýta \tr had killed it, they say, / cutting it not / were standing, they say. / Friend, / do cut ye it / . / Why \rf jod 1890:23.3 \op thanaüýzhi a, aýb egoü Paýde aýtiatheý-xti-oüý-biamaý. Kageýha, eýgoüi eýedegoü \tr do ye stand / ? / said, they say / having / to cut it up / he began quickly very they say. / Friend, / it is so / but \rf jod 1890:23.4 \op Taýxti-giýkidaýbi amaý wiýoünoüpaiý ha. Shiý+shte! aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge-iüý akaý. \tr @{Taýxti-giýkidaýbi} / the / we fear them / . / Fie! / said, they say / Rabbit / the. \rf jod 1890:23.5 \op Taýxti-giýkidaýbi uýt'e thiügeý adoü noüýthapaiý a. Paýdai-ga. Wathaý'iü taiý ha, \tr @{Taýxti-giýkidaýbi} / death / he has some / therefore / you fear him / ? / Cut ye it up. / You carry it on your backs / will / , \rf jod 1890:23.6 \op aý-biamaý. Goüýki Paýdab egoüý uý'iü kikiaýxa-biamaý. Thishtoüý-xti-bi ki Taýxti- \tr said he they say. / And / cut it up, they say / having / packs / made for themselves they say. / They finished very they say / when / @{Taýxti-} \rf jod 1890:23.7 \op giýkidaýbi amaý atiý-biamaý Ki taýxti duýba miý-wagthoü-maýma. Taýshkahi \tr @{giýkidaýbi} / the «mv.» / had come, they say. / And / deer / four / he was carrying them in his belt, as he moved. / Oak tree \rf jod 1890:23.8 \op toügaý-xti moüýde athiüý amaýma. Oüthoüýthanoüýpa-baýzhi iýthanahiüýi a. Wiüýoüwa \tr large very / bow / he was having, they say. / Are ye not afraid of me / ye truly / ? / Which \rf jod 1890:23.9 \op hnoükaýshe eýshniüi a. Sheýakaý Mashchiüýge-iüý akaý Paýde waýgazhi egoüý oüPaýdai \tr ye who / ye are that / ? / That one / Rabbit / the / to cut it up / told us / having / we cut it up \rf jod 1890:23.10 \op ha, aý-biamaý noübaý akaý. Eaýtoü oüthaýsh'azheý-xchi-i a, aý-biamaý. Mashchiüýgeiüý \tr . / said, they say / two / the. / Why / do ye take it in my presence, without hesitation / ? / said he they say. / Rabbit \rf jod 1890:23.11 \op pezhiý-xchi! ishtaý toüýga pezhiý-xchi! iý zhaýta pezhiý-xchi! E'oüý-xti eýshniü aýdoü, \tr bad very! / eye / big / bad very! / mouth / forked / bad very! / What great «person» / that you are / ? \rf jod 1890:23.12 \op aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge-iüý akaý Xthiýazhi nazhiüý-ga. Eýgithe wamiý uwiýPitoü teý. \tr said, they say / Rabbit / the. / Uttering nothing / stand. / Beware / blood / I press you down in / lest. \rf jod 1890:23.13 \op Shiý+shte! wamiý oüwoüýbitoüýga. Thikuýtha-ga, thikuýtha-ga eheý ha. Wamiý \tr Fie! / blood / press me down in. / Hurry, / hurry, / I say / . / Blood \rf jod 1890:23.14 \op oüwoüýbitoüý-ga eheý ha, Taxti-giýkidzhaýbi-a. Ku'eý athaýb egoüý wamiý ubiýtoü- \tr press me down in / I say / , / @{Taýxti-giýkidaýbi} O! / Rushing / went, they say / having / blood / pressed him down in \rf jod 1890:23.15 \op biamaý Taýxti-giýkidaýbi akaý. Wamiý aýthahahaý-xchi paýhoü-biamaý Mashchiüýge-iüý \tr they say / @{Taýxti-giýkidaýbi} / the. / Blood / streaming from him in all directions / arose they say / Rabbit \rf jod 1890:23.16 \op aka. Shiý+shte! aýb egoüý shi aýkithaý-biamaý Taýxti-giýkidaýbi akaý. Theýama noüý- \tr the. / Fie! / said, they say / having / again / he attacked him, they say / @{Taýxti-giýkidaýbi} / the. / These / fear \rf jod 1890:23.17 \op thipaiý egoüý aýthikiýtha-baýzhi-hnoüýi; wiý noüýwipa maýzhi egoüý aýwikiýbtha taý miüke. \tr thee / because / they do not attack thee habitually / I / I fear the / not / because / I attack thee / will / I who. \rf jod 1890:23.18 \op Xthiýazhi nazhiüýi-ga. Eýgithe maýxe wiýPizhoü te haý. Maýxe oüwoüýbizhoüý-ga. \tr Uttering no sound / stand ye. / Beware, / sky / I blow you into / lest / . / Sky / blow me into. \rf jod 1890:23.19 \op Thikuýtha-ga, Taýxti-giýkidaýbi-a. Mashchiüýge-iüý thizaýb egoüý maýxata bihiýtha \tr Hurry, / @{Taýxti-giýkidaýbi} O! / Rabbit / he took, they say / having / into the sky / he blew him \rf jod 1890:23.20 \op itheýtha-biamaý. Noüzhaýzhadzhe thugiý amaý. Ki koüýge-xchi gthiý ki shi bihiýtha \tr with sudden force they say. / Kicking out his legs / he was coming back. / «???» / And / near very / he had come back / when / again / he blew him \rf jod 1890:24.1 \op itheýtha-biamaý. Shoüý eýgoü bihiýtha itheýthe nazhiüý-biamaý Taýxti-giýkidaýbi akaý. \tr with sudden force they say. / For some time / «???» / he blew him / with sudden force / he stood they say / @{Taýxti-giýkidaýbi} / the. \rf jod 1890:24.2 \op Atoüý-xti toüýde aýatoü shteýshtewoüý t'eýwithe taý miüke, aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge-iüý \tr Whenever / ground / I tread on it / soever / I kill thee / will / I who, / said, they say / Rabbit \rf jod 1890:24.3 \op akaý Eýgithe Taýxti-giýkidaýbi akaý uzheýtha amaý. Mashchiüýge-iüý akaý toüýde ke \tr the. / It came to pass / @{Taýxti-giýkidaýbi} / the / was weary / they say. / Rabbit / the / ground / the \rf jod 1890:24.4 \op aýtoü-biamaý. Ki moüýde ke gthiýza-biamaý. Ki Taýxti-giýkidaýbi kiýda-biamaý. \tr trod on they say. / And / bow / the / took his own they say. / And / @{Taýxti-giýkidaýbi} / he shot at they say. \rf jod 1890:24.5 \op Ki ishtaý-xti thoü 'uý-biamaý. Ki Taýxti-giýkidaýbi t'eý=amaý. Ki theýamaý toüý- \tr And / eye very / the / he wounded him, they say. / And / @{Taýxti-giýkidaýbi} / was dead, they say. / And / these / na- \rf jod 1890:24.6 \op woügthoüý amaý giýthe-xti-oüý-biamaý. Ki Mashchiüýge-iüý amaý agthaý-biamaý. \tr tions / the / rejoiced very they say. / And / Rabbit / the «mv.» / went homeward, they say. \rf jod 1890:24.7 \op Akiý-bi kiýzhi ikoüý ak edediý akaýma. Koühaý, Taýxti-giýkidaýbi t'eýathe ha, \tr Reached home, they say / when / his grandmother / the / there / she was, they say. / Grandmother, / @{Taýxti-giýkidaýbi} / I killed him / , \rf jod 1890:24.8 \op aý-biamaý. Ishtaý pezhi-xchi! she t'eýthe uýmakaý-xchi-baýzhi, aý-biamaý ikoü akaý. \tr said he they say. / Eye / bad very! / that / to kill / easy very not, / said she they say / his grandmother / the. \rf jod 1890:24.9 \op Koühaý, t'eýathe-goü sheýhe ha, aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge-iüý akaý. \tr Grandmother, / I killed him so / I say that / , / said, they say / Rabbit / the. \rf jod 1890:24.10 \ti How the rabbit went to the sun. \op Pahoüýga teýdi athaý-biamaý Mashchiüýge amaý. Koühaý, maýshoü uaýkine \tr Before / when / went they say / Rabbit / the «mv.». / Grandmother, / feathers / I hunt for myself \rf jod 1890:25.1 \op btheý taý miüke, aý-biamaý. Iýthiach'=iýshiach'eý+! maýshoü aýwakeýdi uýmakaý-xchi \tr I go / will / I who / said, they say. / «fem. intj. of wonder etc.» / feathers / in what place / easy very \rf jod 1890:25.2 \op iýthathe tadoüý+, aý-biamaý. Goü athaý-biamaý, toüýde aýthitaý-xchi snoüýsnoü-xchi \tr you find / will? / said she they say, / and / he went they say / going / by a near way very / level very \rf jod 1890:25.3 \op goü xageý athaý-biamaý. Neýgi-hauý+!! neýgi-hauý+!! eý-hnoü athaý-biamaý. Unaiý \tr so / crying / he went they say. / Mother's brother O!! / mother's brother O!! / saying only / he went they say / Seeking him \rf jod 1890:25.4 \op amaý Xithaý amaý e moüýxe iýbisoüde ataý-xti gawiüýxe amaýma. Moüthiüý- \tr the ones who / Eagle / the «pl.» / that / sky / pressing against / far «beyond» very / were flying round and round, / they say. / They walked \rf jod 1890:25.5 \op biamaý akiýwa shoü ki-Paýkuwiüxe goü moüthiüý-biamaý. Theýamaý oüýthize taý \tr they say / both / and / turning themselves around / so / they walked they say. / These / me-take / will \rf jod 1890:26.1 \op amaý, aý-biamaý. Huýtoü-hnoüý-biamaý Xitha amaý: T-t-t-t-t, eý-hnoü-biamaý. Eýgithe \tr the «pl.» / said he they say / Crying they say / Eagle / the «pl.»: / &T-&t-&t-&t-&t, / said only they they say. / It came to pass \rf jod 1890:26.2 \op amaý amaý ieýnaxiýthe a-iý-biamaý pahaýshiata. Goü thizaý-biamaý. \tr other one / the «mv.» / to attack him / was coming they say / up above. / And / took him they say. / And / having him / went homeward. \rf jod 1890:26.3 \op ke. Goü athiüý akiý-biamaý. Moüýxe ke pahaýshiata athiüý akiý-biamaý. Eýgithe \tr «???» / And / having him / they reached home, they say. / Sky / the «horizontal» / up above / having him / they reached home, they say. / It came to pass. \rf jod 1890:26.4 \op ti edediý teý amaý. Iüdaýdi wanaýgthe uýdoü iýnahiü athiüý gthiý ha, aý-biamaý (Xithaý- \tr lodge / it was there / «???» / they say. / My father / domestic animal / good / truly / having him / has come home / , / said he they say / (Eagle \rf jod 1890:26.5 \op zhiüga aka). Goü, Zhiütheýha, xtoüýthithe chaýbe, aý-biamaý Xithaýzhiüga akaý. Goüý- \tr little / the). / And, / O elder brother, / we love thee / very much / said, they say / Eaglet / the. / I «mv.»- \rf jod 1890:26.6 \op athiüheý-hnoü thoüýzha ebe xtoüýthe cheý, aý-biamaý (Mashchiüýge akaý.). Goü moüýgthe \tr for some time only / though / who / love me / will, / said he they say / (Rabbit / the). / And / erect \rf jod 1890:26.7 \op zheý-musnade goü gthiüý-(biama). E xtaýthai Xithaýzhiüga amaý, uýdoü-xti-hnoüý- \tr on his hind legs / thus / sat (they say). / That / they loved / Eaglets / the «pl.» / good very only \rf jod 1890:26.8 \op biamaý. Goü gaý-biamaý: Eý aýwatetoü thatiý, aý-biamaý (Xithaýzhiüga akaý). Shoüý goüý \tr they say. / And / said as follows: they say: / That / whence «?» / have you come / said he they say / (Eaglet / the). / For no special reason / «???» \rf jod 1890:26.9 \op toüýde aýthita moübthiüý-de thiaýdi goü oüýthizai, aý-biamaý. Goü, Thiaýdi oüýba atoüý \tr ground / across by a near way / I walked when / your father / thus / took me, / said he they say. / And, / Your father / day / what time \rf jod 1890:26.10 \op tedi gthiý-hnoüi a, aý-biamaý (Mashchiüýge akaý). Iüdaýdi amaý miü aýtha'abeý-xti \tr at / has come back habitually / ? / said he they say / (Rabbit / the). / My father / the «mv.» / sun / going slanting very \rf jod 1890:26.11 \op hiý teýdi agthiý-hnoüi, maxpiý zhiüýga buýta aýnaska-xcheý-xchi ediýtoü ni \tr arrives there / when then / has come back habitually, / cloud / small / round / each one of what size «?» / from it / water \rf jod 1890:26.12 \op wiüý-thoüýthoüý-xti uxpaýthe-hnoü eýgoü teýdi agthiý-hnoüi, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe \tr one at a time very / failing / so / when / has come back habitually, / said he they say. / It came to pass \rf jod 1890:26.13 \op gaý-biamaý: Zhiütheýha, aýwateýgoü ki sheý eýgizhoü, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, aý-biamaý, the \tr said as follows, they say: / O elder brother, / of what sort / when / that / you do that / said, they say. / Yes, / said, they say, / this \rf jod 1890:26.14 \op oüshtoüýbai te Paý thoü iüý'e oüýkigthasoüýdai, aý-biamaý. Zhiütheýha, eýgoü waýxai-ga, \tr me ye see / the / head / the / stone / they hit me between «two stones» / said he they say. / O elder brother, / so / treat us, \rf jod 1890:26.15 \op aý-biamaý (Xithaýzhiüga akaý). Woüýgithe she thagthiüý te, aý-biamaý. Eýgoü oügshiüý \tr said, they say / (Eaglet / the). / All / that / you sit / will, / said he they say. / So / we sit \nt =@{Eýgoü oügthiüý} \rf jod 1890:26.16 \op tai, aý-biamaý. Goü eýgoü waxaý-biamaý. Wiüý thiük eýtoüthiü gaxiýxe theýtha-biamaý; \tr will, / said he they say. / And / so / he treated them they say. / One / the / him first / he crushed by hitting / sent forcibly they say; \rf jod 1890:26.17 \op isoüýga thiükeý shi eýgoü gaxthiý-biamaý. Goü maýshoü waýthishnudaý-biamaý. Ki \tr his younger brother / the / again / so / he killed by hitting they say. / And / feathers / he pulled them out they say. / And \rf jod 1890:26.18 \op uthiýxpathe theýtha-biamaý toüýde deýta. Goü maýshoü te koüýtoü-biamaý. Goü sheý \tr making fall by pulling / he sent forcibly they say / ground / to the. / And / feathers / the / he tied they say. / And / that \rf jod 1890:26.19 \op uthaiý eteýgoü amaý: ithaýdi amaý agiý aýtiaýgtha-biamaý. Eýgoü thisoüýga meýgoü sheý- \tr they told him / it was as / «?»: / his father / the «mv.» / was coming back / suddenly they say. / So / your younger brother / likewise / that \rf jod 1890:26.20 \op ke thizaýi-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Weýs'a ke ameýgoü athiüý akiý-bi ki ubaýhoü-biamaý \tr the «lg. ob.» / take ye / , / said he they say. / Snake / the «lg. ob.» / them-like «?» / having it / reached home, they say / when / he pushed his way in they say \rf jod 1890:27.1 \op ki gaxiýxe-xti theýtha-biamaý. Goüý amaý ihoüý amaý ugaýhanaPaýze uhoüýge ke \tr when / crushing him in very / he sent forcibly they say. / After a while / «???» / his mother / the «mv.» / darkness / «first» end / the \rf jod 1890:27.2 \op eýkitoühaý-xchi agiý aýtiaýgtha-biamaý. Thisoüýga meýgoü sheýke thizaýi-a, aý-biamaý. \tr at the same time very / was coming back / suddenly they say. / Your younger brother / likewise / that «lg. ob.» / take ye, / said she they say. \rf jod 1890:27.3 \op Shi eýgoü weýs'a wiü athiüý akiý-biamaý. Goü gaxthiý-biamaý shi ihoüý thiükeý. \tr Again / so / snake / one / having it / reached home, they say. / And / he killed her, they say / again / his mother / the. \rf jod 1890:27.4 \op Goü maýshoü shi thishnuýde gthiüý-biamaý, koüýtoü gthiüý-biamaý, ki goüýki xageý \tr And / feathers / again / pulling out of / he sat they say, / tying / he sat they say, / and / also / crying \rf jod 1890:27.5 \op gthiüý-biama. Maýshoü 'iüý-bi egoüý athaý-biamaý. Goü xageý atheý amaýma. \tr he sat they say. / Feathers / he carried they say / having / he went they say. / And / crying / he was going, / they say. \rf jod 1890:27.6 \op Eýgithe tiý wiü edediý teý amaý. Eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Goü xageý nazhiüý toü amaý. \tr It came to pass / lodge / one / there it was, / «???» / they say. / There / he arrived, they say. / And / crying / he was standing / «???» / they say. \rf jod 1890:27.7 \op Wa'uý akaý ugaýs'iü amaý; eýgithe ikoüý akaýma. Goüý akaýma, M+! aý-biamaý. \tr Woman / the / peeped / they say; / it came to pass / his grandmother / was, they say. / After standing a while / «???», / Hmmm! / said she, they say. \rf jod 1890:27.8 \op Eaýtoü-xchi moühniüý a, aý-biamaý. Goü, Maýshoü uaýkine aýhigiaýkithe ki goüýki \tr Why very / you walk / ? / said she they say. / And, / Feathers / I seek for myself / I made many for myself / and / also \rf jod 1890:27.9 \op agtheý tateý akiýxibtha aýdoü axaýge-hnoüý-moüý, aý-biamaý. M+! aý-biamaý wa'uý \tr I go homeward / shall / + hesitate, fearing failure / therefore / I have been doing nothing but cry, / said he they say. / Hmmm! / said she they say / woman \rf jod 1890:27.10 \op akaý. Niýashiüga wiü zhuaýwagtheý-de piýbazhi. Uxtheý thagtheý te Wanaýxthiüý-a he, \tr the. / Person / one / I with them but / bad. / Quickly / you go homeward / will. / Hasten thou / , \rf jod 1890:27.11 \op aý-biamaý. Tezhiüýhiüde eýthoüskaý-xchi ugthiüý-biamaý Mashchiüýge akaý. Maýshoü tedi \tr said she they say. / Woven yarn «turban» / that size very / sat in it they say / Rabbit / the. / Feathers / to the \rf jod 1890:27.12 \op koüýtoü-biamaý. The thagtheý te thoüýzha thakiý teýdi buýde iüthiüýwoüzhiý te, aý-biamaý. \tr he tied it they say. / This / you go homeward / will / though / you reach home / when / red-oak acorn / put in it for me please, / said she, they say. \rf jod 1890:27.13 \op Toüýde ke aýthatoü ki hniýp'oüde teý, aý-biamaý. Goü thishtoüý gtheýtha-biamaý. \tr Ground / the / you tread on / when / shake it by pulling / will / said she they say. / And / letting him go / sent him back suddenly, they say. \rf jod 1890:27.14 \op Akiý-biamaý ki iýt'athewathaý-biamaý Mashchiüýge amaý. Tha'eýwathaiý thiükeý iýxta- \tr He reached home, they say, / when / he was hateful they say / Rabbit / the «mv.». / She pitied him / the one who / he abused her \rf jod 1890:27.15 \op biamaý, uýzhiha uzhaý-biamaý. Goüýki thip'oüýda-biamaý, goüýki gthiýzai te. Ki \tr they say, / bag / he dunged in, they say. / And / he shook it they say, / and / she took her own / «???». / And \rf jod 1890:27.16 \op goü maýshoü gi'iüý-bi egoüý agthaý-biamaý. Goüýki akiý-biamaý. Koühaý, agthiý \tr thus / feathers / carrying his own, they say / having / he went homeward, they say. / And / he reached home, they say. / Grandmother, / I have come home \rf jod 1890:27.17 \op hau, aý-biamaý. Thaxuýba-biamaý: Iýthiach'=iýthiach'eý+! aý-biamaý. Maýshoü te, koühaý, \tr ! / said he they say. / She spoke in wonder they say: / «???»! / said she they say. / Feathers / the / grandmother \rf jod 1890:27.18 \op a'iüý agthiý, aý-biamaý. Ki gaý-biamaý: Thineýgi aýhigiý-xti moü gaýxewakithaý-a he, \tr I carried / I have come / said he they say. / And / she said as follows, they say: / Your mother's brother / many very / arrow / cause them to make / , \rf jod 1890:27.19 \op aý-biamaý. Eýgithe gaý-biamaý, Koühaý, eaýtoü aýdoü, aý-biamaý. Ki gaý-biamaý: \tr said she they say. / It came to pass / he said as follows, they say: / Grandmother, / wherefore / ? / said he they say. / And / she said as follows, they say: \rf jod 1890:27.20 \op Paheý wiüý ediý akaý niýkashiüga theý shoü iýhe thiü thahuýni-hnoüýi, aý-biamaý. Goü, \tr Hill / one / there / the / person / going / and / passing by / the «mv.» / draws into its mouth habitually / said she they say. / And \rf jod 1890:28.1 \op Gaý toüýbe taý miüke, aý-biamaý. Iýthiach'e+! shkoüýazhi gthiüý-a he, aý-biamaý. \tr That «unseen» / I see / will. / «???»! / I who, / said he they say. / still / sit thou / , / said she they say. \rf jod 1890:28.2 \op Oüýkazhi, shoü toüýbe taý miüke, aý-biamaý. Uthiý'age-xti shoüý doüýbe athaý-biamaý. \tr Not so, / at any rate / I see it / will / I who, / said he they say. / She unwilling very / still / to see it / he went they say. \rf jod 1890:28.3 \op Eýgithe eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Theý Paheý-wathaýhuni hniüý, ediý hniükeý amaý, aý-biamaý. \tr It came to pass / there / he arrived, they say. / This / Hill that devours / you are, / there / you who / they say, / he said they say. \rf jod 1890:28.4 \op Oüthahuýni-ga, aý-biamaý. Kaýshi-xti eýgoü thasniüýi-biamaý. Eýgithe kihaý a-iý akaýma. \tr Draw me into your mouth / said he they say. / A long while very / so / he was swallowed they say. / It came to pass / down / he was coming, / they say. \rf jod 1890:28.5 \op Eýgithe niýashiüga waýthasniü itoüýthiadi wahiý xeýga-xti, goüýki tazhuý aýthaskaýbe \tr It came to pass / person / he swallowed them / formerly / bone / dried very, / and / flesh / sticking to \rf jod 1890:28.6 \op naýsage-maý, ki iüýchoü-xchi t'e-maý shti, t'e teýdi athiüý ahiý, Piý thoü-hnoüý niýta \tr dried hard them-who / and / lately very / dead, them-who / too, / dead / unto / having «it» / reached / liver / the only / alive \rf jod 1890:28.7 \op gaýxe zhoüý-biamaý. Goüýki iýnita waseýkoü ameý ahiý-biamaý Mashchiüýge-iüý amaý. \tr made / lay they say. / And / alive / «and» active / ones / he reached, they say / Rabbit / the. \rf jod 1890:28.8 \op Shiý-shi-shiý-shi! theýma dzhuýba, aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge-iüý akaý. Paheý-wathaýhuni \tr Shee-shee-shee! / these / few, / said he they say / Rabbit / the. / Hill that devours \rf jod 1890:28.9 \op teý-noüde washiüý-xti u'eý'e-xti gthiüý-biamaý. Tenaý! gaýge hnaýte tai-eýde, \tr buffalo heart / fat very / dangling very / it sat they say. / Why! / those / you eat / should have \rf jod 1890:28.10 \op aý-biamaý. Maýxoü-biamaý, teý-noüde maýshpashpaý-biamaý. Paheý ke bthazaýthe \tr said he they say. / He cut it off, they say, / buffalo heart / he cut into many pieces they say. / Hill / the / it split open \rf jod 1890:28.11 \op amaý. The niýkashiüga amaý waseýkoü amaý Paheý ke bthazaýthe eýkitoü wasiýsigaý- \tr they say. / This / person / the «pl.» / quick / the «pl.» / hill / the / split open / at the same time / active \rf jod 1890:28.12 \op biamaý. Ki gaý-biamaý: Mashchiüýge toüýwoüiüýgthoü taiý, aý-biamaý. Niýawathaiý, \tr they say. / And / they said as follows, they say: / Rabbit / we make a nation for him / will, / said they they say. / He made us live \rf jod 1890:28.13 \op aý-biamaý. Ki, Tiý ugiýnai-ga, aýgudi thatiý eýiüte, aý-biamaý. Moügshiüýi-ga, \tr said they they say. / And, / Lodge / seek ye your own, / where / you have come hither / may / said he they say. / Begone ye, \nt =@{Moügthiüýi-ga,} \rf jod 1890:28.14 \op aý-biamaý (Mashchiüýge-iüý akaý). Goü eýgoü-biamaý. Goü agthaý-biamaý Masht- \tr said he they say / (Rabbit / the). / And / so it was they say. / And / he went homeward, they say / Rab- \rf jod 1890:28.15 \op shiüýge amaý. Koühaý, shakiý, aý-biamaý. Iýthiach'=iýthiach'eý+! aý-biamaý. Koühaý \tr bit / the «mv.». / Grandmother, / I come back to you, / said he they say. / «???»! / said she they say. / Grandmother \rf jod 1890:28.16 \op Paheý-wathaýhuni uhnaý kethoüý t'eýathe, aý-biamaý. M+! sheý ch'eýthe uýdoü \tr Hill that devours / you told of / in the past / I have killed him / said he they say. / Hmm! / that / to kill it / good \rf jod 1890:28.17 \op akaýma-thoüý. Eaýchoü-xchi ch'eýwathaýshe cheýiüte, aý-biamaý. Tenaý! koühaý, t'eýathe, \tr he was in the past. / How very / you kill them / may be, / said she they say. / Why! / grandmother / I killed him \rf jod 1890:28.18 \op aý-biamaý. Niýkashiüga ediý-hnoü ediý-ma Mashchiüýge toüýwoüiüýgthoü taiý, ai \tr said he they say. / Person / there only / there, those who / Rabbit / let us make a nation for him / «???», / they said \rf jod 1890:28.19 \op eýde ubthiý'age. Tiý ugiýne waýagaýzhi, aý-biamaý. \tr but / I was unwilling / Lodge / to hunt his own / I told them / said he they say. \rf jod 1890:28.20 \ti How the rabbit killed the devouring hill. \op Paýhe-waýthahuni wiü edi keý amaý. Ki Mashchiüýge akaý ikoü akaý zhuýgigthaý- \tr Hill that devours / one / there / he was lying, / they say. / And / Rabbit / the / his grandmother / the / he with his own \rf jod 1890:32.1 \op biamaý. Paýhe wiü ediý deýde piýazhi. Eýgithe eýdishneý te he; eýdi shnaýzhi te he, \tr they say. / Hill / one / there / it lies, but / bad. / Beware / there you go / will / ; / there / you go not / will / , \rf jod 1890:32.2 \op aý-biamaý. Ki, Koühaý, eaýtoü aýdoü, aý-biamaý. Niýashiüga \tr said she they say. / And, / Grandmother, / wherefore / ? «in word» / said he they say. / Person / the «mv.» / there / arrived only «as a rule» \rf jod 1890:32.3 \op thoüýdi waýthahuýni-hnoüýi he, aý-biamaý. Ki Mashchiüýge amaý, Hiüdaý! eaýtoü \tr when «in the past» / it drew them into its mouth habitually / , / said she they say. / And / Rabbit / the «mv.» / Let me see! / wherefore \rf jod 1890:32.4 \op eýdoü. Eýdi btheý te-na, etheýgoü-biamaý. Goü eýdi aaý-biamaý. Mashchiüýge \tr ?? «in thought». / There / I go / will «in thought», / he thought, they say. / And / there / he went, they say. / Rabbit \rf jod 1890:32.5 \op eýdi ahiý-bi ki Paýhe-wathahuni akaý iýbahoüý-biamaý. Iýbahoü-bi egoüý eýdi \tr there / reached, they say / when / Hill that devours / the «sub.» / he knew him they say. / He knew him, they say / having / there \rf jod 1890:32.6 \op hiý ki, Paýhe-waýthahuni, oüýthahuýni-ga, aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge akaý. Paýhe- \tr reached / when, / Hill that devours, / draw me into your mouth, / said he they say / Rabbit / the. / Hill \rf jod 1890:32.7 \op waýthahuni waýshnahuýni-hnoüý amaý, oüýthahuýni-ga. Ki Paýhe-waýthahuni akaý \tr that devours / them you draw into your mouth habitually / they say, / draw me into your mouth. / And / Hill that devours / the \rf jod 1890:32.8 \op Mashchiüýge iýba-hoüý-bi egoüý thahuýni-bazhiý-biamaý. Eýgithe niýkashiüga heýga- \tr Rabbit / he knew him they, say / having / drew him into its mouth not they say. / It came to pass / person / by no \rf jod 1890:32.9 \op shtewoüzhi aý-iaýmamaý gaxthoüý. Eýgithe eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Ki Paýhe-waýthahuni \tr means a few / they were coming, they say / a hunting party. / It came to pass / there / they arrived they say. / And / Hill that devours \rf jod 1890:32.10 \op akaý iaýthixaý-biamaý, ki niýashiüga amaý upaý-biamaý Paýhe iý te. Ki Mashchiüýge \tr the / opened its mouth, they say, / and / person / the «pl.» / entered they say / hill / mouth / the. / And / Rabbit \rf jod 1890:32.11 \op akaý eý shti upaý-biamaý. Eýgihe aýiaýtha-biamaý Mashchiüýge Paýhe-waýthahuni niýxa \tr the / he / too / entered, they say. / Onward without hesitation / he had gone, they say / Rabbit. / Hill that devours / stomach \rf jod 1890:32.12 \op moüýtata hiý ki noüýde-iýsabazhiý-biamaý Paýhe-waýthahuni akaý. Goü Mashchiüýge \tr inside / arrived / when / heart not good by means of they say / Hill that devours / the. / And / Rabbit \rf jod 1890:32.13 \op Paýhe-waýthahuni akaý iýgthebaý-biamaý. Shi gaxthoüý juýba aý-iaýmamaý. Gaxthoüý \tr Hill that devours / the / it vomited him up they say. / Again / hunting party / some / they were approaching, they say. / Hunting party \rf jod 1890:32.14 \op eýdi ahiý-bi ki shi Paýhe-waýthahuni akaý iaýthixaý-biamaý. Shi niýashiüga upaý-biamaý \tr there / arrived, they say / when / again / Hill that devours / the / opened its mouth they say. / Again / person / entered, they say \rf jod 1890:32.15 \op iý te. Ki Mashchiüýge amaý shi upaý-biamaý. Ediýhi Paýhe-waýthahuni weýgtheba- \tr mouth / the. / And / Rabbit / the «mv.» / again / entered, they say. / At that time / Hill that devours / vomited them up \rf jod 1890:32.16 \op baýzhi amaý. Eýgithe niýkashiüga pahoüýga hi-maý t'e-maý wahiý ke soü keý amaý, \tr not / they say. / Behold / person / before / arrived, the ones who / dead, the ones who / bone / the «lg. line» / distant white / they were lying, they say, \rf jod 1890:33.1 \op xiüx uthaýhahaý-ma kaýshi-zhiüýga t'e-maý shti zhu uthaýs'iü-ma, shi iüýchoü-xchi t'e-maý \tr tissue / adhering to each one the ones who / a great while ago little / dead, the ones who / too / flesh / adhering with it the ones who / again / now very / dead, the ones who \rf jod 1890:33.2 \op shti, ki niüýta-maý shti. Mashchiüýge akaý gaý-biamaý: Eaýtoü hnaýta-bazhiýi a. \tr too / and / alive, the ones who / too. / Rabbit / the / said as follows, they say: / Why / you eat not / ? \rf jod 1890:33.3 \op Tenoüýde gaýge washiüý-xti shnaýt etai-eýde; wiýebthiü ki bthaýte te, aý-biamaý. \tr Buffalo heart / those «unseen and scattered» / fat very / you eat / shall but; / I am he / if / I eat it / will / said he they say. \rf jod 1890:33.4 \op Ki maýhiü gthiýza-biamaý Mashchiüýge akaý. Maýhiü gthiýza-bi ki te-noüýde maýxoü- \tr And / knife / he took his own, they say / Rabbit / the. / Knife / he took his own, they say, / when / buffalo heart / he cut with a knife \rf jod 1890:33.5 \op biamaý. Ki Paýhe-waýthahuni amaý, Hoü! hoü! hoü! eý-hnoü-biamaý. Ki Mashchiüýge \tr they say. / And / Hill that devours / the, / Han! / han! / han! / he said it regularly they say. / And / Rabbit \rf jod 1890:33.6 \op akaý, Hoü! hoü! hoü! aý-zhi-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Ki te-noüýde washiüý ge edaýbe \tr the / Han! / han! / han! / say not / , / said he they say. / And / buffalo heart / fat / the «scattered» / also \rf jod 1890:33.7 \op utheýwiüwathai Mashchiüýge akaý. Paýhe ke bthazaýtha-biamaý. Niýashiüga bthuýga- \tr he collected them / Rabbit / the. / Hill / the / split of its own accord, they say. / Person / all \rf jod 1890:33.8 \op xti gashiýbe agthaý-biamaý. Agthaý-biamaý ki niýashiüga bthuýga utheýwiükithaý-biamaý. \tr very / out of it / went homeward, they say. / Went homeward, they say / when / person / all / assembled themselves, they say. \rf jod 1890:33.9 \op Mashchiüýge niýkagahi oügaýxe taiý, aý-biamaý. Goüýki gaý-biamaý: Mashchiüýge \tr Rabbit / chief / we make / will, / said they they say. / And / he said as follows, they say: / Rabbit \rf jod 1890:33.10 \op niýkagahi shkaýxe taiý aý-bi aýtha. Wiý niýkagahi koübtha aýthiüheýiüte. Wiüoüý- \tr chief / you make / will / he says, they say. / indeed / I / chief / I wish / I who move, it may be. / Which \rf jod 1890:33.11 \op wataýtoü thatiý eýiüte moügshiüýi-ga. Wiý shti wikoüý «???» thiügeýgoü aýagthe atiý. \tr from / you have come / it may be / begone ye. / I / too / my grandmother / fat / had none, as / I for my own / I have come. \nt =@{moügthiüýi-ga} \rf jod 1890:33.12 \op Goü agthaý-biamaý Mashchiüýge amaý washiü 'iüý-bi egoüý. 'Iüý akiý-bi agoüý \tr And / went homeward, they say / Rabbit / the «mv.» / fat / carried, they say / having. / Carrying / he reached home, they say / having \rf jod 1890:33.13 \op aýshiata iteýtha-biamaý. Koühaý, Paýhe-waýthahuni t'eýathe aýtha, aý-biamaý. Hiü+! \tr outside / he put it, they say. / O grandmother / Hill that devours / I have killed him / indeed, / said, they say. / Oh! \rf jod 1890:33.14 \op si-toüýga pezhiý-xchi! i-shpaýshpa pezhiý-xchi! sheý t'eýthe uýdoü akaý-shnoü-thoüý t'eýwathaýthe te, \tr foot big / bad very! / mouth, pieces out of / bad very! / that one / to kill / good / the one only in the past / you have been his slayer, / «???» \rf jod 1890:33.15 \op aý-biamaý. Koühaý, t'eýatheýgoü sheheý ha. Guýda te doübaý-ga ha, aý-biamaý. \tr said she they say. / Grandmother, / I killed him, as / I said that / . / Beyond «farther off» / the «pile» / see thou / , / said he they say. \rf jod 1890:33.16 \op Wa'uýzhiüga akaý aýshi ahiý-bi egoüý, Hiü+! tuýshpathoü+! wiüýke tedeý, aý-biamaý. \tr Old woman / the / out of doors / arrived, they say / having, / Oh! / my grandchild! / told the truth / did-but, / said she they say. \rf jod 1890:33.17 \op Washiüý te thizaý-biamaý. \tr Fat / the / she took they say. \rf jod 1890:33.18 \ti How the rabbit cured his wound \op Mashchiüýge akaý ikoü thiükeý zhuýgigtheý gthiüý akaýma. Ki ugaýshoü ahiý- \tr Rabbit / the «sub.» / his grandmother / the «ob.» / he with his own / was sitting, / they say. / And / traveling / he arrived there \rf jod 1890:35.1 \op biamaý. Xeýki weýthixuxuýi shoüýxti goüý aýkishugaý-xti zhoüý-hnoü theýgoü amaý \tr they say. / Under the bluffs / prickly-ash / just as it happened / very dense / lay only «habitually» / thus / they say \rf jod 1890:35.2 \op (uchiýzhe eý wakaiý). Goü niýashiüga sigthaiý keýdi siý ke snedeaýxti-hnoüýi ke, \tr (thicket / that / he meant). / And / person / trail «?» / at the / foot / the «lg. ob.» / long very habitually was / the «lg. ob.» \rf jod 1890:35.3 \op aý-biamaý. Eýgithe eýgasaýni ki, Koühaý, watoüýbe btheý taý miüke, aý-biamaý. \tr said he they say. / It came to pass / the following day / when / Grandmother / I see / I go / will / I who / said he they day. \rf jod 1890:35.4 \op Eýgithe hoüýegoüýche athaý-biamaý. Athaý-biamaý ki eýgithe agiý aýtiaýgtha- \tr It came to pass / in the morning / he went, they say. / He went, they say / when / it came to pass / they were returning / suddenly \rf jod 1890:35.5 \op biamaý. Theý miýashiüga gaýhitheameý amaý, etheýgoü-biamaý. Uheý athaiý ukoüýska \tr they say. / This / person / those who moved yonder / are they / he thought, they say. / Path «course» / he went / in a straight line with \rf jod 1890:35.6 \op itoüýshiata zhoüý-biamaý. Eýgithe eýdi ahiý-biamaý ki iýthai-bazhiý-biamaý, siýgthe ke \tr ahead / he lay they say. / It came to pass / there / arrived they say / when / he was not found they say, / footprints / the «lg. ob.» \rf jod 1890:35.7 \op aýhigi gaýxe goü iýthai-bazhiý-biamaý aýkihoü aýiaýthai te. Goüýki shi piý itoüýthiata \tr many / he made / so / he was not found, they say / beyond / he had gone / the. / And / again / anew / ahead \rf jod 1890:35.8 \op athaiý te, itoüý-thiata iýzhoü-biamaý. Sheýte wiü shutheý te hauý, aý-biamaý. Aýnase \tr he went / «???», / ahead / of him he lay they say. / That «ob.» / one / will come to you / «???» / ! / said he they say. / To head him off \rf jod 1890:35.9 \op mazhiüý-ga hauý, aý-biamaý kiaýxpaxpaýgthe. Egithe wiüý amaý uhoüýgata moüthiüý \tr stand thou / ! / said they they say / walking back and forth among themselves. / It came to pass / one / the «mv. sub.» / at the end / was walking, \rf jod 1890:36.1 \op amaý. Gaýte shutheý te hauý, aý-biamaý, the aýnase nazhiüý uiýtha theýthai te. Ki \tr they say. / That «unseen ob.» / will come to you / «???» / ! / said he they say, / this / to head him off / to stand / telling him / he sent it / «???». / And \rf jod 1890:36.2 \op uchiýzhe bazoüý athaý-biamaý. Eýgithe goüý akaýma iýtha-baýzhi gaýxai te ubaý-hata \tr thicket / pushing among / went they say. / It came to pass / after standing awhile / he found him not / he pretended / at the side \rf jod 1890:36.3 \op iýnazhiü ki moü ke gthiýzai te. Goü maüýde ke goü thidoüýi te. The shutheý \tr of it he stood / and / arrow / the «lg. ob.» / he took his own / «???». / and / bow / the «lg. ob.» / so / he pulled it / «???». / This / coming to you \rf jod 1890:36.4 \op te uthiýxida-ga, aý-biamaý, gashtoüýka te. Goü moü ke thishiýbai te Mashchiüge \tr which / look out for it, / said he they say, / he tempted him / «???». / And / arrow / the «lg. ob.» / he pulled and let go / when / Rabbit \rf jod 1890:36.5 \op kuýsoüdeý-xti ithoüýthai te. Goü xageý amaý Mashchiüýge. Iüýa'*! iüýa'*! iüýa'*! \tr through and through / he put it «the arrow» / «???». / And / he was crying, / they say / Rabbit. / &Nya! / &Nya! / &Nya!, \nt &Nya = the rabbit's cry. [JS] \rf jod 1890:36.6 \op aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge akaý. Kageýha, t'eýthathe, aý-biamaý. Kageýha, a'iüý taý \tr said he they say / Rabbit / the. / O friend, / you killed him, / said he they say. / O friend, / I carry it on my back / will \rf jod 1890:36.7 \op miüke hauý, aý-biamaý. Mashchiüýge uoüýsi aýiaýtha-biamaý. Ki moüý ke thishnuýda- \tr I who / ! / said he they say. / Rabbit / leaping / he had gone they say. / And / arrow / the / he pulled out of \rf jod 1890:36.8 \op biamaý. Ki athiüý athaý-biamaý. Goü thixaý-biamaý. Mashchiüýge wamiý maý ke \tr they say. / And / having it / he went they say. / And / they chased him they say. / Rabbit / blood / snow / the «lg. ob.» \rf jod 1890:36.9 \op zhiý-de keý amaýma thixaiý te. Moüshoüýde ugiýPaazaý-biamaý, iýgat'oü-biamaý. \tr red / was lying, / they say / as they chased / «???». / Den / they scared him into his own they say, / he grunted they say. \rf jod 1890:36.10 \op Koühaý, t'eýoütheý-xchi-oüýi, aý-biamaý. Huü! huü! aý-biamaý. Ikoüý iýgaskoüthaý- \tr Grandmother, / they have altogether killed me, / said he they say. / Hoon! / hoon! / said, they say. / His grandmother / tried him «&sic» \rf jod 1890:36.11 \op biamaý. Naxiýde-thithiüýge iýthanahiü ehoüý+. Thiý-hnoü uthiýna-bi, eheý ki, thaxaýga- \tr they say. / disobedient you are / you-truly / ! / You only / they sought you, it was reported / I said / when / you cry \rf jod 1890:36.12 \op aý-biamaý. Wituýshpa, makoüý ithaýpahoü doüýshte-moüý aýthiüheý, aý-biamaý. Koühaý, \tr said he they say. / My grandchild, / medicine / I know it / «dubitative sign» / I who move / said she they say. / Grandmother, \rf jod 1890:36.13 \op zhiý-xti goüý thagthiüý eteýde, aý-biamaý. Goü, Koühaý, makoüý uiýne noü thiüý-ga, \tr not at all / so / you sit / should have, / said she they say. / And, / Grandmother, / medicine / to seek it «for one» / walk \rf jod 1890:36.14 \op noüýpa-hiý ge-thoüý wiüý iüýthiü giý-ga, aý-biamaý. Koüý akaý athiüý akiý-biamaý. \tr chokecherry bush / the «pl.» in the past / one / for me / bring back / said he they say. / His grandmother / the «sub.» / having it / reached home, they say. \rf jod 1890:36.15 \op Goü thataý-biamaý. Goü iýginiý-biamaý. \tr And / he ate it, they say. / And / he recovered by it, they say. \rf jod 1890:36.16 \ti The Rabbit and @{Ishtiýnike}. \op Ishtiýnike amaý atheý amaýma. Goüýki Mashchiüýge amaý goüý amaýma. \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / the «mv. sub.» / was going, / they say. / And / Rabbit / the «mv. sub.» / so / was «mv.», they say. \rf jod 1890:38.1 \op Hu+! aý-biamaý. Kageý! aý-biamaý. Uhuý+! aý-biamaý. Uýthai-doü watoüýbe \tr Hoo! / said, they say. / O younger brother! / said, they say. / Oo-hoo! / said, they say. / It was told when / I see it \rf jod 1890:38.2 \op koübtheýgoü eýgoü agitoübe aýhoü, aý-biamaý. Goüýathiüheý-hnoü thoüýzha eýbe \tr I hoped / and so / I see my own / ! / said, they say. / I move for some time only / though / who \rf jod 1890:38.3 \op xtoüýthe teý, aý-biamaý. Giý-ga, aý-biamaý. Eýatoü aýdoü, aý-biamaý. Shoüý giý-ga, \tr love me / will / said, it is said. / Come / said, it is said. / Wherefore / ? / said, they say. / At any rate / come, \rf jod 1890:38.4 \op aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Eýdi akiý-biamaý. Kageý, aý-biamaý, edeýhe shteýshtewoüý \tr said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / There / he reached home, they say. / O younger brother, / said, they say, / what I say / soever \rf jod 1890:38.5 \op oüýhoü esheý te, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge akaý. Kageý, aý-biamaý-- \tr yes / you say / will / said, they say. / Yes, / said, they say / Rabbit / the «sub.». / O younger brother / said, they say-- \rf jod 1890:38.6 \op kageý, wichiý taý miüke, aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akar. Oüýkazhi, aý-biamaý, wiýtoüthiü \tr O younger brother, / &tecum &coeo / will / I who, / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Not so, / said, they say, / I first \nt &tecum &coibo \rf jod 1890:38.7 \op wichiý che, aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge akaý. Naý! oüýkazhi, kageý, noüý amaý edaýd \tr &tecum / &coibo, / said, they say / Rabbit / the «sub.». / Psha! / not so, / O younger brother, / adult / the «pl. sub.» / what \rf jod 1890:38.8 \op 'iýthai uheý-hnoüi, aý-biamaý. Naý! oüýkazhi ha, zhiütheýha, aý-biamaý. Zhiügaý amaý, \tr they speak of / they have their way, habitually, / said, they say. / Psha! / not so / , / O elder brother, / said, they say. / Younger / the «pl.» \rf jod 1890:38.9 \op zhiütheýha, edaýdoü 'iýthai teýdi eý thashtoüý-baýzhi eýgoü eý uheý-hnoüi, aý-biamaý \tr O elder brother, / what / they speak of / when / that / stopping talking not / so / they / have their way habitually, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:38.10 \op (Mashchiüýge akaý). Hiüdeýgoü, kageý, eýgoü-ga ha. Goüý Ishtiýnike akaý bas'iüý \tr (Rabbit / the «sub.»). / Let us see, / O younger brother, / do so / . / And / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / upside down \rf jod 1890:38.11 \op ithoüýtha-biamaý. Mashchiüýge akaý goüý chiýi te. Thishtoüý-biamaý ki uoüýsi aýiaýtha- \tr he placed it they say. / Rabbit / the «sub.» / so / &cum &eo &coiit / «???». / Finished they say / when / leaping / he had gone \rf jod 1890:38.12 \op biamaý Mashchiüýge amaý. Giý-ga, kageý, eý-hnoü-biamaý. Eýgithoü-hnoüý amaý \tr they say / Rabbit / the «mv. sub.» / Come, / O younger brother, / said habitually they say. / Said to him habitually / they say \rf jod 1890:38.13 \op ki Mashchiüýge amaý oüýhe-hnoüý amaý. Shoüý uchiýzhe shuýga eýgihe aýiaýtha- \tr when / Rabbit / the «mv. sub.» / was fleeing / they say. / And / thicket / dense / headlong into it / he had gone \rf jod 1890:38.14 \op biamaý. Wahu+! aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Wiýhnoü niýashiüga ithaýkite-de \tr they say. / Wahoo! / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / I only / person / I cheated while \rf jod 1890:38.15 \op moüýtiheýathe atoüýhe thoüýshti. Mashchiüýge pezhiý-xti! si-toüýga pezhiý-xchi! ishchaý- \tr I was putting it inside / «???» / heretofore. / Rabbit / bad very! / foot big / bad very! / eye- \rf jod 1890:38.16 \op si-toüýga pezhiý-xchi! zhoüýxe aýhigi pezhiý-xchi! 'aýgtheoüthaýthe chaýbe aýhoü, aý-biamaý \tr ball big / bad very! / strong odor / much / bad very! / you have made me suffer / very much / ! / said, they say \rf jod 1890:38.17 \op Ishtiýnike akaý. Goüý athaý-biamaý. Ishtiýnike sheýthiü bthiýzhe achiý chaýbe hauý, aý-biamaý. \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / And / went, they say. / @{Ishtiýnike} / that one «mv. ob.» / &cacare &feci / &cum &eo &coii / very / ! / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:39.1 \op Goüý Ishtiýnike akaý wagthoüýgthoü amaý shi. Shi wagthoüýgthoü-biama. Ishtiýnike \tr And / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / reviled him / they say / again. / Again / reviled him they say. / @{Ishtiýnike} \rf jod 1890:39.2 \op amaý athaý-biamaý giýtha-bazhiý-xti. Gaýthu ahiý-bi ki zheýtithiüge shoü zhaý-biamaý. Zhaý- \tr the «mv. sub.» / went they say / sorrowful very. / In that place / he arrived they say / when / &cacaturiit / and / &cacavit they say / &Cacavit \rf jod 1890:39.3 \op biamaý ki mashchiüýge zhiüýga wiü noüýge-xchi athaý-biamaý. Guýd-ithoüthaý-xti \tr they say / when / rabbit / young / one / ran very fast / went they say. / It is put further very \rf jod 1890:39.4 \op aýhoü! Wuhuý! aý-bianaý Ishtiýnike akaý. E shi gaýthu ahiý-bi ki zheýtithiüýge shoü \tr ! / Woo-hoo! / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / That / again / in that place / he arrived they say / when / &cacaturiit / and \rf jod 1890:39.5 \op zhaý-biamaý. Shi mashchiüýge zhiüýga wiü noüýge-xchi athaý-biamaý. Shi iýdathai-te. \tr &cacavit they say. / Again / rabbit / young / one / ran very fast / went they say. / Again / &peperit. \rf jod 1890:39.6 \op Shi eýgithoüi te, Wuýhu+'aý! 'aýgtheoüthe chaýbe aýhoü, aý-biamaý. Goüý athaý-biamaý. \tr Again / he said to him / «???», / Really! / he had made me suffer / very much / ! / said, they say. / And / went they say. \rf jod 1890:39.7 \op Shi gaýthu ahiý-bi ki zheýtithiüge shoü zhaý-biamaý. Shi mashchiüýge zhiüýga wiýn \tr again / in that place / he arrived they say / when / &cacaturiit / and / &cacavit they say. / Again / rabbit / young / one \rf jod 1890:39.8 \op shi ku'eý athaý-biamaý. Shi eýgithoü-biamaý. Iýthoüboü hneý teýgoüzhi, aý-biamaý. Shi \tr again / with a rush / went they say. / Again / he said to him they say. / A second time / you go / not apt / said, they say. / Again \rf jod 1890:39.9 \op eýgoü weýdathe iýkikuhaý-bi egoüý, eýgithe zhe hiýthai tedi waiiüý thoü shoüý \tr so / &parere / he feared for himself they say / having, / at length / &cacans / he made it reach «the ground» / when / robe / the / at any rate \rf jod 1890:39.10 \op uthiýpupuý-bi egoüý aýnasaý-biamaý. Waiiüý thoü shoüý aýoüsiý-biamaý. Waiiüý thoü \tr he bent it around over «the rabbit» / having / he hindered it they say. / Robe / the / in spite of / on it he leaped they say. / Robe / the \rf jod 1890:39.11 \op iügtheý ugiýnoüskaýbe thoüý amaý. Wuhuý+! guýd-ithoüshaý-xti oüýaxe aýhoü, \tr &faeces / it was made to adhere to it from his feet / «???», / they say. / Woo-hoo! / it is put further very / made me / ! \rf jod 1890:39.12 \op aý-biamaý (nukaýthiü giaýxai te eý wakaý-bi egoüý). Hau. Goüý athaý-biamaý. \tr said, they say / (naked / he made for him / «???» / that / he meant they say / having). / Well. / And / went they say. \rf jod 1890:39.13 \op Shoüýxti goü nukaýthiü athaý-biamaý. Eýgithe nuýzhiüga juýba moüthiüýbagi athiü maýma. \tr In spite of / so / naked / went they say. / It came to pass / boy / some / were throwing sticks as they walked, / «???» / it is said. \rf jod 1890:39.14 \op Waýkipaý-biamaý. Hauý! kageý, a-biamaý Ishtiýnike amaý. Hauý! aý-biama nuýzhiüga \tr He met them they say. / Ho! / O younger brother, / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «mv. sub.» / Ho! / said, they say / boys \rf jod 1890:39.15 \op amaý. Iüdaýdoüshte eýgoü thanaý'oü-baýzhi, kageý, aý-biamaý. Oü, aý-biamaý. Shoüý \tr the «pl. sub.». / Whatever / so / you have heard / not, / O younger brother, said, they say. / Yes, / said, they say. / Still \rf jod 1890:39.16 \op daýdoü shteýshte thanaý'oü eýiüte iüwiüýthai-ga, aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Oüýhoü, \tr what / soever / you heard / may have / tell ye to me / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Yes, \rf jod 1890:39.17 \op aý-biamaý. Tenaý! Mashtiüýge amaý-hnoü Ishtiýnike amaý chiý-biamaý aiý, oünaý'oüi, \tr said, they say / Why! / Rabbit / the «mv. sub.» only / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «mv. one» / &cum &eo &coiit it is reported / they say / we heard \rf jod 1890:39.18 \op aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga amaý. Wuhu+! kaýshi-xti oüwoüýna'oü ameýde, etheýgoü- \tr said, they say / boys / the «pl. sub.». / Woo-hoo-oo! / a very long while ago / of me they have heard / they are the ones, but / thought \rf jod 1890:39.19 \op biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Shi athaý-biamaý. Shi athaý-biamaý. Ki shi juýba moüthiüýbagiý athiüý amaýma. \tr they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the. / Again / went they say. / Again / went they say. / And / again / some / were throwing sticks as they walked, / it is said. \rf jod 1890:39.20 \op Shi waýkipaý-biamaý. Kageý, iüdaýdoü shteýshte iüwiüýthai-ga hauý, aý-biamaý. \tr Again / he met them they say. / O younger brother, / what / soever / tell ye to me / ! / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:40.1 \op Iüdaýdoü oüguiýthitha taiýte thiügeý eýgoü, aý-biamaý. Tenaý! Mashchiüýge amaý- \tr What / we tell you / shall / there is none / like / said, they say. / Why! / Rabbit / the «mv. sub.» \rf jod 1890:40.2 \op hnoü Ishtiýnike amaý chiý-biamaý aiý, oünaý'oüi, aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga amaý. Goüý \tr only / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «mv. sub.» / &cum &eo &coiit it is reported / they say, / we heard, / said, they say / boys / the «pl. sub.». / And \rf jod 1890:40.3 \op athaiý te. Wuhu+! kaýshi-xti-eýgoü unaý'oüoüýthe aýhoü, etheýgoü-biamaý. Goüý shi \tr he went / «???». / Woo-hoo! / a very long time ago / he made me to be heard of / ! / thought they say. / And / again \rf jod 1890:40.4 \op juýba aýiaýmama. Ki shi eýgoü weýmaxaý-biamaý. Kageý, iüdaýdoü shteýshte iüwiüý- \tr some / were approaching. / And / again / so / questioned them they say. / O younger brother, / what / soever / tell \rf jod 1890:40.5 \op thai-ga hauý, aý-biamaý. Iüdaýdoü oüguiýthitha taiýte thiügeý eýgoü, aý-biamaý. \tr ye to me / ! / said, they say. / What / we tell thee / shall / it is nothing / like / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:40.6 \op Tenaý! Mashchiüýge amaý-hnoü Ishtiýnike amaý chiý-biamaý aiý, oünaý'oüi, aý- \tr Why! / Rabbit / the «mv. sub.» only / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «mv. sub.» / &cum &eo &coiit it is reported / they say, / we heard, / said, \rf jod 1890:40.7 \op biamaý. Wuhu+! kaýshixti-eýgoü unaý'oüoüýthe aýhoü, etheýgoü-biamaý Ishtiýnike \tr they say. / Woo-hoo-oo! / a very long time ago / he made me to be heard of / ! / thought they say / @{Ishtiýnike} \rf jod 1890:40.8 \op akaý. Shi athaý-biamaý. Egithe zheýadigthoü peýzhi gthiza-bi eýgoü weýza-hnoü athaý- \tr the «sub.») / Again / went they say. / It came to pass / breech-cloth / bad / he took his own they say / having / to give the alarm, only / went \rf jod 1890:40.9 \op biamaý. Eýgithe ti eýthoübe ahiý-biamaý. Iüsh'aýge theýta thiü ieýnaxithai thiü, aý- \tr they say. / At length / lodge / in sight of / arrived they say. / Venerable man / this one behind / the «mv. ob.» / he is attacked / «???» / said they \rf jod 1890:40.10 \op biamaý. Eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Aýkishuga-xti-oüý-biamaý Shiüýgazhiüýga uoüýhe \tr they say. / There / he arrived they say. / They were standing very thick they say. / Children / a place of retreat \rf jod 1890:40.11 \op uýwaginaýi-ga. Iüthoüýnaxiýthai eýde heýgashtewoü-baýzhi, aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. \tr seek ye for them. / Me they attacked / but / by no means a few, / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:40.12 \op Iüsh'aýge waiiüý thoüý shtewoüý gashaiý toü, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, eýgoü-xtioüý (aý-biama). \tr Venerable man / robe / the / even / he is deprived of by chasing him / «???», / said, they say. / Yes, / so very / (said, they say). \rf jod 1890:40.13 \op Gaskiý wakoüýditheý-xti nazhiüý-biamaý, waýshtoüka akegoü. Oüwoüýdoübe taiý ha. \tr Panting / excessively / he stood they say, / a tempter / he was like. / We see them / will / . \rf jod 1890:40.14 \op Keý, uaýwagithaýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Oüýkazhi ha, aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Waiiüý \tr Come, / tell us about them, / said, they say. / Not so / , / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Robe \rf jod 1890:40.15 \op ge wiüý iüýthiü=giýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Wiý watoüýbe btheý taý miüke, aý-biamaý \tr the «pl.» / one / bring ye to me, / said, they say. / I / to see them / I go / will / I who, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:40.16 \op Ishtiýnike akaý. Iüsh'aýge wiüýke-xti aýhoü, aý-biamaý. Goüý waiiüý thoü 'iýi- \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Venerable man / tells the truth very / ! / said, they say. / And / robe / the / was given \rf jod 1890:40.17 \op biamaý, waiiüý shkuýbe-xti teýha 'iýi-biamaý. Wachiýshka ke uhaý athaý-biamaý. \tr they say, / robe / thick «hair» very / summer robe / was given they say. / Creek / the / following / he went, they say. \rf jod 1890:40.18 \op Haha+*! oüýba wiüýthoüthoüý gaýawaki'oü atoüýhe thoüýshti. Niýashiüga wiüý \tr Ha! ha! / day / one by one / have I been doing that to them / «???» / heretofore. / Person / one \rf jod 1890:40.19 \op oüýthizhuýshtewoüýzhi, aý-biamaý (Mashchiüýge eý wakaý-bi egoüý). \tr did not treat me well at all, / said he they say / Rabbit / that / he meant they say / having. \rf jod 1890:40.20 \ti The rabbit and the grizzly bear; or, the birth of the young rabbit. \op Moüchuý akaý Mashchiüýge thiükeý wagiýdoübe akiý-biamaý. Goüý theý amaý, \tr Grizzly bear / the «sub.» / Rabbit / the «st. ob.» / to scout for his own / reached home, they say. / And / went / they say \rf jod 1890:43.1 \op weýnaxithaý-biamaý Mashchiüýge akaý. Teý wiü shiüý-xti t'eýtha-biama Mashchiüýge \tr attacked them they say / Rabbit / the «sub.». / Buffalo / one / fat very / he killed, they say / Rabbit \rf jod 1890:43.2 \op akaý. Uýh oüwoüýtha moügthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý Moüchuý akaý. Moüchuý ishtaý-zhide \tr the «sub.». / To come for the meat / to tell about me / begone, / said, they say / Grizzly bear / the «sub.». / Grizzly bear / eye red \rf jod 1890:43.3 \op uiýhe tithaýbi-ga hauý, aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge akaý. Hiü+! wishi'eý, wiüoüýwataý, \tr to come for the meat / pass ye on / ! / said, they say / Rabbit / the «sub.». / Oh! / my husband's brother / in which place? \rf jod 1890:43.4 \op aý-biamaý Moüchuý miüýga akaý. Goüý athaý-biamaý. 'Iüý akiý-biamaý teý ke \tr said, they say / Grizzly bear / female / the «sub.». / And / went they say. / Brought home on their backs they say / buffalo «meat» / the \rf jod 1890:43.5 \op bthuýga-xti. Ki Moüchuý zhiüýga akaý duýba-biamaý. Goüý zhiügaý haýshi-xchi akaý \tr all. / And / Grizzly bear / young / the / four they say. / And / young / last very / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:43.6 \op Mashchiüýge tha'eýthe-hnoüý-biamaý. Wathaýtai te heýbe eýthiü ahiý-hnoü-biamaý \tr Rabbit / he pitied habitually they say. / What they ate / part / having for him / he arrived habitually they say \rf jod 1890:43.7 \op moüthoüý-hnoü. Shi eýgasaýni ki shi Moüchuý akaý shi eýgithoü-biamaý: Mashchiüýge, \tr by stealth habitually. / Again / the next day / when / again / Grizzly bear / the «sub.» / again / said to him, they say: / Rabbit, \rf jod 1890:43.8 \op unase thithiýta ugiýpi ha, aý-biamaý (Moüshtuý akaý). Zhiüýthehaý, hiübeý uýagitoü ha, \tr chasing-place / your own / is full / , / said, they say / Grizzly bear / the «sub.». / O elder brother, / moccasins / I put on my own / , \rf jod 1890:43.9 \op aý-biamaý (Mashchiüýge akaý). Goüý weýnaxithaý-biamaý. Shi teý wiü shiüý-xti \tr said, they say / Rabbit / the «sub.». / And / he attacked them they say. / Again / buffalo / one / fat very \rf jod 1890:43.10 \op t'eýtha-biamaý. Eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Uýhe oüwoüýtha moügthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý (Moüchuý \tr he killed, they say. / There / arrived, they say. / To come for meat / to tell of me / begone, / said, they say / Grizzly bear \rf jod 1890:43.11 \op akaý). Goüý agtheý amaýma Mashchiüýge amaý. Moüchuý ishtaý-zhide uiýhe tithaýbi-ga \tr the «sub.». / And / was going homeward, they say / Rabbit / the «mv. sub.». / Grizzly bear / eye red / to go for meat / pass on, \rf jod 1890:43.12 \op hauý, aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge akaý. Hiü+! wishi'eý, wiüoüýwataý, aý-biamaý Moüchuý \tr ! / said, they say / Rabbit / the «sub.». / Oh! / my husband's brother, / in which place? / said, they say / Grizzly bear \rf jod 1890:43.13 \op miüýga akaý. Goüý uiýhe athaý-biamaý. Shi bthuýga-xti 'iü akiý-biamaý. Ki eý Moüchuý \tr female / the «sub.». / And / to go for meat / went they say. / And / all very / brought home on their backs, they say. / And / that / Grizzly bear \rf jod 1890:43.14 \op zhiüýga akaý shi heýbe eýthiü ahiý-biamaý. Ki Moüchuý akaý gaý-biamaý: Heýbe \tr young / the «sub.» / again / a piece / having for him / he arrived, they say. / And / Grizzly bear / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / A piece \rf jod 1890:43.15 \op weýthahniü shiý eýzhoümiüý, aý-biamaý. Eýgasani ki wadoüýbe agiý-biamaý Ma- \tr you took for some one / you went / I think, / said, they say. / The next day / when / scouting / was coming back, they say. / Rab- \rf jod 1890:43.16 \op shchiüýge, uýnase thithiýta ugiýpi ha, aý-biamaý Moüchuý akaý. Zhiüýthehaý, hiübe \tr bit / chasing-place / your own / is full / , / said, they say / Grizzly bear / the «sub.». / O elder brother, / moccasin \rf jod 1890:44.1 \op uýagitoüý ha, aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge akaý. Goüý weýnaxithaý-biamaý. Shi teý wiü \tr I put on my own / , / said, they say / Rabbit / the «sub.». / And / he attacked them, they say. / Again / buffalo / one \rf jod 1890:44.2 \op shiüý-xti t'eýtha-biamaý. Eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Uýhe oüwoüýtha moügthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý \tr fat very / he killed, they say. / There / arrived, they say. / To come for meat / to tell of me / begone, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:44.3 \op Moüchuý akaý. Zhiütheýha, heýbe agiý'iü taý miüke, aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge akaý. Xa-iý! \tr Grizzly bear / the «sub.». / O elder brother, / a piece / I carry mine / will / I who, / said, they say / Rabbit / the «sub.». / Kha-ee! \rf jod 1890:44.4 \op wa'iügoüýtha aýhoü. Uýhe oüwaüýtha moügthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Goüý wamaýka-bazhiý- \tr to pack / he wishes / ! / To come for meat / to tell of me / begone, / said, they say. / And / he got out of patience with him \rf jod 1890:44.5 \op biamaý heýbe gi'iüý te aýhushigaý-bi egoüý Mashchiüýge akaý. Goüý ta ge \tr they say / a piece / to carry his own / the / he insisted on, they say / having / Rabbit / the «sub.». / And / meat / the «pl.» \rf jod 1890:44.6 \op maýshnushnudaý-biamaý. Ki Mashchiüýge akaý wamiý heýbe thizaý-bi egoüý itiýgthoü- \tr he cut and disjointed several times they say. / And / Rabbit / the «sub.» / blood / a piece / he took, they say / having / put it in his belt \rf jod 1890:44.7 \op biamaý. Iüdaýdoü hniýze eýgoü, aý-biamaý Moüchuý akaý. Zhiütheýha, iüdaýdoü bthiýza- \tr they say. / What / have you taken, / said, they say / Grizzly bear / the «sub.». / O elder brother, / what / I took \rf jod 1890:44.8 \op maýzhi, aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge akaý. Aýbaku thoü uthoüý-bi egoüý wamiý ubiýtoütoüý- \tr I-- not, / said, they say / Rabbit / the «sub.». / Nape of the neck / the / he held him, they say / having / blood / he pressed in it repeatedly \rf jod 1890:44.9 \op biamaý Moüchuý akaý. Xagaý-biamaý Mashchiüýge akaý. Goüý uýhe uthaý iý-biamaý. \tr they say / Grizzly bear / the «sub.». / Cried they say / Rabbit / the «sub.». / And / to come to pack / to tell / he was coming, they say. \rf jod 1890:44.10 \op Uiýhai eýgoü atiý-biamaý. Goüý theýthoü wamiý thizaiý thoü noüýdata ithoütha-biamaý \tr To come for meat / so / they have come, they say. / And / this «ob.» / blood / he took / the one which / at the side of the lodge / he put it they say \rf jod 1890:44.11 \op Mashchiüýge akaý. Hoüý amaý. Eýgithe Mashchiüýge akaý gaý-biamaý: Eýskana, \tr Rabbit / the «sub.». / Night / they say. / It came to pass / Rabbit / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / I hope, \rf jod 1890:44.12 \op winiýsi, shiüýgazhiüga ukiýai iýe tigthaýgtha-ma eýgoü koüý, aý-biamaý. Ki eýgithoü \tr my child, / children / they talk with each other / speech / they begin suddenly the ones who / so / I hope, / said, they say. / And / said to it \rf jod 1890:44.13 \op thishtoüý-bi ki, Oüý, aý-biamaý wamiý thiükeý shiüýgazhiüga eýgoü. Ki eýgoü-biamaý. \tr he finished, they say / when, / Yes, / said, they say / blood / the «one sitting» / infant / like. / And / so they say. \rf jod 1890:44.14 \op Ki shi eýgithoüý-biamaý. Eýskana, winiýsi, shiüýgazhiüga ukiýai ki edeýthashnoü-ezhiý-xti- \tr And / again / said to it they say. / I hope, / my child, / infant / they talk with each other / when / they speak very plainly, making no mistakes, \rf jod 1890:44.15 \op maý eýgoü koüý, aý-biamaý. Ki eýgoü-b amaý. Ki, Goüý-hniükeý eýbe uthaýkie hauý, \tr the ones who / so / I hope, / said, they say. / And / so «it was» they say. / And, / You sit for a while / who / you talked with / ? \rf jod 1890:44.16 \op aý-biamaý Moüchuý akaý. Naý! zhiüthehaý, ebeýshte uaýkie-maýzhi, wiý-hnoü uaýkikieý goüý \tr said, they say / Grizzly bear / the «sub.». / Why! / O elder brother, / who at all / I talked with I-- not, / I alone / I talked with myself / so \rf jod 1890:44.17 \op gthiüý miükeý, aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge akaý. Shi eýgithoü-biamaý. Eýskana, winiýsi, \tr I was sitting, / said, they say / Rabbit / the «sub.». / Again / said to him they say. / I hope, / my child, \rf jod 1890:44.18 \op nuýzhiüga moüthiýdoü wakoüýdagi toüýthiü tithaýtha-hnoü eýgoü koüý, aý-biamaý. Ki \tr boy / pulling the bow / wonderfully well / to run / starting repeatedly habitually / so / I hope, / said, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:44.19 \op eýgoü-xti aýtiaýgtha-biamaý. Shi ediýhi gthaýhe-thoüthoü-kithaý-biamaý. Eýskana, wi- \tr so very / became suddenly they say. / And / then / he caused him to do it repeatedly, they say. I hope, / my \rf jod 1890:45.1 \op niýsi, nuýzhiüga noüý-xti-hnoü moüthiýdoü wakoüýdagiý wasiýsige-xti-hnoüý eýboükoüý, \tr child, / boy / grown very alone / pulling the bow / wonderfully well / active very habitually / so I hope. \rf jod 1890:45.2 \op aý-biamaý. Goüý eýgoü-biamaý. Eskana, winiýsi, sheýnuzhiüga moüýzhiha 'iüý watoüýbe- \tr said, they say. / And / so «it was» they say. / I hope, / my child / young man / quiver / carrying / them I have seen \rf jod 1890:45.3 \op hnoüý-ma eýgoü koüý, aý-biamaý. Goüý eýgoü-biamaý. Ki oüýba amaý Keý, Ma- \tr habitually the ones who / so / I hope, / said, they say. / And / so «it was» they say. / And / day / was, they say. / Come, / Rab- \rf jod 1890:45.4 \op shchiüýge, uýnase thithiýta ugiýpi ha, aý-biamaý Moüchuý akaý. Noüheýba-ga, zhiütheýha, \tr bit, / surrounding place / your own / is full / , / said, they say / Grizzly bear / the «sub.». / Wait, / elder brother, \rf jod 1890:45.5 \op hiübeý uaýtoü ha, aý-biamaý. Wanaýxthiü-ga, edaýdoü hiübeý uýthatoüzhi shniükeý, \tr moccasin / I am putting on / , / said, they say. / Hasten, / what / moccasin / you have not put on / you who, \rf jod 1890:45.6 \op si-toüga+, zhoüýxe aýhigi! ishchaý-sitoüga! ishpaýshpa! aý-biamaý. Wuýhu+'aý! naýzhi! \tr big foot! / offensive odor / much! / eye-ball big! / mouth in splits! / said, they say. / Aha! / O the villainy! \rf jod 1890:45.7 \op eýgoü-xti iüýthuü eýskoü naýzhi! aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge izhiüýge akaý. Oüýhoü, nisiýha, \tr like it very / he treats my own / I think / O the villainy! / said, they say / Rabbit / his son / the «sub.». / Yes, / my child, \rf jod 1890:45.8 \op eýgoü-xti-hnoü oüýthiü, 'agtha-xti, nisiýha, oüýthiü, aý-biamaý \tr like it very habitually / he keeps me / suffering very, / my child, / he keeps me / said, they say / Rabbit / the «sub.». / He goes \rf jod 1890:45.9 \op te waýnanaýse thoü Pamuý aýmusta witoüýbe azhoüý taý miüke, aý-biamaý. Heýbe \tr the / they surrounded many times / where / down hill / right above / I see you / I lie / will / I who, / said, they say. / A piece \rf jod 1890:45.10 \op thagiý'iü 'iýthathe teý, aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge izhiüýge akaý. Goüý weýnaxithai te teý \tr you carry your own / you speak of / will, / said, they say / Rabbit / his son / the «sub.». / And / he attacked them / when / buffalo \rf jod 1890:45.11 \op wiü t'eýtha-biamaý. Moüchuý amaý eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Uýhe oüwoüýtha moügthiüý-ga, \tr one / he killed it they say. / Grizzly bear / the «mv. sub.» / there / arrived, they say. / To come for meat / to tell of me / begone, \rf jod 1890:45.12 \op aý-biama. Na! zhiütheýha, oüýkazhi ha, aý-biamaý. Heýbe agiý'iü koüýbtha, zhiütheýha, \tr said, they say. / Why! / elder brother, / not so / , / said, they say. / A piece / I carry mine / I wish, / elder brother, \rf jod 1890:45.13 \op aý-biamaý. Xa-iý+! wa'iüý goüýtha iýnahiü a. Uýhe oüwoüýtha moügthiüý-ga, \tr said, they say. / Kha-ee! / to carry / he wishes / truly / ! / To come for meat / to tell of me / begone, \rf jod 1890:45.14 \op aý-biama. Na! zhiütheýha, heýbe agiý'iü koüýbtha, zhiütheýha, aý-biamaý. Na! Ma- \tr said, they say. / Why! / elder brother, / a piece / I carry mine / I wish, / elder brother, / said, they say. / Why! / Rab- \rf jod 1890:45.15 \op shchiüýge iýe te eýgizhoüýzhi-hnoü eýde wathiýsisige, aý-biama. Na! zhiütheýha, \tr bit / speech / the / you have not done that habitually / but / you are active, / said, they say. / Why! / elder brother, \rf jod 1890:45.16 \op oüýkazhi ha thoüýzha wiý shti zhiütheýha, noüpoüýhiü-hnoü-moüý eýgoü heýbe agiý'iü \tr not so / / though / I / too / elder brother, / I am hungry habitually I have / so / a piece / I carry mine \rf jod 1890:45.17 \op koüýbtha, aý-biamaý. Na! wiüýake, Mashchiüýge uthuýnazhiü that'oüý ebtheýgoü aýdoü \tr I wish, / said, they say. / Why! / I tell the truth, / Rabbit / to depend on / you have / I think / therefore \rf jod 1890:45.18 \op iýe oüýshnazhuaýzhi eýgoü aýhoü, aý-biamaý Moüchuý akaý. Goüý shi eýgithoüý amaý \tr speech / you have treated me ill in talking / somewhat / ! / said, they say / Grizzly bear / the «sub.». / And / again / said to him / they say \rf jod 1890:45.19 \op ki moüýathatha athiüý-biamaý, babthiýzhe-xti theýtha-biamaý. Mashchiüýge izhiüýge akaý \tr when / on his back repeatedly / had him, they say, / pushed him over very / suddenly, they say. / Rabbit / his son / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:45.20 \op agiýi te. Goüý moüý te gthiýsniüsniüýde agiý-biamaý, moüýde ke ugiýnoüxpaý-biamaý \tr was coming back / And / arrow / the «col.» / pulled out several of his own / was coming, they say / bow / the / he strung his own, they say \rf jod 1890:46.1 \op Mashchiüýge izhiüýge akaý. Kageý! aý-biamaý, duýathoü gi'iüý-ga, aý-biamaý \tr Rabbit / his son / the «sub.». / O younger brother! / said, they say, / the «meat» on this side of you / carry your own, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:46.2 \op Moüchuý akaý. Tanuýka thoü heýbe oüýtha theýthai te. Ubthiý'age ha. 'Iüý-ga, \tr Grizzly bear / the «sub.». / Fresh meat / the / a piece / he threw away suddenly. / I am unwilling / . / Carry it, \rf jod 1890:46.3 \op aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge akaý. Ki izhiüýge amaý eýdi akiý-biamaý. Nazhiý! eýgoü-xti \tr said, they say / Rabbit / the «sub.». / And / his son / the «mv. sub.» / there / came home, they say. / O the villainy! / like it very \rf jod 1890:46.4 \op iüýthahniü eskoüý, aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge izhiüýge akaý. Na! nisiýha, thiaýdi theý gi'iüý \tr you have been treating my own / I suspect, / said, they say / Rabbit / his son / the «sub.». / Why! / my child, / your father / this / carrying his own \rf jod 1890:46.5 \op te. Eý'i ha woüýgithe, aý-biamaý Moüchuý akaý. Na! 'iü-ga ha, aý-biamaý Ma- \tr will. / I have given back / / all, / said, they say / Grizzly bear / the «sub.». / Bosh! / carry it / , / said, they say / Rab- \rf jod 1890:46.6 \op shchiüýge izhiüýge akaý, Moüýchuý eý wakaý-bi egoüý. Goüý moüýathatha athiüý-bi egoüý \tr bit / his son / the «sub.», / Grizzly bear / that / he meant, they say / having. / And / on his back repeatedly / he had him, they say / having \rf jod 1890:46.7 \op Moüchuý thiü kiýda-biama Mashchiüýge izhiüýge akaý. Moü noüýba iý'u-biamaý \tr Grizzly bear / the «mv. ob.» / shot at, they say / Rabbit / his son / the «sub.». / Arrow / two / wounded with, they say \rf jod 1890:46.8 \op Moüchuý. Goüý t'eýtha biamaý. Gaýxthoü thiükeý uýhe uhnaý te edeýshe-hnoüý a, \tr Grizzly bear. / And / killed him, they say. / His wife / the one who / to come for me / you told / when / what said you habitually / ? \rf jod 1890:46.9 \op aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge izhiüýge ithaýdi iýgthoüxaý-bi egoüý. Oüýhoü, aý-biamaý, \tr said, they say / Rabbit / his son / his father / he asked his own, they say / having. / Yes, / said, they say, \rf jod 1890:46.10 \op Moüchuý ishtaý-zhide uiýhe tithaýbi-ga hauý, eheý-hnoü-moüý, aý-biamaý. Eýgitha-biamaý. \tr Grizzly bear / eye red / to come for meat / pass ye on / ! / I said habitually I have, / said, they say. / He said to him they say. \rf jod 1890:46.11 \op Eýdi akiý-biamaý. Tiýzhebe te ubaýhoü basniüýdiheý amaý eýthoübe hiý te. Kuý- \tr There / reached home, they say. / Door / the / tent-front / he passed in head foremost as he lay / they say / when he came in sight. / &Twang \nt &Twang = Sound of bow. [JS] \rf jod 1890:46.12 \op biamaý. Goüý Moüchuý wa'uýzhiüga t'eýtha-biamaý Mashchiüýge izhiüýge akaý. Ma- \tr they say. / And / Grizzly bear / old woman / he killed her they say / Rabbit / his son / the «sub.». / Rab- \rf jod 1890:46.13 \op shchiüýge aýwahnoükaýshe tha'eýiüýthakithaiý a, aý-biamaý. Wiý, wiý, wiý, aý-biamaý. \tr bit / where are you who / you pitied mine for me / ? / said, they say. / I, / I, / I, / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:46.14 \op Za'eý-xti-oüý-biamaý. Ki zhiügaý haýshi akaý, Wiý-hnoü shte edueýha-maýzhi te, aý-biamaý. \tr A great confusion they say. / And / young / last / the «sub.», / I alone / even / I did not follow them, / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:46.15 \op Goüý theýakaý thaýbthiü zaniý t'eýwathaý-biamaý. Goüý, Thiýadi niý eýthashki thanaýzhiü te \tr And / this «col.» / three / all / he killed them, they say. / And, / Your father / water / you go for him / you stand / as \rf jod 1890:46.16 \op tithaý-ga, aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge izhiüýge akaý. Haý! zhiütheýha, aý-biamaý Moüchuý \tr pass on, / said, they say / Rabbit / his son / the «sub.». / O! / elder brother, / said, they say / Grizzly bear \rf jod 1890:46.17 \op zhiüýga umuýshte thiükeý. Goüý uýzhawaý-xti ithaýdi thiükeý zhuýgigthaý-biamaý. Dadiýha, \tr young / left from shooting / he who. / And / having a very good time / his father / he who / he with his own they say. / O father, \rf jod 1890:46.18 \op moüý juýba iügaýxa-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Goüý moüý giaýxa-biamaý, heýgazhi moüý thi- \tr arrow / some / make for me / , / said, they say. / And / arrow / made for him they say, / a great many / arrow / fin- \rf jod 1890:46.19 \op shtoüý-biamaý. Xithaý-mashoü eýna-siýxti ithaýtha-biamaý. Goüý goüý-akaýma gaý-biamaý: \tr ished they say. / Eagle feathers / all alike / he put on, they say. / And / after he sat awhile / said as follows, they say: \rf jod 1890:46.20 \op Dadiýha, waýthaha uýdoü-xti koüýbtha, aý-biamaý. Oüý, aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge akaý. \tr O father, / clothing / good very / I wish, / said, they say. / Yes, / said, they say / Rabbit / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:47.1 \op Goüý wathaýge wiü giaýxa-biamaý, Paýnuhu wiüý amaý. Shoüý wazhiüýga ukiýPate zhuýga \tr And / hat / one / made for him they say, / owl / one / they say. / In fact / bird / sewed together / body \rf jod 1890:47.2 \op bthuýga-xti waýthaha-biamaý. Shi hiübeý eýgoü Paýnuhu akiýwa utoüý-biamaý. Si- \tr all very / he clothed they say. / Again / moccasin / so / owl / both / he put on «wore» they say. / a \rf jod 1890:47.3 \op thiýze moüthiüý-bi teýdi, Huý! huý! huý! eý-hnoü-biamaý. Paýnuhu wanoüýhutoü- \tr step / walked, they say / when, / Hoo! / hoo! / hoo! / said habitually they say. / Owl / he made them hoot as \rf jod 1890:47.4 \op hnoüý-biamaý. Shoüý wazhiüýga bthuýga huýtoü za'eý-xti-oüý-biamaý. \tr he walked, they say. / In fact / bird / all / crying / made a great noise, they say. \rf jod 1890:47.5 \ti The young rabbit and ictinike \op Mashchiüýge amaý eýgithe Ishtiýnike aýkipa-biamaý sabaýzhi. Wuhu+! haý tushpaý \tr Rabbit / the «mv. sub.» / at length / @{Ishtiýnike} / met they say / suddenly. / Woo-hoo-oo! / O grandchild, \rf jod 1890:50.1 \op haý tushpaý, aý-biamaý. Iüsh'aýge, edeýshe taýdoü, aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge akaý. Tushpaýha, \tr O grandchild, / said, they say. / Venerable man, / what would you say ? / said, they say / Rabbit / the «sub.». / O grandchild, \rf jod 1890:50.2 \op wazhiüýga wiü gtheý thiüýke t'eoüýkitha-ga, aý-biamaý. Goüý kiýka-biamaý. Kuýsan- \tr bird / one / going homeward, the one that / cause me to kill it, / said, they say. / and / shot at it, they say. / Through \rf jod 1890:50.3 \op deý-xti ithoüý tha-biamaý. Uxpaýthe iý amaý. Utaý amaý. Tushpaýthoü, thaý'eoüýgithaý-ga. \tr and through / he put it, they say. / Falling / coming, they say. / Lodged «in a tree» / they say. / O! grandchild, / pity me. \rf jod 1890:50.4 \op Haý tushpaý, haý tushpaý, piý-xti thaý'eoüýgithaý-ga, aý-biamaý. Oüýkazhi, iüsh'aýge, aoüýbtha \tr O grandchild, / O grandchild, / again very / pity me, / said, they say. / Not so, / venerable man, / I abandon it \rf jod 1890:50.5 \op taý miüke; thizeý moüthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Oüýkazhi, tushpaýha, moüý ke uýdoü chaýbe \tr will / I who; / to take it / walk thou, / said, they say. / Not so, / grandchild, / arrow / the «ob.» / good / very \rf jod 1890:50.6 \op eýde hniýzazhi ki eýbe athiüý taýdoü, aý-biamaý (Ishtiýnike akaý). Wuýhu+'aý! aý-biamaý, \tr but / you take it not / if / who / have it / shall? / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Really! / said, they say, \rf jod 1890:50.7 \op iüsh'aýge uheý goütha iýnahiü aýhoü. Goüý waýthaha te thishnuýda-biamaý bthuýga \tr venerable man / to have his way / wishes / truly / ! / And / clothing / the / pulled off they say / the whole. \rf jod 1890:50.8 \op Xthabeý te aýne athaý-biamaý. Sheýthu shte aýthaskaýbe te haý, aý-biamaý. Edeýshegoü a \tr Tree / the / climbing / went, they say. / There / even / stick / will / , / said, they say. / What were you saying / ? \rf jod 1890:50.9 \op iüsh'aýge, aý-biamaý. Na! tuýshpathoü edeýha-maýzhi. Kaýshi weýahide iüýhi aýhoü, \tr venerable man, / said, they say. / Why! / grandchild / what I said I not. / A long time back / far / he has gone for me / ! \rf jod 1890:50.10 \op eheý miükeý, aý-biamaý. Goüý theý ameýgoü shi eýgoü-biamaý. Sheýthu shte aýthaskaýbe \tr I was saying, / said, they say. / And / as he was going / again / so they say. / There / even / let him stick \rf jod 1890:50.11 \op te haý, aý-biamaý. Edeýshegoü a iüsh'aýge, aý-biamaý. Na! tuýshpathoü, edeýha-maýzhi. \tr «???» / . / said, they say. / What were you saying / ? / venerable man / said, they say. / Why! / grandchild, / what I said I not. \rf jod 1890:51.1 \op Kaýshi weýahide iüýhi aýhoü, eheý miükeý, aý-biamaý. Goüý theý ameýgoü shi eýgoü- \tr A long time back / far / he has reached for me / ! / I was saying, / said, they say. / And / as he was going / again / so \rf jod 1890:51.2 \op biamaý. Sheýthu shte aýthaskaýbe te haý, aý-biamaý. Edeýshegoü a iüshaýge, aý-biamaý. \tr they say. / There / even / let him stick / , / said, they say. / What were you saying / ? / venerable man / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:51.3 \op Na! tuýshpathoü, edeýha-maýzhi. Koüýge iüýhi aýhoü, eheý miükeý, iügthiý, aý-biamaý. \tr Why! / grandchild, / I said what I not. / Near at hand / has reached for me / ! / I was saying, / O first born, / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:51.4 \op Goüý shi theý amaý shi eýgoü-biamaý. Sheýthu shte aýthaskabe te haý, aý-biamaý. Edeýshegoü \tr And / again / he was going / again / so they say. / There / even / let him stick / , / said, they say. / What were you saying \rf jod 1890:51.5 \op a iüsh'aýge, aý-biamaý. Sheýthu shte aýthaskabe, eheý, aý-biamaý (Ishtiýnike akaý). \tr ? / venerable man, / said, they say. / There / even / he sticks, / I said, / said, they say. / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:51.6 \op Mashchiüýge akaý zhoüý te aýthaskabaý-biamaý. Goüý waýthaha te aýthaha-bi egoüý \tr Rabbit / the «sub.» / tree / the «ob.» / stuck to it they say. / And / clothing / the / he put on, they say / having \rf jod 1890:51.7 \op toüýwoügthoü wiü eýdi ahiý-bi egoüý niýkagahi izhoüýge wiü gthoüý-biamaý. Theý \tr nation / one / there / arrived, they say / having / chief / his daughter / one / he married, they say. / This \rf jod 1890:51.8 \op zhiügaý akaý wazhiüýshte athaý-biamaý. Eýgithe moüýshiata uthiýxidaý-biamaý ki eýgithe \tr young / the «sub.» / in a bad humor / departed, they say. / It came to pass / on high / she gazed they say / when / at length \rf jod 1890:51.9 \op niýashiüga goüý toü amaý, xthabeý aýthaskabe nazhiüý toü iýtha-biamaý. Goüý gasaý-biamaý \tr person / he was standing awhile / they say, / tree / sticking to it / who was standing / she found him, they say. / And / she cut it, they say \rf jod 1890:51.10 \op xthabeý te. Gaxiýathaý-bi egoüý zhoüý ke aýthutoü-xti neýtha-biamaý Eýgithe naýxpoü- \tr tree / the «std. ob.» / Made it fall by cutting they say / having / wood / the «lg. ob.» / straight towards / made a fire, they say. / At length / she caused \rf jod 1890:51.11 \op thai te. Goüý zhuýgthe gthiüý-biamaý Peýde tedi. Niýashiüga wiü 'aýgtheoüýthe chaýbe \tr it to melt. / And / with her / he sat they say / fire / at the. / Person / one / caused me to suffer / very much \rf jod 1890:51.12 \op shutheý, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, eýdi ahiýi eýde wioüýthe akaý aýthixai, aý-biamaý. Goüý \tr went to you / said he they say. / Yes, / there / he arrived / but / my elder sister / the «sub.» / married him / said she they say. / And \rf jod 1890:51.13 \op zhuýgthe agthaý-biamaý. Theýamaý waýthixe uxiüýa theý amathoüý Mashchiüýge izhiüýge \tr with him / she went homeward they say. / This one / to marry a man / sulky about / go / who did, they say / Rabbit / his son \rf jod 1890:51.14 \op zhuýgthe agthiý, eý-hnoü-biamaý, thahiýde-hnoüý-biamaý. Goüý ahiý-biamaý. Sheýthiü xithaý \tr with him / she has come home / said habitually they say, / ridiculing her habitually they say. / And / he arrived they say. / That «mv. ob.» / eagle \rf jod 1890:51.15 \op wiü shutheý hau. Mashchiüýge izhiüýge eýthoübe eýgoü te, aý-biamaý. Kiýde aýgazhiý- \tr one / goes to you / ! / Rabbit / his son / do let him be coming in sight / said, they say. / To shoot at it / they commanded \rf jod 1890:51.16 \op biamaý. (Mashchiüýge izhiüýge akaý koüýge-xchi ahiý-biamaý ki waýthaha akaý \tr they say. / Rabbit / his son / the «sub.» / near at hand very / arrived they say / when / clothing / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:51.17 \op wazhiüýga iýgiPahoüi te iýi te, huýtoü-biamaý. Ishtiýnike akaý gaý-biamaý: Gaýxtoü- \tr bird / knew its own / coming the / cried «hooted» they say. / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / They always \rf jod 1890:51.18 \op hnoüýi ha. Xthiýazhi eýgoü gthiüýi-ga, aý-biamaý.) Shutheý xithaý wiü hauý, aý-biamaý. \tr do so / . / Silent / so / sit ye / said, they say. / Goes to you / eagle / one / ! / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:51.19 \op Mashchiüýge izhiüýge eýthoübe aýgazhiýi-ga hauý, aý-biamaý. Ishtiýnike amaý eýthoübe \tr Rabbit / his son / to come in sight / command ye / ! / said, they say. / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «mv. sub.» / coming in sight \rf jod 1890:52.1 \op ahiý-biamaý. Aýmustaý-xti iýhe amaý. Kiýda-bi egoüý muýshnoü-biamaý. Theýakaý \tr arrived, they say. / Directly above / it passed / they say. / He shot at it, they say / having / he missed it, they say. / This one \rf jod 1890:52.2 \op aýma akaý eýthoübe ahiý-biamaý. Goüýte-xti ki eýthoübe ahiý-bi ki huýthuga iýdoü- \tr the other one / in sight / arrived, they say. / A great while / when / in sight / arrived they say / when / tribal circle / right \rf jod 1890:52.3 \op beataý-xti gawiüýxe moüthiüý-biamaý xithaý amaý. Kiýde theýtha-biamaý ki t'eýtha- \tr through the middle / circled around / walked they say / eagle / the «mv. sub.». / Shot at him / with force they say / when / he killed him \rf jod 1890:52.4 \op biamaý. Wuhuý! t'eýthai hauý, aý-biamaý. Tenaý! Mashchiüýge izhiüýge eý akaý ki, \tr they say. / Woo-hoo! / he killed him / ! / said, they say. / Why! / Rabbit / his son / that / the one / when, «?» \rf jod 1890:52.5 \op aý-biamaý. T'eýthai te ushkoüý thoüýdi ahiý-bi ki hiüxpeý wiü uthiýxpathaý-bikeýamaý. \tr said, they say. / He killed it / deed / the «place» where / arrived, they say / when / fine feather / one / had fallen, they say. \rf jod 1890:52.6 \op Thizaý-biamaý. Gaýke iheýtha-ga, aý-biamaý, wa'uý eý wakaý-bi egoüý. Xithaý iýkinaý- \tr He took it, they say. / That «lg. ob.» / put it away, / said he they say, / woman / that / he meant, they say / having. / Eagle / contended for \rf jod 1890:52.7 \op biamaý miýashiüga bthuýga. Eýgasani ki oüýba amaý Maýshoü iheýthathe ke doübaý-ga \tr they say / men / all. / The next day / when / day / they say. / Feather / you put away / the / look at it \rf jod 1890:52.8 \op ha, aý-biamaý. Doübaý-biamaý. Hiü+! aý-biamaý. Thaxuýba-biamaý. Theýthiükeý \tr . / said, they say. / Saw it, they say. / Oh! / said she they say. / Spoke in wonder, they say. / This one who \rf jod 1890:52.9 \op xithaý bthuýga-xti-oüý thiükeý, aý-biamaý. Iüsh'aýge eýthiü moüthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Goüý \tr eagle / the whole / the one who, / said she they say. / Venerable man / take it to him / said he they say. / And \rf jod 1890:52.10 \op eýthiü ahiý-biamaý. Eýgasani ki, Shutheý xithaý wiü hauý, aý-biamaý. Mashchiüýge izhiüýge \tr having it for him / she arrived, they say. / The following day / when, / Goes to you / eagle / one / ! / said, they say. / Rabbit / his son \rf jod 1890:52.11 \op eýthoübe aýgazhiýi-ga hauý, aý-biamaý. Ishtiýnike amaý eýthoübe ahiý-biamaý. Aýmusta- \tr to appear / command ye / ! / said, they say. / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «mv. sub.» / in sight / arrived, they say. / Directly \rf jod 1890:52.12 \op xti iýhe amaý. Kiýda-bi egoüý muýshnoü-biamaý. Theýakaý aýma akaý eýthoübe ahiý- \tr above / it passed / they say. / He shot at it, they say. / having / he missed they say. / This one / the other one / in sight / arrived \rf jod 1890:52.13 \op biamaý. Gan*te-xti ki eýthoübe ahiý-bi ki huýthuga iýdoübeataý-xti gawiüýxe \tr they say. / A great while / when / in sight / arrived, they say / when / tribal circle / right through the middle / circled around \rf jod 1890:52.14 \op moüthiüý-biamaý xithaý amaý. Kiýde theýtha-biamaý ki t'eýtha-biamaý. Wuhuý! t'eýthai \tr walked they say / eagle / the «mv. sub.». / Shot at him / with force, they say / when / he killed him, they say. / Woo-hoo! / he killed him \rf jod 1890:52.15 \op hauý, aý-biamaý. Tenaý! Mashchiüýge izhiüýge eý akaý ki, aý-biamaý. T'eýthai te \tr ! / said, they say. / Why! / Rabbit / his son / that / the one / when, «?» / said, they say. / He killed it \rf jod 1890:52.16 \op ushkoüý thoüýdi ahiý-bi ki hiüxpeý wiü uthiýxpathaý-bikeýamaý. Thizaý-biamaý. Gaý- \tr deed / the «place» where / arrived, they say / when / light feather / one / was falling they say. / He took it, they say. / That \rf jod 1890:52.17 \op ke iheýtha-ga Eýgasani ki oüýba amaý. Maýshoü iheýthathe ke doübaý-ga ha, \tr «lg. ob.» / put it away. / The next day / when / day / they say. / Feather / you put away / the «lg. ob.» / look at it / , \rf jod 1890:52.18 \op aý-biamaý. Doübaý-biamaý. Hiü+! aý-biamaý. Thaxuýba-biamaý. Thethiükeý xithaý \tr said, they say. / Saw it they say. / Oh! / said she they say. / Spoke in wonder, they say. / This one / eagle \rf jod 1890:52.19 \op bthuýga-xti-oüý thiükeý, aý-biamaý. Iüsh'aýge eýthiü moüthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Goüý eýthiü \tr the whole / the one who / said she they say. / Venerable man / take it to him, / said he they say. / And / having it for him \rf jod 1890:52.20 \op ahiý-biamaý. Eýgasani ki, Shutheý xithaý wiü hauý, aý-biamaý. Mashchiüýge izhiüýge \tr arrived, they say. / The next day / when, / Goes to you / eagle / one / ! / said, they say. / Rabbit / his son \rf jod 1890:53.1 \op eýthoübe aýgazhiýi-ga hauý, aý-biamaý. Ishtiýnike amaý eýthoübe ahiý-biamaý. Aýmustaý-xti \tr to appear / command ye / ! / said, they say. / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «mv. sub.» / in sight / arrived, they say. / Directly above \rf jod 1890:53.2 \op iýhe amaý. Kiýda-bi egoüý muýshnoü-biamaý. Theýakaý aýma akaý eýthoübe ahiý-biamaý. \tr it passed , they say. / He shot at it, they say / having / he missed it they say. / This one / the other one / in sight / arrived, they say. \rf jod 1890:53.3 \op Goüýte-xti ki eýthoübe ahiý bi ki huýthuga iýdoübeataý-xti gawiüýxe moüthiüý-biamaý \tr A great while / when / in sight / arrived, they say / when / tribal circle / right through the middle / circled around / walked they say \rf jod 1890:53.4 \op xithaý amaý. Kiýde theýtha-biamaý ki t'eýtha-biamaý. Wuhuý! t'eýthai hauý, aý-biamaý. \tr eagle / the «mv. sub.». / He shot at him / with force, they say / when / he killed him, they say. / Woo-hoo! / he killed him / ! / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:53.5 \op Tenaý! Mashchiüýge izhiüýge eý akaý ki, aý-biamaý T'eýthai te ushkoüý thoüýdi ahiý-bi \tr Why! / Rabbit / his son / that / the «sub.» / when «?» / said, they say. / He killed it / deed / the «place» where / arrived they say \rf jod 1890:53.6 \op ki hiüxpeý wiü uthiýxpathaý-bikeýamaý. Thizaý-biamaý. Gaýke iheýtha-ga. Eýgasani \tr when / light feather / one / was falling, they say. / He took it, they say. / That «lg. ob.» / put it away. / The next day \rf jod 1890:53.7 \op ki oüýba amaý. Maýshoü iheýthathe ke doübaý-ga haý, aý-biamaý. Doübaý-biamaý. \tr when / day, / they say. / Feather / you put away / the «lg. ob.» / look at it / , / said, they say. / Saw it they say. \rf jod 1890:53.8 \op Hiü+! aý-biamaý. Thaxuýba-biamaý. Theýthiükeý xithaý bthuýga-xti-oüý thiükeý, \tr Oh! / said she, they say. / Spoke in wonder, they say. / This one / eagle / the whole / the one who, \rf jod 1890:53.9 \op aý-biamaý. Iüsh'aýge eýthiü moüthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Goüý eýthiü ahiý-biamaý. Eýgasani \tr said she they say. / Venerable man / take it to him, / said he they say, / And / having it for him / arrived, they say. / The next day \rf jod 1890:53.10 \op ki, Shutheý xithaý wiü hauý, aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge izhiüýge eýthoübe aýgazhiýi-ga hauý, \tr when, / Goes to you / eagle / one / ! / said, they. / Rabbit / his son / to appear / command ye / ! \rf jod 1890:53.11 \op aý-biamaý. Ishtiýnike amaý eýthoübe ahiý-biamaý. Aýmustaý-xti iýhe amaý. Kiýda-bi \tr said, they say. / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «mv. sub.» / in sight / arrived, they say. / Directly above / it passed / they say. / He shot at it they say \rf jod 1890:53.12 \op egoüý muýshnoü-biamaý. Aýma akaý eýthoübe ahiý-biamaý. Goüýte-xti ki eýthoübe \tr having / he missed it they say. / The other / in sight / arrived, they say. / A great while / when / in sight \rf jod 1890:53.13 \op ahiý-bi ki huýthuga iýdoübeataý-xti gawiüýxe moüthiüý-biamaý xithaý amaý. Kiýde \tr arrived, they say / when / tribal circle / right through the middle / circled around / walked they say / eagle / the «mv. sub.». / He shot at him \rf jod 1890:53.14 \op theýtha-biamaý ki t'eýtha-biamaý Wuhuý! t'eýthai hauý, aý-biamaý. \tr with force, they say / when / he killed him, they say. / Woo-hoo! / he killed him / ! / said, they say. / Why! / Rabbit \rf jod 1890:53.15 \op izhiüýge eý akaý ki, aý-biamaý. T'eýthai te ushkoüý thoüýdi ahiý-bi ki hiüxpeý wiü \tr his son / that / the «sub.» / when, «?» / said, they say. / He killed it / deed / the «place» where / arrived, they say / when / light feather / one \rf jod 1890:53.16 \op uthiýxpathaý-bikeýamaý. Thizaý-biamaý. Gaýke iheýtha-ga Eýgasani ki oüýba \tr was falling, they say. / He took it, they say. / That «lg. ob.» / put it away. / The next day / when / day \rf jod 1890:53.17 \op amaý. Maýshoü iheýthathe ke doübaý-ga haý, aý-biamaý. Doübaý-biamaý. Hiü+! \tr they say. / Feather / you put away / the «lg. ob.» / look at it / , / said, they say. / Saw it they say. / Oh! \rf jod 1890:53.18 \op aý-biamaý. Thaxuýba-biamaý. Theýthiükeý xithaý bthuýga-xti-oüý thiükeý, aý-biamaý. \tr said she they say. / Spoke in wonder, they say. / This one / eagle / the whole / the one who / said she they say. \rf jod 1890:53.19 \op Iüsh'aýge eýthiü moüthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Goüý eýthiü ahiý-biamaý. Ki, Ahauý! aý-biamaý. \tr Venerable man / take it to him, / said he they say. / And / having it for him / arrived, they say. / And, / Well! / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:53.20 \op Theýxe-gakuý sheýte iüsh'aýge wawaýshi-de iüýthiü agiý te, aý-biamaý. Goüý eoüýba amaý \tr Drum / that «ob.» / venerable man / employ some one, and / for me let him bring it home / said, they say. / And / that day / it was, they say \rf jod 1890:54.1 \op ki Shtiýnike akaý tahuýpezi pezhiý-xti aýthahaý-bi teý amaý. Ki Mashchiüýge izhiüýge \tr when / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / an old, worn piece of tent-skin / bad very / he had put on, they say. / And / Rabbit / his son \rf jod 1890:54.2 \op e waýthaha aýthahai eýde giý'i taý akaýma. Goüý noüshnuýda-biamaý woüýgithe. Shi \tr that «one» / clothing / he wore / but / he was about to give it back, they say. / And / he kicked it off, they say / all. / Again \rf jod 1890:54.3 \op aýhnaha teýgoü aýhnaha gthiýza-ga ha, sheýte, aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge izhiüýge akaý. \tr you wear / in order that / you wear it / take your own / , / that «ob.» / said, they say / Rabbit / his son / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:54.4 \op Goüý 'iý-biamaý. The waýgthizaý-biamaý. Aýthaha-bi egoüý uýginazhiüý-biamaý, hiübeý \tr And / he gave it to him, they say. / That / he took his own, they say. / Put on, they say / having / he stood in his own, they say, / moccasin \rf jod 1890:54.5 \op shti utoüý-biamaý. Goüý Mashchiüýge izhiüýge akaý theýxe-gakuý utiüýwakithaý-bi egoüý \tr too / he put on, they say. / And / Rabbit / his son / the «sub.» / drum / caused them to strike / having \rf jod 1890:54.6 \op Ishtiýnike moüýshi theýkithaý-biamaý. Goüý weýahide hiý ki etaýtoü uxpaýthe giýkithaý- \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / high / sent him they say. / And / far / arrived / when / thence / to fall / caused him to be returning \rf jod 1890:54.7 \op biamaý. Goüý gat'eý amaý. \tr they say. / And / died by falling, they say. \rf jod 1890:54.8 \ti @{Sitheýmakoü}'s adventure as a deer. \op Sitheýmakoü iwkoüý zhuýgigthaý-biamaý enaý-xchi. Eýgithe wa'uý thaýbthiü \tr @{Sitheýmakoü} / his grandmother / dwelt in a lodge / he with his own they say / alone. / It happened / woman / three \rf jod 1890:57.1 \op atheý amaýma. Sitheýmakoü-eý, wa'eý oügaýthe taiý heý, aý-biamaý. Hiü+! winoüý, \tr were going, they say. / @{Sitheýmakoü} O! / to hoe / we go / will / , / said they, they say. / Oh! / first daughter \rf jod 1890:57.2 \op theýke wakeýg edegoüý thaýthuhaý-xchi iüýt'e heý, aý-biamaý ikoüý akaý. Thazhaýi ki \tr this «lg. ob.» / sick / but / nearly / dead to me / , / said, they say / his grandmother / the «sub.». / You doubt / if \rf jod 1890:57.3 \op doübaýi-a heý, theýke, aý-biamaý. Doübaý-bi ki maxuýde koüýha keýdi shoüý-xti \tr look at him / , / this the «lg. ob.» / said she they say. / They say him they say / when / ashes / edge / by the / just so \rf jod 1890:57.4 \op ukiý+patoü zhoüý-biamaý, xageý zhoüý-biamaý Sitheýmakoü akaý, Hoü! hoü! hoü! \tr turning himself / he lay they say / crying / he lay they say / @{Sitheýmakoü} / the «sub.», / Han! / han! / han! \rf jod 1890:57.5 \op Doübaý-biamaý wa'uý thaýbthiü akaý. Hiü+! shikoüý, wiüýke-xchi-oüý wa'uýzhiüga. \tr They saw him they say / woman / three / the «sub.». / Heeee! / husband's sister, / she told the exact truth / old woman. \rf jod 1890:57.6 \op Thaýthuha-xchi t'eý keý, aý-biamaý. Athaý-biamaý wa'uý thaýbthiü amaý. Oüýtha- \tr Nearly very / dead / he lies, / said, they say. / Went they say / woman / three / the «sub.». / They left him \rf jod 1890:57.7 \op biamaý. Oüýtha athaý-bi ki Sitheýmakoü akaý paýhoü aýtiaýtha-biamaý. Koühaý, \tr they say. / Leaving him / they went they say / when / @{Sitheýmakoü} / the «sub.» / arose / suddenly they say. / Grandmother. \rf jod 1890:57.8 \op sheýke tashniüýgthishkahaý uýzhiha iüý'ithaý-ga aý-biamaý. Giý'i theýtha-biamaý. Sitheý- \tr that «lg. ob.» / spotted fawn-skin / bag / hand to me / said he, they say. / Gave him / suddenly they say. / @{Sithe-} \rf jod 1890:57.9 \op makoü bthuýga ugiýnazhiüý-biamaý, taýxti gaxaý-biamaý. Eýgoü thieý bahoüý-xti \tr @{makaü} / the whole / stood in his own they say, / deer / made they say. / So / side / middle of rounded part very \rf jod 1890:57.10 \op thoü moüý wiü ubaýxoü gaxaý-biamaý, i wamiý gaxaý-biamaý. Noüýge goü \tr the «ob.» / arrow / one / sticking in / made they say, / mouth / blood / made they say. / Running / so \rf jod 1890:57.11 \op athaý-biamaý Wa'uý thaýbthiü wa'eý-ma-ta ahiý-biamaý. Hoübthiüýge wa'eý moüthiüý- \tr he went, they say. / Woman / three / those hoeing to / arrived they say. / eans / hoeing / walked \rf jod 1890:57.12 \op biamaý wa'uý amaý. Hiü+! shikoüý, taýxti wiü the \tr they say / woman / the «sub.». / Oh! / brother's wife / deer / one / this / badly wounded / he is coming / / said she they say. \rf jod 1890:57.13 \op Athiüý athaý-biamaý. Shoüý woüýgithe-xti wa'uý amaý thixaý-biamaý. Athiüý athaý-bi \tr Having him / they went, they say. / And / all very / woman / the «sub.» / chased it, they say. / Having him / they went they say, \rf jod 1890:58.1 \op goüý utiüý ki gashnoüýgi goüý weýahideý-xti waýthiü ahiý-biamaý. Wiýubeni agiý- \tr so / they hit / when / missed when it got to him / so / far very / having them / he arrived, they say. / Going round them / coming back \rf jod 1890:58.2 \op biamaý Sitheýmakoü amaý. Agiý-bi egoüý uýzhiha ginoüýshnudaý-bi egoüý hoübthiüýge \tr they say / @{Sitheýmakoü} / the «sub.». / Coming back, they say / having / bag / pulled off they say / having / beans \rf jod 1890:58.3 \op iteýgithe uzhiý-biamaý uýzhiha ke. 'Iüý theýtha-bi egoüý agthaý-biamaý ikoüý thiükeý \tr putting together / put in they say / bag / the «ob.». / Carried / suddenly they say / having / he went homeward they say. / his grandmother / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:58.4 \op gitaýPe. Ikoüý thiükeýdi 'iü akiý-biamaý. Koühaý, duýaka uýzhiha aýnaxth \tr drew near his own. / His grandmother / to the / carrying / he reached home, they say. / Grandmother, / this one here / sack / hiding \rf jod 1890:58.5 \op iheýtha-ga, aý-biamaý. Xaýde noüýde keýta eýgih itheýtha-biamaý, aýnanxth iheýtha- \tr put away, / said he they say. / Grass / side of tent / at the / headlong / she sent suddenly they say, / hiding / she put it \rf jod 1890:58.6 \op biamaý. Ki wa'uý thaýbthiü agiý-biamaý. Na! wa'uýzhiüga thituýshpa hoübthiüýge \tr they say. / And / woman / three / coming back, they say. / Why! / old woman / your grandchild / beans \rf jod 1890:58.7 \op oükiý'ai thoüýshti woüýgisheý-xti weý'iü agiýi te heý, aý-biamaý. Hiü+! winoüý, \tr we hoed for ourselves / heretofore / all very / carrying for us / was coming back / , / said, she they say. / Oh! / first daughter, \rf jod 1890:58.8 \op oüýkazhiý-xti-oü heý. Theýke wakeýge shtoüýbai te shoüshoüý-xti-oü heý, aý-biamaý. \tr not so very / . / This «lg. ob.» / sick / you saw / as / he continues very / , / said she they say. \rf jod 1890:58.9 \op Doübaý-biamaý ki, Hiü+! shikoüý, wiüýke-xti-oü heý, naýthuhaý-xchi t'eý ke heý, \tr They saw they say / when, / Oh! / brother's wife, / she told the exact truth / , / nearly very / dead / he lies / , \rf jod 1890:58.10 \op aý-biamaý. Agthaý-biamaý wa'uý amaý. Koühaý, keý, uhoüý-ga, aý-biamaý. \tr said she they say. / Went homeward they say / woman / the «sub.». / Grandmother, / come, / cook them, / said he they say. \rf jod 1890:58.11 \op Wathaýte zhuýgigthaý-biamaý Koühaý, uaýgashoü btheý te, aý-biamaý. Moüýde ke \tr Eating / he with his own they say. / Grandmother, / I travel / I go / will / said he they say. / Bow / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:58.12 \op gthiýza-bi egoüý athaý-biamaý. Shoüý-xti xaýde shkuýbe siduýhi shkuýbe uýdoü-xti \tr took his own they say / having / he went, they say. / All at once / grass / deep / siduhi / deep / good very \rf jod 1890:58.13 \op thoü eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Xaýde thibuýt ithoüý-biamaý. Shoüý-xchi agtheý amaý. Kiý- \tr the «ob.» / there / he arrived they say. / Grass / he made / it round they say. / All at once / he went homeward they say. / Reached home \rf jod 1890:58.14 \op bi egoüý xageý-hnoü gaýxe gthiüý-biamaý. Eaýtoü thaxaýge aý, aý-biamaý ikoüý \tr they say / having / crying regularly / made / he sat they say. / Why / you cry / ? / said she they say / his grandmother \rf jod 1890:58.15 \op akaý. Oüýhoü, koühaý, uýshkoü wiü oüýbahi eýde teýxi heýgazhi, aý-biamaý. Edaýdoü \tr the «sub.». / Yes, / grandmother, / deed / one / I am picked out / but / difficult / not a little, / said, he they say. / What \rf jod 1890:58.16 \op teýxi ki goüý ushneý te heý, aý-biamaý. Koühaý, wachiýgaxe oüýbahi, aý-biamaý. \tr difficult / if / so / you tell it / will / , / said, she they say. / Grandmother, / to dance / I am picked out, / said, he they say. \rf jod 1890:58.17 \op Eýde, koühaý, uýthaze zhuýwigiýgthe te iý, aý-biamaý. Aýwate teýxi te goüý eýdi \tr But / grandmother, / to chorus / I with you / will / they said, / he said they say. / Where / difficult / the «ob.» / still / there \rf jod 1890:58.18 \op oügaýthe teý, aý-biamaý wa'uýzhiüga akaý. Eýdi ahiý-biamaý ki, Koühaý, the eýde \tr we go / will, / said, they say / old woman / the «sub.». / There / arrived, they say / when, / Grandmother, / this / but \rf jod 1890:58.19 \op noüýte thishtoüý aýkiaýgthai ke, aý-biamaý. Shoüý-xti goü moüýde zhiüýga gthiýza- \tr dancing / finished / they have gone homeward / said, he they say. / All at once / bow / little / took his own \rf jod 1890:59.1 \op bi egoüý noütaý-biamaý. Ikoüý thiükeý uýthazaý-biamaý. Ikoüý uthuýgixaý- \tr they say / having / he danced they say. / His grandmother / the «st. one» / chorused they say. / His grandmother / the «st. one» / he made sport of his own \rf jod 1890:59.2 \op biamaý. \tr they say. \rf jod 1890:59.3 \ti @{Ishtiýnike}, the turkeys, turtle, and elk. \op Ziziýka juýba ediý amaýma heýgashtewoüýzhi. Moü tedeý moüýshiadiý-xti moüýsa- \tr Turkey / some / there / were, they say / by no means a few. / Ground / edge / very high / arrow- \rf jod 1890:60.1 \op xti moüýtadiý-xti wabaýhi amaýma. Ishtiýnike amaý eýdi theý amaý. Weýtha-bi egoüý \tr weed / altogether within / they were feeding, they say. / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / there / went / they say. / Found them, they say / having \rf jod 1890:60.2 \op shoüý-xti bamaýmaxe xaýtha agiý-biamaý. Eaýtoü aýmoü wi bthaýt eteýdoü, etheýgoü-bi \tr at once / bending his head repeatedly / back again / he was coming, they say. / How / I do / I / I eat / apt? / thought, they say \rf jod 1890:60.3 \op egoüý weýthigthoü gaxaý-biamaý. Shoüý-xti mikaý-ha waiiüý betoüýtoü-bi egoüý iý'iü \tr having / decision / he made they say. / At once / raccoon-skin / robe / rolled up several times, they say / having / something for carrying \rf jod 1890:60.4 \op gaxaý-biamaý. 'Iü-bi egoüý shoüý-xti tathiü-biamaý. Ziziýka wabaýhi-ma \tr he made, they say. / Carried, they say / having / at once / he ran they say. / Turkey / feeding the ones \rf jod 1890:60.5 \op weýna'uý-xchi toüthiüý-biamaý. Wuhu+! iüsh'aýge 'oüý egoü. Doübaýi-ga, aý-biamaý \tr passing close by them / he ran they say. / Woo-hoo-oo! / old man / something is the matter. / See him, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:60.6 \op Ziziýka amaý. Na! iüsh'aýge 'oüý eýiüte, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, eýgoü-xti-oüý, aý-biamaý \tr Turkey / the «sub.». / Why! / venerable man / something may be the matter / said they, they say. / Yes, / it is just so, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:60.7 \op Ishtiýnike akaý. Toüýwoügthoü juýba eweýxuwka te aiý eýgoü, oüýgi-ahiý eýgoü \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Village / some / I sing for them / will / said / having, / come for me / having \rf jod 1890:60.8 \op wa'oüý te agiý'iü aýthiüheý aýtha, aý-biamaý. Uhuý! iüsh'aýge, oüguý shti oünoüýt eýgoü \tr song / the «ob.» / I have been carrying mine / indeed, / said he they say. / Oho! / venerable man. / we / too / we dance / somewhat \rf jod 1890:60.9 \op taiý, aý-biamaý Ziziýka amaý. Oüýkazhi, awaýnaxthiüý, aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike \tr will, / said, they say / Turkey / the «sub.». / Not so, / I in a great hurry / I walk, / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} \rf jod 1890:61.1 \op akaý. Oüguý shti iüsh'aýge oünoüýt eýgoü ki hneý te, aý-biamaý Ziziýka amaý. Wuhu+! \tr the «sub.». / We / too / venerable man / we dance / somewhat / when / you go / may, / said, they say / Turkey / the «sub.». / Woo-hoo-oo! \rf jod 1890:61.2 \op dadoüý, awaýnaxthiü chaýbe thoüýshti thanoüýte shteýshtewoü zhoüý tai, aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike \tr what, / I in a hurry / very much / heretofore / you dance / notwithstanding / you do it / will / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} \rf jod 1890:61.3 \op akaý. Hau! keý, iüdakeý, utheýwiü giýi-ga, aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Utheýwiü \tr the «sub.». / Ho! / come, / let us see, / collecting / come ye hither, / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Collecting \rf jod 1890:61.4 \op agiý-biama Goüýki waiiüý uthiýbtha-biamaý. Bakuýwiüxe oüwoüýthishoüýi-ga, \tr they were coming, they say. / And / robe / he pulled open they say. / Bending around / go ye around me, \rf jod 1890:61.5 \op aý-biamaý. Toügaý-xti thaýthiüsheý, oüthoüýna'uý-xchi iýhe oüwoüýthishoü noütaýi-ga, \tr said he they say. / Big very / ye who move / passing very close to me / passing by / to go around me / dance ye, \rf jod 1890:61.6 \op aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Ishtaý-thip'iüýzaýi-ga. Eýgithe ishtaý thaýbthai ki ishtaý \tr said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Eye shut ye / Beware / eye / you open / if / eye \rf jod 1890:61.7 \op thizhiýde taiý, aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Iüýbe thoü thimoüýgtha-ba thi'aý'aniýi-ga, \tr you red / lest, / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Tail / the «ob.» / lift up and / spread ye out repeatedly \rf jod 1890:61.8 \op aý-biamaý. Hau! keý, noütaýi-ga, aý-biamaý. \tr said, they say. / Ho! / come, / dance ye, / said he they say. \rf jod 1890:61.9 \op Heý! wa-doüý-be thiü-keý, \tr Ho! / looker / the one who \nt Music text. \rf jod 1890:61.10 \op i-shtaý-zhi-deý, i-shtaý-zhi-deý Hiüý-be-hnoü thi-'aý-ni, hiüý-behnoü thi-'aý-ni. \tr eye red, / eye red. / Tail regularly / flirt up, / tail regularly / flirt up. \nt Music text. \rf jod 1890:61.11 \op Toügaý-xti-ma Paý thoü uýthoü-bi egoüý Paý thoü wathiýxoüxoüý-bi egoüý uýzhiha uzhiý \tr Big very the ones / head / the «ob.» / he held them, they say / having / head / the «ob.» / them he pulled off repeatedly, they say / having / bag / filling \rf jod 1890:61.12 \op gthiüý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Uýzhiha gatoüýha uzhiý-biamaý, uskeý-xti uzhiý-biamaý. \tr sat they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Bag / that high / he filled, they say, / full very / he filled, they say. \rf jod 1890:61.13 \op Ziziýka zhiüýga snutaý-bi eýde iýbahoü taý amaýma, ishtaýxoüxoü gaýxe moüthiüý-biamaý. \tr Turkey / small / half-grown, they say / but / was about to know it as he moved, / the eyes opened a little now and then / he made / he walked they say. \rf jod 1890:61.14 \op Toügeýg oüýgathiüý shenaýwathe athaiý. Daýdoü baskiýthe. Ishtiýnike akeý akeýdegoü, \tr Big somewhat / we who / destroying us / he goes. / What / angry. / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / it was he standing, but \rf jod 1890:61.15 \op aý-biamaý. K'u! Oüýhe athaý-biamaý. Haha+! goüýbadoü weýnoüdeaýkithe, aý-bi- \tr said he they say. / &Flap! / Fleeting / they went, they say. / Ha! ha! / how easy / I fill myself to repletion, / said, they \nt &Flap = sound of wings. [JS] \rf jod 1890:61.16 \op amaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Iýxa gaskiý wakoüýdithaý-biamaý. Uýzhiha ke baxtaý-biamaý. \tr say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Laughing / panted / excessively they say. / Bag / the / he bound up, they say. \rf jod 1890:61.17 \op Goüýki zhoüýzhiüga naýxpe gasaý-biamaý. Peýde te eýgaxeý-xti waýbasnoü-biamaý \tr And / stick / roasting-stick / he cut they say. / Fire / the / all around / he put them to roast they say. \rf jod 1890:61.18 \op Niüýdewatheý-xti ki zhoüý wiü gakiaýhoü eýgoü, 'Iü! aý-biamaý. Wabthaýte teýta \tr Almost done / when / tree / one / raised by the wind / a little, / &Hey, / said, they say. / I eat / on account of \rf jod 1890:62.1 \op waýzheaýzhi miükeý. Eaýtoü azhoüý oüýthastaýge a, aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. The-hnoüý \tr I am roasting the collection. / Why / you do that / you cluck at me / ? / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / This only \rf jod 1890:62.2 \op eýgaizhoü ki shubtheý taý miüke, uwiýtiü taý miüke, aý-biamaý. Eýdi ahiý-bi ki \tr you do it / if / I go to you / will / I who, / I hit you / will / I who, / said he they say. / There / he arrived, they say / when \rf jod 1890:62.3 \op shoüý-xti thizhiüýdaý-biamaý. Goüýki noübeý te aýnasoüdaý-biamaý. Kageýha, \tr at once / thrust in his arm repeatedly they say. / And / hand / the «ob.» / it closed on they say. / Friend, \rf jod 1890:62.4 \op ithaýxa koüýbtha goü sheý-ma. Kageýha, oüýthishtoüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Ki thishtoüý-baýzhi \tr I laugh / I wanted / so / those. / Friend, / let me go, / said he, they say. / And / let go not \rf jod 1890:62.5 \op shoüshoüý-biamaý. Sheý-ma hau+! waPiýagiýzhi. Guýdihehaýi-ga hau+! aý-biamaý, \tr continued they say. / Those / halloo! / I put my own pieces there for safety. / Go ye further away / ! / said he, they say, \rf jod 1890:62.6 \op Shoüýtoüga eý wakaý-bi egoüý. Ishtiýnike waPiýzhi eý, aý-biamaý. Pahoüýga hiý \tr Big wolf / that / he meant, they say / having. / @{Ishtiýnike} / he put pieces away for safety / he says / said they, they say. / Before / reached \rf jod 1890:62.7 \op amaý tehuýxthabe ithaýbetoü thateý 'iýtha-biamaý. Ieýnaxiýtha athaý-biamaý. Aýkibaýnoü \tr the ones who / fat on stomach / wrapped around it / to eat / spoke of it, they say. / Dashing / they went, they say. / Running a race \rf jod 1890:62.8 \op theýtha-biamaý. Eýdi ahiý-bi egoüý thaxtaý-biamaý. Thasniüý-biamaý. Thasniüý-bi \tr they went suddenly, they say. / There / arrived, they say / having / they bit it they say. / They swallowed it, they say. / They swallowed it, they say \rf jod 1890:62.9 \op egoüý eýathaýtha athaý-biamaý. Goüýki aýnasoüýde te kigthiýshibaý-biamaý. \tr having / in different directions / they went, they say. / And / closed on / the / it opened itself, they say. \rf jod 1890:62.10 \op Goüýki hiýde kiý eýgoü shoüý-xti zhoüýzhiüga keý gisniýbe iheýthe gthiüý \tr And / bottom / got home / having / at once / stick / the «ob.» / licked his own / putting / was sitting \rf jod 1890:62.11 \op akaýma Ishtiýnike akaý. Theý amaý niuýthishoü niý buýbuta ithoüýthe ke koüýha ke \tr they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / He went / they say / lake / water / several round ones / put / the «line of» / border / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:62.12 \op uhaý moüthiüý amaý. Eýgithe keýtoüga niý koüýha keýdi edediý thiükeý amaý. \tr following / he walked / they say. / It happened / big turtle / water / border / by the / there / was sitting, they say. \rf jod 1890:62.13 \op Thizaý-biamaý siüýde uthoüý-bi egoüý. Gashiýbe athiüý ahiý-biamaý. Weýnoüdeaýkithe \tr Took they say / tail / took hold of, they say / having. / Out from / having it / he arrived, they say. / I make myself full \rf jod 1890:62.14 \op tateý aýhoü goüýkizhi, aý-biamaý. Zhoü thixoüý-biamaý shi. Zhoü aýkastaý-xti u'oüý- \tr shall / ! / and then, / said he, they say. / Wood / he broke they say / again. / Wood / piled up high / he put in \rf jod 1890:62.15 \op biamaý Peýde te naýhegazhi gaxaý-biamaý. Goüýki keýtoüga maxuýde te \tr they say / Fire / the «ob.» / burning much / he made, they say. / And / big turtle / ashes / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:62.16 \op moüýte itheýtha-biamaý. Zheýgthoü-biamaý Shi thateý taý akaýma. Niüýdethe koüýge \tr under / he sent suddenly, they say. / He put in the «cv. ob.» to roast, they say / Again / he was about to eat it. / Cooked / near \rf jod 1890:62.17 \op theý kiýzhi Ishtiýnike akaý zhoüýtithiüýge amaý. Azhoüýtoüthoüýthiüge. Niüýde ki \tr went / when / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / sleepy / they say. / I am sleepy. / Cooked / when \rf jod 1890:62.18 \op oüýhnixi te, izhoüýxeha, aý-biama. Zhoüt'eý amaý. Zhoüt'eý amaý ki niýkashiüga \tr you awaken me / will, / &O &ane, / said he they say. / He was sound asleep / they say. / He was sound asleep / they say / when / person \rf jod 1890:62.19 \op wiüý eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Keýtoüga thizaý-bi egoüý thataý-biamaý niýkashiüga akaý. \tr one / there / arrived, they say. / Big turtle / took, they say / having / ate it, they say / person / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:62.20 \op Thasniüý-bi ki shoüý-xti sihiý ke keýha ubaýdoüdoüý-biamaý. Noübeý te \tr Swallowed, they say / when / at once / feet / the «ob.» / turtle shell / he thrust them against it, one after another, they say. / Hand / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:63.1 \op shniüýshniüdeý-xti giaýxa-biamaý, iý teý shti shniüýshniüdeý-xti giaýxa-biamaý. \tr greasy «smeared» very / he made for him, they say, / mouth / the «ob.» / too / greasy very / he made for him, they say. \rf jod 1890:63.2 \op Niýkashiüga athaý-biamaý. Ishtiýnike iýkithaý-biamaý. GiPaýhoü titheý amaý. \tr Person / went they say. / @{Ishtiýnike} / awoke they say. / He arose / suddenly / they say. \rf jod 1890:63.3 \op Wazheýakiýzhi iüýnatubeý-xti-oü teý-ana, aý-biamaý. Sihiý ke thishnuýda-bi egoüý \tr I roasted the collection for myself / it has been cooked entirely too much for me / ! / said he they say. / Feet / the / he pulled out, they say / having \rf jod 1890:63.4 \op agiý-biamaý. Waýnadugeý-xti keý, aý-biamaý. Na! agthaýte ateý, eý amaý. Na! \tr he was coming, they say. / «see note» / / said he they say. / Why! / I must have eaten mine, / said he / they say. / Why! \rf jod 1890:63.5 \op agthaýsniü ki azhoüý ateý, eý amaý. Noübeý te gitoüýbe egoüý, Oüýhoü, agthaýsniü \tr I swallowed mine / when / I must have slept / said he / they say. / Hand / the «ob.» / saw his own / having, / Yes, / I have swallowed \rf jod 1890:63.6 \op miükeý, aý-biamaý. Niýxa thoü gthiýt'oü iheýtha-biamaý. Oüýhoü, ithaýnoüdeý-xti- \tr my own, / said he they say. / Stomach / the «ob.» / he felt his own / lengthwise, they say. / Yes, / I am very \rf jod 1890:63.7 \op moüý miükeý, aý-biamaý. Athaý-biamaý ki eýgithe Oüýpoü heýgashtewoüýzhi ediý- \tr full indeed, / said he they say. / He went, they say / when / it came to pass / Elk / not a few by any means / were there \rf jod 1890:63.8 \op maýma. Ugaýs'iü-bi egoüý weýtha-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Hiüdaý! theý-ma \tr they say. / Peeped, they say / having / found them, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Stop! / these \rf jod 1890:63.9 \op awaýshtoüka teý-ana, etheýgoü-biamaý. Oüýpoü aýma iýtha-bi egoüý, Theýakaý \tr I tempt them / will! «in thought» / he thought they say. / Elk / the «sub.» / found him, they say / having, / This one \rf jod 1890:63.10 \op Ishtiýnike akeý akaý, aý-biamaý. Kaýge-soüýga, wiýebthiü aýthiüheý aýtha, aý-biamaý. \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / is / the one / said they, they say. / Friend younger brother, / I am he / I who move / indeed / said he they say. \rf jod 1890:63.11 \op Kaýge-soüýga, 'oüý moühbiüý te eýgoü-xti zhuýwigiýgthe moübthiüý koüýbtha, \tr Friend younger brother, / how / you walk / the / just so / I with you my own / I walk / I wish, \rf jod 1890:63.12 \op kaýge-soüýga, aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Hau! iüsh'aýge, uthaýde thingeýxtthi \tr friend younger brother, / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Ho! / venerable man, / cause for complaint / none at all \rf jod 1890:63.13 \op aýhoü, aý-biamaý. Xaýde Peýzhi p'a ge kiýzhi aýthutoü bthaýte moübthiüý. Aýxtoü \tr ! / said he they say. / Grass / weeds / bitter / the «ob.» / when / straight along / I eat / I walk. / How possible \rf jod 1890:63.14 \op thateý noüýde iýthisa tabaýdoü, aý-biamaý. Oüýkazhi ha, kaýge-soüýga, moühniüý \tr to eat / heart / thee good / shall / said he they say. / Not so / , / friend younger brother, / you walk \rf jod 1890:63.15 \op te eýgoü-xti zhuýwigiýgthe moübthiüý koüýbtha aýtha, aý-biamaý. Uthiýhe tateý thoüýzha \tr the / just so / I with you my own / I walk / I wish / indeed / said he they say. / You shall have your way / though \rf jod 1890:63.16 \op niýkashiüga ukeýthiü shkoüý weýshpahoü zhoüý goü shiüýgazhiüga uheý uýwathagihnixiýde \tr person / common / ways / you understand / so / children / path / you seek for them at our request \rf jod 1890:63.17 \op tateý, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, eýshai te eýginoü tateý, aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. \tr shall / said, he they say. / Yes, / you say / the / I do that / shall / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:63.18 \op Hau! He-gaýzaza, thiýe-ga, aý-biamaý. Ahauý! aý-biamaý. Hau! guýdugaýxthe \tr Ho! / Split-horns, / you try it, / said he they say. / Oho! / said he they say. / Ho! / facing the other way \rf jod 1890:63.19 \op nazhiüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Thieý ke iýtiü goü athaý-bi ki thi'aý-biamaý, Ishtiýnike \tr stand, / said he they say. / Side / the «ob.» / to hit on / so / went, they say / when / failed they say, / @{Ishtiýnike} \rf jod 1890:63.20 \op oüýha-bi egoüý. Wuhuý+! ugaýxe thiügeý iýnahiü, iüsh'aýge, aý-biamaý. Oüýkazhi \tr fled, they say / having. / Woo-hoo-oo! / to be done / nothing / truly, / old man, / said he they say. / Not so \rf jod 1890:64.1 \op ha, kaýge-soüýga, oüýginoüýge ithaýkuheý goü aoüýhe ha, aý-biamaý. Shi eýgoü \tr . / friend younger brother, / running over me / I feared / so / I fled / , / said he they say. / Again / so \rf jod 1890:64.2 \op duboüý gaxaý-biamaý. Weýduboüý tediýhi, Hau! theý kiýzhi, shoüý-Paýxe taý miüke, \tr four times / he did it, they say. / The fourth time / when it arrived, / Ho! / this / when, / I stop / will / I who, \rf jod 1890:64.3 \op aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, kaýge-soüýga, aoüýha-maýzhi taý miüýke, aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike \tr said he they say. / Yes, / friend younger brother. / I flee I not / will / I who, / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} \rf jod 1890:64.4 \op akaý. Thieý iýtiü-bi egoüý eýkigoüý-xti zhuýgthe athaý-biamaý, Ishtiýnike oüýp ithoüý \tr the «sub.». / Side / hit on, they say / having / just like him / with him / he went, they say, / @{Ishtiýnike} / elk / became suddenly \rf jod 1890:64.5 \op amaý. Iýkizhuý-bi egoüý noüstaýstapi moüthiüý-biamaý, miýkashiüga weýthe gaýxe \tr they say. / Proud, they say / being / stepped lightly, making very little noise / walked they say, / men / discovering / made «pretended» \rf jod 1890:64.6 \op moüthiüý-biamaý 'Iüý! eý-hnoü-biamaý. \tr walked they say. / &Hey! / said he regularly, they say. \rf jod 1890:64.7 \op Waýspegoü-ga, iüsh'aýge, eýgithe eýgizhoü-hnoüý te, aý-biamaý Oüýpoü amaý. \tr Do behave, / old man, / beware / you do that regularly / lest / said, they say / Elk / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:64.8 \op Oüýkazhi ha, kaýge-soüýga, ithaýizhuý eýgoü shoüý aýtha, kaýge-soüýga, aý-biamaý \tr Not so / , / friend younger brother, / I am proud / as / all right / indeed / friend younger brother, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:64.9 \op Ishtiýnike akaý. Koüýbtha te kaýge-soüýga, eýgoü-xti noübthiüý shkoüý te, \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / I wish / the / friend younger brother / just so / I walk / deed / the, \rf jod 1890:64.10 \op aý-biamaý. Shoüý-xti wathaýte moüthiüý-bi p'a ge tha'iý'i goü chuýchu-hnoüý- \tr said he they say. / All at once / eating / walked they say / bitter / the «ob.» / he spit out large pieces / as / he spit rapidly regularly \rf jod 1890:64.11 \op biamaý. Wa! wathaýte piýazhiazhiý-xchi thateý ameýdegoü edueýhe, aý-biamaý. Wa! \tr they say. / Why! / food / bad not very / those / who did eat / I follow, / said he they say. / Why! \rf jod 1890:64.12 \op iüsh'aýge, edeýshegoü-hnoüý a, aý-biamaý. Edeýha-maýzhi. Wathaýte uýdoü thateý ameý- \tr venerable man, / what were you saying / ? / said he they say. / I said what I not. / Food / good / those / who \rf jod 1890:64.13 \op degoü edueýhe aýtha, eheý athiüheý aýtha, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe baxuý-xti aýhe aýthaý-bi \tr did eat / I follow / indeed / I was saying «as I moved» / indeed / said he they say. / It came to pass / flat-top hill very / went over / went, they say \rf jod 1890:64.14 \op kiýzhi niýkashiüga weýth1-biamaý Oüýpoü amaý. 'Iü! aý-biamaý. \tr when / person / they discovered them, they say / Elk / the «sub.». / &Hey! / said, they say. / Ho! / @{Ishtiýnike}, \rf jod 1890:64.15 \op giýdoübaý-ga, aý-biamaý. Eýdi athaý-bi ki eýgithe niýkashiüga akaýma. Eýdi ahiý- \tr look at for him, / said they, they say, / There / went they say / when / it came to pass / men / they were, they say. / There / arrived \rf jod 1890:64.16 \op biamaý. Waýthiü agiýi te esheý thakiý te ha, aý-biamaý zhiýzhi uiýtha-biamaý \tr they say. / Having them / he is coming / the / you say / you reach home / will / , / said he they say / whispering / told him they say \rf jod 1890:64.17 \op Ishtiýnike akaý miýashiüga thoükaý Wa! iüsh'aýge edeýshegoü a, aý-biamaý. 'Oü \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / person / the «pl. ob.». / Why! / venerable man, / what are you saying / ? / said they, they say. / What is the matter \rf jod 1890:64.18 \op edeýhe taý. Skeýwoü-xti mahiüý bateý gthiü thoü uýshikithaiý eheý \tr what I say / shall? / A very long time / weeds / clump / sitting / the «ob.» / gave needless trouble / I was saying as I went / indeed \rf jod 1890:64.19 \op aý-biamaý. Eýgithe baxuý wiü aýhe athaý-bi ki eýgithe Oüýpoü wiü oüýhe agiý- \tr said he they say. / At length / flat-top hill / one / passing over / went, they say / when / it happened / Elk / one / fleeing / was coming \rf jod 1890:64.20 \op biamaý. shi. Hau! Ishtiýnike, aýgudi thituýshpa giýdoübaý-ga, aý-biamaý. Eýdi \tr they say / again. / Ho! / @{Ishtiýnike}, / where / your grandchild / look at for him / said they, they say. / There \rf jod 1890:65.1 \op ahiý-bi egoüý eýgithe niýkashiüga akaýma. Niýkashiüga weýthe te wiüýke-xti-oüý te, \tr arrived, they say / having / it came to pass / men / they were, it is said. / Men / found them / the / he told the truth indeed, \rf jod 1890:65.2 \op aý-biamaý. Shi weýdazhi wiü weýtha-biamaý. Hau! thituýshpa shi giýdoübaý-ga, \tr said he they say. / And / elsewhere / one / found them they say / Ho! / your grandchild / again / look at for him, \rf jod 1890:65.3 \op aý-biamaý. Eýdi athaý-biamaý. Shi niýkashiüga akaýma, wagthaýde-hnoüý amaý \tr said they, they say. / There / went they say. / Again / men / they were, it is said / crawling up on them / they say \rf jod 1890:65.4 \op Oüýpoü-ma. Shi wiüýke-xti-oüý, aý-biamaý. Hau! Ishtiýnike, shiüýgazhiüga uheý \tr Elk the ones who. / Again / he told the truth indeed / said he they say. / Ho! / @{Ishtiýnike}, / children / path \rf jod 1890:65.5 \op uýwagithixiýda-ga, aý-biamaý. Ahauý! aý-biamaý. Ahoüýga bthiüý thoüýzha eýgithe \tr look out for them, / said they, they say. / Oho! / said he they say. / Before / I am / though / beware \rf jod 1890:65.6 \op u'eýtha hniüý tai. 'Oüý moübthiüý te oüthoüýwoüthaheý moühniüý tai, aý-biamaý. Aýthiü \tr scattering / you / will. / How / I walk / the / you follow me / you walk / shall / said he they say. / Ridge \rf jod 1890:65.7 \op ke aý+pathage goüý uhaý-biamaý. Niýkashiüga aýkishuýga goüý weýna'aýxe \tr the / headland / so / he went along they say. / Men / standing thick / so / passing close to / so / passed along \rf jod 1890:65.8 \op athaý-biamaý Wiýebthiü, wiýebthiü, eý moüthiüý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Bthuýga-xti \tr went, they say. / It is I, / It is I, / said / walked they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / All \rf jod 1890:65.9 \op t'eýwathaý-biamaý. Oüýpoü thaýbthiü unuýshta-bi ki Ishtiýnike iýnitha-hnoüý-biamaý. \tr they killed them they say. / Elk / three / remained from shooting, they say / when / @{Ishtiýnike} / took refuge with him only they say. \rf jod 1890:65.10 \op Shoüý-xti heý thoü thishnuýde theýtha-bi egoüý weýtiü theýtha-biamaý. Oüýpoü ethiýge \tr All at once / horn / the / pulled off / suddenly they say / having / hit them with them / sending them off, they say. / Elk / they call you \rf jod 1890:65.11 \op taiý. Guýdiha moüthiüiý-ga, aý-biamaý. \tr will. / Further off / walk ye, / said he they say. \rf jod 1890:65.12 \ti @{Ishtiýnike} and the elk. \op Kageýha, niýkashiüga juýba gaýteta edediý amaýma. Eýta btheý koüýbtha, \tr Friend, / person / some / at that place / there / they are, it is said. / Thither / I go / I wish, \rf jod 1890:70.1 \op aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Ahauý, athaý-biamaý. Athaý-biamaý ki eýgithe Oüýpoü \tr said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Well, / he went, they say. / He went, they say / when / it happened / Elk \rf jod 1890:70.2 \op nuýga ediý thiükeý amaý ha. Hau, ukiýa-biamaý. Kageýha, waweýwimaýxe \tr male / there / the «st. ob.» / they say / . / Well, / he talked with him they say. / Friend, / to question you \rf jod 1890:70.3 \op atiý, aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Ki edaýdoü oüthoüýhnaxe teý a, aý-biamaý Oüýpoü \tr I have come / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / And / what / you question me / will / ? / said, they say / Elk \rf jod 1890:70.4 \op nuýga akaý. Kageýha, hiý oüwoüýzhetha agthiüý ha, aýdoü oüwoüýwataýshte uaýgashoü- \tr male / the «sub.». / Friend, / legs / me tired / I sit / , / there / whithersoever / I travel \rf jod 1890:70.5 \op maýzhi ha, aý-biamaý Oüýpoü nuýga akaý. Kageýha, niýkashiüga-ma uýzhawaý- \tr I not / , / said, they say / Elk / male / the «sub.». / Friend, / person the ones who / have much \rf jod 1890:70.6 \op xti-oü-biamaý. Eaýtoü aýdoü moüshniüý-azhi a. Oüýhoü, kageýha, wa'uý pahoüýga \tr enjoyment, they say. / Why / therefore / you walk not / ? / Yes, / friend, / woman / before \rf jod 1890:70.7 \op agthoüý thiükeý iüýnashaiý eýgoü, noüýde iýsaoü thiüýgegoü theýthu agthiüý, aý-biama \tr I took to wife / the «ob.» / snatched from me / as, / heart / as it has nothing to satisfy it / here / I sit, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:70.8 \op Oüýpoü nuýga akaý. Kageýha, eýdi oügaýthe teý, aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý Kageýha, \tr Elk / male / the «sub.». / Friend / there / we go / will, / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Friend, \rf jod 1890:70.9 \op thiý-hnoü eýdi moüthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý Oüýpoü nuýga akaý. Kageýha, aýwatediýi \tr you alone / there / go thou / said, they say / Elk / male / the «sub.». / Friend, / in what place are they \rf jod 1890:70.10 \op a, aý-biamaý. Kageýha, theýtetaýi ha. Eýdi moüthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Hau, athaý- \tr ? / said he they say. / Friend, / they are at this place / . / There / walk, / said he they say. / Well, / went \rf jod 1890:70.11 \op biamaý Ishtiýnike amaý. Eýgithe Oüýpoü edediý amaýma, aýhigiý-biamaý. Eýdi \tr they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / It happened / Elk / there they were, it is said / many they say. / There \rf jod 1890:70.12 \op ahiý-biamaý. Iüsh'aýge, eaýtoü moühniüý eýiüte, aý-biamaý Oüýpoü amaý. Oüýhoü, \tr he arrived, they say. / Venerable man, / why / you walk / may / said, they say / Elk / the «sub.». / Yes, \rf jod 1890:70.13 \op tushpaýha, oüýba wiü wathaýte bthaýte koüýbtha moübthiüý goüý adoü, tushpaýha, \tr grandchild, / day / one / food / you eat / I eat / I wish / I walk / as / therefore, / grandchild, \rf jod 1890:70.14 \op atiý ha, aý-biamaý. Xa-iý iüsh'aýgeha, teýxi ha, wathaýte oüguýtai. Daýdoü p'aý \tr I have come / , / said he they say. / Why! / O venerable man! / difficult / , / food / our. / What / bitter \rf jod 1890:70.15 \op ge bthuýga oüthaýte oümoüýthiü usniý kiýshte kiýmoühoü-uýgaxtheý-xti oügthiüýi ha, \tr the «ob.» / all / we eat / we walk / cold / even when / against the wind facing / we sit / , \rf jod 1890:70.16 \op aý-biamaý. Hau, iüsh'aýgeha, uthaýde thithiüýge. Sheýna, thashtoüý-ga ha. Oüýkazhi, \tr said they, they say. / Ho! / O venerable man! / to talk of / you have nothing. / Enough, / stop talking / . / Not so, \rf jod 1890:70.17 \op tushpaýha, thieýdoü sheýna thashtoüýiý-ga ha. Goüý moühniüý-masheýdi moübthiüý \tr grandchild, / do you / enough / stop «ye» talking / . / Anyhow / you walk by you who / I walk \rf jod 1890:70.18 \op koüýbtha ha, aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Hau, wiüýke eýiüte. Taýshkahi zhiüýga \tr I wish / , / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Ho! / he speaks truly / may be. / Oak tree / small \rf jod 1890:71.1 \op heý giaýxa-biamaý. Siüýde ke zhoü-koüý giaýxa-biamaý. Hau, tushpaýha, usniý \tr horn / made for him they say. / Tail / the «ob.» / tree root / made for him they say. / Tail / the «ob.» / tree root / made for him they say. / Well, / grandchild, / cold \rf jod 1890:71.2 \op ki, eýgoü snioüýt'e teý ha. Hiüý thiýtai eýgoü iüýgaxaýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Hau, wahaýb \tr when / so / me cold «freeze» / may / . / Hair / your / like / for me make ye, / said he they say. / Well, / cat's- \rf jod 1890:71.3 \op igaskoüýthe hiüý giaýxa-biamaý. Hau! ke, zhaýpahi theýge thataý-ga, aý-biamaý. Thataý- \tr tails / hair / made for him they say. / Ho! / come, / rosin-weed / there «ob.» / eat / said they, they say. / He ate \rf jod 1890:71.4 \op biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Thataý-bi ki iuýp'a-biamaý, chuý-biamaý. Wu! daýdoüshte \tr they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / He ate they say / when / bitter in mouth they say / he spit they say. / Woo! / whatever \rf jod 1890:71.5 \op piýazhiazhiý-xchi thataiý edueýhe aýhoü aý-biamaý. Hau! iüsh'aýge, edeýshegoü-hnoüý a, \tr good-not-not very / they eat / I go with / ! / said he, they say. / Ho! / venerable man, / what were you saying / ? \rf jod 1890:71.6 \op aý-biamaý. Iüdaýdoü-xti edeýhe ta? Wathaýte pezhiý-xti thataiý edueýhe aýhoü, eheý, \tr said they, they say. / What indeed / I say what / shall? / Food / bad very / they eat / I go with / ! / I said, \rf jod 1890:71.7 \op tushpaýha, aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Ahauý Hau! iüsh'aýge, uýshkoü wiü oüguiýthitha \tr grandchild, / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Well. / Ho! / venerable man, / deed / one / we tell to thee \rf jod 1890:71.8 \op toüýgatoü. Shiüýgazhiüýga maxiýdewathaýthe te aýdoü uýshkoü wiü oüguiýthitha toüýgatoü, \tr we will. / Children / you make them have ears / will / therefore / deed / one / we tell thee / we will, \rf jod 1890:71.9 \op aý-biamaý. Hau! iüsh'aýge, theýamaý niýashiüga weýthai teýdi eýgoü-xti teýdi biüzeý- \tr said they, they say. / Ho! / venerable man, / these «sub.» / persons / they find them / when / just so / when / they cry \rf jod 1890:71.10 \op hnoüi, aý-biamaý. Ahauý! aý-biamaý, eýgoü tateý aýtha, aý-biamaý. Usniý amaý, tadeý- \tr out, / said they, they say. / Oho! / said he they say, / so / shall be / indeed / said he they say. / Cold / they say, / hard \rf jod 1890:71.11 \op sage usniý-xti amaý. Oüýpoü-ma bthuýga-xti kiýmoühoü-uýgaxthe moüthiüý-biamaý. \tr wind / cold very / they say. / Elk the ones who / all / facing the wind / walked they say. \rf jod 1890:71.12 \op Ishtiýnike amaý kiýmoühoü gaxeý-xti wathaýte moüthiüý-biamaý. Aýgaxthe kigthiýsoüthaý- \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / against the wind / apart very / eating / walked they say. / With the wind / turned himself around \rf jod 1890:71.13 \op biamaý. Wu! piýazhiazhiý-xchi, aý-biamaý. \tr they say. / Woo! / good-not-not very, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:71.14 \op Hau, eý goüý-amaý niýkashiüga weýtha-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. I-uý! aý-biamaý. \tr Well, / that / after awhile / person / he found them they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Ee-oo! / said he they say. \rf jod 1890:71.15 \op Giýdoübaýi-ga, giýdoübaýi-ga, aý-biamaý Oüýpoü-ma bthuýga Paýgahoü theýtha-biamaý. \tr Look for him, / look for him, / said he they say. / Elk the ones who / all / raised their heads / suddenly, they say. \rf jod 1890:71.16 \op E'oüý a, aý-biamaý Theýakaý niýkashiüga wiü, aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Doübaý- \tr What is the matter / ? / said they, they say. / This one / person / one, / said he they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / They looked at it \rf jod 1890:71.17 \op biamaý ki eýgithe xad ithoüý amaý. Eý waýthake, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, aý-biamaý. \tr they say / when / behold / grass / was suddenly / they say. / That / you mean, / said they, they say. / Yes, / said he they say. \rf jod 1890:71.18 \op Hau! iüsh'aýge, eýgitheýgoü shkaýxe-hnoü te, aý-biamaý Oüýpoü-ma. Eýgoü-xti ki \tr Ho! / venerable man / beware lest / you do thus continually, / said, they say / Elk the ones who. / So just / when \rf jod 1890:71.19 \op eýgoü-hnoüýi, aý-biamaý. Shi wabaýhi moüthiüý-biamaý. Eýgithe shi niýashiüga weýtha- \tr so regularly, / said he they say. / Again / feeding together / walked they say. / It happened / again / person / he found them \rf jod 1890:71.20 \op biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Giýdoübaýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Oüýpoü amaý doübaý-bi ki \tr they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Look for him, / said he they say. / Elk / the «sub.». / looked, they say / when \rf jod 1890:72.1 \op eýgoü-xti amaý niýashiüga akaýma, ugaýs'iü akaýma. Hau! eýgoü-xti te, aý-biamaý \tr Just so / they say / they were men, / it is said, / they were peeping, it is said / Ho! / just so it was, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:72.2 \op Oüýpoü amaý. Shiüýgazhiüýga uoüýhe uýwaginaý-ga, aý-biamaý. Ki, Wiýebthiü te ha, \tr Elk / the «sub.». / Children / flight / hunt for them, / said they, they say. / And, / I am he / will / , \rf jod 1890:72.3 \op aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Wiüýke-xti aýhoü, aý-biamaý Oüýpoü-ma. Hau! keýgoü- \tr said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / He speaks truly indeed / ! / said, they say / Elk the ones who. / Ho! / come, do \rf jod 1890:72.4 \op ga, aý-biamaý. Thieý-ga, aý-biamaý. Shiüýgazhiüýga uheý uýwaginaý-ga, aý-biamaý. \tr it, / said they, they say. / You be first, / said they, they say. / Children / path / hunt for them, / said they, they say. \rf jod 1890:72.5 \op Ahauý! ithaýgaskoübthe taý miüke, aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Ishtiýnike akaý athaý- \tr Oho! / I attempt it / will / I who, / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / went \rf jod 1890:72.6 \op biamaý. Oüýpoü bthuýga-xti uthuýha-biamaý. Goüýki Ishtiýnike ameýgoü niýashiüga \tr they say. / Elk / all / followed they say. / And / @{Ishtiýnike} / as he moved / men \rf jod 1890:72.7 \op weýtha-biamaý. Eýta athaý-biamaý Niýashiüga weýna'uý-xchi iýha-biamaý. Niýashiüga \tr discovered, they say. / Thither / went they say. / Men / right alongside of / he passed, they say. / men \rf jod 1890:72.8 \op weýthai ki eý uýwakiaý-biamaý: Wiý oükiýda-bazhiýi-ga. Wiýebthiüý ha, aý-biamaý \tr discovered them / when / that / talked with them they say: / Me / shoot not at me. / It is I / , / said, they say \rf jod 1890:72.9 \op Ishtiýnike akaý. Oüýpoü-ma waýkidaý-biamaý. Oüýpoü-ma t'eýwathaý-biamaý. Oüýpoü- \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Elk the ones who / they shot at them they say. / Elk the ones who / they killed them, they say. / Elk \rf jod 1890:72.10 \op ma muýwathiügeý-xti-oüý-biamaý, sheýnawathaý-biamaý. Oüýpoü nuýga zhiüýga wiü \tr the ones who / they shot down all they say, / they exterminated them they say. / Elk / male / small / one \rf jod 1890:72.11 \op Oüýpoü miüýga zhiüýga shti wiü, Ishtiýnike akaý eý weýthabthiü niýta-biamaý. Weýahideý- \tr Elk / female / small / too / one, / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / that / the third / alive they say. / Far away \rf jod 1890:72.12 \op xti oüýhe zhuýwagthe ahiý-biamaý Ahiý-biamaý ki heý ke thizaý-bi Ishtiýnike akaý, \tr very / fled / he with them / arrived, they say. / Arrived, they say / when / horn / the «ob.» / took, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.», \rf jod 1890:72.13 \op oüýtha theýtha-biamaý. Oüýpoü zhiüýga theý wagaýzhi egoüý, Eaýtoü oüthoüýwoüthahaýi a. \tr threw away / suddenly, they say. / Elk / small / to go / told them / having, / Why / me you follow / ? \rf jod 1890:72.14 \op aý-biamaý. Shetoüý. \tr said he, they say. / So far. \rf jod 1890:72.15 \op Tanuýka heýbe akiýPadeýgoü te ha. Guýdiha noüthiüýi-ga. Oüýpoü ethiýge taiý, \tr Fresh meat / piece / I cut up for myself / will / . / Further off / walk ye. / Elk / they will call you, \rf jod 1890:72.16 \ti @{Ishtiýnike} and the buzzard. \op Eýgithe Ishtiýnike amaý theý amaýma. Ki Heýga wiü gaýwiüxe moüthiüý-biamaý. \tr It came to pass / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / was going. / And / Buzzard / one / going around / walked they say. \rf jod 1890:74.1 \op Ki Ishtiýnike akaý ni-toüýga masaýniata theý goüthaý-biamaý. Heýga thiükeý thahoüý- \tr And / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / big water / to the other side of / to go / wished they say. / Buzzard / the «ob.» / he prayed to him \rf jod 1890:74.2 \op biamaý. Tigoüýha, iüý'iü-ga ha. Niý masaýniata iüý'iü-ga ha, aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike \tr they say. / O grandfather, / carry me / . / Water / to the other side of / carry me / / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} \rf jod 1890:74.3 \op akaý. Oüýhoü, aý-biamaý Heýga akaý, wiý'iü teýiüke, aý-biamaý. Goüýki giý'iü- \tr the «sub.». / Yes, / said, they say / Buzzard / the «sub.» / I carry you / will / said he they say. / And / he carried him \rf jod 1890:74.4 \op biamaý. Giý'iü-bi ki zhoüxthuý'a uneý giý'iü-biamaý. Eýgithe zhoüxthuý'a te iýtha-biamaý \tr they say. / He carried him, they say / when / hollow tree / seeking / he carried him, they say. / At length / hollow tree / the «ob.» / he found, they say \rf jod 1890:74.5 \op ha. Eýdi giý'iü athaý-biamaý ki zhoüxthuý'a te koüýha-xchi iýhe atheý-hnoü-biamaý \tr There / carrying him / went they say / when / hollow tree / the «ob.» / border very / passing / went regularly, they say \rf jod 1890:74.6 \op Heýga amaý aýthikoü atheý hnoü-biamaý. Aýthikoü athaiý ki: Tigoüýha, oüwoüý- \tr Buzzard / the «sub.», / leaning / he went regularly, they say. / Leaning / he went / when / O grandfather / me \rf jod 1890:75.1 \op hnixpaýth eteýgoü, aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Moüýthiü teýgoü shoüýshoü bthiüý ha, \tr you make fall / apt / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / To walk / the, so / always / I am / , \rf jod 1890:75.2 \op aý-biamaý Heýga akaý. Eýgithe kigthiýubthiüý-biamaý ki Ishtiýnike moüshoüýde eýgih \tr said, they say / Buzzard / the «sub.». / At length / twisted himself around they say / when / @{Ishtiýnike} / den / headlong \rf jod 1890:75.3 \op itheýtha-biamaý Heýga akaý. Ki Ishtiýnike zhoüxthuý'a eýgihe theýthe moüýtata waxpaýni, \tr sent him suddenly, they say / Buzzard / the «sub.». / And / @{Ishtiýnike} / hollow tree / headlong / sent suddenly / inside / poor \rf jod 1890:75.4 \op xthaýxti moüthiüý-biamaý. Eýgithe tiý heýgashtewoüýzhi gaxthoüý atiý-biamaý. Eýgithe \tr lean very / walked they say. / At length / lodge / by no means a few / on the hunt / have come, they say. / At length \rf jod 1890:75.5 \op uxthuý'a weýthe ki wa'uý amaý xthabeý te gataýxi amaý. Eýgithe Ishtiýnike akaý \tr hollow «tree» / sought «wood» / when / woman / the «sub.» / tree / the «ob.» / hit and made sound / they say. / At length / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:75.6 \op zhoüxthuý'a moütaýta gthiüý-bi shi, Niýashiüga weýthe tiý-biamaý etheýgoü-biamaý. Eýgithe \tr hollow tree / inside / sat, they say / again, / Person / seeking «wood» / have come «see note», / thought he they say. / It happened \rf jod 1890:75.7 \op mikaý-ha wa-iüý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Siüýde ke zhoüxthuý'a usneý ge ubaýsnoü \tr raccoon skin / wore they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Tail / the «ob.» / hollow tree / split / the «pl.» / pushing into \rf jod 1890:75.8 \op eýthoübe-hiýtha-biamaý. Goüýki wa'uý thaýbthiü atiý-biamaý, shi xthabeý gataýxi- \tr he caused to come in sight, they say. / And / woman / three / have come, they say / again / tree / hit and sounded \rf jod 1890:75.9 \op biamaý. Shi siüýde doübaý-biamaý. Eýgithe gaý-biamaý: Hiüdaý! shiwkoüý, mikaý \tr they say. / And / tail / they saw they say. / It happened / she said as follows, they say: / Stop / husband's sister / raccoon \rf jod 1890:75.10 \op juýba theýakaý, aý-biamaý. Mikaý juýba weaýkithe, aý-biamaý. Hiü+! shikoüý, wiüý \tr some / this / she said, they say. / Raccoon / some / I have found for myself / said she they say. / Oh! / brother's wife / one \rf jod 1890:75.11 \op oüthaý'i tedoüý+, aý-biamaý. Zhoüý te anfguýga'uýde taiý he, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe zhoüý \tr you give me / will? / said «one», they say. / Tree / the «ob.» / we cut a whole in / will / , / said she they say. / At length / tree \rf jod 1890:75.12 \op te gasaý-biamaý, ugaý'udaý-biamaý. Eýgithe Ishtiýnike gaý-biamaý: Mikaý toüýga \tr the «ob.» / they cut they say / they cut a hole in it they say. / It happened / @{Ishtiýnike} / said as follows, they say: / Raccoon / big \rf jod 1890:75.13 \op bthiüý ha. Toügaýtheha gaxaýi-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Hiü+! shikoüý, Mikaý akaý toügaý-bi \tr I am / . / Large around / make it / , / said he they say. / Oh! / brother's wife / Raccoon / the «sub.» / big «see note» \rf jod 1890:75.14 \op ai he, aý-biamaý. Goüýki zhoüxthuý'a te toügaýtheha u'uýde te gaxaý-biamaý. \tr he says / , / said «one» they say. / And / hollow tree / the «ob.» / large around / hole / the «ob.» / they made they say. \rf jod 1890:75.15 \op Goüýki eýthoübe akiý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Mikaý toüýga athiüý eýthoübe shakiý, \tr And / coming out / reached home, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Raccoon / big / having / coming out / I come home to you \rf jod 1890:75.16 \op aý-biamaý. Hiü+! shikoüý, Ishtiýnike ameý ameýdoü, aý-biamaý. Goüýki Ishtiýnike \tr said «one» they say. / Oh! / brother's wife / @{Ishtiýnike} / it is he who is moving, / said «one» they say. / And / @{Ishtiýnike} \rf jod 1890:75.17 \op eýthoübe akiý-biamaý. Mikaý toüýga aýthiüheý shagtheý te. Guýdiha nazhiüýi-ga, \tr coming out / reached home, they say. / Raccoon / big / I who move / I go home to you / will. / Further off / stand ye \rf jod 1890:75.18 \op aý-biamaý. Eýthoübe akiý teýdi weýthigthoü gaýxe gthiüý-biamaý. Aýtoü aýmoü ki \tr said he, they say. / Coming out / he reached home / when / decision / making / he sat they say. / How / I do to him / if \rf jod 1890:75.19 \op eýgoüeý'oü eteýdoü, etheýgoü gthiüý-biamaý. At'eý Paýxe ki-hnoüý uýmakaaýth eteýgoü \tr so I do to him / apt? / thinking / he sat they say. / I die / I make / if only / I make it easy / apt \rf jod 1890:75.20 \op aýhoü, etheýgoü-biamaý. Shi eýgithe Kaýxe wiüý doübaý-biamaý. Kaýxe doübaý-bi egoüý \tr ! / he thought they say. / Again / it happened / Crow / one / he saw they say. / Crow / he saw, they say / having \rf jod 1890:76.1 \op shi Wazhiýbe-sneýde wiüý doübaý-biamaý. Eýgithe thahoüý-biamaý. Kageýha, thaý'eoüý- \tr again / Magpie / one / he saw they say. / It happened / he prayed to, they say. / Friend, / pity ye \rf jod 1890:76.2 \op githaýi-ga, iüwiüýkoüi-ga, aý-biamaý. At'eý Paýxe taý miüke; iüwiüýkoü-ba oüýtha- \tr me, / help ye me, / said he, they say. / I die / I make / will / I who; / help me and / eat \rf jod 1890:76.3 \op taýi-ga, ar-biamaý. Wazhiüýga bthuýga-xti weýboü-bi egoüý eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Goüýki \tr ye me, / he said, they say. / Bird / all very / called them, they say / having / there arrived, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:76.4 \op Xithaý amaý shti ahiý-biamaý. Kaýxe akaý eýgithoü-biamaý, Xithaý thiükeý eý wa- \tr Eagle / the «sub.» / too / there / arrived, they say. / Crow / the «sub.» / said to him, they say, / Eagle / the «ob.» / that / he \rf jod 1890:76.5 \op kaý-bi egoüý: Kageýha, maýhiü paýi ashniüý. Weýmabthaýzai-ga, aý-biamaý. Goüýki \tr meant, they say / having: / Friend, / knife / sharp / you have. / Rend it for us, / said he they say. / And \rf jod 1890:76.6 \op niüýde thoütaý Xithaý akaý haý thoü uthaý'udaý-biamaý. Siüýde-xthuý'a moütaýta washiüý \tr rump / at the / Eagle / the «sub.» / skin / the «ob.» / bit a hole in they say. / Tail hollow / within / fat \rf jod 1890:76.7 \op thoü wathiýshna gthiüý-biamaý. Oüýpoü, shiü heýgazhi amaý, aý-biamaý. Goüýki Heýga \tr the «ob.» / visible / sat they say. / Elk, / fat / not a little, / said he, they say. / And / Buzzard \rf jod 1890:76.8 \op amaý-shna shetoüý-hnoü ahiý-bazhiý-biamaý. Eýgithe Heýga amaý eýdi ahiý-biamaý. \tr the «sub.» only / so far only / arrived not they say. / At length / Buzzard / the «sub.» / there / arrived, they say. \rf jod 1890:76.9 \op Shiý+shte! Ishtiýnike, aý-biamaý Heýga amaý. Oüýkazhi, kageýha, thikuýtha-ga, maýbthaza- \tr Fie on you! / @{Ishtiýnike}, / said, they say / Buzzard / the «sub.». / Not so, / friend, / hurry, / rend \rf jod 1890:76.10 \op ga. Maýhiü paýi ashniüý ha, aý-biamaý Kaýxe akaý. Oüýkazhi, Ishtiýnike eýe ha, \tr it. / Knife / sharp / you have / , / said, they say / Crow / the «sub.». / Not so, / @{Ishtiýnike} / it is / , \rf jod 1890:76.11 \op aý-biamaý Heýga amaý Heýga thataýzhi teýdi Wazhiýbe-sneýde moütaýta-xchi upeý ahiý-biý \tr said, they say / Buzzard / the «sub.». / Buzzard / he ate not / when / Magpie / within very / entered / reached, they say \rf jod 1890:76.12 \op egoüý washiüý thataý-biamaý. Heýga amaý Paýta athaý-bi egoüý eýgaskoüthaý-biamaý. \tr having / fat / ate they say. / Buzzard / the «sub.» / to the head / went, they say / having / tried him they say. \rf jod 1890:76.13 \op Iýgaskoüthaý-bi egoüý paxthuýge thaxtaý-biamaý, sheýtheshtewoüýzhi zhoüý-biamaý Ishtiýnike \tr Tried him, they say / having / nostrils / bit they say, / not heeding at all / lay they say / @{Ishtiýnike} \rf jod 1890:76.14 \op akaý. Eýgithe ishtaý-ha ke thaxtaý-biamaý, shi sheýtheshtewoüýzhi zhoüý-biamaý Ishtiýnike \tr the «sub.». / At length / eye-skin / the «ob.» / he bit they say / again / not heeding at all / lay they say / @{Ishtiýnike} \rf jod 1890:76.15 \op akaý. Niüýdataýthishoü athaý-bi ki washiüý hebeý ediý thoü keý thataý-biamaý Heýga \tr he «sub.». / Towards the rump / went, they say / when / fat / piece / there / that / which was / he ate they say / Buzzard \rf jod 1890:76.16 \op akaý. Eýgithe u'uýde koüýha keýdi washiüý heýbe ediý thoü thashpaý-biamaý Heýga akaý. \tr the «sub.». / At length / hole / border / by the / fat / piece / there \rf jod 1890:76.17 \op Eýgithe, Wiüýka-bi teý, Oüýpoü keýde, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe moüýtataý-xchi upeý ahiý-bi \tr It happened, / They told the truth, / Elk / it is, but, / said he they say. / At length / within very / entered / reached, they say \rf jod 1890:76.18 \op egoüý washiüý heýbe thashpaý-biamaý. Eýthoüboüý upeý theý ki aýthisoüdaý-bi egoüý \tr having / fat / piece / bit off a piece they say. / The second time / entering / went / when / squeezed with his hands, they say / having \rf jod 1890:76.19 \op moüýgthe nazhiüý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý Oüýshnizhuaýzhi egoüý eýgoüwiý'oü taý miüke, \tr erect / stood they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / You treated me ill / having / so I do to you / will / I who, \rf jod 1890:76.20 \op aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Kageýha, oüýthishtoüý-ga, aý-biamaý Heýga akaý. Oüýhoü, \tr said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Friend, / let me go, / said, they say / Buzzard / the «sub.». / Yes, \rf jod 1890:77.1 \op kaýshi wiýbthishtoü-maýzhi taý miüke, aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Goüýki thishtoüý theýtha- \tr a long while / I let you go I not / will / I who, / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / And / let him go / sent suddenly \rf jod 1890:77.2 \op biamaý ki nashkiý thoü hiüý thiügeý-xti-oü Heýga, ushnuýda-bi egoüý. Aýdoü heýga \tr they say / when / head / the «ob.» / feathers / it had none very / Buzzard, / the pulling out / having. / Therefore / buzzard \rf jod 1890:77.3 \op nashkiý thoü hiüý thiügaiý, zhideý-xti-oüý. Shetoüý. \tr head / the «ob.» / feathers / has none, / red very. / So far. \rf jod 1890:77.4 \ti @{Ishtiýnike}, the brothers, and sister. \op Ukiýkizhi dubaý-biamaý, itoüýge akaý weýsatoüý-biamaý. Wakiýde-piý-xti- \tr Brethren / four they say, / sister / the «sub.» / the fifth they say. / Very good marksmen \rf jod 1890:79.1 \op biamaý ukiýkizhi duýba amaý. Ki itoüýge akaý teýtiwaýxe-hnoüý-biamaý. \tr they say / brethren / four / the «sub.». / And / sister / the «sub.» / used to make the animals come by calling they say. / And \rf jod 1890:79.2 \op teýxiwaýgithaý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. Ke, tinuhaý, iüýgahaiý-a he. Goüý giaýha- \tr she prized them they say / woman / the «sub.». / Come, / elder brother, / comb for me / . / And / he combed for her \rf jod 1890:79.3 \op biamaý, giaýshnapaý-xchi-biamaý. Sadeýgthe giaýxa-biamaý, ke gahaý ithoüý-tha- \tr they say, / combed very smooth for her they say. / Scaffold / they made for her, they say, / and / on it / they placed her \rf jod 1890:79.4 \op biamaý. Ki woüýgithe-xti haýhakiýthe nazhiüý-biamaý, moüýde moüýde eýkina athiüý- \tr they say. / And / every one / making himself ready / stood they say, / bows / sufficient / they had \rf jod 1890:79.5 \op biamaý. Ki wa'uý akaý boüý-biamaý, ki shi boüý-biamaý Weýthabthiüýoü tediýhi \tr they say. / And / woman / the «sub.» / called they say, / and / again / called they say. / The third time / occurred \rf jod 1890:79.6 \op ki moü-noüýshude wathiýshna-biamaý. Tinuhaý, washkoüý egoüý-a, sha-iýi he, \tr when / dust from treading the ground / visible they say. / Elder brother, / make an effort / do / they are coming to you / , \rf jod 1890:79.7 \op aý-biamaý. Weýduboüý tediýhi ki eýthoübe atiý-biamaý. Ki Ishtiýnike akaý edi \tr she said, they say. / The fourth time / occurred / when / in sight / they had come, they say. / And / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / there \rf jod 1890:79.8 \op nazhiüý-biamaý. Eýgithe atiý-biamaý waniýta amaý shoü bthuýga-xti, Teý ameýgoü, \tr stood they say. / At length / had come, they say / animal / the «sub.» / indeed / all / Buffalo / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:79.9 \op Oüýpoü ameý, Taýxti ameý, shoüý bthuýga-biamaý. Shoüý-xti-goüý t'eýwathe nazhiüý- \tr Elk / the «sub.» / Deer / the «sub.» / indeed / all they say. / All at once / killing them / they stood \rf jod 1890:79.10 \op biamaý. Ki shoüýgaxaý-biama. Goüý washeý-xti gthiüý-biamaý. Eýgithe umoüýe \tr they say. / And / they made an end they say. / And / rich very / they sat they say. / At length / provisions \rf jod 1890:79.11 \op te thasniüý athaý-biamaý. Ki itiýnu akaý 'aýbae atheý 'ithaý-biamaý woüýgithe. Ki \tr the «ob.» / swallowed / went they say. / And / her elder brother / the «sub.» / hunting / to go / spoke of, they say / all. / And \rf jod 1890:79.12 \op itiýnu noüý akaý: Niýkashiüga wiü tiý tateý thoüýzha daýdoü-xti edeý shteýshtewoü \tr her elder brother / grown / the one who: / Person / one / come hither / shall / though / what indeed / he says that / notwithstanding \rf jod 1890:79.13 \op eýgitheýgoü theýshkaxe te ha, aý-biamaý. Tinuhaý, oüýka-maýzhi taý miüke, \tr beware / you do it for him / lest / , / he said, they say. / O elder brother, / I not so / will / I who, \rf jod 1890:79.14 \op aý-biamaý. Itoüýge thiükeý umoüýe gikaýxa-bi egoüý gioüýtha athaý-biamaý. they \tr she said, they say. / His sister / the «ob.» / provisions / made for his own, they say / having / leaving her «their own» / they went, they say. \rf jod 1890:79.15 \op Athaý-biamaý ki Ishtiýnike akaý atiý-biama, thiýxesaýgi moüýde keýde athiüý-bi, \tr They went, they say / when / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / came they say, / hard willow / bow / the «ob.» / he had, they say, \rf jod 1890:79.16 \op thiýxthe-ma moüýzhiha ke ugiýpi-xti athiüý-bi. Wiheý, iüdaýdoü-xti edeýhe \tr reeds the «ob.» / quiver / the «ob.» / full very / he had, they say. / Second daughter, / what indeed / I say that \rf jod 1890:79.17 \op shteýshtewoü eýgoü iütheýshkaxe te ha. Tha'eoüýgithaý-ga, tushpaýha. Oüýkazhi, \tr notwithstanding / so / you do for me / will / . / Pity me, your relation, / my grandchild. / Not so \rf jod 1890:79.18 \op tigoühaý, ubthiý'age he, aý-biamaý wa'uý akaý Oüýkazhi, tushpaý, tha'eoüýgithaý-ga. \tr grandfather, / I am unwilling / , / said, they say / woman / the «sub.». / Not so, / grandchild, / pity me, your relation. \rf jod 1890:80.1 \op Moüý theýte teýga-xti akiýgthishtoüý eýde ithaýgigthaskoüýbthe koüýbtha. Teýti- \tr Arrow / this «col.» / new very / I finished for myself / but / I try my own / I wish. / Animals to come \rf jod 1890:80.2 \op washkaýxe-hnoü amaý. Eýgoü gaýxa-ga. Wa'uý thiükeý uthiý'age thoüýzha shoüý \tr you are used to making them / they say. / So / do. / Woman / the «ob.» / unwilling / though / yet \rf jod 1890:80.3 \op thashtoüý-bazhiý-biamaý. Eýgithe shoüý-akaý uheýkitha-biamaý wa'uý akaý. Iüýdakeý, \tr he stopped talking not they say. / At length / after standing awhile / she let him have his way they say / woman / the «sub.». / Let us see, \rf jod 1890:80.4 \op iügaýhe-a heý aý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. Ishtiýnike akaý giaýha-biamaý. Ki'oüýkithe \tr comb for me / / said, they say / woman / the «sub.». / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / combed for her, they say. / He made her paint herself \rf jod 1890:80.5 \op shteoüý-bi egoüý giýthishtoüý-biamaý. Sadeýgthe giaýxai te gahaý gthiüýkithaý-biamaý. \tr even, they say / having / he finished for her they say. / Scaffold / that had been made for her / on it / he made her sit they say. \rf jod 1890:80.6 \op Ki, Duboüý aboüý teýdi atiý-hnoüi he, aý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. Iüýdakeý, boü-ga, \tr And, / Four times / I call / when / they usually come / , / said, they say / woman / the «sub.». / Let us see, / call, \rf jod 1890:80.7 \op aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý Ki wa'uý akaý boüý-biamaý. Thabthiüýoü boüý-bi kiýzhi \tr said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / And / woman / the «sub.» / called they say. / Three times / called, they say / when \rf jod 1890:80.8 \op moünoüý-shude te wathiýshna-biamaý. Hiü+! sha-iýi he, tigoühaý, washkoüý egoüý-a \tr dust from treading the ground / the «ob.» / visible they say. / Oh! / they are coming / , / grandfather, / make an effort / do \rf jod 1890:80.9 \op heý. Weýduboüý tediýhi ki eýgithe eýthoübe atiý-biamaý. Egithe atiý-biamaý. \tr . / The fourth time / occurred / when / it happened / in sight / they came, they say. / At length / they came, they say. \rf jod 1890:80.10 \op Wakiýda-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Thiýxthe moüý ke weýkidaý-biamaý, uthiýhuni \tr He shot at them, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Reed / arrow / the «ob.» / he shot at them with, they say, / wabbling \rf jod 1890:80.11 \op eýgoü itheýtha-biamaý. He-iý! aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Shoü eýgoü-hnoü wakiýdai \tr like / sent suddenly, they say. / Why! / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / And / so only / he shot at them \rf jod 1890:80.12 \op te muýwashnoü nazhiüý-biamaý. Eýgithe noüýzhiha muýxthu'aý-biamaý. Eýgithe \tr when / missing them / he stood they say. / At length / quiver / shot empty they say. / It happened \rf jod 1890:80.13 \op haýshi-xti Oüýpoü nuýga wiüý zhiüýgazhiý-xti eýdegoü atiý-biamaý. Sadeýgthe baxiýathaý- \tr at the very last / Elk / male / one / not small very / like, was / came, they say. / Scaffold / pushed down \rf jod 1890:80.14 \op biamaý. Ki wa'uý thiükeý heý uzhaýta ugthoüý athiüý aýkiaýgtha-biamaý. Ki eýgithe \tr they say. / And / woman / the «ob.» / horn / fork / in between / having her / he had gone homeward, they say. / And / at length \rf jod 1890:80.15 \op itiýnu amaý akiý-biamaý. Itoüýge thiükeý thiügeý te akiý-biamaý. Ugiýne kuýwiüxaý- \tr her brother / the «sub.» / reached home, they say. / His sister / the «ob.» / was none / when / reached home, they say. / To seek his own / went about \rf jod 1890:80.16 \op bi thoüýzha iýgitha-bazhiý-biamaý. Eýgithe zhiügaý-xchi thiükeý toüýde aýthitaý-xti \tr they say / though / he found not his own they say. / It happened / small very / the one who / ground / crossing by a very near way \rf jod 1890:80.17 \op ugiýne athaý-biamaý. Paýhe zhiüýgazhiý-xti eýdegoü eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Ki eýdi \tr seeking his own / went they say. / Hill / small not very / like, was / there / arrived, they say. / And / there \rf jod 1890:80.18 \op gthiüý-biamaý. Shoüý-xti-akaý shi eýdi zhoüý-biamaý. Eýgithe wa'uý wiü xageý \tr he sat they say. / After he sat a great while / again / there / he lay they say. / It happened / woman / one / crying \rf jod 1890:80.19 \op na'oüý-biamaý. Uýthixidaý-bi kiýzhi niýkashiüga shte wa'uý wathiýshna-bazhiý-biamaý. \tr he heard they say. / Looking around for them, they say / when / person / even / woman / visible not they say. \rf jod 1890:80.20 \op Shoüý wiüýoüwa teýdoü etheýgoü-bi egoüý uýthixide-hnoüý-biamaý. Shi zhoüý-bi ki \tr Yet / which / is it? / thought, they say / having / he looked around repeatedly they say. / Again / he lay down, they say / when \rf jod 1890:81.1 \op shi xageý na'oüý-biamaý. Eýgithe itoüýge thiükeý huý te iýgiPahoüý-biamaý. Eýdi \tr again / crying / he heard they say. / It happened / his sister / the «ob.» / voice / the «ob.» / he recognized his own they say. / There \rf jod 1890:81.2 \op eýgoü-xti toüýthiü agthaý-biamaý uxtheýxchi. Akiý-bi ki izhiüýthe thoükaý uýwagithaý- \tr just so / running / he went homeward, they say / very soon. / He reached home, they say / when / his elder brother / the «ob.» / he told them \rf jod 1890:81.3 \op biamaý. Zhiütheýha, witoüýge xageý agiýna'oüý ha, ithaýgithe agthiý ha. Hau! \tr they say. / Elder brother, / my sister / crying / I heard my own / , / I found my own / I have returned / . / Ho! \rf jod 1890:81.4 \op ke, aýwathoüýdi eýiüte oügaýthe taiý, aý-biamaý. Goüý eýdi athaý-biamaý. Goüý \tr come, / to the place where / she may be / let us go, / he said, they say. / And / there / went they say. / And \rf jod 1890:81.5 \op mazhoüý thoüki ahiý-biamaý. Theýthu ha, aý-biamaý isoüýga akaý. Ke, \tr land / at the / arrived, they say. / Here / , / said, they say / his younger brother / the «sub.». / Come, \rf jod 1890:81.6 \op aýna'oüýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Goüý aýna'oüý-biamaý woüýgithe. Oüýhoü, thitoüýge \tr listen ye to it, / he said, they say. / And / listened to it, they say / all. / Yes, / your sister \rf jod 1890:81.7 \op toüýde moütaýta athiüý akiýi eteýdegoü e'oüý oügaýxai adoüý oügthiýze taiý edoüý, \tr ground / into / having her / he reached home / should have, but / how / we do / therefore / we take our own / may / ? \rf jod 1890:81.8 \op a-biamaý. Hau! zhiütheýha, ke, aýzhoü eýgoü iüte keýgoü-ga, aý-biamaý zhiügaý-xchi \tr he said, they say. / Ho! / elder brother, / come, / you do / so / may / come, do so, / said, they say / small very \rf jod 1890:81.9 \op akaý. Ahauý! aý-biamaý noüý-xchi akaý, witiýgoü theýgoü teýxi aýakipaý kiýzhi \tr the «sub.». / Oho! / said, they say. / grown very / the «sub.», / my grandfather / thus / trouble / I meet / if \rf jod 1890:81.10 \op theýgimoü teý eý ha, aý-bi egoüý zhoüweýtiü athiüý akaýma eýdegoü iýtiü-biamaý \tr I do thus / may / said he / , / he said, they say / having / striking-stick / that / he had had, / they say / he hit with it, they say \rf jod 1890:81.11 \op toüýde ke. Ki noüýzhiüshkeý-xchi ugaýkiba zhiügaý-biamaý. Hau! keýgoü-ga, \tr ground / the «ob.». / And / barely / he made a crack by hitting / small they say. / Ho! / come, do so, \rf jod 1890:81.12 \op aý-biamaý. Shi eýduaýtoü toü eý wakaý-biamaý. Ahauý! aý-biamaý, witiýgoü theýgoü \tr he said, they say. / Again / next / the «ob.» / him / he meant they say. / Oho! / he said, they say, / my grandfather / thus \rf jod 1890:81.13 \op teýxi aýakipaý kiýzhi theýgimoü teý eý ha, aý-bi egoüý zhoüweýtiü athiüý akaýma \tr trouble / I meet / if / I do thus / may / said he / , / he said, they say / having / striking-stick / that / he had \rf jod 1890:81.14 \op eýdegoü iýtiü-biamaý toüýde ke. Ki noüýzhiüshkeý-xchi ugaýkibaý-biamaý. Shi \tr had, they say / he hit with it, they say / ground / the «ob.». / And / barely / made a crack by hitting, they say. / Again \rf jod 1890:81.15 \op weýthabthiü akaý shi eýgoü-biamaý. Zhiügaý-xchi akaý: Witiýgoü theýgoü teýxi aýakipaý \tr the third / the «sub.» / again / so did they say. / Small very / the «sub.»: / My grandfather / thus / trouble / I meet \rf jod 1890:81.16 \op kiýzhi theýginoü teý eý ha, aý-bi egoüý zhoüweýtiü athiüý akaýma eýdegoü iýtiü-biamaý \tr if / I do thus / may / said he / , / he said, they say / having / striking-stick / that / he had had, they say / he hit with it, they say \rf jod 1890:81.17 \op toüýde ke. Ki Paheý thoü ugaýsne-xti itheýtha-biamaý. Eýgithe waniýta daýdoü \tr ground / the «ob.». / And / hill / the «ob.» / he split altogether by hitting / suddenly they say. / It happened / animal / what \rf jod 1890:81.18 \op bthuýga-xti waeýthoübaý-biamaý. Eýgithe itoüýge thiükeý tizheýbegthoüý gaxaý-bi-toüý- \tr all / made them appear, they say. / It happened / his sister / the «ob.» / door / she had been made \rf jod 1890:81.19 \op amaý, aý ke agshoüýkoühoü koüýtoü-bi egoüý ubaýtiheýtha-bi-toüý-amaý. Thizhiüýthe \tr they say, / arm / the «ob.» / on each side / tied, they say / having / she had been hung up as she stood they say. / Your elder brother \nt =@{agthoüýkoühoü} \rf jod 1890:81.20 \op meýgoü miüýga muýga edaýbe-thoü-thoü uýgashtaýi-ga. Goüý wakiýde mazhiüý-biamaý. \tr likewise / female / male / also of each king / leave a remainder after hitting. / And / shooting at them / stood they say. \rf jod 1890:82.1 \op Goüý uýmushtaiý-ma goüý izhaýzhe wa'iý nazhiüý-biamaý. Eýgithe shoüý-xti goüý \tr And / those who remained from shooting / so / name / giving to them / they stood, they say. / At length / at will \rf jod 1890:82.2 \op sheýnakithaý-biamaý. Itoüýge thiükeý goü gthiýza-biamaý. Shetoüý. \tr they exterminated them, they say. / His sister / the «ob.» / so / he took his own, they say. / So far. \rf jod 1890:82.3 \ti @{Ishtiýnike} and the deserted children. \op Moüchuý wiü toüýwoügthoü e weýgithigthoü akaýma toüýwoügthoü heýgabazhi. \tr Grizzly bear / one / tribe / that / he was governing them, it is said / tribe / not a few. \rf jod 1890:83.1 \op Uthuýshiataýxti tiý akaýma. Iüsh'aýge wiü Moüchuý athiüý akiý-biamaý goüý eýgithe \tr In the very center / pitched his tent, they say. / Old man / one / Grizzly bear / having him / reached home, they say / and / at length \rf jod 1890:83.2 \op gaý-biamaý: Shiüýgazhiüýga bthuýgaxti tiýgaxe theýwakithe taiý, uýwagithaý-ga, \tr said as follows, they say: / Children / all / to play / they will send them / tell them \rf jod 1890:83.3 \op aý-biamaý Moüchuý akaý. Goüý itheýwakithaý-biamaý. Shiüýgazhiüga-maýshe tiýgaxe \tr said, they say / Grizzly bear / the «sub.». / And / he sent them they say. / Children ye who / to play \rf jod 1890:83.4 \op theýwathaýkithe te aiý aýtha u+! aý-biamaý. Goüý bthuýgaxti tiýgaxe athaý-biamaý. \tr you send them / will / he says / indeed / halloo! / he said, they say. / And / all / to play / went they say. \rf jod 1890:84.1 \op Tiýgaxe athaý-bi egoüý Moüchuý akaý iüsh'aýge thiükeý giýboü-biamaý. Shiüýgazhiüýga \tr To play / went, they say / having / Grizzly bear / the «sub.» / old man / the «ob.» / called him, they say. / Children \rf jod 1890:84.2 \op wiýuchizhe-hnoüýi ha; waoüýtha tai eýgoü theýoüwoüýkithai. Wahoüý tai, aý-biamaý. \tr are troublesome to us / ; / to abandon them / in order / that / we sent them away. / Let them remove / he said, they say. \rf jod 1890:84.3 \op Wahoüý waýgazhiý-biamaý. Wathaýhoü te aiý aýtha u+! aý-biamaý iüsh'aýge akaý. Shoüý \tr To remove / he commanded them, they say. / You are to remove / he says / indeed / halloo! / said, they say / old man / the «sub.». / And \rf jod 1890:84.4 \op tiý ke bthuýga oüýtha gthiheýtha-biamaý, goüý shoüýge wa'iüýwakithaý-biamaý. Bthuýga \tr lodge / the «ob.» / all / they threw down their own suddenly, they say / and / horse / they caused them to carry the tents, etc. they say. / All \rf jod 1890:84.5 \op shoüýge aýgthiü-biamaý. Sigtheý thiügeý gaxaý-biamaý. U'eýthaxti oüýha-biamaý, \tr horse / sat on they say. / Trail / none / they made, they say. / Scattering very much / they fled they say \rf jod 1890:84.6 \op shiüýgazhiüga weýoühaý-biamaý. Eýgithe sigtheý ke wathiýshna tediýhi uthuýhe biniheý \tr children / they fled from them, they say. / At length / trail / the «ob.» / visible / when / to follow / feared, they say \rf jod 1890:84.7 \op etheýgoü eýgoü u'eýthaxti weýoühaý-biamaý. Weýahide etaýhi ki utheýwiükithaý-biamaý, \tr they thought / as / scattering very much / they fled from them, they say. / Far away / arrived there / when / they assembled themselves, they say \rf jod 1890:84.8 \op aýdoü uzhoüýge t'oü wathiýshna athaiý tediýhi ki goüý tiý-biamaý. Paýzexchi hiý ki \tr therefore / road / there is / visible / it went / «occurred» / when / so / they pitched tents, they say. / Very late in the evening / they arrived / when \rf jod 1890:84.9 \op tiýgaxe amaý shoüýgaxaý-bi egoüý eýthoübe ahiý-bi ki eýgithe uýkizaý-biamaý. \tr players / the «sub.» / they ceased, they say / having / in sight / they arrived, they say / when / behold / no one there, they say. \rf jod 1890:84.10 \op Shiüýgazhiüga 1Shiüýgazhiüga xageý za'eýxtioüý-biamaý. Tiuýthixthiýge ke akiý-biamaý bthuýga. Ki \tr Children / crying / made a great noise, they say. / Old tent-sites / the «ob.» / reached home, they say / all. / And \rf jod 1890:84.11 \op miüýzhiüga noüý-eýgoü amaý wakuý thishnoüýi ke iýkithe-hnoüý-biamaý, takoüý shti \tr girl / grown somewhat / the «sub.» / awl / dropped / the «ob.» / were finding accidentally they say / deer-sinew / too \rf jod 1890:84.12 \op iýkithe-hnoüý-biamaý. Ki nuýzhiüga amaý eýkithe amaý shuýka thoüthoüý zhuýkigthaý- \tr were finding accidentally they say. / And / boy / the «sub.» / related to one another / the «sub.» / by companies / went with one another \rf jod 1890:84.13 \op biamaý, zhoüthoüýha ge eýgaxe ithoüýtha-bi egoüý, xaýde aýzhi-biamaý, tiý akaý saýtoühai \tr they say / bark / the «scattered» / around / they placed, they say / having / grass / they put on much, they say, / lodge / the / in five places \rf jod 1890:84.14 \op te zhiüýgazhi-hnoü gaxaý-biamaý, uskiýxti-hnoüý-biamaý. Eýgithe maýthe amaý. \tr the / not small, as a rule / they made they say, / very full as a rule they say. / At length / winter / they say. \rf jod 1890:84.15 \op Nuýzhiüga noüý-biamaý. Kageýha, oüguýthide te, moüý oükiýkaxe te, \tr Boy / two / grown they say. / My friend, / let us two be together, / arrow / let us two make for ourselves, \rf jod 1890:84.16 \op aý-biamaý. Moüde pahoüýga gaxaý-biamaý. Moüýde ke akiýwa kigthiýshtoü- \tr said «one» they say. / Bow / before / they made, they say. / Bow / the / both / they finished for themselves \rf jod 1890:84.17 \op biamaý. Maýhiü-siý te gaxaý-biamaý, gtheýbhiwiüý-hnoü gaxaý-biamaý, athiüý taiteý \tr they say. / Arrow-head / the / they made, they say / a hundred in a lot / they made, they say / what «one» shall have \rf jod 1890:84.18 \op eýkina kikaýxa-biamaý. Moüýsa te gaxaý-biamaý. Eýgithe biýze amaý. Aýtha-biamaý \tr a sufficient quantity / they made for themselves, they say. / Arrow-shaft / the / they made they say. / At length / dry / they say. / They glued them on, they say \rf jod 1890:84.19 \op (moüýshoü te aýthaskabe aýtha-biamaý). Ki aýma toü eduaýtoü pa-iý te ugthaiý te \tr (feather / the / to stick / they glued them on, they say). / And / the other / the «std. sub.» / next / sharp / the / he put in / the \rf jod 1890:85.1 \op maýhiüsi te; gtheýbahiwiü thishtoüýi te. Goüýki shi aýma theý aýthai te, goüýki shi \tr arrow-head / the; / a hundred / he finished. / And / again / the one / this / he glued them on / and / again \rf jod 1890:85.2 \op maýhiüsi aýma toü uýgthe gthiüý te. Thishtoüý-biamaý. Ki moüý uzhiý taiteý haý wiü \tr arrow-head / the other / the / putting them in / he sat / the. / They finished they say. / And / arrow / they put them in / shall / skin / one \rf jod 1890:85.3 \op suý-biamaý. Akiýwaha kikaýxe thishtoüý-bi egoüý moüý te ugiýzhi-biamaý. Ki \tr they slit, they say. / Both / making for himself / he finished, they say / having / arrow / the / he put in his own, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:85.4 \op gaý-biamaý: Kageýha, ugaýshoü oügaýthe te, aý-biamaý. Goüý athaý-biamaý. Eýgithe \tr he said as follows they say: / My friend / traveling / let us go / he said, they say. / So / they went they say. / At length \rf jod 1890:85.5 \op ti heýgazhi edediý amaý. Eýdi ahiý-biamaý ugaýhanaPaýze teýdi. Goüý shoüýge \tr lodge / not a few / there were, / they say. / There / they arrived, they say / darkness / when. / So / horse \rf jod 1890:85.6 \op wamoüýthoü-biamaý. The niýkashiüga ukeýthiü-ma iýkit'athai eýgoü tahaýwagthe gaxaý- \tr they stole them they say. / This / Indians the / hate each other / so / shield / made \rf jod 1890:85.7 \op biamaý; eý shti moüthoüýi te. Eý tahaýwagthe itiýze eý ithaýthisoüde athiüý-hnoüi. Goüý \tr they say; / that / too / they stole. / That / shield / with it / that / by which it is held tight / they had as a rule. / So \rf jod 1890:85.8 \op agthaý-biamaý. Shoüýge-ma edaýbe waýthiü-bi egoüý, waýthiü agthaý-biamaý, aýhigi \tr they went homeward, they say. / The horses / also / they had them, they say / having, / having them / they went homeward, they say / many \rf jod 1890:85.9 \op weýnashai te. Akiý-biamaý. Ki nuýzhiüga noüý-hnoü gatoüý-ma shoüýge eýkinaýxti \tr they took away from them. / They reached home, they say. / And / boy / grown only / the ones that tall / horse / just a sufficient number \rf jod 1890:85.10 \op wa'iý-biamaý. Shi miüýzhiüga-ma shoüýge miügaý wa'iý-biamaý. Goüýki nuýzhiüga \tr they gave them, they say. / Again / girls the / horse / female / they gave them, they say. / And / boy \rf jod 1890:85.11 \op gachoüý-ma shoüýgetazhiüýga wa'iý-biamaý. Kageýha, shoüý, aý-biamaý. Goüý \tr the ones that high / colt / they gave them, them say. / My friend / enough / they said, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:85.12 \op wiüoüýwata athaý-bazhi shoüý tiýgaxe oüýthai ahiýi-thoüýdi ediý-hnoü shoüshoüý-biamaý. \tr to what place / they went not / still / playing / abandoned / reached, at the / there only / always they say. \rf jod 1890:85.13 \op Eýgithe maýthe amaý. Eýgithe teý atiý-biamaý Ki the nuýzhiüga noüýba noüý ahiý \tr At length / winter / they say. / At length / buffalo / has come, they say. / And / this / boy / two / grown / arrived \rf jod 1890:85.14 \op akaý akiýwa wahuýtoüthiü athiüýi te, moüýzhiha shti athiüýi te. Goüý teý-ma weýnaxithaý- \tr the «sub.» / both / bow / they had / quiver / too / they had. / And / the buffaloes / they attacked them \rf jod 1890:85.15 \op biamaý Akiýwa duýba-hnoü t'eýwathaý-biamaý. Goüý akiý-biamaý, wa'iüýkithe \tr they say. / Both / four only / he killed them, they say. / And / they reached home, they say / they who cause to carry \rf jod 1890:85.16 \op nuýzhiüga waýthiü ahiý-biamaý. Goüý xaýde ti Peýthoüba gaýxai ke eýkina ugthiüý te \tr boy / having them / they arrived there, they say. / And / grass / lodge / seven / made / the / in equal numbers / they sat in / when \rf jod 1890:85.17 \op tanuýka te uhaý uthiýxpathe agiý-bi shoüý aýhigi toügaý t'eýwathe egoüý tanuýka \tr fresh meat / the / following «the camp circle» / they let fall / were returning, they say / in fact / many / great / killed them / having / fresh meat \rf jod 1890:85.18 \op toügaý wa'iý-biamaý tiý ke woüýgithe. Ki haý thiü shi umiüýzhe wa'iý-biamaý eýkina, \tr great «quantity» / they gave them, they say / lodge the «col. ob.» / every one. / And / skin / the / again / bed / they gave them, they say / equally \rf jod 1890:85.19 \op ki shi takoüý shi eýkina wa'iý-biamaý tiý ke. \tr and / again / deer-sinew / again / equally / they gave them, they say / lodge / the «col. ob.». \rf jod 1890:85.20 \op Goüý shi wanaýse ahiý-biamaý. Akiýwa shaýPe-hnoü t'eýwathaý-biamaý. Ediýhi \tr And / again / to surround / they arrived they say. / Both / six only / killed them they say. / Hence \rf jod 1890:86.1 \op uýzhawaý-biamaý. Goüý tanuýka ke iýshe-xtioüý-biamaý. Goüý tahaýnuka uthuýthiügeý- \tr in good spirits, they say. / And / fresh meat / the / rich in very they say. / And / green hide / those who were left \rf jod 1890:86.2 \op ma wa'iýi te haý shi. Eýgithe nugeý te amaý ki nuýzhiüga amaý shi noüýba \tr without / they gave them / to / / again. / At length / it was summer / they say / when / boy / the «sub.» / again / two \rf jod 1890:86.3 \op thaýbthiü gtheýba sheýtoü noüý-biamaý, ki wa'uý akaý shti eýkina shi noüýi te. Ki \tr three / ten / so far / were grown, they say, / and / woman / the «sub.» / too / in equal numbers / again / were grown. / And \rf jod 1890:86.4 \op nuýzhiüga noübaý akaý ukiýkiaý-biamaý: Kageýha, na! uwaýgtha oüthiüýi te. Ki \tr boy / two / the «sub.» / they talked with each other they say: / Friend / alas! / sufferers / we are. / We take wives from each other \rf jod 1890:86.5 \op taiý, aý-biamaý. Goüý theý nuýzhiüga noüýba pahoüýga akaý wa'uý noüýba itoüýgewathaý- \tr will, / they said, they say. / And / this / boy / two / before / the «sub.» / woman / two / had them for sisters \rf jod 1890:86.6 \op biamaý. Ki eý akiýwaha ki'iý-bi egoüý wagthoüý-biamaý. Shi theý ushteý amaý \tr they say. / And / that / both «on either side» / gave to the other they say / having / they married them they say. / Again / this / the remaining ones \rf jod 1890:86.7 \op kigthoüýwakithaý-biamaý. Goüý eý nugeý te woüýgithe noüýi eýgoü miüýgthoü-biamaý, \tr caused them to marry one another they say. / And / that / summer / the / every one / grown / somewhat / they took wives they say, \rf jod 1890:86.8 \op gtheýba noüýba aýta-biamaý. Ki eýnaxchi tiý ke thishtoüý-bi e teý-ma haý ge tiýha \tr twenty / beyond they say. / And / «they» only / lodge / the / finished they say. / that / the buffaloes / hide / the «pl. ob.» / skin lodge \rf jod 1890:86.9 \op gaxaý-biamaý, ushteý amaý eý tiý te uskeýxti ugthiüý-biamaý, noüý hiýbazhi-maý. \tr they made, they say, / the rest / they / lodge / the / very full / they sat in, they say / grown / they who reached not. \rf jod 1890:86.10 \op Eýgithe shi nudoüý athaý-biamaý. Ki theý nuýzhiüga noübaý akaý pahoüýga nudoüý \tr At lenght / again / on the war-path / they went, they say. / And / this / boy / two / the / before / on the war-path \rf jod 1890:86.11 \op ahiý akaý shi athaý-biamaý akiýwa. Shi shoüýge gtheýba-hiýwiü noüýba weýnashaý-biamaý. \tr went / the ones who / again / went, they say / both. / Again / horse / hundred / two / they snatched from them they say, / they say, \rf jod 1890:86.12 \op goüý shi waýthiü akiý-biamaý. Shi nuýzhiüga-ma noüý-ma eýkinaýxti shoüýge wa'iý- \tr and / again / having them / reached home they say. / Again / the boys / those who were grown / equally / horse / they gave them \rf jod 1890:86.13 \op biamaý. Goüýki shi nuýzhiüga-ma shi eýgoü shoüýge wa'iý-biamaý. Eýgithe shi \tr they say. / And / again / boys the / again / so / horse / they gave them, they say. / At length / again \rf jod 1890:86.14 \op maýthe amaý. Maýthe ki shi teý wakiýda-biamaý. Niýashiüga miüýgthoü amaý \tr winter / they say. / Winter / when / again / buffalo / they shot at them, they say. / Person / took wives / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:86.15 \op woüýgithe teý wakiýda-biamaý. Ki ediýhi woüýgithe uthuýhi eýgoü-biamaý, \tr every one / buffalo / they shot at them, they say. / And / hence / every one / had a sufficient quantity / somewhat they say, \rf jod 1890:86.16 \op umiüýzhe ge wa'iýi ge, takoüýha ge, shoüý bthuýgaxti shoü uthuýhiwagithaý-biamaý. \tr bed / the «pl. ob.» / they gave them / the «pl. ob.» / deer-sinew / the «pl. ob.», / in fact / all / in fact / caused them «their own» to have a sufficient quantity they say. \rf jod 1890:86.17 \op Goüýki shi eý maýthe te woüýgithe kigthoüýwakithaý-biamaý shi. Ki ediýhi \tr And / again / that / winter / the / every one / they caused them to marry one another they say / again. / And / then \rf jod 1890:86.18 \op e'oüý thiügeý. Shoüý nugeý te. Goüýki shi teý wakiýda te. Bthuýgaxti tiýgsha- \tr what the matter / there was none. / And / it was summer. / And / again / buffalo / they shot at them. / All / dwelt in lodges \nt =@{tiýgtha-} \rf jod 1890:86.19 \op biamaý, tiý iteýtha-biamaý, tiý gtheýbahiýwiü ki eýdi gtheýba-Peýthoüba. Goüý gthiüý- \tr they say, / lodge / they put them up, they say, / lodge / a hundred / and / by it / seventy. / Thus / they say \rf jod 1890:86.20 \op biamaý. Eýgithe, Weaýnaxithai hau, aý-biamaý. Theýaka noübaý akaý kigthiýtoü- \tr it is said. / At length, / We are attacked / ! / they said, they say. / This / two / the «sub.» / prepared for battle \rf jod 1890:87.1 \op biamaý akiýwa. Tiý te uthuýshiataýxti weýgaxaý-biamaý. (Nuýzhiüga-hnoü eýgithoüý- \tr they say / both. / Lodge / the / in the very center / they made for them, they say. / (Boy only / said it to \rf jod 1890:87.2 \op biamaý, Huýthuga gaýxai-doü uthuýshiata tiý weýgaxaýi-ga, aý-biamaý) Eýgithe e \tr they say, / Circle / made when / in the center / lodge / make ye for us, / they said, they say.) / At length / that \rf jod 1890:87.3 \op weýnaxiýthai teeý. Eýgithe shoüýge iý koütoüýi-biamaý. Akiýwa eýdi athaiý te. \tr they were attacked «as aforesaid». / At length / horse / mouths / were tied, they say. / Both / there / they went. \rf jod 1890:87.4 \op Weýnaxithai te. Aýma akaý wiüý uthoüý-biamaý, goüki shi aýma akaý shi wiüý uthoüý- \tr They attacked them. / The one / the «sub.» / one / he held they say, / and / again / the other / the «sub.» / again / one / he held \rf jod 1890:87.5 \op biamaý; akiýwa niýta uýthoü-biamaý. Goüýki wabaýaze waýthiü athaiý te haý shi. \tr they say; / both / alive / they held them, they say. / And / scaring them / having them / they went / / again. \rf jod 1890:87.6 \op Shi aýma akaý shi wiüý t'eýtha-biamaý, shi aýma akaý shi wiüý t'eýtha-biamaý. Shoüýge- \tr Again / the one / the «sub.» / again / one / he killed, they say, / again / the other / the «sub.» / again / one / he killed, they say. / Horses \rf jod 1890:87.7 \op ma weýnashe-hnoüý-biamaý. Shoüýxti goüý noühoüý waýthiü-biamaý. Goüý, Keý, \tr the / they snatched from them regularly they say. / Walking even till night / they had them, they say. / And / Come, \rf jod 1890:87.8 \op shoüýoügaýxe taiý, aý-biamaý akiwaý. Goüý akiý-biamaý. Niýashiüga-ma t'eýwathaiý-ma \tr let us stop, / said, they say / both. / And / they reached home, they say. / Persons the / those who were killed \rf jod 1890:87.9 \op nazhiýha maýwaxoüý-bi egoüý uýzhawaxtioüý-biamaý. Wa'uý amaý uthiýshoü wachiýgaxaý- \tr hair / cut off of them they say / having / in very good spirits they say. / Woman / the / around in a circle / they danced \rf jod 1890:87.10 \op biamaý. Goüý oüýba gtheýba wachiýgaxe-hnoü shoüshoüýi te. Eýgithe Paýze hiý amaý. \tr they say. / And / day / ten / they danced continually. / At length / evening / it arrived, they say. \rf jod 1890:87.11 \op Iýkimoüýthiü atiý hau, aý-biamaý Eýgithe Ishtiýnike ameý amaý. Theý oüýxtieýgoü \tr Visitor / has come / ! / said «one», they say. / It happened / @{Ishtiýnike} / was / the «mv. sub.». / This / head-man \rf jod 1890:87.12 \op uýzhu tiý aýwateý a, aý-biamaý. Theýte, aý-biamaý. Eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Atiý ha, \tr chief / lodge / where-the / ? / he said, they say. / This is it, / they said, they say. / There / he arrived, they say. / I have come / , \rf jod 1890:87.13 \op kageýha, aý-biamaý. Hau! uthiýthai eýgoü winaý'oü piý ha, aý-biamaý. Shoü nuý \tr friend, / he said, they say. / Ho! / you have been told of «reported of» / as / I hear you / I have been coming / , / he said, they say. / And / man \rf jod 1890:87.14 \op hniü, washkoüýi-ga, kageýha, aý-biamaý. Goüý, Zhiütheýha, shoüýge wiü wi'iý, aý-biamaý. \tr you are, / be ye strong, / friend, / he said, they say. / And, / Elder brother, / horse / one / I give thee, / said «one», they say. \rf jod 1890:87.15 \op Oüýkazhi ha, kageýha, aý-biamaý. Uthiý'agaý-biamaý. Moüýzhiha ke-hnoüý moüý ke \tr Not so, / , / younger brother / he said, they say. / He was unwilling, they say. / Quiver / the only / arrow / the \rf jod 1890:87.16 \op xtaýashe, aý-biamaý. Wabthaýte teýgoü oüthaý'i thoü teýxi ha, aý-biamaý. Oü, aý-biamaý. \tr I love, / he said, they say. / I eat / in order to / you gave me / the / difficult / , / he said, they say. / Yes, / they said, they say. \rf jod 1890:87.17 \op Ki moü Paýxe taý miüke, aý-biamaý (Ishtiýnike akaý). Moüý gtheýbahiýwiü noüýba \tr And / arrow / I make / will / I who, / said, they say / (@{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.»). / Arrow / hundred / two \rf jod 1890:87.18 \op gaxaý-biamaý, thishtoüý-biamaý. Akiýwaha wa'iýi te. Zhiütheýha, shoüý ha, aý-biamaý. \tr he made, they say, / he finished they say. / Both / he gave them. / Elder brother, / enough / , / they said, they say. \rf jod 1890:87.19 \op Goüý wanaýshe waýgtha-kithaý-biamaý Ishtiýnike. \tr And / police / to go for them they caused him, they say / @{Ishtiýnike}. \rf jod 1890:87.20 \op Goüý weýnaxithaý-biamaý. Shi Ishtiýnike akaý wiüý t'eýtha-biamaý, uthoüý- \tr And / they were attacked, they say. / Again / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / one / killed they say, / he held him \rf jod 1890:88.1 \op biamaý. Nazhiýha heýbe maýxoü thiza-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Wa'uý amaý \tr they say. / Hair / part / he cut off / he took, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Woman / the \rf jod 1890:88.2 \op weýxuka-hnoüý-biamaý. Ishtiýnike amaý saýbexti kikaýxextioüý-biamaý, Peýde \tr he sang for them regularly they say. / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / very black / he made himself they say, / fire \rf jod 1890:88.3 \op naxtheý naýzhithaý-biamaý bituýba-bi egoüý iýsabekithaý-biamaý. Ki eý gaýxe aiý, \tr charcoal / he caused to go out, they say / he rubbed to powder, they say / having / he blackened himself with, they say. / And / that «one» / made it / they say \rf jod 1890:88.4 \op Ishtiýnike thiüý. Niýkashiüga ukeýthiü iýkit'athaiý eýgoü t'eýkithai teýdi u'oüýt'oü \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / the «mv. one». / Indians / they hate one another / as / they kill one another / when / cause «blame» \rf jod 1890:88.5 \op aýgthai te Ishtiýnike akaý eý naxtheý iýsabekithaiý, naxtheý iýki'oüýi te, eý goüzeý \tr they ascribe to / when / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / that «one» / charcoal / he blackened himself with, / charcoal / he painted himself with, / that «one» / taught \rf jod 1890:88.6 \op akeý-biamaý, aiý. Goüý-biamaý aýzhi-thoüýthoü zhuýt'oüi te, ki tiý aýzhi-thoüýthoü thi- \tr the one who, it is said, / they say. / In the course of time, they say / different ones / matured, / and / lodge / different ones / were \rf jod 1890:88.7 \op moüýgthai te, heýgashtewoüýzhi, gtheýbahiýwiütoüýga noübaý-biamaý shiüýgazhiüýga \tr set up / a great many, / thousand / two they say / children \rf jod 1890:88.8 \op waoüýthaii amaý. Eýgithe gaý-biamaý Ishtiýnike: Kageý, aý-biamaý iýkimoüýthiü \tr they were abandoned / the «sub.». / At length / said as follows, they say / @{Ishtiýnike}: / O younger brother, / he said, they say, / as a visitor \rf jod 1890:88.9 \op btheý taý miüke, aý-biamaý. Ki, Zhiütheýha, aýaketa hneý te, aý-biamaý. Oühoü, \tr I go / will / I who, / he said, they say. / And, / Elder brother, / whither / you go / will, / they said, they say. / Yes, \rf jod 1890:88.10 \op shoüý goüý btheý taý miüke, aý-biamaý. Goüý niýashiüga utheýwiüwathaý-biamaý. \tr just because I wish it / I go / will / I who, / he said, they say. / And / person / they assembled them they say. \rf jod 1890:88.11 \op Theýthiüke nuýzhiüga noübaý akaý oüýxtieýga akaý eý weýmaxaiý te Keý, nuýzhiüga \tr This one / boy / two / the «sub.» / head man / the «sub.» / that «they» / they were questioned. / Come, / boy \rf jod 1890:88.12 \op noüý-hnoü theýma eýbe ithaýdithe-hnoüýi eteý ki, iüwiüýthai-ga, aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike \tr grown only / these / who / each has for a father / ought, / tell ye to me, / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} \rf jod 1890:88.13 \op akaý. Ki gaý-biamaý, moüý noübaý akaý: Wiý shti iüdaýdi goüýthiükeý, izhaýzhe \tr the «sub.». / And / said as follows, they say, / grown / two / the «sub.»: / I / too / my father / is such a one, / name \rf jod 1890:88.14 \op gthaýda-bi egoüý. Ki ushteý amaý gaý-biamaý: Wioüýbahoü-bazhiý-shteoüýi, aý-biamaý. \tr called his, they say / having. / And / remainder / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / We do not know at all, / they said, they say. \rf jod 1890:88.15 \op Ishtiýnike amaý athaý-biamaý. Goüý utoüýnadi-hnoü zhoüýi te. Shoüý oüýbatheýgoü \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / went they say. / And / in a place between regularly / he slept. / And / as it was day \rf jod 1890:88.16 \op uthuýagthe duýba zhoüý shoüýxti goüý noühoüý-biamaý. Oüýba weýsatoü zhoüý te \tr throughout / four / «day» sleep / he walked even till night they say. / Day / the fifth / sleep / the \rf jod 1890:88.17 \op eýdi ahiý-biamaý tiýi thoüýdi. Oüýxtieýgoü tiý te aýwate, aý-biamaý. Sheýhite, \tr there / arrived, they say / lodges / the «circle» at. / Head-man / lodge / the / where-the, / he said, they say. / Yonder it is \rf jod 1890:88.18 \op aý-biamaý. Eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Iýkimoüýthiü atiý hau aý-biamaý nuý wiü. Goüý, \tr they said, they say. / There / he arrived, they say. / A visitor / he has come / ! / said, they say / man / one. / And, \rf jod 1890:88.19 \op Keý iýutha eýgoü-ga, aý-biamaý. Tiý aýkishugaýxtioüý-biamaý eýgaxe ithoüýthai te. \tr Come, / do tell the news, / they said, they say. / Lodge / very thick they say / around in a circle / they were put. \rf jod 1890:88.20 \op Oüýhoü, aý-biamaý, niýashiüga juýba ediý amaý ha, aý-biamaý. Niýashiüga juýba \tr Yes, / he said, they say, / people / some / there were, it is said / , / he said, they say. / People / some \rf jod 1890:88.21 \op eskoüý wathaýoühnaiý, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, aý-biamaý, niýashiüga juýba shiüýgazhiüga \tr it may be / you abandoned them, / he said, they say. / Yes, / they said, they say, / person / some / children \rf jod 1890:89.1 \op juýba oüwoüýgioüthai. Ki Moüchuý akaý wegaýxai, noüýoüwoüpaiý eýgoü eýgoü- \tr some / we abandoned our own. / And / Grizzly bear / the «sub.» / he did it for us, / we feared them «the Bear» / as / so \rf jod 1890:89.2 \op iwiüýgaxai, aý-biamaý. Niýashiüga noüýba oüýxtieýgoü akaý aýma thaýta akaý \tr we did it to them «the children» / they said, they say. / Person / two / head-man / the «sub.» / the one / left-handed / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:89.3 \op ha, aý-biamaý. Ki oüýxtieýgoü akaý etaý-bi aý-biamaý. She wiwiýta, aý-biamaý. \tr . / he said, they say. / And / head-man / the «sub.» / his / he said, they say. / That / my own, / he said, they say. \rf jod 1890:89.4 \op Ihoüý akaý xagaý-biamaý uthiýthai ki. Ki shi aýma oüýxtieýgoü akaý shi etaý \tr His mother / the «sub.» / cried they say / they told of her own / when. / And / again / the other / head-man / the «sub.» / again / his \rf jod 1890:89.5 \op akaýma. Goüý eý shti shi, Goüýthiükeý wiwiýta, aý-biamaý. Ishtiýnike gaiý te: \tr was, they say. / And / he / too / again, / Such a one / my own, / he said, they say. / @{Ishtiýnike} / said as follows: \rf jod 1890:89.6 \op Wa'uý wiüý goüýthiükeý, aý-biamaý Goüý xageý za'eýxtioüý-biamaý wagiýna'oüýi te. \tr Woman / one / such a one, / he said, they say. / And / crying / they made a very great noise, they say / when they heard of their own. \rf jod 1890:89.7 \op Goüý, Duýba zhoüý ki agtheý taý miüke, aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Eýna zhoüý \tr And, / Four / sleep / when / I go homeward / will / I who, / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / That many / sleep \rf jod 1890:89.8 \op teýdi agthaiý te. Agthaiý teýdi gaý-biamaý: Gaxthoüý thiýkui, aý-biamaý. Oüýba \tr when / he went homeward. / He went homeward / when / he said as follows, they say: / To move camp / they have invited you / said he, they say. / Day \rf jod 1890:89.9 \op Peýthoüba zhoüý te eýdi shiý taý-bi eýskoü etheýgoüi, aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Goüý \tr seven / sleep / the / there / you come / will / it may be / they thought, / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / And \rf jod 1890:89.10 \op wahoüý-hnoüi te. Oüýba Peýthoüba zhoüý te koüge-xchi ahiýi te. \tr they removed. / Day / seven / sleep / the / that many / sleep / the «when» / near very / they arrived. \rf jod 1890:89.11 \op Ishtiýnike amaý akiý-biamaý Gaý-biamaý: Kageý, aý-biamaý iüýtha-maýzhi, kageý, \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / reached home, they said. / He said as follows, they said: / Younger brother / said he, they said, / I am sorrowful, younger brother, \rf jod 1890:89.12 \op aý-biamaý. Oüý, zhiütheýha, iüdaýdoü eýiüte iüwiüýthahna eteý ki, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, \tr said he, they say. / Yes, / elder brother, / whatever / it may be / you tell me / ought, / he said, they say. / Yes, \rf jod 1890:89.13 \op thiýadi oüýxtieýgoü te ki shoüý niýkashiüga wiüý beýgithexti thiükeý, aý-biamaý, iýe te \tr your father / was head-man / when / yet / person / one / a great stranger / the one who / said he, they say, / word the \rf jod 1890:89.14 \op eýna'oü eýgoü thioüýthai te piýazhi gaýxai. Tha'eýwithai akiýwa, aý-biamaý. Akiýwa \tr listened to for him / as / he abandoned you / when / bad / he did. / I pity you / both, / said he, they say. / Both \rf jod 1890:89.15 \op noüýde-uthaýti eýgoü Pamoüýgthe gthiüý-biamaý. Wiüýke iýnahiü aýhoü, etheýgoü \tr heart he made pain by talking / as / with bowed head / they sat they say. / He tells the truth / indeed / ! / thinking \rf jod 1890:89.16 \op gthiüý-biamaý akiýwa. Hoüý amaý. Ishtiýnike giýboü ithaý-biamaý thaýta akaý. \tr sat they say / both. / Night / was, they say. / @{Ishtiýnike} / to call him / had gone, they say / left-handed / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:89.17 \op Zhiütheýha, iý-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Ki eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, aý-biamaý. Thisoüýga \tr Elder brother, / come hither, / , / he said, they say. / And / there / he arrived, they say. / Yes, / said he, they say. / Your younger brother \rf jod 1890:89.18 \op agiýmoügthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Thitaýhoü eýdi hneý te, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, aý-biamaý. \tr begone for him, / he said, they say. / Your wife's brother / there / you go please, / said he, they say. / Yes, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:89.19 \op Ki eýdi athaiý te. Eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Goüý, Wizhiüýthe, tahoüýha, iýe tethoüý noüýde- \tr And / there / he went. / There / he arrived, they say. / And, / My elder brother / O sister's husband, / what he has spoken / heart \rf jod 1890:89.20 \op iüýpi-maýzhi, aý biamaý. Uthuýdoübaý-ga, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, eýgoü, aý-biamaý. Goüý \tr for me sad, / said he, they say. / Consider it, / said he, they say. / Yes, / so, / said he, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:90.1 \op tiý tediýhi ki oügaýxe teý, aý-biamaý. Goüý oüýba amaý. Ishtiýnike akaý Pahaýta \tr they arrive here / it occurs / when / let us do it, / said he, they say. / And / day / was, they say. / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / to the bluff \rf jod 1890:90.2 \op athaý-biamaý. Eýgithe akiý-biamaý Kageý, gaxthoüý amaý a-iý amaý ha, aý-biamaý. \tr went, they say. / At lenght / he reached home, they say. / Younger brother, / those who are moving their camp / are coming hither / , / he said, they say. \rf jod 1890:90.3 \op Atiý tiý-biamaý, wachiýshka agthoüýkoühoü tiý-biamaý, huýthuga wtoügaýtheha. Shoüý \tr They came / and pitched tents, they say, / creek / on both sides / they pitched tents, they say. / tribal circle / extended over a large piece of land. / And \rf jod 1890:90.4 \op niýashiüga amaý shiüýgazhiüga iýgiPahoüamaý atiý tiý-bi egoüý shoüý shiüýgazhiüga ugiýne \tr person / the «sub.» / child / they who knew their own / came / pitched tents, they say / having / and / child / seeking «their» own \rf jod 1890:90.5 \op moüthiüý egoüý kiuýxpagthe moüthiüý-biamaý. Eýgithe nuýzhiüga noübaý akaý giýku \tr walked / having / moving back and forth among themselves / they walked, they say. / At length / boy / two / the one who / to invite them \rf jod 1890:90.6 \op ahiý-biamaý. Moüchuý thiýkui ha, aý-biamaý. Athaý-bazhiý-biamaý. Eýgithe wa'uý wiü \tr arrived, they say. / Grizzly bear / invites you / , / said, they say. / They did not go, they say. / At length / woman / one \rf jod 1890:90.7 \op ahiý-biamaý. Wiýshi'e+, thiýkui he, aý-biamaý. Tiýata iý-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Goüý \tr arrived, they say. / My sister's husband, / you are invited / , / she said, they say. / To the lodge / come / , / he said, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:90.8 \op tiýadi gthiüýkithaý-biamaý wa'uý thiükeý. Eýgithe shi wa'uý wiü atiý-biamaý. Shi \tr in the lodge / he caused her to sit, they say / woman / the «st. ob.». / At length / again / woman / one / came, they say. / Again \rf jod 1890:90.9 \op eýgithoüý-biamaý: Wiýshi'e+, thiýkui he, aý-biamaý. Tiýata iý-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Goüý \tr said to him, they say: / My sister's husband / you are invited / , / said, they say. / To the lodge / come / , / he said, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:90.10 \op tiýadi gthiüýkithaý-biamaý wa'uý thiüke. Goüý gtheýkithabaýzhi te ha shi. Eýgithe shi \tr in the lodge / he caused her to sit, they say / woman / the «st. ob.». / And / he did not cause her to go homeward / / again. / At length / again \rf jod 1890:90.11 \op hoüýegoüche goü-eýgoü te ki shi wiüý atiý-biamaý. Shi eýgithoüý-biamaý: Wiýshi'e+, \tr morning / a little while was / when / again / one / came, they say. / Again / said to him, they say: / My sister's husband, \rf jod 1890:90.12 \op thiýkui he, aý-biamaý. Tiýata iý-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Goüý tiýadi gthiüýkithaý-biamaý \tr you are invited / , / she said, they say. / To the lodge / come / , / he said, they say. / And / in the lodge / he caused her to sit, they say \rf jod 1890:90.13 \op wa'uý thiükeý, eý thaýta akeý-biamaý, giýkui akaý; ki athaý-baýzhi-hnoüý-biamaý. Eýgithe \tr woman / the «st. ob.», / that / left-handed / it was he they say, / he who was invited; / and / he went not as a rule they say. / At length \rf jod 1890:90.14 \op weýduba thiükeý atiý-biamaý. Wiýshi'e+, thiýkui he, aý-biamaý. Tiýata iý-ga ha, \tr the fourth / the one who / came, they say. / My sister's husband, / you are invited / , / she said, they say. / To the lodge / come / , \rf jod 1890:90.15 \op aý-biamaý. Goüý tiýadi gthiüýkithaý-biamaý wa'uý thiükeý. Ki eýgithe uýzhuxti ameý \tr he said, they say. / And / in the lodge / he caused her to sit, they say / woman / the «st. ob.». / And / at length / real principal / the one who was \rf jod 1890:90.16 \op atiý-biamaý Moüchuý amaý. Wahnaýte teýgoü thihoüýga amaý athiýgiti thoüýshti, \tr came, they say / Grizzly bear / the «sub.». / You eat / in order that / your wife's sister / the «sub.» / came for you / heretofore, \rf jod 1890:90.17 \op aý-biamaý. Ishtiýnike akaý doüýbexti gthiüý-biamaý, xtaýtha-bazhiý-biamaý. Goüý agthaý- \tr he said, they say. / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / seeing him plainly / sat they say, / he loved him not, they say. / And / went homeward \rf jod 1890:90.18 \op biamaý. Eýgithe shi atiý-biamaý. Kageý, thihoüýga giýwakitheýgoü-ga, aý-biamaý \tr they say. / At length / again / he came, they say. / Younger brother, / your wife's sister / do cause them to come, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:90.19 \op Ishtiýnike akaý. Weý'e pa-iý athiüý eýde eýthoübe ahiý-biamaý goüý, Moügthiüý-ga, \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Hoe / sharp / had / but / in sight / arrived, they say / and, / Begone \rf jod 1890:90.20 \op aý-biamaý. Na! eaýtoü aýdoü, aý-biamaý (Moüchuý akaý). Oüýhoü, shoüý moügthiüý-ga, \tr said, they say. / Why! / wherefore? / said, they say / Grizzly bear / the «sub.». / Yes, / still / begone, \rf jod 1890:91.1 \op aý-biamaý Eýgithe isoüýga eýthoübe atiý-biamaý, thaýta akaý wahuýtoüthiü agthaýthiü-bi \tr he said, they say. / At length / his younger brother / in sight / came, they say, / left-handed / the «sub.» / gun «bow?» / had his own, they say \rf jod 1890:91.2 \op egoüý. Aýma akaý shi eýthoübe atiý-biamaý wahuýtoüthiü agthaýthiü-bi egoüý. Thihoüýga \tr having. / The other one / again / in sight / came, they say / gun «bow» / had his own, they say / having. / Your wife's sister \rf jod 1890:91.3 \op wi'iý ha, aý-biamaý Moüchuý akaý (thaýta thiükeý eý wakaý-bi egoüý). Shi aýma akaý \tr I give to you / , / said, they say / Grizzly bear / the «sub.» / (left-handed / the «ob.» / that / he meant, they say / having). / Again / the other one \rf jod 1890:91.4 \op ku'eý a-iý-biamaý. Moüchuý amaý oüýhe athaý-biamaý. Ki Ishtiýnike akaý eýdi ku'eý \tr with a rush / was coming, they say / Grizzly bear / the «sub.» / fleeing / went they say. / And / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / there / with a rush \rf jod 1890:91.5 \op athaý-biamaý. Nashkiý thoü gaxiýx itheýtha-biamaý. Yuý! yuý! aý-biamaý. (Waweýxta ki \tr went they say. / Head / the «ob.» / he crushed in suddenly they say. / Yoo! / yoo! / said, they say. / (They abuse / when \rf jod 1890:91.6 \op goüý-hnoüi, aý-biamaý) Goüý shoüý shoüýge wagiýkoütoüý-biamaý. Weýna shoü atiý ti- \tr thus it is, / it is said, they say.) / And / horse / they tied their they / say. / To ask for them / in fact / came / pitched tents \rf jod 1890:91.7 \op maý eý shiüýgazhiüga wagiýtoübe ti-maý eý sheýnawasheýxtioüý-biamaý. \tr the ones who / that / child / to see their own / those who came / that / they fully exterminated them they say. \rf jod 1890:91.8 \ti @{Ishtiýnike}, the coyote, and the colt. \op Eýgithe Shoüýge zhiügaýthixthiýge wiüý zhoüt'eý keý amaý ke Miýkasi akaý doüýbe \tr It happened / Horse / small, two years old / one / was lying asleep, it is said / when «?» / Coyote / the «sub.» / looking at it \rf jod 1890:96.1 \op mazhiüý akaýma. Ishtiýnike akaý deýdi ahiý-biamaý. Hau! kageýha, theýke Shoüýge \tr was standing, they say. / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / to it / came they say. / Ho! / friend, / this «lg. ob.» / Horse \rf jod 1890:96.2 \op wiü t'eýde-goü gaxeý oüthiýsnu oühaýthai-de oüthaýte oügoüýthai eýde oüthiý'iü-baýzhi-hnoüýi. \tr one / dead, but / aside / we drag it / we go when / we eat it / we wished / but / we have not succeeded in moving it. \rf jod 1890:96.3 \op Uaýwagikoüýi-ga, aý-biamaý Miýkasi akaý. Kageýha, siüýde ke noübeý te \tr Help us / said, they say / Coyote / the «sub.». / Friend, / tail / the «ob.» / hand / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:96.4 \op iýwikoütoüý te haý, goüýki shniýdoü ki siýhi oüguýthoüý eýde oüthiýsnu oügaýthe \tr I tie you with / will / , / and / you pull on / when / legs / we take hold of / but / we drag it / we go \rf jod 1890:96.5 \op taiý, aý-biamaý Miýkasi akaý. Oüýhoü, aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Goüýki, Keý, \tr will, / said, they say / Coyote / the «sub.». / Yes, / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / And, / Come, \rf jod 1890:96.6 \op iüthiüýkoütoüýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Goüý Miýkasi akaý Ishtiýnike toü noübeý te \tr tie mine for me, / he said, they say. / And / Coyote / the «sub.» / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «ob.» / hand / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:96.7 \op iýkoütoü-biamaý Shoüýge siüýde ke, sagiý-xti gaxaý-bi egoüý. Thishtoüý-bi ki, \tr tied with it they say / Horse / tail / the «ob.» / tight very / made it, they say / having. / He finished, they say / when, \rf jod 1890:96.8 \op Keý, kageýha, thidoüý-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Ki Ishtiýnike akaý thidoüý-biamaý. \tr Come, / friend, / pull on it / , / he said, they say. / And / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / pulled on it, they say. \rf jod 1890:96.9 \op Shoüýge akaý iýkithaý-biamaý, nazhiüý aýtiaýtha-biamaý, thisnuý athaý-biamaý. Ishtiýnike \tr Horse / the «sub.» / awoke they say, / he stood / suddenly they say, / dragging him / he went they say. / @{Ishtiýnike} \rf jod 1890:96.10 \op noüteýshteoüý-biamaý, noüxaýge athiüý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Miýkasi akaý iýxa \tr he even kicked him they say, / making him cry from kicking / he had him they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the (one who.) / Coyote / the «sub.» / laughing \rf jod 1890:96.11 \op gaskiý wakoüýdithe-hnoüý-biamaý. Eýgithe Ishtiýnike noüstaýki theýtha-biamaý, \tr panted / excessively they say. / At length / @{Ishtiýnike} / he kicked, and sent flying through the air, they say, \rf jod 1890:96.12 \op noüshpaýshpaxchioüý-biamaý. Eaýtoü ki eýgoüeý'oü eteýdoü, eý-hnoü-biamaý Ishtiýnike \tr he kicked off very deep pieces of flesh, they say. / Why / if / I do so to him / apt? / said regularly they say / @{Ishtiýnike} \rf jod 1890:96.13 \op akaý. Eýgithe eýgasaýni ki Ishtiýnike akaý huhuý wiü thateý akaýma. Ki Miýkasi \tr the «sub.». / It happened / the following day / when / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / fish / one / was eating, it is said. / And / Coyote \rf jod 1890:96.14 \op akaý eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Wuhuý! kageýha, uýzhawa iýnahiü a, aý-biamaý Miýkasi \tr the «sub.» / there / arrived, they say. / Woo-hoo-oo! / friend, / a pleasure / truly / ! / said, they say / Coyote \rf jod 1890:96.15 \op akaý. Oüýhoü, kageýha, eýgoü, aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Kageýha, eaýtoü aýzhoü \tr the «sub.». / Yes, / friend, / so, / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Friend, / how / you did \rf jod 1890:96.16 \op ki shniýze a, huhuý ke. Kageýha, nuýxe ke uaýga'uýde ki siüýde ke uaýgthe \tr when / you took it / ? / fish / the «ob.». / Friend, / ice / the «ob.» / I broke a hole in / when / tail / the «ob.» / I put in \rf jod 1890:96.17 \op agthiüý niý ke. Sabaýzhi-xti huhuý wiü oüýthahai siüýde ke, ki bthiýze ha. \tr I sat / water / the «ob.». / Very suddenly / fish / one / bit me / tail / the «ob.» / and / I took it / \rf jod 1890:96.18 \op Kageýha, aýwathoüdiý a, aý-biamaý Miýkasi akaý. Kageýha, sheýthoüdi eýdegoü \tr Friend, / in what place / ? / said, they say / Coyote / the «sub.». / Friend, / in yonder place / but \rf jod 1890:97.1 \op Paýze usniý teýdi thaheý-hnoüi ha. Paýze ki usniý-xti amaý. Keý, kageýha, \tr evening / cold / when / they are used to biting / . / Evening / when / very cold / they say. / Come, / friend, \rf jod 1890:97.2 \op oügaýthe taiý, aý-biamaý Miýkasi akaý. Oüýhoü, aýb egoüý athaý-biamaý. Nuýxe \tr let us go, / said, they say / Coyote / the «sub.». / Yes, / he said, they say / having / they went, they say. / Ice \rf jod 1890:97.3 \op keýdi ahiý-bi egoüý ugaý'udaý-biamaý. Keý, siüýde ugtheý gthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý \tr at the / arrived, they say / having / he broke a hole in it, they say. / Come, / tail / put in / sit thou, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:97.4 \op Ishtiýnike akaý. Siüýde ke ugtheý gthiüý-biamaý Miýkasi akaý niý ke. Goüteýgoü \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Tail / the «ob.» / put in / sat they say / Coyote / the «sub.» / water / the «ob.» / Awhile \rf jod 1890:97.5 \op ki, Kageýha, oüýthahai, aý-biamaý. Kageýha, zhiügaý-hnoüi; toügaý kiýzhi \tr when, / Friend, / me-bites, / he said, they say. / Friend, / small only; / big / when \rf jod 1890:97.6 \op washniýze te. Shkoüýazhi gthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Goüteýgoü ki niýxe \tr you may take them. / Motionless / sit, / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Awhile / when / ice \rf jod 1890:97.7 \op akaý daý athiüý athaý-biamaý. Kageýha, shi gaýama wiüý oüýthahai, aý-biamaý \tr the «sub.» / frozen / having him / it went, they say. / Friend, / again / those / one / me-bites, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:97.8 \op Miýkasi akaý. Kageýha, shkoüýazhi gthiüý-ga. Zhiügaý-hnoüi, aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike \tr Coyote / the «sub.». / Friend, / motionless / sit. / Small only, / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} \rf jod 1890:97.9 \op akaý. Goüteýgoü ki toügaý amaý atiý ama, aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Eýgithe \tr the «sub.». / Awhile / when / big / the «sub.» / come / will, / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / At length \rf jod 1890:97.10 \op nuýxe akaý daý-biamaý. Iüýtoü, kageýha, gaýama toügaý-xti wiüý oüýthahai ha, \tr ice / the «sub.» / froze, they say. / Now, / friend, / those / very big / one / me-bites / , \rf jod 1890:97.11 \op aý-biamaý Miýkasi akaý. Ahauý! ahauý! thidoüý-ga! thidoüý-ga! aý-biamaý \tr said, they say / Coyote / the «sub.». / Come! / come! / pull on it! / pull on it! / said, they say \rf jod 1890:97.12 \op Ishtiýnike akaý. Miýkasi akaý thidoüý-biamaý. Washkoüý-xti shtewoüý nuýxe ke \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Coyote / the «sub.» / pulled on it, they say. / He tried very hard / notwithstanding / ice / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:97.13 \op noüshnaýha-hnoüý amaý. Washkoüý-ga! zhiügaý-baýzhi, aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. \tr he slipped in walking only / they say. / Be strong! / small not, / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:97.14 \op Iüwiüýkoü-ga, aý-biamaý Miýkasi akaý. Noübeý te oüwoüýthoü-ga, aý-biamaý \tr Help me, / said, they say / Coyote / the «sub.». / Hand / the «ob.» / take hold of me, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:97.15 \op Ishtiýnike akaý. Noübeý te uthoüý-bi egoüý washkoüý-xti thidoüý-biamaý. Kageýha, \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Hand / the «ob.» / took hold of, it is said / having / making a great effort / they pulled, they say. / Friend, \rf jod 1890:97.16 \op washkoüý-ga ha, huhuý akaý zhiügaý-baýzhi eýdegoü oüwoüýthi'a tateý ebtheýgoü. Ahauý! \tr be strong / , / fish / the «sub.» / small not / but / we fail / shall, / I think. / Oho! \rf jod 1890:97.17 \op aýb egoüý woüýibagiüýxti thidoüý-biamaý. Ki siüýde ke thiseý-xti theýtha-biamaý. \tr said, they say / having / with a very great effort / they pulled, they say. / And / tail / the «ob.» / was pulled off altogether / suddenly, they say. \rf jod 1890:97.18 \op Miýkasi akaý siüýde ke gitoüýba-biamaý. Kageýha, oüýshnizhuaýzhi iýthanahiüý \tr Coyote / the «sub.» / tail / the «ob.» / looked at his own, they say. / Friend, / you have treated me ill / you truly \rf jod 1890:97.19 \op ahoüý, aý-biamaý Miýkasi akaý. Kageýha, thiý shti eýgoüiütheý'oü thoüýshti, aý-biamaý \tr ! / said, they say / Coyote / the «sub.». / Friend, / thou / too / treated me so / heretofore, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:97.20 \op Ishtiýnike akaý. Akiýthaha athaý-biamaý. Ki Miýkasi akaý xaýde thibtheýbthiü siüýde \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Apart / they went, they say. / And / Coyote / the «sub.» / grass / twisted / tail \rf jod 1890:97.21 \op ke iýgaxaý-biamaý. \tr the «ob.» / of it made, they say. \rf jod 1890:97.22 \ti The puma and the coyote. \op Iügthoüý-siü-sneýde sheýnoübaý-biamaý Miýkasi ethoüýba. Aýkikipaý-biamaý. \tr Long-tailed cat / only those two, they say / Coyote / he too. / They met each other they say. \rf jod 1890:99.1 \op Kageýha, uýshkoü wiüý ebtheýgoü eýde uthuýwikie taý miüke, aý-biamaý Miýkasi \tr My friend, / deed / one / I think / but / I speak to you about it / will / I who, / said, they say / Coyote \rf jod 1890:99.2 \op akaý. Toüýwoügthoü heýgashtewoüýzhi ediýtha amaý. Kageýha, uýshkoü uthuýwikie taý \tr the «sub.». / Tribe / a great many «+populous» / there was the, they say. / My friend, / deed / I talk to you about it / will \rf jod 1890:99.3 \op miüke eýgoüxti shkaýxe te ha, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, aý-biamaý. Niýkagahi izhoüýge \tr I who / just so / you do / please / , / he said, they say. / Yes, / he said, they say. / Chief / his daughter \rf jod 1890:99.4 \op wiü goüýtha-hnoüýi eýde thi'aý-hnoüu, edeý koüýbtha taý miüke ha. Kageý, shoüýge \tr one / they desire invariably / but / they fail invariably, / but / I desire her / will / I who / . / Friend, / horse \rf jod 1890:99.5 \op shkaýxe te, aý-biamaý. Goüýki aýwigthiü taý miüke. Goüýki Iügthoüý-siü-sneýde \tr you make / please, / he said, they say. / And / I sit on you / will / I who. / And / Long-tailed cat \rf jod 1890:99.6 \op moüýze-thaýhe ke thaheýkithaý-biamaý. Goüýki aýgthiü te ha Miýkasi akaý. Kageýha, \tr bridle / the «ob.» / he made him put it in his mouth, they say. / And / sat on him / / Coyote / the «sub.». / My friend, \rf jod 1890:99.7 \op naýdoü hniýpi shkoüýhna te. Shoüýge shkoü, sigthaýhaha, uoüýsi, pamaýkide, \tr to show what you are / you do well / you desire / please. / Horse / action «ways» / prancing, / jumping, / arching the neck, \rf jod 1890:99.8 \op iaýthixaýxa, moüthiüý, uoüýsixti te shti aý-iaýthe-hnoüi moüthiüý-ga ha. Goüýki utoüý \tr champing the bit, / walking, / jumping high / the «act» / too / they usually go / walk thou / . / And / leggings \rf jod 1890:99.9 \op toüýga uaýtoü taý miüke ha. Goüýki hiübeý naýshabethe uaýtoü taý miüke ha. \tr large / I put on leggings / will / I who / . / And / moccasins / blackened / I put on moccasins / will / I who / . \rf jod 1890:99.10 \op Goüýki meý-ha aýhiü shiýthe miüý taý miüke ha. Zoüziý-moüýde abthiüý taý miüke \tr And / spring robe / with hair outside / I wear a robe / will / I who / . / Osage-orange bow / I have / will / I who \rf jod 1890:99.11 \op ha. Moüýde-P te maýshoü skaýxti uaýgashke abthiüý taý miüke, aý-biamaý. Goüýki \tr . / Bow head / the «ob.» / feather / very white / I fasten on / I have / will / I who, / said he, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:99.12 \op tiýi thoü koüýhaxchi uthiýshoü aýwigthiü taý miüke ha. Paýthiüzhaýhe oüý akaý edi \tr village / the «ob.» / at the very border / around it / I sit on you / will / I who / . / Playing @{Paýthiüzhaýhe} / the «sub.» / there \rf jod 1890:99.13 \op a-iýnazhiüý akaý ha. Shoüýge uoüýsi pamaýkide a-iaýthatha aýgthiü moüthiüý-biamaý. \tr approaching he stood / the «sub.» / . / Horse / jumping / arching its neck / had gone repeatedly / sat on it / it walked they say. \rf jod 1890:99.14 \op Hau! kageýha, shutiý niýashiüga wiüý. Xa-iý! niaýshiüga oüdoüýba-bazhiýxtioüýi, aýzhixti \tr the «sub.» / there / arrived, they say. / Kha-ee! / friend, / a pleasure / truly / ! / said, they say / Coyote \rf jod 1890:99.15 \op aýhoü, uthuýkoüpi iýnahiü a, aý-biamaý. Shoüge toüý shti uýdoü iýnahiü agthiüý tiý \tr ! / well dressed / truly / ! / said they, they say. / Horse / the «std. ob.» / too / good / truly / sitting on / has come \rf jod 1890:99.16 \op aýhoü aý-biamaý. Hiüdaý! iýbahoüýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Miýkasi akaý kigthiýazhiýxtioüý- \tr ! / said they, they say. / Stop! / know ye him, / said they say. / Coyote / the «sub.» / made himself altogether different \rf jod 1890:99.17 \op biamaý. Miýkasi eý thiükeý eýskoü etheýgoü-bazhiý-biamaý. Egaý-biamaý ha, Hau! e'oüý \tr they say. / Coyote / he / the one who / they did not think that they say. / They said that to him they say / , / Ho! / how \rf jod 1890:99.18 \op moü-hniüý a, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, eýgoüxtioüý, aý-biamaý. Niýkagahi izhoüýge thiükeý \tr you walk / ? / said they, they say. / Yes, / just so, / said he, they say. / Chief / his daughter / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:100.1 \op koüýbtha atiý, aý-biamaý. Ki goüýki uiýtha ahiý-biamaý. Thizhoüýge goüýtha \tr I desire / I have come, / said he, they say. / And / then / to tell to him / they arrived, they say. / Your daughter / desiring \rf jod 1890:100.2 \op atiý-biamaý. Niýashiüga uýdoü heýgabazhi a, aý-biamaý. Shoüýge toüý shti uýdoü heýgazhi \tr he has come, he says. / Persons / good / not a little / ! / said, they say. / Horse / the «std. ob.» / too / good / not a little \rf jod 1890:100.3 \op a, aý-biamaý. Keý, izhiüýge thoük eý wawagikaý-biamaý, thitaýhoü athiüý giýi-ga \tr ! / said they, they say. / Come, / his son / the «pl. ob.» / that / meaning them, his own they say, / your sister's husband / having him / come back \rf jod 1890:100.4 \op ha, aý-biamaý niýkagahi akaý. Agiýathaý-biamaý ha. Ki, Keý, tahoüýha, awiýPe \tr . / said, they say / chief / the «sub.». / They went for him, they say / . / And, / Come, / sister's husband / I ask you to go with me \rf jod 1890:100.5 \op atiý ha. Oügaýthigi-oügaýti ha. Oüýhoü, tahoüýha, aý-biamaý Miýkasi akaý. Shoüýge \tr I have come / . / We have come for you / , / Yes, / wife's brothers, / said, they say / Coyote / the «sub.». / Horse \rf jod 1890:100.6 \op toü aýgigthiüý-doü thioüýsixti uoüýsixti moüthiüý-biamaý. Niýkashiüga theýthutoü \tr the «std. ob.» / sat on his own when / pulled hard on to make jump / jumped high / walked they say. / People / hence \rf jod 1890:100.7 \op doüýbe theýthe amaý. Niýkashiüga thiü uthuýkoüpi iýnahiü a. Nikashiüga daýdoü eýiüte \tr gazed at a distance / they say. / Person / the «mv. ob.» / well dressed / truly / ! / Person / what / he may be \rf jod 1890:100.8 \op uthuýkoüpi iýnahiü a, aý-biamaý. Hau, eýgithe athiüý akiý-biamaý, niýkagahi uýzhu \tr well dressed / truly / ! / said they, they say. / Well, / at length / having him / they reached home, they say, / chief / principal \rf jod 1890:100.9 \op eýtii teýdi. Hau! keý, thitaýhoü athiüý giýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Shoüýge toüý toüý sheýgedi \tr his lodge / at the. / Ho! / come, / your sister's husband / having him / be ye coming / said he, they say. / Horse / the «ob.» / by those things \rf jod 1890:100.10 \op ugaýshk iýgthoüi-ga. Xaýde 'iýi-ga ha, aý-biamaý niýkagahi akaý. Tahoüýha, witiýgoü \tr fasten ye it for him. / Hay / give to him / , / said, they say / chief / the «sub.». / My wife's brothers, / my wife's father \rf jod 1890:100.11 \op meýgoü, shoüýge akaý xaýde thataý-bazhi, aý-biamaý Miýkasi akaý. Tanuýka-hnoü \tr likewise, / horse / the «sub.» / hay / he eats not, / said, they say / Coyote / the «sub.». / Fresh meat only \rf jod 1890:100.12 \op thateý-hnoüi, aý-biamaý. Goüýki ubaýhoü athaiý egoüý tiýata ahiý-biamaý. Ki \tr he eats as a rule, / said he, they say. / And / at the door / went / having / in the lodge / arrived, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:100.13 \op tiý te uthiýzoü teýta wa'uý aýthixekithaiý thiükeý zhuýgthe a-iýgthiü-biamaý. Goüýki \tr lodge / the «ob.» / middle / at the / woman / was caused to marry him / the one who / with her / approaching he sat, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:100.14 \op hoüý amaý. Winauý, thieýgthoüýge thiükeý umiüýzhe giaýxa-ga, aý-biamaý. Goüýki \tr night / they say. / First daughter, / your husband / the «st. ob.» / couch / make for him, / said they say / chief \rf jod 1890:100.15 \op akaý. Chiý thishtoüý-bi ki Miýkasi akaý egaý-biamaý, Aneýzhe btheý. Goüýki aýshi \tr the «sub.». / &Coire / he finished, they say / when / Coyote / the «sub.» / said to her, they say / &Meio / I go. / And / out of doors \rf jod 1890:100.16 \op athaiý Miýkasi amaý. Iügthoüý-siü-sneýde ahiý-biamaý. Kageýha, bthiýshtoü. Shkoüýhna \tr went / Coyote / the «mv. sub.». / Long-tailed cat / he reached, they say. / My friend, / I have finished. / You wish \rf jod 1890:100.17 \op ki chiý-ga ha. Eýgoü iýkithiýtoütoüýga gaxaý-biamaý Shoüýxti baoüýba-biamaý. \tr if / &coi / . / So / &alternatim / &faciebant they say. / &Valde &et &usque &a &vespera &ad &mane &cum &ea &coibant they say. \rf jod 1890:100.18 \op Oüýba soüý tiheý ki niýkagahi eýthe shti bthuýgaxti utheýwiükithaý-biamaý. Edaýdoü \tr Day / whitish / comes suddenly / when / chief / his relation / too / all / assembled themselves they say. / What \rf jod 1890:100.19 \op wat'oü ge shtewoüý bthuýga utheýwiüthaý-biamaý, waýthiü athaý-biamaý tiý teýta. \tr goods / the «ob.» / soever / all / they collected they say, / having / they went, they say / lodge / to the. \rf jod 1890:100.20 \op Wahuýtoüthiü tushiý-hnoüi, Ku+! ku+! Miýkasi na'oüýi ki kuýha-biama. Ku+! \tr Gun / they were firing, / Koo-oo! / koo-oo! / Coyote / heard it / when / feared it, they say. / Koo-oo! \rf jod 1890:101.1 \op ku+! Aýshi uoüýsixti aý-iaýtha-biamaý. Hau! Miýkasi akeý. Utiüý-ga! utiüý-ga! \tr koo-oo! / Out / leaped far / had gone, they say. / Ho! / it is the Coyote. / Hit him! / hit him! \rf jod 1890:101.2 \op t'eýthai-ga! Miýkasi akaý zheýxti itheýthe-hnoüý-biamaý. Iügthoüý-siü-sneýde kimuýgthoü \tr kill him! / Coyote / the «sub.» / &valde &cacavit / sent flying suddenly regularly they say. / Long-tailed cat / stealing himself off \rf jod 1890:101.3 \op agthaý-biamaý. Miýkasi t'eýthai-biamaý Uýsa-biamaý. Waýthizhuaýzhi aýhoü. \tr went homeward, they say. / Coyote / they killed him, they say. / They burnt him, they say. / He did wrong / ! \rf jod 1890:101.4 \ti The coyote and the buffaloes. \op Eýgithe Miýkasi amaý theý amaýma. Ki Te-muýga duýba wabaýhi moüthiüý \tr At length / Coyote / the «mv. sub.» / was going, they say. / And / Buffalo-bull / four / grazing / were walk \rf jod 1890:102.1 \op amaýma. Ki eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Ki waýthahoüý-biamaý. Tigoüýha witiýgoü meýgoü, \tr ing, they say. / And / there / he arrived, they say. / And / he prayed to them they say. / O grandfather / my grandfathers / likewise, \rf jod 1890:102.2 \op shaý'oüýgithaýga. Moüshniüý-masheýdi eýgoüxti moübthiüý koübtheýgoü. Athuýhaxti \tr pity me. / You walk by you who / just so / I walk / I desire. / For the very last time \rf jod 1890:102.3 \op iýa-ga, aý-biamaý Te-nuýga akaý Oüýkazhi, tigoüýgithaý-ga. Wathaýte \tr speak / said, they say / Buffalo-bull / the «sub.». / Not so, / grandfather, / still / pity me. / Food \rf jod 1890:102.4 \op ke iýkiaeýxti shnaýte moüshniüý iüte eýgoüxti moübthiüý koübtheýgoü ha Wiüýthak \tr the / spreading very thick and far / you eat / you walk / it may be / just so / I walk / I desire / / You tell the truth \rf jod 1890:102.5 \op aýxt izhoüý tadoüý, aý-biamaý haýshi Te-nuýga iüsh'aýge akaý. Shoüý-hnoü thashtoüý- \tr how possible / you do it with / shall? / said, they say / behind / Buffalo-bull / old man / the «sub.». / Yet / he did not \rf jod 1890:102.6 \op bazhiý-biamaý Miýkasi akaý. Ahauý! Heý-bachaýge-ha, thiýe-ga, aý-biamaý. Ahauý! \tr stop talking, they say / Coyote / the «sub.». / Oho! / Blunt-horns O! / you try it, / said he, they say. / Oho! \rf jod 1890:102.7 \op aý-biamaý Heý-bachaýge akaý. Keý, guýdugaxthe nazhiüý-ga, egaý-biamaý. Ahauý! \tr said, they say / Blunt-horns / the «sub.». / Come, / facing the other way / stand / he said that to him, they say. / Beware \rf jod 1890:102.8 \op noüýzhiü thaoüýhe thiühe auý, aý-biamaý. Haý tigoü, haý tigoü, tigoüý ha, aýxtoü \tr a little / you flee / «sign of strong prohibition» / said he, they say. / Oh! / grandfather, / Oh! / grandfather, / grandfather / Oh! / how possible \rf jod 1890:102.9 \op aoüýhe taýdoü. Niýstustu athaý-biamaý Te-nuýga Heý-bachaýge akaý. Moünoüý'u \tr I flee / shall? / Backing repeatedly / he went, they say / Buffalo-bull / Blunt-horns / the «sub.». / Pawing the ground \rf jod 1890:103.1 \op moüthiüý-biamaý, xthazheý shti noüthiüý-biamaý. Toüýde keý shti zhaýha-bi-deý \tr he walked they say, / bellowing / too / he walked they say. / Ground / the «ob.» / too / he poked at, they say, when \rf jod 1890:103.2 \op thishpeýxti-hnoü theýtha-biamaý. Ki Miýkasi akaý theýdethe doüýbe nazhiüý-biamaý. \tr broke off pieces invariably / sent off flying, they say. / And / Coyote / the «sub.» / out of the corner of his eye / looking / he stood they say. \rf jod 1890:103.3 \op Xe-iý, oüýthihega uýthishiýxti aýhoü, etheýgoü nazhiüý-biamaý Miýkasi akaý. Giýthikoüxti \tr Whew! / to hurt me a little / altogether impossible / ! / thinking / stood they say / Coyote / the «sub.». / Getting altogether out of the way \rf jod 1890:103.4 \op ahiý-biamaý. Ki eýditoü ieýnaxitha agiý-biamaý agthaý-b egoüý uýsoüga thiýe iýtiü \tr he arrived, they say. / And / thence / to dash on him / was coming back, they say / went homeward, they say / having / without / side / hit him on \rf jod 1890:103.5 \op aýkiaýgtha-biamaý. Waýhu'aý! aý-biamaý Heý-bachaýge akaý Wiüýthakeýgoü eýskoübsheýgoü \tr he had gone along, they say. / Really! / said, they say / Blunt-horns / the «sub.». / You told a little of the truth / I thought it might be \nt =@{eýskoübtheýgoü} \rf jod 1890:103.6 \op thoüýshti. Oüýkazhi, tigoüýha, noüýwigipeýgoü shoüý ha. Shoüý tigoüýha, \tr heretofore. / Not so, / grandfather, / as I feared you, my relation / so «it was» / . / Yet / grandfather, \rf jod 1890:103.7 \op shaý'eoüýgithaý-ga. Moüshniüý-masheýdi eýgoüxti moübthiüý koübtheýgoü. \tr pity me. / You walk / by you who / just so / I walk I wish. / (Two others \rf jod 1890:103.8 \op nothing \tr made attempts, but the Coyote jumped aside each time. At last they \rf jod 1890:103.9 \op Hau! Te-nuýga \tr addressed the fourth, who was a young Buffalo bull.) Ho! / Buffalo-bull \rf jod 1890:103.10 \op zhiüýga, thiýe-ga. Hau! aýibiamaý Te-nuýga zhiüýga akaý. Guýdugaxthe nazhiüý-ga. \tr young / do you try it. / Ho! / said, they say / Buffalo-bull / young / the «sub.». / Facing the other way / stand \rf jod 1890:103.11 \op The thaoüýhe ki t'eýwithe taý miüke ha, aý-biamaý. Hau! tigoüý, aoüýha-maýzhi taý \tr This «time» / you flee / if / I kill you / will / I who / , / he said, they say. / Ho! / grandfather / I flee I not / well \rf jod 1890:103.12 \op miüke ha, aý-biamaý Miýkasi akaý. + oüý Te-nuýga niýstustu athaý-biamaý, moünoüý'u \tr Iwho / , / said, they say / Coyote / the «sub.». / And / Buffalo-bull / backing repeatedly / he went, they say / pawing the ground \rf jod 1890:103.13 \op moüthiüý-biamaý xthazheý shti moüthiüý-biamaý. Toüýde deý shti zhaýha-bi-deý thishpeýxt-- \tr he walked they say / bellowing / too / he walked they say. / Ground / the «ob.» / too / poked at, they say, when / he broke off pieces \rf jod 1890:103.14 \op hnoü theýtha-biamaý. Shi ediýtoü ieýnaxitha agiý-biamaý. Ediýhi ki oüýha-bazhiý- \tr invariably / sending them flying, they say. / Again / thence / to dash on him / was coming back, they say. / He arrived there / when / fled not \rf jod 1890:103.15 \op biamaý Miýkasi akaý. Thiýe iýtiü aý-iaýtha-bi ki eýkigoüxti Te-nuýga zhiüýga zhuýgthe \tr they say / Coyote / the «sub.». / Side / hit on / had gone, they say / when / just like him / Buffalo-bull / young / with him \rf jod 1890:103.16 \op aý-iaýtha-biamaý. Goüý zhuýkigthaý-bi egoüý athaý-biamaý. Mazhoüý wiüý ahiý-bi ki \tr had gone, they say. / And / with one another, they say / being / they went, they say. / Land / one / arrived at, they say / when \rf jod 1890:103.17 \op wabaýhi-hnoüý-biamaý. Ki Miýkasi akaý Peýzhe ke oüýshtewoü thateý moüthiüý-biamaý. \tr they continued grazing, they say. / And / Coyote / the «sub.» / grass / the «ob.» / of any sort / eating / walked they say. \rf jod 1890:103.18 \op Shoüýxtiamaý shti haýshi-kiýgthoü-hnoüý-biamaý Wa! tenaý! sagiýgi eýgoü-ga haý, \tr After moving a great while / too / in the rear he dropped invariably they say. / What! / fie! / do be faster / , \rf jod 1890:103.19 \op eý-hnoü-biamaý Te-nuýga iüsh'aýge akaý. Oüýkazhi, tigoüýha, Peýzhe ke noüýde-iýmoü \tr said invariably, they say / Buffalo-bull / old man / the «sub.». / Not so / grandfather / grass / the / I cannot get too much of it \rf jod 1890:103.20 \op ha, aýdoü wathaýte-hnoü uaýkigthaýspe ha, eý-hnoü-biamaý Miýkasi amaý. \tr . / therefore / eating it, invariably / I hold myself back / , / said invariably, they say / Coyote / the «mv. sub.». \rf jod 1890:103.21 \op Shi athaý-biamaý. Ki haýshi-hnoü moüthiüý-biamaý. Eýgithe baxuý wiüý eýthoübe \tr Again / they went, they say. / And / behind regularly / he walked they say. / At length / hill-top / one / in sight of \rf jod 1890:104.1 \op ahiý-biamaý. Ki Te-nuýga duýba amaý kigthaýha athaý-biamaý. Mazhoüý wiü Te-nuýga \tr they arrived, they say. / And / Buffalo-bull / four / the «pl. sub.» / to the bottom / went they say. / Land / one / Buffalo-bull \rf jod 1890:104.2 \op duýba amaý ahiý-biamaý ki ithaýPa-biamaý. Tiýazhixti aýhoü. EýPe uýdoü ha, \tr four / the «pl. sub.» / reached, they say / when / waited for him they say. / He has not come at all / ! / To wait for him / is good / , \rf jod 1890:104.3 \op aý-biamaý. IthaýPa-biamaý ki kaýthi ahiý-bazhiý-biamaý. Hau! Te-nuýga zhiüýga, \tr they said, they say. / They waited for him they say / when / for some time / he arrived not, they say. / Ho! / Buffalo-bull / young \rf jod 1890:104.4 \op uneý moügthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Ahauý! aý-b egoüý agthaý-biamaý Te-nuýga zhiüýga \tr to seek him / begone, / said (one / , they say. / Oho! / said, they say / having / went back they say / Buffalo-bull / young \rf jod 1890:104.5 \op akaý Ediýtoüxti noüýge agthaý-biamaý. Mazhoüý ushkoüý thoü akiý-biamaý. Ki eýgithe \tr the «sub.». / Right from that place / running / he went back they say. / Land / deed / the «ob.» / he reached again, they say. / And / behold \rf jod 1890:104.6 \op thiügeýxtioüý-biteýama Miýkasi amaý. Agthaý-biamaý Te-nuýga zhiüýga. Eýgithe goüý \tr he was not there at all, they say / Coyote / the «mv. sub.». / Went home they say / Buffalo-bull / young. / At length / and \rf jod 1890:104.7 \op Miýkasi amaý athaý-biamaý. Athaý-bi ki eýgithe Miýkasi wiüý daýdoü uneýgoü-hnoü \tr Coyote / the «mv. sub.» / departed, they say. / Went, they say / when / behold / Coyote / one / what / seeking invariably \rf jod 1890:104.8 \op moüthiüý thiü amaý. Sheýthiü hau! noüheýba-ga hau! aý-biamaý Miýkasi-Te-nuýga zhiüýga \tr was walking / they say. / That «mv. ob.» / O! / wait / O! / said, they say / Coyote-Buffalo-bull / young \rf jod 1890:104.9 \op akaý Theý moübthiüý te eýgoüxti moüshniüý shkoüýshna, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, zhiütheýha, \tr the «sub.». / This «way» / I walk / the / just so / you walk / you wish, / he said, they say. / Yes, / elder brother, \rf jod 1890:104.10 \op eýgoüxti moübthiüý koütheýgoü. Hau! guýdugaxthe nazhiüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, \tr just so / I walk / I wish. / Ho! / facing the other way / stand / he said, they say. / Yes. \rf jod 1890:104.11 \op zhiütheýha, aý-biamaý. Te-nuýga zhiüýga niýstu moünoüý'u moüthiüý-biamaý. Toüýde \tr elder brother, / he said, they say. / Buffalo-bull / young / backing / pawing the ground / walked they say. / Ground \rf jod 1890:104.12 \op keý shti zhaýha-bi thishpeýxti theýtha-biamaý. Eýgithe noüýzhiü thaoüýhe thiüheý auý! \tr the «ob.» / too / poked at, they say / broke off pieces / sent forcibly they say. / Beware / a little / you flee / «sign of strong prohibition». \rf jod 1890:104.13 \op Sheýtatoü ieýnaxitha agiý-biamaý. Uýsoüga thiýe iýtiü aýkiaýgtha-bi ki Miýkasi akaý \tr From that place / to dash on him / was coming back, they say. / Without / side / hit on / had gone by, they say / when / Coyote / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:104.14 \op uoüýsixti aý-iaýtha-biamaý. Oüýhe thabthiüýoü eýgoü-bi ki oüýhe-hnoüý-biamaý \tr leaping far / had gone, they say. / Fled / three times / so, they say / when / fled invariably they say \rf jod 1890:104.15 \op Miýkasi akaý Weýduboüý tediýhi ki, T'eýwithe taý miüke ha, aý-biamaý Te-nuýga \tr Coyote / the «sub.». / The fourth time / it arrived / when, / I kill you / will / I who / , / said, they say / Buffalo-bull \rf jod 1890:104.16 \op zhiüýga akaý. Sheýtatoü ieýnaxitha agiý-biamaý. Eýgithe thiýe iýtiü aýkiaýgtha-biamaý \tr young / the «sub.». / From that place / to dash on him / was coming, they say. / At length / side / hit on / had gone by they say \rf jod 1890:104.17 \op ki eýkigoüýxti Miýkasi zhuýgthe athaý-biamaý. Oüýshnizhuaýzhi iýthanahiüýi a. Guýdiha \tr when / just like him / Coyote / with him / went they say. / You have treated me ill / you, indeed / ! / Away \rf jod 1890:104.18 \op moüthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Shi Te-nuýga-ma uýgine athaý-biamaý. Waýthixaý-bi egoüý \tr walk / he said, they say. / Again / Buffalo-bulls the / to seek them / he went, they say. / Pursued them, they say / having \rf jod 1890:104.19 \op uýxtha-bi egoüý shi wahoüý shi wahoüý'a-biamaý: Tigoüýha, shaý'eoüýgithaýi-ga. Niýkashiüga \tr he overtook them, they say / having / again / he asked a favor, they say: / Grandfather / pity ye me. / Person \rf jod 1890:104.20 \op wiüý oüýthizhuaýzhi heýgazhi. Hau! Te-nuýga zhiüýga, thiýe-ga. Hau! keý, guýdugaxthe \tr one / ill-treated me / very much. / Ho! / Buffalo-bull / young, / do you try it. / Ho! / Come, / facing the other way \rf jod 1890:105.1 \op nazhiüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe thaoüýhe te. Oüýkazhi ha, tigoüýha, aýxtoü aoüýhe \tr stand, / said he, they say. / Beware / you flee / lest. / Not so / , / grandfather, / how possible / I flee \rf jod 1890:105.2 \op taýdoü, aý-biamaý Miýkasi akaý. Athaý-b egoüý ediýtoü ieýnaxitha agiý-biamaý. Eýdi \tr shall? / said, they say / Coyote / the «sub.». / Went, they say / having / thence / to dash on him / was coming, they say. / There \rf jod 1890:105.3 \op akiý-bi kizhi Miýkasi zhaýha-biamaý. Moüshiaýha oüýtha itheýtha-bi kizhi gat' iýhe \tr reached home, they say / when / Coyote / gored him they say. / On high / throwing him / sent him forcibly, they say / when / lay killed by the fall \rf jod 1890:105.4 \op gaxaý-biamaý. Shetoüý. \tr made him, they say. / So far. \rf jod 1890:105.5 \ti @{Wahoüýthishige}'s adventure as a rabbit. \op Wahoüýthishige ihoüý zhuýgigthe. Koühaý, tiýi thoüta btheý te. Hiü+! tuýshpathoü, \tr Orphan / his grandmother / he with his own. / Grandmother, / to the village / let me go. / Oh! / grandchild, \rf jod 1890:107.1 \op iýthixaýxa taiý. Thaýzhi-a he. Oüýkazhi, koühaý, shoüý btheý taý miüke. Eýta athaý- \tr they abuse you / will. / Go not / . / Not so / grandmother, / still / I go / will / I who. / Thither / went \rf jod 1890:107.2 \op biamaý. Tiýi thoütaý ahiý-biamaý. Huhuý! Mashchiüýge tiý ha, aý-biamaý. Niýkagahi \tr they say. / To the village / arrived, they say. / Ho! ho! / Rabbit / has come / , / said, they say. / Chief \rf jod 1890:107.3 \op thoükaýta athiüý tithaýi-ga. Mashchiüýge thidoüýbe tiý ha. Keý, athiüý giýi-ga. Uthiýzoüta \tr to them / having him / pass ye on. / Rabbit / to see you / has come / . / Come / having him / be ye coming. / To the middle \rf jod 1890:107.4 \op tithaý-ga. Utheýwiükithaýi-ga ha Eýgaxe ithoüýthai-ga. Keý, wathaýchigaxe tateý ha. \tr Pass thou on. / Assemble ye / / Around in a circle / place ye. / Come / you dance / shall / . \rf jod 1890:107.5 \op Keý, iüýxukaýi-ga. Keý, Mashchiüýge wabaýsnoü thoü washiüý shniü eýgoü iýbthoüýzhiwaýthe \tr Come / sing ye for me. / Come, / Rabbit / shoulder / the «ob.» / fat / you are / as / impossible to satisfy one \rf jod 1890:107.6 \op shniüý ha. Goüýki giýxuka-bi egoüý wachiýgaxaý-biamaý. Noüsh Noüshtoüý-biama ki, \tr you are / . / And / sung for him, they say / having / he danced they say. / He stopped dancing they say / when, \rf jod 1890:107.7 \op Geýthishoütaýthishoü niýkagahi duýba awaýxixiýxe ha, aý-biamaý. Awaýxixiýxe taý miüke \tr Towards one side / chief / four / I break in their «heads» / , / said he, they say. / O break in their «heads» / will / I who \rf jod 1890:107.8 \op ha, eý ha. Eýgaxe ithoüýthai-ga ha, goüýki aýnasaýi-ga ha. Niýkagahi duýba thoükaý \tr . / he said / . / Around in a circle / place ye / , / and / cut him off / . / Chief / four / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:107.9 \op waýxuxuxaý-biamaý. Goüýki oüýhe agthaý-biamaý. Uxthaý-bazhiý-biamaý Goüýki oüýhe \tr he broke in their «heads» they say. / And / fleeing / went homeward they say. / They did not overtake him, they say. / And / fleeing \rf jod 1890:107.10 \op agthaý-bi egoüý u'uýde thethoüska uPeý agthaý-biamaý. Ikoüý thiükeýdi akiý-biamaý. \tr went homeward, they say / having / hole / this size / entering / went homeward, they say. / His grandmother / by the «ob.» / reached home, they say. \rf jod 1890:107.11 \op Koühaý, moüýze ge heýbe oü'iý-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Ki, Moüýze shte oüthiüýge he; \tr Grandmother, / iron / the «pl. ob.» / piece / give to me / , / said, they say. / And, / Iron / even / me none / ; \rf jod 1890:107.12 \op weý'uhi eshnoüý the heýbe he, aý-biamaý. Oü'iýtha-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Goüýki tiýzhebe \tr hide-scraper / that only / this / piece / , / said she, they say. / Let me have it / , / said he, they say. / And / door \rf jod 1890:107.13 \op thoü gaxaýpi theýthe ki tiý te uthiýshiü gaxaý-biamaý. Aýxtoü t'eýoüthathe taýba. \tr the / threw it through suddenly / when / lodge / the «ob.» / covering it / he made, they say. / How possibly / you kill me / shall? \rf jod 1890:107.14 \op Moügthiüý-ga. Uýoüthiüýge thanaýzhiü. Shetoüý. \tr Begone ye. / For nothing / you stand, / So far. \rf jod 1890:107.15 \ti @{Wahoüýthishige} and wakandagi. \op Wahoüýthishige akaý wahuýtoüthiü wiüý athiüý-biamaý. Iüdaýdoü waýzhiügaý \tr Orphan / the «sub.» / gun «bow» / one / had they say. / What / bird \rf jod 1890:108.1 \op iýkidaý-bi shtewoüý muýshnoü-baýzhiihnoüý-biamaý. Ki 'aýbae athaý-biamaý. Ki \tr he shot at with it, they say / notwithstanding / he missed shooting not regularly they say. / And / hunting / went they say. / And \rf jod 1890:108.2 \op niýashiüga wiüý aýkipaý-biamaý, shiýnudoü skaý-xti-hnaýn noüýba zhuýwagthaý-biamaý. \tr person / one / he met they say, / dog / very white «all over» / two / he went with them they say. \rf jod 1890:108.3 \op Moüýze-wetiü keýde aýigaýtha amaýma. Kageýha, iüdaýdoü ashniüý a, aý-biamaý \tr Sword / the «past» / carrying on / was, they say. / Friend / what / you have / ? / said, they say \rf jod 1890:108.4 \op niýashiüga akaý. Kageýna, noüý abthiüý, aý-biamaý Wahoüýthishige akaý. Iüdaýdoü \tr person / the «sub.». / Friend / arrow / I have, / said, they say / Orphan / the «sub.». / What \rf jod 1890:108.5 \op ithaýkide shtewoüý muaýshnoü-maýzhi-hnoü-moüý ha. Iüdakeý, kageýha, sheýthiüke \tr I shoot at with it / notwithstanding / I miss in shooting I not regularly I do / . / Let us see, / friend, / that \rf jod 1890:109.1 \op kiýka-ga, aý-biamaý miýashiüga akaý. Wazhiüýga zhiüaýxchi thiükeýdi aýbazuý-biamaý. \tr shoot at / said, they say / person / the «sub.». / Bird / very small / the «st. ob.» at / he pointed at, they say. \rf jod 1890:109.2 \op Ki Wahoüýthishige kiýda-biamaý, t'eýthaý-biamaý. Kageýha, wapeý ke xtaýwikiýthe \tr And / Orphan / shot at it, they say, / he killed it, they say. / Friend / weapon / the «ob.» / I love you for it \rf jod 1890:109.3 \op ithaýnahiüý a, aý-biamaý niýashiüga akaý. Wiýbthiüwiü te, aý-biamaý. Kageýha, \tr I truly / ! / said, they say / person / the «sub.». / I buy it from you / will «please» / said he, they say. / Friend, \rf jod 1890:109.4 \op iüýwashta-maýzhi, aý-biamaý Wahoüýthishige akaý. Iüdaýdoü oüthaý'i taýdoü, aý-biamaý \tr I cannot spare it, / said, they say / Orphan / the «sub.». / What / you give me / will? / said, they say \rf jod 1890:109.5 \op Wahoüýthish-ge akaý. Shiýnudoü thethoükeý-i ki noüýze-wetiü the sheýna wi'iý te \tr Orphan / the «sub.». / Dog / these «ob.» are they «?» / and / sword / this / enough / I will give you \rf jod 1890:109.6 \op ha, aý-biamaý niýashiüga akaý. Shiýnudoü thoükaý uýthibathoü baýdoü, aý-biamaý \tr . / said, they say / person / the «sub.». / Dog / the ones who / scent them / they? / said, they say \rf jod 1890:109.7 \op Wahoüýthishige akaý. Oüýhoü, uýthibthoüi ha. Iüdaýdoü waniýta agitheýawaýkitheý \tr Orphan / the «sub.». / Yes / they scent them / . / What / animal / I cause them to go for it \rf jod 1890:109.8 \op shtewoüý thasnuý agthiý-hnoüi ha. Ki noüýze-weýtiü theý iüdaýdoü shtewoüý \tr no matter what / dragging by the teeth / they always come back / . / And / sword / this / what / I hit with it / no matter what \rf jod 1890:109.9 \op ithaýgaxthi-hnoü-moüý, aý-biamaý niýashiüga akaý. Ki, Iüdakeý, taýxti-ma wiüý \tr I kill it with the blow regularly I so, / said, they say / person / the «sub.». / And, / Let us see, / deer «pl.» / one \rf jod 1890:109.10 \op agiýthekithaý-ga shiýnudoü toü, aýma. Ahauý! Moüýze-thaxoüý, taxti wiüý agiýmoü- \tr cause it to go for it / dog / the «std. ob.» / the one. / Oho! / Breaks-iron-with-his-teeth, / deer / one / walk \rf jod 1890:109.11 \op thiüýga ha, aý-biamaý niýashiüga akaý. Shiýnudoü akaý uchiýzhe eýgihaýxti aýiaýtha- \tr for it / , / said, they say / person / the «sub.». / Dog / the «sub.» / thicket / headlong / he had gone \rf jod 1890:109.12 \op biamaý. Ki goüeýgoüte-shtewoüýzhi taýxti wiüý thaxaýxage athiüý agthiý-biamaý. \tr they say. / And / not even a little while / deer / one / making cry repeatedly by biting / having it / he came back they say. \rf jod 1890:109.13 \op Iüdakeý, shi aýma toü theýkithaý-ga, aý-biamaý Wahoüýthishige akaý. Ahauý! \tr Let us see, / again / the other / the «std. ob.» / send him, / said, they say / Orphan / the «sub.». / Oho! \rf jod 1890:109.14 \op Iüý'e-thashiýzhe, wasaýbe wiüý agiýmoüthiüý-ga ha, aý-biamaý niýashiüga akaý. Shiýnudoü \tr Shivers-stones-with-his-teeth, / black bear / one / walk for it / , / said, they say / person / the «sub.». / Dog \rf jod 1890:109.15 \op akaý shi athaý-biamaý. Ki goüýegoüte-shtewoüýzhi shi wasaýbe wiüý thaheý akiý- \tr the «sub.» / again / went they say. / And / not even a little while / again / black bear / one / holding in the mouth / he reached home \rf jod 1890:109.16 \op biamaý. Iüdakeý, zhoüý sheýte moüýze-wetiü ke iýtiü-ga, aý-biamaý Wahoüýthishige \tr they say. / Let us see, / tree / that «ob.» / sword / the / with hit it / said, they say / Orphan \rf jod 1890:109.17 \op akaý. Zhoüý te iýtiü-bi ki gabthiýzhexti itheýtha-biamaý niýashiüga akaý. Wapeý ke \tr the «sub.». / Tree / the (ob. / hit with it they say / when / he knocked it down very suddenly they say / person / the «sub.». / Weapon / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:109.18 \op iüýwashta-maýzhi eýdegoü shoüý wi'iý taý miüke ha, aý-biamaý Wahoüýthishige akaý. \tr I cannot spare it / but / yet / I give it to you / will / I who / , / said, they say / Orphan / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:109.19 \op Wiý shti theýthoükaý shiýnudoü thoükaý iüýwashta-maýzhi eýdegoü shoüý wi'iý taý miüke \tr I / too / these «ob.» / dog / the «ob. pl.» / I cannot spare / but / yet / I give to you / will / I who \rf jod 1890:110.1 \op ha, aý-biamaý niýashiüga akaý. Ki shiýnudoü thoükaý 'iý-biamaý, moüýze-wetiü ke \tr . / said, they say / person / the «sub.». / And / dog / the «pl. ob.» / he gave to him, they say, / sword / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:110.2 \op edaýbe, Wahoüýthishige. Goüý ediýxti akiýthaha athaý-biamaý. Ki Wahoüýthishige \tr also / Orphan. / And / just then / apart / went they say. / And / Orphan \rf jod 1890:110.3 \op akaý akiý-biamaý ikoüý thiükeýdi. Ki shiýnudoü thoüka zhuýwagthe akiý-biamaý. \tr the «sub.» / reached home, they say / his grandmother / by the «ob.». / And / dog / the «pl. ob.» / he with them / reached home, they say. \rf jod 1890:110.4 \op Ki ikoüý akaý iýhusaý-biamaý. Ki, Umoüýe te thiügeýxtioü he. Eaýtoü shiýnudoü \tr And / his grandmother / the «sub.» / scolded him they say. / And, / Provisions / the «ob.» / there are none at all / . / Why / dog \rf jod 1890:110.5 \op thoükaý sheý zhuýwathaýgthe thagthiý a. Koühaý, weýushii eýgoü wabthiüýwiü ha, aý- \tr the «pl. ob.» / that / you with them / you have come home / ? / Grandmother, / useful / as / I bought them / , / said \rf jod 1890:110.6 \op biamaý Wahoüýthishige akaý. Wa'uýzhiüga umoüýe thiügeý aýb egoüý tiý aýkie \tr they say / Orphan / the «sub.» / Old woman / provisions / there are none / said, they say / having / lodge / standing thick \rf jod 1890:110.7 \op amaýta weýkigthixe atheý 'iýtha-biamaý. Goüý wahoüý-biamaý. Tiý aýkie amaýta \tr to them / to seek relief for herself / going / spoke of they say. / And / removed they say. / Lodge / standing thick / to them \rf jod 1890:110.8 \op akiý-biama Gaxaýtaxchi tiý-biamaý. Ki tiý amaý neýuthishoü zhiüýgazhi thoü eýdi \tr reached home, they say. / At one side / she pitched the tent, they say. / And / the / lodges / lake / not small / the «cv. ob.» / by \rf jod 1890:110.9 \op koüýha ke tiý amaýma. \tr border / the / pitched tents / they say. \rf jod 1890:110.10 \op Ki hoüýegoüche ki xageý za'eýxtioüý-biamaý. Koühaý, eaýtoü xagaiý a \tr And / morning / when / crying / they made a very great noise, they say. / Grandmother, / why / they cry / ? \rf jod 1890:110.11 \op aý-biama Wahoüýthishige aka. Eýshpathoüýhe! thanaý'oüzhi aýxtoü aýdoü, aý-biamaý \tr said, they say / Orphan / the «sub.». / O grandchild! / you heard not / how possible / ? / said, they say \rf jod 1890:110.12 \op wa'uýzhiüga akaý. Wakoüýdagi PaPeýthoüba akaý niýkagahi izhoüýge thiükeý \tr old woman / the «sub.». / Water-monster / seven heads / the «sub.». / chief / his daughter / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:110.13 \op weýna-biamaý. 'Iýi-baýzhi ki toüýwoügthoü thoü bthuýga thahuýni 'iýtha-biamaý. \tr begged of them they say. / They give to him not / if / tribe / the / all / draw into his mouth / he spoke of, they say. \rf jod 1890:110.14 \op Aýdoü iaýthe etaiý eýgoü giýgikoüýi he. Xa-iý! aý-biamaý Wahoüýthishige \tr Therefore / to open his mouth / apt / as / they condole with her «a relation» / . / Whew! / said, they say / Orphan \rf jod 1890:110.15 \op akaý. Goüý, wa'uýzhiüga, aýkitha-baýdoü t'eýth etaiý ki. E sheý eýgithoüzhi-a he. \tr the «sub.». / Anyhow, / old woman, / to attack him and «pl.» / kill him / they / ought. / It / that / say not to «any one» / . \rf jod 1890:110.16 \op Eýgithoüi teý shte ginaý'oü-hnoüý-biamaý Wakoüýdagi PaPeýthoüba akaý. \tr «one» says it to «another» / when / even / he hears of him regularly they say / Water-monster / seven heads / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:110.17 \op Wa'uýzhiüga, eýdi btheý taý miüke ha, aý-biamaý Wahoüýthishige akaý. Giaýkithe \tr Old woman, / there / I go / will / I who / , / said, they say / Orphan / the «sub.». / I cause her to be coming back \rf jod 1890:110.18 \op taý miüke wa'uý toü. Goüý eýdi athaý-biamaý Wahoüýthishige aka. Ki w'auý \tr will / I who / woman / the «std. ob.». / And / there / went they say / Orphan / the «sub.». / And / woman \rf jod 1890:110.19 \op toü ni koüýha keýdi ugaýshk ithoüýtha-bithiükeýamaý. Eaýtoü thagthiüý a, \tr the «std. ob.» / water / border / at the / fastened / put she had been, they say. / Why / you sit / ? \rf jod 1890:110.20 \op 1 aý-biamaý Wahoüýthishige aka. Wakoüýdagi PaPeýthoüba akaý oünaý-biamaý, \tr said, they say / Orphan / the «sub.». / Water-monster / seven heads / the «sub.» / asked for me they say \rf jod 1890:111.1 \op ki 'iýi-baýzhi ki toüýwoügthoü thoü bthuýga thahuýn 'ithaý-biamaý, aýdoü ithoüýoüthai \tr and / they gave to him not / if / tribe / the «ob.» / all / swallow / spoke of, they say / therefore / I was put \rf jod 1890:111.2 \op atiý aýtoüheý. Ki thishkab* egoüý gtheýkithaý-biamaý. Thagtheý tateý thoüýzha \tr I have come / I who stand. / And / untied, they say / having / caused her to go homeward, they say. / You go homeward / shall / though \rf jod 1890:111.3 \op oüwoüýshnazhi te ha wi gtheýwikitheý te, aý-biamaý Wahoüýthishige aka. Ki \tr you tell not of me / will / , / I / I caused you to go homeward / the «deed» / said, they say / Orphan / the «sub.». / And \rf jod 1890:111.4 \op gtheý amaý w'uý thiü. Keý, Moüýze-thaxoüý, eýdi moüthiüý-ga, aý-biama Wahoüý- \tr went homeward / they say / woman / the «mv. one». / Come, / @{Moüýze-thaxoüý} / there / walk, / said, they say / Or- \rf jod 1890:111.5 \op thishige akaý. Ki shiýnudoü akaý eýgihaxti aýiaýtha-biamaý. Goüeýgoüte-shtewoüýzhi \tr phan / the «sub.». / And / dog / the «sub.» / headlong / had gone they say. / Not even a little while \rf jod 1890:111.6 \op eýthoübe aýkitha atiý-biamaý (Wakoüýdagi aka). Ki, Keý, Iüý'e-thashiýzhe, eýdi \tr in sight / to attack / came they say / (Water-monster / the). / And, / Come, / @{Iüý'e-thashiýzhe} / there \rf jod 1890:111.7 \op moüthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý Wahoüýthishige akaý. Ki zhuýga keýta aýkitha waýgazhiý- \tr walk / said, they say / Orphan / the «sub.». / And / body / to the / to attack him / he commanded them \rf jod 1890:111.8 \op biamaý shiýnudoü thoükaý. Ki Wahoüýthishige aka Paüýth \tr they say / dog / the «pl. ob.». / And / Orphan / the «sub.» / head / the «ob.» / attacked they say. \rf jod 1890:111.9 \op Wakoüýdagi PaPeýthoüba akaý shkoüý-hnoüi thoüýdi niuýthishoü bthuýga bishkoüý- \tr Water-monster / seven heads / the «sub.» / moved regularly / at the time «when» / lake / the whole / he made it move by his weight \rf jod 1890:111.10 \op hnoüý-biamaý. Niý thoü noütaýhaxtiý shti waýthiü aýkiaýgthe-hnoüý-biamaý. Goü eýgoü- \tr regularly they say. / Water / the «ob.» / far beneath / too / having them / he had gone home regularly they say. / Not even \rf jod 1890:111.11 \op te-shtewoüýzhi shi eýthoübe agthiý-hnoü-biamaý. Eýgithe Paý thoü wiüý gasaý-biamaý \tr a little while / again / in sight / they came back regularly they say. / At length / head / the «ob.» / one / he cut off they say \rf jod 1890:111.12 \op Wahoüýthishige akaý. Ki tetheýxe thoü thizaý-biamaý Wahoüýthishige akaý. Ki \tr Orphan / the «sub.». / And / tongue / the «ob.» / took they say / Orphan / the «sub.». / And \rf jod 1890:111.13 \op duboüý aýkitha-bi ki t'eýtha-biamaý ki tetheýze woüýgithe thizaý-biamaý. Ki t'eýthe \tr four times / he attacked him, they say / when / he killed him, they say / and / tongue / all / he took, they say. / And / killing him \rf jod 1890:111.14 \op thishtoüý-bi tediýhi waýxe-saýbe wiüý ni koüýha ke ugaýshoü-maýma. Ki Paý \tr finished they say / when / black man / one / water / border «shore» / the «ob.» / traveling was, they say. / And / head \rf jod 1890:111.15 \op te iýtha-biamaý. Ki eýtii teýdi woügiýthe 'iü akiý-biamaý Paý te. Ki wa'uý \tr the «col. ob.» / found they say. / And / his lodge / at the / all / carrying / reached home, they say / head / the «col. ob.». / And / woman \rf jod 1890:111.16 \op akaý akiý-hnoüi teýdi iýmaxe-hnoüý-biamaý. Ebeý-hnoü giýthikitheý a, aý-bi \tr the «sub.» / reached home regularly / when / questioned her regularly they say. / Who regularly / has sent you home / ? / said, they say \rf jod 1890:111.17 \op shtewoüý, Agiýsitha-maýzhi, eý-hnoü-biamaý. Ki ebeýi te iýbahoü goüýtha eýshtewoü \tr notwithstanding, / I do not remember, / she said regularly, they say. / And / who it was / to know / desired / notwithstanding \rf jod 1890:111.18 \op iýbahoü-baýzhi-hnoüý-biamaý. \tr they knew not regularly they say. \rf jod 1890:111.19 \op Ki niýkagahi uýzhu akaý iýekiýthe-waýkithaý-biama iüsh'aýge. Wiüoüýwa niýkagahi \tr And / chief / principal / the «sub.» / caused criers to go around they say / old men. / Which one / chief \rf jod 1890:112.1 \op izhoüýge thiükeý giýthikith eýiüte gthoüý te aiý aýtha, aý-biamaý iüsh'aýge amaý. Eýgithe \tr his daughter / the one who / caused her to come back / it may be / marry her / may / he says / indeed, / said, they say / old man / the «pl. sub.». / At length \rf jod 1890:112.2 \op waýxe-saýbe akaý, Wiýebthiü, aý-biamaý. Wakoüýdagi PaPeýthoüba akaý t'eýathegoüý \tr black man / the «sub.». / I am he, / said, they say. / Water-monster / seven heads / the «ob.» / I having killed him \rf jod 1890:112.3 \op giaýkithe wa'uý thiükeý, aý-biamaý waýxe-saýbe akaý. Niýkagahi uýzhu thiükeý uiýtha \tr I sent her hither / woman / the one who, / said, they say / black man / the «sub.». / Chief / principal / the one who / to tell him \rf jod 1890:112.4 \op akiý-biama. Waýxe-saýbe akaý eý akaý ha, aý-biamaý. Witoüýde iüthiüýthiü giýi-ga, \tr they reached home, they say. / Black man / the «sub.» / that / is the one / , / said, they say. / My daughter's husband / having him for me / be ye coming \rf jod 1890:112.5 \op aý-biamaý niýkagahi uýzhu akaý. Ki waýxe-saýbe tePaý woüýgithe 'iüý-bi egoüý edi 'iüý \tr said, they say / chief / principal / the «sub.». / And / black man / head / all / carried, they say / having / there / carrying \rf jod 1890:112.6 \op ahiý-biamaý niýkagahi uýzhu thiükeýdi. Ki wa'uý thiükeý iýmaxaý-biamaý. Theýtoü eý a, \tr arrived, they say / chief / principal / to the «st. ob.». / And / woman / the «st. ob.» / he questioned they say. / This «std. ob.» / he / ? \rf jod 1890:112.7 \op giýthikitheý toü. Oüýkazhi he, aýzhixtioüý he, aý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. Wiýebthiü ha. Wiý \tr caused you to come / the one who. / Not so / , / very different / , / said, they say / woman / the «sub.». / I am he / . / I \rf jod 1890:112.8 \op t'eýathe ha Wakoüýda ke, aý-biamaý waýxe-saýbe akaý. Shoüý niýkagahi uýzhu akaý \tr I killed him / / Water-deity / the «ob.» / said, they say / black man / the «sub.». / And / chief / principal / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:112.9 \op 'iý-biamaý waýxe-saýbe thiükeý wa'uý thinkeý. Miüýggthoü teýgoü uýhoü-biamaý Ki \tr gave to him, they say / black man / the «st. ob.» / woman / the «st. ob.». / To take a wife / in order that / they cooked, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:112.10 \op toüýwoügthoü thoü bthuýga weýku-biamaý. Ki Wahoüýthishige akaý na'oüý-biamaý. \tr tribe / the «ob.» / all / they were invited, they say. / And / Orphan / the «sub.» / heard it they say. \rf jod 1890:112.11 \op Waýxe-saýbe thiükeý niýkagahi izhoüýge thiükeý 'iýi te na'oüý-biamaý. Goüý uýhoü te \tr Black man / the «st. ob.» / chief / his daughter / the «st. ob.» / had given to him / he heard, they say. / And / cooking / the \rf jod 1890:112.12 \op shiýgthai te weýbahoü gthiüý-biamaý, xubeý akaý goü weýbahoü gthiüý-biamaý. Ahauý! \tr lading out / when / knowing it / sat they say, / sacred / he was / so / knowing it / sat they say. / Oho! \rf jod 1890:112.13 \op Moüýze-thaxoüý, edi moüthiüý-ga. Uýs'u uýdoüxti te wiüý iüýthiü giý-ga, aý-biamaý \tr @{Moüýze-thaxoüý} / there / go. / Slice / very good / the «col. ob.» / one / having for me / come back, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:112.14 \op Wahoüýthishige akaý. Shiýnuda.n athaý-biamaý. Uýhoü te shiýgtheati gthiüý amaýma eýdi \tr Orphan / the «sub.». / Dog / went they say. / Cooking / the / just lading out / they were sitting, they say / there \rf jod 1890:112.15 \op athaý-bi te shoüýshoüxti uýsu weýnash agthaý-biamaý. Sheýthiü thixaýi-ga, eýbe shiýnudoü \tr he went, they say / when / without stopping at all / slice / snatching from them / went homeward, they say. / That «mv. ob.» / pursue him, / who / dog \rf jod 1890:112.16 \op etaiý iüte. Thixaý-biamaý. Agthaý-biamaý shoüshoüýxti Wahoüýthishige etiý etaý te \tr his / it may be. / Pursued him, they say / Went homeward they say / without stopping at all / Orphan / his lodge / his / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:112.17 \op eýgiha aýkiaýgtha-biamaý. Wathiýxe amaý shoüýshoü eýdi ahiý-biamaý tiý teýdi. \tr headlong / had gone homeward they say. / Pursuers / the «pl. sub.» / continuing / there / arrived, they say / lodge / at the. \rf jod 1890:112.18 \op Shiýnudoü wathaýhe giý eýgoü bthiýxe piý, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, wi shutheýakitheý, \tr Dog / the one carrying in his mouth / he came back / as / I have come chasing him / said «one», they say, / yes, / I / I sent him to you, \rf jod 1890:112.19 \op aý-biamaý Wahoüýthishige akaý. Wakoüýdagi kethoüý wi t'eýathe, aý-biamaý Wahoüý- \tr said, they say / Orphan / the «sub.». / Water-monster / the «past ob.» / I / I killed him, / said, they say / Or- \rf jod 1890:112.20 \op thishige akaý. Tetheýze shti woüýgishe bthiýze, aý-biamaý. Shiýnudoü theýthoüka akiýtha \tr phan / the «sub.». / Tongue / too / all / I took, / said, they say. / Dog / these / both \rf jod 1890:113.1 \op zhuaýwagthe, aý-biamaý. Goüý uthaý agthaý-biamaý. Wahoüýthishige akaý eý akeýdagoüý \tr I with them, / said, they say. / And / to tell it / went homeward, they say. / Orphan / the «sub.» / he / it was, but \rf jod 1890:113.2 \op eý shiýnudoü thiüý agiýtikitheý akaý ha uýs'u ke. Ki eý t'eýtha-bi aiý ha. Wakoüýdagi ke, \tr he / dog / the «mv. ob.» / caused to come hither for it / was the one / / slice / the «ob.». / And / he / killed him / he says / . / Water-monster / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:113.3 \op aý-biamaý niýashiüga shiýnudoü thixeý ahiý akaý. Agiýmoüthiüýi-ga, aý-biamaý niýkagahi \tr said, they say / person / dog / chasing / arrived / the «sub.». / Go ye for him, / said, they say / chief \rf jod 1890:113.4 \op uýzhu akaý. Goüý agiýahiý-biamaý Ki eýdi athiüý akiý-biamaý Ki niýkagahi akaý \tr principal / the «sub.». / And / arrived for him they say. / And / there / having him / reached home, they say. / And / chief / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:113.5 \op wa'uý thiükeý iýmaxaý-biamaý. Theýthiü a giýthikitheý thiü, aý-biamaý niýkagahi akaý. \tr woman / the «ob.» / questioned her they say. / This «mv. ob.» / ? / he who sent thee back, / said, they say / chief / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:113.6 \op Oüýhoü, eýe he, aý-biama wa'uý akaý. Keý, ugthaýi-ga, aý-biamaý niýkagahi akaý. \tr Yes, / it is he / , / said, they say / woman / the «sub.». / Come, / confess ye, / said, they say / chief / ye. \rf jod 1890:113.7 \op Wahoüýthishige toü eýtoüthiü ugthaý aýgazhiý-biamaý. Ki ugthaý-biamaý Wahoüýthishige \tr Orphan / the «std. ob.» / he first / to confess / he commanded him, they say. / And / confessed, they say / Orphan \rf jod 1890:113.8 \op akaý. Wahuýtoüthiü athiüýi tediýtoü wathiüýwiü thoükaý shtewoüý ugthaý-biamaý. \tr the «sub.». / Gun «bow» / he had it / from the / dog / bought them / the «pl. ob.» / even / acknowledged, they say. \rf jod 1890:113.9 \op Wakoüýdagi ke t'eýthai teý shti ugthaý-biamaý. Keý, ugthaý-ga, waýxe-saýbe, aý-biamaý \tr Water-monster / the «ob.» / killed / the (fact) / too / acknowledged, they say. / Come, / confess, / black man, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:113.10 \op Wahoüýthishige akaý. Intoüý! aýshi btheý koüýbtha ha, aý-biamaý waýxe-saýbe akaý. \tr Orphan / the «sub.». / Hold on! / outside / I go / I wish / , / said, they say / black man / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:113.11 \op Uthoüýi-ga, aý-biamaý Wahoüýthishige akaý. Waýxi-saýbe thiükeý wiüýkazhi amaý, \tr Take hold of him / said, they say / Orphan / the «sub.». / Black man / the «ob.» / did not speak truly / they say, \rf jod 1890:113.12 \op aýdoü usaý-biamaý. Wahoüýthishige akaý niýkagahi izhoüýge thiüke goüý gthoüý- \tr therefore / they burnt him, they say. / Orphan / the «sub.» / chief / his daughter / the «ob.» / after all «?» / married her \rf jod 1890:113.13 \op biama. Shetoüý. \tr they say. / So far. \rf jod 1890:113.14 \ti @{Wahoüýthishige} and wakandagi. \op Nuýzhiüga wiüý ugaýshoü athaý-biamaý, waxpaýnixchi nuýzhiüga amaý, shoüý tiý \tr Boy / one / traveling / went they say, / poor very / boy / they say / in fact / lodge \rf jod 1890:116.1 \op thiügeýxti, niýashiüga shtewoüý thiügeýxti ugaýshoü moüthiüý-biamaý. Ki eýgithe \tr none at all, / person / even / none at all / traveling / walked they say. / And / at length \rf jod 1890:116.2 \op sabaýzhixchi wabaýgtheze zhiüýga wiüý iýtha biamaý. Wabaýgtheze zhiüýga doübaý- \tr suddenly very / book (writing) / small / one / found / they say. / Book / small / saw \rf jod 1890:116.3 \op biamaý ki eýgithe, Wahuýtoüthiü wiüý wi'iý taý miüke, aý-bithoüamaý. Ki theý \tr they say / when / behold, / Roaring weapon / one / I give you / will / I who / said the writing, they say. / And / went \rf jod 1890:116.4 \op amaý ki wahuýtoüthin ke iýtha-biamaý. Eýgithe wahuýtoüthiü ke thizeý amaý. Ki \tr they say / when / roaring weapon / the «ob.» / found they say. / And then / roaring weapon / the «ob.» / he took / they say. / And \rf jod 1890:116.5 \op nuýzhiüga toü wahuýtoüthiü thizeýgoü goüýki wabaýgtheze zhin*ga doübaý-bi ki, \tr boy / the «std. ob.» / roaring weapon / having taken / and / book / small / saw it is said / when, \rf jod 1890:117.1 \op e'oüý gaýxe tateý gioüýza-biteýamaý wahuýtoüthiü ke. Goüýki nuýzhiüga akaý \tr how / to do / shall / he was taught, they say / roaring weapon / the «ob.». / And / boy / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:117.2 \op wahuýtoüthiü ke thizaý-bi egoüý maxuýde uzhiý-biamaý, moüýze-moü shti ugthoüý- \tr roaring weapon / the «ob.» / took they say / having / powder / put in they say, / shot / too / put in \rf jod 1890:117.3 \op biamaý. Goüý shyuý wiü iýtha-bi egoüý nuýzhiüga akaý kiýda-bi egoüý umuýxpatha- \tr they say. / And / prairie-chicken / one / found they say / having / boy / the «sub.» / shot at it they say / having / made fall by shooting \rf jod 1890:117.4 \op bi egoüý t'eýtha-biamaý shyuý thiükeý. Niýashiüga wahuýtoüthiü shtewoüý iýbahoü- \tr they say / having / killed it they say / prairie chicken / the «ob.». / People / roaring weapon / even / knew \rf jod 1890:117.5 \op bazhiý-biamaý. Goüýki athaý-biamaý ki, shi taýxti wiüý doübaý-biamaý. Taýxti doübaý- \tr not they say. / And / went they say / when, / again / deer / one / saw they say. / Deer / saw \rf jod 1890:117.6 \op bi egoüý shi kiýda-biamaý. Shi t'eýtha-biamaý. Ediýhi nuýzhiüga / «???» \tr they say / having / again / shot at / they say. / Again / killed it, they say. / Then / boy / the «sub.». / Roaring weapon \rf jod 1890:117.7 \op ke uýdoü iýnahiü aýhoü, etheýgoü-biamaý. Shi athaý-bi kizhi, shi taýxti wiüý iýtha- \tr the «ob.» / good / truly / ! / thought they say. / Again / went they say / when, / again / deer / one / found \rf jod 1890:117.8 \op biamaý. Goüý shi t'eýtha-bi egoüý giýthextioüý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. Wahuý- \tr they say. / And / again / deer / killed they say / having / he was very glad they say / boy / the «sub.». / Roaring \rf jod 1890:117.9 \op toüthiü ke uýdoü iýnahiü aýhoü, etheýgoü-bi egoüý giýthextioüý-biamaý. Goüý eýgithe \tr weapon / the «ob.» / good / truly / ! / thought they say / having / he was very glad they say. / And / at length \rf jod 1890:117.10 \op niýashiüga wiüý iýe na'oüý-biamaý. Xthabeý shugaýxti moüýtata moüthiüý-biamaý. \tr person / one / talking / he heard they say. / Tree / very dense / within / walked they say. \rf jod 1890:117.11 \op Shiýnudoü-ma waýgazhi aýtiaýgtha-biamaý. Huý! huý! huý! huý! aý-biamaý. Shiýnudoü \tr The dogs / commanded them / suddenly they say. / Hoo! / hoo! / hoo! / hoo! / said, they say. / Dog \rf jod 1890:117.12 \op 'aýbae-waýkithaý-biamaý. Ki nuýzhiüga akaý Wahoüýthishige akaý zhoüý aýkoü nazhiüý- \tr to hunt he caused them they say. / And / boy / the «sub.» / Orphan / the «sub.» / tree / leaning against / stood \rf jod 1890:117.13 \op biamaý, iýkinaýxthe nazhiüý-biamaý; shiýnudoü noüýwapaý-bi egoüý wahuýtoüthiü agthaýthiü \tr they say, / hiding himself / stood they say; / dog / he feared them they say / having / roaring weapon / had his own \rf jod 1890:117.14 \op nazhiüý-biamaý. Goüý eýgithe shiýnudoü amaý nuýzhiüga toü iýtha-biamaý. Goüý eýgithe \tr stood they say. / And / at length / dog / the «pl. sub.» / boy / the «std. ob.» / found they say. / And / at length \rf jod 1890:117.15 \op niýashiüga akaý eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Niaýshiüga akaý eýdi ahiý-bi egoüý ukiýa- \tr man / the «sub.» / there / arrived, they say. / Man / the «sub.» / there / arrived, they say / having / spoke to him \rf jod 1890:117.16 \op biamaý. Eaýtoü sheýke ahniüý a. Wahuýtoüthiü ke iýmaxaý-biamaý, wahuýtoüthiü \tr they say. / Why / that «ob.» / you have / ? / Roaring weapon / the «ob.» / he questioned about they say, / roaring weapon \rf jod 1890:117.17 \op iýbahoüýzhi egoüý. Ki nuýzhiüga gaý-biamaý: Edaýdoü waniýta toüýbe ki iýt'eaýthe \tr he knew not / beacuse. / And / boy / said as follows, they say: / What / animal / I see / when / I kill with it \rf jod 1890:117.18 \op kiýzhi, bthaýte-hnoü-moüý aýdoü abthiüý, aý-biamaý. Goüý, Hiüdegoüý! shyuý sheýtoü \tr when, / I eat it invariably I do / therefore / I have it, / said he, they say. / And, / Let me see! / prairie-chicken / that \rf jod 1890:117.19 \op kiýda-ga, aý-biamaý. Nuzhiüga akaý shyuý toü kiýda-bi ki t'eýtha-biamaý. Hin- \tr shoot at it, / said, they say. / Boy / the «sub.» / prairie-chicken / the «std. ob.» / shot at they say / when / killed it they say. / Let me \rf jod 1890:117.20 \op dakeý, kagaý, iýthitoübe taiý. Iýtha-ga wahuýtoüthiü ki. Goüýki 'iý-bi ki doübaý- \tr see, / O friend, / let me see your property / Hand it to me / roaring weapon / the «ob.». / And / he gave to him, they say / when / he looked at it \rf jod 1890:118.1 \op bi ki: Kageý, uýdoü iýnahiü ashniüý aýhoü, aý-biamaý. Ki, Hiüdaý! kageý, iügoüý- \tr they say / when: / Friend, / good / truly / you have / ! / said, they say. / And, / Stop! / friend, / teach it \rf jod 1890:118.2 \op za-ga, aý-biamaý Gioüýza-biamaý. Goüýki shyuý wiü kiýda-biamaý ki t'eýtha- \tr to me, / said, they say. / Taught him they say. / And / prairie-chicken / one / shot at they say / when / killed it \rf jod 1890:118.3 \op biamaý niaýshiüga akaý. Kageýha, wahuýtoüthiü ke wiýbthiüwiü koüýbtha, aý- \tr they say / man / the «sub.». / O friend, / roaring weapon / the «ob.» / I buy from you / I wish, / said \rf jod 1890:118.4 \op biamaý niaýshiüga akaý. Ki nuýzhiüga akaý uthiý'agaý-biamaý. Eýgoüthoüýzha iüý- \tr they say / man / the «sub.». / And / boy / the «sub.» / was unwilling they say. / Although so / I \rf jod 1890:118.5 \op washta-maýzhi, aý-biamaý. Ki niaýshiüga akaý: Wiý uýdoü aýta wi'iý te ha, aý- \tr cannot spare it, / said, they say. / And / man / the «sub.»: / I / good / beyond / I give to you / will / , / said \rf jod 1890:118.6 \op biamaý. Ki, Edaýdoü oüthaý'i taýdoü, aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. Shiýnudoü thoükaý \tr they say. / And, / What / you give me / will? / said, they say / boy / the «sub.». / Dog / the «pl. ob.» \rf jod 1890:118.7 \op noübaý-biamaý. Shiýnudoü theýthoükaý akiýwa wi'iý te ha, aý-biamaý. Ki, Edaýdoü \tr two they say. / Dog / these / both / I give to you / will / , / said, they say. / And, / What \rf jod 1890:118.8 \op weýPaxe tateý shiýnudoü thoüka, aý-biamaý. 'Abaeathaýkithe teý, aý-biamaý. \tr I do with them / shall / dog / the «pl. ob.» / said, they say. / You cause them to hunt / will, / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:118.9 \op Hiüdegoüý! Watoüýbe te ha. 'Aýbae waýgazhiýiga. Ki niýashiüga akaý shiýnudoü \tr Let me see! / I see / will / . / To hunt / command them. / And / man / the «sub.» / dog \rf jod 1890:118.10 \op toü izhaýzhe thadaý-biamaý: Ni-uýha-moüýthiü-aý! taýxti wiüý agiýmoüthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý. \tr the «std. ob.» / name / called they say: / Walks-following-the-stream / O! / deer / one / walk for it, / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:118.11 \op Shi, Moüýze-thaýxoü-aý! wasaýbe wiüý agiýmoüthiü-ga, aý-biamaý. Ki Ni-uýha-moüýthiü \tr Again, / Breaks-iron-with-his-teeth / O! / black bear / one / walk for it, / said, they say. / And / @{Ni-uýha-moüýthiü} \rf jod 1890:118.12 \op akaý taýxti wiüý uxtheýxchi athiüý akiý-biamaý. Shi Moüýze-thaxoüý akaý shi wasaýbe \tr the «sub.» / deer / one / very soon / having / reached home they say. / Again, / @{Moüýze-thaxoüý} / the «sub.» / again / black bear \rf jod 1890:118.13 \op wiüý uxtheýxchi athiüý akiý-biamaý. Ki nuýzhiüga akaý shiýnudoü-ma xtaýwathaý- \tr one / very soon / having / reached home they say. / And / boy / the «sub.» / the dogs / loved them \rf jod 1890:118.14 \op biamaý. Ki wahuýtoüthiü 'iý-biamaý niýkashiüga aýma toü. Shi nuýzhiüga toü \tr they say. / And / roaring weapon / he gave to him, they say / man / the other / the «std. ob.». / Again / boy / the «std. ob.» \rf jod 1890:118.15 \op shiýnudoü thoükaý 'iý-biamaý. Goüý niýashiüga akaý, Wiý uýdoü aýtaxti wi'iý ha, \tr dog / the «pl. ob.» / he gave to him, they say. / And / man / the «sub.» / I / good / very / I give you / , \rf jod 1890:118.16 \op aý-biamaý. Moüýze-wetiü shti edaýbe wi'iý ha, aý-biamaý. Ki nuýzhiüga akaý, \tr said, they say. / Sword / too / also / I give you / , / said, they say. / And / boy / the «sub.», \rf jod 1890:118.17 \op Wiý shti uýdoü wi'iý ha, aý-biamaý. Edaýdoü waniýta ithaýkide shtewoüý iýt'eaýthe- \tr I / too / good / I give you / , / said, they say. / What / animal / with it I shoot at / notwithstanding / I kill with it \rf jod 1890:118.18 \op hnoü-moüý eýde abthiüý ha, aý-biamaý. Ki, Iügoüýza-ga ha, wahuýtoüthiü ke, \tr invariably I do / but / I have it / , / said, they say. / And / Teach me / , / roaring weapon / the «ob.», \rf jod 1890:118.19 \op aý-biamaý. Goüý gioüýza-biamaý. Uýshkoü iýbahoü goüthaý-biamaý wahuýtoüthiü ke. \tr said, they say. / And / taught him they say. / Deed (use) / to know / wished they say / roaring weapon / the «ob.». \rf jod 1890:118.20 \op Shi aýma akaý: Kageýha, iügoüýza-ga shiýnidoü thoükaý, aý-biamaý. Shiýnudoü \tr Again / the other / the «sub.»: / O friend, / teach me / dog / the «pl. ob.» / said, they say. / Dog \rf jod 1890:119.1 \op thoükaý edaýdoü gaýxe wetheýshkoühna ki, shiýnudoü izhaýzhe wathaýde-hnoüý-ga. \tr the «pl. ob.» / what / to do / you wish them / if, / dog / his name / you call them regularly. \rf jod 1890:119.2 \op Goüý gaxaýi-ga, esheý ki, eýgoü gaýxe-hnoüý taiteý, aý-biamaý. Ki moüýze-wetiü \tr Thus / do ye / you say / if, / so / do invariably / they shall, said he, they say. / And / sword \rf jod 1890:119.3 \op theý shti iügoüýza-ga, aý-biamaý. Edaýdoü teýxi aýthakipa ki oüthaýsithaý-doü \tr this / too / teach me, / he said, they say. / What / difficult / you meet / if / me you think of and \rf jod 1890:119.4 \op moüýze-wetiü ke thizeý-adoüý weýtiü abaýha-hnoüý-ga ha, aý-biamaý aýma akaý. \tr sword / the «ob.» / take and / to strike with / make the motion always / , / said, they say / the other / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:119.5 \op Teýxixti shteýshtewoüý shoüý eýgoü-hnoüý taiteý, aý-biamaý. Goüý akiýthaha athaý- \tr Very difficult / notwithstanding / still / so always / (it) shall (be) / said, they say. / And / apart / went \rf jod 1890:119.6 \op biamaý Akiýthaha athaý-bi ki nuýzhiüga akaý shiýnudoü thoükaý zhuýwagthe athaý- \tr they say. / Apart / went they / when / boy / the «sub.» / dog / the (pl.ob.) / he with them / went \rf jod 1890:119.7 \op biamaý, shi aýma akaý wahuýtoüthiü ke athiüý athaý-biamaý. Nuýzhiüga toüýwoügthoü \tr they say / again / the other / the «sub.» / roaring weapon / the «ob.» / having it / went, they say. / Boy / tribe \rf jod 1890:119.8 \op edediýthoü koüýgexchi ahiý-biamaý. Koüýgexchi ahiý-bi ki mashchiüýge uýne \tr the one that was there / very near / arrived, they say. / Very near / arrived, they say / when / rabbit / to hunt them \rf jod 1890:119.9 \op waýgazhiý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. Moüýze-thaýxoü-aý, Ni-uýha-moüýthiü eýthoüba, ma- \tr commanded them they say / boy / the «sub.». / @{Moüýze-thaxoüý} O! / @{Ni-uýha-moüýthiü} / also / rab- \rf jod 1890:119.10 \op shtiüýge uýnai-ga, aý-biamaý Ki mashtiüýge uýna-bi ki mashtiüýge heýgashte- \tr bit / hunt ye them / he said, they say. / And / rabbit / hunted them, they say. / when / rabbit / a very great \rf jod 1890:119.11 \op woüýzhi t'eýwathaý-biamaý shiýnudoü amaý. Ki nuýzhiüga akaý mashtiüge heýgashte- \tr number / killed them they say / dog / the «pl. sub.». / And / boy / the «sub.» / rabbit / a very great \rf jod 1890:119.12 \op woüýzhi wa'iüý-biamaý. Ki waý'uzhiüga wiü gaxaýtaxti tiý thiükeý amaý. Eýdi \tr number / carried them on his back they say. / And / old woman / one / very far apart / had / pitched her tent / they say. / There \rf jod 1890:119.13 \op ahiý-biamaý nuýzhiüga amaý. Waý'uzhiüga thiükeýdi ahiý-bi egoüý, Mashtiüýge \tr arrived, they say / boy / the «sub.». / Old woman / by the «ob.» / arrived, they say / having, / Rabbit \rf jod 1890:119.14 \op sheýthoükaý waýthizaýga ha, aý-biamaý. Hiü+! tuýshpathoü+ mashtiüýge iügiý'iü tiý- \tr those / take them / , / said, they say. / Oh! / my grandchild! / rabbit / carrying for me / has come \rf jod 1890:119.15 \op ena+, aý-biamaý. Koühaý, pahoüýga akiýthaha mashtiüýge thoükaý wiüý wa'iý- \tr ! / said she, they say. / Grandmother / before / apart (apiece) / rabbit / the «pl. ob.» / one / give to \rf jod 1890:119.16 \op ga ha, shiýnudoü thoükaý, thi haýshidoü wahnaýte taýshe, aý-biamaý Eýgoü gaxaý- \tr them / , / dog / the «pl. ob.» / you / afterward / you eat / must / said he, they say. / So / did \rf jod 1890:119.17 \op biamaý waý'uzhiüga akaý. Goüý eýgithe niýkashiüga toüýwoügthoü heýgazhiýxti eshoüý- \tr they say / old woman / the «sub.». / And / at length / people / tribe / a very great number / close \rf jod 1890:119.18 \op aki gthiüý amaý xageý za'eýxtioüý-biamaý. Goüý nuýzhiüga akaý Goüý nuýzhiüga akaý gaý-biamaý: Koühaý, \tr to / sat / they say / crying / made a very great noise they say. / And / boy / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / Grandmother, \rf jod 1890:119.19 \op eaýtoü xagaiý a, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, Wakoüýdagi PaPeýthoüba eýdegoü niýkagahi \tr why / they cry / ? / said he, they say. / Yes, / Water-monster / seven heads / but / chief \rf jod 1890:119.20 \op izhoüýge thasniüý 'ithaiý egoüý, niýkagahi izhoüýge thasniüý-baýzhi ki, toüýwoügthoü \tr his daughter / to swallow her / spoke of / having / chief / his daughter / swallow her not / if / tribe \rf jod 1890:120.1 \op bthuýgaxti thasniüý 'ithaiý egoüý eýdi athiüý taý ama heý, aýdoü xagaiý he, \tr all / to swallow / spoke of / having / there / having her / go / they will / , / therefore / they cry / , \rf jod 1890:120.2 \op aý-biamaý Ki, Koühaý, eaýtoü Wakoüýdagi PaPeýthoüba t'eýtha-baýzhi a, aý-biamaý \tr said she, they say. / And, / Grandmother / why / Water-monster / seven heads / they do not kill him / ? / said, they say \rf jod 1890:120.3 \op nuýzhiüga akaý. Hiü+! tuýshpathoü+! eýgithoüýzhi-a he Xubaiý eýgoü eýgithoüi ki \tr boy / the «sub.». / Oh! / my grandchild! / do not say it to (any one) / / He is sacred / as / «one» says it to (another) / if \rf jod 1890:120.4 \op weýbahoü-hnoüiý he, aý-biamaý. Ki, Weýbahoü shteýshte shoüý koühaý, t'eýthai ki \tr he knows invariably / , / said she, they say. / And, / He knows / no matter if / yet / grandmother / they kill him / if \rf jod 1890:120.5 \op uýdoü ha, aý-biamaý Eýgithe wanaýshe amaý niýkagahi izhoüýge thiükeý athiüý athaý- \tr good / , / said, he they say. / At length / soldier / the «pl. sub.» / chief / his daughter / the «ob.» / having her / went \rf jod 1890:120.6 \op biamaý Wakoüýdagi PaPeýthoüba thiükeýta. Ki nuýzhiüga akaý eýdi athaý-biamaý. \tr they say / Water-monster / seven heads / to the «ob.». / And / boy / the «sub.» / there / went, they say. \rf jod 1890:120.7 \op Eduiýha-baýzhi, gashiýbata noüthiüý-biamaý Koüýge athiüý ahiý-bi ki wa'uý thiükeý \tr He did not join them, / at a place outside of / walked they say. / Near / having her / they reached, they say / when / woman / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:120.8 \op eýdi theýkithaý-biamaý wanaýshe amaý, hebaýdi noüshtoüý-bi egoüý. Ki nuýzhiüga \tr there / sent her they say / soldier / the «pl. sub.» / on the way / stopped they say / having. / And / boy \rf jod 1890:120.9 \op akaý, Wahoüýthishige akaý, eýtoüthiü ni koüýha keýta ahiý-biamaý; Wakan*- \tr the «sub.», / Orphan / the «sub.» / he first / water / border / to the / arrived, they say; / Water- \rf jod 1890:120.10 \op dagi PaPeýthoüba eýdi eýtoüthiü ahiý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. Eýgithe wa'uý akaý \tr monster / seven heads / there / he first / arrived, they say / boy / the «sub.». / At length / woman / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:120.11 \op edi ahiý-biamaý nuýzhiüga toüýdi. Nuýzhiüga akaý waýthaha uýdoüxti kikaýxa- \tr there / arrived, they say / boy / by the «std.». / Boy / the «sub.» / clothing / very good / made for himself \rf jod 1890:120.12 \op bi egoüý, moüýze-wetiü shti athiüý akaýma. Ki wa'uý toü ukiýa-bi egoüý, Aýwadi \tr they say / having / sword / too / had / they say. / And / woman / the «std. ob.» / talked to her they say / having, / On what business \rf jod 1890:120.13 \op thatiý a, aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. Hiü+! na! thanaý'oüzhi aýxtoü aýdoü, aý-biamaý \tr you have come / ? / said, they say / boy / the «sub.». / Oh! / why! / you have not heard / how possible / ? / said, they say \rf jod 1890:120.14 \op wa'uý akaý. Oühoü, anaý'oü-maýzhi, aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. Wakaüýdagi PaPeý- \tr woman / the «sub.». / Yes / I have not heard it / said, they say / boy / the «sub.». / Water-monster / seven \rf jod 1890:120.15 \op thoüba akaý oüýthasniü 'ithaiý egoüý atiýi he. Oüýthasniü-baýzhi ki shoüýxti toüýwoügthiüý- \tr heads / the «sub.» / to swallow me / spoke of / having / I have come / . / He does not swallow me / if / then, alas! «?» / tribe \rf jod 1890:120.16 \op bthuýgaxti thasniüý 'ithaiý egoüý atiýi he, aý-biamaý. Ki nuýzhiüga akaý, Moügthiüý- \tr all of / to swallow / he spoke of / having / I have come / , / said she, they say. / And / boy / the «sub.», / Be- \rf jod 1890:120.17 \op ga, aý-biamaý Ki wa'uý akaý, Hiü+! thagtheý eteýde, thiý niýashiüga uthuýthikoü- \tr gone, / said he, they say. / And / woman / the «sub.», / Oh! / you should have gone, / you / man / you dressed \rf jod 1890:120.18 \op piýxti thaýtoüsheý. Eýgithe Wakoüýdagi PaPeýthoüba akaý t'eýthithe taiý, aý-biamaý. \tr very well / you who stand. / Beware / Water-monster / seven heads / the «sub.» / kill you / lest / said she, they say. \rf jod 1890:120.19 \op Oüýkazhi, thiý moügthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. Goüý wa'uý akaý agthaý- \tr Not so, / you / begone / said, they say / boy / the «sub.». / And / woman / the «sub.» / went homeward \rf jod 1890:120.20 \op biamaý. Wa'uý thiü gtheý ki nuýzhiüga akaý ni koüýha keýdi a-iýnazhiüý-biamaý. \tr they say. / Woman / the «mv. ob.» / went homeward / when / boy / the «sub.» water / border / by the / came and stood they say. \rf jod 1890:121.1 \op Moüýze-thaýxoü-aý, Paýhi hiýdexti thoüýdi edediý thaýtoüsheý te ha. Ni-uýha- \tr @{Moüýze-thaxoüý} O! / neck / lowest part / by the / there / you who stand / will / . / @{Ni-uýha-} \rf jod 1890:121.2 \op moüýthiü-aý, siüýde hiýdexti thoüýdi edediý thaýtoüsheý te ha, aý-biamaý. Shiýnudoü \tr @{moüýthiü} O! / tail / right at the root / by the / there / you who stand / will / , / said, they say. / Dog \rf jod 1890:121.3 \op akaý akiýa niý thoü moütaýha aýiaýtha-biamaý. Eýgithe Wakoüýdagi PaPeýthoüba \tr the «sub.» / both / water / the «ob.» / underneath / had gone, they say. / At length / Water-monster / seven heads \rf jod 1890:121.4 \op akaý Paý thoü wiüý thawaýthishnaý-biamaý shiýnudoü akaý. Goüýki nuýzhiüga akaý \tr the «sub.» / head / the «ob.» / one / made appear by biting they say / dog / the «sub.». / And / boy / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:121.5 \op moüýze-wetiü thizaý-bi egoüý Paý thoü gasaý-biamaý Wakoüýdagi PaPeýthoüba. \tr sword / took they say / having / head / the «ob.» / cut off they say / Water-monster / seven heads. \rf jod 1890:121.6 \op Goüýki, Keý, shoüýgaxaiý-ga, aý-biamaý. Goüý nuýzhiüga aka Wakoüýdagi \tr And, / Come / do enough (+cease) / he said, they say. / And / boy / the «sub.» / Water-monster \rf jod 1890:121.7 \op PaPeýthoüba Paý thoü theýze thizaý-biamaý. Goüýki Paý thoü koüýha keýdi \tr seven heads / head / the «ob.» / tongue / took they say. / And / head / the «ob.» / water / border / by the \rf jod 1890:121.8 \op oüýtha-biamaý, goüý tetheýze thoü athiüý athaý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. \tr threw away they say / and / tongue / the «ob.» / having / went they say / boy / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:121.9 \op Tiýi thoü koüýge akiý-bi, Mashtiüýge uýnai-ga, aý-biamaý, shiýnudoü thoükaý. \tr Lodges / the circle / near / reached home, they say, / Rabbit / hunt ye for them / said he, they say, / dog / the «pl. ob.». \rf jod 1890:121.10 \op Mashtiüýge utheýwiüwathaý-bi egoüý wa'iüý-biamaý Wahoüýthishige akaý. Waý'uzhiüga \tr Rabbit / collected them, they say / having / carried them they say / Orphan / the «sub.». / Old woman \rf jod 1890:121.11 \op thiükeýdi wa'iüý akiý-biamaý, mashtiüýge thoükaý. Koühaý, mashtiüýge sheýthoükaý \tr by the «ob.» / carrying them / he reached home, they say, / rabbit / the «pl. ob.». / Grandmother, / rabbit / those \rf jod 1890:121.12 \op wa'iüý agthiý, aý-biamaý. Hiü+! tuýshpashoü+! mashtiüýge iügiý'oü gthiý-ena+, aý-biamaý \tr carrying them / I have come home / said, they say. / Oh! / my grandchild! / rabbit / carrying for me / has come home! / said, they say \rf jod 1890:121.13 \op waý'uzhiüga akaý. Ki mashtiüýge waýthizaý-biamaý. Koühaý, gaýthoü iüthiüýgthoü-ga, \tr old woman / the «sub.». / And / rabbit / took them they say. / Grandmother, / that «cv. ob.» / put on something for me, \rf jod 1890:121.14 \op aý-bi egaý theýze thoü waý'uzhiüga thizaý-bi egoüý noüýde ithoüýth-biamaý. \tr he said, they say. / having / tongue / the «ob.» / old woman / took, they say / having / side of lodge / put it they say. / Dog \rf jod 1890:121.15 \op thoükaý, koühaý, eý pahoüýga akiýthaha mashtiüýge wiüý wa'iý-ga ha, aý-biamaý \tr the «pl. ob.», / grandmother, / that / before / both (apiece) / rabbit / one / give to them / , / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:121.16 \op Ushteý thoükaý thithiýta ha, aý-biamaý. Goüýki hoüýegoüche ki xageý za'eýxtioü- \tr Remainder / the «pl. ob.» / your own / , / said he, they say. / And / morning / when / crying / made a very great noise \rf jod 1890:121.17 \op biamaý toüýwoügthoü-maýdi. Goüý, Koühaý, eaýtoü, aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. Hiü+! \tr they say / those in the tribe. / And, / Grandmother, / wherefore, / said, they say / boy / the «sub.». / Oh! \rf jod 1890:121.18 \op tuýshpathoü, edeý thiükeý ehoü+. Miüýzhiüga niýkagahi izhoüýge thiükeý xaýtha \tr my grandchild, / what is he saying / «fem.»! / Girl / chief / his daughter / the (one who) / back again \rf jod 1890:121.19 \op akiý ameýgoü shi eýdi athiüý atheý goüýthai eýgoü xagaiý he, aý-biamaý. Koühaý, Wa- \tr she reached home, as / and / there / having her / to go / they wish / as / they cry / , / said she, they say. / Grandmother. / Water- \rf jod 1890:121.20 \op koüýdagi PaPeýthoüba t'eýthe taiý. Eaýtoü t'eýtha-baýzhi a, aý-biamaý nuzhiüga akaý. \tr monster / seven heads / let them kill him. / Why / they do not kill him / ? / said, they say / boy / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:122.1 \op Tuýshpathoü+! xubeý heýgabazhi, noüýpai he. Bthuýga niýkashiüga noüýpai he, \tr O grandchild! / sacred / very, / they fear him / . / All / people / they fear him / , \rf jod 1890:122.2 \op aý-biamaý. Shi nuýzhiüga akaý eýdi athaý-biamaý Niý ke eýtoüthiü a-iýnazhiüý-biamaý. \tr said she, they say. / Again / boy / the «sub.» / there / went they say. / Water / the «lg. ob.» / he first / came and stood they say. \rf jod 1890:122.3 \op Goüý wanaýshe amaý shi wa'uý thiükeý eýdi athiüý athaý-biamaý. Koüýge athiüý ahiý-bi \tr And / soldiers / the «pl. sub.» / again / woman / the «ob.» / there / having her / went they say. / Near / having her / arrived, they say \rf jod 1890:122.4 \op ki eýdi theýkithaý-biamaý. Ki wanaýshe agthaý-biamaý. Goüý wa'uý amaý eýdi athaý- \tr when / there / sent her they say. / And / soldier / went homeward, they say. / As / woman / the «mv. sub.» / there / went \rf jod 1890:122.5 \op biamaý niý thoüýdi. Ki eýgithe nuýzhiüga akaý edediý akaýma shi, ni koüýha keýdi. \tr they say / water / by the «ob.». / And / at length / boy / the «sub.» / there he was, they say / again, / water / border / by the «ob.». \rf jod 1890:122.6 \op Nuýzhiüga akaý, Eaýtoü shiý a, aý-biamaý wa'uý toü eý wakaý-bi egoüý. Hiü+! na! \tr Boy / the «sub.», / Why / you come / ? / said, they say / woman / the «std. ob.» / that / he meant, they say / having. / Oh! / psha! \rf jod 1890:122.7 \op thagtheý eteýde, thiý niýashiüga uthuýthikoüpiýxti thaýtoüsheý. Eýgithe Wakoüýdagi PPeý- \tr you should have gone homeward / you / man / you are dressed very well / you who stand. / Beware / Water-monster / seven \rf jod 1890:122.8 \op thoüba akaý t'eýthithe taiý, aý-biamaý. Oüýkazhi, thiý moügthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga \tr heads / the «sub.» / he will kill you, / said she, they say. / Not so, / you / begone, / said, they say / boy \rf jod 1890:122.9 \op akaý. Ki wa'uý akaý agthaý-biamaý. Goüý shi niý keýdi ahiý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. \tr the «sub.». / And / woman / the «sub.» / went homeward, they say. / And / again / water / by the / arrived, they say / boy / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:122.10 \op Shiýnudoü thoükaý uýwagiýkiaý-biamaý. Niý-uýha-moüýthiü-aý! Paýhi hiýdexti thoüýdi \tr Dog / the «pl. ob.» / he talked with them, his own they say. / @{Ni-uýha-moüýthiü} O! / neck / the very botton / by the \rf jod 1890:122.11 \op edediý thaýtoüsheý te haý, Moüýze-thaýxoü-aý! siüýde hiýdexti thoüýdi edediý thaýtoüsheý te \tr there / you will stand / , / @{Moüýze-thaxoüý} O! / tail / the very root / by the / there / you will stand \rf jod 1890:122.12 \op haý, aý-biamaý. Goüý shiýnudoü akaý niý ke eýgiha aýiaýtha-biamaý. Eýgiha aýiaýtha- \tr . / said, they say. / And / dog / the «sub.» / water / the «ob.» / headlong / had gone, they say. / Headlong / had gone \rf jod 1890:122.13 \op biamaý ki eýgithe Wakoüýdagi PaPeýthoüba Paý noüýba thawaýthishnaý-biamaý. \tr they say / when / at length / Water-monster / seven heads / head / two / they made appear by biting they say. \rf jod 1890:122.14 \op Nuýzhiüga Paý thoü akiýwa gasaý-biamaý. Theýze thoü waýthizaý-bi egoüý Paý thoü ni \tr Boy / head / the «ob.» / both / cut off, they say. / Tongue / the «ob.» / took them, they say / having / head / the «ob.» / water \rf jod 1890:122.15 \op koüýha keýdi oüýtha-bi egoüý agthaý-biamaý. Goüý tiý te koüýge akiý-bi shi \tr border / by the / threw away, they say / having / went homeward, they say. / And / lodge / the «ob.» / near / reached home, they say / again \rf jod 1890:122.16 \op mashtiüýge uýna-biamaý. Koühaý, sheýthoükaý mashtiüýge waýthizaý-ga, aý-biamaý. \tr rabbit / he hunted them, they say. / Grandmother, / those / rabbit / take them, / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:122.17 \op Ki wa'uzhiüýga shi mashtiüýge waýthizaý-biamaý Koühaý, theýze thoü iüthiüýgthoü-ga, \tr And / old woman / again / rabbit / took them they say. / Grandmother / tongue / the «ob.» / put on something for me, \rf jod 1890:122.18 \op aý-biamaý. Shi zhoüý-biamaý. Hoüý amaý. Shi hoüýegoüýche xageý za'eýxtioüý- \tr he said, they say. / Again / slept they say. / Night / they say. / Again / morning / crying / made a very great noise \rf jod 1890:122.19 \op biamaý Koühaý, eaýtoü xagaiý a gaýama, aý-biamaý. Shpathoü+, niýkagahi izhoüýge \tr they say. / Grandmother, / why / they cry / ? / those, / said, they say. / O grandchild, / chief / his daughter \rf jod 1890:123.1 \op thiükeý xaýtha kiý ameýgoü giýkoü eýgoü xagaiý he, aý-biamaý Shi eýdi athiüý athaý- \tr the «ob.» / back again / she came home, as / to condole with her / as / they cry / , / said she, they say. / Again / there / having her / went \rf jod 1890:123.2 \op biamaý niýkagahi izhoüýge thiükeý wanaýshe amaý. Shi nuýzhiüga eýtoüthiü ni koüýha \tr they say / chief / his daughter / the «ob.» / soldier / the «pl. sub.». / Again / boy / he first / water / border \rf jod 1890:123.3 \op keýdi ahiý-biamaý. Waýthaha udoüýxti kikaýxa-biamaý. Shi wa'uý akaý eýdi \tr by the / arrived, they say. / Clothing / very good / he made for himself they say. / Again / woman / the «sub.» / there \rf jod 1890:123.4 \op ahiý-biamaý. Nuýzhiüga toü eý wakaý-bi egoüý, Shiýazhi eteý ki, aý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. \tr arrived, they say. / Boy / the «std. ob.» / that / she meant, they say / having, / You ought not to come / said, they say / woman / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:123.5 \op Eýgithe Wakoüýdagi PaPeýthoüba akaý t'eýthithe taiý he, aý-biamaý. Ki nuýzhiüga akaý, \tr Beware, / Water-monster / seven heads / the «sub.») / he kill you / lest / , / said she, they say. / And / boy / the «sub.», \rf jod 1890:123.6 \op Oükazhi ha, thiý moügthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Hau, wa'uý akaý agthaý-biamaý. Agthaý-bi \tr Not so / , / you / begone, / said he, they say. / Well, / woman / the «sub.» / went homeward, they say. / Went homeward, they say \rf jod 1890:123.7 \op ki nuýzhiüga akaý, Moüýze-thaýxoü-aý! Paýhi hiýdexti thoüýdi edediý thaýtoüsheý te ha. \tr when / boy / the «sub.», / @{Moüýze-thaxoüý} O! / neck / the very bottom / by the / there / you will stand / . \rf jod 1890:123.8 \op Ni-uýha-moüýthiü-aý! siüýde hiýdexti thoüýdi edediý thaýtoüsheý te ha, aý-biamaý. \tr @{Ni-uýha-moüýthiü} O! / tail / very root of / by the / there / you will stand / , / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:123.9 \op Shiýnudoü akaý akiýwa niý thoü moütaýha aýiaýtha-biamaý. Eýgithe Wakoüýdagi PaPeý- \tr Dog / the «sub.» / both / water / the «ob.» / beneath / had gone they say. / At length / Water-monster / seven \rf jod 1890:123.10 \op thoüba Paý thaýbthiü thaeýthoübaý-biamaý shiýnudoü akaý. Goüý nuýzhiüga akaý Paý te \tr heads / head / three / made emerge by biting they say / dog / the «sub.». / And / boy / the «sub.» / head / the \rf jod 1890:123.11 \op gasaý-biamaý thaýbthiü. Goüý theýze te thizaý-bi egoüý Paý te oüýtha-bi egoüý \tr cut off they say / three. / And / tongue / the / took, they say / having / head / the «ob.» / threw away, they say / having \rf jod 1890:123.12 \op agthaý-biamaý. (Miüýzhiüga tiýi thoütaý kiý-hnoü thoüýdi ugthaý goüýtha shtewoüý thi'aý- \tr went homeward, they say. / (Girl / lodges / to the / reached home, each time / when / to confess / wished / notwithstanding / failed \rf jod 1890:123.13 \op shnoüý amaý.) Goüý agthaý-bi ki mashtiüýge shi uýna-biamaý. Mashtiüýge aýhigi \tr invariably / they say.) / And / went homeward, they say / when / rabbit / again / them hunted, they say. / Rabbit / many \rf jod 1890:123.14 \op uýna-bi egoüý wa'iüý akiý-biamaý. Waý'uzhiüga thiükedi akiý-bi egoüý theýze \tr hunted them, they say / having / carrying them / reached home, they say. / Old woman / by the «ob.» / reached home, they say / having / tongue \rf jod 1890:123.15 \op thaýbthiü shi 'iý-biamaý. Koühaý, gaýte iteýiüthiüýkithaý-ga, aý-biamaý. Hau! ma- \tr three / again / he gave to her, they say / Grandmother, / that «col. ob.» / put away mine for me, / said he, they say. / Ho! / rab- \rf jod 1890:123.16 \op shtiüýge sheýthoüka waýshizaý-doü shiýnudoü akiýwa wiü wa'iý-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Hau, \tr bit / those / take them and / dog / both / one / give to them / , / said he, they say. / Well, \rf jod 1890:123.17 \op zhoüý-biamaý shi. \tr slept, they say / again. \rf jod 1890:123.18 \op Shi hoüýegoüche ki shi niýashiüga-ma xageý za'eýxtioüý-biamaý toüýwoügthoü- \tr Again / morning / when / again / people the / crying / made a very great noise they say / among those in \rf jod 1890:123.19 \op maýdi. Koühaý, gaýamaý eaýtoü xagaiý a, aý-biamaý. Tuýshpathoü+! niýkagahi izhoüýge \tr the tribe. / Grandmother / those / why / they cry / ? / said he, they say. / O grandchild! / chief / his daughter \rf jod 1890:123.20 \op thiükeý shi xaýtha kiý ameýgoü eýdi athiüý athiüý atheý goüýthai eýgoü xageý ameýthe, aý-biamaý. \tr the «ob.» / again / back again / she / reached home as / there / having her / to go / they wish / as / they are crying indeed / said she, they say. \rf jod 1890:124.1 \op Koühaý, Wakoüýdagi PaPeýthoüba t'eýthe taiý. Eaýtoü t'eýtha-baýzhi a, aý-biamaý \tr Grandmother / Water-monster / seven heads / let them kill him. / Why / they do not kill him / ? / said, they say \rf jod 1890:124.2 \op nuýzhiüga akaý. Iýthoüboüý eýgithoüzhi-a he. Eýgithoü ki t'eýthithe taiý, aý-biamaý waý'uzhiüga \tr boy / the «sub.». / A second time / say it not to (any one) / . / It is said to (any one) / if / he will kill you / said, they say / old woman \rf jod 1890:124.3 \op akaý. Goüý wanaýshe amaý shi athiüý athaý-biamaý niüýzhiüga thiü. Ki nuýzhiüga amaý \tr the «sub.». / And / soldier / the «pl. sub.» / again / having her / went they say / girl / the «mv. ob.» / And / boy / the «mv. sub.» \rf jod 1890:124.4 \op eýdi athaý-bi egoüý shi eýtoüthiü ahiý-biamaý ni koüýha keýdi. Ki niüýzhiüga amaý \tr there / went, they say / having / again / he first / arrived, they say / water / border / at the. / And / girl / the «mv. sub.» \rf jod 1890:124.5 \op eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Shi nuýzhiüga akaý, Moügthiü-ga. Eýtoü shiý eýiüte, aý-biamaý. \tr there / arrived, they say. / Again / boy / the «sub.» / Begone. / Why / do you come? / said he they say. \rf jod 1890:124.6 \op Wa'uý amaý agthaý-biamaý shi. Niý-uýha-moüýthiüthiü-aý, Paýhi hiýde xti thoüýdi than*zhiü te \tr Woman / the «mv. sub.» / went homeward, they say / again. / @{Ni-uýha-moüýthiü} O! / neck / the very bottom / by the / you stand / will \rf jod 1890:124.7 \op ha. Moüýze-thaýxoü-aý, siüýde hiýdexti thoüýdi thanaýzhiü te ha, aý-biamaý. Shiýnudoü \tr . / @{Moüýze-thaxoüý} O! / tail / the very root / by the / you stand / will / , / said, they say. / Dog \rf jod 1890:124.8 \op akiýwa niý ke eýdi eýgihe aýia-biamaý. Uxtheýxchi Paý woüaýxchi thaeýthoübaý- \tr both / water / the «ob.» / there / headlong / had gone, they say. / Very soon / head / one / made emerge by biting \rf jod 1890:124.9 \op biamaý. Goüý nuýzhiüga akaý Paý thoü gasaý-biamaý. Theýze thoü thizaý-biamaý Paý \tr they say. / And / boy / the «sub.» / head / the «ob.» / cut off they say. / Tongue / the «ob.» / took it they say. / Head \rf jod 1890:124.10 \op te eýgazeýze ni koüýha kedi iteýtha-biamaý. Goüý nuýzhiüga amaý agthaý-bi ki \tr the «col. ob.» / in a row / water / border / by the / put them, they say. / And / boy / the «mv. sub.» / went homeward, they say / when \rf jod 1890:124.11 \op eýgithe waýxe-saýbe ni koüýha ke uhaý moüthiüý-biamaý. Paý te iýtha-biamaý \tr it happened / black man / water / border / the «ob.» / following / walked they say. / Head «col. ob.» / the / found, they say \rf jod 1890:124.12 \op waýxe-saýbe akaý. 'Iüý agthaý-biamaý waýxe-saýbe akaý Wakoüýdagi PaPeýthoüba \tr black man / the «sub.». / Carrying / went homeward, they say / black man / the «sub.». / Water-monster / seven heads \rf jod 1890:124.13 \op alaý t'eýathe ha, aý-biamaý. Goüý, Huhuý! waýxe-saýbe theýamaý Wakoüýdagi PaPeýthoüba \tr the one who / I killed him / , / said, they say. / And, / Really! / black man / this / Water-monster / seven heads \rf jod 1890:124.14 \op Paý te 'iü agthiý, aý-biamaý. Niýkagahi tiýi teýta 'iü moügthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý. \tr head / the «col. ob.» / carrying / has come home / said they, they say. / Chief / lodge / to the / carrying / begone / said they, they say. \rf jod 1890:124.15 \op Eýta 'iü ahiý-biamaý. Goü, Paý te aýgudi hniýze a, aý-biamaý niýkagahi akaý Ki, \tr Thither / carrying / he arrived, they say. / And, / Head / the «col. ob.» / where / you took them / ? / said, they say / chief / the «sub.». / And, \rf jod 1890:124.16 \op Wakoüýdagi PaPeýthoüba akeý eýdegoü t'eýathe, aý-biamaý waýxe-saýbe akaý. Goüý \tr Water-monster / seven heads / the one who / but / I killed him / said, they say / black man / the «sub.». / And, \rf jod 1890:124.17 \op Hau! thiý t'eýthathe kiýzhi shiüýgazhiüga wiwiýta thagthoüý tateý, aýibiamaý niýkagahi akaý. \tr Ho! / you / you killed him / if / child / my own / you marry her / shall / said, they say / chief / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:124.18 \op Goüý uýhoü-biamaý, wathaýte gaxaý-biamaý. Niýkashiüga bthuýgaxti miüýgthoü teýgoü \tr And / cooked, they say, / food / made they say. / People / all / to marry / in order that \rf jod 1890:124.19 \op weýku-biamaý. Shiüýgazhiüýga wiwiýta waýxe-saýbe gthoüý te eshaiý kiw2 gthoüý tateý ha. \tr invited them they say. / Child / my own / black man / he marry her / may / ye say / if / he marry her / shall / . \rf jod 1890:125.1 \op Ki niýkashiüga amaý gaý-biamaý: Oüýhoü, toüýwoügthoü bthuýga niýawathaiý ha, aýdoü \tr And / people / the «pl. sub.» / said as follows, they say: / Yes, / tribe / all / he saved us / , / therefore \rf jod 1890:125.2 \op gthoü te eshaiý ki gthoü te ha, aý-biamaý. \tr he marry her / may / ye say / if / he marry her / may / , / said they, they say. \rf jod 1890:125.3 \op Ki nuýzhiüga akaý iýbahoü gthiüý-biamaý, waýxe-saýbe xe-saýbe wa'uý thiükeý gthoüý tateý; \tr And / boy / the «sub.» / knowing it / sat they say, / black man / woman / the «ob.» / marry her / shall \rf jod 1890:125.4 \op giýtha-baýzhi gthiüý-biamaý. Gaý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý: Moüýze-thaýxoü-aý, eýdi \tr glad not / sat they say. / Said as follows, they say / boy / the «sub.»: / @{Moüýze-thaxoüý} O! / there \rf jod 1890:125.5 \op moüthiüýga ha. Miüýgthoü teýgoü uýhoüi te uýs'u wiüý thaheý giý-ga, aý-biamaý. \tr walk thou / . / He marry her / in order that / cooked / the «ob.») / slice / one / carrying in the mouth / come back, / he said, they say. \rf jod 1890:125.6 \op Shiýnudoü amaý eýdi athaý-biamaý. Shiýnudoü eýthoübe hiý ki niýashiüga amaý, Shiýnudoü \tr Dog / the «mv. sub.» / there / went they say. / Dog / in sight / arrived / when / people / the «pl. sub.», / Dog \rf jod 1890:125.7 \op uýdoü iýnahiü tiý aýhoü, aý-biamaý. Shiýnudoü akaý waýthate thoüýdi athaý-bi egoüý uýs'u \tr good / truly / has come / ! / said they, they say. / Dog / the «sub.» / table / by the / went, they say / having / slice \rf jod 1890:125.8 \op wiüý thaheý agthaý-biamaý. Hu-huý! shiýnudoü thiü piýazhi heýgazhi gaýxai. Thixaýi-ga, \tr one / carrying in the mouth / he went homeward, they say. / Really! / dog / the (mv. one.) / bad / very / he has done. / Pursue ye him \rf jod 1890:125.9 \op aý-biamaý niýashiüga amaý. Ki waý'uzhiüga tiýi teýdi thaheý akiý-biamaý. Shiýnudoü \tr said, they say / people / the «pl. sub.». / And / old woman / lodge / by the / carrying in his mouth / he reached home, they say. / Dog \rf jod 1890:125.10 \op thiükeý niýashiüga etaý thiükeý edaýbe ahniüý shkiý te, aý-biamaý niýkagahi akaý. \tr the «ob.» / man / his / the «ob.» / also / you have him / you come back / will, / said, they say / chief / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:125.11 \op Wanaýshe-ma gaýxe waýgazhiý-biamaý. Ki wanaýshe amaý waý'uzhinga tiýi teýta ahiý-bi \tr The soldiers / to do it / commanded them they say. / And / soldier / the «pl. sub.» / old woman / lodge / at the / arrived, they say \rf jod 1890:125.12 \op ki eýgithe niýashiüga shiýnudoü etaý akaý niýashiüga uthuýkoüpiýxti waýthaha uýdoüxti \tr when / behold / man / dog / his / the «sub.» / man / dressed very well / clothing / very good \rf jod 1890:125.13 \op akaýma. Ki wanaýshe eýdi ahiý-bi ki niýashiüga thiükeý aýbagthaý-biamaý. Ki, \tr was, they say. / And / soldier / there / arrived, they say / when / man / the «st. ob.» / drew back from him through shame they say. / And, \rf jod 1890:125.14 \op Awaýdi shatiý eýiüte, aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. Oüýhoü, shiýnudoü miüýgthoü teýgoü \tr For what have you come? / said, they say / boy / the «sub.». / Yes / dog / wedding / for the \rf jod 1890:125.15 \op uýhoüi te wathaýte thaheý giý te doüýbe tiýawakithaiý, aý-biamaý. Niýashiüga etaý \tr cooked / the / food / in his mouth / coming back / as / to see him / he caused us to come / said they, they say. / Man / his \rf jod 1890:125.16 \op thiükeý edaýbe zhuýoügthe oügaýgthe taý-bi aiý ha, aý-biamaý. Keý moügthiüýi-ga. \tr the one who / also / we with him / we go homeward / shall / he said / , / said they, they say. / Come, / begone ye. \rf jod 1890:125.17 \op Shubtheý taý miükeýshe, aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. Goüý nuýzhiüga akaý waýthaha uýdoüxti \tr I go to you / will / I who must / said, they say / boy / the «sub.». / And / boy / the «sub.» / clothing / very good \rf jod 1890:125.18 \op kikaýxa-bi egoüý theýze te athiüý-bi egoüý eýdi athaý-biamaý. Ki waýxe-saýbe akaý \tr made for himself, they say / having / tongue / the «col. ob.» / had them, they say / having / there / went they say. / And / black man / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:125.19 \op shetoüý tiý teýdi ahiý-bazhiý-biteýamaý, tiý weýdazhi gthiüý te. Eýgithe eýdi ahiý-biamaý \tr so far / lodge / by the / had not reached it, they say / lodge / elsewhere / he sat. / At length / there / arrived, they say \rf jod 1890:126.1 \op nuýzhiüga akaý, tetheýze athiüý-bi egoüý. Edaýdoü wiýbthipii-maýzhi egoüý wanaýshe \tr boy / the «sub.» / tongue / had them, they say / having. / What / I did wrong to you / because / soldier \rf jod 1890:126.2 \op oüýgihiýwathakithaiý a, aý-biamaý. Wakoüýdagi wiüý toüýwoügthoü thoü shoüýxti thiýthasniü \tr you made them come for me / ? / said he, they say. / Water-monster / one / tribe / the / in spite of everything / to devour you \rf jod 1890:126.3 \op taý akeýdegoü te'eýwikithaiý ha. Eaýtoü wanaýshe oüýthizewathaýkithaiý a, aý-biamaý. \tr will / he was the one, but / I killed him for you. / . / Why / soldier / you caused them to take me / ? / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:126.4 \op Goüý gaýte Wakoüýdagi PaPaeýthoüba theýze te, aý-bi egoüý niýkagahi thiükeý 'iý-biamaý. \tr And / that «col.» / Water-monster / seven heads / tongue / the «col. ob.» / said, they say / having / chief / the «ob.» / gave to him, they say. \rf jod 1890:126.5 \op Goüý, Eý thiükeý Wakoüýdagi PaPeýthoüba t'eýthe thiükeý, witoüýde eýe ha, aý-biamaý \tr And, / That / he who / Water-monster / seven heads / killed him / he who / my daughter's husband / it is he / , / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:126.6 \op niýkagahi akaý. Niüýzhiüga goüýki zhuýgthe gthiüýkithaý-biamaý waýxe-saýbe igaýxthoü. \tr chief / the «sub.». / Girl / and / with her / made him sit they say / black man / his wife. \rf jod 1890:126.7 \op Oüýhoü, daýdihaý, eýe he, aý-biamaý, nuý eý wakaý-bi egoüý. Goüýki niýkagahi \tr Yes, / O father, / it is he / , / said she, they say / man / him / she meant, they say / having. / And / chief \rf jod 1890:126.8 \op akaý, Waýxe-saýbe thiükeý athiüý giýi-ga, aý-biamaý Ki wanaýshe agiýathaý-biamaý. \tr the «sub.», / Black man / the «ob.» / having him / be ye returning / said, they say. / And / soldier / went for him, they say. \rf jod 1890:126.9 \op Athiüý akiý-biamaý waýxe-saýbe toü. Goüý uthuýshiata ithoüýtha nazhiüýkithaý-bi egoüý \tr Having him / reached home, they say / black man / the «std. ob.». / And / in the middle / putting him / made him stand, they say / having \rf jod 1890:126.10 \op waweýmaxaý-biamaý. Ki, Aýwateýgizhoü ki Wakoüýdagi PaPeýthoüba ke t'eýthathe a, \tr questioned him they say. / And / How you did / when / Water-monster / seven head / the «past ob.» / you killed him / ? \rf jod 1890:126.11 \op aý-biamaý. Goüý, Eýdi puý egoüý aýakiýbthe egoüý t'eýathe, aý-biamaý. Ki, Edaýdoü \tr said he, they say. / And, / There / I reached / having / I attacked him / having / I killed him / said he, they say. / And, / What \rf jod 1890:126.12 \op iýt'ethaýshe a, aý-biamaý. Maýhiü iýt'eaýthe, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe wa'uý akaý nuý thiükeý \tr you killed him with / ? / said, they say. / Knife / I killed him with / said, they say. / At length / woman / the «sub.» / man / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:126.13 \op zhuýgthe eýthoübe atiý-biamaý. Daýdihaý, theýe he, nuý thiükeý Wakaüýdagi PaPeýthoüba \tr with him / in sight / came, they say. / O father, / this is he / , / man / the one who / Water-monster / seven heads \rf jod 1890:126.14 \op t'eýthe thiükeý, niýoüthe thiükeý theýe he, aý-biamaý. Waýxe-saýbe thiükeý uthoüýi-ga, aý-bi \tr killed him / the one who / he saved me / the one who / this is he / , / said she, they say. / Black man / the «ob.» / hold him, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:126.15 \op egoüý aýshi athiüý athaý-bi egoüý naýxudethaý-biamaý. \tr having / out / having him / went, they say / having / caused him to be burnt they say. \rf jod 1890:126.16 \ti @{Wahoüýthishige} and the buffalo-woman \op Wahoüýthishige eý ihoüý giýt'ai ithaýdi shti giýt'ai te itoüýge zhuýgigthaý-biamaý. \tr Orphan / he / his mother / died / his father / too / died / when / his sister / he with his own they say. \rf jod 1890:131.1 \op Ki itoüýge akaý nuý wiü wakiýdepiýxtioü eý aýthixaý-biamaý. Ki 'aýbae athaý-bi ki \tr And / his sister / the «sub.» / man / one / a very good marksman / that / she took for a husband, they say. / And / hunting / went, they say / when \rf jod 1890:131.2 \op taýxti wiüý 'iüý agiý-biamaý. Ki Wahoüýthishige, Hiüche+! toügeýha, witaýhoü wa'iüý \tr deer / one / carrying / was coming home, they say. / And / Orphan, / Surprising! / O sister / my sister's husband / carrying \rf jod 1890:131.3 \op gi thiüý. Washiüýxti bthaýte taý miüke, aý-biamaý. Ki akiý-bi ki teaýzoütasiý thoü \tr he is coming home. / Very fat / I eat / will / I who / said, they say. / And / he got home, they say / when / kidneys / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:131.4 \op washiüý ubeýtoü thoüý thizaý-bi egoüý thixthuýda-bi egoüý tPiý thoü edaýbe 'iý-biamaý. \tr fat / wrapped around / the «ob.»? / she took, they say / having / pulled it out of they say / having / liver / the «ob.» / also / she gave, they say. \rf jod 1890:131.5 \op Sheýthoü thataý-a he. Washiüý shkoüýhna iýthanahiüý a, aý-biamaý itoüýge akaý. Shnaýte \tr That / eat thou / . / Fat / you wish / you, indeed / ! / said, they say / his sister / the «sub.». / You eat \rf jod 1890:131.6 \op shniýshtoü ki uý'e ke aýkihide moüthiüý-a, aý-biamaý. Ki goüýki thataý-bi ki uý'ata \tr you finish / when / field / the «ob.» / to watch it / go / said she, they say. / And / then / he ate, they say / when / to the field \rf jod 1890:131.7 \op athaý-biamaý, giýtha-bazhiýxti athaý-biamaý. Ki uý'e deýdi ahiý-bi ki nuý akaý zhoüý wiü \tr he went, they say / very sorrowful / went they say. / And / field / at the / arrived, they say / when / man / the «sub.» / tree / one \rf jod 1890:132.1 \op aýtoü-bi egoüý, Wazhiüýga-maýshe uý'e ke thateý giýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Goüýki agthaý- \tr stood on, they say / having, / Ye birds / field / the «ob.» / to eat it / be ye coming / said he, they say. / And / went homeward \rf jod 1890:132.2 \op biamaý hoüý ki. Shi hoüýegoüche ki itaýhoü amaý taýxti wiüý 'iüý agiý-biamaý. \tr they say / night / when. / Again / morning / when / his sister's husband / the «mv. sub.» / deer / one / carrying / was coming home, they say. \rf jod 1890:132.3 \op Hu-huý! toügeýha, witaýhoü wa'iüý gi thiüý Woüýete washiüýxti heýbe bthaýte taý \tr Oho! / O sister, / my sister's husband / carrying / he is coming home. / This once / very fat / a piece / I eat / will \rf jod 1890:132.4 \op miüke, aý-biamaý. Shi eýgoü gaxaý-biamaý. Uboüý thoü thizaý-bi egoüý tePiý thoü \tr I who / said he, they say. / Again / so / she did, they say. / Fat around the kidneys / the «ob.» / took, they say / having / liver / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:132.5 \op edaýbe 'iý-biamaý. Sheýthoü thataý-a he. Washiüý thoü shkoüýhna iýthanahiüý a, aý-biama. \tr also / she gave him, they say. / That / eat thou / . / Fat / the «ob.» / you with / you, indeed / ! / said she, they say. \rf jod 1890:132.6 \op Goüýki, Uý'e ke aýkihide moüthiüý-a he, aý-biamaý. Ki shoüý eýgoü te duboüý gaxaý- \tr And, / Field / the «ob.» / to watch it / go / , / said she, they say. / And / in fact / thus it was / four times / she did \rf jod 1890:132.7 \op biamaý. Weýduboüý teýdi, Waýkida gthiüý-a he. Uý'e ke oüdoüýbe toüýgatoü, \tr they say. / The fourth time / when. / To watch / sit thou / . / Field / the «ob.» / we see / we who will \rf jod 1890:132.8 \op aý-biamaý Ki Wahoüýthishige akaý zhoüt'eýxchi zhoüý akaýma, uýkizaýxchi ki. Ki \tr said she, they say. / And / Orphan / the «sub.» / sound asleep / was lying / they say / altogether alone / when. / And \rf jod 1890:132.9 \op sabaýzhixchi wa'uý uýdoüxti wiüý eýdi ahiý-bi ki thixiý-biamaý Paýhoü-a he. Eaýtoü \tr very suddenly / woman / very beautiful / one / there / arrived, they say / when / awakened him, they say. / Arise / . / Why \rf jod 1890:132.10 \op thazhoüý a, aý-biamaý. Ki paýhoü amaý ki, Eaýtoü washiüýxti theýge eý heýbe \tr you sleep / ? / said she, they say. / And / he arose / they say / when, / Why / very fat / these / that / piece \rf jod 1890:132.11 \op shnaýte eteý ki, aý-biamaý. Eýgoüthoüýzha, witoüýge amaý etaiý ha. Eýgithe \tr you ought to eat / said she, they say. / Nevertheless / my sister / the «sub.» / it is hers / . / (I am afraid lest) \rf jod 1890:132.12 \op oüthoüýhusa taiý, aý-biamaý. Ki, Heýbe maýxoü-aýdoü thataý-a he, aý-biamaý (wa'uý \tr she scold me / said he, they say. / And, / Piece / cut off and / eat thou / , / said, they say / (woman \rf jod 1890:132.13 \op akaý). Eýde muýzhiüga, Eýgoüthoüzha, ubthiý'age, aý-biamaý. Ki wa'uý akaý nazhiüý-bi \tr the). / But / boy / Nevertheless / I am unwilling / said he, they say. / And / woman / the «sub.» / stood, they say \rf jod 1890:132.14 \op egoüý uýdoüxti thoü heýbe maýxoü-biamaý, niýashiüga wiüaýxchi thateý eýthoüskaxti \tr having / very good / the «ob.» / piece / cut off they say / person / one / to eat / just that size \rf jod 1890:132.15 \op maýxoü-biamaý, zheýgthoü-biamaý. Thataý-a he, aý-biamaý, nuýzhiüga thiükeý 'iý-bi egoüý. \tr she cut off they say, / roasted it they say. / Eat thou / , / said she, they say / boy / the «ob.» / gave it to him, they say / having. \rf jod 1890:132.16 \op Goüýki waýga maýxoü-bi thoü eýgigoüxti gaxaý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. Goüýki shi \tr And / slice / she cut off, they say / the «ob.» / just as before / she made it, they say / woman / the «sub.». / And / again \rf jod 1890:132.17 \op egoü te duboüý-biamaý. Goüýki wa'uý akaý agthaý-biamaý ki sigtheý te wathiýshnaxti \tr so / the «act» / four times they say. / And / woman / the «sub.» / went homeward, they say / when / trail / the «ob.» / very plain \rf jod 1890:132.18 \op gaýxe agthaý-biamaý. Goüýki nuýzhiüga akaý sigtheý te uthuýhe athaý-biamaý. \tr making it / went homeward they say. / And / boy / the «sub.» / trail / the «ob.» / following / went, they say. \rf jod 1890:132.19 \op Oüýb ithaýugthexti moüthiüý-bi ki eýgithe Paýzexchi ahiý-bi ki eýgithe tiý wiü uýdoüxti \tr Throughout they day / walked, they say / when / at length / very late in the evening / arrived, they say / when / behold / lodge / one / very good \rf jod 1890:132.20 \op edediý te amaý, tiý soüýthe. Ki uPaý-bi ki eýgithe wa'uý akaý eý akaýma. Goüýki \tr it was there, they say, / lodge / whitened. / And / entered, they say / when / behold / woman / the «sub.» / it was she, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:133.1 \op umiüýzhe keý shti uýdoüxti gthiüý akaýma. Ki zhoüý-uxpe zhiüýga taý gaýtube ugiýpixti \tr couch / the «ob.» / too / very good / she was sitting on, they say. / And / wooden bowl / small / pounded buffalo meat / very full \rf jod 1890:133.2 \op (hiý-biamaý. Ki 'iý-biamaý ki, Noüpoüýhiüxti-moü thoüýshti. Aýxtoü oüthoüýbthoü \tr (gave to him, they say. / And / gave to him, they say / when, / I very hungry / hereto fore. / How possible / me to get enough \rf jod 1890:133.3 \op eteýdoü, etheýgoü gthiüý-biamaý. Ki wa'uý akaý, Oüýkazhi, shoüý thataý-a he. Iýthibthoü \tr shall? / thinking / he sat they say. / And / woman / the «sub.», / Not so / at any rate / eat thou / . / You get enough \rf jod 1890:133.4 \op tateý, aý-biamaý. Goüýki thataý-biamaý ki iýnoüdextioüý-biamaý ki shoüý uthaýshta- \tr shall / said she, they say. / And / ate they say / when / he was filled to repletion they say / when / still / he left some food \rf jod 1890:133.5 \op biamaý uxpeý zhiüýga keýdi. Goüýki giý'i-biamaý uxpeý zhiüýga ke wa'uý thiükeý. \tr they say / bowl / small / in the. / And / gave back to her, they say / bowl / small / the «ob.» / woman / the «ob.». \rf jod 1890:133.6 \op Goüýki hoüý ki zhoüý-biamaý, umiüýzhe iýbehiü shti uýdoüxti gaxaý-bi egoüý. \tr And / night / when / he lay down they say, / couch / pillow / too / very good / she made they say / having. \rf jod 1890:133.7 \op Ki eýgithe zhoüt'eýxti zhoüý-bi ki hoüýegoüche iýkithaý-bi ki tiý shtewoüý thiügeý \tr And / at length / sound asleep / he lay, they say / when / morning / he aroused they say / when / lodge / even / there was none \rf jod 1890:133.8 \op amaý, xaýdadi zhoüý-biamaý Goüýki shi sigtheý te wathiýshnaxti shi athaý-biteýamaý. \tr they say, / on the grass / he lay they say. / And / again / trail / the «ob.» / very plain / again / she had gone, they say. \rf jod 1890:133.9 \op Ki shi eýgoü te shi duboüý-biamaý. Goüýki Teý-wa'uý akaýma. Ki wateý- \tr And / again / so / it was / again / four times they say. / And / Buffalo-woman / she was, they say. / And / preg- \rf jod 1890:133.10 \op zugthoüý-bi te weýdathaý-biamaý. Weýdathaý-biamaý. Weýdathaý-bi ki cheýshkaxti iýdathaý-biamaý, \tr nant they say / when / she gave birth to they say. / She gave birth they say / when / very short / she bore it they say, \rf jod 1890:133.11 \op bthuýgaxti skaýxchi. Goüýki Ishtiýnike amaý theý amaýma. Sabaýzhixti eýdi \tr all over / very white. / And / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «mv. sub.» / was going, they say. / Very suddenly / there \rf jod 1890:133.12 \op ahiý-biamaý. Winauý, eaýtoü azhoüý a, aý-biamaý. Ki, Tigoühaý, niýxa oüniýe \tr arrived, they say. / O first daughter, / why / you do it / ? / said he, they say. / And, / O grandfather / stomach / aches me \rf jod 1890:133.13 \op he, aý-biamaý. Heý! wituýshpazhiüýxchitheý, niýxa iüýnie toüý-ana, aý-biamaý Ki \tr . / said she, they say. / Alas! / my dear little grandchild / stomach / for me aches / she stands! / said he, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:133.14 \op goüýki Te-zhiüýga iýdathaý-bi ki skaýxchi toüý amaý. Goüýki Ishtiýnike akaý \tr then / Buffalo-calf / she bore they say / when / very white / it was standing they say. / And / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:133.15 \op itiýoühe theýtha-biamaý. Ki Te-miüýga gaý-biamaý: Hiü+! tigoühaý, thituýshpa \tr in his robe / pushed it suddenly they say. / And / Female-buffalo / said as follows, they say: / Oh! / grandfather / your grandchild \rf jod 1890:133.16 \op aýwathiükeý a, aý-biamaý. Shetoüý ha, aý-biamaý. Tigoühaý, thituýshpa \tr where / is he / ? / said she, they say. / So far / has not passed out / , / said he, they say. / Grandfather / your grandchild \rf jod 1890:133.17 \op titheý thoüý, aý-biamaý. Goüýki shiýshte-hnoü wa'uý eýgithoüý-biamaý. Shoüý Ishtiýnike \tr pass out / did «formerly» / said she, they say. / And / repeatedly / woman / said it to him they say. / Yet / @{Ishtiýnike} \rf jod 1890:133.18 \op akaý, Thiügeýe ha, eý-hnoü nazhiüý-biamaý. Goüýki Ishtiýnike akaý, Winauý, \tr the «sub.», / There is none / , / saying continually / he stood they say. / And / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.», / O first daughter, \rf jod 1890:133.19 \op btheý taý miüke, tithaýzhi ha, aý-biamaý. Tigoühaý, wiüýthakazhi he, aý-biamaý \tr I go / will / I who / it has not passed out / , / said he, they say. / Grandfather, / you do not speak truly / , / said she, they say. \rf jod 1890:133.20 \op Teý-wa'uý akaý. Ki goüýki athaý-biamaý Ishtiýnike amaý. Athaý-bi ki weýahi- \tr Buffalo-woman / the «sub.». / And / then / went they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «mv. sub.». / Went, they say / when / very \rf jod 1890:134.1 \op deýxti ahiý-biamaý Ishtiýnike amaý iýkisoüýthiü. Ahiý-biamaý ki Te-zhiüýga \tr far / arrived, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «mv. sub.» / out of sight. / Arrived, they say / when / Buffalo-calf \rf jod 1890:134.2 \op thizaý-bi egoüý bikaý gthiüý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý Te-zhiüýga thiükeý. Ki skaýxchi \tr took, they say / having / wiping him / sat they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / Buffalo-calf / the «ob.». / And / very white \rf jod 1890:134.3 \op uýdoüxtioüý amaý. Haýha! goüýbadoü, Te-zhiüýga uýdoüxchi wakiýnasheý amaý, \tr very good / they say. / Ha! ha! / how easily I have done it, / Buffalo-calf / very good / we have had it snatched from us / they say \rf jod 1890:134.4 \op aý-biamaý. Goüýki Te-zhiüýga akaý nazhiüý biamaý. Goüýki Te-zhiüýga akaý Ishtiýnike \tr said he, they say. / And / Buffalo-calf / the «sub.» / stood / they say. / And / Buffalo-calf / the «sub.» / @{Ishtiýnike} \rf jod 1890:134.5 \op uthiýshoü noüýga-biamaý. Wa! kageý, giý-ga! giý-ga! eý-hnoü nazhiüý-biamaý. \tr going around him / ran they say. / Why! / third son, / come! / come! / saying continually / stood they say. \rf jod 1890:134.6 \op Goüýki Te-zhiüýga akaý eýdi agiý-biamaý Ishtiýnike toü. Goüýki shi Te-zhiüýga \tr And / Buffalo-calf / the «sub.» / there / was coming back, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «std. ob.». / And / again / Buffalo-calf \rf jod 1890:134.7 \op akaý uthiýshoü athaý-bi ki weýahide zhiüýga noüýga-biamaý. Wa! kageý, eýgithe \tr the «sub.» / around him / went they say / when / at a distance / little / ran they say. / Why! / third son, / beware \rf jod 1890:134.8 \op thanoüýesa te ha. Wiwiýta shniü ha, aý-biamaý. Eýgoü te duboüý-bi ki weý- \tr you run too far lest / . / My own / you are / , / said, they say. / So it was / four times they say / when / the \rf jod 1890:134.9 \op duboüý te shoüýshoü ihoüý thiükeýta noüýge agthaý-biamaý. Ki, Giý-ga! giý-ga! \tr fourth time / when / continuing / his mother / to the / running / went homeward, they say. / And, / Come! / come! \rf jod 1890:134.10 \op kageý, eýgithe thanoüýesa te ha, aý-bi ki shoüýshoüxtiý athaý-biamaý. Goüýki giýtha- \tr third son / beware / you run too far / lest / , / said, they say / when / continuing / went they say. / And / very \rf jod 1890:134.11 \op bazhiýxti athaý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý weýdazhixti. Eýgithe Te-zhiüýga amaý athaiý \tr sorrowful / went they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / elsewhere. / At length / Buffalo-calf / the «mv. sub.» / went \rf jod 1890:134.12 \op ki goüýki Te-nuýga iüsh'aýge wiüý gthiüý akaýma. Ki Te-nuýga iüsh'aýge akaý \tr when / and / Buffalo-bull / old man / one / was sitting, they say. / And / Buffalo-bull / old man / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:134.13 \op gaý-biamaý: Kageý, thihoüý theý athiüý athaiý. Paheý sheýhitheke kigthaýha athiüý \tr said as follows, they say: / Third son, / your mother / this «way» / having her / they went. / Hill / that yonder / down to the foot / having her \rf jod 1890:134.14 \op aýiaýthai Ki nazhiüý wiüýthoüthoüýxti goüý moüshniüý shneý tateý, tushpaýha, aý-biamaý. \tr they have gone. / And / rain / just one by one / so / you walk / you go / shall / grandchild / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:134.15 \op (Washkoüýtoüga giaýxe goüýthai eýgoü iýe eýgithoüi.) Goüýki Te-zhiüýga amaý \tr (Strong / to make for him / wished / as / words / said to him.) / And / Buffalo-calf / the «mv. sub.» \rf jod 1890:134.16 \op theý ki nazhiüý wiüýthoüthoüýxti ediý-biamaý. Goüýki Paheý ke kigtheý keýdi \tr went / when / rain / just one at a time / there, they say. / And / hill / the «ob.» / bottom / at the \rf jod 1890:134.17 \op ahiý-bi ki, shi Te-nuýga wiüý gthiüý akaýma. Kageý, thihoüý theý iüýchoüxchi \tr arrived, they say / when, / again / Buffalo-bull / one / was sitting, / they say. / Third son, / your mother / this «way» / just now \rf jod 1890:134.18 \op athiüý athaiý, aý-biamaý. Paheý sheýhitheke kigthaýta athiüý aýiaýthai, aý-biama. \tr having her / they went / said he, they say. / Hill / that yonder / to the foot / having her / they have gone / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:134.19 \op Nazhiüuýbixoüýxti goüý iýthamoüýshniü shneý tateý, aý-bimaý. (Xtaýgithextioüý te \tr Very fine, misting rain / so / in it you walk / you go / shall, / said, they say. / (Loved his own very much \rf jod 1890:134.20 \op aýdoü iýe te eýgithoü-hnoüýi te). Goüýki Te-zhiüýga amaý theý ki nazhiüuýbixoüýxti \tr therefore words the / said to him invariably). / And / Buffalo-calf / the «sub.» / went / when / very fine, misting rain \rf jod 1890:134.21 \op goüý iýmoüthiü athaý-biamaý. \tr so / walking in / he went they say. \rf jod 1890:134.22 \op Goüýki Paheý ke kigtheý keýdi ahiý-bi ki shi Te-nuýga zhiüýga, teýgaxti, \tr And / hill / the «ob.» / bottom of / at the / arrived, they say / when / again / Buffalo-bull / young, / very new, \rf jod 1890:135.1 \op zhiügaý, heý ke pa-iýxti ameýgoü eýdi gthiüý akaýma. Ki Te-nuýga zhiüýga akaý \tr small, / horn / the «ob.» / very sharp / like them / there / was sitting, they say. / And / Buffalo-bull / young / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:135.2 \op gaý-biamaý: Kageý, thihoüý theý iüýtashoü-xchi athaiý, aý-biamaý. Paheý sheýhitheke \tr said as follows, they say: / Third son, / your mother / this «way» / now just / having her / they went, / said, they say. / Hill / that yonder \rf jod 1890:135.3 \op kigthaýta athiüý aýiaýthai, aý-biamaý. Shuýdemaýhoüxti goüý iýthamoüýshniü shneý tateý \tr to the foot / having her / they have gone / said he, they say. / A very thick fog / so / you walk in it / you go / shall \rf jod 1890:135.4 \op ha, aý-biamaý. Goüýki Te-zhiüýga amaý theý ki shuýdemaýhoüxti iýmoüthiü athaý- \tr . / said he, they say. / And / Buffalo-calf / the «sub.» / went / when / a very thick fog / walked in / went \rf jod 1890:135.5 \op biamaý. Goüýki Paheý ke kigtheý keýdi ahiý-bi ki eýgithe Teý amaý heýgabazhi \tr they say. / And / hill / the «ob.» / the foot of / at the / arrived, they say / when / behold / Buffalo / the «pl. sub.» / a great many \rf jod 1890:135.6 \op ediý amaýma, eýgaxe gthiüý-bi ki ihoüý thiükeý iýdoübe gthiüýkithaý-biamaý. Ki, \tr they were there, it is said, / around in a circle / they sat, they say / when / his mother / the «ob.» / in the center / they made her sit they say. / And, \rf jod 1890:135.7 \op Huhuý! shiüýgazhiüga thiü eýthoübe tiý ha, aý-biamaý. (Uiýxpathai te iýkiPahoüýi \tr Oho! / child / the «mv. ob.» / in sight / has come / , / said, they say / (What it lost / it knew for itself \rf jod 1890:135.8 \op aýdoü sha-iý te) Ki eýgithe Te-miüýga wa'uý-zhiügaýxti diýxexti, waxpaýnixti wiüý \tr therefore / it was coming to you.) / And / behold / Female-buffalo / very old woman / very scabby, / very poor / one \rf jod 1890:135.9 \op Te-zhiüýga iý thiüýdi uskoüýskaxti Te-zhiüýga etaý thiükeý zhuýgigthe gthiüý akaýma. \tr Buffalo-calf / coming / from the one «mv.» / in a very straight line with / Buffalo-calf / her own / the «ob.» / she with her own / was sitting, they say. \rf jod 1890:135.10 \op Ki goüýki Te-soüý zhiüga amaý Te-wa'uýzhiüga edi ahiý-bi egoüý mazeý-iü- \tr And / then / White-buffalo / young / the «mv. sub.» / Buffalo-old-woman / there / arrived, they say / having / sucked the breasts \rf jod 1890:135.11 \op biamaý, noüpeýhiüxchi egoüý. Goüýki, Te duýba, theýta thiükeý agiýtithaýi-ga \tr they say, / very hungry / being. / And, / Buffalo / four, / this one behind / the «ob.» / pass on for him. \rf jod 1890:135.12 \op Gaýthu mazeý-ü ha, aý-biamaý. Oügaýthigi-oügaýtii ha. Thihoüý akaý theýta \tr There / he sucks the breasts / , / said he, they say. / We have come for you / . / Your mother / the «sub.» / this one behind \rf jod 1890:135.13 \op akeýi ha, aý-biamaý. Ki Te-zhiüýga akaý uthiý'agaý-biamaý. Athiüý agtheý goüýtha- \tr it is she / , / said he, they say. / And / Buffalo-calf / the «sub.» / was unwilling they say. / Having him / to go homeward / they wished \rf jod 1890:135.14 \op bi ki thi'aý-biamaý. Ki duýba agthaý-biamaý. Akiý-bi ki, Nuýdoühoügaý! \tr they say / when / they failed they say. / And / four / went homeward they say. / Reached home they say / when, / O leader! \rf jod 1890:135.15 \op oüthiý'ai, aý-biamaý. He-baýzabaýzhi, eýdi tithaý-doü wa'uýzhiüga wa'uýzhiüga t'eýtha-ga, aý-biamaý. \tr we failed, / said they, they say. / Unsplintered-horns, / there / pass on and / old woman / kill her, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:135.16 \op Ki eýdi ahiý-bi egoüý t'eýtha-biamaý. Goüýki Te-soüý zhiüýga athiüý agthaý-bi ki, \tr And / there / arrived, they say / having / killed her they say. / And / White-buffalo / young / having him / went, they say / when, \rf jod 1890:135.17 \op shi uthiý'agaý-biamaý. Thihoüý theýta thiükeý, oügaýgthe te ha, aý-biamaý. Shoüý \tr again / he was unwilling they say. / Your mother / this one behind / the «ob.» / let us go homeward / , / said he, they say. / Yet \rf jod 1890:135.18 \op Te-zhiüýga uthiý'agaý-biamaý. Ki shi thi'aý akiý-biamaý. Nuýdoühoügaý, oüthiý'ai shi, \tr Buffalo-calf / was unwilling, they say. / And / again / failed / reached home, they say. / Leader, / we have failed / again, \rf jod 1890:135.19 \op aý-biamaý. Goüýki, Duýba eýdi tithaý-ba Te-niüýga thingeýxti gaxaýi-ga, aý-biamaý. \tr said he, they say. / And, / Four / there / pass on and / Female-buffalo / nothing at all / make ye / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:135.20 \op Goüýki eýdi tithaý-bi egoüý Te-miüýga thishpaýshpa thiügeýxti gaxaý-biamaý. Goüýki \tr And / there / passed on they say / having / Female-buffalo / pulling off pieces / nothing at all / made her they say. / And \rf jod 1890:136.1 \op 1 athiüý agthaý-biamaý Te-soüý zhiüýga. Eýgithe ihoüý thiükeýdi athiüý akiý-biamaý Ki \tr having him / went homeward they say / White-buffalo / young. / At length / his mother / by the / having him / reached home, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:136.2 \op athiüý akiý-bi ki ihoüý thiükeý zhuýgigthe gthiüýkithaý-biamaý. Zhuýgigthe gthiüýkithaý- \tr having him / reached home, they say / when / his mother / the «ob.» / he with her / caused him to sit they say. / He with her / caused him to sit \rf jod 1890:136.3 \op bi egoüý eýgaxe gthiüýakaýma, heýgazhi Teý amaý. Ki eýgithe Wahoüýthishige \tr they say / having / around in a circle / they were sitting, they say, / a great many / Buffalo / the «pl. sub.». / And / at length / Orphan \rf jod 1890:136.4 \op amaý eýthoübe ahiý-biamaý Paheý kedi, igaýxthoü thiükeý ugiýne amaýma shetoüý- \tr the «mv. sub.» / in sight / arrived, they say / hill / on the, / his wife / the «ob.» / he was seeking his own / so \rf jod 1890:136.5 \op hnoü. Ki, Thiýegthoüge eýthoübe tiý thoüýzha Te-miüýga eýthikigoüýxti wiüý zhuýtha- \tr far. / And, / Your husband / in sight / has come / though / Female- buffalo / just like you / one / you with \rf jod 1890:136.6 \op giýgthe thagthiüý ge ha. IýthigiPahoü ki, shi zhuýthagiýgthe thagtheý te ha, aý-biamaý \tr your own / you sit / will / . / He knows you, his own / if, / again / you with him, your own / you go homeward / will / , / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:136.7 \op Ki iýthibahoüýzhi ki, t'eýoüthe toüýgatoü, aý-biamaý. Ki eýdi ahiý-biamaý nuýzhiüga \tr And / he does not know you / if, / we kill him / we will, / said he, they say / And / there / arrived, they say / boy \rf jod 1890:136.8 \op amaý. Ki, Te-miüýga eoüýkigoüxti wiüý zhuoüýgthe gthiüýkithai he. Ki, Thigaýxthoü \tr the «sub.». / And, / Female-buffalo / just like me / one / with me / they cause her to sit. / . / And, / Your wife \rf jod 1890:136.9 \op aýwathiükeý a, aiý ki, Gaýthiükeý, esheý te he, aý-biamaý. Niýta aýma te bthiýshkoü \tr which one / ? / they say / when, / That one / you say / will / , / said she, they say. / Ear / the other / the «ob.» / I move \rf jod 1890:136.10 \op taý miüke he, aý-biamaý. Shi shiüýgazhiüýga thiükeý eýgoü gaýxe taý amaý \tr will / I who / , / said she, they say. / Again / child / the «ob.» / so / do / will / they «?» \rf jod 1890:136.11 \op thoüýzha shi niýta aýma te thishkoüý ki shniýze te he, moüthoüý uýtha-biamaý \tr though / again / ear / the other / the «ob.» / he moves / when / you take him / will / , / secretly / she told him they say \rf jod 1890:136.12 \op igaýxthoü akaý. Ki Te-miüýga eýkigoüxti zhuýgigthe gthiüýkithaý-biama. Keý, \tr his wife / the «sub.». / And / Female-buffalo / just like her / with her / they made sit they say. / Come, \rf jod 1890:136.13 \op thigaýxthoü aýwathiükeýiüte gthiýza-ga, aý-biamaý. Ki wadoüýbe nazhiüý-bi ki \tr your wife / which one she may be / take her, your own, / said he, they say. / And / looking / he stood they say / when \rf jod 1890:136.14 \op eýgithe niýta aýma thishkoüý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. Gaýthiükeý, aý-bi egoüý uthoüý- \tr behold / ear / the other / she moved, they say / woman / the «sub.». / That one, / said he, they say / having / he took hold of her \rf jod 1890:136.15 \op biamaý. Ki shiüýgazhiüýga eýgoü gaxaý-bi egoüý shi eýgoü-biamaý Theýe ha \tr they say. / And / child / so / did, they say / having / again / so they say. / This is he / \rf jod 1890:136.16 \op shiüýgazhiüýga wiwiýta, aý-biamaý. Goüýki thizaiý te. Goüýki, Shoüý ha. \tr child / my own, / said he, they say. / And / he took him. / And, / Enough / \rf jod 1890:136.17 \op Zhuýgigthaý-ga, aý-biamaý, Shetoüý. \tr Go with your own, / said he, they say. / So far. \rf jod 1890:136.18 \ti @{Wahoüýthishige} and the buffalo-woman \st Mikasi-nazi's Version \op Hiüý-yu-no+! hiüý-yu-no+! wiý-toü-hoüý ta xoü-yeý sheý-wa-haý-nyi ki+ \tr My elder sister! / my elder sister! / my sister's husband, / deer / big / is bringing it home / «???» \nt Music text. \rf jod 1890:140.1 \op hiüý-yu-no+! Huý-hu-huý! \tr my elder sister! / Hoo! hoo! hoo! \nt Music text. \rf jod 1890:140.2 \op Wazhiüýga wathaýte iýi-ga. Uý'e theýke shnaýhniü taiý ha. \tr Bird / to eat / be ye coming. / Field / this one / you devour / shall / \rf jod 1890:140.2 \op Oüwoüýxpani chaýbe ha. Wazhiüýga-maýshe bthuýga iýi-ga. Waniýta daýdoü-masheý \tr Me poor / very / . / Bird / ye who / all / be ye coming. / Animal / what ye who \rf jod 1890:140.3 \op shti eýgaxe iýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Mazhoüý aýhe btheý taý miüke, aý-biamaý. *** Theýamaý \tr too / around it in a circle / be ye coming, / said, they say. / Land / to pass over the surface / I go / will / I who, / said he, they say. / These ones \rf jod 1890:140.4 \op wachiýgaxe zhuýthigth 'iýthai, aý-biamaý (wa'uý akaý). *** Teý \tr to dance / they with you / they speak of it, / said, they say / (woman / the). / Buffalo / the «sub.» / sitting, they say / when \rf jod 1890:140.5 \op moüýshi athaý-biamaý, gioüý athaý-biamaý. Moüýx(keýta atheý taiteý, aý-biamaý Teý- \tr above / went they say, / flying / they went, they say. / Upper world / to the / go / shall / said, they say / Buffalo- \rf jod 1890:141.1 \op wa'uý akaý Teý-wa'uý akaý nisuýda bihuýtoü: T-t-t-t-t-t, aý-biamaý. Niý-toügaýxti \tr woman / the «sub.». / Buffalo-woman / the «sub.» / horn / blew: / T-t-t-t-t-t, / said, they say. / Water very big \rf jod 1890:141.2 \op beýdi a-iýgthiü-biamaý, koüýhaxti ke pteý amaý. Eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Eýgithe tiý wiüý \tr at the / they were coming and sitting, they say, / shore / the «ob.» / Buffalo / the «sub.». / There / he arrived, they say. / It happened / lodge / one \rf jod 1890:141.3 \op goüý-te amaý. *** Hiýdadi ahiý taý amaý. Masaýni aýgiaýgthe taý aýma (aý-biamaý \tr it had stood for a while, they say. / At the bottom / they arrive / will / To the other side / they pass by here / will / (said, they say \rf jod 1890:141.4 \op Teý-wa'uý akaý). *** Uýshkoü ke-hnoüý goüý-ke amaý. Sigtheý shtewoüý weýthazhiý- \tr Buffalo-woman / the). / Deed / the regularly / «see note». / Trail / in the least / not discovered \rf jod 1890:141.5 \op biamaý. A-iýgthiüý-biamaýma *** Hau! shutiý, aý-biamaý. Thigaýxthoü \tr they say. / They had been coming and sitting, they say. / Why! / he has come directly hither / said they, they say. / Your wife \rf jod 1890:141.6 \op ugthiýxida-ga, aý-biamaý. *** Eýdi a-iý-biamaý nuýzhiüga toüýdi. *** Oüthoüý- \tr seed for your own, / said they, they say. / There / she was coming, they say / boy / to the. / You \rf jod 1890:141.7 \op shpahoü uthiýshixti-zhoüý ki (nitaý aýma te bthishkoüýgthe taý miüke he, aý-biamaý \tr know me / you unable / when / (ear / the / other / I move suddenly / will / I who / , / said, they say \rf jod 1890:141.8 \op Teý-wa'uýakaý). Nitaý amaý te thishkoüýgtha-biamaý. *** Zhaýwaheýgthe-hnoüý- \tr Buffalo-woman / the). / Ear / the / other / she moved suddenly, they say. / He stabbed them suddenly regularly \rf jod 1890:141.9 \op biamaý Teý-ma *** Thakiýshpathiüýgextioüýi. Shoüýgaxa-ga, aý-biamaý. Teý-ma \tr they say / the Buffaloes. / You push yourselves altogether to nothing / Stop it, / said he, they say. / The Buffaloes \rf jod 1890:141.10 \ti @{Wahoüýthishige} and the buffalo-woman \st @{Pathiü-noüpazhi}'s Version \op gashiýzhe gthiüý ithoüýthoü-biamaý. Kigthiýbthaze t'eýkithewaýthe moüthiüý-biamaý. *** \tr falling on the knees / sat / suddenly and repeatedly, they say. / Tearing themselves open / he made them kill themselves / he walked they say. \rf jod 1890:141.11 \op *** Oüýba weýduba zhoü zhoü teýdi gaý-biamaý wa'uý akaý: Agtheý taý miüke \tr Day / the fourth / sleep / when / said as follows, they say, / woman / the «sub.»: / I go home / will / I who \rf jod 1890:142.1 \op thoüýzha sigtheý ke oüthoüýwoüthaheý moühniüý te he, aý-biamaý. Niý ke masaýni \tr though / trail / the «ob.» / you follow ne / you walk / will / , / said she, they say. / Water / the «ob.» / on the other side \rf jod 1890:142.2 \op akiý ki shiý te he. Geýshe te he: Hau! wiýgaxthoüý, theýthu esheýxti thoü shubtheý \tr I reach home / when / you come / will / . / You say as follows / will / : / Ho! / my wife / here / just as you said / I go to you \rf jod 1890:142.3 \op taý aýtoüheý aýtha, esheý-doü ishtaý hniýp'iüze-doü niý ke aýthagazhaýde te he, aý-biamaý \tr will / I who stand / indeed, / you say when / eye / you close when / water / the «ob.» / you stride over / will / , / said, they say \rf jod 1890:142.4 \op wa'uý akaý. Shi eýduaýtoü wiüý moüaý watiýshka uxthuýxaxti itheýthexti thiýgiaxe taiteý. \tr woman / the «sub.». / Again / the next / one / bank / creek / very deep hollow / going down, down / they make for you / will surely. \rf jod 1890:142.5 \op Eýdi shiý ki, Hau(8 wiýgaxthoüý, esheýxti thoü shubtheý taý aýtoüheý aýtha, esheý-doü ishtaý \tr There / you arrive / when, / Ho! / my wife, / just as you said / I go to you / will / I who stand / indeed, / you say when / eye \rf jod 1890:143.1 \op hniýp'iüze-doü uxthuýxa ke aýthagazhaýde te eýthe, aý-biamaý. Shiý eýduaýtoü waxaýga \tr you shut when / deep hollow / the «ob.» / you stride over / will / indeed, / she said, they say. / Again / the next / thorns \rf jod 1890:143.2 \op pa-iý ge mazhoüý bthuýgaxti aýhe thiýgiaýxe taiteý. Eýdi shiý ki, Hau! wiýgaxthoüý, \tr sharp / the scattered / land / over all / on the surface / they make for you / will surely. / There / you arrive / when, / Ho! / my wife, \rf jod 1890:143.3 \op theýthu esheýxti thoü shubtheý taý aýtoüheý aýtha, esheý-doü ishtaý hniýp'iüze-doü waxaýga \tr here / just as you / said / I go to you / will / I who stand / indeed, / you say when / eye / you shut when / thorns \rf jod 1890:143.4 \op pa-iý ge aýthagazhaýde te eýthe, aý-biamaý. Shi eýduaýtoü moüýxe thoütaý uzhoüýge gaýxe \tr sharp / the «ob.» / you stride over / will / indeed, / she said, they say. / Again / the next / sky / to the / road / made \rf jod 1890:143.5 \op goü atheý taiteý. Eýdi diý ki, Hau! wiýgaxthoüý, theýthu esheýxti thoü shubtheý taý \tr so / they go / will surely. / There / you arrive / when, / Ho! / my wife, / here / just as you / said / I go to you / will \rf jod 1890:143.6 \op aýtoüheý aýtha, esheý-doü ishtaý hniýp'iüze-doü moüýxe thoü aýthagazhaýde te eýthe, \tr I who stand / indeed, / you say when / eye / you shut when / sky / the «ob.» / you stride over / will / indeed, \rf jod 1890:143.7 \op aý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. Wa'uý akaý oüýtha agthaý-biamaý. Teý-ma gazoüý akiý- \tr said they say / woman / the «sub.». / Woman / the «sub.» / left him / went homeward, they say. / The Buffaloes / among them / after \rf jod 1890:143.8 \op moüthiüý-biamaý. Niý ke masaýni Teý amaý akiý amaýma. Eýthoübe ahiý-biamaý \tr reaching home, she walked, they say. / Water / the «ob.» / on the other side / Buffalo / the «pl. sub.» / they were reaching home, they say. / In sight / arrived, they say \rf jod 1890:143.9 \op Wahoüýthishige akaý shi. Huhu'aý! sheý atiý ha, Wahoüýthishige, aý-biamaý. Igaýxthoü \tr Orphan / the «sub.» / again. / Really! / that one / has come / , / Orphan / said they, they say. / His wife \rf jod 1890:143.10 \op shiüýgazhiüga edaýbe wiýugihe moüthiüý-biamaý. Shi uýshkoü wiüý shi uiýnai-ga, \tr child / also / seeking them / he walked they say. / Again / deed / one / again / seek ye for him \rf jod 1890:143.11 \op aý-biamaý. Shi edi ahiý-bi ki eýgazezezhoüýwakithaý-biamaý Te-miüýga duýba. Eýdi \tr said they, they say. / Again / there / he arrived, they say / when / in a row / they made them lie they say / Female-buffalo / four. / There \rf jod 1890:143.12 \op ahiý-bi egoüý, Hau! thigaýxthoü aýwake, aý-biamaý. Nitaý ishnuýga thoü thishkoüýgtha- \tr arrived, they say / having, / Ho! / your wife / where lying? / said they, they say. / Ear / right / the «ob.» / she moved suddenly \rf jod 1890:143.13 \op biamaý. Wigaýxthoü gaýakeý aý-biamaý Wahoüýthishige akaý. Huhu'aý! shi uýshkoü \tr they say. / My wife / that one lying is she / said he, they say / Orphan / the «sub.». / Really! / again / deed \rf jod 1890:143.14 \op wiüý shi uiýnai-ga, aý-biamaý. Egithe hoüýegoüýche ki iýkitha-bi egoüý, Wahoüýthishige \tr one / again / seek ye for him, / said they, they say. / At length / morning / when / awoke they say / having, / Orphan \rf jod 1890:143.15 \op akaý enaýxchi xaýdadi zhoüý-biamaý. Wa'uý amaý Teý-ma zhuýwagiýgthe aýiaýtha- \tr the «sub.» / he only / on the grass / lay they say. / Woman / the «mv. sub.» / the Buffaloes / she with them / had gone, \rf jod 1890:143.16 \op biteýama. Eýgithe Teý amaý moüaý witiýshka uxthuýxaxti itheýthexti wiüý masaýni \tr they say. / At length / Buffalo / the «pl. sub.» / cliff / creek / very deep hollow / going down, down / one / on the ohter side \rf jod 1890:143.17 \op athaý-biamaý. Ki Wahoüýthishige amaý edi ahiý-biamaý. Gaý-biamaý: Hau! \tr went, they say. / And / Orphan / the «mv. sub.» / there / arrived they say. / He said as follows, they say: / Ho! \rf jod 1890:143.18 \op wiýgaxthoüý, theýthu esheýxti thoü shubtheý taý aýtoüheý aýtha, aý-bi egoüý, ishtaý thip'iüýze-doü \tr my wife, / here / just as you said / I go to you / will / I who stand, / indeed, / said he, they say / having, / eye / he shut when \rf jod 1890:143.19 \op uxthuýxa ke aýgazhade aýiaýth-biamaý. Huhu'aý! sheý atiý ha, \tr deep hollow / the «ob.» / striding over / he had gone, they say. / Really! / that / has come / / Orphan \rf jod 1890:143.20 \op aý-biamaý. Shi uýshkoü wiüý shi zhiýnai-ga, aý-biamaý. \tr said they, they say. / Again / deed / one / again / hunt ye for him, / said they, they say. \rf jod 1890:143.21 \op Eýgithe eýgasani ki hoüýegoüche ki iýkithaý-bi egoüý, enaýxchi xaýdadi zhoüý- \tr At length / the day after / when / morning / when / he awoke, they say / having, / he only / on the grass / lay \rf jod 1890:144.1 \op biamaý Wahoüýthishige akaý. Wa'uý amaý Teý-ma zhuýwagiýgthe aýiaýtha-biteýama. \tr they say / Orphan / the «sub.». / Woman / the «mv. sub.» / the Buffaloes, / she with them / had gone, they say. \rf jod 1890:144.2 \op Eýgithe waxaýga pa-iý ge mazhoüý bthuýgaxti aýhe giaýxa-biamaý. Eýdi ahiý- \tr At length / thorns / sharp / the «pl. ob.» / land / all over / on the surface / they made for him, they say. / There / arrived \rf jod 1890:144.3 \op biamaý Wahoüýthishige amaý. Gaý-biamaý: Hau! wiýgaxthoüý, theýthu esheýxti thoü \tr they say / Orphan / the «sub.». / He said as follows, they say: / Ho! / my wife, / here / just as you said \rf jod 1890:144.4 \op shubtheý taý aýtoüheý aýtha, aý-bi egoüý, ishtaý thiz'iüýz(-doü aýgazhade aýiaýtha-biamaý. \tr I go to you / will / I who stand / indeed, / said he, they say / having, / eye / he closed when / made a stride / he had gone, they say. \rf jod 1890:144.5 \op Huhu'aý! sheý atiý ha, Wahoüýthishige, aý-biamaý. Shi uýshkoü wiüý shi uiýnai-ga, \tr Really! / that one / has come / , / Orphan, / said they, they say. / Again / deed / one / seek ye for him, \rf jod 1890:144.6 \op aý-biamaý. Eýgithe eýgasani hoüýegoüche ki iýkithaý-bi egoüý, enaýxchi xaýdadi \tr they said, they say. / At length / the next day / morning / when / he awoke, they say / having, / he only / on the grass \rf jod 1890:144.7 \op zhoüý-biamaý Wahoüýthishige akaý. Wa'uý amaý Teý-ma zhuagiýgthe athaý-biteýama. \tr lay they say / Orphan / the «sub.». / Woman / the «mv. sub.» / the Buffaloes / she with them / went they say. \rf jod 1890:144.8 \op Moüýxe thoütaý uzhoüýge gaýxe goüý athaý-biteýama Pahaýshiata ahiý-bi egoüý, \tr Sky / to the / road / made / so / they went, they say. / On high / arrived, they say / having, \rf jod 1890:144.9 \op huýtoü-hnoüý-biamaý Teý amaý Wahoüýthishige amaý uzhoüýge uiýthoübe athaý-bi \tr bellowing repeatedly they say / Buffaloes / the «pl. sub.». / Orphan / the «mv. sub.» / road / up hill / went, they say \rf jod 1890:144.10 \op egoüý, eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Gaý-biamaý: Hau! wiýgaxthoüý, theýthu esheýxti thoüý shubtheý \tr having, / there / arrived, they say. / He said as follows, they say: / Ho! / my wife, / here / just as you said / I go to you \rf jod 1890:144.11 \op taý aýtoüheý aýtha, aý-bi egoüý ishtaý thip'iüýze-doü aýgazhade athaý-biamaý. Maxpiý \tr will / I who stand / indeed, / said he, they say / having / eye / he shut when / made a stride / went they say. / Cloud \rf jod 1890:144.12 \op ke aýtataýxti athaý-biamaý. Ki masaýni ahiý-biamaý. Huhu'aý! shi sheý atiý ha, \tr the «ob.» / very far beyond / he went, they say. / And / on the ohter side / he arrived, they say. / Really! / again / that one / has come / , \rf jod 1890:144.13 \op aý-biamaý. Shoüýshkaýxe tai aýtha, hniý'a baýshe, aý-biamaý. Xaýtha thagtheý tai \tr said they, they say. / Enough ye do / will / indeed, / ye fail / must, / said they, they say. / Back again / you go hime / will \rf jod 1890:144.14 \op aýtha, aý-biamaý. Eýgoü Pamuý agiý-biamaý. Hiýdadi agthiý-biamaý. Hau! u'eýtha \tr indeed, / said they, they say. / So / down hill / they were coming home, they say. / At the bottom / they reached home, they say. / Ho! / scattering \rf jod 1890:144.15 \op hneý tai aýtha, a-biamaý. Gaý-biamaý Wahoüýthishige akaý: Ke, oügaýgthe taiý \tr you go / will / indeed, / said they, they say. / Said as follows, they say / Orphan / the «sub.»: / Come, / let us go homeward. \rf jod 1890:144.16 \op Thishiýkoü agiýtoübe te aýtha, aý-biamaý. Agthaý-bi egoüý eýgithe ti koüýha ke \tr Your husband's siste / I see mine / will / indeed, / said he, they say. / Went homeward, they say / having / at length / lodge / border / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:144.17 \op eýdi shiü gazhiüýga wa'uý thiükeý edaýbe ithoüýwathaý-biamaý. Eýgithe itoüýge \tr there / child / woman / the «ob.» / also / he placed them, they say. / And behold, / his sister \rf jod 1890:144.18 \op thiükeý waxpaýnixtioü thiükeý amaý, noüpeýhiüxti-t'eý eteýgoü thoükaý amaý. \tr the «ob.» / very poor / the «one st.» / they say, / very hungry to die / apt / the ones / they say. \rf jod 1890:144.19 \op Toügeýha, witaýhoü meýgoü, agthiý, aý-biamaý. Uthaýde thiügeýgoü nuýzhiüga \tr O sister, / my sister's husband / likewise, / I have come home, / said he, they say. / Cause for complaint / none, as / boy \rf jod 1890:144.20 \op oüguýkizhi moüýtanahaý itheý-goü oüthoüýgitha-baýzhi eýgoü uwaýgthaxtioüý oüýgatoüý \tr we are related to him / to a lone place / he had gone as / we could not find him / as / we are suffering very much. \rf jod 1890:145.1 \op Wathaýhide eýzhidoü ehoü+, aý-biamaý. Na! toügeýha, wiýebthiü ha, aý-biamaý \tr To ridicule us / it is unnecessary / ! / said she, they say. / Indeed! / O sister, / I am he / , / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:145.2 \op Eýgithe itoüýge akaý ishtaý thoü giPiýgugudaý-bi egoüý gitoüýbe goüý theýtha- \tr At length / his sister / the «sub.» / eye / the «ob.» / rubbed holes in repeatedly, they say / having / to see her own / so / sent it «vision» \rf jod 1890:145.3 \op biamaý. IýgiPahoüý-biamaý. Heý! wiýsoüthoü+! iüýgthi he, aý-biamaý. Thitaýhoü \tr they say. / She knew her own, they say. / Heigho! / my dear younger brother! / has come back to me / , / said she, they say. / Your wife's brother \rf jod 1890:145.4 \op gthiý he, aý-biamaý, nuý thiükeý thispoüý-bi egoüý. Toügeýha, thishiýkoü gaýtedi \tr has returned / , / said she, they say, / man / the «st. ob.» / pulled at, they say / having. / O sister, / your brother's wife / in that place \rf jod 1890:145.5 \op gthiüý. Thituýshka eýdi athiüý gthiüý. Eýdi agiýmoüthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý Wahoüýthishige \tr sits. / Your brother's child / there / having him / she sits. / There / walk for her, / said, they say / Orphan \rf jod 1890:145.6 \op akaý. Athiüý akiý-biamaý. Athiüý akiý-bi egoüý, waniýta bthuýgaxti shi xaýtha \tr the «sub.». / Having her / reached home, they say. / Having her / reached home, they say / having, / animals / every one / again / back again \rf jod 1890:145.7 \op agiý-biamaý. Shi itaýhoü akaý shi iýxtaxti t'eýwathaý-biamaý. Eýgithe itoüýge akaý \tr were coming, they say. / Again / his sister's husband / the «sub.» / again / at pleasure / killed them, they say. / At length / his sister / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:145.8 \op iüýtoü ushkuýdoü-biamaý Shetoüý. \tr now / kind they say. / So far. \rf jod 1890:145.9 \ti The man who had a corn-woman and a buffalo-woman as wives. \op Eýgithe toüýwoügthoü wiüý edediý-amaýma. Maýthe theýgoü-doüý amaý wahoüý- \tr It happened / tribe / one / there it was, they say. / Winter / as this is when / they say / they removed \rf jod 1890:147.1 \op biamaý. Wathaýhoü te, aiý atha+, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe nuý wiüý wa'uý thiügaý-biamaý, \tr they say. / You are to remove, he says / indeed, / said, they say. / It happened / man / one / woman / had none they say, \rf jod 1890:147.2 \op itoüýge akaý duýba-biamaý. Goüý wahoüý-biamaý ki, Oüoüýthai-ga, aý-biamaý nuý \tr his sister / the «sub.» / four they say. / And / removed they say / when, / Leave ye me, / said, they say / man \rf jod 1890:147.3 \op akaý. Goüý oüýtha-biamaý. Nu' akeý sheýnuzhiüga wakeýga keýthoü keýthoü itoüýge amaý \tr the «sub.». / And / they left him they say. / Man / the one who / young man / sick / he who was / his sister / the «pl. sub.» \rf jod 1890:147.4 \op gioüýtha atiýi ha, eý-hnoü-biýamaý toüýwoügthoü bthuýga. Shi wahoüý-biamaý theý tiý \tr left him / they have come / , / said invariably they say / tribe / the whole. / Again / removed they say / this / lodge \rf jod 1890:147.5 \op amaý bthuýga. Ki theý itoüýge haýshi zhiügaý akaý xthabeý toüýga keýdi iýkinaxthaý- \tr the «sub.» / all. / And / this / his sister / after / small / the «sub.» / tree / big / by the / hid herself \rf jod 1890:147.6 \op biamaý. Goüý agthaý-biamaý. Xaýtha uzhoüýge ugiýha-biamaý. Eýgithe tiý te \tr they say. / And / she went back, they say. / Back again / road / she followed again, they say. / At length / lodge / the \rf jod 1890:147.7 \op eýthoübe akiý-biamaý. Ki xageý agthaý-biamaý itoüýge. Goüý itiýnu akaý shetoüý \tr in sight of / she reached home, they say. / And / crying / went homeward, they say / his sister. / And / her elder brother / the «sub.» / so far \rf jod 1890:147.8 \op niýtazhoüý akaýma. Eaýtoü shkiý a, wiheý, aý-biamaý. Goüý, Tinuhaý, shat'eý ki \tr alive / was lying, they say. / Why / have you come back / ? / O younger sister, / said he, they say. / And, / O elder brother, / you die / when \rf jod 1890:147.9 \op iýwiPahoü teýgoü Piý, aý-biamaý. Goüý zhuýgigthe nazhiüý-biamaý. Eýgithe gaý-biamaý: \tr I know you / in order that / I have come back / said she, they say. / And / with her own / she stood, they say. / At length / he said as follows, they say: \rf jod 1890:147.10 \op Wiheý, nazhiýha iüthiüýgahaý-ga, aý-biamaý. Goüý nazhiýha itoüýge akaý giaýha-biamaý. \tr O younger sister, / hair / for me comb, / said he, they say. / And / hair / his sister / the «sub.» / combed for him they say. \rf jod 1890:147.11 \op Waiiüý thoü iüthiüýthizaý-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Goüý iýgithizaý-biamaý. Sheýthu wa'iüý teýdi \tr Robe / the «ob.» / take mine for me / , / said he, they say. / And / she took his for him they say. / Yonder / pack / in the \rf jod 1890:147.12 \op hiüxpeý uaýgi'oühe ha; eý shti iüthiüýthizaý-ga ha, wiheý, aý-biama. Goüý iýgithizaý- \tr find feather / I put mine in / ; / that / too / take mine for me / , / O younger sister / said he, they say. / And / she took his for him \rf jod 1890:147.13 \op giamaý. Goüý hiübeý thoü shtiý, utoüý thoü shtiý, aý-biamaý. Zaniý iýgithizaý-biamaý. Goüý \tr they say. / And / moccasin / the «ob.» / too, / leggings / the «ob.» / too, / said he, they say. / All / she took his for him they say. / And \rf jod 1890:148.1 \op ugiýtoü-biamaý bthuýga, hiübeý thoü, utoüý ge edaýbe, hiüxpeý ke shti aýgiPaxoüý- \tr he put on his, they say / all, / moccasins / the «ob.», / leggings / the «ob.» / also, / fine feather / the «ob.» / too / he stuck his own on \rf jod 1890:148.2 \op biamaý aýsku thoüýdi. Goüý waiiüý thoü waiýiüshiýthe iüý-biamaý; kigthiýpi-xtiý-biamaý. \tr they say / scalp-lock / at the. / And / robe / the «ob.» / with hair outside / he wore, they say; / he wore it very well they say. \rf jod 1890:148.3 \op Ki'oüý-biamaý. Gaý-biamaý: Wiheý, ukiýe thithiüýgegoü ishiýkoü uwiýne btheý taý \tr He painted his face, they say. / He said as follows, they say: / O younger sister / to talk with / as you have none / your brother's wife / I seek for you / I go / will \rf jod 1890:148.4 \op miüke, aý-biamaý. Goüý duýba zhoüý-biamaý. Tizheýbe etaý te unaýzhiü eýgoü shoüshoüý- \tr I who, / said he, they say. / And / four / sleeps they say. / Door / his / the «ob.» / he stood in / as / always \rf jod 1890:148.5 \op bi-te weýahide athaý-bazhiý-biamaý. Goüý eýgasaýni ki Paýze hiý amaý. Ki theýaka \tr they say, / far / he went not they say. / And / the next day / when / evening / arrived, / they say. / And / this one \rf jod 1890:148.6 \op itiýnu akaý goüý zhoüý-biamaý. Eýgithe gaý-biamaý itoüýge akaý, aýshi athaý-bi egoüý: \tr her elder brother / the «sub.» / as he was / lay down, they say. / At length / said as follows, they say / his sister / the «sub.», / out / went, they say / having: \rf jod 1890:148.7 \op Tinuhaý, wa'uý wiüý atiý akaý he, aý-biamaý. Thishiýkoü athiüý giý-ga, aý-biamaý \tr O elder brother, / woman / one / has come / , / said she, they say. / Your brother's wife / come with her, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:148.8 \op Shikoüý, tiýata iý-a he, aý-biamaý. Hoüý amaý. Shi Paýze hiý amaý. \tr O brother's wife, / to the lodge / come / , / said she, they say. / Night / they say. / And / day / they say. / Again / evening / arrived they say. \rf jod 1890:148.9 \op UgaýhanaPaze uhoüýge teýdi itoüýge akaý aýshi athaý-biamaý. Ki shi wiüý atiý akaýma. \tr Darkness / «first» end / when / his sister / the «sub.» / out / went they say. / And / again / one / had come, they say \rf jod 1890:148.10 \op Tinuhaý, theýaka wa'uý wiüý atiý akaý he, aý-biamaý. Thishiýkoü athiüý giý-ga, aý-biamaý \tr O elder brother, / this one / woman / one / has come / , / said she, they say. / Your brother's wife / come / with her, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:148.11 \op itiýnu akaý. Goüý noüýba wagthoüý-biamaý. Goüý akiýwa wateýzugthoüý-biamaý. \tr her brother / the «sub.». / And / two / he married them they say. / And / both / pregnant they say. \rf jod 1890:148.12 \op Goüý akiýwa shiüýgazhiüýga iýdawathaý-biamaý, akiýwa nuýzhiügaý-biamaý. Goüý \tr And / both / child / bore them they say, / both / boy they say. / And \rf jod 1890:148.13 \op uýzhawaxti goüý zhuýwagigthe gthiüý-biamaý. Ki shiüýgazhiüýga akiýwa iýe wakoüýdagi- \tr very pleasantly / so / with them / he sat they say. / And / child / both / to speak / forward \rf jod 1890:148.14 \op hnoüý-biamaý. Goüý, Thisoüýga eýthoüba kikiýna-bazhiýi-ga, aý-biamaý ithaýdi akaý. \tr only they say. / And, / Your younger brother / he too / fight ye not, / said, they say / his father / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:148.15 \op Goüý eýgoü-biamaý. Tiýgaxe zhuýkigthe-hnoüý-biamaý. Eýgithe kikiýna-biamaý \tr And / so they say. / Playing / with each other invariably they say. / At length / fought they say \rf jod 1890:148.16 \op nuýzhiüga noüýba akiýwa. Akiýwa kigthoüý-hnoü-biamaý. Thiý thihoüý Teý-wa'uý thiüý, \tr boy / two / both. / Both / reviled each other only they say. / You / your mother / Buffalo-woman / she is, \rf jod 1890:148.17 \op aý-biamaý. Shi aýma akaý, Thiý shti thihoüý Watoüýzi-wa'uý thiüý, aý-biamaý. Goüý \tr said «one», they say. / Again / the other / the «sub.», / You / too / your mother / Corn-woman / she is, / said he, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:148.18 \op akiý-biamaý ki Te-zhiüýga akaý ihoüý thiü ugthaý-biamaý. Goüýki shi aýma akaý shi \tr they reached home, they say / when / Buffalo-calf / the «sub.» / his mother / the «ob.» / told of himself they say. / And / again / the other / the «sub.» / again \rf jod 1890:148.19 \op ugthaý-biama. Noühaý, wizhiüýthe akaý, Watoüýzi-wa'uý hniü, aiý, anaý'oü, aý-biamaý. \tr told about himself, they say. / O mother, / my elder brother / the «sub.» / Corn-woman / you are, / he said. / I heard him. / said «one» they say. \rf jod 1890:148.20 \op Ki aýma akaý, gaý-biamaý: Kageý akaý, noühaý, Teý-wa'uý hniü, aiý, anaý'oü, \tr And / the other / the «sub.», / said as follows, they say: / My younger brother / the «sub.», / O mother, / Buffalo-woman / you are, / he said / I heard him \rf jod 1890:149.1 \op aý-biamaý. Goüý hoüý te akiýwa wazhiüýshta-biamaý wa'uý akaý, nuý thiükeý ukiýa-bazhiý- \tr said «the other», they say. / And / night / when / both / in a bad humor, they say / woman / the «sub.», / man / the «ob.» / they did not talk with \rf jod 1890:149.2 \op biamaý. Shoüý theý Teý-wa'u thiükeý zhoüý'oühaý-biamaý. \tr they say. / Yet / this / Buffalo-woman / the one who / &cum &ea &coiit they say. \rf jod 1890:149.3 \op Goüý oüýba amaý. Eýgithe nuý akaý enaýxchi zhoüý akaýma; wa'uý amaý akiýwa \tr And / day / they say. / Behold / man / the «sub.» / alone / was lying, they say; / woman / the «pl. sub.» / both \rf jod 1890:149.4 \op aýkiaýgtha-biteýama. Goüý gthiüý-biamaý. Eýgithe gaý-biamaý: Wiheý, aý-biamaý, thituýshka \tr had gone again, they say. / For some time / he sat they say. / At length / he said as follows, they say: / O sister / said he, they say, / your brother's son \rf jod 1890:149.5 \op uaýgine btheý taý miüke, aý-biamaý. Goüý oüýba teýdi athaý-biamaý. Shoüý goüý toüýde \tr I seek my own / I go / will / I who / said he, they say. / And / day / when / he went, they say. / Right / along «?» / ground \rf jod 1890:149.6 \op aýthita moüthiüý-biamaý. Eýgishe Pazexchi hiý ki agthaý-bikeýama, sigtheý weýtha- \tr crossing / he walked, they say. / At length / late evening / arrived / when / had gone homeward, they say / trail / he found \rf jod 1890:149.7 \op biamaý. Goüý sigtheý ke wiýuha-biamaý. Khoüý amaý shti goüý goüý Teýi te, goüýki shi \tr they say. / And / trail / the «ob.» / he followed them, they say. / His mother / the «mv. sub.» / too / was a Buffalo / and / again \rf jod 1890:149.8 \op izhiüýge amaý shti Te-zhiüýga-biteýama, noüýgexchi agthaý-bikeýama ihoüý eýthoüba. \tr her son / the «mv. sub.» / too / was a Buffalo-calf, they say / running fast / had gone homeward, they say / his mother / she too. \rf jod 1890:149.9 \op Eýgithe wachiýshka wiüý shuýgaxti nazhiüý te amaý ki, tiý wiüý wiüý wathiýshna ameýde, Theýte eý \tr At length / creek / one / very thick / stood / they say / when, / tent / one / plain / they say, when, / This / it \rf jod 1890:149.10 \op te-aýna, etheýgoü-biamaý nuý akaý. Goüý eýdi a-iýgthiü-biamaý, eýthoüba-bazhiý-biamaý. \tr must be! / thought they say / man / the «sub.». / And / there / approaching he sat, they say / not in sight they say. \rf jod 1890:149.11 \op Eýgithe izhiüýge eýthoübe ahiý-biamaý. Te-zhiüýga akeý (aý-biamaý). Iüdaýdi akaý \tr At length / his son / in sight / arrived, they say. / Buffalo-calf / the «sub.» / it is / (said he, they say). / My father / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:149.12 \op atiý akaý ha, aý-biamaý (Te-zhiüga akaý. Ithaýdi that'oüý edeýshte oüýbatheýxti moüthiüý \tr has come / , / said, they say / (Buffalo-calf / the). / His father / you had / even if / this very day / walking \rf jod 1890:149.13 \op thaxaýge moühniüý, aý-biamaý. Ediýda! waýgimoüthiüý-a he, aý-biamaý Teý-wa'uý \tr you cried / you walked / said she, they say. / Simpleton! / go after him / , / said, they say / Buffalo-woman \rf jod 1890:149.14 \op akaý. Goüý eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Ki zhoüý-uxpeý zhiügaýxchi 'iý-biamaý, theýde aýthibthaý- \tr the «sub.». / And / there / he arrived, they say. / And / wooden bowl / very small / she gave, they say / bottom / spread on \rf jod 1890:149.15 \op biamaý. Niý bthaýtoü-maýzhi eýgoü oüthoüýbize thoüýshti, dzhuýb iýnahiü ha, etheýgoü \tr they say. / Water / I drink I not / but / I was thirsty / heretofore / a little / truly / , / thinking \rf jod 1890:149.16 \op gthiüý-biamaý nuý akaý. Thatoüý-biamaý; tha'aý-biamaý niý ke. Dzhuýbaxchi \tr sat they say / man / the «sub.». / He drank they say; / he left «some» / water / the. / A very little \rf jod 1890:149.17 \op oüthoüýwoüheýbe thoüýshti, eýgithe niý te bthaý'aý aýhoü, etheýgoü-biamaý. Uxpeý te shi \tr insufficient for me / heretofore, / at length / water / the / I fail to drink / ! / thought he, they say. / Bowl / the / again \rf jod 1890:149.18 \op 'uý-biamaý. Ki taý heýbe theýthoüska 'iý-biamaý. Noüpoüýhiü thoüýshti, toügeýgoü \tr she gave, they say. / And / jerked meat / piece / this size / she gave, they say. / I hungry / heretofore / somewhat large \rf jod 1890:149.19 \op oü'iý eteýde, etheýgoü-biamaý. Shi tha'aý-biamaý. Ki heýbe uthaýshte giý'i-biamaý. \tr she should have given me / he thought, they say. / Again / he failed in eating, they say. / And / piece / left from eating / he gave it back, they say. \rf jod 1890:149.20 \op Wathaýte zhiüýga iýnahiü, aý-biamaý wa'uý akaý Goüý taý thoü wa'uý akaý noübaýthoü \tr Food / small / truly / said, they say / woman / the «sub.». / And / jerked meat / the «ob.» / woman / the «sub.» / in two parts \rf jod 1890:150.1 \op gaxaý-bi egoüý gthaýsniü -theýtha-biamaý. Goüý hoüý eýgoü goü zhoüý-biamaý woüýgithe. \tr made, they say / having / swallowed her own / suddenly, they say. / And / night / so / as they were / slept, they say / all. \rf jod 1890:150.2 \op Umiüýzhe uýdoüxti gaxaý-bi egoüý zhoüý-biamaý. Oüýba egoüý zhoüý kiýPatoü-bi egoüý \tr Bed / very good / made, they say / having / they slept, they say. / Day / being / lying / turned himself, they say / having \rf jod 1890:150.3 \op uthiýxidaý-biamaý. Eýgithe tiý thiügeý zhoüý akaýma, utoüýnadixti. Goüý wiýuhaý-biamaý \tr he looked around, they say. / Behold / tent / he was without one / he was lying, they say / in a very lone place. / And / he followed them, they say \rf jod 1890:150.4 \op sigtheý athaiý te EPaýzexchi hiý ki eýgithe uýxtha-biamaý shi. Shi wachiýshka wiüý \tr trail / went. / Late that evening / arrived / when / at length / he overtook them, they say / again. / Again / creek / one \rf jod 1890:150.5 \op edediý-keý ama; shi tiý wiüý edediý-teý ama. Goüý shi eýdi a-iýgthiü-biamaý tiý koüýha \tr there it was, they say; / again / tent / one / it was there, they say. / And / again / there / approaching he sat, they say / tent / border \rf jod 1890:150.6 \op keýdi. Eý nuýzhiüga akaý shi eýthoübe ahiý-biamaý. Na! iüdaýdi akaý atiý akaý ha, \tr at the. / That one / boy / the «sub.» / again / in sight / arrived, they say. / Why! / my father / the «sub.» / has come / , \rf jod 1890:150.7 \op aý-biamaý Ithaýdi shat'oüý edeýshte oüýbatheýxti moüthiüý thaxaýge moühniüý, aý-biamaý \tr said he, they say. / His father / you had / even if / this very day / walking / you cried / you walked, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:150.8 \op Teý-wa'uý akaý. Weýboü theýtha-a he, aý-biamaý. Dadiýha, iý-ga hau, aý-biamaý \tr Buffalo-woman / the «sub.» / To call them / send «the voice» / , / said she, they say. / O father / be coming / ! / said, they say \rf jod 1890:150.9 \op nuýzhiüga akaý. Goüý eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Ki zhoüý-uxpeý zhiügaýxchi 'iý-biamaý, theýde \tr boy / the «sub.». / And / there / he arrived, they say. / And / wooden bowl / very small / she gave, they say / bottom \rf jod 1890:150.10 \op aýthibthaý-biamaý. Ki nuý akaý uýshkoü te iýbahoü-bi egoüý, thaxuýba-bazhiý-biamaý \tr spread on they say. / And / man / the «sub.» / deed / the «ob.» / knew, they say / because, / did not wonder they say. \rf jod 1890:150.11 \op Thatoüý-biamaý; tha'aý-biamaý niý te. Uxpeý te shi 'iý-biamaý. Ki taý heýbe \tr He drank they say; / he failed in drinking, they say / water / the «ob.». / Bowl / the «ob.» / again / she gave, they say. / And / jerked meat / piece / \rf jod 1890:150.12 \op theýthoüska 'iý-biamaý. Ki nuý akaý uýshkoü te iýbahoü-bi egoüý, thaxuýba-bazhiý-biamaý \tr this size / she gave, they say. / And / man / the «sub.» / deed / the «ob.» / knew, they say / because, / did not wonder they say. \rf jod 1890:150.13 \op Ki taý thoü tha'aý-biamaý. Ki heýbe uthaýshte giý'i-biamaý. Eý wathaýte zhiüýga \tr And / jerked meat / the «ob.» / again / he failed in eating, they say. / And / piece / he left / he gave back, they say. / That / food / small \rf jod 1890:150.14 \op iýnahiü, aý-biamaý Teý-wa'uý akaý. Taý thoü thishpaý-bi egoüý gthaýsniü theýtha-biamaý. \tr truly, / said, they say / Buffalo-woman / the «sub.». / Dried meat / the «ob.» / pulled a piece off, they say / having / swallowed hers / suddenly, they say. \rf jod 1890:150.15 \op Goüý hoüý eýgoü zhoüý-biamaý. Nuý akaý haýzhiüga wiüý wiüý athiüý-bi eýde wa'uý ke sihiý te \tr And / night / as / they slept, they say. / Man / the «sub.» / cord / one / had, they say / but / woman / the lying / feet / the \rf jod 1890:150.16 \op woüýdoü iýkikoütoüý-biamaý. Hoüý zhoüý te thixiýi-baýzhi eýgoü, thixiýi goüýthai eýgoü, \tr together / he tied with it they say. / Night / slept / when / he was not roused / as / to be roused / he wished / as, \rf jod 1890:150.17 \op Shkoüýi tediýhi oüýthixi eteýgoü aýhoü, etheýgoü-biamaý nuý akaý. Goüý zhoüý-biamaý. \tr Moving / when / to wake me / apt / ! / thought they say / man / the «sub.». / And / they slept, they say. \rf jod 1890:150.18 \op Eýgithe oüýba amaý. Eýgithe ishtaý thibthaý-bi egoüý utoüýnadixti zhoüýakaýma. \tr At length / day / they say. / At length / eye / opened, they say / having / in a very lone place / he was lying, they say. \rf jod 1890:150.19 \op Goüý sigtheý shi wiýuhaý-biamaý. Baxuý toügaýxti keýdi eýthoübe ahiý-biamaý. \tr And / trail / again / he followed them, they say. / Peak / very big / at the / in sight of / he arrived, they say. \rf jod 1890:150.20 \op Eýgithe niý toügaýxti wiüý thiteý taý akamaý ki eýdi ahiý-biamaý (nuý akaý). Ki \tr At length / water / very big / one / they would have to cross / when / there / arrived, they say / (man / the). / And \rf jod 1890:151.1 \op nuý akaý zhoüý te aýkoü-bi, iýkinaxthaý-biamaý. Eýgithe niý uýha moüthiüý-bi teýdi \tr man / the «sub.» / wood / the «ob.» / leaned against they say, / he hid himself, they say. / At length / water / following / he walked, they say / when \rf jod 1890:151.2 \op ihoüý eýthoüba iýe na'oüý-biamaý nuý akaý. Shiüýgazhiüýga teýxithe ameýde hiüdaý \tr his mother / her too / speaking / he heard, they say / man / the «sub.». / Child / he loves / if / let me see \rf jod 1890:151.3 \op niý kedi gaýkedi atiý taý ameý, aý-biamaý. Goüý ihoüý eýthoüba niý thiteý agthaý- \tr water / at the / at that place / he / will / come, / said she, they say. / And / his mother / she too / water / crossing / went homeward \rf jod 1890:151.4 \op biamaý izhiüýge akaý: ... xthaýzhe-hnoüý-bi, shi ihoüý amaý shti eýgoü-hnoüý-biamaý. Goüý \tr they say / her son / the «sub.»: / cried out regularly they say, / again / his mother / the «mv. sub.» / too / so regularly they say. / And \rf jod 1890:151.5 \op niý ukoüýska iýdoübe ahiý-bi ki ihoüý eýthoüba, eýgithe nuý akaý hiüxpeý ke \tr water / in a straight line / through the middle / they arrived, they say / when / his mother / she too, / behold / man / the «sub.» / fine feather / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:151.6 \op gthiýza-biamaý. Goüý hiüxpeý ke nuý akaý bihiýtha theýtha-biamaý. Eýtoüthiü \tr took his, they say. / And / fine feather / the «ob.» / man / the «sub.» / blew / away suddenly, they say. / He first \rf jod 1890:151.7 \op masaýni ahiý-biamaý. Bihiýtha theýthai te eý shoüýshoü masaýni ahiý-biamaý Hiüxpeý \tr the other side / reached, they say. / He blew off suddenly / when / that without stopping / the other side / he reached, they say. / Fine feather \rf jod 1890:151.8 \op kikaýxai, shi kiPiýhitha theýthai nuý akaý. Ki xthabeý wiüý aýthaskabaý-biamaý. Goüý \tr he made himself, / again / blew himself off suddenly / man / the «sub.». / And / tree / one / he stuck to they say. / And \rf jod 1890:151.9 \op ihoüý eýthoüba wadoüýbe gthiüý-biamaý. Masaýni agthiý-biamaý izhiüýge eýthoüba. \tr his mother / her too / seeing them / he sat they say. / The other side / they came back, they say / her son / he too. \rf jod 1890:151.10 \op Hiüý thoü bibiýza-biamaý, ukiýPatoü-biamaý Pizaý kedi. Shiüýgazhiüýga teýxithe \tr Hair / the / they rubbed dry, they say, / they rolled themselves, they say / sand / on the. / Child / he loves \rf jod 1890:151.11 \op ameýde hiüdaý atiý ta ameý, aý-biamaý Teý-wa'uý akaý. Goüý noüýgexti agthaý- \tr if / let me see / he / will / come, / said, they say / Buffalo woman / the «sub.». / And / running fast / they went homeward \rf jod 1890:151.12 \op biamaý uiýthoübe. Goüý wiýuha-biamaý nuý akaý. Baxuý ke eýthoübe ahiý-bi ki \tr they say / up-hill. / And / followed them they say / man / the «sub.». / Peak / the / in sight of / he arrived, they say / when \rf jod 1890:151.13 \op eýgithe tiý edediý-thoü amaý, huýthuga zhiüýgazhi thoüý amaý. Goüý eýdi a-iýgthiü- \tr behold / lodge / there was the «circle», they say / tribal circle / not small / the / they say. / And / there / approaching he sat \rf jod 1890:151.14 \op biamaý baxuý keýdi. Noühaý, iüdaýdi akaý atiý akaý ha, aý-biamaý. Eýdi \tr they say / peak / on the. / O mother, / my father / the «sub.» / has come / , / said «the Calf», they say. / There \rf jod 1890:151.15 \op waýgimoüthiüý-a, aý-biamaý. Eýdi ahiý-biamaý ki weýthazhiý-biamaý, hiüxpeý kikaýxa-bi \tr walk for them / said «the mother», they say. / There / he arrived, they say / when / he did not find them they say, / fine feather / made himself they say \rf jod 1890:151.16 \op egoüý. Shi, Wiheý, eýdi waýgimoüthiüý-a, aý-biamaý Teý-wa'uý akaý. Goüý waýgiahiý- \tr having. / Again, / O sister, / there / walk for them, / said, they say / Buffalo-woman / the «sub.». / And / she arrived for them \rf jod 1890:151.17 \op biamaý ki weýthazhi amaý. Zhoütheýha, thiügaiý he, aý-biamaý Tenaý! iýt'athewaýthe \tr they say / when / she did not find them they say. / O elder sister, / there is none / , / said she, they say. / Why! / hateful \rf jod 1890:151.18 \op iýnahiü eý, aý-biamaý. Weýthana'uýxchi-hnoüýi, aý-biamaý Teý-wa'uý akaý. Goüý shi \tr truly / ! / said she, they say. / You passed close by them only / said, they say / Buffalo woman / the «sub.». / And / again \rf jod 1890:151.19 \op wiüý akaý eýdi athaý-biamaý. Zhoütheýha, weaýtha-maýzhi, aý-biamaý shi. Shi wiüý \tr one / the «sub.» / there / went, they say. / O elder sister. / I do not find them. / she said, they say / again. / Again / one \rf jod 1890:151.20 \op akaý eýdi athaý-biamaý shi, weýthazhi amaý Zhoütheýha, weaýtha-maýzhi, aý-biamaý. Shi \tr the «sub.» / there / went they say / again, / she did not find them they say. / O elder sister, / I have not found them / said she, they say. / Again \rf jod 1890:152.1 \op wiüý akaý eýdi athaý-biamaý Zhoütheýha, weaýtha-maýzhi, aý-biamaý. Thiýt'athewaýthe \tr one / the «sub.» / there / went, they say. / O elder sister, / I have not found them, / said she, they say. / You hateful \rf jod 1890:152.2 \op iýthanahiüýi eý. Akihoü-hnoü shiýi he, aý-biamaý. APiýbthe taý miüke, hiüdaý! \tr you indeed / ! / Beyond, invariably / ye went / , / said she, they say. / I go for him / will / I who, / behold! \rf jod 1890:152.3 \op aý-biamaý Teý-wa'uý akaý. Hiüdaý! ithaýtha-maýzhi eskoüý, aý-biamaý. Ki edi ahiý- \tr said, they say / Buffalo-woman / the «sub.». / Let me see! / have I not found him? / said she, they say. / And / there / she arrived \rf jod 1890:152.4 \op biamaý. Wahnaýte teýgoü athiýgiati-hnoüi, eaýtoü thagthiüý-hnoü a, aý-biamaý. \tr they say. / You eat / in order that / they came for you invariably / why / you sit invariably / ? / said she, they say. \rf jod 1890:152.5 \op Eýgoüthoüýzha eýbe oüýgiti-azhi eýgoü. Goüý agthiüý miükeý, aý-biamaý nuý akaý \tr Nevertheless / who / came not for me / so. / Just so / I was sitting, / said, they say / man / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:152.6 \op Goüý zhuýgthe agthaý-biamaý Eýgithe wa'uý akaý ukiýkizhi akaý duýba akaýma, eý \tr And / with him / she went homeward they say. / Behold / woman / the / neat relations / the «sub.» / four / they were, it is said, / she \rf jod 1890:152.7 \op weýsatoü akaý eý waýthixe ahiý akaý. Goüý giýthikoüý-biamaý. Tiý te uýkiza \tr the fifth / the «sub.» / that / marrying / arrived / the one who / And / made room for her they say. / Lodge / the / no one there \rf jod 1890:152.8 \op giaýxa-biamaý. Theý itoüýge akaý e-hnoüý zhuýwagigthaiý te. \tr they made for her, they say. / This / her sister / the «sub.» / only / she was with them. \rf jod 1890:152.9 \op Eýgithe hoüýegoüche amaý. Ikoüý akaý gaý-biamaý (ituýshpa eý wagikaý-bi \tr At length / morning / they say. / His grandmother / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say / (her grandchild / him / she meant her own, they say \rf jod 1890:152.10 \op egoüý): Thiýadi iüý'e zheeýgthoü he, iüuýPe zhuaýgthe teýgoü, aý-biamaý. Goüý iüuýPe \tr having): / Your father / stone / I have heated for him / , / sweat-bath / I with him / in order that, / said she, they say. / And / sweat-bath \rf jod 1890:152.11 \op zhuýgtha-biamaý itoüýde akaý. Goüý Te-nuýga amaý noüýdithaýgaspe gaýxai iýi te \tr he with her, they say / her daughter's husband / the «sub.». / And / Buffalo-bull / the «pl. sub.» / to hold down the walls / making / came, when \rf jod 1890:152.12 \op Peýthabthiüý-biamaý. Goüý ikoüý akaý iüý'e zhahaý-bi ki gaýthoüskaý-biama; shi piý \tr eight they say. / And / his wife's mother / the «sub.» / stone / pushed at, they say / when / that size they say; / again / again \rf jod 1890:152.13 \op zhahaý-bi ki gaýthoüskaý-biamaý; weýthabthiüýoü zhahaý-bi ki gatoüýhithoüý-biamaý; shi \tr she pushed at, they say / when / that size they say; / the third time / she thrust at, they say / when / that high suddenly, they say; / and \rf jod 1890:152.14 \op piý zhahaý-bi ki tiý te eýthoüskaýxchioüý-biamaý iüý'e te. Nuý akaý hiüxpeý \tr again / she thrust at, they say / when / lodge / the / just the size of they say / stone / the «col.». / Man / the «sub.» / fine feather \rf jod 1890:152.15 \op kikaýxa-bi egoüý Te-nuýga tiýha biaýkibesoüý-bi egoüý hiüxpeý bihiýtha theýtha- \tr made himself, they say / having / Buffalo-bull / tent-skin / made double up by leaning against, they say / having / fine feather / blew off / suddenly \rf jod 1890:152.16 \op biamaý, tiýha aýkibeýsoü ke eýgih aýiaýtha-biamaý. Teý-wa'uzhiüýga, Toüdeý, \tr they say, / tent skin / fold / the / right into / he had gone, they say. / Buffalo old-woman, / O daughter's husband, \rf jod 1890:152.17 \op uthiýnadaýthoü eýgoü, aý-biamaý. Oüý, koühaý, aý-biamaý. Shi goüýte amaý. Toüdeý \tr you are accustomed to heat / somewhat, / said, they say. / Yes, / O wife's mother, / said he, they say. / Again / a long while / they say. / O daughter's husband \rf jod 1890:152.18 \op e'oüý eýgoü a, aý-biamaý Teý-wa'uzhiüýga akaý. Naýt'e eýskoü etheýgoü eýgoü iýmaxaý- \tr how / is it / ? / said, they say / Buffalo old-woman / the «sub.» / Killed by heat / she / hoped / as / asked him \rf jod 1890:152.19 \op biamaý. Koühaý, goüý gthiüý miüke, aý-biamaý. Goüý wasiýsige iýe te \tr they say. / O wife's mother, / all right / I am sitting, / said he, they say. / And / active / he spoke \rf jod 1890:152.20 \op aýzhiüazhiýxti eýgithoüý-biamaý. Shi goüý-akaýma ki, Toüdeý, e'oüý eýgoü a, a-biamaý. \tr spoke very fearlessly / he said to her, they say. / Again / they sat for awhile, they say / when, / O daughter's husband / how is it / ? / said she, they say. \rf jod 1890:153.1 \op Koüha, goüý gthiüý miükeý, oüwoüýnabthiý shtewoü-maýzhi, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe \tr O wife's mother / all right / I am sitting, / I perspire / in the least I not, / said he, they say. / At length \rf jod 1890:153.2 \op Teý-wa'uzhiüýga naýwakoüdithaý-biamaý; eý naýt'ekiýthe athaý-biamaý thaýthuhaýxchi. \tr Buffalo old-woman / was made impatient by heat, they say; / she / caused herself to die from heat / she went, they say / almost. \rf jod 1890:153.3 \op Oüwoüýkoüditheýxti-moüý, gaýte iüýthishiýba-a he, aý-biamaý. Giýthiaxaý-biamaý ki \tr I am very impatient from heat, / that / undo for me / , / said she, they say. / They pulled off for her, they say / when \rf jod 1890:153.4 \op eýthoübe akiý-biamaý. Shoüýshoü t'eý aýiaýtha-biamaý Teý-wa'uzhiüýga akaý. Theýaka \tr in sight / she reached home, they say. / Without stopping / dead / had gone they say / Buffalo old-woman / the «sub.». / This one \rf jod 1890:153.5 \op itoüýde akaý eýthoübe akiý-bi ki shoüý unaýbthi shtewoü-bazhiý-biamaý. Na! iüuýaPe \tr her daughter's husband / the «sub.» / in sight / reached home, they say / when / yet / he perspired / in the least not they say. / Why! / I took a sweat-bath \rf jod 1890:153.6 \op aýthiüheý shte snioüýt'e oüwoüýkoüditheý, aý-biamaý Igaýxthoü akaý gaý-biamaý: \tr I who move / even / I cold / I am impatient of, / said he, they say. / His wife / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: \rf jod 1890:153.7 \op Uthiýnabthiý shtewoüýzhi; wa'uýzhiüga akeýzha naýt'e keý, aý-biamaý. Eýgoüzha snioüýt'e \tr You perspire / not in the least; / aged woman / on the other hand / lies dead from the heat, / said she, they say. / Nevertheless / I cold \rf jod 1890:153.8 \op oüwoüýkoüditheý, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe ihoüý akaý gisiüý-biamaý. Gisiüý-biam eýgoü \tr I am impatient of, / said he, they say. / At length / his wife's mother / the «sub.» / revived they say. / She revived, they say / as \rf jod 1890:153.9 \op eýgasani wa'uý thoükaý zaniý ikoüý akaý wagiýgtha-biamaý. (Te-zhiüýga akaý) \tr the next day / woman / the «pl. ob.» / all / his wife's mother / the «sub.» / «see note» they say. / (Buffalo-calf / the) \rf jod 1890:153.10 \op gaý-biamaý: Na! dadiýha, iüýnoüha uhniýxide taiý (iýthagiýshpahoü te), aý-biamaý. \tr said as follows, they say: / Why! / O father, / my mother / you will look around for / (you will know your own), / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:153.11 \op Theýaka itoüýge meýgoü iüdeý thoü wiüaýxchi-biamaý, wa'uý uýdoüxti-hnoüý-biamaý, shoüý \tr This one / her sisters / likewise / face / the «ob.» / one they say, / woman / very beautiful as a class, they say, / in fact \rf jod 1890:153.12 \op iüdeý thoü wiüaýxchi-biamaý, uýdoüi te. Goüý waýthishtoüý-biamaý, ki'oüýkithaý-biamaý \tr face / the «ob.» / one they say, / as to beauty. / And / they finished them, they say, / they caused to paint themselves, they say \rf jod 1890:153.13 \op woüýgithe, nazhiüýwakithaý-biamaý. Eýgazeze nazhiüýwakithaý-biamaý, kiPaýkuwiüxe- \tr all, / they caused them to stand, they say. / In a row / they caused them to stand, they say, / they caused them to \rf jod 1890:153.14 \op waýkithaý-biamaý, igaýxthoüý thiükeý iýgipahoüýzhi giýgoüthai egoüý. Goüý eýgazezai te, \tr push themselves around, they say, / his wife / the «ob.» / not to know his / wished for him / because. / And / they were in a line / when, \rf jod 1890:153.15 \op Keý, toüdeý, thigaýxthoü ugthiýxidaý-a he, aý-biamaý Teý-wa'uzhiüýga akaý. Goüý ugthiý- \tr Come, / O daughter's husband, / your wife / look around for yours / , / said, they say / Buffalo old-woman / the «sub.». / And / looked \rf jod 1890:153.16 \op xidaý-biamaý nuý akaý. Gaýtoü eýe ha, aý-biamaý. Uthoüý-biamaý. Goüý thoüýgaxaý- \tr around for his, they say / man / the «sub.». / That one is she / , / he said, they say. / He took hold, they say. / And / they ceased \rf jod 1890:153.17 \op biamaý. Gaý-biamaý Te-zhiüýga akaý: Dadiýha, gasaýni nuýzhiüga aýkibaýnoüwaýkithaiý \tr they say. / Said as follows, they say / Buffalo-calf / the «sub.»: / O father, / to-morrow / boy / to make them run a race \rf jod 1890:153.18 \op 'iýthai eýde edueýhe taý miüke. Oüwoüýhnixide taiý, aý-biamaý. Oüthoüýshpahoüýzhi \tr spoke of / but / I join it / will / I who. / You will look around for me, / he said, they say. / You do not know me \rf jod 1890:153.19 \op tediýhi wikoüý akaý t'eýthith 'iýthai, aý-biamaý. Goüý aýkibanoüý-biamaý eýgasani ki \tr in case / my grandmother / the «sub.» / killing you / spoke of, / he said, they say. / And / they ran a race they say / the next day / when \rf jod 1890:153.20 \op Gaý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý: Dadiýha, Te-zhiüýga saýtoü waoüýtha-ma eý weýshaPe moü- \tr Said as follows, they say / boy / the «sub.»: / O father, / Buffalo-calf / five / those who leave the others / that / the sixth / I \rf jod 1890:154.1 \op bthiüý taý miüke, aý-biamaý. Goüý eýgasaýni aýkibanoüý-biamaý. Te-zhiüýga amaý \tr walk / will / I who, / he said, they say. / And / the next day / they ran a race they say. / Buffalo-calf / the «pl. sub.» \rf jod 1890:154.2 \op saýtoü waoüýtha-biamaý, ki wiüý wiýutoü moüthiüý-biamaý Ki nuý akaý gaý-biamaý: \tr five / left them they say, / and / one / next to them / he walked they say. / And / man / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: \rf jod 1890:154.3 \op Shiüýgazhiüýga wiwiýta thiü eý, aý-biamaý. Aýwathiüý a, aý-biamaý Teý-wa'uzhiüýga \tr Child / my / the «mv. ob.» / that, / said he, they say. / Where is he / ? / said, they say / Buffalo old-woman \rf jod 1890:154.4 \op akaý. Saýtoü waoüýtha amaý eý weýshaPe eduaýtoü thiü eýe haý, aý-biamaý. Goüý \tr the «sub.». / Five / left them / the «sub.» / that / the sixth / next to / the «mv. ob.» it is he / , / he said, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:154.5 \op shoüýgaxaý-biamaý. Uwagitha-hnoüýi ataý, aý-biamaý Teý-wa'uzhiüýga akaý. \tr they ceased they say. / They told him invariably / I wonder if / said, they say / Buffalo old woman / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:154.6 \op Goüý eýgasaýni Te-zhiüýga akaý gaý-biamaý: Dadiýha, wikoüý akaý thikiý- \tr And / the next day / Buffalo-calf / the «sub.» / said, they say, as follows: / O father, / my grandmother / the «sub.» / running \rf jod 1890:154.7 \op banoü 'iýthai, aý-biamaý. Uthaýxthazhi ki t'eýthith 'iýthai, aý-biamaý. Waýshkoü eýgoü-ga, \tr a race with you / spoke of / said he, they say. / You do not overtake her / if / she kills you / spoke of, / he said, they say. / Do be strong \rf jod 1890:154.8 \op aý-biamaý Oüý, nisiýha, thikoüý eýgoü teýgoü sheýe ha, aý-biamaý. Goüý eýgasaýni \tr he said, they say. / Yes, / my child, / your grandmother / so / in order that / she says that / , / said he, they say. / And / the next day \rf jod 1890:154.9 \op ki itoüýde thiükeý gikiýbanoüý-biamaý. Goüý zhuýgthe athaý-biamaý. Paheý wathuý- \tr when / her daughter's husband / the «ob.» / she ran a race with her own they say. / And / with him / she went, they say. / Hill / very \rf jod 1890:154.10 \op deazhiýxti zhoü keý eý zhuýgthe athaý-biamaý. Toüdeý, sheýhikediýtoü oügaýgi tateý, \tr distant / it was / lying / that / with him / she went, they say. / O daughter's husband, / from yonder place / we coming back / shall, \rf jod 1890:154.11 \op aý-biamaý. Eýdi zhuýgthe ahiý-biamaý. Ki etaýtoü zhuýgthe agiý-biamaý. Goüý theý \tr she said, they say. / There / with him / she arrived, they say. / And / thence / with him / she was coming back, they say. / And / this \rf jod 1890:154.12 \op niýashiüga wathuýdeazhi oüýtha-biamaý. Goüý that'eý tateý, aý-biamaý Teý-wa'uzhiüýga \tr man / very far / she left him, they say. / And / you die / shall surely / said, they say / Buffalo old-woman \rf jod 1890:154.13 \op akaý. Goüý oüýtha agthaý-biama. Goüý baxuý wiüý eýthoübe akiý-biamaý. Ki \tr the «sub.». / And / she left him / she went homeward they say. / And / peak / one / in sight of / she reached home, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:154.14 \op shoüthoüýxti agthaý-biamaý Wa'uýzhiüga amaý oüýtha agiýi, aý-biamaý. Wa'uýzhiüga \tr without stopping at all / she went homeward they say. / Old woman / the «mv. ob.» / left him / she is coming back / said they, they say. / Old woman \rf jod 1890:154.15 \op tiý koüýge akiý-bi ki, Moüýdehi haýha iheýiüthiüýkithaýi-a, shagtheý, aý-biamaý. Nuý \tr lodge / near to / reached home they say, / when, / Dart / prepare ye mine for me, / I go homeward to you. / she said, they say. / Man \rf jod 1890:154.16 \op amaý hiüxpeý gthiýza-bi egoüý bihiýtha theýtha-biýamaý ki, eýgithe tiý te eýgiha \tr the «mv. sub.» / fine feather / took his, they say / having / he blew off / suddenly, they say / when, / behold / lodge / the «ob.» / right into \rf jod 1890:154.17 \op aýkiaýgtha-biamaý, wa'uýzhiüga akaý moüýdehi ginaý agiýi te. Ki zhoü'eýxti \tr had gone again, they say, / old woman / the «sub.» / dart / asked for her / was coming / when. / And / sould asleep \rf jod 1890:154.18 \op zhoüý-biamaý; sheýtheshtewoüýzhi. Shetoüýxtihi uthuýaoüýbthe he, aý-biamaý. Ki izhiüýge \tr he lay, they say; / he stirred not at all. / At last / I have hindered him / , / she said, they say. / And / his son \rf jod 1890:154.19 \op akaý gaý-biamaý: Wa'uýzhiüga gaýthiü edeý hnoü eýiüte; iüdaýdi akaý kaýshixti agthiý, \tr the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / Old woman / that one / what says she / only / it may be; / my father / the «sub.» / very long ago / came back \rf jod 1890:154.20 \op aý-biamaý. Hm+! aý-biamaý wa'uýzhiüga. Ihoüý akaý gaý-biamaý: Thiýadi kiý adoüý, \tr said he, they say. / Psha! / said, they say / old woman. / His mother / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / Your father / reached home / ? \rf jod 1890:155.1 \op aý-biamaý. Kaýshi iüdaýdi agthiý eýgoü zhoüt'eýxti zhoüýk, wa'uý shti iügtheýza, \tr said she, they say. / Long ago / my father / had come home / as / sound asleep / he lies, / woman / too / talks incessantly, \rf jod 1890:155.2 \op aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. Goüý, Wa'uýzhiüga, xthiýazhi eýgoü-a he, kaýshi agthiý, aý-biamaý \tr said, they say / boy / the «sub.». / And, / Old woman, / do keep quiet / , / long ago / came back, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:155.3 \op izhoüýge akaý. Shi goüý zhoüý biamaý. Daiýha, wikoüý akaý hethuýbazhoü oüý zhuýthigth \tr her daughter / the «sub.». / Again / so / he slept, they say. / O father, / my grandmother / the «sub.» / swing / to play / with you \rf jod 1890:155.4 \op 'iýthai, aý-biamaý. Goüý haýzhiüga ukiaýchachaýxti eýdi nazhiüý, aý-biamaý. Ki aýma \tr she spoke of / said «the boy», they say. / And / cord / tied in many places / there / stands, / said he, they say. / And / the other \rf jod 1890:155.5 \op te uýdoüxtioü seý thiügeý, aý-biamaý. Ki gaýte haýzhiüga saýsa ke uthuýdoübethiý- \tr the «ob.» / very good / break / there is none, / he said, they say. / And / that / cord / broken in many places / the «ob.» / they cause \rf jod 1890:155.6 \op kithe ki eý oüý-ga, aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. Goüý eýdi zhuýgthe ahiý-biamaý. \tr you to examine / when / that / use, / said, they say / boy / the «sub.». / And / there / with her / he arrived, they say. \rf jod 1890:155.7 \op Goüý haýzhiüga aýwoüzhi ke eý thizaý-biamaý nuý akaý. Xthabeý moüýshiadi te \tr And / cord / strong / the «ob.» / that / took, they say / man / the «sub.». / Tree / high / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:155.8 \op moüaý koüýha ke aýgthe akaýma. Hau, Keý, toüdeý, oügaýthe teý, aý-biamaý. Ikoüý \tr cliff / edge / the «ob.» / was standing on, they say. / Well, / Come, / O daughter's husband / let us go, / said she, they say. / His wife's mother \rf jod 1890:155.9 \op eýthoüba woüýdoü athaý-biamaý. Ukoüýskaxti iýdoübe ahiý-bi ki, eýgithe itoüýde \tr she too / together / went, they say. / Right in a line / in the middle / they arrived, they say / when, / behold / her daughter's husband \rf jod 1890:155.10 \op bisaý-biamaý haýzhiüga. Iüý'e ke koüýgexchi ahiý-bi ki, eýgithe gisiýtha-bi; hiüxpeý \tr broke it, they say / cord. / Stone / the / very near to / arrived, they say / when, / at length / remembered, they say; / fine feather \rf jod 1890:155.11 \op ke gthizaý-bi egoüý bihiýtha theýtha-biamaý. Eýgithe masaýniata a-iýzhoü-biamaý. \tr the «ob.» / took his, they say / having / blew it off suddenly, they say. / At length / to the other side / approached and lay, they say. \rf jod 1890:155.12 \op Goüý akiý-biamaý, kigthiý'a-biamaý itoüýde eýthoüba. Eýgithe banoüýge kiýde \tr And / reached home, they say, / failed in doing for herself, they say / her daughter's husband / he too. / At length / @{banoüýge} / they were play- \rf jod 1890:155.13 \op akaýma. Te-nuýga zhiüýga wiüý nazhiüý-bi egoüý a-iý-biamaý. Kageýha, aý-biamaý, \tr ing, they say / Buffalo-bull / young / one / stood, they say / having / came, they say. / My friend, / said he, they say, \rf jod 1890:155.14 \op theý Teý-wa'uý wiüý niý agiý tateý, eýthoübe tiý ki thikiýxa tateý. Kiýxazhi-ga; \tr this / Buffalo-woman / one / water / go for / will, / in sight / has come / when / laugh at you will. / Laugh not at her; \rf jod 1890:155.15 \op eýgthoüge akaý piýbazhi, aý-biamaý. Eýthoübe atiý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. Eýthoübe \tr her husband / the «sub.» / bad, / said he, they say. / In sight / came they say / woman / the «sub.». / In sight \rf jod 1890:155.16 \op atiý-bi ki kiýxa-biamaý. Nuý akaý doüýba-bazhiý-biamaý Shi aýthutoü a-iý-biamaý \tr she came, they say / when / she laughed at him, they say. / Man / the «sub.» / did not look at her, they say. / Again / straight to / was coming, they say \rf jod 1890:155.17 \op ki, shi kiýxa-biamaý; shi nuý akaý kiýxa-bazhiý-biamaý. Agiý-biamaý Agiý-biamaý ki niý te \tr when, / again / laughed at him, they say; / again / man / the «sub.» / did not laugh at her, they say. / Coming back, they say / when / water / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:155.18 \op iýthizhe agiý-biamaý; shi etaýtoü kiýxa agiý-biamaý. Ki uheýkitha-baýzhi te, nuý toü \tr lading out / coming back, they say; / again / thence / laughing at him / was coming back, they say. / And / she did not let him have his way, / man / the «std. ob.» \rf jod 1890:155.19 \op iýxa amaý. Ki theýama Te-nuýga amaý banoüýge kiýde amaý bthuýga oüýha- \tr laughed, they say. / And / these / Buffalo-bull / the «pl. sub.» / @{banoüýge} / those who played / all / fled, \rf jod 1890:155.20 \op biamaý. Eýgithe eýthoübe atiý-biamaý, ieýnaxithaý-biamaý eýgthoüge akaý. Goüý \tr they say. / At length / in sight / came, they say, / attacked him, they say / her husband / the «sub.». / And \rf jod 1890:155.21 \op etaýtoü eýthoübe atiý te toüýde ke bashpeý theýtha-biamaý, teýska amaý wazhiüý-piýbazhi \tr thence / in sight / he came / when / ground / the / thrust off a piece / sent suddenly, they say, / ox / the «sub.» / enraged \rf jod 1890:156.1 \op moünoüý'u toü eýgoüxtioüý-biamaý. Goüý, Oüýha-ga, eý-hnoü-biamaý. Shoüý \tr pawing the ground / the standing one / just so, they say. / And, / Flee / said all they say. / Yet \rf jod 1890:156.2 \op sheýthishtewoüýzhi nazhiüý-biamaý. Giýdoübe nazhiüý-biamaý nuý akaý. akaý. Eýdi ahiý- \tr not stirring in the least / he stood they say. / To see him / stood they say / man / the «sub.». / There / he arrived. \rf jod 1890:156.3 \op biamaý. Eýdi ahiý-biamaý ki, nuý akaý waiiüý iüýi thoü oüýtha theýtha-bi egoüý, \tr they say. / There / he arrived, they say / when, / man / the «sub.» / robe / he wore / the «ob.» / threw away / suddenly they say / having, \rf jod 1890:156.4 \op moüýd(ke ugiýnoüxpaý-biamaý. Zhaýwahe theý amaý ki, hiüxpeý gthiýza-bi egoüý \tr bow / the / strung his they say. / To gore / went / they say / when, / fine feather / took his, they say / having \rf jod 1890:156.5 \op bihiýtha theýtha-biamaý. Thieý aýmataýthishoü ahiý-biamaý nuý akaý. Shi eýgoü-biamaý. \tr blew it off suddenly, they say. / Side / towards the other / arrived they say / man / the «sub.». / Again / so they say. \rf jod 1890:156.6 \op 'Uý thiügeý ketaýthishoü shi eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Goüý niýashiüga akaý Te-nuýga \tr Wound / none / towards the side / again / there / he arrived, they say. / And / man / the «sub.» / Buffalo-bull \rf jod 1890:156.7 \op t'eýtha-biamaý. Goüýki ikoüý thiükeý ieýnaxiýthe agthaý-biamaý. Goüý iýkiPahoüý \tr he killed, they say. / And / his wife's mother / the «ob.» / to attack / he went back, they say. / And / he knew for himself \rf jod 1890:156.8 \op amaý aýdoü kiýbaxtha a-iý-biamaý. Goüý t'eýgithaý-biamaý ikoüý thiükeý. \tr they say / therefore / from an opposite direction / he was coming, they say. / And / he killed his, they say / wife's mother / the «ob.». \rf jod 1890:156.9 \ti The adventures of @{Hiüxpeý-aýgthe} \op goüýki wa'uý thiükeý shiüýgazhiüýga pahoüýga iýdathe thiükeý oüthoüýkoü oügaýti, \tr And / woman / the one who / child / before / born / the one who / we have a contest with him / we have come \rf jod 1890:162.1 \op aý-biamaý. (Niýashiüga piýazhi akaý wiüý eýgithoüý-biamaý.) Goüý nuýzhiüga akaý eýdi \tr said they, they say. / (Man / bad / the «col. sub.» / one / said to her, they say.) / And / boy / the «sub.» / there \rf jod 1890:162.2 \op athaý-biamaý. Ithaýdi ihoüý thiükeý eýthoüba uthiý'agaý-bi thoüýzha, shoüý eýdi athaý-biamaý. \tr went they say. / His father / his mother / the one who / she too / were unwilling, they say / though, / yet / there / he went, they say. \rf jod 1890:162.3 \op Eýdi ahiý-biamaý ki, Oüthoüýthikoü toüýgatoü, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, ithaýnahiü, \tr There / he arrived, they say / when, / We have a contest with you / we will, / said they, they say. / Yes, / I consent, \rf jod 1890:162.4 \op aý-biamaý. Edaýdoü oügaýx(taiý a, aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. Ki niýashiüga piýazhi \tr said he, they say. / What / we do / will / ? / said, they say / boy / the «sub.». / And / man / bad \rf jod 1890:162.5 \op akaý zhoüý wiü sneýdexti muýza-biteýama, shnaýxchi. Goüýki, Zhoüý sheýte oügaýne ki \tr the «sub.» / wood / one / very long / had planted as a post, they say, / very smooth. / And, / Wood / that «ob.» / we climb / when \rf jod 1890:162.6 \op wiüoüýwa haýshi oügaýgthi ki t'eoüýkithe tateý, aý-biamaý. Goüý aýne athaý-biamaý ki, \tr which one / behind / we come back / when / we kill him / will surely / said they, they say. / And / climbing / they went, they say / when, \rf jod 1890:162.7 \op eýgithe niýashiüga piýazhi akaý eý pahoüýga akiý-bi egoüý nuýzhiüga t'eýtha-biamaý. \tr at length / man / bad / the «sub.» / he / before / got back, they say / having / boy / he killed, they say. \rf jod 1890:162.8 \op Goüýki shi wa'uý thiükeý shi shiüýgazhiüýga iýdathe amaý. Shi noüý amaý nuýzhiüga \tr And / again / woman / the one who / again / child / she bore him, they say. / Again / grown / they say / boy \rf jod 1890:162.9 \op thiükeý. Noüý amaý ki, shi wiüý aýpe ahiý-biamaý. Shiüýgazhiüýga thithiýta \tr the one who. / He was grown / they say / when, / again / one / to ask him to go with him / arrived, they say. / Child / your \rf jod 1890:163.1 \op oüthoüýkoü oügaýti, aý-biamaý. Ki ithaýdi akaý ihoüý eýthoüba shi uthiý'agaý-biamaý. \tr we have a contest with / we have come / said he, they say. / And / his father / the «sub.» / his mother / she too / again / were unwilling, they say. \rf jod 1890:163.2 \op Eýgithe, shi nuýzhiüga akaý noüý-biamaý, goüý eýdi athaý-biamaý. Goüýki eýdi hiý \tr Behold, / again / boy / the «sub.» / was grown, they say, / and / there / he went, they say. / And / there / arrived \rf jod 1890:163.3 \op amaý nuýzhiüga thiüý. Shi eýgoü iýkoü-biamaý. Shi, Edaýdoü oüoüý te a, aý-biamaý. \tr they say / boy / the «mv. one». / Again / so / they had a contest with, they say. / And, / What / we do / will / ? / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:163.4 \op Ki, Hethuýbazhoü oüoüý te ha, aý-biamaý. Hethuýbazhoü oüý-biamaý. Haýazhiüga aýma \tr And, / Swing / we use / will / , / said they, they say. / Swing / they used, they say. / Cord / the one \rf jod 1890:163.5 \op ke saýsaxtioüý-biamaý, ki aýma ke uýdoüxtioüý-biamaý. Haýazhiüga uýdoü ke eý \tr the «ob.» / was broken very much, they say / and / the other / the «ob.» / was very good, they say. / Cord / good / the «ob.» / that \rf jod 1890:163.6 \op nuýzhiüga thiükeý oüýkithaý-biamaý; ki haýazhiüga saýsa ke eý niýashiüga piýazhi akaý \tr boy / the «ob.» / they caused him to use, they say; / and / cord / broken / the «ob.» / that / man / bad / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:163.7 \op oüý-biamaý. Eýgithe haýazhiüga uýdoü ke eýgithe piýazhi keý amaý. Haýazhiüga \tr he used, they say. / At length / cord / good / the «one which» / behold / bad / lay / they say. / Cord \rf jod 1890:163.8 \op gaseýgoü nuýzhiüga gat'eý amaý. Goüý t'eý amaý nuýzhiüga ke. Shi wa'uý thiükeý shi \tr it was cut, as / boy / the fall killed / they say. / And / dead / they say / boy / the «one lying». / Again / woman / the one who / again \rf jod 1890:163.9 \op shiüýgazhiüýga iýdathaý-biamaý nuýzhiüga wiüý. Shi nuýzhiüga iýdathaiý thiükeý shi noüý \tr child / bore they say / boy / one. / Again / boy / born / the one who / again / was grown \rf jod 1890:163.10 \op amaý. Noüý amaý ki, shi agiýahiý-biamaý. Shiüýgazhiüýga thithita oüthoüýkoü oügaýti \tr they say. / He was grown / they say / when, / again / they came for him, they say. / Child / you / we have a contest with / we have come \rf jod 1890:163.11 \op aý-biamaý. Ihoüý akaý ithaýdi eýthoüba uthiý'agaý-bi thoüýzha, shoüý nuýzhiüga akaý eýdi \tr said they, they say. / His mother / the «sub.» / his father / he too / were unwilling, they say / though, / yet / boy / the «sub.» / there \rf jod 1890:163.12 \op athaý-biamaý. Ke, shi oüthoüýthikoü toüýgatoü, aý-biamaý. Shi iýkoü-bi ki shi \tr went they say. / Come, / again / we have a contest with you / we will, / said they, they say. / Again / they contested with him, they say / when / again \rf jod 1890:163.13 \op nuýzhiüga kiýbanoü aýkithaý-biamaý. Shi nuýzhiüga thiü gioüýtha-bi egoüý shi nuýzhiüga \tr boy / racing / they contended, they say. / Again / boy / the «mv. ob.» / left him, they say / having / again / boy \rf jod 1890:163.14 \op thiü t'eýtha-biamaý. Eýgithe shi wiüý iýdathaý-biamaý ihoüý akaý. Eýgithe shiüýgazhin*ga \tr the «mv. ob.» / they killed, they say. / At length / again / one / bore they say / his mother / the «sub.». / At length / child \rf jod 1890:163.15 \op Hiüxpeý-aýgthe iýdathaý-biamaý. Ki mazhoüý bthuýgaxti iýdathaiý te unaý'oü-biamaý, \tr Fine-feather-stuck-in / she bore, they say. / And / land / all over / that he was born / heard of it, they say, \rf jod 1890:163.16 \op Hiüxpeý-aýgthe iýdathaiý te. Nuýzhiüga thiü wakiýde-pi heýgazhi egoüý edaýdoü waniýta \tr @{Hiüxpeý-aýgthe} / that he was born. / Boy / the «mv. ob.» / good marksman / very / being / what / animal \rf jod 1890:163.17 \op shtewoüý thi'aý thiügeýxtioüý amaý. Shoüý mazhoüý thoüý thoüý bthuýgaxti nuýzhiüga iýbahoüý-biamaý, \tr soever / failing / there was none at all / they say. / Indeed / land / indeed / all over / boy / knew him, they say, \rf jod 1890:163.18 \op nuýzhiüga uýdoü heýgazhiý-biamaý. Eýgithe nuýzhiüga noüý ki, eýgithe shi aýpe \tr boy / good / very they say. / At length / boy / was grown / when, / at length / again / to ask him to go with him \rf jod 1890:163.19 \op ahiý-biamaý. Nuýzhiüga thithiýta oüthoüýkoü oügaýti, aý-biamaý. Ki ithaýdi akaý \tr they arrived, they say. / Boy / your / we contend with / we have come, / said they, they say. / And / his father / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:164.1 \op ihoüý eýthoüba uthiý'agaý-biamaý. Shnaýzhi te, aý-biamaý. Ki nuýzhiüga akaý: Noühaý, \tr his mother / she too / were unwilling, they say. / Please do not go, / said they, they say. / And / boy / the «sub.»: / O mother, \rf jod 1890:164.2 \op iüdaýdi eýthoüba, eýdi btheý taý miüke, aý-biamaý. Thizhiüýthe eýgoü waýgiatiý eýde \tr my father / he too, / there / I go / will / I who / said he, they say. / Your elder brother / so / they came for them / but \rf jod 1890:164.3 \op waýthiü athaiý eýde t'eýwathe-hnoüýi, aý-biamaý ihoüý akaý. Ki, Shoüý, noühaý, eýdi \tr they took them away / but / they killed them invariably, / said, they say / his mother / the «sub.». / And, / Still, / O mother, / there \rf jod 1890:164.4 \op btheý taý miüke, aý-bi egoüý, eýdi athaý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. Eýdi ahiý-biamaý. \tr I go / will / I who / said, they say / having, / there / went they say / boy / the «sub.». / There / he arrived, they say. \rf jod 1890:164.5 \op Oüýhoü, shoüý ha thatiý te, aý-biamaý. Ki, Keý, edaýdoü oüoüý taiý a, aý-biamaý \tr Yes, / that will do / / you have come / as, / said they, they say. / And, / Come, / what / we do / will / ? / said, they say \rf jod 1890:164.6 \op nuýzhiüga akaý. Zhoüý sheýte oügaýne tateý, aý-biamaý. Goüý nuýzhiüga akaý hiüxpeý \tr boy / the «sub.». / Wood / that «std.» / we climb / shall, / said they, they say. / And / boy / the «sub.» / fine feather \rf jod 1890:164.7 \op gthiýza-bi egoüý hiüxpeý aýgigthaý-biamaý. Goüý zhoüý te aýne athaý-bi egoüý, eý \tr took his, they say / having / fine feather / stuck his in, they say. / And / wood / the «ob.» / climbing / went, they say / having, / he \rf jod 1890:164.8 \op pahoüýga nuýzhiüga akaý ahiý-biamaý. Shi agiý-bi ki, shi eý pahoüýga hiýde \tr before / boy / the «sub.» / arrived, they say. / Again / coming back, they say / when, / again / he / before / below \rf jod 1890:164.9 \op akiý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. Goüý akiý-bi ki, gaxthiý-biamaý niýashiüga piýazhi ke, \tr got back, they say / boy / the «sub.». / And / he got back, they say / when, / he killed him, they say / man / bad / the «ob.», \rf jod 1890:164.10 \op duýba e wiüý gaxthiý-biamaý. Goüý nuýzhiüga akaý agthaý-biamaý. Ihoüý thiükeýdi \tr four / that / one / he killed they say. / And / boy / the «sub.» / went homeward, they say. / His mother / at the \rf jod 1890:164.11 \op ithaýdi thiükeýdi edaýbe akiý-biamaý. Noühaý, wizhiü / the t'eýwathe hnoüý thoüýka wiüý \tr his father / at the / also / he reached home, they say. / O mother, / my elder brother / killed them / invariably / they who / one \rf jod 1890:164.12 \op t'eýathe ha, aý-biamaý. Goüý, Siýzhiüxchithoü+! washkoüý egoüý-a he. Eýgoüxtiý \tr I killed him / , / said he, they say. / And, / O dear little child! / do exert yourself. / Just so \rf jod 1890:164.13 \op shtewoüý thizhiüýthe t'eýwathe-hnoüýi he, aý-biamaý. Eýgasaýni ki, shi eýgithe thaýbthiü \tr notwithstanding / your elder brother / they killed them invariably / , / said she, they say. / The morrow / when, / again / behold / three \rf jod 1890:164.14 \op akaý ahiý-biamaý. Oüthoüýthikoü oügaýti, nuýzhiüga, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, shubtheý taý \tr the «sub.» / arrived, they say. / We contend with you / we have come, / O boy, / said they, they say. / Yes, / I go to you / will \rf jod 1890:164.15 \op miüke, aý-biamaý. Ki ihoüý akaý gaý-biamaý: Washkoüý egoüý-a he, siýzhiüxchithoü+! \tr I who, / said he, they say. / And / his mother / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / Do try / , / O dear little child! \rf jod 1890:164.16 \op eýgoüxtiý shtewoüý thizhiüýthe t'eýwathe-hnoüýi he. Washkoüý egoüý-a he, aý-biamaý. \tr just so / notwithstanding / your elder brother / they killed them invariably / . / Do be strong / , / said she, they say. \rf jod 1890:164.17 \op Nuýzhiüga akaý eýdi athaý-biamaý. Goüý eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Eýgithe shi hethuýbazhoü \tr Boy / the «sub.» / there / went they say. / And / there / he arrived, they say. / At length / again / swing \rf jod 1890:164.18 \op oüý 'iýtha-biamaý. Hethuýbazhoü ke haýazhiüga uýdoü ke oüý-ga ha, aý-biamaý. \tr to use / they spoke of, they say. / Swing / the «ob.» / cord / good / the «ob.» / use it / , / said they, they say. \rf jod 1890:164.19 \op Nuýzhiüga eý wakaý-biýamaý. Aýma ke piýazhi ha. Haýazhiüga itoüýthiadi ke, saýsa \tr Boy / him / they meant, they say. / Other / the «ob.» / bad / . / Cord / old / the «ob.», / broken \rf jod 1890:164.20 \op ke piýazhi ha, aý-biamaý. Goüý gaý-biamaý: Oüýkazhi, piýazhi shteýshtewoüý shoüý \tr the «ob.» / bad / , / said they, they say. / And / he said as follows, they say: / Not so, / bad / even if / yet \rf jod 1890:165.1 \op moüý taý miükeý, aý-biamaý. Oüýkazhi ha eýde, Piýazhi ha, esheýshe ha, aý-biamaý. \tr I use it / will / I who, / said he, they say. / Not so / / but, / Bad / , / you say often / , / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:165.2 \op Uýdoü ke oüý-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Oüýkazhi, shoüý piýazhi shoüý moüý taý miüke, \tr Good the «ob.» / use it / , / said they, they say. / Not so, / still / bad / at any rate / I use it / will / I who, \rf jod 1890:165.3 \op aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. Goüý hethuýbazhoü oüý athaý-biamaý. Nuýzhiüga akaý \tr said, they say / boy / the «sub.». / And / swing / to use / they went, they say. / Boy / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:165.4 \op uýdoüxti athaý-biamaý. Haýazhiüga saýsa ke eý oüý-biamaý, ki aýma thiükeý, \tr very good / went they say. / Cord / broken / the «ob.» / that / he used, they say, / and / the other / the «ob.», \rf jod 1890:165.5 \op haýazhiüga uýdoü oüý thiükeý, gat'eý amaý. Goüý agthaý-biamaý shi nuýzhiüga amaý. \tr cord / good / used / the one who, / the fall killed him / they say. / And / went homeward, they say / again / boy / the «mv. sub.». \rf jod 1890:165.6 \op Akiý-bi egoüý, Noühaý, iüdaýdi eýthoüba, niýashiüga wizhiüýthe t'eýwathe-hnoüý thoüýka \tr Reached home, they say / having, / O mother, / my father / he too, / man / my elder brother / killed them habitually / they who \rf jod 1890:165.7 \op shi wiüý t'eýathe ha, aý-biamaý. Siýzhiüxchithoü+! thizhiüýthe eýgoüxtiý shtewoüý t'eýwathe-hnoüýiý. \tr again / one / I killed / , / said he, they say. / O my dear little child! / your elder brother / just so / notwithstanding / they killed them always. \rf jod 1890:165.8 \op Washkoüý egoüý-a he, aý-biamaý. Shi eýgasaýni ki shi noüýba ahiý-biamaý. \tr Do be strong / , / said she, they say. / Again / the morrow / when / again / two / arrived, they say. \rf jod 1890:165.9 \op Nuýzhiüga, oüthoüýthikoü oügaýti, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, shubtheý taý miüke, aý-biamaý. \tr Boy, / we contend with you / we have come, / said they, they say. / Yes, / I go to you / will / I who, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:165.10 \op Goüý eýgasaýni ki eýdi athaý-biamaý. Eýdi ahiý-biamaý ki, Edaýdoü oü-oüý \tr And / the morrow / when / there / he went, they say. / There / he arrived, they say / when, / What / we do \rf jod 1890:165.11 \op taiý a, aý-biamaý. Oükiýkibanoüý te ha, aý-biamaý. Shi nuýzhiüga akaý hiüxpeý \tr will / ? / said he, they say. / Let us run a race together / , / said they, they say. / Again / boy / the «sub.» / fine feather \rf jod 1890:165.12 \op gthiýza-bi egoüý aýgigthaý-biamaý. Goüý zhuýgthe athaý-biamaý. Kiýbanoü agiý-biamaý \tr he took his, they say / having / stuck his in, they say. / And / with him / went they say. / Racing / coming back, they say \rf jod 1890:165.13 \op ki, shi nuýzhiüga akaý Hiüxpeý-aýgthe eý pahoüýga akiý-biamaý. Akiý-bi egoüý shi \tr when, / again / boy / the «sub.» / @{Hiüxpeý-aýgthe} / he / before / got back, they say. / Got back, they say / having / again \rf jod 1890:165.14 \op t'eýtha-biamaý, niýashiüga piýazhi thoükaý wiüý. Agthaý-bi egoüý ihoüý thiükeýdi akiý-bi \tr he killed him, they say, / man / bad / they who were / one. / Went homeward, they say / having / his mother / at the / reached home, they say \rf jod 1890:165.15 \op egoüý, Noühaý, iüdaýdi eýthoüba, shi wizhiüýthe t'eýwathe thoükaý shi wiüý t'eýathe ha, \tr having, / O mother, / my father / he too, / again / my elder brother / killed them / the ones who / again / one / I killed him / , \rf jod 1890:165.16 \op aý-biamaý. Siýzhiüxchithoü+! washkoüý egoüý-a he. Eýgoüxtiý shtewoüý thizhiüýthe \tr said he, they say. / O my dear little child! / do be strong / . / Just so / notwithstanding / your elder brother \rf jod 1890:165.17 \op t'eýwathe-hnoüýi he, aý-biamaý. Eýgasaýni ki nuýzhiüga akaý niýashiüga wiüaýxchi \tr they killed them invariably / , / said she, they say. / The morrow / when / boy / the «sub.» / man / one \rf jod 1890:165.18 \op thiükeý ithaýpe gthiüý-biamaý. Ki niýashiüga wiüaýxchi akaý ahiý-bazhiý-biamaý. \tr the «ob.» / waiting for / sat they say. / And / man / one / the «sub.» / arrived not they say. \rf jod 1890:165.19 \op Ahiý-bazhiý-bi ki nuýzhiüga akaý eýdi athaý-biamaý. Tiý teýdi ahiý-bi ki \tr He arrived not, they say / when / boy / the «sub.» / there / went, they say. / Lodge / at the / he arrived, they say / when \rf jod 1890:165.20 \op eýgithe thiügaý-biteýamaý niýashiüga wiüaýxchi ushteý akaý. Uneý athaý-biamaý. Uneý \tr behold / he was not / man / one / remaining / the «sub.». / Seeking him / he went, they say. / Seeking him \rf jod 1890:165.21 \op athaý-bi ki eýgithe wa'uý wiüý aýkipaý-biamaý. Wa'uý wiüý uýdoüxti aýkipaý-bi \tr he went, they say / when / at length / woman / one / he met they say. / Woman / one / very beautiful / met her, they say \rf jod 1890:166.1 \op egoüý, gaý-biama Hiüxpeý-aýgthe akaý: Eaýtoü moüshniüý a. Oüthoüýthakoü-shnoüýi \tr having, / said as follows, they say / @{Hiüxpeý-aýgthe} / the «sub.»: / Why / you walk / ? / You contended with me habitually \rf jod 1890:166.2 \op eýde iýwikoüi kiýzhi eaýtoü thaoüýhe, aý-biamaý. Ki wa'uý akaý, Ena+! eýbe \tr but / I contend with you / when / why / you flee, / said he, they say. / And / woman / the «sub.», / Fie! / who \rf jod 1890:166.3 \op iýthikoü eýiüte ithaýpahoü-mazhiýxti-moü he. Hiüxpeý-aýgthe aýbthixe btheý, aý-biamaý. \tr contended with you / it may be / I know I not indeed I do / . / @{Hiüxpeý-aýgthe} / I marry / I go, / said she, they say. \rf jod 1890:166.4 \op Oüýkazhi ha, oüthoüýthakoü-hnoüýi egoüý iýwikoüi ha, aý-biamaý. Eaýtoü thaoüýhe \tr Not so / , / you contended with me habitually / having / I contend with you / , / said he, they say. / Why / you flee \rf jod 1890:166.5 \op eýiüte, aý-biamaý. Na! oüýkazhiýxtioü eýde esheýshe he. Hiüxpeý-aýgthe aýbthixe btheý, \tr it may be? / said he, they say. / Fie! / not so at all / but / you say it often / . / @{Hiüxpeý-aýgthe} / I marry / I go \rf jod 1890:166.6 \op aý-biamaý. Tena! Hiüxpeý-aýgthe wiýebthiü ha. Ena+! eý toü eýde uýwagitheýgoü \tr said she, they say. / Why! / @{Hiüxpeý-aýgthe} / I am he / . / Fie! / he «it is» / the «std. one» / but / he told somewhat \rf jod 1890:166.7 \op eteýde, aý-biamaý. Oügthiüý te he, aý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. Gthiüý zhuýgtha-biamaý. \tr should have, / said she, they say. / Let us sit / , / said, they say / woman / the «sub.». / Sat / he with her, they say. \rf jod 1890:166.8 \op Goüýki wa'uý akaý, Heý uwiýne te heý. Gaýtedi zhoüý-a, aý-biamaý. Theýdehi \tr And / woman / the «sub.», / Lice / I hunt for you / will / . / In that place / sit thou, / said she, they say. / Lap \rf jod 1890:166.9 \op aýzhoükithaý-biamaý. Eýgithe heý uiýna-biamaý. Ki Hiüxpeý-aýgthe zhoüýt'e amaý, \tr she caused him to lie on, they say. / At length / lice / she hunted for him, they say. / And / @{Hiüxpeý-aýgthe} / sound asleep / was, they say, \rf jod 1890:166.10 \op thizhoüý-biamaý. Zhoüýt'e ki niýta uthoüý-bi egoüý thiziýzi-hnoüý-biamaý. Goüý \tr she put him to sleep, they say. / Sound asleep / when / ear / she took hold of, they say / having / she pulled and stretched repeatedly, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:166.11 \op shiýnudoü tiýgthe gaxaý-biamaý. Hiüxpeý-aýgthe shiýnudoü amaý. Goüý Hiüxpeý-aýgthe \tr dog / to become suddenly / she made him, they say. / @{Hiüxpeý-aýgthe} / dog / they say. / And / @{Hiüxpeý-aýgthe} \rf jod 1890:166.12 \op diýxextioüý amaý, zhuýga keý shti bthuýga. Goüý zhuýgthe athaý-biamaý shiýnudoü thiü. \tr very scabby / they say, / body / the / too / all. / And / with him / he went, they say / dog / the «mv. ob.». \rf jod 1890:166.13 \op Goüý hiüxpeý ke eý niýashiüga piýazhi thiü eý aýgtha-biamaý. Goüý toüýwoügthoü \tr And / fine feather / the «ob.» / that / man / bad / the / that / stuck in, they say. / And / village \rf jod 1890:166.14 \op toügaýxti wiüý eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Wuhuý! Hiüxpeý-aýgthe tiý ha, aý-biamaý. Niýashiüga \tr very large / one / there / they arrived, they say. / Wonderful! / @{Hiüxpeý-aýgthe} / has come / , / said they, they say. / Man \rf jod 1890:166.15 \op uthaý-hnoüi thoüýshti tiý aýhoü, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe niýkagahi uýzhu akaý na'oüý-biamaý. \tr told about invariably / heretofore / has come / ! / said they, they say. / At length / chief / principal / the «sub.» / heard it, they say. \rf jod 1890:166.16 \op Witoüýde iüthiü giýi-ga, aý-biamaý niýkagahi uýzhu akaý. Goüý eýdi ahiý-biamaý \tr My daughter's husband / bring ye him back to me, / said, they say / chief / principal / the «sub.». / And / there / he arrived they say \rf jod 1890:166.17 \op niýkagahi tiýi teýdi. Niýkagahi izhoüýge akaý noübaý akaýma. Goüý \tr chief / lodge / at the. / Chief / his daughter / the «sub.» / two / were, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:166.18 \op noüý thiükeý aýthixekithaý-biamaý. Ki Hiüxpeý-aýgthe wakiýde-pi na'oüý ameýgoü \tr grown / the one who / he caused her to marry, they say. / And / @{Hiüxpeý-aýgthe} / good marksman / heard / as they had \rf jod 1890:166.19 \op eýskana etheýgoüý-bi egoüý 'aýbae aýgazhiý-biamaý. Ki 'aýbae theý ki thi'aý kiý-hnoü \tr it might be / they thought, they say / having / to hunt / they commanded him, they say. / And / to hunt / he went / when / failing / he reached home invariably \rf jod 1890:166.20 \op amaý, mashchiüýge shti waýthiü kiý-hnoü amaý. Ki theýaka niýashiüga akaý gaý-biamaý: \tr they say, / rabbit / too / having them / he reached home invariably / they say. / And / this one / man / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / they say: \rf jod 1890:167.1 \op Shiýnudoü sheýthiükeý bthoüý piýazhi, gaxthiýwathaýkithe te ha, iüsh'aýge. Zhoüýxe heýgazhi, \tr Dog / that / smells / bad, / you cause them to kill it / will / , / old man. / Offensive / very, \rf jod 1890:167.2 \op aý-biamaý. Ki miüýzhinga waýthixaýzhi akaý, Dadihaý, shoüthiükeýtha-a, gaxthiý-bazhi-a. \tr said he, they say. / And / girl / unmarried / the «sub.», / O father, / let it alone, / do not kill it. \rf jod 1890:167.3 \op Abthiüý taý miükaýshe, aý-biamaý. Oüýthexchi-hnoüý athiüý-biamaý shiýnudoü thiükeý. \tr I have it / will / I who must, / said she, they say. / Gently habitually / she had him, they say / dog / the «ob.». \rf jod 1890:167.4 \op Ki izhoüýthe akaý gaý-biamaý: Hiü+! shiýnudoü thiükeý piýazhi, zhoüýxe heýgazhi, eýdegoü \tr And / her elder sister / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / Oh! / dog / the one who / bad, / offensive / very, / but \rf jod 1890:167.5 \op wanoüýdethagthaýzhi eý shniü he, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe 'aýbae athaý-biamaý niýashiüga \tr you do not loathe it / that / you are / , / said she, they say. / At length / hunting / went, they say / man \rf jod 1890:167.6 \op akaý. 'Aýbae theý ki eýkitoü shiýnudoü akaý aýshi athaý-biamaý. Eýgithe 'aýbae akiý-bi \tr the «sub.». / Hunting / he went / when / at the same time / dog / the «sub.» / out / went, they say. / At length / hunting / he reached home they say \rf jod 1890:167.7 \op ki iügthoüýga athiüý akiý-biamaý niýashiüga akaý. Goüýki shiýnudoü akaý akiý-bi \tr when / wild-cat / having it / reached home they say / man / the «sub.». / And / dog / the «sub.» / reached home they say \rf jod 1890:167.8 \op egoüý, miüýzhiüga thiükeý baspoüý-hnoü-biamaý. Eaýtoü eýdoü etheýgoü-bi egoüý \tr having, / girl / the «ob.» / he pushed against repeatedly, they say. / Why / «in thought»? / thought, they say / having \rf jod 1890:167.9 \op uthuýhe athaý-biamaý miüýzhiüga akaý shiýnudoü thiü. Eýgithe xoüýxata zhuýgthe \tr following / went they say / girl / the «sub.» / dog / the «ob.». / At length / at some distance / with him \rf jod 1890:167.10 \op ahiý-bi ki taýxti miüýga toügaýxti wiüý shiýnudoü akaý t'eýthe akaýma. Goüý miüýzhiüga \tr she arrived, they say / when / deer / female / very large / one / dog / the «sub.» / had killed, they say. / And / girl \rf jod 1890:167.11 \op amaý tiýata toüýthiü agthaý-bi egoüý ithaýdi ihoüý edaýbe uthaý-biamaý. Dadihaý, \tr the «mv. sub.» / to the lodge / running / went homeward, they say / having / her father / her mother / also / she told, they say. / O father, \rf jod 1890:167.12 \op iüýnoüha meýgoü, shiýnudoü wiwiýta akaý taýxti miüýga toügaýxti wiüý t'eýthe he, \tr my mother / likewise, / dog / my / the «sub.» / deer / female / very large / one / killed / , \rf jod 1890:167.13 \op aý-biamaý. Ithaýdi amaý ihoüý eýthoüba edi ahiý-biamaý taýxti keýdi. Goüý, \tr said she, they say. / Her father / the «mv. sub.» / her mother / she too / there / arrived, they say / deer / at the. / And, \rf jod 1890:167.14 \op Shoüýxtioüý, nisiýha, aý-biamaý iüsh'aýge akaý. \tr It will do very well, / my child, / said, they say / old man / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:167.15 \op Goüý miüýzhiüga akaý izhoüýthe umiüýzhe etaý te eshoüýadi umiüýzhe gaýxe-hnoüý-biama. \tr And / girl / the «sub.» / her elder sister / couch / her / the «ob.» / close by / couch / made habitually, they say. \rf jod 1890:167.16 \op Guýatetaýha gaýxa-a he. Shiýnudoü thiükeý bthoüý piýazhi he, aý-biamaý. (Umiüýzhe \tr Further off / make it / . / Dog / the one who / smells / bad / , / said she, they say. / (Couch \rf jod 1890:167.17 \op te ugthiüý-hnoü teý eý wakaiý. Miüýzhiüga akaý shiýnudoü thiükeý umiüýzheta gthiüýkithaý-biamaý). \tr the «ob.» / he sat in habitually / the «act» / that / she meant. / Girl / the «sub.» / dog / the «ob.» / on the couch / caused to sit they say). \rf jod 1890:167.18 \op Shi 'aýbae athaý-biamaý niýashiüga akaý. 'Aýbae theý ki, shi eýkitoü shiýnudoü \tr Again / hunting / went they say / man / the «sub.». / Hunting / went / when, / again / at the same time / dog \rf jod 1890:167.19 \op akaý eýdi athaý-biamaý. Eýgithe niýashiüga akaý shi mikaý wiüý 'iüý akiý-biamaý. Shi \tr the «sub.» / there / went they say. / At length / man / the «sub.» / again / raccoon / one / carrying / reached home, they say. / Again \rf jod 1890:167.20 \op shiýnudoü akaý akiý-biamaý. Akiý-biamaý kiýzhi, shi miüýzhinga thiükeý baspoüý-hnoü-biamaý. \tr dog / the «sub.» / reached home, they say. / He reached home, they say / when, / again / girl / the «ob.» / he pushed against invariably they say. \rf jod 1890:168.1 \op Ki miüýzhiüga akaý shiýnudoü thiü shi uthuýhe athaý-biamaý. Uthuýhe xoüýxata \tr And / girl / the «sub.» / dog / the «ob.» / again / following / went, they say. / Following / to some distance \rf jod 1890:168.2 \op eýdi ahiý-bi ki, eýgithe wasaýbe wiüý t'eýthe akaýma shiýnudoü akaý. Shi ithaýdi thiükeý \tr there / she arrived, they say / when, / behold / black bear / one / he had killed, they say / dog / the «sub.». / Again / her father / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:168.3 \op ihoüý eýthoüba uýwagitha athaý-biamaý. Dadihaý, iüýnoüha eýthoüba, wasaýbe wiüý \tr her mother / her too / to tell them / she went, they say. / O father, / my mother / she too, / black bear / one \rf jod 1890:168.4 \op shiýnudoü weweýta akaý t'eýthe he, aý-biamaý. Ki ithaýdi akaý ihoüý eýthoüba wasaýbe \tr dog / my / the «sub.» / killed / , / said she, they say. / And / her father / the «sub.» / her mother / she too / black bear \rf jod 1890:168.5 \op ke athiüý akiý-biamaý tiýata. Shi eýgasaýni shi 'aýbae athaý-biamaý. 'Aýbae athaý-bi \tr the «ob.» / having it / reached home, they say / at the lodge. / Again / the morrow / again / hunting / he went, they say. / Hunting / he went, they say \rf jod 1890:168.6 \op ki mashchiüýge wiüý athiüý akiý-biamaý niýashiüga akaý. Ki shiýnudoü akaý eýgithe \tr when / rabbit / one / having / reached home, they say / man / the «sub.». / And / dog / the «sub.» / at length \rf jod 1890:168.7 \op akiý-bi ki, shi miüýzhiüga thiükeý baspoüý-hnoü-biamaý. Shi uthuýhe athaý-bi egoüý, \tr reached home, they say / when, / again / girl / the «ob.» / he pushed against frequently, they say. / Again / following / went, they say / having, \rf jod 1890:168.8 \op eýgithe, oüýpoü keýde t'eýthe akaýma. Shi eýgasaýni 'aýbae athaý-biamaý niýashiüga akaý. \tr behold, / elk / it lay, but / he had killed it, they say. / Again / the morrow / hunting / went they say / man / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:168.9 \op Niýashiüga siüsneýdewaýgith wiüý athiüý kiý amaý. Eýgithe shiýnudoü \tr Man / muskrat / one / having / reached home / they say. / At length / dog / the «sub.» / beaver / one \rf jod 1890:168.10 \op t'eýthe akaýma. Goüý ithaýdi akaý ihoüý eýthoüba giýthextioüý-biamaý; shiýnudoü thiükeý \tr he had killed, they say. / And / her father / the «sub.» / her mother / she too / were very glad, they say; / dog / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:168.11 \op xtaýgithe-hnoüý-biamaý. Miüýzhiüga akaý shti shiýnudoü thiükeý xtaýgithexti-hnoüý-biamaý. \tr they loved their own habitually, they say. / Girl / the «sub.» / too / dog / the «ob.» / loved her own very much habitually they say. \rf jod 1890:168.12 \op Eýgithe niýashiüga akaý gaý biamaý: Iüsh'aýge, wahoüýwakitheý te ha. U'aýbae \tr At length / man / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / Old man, / please make them remove / . / Hunting \rf jod 1890:168.13 \op thiügeý ha. U'aýbae t'oügeýta tiýwakiýthe te ha, aý-biamaý. Ki wahoüý-biamaý \tr there is none / . / Hunting / abounds at / cause them to pitch their tents / please / , / said he, they say. / And / they removed, they say \rf jod 1890:168.14 \op eýgasaýni ki. Ki wahoüý athaý-bi ki shiýnudoü akaý athaý-bazhiý-biamaý. Niýashiüga \tr the morrow / when. / And / removing / they went, they say / when / dog / the «sub.» / went not they say. / Man \rf jod 1890:168.15 \op bthuýgaxti aýiaýtha-bi ki miüýzhiüga enaýxchi athaý-bazhiý-biamaý. Shiýnudoü ugiýna-biamaý, \tr all / had gone, they say / when / girl / alone / went not they say. / Dog / she sought her own they say, \rf jod 1890:168.16 \op shiýnudoü iýkinaxthaý-bi egoüý. Goüý thi'uýdextioüý-bi ki tiuýthixthiýge ugaýshoü-hnoüý-biamaý, \tr dog / hid himself, they say / having. / And / fully deserted, they say / when / remains of lodges / went among frequently, they say, \rf jod 1890:168.17 \op xageý-hnoü-biamaý miüýzhiüga akaý. Eýgithe paýzexchi ki shiýnudoü \tr crying frequently, they say / girl / the «sub.». / At length / very dark / when / dog \rf jod 1890:168.18 \op akaý uchiýzhe ketaýtoü eýthoübe akiý-biamaý. Miüýzhiüga akaý, Eaýtoü moühniüý eýiüte. \tr the «sub.» / thicket / from the / in sight / got back, they say. / Girl / the «sub.», / Why / you walk / it may be? \rf jod 1890:168.19 \op Uwiýne he. Bthuýgaxchi aýiaýthai he. Wiýnaxchi oüwoüýshte. Uwiýne he, aý-biamaý. \tr I sought you / . / All / have gone / . / I alone / I am left. / I sought you / , / said she, they say. \rf jod 1890:169.1 \op Oüýhoü, teýxi heýgazhi, aý-biamaý shiýnudoü akaý. Iýa-biamaý. Neýtha-ga, peýde gaýxa-ga \tr Yes, / difficult / very / said, they say / dog / the «sub.». / He spoke, they say. / Kindle a fire, / fire / make \rf jod 1890:169.2 \op ha, miüýzhiüga eý wakaý-bi egoüý. Pathaýge sheýhitheteýdi eýdi shneý te, aý-biamaý; \tr . / girl / her / meant, they say / having. / Headland / at yonder / there / you go / will / said he, they say; \rf jod 1890:169.3 \op wa'uý thiükeý eý wakaý-biamaý. Geýshe te ha, aý-biamaý: Tigoühaý, thituýshpa iüý'e \tr woman / the «ob.» / her / he meant, they say. / You will say thus / , / said he, they say: / Grandfather, / your grandchild / stone \rf jod 1890:169.4 \op juýba eýpiatiý he, esheý te, aý biamaý. Ki toüýde akaý, Ku+! aý-biamaý. Iüý'e \tr some / I have come after for him / , / you will say, / said he, they say. / And / ground / the «sub.», / Koo-oo! / said, they say. / Stone \rf jod 1890:169.5 \op juýba eýthoübe tiýtha-biamaý. Goüý miüýzhiüga akaý iüý'e athiüý agthaý-biamaý. Ki \tr some / in sight / it made come, they say. / And / girl / the «sub.» / stone / took / homeward they say. / And \rf jod 1890:169.6 \op iüý'e te athiüý akiý-bi egoüý, Iüý'e theýtee he, aý-biamaý. Ki athuýha, moüaý \tr stone / the «ob.» / reached home with, they say / having, / Stone / these are they / , / said she, they say. / And / finally, / cliff \rf jod 1890:169.7 \op sheýhitheteýdi moüthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Tigoühaý, thituýshpa tiýshi juýba eýpiatiý he, \tr at yonder / walk thou, / he said, they say. / Grandfather, / your grandchild / tentpoles / some / I have come after for him / , \rf jod 1890:169.8 \op aý-ga, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe athaý-biamaý wa'uý amaý. Moüaý teý di ahiý-biamaý. \tr say thou, / said he, they say. / At length / went they say / woman / the «mv. sub.». / Cliff / at the / she arrived, they say. \rf jod 1890:169.9 \op Tigoühaý, thituýshpa tiýshi juýba eýpiatiý he, aý-biamaý. Shi weýs'a juýba eýthoübaý-biamaý. \tr Grandfather, / your grandchild / tentpoles / some / I have come after for him / , / said she, they say. / Again / snake / some / came in sight they say. \rf jod 1890:169.10 \op Goüý wa'uý akaý waýthizaý-biamaý, weýs'a thoükaý; waýthiü agthaý-biamaý. \tr And / woman / the «sub.» / took them they say, / snake / the «pl. ob.»; / took them homeward, they say. \rf jod 1890:169.11 \op Waýthiü akiý-bi ki, Ke, tiý zhiüýga gaýxa-ga, a-biamaý shiýnudoüý akaý. Wa'uý akaý \tr She reached home with them, they say / when, / Come, / lodge / small / make / said, they say / dog / the «sub.». / Woman / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:169.12 \op weýs'a tiýshi eýgoü gaxaý-biamaý, xaýde tiý gaxaý-biamaý. \tr snake / tentpole / so / made they say, / grass / lodge / made they say. \rf jod 1890:169.13 \op Ki wa'uý thiü ukiýa-biamaý shiýnudoü akaý. Tha'eýoüthathe eshneýgoü eýiüte. \tr And / woman / the «ob.» / talked with, they say / dog / the «sub.». / You pitied me / you think / may. \rf jod 1890:169.14 \op Wiý tha'eýwithe, aý-biamaý. Wathiýxpaniazhi tateý, aý-biamaý. Hiüxpeý-aýgthe wiýebthiü \tr I / I pity you, / said he, they say. / You not poor / shall, / said he, they say. / @{Hiüxpeý-aýgthe} / I am he \rf jod 1890:169.15 \op eýdegoü niýashiüga sheýthu thiükeý oüthoüýxtai eýgoü oüýthizhuaýzhi ha, aý-biamaý. \tr but / man / yonder / he who / vented his spite on me / so / he maltreated me / , / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:169.16 \op Goüý tiý zhiüýga te timoüýte athaý-biamaý shiýnudoü akaý. Goüý iüuýpa-biamaý \tr And / lodge / small / the «ob.» / within the lodge / went they say / dog / the «sub.». / And / took a sweat-bath, they say \rf jod 1890:169.17 \op shiýnudoü akaý. Eýgithe gaý-biamaý: Shoüý; oüýthiaýza-ga, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe niýashiüga \tr dog / the «sub.». / At length / he said as follows, they say: / That will do; / pull the cover off me / said he, they say. / Behold / man \rf jod 1890:169.18 \op uýdoüxti akaýma; shiýnudoü-baýzhi, niýashiüga uýdoüxti akaýma. Goüý eýdi zhoüý-biamaý. \tr very handsome, they say; / dog not, / man / very handsome, they say. / And / there / they slept they say. \rf jod 1890:169.19 \op Eýgasaýni ki, Keý, oügaýthe taiý, aý-bi egoüý, zhuýgthe athaý-biamaý. \tr The morrow / when, / Come, / let us go, / said, they say / having, / with him / she went, they say. \rf jod 1890:169.20 \op Miüýzhiüga thiü gthoüý-biamaý Hiüxpeý-aýgthe, ediýhi ki. Eýgithe tiýi thoü eýthoübe \tr Girl / the «ob.» / he married, they say / @{Hiüxpeý-aýgthe}, / it occurred / when. / At length / village / the «ob.» / in sight of \rf jod 1890:170.1 \op ahiý-biamaý. Ki niýashiüga wadoüýba-bi ki, Miüýzhiüga shiýnudoü ugiýne amaý thoüý \tr they arrived, they say. / And / man / saw them, they say / when, / Girl / dog / sought her own / she who did \rf jod 1890:170.2 \op niýashiüga zhuýgthe atiý, aý-biamaý. Ki niýashiüga egeý-hnoüý-biamaý: Kageýha, \tr man / with him / has come, / said he, they say. / And / man / said thus to habitually they say: / Friend, \rf jod 1890:170.3 \op niýashiüga thiü uýdoü heýgazhi eýdegoüý Hiüxpeý-aýgthe eý ebtheýgoü, aý-biamaý. Tiýadi \tr man / the «ob.» / good / very / but / @{Hiüxpeý-aýgthe} / he / I think, / said he, they say. / At the lodge \rf jod 1890:170.4 \op ahiý-biamaý ki hiüxpeý ke aýgthe gthiüý aýkaýma niýashiüga piýazhi akaý. Goüý \tr they arrived, they say / when / fine feather / the «ob.» / sticking in / was sitting, they say / man / bad / the «sub.». / And \rf jod 1890:170.5 \op Hiüxpeý-aýgthe amaý akiý-bi egoüý hiüxpeý ke giýgthizaý-bi egoüý hiüxpeý \tr @{Hiüxpeý-aýgthe} / the «mv. sub.» / reached home, they say / having / fine feather / the «ob.» / took back his own, they say / having / fine feather \rf jod 1890:170.6 \op aýgigthaý-biamaý. Goüý niýashiüga thiükeý noütaý-bi ki eýgithe shiýnudoü tiýgthe amaý: \tr his own he stuck in, they say. / And / man / the «ob.» / he kicked, they say / when / behold / dog / he became suddenly, they say: \rf jod 1890:170.7 \op shiýnudoü diýxexti, noüxaýgexti ithoüýth amaý ki, Iüsh'aýge, gaýthiüke gaxthiýwathaý-kithe te, \tr dog / very scabby, / made cry much by kicking / he put him / they say / when, / Old man, / that one / please make them kill, \rf jod 1890:170.8 \op piýazhi shiýnudoü thiükeý, aý-biamaý. Goüý shiýnudoü thiükeý aýshi athiüý \tr bad / dog / the «ob.», / said he, they say. / And / dog / the «ob.» / out / took \rf jod 1890:170.9 \op athaý-bi egoüý gaxthiý-biamaý. Goüki Hiüxpeý-aýgthe akaý 'aýbae-shnoüý-bi egoüý \tr they say / having / they killed, they say. / And / @{Hiüxpeý-aýgthe} / the «sub.» / hunted regularly, they say / having \rf jod 1890:170.10 \op waniýta daýdoü, shoüý teý, oüýpoü, taýxti-maý shti, shoüý waniýta bthuýgaxti t'eýwathaý-bi \tr animal / what, / for example / buffalo, / elk, / deer / too, / in fact / animal / all / killed them they say \rf jod 1890:170.11 \op egoüý, washeýxti gthiüý-biamaý. Niýashiüga, toüýwoügthoü bthuýgaxti, uýdoüxti, \tr having, / very rich / he sat, they say. / Man, / village / all, / very good, \rf jod 1890:170.12 \op giýthexti moüthiüý-biamaý. Goüki itoüýge thiükeý egthoüýge giaýxthi akaý gaý-biamaý: \tr very joyful / walked they say. / And / her younger sister / the one who / her husband / killed for her / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: \rf jod 1890:170.13 \op Wiheý, thiýegthoüge uthiýde oüýgathixeý te he, aý-biamaý. Zhoütheýha, \tr My younger sister, / your husband / together / let us marry him / , / said she, they say. / My elder sister, \rf jod 1890:170.14 \op eýgoüzha, wiýegthoüge bthoüý piýazhi esheý he, zhoüýxe he. Aýxtoü thiýshi'eý aýhnixe \tr nevertheless, / my husband / smells / bad / you said / , / strong odor / . / How possible / your sister's husband / you marry \rf jod 1890:170.15 \op taý, aý-biamaý. Goüýki wa'uý akaý noüý akaý xageý-hnoü shoüshoüý-biamaý, nuý \tr shall? / said she, they say. / And / woman / the «sub.» / grown / the «sub.» / weeping invariably / always they say, / man \rf jod 1890:170.16 \op thiükeý aýthixe goüthaý-bi egoüý. Eýgithe gaý-biamaý nuý akaý: Keý, thitiýgoü thikoüý \tr the one who / to marry him / wished, they say / having. / At length / said as follows, they say / man / the «sub.»: / Come, / thy husband's father / thy husband's mother \rf jod 1890:170.17 \op edaýbe eshnaýxchi awaýgioüýbtha piý eýdegoü gatoüýxti awaýgitoüýbe koüýbtha. \tr also / alone / I left mine / I came hither / but / now, at last / I see them, my own, / I wish. \rf jod 1890:170.18 \op Agtheý te ha, aý-biamaý. Wa'uý akaý ithaýdi thiükeý uiýtha-biamaý. Dadihaý, ithaýdi \tr I go homeward / will / , / said he, they say. / Woman / the «sub.» / her father / the «ob.» / told it to him, they say. / O father, / his father \rf jod 1890:170.19 \op ihoüý edaýbe wagiýtoübe 'iýthai egoüý agtheý 'iýthai he, aý-biamaý. Goüý, Oüýhoü, \tr his mother / also / to see them, his own, / he spoke of / having / to go homeward / he spoke of / , / said she, they say. / And, / Yes, \rf jod 1890:170.20 \op nisiýha, aý-biamaý ithaýdi akaý. Nisiýha, nuý waýthixai ki wiuýhe-shnoüýi ha. \tr my child, / said, they say / her father / the «sub.». / My child, / man / they marry them / when / they follow them invariably / . \rf jod 1890:171.1 \op Uthuýha-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Goüý itiýgoü akaý shoüýge aýhigiýxti itoüýde thiükeý \tr Follow thou / , / said he, they say. / And / his wife's father / the «sub.» / horse / a very great many / his daughter's husband / the one who \rf jod 1890:171.2 \op gi'iý-biamaý. Goüýki shoüý wa'uý aýma akaý shoüý wiuýha-biamaý. Nuý akaý ukiýa-baýzhi, \tr gave to him, they say. / And / at any rate / woman / the other / the «sub.» / at any rate / followed them, they say. / Man / the «sub.» / talked not to her, \rf jod 1890:171.3 \op ki wa'uý akaý shti ukiýa-baýzhi ki, shoüý wiuýha-biamaý, xageý-hnoü shoüshoüý-biamaý. \tr and / woman / the «sub.» / too / talked not to her / when, / yet / she followed them, they say, / crying invariably / always they say. \rf jod 1890:171.4 \op Eýgithe tiý teýdi ahiý-biamaý. Eýgithe ithaýdi thiükeý ihoüý thiükeý shtewoü \tr At length / lodge / at the / they arrived, they say. / Behold / his father / the one who / his mother / the one who / notwithstanding \rf jod 1890:171.5 \op waxpaýnixtioüý thoükaýma, kaýxe ishtaý waýduzhaý-bi egoüý. Eýgithe wa'uý aýma akaý \tr they were very poor, they say, / crow / eye / picked them out, they say / having. / At length / woman / the other / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:171.6 \op noüý akaý gaý-biamaý: Wiheý, thitiýgoü thikoüý edaýbe ishtaý thoü zeýawaýthe taý \tr grown / the one who / said as follows, they say: / My younger sister, / your husband's father / your husband's mother / also / eye / the «ob.» / I heal them / will \rf jod 1890:171.7 \op miüke, eheý. Thiýegthoüge oügthoüý te he, aý-biamaý. Ki nuý akaý iýa-bazhiý-biamaý \tr I who, / I say. / Your husband / let him marry me / , / said she, they say. / And / man / the «sub.» / spoke not, they say. \rf jod 1890:171.8 \op Ki wa'uý akaý gaý-biamaý: Zhoütheýha, eýgoü-a he. Waxpaýthiü baýshe. Goüý nuý \tr And / woman / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / O elder sister, / do so / . / They must be poor. / And / man \rf jod 1890:171.9 \op thiükeý thigthoüý tateý, aý-biamaý. Goüýki wa'uý akaý ishtaý thoü weýthitoüý-bi egoüý, \tr the one who / marry you / shall, / said she, they say. / And / woman / the «sub.» / eye / the «ob.» / worked on for them, they say / having, \rf jod 1890:171.10 \op ishtaý thoü eýgigoü waxaý-biamaý. \tr eye / the «ob.» / as before / she made them, they say. \rf jod 1890:171.11 \ti The Chief's Son and the Thunders \op Toüýwoügthoü wiüý edediýthoü amaý. Ki niýkagahi akaý sheýnuzhiüga wiüý t'oüý-biamaý. \tr Tribe / one / there it was / they say. / And / chief / the «sub.» / young man / one / had him they say. \rf jod 1890:176.1 \op Ki sheýnuzhiüga akaý t'eýga heýgabazhiý-biamaý. Ki edaýdoü shtewoüý goüýtha-bazhiý-biamaý \tr And / young man / the «sub.» / lazy / very they say. / And / what / soever / desired not they say \rf jod 1890:176.2 \op sheýnuzhiüga akaý. Zhoüý-hnoü shoüshoüýxtioüý-biamaý. Goüý ithaýdi akaý, \tr young man / the «sub.». / Lying down invariably / he was always they say. / And / his father / the «sub.», \rf jod 1890:176.3 \op Nisiýha, nuý ki ugaýshoü-hnoüýi. Ugaýshoüeýgoü-ga. Sheýnuzhiüga zhuýwagthaý-doü ugaýshoüga. \tr My child, / man / when / travels invariably. / Do travel. / Young man / go with them and / travel «imper. sign». \rf jod 1890:176.4 \op Ki wa'uý shti uýwakiaý-doü miüýgthoüshteoüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Ki izhiüýge akaý \tr And / woman / too / court them and / do marry some one / said he, they say. / And / his son / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:176.5 \op iaýbazhiýxti-hnoüshoüshoüý-biamaý, shoüý giýtha-bazhiýxti-hnoüshoüshoüý-biamaý. Ithaýdi thiüke \tr spoke not at all invariably always they say, / and / very sad invariably always they say. / His father / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:176.6 \op uýwakieý shte iýa-baýzhi-hnoüý-biamaý. Ki eýgithe, Dadiýha, iüýnoüha tiý wiüý iügaýxe \tr talked to him / even / he spoke not invariably they say. / And / at length, / Father / my mother / lodge / one / make for me \rf jod 1890:176.7 \op te, aý-biamaý. Ki ihoüý akaý tiý giaýxa-biamaý. Noühaý, umiüýzhe shti iügaýxa-ga, \tr will, / he said, they say. / And / his mother / the «sub.» / lodge / made for him they say. / O mother, / couch / too / make for me, \rf jod 1890:176.8 \op aý-biamaý. Goüý nuýzhiüga akaý tiý te upaý-bi egoüý, naýzhizhoüý-biamaý. Umoüýthiüka \tr said he, they say. / And / boy / the «sub.» / lodge / the «ob.» / entered, they say / having, / fasted they say. / Season \rf jod 1890:176.9 \op duýba naýzhizhoüý-biamaý: wathaýta-baýzhishteoüý-biamaý, ni thaýtoü-baýzhishteoüý-biamaý. \tr four / he fasted they say: / he ate nothing at all they say, / water / he drank not at all they say. \rf jod 1890:176.10 \op Atoüýshtexchi wathaýta-biamaý, ki niý shti thatoüý-biamaý. Eýgithe noüýde thoütaý \tr Just a few times / he ate they say, / and / water / too / he drank, they say. / At length / heart / the at \rf jod 1890:176.11 \op naýzhinoüý-bi teýdi, Hiüdaý! niýka-nazhiýha waýiümiüý au, etheýgoüý-biamaý. Ki eýgithe \tr fasted, they say / when, / Let me see! / human hair / I wear as a robe / will, / he thought, they say. / And / behold \rf jod 1890:176.12 \op wakoüýda akaý ukiýa-biamaý: Edaýdoü shkoüýhna te eýgizhoü tateý, aý-biamaý. Niýka-nazhiýha \tr deity / the «sub.» / talked to him they say: / What / you desire / the «ob.» / so you do / shall, / said he, they say. / Human hair \rf jod 1890:176.13 \op waýiüzhiüý tateý, aý-biamaý. Goüý naýzhizhoü te shoüýgaxaý-biamaý. Eýgithe, Dadiýha, \tr you wear as a robe / shall, / said he, they say. / And / fast / the «ob.» / he ceased they say. / At length, / Father, \rf jod 1890:176.14 \op iüýnoüha iüwiüýhoü te ha, aý-biamaý. Dadiýha, iüsh'aýge wiüý iüýgitheýwathakithaý-ga, \tr my mother / cook for me / will / , / said he, they say. / Father, / old man / one / do you make them go after him for me, \rf jod 1890:176.15 \op aý-biamaý. Ki, Dadiýha, uaýgashoü btheý koüýbtha, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, nisiýha, nuý \tr said he, they say. / And, / Father, / I travel / I go / I wish, / said he, they say. / Yes, / my child, / man \rf jod 1890:176.16 \op ki ugaýshoü-hnoüi. Eýgoü uthaýgashoü wiýkoübtha-hnoü-moüý. Tiýadi that'eý wiýkoübtha-maýzhi. \tr when / travels invariably. / As / you travel / I desired you invariably I have. / At the lodge / you die / I did not desire you. \rf jod 1890:176.17 \op Aýgudi shteýshte that'eý wiýkoübtha. Uthaýbashoüýzhi te iüýtha-maýzhi, aý-biamaý. \tr Wheresoever / you die / I desire you. / You did not travel / when / I was sad, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:177.1 \op Iüsh'aýge amaý ahiý-biamaý. Gaý-biamaý: Sheýnuzhiüga juýba, iüsh'aýge-a, iüýgimoü-thiüý-ga \tr Old man / the «mv. sub.» / arrived, they say. / He said as follows, they say: / Young man / some, / old man O! / go after for me \rf jod 1890:177.2 \op ha, aý-biamaý. Goüý iüsh'aýge amaý athaý-biamaý. Goüýki tiýi gedi ahiý-bi-deý, \tr . / said he, they say. / And / old man / the «mv. sub.» / went they say. / And / lodges / at the / he arrived, they say when, \rf jod 1890:177.3 \op Niýkagahi izhiüýge akaý thiýkui ha, eý uýwagith-hnoüý-biamaý. Goüý \tr Chief / his son / the «sub.» / invites you / , / that / he told them invariably they say. / And / young man \rf jod 1890:177.4 \op heýgazhi ahiý-biamaý, niýkagahi izhiüýge thiükeýdi. Ki gaý-biamaý: Hau! \tr a great number / arrived, they say, / chief / his son / at the. / And / he said as follows, they say: / Ho! \rf jod 1890:177.5 \op oüguýgashoü oügaýthe taiý eýgoü wiýkui ha, aý-biamaý. Nudoüý oügaýthe taiý, aý-biamaý. \tr we travel / we go / in order that / I invited you / , / said he, they say. / To war / let us go / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:177.6 \op Goüý sheýnuzhiüga amaý giýthextioüý-biamaý. Shoüý, Duýba zhoüý, hiübeý bateýwathaýkithe \tr And / young man / the «pl. sub.» / very glad they say. / And, / Four / sleep, / moccasin / ye cause them to sew \rf jod 1890:177.7 \op taiý, aý-biamaý. Duýba zhoüý ki athaý-biamaý nudoüý. \tr will, / said he, they say. / Four / sleep / when / they went, they say / on war-path. \nt See translation and second note. \rf jod 1890:177.8 \op Ki duýba zhoüý-xti eýgoü ki wadoüýbe niýashiüga duýba ahiý-biamaý. \tr And / four / sleep / about / when / scouts / four / arrived they say. \rf jod 1890:177.9 \op Ahiý-biamaý ki tiýi heýgashtewoüzhi ediýthoü amaý. Goüý akiý-bi egoüý, \tr They arrived, they say / when / lodges / a great many / it was there / they say. / And / returned, they say / having, \rf jod 1890:177.10 \op Nuýdoühoügaý, tiý heýgashtewoüýzhi oüdoüýbai aýtha, aý-biamaý. Niýkawasoüý, shoüý \tr Leader, / lodge / a great many / we saw / indeed, / said they, they say. / Warrior, / enough \rf jod 1890:177.11 \op aýtha, aý-biamaý. Goüý tiýi thoü koüýgexchi ahiý-biamaý. Ki eýdi ahiý-biamaý ki \tr indeed, / said he, they say. / And / lodges / the «col. ob.» / very near / they arrived, they say. / And / there / they arrived, they say / when \rf jod 1890:177.12 \op gaý-biamaý wagaýxthoü amaý: Hau! nuýdoühoügaý, tiýadi oügaýti, aý-biamaý. Hau! \tr said as follows, they say / servant / the «pl. sub.»: / Ho! / leader, / to the lodge / we have come, / said they, they say. / Ho! \rf jod 1890:177.13 \op niýkawasoüý, eý uaýna-maýzhi aýtha, aý-biamaý. Aýzhi uaýne aýtha, aý-biama. Goüý \tr warrior, / that / I seek not / indeed, / said he, they say. / Different one / I seek / indeed, / said he, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:177.14 \op toüýwoügthoü duýboü eýgoü wadoüýba-biamaý eýkigoüxti. Hau, shi wadoüýbe athaý-biamaý. \tr tribe / four times / so / they saw them they say / just like it. / Well, / again / scouting / they went they say. \rf jod 1890:177.15 \op Wadoüýbe athaý-biamaý ki gaý-biamaý nudoüýhoüga akaý: Niýkawasoüý, \tr Scouting / they went, they say / when / said as follows, they say / leader / the «sub.»: / Warrior, \rf jod 1890:177.16 \op eýgithe thitiýgoü wiüý edediýthiü ki eýgithe t'eýthathe taiý ha. T'eýtha-bazhiýi-ga, aý-biamaý. \tr beware / your grandfather / one / there he is moving / if / beware / lest you kill him / . / Kill him not / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:177.17 \op Eýgithe wadoüýbe amaý te-nuýga wiüý iýtha-biamaý. Eýgithe te-nuýga toü t'eýth 'thaý-biamaý. \tr At length / scouts / the «pl. sub.» / buffalo-bull / one / found, they say. / At length / buffalo-bull / the «std. ob.» / to kill him / they spoke of they say. \rf jod 1890:177.18 \op Kageýha, te-nuýga toü t'eoüýthe taiý, aý-biamaý. Tenaý! kageýha, \tr My friend, / buffalo-bull / the «std. ob.» / let us kill, / said «one», they say. / Fie! / my friend, \rf jod 1890:177.19 \op nudoü / hoüga akaý t'eoüýtha-baýzhi ai thoüýshti, aý-biamaý. Oüýkazhi, nudoüýhoüga akaý \tr leader / the «sub.» / we kill it not / said / in the past, / said «another», they say. / Not so, / leader / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:177.20 \op eý waka-baýzhi ebtheýgoü, aý-biamaý. Oüýkazhi ha, nudoüýhoüga akaý eý wakaiý, \tr that / he meant not / I think, / said «the former», they say. / Not so / , / leader / the «sub.» / that / he meant, \rf jod 1890:178.1 \op aý-biamaý. Shoüý t'eýtha-bi goüthaý-biamaý ki te-nuýga akaý niýashiüga thoükaý wiüý t'eýtha-biamaý. \tr said he, they say. / And / to kill it, they say / they wished, they say / when / buffalo-bull / the «sub.» / man / the «pl. ob.» / one / killed they say. \rf jod 1890:178.2 \op Goüý thaýbthiü agthaý-biamaý. Akiý-biamaý ki, Nuýdoühoügaý, te-nuýga wiüý ediý \tr And / three / went homeward, they say. / They reached home, they say / when, / Leader, / buffalo-bull / one / there \rf jod 1890:178.3 \op ameýdegoü wiüý t'eýawathaiý aýtha, aý-biamaý. Niýkawasoüý, thitiýgoü t'eýthatha-baýzhi taý-bi, \tr he was moving, but / one / he killed «of» us / indeed, / said they, they say. / Warrior, / your grandfather / you shall not kill, \rf jod 1890:178.4 \op eheý thoüýshti, aý-biamaý. Eýdi ahiý-biamaý ki t'eýtha-bikeýamaý. Hau! niýkawasoüý, \tr I said / in the past, / said he, they say. / There / they arrived, they say / when / he lay killed, they say. / Ho! / warrior, \rf jod 1890:178.5 \op uzhoüge thuýtoü iheýtha-ga. Goüý niýkawasoüý theýthu zhoüý goüýth egoüý theýthu zhoüý te \tr road / straight / place it. / By all means / warrior / here / to lie / he wished / since / here / let him lie \rf jod 1890:178.6 \op aýtha, aý-biamaý. Hau, shi athaý-biamaý. Shi athaý-biamaý ki shi wadoüýbe athaý-biamaý \tr indeed, / said he, they say. / Well, / again / they went, they say. / Again / they went, they say / when / again / scouting / they went they say \rf jod 1890:178.7 \op duýba. Wadoüýbe athaý-biamaý ki gaý-biamaý nudoüýhoüga akaý: Hau! \tr four. / Scouting / they went, they say / when / said as follows, they say / leader / the «sub.»: / Ho! \rf jod 1890:178.8 \op niýkawasoüý, thitiýgoü wiüý edediýthiükeý eýgithe t'eýthathe taiý ha. T'eýtha-bazhiýi-ga, \tr warrior, / your grandfather / one / the one sitting there / beware / lest you kill him / . / Do not kill him, \rf jod 1890:178.9 \op aý-biamaý. Eýgithe shoüýtoüga wiüý shi doüýba-biamaý. Eýgithe shoüýtoüga toü \tr said he, they say. / At length / big wolf / one / again / they saw, they say. / At length big wolf / the «std. ob.» \rf jod 1890:178.10 \op t'eýth 'ithaý-biamaý. Kageýha, t'eoüýthe taiý, aý-biamaý. Tenaý! kageýha, nudoüýhoüga \tr to kill him / they spoke of, they say. / My friend, / let us kill him, / said «one», they say. / Fie! / my friend, / leader \rf jod 1890:178.11 \op akaý t'eoüýtha-baýzhi taiý ai thoüýshti, aý-biamaý. Oüýkazhi ha, nudoüýhoüga akaý eý \tr the «sub.» / we kill him not / will / said he / in the past / said «a second», they say. / Not so / , / leader / the «sub.» / that \rf jod 1890:178.12 \op waka-baýzhi ebtheýgoü, aý-biamaý. Oüýkazhi ha, nudoüýhoüga akaý eý wakaiý \tr did not mean / I think. / said «the first», they say. / Not so / , / leader / the «sub.» / that / he meant \rf jod 1890:178.13 \op ebtheýgoü, aý-biamaý. Aýxtoü shoüýtoüga eý wake taýba, aý-biamaý. Goüý shoüýtoüga \tr I think, / said he, they say. / How possible / big wolf / that / he mean should? / said he, they say. / And / big wolf \rf jod 1890:178.14 \op thiü kiýda-biamaý ki eýgithe shoüýtoüga weýnaxithaý-bi egoüý shi duýba-ma wiüý t'eýtha-biamaý. \tr the «mv. ob.» / they shot at it, they say / when / behold / big wolf / attacked them, they say / having / again / the four / one / he killed they say. \rf jod 1890:178.15 \op Goüý akiý-bi egoüý, Nuýdoühoügaý, shoüýtoüga wiüý ediý ameýgoü wiüý \tr And / reached home, they say / having, / Leader, / big wolf / one / there / he was moving, and / one \rf jod 1890:178.16 \op t'eýawathaiý, aý-biamaý. Hau! niýkawasoüý, thitiýgoü t'eýthatha-baýzhi taý-bi, eheý thoüýshti, \tr killed «of» us, / said they, they say. / Ho! / warrior, / your grandfather / ye shall not kill, / I said / in the past, \rf jod 1890:178.17 \op aý-biamaý. Eýdi ahiý-bi egoüý (t'eýtha-bikeýamaý). Hau! niýkawasoüý, uzhoüýge \tr said he, they say. / There arrived, they say / having / (killed, he lay, they say). / Ho! / warrior, / road \rf jod 1890:178.18 \op thuýtoü iheýtha-ga. Goüý niýkawasoüý theýthu zhoüý goüýth egoüý goüý theýthu zhoüý te aýtha, \tr straight / place it. / By all means / warrior / here / to lie / wished / since / at any rate / here / let him lie / indeed, \rf jod 1890:178.19 \op aý-biamaý. Hau! aýkihoü oügaýthe taiý, aý-biamaý. Athaý-biamaý ki shi duýba \tr said he, they say. / Ho! / beyond / let us go, / said he, they say. / They say / when / again / four \rf jod 1890:178.20 \op wadoüýbe athaý-biamaý. Wadoüýbe athaý-biamaý ki gaý-biamaý nudoüýhoüga akaý: \tr scouting / they went, they say. / Scouting / they went, they say / when / said as follows, they say / leader / the «sub.»: \rf jod 1890:179.1 \op Niýkawasoüý, eýgithe thitiýgoü wiüý edediýthiü ki eýgithe t'eýthathe taiý ha. T'eýtha-bazhiýi-ga, \tr Warrior, / beware / your grandfather / one / the one moving there / if / beware / lest you kill him / . / Do not kill him, \rf jod 1890:179.2 \op aý-biamaý. Eýgithe wadoüýbe athaý-biamaý. Moüchuý wiüý itha-biamaý. Eýgithe \tr said he, they say. / At length / scouting / they went, they say. / Grizzly bear / one / they found him, they say. / At length \rf jod 1890:179.3 \op moüchuý thiü t'eýth 'ithaý-biamaý. Kageýha, moüchuý thiü t'eoüýthe taiý, aý-biamaý. \tr grizzly bear / the «mv. ob.» / to kill him / they spoke of, they say. / My friend, / grizzly bear / the «mv. ob.» / let us kill, / said «one», they say. \rf jod 1890:179.4 \op Tenaý! kageýha, nudoüýhoüga akaý t'eoüýtha-baýzhi ai thoüýshti, aý-biamaý. Oüýkazhi, \tr Fie! / my friend, / leader / the «sub.» / we kill him not / said / in the past, / said «a second», they say. / Not so, \rf jod 1890:179.5 \op nudoüýhoüga akaý eý waka-baýzhi ebtheýgoü, aý-biamaý. Oüýkazhi ha, nudoüýhoüga \tr leader / the «sub.» / that / he meant not / I think, / said «the first», they say. / Not so / , / leader \rf jod 1890:179.6 \op akaý eý wakaiý ebtheýgoü, aý-biamaý. Oüýkazhi ha, aýxtoü moüchuý eý wake taýba, \tr the «sub.» / that / he meant / I think, / said «the second», they say. / Not so / , / how possible / grizzly bear / that / he mean / should ? \rf jod 1890:179.7 \op aý-biamaý. Shoüý t'eýtha-bi goüthaý-biamaý ki moüchuý akaý niýashiüga thoükaý wiüý \tr said «the first», they say. / And / to kill it, they say / they wished, they say. / when / grizzly bear / the «sub.» / man / the «pl. ob.» / one \rf jod 1890:179.8 \op t'eýtha-biamaý. Goüý thaýbthiü agthaý-biamaý. Goüý akiý-bi egoüý, Nuýdoühoügaý, \tr killed him, they say. / And / three / went homeward, they say. / And / reached home, they say / having, / Leader, \rf jod 1890:179.9 \op moüchuý wiüý ediý ameýdegoü wiüý t'eýawathaiý, aý-biamaý. Hau! niýkawasoüý, thitiýgoü \tr grizzly bear / one / there / he was moving but / one / killed «of» us, / said they, they say. / Ho! / warrior, / your grandfather \rf jod 1890:179.10 \op t'eýthatha-baýzhi taý-bi, eheý thoüý shti, aý-biamaý. Eýdi ahiý-biamaý ki (t'eýtha-bikeýama). \tr you shall not kill, / I said / in the past, / said he, they say. / There / they arrived, they say / when / (killed, he lay, they say). \rf jod 1890:179.11 \op Hau! niýkawasoüý, uzhoüýge thuýtoü iheýtha-ga. Goüý niýkawasoüý theýthu zhoüý \tr Ho! / warrior, / road / straight / place it. / By all means / warrior / here / to lie \rf jod 1890:179.12 \op goüýth egoüý goüý theýthu zhoüý te aýtha, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe moüýxe uhoüýge keýdi \tr wished / since / at any rate / here / let him lie / indeed, / said he, they say. / At length / sky / end / at the \rf jod 1890:179.13 \op ahiý-biamaý. Ki moüýxe uhoüýge akaý toüýde ke moütaýha aýiaýthe akaýma. \tr they arrived, they say. / And / sky / end / the «sub.» / ground / the «ob.» / into / was going thither, they say. \rf jod 1890:179.14 \op Goüý, Eýgithe, niýkawasoüý, noüýthape taiý ha. Noüýpa-bazhiýi-ga. Masaýniata \tr And, / Beware, / warrior, / lest ye fear what you see / . / Fear not what you see. / To the other side \rf jod 1890:179.15 \op angaýthe taiý, aý-biamaý nudoüýhoüga akaý. Oüýgaoüýsi taiý ha. Eýgithe noüýthape \tr let us go, / said, they say / leader / the «sub.». / Let us leap over / . / Beware / ye fear \rf jod 1890:179.16 \op taiý ha. Goüý nudoüýhoüga athaý-bi egoüý masaýni ahiý-biamaý. Goüý woüýgithe \tr lest / . / And / leader / went, they say / having / the other side / he reached, they say. / And / all \rf jod 1890:179.17 \op aýoüsiý-biamaý ushteý amaý. Wiüaýxchi aýoüsi thi'aý amaý; aýoüsi goüýtha ki thi'aý amaý \tr jumped over, they say / the rest. / One only / to jump over / failed / they say; / to jump over / wished / when / failed / they say \rf jod 1890:179.18 \op nuýzhiüga akaý. Eýgithe moüýxe uhoüýge akaý moütaýha athiüý aýiaýtha-biamaý. Keý, \tr boy / the «sub.». / At length / sky / end / the «sub.» / inward / having him / had gone, they say. / Come, \rf jod 1890:179.19 \op niýkawasoüý, oügaýthe taiý ha. Niýkawasoü eýgoü oügoüýthai, eýgoü aýtha, aý-biamaý. \tr warrior, / let us go / . / Warrior / so / we wish, / so / indeed, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:179.20 \op Theýthu zhoüý te aýtha, aý-biamaý. Niýashiüga t'e keý eý wakaiý. Athaý-biamaý eýgoü shoüý goüý \tr Here / let him lie indeed, / said he, they say. / Man / dead / the one who / that / he meant. / They went, they say / as right along \rf jod 1890:180.1 \op atheý amaýma. Eýgithe paheý wiüý moüýshiadiýxti doüýba-biamaý; xthabeý shuýgaxti, \tr they were going, they say. / At length / hill / one / very high / they saw they say; / tree / dense very \rf jod 1890:180.2 \op maýzi shuýgaxti doüýba-biamaý. Hau! niýkawasoüý, sheýhithethoüýdi eýdi oügaýthai aýtha. \tr cedar / very dense / they saw they say. / Ho! / warrior, / to yonder place / there / we go / indeed. \rf jod 1890:180.3 \op Ediýtoü oügaýgi taiý aýtha, aý-biamaý. Keý, niýkawasoüý, wadoüýbe moüthiüýga, \tr Thence / we will be coming back, / indeed, / said he, they say. / Come, / warrior, / scouting / go, \rf jod 1890:180.4 \op aý-biamaý. Ki duýba wadoüýbe athaý biamaý. Eýdi ahiý-bi ki shuýde enaýxchi doüýba-biamaý, \tr said he, they say. / And / four / scouting / went, they say. / There / they reached, they say / when / smoke / alone / they saw, they say, \rf jod 1890:180.5 \op tiý te doüýba-bazhiý-biamaý. Akiý-bi egoüý, Nuýdoühoügaý, eýdi oügaýhi \tr lodge / the «ob.» / they saw not they say. / Got back, they say / having, / Leader, / there / we reached \rf jod 1890:180.6 \op thoüýzha shuýde eýdegoü tiý te oüdoüýba-baýzhi, aý-biamaý. Hau! niýkawasoüý, eý uaýne \tr though / smoke / but / lodge / the «ob.» / we saw not, / said they, they say. / Ho! / warrior, / that / I seek \rf jod 1890:180.7 \op aýtha, aý-biamaý. Shi duýba eýdi wadoüýbe athaý-biamaý. Ediýxti ahiý-bi ki shuýde \tr indeed, / he said, they say. / Again / four / there / scouting / went, they say. / Right there / they arrived, they say / when / smoke \rf jod 1890:180.8 \op thoüýzha tiý te doüýba-bazhiý-biamaý. Nuýdoühoügaý, tiý te oüdoüýba-baýzhi ha, shuýde \tr though / lodge / the / they saw not, they say. / Leader, / lodge / the / we saw not / , / smoke \rf jod 1890:180.9 \op thoüýzha, aý-biamaý. Goüý duýboü eýgoü-biamaý. Weýduboüý tediýhi ki eýdi ahiý-biamaý \tr though, / said they, they say. / And / four times / so they say. / The fourth time / it arrived / when / there / they arrived they say \rf jod 1890:180.10 \op tiý tedi. Ki nudoüýhoüga akaý, Keý, niýkawasoüý, tiý te oüguýpe taiýte \tr lodge / at the. / And / leader / the «sub.», / Come, / warrior, / lodge / the / we enter / shall \rf jod 1890:180.11 \op aýtha, aý-biamaý. Ki tiý te upaý-biamaý. Eýgithe iüsh'aýgexchi akeýdegoü eýdi \tr indeed, / said he, they say. / And / lodge / the / they entered, they say. / Behold / a very old man / he was, but / there \rf jod 1890:180.12 \op gthiüý akaýma tiý teýdi. Nashkiý thoü zhiüýga-shtewoü-baýzhi, ki nazhiýha skaýxchi \tr he was sitting, they say / lodge / in the. / Head / the / by no means small, / and / hair / very white \rf jod 1890:180.13 \op akaýma. Ki nudoüýhoüga akaý iüsh'aýge thiü tiý te uýpe athaiý teýdi weýbahoüýzhi \tr «had» they say. / And / leader / the «sub.» / old man / the «mv. ob.» / lodge / the «ob.» / entering / went / when / he did not know him, \rf jod 1890:180.14 \op amaý. Eýgithe goüýthiükeýxti weýbahoü amaý iüsh'aýge akaý \tr they say. / At length / after sitting a great while / he knew him / they say / old man / the «st. ob.». / Old man / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:180.15 \op geýthegoüý-biamaý: Iüthiüýsabeýxti ugaýshoü 'aýbae weýahideýxti ugaýshoüi thoüýshti. \tr thought thus, they say: / My relations suffering very much / traveling / hunting / to a great distance / they traveled / in the past. \rf jod 1890:180.16 \op Niýashiüga juýba uýmakaýxchi akiýgthathiü tiý aýhoü, etheýgoü-biamaý. Tiýadixti \tr Man / some / very easily / have brought themselves hither / ! / thought he, they say. / Right in the lodge \rf jod 1890:180.17 \op niýashiüga juýba t'eýawathe taý miüke, etheýgoü-biamaý. Theýakaý nudoüýhoüga akaý \tr man / some / I kill them / will / I who, / thought he, they say. / This one / leader / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:180.18 \op geýthegoüý-biamaý: T! Niýka-nazhiýha waýiümiüý taý miüke, eheý thoüýshti. Waiýiü \tr thought thus, they say: / Excellent! / Human hair / I wear as a robe / will / I who, / I said / in the past. / Robe \rf jod 1890:180.19 \op uýdoü iýnahiü aýhoü. Abthiüý taý miüke, etheýgoü-biamaý. Eýgithe isoüýga akaý \tr good / truly / ! / I have it / will / I who, / he thought, they say. / At length / his younger brother / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:180.20 \op wiüý akaý wasaýbe wiüý athiüý akiý-biamaý. Nashkiý thoü zhiüýgashtewoüýzhi akaýma, \tr one / the «sub.» / black bear / one / he brought home, they say. / Head / the «ob.» / by no means small / he had, they say, \rf jod 1890:181.1 \op ki nazhiýha zhiýdexti akaýma. Kiý ki isoüýga iýuthaý-biamaý iüsh'aýge akaý. \tr and / hair / very red / had, they say. / Reached home / when / his younger brother / told the news to, they say / old man / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:181.2 \op Iýthisabexti uthaýgashoü thoüýshti. Juýba tiýadixti akiýgthathiü tiý. T'eýawathe taý \tr You suffered exceedingly / you traveled / in the past. / Some / right to the lodge / have brought themselves. / I kill them / will \rf jod 1890:181.3 \op miüke, aý-biamaý. Shi wiüý akaý te-nuýga eýde athiüý akiý-biamaý. Nazhiýha thoü \tr I who, / said he, they say. / Again / one / the «sub.» / buffalo-bull / but / brought it home, they say. / Hair / the \rf jod 1890:181.4 \op ziýxchi akaýma. Hau. Goüýki woüýgithe akiý-bi ki shi wiüý nazhiýha thoü \tr very yellow / he had, they say, / Well. / And / all / reached home, they say / when / again / one / hair / the \rf jod 1890:181.5 \op tuýxti akaýma. Niaýshiüga eýde athiüý akiý-biamaý. Goüý pahoüýga akiý akaý, \tr very green / he had, they say. / Man / but / brought it home, they say. / And / before / he reached home / he who, \rf jod 1890:181.6 \op Iüsh'aýge-a, wathaýtai a niýashiüga thoükaý. Oüýhoü, wathaýta-baýzhi, uýwagihoüýi-ga ha, \tr Old man O! / did they eat / ? / man / they who. / Yes, / they did not eat, / cook ye for them / , \rf jod 1890:181.7 \op aý-biamaý. Goüý, Wat'oüý-bashpiý uýwagihoüiý-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Ki eýgithe, \tr said he, they say. / And, / Squash sliced, / cook for them / , / said he, they say. / And / behold, \rf jod 1890:181.8 \op niýkashiüga niýta uýwagihoü akaýma. Eýgoü oüthaýta-baýzhi ha, aý-biamaý. Eýgoü \tr man / ear / he had cooked for them, they say. / Such / we eat not / , / said they, they say. / Such \rf jod 1890:181.9 \op shnaýta-baýzhi ki edaýdoü shnaýtai eýiüte, aý-biamaý iüsh'aýge akaý, wanaý'oü-bazhiý-bi \tr you eat not / if / what / you eat / may? / said he, they say / old man / the «sub.», / they not hearing \rf jod 1890:181.10 \op etheýgoü eýgoü. Watoüýzi-skiýthe bthoüýzexchi uýwagihoüýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Ki eýgithe, \tr he thought / as. / Corn sweet / very fine / cook for them, / said he, they say. / And / behold, \rf jod 1890:181.11 \op heý eý wakeý akaýma. Goüý, Eýgoü oüwoüýthata-baýzhi, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe wiüý akaý \tr lice / that / he meant, they say. / And, / Such / we eat them not, / said they, they say. / At length / one / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:181.12 \op gaý-biamaý: Wasaýbe te-nuýga edaýbe eýxti ukiýhoü taiý, aý-biamaý. Goüý \tr said as follows, they say: / Black-bear / buffalo-bull / also / themselves / let them cook for themselves, / said he, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:181.13 \op giýthextioüý-biamaý. Ukiýhoü-bi egoüý uýzhawaxti wathaýta-biamaý. Hau, eýgithe \tr they were very glad, they say. / Cooked for themselves / having / in good spirits / they ate, they say. / Well, / at length \rf jod 1890:181.14 \op hoüý amaý. Hoüý ki iüsh'aýge akaý gaý-biamaý: Tushpaýha, niýashiüga ugaýshoü \tr night / they say. / Night / when / old man / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / Grandchild, / man / travels \rf jod 1890:181.15 \op ki deýshteaýa eaýwagoü taiý ha. Uýgthai-ga, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, tigoüýha, thiý \tr when / talking incessantly / let us be so / . / Tell about yourselves, / said he, they say. / Yes, / grandfather, / you \rf jod 1890:181.16 \op thanoüý eýgoü iüsh'aýge hniü eýgoü edaýdoü aýhigixti iýshpahoü ha. Thiýtoüthiü uýgtha-ga ha, \tr you grown / as / old man / you are / as / what / a great many / you know / . / You first / tell about yourselves / , \rf jod 1890:181.17 \op aý-biamaý. Hau, tushpaýha, iüsh'aýge bthiü thoüýzha uýgtha oüthiüýge aýtha. Hiaýgoü \tr said he, they say. / Well, / grandchild, / old man / I am / though / to tell about his relations / I have nothing / indeed. / I tell a myth \rf jod 1890:181.18 \op te aýtha, aý-biamaý. Goüý hiýgoü-biamaý iüsh'aýge akaý. Eýgithe, tushpaýha, iüsh'aýge \tr will / indeed, / said he, they say. / And / told a myth, they say / old man / the «sub.». / It happened, / grandchild, / old man \rf jod 1890:181.19 \op wiüý ediýakaý. Ki isoüýga thaýbthiü tiýgthe zhuýgigthe akaýma aýtha, aý-biamaý. \tr one / there was one. / And / his younger brother / three / dwelt in a lodge / they were with him, / they say / indeed, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:181.20 \op Ki isoüýga thoükaý weýahidexti 'aýbae ithaiý-de, hoüý ki shti akiý-hnoü-biamaý \tr And / his younger brother / they who / very far away / hunting / had gone when, / night / when / too / reached home invariably they say \rf jod 1890:182.1 \op aýtha, aý-biamaý. Ki eýgithe iüsh'aýge akaý enaýxchi tiý aýkida akaý ki, eýgithe \tr indeed, / said he, they say. / And / it happened / old man / the «sub.» / he alone / lodge / was watching / when, / at length \rf jod 1890:182.2 \op niýashiüga heýgashtewoüýzhi tiý te upaý-biam aýtha. Ki iüsh'aýge akaý geýthegoü \tr people / a great many / lodge / the / entered, they say, / indeed. / And / old man / the «sub.» / thinking thus \rf jod 1890:182.3 \op gthiüý-biam aýtha: Iüthiüýsabexti weýahidexti ugaýshoü itheý-hnoüi thoüýshti. Niýashiüga \tr sat they say / indeed: / My relations suffering very much / very far away / traveling / have gone habitually / heretofore. / Man \rf jod 1890:182.4 \op juýba aýhigixti tiýadixti t'eýawathe taý miüke-aýna, etheýgoü gthiüý-biamaý. \tr some / a great / right in the lodge / I kill them / will / I who! «in thought» / thinking / he sat they say. \rf jod 1890:182.5 \op Goüýki, Keý, tushpaýha, thiý shti hiýgoü-ga, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, tigoüýha, hiaýgoü \tr And, / Come, / grandchild, / you / too / tell a myth, / said he, they say. / Yes, / grandfather, / I tell a myth \rf jod 1890:182.6 \op te aýtha, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe niýkagahi wiüý toüýwoügthoü juýba zhuýwagthe am \tr will / indeed, / said he, they say. / It happened / chief / one / tribe / some / he with them / they say \rf jod 1890:182.7 \op aýtha. Ki shiüýgazhiüýga wiüý t'oüý amaý. Ki shiüýgazhiüýga nuýzhiüga akaý t'eýga \tr indeed. / And / child / one / he had / they say. / And / child / boy / the «sub.» / lazy \rf jod 1890:182.8 \op heýgabazhiý-biam aýtha. Ithaýdi thiükeý ugaýshoü waýgazhiý shtewoüý ugaýshoü-bazhiý-biam \tr very they say / indeed. / His father / the one who / to travel / commanded / notwithstanding / he did not travel, they say \rf jod 1890:182.9 \op aýtha. Edaýdoü shtewoüý gaýxe goüýthazhixti am aýtha. Eýgithe nuýzhiüga akaý naýzhizhoüý \tr indeed. / What / soever / to do / he did not wish at all / they say / indeed. / At length / boy / the «sub.» / to fast \rf jod 1890:182.10 \op 'iýtha-bi egoüý ihoüý akaý tiý ukoüýha weýgaxe am aýtha, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe \tr spoke of, they say / having / his mother / the «sub.» / lodge / apart / made for him / they say / indeed, / said he, they say. / At length \rf jod 1890:182.11 \op nuýzhiüga akaý geýthegoüý-biam aýtha, naýzhizhoüý-bi teýdi: Hiüdaý! niýka-nazhiýha waýiümiüý \tr boy the «sub.» / thought thus, they say, / indeed, / he fasted, they say / when: / Let me see! / human hair / I wear as a robe \rf jod 1890:182.12 \op au, etheýgoü-bi zhoüý-biam aýtha. Ki nudoüý nuýzhiüga akaý athaý-biamaý. Niýashiüga \tr will, / thinking, they say / he lay, they say / indeed. / And / on the warpath / boy / the «sub.» / went they say. / Man \rf jod 1890:182.13 \op aýhigixti zhuýwagthe athaý-biamaý. Eýgithe niýashiüga duýba tiýgthe thoükeý, ki eýdi \tr a very great number / he with them / went they say. / At length / person / four / dwelt in a lodge / they who, / and / there \rf jod 1890:182.14 \op ahiý-biam aýtha. Eýdi ahiý-bi ki nuýzhiüga akaý, Niýka-nazhiýha waýiümiüý taý miüke, \tr they arrived, they say / indeed. / There / they arrived, they say / when / boy / the «sub.», / Human hair / I wear as a robe / will / I who, \rf jod 1890:182.15 \op eheý thoüýshti. Waiiüý uýdoü iýnahiü aýhoü, at'oüý taý miüke, etheýgoü gthiüý-biam \tr I said / in the past. / Robe / good / truly / ! / I possess it / will / I who, / thinking / he sat, they say \rf jod 1890:182.16 \op aýtha. Wiüý thiükeý nazhiýha skaýxti, goüý wiüý thiükeý zhiýdexti, wiüý thiükeý zixti, \tr indeed. / One / the one who / hair / very white, / and / one / the one who / very red, / one / the one who / very yellow, \rf jod 1890:182.17 \op wiüý thiükeý tuýxti am aýtha. Goüýki iüsh'aýge akaý kiýxa-biama: Haý! ha! haý+! \tr one / the one who / very green / they say / indeed. / And / old man / the «sub.» / laughed with him, they say: / Ha! / ha! ha! \rf jod 1890:182.18 \op Wituýshpa geýthexti eýskoü, aý-biamaý. Goüý hoüý amaý ki waiiüý u'uýde thoü \tr My grandchild / thought just thus / it seems, / said he, they say. / And / night / it was / when / robe / hole / the \rf jod 1890:182.19 \op ishtaý ugthoüý zhoüý-biamaý, iüsh'aýge thoükaý wadoüýbe zhoüý goüthaý-bi egoüý. Ki \tr eye / in it / he lay, they say, / old man / the «pl. ob.» / to see them / lying / he wished, they say / having. / And \rf jod 1890:182.20 \op wagaýxthoü thoükaý uýwagikiaý-bi egoüý, Wagaýxthoü, eýgithe thazhoüý tai ha. \tr servants / the «pl. ob.» / he talked with them, his own, they say / having, / Servants, / beware / lest ye sleep / . \rf jod 1890:183.1 \op Zhoüý-bazhi zhoüýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe hoüý zhoüý ki iüsh'aýge akaý oüýthexchi \tr Sleepless / lie ye, / said he, they say. / At length / night / lay / when / old man / the «sub.» / gently \rf jod 1890:183.2 \op paýgahoüýxti wadoüýbe-hnoüý-biamaý zhoü-maý. Eýgithe iüth'aýge akaý iüý'e-weýtiü \tr raised his head high / looked at them invariably they say / the sleepers. / At length / old man / the «sub.» / stone hammer \nt =@{iüsh'aýge} \rf jod 1890:183.3 \op gthiýza-biamaý. Weýtiü gthiýza-bi egoüý, nudoüýhoüga akaý nazhiüý aýtiaýtha-bi egoüý \tr took his they say. / Hammer / took his, they say / having, / leader / the «sub.» / stood / suddenly, they say / having \rf jod 1890:183.4 \op huýtoüxti nazhiüý-bi egoüý, Kau+! aý-bi egoüý, duýba woüýgithe waxthiý-biamaý. \tr roaring exceedingly / stood, they say / having, / Kow-oo! / said, they say / having, / four / all / he killed them, they say. \rf jod 1890:183.5 \op Hau! niýkawasoüý, naýzhiü-baýdoü nazhiýha bthuýgaxti waýthizaýi-ga. Eýgithe \tr Ho! / warrior, / stand and / hair / all / take ye. / Beware \rf jod 1890:183.6 \op maýthaxoüýxoü taiý ha. Nazhiýha bthuýgaxti waýthizaýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Goüý t'eýwathe \tr lest ye cut it in many pieces / . / Hair / the whole / take ye, / said he, they say. / And / killing them \rf jod 1890:183.7 \op thishtoüý-bi egoüý, agthaý-biamaý. Agthaý-bi egoüý moüýxe uhoüýge keýdi akiý-biamaý. \tr finished, they say / having, / they went homeward, they say. / Went homeward, they say / having / sky - end / at the / they came back to, they say. \rf jod 1890:183.8 \op Hau! keý, niýkawasoüý, masaýni moügthiüýi-ga, masaýni eýgazeze akiý-nazhiüýi ga, \tr Ho! / come, / warrior, / the other side / begone ye, / the other side / in a row / reaching again / stand ye, \rf jod 1890:183.9 \op aý-biamaý. Goüý eýgoü-biamaý. Woüýgithe pahoüýga gtheýwakithaý-biamaý. Goüý \tr said he, they say. / And / so they say. / All / before / he sent them homeward, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:183.10 \op eý haýshi agthaý-biamaý. Toüýthiüxti agthaý-bi egoüý uoüýsixti agthaý-biamaý. Eýkigoüxti \tr he / behind / went homeward, they say. / Running fast / went homeward, they say / having / leaped far / he went homeward, they say. / Just like him \rf jod 1890:183.11 \op nuýzhiüga toüýde moütaýha itheý ki zhuýgigthe agthaý-biamaý. Goüý agthaý-bi egoüý, \tr boy / ground / within / had gone / he who / with his own / went homeward, they say. / And / went homeward, they say / having, \rf jod 1890:183.12 \op moüchuý keýdi akiý-bi egoüý shi eýgoü-biamaý. Woüýgithe pahoüýga gthewaýkithaý-biamaý. \tr grizzly bear / at the / reached again, they say / having / again / so they say. / All / before / he sent them homeward, they say. \rf jod 1890:183.13 \op Goüý eý haýshi agthaý-biamaý. Toüýthiüxti agthaý-biamaý, uoüýsixti agthaý-biamaý. \tr And / he / behind / went homeward, they say. / Running very fast / he went homeward, they say, / leaping very far / he went homeward they say. \rf jod 1890:183.14 \op Shi eýkigoüxti nuýzhiüga t'eý keý zhuýgigthe niüýta agthaýthiü agthaý-biamaý. \tr Again / just like him / boy / dead / he who / with his own / alive / having his own / went homeward, they say. \rf jod 1890:183.15 \op Shoüýtoüga keýdi shi eýgoü-biamaý. Shi tenuýga keýdi shi eýgoü-biamaý. Woüýgithe \tr Big wolf / at the / again / so they say. / Again / buffalo-bull / at the / again / so they say. / All \rf jod 1890:183.16 \op niüýta agthaýthiü akiý-biamaý, wiüeýshtewoü uiýxpatha-bazhiý-biamaý. Goüý agthaý-biamaý \tr alive / having his own / he reached home, they say, / not even one / lost to him not they say. / And / they went homeward they say \rf jod 1890:183.17 \op ki eýgithe toüýwoügthoü heýgashtewoüýzhi iýhe akiý-biama. Iýhe akiý-bi \tr when / at length / tribe / a great many / passing / got back to, they say. / Passing / they got back to, they say \rf jod 1890:183.18 \op egoüý, Hau! niýkawasoüý, shoüý aýtha, niýka-nazhiýha waýiüzhiüý taiýte aýtha, aý-biama. \tr having, / Ho! / warrior, / that will do / indeed, / human hair / ye shall surely wear as robes / indeed, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:183.19 \op Goüý eýdi akiý-bi egoüý tiýi thoü bthuýgaxti shi waýxthi-bi egoüý nazhiýha bthuýgaxti \tr And / there / they got back to, they say / having / lodges / the / all / again / killed them, they say / having / hair / all \rf jod 1890:183.20 \op waýthizaý-biamaý. Shoüý toüýwoügthoü duýba eýgoü waýxthi-biamaý. Goüý tiýi thoüýdi \tr they took them, they say. / And so / tribe / four / so / killed them, they say. / And / lodges / at the \rf jod 1890:184.1 \op akiý-biamaý. Goüý toüýwoügthoü etaý amaý bthuýgaxti niýkagahi uýzhu giýkaxa-bi \tr they reached home, they say. / And / tribe / his / the «pl. sub.» / all / chief / principal / made their own, they say \rf jod 1890:184.2 \op egoüý, eý weýgithigthoüý-biamaý. \tr having, / he / ruled for them, they say. \rf jod 1890:184.3 \ti The Chief's Son, the Snake-woman, and the Thunders \op Ithaýdi akaý niýkagahiý-biamaý. Gaý-biamaý: Nisiýha, ugaýshoü-ga. 'Aýbaaýdoü \tr His father / the «sub.» / chief they say. / He said as follows, they say: / My child, / travel. / Hunt and \rf jod 1890:189.1 \op wathiýtoü-doüshteoüý-ga. Niýkoühi ha, uý'oüthiüýge agthiüý ki niýkoühi-maýzhi. \tr work or else «imper. sign». / I a chief / , / for nothing / I sit / if / I a chief I not. \rf jod 1890:189.2 \op Wabthiýtoü; awaýshkoü moübthiüý eýgoü 'aýpae. Uý'oüthiüýge oüýxtioüýgoü-maýzhi. \tr I worked; / I made an effort / I walked / as / I hunted. / For nothing / I a great man I not. \rf jod 1890:189.3 \op Eýgoü wiýkoübtha. Eýgoü shkaýxe ki oüýxtieýthigoü. Uý'oüthiüýge thagthiüý ki \tr So / I wish for you. / So / you do / if / you a great man. / For nothing / you sit / if \rf jod 1890:189.4 \op niýkathiaýhiaýzhi te, aý-biamaý. Nuýzhiüga, Keý, dadiýha, 'aýbae btheý te. Shoüýge \tr you a chief not / will, / said he, they say. / Boy, / Come, / O father, / hunting / I go / will. / Horse \rf jod 1890:189.5 \op akaý noüýxa iügthoüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Goüý 'aýbae athaý-biamaý. Eýgithe oüýpoü \tr the one who / vertebra / put on it for me, / said he, they say. / And / hunting / he went, they say. / At length / elk \rf jod 1890:189.6 \op juýba weýtha-biamaý. Shoüýge toü sihiý baýxtegoü ithoüýtha-biamaý. Goüý zhuýhnoü \tr some / he found them, they say. / Horse / the «ob.» / foot / tied, having / he placed it, they say. / And / body only \rf jod 1890:189.7 \op eýdi athaý-biamaý; miüdeýgoü oüýpoü wagthaýde athaý-biamaý. Oüýpoü-ma \tr there / went they say; / crawled, having / elk / creeping up on / he went, they say. / Elk the \rf jod 1890:189.8 \op eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Ashkaýxchi wakiýda-biamaý. Ki wiüý 'uýi te, muýzibe itheýtha-biamaý. \tr there / he arrived, they say. / Very near / he shot at them, they say. / And / one / wounded it, / he shot and wounded it slightly they say. \rf jod 1890:189.9 \op Goüýki thixaý-biamaý. Thixeý athiüý athaý-bi egoüý weýahide athiüý ahiý-biamaý, \tr And / he chased it, they say. / Chasing it / having him / it went, they say / having / far / having him / arrived they say, \rf jod 1890:189.10 \op shoüýge toüý shti weýahide nazhiüý-biamaý. Ki eweýahidexti athiüý ahiý-bi \tr horse / the «ob.» / too / far / stood they say. / And / at a very great distance from / having him / arrived they say \rf jod 1890:189.11 \op egoüý iýbize wakoüýdithegoü shoüýge toü aýgikiýbanoü agiý-biamaý. Niý \tr having / thirsty / impatient from as / horse / the «ob.» / running back to his own / he was coming back, they say. / Water \rf jod 1890:189.12 \op bthaýtoü-maýzhi ki iýbize at'eý tateý aýhoü, etheýgoü-biamaý. Wakoüýdithextioüý-biamaý \tr I drink I not / if / thirsty / I die / shall / ! / thought he, they say. / Very impatient from they say \rf jod 1890:189.13 \op ki eýgithe nihoüýga edediýte amaý. Ki Wakoüýda thiükeý thahoüý-biamaý. Hau! \tr when / behold / a spring / it was there, they say. / And / Deity / the «ob.» / he prayed to, they say. / Ho! \rf jod 1890:189.14 \op Wakoüýda, shoüý ha. Aniýta, aý-biamaý. Wakoüýda, at'eý tateýskoübtheýgoü thoüýshti. \tr O Deity, / It will do / . / I live, / said he, they say. / O Deity, / I die / would, I thought / heretofore. \rf jod 1890:189.15 \op Thieýwoüzhoüý. Niýta te iütheýshkaxe eýgoü aniýta taý miüke, Wakoüýda, aý-biamaý. \tr You are the cause. / Life / the / you made for me / as / I live / will / I who, / O Deity, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:189.16 \op Hau! thatoüý goüýtha theý ki weýs'a wiüý eýthoübaý-biamaý. Baýazaý-biamaý. \tr Well! / to drink / wishing / he went / when / snake / one / emerged they say. / Scared him off, they say. \rf jod 1890:189.17 \op Oüýha-biamaý. Ahauý! Wakoüýda, aniýta eýskoübtheýgoü thoüýshti, shi at'eý taý \tr he fled they say. / Oho! / O Deity, / I live / I thought / heretofore, / again / I die / will \rf jod 1890:189.18 \op aýtoüheý ha. Shi niý teýdi thatoüý athaý-biamaý. Shi weýs'a akaý eýthoübe atiý-biamaý. \tr I who stand / . / Again / water / by the / to drink / he went, they say. / Again / snake / the «sub.» / in sight / came they say. \rf jod 1890:190.1 \op Shi xagaý-biamaý. Oüýha-biamaý. Shi etaýwadoüýbe teýdi thiügaiý eýgoü \tr Again / he cried, they say. / He fled they say. / Again / he gared at it / when / there was none / as \rf jod 1890:190.2 \op shi niý te thatoüý theý. Shi weýs'a akaý eýthoübe atiý-biamaý Shi oüýhai te. Shi \tr again / water / the «ob.» / to drink / he went. / Again / snake / the «sub.» / in sight / came they say. / Again / he fled. / Again \rf jod 1890:190.3 \op weýduboüý te duýboü baýazai te nuýzhiüga thiü. Goüý weýs'a toü aýdoübe teýdi \tr the fourth time / when / four times / it scared him off / boy / the «ob.». / And / snake / the «ob.» / looked at / when \rf jod 1890:190.4 \op eýgithe wa'uý uýdoüxti akaýma. Ki niý-ithaýtoü zhiüýga uzhiý 'iý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. \tr behold / woman / very beautiful / was, they say. / And / cup / small / filled / gave him, they say / woman / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:190.5 \op Oüthoüýbize oüwoüýkoüdithexti-moüý, aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. Oüthoüýbthoü-maýzhi \tr I am thirsty / I am very impatient from, / said, they say / boy / the «sub.». / I get enough I not \rf jod 1890:190.6 \op tateý aýhoü. Niý te dzhuýba iýnahiü aýhoü, etheýgoü-biamaý. Eýgithe iýbthoüxti giaýxa-biamaý \tr shall / ! / Water / the / a little / very / ! / thought he, they say. / At length / to get enough / she made for him, they say \rf jod 1890:190.7 \op wa'uý akaý. Iýbthoüxti thatoüý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. \tr woman / the «sub.». / Got enough / drank they say / boy / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:190.8 \op Ki nuýzhiüga akaý wa'uý thiükeý doübaý-bi teýdi xtaýtha-biamaý. Wa'uý \tr And / boy / the «sub.» / woman / the «ob.» / saw, they say / when / he loved her, they say. / Woman \rf jod 1890:190.9 \op uýdoü iýnahiü aýhoü, etheýgoü-biamaý. Ki theý nuýzhiüga toü gtheý te ki, noübuýthixthaý \tr beautiful / truly / ! / thought he, they say. / And / this / boy / the «ob.» / went homeward / when, / ring \rf jod 1890:190.10 \op wiüý 'iý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. Noübuýthixthaý gaýthoü zhoüý thagtheý te, aý-biamaý. Ki \tr one / gave, they say / woman / the «sub.». / Ring / that / you use / you go homeward / will, / said she, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:190.11 \op wahnaýte teý ki aýgthiü wiüý aýthagthoü-de, Keý, oüwoüýthate teý, esheý teý, aý-biamaý \tr you eat / will / when / seat / one / you put it on when, / Come, / we eat / will, / you say / will, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:190.12 \op wa'uý akaý. Goüý agthaý-biamaý nuý amaý. Shoüýge toü aýgikiýbanoü. Shoüýge \tr woman / the «sub.». / And / went homeward, they say / man / the «sub.». / Horse / the «ob.» / he ran back to his. / Horse \rf jod 1890:190.13 \op toüýdi akiý-biamaý. Aýgthiü agthaý-biamaý. Tiý te aýgikiýbanoüý-biamaý. Akiý-be \tr at the «ob.» / he got back, they say. / Sitting on / he went homeward, they say. / Lodge / the «ob.» / he ran back to his they say. / He reached home, they say \rf jod 1890:190.14 \op ki ithaýdi akaý, Uiýhoüi-ga. Noüpeýhiüxti gthiý te, aý-biamaý. Goüý uiýhoüi te \tr when / his father / the «sub.», / Cook ye for him. / Very hungry / he has come home / said, they say. / And / they cooked for him. \rf jod 1890:190.15 \op Wathaýge te aýhigi iüýthiü iýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Goüý wathaýte te aýhigi eýthiü ahiýi te. \tr Food / the «ob.» / much / having for me / be ye coming / said he, they say. / And / food / the «ob.» / much / having for him / they arrived. \rf jod 1890:190.16 \op Noübuýthixthaý thishnuýda-biamaý. Thishnuýda-bi egoüý eshoüýadi thishnuýde ithoüýtha-biamaý. \tr Ring / he pulled off, they say. / Pulled off, they say / having / near by / pulling it off / he put it they say. \rf jod 1890:190.17 \op Keý, oüwoüýthate tateý, aý-bi egoüý eýgithe wa'uý akaý zhuýgigtheýxti gthiüý-biamaý, \tr Come, / we eat / shall, / said, they say / having / behold / woman / the «sub.» / right with him / not they say, \rf jod 1890:190.18 \op Weýs'a-wa'uý akaý. Goüý wathaýte zhuýgigthaý-biamaý ki thasniüý-biamaý. \tr Snake-woman / the «sub.». / And / eating / she with him they say / when / she swallowed, they say. \rf jod 1890:190.19 \op Thasniüý-biamaý ki, eýgithe Weýs'a-wa'uý thiügeý aýtiaýgtha-biamaý. Shi nuýzhiüga \tr She swallowed, they say / when, / behold / Snake-woman / was none / suddenly, they say. / Again / boy \rf jod 1890:190.20 \op akaý noübuýthixthaý thoü uthiýsnoü-biamaý. Ki nuýzhiüga gaý-biamaý: Dadiýha, wa'uý \tr the «sub.» / ring / the «ob.» / put on, they say. / And / boy / said as follows, they say: / O father, / woman \rf jod 1890:190.21 \op amaý wachiýgaxai watoüýbe koüýbtha, aý-biamaý. Ki ithaýdi akaý gaý-biamaý: \tr the «sub. pl.» / they dance / I see them / I wish, / said he, they say. / And / his father / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: \rf jod 1890:191.1 \op Hau! shiüýgazhiüýga wiwiýta wa'uý wachiýgaxe weýgoütha ha; eýgoü gaýxe taiý, \tr Ho! / child / my / woman / to dance / wishes for them / ; / so / do / will «they», \rf jod 1890:191.2 \op aý-biamaý ithaýdi akaý. Ki iüsh'aýge wiüý uýwagitha athaý-biamaý. Gaý-biama: \tr said, they say / his father / the «sub.». / And / old man / one / to tell them / went, they say. / He said as follows, they say: \rf jod 1890:191.3 \op Wa'uý-mashe niýkagahi izhiüýge akaý wathaýchigaxe taý-bi aiý atha+! aý-biamaý \tr Ye women / chief / his son / the «sub.» / you dance / will / he says / indeed! / said, they say \rf jod 1890:191.4 \op iüsh'aýge akaý. Shiý wa'uý-ma wachiýgaxe-ma wadoüýba-bi ki Weýs'a-wa'uý thiükeý \tr old man / the «sub.». / Again / the women / the ones dancing / he saw, they say / when / Snake-woman / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:191.5 \op iýtha-bazhiý-biamaý. Shoüýgaxewakithaý-biamaý. Shoüshkaýxe taiý aý-biamaý atha+! wachiýgaxe \tr he did not find, they say. / He caused them to stop, they say. / You will stop / said he, they say / indeed! / dancing \rf jod 1890:191.6 \op te, aý-biamaý. Goüý shoüýgaxaý-biamaý. Tiý teýta akiý-biamaý. Keý, \tr the, / said he, they say. / And / they stopped they say. / Lodge / to the / he reached home, they say. / Come, \rf jod 1890:191.7 \op dadiýha, iüýnoüha uýhoü te. Noüpoüýhiü, aý-biamaý. Ki uýhoü-biamaý. Duýda \tr O father, / my mother / cook / will. / I hungry, / said he, they say. / And / she cooked, they say. / This way \rf jod 1890:191.8 \op ashniüý shiý taiý. Niüýde ke aýhigi athiüý giýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Goüý niüýdethaý-bi \tr you will come with it. / Cooked / the / much / bring ye hither, / said he, they say. / And / they cause it to be cooked, they say \rf jod 1890:191.9 \op ki eýdi eýthiü ahiý-biamaý. Eýthiü ahiý-bi egoüý noübuýthixthaý thishnuýda-biamaý. \tr when / there / having for him / they arrived, they say. / Having for him / they arrived, they say / having / ring / he pulled off they say. \rf jod 1890:191.10 \op Thishnuýda-bi egoüý eshoüýadi thishnuýd ithoüýtha-biamaý. Keý, oüwoüýthate tateý, \tr Pulled off, they say / having / near by / pulled off / he put it they say. / Come, / we eat / shall, \rf jod 1890:191.11 \op aý-bi egoüý eýgithe wa'uý akaý zhuýgigthexti gthiüý-biamaý, Weýs'a-wa'uý akaý. \tr said, they say / having / behold / woman / the «sub.» / right with him / sat they say, / Snake-woman / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:191.12 \op Goüý wathaýte zhuýgigthaý-biamaý. Shi kikiýshkade-shteoü-hnoüý-biamaý, nuý thiükeý \tr And / eating / she with him they say. / Again / they even played regularly with each other they say, / man / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:191.13 \op aýthixaý-bi egoüý. \tr she married, they say / having. \rf jod 1890:191.14 \op Shi Weýs'a-wa'uý amaý thiügaý-biamaý. Shi noübuýthixthaý gioüý-biamaý nuý \tr Again / Snake-woman / the «sub.» / was none, they say. / Again / ring / wore his, they say / man \rf jod 1890:191.15 \op thiükeý. Shi, Dadiýha, wa'uý sheýmiüzhiüýga zhiügaýxchi wachiýgaxe watoüýbe koüýbtha, \tr the one who. / Again, / O father, / woman / young woman / very small / to dance / I see them / I wish, \rf jod 1890:191.16 \op aý-biamaý. Ki ithaýdi akaý gaý-biamaý: Hau! shiüýgazhiüýga wiwiýta wa'uý theýmiüzhiüýga \tr said he, they say. / And / his father / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / Well! / child / my / woman / young woman \rf jod 1890:191.17 \op zhiügaýxchi wachiýgaxe weýgoütha ha; eýgoü gaýxe taiý, aý-biamaý ithaýdi akaý. \tr very small / to dance / wishes for them / ; / so / do / will «they», / said, they say / his father / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:191.18 \op Ki iüsh'aýge wiüý shi uýwagitha athaý-biamaý. Gaý-biamaý: Wa'uý-maýshe sheýmiüzhiüýga \tr And / old man / one / again / to tell them / went they say. / He said as follows, they say: / Ye women / young woman \rf jod 1890:191.19 \op zhiügaýxchi-maýshe edaýbe wathaýchigaýxe thidoüýbe goüýthai. Wathaýchigaýxe \tr very small ye who / also / you dance / to see you / he wishes. / You dance \rf jod 1890:191.20 \op taiý, ai atha+! aý-biamaý. Goüý wachiýgaxaý-biamaý. Nuýzhiüga akaý uthiýxidaý-biamaý \tr will, / he says / indeed! / said he, they say. / And / they danced they say. / Boy / the «sub.» / looked around, they say \rf jod 1890:191.21 \op ki Weýs'a-wa'uý iýtha-bazhiý-biamaý. Iýtha-baýzhi ki, Keý, dadiýha, wa'uý amaý \tr when / Snake-woman / he did not find, they say. / He did not find / when, / Come, / O father, / woman / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:192.1 \op wachiýgaxe shoüýgaxe taiý, aý-biamaý. Shoüýshkaxe taiý, aý-biamaý, athaý+, wachiýgaxe \tr to dance / stop / will «they» / said he, they say. / Ye will stop, / said he, they say, / indeed, / dancing \rf jod 1890:192.2 \op te, aý-biamaý. Goüý shoüýgaxaý-biamaý. Tiý teýta akiý-biamaý. Keý, dadiýha, \tr the, / said he, they say. / And / they stopped, they say. / Lodge / to the / he reached home, they say. / Come, / O father, \rf jod 1890:192.3 \op iüýnoüha uýhoü te. Noüpoüýhiü, aý-biamaý. Ki uýhoü-biamaý. Duýda! ashniüý shiý \tr my mother / cook / will. / I hungry, / said he, they say. / And / she cooked, they say. / This way! / you come with it \rf jod 1890:192.4 \op taiý. Niüýde ke aýhigi athiüý giýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Goüý niüýdethaý-bi ki eýdi eýthiü \tr will. / Cooked / the / much / bring ye hither, / said he, they say. / And / they caused it to be cooked, they say / when / there / having for him \rf jod 1890:192.5 \op ahiý-biamaý. Eýthiü ahiý-biý egoüý noübuýthixthaý gthiýshnudaý-bi egoüý, Keý, oüwoüýthate \tr they arrived, they say. / Having for him / arrived, they say / having / ring / pulled off his own, they say / having, / Come, / we eat \rf jod 1890:192.6 \op tateý, aý-bi egoüý, eýgithe wa'uý akaý zhuýgigtheýxti gthiüý-biamaý, Weýs'a-wa'uý \tr shall, / said, they say / having, / behold / woman / the «sub.» / right with him / sat they say, / Snake-woman \rf jod 1890:192.7 \op akaý. Goüý wathaýte zhuýgigthaý-biamaý. Shi kikiýshkade-shteoüý-hnoüý-biamaý. Shi \tr the «sub.». / And / eating / she with him, they say. / Again / they even played regularly with each other, they say. / Again \rf jod 1890:192.8 \op Weýs'a-wa'uý amaý thiügaý-biamaý. Shi noübuýthixthaý gioüý-biamaý nuý thiükeý. Shi, \tr Snake-woman / the «sub.» / was none, they say. / Again / ring / wore his, they say / man / the one who. / Again, \rf jod 1890:192.9 \op Keý, dadiýha, wa'uý sheýmiüzhiüýga noüý thiü wachiýgaxe te, aý-biamaý. Sheýmiüzhiüýga \tr Come, / O father, / woman / maiden / grown / the «ob.» / let her dance, / said he, they say. / Maiden \rf jod 1890:192.10 \op thanoüý thaýthiüsheý wathaýchigaxe taiý atha+! Niýkagahi izhiüýge akaý thidoüýbe goüýthai \tr you grown / you who are / you are to dance / indeed! / Chief / his son / the «sub.» / to see you / wishes \rf jod 1890:192.11 \op atha+! aý-biamaý. Goüý wachiýgaxaý-biamaý. Goüý wa'uý amaý uthiýxidaý-biamaý. \tr indeed! / said he, they say. / And / they danced they say. / And / woman / the «one mv.» / he looked around for, they say. \rf jod 1890:192.12 \op Iýthai-bazhiý-biamaý. Ithaýtha-maýzhi aýhoü, etheýgoü-biamaý. Shoüýgaxewakithaý-biamaý. \tr She was not found, they say. / I find her I not / ! / thought he, they say. / He caused them to stop, they say. \rf jod 1890:192.13 \op Goüý agthaý-biamaý. Akiý-biamaý ki uýhoü aýgazhiý-biamaý. Keý, dadiýha, iüýnoüha \tr And / he went homeward, they say. / He reached home, they say / when / to cook / he commanded them, they say. / Come, / O father, / my mother \rf jod 1890:192.14 \op uýhoü te. Noüpoüýhiü, aý-biamaý. Ki uýhoü-biamaý. Duýda ashniüý shiý taiý. \tr cook / will. / I hungry, / said he, they say. / And / he cooked, they say. / This way / you will come with it. \rf jod 1890:192.15 \op Niüýde ki aýhigi athiüý giýi-ga, a-biamaý. Goüý niüýdetha-bi ki eýdi eýthiü \tr Cooked / the / much / bring ye hither, / said he, they say. / And / they caused it to be cooked, they say / when / there / having for him \rf jod 1890:192.16 \op ahiý-biamaý. Eýthiü ahiý-bi egoüý noübuýthixthaý gthiýshnudaý-bi egoüý, Hau! shi athuýha \tr they arrived, they say. / Having for him / arrived, they say / having / ring / pulled off his own, they say / having, / Ho! / again / finally \rf jod 1890:192.17 \op oüwoüýthate tateý, aý-biamaý. Eýgkthe wa'uý akaý zhuýgigtheýxti gthiüý-biamaý, Weýs'a-wa'uý \tr we eat / shall, / said he, they say. / Behold / woman / the «sub.» / right with / sat they say, / Snake-woman \rf jod 1890:192.18 \op akaý. Goüý wathaýte zhuýgigthaý-biamaý. Ukiýkie-hnoüý-biamaý. Ukiýkie-hnoüý-bi \tr the «sub.». / And / eating / she with him, they say. / They talked to each other invariably they say. / They talked to each other invariably they say \rf jod 1890:192.19 \op ki ithaýdi akaý na'oüý-biamaý. Ebeý-hnoü uki(e eýiüte doüýbai-ga, \tr when / his father / the «sub.» / heard it they say. / Who only / he may be talking to / see ye, \rf jod 1890:192.20 \op aý-biamaý. Miüýzhiüga wiüý doüýbe athaý-biamaý. Ki gaý-biamaý: Dadihaý, witiýnu \tr said he, they say. / Girl / one / to see / went they say. / And / she said as follows, they say: / O father, / my elder brother \rf jod 1890:193.1 \op akaý wa'uý uýdoü-xti wiüý zhuýgthe gthiüý he, aý-biamaý miüýzhiüga akaý. Goüý \tr the «sub.» / woman / very beautiful / one / he with her / sits / , / said he, they say / girl / the «sub.». / And \rf jod 1890:193.2 \op Weýs'a-wa'uý aýthixe wathiýshna-biamaý. \tr Snake-woman / married him / visible they say. \rf jod 1890:193.3 \op Weýs'a-wa'uý oüwoüýwata athaý-bazhiý-biamaý. Eýgithe nuý akaý athaý-biamaý. \tr Snake-woman / which way / went not they say. / At length / man / the «sub.» / went, they say. \rf jod 1890:193.4 \op Athaý-biamaý ki eýgithe wa'uý uýdoü-xti wiüý itha-biamaý. Gaý-biamaý: Wiýgthoü \tr He went, they say / when / at length / woman / very beautiful / one / he found, they say. / He said as follows, they say: / I marry you \rf jod 1890:193.5 \op taý miüke. Thiaýdi thihoüý uýwagithaý-ga, aý-biamaý. Goüýki wa'uý akaý uiýtha \tr will / I who. / Your father / your mother / tell them, / said he, they say. / And / women / the «sub.» / to tell it \rf jod 1890:193.6 \op akiý-biamaý. Gaý-biamaý: Dadihaý, iüýnoüha meýgoü, niýkagahi izhiüýge akaý \tr reached home, they say. / She said as follows, they say: / O father, / my mother / likewise, / chief / his son / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:193.7 \op oügthoüý 'iýthai, aý-biamaý. Ki ithaýdi akaý gaý-biamaý: Thiýthahiýdai te ha, a-biamaý. \tr to marry me / promised, / said she, they say. / And / her father / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / He mocked you / , / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:193.8 \op Ki Weýs'a-wa'uý akaý wazhiüýshte thiügaý-biteýama, wa'uý aýzhi wagoüýtha teýdi. \tr And / Snake-woman / the «sub.» / in a bad humor / disappeared, they say, / woman / a different / he desired / when. \rf jod 1890:193.9 \op Goüý thiügaiý te ki gaý-biamaý: Wabthaýte koüýbtha ha. Iüýnoüha uýhoü te, \tr And / she disappeared / when / he said as follows, they say: / I eat / I wish / . / My mother / let her cook, \rf jod 1890:193.10 \op aý-biamaý. Ki uýhoü-biamaý. Duýda ashniüý shiý taiý. Niüýde ke aýhigi athiüý giýi ga, \tr said he, they say. / And / she cooked, they say. / This way / you will come with it. / Cooked / the / much / bring ye hither, \rf jod 1890:193.11 \op aý biamaý. Goüý niüýdethaý-bi ki eýdi eýthiü ahiý-biamaý. Eýthiü ahiý-bi egoüý \tr said he, they say. / And / they caused it to be cooked, they say / when / there / they brought it thither to him, they say. / Brought it thither to him, they say / having \rf jod 1890:193.12 \op noübuýthixthaý gthiýshnudaý-bi egoüý, Keý, oüwoüýthate tateý, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe, oüýkazhiý-biamaý. \tr ring / pulled off his, they say / having, / Come, / we eat / shall, / said he, they say. / Behold, / not so they say. \rf jod 1890:193.13 \op Oüýkazhi egoüý thataý-bazhiý-biamaý, giýtha-bazhiý-biamaý, Weýs'aa-wa'uý iýgitha-bazhiý-bi \tr Not so / being / he ate not they say, / displeased they say, / Snake-woman / found not his they say \rf jod 1890:193.14 \op egoüý. Thizaý-ga. Iüýtha-maýzhi. Wathaýte koüýbtha-maýzhi, aý-biamaý. Keý, \tr having. / Take it. / I am sad. / Food / I want not, / said he, they say. / Come, \rf jod 1890:193.15 \op dadiýha, 'aýbae btheý taý miüke, aý-biamaý. Shoüýge toü noüýxa shaýnakaýgthe \tr father, / hunting / I go / will / I who, / said he, they say. / Horse / the «ob.» / vertebra / saddle \rf jod 1890:193.16 \op iüýgthoüi-ga, aý-biamaý. Waýthaha uýdoüxti aýthahaý-biamaý. Shoüýge toüý shti uýdoüxti, \tr put ye on for me, / said he, they say. / Clothing / very good / he put on, they say. / Horse / the / too / very good, \rf jod 1890:193.17 \op shaýnakaýgthe shti uýdoüxti. Athaý-biamaý. Athaý-biamaý ki eýgithe Weýs'a-wa'uý \tr saddle / too / very good. / He went, they say. / He went, they say / when / behold / Snake-woman \rf jod 1890:193.18 \op sigtheý te iýgitha-biamaý. Nihoüýga te agthaý-biteýama. Siýgthuthuýgihaý-biamaý. \tr trail / the / he found his, they say. / Spring / the «ob.» / she went back, they say. / He followed the trail of his they say. \rf jod 1890:193.19 \op Siýgthuthuýgihaý-bi ki, eýgithe nihoüýga te aýkusoüde aýta athaý-biteýama sigtheý te. \tr He followed the trail of his, they say / when, / behold / spring / the / through / beyond / went, they say / trail / the. \rf jod 1890:193.20 \op Siýgthuthuýgihe athaý-bi egoüý, thaý-bi goüý, thaý-bi goüý, eýgithe tiý te piýazhixti edediý \tr Following the trail of his own / he went, they say / having, / he went, they say / having, / he went, they say / having, / at length / lodge / the / very bad / there it \rf jod 1890:193.21 \op te amaý. Theýtedi hiý eskoüý, etheýtoü eýgoü eýdi athaý-biamaý. Eýdi ahiý-bi ki eýgithe \tr was / they say. / At this place / she arrived / it might be, / he thought / as / there / he went, they say. / There / he arrived, they say / when / behold \rf jod 1890:194.1 \op niýashiüga iüsh'aýgexchi akaýma, waýthaha thishpaýshpaxchioüý akaýma. Theý niýashiüga \tr person / very old man / was, they say, / clothing / torn in shreds / they say. / This / man \rf jod 1890:194.2 \op ahiýi ki iüsh'aýge thiükeý waýthaha etaý te aýthahakithaý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. \tr arrived / when / old man / the «ob.» / clothing / his / the / caused him to put on, they say / boy / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:194.3 \op Iüsh'aýge akaý xubaý-biamaý. Hau! tushpaýha, thaý'eoüýthathe ehneýgoü, waýthaha \tr Old man / the «sub.» / sacred, they say. / Ho! / grandchild, / you pity me / you think, / clothing \rf jod 1890:194.4 \op oüthaý'i, shoüý tha'eýwigithe, aý-biama. Uwiýkie taý miüke, aý-biamaý. Wa'uý \tr you gave me, / yet / I pity you, / said he, they say. / I talk to you / will / I who, / said he, they say. / Woman \rf jod 1890:194.5 \op uthuýthahe thiüý gaýke theý, niý-toüga ke aýthite theý, aý-biamaý. Hau! waýthaha theý \tr you follow her / the / that «way» / went, / big water / the / crossed it / went, / said he, they say. / Ho! / clothing / this \rf jod 1890:194.6 \op piýazhixchi theý aýhnaha hneý te, aý-bi egoüý 'iý-biamaý iüsh'aýge akaý. Wathaýge \tr very bad / this / you put on / you will go, / said, they say / having / gave him, they say / old man / the «sub.». / Hat \rf jod 1890:194.7 \op thoüý shti 'iý-biamaý. Moüýze-wetiüý shti 'iý-biamaý. Shoüýge toü piýazhi wahiýthageý \tr the / too / gave him, they say. / Sword / too / gave him, they say. / Horse / the / bad / lame \rf jod 1890:194.8 \op shti 'iý-biamaý. Goüý, Keý, hneý te. Toüýwoügthoü wiüý edediýthoü eýdi ahiý aýtha \tr too / gave him, they say. / And, / Come, / you will go. / Village / one / the one that is there / there / arrived / indeed \rf jod 1890:194.9 \op wa'uý akaý, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, aý-biamaý. Masaýni shiý tediýhi ki niýashiüga \tr woman / the «sub.», / said he, they say. / Yes, / said he, they say. / Across / you arrive / arrives at it / when / person \rf jod 1890:194.10 \op juýba eýdi gthiüý, aý-biamaý. Uýwathakieý te, aý-biamaý. Iýe ke eýthinaý'oü-baýzhi \tr some / there / sit, / said he, they say. / You will talk with them, / said he, they say. / Word / the / not heed for you \rf jod 1890:194.11 \op ki theýwathaýkithe teý, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, tigoüýha, aý-biamaý, thahoüý-bi egoüý. \tr if / you will send them away, / said he, they say. / Yes, / grandfather, / said he, they say, / thanked him, they say / having. \rf jod 1890:194.12 \op Goüý athaý-biamaý. \tr And so / he went, they say. \rf jod 1890:194.13 \op Niý-toüga ahiý-bi ki niý ke zhiüýgazhi amaý. Iüsh'aýge akaý waxuýbe gaýxai \tr Big water / he reached, they say / when / water / the / not small / they say. / Old man / the «sub.» / sacred «thing» / made \rf jod 1890:194.14 \op eýgoü niý ke aýgazhade theýkithaý-biamaý, iüsh'aýge akaý ishtaý-thip'iüýze gthiüý-bi egoüý. \tr having / water / the / striding / he sent him, they say, / old man / the «sub.» / closing his eyes / sat, they say / having. \rf jod 1890:194.15 \op Ishtaý thibthaý-bi ki, eýgithe masaýni ahiý biamaý. Masaýni ahiý-bi ki, tiý edediý-te \tr Eye / opened, they say / when, / behold / the other side / he reached, they say. / The other side / he reached, they say / when, / lodge / there it was, \rf jod 1890:194.16 \op amaý, shuýde goüý moüýgthe nazhiüý te amaý. Theý tiý witiýgoü uthaý thoüýshti, theteýe ha, \tr they say, / smoke / so / erect / it stood / they say. / This / lodge / my grandfather / told of / heretofore, / this is it / , \rf jod 1890:194.17 \op aý-biamaý. Eýdi ahiý-bi egoüý upaý-biamaý. Eýgithe iüsh'aýge noüýba eýdi gthiüý akaýma, \tr said he, they say. / There / arrived, they say / having / he entered, they say. / Behold / old man / two / there / were sitting , they say, \rf jod 1890:194.18 \op Iügthoüý iüsh'aýge. 'Aýbae athaý-biamaý ushteý amaý. Wathaýge thoü iüsh'aýge \tr Thunder / old man. / Hunting / went, they say / the rest / the «pl. sub.». / Hat / the / old man \rf jod 1890:194.19 \op akaý 'iýi thoü ugipadoüý-bi ki wathiýshna-bazhiý-biamaý. Iüsh'aýge amaý iýtha-bazhiý-biamaý. \tr The «sub.» / had given him / the / he pushed down his, they say / when / he was invisible they say. / Old man / the «sub.» / did not discover him they say. \rf jod 1890:194.20 \op Ki eýgithe, oüguý eýgoü niýkashiüga waýthate akaýma Iügthoüý akaý. Shoüý \tr And / behold, / us / like / man / were eating them, they say / Thunder / the «sub.». / Yet \rf jod 1890:195.1 \op weýtha-baýzhi gthiüý-bi ki, Piýazhi iýnahiü gaýxai aýhoü, etheýgoü gthiüý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. \tr found him not / they sat, they say / when, / Bad / truly / they do / ! / thinking / sat they say / boy / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:195.2 \op Witiýgoü uaýwakie taiý-ma theý waýwake te-aýna etheýgoü-biamaý. Goüý niniý uzhiý-bi \tr My grandfather / I talk with them / will they who / this / he meant them / «in thought»! / thought he, they say. / And / tobacco / they put in, they say \rf jod 1890:195.3 \op ki wathiýshna kikaýxa-biamaý, wathaýge gthiýshnudaý-bi egoüý. Niniýba ke weýnashaý-biamaý. \tr when / visible / he made himself, they say, / hat / pulled off his, they say / having. / Pipe / the / he snatched from them they say. \rf jod 1890:195.4 \op Niniýba naýkade ki iýbistaý-biamaý Iügshoüý iüsh'aýge aýma thiükeý. Iýchichiý! \tr Pipe / hot / when / he held against, they say / Thunder / old man / the other / the «ob.». / I burn! \nt =@{Iügthoüý} \rf jod 1890:195.5 \op aý-biamaý iüsh'aýge akaý. Goüýki wathaýge ugiýpadoüý-bi ki thiügaý-biamaý. Xa-iý, \tr said, they say / old man / the «sub.». / And / hat / he pulled on his, they say / when / he was missing, they say. / Why! \rf jod 1890:195.6 \op niýashiüga uýmaka iýnahiü akiýgthathiü tiý thoüýshti. Eaýtoü sheýnazhi eýiüte, aý-biamaý. \tr man / easy / truly / having himself / had come / heretofore. / Why / not destroyed / may? / said «one», they say. \rf jod 1890:195.7 \op Aýma gaý-biamaý: Thiý eýwipashiýbe, eheý teý eaýtoü sheýnazhi, aý-biamaý. Gaýagiýama \tr The other / said as follows, they say: / Thee / I left him for thee, / I said / when / why / not destroyed, / said he, they say. / Those returning \rf jod 1890:195.8 \op weýama taý amaý. Niýashiüga uýmaka chaýbe tiý thoüýshti aýkiaýgthai, weýahuýsa taý \tr they blame us / will / the «sub.». / Man / easy / very / had come hither / went back again, / they scold us / will \rf jod 1890:195.9 \op amaý. Eýgithe niýashiüga t'eýthe 'iüý agthiý-biamaý. Gaýke thizaýi-ga, aý-biamaý. \tr the «sub.». / At length / man / killed / carrying / one came home, they say. / That «ob.» / take ye, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:195.10 \op Thizaý-bi egoüý noüýdat iheýtha-biamaý. Hau! ha+! weýathamaý taiteý, aý-biamaý. \tr Took it, they say / having / by the wall / they placed it, they say. / «see note» / you will surely blame us, / said they, they say. \rf jod 1890:195.11 \op Niýashiüga uýmaka akiýgthathiü tiý thoüýshti aýkiaýgthai, aý-biamaý. Tenaý! eaýtoü azhoüý \tr Man / easy / having himself / had come hither / he went back again, / said they, they say. / Fie! / why / you did \rf jod 1890:195.12 \op ki t'eýthatha-baýzhi gtheýthakithaiý a, aý-biamaý. Weýahidexti oüguý-hnoü oügaýhii, \tr when / you did not kill him / you sent him homeward / ? / said he, they say. / At a very great distance / we only / we arrived, \rf jod 1890:195.13 \op aý-biamaý. Uýmakaxchi tiý ki t'eýthatha-baýzhi gtheýwathathaiý piýazhi shkaýxai. Iýwit'aýbthai, \tr said he, they say. / Very easily / came / when / you did not kill him / you sent them homeward / bad / you did. / I hate you, \rf jod 1890:195.14 \op aý-biamaý. Keý, niniý uzhiýi-ga, adiýda! aý-biamaý. Goüýki niniý uzhiý-bi egoüý, t'eýthe \tr said he, they say. / Come, / tobacco / put ye in, / simpletons! / said he, they say. / And / tobacco / put in, they say / having, / killed \rf jod 1890:195.15 \op 'iüý gthiý thiükeý 'iý-biamaý. Niniýba ke thanaý-bi egoüý nuýzhiüga akaý weýnashaý-biamaý, \tr carrying / came home / the one who / they gave him, they say. / Pipe / the / took a whiff, they say / having / boy / the «sub.» / snatched it from them they say, \rf jod 1890:195.16 \op iýbistaý-biamaý. Iýchichiý! aý-biamaý. Wiýebthiü-maýzhi, aý-biamaý. Aýma, \tr pressed it against him, they say. / I am burnt! / said he, they say. / It was not I, / said «one», they say. / The other, \rf jod 1890:195.17 \op Wiýebthiü-maýzhi, aý-biamaý. Nuýzhiüga akaý wathaýge gthiýshnudaý-biamaý. Theýma \tr It was not I, / said he, they say. / Boy / the «sub.» / hat / pulled off his, they say. / These \rf jod 1890:195.18 \op zhuýwagtheýxti ithoüý-biamaý. Edaýdoü edeýshai a, aý-biamaý. Edaýdoü edoüýthoü-baýzhi, \tr right with them / he sat suddenly, they say. / What / what said ye / ? / said he, they say. / What / what we said not, \rf jod 1890:195.19 \op aý-biamaý. Iýthae-hnoüýi, aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. Keý, e'oüý shkaýxe shkoüýhnai \tr said they, they say. / You were speaking, / said, they say / boy / the «sub.». / Come, / how / you do / you wish \rf jod 1890:195.20 \op ki, ke, gaýxai-ga, aý-biamaý. Weýzha-biamaý. Kageýha, oüýkazhi, oüthoüýa-baýzhi, \tr if, / come, / do ye, / said he, they say. / They denied, they say. / Friend, / not so, / we were not speaking, \rf jod 1890:196.1 \op aý-biamaý. Thaýbthiü akaý doübaý-bi ki, eýgithe, sabaýzhixti wathaýge thoü ugiýpadoüý-bi \tr said they, they say. / Three / the «sub.» / saw him, they say / when, / behold, / very suddenly / hat / the / pushed on his, they say \rf jod 1890:196.2 \op egoüý thiügaý-biamaý. \tr having / he was not, they say. \rf jod 1890:196.3 \op Na! kageý, weýathamaiý thoüýshti, iýhusa-biamaý shi. Eaýtoü, kageý, niýkashiüga \tr Why! / younger brother, / you blamed us / heretofore, / they scolded him, they say. / again. / Why, / younger brother, / man \rf jod 1890:196.4 \op t'eýthathaýzhi gtheýwathakitheý a. Weýathama thoüýshti, aý-biamaý pahoüýga akaý. Gaý-agiýama \tr You did not kill / you sent homeward / ? / You blamed us / heretofore, / said, they say / the first / the «sub.». / Those returning \rf jod 1890:196.5 \op weýama taiteý, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe agthiý-biamaý. Shiüýgazhiüýga 'iüý agthi-biamaý. \tr will surely blame us, / said «the first ones», they say. / At length / «one» came home, they say. / Infant / carrying / he came home they say. \rf jod 1890:196.6 \op gaýke thizaýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Noüýdat iheýtha-biamaý. Gaý-biamaý: Wathuýdeazhi-xti piý; \tr That «ob.» / take ye, / said he, they say. / By the wall / they laid it, they say. / He said as follows, they say: / Very far / I was «I reached»; \rf jod 1890:196.7 \op a'iüý agthiý, aý-biamaý. Gaý-biamaý: Kageýha, niýashiüga wiüý \tr I carried / I have come home, / said he, they say. / They said as follows, they say: / Younger brother, / man / one \rf jod 1890:196.8 \op uýmaka chaýbe atiý thoüýshti. T'eoüýwoütha-baýzhi agthaiý, aý-biamaý. Sheýaka weýama eýde \tr easy / very / came hither / formerly. / We did not kill them / he went homeward, / said they, they say. / Yonder one / blamed us / but \rf jod 1890:196.9 \op eý shti eýgoüi zhuý-bazhi ha. Woüýgabashiýbai, t'eoüýtha-baýzhi shi. Gaý-biamaý: Xa-iý! \tr he / too / was so / unsuccessful / . / We left it for them, / we did not kill him / again. / He said as follows, they say: / Why! \rf jod 1890:196.10 \op oüthoüýsabe iýnahiü weýahide piý thoüýshti. Uýmaka iýnahiü tiý te t'eýthatha-baýzhi \tr I suffered / truly / a great distance / I reached / formerly. / Easy / truly / came / when / you did not kill him \rf jod 1890:196.11 \op gtheýthakithaiý te piýazhi shkaýxai. Wiý goüý toüýbe ki t'eýathe taý miüke, aý-biamaý. \tr you sent him homeward / when / bad / you did. / I / at any rate / I see him / if / I kill him / will / I who, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:196.12 \op Iýkihusaý-bi ki eýgithe nuýzhiüga akaý wathaýge gthiýshnudaý-biamaý, eýwakigoüýxti ithoüý-biamaý. \tr Scolding one another, they say / when / at length / boy / the «sub.» / hat / pulled off his they say, / just like them / sat suddenly they say. \rf jod 1890:196.13 \op Edeýshai a, aý-biamaý. Oüthoüýa-baýzhi, aý-biamaý. Kageýha, edaýdoü edoüýthoü-bazhi, \tr What said you / ? / said he, they say. / We did not speak, / said they, they say / Friend, / what / we said nothing, \rf jod 1890:196.14 \op aý-biamaý. Weýzha-biamaý. Noüýpa-iý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. Iýthae-hnoüýi. \tr said they, they say. / They denied it, they say. / Was feared they say / boy / the «sub.». / You were speaking. \rf jod 1890:196.15 \op Edaýdoü edeýshegoü iýai-ga. Kageýha, edaýdoü shtewoüý 'ioüýtha-bazhi, aý-biamaý. \tr What / what you said, so / speak ye. / Friend, / what / soever / we spoke not of, / said they, they say \rf jod 1890:196.16 \op Wathaýge thoü gioüý-bi ki eýgithe thiügeý aýtiaýgtha-biamaý. Kageýha, eaýtoü azhoüý. \tr Hat / the / he put on his, they say / when / behold / he disappeared suddenly, they say. / Younger brother, / what were you doing? \rf jod 1890:196.17 \op Eaýtoü t'eýwathathaýzhi, kigtheýwathaýthe a Weýathamaiý thoüýshti, aý-biamaý. Niýkashiüýga \tr Why / you killed them not, / you sent them home again / ? / You blamed us / heretofore, / said they, they say. / Man \rf jod 1890:196.18 \op uýmaka chaýbe atiý-hnoü thoüýshti, oüwoüýthigthoüýthai. T'eoüýtha-baýzhi. Iüýtoü gaýagiý-ma \tr easy / very / came regularly / heretofore, / we missed doing it to him. / We did not kill him. / Now / those returning \rf jod 1890:196.19 \op wiüý xtaýwathe uthiýshixtioüýi, weýahusa taý amaý, aý-biamaý. Shi wiüý agthiý-biamaý. \tr one / to love us / very difficult, / they scold us / will / the «pl. sub.», / said they, they say. / Again / one / came home they say. \rf jod 1890:196.20 \op Wa'uý miüýzhiüga eýthoüba wa'iüý agthiý-biamaý. Hau! kageýha, weýathat'aýhne taiý, \tr Woman / girl / too / carrying them / he came home, they say. / Ho! / younger brother, / you hate us / will, \rf jod 1890:197.1 \op aý-biamaý. Niýkashiüga wiüý uýmaka chaýbe atiý thoüýshti, t'eoüýwoütha-baýzhi, kigtheýoüwoüthaiý, \tr said they, they say. / Man / one / easy / very / came / formerly, / we did not kill them, / we sent them home again, \rf jod 1890:197.2 \op aý-biamaý. Hau, ha+! aý-biamaý. Eaýtoü t'eýwathaýtha-baýzhi a. Weýahide \tr said they, they say. / «see note» / said he, they say. / Why / you killed them not / ? / Very far \rf jod 1890:197.3 \op oüguýne-hnoü oügaýhi. Weýasabextiý oügaýhi-hnoüi. Eaýtoü t'eýwathaýtha-baýzhi a. \tr we hunting regularly / we arrive. / We suffering exceedingly / we usually arrive. / Why / you did not kill them / ? \rf jod 1890:197.4 \op Iýwit'aýbthai, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, kageýha, eýgoü ha, aý-biamaý. Oüwoüýdoübaiý \tr I hate you, / said he, they say. / Yes, / younger brother, / it is so / , / said they, they say. / We see them \rf jod 1890:197.5 \op shtewoüý eaýwagoü-hnoüýi, aýkiaýgthe-hnoüýi, wiüýthake. Atiý taý ama ha, aý-biamaý. \tr notwithstanding / we are always so, / they always go back again, / you speak truly. / Come / will / the «pl. sub.» / , / said they, they say. \rf jod 1890:197.6 \op Wiý toüýbe ki t'eýathe te. Niniý uzhiýi-ga, aý-biamaý iüýchoü agthiý akaý. Goüýki \tr I / I see him / if / I kill him / will. / Tobacco / put ye in, / said he, they say / just now / come / the «sub.». / And \rf jod 1890:197.7 \op niniý uzhiý-bi egoüý t'eýthe 'iüý gthiý thiükeý 'iý-biamaý. Niniýba ke thanaý-bi egoüý \tr tobacco / put in, they say / having / killed / carrying / came home / the one who / they gave him, they say. / Pipe / the / drew a whiff, they say / having \rf jod 1890:197.8 \op nuýzhiüga akaý weýnashaý-biamaý, iýbistaý-biamaý. Iýchichiý! aý-biamaý. Niüýdeoüthaýthai, \tr boy / the «sub.» / snatched it from them they say, / pressed it against him, they say. / I am burnt! / said he, they say, / You burn me, \rf jod 1890:197.9 \op aý-biamaý. Oüguý oüthiü-baýzhi, aý-biamaý. Nuýzhiüga akaý wathaýge gthiýshnudaý-bi egoüý \tr said he, they say. / We / we are not, / said they, they say. / Boy / the «sub.» / hat / pulled off his, they say / having \rf jod 1890:197.10 \op zhuýwagtheýxti ithoüý-biamaý wathiýshna-biamaý. Kitoüýtoübextiý-biamaý. \tr right with them / sat suddenly, they say / visible they say. / They looked repeatedly at one another they say. \rf jod 1890:197.11 \op Theýgoü uthiýtha-hnoüi thoüýshti eýgizhoü hnoükaýshe, uwiýkie taiý miüke, aý-biamaý \tr Thus / he told of you only / formerly / you do that / you who are, / I talk to you / will / I who, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:197.12 \op nuýzhiüga akaý. Uwiýkie taiý miüke shoüýzha iýe ke aýthanaý'oü-baýzhi ki hneý taiteý, \tr boy / the «sub.». / I talk to you / will / I who / though / words / the / you obey not / if / you go / shall, \rf jod 1890:197.13 \op aý-biamaý. Aýthanaý'oüi ki hnaý-baýzhi taiteý, aý-biamaý. Niýashiüga theýama \tr said he, they say. / You obey / if / you go not / shall, / said he, they say. / Man / these \rf jod 1890:197.14 \op 'aýgthawathaýthai. Eaýtoü t'eýwathathaiý a. Oüwoüýthate taiý ha, aý-biamaý. Ki theýma \tr ye make them suffer. / Why / you kill them / ? / We eat them / will / , / said they, they say. / And / these \rf jod 1890:197.15 \op eýbe waýhnataiý a. Piýazhi shkaýxai, aý-biamaý. Shoüýshkaxe taiý theýma t'eýwathathaiý \tr who / you eat them / ? / Bad / yo do, / said he, they say. / You will stop it / these / you kill them \rf jod 1890:197.16 \op te, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, kageýha, aý-biamaý. Gaýtedi heý t'oü washtoüýbai a, \tr the, / said he, they say. / Yes, / friend, / said they, they say. / In that place / horn / have / you see them / ? \rf jod 1890:197.17 \op aý-biamaý (teý eý wakaý-biamaý). Oüýhoü, heýgabaýzhi, aý-biamaý. Theý Wakaüýda \tr said he, they say / (buffalo / that / he meant, they say). / Yes, / a great many, / said they, they say. / This / Deity \rf jod 1890:197.18 \op akaý wathaýte waýxai niýkashiüga gthuýba. Theýma waýhnatai te piýazhi shkaýxai. \tr the «sub.» / food / made them / people / all. / These / you eat them / as / bad / you do. \rf jod 1890:197.19 \op Shoüýgaxaýi-ga, aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. Eý shti washtoüýbai a (oüýpoü eý wakaý-biamaý), \tr Stop ye it, / said, they say / boy / the «sub.». / That / too / you see them / ? / (elk / that / he meant they say), \rf jod 1890:197.20 \op aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, aý-biamaý. Eýgoü wathaýtai-ga, aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga \tr said he, they say. / Yes, / said they, they say. / So / eat ye them / said he, they say / boy \rf jod 1890:198.1 \op akaý. Eý shti washtoüýbai a, aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý (taýxti eý wakaý-biamaý). \tr the «sub.». / That / too / you see them / ? / said, they say / boy / the «sub.» / (deer / that / he meant they say). \rf jod 1890:198.2 \op Oüýhoü, heýgabazhi oüwoüýdoübai ha, aý-biamaý. Eýgoü waýhnate taiý. Theýma \tr Yes, / a great many / we saw them / , / said they, they say. / So / ye eat them / will. / These \rf jod 1890:198.3 \op shoümeýwathaýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Uý'oüthiüýge 'aýgthawathaýthai, aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. \tr let them alone, / said he, they say. / Needlessly / you make them suffer, / said, they say / boy / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:198.4 \op Ki eýgoü shkaýxe taiý ki uwiýkie taiý miüke. Oüýhoü, kageýha, eýgoü oügaýxe \tr And / so / you do / will / if / I talk to you / will / I who. / Yes, / friend, / so / we do \rf jod 1890:198.5 \op toüýgatoü, aý-biamaý. Shoüýshkaxe taiteý, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, kageýha, shoüýoügaýxe \tr we who will, / said they, they say. / You will surely stop it, / said he, they say. / Yes, / friend, / we stop it \rf jod 1890:198.6 \op toüýgatoü, aý-biamaý. Ki theýma waniýta hnaýte aýwigazhi-maý waýhnate taiteý, \tr we who will, / said they, they say. / And / these / animal / you eat / I command you them / you eat them / will surely, \rf jod 1890:198.7 \op aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, kageýha, oüwoüýthate toüýgatoü, aý-biamaý. Hau! btheý taý \tr said he, they say. / Yes, / friend, / we eat them / we who will, / said they, they say. / Ho! / I go / will \rf jod 1890:198.8 \op miüke, aý biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. Btheý taý miüke thoüýzha iýhe agthiý taý miüke, \tr I who, / said, they say / boy / the «sub.». / I go / will / I who / though / passing / I come back / will / I who, \rf jod 1890:198.9 \op aý-biamaý. Wiüýthaka-baýzhi hnoükaýshe hneý taiteý; wiüýthake hnoükaýshe shoüýshoü \tr said he, they say. / You tell not the truth / ye who / you go / shall; / you tell the truth / ye who / continually \rf jod 1890:198.10 \op thagthiüý taiteý. The waniýta waýhnate hnoükaýshe agthiý ki shoüýshoü hniüý taiteý, \tr you sit / shall. / This / animal / you eat them / ye who / I come back / when / continually / you be / shall, \rf jod 1890:198.11 \op aý-biamaý. Oüýka-thiü-baýzhi hnoükaýshe, agthiý ki hneý taiteý, aý-biamaý. Goüý atha-biamaý. \tr said he, they say. / You are not so / ye who, / I come back / when / you go / shall, / said he, they say. / And / went they say. \rf jod 1890:198.12 \op Wa'uý sigtheý theý te shi uthuýhe athaý-biamaý. Sigtheý theý te uthuýhe athaý-bi \tr Woman / trail / went / the / again / following / he went, they say. / Trail / went / the / following / went, they say \rf jod 1890:198.13 \op egoüý, thaý-bi goüý, thaý-bi goüý, eýgithe toüýwoügthoü heýgashtewoüýzhi edediý-thoü amaý. \tr having, / went, they say / having, / went, they say / having, / at length / village / populous / there it was / they say. \rf jod 1890:198.14 \op Ki Weýs'a-wa'uý eýdi ahiý-biteýamaý. Nuýzhiüga akaý tiý koüýgexchi ahiý-bi ki \tr And / Snake-woman / there / arrived had, they say. / Boy / the «sub.» / lodge / very near to / arrived, they say / when \rf jod 1890:198.15 \op kigthiýtoü-biamaý. Waxuýbe gaxaý-bi egoüý waýthaha uýdoüxti iüsh'aýge 'iýi ke eý \tr worked for himself, they say. / Sacred thing / made, they say / having / clothing / very good / old man / gave him / the / that \rf jod 1890:198.16 \op gaxaý-biamaý. Shoüýge toüý shti saýbexti gaxaý-biamaý. Moüýze-wetiüý shti miýgthoü-biamaý. \tr he made, they say. / Horse / the / too / very black / he made, they say. / Sword / too / he wore in his belt they say. \rf jod 1890:198.17 \op Eýdi athaý-biamaý. Shoüýge amaý uoüýsixti noüýge moüthiüý-biamaý. \tr There / he went, they say. / Horse / the «sub.» / leaping very high / running / walked they say. \rf jod 1890:198.18 \op Niýashiüga wadoüýbe kiýshte noüýpe aýtiaýgtha-biamaý. Theý niýashiüga wiüý atiý eýde \tr People / saw / even when / feared / suddenly they say. / This / man / one / has come / but \rf jod 1890:198.19 \op waýthaha uýdoü chaýbe aýtha. Shoüýge toüý shti uýdoüxti agthiüýi, aý-biamaý. Weýs'a-wa'uý \tr clothing / good / very / indeed. / Horse / the / too / very good / he sits on, / said they, they say. / Snake-woman \rf jod 1890:198.20 \op ugiýne tiý eýgoü tiýi thoü kuýwiüxe athaý-biamaý. Ugthiýxide goüý gthiüý-biamaý. \tr seeking his / had come / as / lodges / the «ob.» / going around / he went, they say. / Looking for his / so / he sat they say. \rf jod 1890:198.21 \op Eýgithe Weýs'a-wa'uý iýgitha-bi egoüý eýgithe nuý wiüý aýthixe akaýma. Uneý ahiý \tr At length / Snake-woman / found his, they say / having / behold / man / one / she had married, they say. / Seeking her / arrived \rf jod 1890:199.1 \op akaý iýt'athaý-biamaý, miüýaka-biamaý. Miüýwadaý-biamaý ki moüýze-wetiü iüsh'aýge \tr he who / he hated they say, / jealous they say. / Jealous they say / when / sword / old man \rf jod 1890:199.2 \op akaý 'iýi ke gthizaý-bi egoüý, weýtiü aýbahaý-biamaý. Weýduboüý tediýhi toüýwoügthoü \tr the «sub.» / gave him / the «ob.» / took his, they say / having, / threatened to strike, they say. / The fourth time / arrived at it / village \rf jod 1890:199.3 \op bthuýgaxti waýxthi-biamaý. Weýs'a-wa'uý edaýbe gaxthiý-biamaý. Agthaý-biamaý \tr the whole / he killed them, they say. / Snake-woman / also / he killed her, they say. / Went homeward, they say \rf jod 1890:199.4 \op nuýzhiüga akaý. Agthaý-bi egoüý niýashiüga uýwakie-ma eýdi akiý-biamaý. \tr boy / the «sub.». / Went homeward, they say / having / person / those with whom he talked / there / he reached home, they say. \rf jod 1890:199.5 \op Eýgithe wiüýka-baýzhi akaýma, shoüýgaxe 'iýthai te. Naxiýde-thithiüýge iýthanahiüýi \tr Behold / they had not told the truth, / to stop it / they promised. / You have no ears / you indeed \rf jod 1890:199.6 \op aýhoü. Shoüýshkaxe taý-bi, ehaiý thoüýshti. Aýthanaý'oü-baýzhi ha, aý-biamaý. Hneý taiteý, \tr ! / You are to stop it, / I said / formerly. / You have not obeyed / , / said he, they say. / You go / shall, \rf jod 1890:199.7 \op aý-biamaý. Theýthu moühniüý ki niýashiüga-ma iýxtaxti waýhniü iýnihe ebtheýgoü \tr said he, they say. / Here / you walk / if / the human race / wantonly / you have them / lest / I think \rf jod 1890:199.8 \op goüý moüýshi hneý tai, aý-biamaý. Niýkashiüga t'eýwathaýthe-maýshe moüýshi hneý ki, \tr so / high / you go / will, / said he, they say. / Men / ye who kill them / high / you go / when \rf jod 1890:199.9 \op oüýba atoüýshte mashteýxti ki goüýki aýsniüwathaýkithe taiý, aý-biamaý. Nazhiüý eý \tr day / whenever / very warm / when / and / you make them cool again / will, / said he, they say. / Rain / that \rf jod 1890:199.10 \op wakaý-biamaý. Goüý, Keý, thaý-i-ga, aý-biamaý. Goüý moüýshi theýwakithaý-biamaý. \tr he meant, they say. / And, / Come, / go ye, / said he, they say. / And / high / he sent them, they say. \rf jod 1890:199.11 \op Goüý agthaý-biamaý. Niýtoüga ke ahiý-biamaý. Hau! iüsh'aýge, shagtheý aýtha, \tr And / he went homeward, they say. / Big water / the / he reached, they say. / Ho! / venerable man, / I go back to you / indeed, \rf jod 1890:199.12 \op aý-biamaý. Iüsh'aýge akaý ishtaý-thip'iüýze gthiüý-bi egoüý nuýzhiüga thiü niý aýgazhade \tr said he, they say. / Old man / the «sub.» / closing his eyes / sat, they say / having / boy / the «one mv.» / water / striding \rf jod 1890:199.13 \op theýkithaý-biamaý. Masaýni ahiý-biamaý ishtaý thibthaý-bi teýdi. Iüsh'aýge thiükeý \tr sent him, they say. / Across / he got, they say / eye / he opened, they say / when. / Old man / the «one st.» \rf jod 1890:199.14 \op akiý-biamaý. Hau! tigoüýha, agthiý, aý-biamaý. Niýashiüga uaýwakie te esheý-ma \tr reached home, they say. / Ho! / grandfather, / I have come back, / said he, they sat. / Person / I talk to them / will / you said the ones who \rf jod 1890:199.15 \op uaýwakie eýde iýe eýgoü iügaýxa-baýzhi, aýdoü moüýshi theýawaýkithe ha, aý-biamaý. \tr I talked to them / but / words / so / they did not do for me, / therefore / high / I sent them / , / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:199.16 \op Hau! shoüý ha, aý-biamaý iüsh'aýge akaý. Theýwathaýkithe te uýdoü ha, aý-biamaý. \tr Ho! / enough / , / said, they say / old man / the «sub.». / You sent them away / as / good / , / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:199.17 \op Ki theý uthuýahe btheý thiüý waýthixe akaýdi piý, aýdoü toüýwoügthoü bthuýga aýxthi, \tr And / this / I followed her / I went / the «mv. ob.» / married / to the one who / I arrived, / therefore / village / all / I killed, \rf jod 1890:199.18 \op aý-biamaý. Uýshkoü gaýxe oüýthagazhi te eýgoüxti paýxe, aý-biamaý. A, shoüý ha, \tr said he, they say. / Deed / to do / you commanded me / the / just so / I did, / said he, they say. / Yes, / enough / , \rf jod 1890:199.19 \op aý-biamaý. Uýshkoü eýgoü shkaýxe te wiýkoübtha goüý wi'iý, aý-biamaý (moüýze-wetiüý \tr said he, they say. / Deed / so / you do / the / I wished you / so / I gave to you, / said he, they say / (sword \rf jod 1890:199.20 \op eý wakaý-bi egoüý). Keý, tigoüýha, agtheý taý miüke. Iüdaýdi agiýtoübe koüýbtha, \tr that / he meant, they say / having). / Come, / grandfather, / I go homeward / will / I who. / My father / I see mine / I wish, \rf jod 1890:200.1 \op aý-biamaý. Agthaý-biamaý. Shoüýge wahiýthagextioüýi, waýthaha piýazhixti, wathaýge \tr said he, they say. / He went homeward, they say. / Horse / very lame, / clothing / very bad, / hat \rf jod 1890:200.2 \op piýazhixti, bthabthaýzexti. Ki ithaýdi akaý t'eý gikaýxa-biamaý. T'eý te aýhoü, \tr very bad, / torn very much. / And / his father / the «sub.» / dead / considered his, they say. / He died / ! \rf jod 1890:200.3 \op etheýgoü-biamaý. Akiý-biamaý. Tiýi thoüýdi akiý-bi ki iýbahoü-bazhiý-biamaý \tr thought he, they say. / He reached home, they say. / Lodges / at the / he reached home, they say / when / did not know him they say \rf jod 1890:200.4 \op niýashiüga amaý. Niýashiüga waxpaýni chaýbe [gthi] tiý, aý-biamaý. Niýkagahi uýzhu \tr people / the «sub.». / Man / poor / very / [come back] / has come, / said they, they say. / Chief / principal \rf jod 1890:200.5 \op thiükeýdi [eýdi] athaý-biamaý. Ithaýdi eýtii teýdi akiý-bi egoüý upaý-biamaý. Ithaýdi akaý \tr by the / [there] / went, they say. / His father / his lodge / at the / reached home, they say / having / he entered, they say. / His father / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:200.6 \op shti iýbahoü-bazhiý-biamaý. Dadiýha, wiýebthiüý, aý-biamaý. Agthiý, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, \tr too / did not know him, they say. / O father, / it is I, / said he, they say. / I have come, / said he, they say. / Yes, \rf jod 1890:200.7 \op shoüý, thagthiý, aý-biamaý. That'eý eýskoü ebtheýgoü eýgoü iüýtha-maýzhi agthiüý, aý-biamaý. \tr enough, / you have come, / said he, they say. / You died / it might be / I thought / as / I was sad / I sat, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:200.8 \op Thagthiý te shoüý ha, aý-biamaý. Oüzhiüýgadi, nisiýha, theýgimoü, aý-biamaý. Mazhoüý \tr You have come / as / enough / , / said he, they say. / When I was small, / my child, / I did thus, / said he, they say. / Land \rf jod 1890:200.9 \op toügaýtheha uaýgashoü-hnoü-moüý. Oüwoüýxpanixti agthiý-hnoü-moüý goüý oüýxtioüýgoü, \tr over a large tract / I traveled regularly. / I was very poor / I came home regularly / so / I was a great man, \rf jod 1890:200.10 \op aý-biamaý. Hau! miüý-thagthoüý te, nisiýha. Wa'uý wiüý ahniüý te, aý-biamaý. \tr said he, they say. / Ho! / female you will marry, / my child. / Woman / one / you shall have, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:200.11 \op Gaý-biamaý: Dadiýha, wa'uý gaýtedi xtaýathe, aý-biamaý. Waýthixaýzhi a, aý-biamaý \tr He said as follows, they say: / O father, / woman / in that place / I love her, / said he, they say. / Is she unmarried / ? / said, they say \rf jod 1890:200.12 \op izhiüýge akaý. Oüýhoü, waýthixaýzhi, aý-biamaý ithaýdi akaý. Shoüý, dadiýha, theýwakithaý-ga. \tr his son / the «sub.». / Yes, / she is unmarried, / said he, they say / his father / the «sub.». / Then, / O father, / send them. \rf jod 1890:200.13 \op Ki ithaýdi akaý eýdi theýwakithaý-biamaý. Eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Niýkagahi izhiüýge akaý \tr And / his father / the «sub.» / there / sent them, they say. / There / they arrived, they say. / Chief / his son / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:200.14 \op thizhoüýge gthoüý goüýthai, aý-biamaý. Goüýki wa'uý ithaýdi akaý gaý-biamaý: Oüýhoü, \tr your daughter / to marry her / wishes, / said they, they say. / And / woman / her father / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / Yes, \rf jod 1890:200.15 \op niýashiüga oüwoüýxpani goüý eýgoü tateý ebtheýgoü-maýzhi thoüýshti, aý-biamaý. Goüý \tr man / I am poor / as / so it shall be / I did not think / formerly, / said he, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:200.16 \op tha'eýthe goüý shoüý ha, aý-biamaý. Goüý 'iý-biamaý wa'uý thiükeý nuý thiükeý. Goü \tr he pities her / as / enough / , / said he, they say. / And / gave to him, they say / woman / the / man / the. / And \rf jod 1890:200.17 \op gthoüý-biamaý. Wa'uý shti t'oüý-biamaý, tiý t'oüý-biamaý nuýzhiügaý akaý. Goüýki \tr he married her, they say. / Woman / too / he had, they say, / lodge / he had, they say / boy / the «sub.». / And \rf jod 1890:200.18 \op niýashiüga aýzhiataýtoü weýnaxithaý-biamaý. Weýnaxithaý-bi ki iýkithitoüýga aýkikithaiý te. \tr people / from a different «place» / rushed on them, they say. / They rushed on them, they say / when / here and there / they attacked one another. \rf jod 1890:200.19 \op Ki eýdi t'eýtha-biamaý nuýzhiüga iüýchoü miüýgthoü akaý. (Hiýgoü te aýhigi ushteý \tr And / there / they killed, they say / boy / just now / married a woman / the «sub.». / (Myth / the / much / remains \rf jod 1890:200.20 \op shoüýzha agiýsitha-maýzhi ha.) \tr though / I do not remember it / . ) \rf jod 1890:200.21 \ti Two-faces and the Twin Brothers \op Eýgithe niýashiüga wiüý wa'uý zhuýgigthe gthiüý-biamaý tiýgthe. Wa'uý thiükeý \tr At length / man / one / woman / he with his / sat they say / dwelt in a lodge. / Woman / the \rf jod 1890:207.1 \op wateýzugthoüý-biamaý. Uýzhawaxti gthiüý-biamaý, taýxti t'eýwathaý-bi egoüý. Eýgithe \tr pregnant they say. / Having a very good time / they sat they say, / deer / he killed them, they say / having. / At length \rf jod 1890:207.2 \op nuý akaý kuýha-biamaý. Eýgithe uýkiza wioüýbtha btheý kiýzhi niýkashiüga tiý shteýshtewoüý, \tr man / the «sub.» / feared unseen danger, they say. / Beware / no one at home / I leave you / I go / if / person / come / notwithstanding, \rf jod 1890:207.3 \op doüýbazhi-ga, aý-biamaý. Naýzugaýxthe gthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe nuý \tr look not at him, / said he, they say. / With your back to him / sit, / said he, they say. / At length / man \rf jod 1890:207.4 \op akaý athaý-biamaý. Eýgithe niýashiüga wiüý a-iý-biamaý. Wuýhu'aý! zhuýgthe thiügeýxti \tr the «sub.» / went they say. / At length / person / one / was approaching, they say. / Really! / with her / none at all \rf jod 1890:207.5 \op iüýgthiü thiükeý-aýna, aý-biamaý. Daýdoü uýgine iüýzhu-shnoüý. Tizheýbe ubaýha iýzhoü-biamaý. \tr she is sitting for me! / said he, they say. / What / seeking them / I am invariably fortunate. / Door / the side of / she lay by they say. \rf jod 1890:207.6 \op Doüýba-bazhiý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. Eýgithe nuý amaý 'aýbae te agiý-biamaý. \tr Did not see him they say / woman / the «sub.». / At length / man / the «sub.» / hunting / the / was coming back, they say. \rf jod 1890:207.7 \op Agthaý-biamaý iüsh'aýge ahiý akaý. Nuý akaý akiý-biamaý. 'Oüý a, aý-biamaý. Theýthu \tr Went homeward, they say / old man / arrived / the «sub.». / Man / the «sub.» / Man / the «sub.» / reached home, they say. / How was it / ? / said he, they say. / Here \rf jod 1890:207.8 \op esheý te theýgoü iüsh'aýge wiüý tiý eýde toüýba-maýzhi he, aý-biamaý. Washkoüý thiüheý, \tr you said / the / thus / old man / one / came / but / I did not look at him / , / said she, they say. / To try / be sure, \rf jod 1890:207.9 \op wiýgaxthoüý. Tiý-hnoü tateý thoüýzha doüýbazhi shoüshoüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Shi athaý-biamaý \tr O my wife. / Come regularly / will surely / though / not seeing him / be always, / said he, they say. / Again / went they say \rf jod 1890:207.10 \op nuý amaý 'aýbae. Shi duýboü-biamaý. Eýgithe shi iüsh'aýge amaý ahiý-biamaý. Shi \tr man / the «sub.» / hunting. / Again / four times, they say. / At length / again / old man / the «sub.» / arrived, they say. / Again \rf jod 1890:207.11 \op atiý ha, winauý, aý-biamaý. Doüýba-bazhiý-biamaý. Shi nuý amaý agiý-biamaý 'aýbae \tr I have come / , / O first daughter, / said he, they say. / She did not look at him, they say. / Again / man / the «sub.» / was coming home, they say / hunting \rf jod 1890:207.12 \op te. Shi agthaý-biamaý iüsh'aýge akaý. 'Oüý a, aý-biamaý. Shi iüsh'aýge akaý atiý he, \tr The «ob.». / Again / went homeward, they say / old man / the «sub.». / How was it / ? / said he, they say. / Again / old man / the «sub.» / came / , \rf jod 1890:207.13 \op aý-biamaý. Doüýbazhi thiüheý, aý-biamaý nuý akaý. Weýduboüý tediýhi ki iüsh'aýge \tr said she, they say. / Not to see him / be sure, / said, / they say / man / the «sub.». / The fourth time / arrived at the / when / old man \rf jod 1890:207.14 \op akaý agthaý-bi teýdi, wa'uý akaý ugaýs'iü-biamaý. Doübaý-bi egoüý eýgithe Iüdeýnoüýba \tr the «sub.» / went homeward, they say / when, / woman / the «sub.» / peeped they say. / She saw him, they say / when / behold / Two Faces \rf jod 1890:207.15 \op eý amaýma. Wa'uý ke t'eý itheý amaý. Hahaý! gaweý'oü atoüýhe-shnoüý, \tr it was he who was moving, they say. / Woman / the / dead / had gone / they say. / Ha! / ha! / doing that to them / I always stand, \rf jod 1890:207.16 \op aý-biamaý iüsh'aýge akaý. Wa'uý niýxa thoü maýbthazaý-bi egoüý, shiüýgazhiüýga noübiýdathe \tr said, they say / old man / the «sub.». / Woman / stomach / the «cv. ob.» / cut open, they say / having, / infant / two born \rf jod 1890:207.17 \op akaýma; nuýzhiüga akiýwa. Aýma ke hahiüýt'oü ubeýtoü-bi egoüý noüýdata \tr they were, they say; / boy / both. / The one / the «ob.» / skin with the hair on / wrapped in, they say / having / by the wall \rf jod 1890:208.1 \op iheýtha-bi egoüý, aýma ke athiüý agthaý-biama. Zhoüthoüýxa ukiýba eýgih itheýtha-biamaý. \tr laid it, they say / having, / the other / the «ob.» / he took homeward, they say. / Log / a crack in / he sent headlong into, they say. \rf jod 1890:208.2 \op Nuý thiü akiý amaý. Eýgithe wa'uý ke t'eý aýkiaýgtha-biteýama, niýxa ke maýbthaze \tr Man / the / reached home, they say. / Behold / woman / the «ob.» / dead «see note» / had gone again, they say, / stomach / the «lg. ob.» / cut open \rf jod 1890:208.3 \op keý amaý. Gixeýgoü waiiüý ugiýpetoü goüý toüýde ke gixeý amaý. Tiý teýta \tr she lay, they say. / He buried his, so / robe / he wrapped his in / and / ground / the / he buried his, they say. / Lodge / to the \rf jod 1890:208.4 \op akiý-biamaý nuý akaý. Kiý kiýzhi eýgithe noüýdata shiüýgazhiüýga xageý amaý. Heý! \tr reached home, they say / man / the «sub.». / He reached home / when / behold / by the wall / infant / was crying, they say. / Alas! \rf jod 1890:208.5 \op siýzhiüxchitheý, eý amaý. Eýdi athaý-bi egoüý gthiýza-biamaý shiüýgazhiüýga ke. Eýgithe \tr my dear little child, / said he, they say. / There / went, they say / having / he took his, they say / infant / the «ob.». / Behold \rf jod 1890:208.6 \op nuýzhiüga akaýma. Nuýzhiügaý-bi egoüý gthiüý wakoüýdagiý-biamaý. Toüýthiü wakoüýdagiý-biamaý. \tr boy / he was, they say. / Boy, they say / being / to sit / it was forward they say. / To run / it was forward, they say. \rf jod 1890:208.7 \op Moüthiýdoü wakoüýdagiýxtioüý-biamaý. Dadiýha, moüýde zhiüýga \tr To pull the bow / it was very forward they say. / O father, / bow / small \rf jod 1890:208.8 \op iügaýxa-ga. Hiýdetaýshe giaýxa-biamaý. Wazhiüýga goüý wakiýde-hnoüý-biamaý. \tr make for me. / Blunt arrows / he made for him, they say. / Bird / so / he used to shoot at them, they say. \rf jod 1890:208.9 \op Ithaýdi akaý 'aýbae atheý ta-bi, gioüýze-hnoüý-biamaý. Tanuýka zheýgthoü ki niüýde \tr His father / the «sub.» / hunting / go / will, he said, / taught him they say. / Fresh meat / cooked on the fire / when / done \rf jod 1890:208.10 \op ki hnaýte-hnoü thazhoüý te, aý-biamaý. Weýahide shkaýde thaýzhi-hnoüý-ga, aý-biamaý. \tr when / you eat it regularly / you sleep / will, / said he, they say. / Far away / to play / go not always, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:208.11 \op Ithaýdi thiü theý amaý 'aýbae. Eýgithe nuýzhiüga wiüý a-iý aýtiaýgtha-biamaý. Wa'oüý \tr His father / the «mv. one» / went / they say / to hunt. / At length / boy / one / was coming / suddenly, they say. / Song \rf jod 1890:208.12 \op gaýxe a-iý-biamaý:-- \tr making / he was coming, they say:-- \rf jod 1890:208.13 \op Kageý, thiý ithaýdi that'oüý egoüý \tr Younger brother, / you / his father / you have / since \rf jod 1890:208.14 \op Taniý uýthize hnaýte thaýtoüsheý. \tr Soup / rations / you eat / you who stand. \rf jod 1890:208.15 \op Wiý ithaýdi oüthiüýge goüý \tr I / his father / I have none / as \rf jod 1890:208.16 \op Hoübthiý-si-toüýga bthaýte aýthiüheý, \tr "Turkey pease" / I eat / I who move, \rf jod 1890:208.17 \op aý-biamaý. Thiaýdi itheý a, kageýha, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, zhiütheýha, iüdaýdi itheý ha. \tr said he, they say. / Your father / has gone / ? / younger brother, / said he, they say. / Yes, / elder brother, / my father / has gone / \rf jod 1890:208.18 \op Iý-ga. Theýke wabaýsnoü ke heýgashtewoüýzhi oüthaýte taiý. Iý-ga ha, aý-biamaý. \tr Come. / This «ob.» / roasting piece / the «ob.» / many / let us eat. / Come / , / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:208.19 \op Kageý, thiaýdi sheýthiükeý, aý-biamaý. Naýzhi! zhiütheýha, iüdaýdi itheý ha, aý-biamaý. \tr Younger brother, / your father / that one, / said he, they say. / For shame! / elder brother, / my father / has gone / , / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:208.20 \op Eýgithe eýgih aýiaýtha-biamaý tiý te. Ahiý-bi egoüý tanuýka basnoüý ke thateý \tr At length / right in / he went, they say / lodge / the «ob.». / Reached it, they say / having / fresh meat / stuck on sticks to roast / the «ob.» / ate \rf jod 1890:209.1 \op zhuýgigthaý-biamaý. Shkaýde zhuýgigthe gthiüý-biamaý. Kageý, thiaýdi shugiý, aý-biamaý. \tr he with his they say. / Played / he with his / he say they say. / Younger brother, / your father / yonder he comes, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:209.2 \op Ku'eýxti aýkiaýgtha-biamaý. Weýgthoüthiüý, aý-biamaý izhiüýthe akaý. Na! wabaýsnoü \tr With a sudden rush / he had gone again they say. / He is bewildered, / said, they say / his elder brother / the «sub.». / Why! / roasting-pieces \rf jod 1890:209.3 \op aýhigi wiýpaxe-hnoü-moüý thoüýshti, shnaýsniü aýhoü, aý-biamaý ithadi akaý. Wiý, \tr many / I made for you / heretofore, / you have swallowed them / ! / said, they say / his father / the «sub.». / I, \rf jod 1890:209.4 \op dadiýha, eý amaý. Gisiýthazhi amaý iýe te. Hau! shi 'aýbae btheý taý miüke. \tr O father, / he said, they say. / He forgot / they say / words / the. / Ho! / again / hunting / I go / will / I who. \rf jod 1890:209.5 \op Gakeýgoü wiýpaxe btheý taý miüke, aý-biamaý ithaýdi akaý. Shi nuýzhiüga amaý \tr Like those / I make for you / I go / will / I who, / said, they say / his father / the «sub.». / Again / boy / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:209.6 \op a-iý-biamaý. Thiaýdi itheý a, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, zhiütheýha, iüdaýdi itheý. Iý-ga ha, aý-biamaý \tr was coming, they say. / Your father / has gone / ? / said he, they say. / Yes, / elder brother, / my father / has gone. / Come / , / said, they say \rf jod 1890:209.7 \op isoüýga akaý. Shi tanuýka thateý zhuýgigthaý-biamaý nuýzhiüga thiükeý isoüýga thiükeý. \tr his younger brother / the «sub.». / Again / fresh meat / ate / he with his they say / boy / the one who / his younger brother / the one who. \rf jod 1890:209.8 \op Kageý, thiaýdi shugiý, aý-biamaý. Agthaý-biamaý shi. Weýgthoüthiüý, aý-biamaý izhiüýthe \tr Younger brother, / your father / yonder he comes, / said he, they say. / He went homeward again, they say. / He is bewildered, / said, they say / his elder brother \rf jod 1890:209.9 \op akaý. Na! wathaýte heýgashtewoüýzhi wiýpaxe-hnoü-moüý thoüýshti. Hnaýsniü-hnoü-zhoüý \tr the «sub.». / Why! / food / a great deal / I made for you / heretofore. / You have done naught but swallow it \rf jod 1890:209.10 \op ha, aý-biamaý ithaýdi akaý. Wiý, dadiýha, eý amaý. Gisiýthazhi amaý. Shi eýgoü \tr . / said, they say / his father / the «sub.». / I, / O father, / he said, they say. / He forgot / they say. / Again / so \rf jod 1890:209.11 \op wiýpaxe taý miüke, aý-biamaý. Wabaýsnoü heýgashtewoüýzhi giaýxa-biamaý. Shi \tr I do for you / will / I who, / said he, they say. / Roasting-pieces / a great many / he made for him, they say. / Again \rf jod 1890:209.12 \op nuýzhiüga amaý a-iý-biamaý. Thiaýdi itheý a, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, zhiütheýha, iüdaýdi \tr boy / the «sub.» / was coming, they say. / Your father / has gone / ? / said he, they say. / Yes, / elder brother, / my father \rf jod 1890:209.13 \op itheý. Iý-ga ha, aý-biamaý isoüýga akaý. Shi tanuýka thateý zhuýgigthaý-biamaý \tr has gone. / Come / , / said, they say / his younger brother / the «sub.». / Again / fresh meat / ate / he with his, they say \rf jod 1890:209.14 \op nuýzhiüga thiükeý isoüýga thiükeý. Kageý, thiaýdi shugiý, aý-biamaý. Shi weýgthoüthiüý, \tr boy / the one who / his younger brother / the one who. / Younger brother, / your father / yonder he comes, / said he, they say. / Again / he is bewildered, \rf jod 1890:209.15 \op aý-biamaý izhiüýthe akaý. Ku'eýxti aýkiaýgtha-biamaý. Na! wathaýte heýgashtewoüýzhi \tr said, they say / his elder brother / the «sub.». / With a sudden rush / he had gone back they say. / Why! / food / a great deal \rf jod 1890:209.16 \op wiýpaxe-hnoü-moüý thoüýshti. Hnaýsniü-hnoü-zhoüý ha, aý-biamaý ithaýdi akaý. Dadiýha, \tr I made for you / formerly. / You have done naught but swallow it / , / said, they say / his father / the «sub.». / O father, \rf jod 1890:209.17 \op wiýzhiüthe tiý-hnoü ha, aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. Heý, siýzhiüxchitheý! Nisiýha, thihoüý \tr my elder brother / comes regularly / , / said, they say / boy / the «sub.». / Alas, / my dear little child! / My child, / your mother \rf jod 1890:209.18 \op wateýzuthiýgthoü kiýzhi Iüdeý-noüýba thihoüý t'eýthai ha. Maýthibthaýzai eýgoü waxpaýnixti \tr pregnant with you / when / Two Faces / your mother / killed her / . / He cut you open / as / very poor \rf jod 1890:209.19 \op uthiýhi ha. Thizhiüýthe tiý ki ushnoüý te ha, aý-biamaý. Dadiýha, wizhiüýthe \tr you were raised «you grew up» / . / Your elder brother / comes / when / you hold him / will / , / said he, they say. / O father, / my elder brother \rf jod 1890:210.1 \op ubthoüý, esheý te ha, aý-biamaý. Hau, weýduboüý teýdi nuýzhiüga amaý a-iý-biamaý. \tr I hold him, / you say / will / , / said he, they say. / Well, / the fourth time / when / boy / the «sub.» / was coming, they say. \rf jod 1890:210.2 \op Thiaýdi itheý a, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, zhiütheýha, iüdaýdi itheý. Iý-ga ha, aý-biamaý \tr Your father / has gone / ? / said he, they say. / Yes, / elder brother, / my father / has gone. / Come / , / said, they say \rf jod 1890:210.3 \op isoüýga akaý. Ithaýdi akaý tepaýhi naýsagexti kikaýxe zhoüý-biamaý. Tizheýbe \tr his younger brother / the «sub.». / His father / the «sub.» / buffalo neck / dried very hard / made himself / he lay, they say. / Door \rf jod 1890:210.4 \op moütaýta zhoüý-biamaý. Zhiütheýha, heý oüguýkine teý, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, aý-biamaý. \tr inside / he lay, they say. / Elder brother, / lice / let us hunt for each other, / said he, they say. / Yes, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:210.5 \op Heý uiýna-bi kiýzhi aýsku noübeý ithaýbetoütoüý-biamaý. Dadiýha, wizhiüýthe ubthoüý \tr Lice / he hunted for him, they say / when / scalp-lock / hand / he wrapped round and round it they say. / O father, / my elder brother / I hold him \rf jod 1890:210.6 \op ha, aý-biamaý. Thizhiüýthe thishtoüýazhi-ga, aý-biamaý. Paýhoü aýtiathaý-biamaý. Nuýzhiüga \tr said he, they say. / Your elder brother / do not let him go, / said he, they say. / He arose / suddenly they say. / Boy \rf jod 1890:210.7 \op gtheý goüýthaxtioüý. Eýgithe shkoüýazhi ithoüý-biamaý. Nisiýha, wiýebthiü aýtha! aý-biamaý. \tr to go homeward / wished very much. / At length / motionless / he became, they say. / My child, / it is I / indeed! / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:210.8 \op Thizhiüýthe ameýgoü uthaýkikiýzhi, aý-biamaý. Thihoüý teýzuthiýgthoüi kiýzhi Iüdeý-noüýba \tr Your elder brother / he likewise / you are near relations to each other, / said he, they say. / Your mother / pregnant with you / when / Two Faces \rf jod 1890:210.9 \op amaý t'eýthai eýgoü waxpaýnixti akiýthaha uthiýhi, aý-biamaý. \tr the «sub.» / killed her / as / very poor / both / you grew up, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:210.10 \op Dadiýha, kageý meýgoü, moüýde zhiüýga wegaýxai-ga, aý-biamaý. Wazhiüýga \tr O father, / younger brother / likewise, / bow / small / make ye for us, / said he, they say. / Bird \rf jod 1890:210.11 \op oüwoüýkide-hnoü taýbasheý, aý-biamaý izhiüýthe akaý. Wazhiüýga kiýde ahiý-hnoüý-biamaý. \tr we shoot at them regularly / must, / said, they say / his elder brother / the «sub.». / Bird / to shoot at / they arrived regularly they say. \rf jod 1890:210.12 \op Eýgithe, thisoüýga meýgoü, gaýtedi nihoüýga tethoüýdi, eýgithe eýdi hneý tai, \tr Beware, / your younger brother / likewise, / in that place / spring / at the, / beware / there / you go lest \rf jod 1890:210.13 \op aý-biamaý ithaýdi akaý. Kageý, thiaýdi nihoüýga uthaý tethoüýdi oügaýthe te, aý-biamaý \tr said, they say / his father / the «sub.». / Younger brother, / your father / spring / told of / at the / let us go, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:210.14 \op izhiüýthe akaý. Naýzhi! zhiütheýha, iüdaýdi thaýzhi waýgazhi, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe pahiüý ke \tr his elder brother / the «sub.». / For shame! / elder brother, / my father / not to go / commanded us, / said he, they say. / Then / hair / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:210.15 \op iüýithaý-ga, aý-biamaý izhiüýthe akaý. Hiüýdegoüý! aý-biamaý isoüýga akaý. Athaý-biamaý \tr hand back to me, / said, they say / his elder brother / the «sub.». / Let us see! / said, they say / his younger brother / the «sub.». / Went they say \rf jod 1890:210.16 \op nihoüýga teýdi akiýtha. Eýgithe nihoüýga te weýs'a ke theýgoüxtioüý akaýma (sathuý). \tr spring / to the / both. / Behold / spring / the «ob.» / snake / the «lg. ob.» / just this way / they were, they say / (rattling). \rf jod 1890:210.17 \op Kageý, wanaýgthe uýdoü heýgazhi weoüýthe, aý-biamaý izhiüýthe akaý. Kageý, woüýgathiü \tr Younger brother, / pet animal / good / not a little / we have found them, / said, they say / his elder brother / the «sub.». / Younger brother, / we having them \rf jod 1890:210.18 \op oügaýgthe te, aý-biamaý. Siüdeý ge maýwasaý-bi egoüý ubeýtoü-bi \tr let us go homeward, / said he, they say. / Tail / the «ob.» / cut them off, they say / having / wrapped up, they say / having / they took \rf jod 1890:210.19 \op agthaý-biamaý. Akiý-bi egoüý tizheýbe eýgaxe ugaýshka-biamaý. Ithaýdi akaý taýxti \tr them homeward, they say. / Reached home, they say / having / door / around / they tied «them», they say. / His father / the «sub.» / deer \rf jod 1890:211.1 \op wiü 'iüý akiý-biamaý. Tizheýbe teýdi taýxti kiý iheýthe ki wasaýthu eýgoü amaý. Piýazhi \tr one / carrying it / reached home, they say. / Door / at the / deer / reached home / he laid it / when / a slight rattling / they say. / Bad \rf jod 1890:211.2 \op heýgazhi shkaýxe. Eýdi weaýgathiü moüthiüýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe weaýgathiü athaý-biamaý. \tr not a little / you do. / There / having for them / walk ye, / said he, they say. / At length / having for them / they went they say. \rf jod 1890:211.3 \op Eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Eýgithe siüdeý ge wiýugibaýdoüdoüý-biamaý. Shi \tr There / they arrived, they say. / At length / tail / the «pl. ob.» / they pushed each down on its own, they say. / Again \rf jod 1890:211.4 \op ithaýdi akaý 'aýbae athaý-bi teýdi, Eýgithe tiýxiüde eýdi hneý tai, aý-biamaý. Kageý, \tr his father / the «sub.» / to hunt / went, they say / when, / Beware / gorge / there / you go / lest, / said he, they say. / Younger brother, \rf jod 1890:211.5 \op tiýxiüde thiaýdi uthaý tethoüýdi oügaýthe taiý, aý-biamaý izhiüýthe akaý. Naýzhi! zhiütheýha, \tr gorge / your father / told of / to the / let us go, / said, they say / his elder brother / the «sub.». / For shame! / elder brother, \rf jod 1890:211.6 \op iüdaýdi thaýzhi waýgazhi, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe pahiüý ke iüýithaý-ga, aý-biamaý izhiüýthe akaý. \tr my father / not to go / commanded us, / said he, they say. / Then / hair / the / hand back to me, / said, they say / his elder brother / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:211.7 \op Hiüýdegoüý! aý-biamaý isoüýga akaý. Athaý-biamaý tiýxiüde keýdi akiýtha. Eýgithe \tr Let us see! / said, they say / his younger brother / the «sub.». / Went they say / gorge / to the / both. / Behold \rf jod 1890:211.8 \op wa'uýzhiügaýxchi edediý akaýma. Moüthiüýka neýxe gaýxe akaýma. Kageý, thikoüý \tr a very old woman / was sitting there, they say. / Earthen / kettle / she was making, they say. / Younger brother, / your grandmother \rf jod 1890:211.9 \op theýthiükeý thiükeý, aý-biamaý. Koühaý, oügaýthigi-oügaýti ha, aý-biamaý. Skeýwoüxti \tr this «sitting one» / the one who, / said he, they say. / Grandmother, / we for you, we have come / , / said he, they say. / Many years \rf jod 1890:211.10 \op goüýmiükeý-hnoü-moüý thoüýzha eýbe oüýgiti, tushpaýha, oüýthixthuýde taýdoü, aý-biamaý \tr I have ever been sitting for some time / though / who / comes for me, / grandchild, / pull me out / shall? / said, they say \rf jod 1890:211.11 \op wa'uýzhiüga akaý. 'Oüý iütheý'iü aýwibthaskaýbe ki shoüýshoü aýwibthaskaýbe taiý, aý-biamaý \tr old woman / the «sub.». / How / you carry me / I stick to you / if / without stopping / I stick to you / will, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:211.12 \op wa'uýzhiüga akaý. Keý, thikoüý giý'iü-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Thiaýdi waýkidawaýkithe goüý \tr old woman / the «sub.». / Come, / your grandmother / carry her / , / said he, they say. / Your father / causes us to watch «the lodge» / as \rf jod 1890:211.13 \op thikoüý zhuoüýgthe oügthiüý te, aý-biamaý izhiüýthe akaý. Sheýge neýxe ge juýba \tr your grandmother / we with her / we sit / will, / said, they say / his elder brother / the «sub.». / Those / kettles / the / some \rf jod 1890:211.14 \op gaxiýxa-ga, aý-biamaý izhiüýthe akaý. Gaxiýxixaý-biamaý. Eýgithe giý'iü agthaý-biamaý \tr break in, / said, they say / his elder brother / the «sub.». / He broke in repeatedly, they say. / At length / carrying her / he went homeward, they say \rf jod 1890:211.15 \op tiý teýta. Keý, koühaý, tithaý-ga ha, aý-bi egoüý, Oüýkazhi eýthe, shpathoüý. 'Oüý \tr lodge / to the. / Come, / grandmother, / pass on / , / said, they say / having, / Not so / indeed, / grandchild. / How \rf jod 1890:211.16 \op waýbthaskaýbe ki shoüýshoü waýbthaskaýbe eýthe, aý-biamaý. Thikoüý shiýbe thi'iýtha-ga, \tr I stick / when / continually / I stick / indeed, / said she, they say. / Your grandmother / bowels / tickle her, \rf jod 1890:211.17 \op kageý, aý-biamaý. Shiýbe thi'iýtha shteýshtewoüý shoüýshoü gthiüý-biamaý. Iüweýtiü thoü \tr younger brother, / said he, they say. / Bowels / tickled / notwithstanding / without stopping / she sat they say. / Stone-hammer / the \rf jod 1890:211.18 \op thikoüý siüdeýhi iýtiü-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Siüdeý-xthu'a utiüý-bi egoüý ugaýxpath itheýtha-biamaý. \tr your grandmother / tail-bone / hit her on / , / said he, they say. / Hollow of back / hit her, they say / having / he made her fall suddenly by hitting her they say. \rf jod 1890:211.19 \op Eýgithe ithaýdi amaý akiý-biamaý shi. Dadiýha, wikoüý iüý'iü oügaýgthi, \tr At length / his father / the «sub.» / reached home, they say / again. / O father, / my grandmother / we carried her / we have come home, \rf jod 1890:212.1 \op aý-biamaý. Wuýhu'aý! piýazhixti shkaýxe. Thikoüý ithoüýthe moüthiüýi-ga, aý-biamaý. \tr said they, they say. / Really! / very bad / you did. / Your grandmother / to put her / walk ye, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:212.2 \op Giý'iü athaý-biamaý. Tiýxiüde pahoüýga thizaiý teýdi shi giý'iü ahiý-biamaý. Keý, \tr Carrying her / they went, they say. / Gorge / before / took her / at the / again / carrying / they arrived, they say. / Come, \rf jod 1890:212.3 \op koühaý, tithaý-ga, aý-bi egoüý, Oüýkazhi eýthe, shpathoüý. 'Oüý waýbthaskaýbe ki shoüýshoü \tr grandmother, / pass on, / said they, they say / having, / Not so / indeed, / grandchild. / How / I stick / if / without stopping \rf jod 1890:212.4 \op waýbthaskaýbe eýthe, aý-biamaý wa'uýzhiüga akaý. Eýgithe siüdeý-xthu'a utiüý-bi egoüý \tr I stick / indeed, / said, they say / old woman / the «sub.». / At length / the lower part of the back / hit, they say / having \rf jod 1890:212.5 \op ugaýxpath itheýtha-biamaý. \tr he made her fall suddenly by hitting her, they say. \rf jod 1890:212.6 \op Shi akiý-biamaý. Eýgithe, paheý moüýshiadi aýpathage keýdi xthabeý wiüý nazhiüý \tr Again / they reached home, they say. / Behold, / hill / high / headland / at the / tree / one / stands \rf jod 1890:212.7 \op amaý. Eýgithe eýdi shneý tai, aý-biamaý ithaýdi akaý. Ki 'aýbae athaý-biamaý. Kageý, \tr they say. / Beware / there / you go / lest, / said, they say / his father / the «sub.». / And / to hunt / he went, they say. / Younger brother, \rf jod 1890:212.8 \op xthabeý thiaýdi uthaý tethoüýdi oügaýthe taiý, aý-biamaý izhiüýthe akaý. Na! thaýzhi \tr tree / your father / told of / to the / let us go, / said, they say / his elder brother / the «sub.». / Why! / not to go \rf jod 1890:212.9 \op waýgazhi thoüýshti, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe pahiüý ke iüýithaý-ga, aý-biamaý izhiüýthe akaý. \tr he commanded us / formerly, / said he, they say. / Then / hair / the / hand back to me, / said, they say / his elder brother / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:212.10 \op Iüýdakeý! oügaýthe te, aý-biamaý (isoüýga akaý). Eýgithe xthabeý te weýtugthe \tr Let us see! / let us two go, / said, they say / (his younger brother / the). / Behold / tree / the / nest \rf jod 1890:212.11 \op teýdi Iügthoüý zhiüýga kipaýda gthiüý-biamaý. Duýba akaýma. Kageýha, theýakaý \tr in the / Thunder-bird / small / drilling holes in their shells / sat they say. / Four / they were, they say. / O younger brother, / this «one col.» \rf jod 1890:212.12 \op wanaýgthe dzhuýba weaýthe, aý-biamaý. Thiaýdi wanaýgthe iüýgathiü oügaýki tateý, \tr pet animal / a few / I have found them, / said he, they say. / Your father / pet animal / we have for him / we reach home / shall, \rf jod 1890:212.13 \op aý-biamaý. Aýne waýgi-moüthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Ubthiý'age, zhiütheýha. Thiý moüthiüý-ga, \tr said he, they say. / Climbing / go for them, / said he, they say. / I am unwilling, / O elder brother. / You / walk, \rf jod 1890:212.14 \op aý-biamaý isoüýga akaý. Keý, waýpibthe taý miüke, aý-biamaý izhiüýthe akaý. Aýne \tr said, they say / his younger brother / the «sub.». / Come, / I go for them / will / I who, / said, they say / his elder brother / the «sub.». / Climbing \rf jod 1890:212.15 \op athaý-biamaý. Eýta ahiý-biamaý pahaýshiata. Kageý, wanaýgthe theýthoükaý uýdoü \tr he went, they say. / At it / he arrived, they say / above. / Younger brother, / pet animal / these / good \rf jod 1890:212.16 \op heýgazhi thoükaý, aý-biamaý. Ubthiýxpathe shutheýathe ki waýxthi-ga ha, aý-biamaý. \tr not a little / the ones who, / said he, they say. / I make «them» fall / I send to you / when / kill them / , / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:212.17 \op Gaý-hniükeýshe, iüdaýdoü izhaýzhe ahniüý. Ti-uýthioüýba izhaýzhe abthiüý (aý-biamaý Iügthoüý \tr That you who are, / what / name / you have. / Lodge-lightens-in / name / I have / (said, they say / Thunderbird \rf jod 1890:212.18 \op zhiüýga akaý). Hau! kageý, Ti-uýthioüýba shutheý. Aýdoübaý-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Eýdi \tr young / the). / Ho! / younger brother, / @{Ti-uýthioüýba} / goes to you. / Look after him / , / said he, they say. / There \rf jod 1890:212.19 \op uthiýxpathe ki gaxthiý-biamaý. Ki gaý-hniükeýshe, iüdaýdoü izhaýzhe ahniüý a, aý-biamaý. \tr he made fall / when / he killed him, they say. / And / that you who are, / what / name / you have / ? / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:213.1 \op Thigthiýze-moüýthiü izhaýzhe abthiüý, aý-biamaý. Hau! kageý, Thigthiýze-moüýthiü shutheý. \tr Forked-lightning-walking / name / I have, / said he, they say. / Ho! / younger brother, / @{Thigthiýze-moüýthiü} / goes to you. \rf jod 1890:213.2 \op Aýdoübaý-ga ha, aý biamaý. Eýdi uthiýxpathe ki gaxthiý-biamaý. Ki gaý-hniükeýshe, \tr Look after him / , / said he, they say. / There / he made him fall / when / he killed him, they say. / And / that you who are, \rf jod 1890:213.3 \op iüdaýdoü izhaýzhe ahniüý a, aý-biamaý. Thioüýba-tiýgthe izhaýzhe abthiü, aý-biamaý. Hau! \tr what / name / you have / ? / said he, they say. / Sheet-lightning-appears-suddenly / name / I have, / said he, they say. / Ho! \rf jod 1890:213.4 \op kageý, Thioüýba-tiýgthe shutheý. Aýdoübaý-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Eýdi uthiýxpathe ki gaxthiý-biamaý. \tr younger brother, / @{Thioüýba-tiýgthe} / goes to you. / Look after him / , / said he, they say. / There / he made him fall / when / he killed him they say. \rf jod 1890:213.5 \op Ki gaý-hniükeýshe, iüdaýdoü izhaýzhe ahniüý a, aý-biamaý. Ziý-gthiheý izhaýzhe abthiüý, \tr And / that you who are, / what / name / you have / ? / said he, they say. / Yellow-here-in-a-line-again / name / I have, \rf jod 1890:213.6 \op aý-biamaý. Hau! kageý, Ziý-gthiheý shutheý. Aýdoübaý-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Eýdi uthiýxpathe \tr said he, they say. / Ho! / younger brother, / @{Ziý-gthiheý} / goes to you. / Look after him / , / said he, they say. / There / he made him fall \rf jod 1890:213.7 \op ki gaxthiý-biamaý. Uýtiü ki waýgthoüthaý-biamaý. Goüý xthabeý te moüýshiataýxti hiý \tr when / he killed him, they say. / He hit at them / when / he missed them, they say. / And / tree / the / at a very great height / arrived \rf jod 1890:213.8 \op amaý, weýahideýxti. Kageý, washkoüý egoüý-ga hau! aý-biamaý. Zhiüýthe-hau! \tr they say, / very far away. / Younger brother, / do make an effort / O! / said he, they say. / Elder brother O! \rf jod 1890:213.9 \op aý-biamaý, xageý ishtaýbthi goüý iýnazhiüý-biamaý. Washkoüý-egoüý-ga hau! kageý, \tr said he, they say, / crying / tears / so / he stood when, they say. / Do make an effort / O! / younger brother, \rf jod 1890:213.10 \op aý-biamaý. Eýgithe isoüýga akaý iýkithaý-biamaý. Iüweýtiü thoü zhoüý te iýtiü-bi ki, \tr said he, they say. / At length / his younger brother / the «sub.» / aroused they say. / Stone hammer / the / wood / the / hit with it, they say / when, \rf jod 1890:213.11 \op Zhoüý theý-te cheý-shka-tha theý, chiý-shka-tha theý, \tr Wood / this the / short of its own accord / goes, / short of its own accord / goes, \rf jod 1890:213.12 \op aý-biamaý. Goüý-ite-hnoüý amaý. Washkoüý-egoüý-ga ha, kageý, aý-biamaý (izhiüýthe \tr said he, they say. / So it became only / they say. / Do make an effort / , / younger brother, / said he, they say / (his elder brother \rf jod 1890:213.13 \op akaý). Shi eýgoü-biamaý. Zhoüý theýte cheýshkatha theý, cheýshkatha theý, aý-biamaý ki, \tr the). / Again / it was so, they say. / Wood / this one / short of its own accord / goes, / short of its own accord / goes, / said he, they say / when, \rf jod 1890:213.14 \op eýgithe xthabeý te goüý-ite-hnoüý amaý. Weýduboüý tediýhi xthabeý te eýgigoü amaý, \tr behold / tree / the / so it became only / they say. / The fourth time / it arrived at / tree / the / was as before, they say, \rf jod 1890:213.15 \op theýte eýtoü nazhiüý te eýtoü gthiteý amaý. Kageý, shoüý ha, aý-biamaý. Iügthoüý zhiüýga \tr this «std. ob.» / so long / stood / the / so long / stood again as before / they say. / Younger brother, / enough / , / said he, they say. / Thunderbird / young \rf jod 1890:213.16 \op waýthiza-bi egoüý waýthiü agthaý-biamaý. Waýthiü akiý-biamaý. Timoüýte ithoüýwathaý-bi \tr took them, they say / having / having them / they went homeward, they say. / Having them / they reached home, they say. / Within the lodge / placed them, they say \rf jod 1890:213.17 \op egoüý uthiýoüoübaý-biamaý. Iýxa gthiüý-biamaý nuýzhiüga amaý akiýtha. Zhiütheýha, iüdaýdi \tr having / it flashed repeatedly in it, they say. / Laughing / sat they say / boy / the «pl. sub.» / both. / Elder brother, / my father \rf jod 1890:213.18 \op gthiý ki xtaýwathe heýga uthiýshixti aýhoü, aý-biamaý. Ithaýdi thiükeý kiý amaý. Tizheýbe \tr come home / when / to love them / a little / very difficult / ! / said he, they say. / His father / the one who / reached home, they say. / Door \rf jod 1890:214.1 \op thoü thiýkiaýhoü ki thioüýoübaý-biamaý. Piýazhiazhiýxchi shkaýxe. Eýdi waýthiü moüthiüýi-ga, \tr the / he lifted up / when / flashed repeatedly, they say. / Not bad at all / you have done. / There / having them / walk ye, \rf jod 1890:214.2 \op aý-biamaý. Waýthiü ahiý-biamaý ki weýtugthe shi eýta ithoüýwathaý-biamaý, wiuýgizhiý-biamaý. \tr said he, they say. / Having them / they arrived, they say / when / nest / again / in it / they placed them, they say, / they put in for them they say. \rf jod 1890:214.3 \op Nuýzhiüga akaý akiý-biamaý. Eýgithe, thisoüýga meýgoü, niuýthishoü toüýga \tr Boy / the «sub.» / reached home, they say. / Beware, / your younger brother / likewise, / lake / big \rf jod 1890:214.4 \op kethoüýdi thiýxthe uzhiý kethoüýdi eýdi hneý tai, aý-biamaý ithaýdi akaý. Ithaýdi amaý \tr at the / canes / filled «with» / at the / there / you go / lest, / said, they say / his father / the «sub.». / His father / the «mv. sub.» \rf jod 1890:214.5 \op 'aýbae athaý-biamaý. Kageý, thiaýdi niuýthishoü thaýzhi waýgazhi kethoüý eýdi oügaýthe taiý, \tr hunting / went they say. / Younger brother, / your father / lake / not to go / told us / the, in the past / there / let us go, \rf jod 1890:214.6 \op aý-biamaý izhiüýthe akaý. Na! zhiütheýha, iüdaýdi thaýzhi waýgazhi thoüýshti, aý-biamaý. \tr said, they say / his elder brother / the «sub.». / Fie! / elder brother, / my father / not to go / told us / formerly, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:214.7 \op Eýgithe pahiüý ke iüýithaý-ga ha, aý-biamaý izhiüýthe akaý. Iüýdakeý! oügaýthe te, \tr Then / hair / the / hand back to me / , / said, they say / his elder brother / the «sub.». / Let us see! / let us two go, \rf jod 1890:214.8 \op aý-biamaý isoüýga akaý. Eýdi athaý-biamaý. Eýdi ahiý-bi kiýzhi eýgithe niý ke pizaý \tr said, they say / his younger brother / the «sub.». / There / they went, they say. / There / they arrived, they say / when / behold / water / the / sand \rf jod 1890:214.9 \op ke bthaýthaxti zhoüý ke amaý. Wagthiýshka hi-duýba aýkishuýgaxti edediý-maýma. \tr the / very level / was lying, they say. / Reptile / feet four / standing very thick / there were moving, they say. \rf jod 1890:214.10 \op Wanaýgthe uýdoü chaýbe weoüýthe, kageý, aý-biamaý. Akiýtha siüýde wakoüýtoü-bi \tr Pet animal / good / very / we have found them, / younger brother, / said he, they say. / Both / tail / tied them, they say \rf jod 1890:214.11 \op egoüý, baxtaý-bi egoüý, gaýnaxti waýthiü agthaý-biamaý. Waýthiü akiý-biamaý tiý teýta. \tr having, / made into packs, they say / having, / just that many / having them / they went homeward, they say. / Having them / they reached home, they say / lodge / at the. \rf jod 1890:214.12 \op Waýthiü akiý-bi egoüý noüýde tizheýbe theýgoü geý shte bthuýga ugaýshoü moüthiüý-biamaý \tr Having them / reached home, they say / having / wall «of lodge» / door / thus / the / even / all / traveling / walked they say \rf jod 1890:214.13 \op iüýzhe-wasniýbe amaý. Goüý nuýzhiüga shkaýde moüthiüý-bi kiýzhi siý te siüýde ge \tr lizards / the «sub.». / And / boy / playing / walked, they say / when / foot / the / tail / the \rf jod 1890:214.14 \op waýtoü-bi ki wanoüýhutoü-hnoüý-biamaý. Ithaýdi taýxti wiüý 'iüý agiý-biamaý, tiý \tr trod on them, they say / when / they made them cry by treading invariably they say. / His father / deer / one / carrying / was coming, they say, / lodge \rf jod 1890:214.15 \op gitaýpe agiý-biamaý. Tizheýbe teýdi ugaýxpathe kiýzhi aýgaspaý-bi egoüý waýhutoü \tr when near his / he was coming, they say. / Door / at the / he threw it down / when / pressed down on, they say / having / crying out \rf jod 1890:214.16 \op iheý amaý. Piýazhi chaýbe. Aýgudiýtoü waýhniü shkiý eýiüte, eýdi waýthiü moüthiüýi-ga, \tr in a line / were, they say. / Bad / very. / Whence / you had them / you came back / it may be / there / having them / walk ye, \rf jod 1890:214.17 \op aý-biamaý. Waýthiü athaý-biamaý. Waýthiü athaý-bi egoüý shoüýxti niuýthishoü ugiýzhi \tr said he, they say. / Having them / they went, they say. / Having them / went, they say / having / in spite of / lake / put them in their \rf jod 1890:214.18 \op goüý theýtha-biamaý. Akiý-biamaý. \tr so / they sent suddenly, they say. / They reached home, they say. \rf jod 1890:214.19 \ti The Brothers, the Sister, and the Red Bird \op Ukiýkizhi dubaý-biamaý. Enaýxchi tiýgtha-biamaý. Ihoüý itoüýge shti wiüý \tr Brethren / four they say. / Only / they dwelt in a lodge, they say. / His mother / his elder sister / too / one \rf jod 1890:219.1 \op thiügaý-biamaý. Eýgithe izhiüýthe thaýbthiü amaý 'aýbae athaý-biamaý. Isoüýga akaý \tr they had none, they say. / At length / his elder brother / three / the «sub.» / hunting / went, they say. / His younger brother / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:219.2 \op tiýata gthiüý thiükeý amaý. Eýgithe zhoüýzhiüga siý te iýniethaý-biamaý. Ki zhoüýzhiüga \tr at the lodge / was sitting / they say. / At length / splinter / foot / the / he hurt it by means of they say. / And / splinter \rf jod 1890:219.3 \op thishnuýda-bi egoüý hiüýt'oü ubeýtoü noüýdata iheýtha-biamaý, zhoüýzhiüga iýnieýthai \tr pulled out, they say / having / fine hair / he wrapped up in / by the wall / he laid it, they say, / splinter / hurt by means of \rf jod 1890:219.4 \op keý izhiüýthe doüýbe weýgoüthaý-bi egoüý. Eýgithe iýbizaý-bi egoüý niý agiýathaý-biamaý \tr the / his elder brother / to see it / wished them, they say / having. / At length / thirsty, they say / being / water / went for, they say \rf jod 1890:219.5 \op nuýzhiüga akaý. Ki tiý te koüýgexchi akiý-bi ki shiüýgazhiüýga wiüý \tr boy / the «sub.». / And / lodge / the / very near to / he reached home, they say / when / child / one \rf jod 1890:219.6 \op xageý amaý tiý moüýtata. Agthaý-bi ki zhoüýzhiüga iýniethaiý kethoüý eýgithe \tr crying / they say / lodge / inside. / He went homeward, they say / while / splinter / hurt by / the «in the past» / behold \rf jod 1890:219.7 \op eý akaýma shiüýgazhiüýga akaýma. Shoüý shi ubeýtoü-bi egoüý noüýdata iheýtha-biamaý. \tr that / was it, they say / child / it was, they say. / Yet / again / wrapped up, they say / having / by the wall / he laid it, they say. \rf jod 1890:219.8 \op Akiý-bi ki izhiüýthe / oükaý uýwagithaý-biamaý. Goüýki, Zhiütheýha, siý \tr Reached home, they say / when / his elder brother / the ones who / he told them they say. / And, / Elder brother, / foot \rf jod 1890:219.9 \op nioüýthe tethoüý zhoüýzhiüga oüthoüýnieýthe keý bthiýze eýdegoü shiüýgazhiüýga keý, aý-biamaý. \tr hurt me / which «past» / splinter / which hurt / me / I took / but / a child / it lies, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:219.10 \op Hiüdaý! kageý, thizaý-ga. Oüdoüýbe taýbasheý, aý-biamaý. Ki thizaý-bi ki eýgithe \tr Stop! / younger brother, / take it. / We see it / must, / said they, they say. / And / he took it, they say / when / behold \rf jod 1890:219.11 \op miüýzhiüga keý amaý. Kageý, shiüýgazhiüýga shtewoüý wathiüýgai thoüýshti; uýdoüxtioüý \tr a girl / it lay / they say. / Younger brother, / child / soever / we had none / formerly; / very good \rf jod 1890:219.12 \op uhiýoüthe taiý, aý-biamaý. Ki, Zhiütheýha, edaýdoüoüýthe taiý eýdoü, aý-biamaý isoüýga \tr let us bring it up, / said they, they say. / And, / Elder brother, / what shall we regard her / ? / said, they say / his younger brother \rf jod 1890:219.13 \op akaý. Ki wiüý gaý-biamaý: Shiüýgazhiüýga oüguýta taiý, aý-biamaý. Ki, Oüýkazhi haý. \tr the «sub.». / And / one / said as follows, they say: / Child / our / will, / said he, they say. / And, / Not so \rf jod 1890:220.1 \op Itoüýge wathiüýgai. Itoüýgeoüýthe taiý, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, aý-bi egoüý, woüýgithexti \tr Sister / we have none. / Let us have her for a sister, / said they, they say. / Yes, / said, they say / having, / all \rf jod 1890:220.2 \op itoüýgethaý-biamaý. Goüýki shiüýgazhiüýga gaxaý-bi egoüý uhiýthe goüthaý-bi egoüý \tr had her for a sister they say. / And / child / made, they say / being / to rear her / wished, they say / having \rf jod 1890:220.3 \op oüýthexchi athiüý-biamaý. Ki wa'uý noüý amaý. Eýgithe duýba woüýgithe 'aýbae \tr very carefully / had her, they say. / And / woman / grown / they say. / At length / four / all / hunting \rf jod 1890:220.4 \op athaý-biamaý. Wa'uý thiükeý e-hnoüý thaýzhi amaý. Wa'uý thiükeý tha'eýthexti-hnoüý-biamaý \tr went, they say. / Woman / the one who / she only / went not, they say. / Woman / the «ob.» / always very kind to her they say \rf jod 1890:220.5 \op nuý duýba akaý. Eýgithe niýashiüga wiüý tiý teýdi ahiý-biamaý. Goüý \tr man / four / the «sub.». / At length / person / one / lodge / at the / arrived, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:220.6 \op wa'uý thiükeý zhuýgthe agthaý-biamaý. Zhuýgthe agthaý-biamaý ki eýgithe itiýnu amaý \tr woman / the one who / with her / he went homeward, they say. / With her / he went homeward, they say / when / behold / her elder brother / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:220.7 \op woüýgithe akiý-biamaý. Eýgithe itoüýge thiükeý thiügeý teý amaý. Ugiýna-bi ki \tr all / reached home, they say. / Behold / his sister / the / had disappeared / they say. / Sought his own, they say / when \rf jod 1890:220.8 \op iýgitha-bazhiý-biamaý. Ki ushteý amaý ugiýne athaý-bi ki, zhiügaý akaý ugiýne \tr found not his own, they say. / And / the rest / the «sub.» / to seek his own / went, they say / when, / small / the «sub.» / to seek his own \rf jod 1890:220.9 \op ahiý-bi kiýzhi shoüý iýgitha-baýzhi akiý-biamaý. Shoüý noüý akaý ugiýne athaý-biamaý \tr arrived, they say / when / yet / not finding his own / he reached home, they say. / And / grown / the «sub.» / to seek his own / went, they say \rf jod 1890:220.10 \op woüýgithe. Eýgithe timoüýte te edaýdoü ugaýzhidextioüý amaý. Edaýdoü eýdoü, \tr all. / At length / in the lodge / the / what / shone very red through it, they say. / What / can it be? \rf jod 1890:220.11 \op etheýgoü eýgoü ugaýs'iü-bi ki eýgithe wazhiüýga akaýma. Goüý moüýde thizaý-bi \tr thought he / as / he peeped, they say / when / behold / a bird / it was, they say. / And / bow / took, they say \rf jod 1890:220.12 \op egoüý kiýda-biamaý. Ki muýshnoü-hnoüý-bi egoüý moüý heýgazhixti athiüý-bi \tr having / he shot at him, they say. / And / missed him regularly, they say / having / arrow / a very great number / he had, they say \rf jod 1890:220.13 \op eýiüte moüý woüýgithexti iýkidaý-biamaý. Eýgithe moüý te muýthingaý-bi egoüý \tr it may be / arrow / all / shot at with, they say. / At length / arrow / the / expended by shooting, they say / having \rf jod 1890:220.14 \op moüý wiüaýxchi waxuýbe gaýxai thizaý-bi egoüý iýkidaý-biamaý. Iý'u-biamaý moüý \tr arrow / one / sacred thing / made / took it, they say / having / he shot at with it, they say. / He wounded with, they say / arrow \rf jod 1890:220.15 \op ke waxuýbe ke; iý'u-biamaý wazhiüýga toü. Goüý wazhiüýga akaý moüý ke \tr the «ob.» / sacred / the «ob.»; / wounded with, they say / bird / the «ob.». / And / bird / the «sub.» / arrow / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:220.16 \op uthaýha agthaý-biamaý. Goüýki nuýzhiüga akaý, Wizhiüýthe akaý moüý ke teýxithe \tr sticking to him / went homeward, they say. / And / boy / the «sub.», / My elder brother / the «sub.» / arrow / the «ob.» / prizes his \rf jod 1890:220.17 \op iýnahiü thoüýzha uxpaýtheaýthe taý miüke aýhoü, etheýgoü-bi egoüý uthuýhe athaý-biamaý. \tr truly / though / I lose it / will / I who / ! / thought, they say / having / following him / went, they say. \rf jod 1890:220.18 \op Ki eýgithe toüýwoügthoü aýhigixti wiüý edediýthoü amaý. Goüý eýdi ahiý-biamaý \tr And / at length / village / a great many / one / there it was, / they say. / And / there / arrived, they say \rf jod 1890:220.19 \op nuýzhiüga akaý. Eýdi ahiý-bi ki niýashiüga amaý iýbahoüý-biamaý. Sheýnuzhiüýga duýba \tr boy / the «sub.». / There / he arrived, they say / when / people / the «sub.» / knew him, they say. / Young man / four \rf jod 1890:220.20 \op ukiýkizhiý biamaý thoüýshti zhiügaý thiükeý tiý aýhoü. Wakiýdepi uýthai thoüýshti eý wiüý \tr brethren / they said / heretofore / small / the one who / has come / ! / Good marksman / told about them / formerly / that / one \rf jod 1890:220.21 \op tiý, aý-biamaý. Ki niýkagahi thiükeý uiýtha ahiý-biama. Sheýnuzhiüýga duýba ukiýkizhiý-biamaý \tr has come, / said they, they say. / And / chief / the «ob.» / to tell him / they arrived, they say. / Young man / four / brethren they said \rf jod 1890:221.1 \op thoüýshti zhiügaý thiükeý tiý aýhoü. Wakiýdepi uýthai thoüýshti eý wiüý tiý, aý-biamaý. \tr formerly / small / the one who / has come / ! / Good marksman / told about them / formerly / that / one / has come, / said they they say. \rf jod 1890:221.2 \op Ki niýkagahi uýzhu akaý, Witoüýde iüthiüýthiü giýi-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Goüý \tr And / chief / principal / the «sub.», / My son-in-law / having him for me / be ye coming back / , / said he, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:221.3 \op agiýahiý-bi egoüý zhuýgthe akiý-biamaý niýkagahi thiükeýdi. Goüý, Toüdeýha, theýthiükeý \tr went for him, they say / having / with him / they reached home, they say / chief / at the. / And, / Son-in-law, / this one \rf jod 1890:221.4 \op miüýzhiüga thiükeý thagthoüý te ha. Tiý edaýbe wi'iý te ha, aý-biamaý. Goüý, hau, \tr girl / the «ob.» / you will marry / . / Lodge / also / I give to you / will / , / said he, they say. / After a while, / well, \rf jod 1890:221.5 \op zhoüý-biamaý. Miüýzhiüga zhoüý'oühaý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. Ki nuýzhiüga akaý \tr they lay down, they say. / Girl / lay on they say / boy / the «sub.». / And / boy / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:221.6 \op wa'uý waweýmaxaý-biamaý. Wazhiüýga edaýdoü shteýshte theý iýhe gtheý shtoüýbazhi a, \tr woman / questioned they say. / Bird / what / soever / this way / passing / going homeward / have you not seen it / ? \rf jod 1890:221.7 \op aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, siýdadi hoüýegoücheýxchi wazhiüýga zhiýde wiüý iýhe agthiý, moüý \tr said he, they say. / Yes, / yesterday / early in the morning / bird / red / one / passing / had come back, / arrow \rf jod 1890:221.8 \op uthaýs'iü athaiý he, aý-biamaý. Goüý, Thiýadi utheýshna te ha. Wigthoüý thoüýzha wagaýshoü \tr sticking to it / it went / , / said she, they say. / And, / Your father / you tell him / will / . / I marry you / though / traveling \rf jod 1890:221.9 \op btheýe ha. Agthiý taý miüke ha. Goüý athaý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. Ithaýdi thiükeý \tr I go / . / I come back / will / I who / . / And / went they say / boy / the «sub.». / Her father / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:221.10 \op uiýtha-biamaý. Daýdihaý, wagaýshoü athaiý he. Agthiý 'iýthai he, aý-biamaý. Goüý \tr told him, they say. / O father, / traveling / he went / . / To come back / he promises / , / said she, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:221.11 \op athaý-biamaý nuýzhiüga. Eýgithe toüýwoügthoü heýgashtewoüýzhi edediýthoü amaý. Eýdi \tr went they say / boy. / At length / village / a very great many / there it was / they say. / There \rf jod 1890:221.12 \op ahiý-biamaý. Niýashiüga duýba uýthai amaý thoü wiüý tiý ha, aý-biamaý. Ki niýkagahi \tr he arrived, they say. / Person / four / whom they told about / one / has come / , / said they, they say. / And / chief \rf jod 1890:221.13 \op akaý na'oüý-biamaý. Niýkagahi theýakaý shti izhoüýge thiükeý 'iýi-biamaý ha. Toüýwoü \tr the «sub.» / heard it, they say. / Chief / this one / too / his daughter / the one who / he gave to him, they say / . / Town \rf jod 1890:221.14 \op noüýba aýtoüdiý shtewoüý eýgoü-biamaý thoüýzha wa'uý thoükaý waoüýtha-hnoü athaý-biamaý \tr two / at what distance / soever / it was so, they say / though / woman / the ones who / he left them regularly / he went they say. \rf jod 1890:221.15 \op ha. Itoüýge thiükeý ugiýne-hnoüý athaý-biamaý ha. Neuýthishoü toügaýxti \tr . / His younger sister / the one who / seeking his regularly / he went, they say / . / Lake / very large \rf jod 1890:221.16 \op wiüý wazhiüýga zhiýde niý moütaýha aýiaýtha-biteýama. Toüýwoü weýduba thoü gaxaý \tr one / bird / red / water / beneath / he had gone, they say. / Town / the fourth / the / aside from \rf jod 1890:221.17 \op athaý-bi ki eýdi ahiý-biamaý nuýzhiüga amaý. Ki eýgithe itoüýge akaý eýthoübe atiý-biamaý. \tr he went, they say / when / there / he arrived, they say / boy / the «mv. sub.». / And / behold / his sister / the «sub.» / in sight / came they say. \rf jod 1890:221.18 \op Tiýnuhaý, theý iý-a he, aý-biamaý. Ki noüýpe-hnoüý-biamaý nuýzhiüga niý \tr O elder brother, / this «way» / be coming / said she, they say. / And / feared it always they say / boy / water \rf jod 1890:221.19 \op ke. Eýdi theý amaý ki niý akaý akiýthahaý-biamaý. Eýgithe tizheýbe eý te amaý. \tr the «ob.». / There / went / they say / when / water / the «sub.» / separated they say. / Behold / door / that / it was / they say. \rf jod 1890:221.20 \op Moüýta ahiý-bi ki eýgithe waxpaýni-shtewoüý-baýzhi akaý, wa'uý egthoüýge ethoüýba. \tr Inside / they arrived, they say / when / behold / they were not poor at all / the «sub.», / woman / her husband / too. \rf jod 1890:222.1 \op Edaýdoü t'oüýxti akaýma. Goüý itoüýge thiükeý gitoüýbe ki giýthextioüý-biamaý. \tr What / they had plenty of, they say. / And / his sister / the «ob.» / saw his / when / he was very glad, they say. \rf jod 1890:222.2 \op Ki itoüýge shti giýthextioüý-biamaý. Itaýhoü akaý shti giýthextioüý-biamaý. Moü iý'ui keý \tr And / his sister / too / was very glad they say. / His sister's husband / the «sub.» / too / was very glad they say. / Arrow / he had wounded him with \rf jod 1890:222.3 \op itoüýge akaý ubaýtiheýthe akaýma. Thipiý iheýtha-bikeýama. Eýgithe kaýshi zhiüýga \tr his sister / the «sub.» / had hung it up, they say. / Skillfully / it had been laid up, they say. / At length / some time / little \rf jod 1890:222.4 \op nazhiüýi ki izhiüýthe thoükaý wagiýsithaý-biamaý. Hau! wiheý, agtheý koüýbtha ha. \tr he stood / when / his elder brother / the ones who / he remembered them, they say. / Ho! / my sister, / I go homeward / I wish / . \rf jod 1890:222.5 \op Thitiýnu awaýgisiýthe ha, aý-biamaý. Ki nuý thiükeý uiýtha-biamaý wa'uý akaý. \tr Your elder brother / I remember them / , / said he, they say. / And / man / the «ob.» / she told him, they say / woman / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:222.6 \op Thitaýhoü gtheý 'iýthee he, aý-biamaý. Goüý itaýhoü akaý moüdeý zhiüýga duýba giaýxa-biamaý, \tr Your wife's brother / going homeward / speaks of / , / said she, they say. / And / his sister's husband / the «sub.» / boat / small / four / made for him they say, \rf jod 1890:222.7 \op zhiügaýxchi-hnoüýi. Tahoüý, gaýte ashniüý thagtheý te ha, aý-biamaý. Tahoüý, \tr very small only. / Wife's brother, / that «ob.» / you will take homeward / , / said he, they say. / Wife's brother, \rf jod 1890:222.8 \op edaýdoü shkoüýshna ki, Wat'oüý goüý koüýbtha aýhoü, esheý-de goüý niý uthaý'oühe \tr what / you desire / when, / Goods / of such a kind / I desire / ! / you say when / and / water / you put it in \rf jod 1890:222.9 \op te ha, aý-biamaý. Goüý agthaý-biamaý. Moüý iý'ui kethoüý shti agthaýthiü agthaý-biamaý, \tr will / , / said he, they say. / And / he went homeward, they say. / Arrow / wounded with / the one «in past time» / too / having his / he went homeward they say, \rf jod 1890:222.10 \op moüdeý zhiüýga athiüý-bi egoüý. Agthaý-biamaý ki eýgithe tiý haýshi tiýi \tr boat / small / had, they say / having. / He went homeward, they say / when / at length / lodge / last / village \rf jod 1890:222.11 \op thoüýdi akiý-biamaý. Goüý moüdeý ke wiüý wachiýshka wiüý eýdi keýiüte niý \tr at the «ob.» / he reached home, they say. / And / boat / the «ob.» / one / creek / one / there / it lay, perhaps / water \rf jod 1890:222.12 \op u'oüýha-biamaý moüdeý Moüdeý ke niý u'oüýha-bi ki, edaýdoü wat'oüý \tr he put it in, they say / boat / the «ob.». / Boat / the «ob.» / water / he put it in, they say / when, / what / goods \rf jod 1890:222.13 \op aýzhithoüýthoü moüdeý ke ugiýpixtioüý amaý; moüdeý ke toügaýxti gaxaý-biamaý. \tr different kinds / boat / the «ob.» / very full of / they say; / boat / the «ob.» / very large / made it they say. \rf jod 1890:222.14 \op Goüý thishtoüý-bi ki goüýki tiýi thoüýdi agthaý-biamaý. Wa'uý thiükeýdi akiý-biamaý. \tr And / he finished, they say / when / and / village / to the / he went homeward, they say. / Woman / to the / he reached home, they say. \rf jod 1890:222.15 \op Goüý gaý-biamaý: Witaýhoü moüdeý gaýtedi abthiüý agthiý. Iüsh'aýge eýgiatheý tai, \tr And / he said as follows, they say: / My sister's husband / boat / in that place / I had it / I have come. / Old man / let them go after it for him, \rf jod 1890:222.16 \op aý-biamaý. Goüý agiýahiý-bi egoüý athiüý akiý-biamaý. Goüý itiýgoü thiükeý moüdeý \tr said he, they say. / And / arrived there for it, they say / having / having it / they reached home, they say. / And / his wife's father / the one who / boat \rf jod 1890:222.17 \op athiüý-biamaý, wat'oüý ugiýpixti athiüý-biamaý itiýgoü akaý. Goüý hoüý ki zhoüý-biamaý. \tr had they say, / goods / very full of / had it they say / his wife's father / the «sub.». / And / night / when / they lay down they say. \rf jod 1890:222.18 \op Zhoüý-bi ki gaý-biamaý nuý akaý: Gasaýni thiýshi'eý awaýgitoüýbe koübtheýgoü \tr They lay down, they say / when / said as follows, they say / man / the «sub.»: / To-morrow / your husband's brother / I see them my own / I wish so \rf jod 1890:222.19 \op agtheý taý miüke, aý-biamaý. Ki wa'uý akaý gaý-biamaý: Daýdihaý, agtheý 'iýthai he, \tr I go homeward / will / I who, / said he, they say. / And / woman / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / O father, / going homeward / he speaks of / , \rf jod 1890:222.20 \op aý-biamaý. Izhiüýthe waýgitoüýbe 'iýthai eýgoü agtheý 'iýthai he, aý-biamaý. Goüý, Nuý \tr said she, they say. / His elder brother / to see them his own / he speaks of / as / going homeward / he speaks of / , / said she, they say. / And, / Man \rf jod 1890:223.1 \op aýthixai ki wiýnhe-shnoüýi ha. Uthuýha-ga, aý-biama niýkagahi akaý. Goüý wa'uý \tr they marry / when / they always follow them / . / Follow him, / said, they say / chief / the «sub.». / And / woman \rf jod 1890:223.2 \op akaý zhuýgthe agthaý-biamaý nuý thiü. Ki hebaýdi akiý-zhoü-bi ki nuý eshnaýxchi zhoüý-biamaý, \tr the «sub.» / with him / went homeward, they say / man / the «mv. ob.». / And / one the way / reaching again, they lay down, they say / when / man / alone / lay they say, \rf jod 1890:223.3 \op wa'uý akaý shti eshnaýxchi zhoüý-biamaý. Zhoüý'oüha-baýzhi-hnoüý-biamaý. \tr woman / the «sub.» / too / alone / lay they say. / He did not lie on her at all they say. \nt (The rest of the myth was obtained from Frank La Flèche.) \rf jod 1890:223.4 \op Ki wa'uý akaý, Eaýtoü eýdoü, etheýgoü-biamaý ha. Eýgithe izhiüýthe wagiýsi \tr And / woman / the «sub.», / Why / is it? / thought they say / . / Behold / his elder brother / he was saving her \rf jod 1890:223.5 \op akaýma ha. Eýgoü-hnoüý-bi ki toüýwoügthoü weýduba thoüýdi akiý-bi ki, niýkagahi \tr for him, they say / . / So regularly they say / when / village / the fourth / at the / he arrived again, they say / when, / chief \rf jod 1890:223.6 \op izhoüýge thiükeý gthoüý-biamaý ha, noüýwoüzi-aýzhi amaý goü, xtaýtheshteoüý-biamaý \tr his daughter / the one who / he married her, they say / , / she was not jealous / they say / as, / he also loved her they say \rf jod 1890:223.7 \op goü. Wa'uý ushteý akaý noüýwoüzi-hnoüý-biamaý ha. Akiý-bi ki wa'uý ushteý \tr as. / Woman / the rest / they were all jealous they say / . / He reached home, they say / when / woman / the rest \rf jod 1890:223.8 \op thoükaý izhiüýthe wagiý'i-biamaý ha, Aýdoü woüýgithe miüýgthoü-biamaý ha. Shetoüý ha. \tr those who / his elder brother / he gave them to his, they say / , / Therefore / all / took wives they say / . / So far / . \rf jod 1890:223.9 \ti The Adventures of @{Haýxige} \st @{Pathiü-noüpazhi}'s Version \op Haýxige isoüýga thiükeý enaýxchi tiýgthe zhuýgigthaý-biamaý. Izhiüýthe akaý 'aýbae \tr @{Haýxige} / his younger brother / the one who / only / dwelt / he with his, they say. / His elder brother / the «sub.» / hunting \rf jod 1890:226.1 \op atheý-hnoüý-biamaý. Taýxti wakiýde-hnoüý-biamaý. Eýgithe izhiüýthe akaý kuýha-biamaý. \tr went regularly they say. / Deer / he shot at them regularly they say. / At length / his elder brother / the «sub.» / feared they say. \rf jod 1890:226.2 \op Ni-uýwagi teýta nuýxe ke edaýdoü waniýta zhiüýga uhaý shteýshtewoüý shoüýthiüeýtha-ga, \tr Where they get water / at the / ice / the / what / animal / small / follows it / soever / let it alone, \rf jod 1890:226.3 \op aý-biamaý. Izhiüýthe akaý 'aýbae athaý-biamaý. Isoüýga akaý neýxe thizaý-bi egoüý niý \tr said he, they say. / His elder brother / the «sub.» / hunting / went they say. / His younger brother / the «sub.» / kettle / took, they say / having / water \rf jod 1890:226.4 \op agiýathaý-biamaý nuýxe keýta. Eýgithe Nushnoüý noüýba atiý-biamaý. Nuýxe ke uhaý \tr went for they say / ice / at the. / At length / Otter / two / have come, they say. / Ice / the «ob.» / following \rf jod 1890:226.5 \op weýnaxithaý-biamaý isoüýga akaý, zhoüý-zhiüga aýigaýtha athaý-biamaý. Eýdi ahiý-bi \tr attacked them they say / his younger brother / the «sub.», / stick / carried on his arm / he went, they say. / There / arrived, they say \rf jod 1890:226.6 \op egoüý uýtiü-hnoüý-biamaý. Goüýki shoüýshoü waýthiü athaý-biamaý. Eýgithe Wakoüýdagi \tr having / he hit them regularly they say. / And / without stopping / having them / he went, they say. / At length / Water-monster \rf jod 1890:226.7 \op moüshoüýde etaý te eýgihe moütaýha athiüý akiý-biamaý. Tizheýbe aýnasaý-biamaý. \tr den / his / the / headlong / into / having him / they reached home they say. / Door / they shut on him, they say. \rf jod 1890:226.8 \op Izhiüýthe thiü taýxti wiüý thixaýbazhi-xti 'iüý gthiý amaý. 'Iüý agthiý-bi egoüý tizheýbe \tr His elder brother / the «mv. one» / deer / one / without chasing at all / carrying / came home, they say. / Carrying / came home, they say / having / door \rf jod 1890:227.1 \op thoüýdi taýxti uxpaýthe theýtha-biamaý. Isoüýga sheýtheshtewoüýzhi. Duýaka! thizaý-ga, \tr at the / deer / falling / he sent it suddenly, they say. / His younger brother / stirred not at all. / This way! / take it, \rf jod 1890:227.2 \op kageý, aý-biamaý. Iýa-bazhiý-biamaý. Thazhoüý eýzhoümiüý, aý-biamaý. Tizheýbe thiaýza-bi \tr younger brother, / said he, they say. / He spoke not, they say. / You sleep / I suspect, / said he, they say. / Door / pulled open, they say \rf jod 1890:227.3 \op egoüý eýgithe thiügeý te amaý isoüýga thiükeý. Heý, wisoüýzhiüxchitheý! goüýxti tateý \tr having / behold / had disappeared, they say / his younger brother / the one who. / Alas, / my dear little younger brother! / just so / shall \rf jod 1890:227.4 \op ebtheýgoü thoüýshti eýgoüxti aýhoü, aý-biamaý. Ni-uýwagi teýta giýdoübe toüýthiü athaý-biamaý. \tr I thought heretofore / just so / ! / said he, they say. / Where they get water / to the / to see «for» him / running / he went they say. \rf jod 1890:227.5 \op Ni-uýwagi te ahiý kiýzhi, eýgithe isoüýga sigtheý theý te amaý. Uthuýgihe theý \tr Where they get water / the / he reached / when, / behold / his younger brother / trail / had gone, they say. / Following his / he went \rf jod 1890:227.6 \op ki eýgithe Nushnoüý noüýba atiý-bi egoüý uýtiü-hnoüý te amaý. Uýtiü uýshkoü te \tr when / behold / Otter / two / come, they say / having / he hit them regularly they say. / He hit them / deed / the \rf jod 1890:227.7 \op iýgipahoüý-bi egoüý, He-iý! aý-biamaý. Neýxe te utoüýnadi thishtoüý te amaý. Izhiüýthe \tr knew his, they say / having, / Alas! / said he, they say. / Kettle / the «ob.» / in a place between / he had dropped it, they say. / His elder brother \rf jod 1890:227.8 \op amaý uthuýgihe athaý-biamaý. Iýgitha-bazhiý-bi ki xagaý-biamaý. Hiüýsoüga+! hiüýsoüga+! \tr the «sub.» / following his / went they say. / Found his not, they say / when / he cried, they say. / My younger brother! / my younger brother! \rf jod 1890:227.9 \op hiüýsoüga+! hiüýsoüga+! wayeý wigiýsithe-doüý axaýge aýthiüheý no+! Heý! \tr my younger brother! / my younger brother! / «see note» I remember thee, my own while / I am crying as I walk / Alas! \rf jod 1890:227.10 \op misoüýga, heý! misoüýga, wiýebthiüý shte kaýge-soüýga, agthiý teýiüte, aý-biamaý. Mazhoüý \tr my younger brother, / alas! / my younger brother, / it is I / even «if» / friend younger brother, / I come home / would have / said he, they say. / Land \rf jod 1890:227.11 \op thoü bthuýga kuýwiüxe ugiýne athaý-biamaý. Xagaý-bi ki wachiýshka toügaýxti niý ke \tr the / all / wandering around / seeking his / he went, they say. / He cried, they say / when / creek / very large / water / the \rf jod 1890:227.12 \op gasuýsexti ihaýha gaxaý-biamaý, ishtaýbthi eý niý ge eý amaý. Niý koüýha ke xaýde \tr flowing very rapidly / in long lines / made they say, / tears / that / stream / the «pl.» / that / they say. / Stream / border / the «ob.» / grass \rf jod 1890:227.13 \op uýdoü keý amaý. Eýdi zhoüý-biamaý. Zhoüý-bi egoüý goüýki Miüýxa-zhiüýga noüýba \tr good / lay / they say. / There / he lay, they say. / Lay, they say / having / and / Goose small / too \rf jod 1890:227.14 \op atiý-biamaý. Gthoüýga athaý-biamaý. Eýgithe eýthoübe agthiý-biamaý. Gaý-biamaý: \tr came, they say. / Diving / they went, they say. / At length / in sight / they came back, they say. / «one» said as follows, they say: \rf jod 1890:227.15 \op Kageýha, Haýxige isoüýga t'eýthai teýdi iüýuzhawa heýga-maýzhi, aý-biamaý. Thiý e'oüý \tr Friend, / @{Haýxige} / his younger brother / killed / when / pleasant for me / a little I not, / said he, they say / You / how \rf jod 1890:227.16 \op shniü aý, aý-biamaý. Kageýha, wiý iüýuzhawa-maýzhi. Noübeýhiuzhiüýga / oüthoüýwoüxtheýgoü \tr you were / ? / said he, they say. / Friend, / I / it was unpleasant for me. / Little finger / fell to me as my share, since \rf jod 1890:227.17 \op atoüýxti tan*be shteýshte uthiýwabthaý te, eheý, aý-biamaý. Ki Haýxige akaý na'oüý-biamaý. \tr when indeed / I see him / soever / I tell him about his / will, / I said, / said he, they say. / And / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.» / heard it they say. \rf jod 1890:227.18 \op Haýxige akaý zhoüý'abe gaxaý-biamaý. Niý keýdi uxpaýtha-bi egoüý \tr @{Haýxige} / the «sub.» / leaf / made they say. / Water / in the / fell, they say / having \rf jod 1890:227.19 \op ugaýha athaý-biamaý. Utoüýna te zhoüý'abe ugaýha athaý-biamaý. Ediýxti ahiý-bi ki \tr floating / it went, they say. / Space between / the / leaf / floating / went they say. / Right there / he arrived, they say / when \rf jod 1890:227.20 \op Miüýxa-zhiüýga pahiý ke uýthoü-biamaý. Niýkashiüga noüýba, edeýshe thaýthiüsheý a, aý-biamaý \tr Duck / neck / the / he held them, they say. / Person / two, / what are you saying as you move / ? / said, they say \rf jod 1890:228.1 \op Haýxige akaý. Oüýhoü, zhiütheýha, eýgoü, aý-biamaý. Zhiütheýha, iýubtha te, eheý aýthiüheý \tr @{Haýxige} / the «sub.». / Yes, / elder brother, / so, / said he, they say. / Elder brother, / I tell the news / will, / I have been saying \rf jod 1890:228.2 \op aýtha, aý-biamaý. Zhiütheýha, oüwoüýthixthaxtheýgoü-ga. Uthiýwibthaý te, eheý aýthiüheý aýtha, \tr indeed, / said he, they say. / Elder brother, / do loosen your hold on me. / I tell you of your / will, / I have been saying / indeed, \rf jod 1890:228.3 \op aý-biamaý. Zhiütheýha, mazhoüý gaýthuha moüaý moüýshiadiýxti thoüthoüýdi thisoüýga eýdi \tr said he, they say. / Elder brother, / land / in that direction / cliff / very high / by a succession of / your younger brother / there \rf jod 1890:228.4 \op athiüý akiý, aý-biamaý. Miüýxa-zhiüýga aýma thiükeý thibthaýbthazaý-bi egoüý oüýtha theýtha-biamaý. \tr having him / reached home, / said he, they say. / Duck / the other «ob.» / pulled and tore to pieces, they say / having / threw away suddenly they say. \rf jod 1890:228.5 \op Iýmaxaý-biamaý: 'Oüý ki eýthoübaiý a, aý-biamaý. Miüýthumoüýshi shuýdemahoü \tr He asked they say: / How / when / they emerge / ? / said he, they say. / Noon / fog \rf jod 1890:228.6 \op ugaýt'iüze mashteýxti ki tehuýxthabe naýdiüdiügiýthe zhoüý-hnoüi, aý-biamaý. Oüýba \tr blows thick / very warm / when / tripe «see note» / to stiffen their own by heat / they lie regularly, / said he, they say. / Day \rf jod 1890:228.7 \op te eýgoü, aý-biamaý. \tr the / so, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:228.8 \op Goüýki xithaý gaýxe athaý-biamaý. Eýgithe tehuýxthabe moüýatha zhoüý-biamaý. \tr And / eagle / made / he went, they say. / At length / tripe / on the back / lay they say. \rf jod 1890:228.9 \op Etaýtoü weýnaxiýtha agiý-biamaý. Haýxige amaý sha-iý, aý-biamaý. Waýthi'a. Timoüýte \tr Thence / to attack them / he was returning, they say. / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.» / is coming to you, / was said, they say. / He failed with them. / Within the lodge \rf jod 1890:228.10 \op aýkiaýgtha-biamaý. Agthaý-biamaý shi Haýxige amaý. Akiý-bi egoüý, Eaýtoü aýmoü ki \tr they had gone again, they say. / Went homeward, they say / again / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.». / Reached home, they say / having, / How / I do / if \rf jod 1890:228.11 \op eýgoü-eweý'oü eteýdoü? etheýgoü-biamaý. Hau, shi athaý-biamaý oüýba teýgoü goüý. \tr so I do to them / apt? / thought he, they say. / Well, / again / he went, they say / day / the, like it / so. \rf jod 1890:228.12 \op Moüýshiahaýxti ahiý-bi ki, shi zhoüý'abe gaxaý-biamaý. Etaýtoü zhoüý'abe gaýxe te shi \tr Very far on high / he arrived, they say / when, / again / leaf / made they say. / Thence / leaf / made / the / again \rf jod 1890:228.13 \op weýnaxiýtha agiý-biamaý. Haýxige amaý sha-iý, aý-biamaý. Shi weýnaxiýtha waýthi'a, shi \tr to attack them / he was returning, they say. / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.» / is coming to you, / was said, they say. / Again / to attack them / he failed, / again \rf jod 1890:228.14 \op timoüýte aýkiaýgtha-biamaý. Shi waýthi'a gtheý amaý Haýxige amaý. Shi oüýba teýgoü \tr within the lodge / they had gone back, they say. / Again / failed / went homeward / they say / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.». / Again / day / like the \rf jod 1890:228.15 \op amaý. Goüýki wazhiüýga-wathiýze noüýka tuý-ma thoüý eý wiüý gaxaý-biamaý. Etaýtoü \tr they say. / And / chicken-hawk / back / the blue ones / the «class» / that / one / he made they say. / Thence \rf jod 1890:228.16 \op wazhiüýga-wathiýze noüýka tuý-ma eýgoü gaýxe shi weýnaxiýtha agiý-biamaý. Haýxige \tr chicken-hawk / back / the blue ones / so / made / again / to attack them / he was returning, they say. / @{Haýxige} \rf jod 1890:228.17 \op amaý sha-iý, aý-biamaý. Shi weýnaxiýtha waýthi'a. Shi timoüýte aýkiaýgtha-biamaý. Shi \tr the «sub.» / is coming to you, / was said, they say. / Again / to attack them / he failed. / Again / within the lodge / they had gone back, they say. / Again \rf jod 1890:228.18 \op waýthi'a gtheý amaý Haýxige amaý. Eýgithe weýduba zhoüý ediýhi ki weýs'a-niýdeka \tr failed / went homeward / they say / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.». / At length / the fourth / sleep / reached there / when / grass-snake \rf jod 1890:228.19 \op gaxaý-biamaý. Xaýde ke moüýtiheýxti athaý-biamaý. Moüaý ke eýthoübe ahiý-bi ki \tr he made, they say. / Grass / the / passing far under / he went, they say. / Cliff / the / in sight / he arrived, they say / when \rf jod 1890:229.1 \op eýgithe tehuýxthabe naýdiüdiügiýthe moüýatha zhoüý-biamaý. Moüýde ke gthiýza-biamaý. \tr behold / tripe / to stiffen their own by heat / on the back / they lay, they say. / Bow / the / he took his, they say. \rf jod 1890:229.2 \op Moü-iýtaxe-zhoüýka ugthaý-bi egoüý gasniüýdexti iýdoübexti theýtha-biamaý, noüýba \tr Arrow end forked / fit in, they say / having / slipped far when hit / right in the middle / he sent it forxibly, they say, / two \rf jod 1890:229.3 \op t'eýwathaý-biamaý. Oü+! iýgat'oüýxti timoüýte kigtheý amaý. Agthaý-biamaý Haýxige \tr it killed them they say. / Ah! / grunting very much / within the lodge / they had gone again / they say. / Went homeward, they say / @{Haýxige} \rf jod 1890:229.4 \op amaý. Akiý-biamaý. Giýthextioüý-biamaý. Eýgoü-eweý'oü, aý-biamaý. Hoüýegoüche \tr the «sub.». / He reached home, they say. / Very glad they say. / So I have done to them, / said he, they say. / Morning \rf jod 1890:229.5 \op ki 'aýbae athaý-biamaý Haýxige amaý. Agiý-bi ki eýgithe niýashiüga uzhoüýge ke \tr when / hunting / went they say / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.». / He was coming home, they say / when / behold / person / road / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:229.6 \op aýthita theý te amaý. Shi hoüýegoüche ki shi 'aýbae athaý-biamaý. Shi agiý-bi ki \tr cutting across / had gone, they say. / Again / morning / when / again / hunting / he went, they say. / Again / he was coming home, they say / when \rf jod 1890:229.7 \op eýgithe niýashiüga uzhoüýge ke aýthita theý te amaý. Shi hoüýegoüche ki shi 'aýbae \tr behold / person / road / the «ob.» / cutting across / had gone, they say. / Again / morning / when / again / hunting \rf jod 1890:229.8 \op athaý-biamaý. Shi agiý-bi ki eýgithe niýashiüga uzhoüýge ke aýthita theý te amaý. Weýduboüý \tr he went, they say. / Again / he was coming home, they say / when / behold / person / road / the «ob.» / cutting across / had gone, they say. / The fourth time \rf jod 1890:229.9 \op tediýhi ki bispeý zhoüý-biamaý Haýxige akaý. Eýgithe iý thiü eýgoü gthadiüý \tr arrived at the / when / crouching / lay they say / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.». / Behold, / coming / the one who / so / across \rf jod 1890:229.10 \op zhoüý-biamaý Haýxige akaý. Thutiýxti ki nazhiüý aýtiaýtha-biamaý. Huhu'aý! iüsh'aýge \tr lay they say / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.». / He had come straight to him / when / stood / he started up suddenly, they say. / Really! / old man \rf jod 1890:229.11 \op 'oüý moüthiüý eýgoü aýhoü, aý-biamaý, iýkitaý-bi egoüý. Oüýhoü, eýgoüxti aýtha, aý-biamaý. \tr what is the matter / walks / like it / ! / said he, they say, / cheated him, they say / having. / Yes, / just so / indeed, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:229.12 \op Eý shetoüýxti thanaý'oüzhi aýxtoü thaýthiüsheý a, aý-biamaý. Tenaý! iüsh'aýge, 'oüý iüteý \tr That / so very far / you have not heard / how possible / you who move / ? / said he, they say. / Why! / old man, / whatever may be the matter \rf jod 1890:229.13 \op daýdoü shtewoüý anaý'oü-maýzhi moübthiüý aýthiüheý, aý-biamaý Haýxige akaý. Oüýhoü, \tr what / soever / I heard not / I was walking / said, they say / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.». / Yes, \rf jod 1890:229.14 \op Haýxige amaý isoüýga t'eýkithai te Wakoüýdagi shieýwasoüýgithabiýxti thoükaý noüýba \tr @{Haýxige} / the «sub.» / his younger brother / killed for him / when / Water-monster / most dearly beloved children / the ones who / two \rf jod 1890:229.15 \op t'eýwathaiý. Zeýawathe piý aýtoüheý, aý-biamaý. Huhu'aý! iüsh'aýge, eýgoü iüteý anaý'oü \tr he killed them. / I powwow over them / I am about to go thither, / said he, they say. / Really! / old man, / so / it may be / I hear \rf jod 1890:229.16 \op shtewoüý-maýzhi aýthiüheý, aý-biamaý. Huhu'aý! iüsh'aýge, wazeýthe teýdi aýgipaýnoü goüýthaxti-hnoü \tr in the least I not / I who move, / said he, they say. / Really! / old man, / to powwow over them / when / to gaze on his / always very desirable \rf jod 1890:229.17 \op eýiüte, aý-biamaý Haýxige akaý. Oüýhoü, eýgoü, aý-biamaý Heýga akaý. \tr it may be, / said, they say / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.». / Yes, / so, / said, they say / Buzzard / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:229.18 \op Aýbanoü oüthiüýgexti-hnoü-moüý ha, aý-biamaý. Huhu'aý! iüsh'aýge, aýwigipaýnoü \tr To gaze on it / I never have any one at all / , / said he, they say. / Really! / old man, / I gaze on you, my relation \rf jod 1890:230.1 \op teýiüte. Wiýshti 'aýbae moübthiüý, aý-biamaý Haýxige akaý. Hau! iüsh'aýge, iýkigthagaskoüýtha-ga. \tr may. / I / too / hunting / I walk, / said, they say / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.». / Ho! / old man, / try it for yourself. \rf jod 1890:230.2 \op Aýwigipaýnoü bthiýshtoü ki shneý te ha, aý-biamaý, Oüýhoü, eýgoü ha, \tr I gaze on you, my own / I finish / when / you go / will / , / said he, they say, / Yes, / so \rf jod 1890:230.3 \op aý-biamaý. Oüýshpanoüý te, aý-biamaý. Shoüý, iüsh'aýge, uýshkoü daýdoü 'oüý shkaýxe te \tr said he, they say. / You gaze on me / will, / said he, they say. / Yet, / old man, / deed / what / how / you do it / the \rf jod 1890:230.4 \op bthuýgaxti winaý'oü te, aý-biamaý Haýxige akaý, gashtoüýka-bi egoüý. Oüýshpanoüý \tr every one / I hear it / will, / said, they say / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.», / tempted him, they say / having. / You gaze on me \rf jod 1890:230.5 \op tateý, aý-biamaý Heýga akaý. Wa'oüý te gi'oüý-bi egoüý wachiýgaxaý-biamaý: \tr shall surely, / said, they say / Buzzard / the «sub.». / Song / the / sung his, they say / having / he danced they say: \rf jod 1890:230.6 \op Heý-ke taý-ko, heý-ke heý-ke taý-ko. Heý-ke taý-ko, heý-ke heý-ke taý-ko, \tr no English \rf jod 1890:230.7 \op aý-biamaý. Hau! iüsh'aýge, eýgoüxti-hnoü eýiüte iüthiüýwoükoüýpi iýnahiü, iüsh'aýge, \tr said he, they say. / Ho! / old man, / always just so / if it be / it looks nice to me / truly, / old man, \rf jod 1890:230.8 \op aý-biamaý. Goüýki, Iüsh'aýge, 'oüý-hnoü aýzhoü te bthuýgaxti wigiýna'oü koüýbtha, \tr said he, they say. / And, / Old man, / how regularly / you do it / the / all / I hear from you / I wish, \rf jod 1890:230.9 \op aý-biamaý Haýxige akaý. Theý piý ki niýathe te, eheý, aý-biamaý. Baxuý duýba weýduba \tr said, they say / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.». / This time / I arrive / when / I will heal it, / I said, / said he, they say. / Peak / four / the fourth \rf jod 1890:230.10 \op gaýke eýdi piý ki oüýgi-hnoü-atiý, aý-biamaý. Weýduba eýthoübe piý ki anoüýte \tr that «lg. one» / there / I arrive / when / they come regularly for me, / said he, they say. / The fourth / in sight / I arrive / when / I dance \rf jod 1890:230.11 \op anaýzhiü ki oüýgi-hnoü-atiý, aý-biamaý. Waiiüý ugthoüý gahaý oüýthiü theý-hnoüi. Theý \tr I stand / when / they always come for me, / said he, they say. / Robe / they put in it / on it / having me / they always go. / This «time» \rf jod 1890:230.12 \op piý kizhi, Niý naýkade nazhiüý te ha, eheý. Moüýze noüýba naýzhide iheýathe ki uýi \tr I arrive / if, / Water / hot / please let it stand / , / I say. / Iron / too / red hot / I place / when / wounds \rf jod 1890:230.13 \op te iýpistaýsta ki, niüýta teý, aý-biamaý. Thaýbthiüoüý-xtieýgoü wachiýgaxekithaý-biamaý. \tr the / I press against repeatedly / if, / alive / will be, / said he, they say. / About three times / he made him dance they say. \rf jod 1890:230.14 \op Shkoüý moüthiüý te bthuýga thipiý goüýtha gthiüý-bi egoüý. Weýduboüý teýdiýhi noüteý \tr Manner / walking / the / all / to do well / wishing / sat, they say / having. / The fourth time / at it arrived / dancing \rf jod 1890:230.15 \op noüshtoüý-biamaý. Hau! shoüý ha. Oüýshpanoüý iýthibthoüýxti eýzhoümiüý, aý-biamaý \tr he stopped, they say. / Ho! / enough / . / You gaze on me / you have had your fill / I suspect, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:230.16 \op Heýga akaý. Oüýhoü, iüsh'aýge, shoüý ha, aý-biamaý. 'Oüý-masheý shtewoüý Haýxige \tr Buzzard / the «sub.». / Yes, / old man, / enough / , / said he, they say. / What sort of person are you / @{Haýxige} \rf jod 1890:230.17 \op hnaýzhiügaiý a, aý-bi egoüý gaxiýxa-biamaý, t'eýtha-biamaý. Shoüý waýthaha bthuýgaxti \tr you think little of him / ? / said, they say / having / he hit and broke in «the skull», they say, / he killed him, they say. / And / clothing / all \rf jod 1890:230.18 \op thizaý-bi egoüý aýthaha-biamaý. Peýxe shti aýigaýtha moüthiüý-biamaý. Uýshkoü iýkigthagaskoüýtha-biamaý. \tr took, they say / having / he put it on, they say. / Gourd / too / carrying on the arm / he walked they say. / Deed / he tried for himself they say. \rf jod 1890:230.19 \op Bthiýpi chaýbe aýhoü, etheýgoü-biamaý. Athaý-bi egoüý baxuý weýduba \tr I do it well / very / ! / thought he they say. / Went, they say / having / peak / the fourth \rf jod 1890:231.1 \op ke eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Wachiýgaxaý-biamaý. Heý-ke taý-ko, heý-ke heý-ke \tr there / he arrived, they say. / He danced they say. \rf jod 1890:231.2 \op taý-ko. Heý-ke taý-ko, heý-ke hiý-ke taý-ko. Huhu'aý! iüsh'aýge uthuýkoüpi iýnahiüý-hnoü \tr Really! / old man / nice-looking / truly always \rf jod 1890:231.3 \op eýdegoü aýbanoü thiügeý iýnahiü aýtha, aý-biamaý. Huhuý! iüsh'aýge, wazeýthe thiü \tr but / to gaze on him / had none / truly / indeed, / said he, they say. / Oho! / old man, / doctor / the \rf jod 1890:231.4 \op eýthoübe tiý, aiý aýtha, aý-biamaý. Wagaýxthoü hnoükaýshe, keý, agiýmoüthiüýi-ga, \tr in sight / has come, / he says / indeed, / said they, they say. / Servants / ye who, / come, / walk ye for him, \rf jod 1890:231.5 \op aý-biamaý. Hau, agiýathaý-biamaý. Eýdi ahiý-bi egoüý waiiüý thoü giýthibthaý-biamaý. \tr said he, they say. / Well, / they went for him, they say. / There / arrived, they say. / There / arrived, they say. / having / robe / the «ob.» / they spread out for him, they say. \rf jod 1890:231.6 \op Ugthiüý gthiüý-bi egoüý gahaý athiüý athaý-biamaý wagaýxthoü amaý. Tizheýbe moüýshiaýtaha \tr Sitting in it / sat, they say / having / on it / having him / went, they say / servant / the «sub.». / Door / away from \rf jod 1890:231.7 \op giýthikoüýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Tizheýbe aýgaha thishiýba-biamaý. Thishiýba-bi ki eýbithe \tr make ye room for him, / said they, they say. / Door / outer / they pulled open, they say / when / behold \rf jod 1890:231.8 \op moütaýta tizheýbegthoü gaxaý-bitoüý amaý isoüýga ke haý ke bthuýga thixaýba-bi egoüý. \tr underneath / door-flap / had been made «standing» / they say / his younger brother / the / skin / the «ob.» / the whole / flayed, they say / having. \rf jod 1890:231.9 \op Tizheýbe ukiýbaxtha noüteý nazhiüý-biamaý. Heý-ke taý-ko, heý-ke heý-ke taý-ko. Heý-ke \tr Door / facing it / dancing / he stood, they say. \rf jod 1890:231.10 \op heý-ke taý-ko, aý-biamaý. Noüshtoüý-bi egoüý tiý upaý-biamaý. Isoüýga haý ke uthoüý-biamaý. \tr said he, they say. / Stopped, they say / having / lodge / he entered, they say. / His brother / skin / the «ob.» / took hold of they say. \rf jod 1890:231.11 \op Tizheýbegthoüý thiaýza itheýthe toüý amaý. Heý, wisoüýzhiüxchitheý! aý-biamaý, zhizhiý-bi \tr Door-flap / he pulled open / suddenly / as he stood / they say. / Alas, / my dear little younger brother! / said he, they say, / whispered, they say \rf jod 1890:231.12 \op egoüý. Wagaýxthoü amaý ubeýsniü-biamaý. Huhu'aý! kageýha, iüsh'aýge edeýgoü a, \tr having. / Servant / the «sub.» / found him out, they say. / Really! / friend, / old man / what has he said / ? \rf jod 1890:231.13 \op zhizhiý ukiýa-biamaý. Kageý, iüsh'aýge-hnoü, Heý, wisoüýzhiüxchitheý! eý eýgoü ha, aý-biamaý. \tr whispering / one talked with, they say. / Friend, / old man only, / Alas, / my dear little younger brother! / said / like it / , / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:231.14 \op Na! kageý, uthaýde thiügeý iýnahiü. Iüsh'aýge wazeýthe skeýwoüxti tiý-hnoü thoüýshti, \tr Psha! / friend, / cause for complaint / there is none / truly. / Old man / doctor / for a very long time / has come regularly / heretofore, \rf jod 1890:231.15 \op aý-biamaý. Hau! aý-biamaý. Theý ki shoüý te, eheý aýtha, aý-biamaý. Hau! wagaýxthoü \tr said they, they say. / Ho! / said he, they say. / This / when / enough / will, / I said / indeed, / said he, they say. / Ho! / servant \rf jod 1890:231.16 \op hnoükaýshe, neýxe toügaýxti noüýba niý uzhiý athiüý giýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Agiýahiý-bi \tr ye who are, / kettle / very large / two / water / fill / bring it back, / said he, they say. / Reached there for it, they say \rf jod 1890:231.17 \op egoüý 'iüý akiý-biamaý. Ugaýshka-bi egoüý naýkadexti peýde teýdi aýbixexti \tr having / carrying it / they reached home, they say. / Fastened the kettles on, / they say / having / very hot / fire / on the / boiling hard \rf jod 1890:231.18 \op nazhiüý-biamaý. Maýhiü noüýba thipaý-ixti iheýthai-ga. Moüýze naýzhide theýke 'uý te \tr they stood, they say. / Knife / two / made very sharp / lay ye down. / Iron / red hot / this «ob.» / wound / the \rf jod 1890:231.19 \op iýpistaýsta ki niüýta taiteý, aý-biamaý. Hau! keý, iüýthikoüýiga, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe \tr I press against repeatedly / when / alive / shall «pl.», / said he, they say. / Ho! / come, / get out of my way, / said he, they say. / Beware \rf jod 1890:231.20 \op aýshkaha uthaýgas'iüýs'iü tai ha. Eýgithe thioüýtha theý tai, aý-biamaý. Baxuý duýba \tr close at hand / you peep in repeatedly / lest / . / Beware / leaving you / go / lest, / said he, they say. / Peak / four \rf jod 1890:232.1 \op eýthoübe atiý-hnoü-moüý kihaý guaýthishoüýta moüthiüýi-ga bthuýga, aý-biamaý. Tiý uzhiý \tr in sight / I come regularly / downward / to the other side of / walk ye / all, / said he, they say. / Household \rf jod 1890:232.2 \op thoükaý woüýgithexti athaý-biamaý. Ithaý-bi egoüý thi'uýda-biamaý. Niý te aýbixexti \tr the ones who / all / went, they say. / Had gone, they say / since / they left him solitary, they say. / Water / the / boiling hard \rf jod 1890:232.3 \op nazhiüý amaý. Hau! sakiýba goüýxti zhoüýi-ga. Moüýze naýzhidexti 'uý te uthuýwipaýxoü \tr stood / they say. / Ho! / side by side / just so / lie ye. / Iron / very red hot / wound / the «ob.» / I push into you with \rf jod 1890:232.4 \op ki thaniüýta tateý. Eýgithe thashkoüý te ha. Thieý gaziýxti zhoüýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Eýgoü \tr when / you alive / shall surely «be». / Beware / you stir / lest / . / Side / stretched very stiff / lie ye, / said he, they say. / So \rf jod 1890:232.5 \op zhoüý-bi egoüý agthoüýkoühoüý 'uý te ubaýxoü theýtha-biamaý, Chu+! Shkoüýazhi zhoüý-ga. \tr lain, they say / having / on both sides / wound / the / pushed into / he sent suddenly, they say, / &Choo! / Still / lie. \nt Choo = sound of the hot irons. [JS] \rf jod 1890:232.6 \op Hoü+! aý-bi egoüý, akiýtha naýt'a-biamaý. Maýhiü ke thizaý-bi egoüý uýs'u waýxa-biamaý. \tr Ah! / said, they say / having, / both / the heat killed, they say. / Knife / the / took, they say / having / strips / he made them they say. \rf jod 1890:232.7 \op Maýwaxoüý-bi egoüý niý te aýbixe nazhiüý te uzhiý nazhiüý-biamaý. Niüýde \tr Cut them apart, they say / having / water / the / boiling / stood / the / filling it / he stood, they say. / Cooked \rf jod 1890:232.8 \op teý shti gashiýbe iteýthe nazhiüý-biamaý. \tr the / too / out of / piling it / he stood, they say. \rf jod 1890:232.9 \op Gaýamaý, Hau! iüsh'aýge wazeýthe gatoüýazhi-hnoü thoüýshti. Kaýshi heýgazhi, \tr Those not seen, / Ho! / old man / doctor / not so long regularly / heretofore. / A great while ago / very, \rf jod 1890:232.10 \op aý-biamaý. Weýs'a-niýdeka, edeýshegoü aý amaý thoüýshti. Oüýhoü, eýgipe ha. \tr said they, they say. / Grass-snake, / what were you saying / he was saying / heretofore. / Yes, / I said it / \rf jod 1890:232.11 \op Tizheýbe ubaýhoü athaiý te tizheýbegthoü uthoüýi teýdi, Heý, wisoüýzhiüxchitheý! eý eýgoüi ha, \tr Door / side of / went / when / door-flap / took hold of / when, / Alas, / my dear little younger brother! / said / like it / , \rf jod 1890:232.12 \op aý-biamaý Weýs'a-niýdeka. Weýs'a-niýdeka, eýdi thagtheý te. Doübaý-ga, aý-biamaý. \tr said, they say / Grass-snake. / Grass-snake, / there / you go homeward / will. / Look at him, / said they, they say. \rf jod 1890:232.13 \op Naýdoü ishtaý pa te zhuýgthe gaýxa-ga. Thibthaýshkaxchiý-ga paý thoü, aý-biamaý. \tr Extra «?» / eye / nose / the «ob.» / with it / make. / Flatten and make very oval / head / the «ob.», / said they, they say. \rf jod 1890:232.14 \op Xaýde moüýtiheý goüý moüthiüý-biamaý Weýs'a-niýdeka. Eýdi ahiý-bi egoüý tiý te \tr Grass / passing under / so / walked they say / Grass-snake. / There / arrived, they say / having / lodge / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:232.15 \op ukiýba wiüý eýdi ugaýs'iü-biamaý. Iýtha-biamaý Haýxige akaý. Giý-ga! giý-ga! giý-ga! \tr crack / one / there / he peeped, they say. / Detected him, they say / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.» / Come! / come! / come! \rf jod 1890:232.16 \op aý-biamaý. Giýboü-bi egoüý eýdi agiý-biamaý. Weýnoüdekithaý-ga, aý-biamaý \tr said he, they say. / Called to him, they say / having / there / he was coming back, they say. / Make yourself full of food, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:232.17 \op Haýxige akaý. Goüýki uýs'u theýtoüxti nuýde ke ukiýthataýxti uiýgoühaý-biamaý. \tr @{Haýxige} / the «sub.». / And / strip / just this long / throat / the «ob.» / sticking in very tight / he put in for him, they say. \rf jod 1890:232.18 \op Haýxige eý akeýdegoü kaýshixti Wakoüýdagi naýtubewaýthe, esheý shiý te, uthaý \tr @{Haýxige} / that / the one, but / very long ago / Water-monster / cooked them to pieces, / you say / you arrived / will, / to tell \rf jod 1890:232.19 \op moügthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Weýs'a-niýdeka akaý utha theý amaý. Haýxuka! Haýxuka! \tr begone, / said he, they say. / Grass-snake / the «sub.» / to tell / went / they say. / @{Haýxige}! / @{Haýxige}! \rf jod 1890:232.20 \op huý thaiüýazhi theý amaý. Huhu'aý! gaýthiü edeýgoü a, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe thutiý amaý, \tr voice / not sending far / was going, they say. / Really! / that one / what says he / ? / said they, they say. / At length / he had come directly to them, they say, \rf jod 1890:233.1 \op xaýde moüýtihexchi. Haýxuka! Haýxuka! aý-biamaý. Huhu'aý! Haýxige eýe ha, \tr grass / passing altogether under it. / @{Haýxige}! / @{Haýxige}! / said he, they say. / Really! / @{Haýxige} / he says / , \rf jod 1890:233.2 \op aý-biamaý. Washiüý heýbe iýu'oühe-t'oüý giýthizaýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Huhu'aý! goüýxti \tr said they, they say. / Fat meat / piece / put in the mouth he has / take ye for him, / said they, they say. / Really! / just so \rf jod 1890:233.3 \op tateý. Washkoüýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Ieýnaxiýtha agthaý-biamaý. Koüýgexti gthiý-bi \tr shall «be». / Make ye an effort, / said they, they say. / To attack him / they went homeward, they say. / Very close / they came home; they say \rf jod 1890:233.4 \op ki Haýxige akaý ku'eý agthaý-biamaý. Isoüýga toü aýigigthaýtha agthaý-biamaý. \tr when / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.» / rushing / went homeward, they say. / His brother / the «sub.» / carried his on his arm / he went homeward, they say. \rf jod 1890:233.5 \op Agthaý-bi te goüý ieýnaxiýtha athaý-biamaý. Shoüý edaýdoü waniýta oüýsagi-maý bthuýga \tr He went homeward, they say / when / so / to attack him / they went, they say. / Yet / what / animals / the swift ones / all \rf jod 1890:233.6 \op eýgoü gaxaý-bi shtewoüý uýxtha-bazhiý-biamaý. Edaýdoü baskiýthe! Washkoüý egoüýi-ga. \tr like / they made, they say / notwithstanding / they did not overtake them, they say. / What / angry! / Make an effort / do ye. \rf jod 1890:233.7 \op Shniý'a eteýgoüi, aý-biamaý. Athiüý athaý-biamaý. Eýgithe moüaý paheý moüýshiadiýxti \tr You fail / are apt, / said they, say they. / Having him / they went, they say. / At length / cliff / hill / very high \rf jod 1890:233.8 \op iýthitiü ithoüýthe teýdi xthabeý aýkishugaýxti nihoüýga muýbazhu ithaýtha Haýxige (amaý) gitaýpe \tr concave precipice / placed / where / tree / standing very thick / spring / shot up suddenly and frequently / @{Haýxige} / (the «sub.») / near it again \rf jod 1890:233.9 \op ahiý-biamaý. Washkoüý egoüýi-ga. Thaýthuhaýxchi uthaýxthe-hnoüýi, aý-biamaý. \tr he arrived, they say. / Make an effort / do ye / / Very nearly / you have overtaken him, / said they, they say. \rf jod 1890:233.10 \op Eýgithe Haýxige akaý moüýze-moü gaxaý-biamaý. Niý eýgih aýkiaýgthe amaý, Ch'u+! \tr At length / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.» / bullet / he made, they say. / Water / right into / he had gone / they say, / &Choo! \nt Choo = sound of bullet. [JS] \rf jod 1890:233.11 \op Iüý'e tiýgthe kikaýxa-biamaý niý moütaýta. Goüý waweýnaxiýtha waýthi'a agthaý-biamaý. \tr Stone / suddenly / he made himself they say / water / beneath. / And / to attack / they failed / they went homeward, they say. \rf jod 1890:233.12 \op Uýthoüiý-biamaý thoüýzha iüý'e sagiý kikaýxa-bi egoüý thi'aý agthaý-biamaý. Keý, shoüýoügaýxe tai. \tr They were taken hold of, they say / though / stone / tight / made himself, they say / having / failing / they went homeward, they say. / Come, / let us stop. \rf jod 1890:233.13 \op Oüthiý'ai aýtha, aý-biamaý. \tr We have failed / indeed, / said they, they say. \rf jod 1890:233.14 \op Agthaý-biamaý. Agthaý-biamaý ki, goüýki Haýxige akaý aýshi eýthoübe agthiý-biamaý. \tr They went homeward, they say. / They went homeward, they say / when, / after a while «?» / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.» / out / in sight / came back they say. \rf jod 1890:233.15 \op Eýthoübe agthiý-bi ki isoüýga haý ke aýigigthaýtha agthaý-biamaý. Eýgithe \tr In sight / he came back, they say / when / his brother / skin / the «ob.» / carrying his on his arm / he went homeward, they say. / At length \rf jod 1890:233.16 \op tiý teýta akiý-biamaý. Iüýoüguýpe tateý, kageý, aý-biamaý. Iüý'e gaýthoüska duýba \tr lodge / at the / he reached home, they say. / We enter a sweat-lodge / will surely, / younger brother, / said he, they say. / Stone / that size / four \rf jod 1890:233.17 \op agiýathaý-biamaý. Pathaýge moüýshiadiýxti iüý'e toügaý-hnoü wiüý thizaý-biamaý. Hau! \tr he went for, they say. / Headland / very lofty / stone / large only / one / he took, they say. / Ho! \rf jod 1890:233.18 \op iüsh'aýge, awiýpi-atiý wazeýthathe teýgoü, aý-biamaý. Shi wiüý thizaý-biamaý. Hau! \tr old man, / I have come for you / you powwow / in order that, / said he, they say. / Again / one / he took, they say. / Ho! \rf jod 1890:233.19 \op iüsh'aýge, wazeýoüthaýthe teýgoü, awiýpi-atiý, aý-biamaý. Shi waiiüý ugthoüý-biamaý. Shi \tr old man, / you powwow over me / in order that, / I have come for you, / said he, they say. / Again / robe / he put in they say. / Again \rf jod 1890:234.1 \op wiüý thizaý-biamaý ki, Hau! iüsh'aýge, niýkashiüga hithaýthakitheý teýgoü, awiýpi-atiý ha, \tr one / he took, they say / when, / Ho! / old man, / person / you make him bathe / in order that, / I have come for you / , \rf jod 1890:234.2 \op aý-biamaý. Weýduboüý tediýhi, Hau! iüsh'aýge, niýkashiüga wiüý bthuýgaxti iýthihiýtha \tr said he, they say. / The fourth time / arrived at it, / Ho! / old man, / person / one / all over / to bathe by means of you \rf jod 1890:234.3 \op teýgoü awiýpi-atiý ha, aý-biamaý. Hau! iüsh'aýge, iýwihiýbtha teýgoü awiýpi-ati aýtha! \tr in order that / I have come for you / , / said he, they say. / Ho! / old man, / I bathe by means of you / in order that / I have come for you / indeed! \rf jod 1890:234.4 \op Washiýge piýazhi bthuýgaxti gashiýbe iütheýoühna teýgoü awiýpi-atiý aýtha! Oüýb aýzhithoüthoüýxtieýgoü \tr Affection «disease?» / bad / all / out of / you throw away for me / in order that / I have come for you / indeed! / Day / about different ones \rf jod 1890:234.5 \op eýthoübe piý te aýtha! Baxuý duýba, iüsh'aýge, eýthoübe piý te aýtha! \tr in sight / I arrive / may / indeed! / Peak / four, / old man, / in sight / I arrive / may / indeed! \rf jod 1890:234.6 \op zhiügaý zhuaýwagiýgthe. Wakoüýda toüýga agthoüýkoühoü hniükeýshe, wiýbthahoü. \tr young / I with them my own. / Deity / great / on each side / you who are, / I pray to you. \rf jod 1890:234.7 \op Oüýba aýzhithoüthoüýxti zhiügaý zhuaýwagiýgthe eýthoübe piý te athaý! aý-biamaý. 'Iüý \tr Day / different ones / young / I with them, my own / in sight / I arrive / may / indeed! / said he, they say. / Carrying \rf jod 1890:234.8 \op akiý-biamaý. Peýde te uzhiý-biamaý. Tiýshi uaýne btheý te, aý-biamaý. Athiüý \tr he reached home, they say. / Fire / the / he filled, they say. / Tent-pole / I seek it / I go / will, / said he, they say. / Having it \rf jod 1890:234.9 \op akiý-biamaý. Iüý'e-basiý paýxe te, aý-biamaý. Uneýthe koüýha keýdi iheýtha-biamaý. \tr he reached home, they say. / Stone-pushers / I make / will, / said he, they say. / Fire-place / border / by the / he laid them, they say. \rf jod 1890:234.10 \op (Niý teý shti agiýathaý-biamaý.) Hau! niý hniükeýshe, waxuýbe wiýpaxe teýgoü \tr (Water / the / too / he went for, they say.) / Ho! / water / you who are, / sacred thing / I make of you / in order that \rf jod 1890:234.11 \op awiýpi-atiý ha, aý-biamaý. Niý teý shti iteýtha-biamaý tizheýbe. Iüý'e te shutheýathe \tr I have come for you / , / said he, they say. / Water / the / too / he put it down, they say / door. / Stone / the «ob.» / I send to you \rf jod 1890:234.12 \op taý miüke, kageý, aý-biamaý, isoüýga ha xthuý'a timoüýte gthiüýkithaý-bi thiükeý eý \tr will / I who, / younger brother, / said he, they say, / his brother / skin / hollow / in the lodge / caused to sit / the one who / that \rf jod 1890:234.13 \op wakaý-bi egoüý. Iüý'e te bathuýtoü theýtha-biamaý. Utheýwiüxti goüý iteýtha-biamaý. \tr meant, they say / having. / Stone / the / he pushed straight / sent suddenly, they say. / Collected altogether / so / he placed them, they say. \rf jod 1890:234.14 \op Naýzhidextioüý-biamaý. Niý te thizaý-bi egoüý timoüýte niý te itheýtha-biamaý. Gaýte \tr Very red-hot they say. / Water / the / he took, they say / having / in the lodge / water / the / he sent suddenly, they say. / That \rf jod 1890:234.15 \op niý te shutheý ha, aý-biamaý. Hau! shubtheý taý miüke, aý-biamaý Haýxige akaý. \tr water / the / goes to you / , / said he, they say. / Ho! / I go to you / will / I who, / said, they say / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:234.16 \op Timoüýte ahiý-biamaý. Iüý'e naýzhide gthiüý-biamaý. Hau! iüsh'aýge, iýwihiýbtha \tr In the lodge / he arrived, they say. / Stone / red-hot / they sat, they say. / Ho! / old man, / I bathe by means of you \rf jod 1890:234.17 \op teýgoü awiýpi-atiý, aý-biamaý. Makoüý aýthi'aý-biamaý. Naýdadaýze theýgoü amaý. \tr in order that / I have come for you, / said he, they say. / Medicine / he dropped on, they say. / Fire sent out sparks / thus / they say. \rf jod 1890:234.18 \op Isoüýga thiükeý gthizaý-bi egoüý niý aýgigthaýxtoü hithaýkithaý-biamaý. Eýgigoü gikaýxa-biamaý. \tr His brother / the one who / took his, they say / having / water / he poured on his / he caused him to bathe, they say. / As before / he made his they say. \rf jod 1890:234.19 \op Shoüý ha, kageýha, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, zhiütheýha, shoüý ha, aý-biamaý \tr Enough / , / younger brother, / said he, they say. / Yes, / elder brother, / enough / , / said, they say \rf jod 1890:234.20 \op isoüýga akaý. Isoüýga thishtoüý ki theý ki shoüshoüý moüshiaýha theý amaý, wanaýxi \tr his brother / the «sub.». / His brother / finished / when / he went / when / without stopping / on high / he went / they say, / ghost \rf jod 1890:235.1 \op amaý. (This was done four times.) Eýgithe gaý-biamaý: Huhu'aý! kaýge-soüýga, \tr they say. / At length / he said as follows, they say: / Really! / friend younger brother, \rf jod 1890:235.2 \op uthiýhe shkoüýhna. Theýgoü agthaýthiü nazhiüý-biamaý, ugiýkie nazhiüý-biamaý. Hau! kaýge-soüýga, \tr you have your way / you wish. / Thus / having his / he stood they say, / talking to his / he stood they say. / Ho! / friend younger brother, \rf jod 1890:235.3 \op uthiýhe tateý. Uthiýhe tateý thoüýzha, kaýge-soüýga, akiýthaha oügaýthe tateý \tr you have your way / shall. / You have your way / shall / though, / friend younger brother, / apart / we go / shall \rf jod 1890:235.4 \op aý-biamaý. Niýkashiüga zhiýde ni-uýthuoüýda theýthoüska thoüýzha theý shneý teýgoü agthiý-baýzhi \tr said he, they say. / Person / red / island / this size / though / this / you go / will, so / they not come back \rf jod 1890:235.5 \op shoüshoüý taiteý, aý-biamaý. Athaý-biamaý Haýxige amaý. Eýgithe Zhaýbe-waý'uzhiüýga \tr continually / shall, / said he, they say. / Went they say / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.». / At length / Beaver old woman \rf jod 1890:235.6 \op moüdeý gaýxe akaýma. Hu+! aý-biamaý. Haýxuka bthoüýxchioüý, aý-biamaý. \tr boat / was making, they say. / Hoo-oo! / said she, they say. / @{Haýxige} / it smells very much of, / said she, they say. \rf jod 1890:235.7 \op Waý'uzhiüýga uthaýde thiügeý aýhoü. Gaýthiü Haýxige isoüýga Wakoüýdagi t'eýkithaiý \tr Old woman / cause for complaint / there is none / ! / That one / @{Haýxige} / his brother / Water-monster / killed for him \rf jod 1890:235.8 \op eýgoü aýgudiý shte xageý kuýwiüxe moüthiüý te kigthaýt'e thiüý, aý-biamaý. Waý'uzhiüýga \tr as / wherever / crying / wandering about / he walks / as he kills himself by crying / the one who, / said he, they say. / Old woman \rf jod 1890:235.9 \op moüdeý shkaýxazhiýxchi aýhoü, aý-biamaý Haýxige akaý. A, shetoüýxti thanaý'oüzhi \tr boat / you do not make at all / ! / said, they say / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.». / Yes, / so very far / you have not heard \rf jod 1890:235.10 \op thaýthiüsheý a, aý-biýamaý waý'uzhiüýga akaý. Haýxige amaý isoüýga t'eýkithaiý eýiüte \tr you who move / ? / said, they say / old woman / the «sub.». / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.» / his brother / killed for him / it may be \rf jod 1890:235.11 \op Wakoüýdagi uýzhu noüýba t'eýwatha-baýdoü t'eýthe the'aiý eýgoü mazhoüý bthuýga niý uzhiý \tr Water-monster / principal / two / he killed them and / to kill him / failed / as / land / all / water / filled \rf jod 1890:235.12 \op gaýxe 'iýthai eýgoü moüdeýha akiýpaxe aýtoüheý, aý-biamaý. Gaý-biamaý: Waý'uzhiüýga, \tr to make it / spoke of it / as / a dug-out / I stand making for myself, / said she, they say. / He said as follows, they say: / Old woman \rf jod 1890:235.13 \op Haýxige amaý weýthigthoü t'oüý goüýtha-hnoüýi. Moüdeýha gaýxai eýdegoü moüdeý-pa \tr @{Haýxige} / the «sub.» / mind / to possess / desires invariably. / A dug-out / made / but / boat-head \rf jod 1890:235.14 \op teýta zhoüý aýkast iteýthai kiýzhi, moüthiüýka uzhiýi-de, peýde naýxthiüxti gthiüý degoüý, \tr at the / wood / piled up / places / it, / soil «earth» / filled with when, / fire / burning very brightly / sitting / when, so \rf jod 1890:235.15 \op waniýta ugaýha-maý thizaiý-de, goüý waýthate gthiüý taý akaý, aý-biamaý. Eýgoü thi'aiý \tr animal / those that float / he takes when, / and / eating them / he will be sitting, / said he, they say. / So / they fail \rf jod 1890:235.16 \op kiýshte mazhoüý bthuýga weýs'a t'oüý waýxe 'iýthai eýthe, aý-biamaý. waý'uzhiüýga akaý. \tr even if / land / all / snakes / abound / making / spoke of / indeed, / said, they say / old woman / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:235.17 \op Kehaýmazhiýde utoüýi eýdegoü noübeý te shti eýgoü uthiýshiü-de weýs'a-maý waýthaxta \tr Red-breasted turtle «shells» / put on his feet / but / hand / the / too / so / covered when / the snakes / to bite \rf jod 1890:235.18 \op a-iýi kiýzhi haý shuýga kikaýxai eýgoü wanoüýxixiýxe waýthiü moüthiüý taý amaý, wanoüýte \tr approaching / when / skin / thick / made for himself / so / breaking in their «heads» / having them / he will walk, / stepping on them \rf jod 1890:235.19 \op waýthiü moüthiüý taý amaý, aý-biamaý Haýxige akaý. Eýgoü thi'aiý kiýshte mazhoüý bthuýga \tr having them / he will walk, / said, they say / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.». / So / they fail / even if / land / all \rf jod 1890:235.20 \op ugaýhanapaze gaýxe 'iýthai eýthe. Tiýxiüde ukiýoüthe ki gat'eý te aiý eýthe, aý-biamaý \tr darkness / making / spoke of / indeed. / Gorge / get himself into / if / die from the fall / will / they said «in my hearing» / indeed, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:236.1 \op waý'uzhiüýga akaý. Waý'uzhiüýga, gaýamaý Haýxige amaý weýthigthoü t'oüý goüýtha-hnoüýi. \tr old woman / the «sub.». / Old woman, / that one / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.» / mind / to possess / wishes continually. \rf jod 1890:236.2 \op Tiýxiüde wiüý ugthiüý-de zhoü uzhiýi-de peýde uýdoüxti gthiüý taý amaý. Waniýta daýdoü \tr Gorge / one / sit in when / wood / filled with when / fire / very good / he will sit. / Animal / what \rf jod 1890:236.3 \op gthiüý akaýta uoüýsi hiý thiü gat'eý keý thizaiý-de goüý thateý gthiüý taý amaý, aý-biamaý. \tr to the one sitting / leaping / reaches / the one that / dies from falling / which / takes when / so / eating / he will sit, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:236.4 \op Eýgoü thi'aiý kiýshte mazhoüý thoü bthuýgaxti maý shkuýbe gaýxe 'iýthai eýthe. Maý \tr So / they fail / if even / land / the / all / snow / deep / making it / speak of / indeed. / Snow \rf jod 1890:236.5 \op aýgaspe t'eý te aiý eýthe, aý-biamaý. Gaýamaý, waý'uzhiüýga, Haýxige amaý weýthigthoü \tr pressing down on him / die / will / they said / indeed, / said she, they say. / That one, / old woman, / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.» / mind \rf jod 1890:236.6 \op t'oüý goüýtha-hnoüýi. Xaýde ti toügaýxti kikaýxai-de zhoüý teý shti aýkastaýxti iteýkithaiý-de \tr to possess / wishes continually. / Grass / lodge / very big / makes for himself / when / wood / the / too / in a great heap / piles for himself when \rf jod 1890:236.7 \op seýhiübe kikaýxe taý amaý. Waniýta daýdoü maý shkuýbe gaxthaýd itheý-maý iýxta \tr snow-shoes / he will make for himself. / Animal / what / snow / deep / those that get burried suddenly in it / at will \rf jod 1890:236.8 \op t'eýwathaiý-de goüý waýthate nazhiüý taý amaý, aý-biamaý Haýxige akaý. 'Oüý-masheý \tr he kills them when / so / eating them / he will stand, / said, they say / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.». / What sort of a \rf jod 1890:236.9 \op shtewoüý Haýxige hnaýzhiüga-hnoüýi aýhoü, aý-bi egoüý moüýzepe iýgaxixixaý-bi egoüý \tr person are you / @{Haýxige} / you despise habitually / ! / said, they say / having / ax / crushed in many times with, they say / having \rf jod 1890:236.10 \op t'eýtha-biamaý. Goüýki Haýxige amaý athaý-biamaý. Akiý-bi egoüý iüuýpe-ti piý \tr he killed her, they say. / And / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.» / went they say. / He reached home, they say / having / sweat-lodge / again \rf jod 1890:236.11 \op gaxaý-biamaý. Azeýkithe taiteý, piý zeoüýkithe tateý a. Piý oükiýgthitoü tateý, kageý, \tr he made, they say. / «see note», / again / we treat ourselves / shall / ? / Again / we work on ourselves / shall / younger brother, \rf jod 1890:236.12 \op aý-biamaý. Ugiýkie-hnoüý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, zhiütheýha, e-hnoüý, eý amaý isoüýga amaý. \tr said he, they say. / He talked with his regularly they say. / Yes, / elder brother, / that alone, / said, they say / his brother / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:236.13 \op Goüý iüuýpe-ti piý gaxaý-biam eýgoü gthiýtoü-biamaý gthiýpixti. Zhuýga ke eýgigoü \tr And / sweat-lodge / again / he made, they say / so / he worked on his, they say / worked very well on his. / Body / the / well as before \rf jod 1890:236.14 \op gikaýxe shtewoüý gthiýshtoü theýthai tediýhi toüýde ke aýtoüzhi shoüý heýbe moüýshiadi \tr he made his / notwithstanding / he let his go suddenly / when / ground / the / he trod not on / yet / part / high from the ground \rf jod 1890:236.15 \op atheý-hnoüý-biamaý isoüýga amaý. Eýgithe Haýxige amaý isoüýga aýgimaýkazhiý-biamaý. \tr went regularly they say / his brother / the «sub.». / At length / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.» / his brother / he got out of patience with his, they say. \rf jod 1890:236.16 \op Shoüýgaxe goüthaý-biamaý. Hau! kaýge-soüýga, uthiýhe tateý, aý-biamaý. Ni-uýthuoüýda \tr To stop / he wished, they say. / Ho! / friend younger brother, / you have your way / shall, / said he, they say. / Island \rf jod 1890:236.17 \op theýthoüska thoüýzha theý thaýtoüsheý eýgizhoü eýgoü taiteý, aý-biamaý. Aýzhi oükiýkaxe oügaýthe \tr this size / though / this / you who stand / you do that / so / shall «they be», / said he, they say. / Different / we make ourselves / we go \rf jod 1890:236.18 \op taiteý. Shoüýtoüga nuýga zhiüýga aýbaku hiüý sneýdexti tuýxti-ma thoüý eýgoü niýkashiüga \tr shall. / Big wolf / male / young / nape of neck / hair / very long / those who are blue / so / person \rf jod 1890:236.19 \op hneý te aýtha. Mazhoüý bthuýgaxti huý thakuýwiüxe moühniüý te aýtha, aý-biamaý. \tr you go / will / indeed. / Land / all / over / voice / crying around / you walk / w, l / indeed, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:236.20 \op Hau! wiý ege, kaýge-soüýga, taýxti nuýga toügaýxti, heý gaýzazaýxti pe utoüýnadi \tr Ho! / I for my part, / friend younger brother, / deer / male / very big, / horn / full of snags / forehead / space between \rf jod 1890:237.1 \op hiüý ge naýzithaý-bi egoüý, eýgoü niýkashiüga btheý taý miüke. Niýkashiüga zhiýde \tr hair / the / made yellow by heat / having, / so / person / I go / will / I who. / Person / red \rf jod 1890:237.2 \op oüýthate taiteý, aý-biamaý. Iý oüthoüýshkoüthe taiteý aýtha, aý-biama. Shetoüý. \tr me eat / shall, / said he, they say. / Mouth / made to move by me / shall / indeed, / said he, they say. / So far. \rf jod 1890:237.3 \ti The Adventures of @{Haýxige} \ti Frank La Flèche's Version \pr There were two Water-monsters, who killed the younger brother of @{Haýxige}. They flayed the body, and hung up the skin for a door. They invited all the animals to a feast, when they cooked the body, dividing it among the animals, thus bribing them to silence. @{Haýxige} missed his brother, and went in search of him. He reached a creek, where two Woodducks were swimming. The conversation of the Ducks, and the account of the transformation of @{Haýxige} into a leaf, are given in the preceding version. When he caught them-- \op Edaýdoü-hnoüý edeýshai a, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, zhiütheýha, oüwoüýthixthaxthaý-ga, \tr What only / what did you say / ? / said he, they say. / Yes, / elder brother, / loosen your hold on me, \rf jod 1890:244.1 \op aý-biamaý. Iýubtha taý miükeý. Oüwoüýthixthaxthaý-ga, aý-biamaý. Ki, Keý, uthaý-ga, \tr said he, they say. / I tell the news / will / I who. / Loosen your hold on me, / said he, they say. / And, / Come, / tell it, \rf jod 1890:244.2 \op aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, zhiütheýha, Haýxige isoüýga t'eýthai teýdi noübeýhiuzhiüga te \tr said he, they say. / Yes, / elder brother, / @{Haýxige} / his younger brother / killed him / when / little finger / the \rf jod 1890:244.3 \op enaýxchi oüthoüýwoüxtheýgoü atoüýxti toüýbe shteýshte uthiýwabthaý te, eheý, aý-biamaý. \tr only / I got for my share, so / just when / I see him / soever / I tell him of his / will, / I said, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:244.4 \op Waniýta daýdoü-maý shtewoüý bthuýga iýkikuýi egoüý noübeýhiuzhiüýga te enaýxchi \tr Animal / what sorts / soever / all / having been invited / little finger / the / only \rf jod 1890:244.5 \op oüthoüýwoüxtheý. Goüý, Eaýtoü-shnoüýi a, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, oüýbatiýthawaýxti \tr I got for my share. / And, / How regularly / ? / said he, they say. / Yes, / each day \rf jod 1890:244.6 \op Heýga akaý zeýwathe ahiý-hnoüi, aý-biamaý. Goüý Miüýxa-zhiüýga ishtaý-theýde te \tr Buzzard / the «sub.» / to powwow over them / arrives regularly, / said he, they say. / And / Duck / next to the corners of the eyes / the \rf jod 1890:244.7 \op soüýkithaý-biamaý Haýxige akaý. Hiüý ke baxuý giaýxa-biamaý. Miüýxa-wagthoüýxe \tr whitened for him, they say / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.». / Feather / the / crest / he made for him, they say. / Duck conjuring «?» \rf jod 1890:244.8 \op ethiýge taiý. Moüthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Edaýdoü teýxi aýthakipaý ki oüthaýsithe te ha. \tr let them call you. / Walk, / said he, they say. / What / difficult / you meet / if / you think of me / can / . \rf jod 1890:244.9 \op Uwiýkoü taý miüke ha, aý-biamaý Haýxige akaý. Haýxige athaý-biamaý. Xagaý-bi \tr I help you / will / I who / , / said, they say / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.». / @{Haýxige} / went, they say. / He cried, they say \rf jod 1890:244.10 \op ki wachiýshka toügaýxti niý ke gasuýsexti ihaýha gaxaý-biamaý. Ishtaýbthi eý niý \tr when / creek / very large / water / the / flowing rapidly / in long lines / made it, they say. / Tears / that / streams \rf jod 1890:244.11 \op ge eý amaý. Athaý-bi ki eýgithe Heýga amaý aýiaýmamaý. Aýkipaý-biamaý. Ki \tr the / that / they say. / He went, they say / when / behold / Buzzard / the «sub.» / was approaching, they say. / He met him, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:244.12 \op Haýxige akaý gaý-biamaý: Iüsh'aýge awaýdi shneý, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, tushpaýha, \tr @{Haýxige} / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / Old man / where / you go, / said he, they say. / Yes, / grandchild, \rf jod 1890:244.13 \op shetoüýxti thanaý'oüzhi thaýthiüsheý adoüý, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, edaýdoü eýiüte shetoüý \tr even so far / you have not been hearing it / ? / said he, they say. / Yes, / what / it may be so far \rf jod 1890:245.1 \op anaý'oü-maýzhi ha, aý-biamaý. Haýxige akaý. Oüýhoü, tushpaýha, Haýxige isoüýga \tr I have not heard it / , / said, they say / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.». / Yes, / grandchild, / @{Haýxige} / his younger brother \rf jod 1890:245.2 \op t'eýkithai eýiüte, Haýxige amaý Wakoüýdagi shieýwasoüýgithabiýxti thoükaý noüýba \tr they killed for him / it may be, / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.» / Water-monster / most dearly loved child / the ones whon / two \rf jod 1890:245.3 \op weý'ui eýgoü, aýdoü zeýwathe piý ha, aý-biamaý Heýga amaý. Iüsh'aýge, eýthoübe \tr wounded for them / somewhat, / therefore / to powwow over them / I have been there / , / said , they say / Buzzard / the «sub.». / Old man, / in sight \rf jod 1890:245.4 \op shiý teýdi, aýwateýgizhoü-shnoüý a Oüýhoü, theý eýgimoü-hnoü-moüý, aý-biamaý. Ki \tr you arrive / when, / how do you it regularly / ? / Yes, / this «+thus» / I do that invariably I do, / said he, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:245.5 \op peýxe gthiýza-biamaý goü gasaýthu-bi goüý ki, Theýgimoü-hnoü-moüý, tushpaýha. \tr gourd / he took his, they say / and / rattled it, they say / having / when, / I do thus habitually, I do, / grandchild. \rf jod 1890:245.6 \op Ki wa'oüý-biamaý. Wachiýgaxaý-biamaý. Ga-biamaý: \tr And / he sang, they say. / He danced, they say. / He said as follows, they say: \rf jod 1890:245.7 \op Heý-ki-moüý-doü, heý-ki, heý-ki-moüý-doü, heý-ki, heý-ki-moüý-doü. \tr no English \rf jod 1890:245.8 \op Goüýki, Tigoüýha, eýthoübe shiý teýdi, aýwateýgizhoü athuýha eýgoü gaýxa-ga. Shi \tr And, / Grandfather, / in sight / you arrive / when, / how you do it / finally / so / do. / Again \rf jod 1890:245.9 \op witoüýbe te, aý-biamaý. Goüýki, Theýgimoü-hnoü-moüý, aý-biamaý Heýga akaý. \tr I see you / will, / said he, they say. / And, / Thus I do habitually I do, / said, they say / Buzzard / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:245.10 \op Wachiýgaxaý-biamaý. Goüýki, Tigoüýha, zeýwathaýthe te aýwateýgizhoüý te, aý-biamaý. \tr He danced, they say. / And, / Grandfather, / you powwow over them / when / how you do it / will, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:245.11 \op Oüýhoü, tushpaýha, Toüýwoügthoü bthuýgaxti paheý iýkisoüýthiü moüthiüýi-ga ha, eheý-hnoü-moüý, \tr Yes, / grandchild, / Village / every one / hill / out of sight / walk ye / , / I say regularly I do, \rf jod 1890:245.12 \op bthuýgaxti. Shiýnudoü-maý shti waýthiü moüthiüýi-ga, eheý-hnoü-moüý ha, \tr all. / Dog they ones / too / having them / walk ye, / I say regularly I do / , \rf jod 1890:245.13 \op aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, tigoüýha, aý-biamaý Haýxige akaý. Goüýki zeýwathaýthe te, \tr said he, they say. / Yes, / grandfather, / said, they say / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.». / And / you powwow over them / when, \rf jod 1890:245.14 \op e'oüý shkaýxe a, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, tushpaýha, moüýze gaýke naýzhidexti-hnoü paýxe \tr how / you do it / ? / said he, they say. / Yes, / grandchild, / iron / that one / very red hot only / I make it \rf jod 1890:245.15 \op ki wa'uýi ke moüýze naýzhide ke upaýxoü te ebtheýboü eýgoü abthiüý, aý-biamaý. \tr when / wounded one / the lying one / iron / red-hot / the / I push in / will / I think / so / I have it, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:245.16 \op Oüýhoü, tigoüýha. Keý, eýthoübe shiý teýdi e'oüý shkaýxe tateý, eýgoü gaýxa-ga. \tr Yes, / grandfather. / Come, / in sight / you arrive / when / how / you do / shall, / so / do. \rf jod 1890:245.17 \op Moüthiüý-ga. Witoüýbe koüýbtha. Goüýki eýgoü gaýxe theý ki zhoüý wiüý thizaý-bi \tr Walk. / I see you I wish. / And / so / to do / he went / when / wood / one / he took, they say \rf jod 1890:245.18 \op egoüý paýxti thoü iheýtha-bi egoüý, gaxthiý-biamaý Heýga thiü. Goüýki moüýze \tr having / right on the head / the «ob.» / laid it, they say / having, / he broke it in, they say / Buzzard / the «mv. ob.». / And / iron \rf jod 1890:245.19 \op keý shti thizaiý te, shi wa'iüý zhiüýga teý shti thizaý-bi egoüý, 'iüý-biamaý Haýxige \tr the «ob.» / too / he took it, / again / pack / small / the «ob.» / too / took, they say / having, / carried it, they say / @{Haýxige} \rf jod 1890:245.20 \op akaý. Goüýki Haýxige akaý athaý-biamaý. Wakoüýdagi thoükaýta athaý-biamaý. \tr the «sub.». / And / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.» / went, they say. / Water-monster / to them / he went, they say. \rf jod 1890:246.1 \op Eýgithe paheý ke tiýi thoü eýthoübe ahiý-biamaý. Goüýki wa'oüý te eý Heýga \tr At length / hill / the «ob.» / village / the «ob.» / in sight of / he arrived, they say. / And / song / the / that / Buzzard \rf jod 1890:246.2 \op wa'oüýi etaý te 'oüý-biamaý Haýxige akaý. Eýgithe, Huhuý! theýta akaý Heýga \tr sung / his / the / sang it, they say / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.». / At length, / Ho! ho! / this one / the «sub.» / Buzzard \rf jod 1890:246.3 \op amaý wazeýthe amaý aýiaýma, aý-biamaý, Haýxige eýthoübe ahiý-bi ki. Goüýki \tr the «sub.» / doctor / the «sub.» / is coming, / said they, they say, / @{Haýxige} / in sight / arrived, they say / when. / And \rf jod 1890:246.4 \op niýkagahi akaý gaý-biamaý: Sheýnuzhiüýga duýba waheýhazhiýxti eýdi moüthiüý-ba waiiüý \tr chief / the / said as follows, they say: / Young man / four / very stout-hearted / there / walk ye and / robe \rf jod 1890:246.5 \op ugthoüý-badoüý athiüý giýi-ga. Ki eý Heýga etheýgoü eýgoü agiýathaiý te. Eýdi \tr put him in and / bring / him back. / And / that / Buzzard / thought / as / they went for him. / There \rf jod 1890:246.6 \op ahiý-biamaý sheýnuzhiüýga amaý Haýxige thiükeýdi. Waiiüý thibthaý-bi egoüý, Keý, \tr they arrived, they say / young man / the «sub.» / @{Haýxige} / by the «ob.». / Robe / spread out, they say / having, / Come, \rf jod 1890:246.7 \op iüsh'aýge, ugthiüý-ga. Oügaýthigi-oügaýtii ha. Goüýki ugthiüý-biamaý Haýxige \tr old man, / sit in it. / We have come for you / . / And / sat in it, they say / @{Haýxige} \rf jod 1890:246.8 \op akaý. Goüýki sheýnuzhiüýga wiüý zhiýzhi-hnoü naxiýde te ukiýa-bi egoüý, Heýga eý \tr the «sub.». / And / young man / one / whispering / inner ear / the «ob.» / he talked with, they say / having, / Buzzard / he \rf jod 1890:246.9 \op aýzhi ebtheýgoü. Haýxige ebtheýgoü, aý-biamaý. Iýbahoüýi, aýdoü eýgithoüýi te. Ki \tr different / I think. / @{Haýxige} / I think, / said he, they say. / He knew him, / therefore / he said to him. / And \rf jod 1890:246.10 \op goüýki wiüý akaý gaý-biamaý: Heýga eýe ha. Eaýtoü Haýxige theýthu tiý taýdoü? \tr then / one / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / Buzzard / it is he / . / How / @{Haýxige} / here / have come / could? \rf jod 1890:246.11 \op aý-biamaý. Zhiýzhi iýe-hnoü-biamaý. Goüýki athiüý agthaý-biamaý. Waiiüý ugthoüý-biamaý. \tr said he, they say. / Whispering / they spoke regularly, they say. / And / they took him homeward, they say. / Robe / they put him in they say. \rf jod 1890:246.12 \op Ki eýdi akiý-biamaý kiý'u thoükaýdi. Ki athiüý akiý-bi ki isoüýga \tr And / there / they reached home, they say / were wounded / by the ones who. / And / they reached home with him, they say / when / his younger brother \rf jod 1890:246.13 \op thiükeý bthuýgaxti thixaýbai eýgoü tizheýbegthoü gaýxe akaýma. Goüýki Haýxige \tr the «ob.» / the whole / flayed / as / door-flap / they had made they say. / And / @{Haýxige} \rf jod 1890:246.14 \op nazhiüý-bi tizheýbegthoü thikiaýhoüi te isoüýga thiükeý iýgipahoüi ha haý thoü. \tr stood, they say / door-flap / raised / when / his younger brother / the «ob.» / he knew his / , / skin / the «ob.». \rf jod 1890:246.15 \op Goüýki thikiaýhoüi ki gaý-biamaý: Heý, wisoüýzhiüxchitheý! aý-biamaý. Zhizhiý iýthapithiüýxchi \tr And / he raised / when / he said as follows, they say: / Alas, / my dear little younger brother! / said he, they say. / Whispering / very easily \rf jod 1890:246.16 \op eýgithoüýi; thadiüýdiü-baýzhi. Ki niýkashiüga eýgaxe nazhiüý amaý wiüý gaý-biamaý: \tr he said to him; / he did not speak loud. / And / people / around / stood / they who / one / said as follows, they say: \rf jod 1890:246.17 \op Kageýha, tizheýbegthoü thikiaýhoü ki, Heý, wisoüýzhiüxchitheý! aiý te. Haýxige eý \tr Friend, / door-flap / raised / when, / Alas, / my dear little younger brother! / he said. / @{Haýxige} / he \rf jod 1890:246.18 \op ebtheýgoü, aý-biama. Ki, Eýgithoü-baýzhi-ga. Heýga ameýe ha, aý-biamaý. Goüýki \tr I think / said he, they say. / And, / Do not say it to any one. / Buzzard / it is he / , / said «another», they say. / And \rf jod 1890:246.19 \op tiýata athaý-biamaý Haýxige amaý. \tr to the lodge / went, they say / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:246.20 \op Ki athaý-bi ki goüýki, Keý, tiý ge bthuýgaxti gashiýbe shneý te. Paheý \tr And / he went, they say / when / then, / Come, / lodge / the «pl. ob.» / every one / without «the village» / you will go. / Hill \rf jod 1890:247.1 \op iýkisoüýthiü moüthiüýi-ga. Goüýki neýxe toügaýxti noüýba niý agiýmoüthiüý-ba \tr out of sight / walk ye. / And / kettle / very big / two / water / go ye for and \rf jod 1890:247.2 \op iüwiüýgashkaýi-ga. Theýthoükaý zeýawaýthe bthiýshtoü ki hithaýawaýkithe taý miüke, \tr hang them for me. / These / I powwow over them / I finish it / when / I cause them to bathe / will / I who, \rf jod 1890:247.3 \op aý-biamaý. Goüýki eýgoü gaxaý-bi egoüý, athaý-biamaý bthuýga. Goüýki moüýze ke \tr said he, they say. / And / so / did, they say / having, / they went, they say / all. / And / iron / the \rf jod 1890:247.4 \op naýzhideýxti gaxaý-biamaý Haýxige akaý. Gaxaý-bi egoüý, gaý-biamaý: Thizhiüýthe eýtoüthiü \tr very red hot / made it, they say / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.». / Made it, they say / having, / he said as follows, they say: / Your elder brother / he first \rf jod 1890:247.5 \op zeýathe taý miüke. Iüýtoü shkoüýazhi zhoüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Keý, 'uý te bahaý-ga, \tr I powwow over him / will / I who. / Now / motionless / lie, / said he, they say. / Come, / wound / the «ob.» / show it, \rf jod 1890:247.6 \op aý-biamaý. Moüýze ke naýzhideýxti gaxaý-bi ki goüýki 'uý te ubaýxoü-biamaý \tr said he, they say. / Iron / the «ob.» / very red hot / he made it, they say / when / and / wound / the / he thrust into, they say \rf jod 1890:247.7 \op moüýze ki. Goüýki 'uý te ubaýxoü-bi ki, Hoü+! hoü+! eý-hnoü-bi ki, Shoüý xthiýazhi \tr iron / the «ob.». / And / wound / the / he thrust into, they say / when, / Han! / Han! / he said it regularly, they say / when, / Yet / speechless \rf jod 1890:247.8 \op zhoüý-ga. Thiýudoü tateý, aý-biamaý. Goüýki t'eý amaý naýzhide ubaýxoüi ke. Goüýki, \tr lie. / Good for you / «it» shall «be», / said he, they say. / And / he died / they say / red hot / thrust into / the «ob.». / And, \rf jod 1890:247.9 \op Keý! giý-ga ha. Thizhiüýthe giýudoü eýgoü zhoüt'eýxti itheý, aý-biamaý. Goüýki amaý \tr Come! / come then / . / Your elder brother / is better / as / sound asleep / he has gone, / said he, they say. / After a while, they say \rf jod 1890:247.10 \op ki shi eýgoügi'oüý-biamaý. Goüýki zhiüýga ke shi t'eý amaý, moüýze naýzhideýxti \tr when / again / he did so to him, they say. / And / small / the «ob.» / again / he died / they say / iron / very red hot \rf jod 1890:247.11 \op ubaýxoü-bi egoüý. T'eý ki goüýki maýhiü thizaý-bi egoüý wapaýda-biamaý \tr thrust into, they say / having. / Dead / when / then / knife / took, they say / having / he cut them up, they say \rf jod 1890:247.12 \op Wakoüýdagi noüýba. Goüýki akiýwa wapaýde thishtoüý-bi ki aýkiastaý iteýwathaý-biamaý \tr Water-monster / two. / And / both / he cut them up / he finished it, they say / when / in a pile / he put them they say \rf jod 1890:247.13 \op uthiýzoü teýdi. Goüýki theýxe akiýwa ugiýpixti uzhiý-biamaý uýs'u waýxai ki. \tr middle / in the. / And / kettle / both / very full / he filled, they say / strips / made them / when. \rf jod 1890:247.14 \op Goüýki goüý uýhoü gthiüý-biamaý. Ki goüýki gaýteta niýashiüga amaý gaý-biamaý: \tr And / so / cooking / he sat they say. / And / then / in that place / people / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: \rf jod 1890:247.15 \op Sheýnuzhiüýga noüýbaxtieýgoü eýdi gigthaý-ba doüýbe gigthaýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Ki, \tr Young man / about two / there / go and pass it and / looking / pass ye it, / said they, they say. / And, \rf jod 1890:247.16 \op Wazeýthe thiükeý kaýshi heýgazhi, aý-biamaý. Na! Haýxige ebtheýgoü, eheý ki iütheýzhai \tr Doctor / the one who / a long time / very, / said they, they say. / Why! / @{Haýxige} / I think, / I said / when / you doubted me \rf jod 1890:247.17 \op shti. Heýga akeý, eshaiý. Ki eýbe gtheý eteýdoü, uthiýxide goüý gthiüý-biamaý. Ki wiüý eý \tr too. / Buzzard / he is, / you said. / And / who / go homeward / shall? / considering / so / they sat, they say. / And / one / he \rf jod 1890:247.18 \op gaý-biamaý: Weýs'a-niýdeka, thiý thagtheý ki iýthithazhi eteýgoü, wathiýthishnaýzhi eýgoü, \tr said as follows, they say: / Grass-snake, / you / you go homeward / if / not to find you / apt, / you invisible / as, \rf jod 1890:247.19 \op aý-biamaý. Goüýki shniýpi te ha. Eýgithe iýthithe te ha. U'uýde zhiüaýxchi upaý-doü \tr said he, they say. / And / you shall do well / . / Beware / he detect you / lest / . / Hole / very small / enter and \rf jod 1890:247.20 \op doüýba-ga ha. Eýgithe Haýxige iýthithe te ha. Ki, Oüýhoü, aý-bi egoüý agthaý-biamaý \tr look at him / . / Beware / @{Haýxige} / detect you / lest / . / And, / Yes, / said, they say / having / went homeward, they say \rf jod 1890:248.1 \op Weýs'a-niýdeka amaý. Eýdi akiý-bi egoüý u'uýde zhiüaýxchi ishtaý thoü ugaýs'iü-biamaý. \tr Grass-snake / the «sub.». / There / he reached home, they say / having / hole / very small / eye / the / peeped in, they say. \rf jod 1890:248.2 \op Ki Haýxige akaý doübaý-biamaý. Huhuý! giý-ga ha. Washnaýte taýshe, aý-biamaý \tr And / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.» / saw him, they say. / Ho! ho! / come / . / You eat / must, / said he, they say \rf jod 1890:248.3 \op iýtha-bi egoüý. Gtheý goüýtha ki noüýwape te Weýs'a-niýdeka akaý. Goüýki, Giý-ga, \tr detected him, they say / having. / To go back / he wished / when / feared him / Grass-snake / the «sub.». / And, / Come, \rf jod 1890:248.4 \op aý-bi egoüý eýdi athaý-biamaý. Goüýki, Uneýthe koüýha kiýdi sheýthu zhoüýga, aý-biamaý. \tr said, they say / having / there / he went, they say. / And, / Fire-place / border / by the / yonder / lie, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:248.5 \op Washnaýte ki weýthanoüdeýxti shneý tateý, aý-biamaý. Washnaýte ki shneý ki, Haýxige \tr You eat / when / you being gorged / you go / shall, / said he, they say. / You eat / when / you go / when, / @{Haýxige} \rf jod 1890:248.6 \op akaý eý akeýde Wakoüýdagi akiýwa t'eýwathe akaý ha, esheý te ha, aý-biamaý. \tr the «sub.» / he / it is, but / Water-monster / both / he has killed them / , / you say / shall / , / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:248.7 \op Gan*ki washiüý heýbe thizaý-bi egoüý uýxp u'oüýha-biamaý Haýxige akaý. Goüýki \tr And / fat meat / a piece / he took, they say / having / bowl / he put in, they say / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.». / And \rf jod 1890:248.8 \op washiüý theýthoüska s'uý-biamaý. Goüýki, Thasniüý theýtha-ga ha. Theýtoü eýthoübe \tr fat meat / this size / he cut a long strip, they say. / And, / Swallow it / do it suddenly / . / This far / in sight \rf jod 1890:248.9 \op iteýtha-ga. Goüýki washiüý heýbe eýthoübe iteýkithaý-biamaý iý te. Ki noübeý thiügeý \tr put it. / And / fat meat / piece / in sight / he put it for himself, they say / mouth / the «ob.». / And / hand / without \rf jod 1890:248.10 \op thiü eýgoü gthiýshnudaýzhi te washiüý ke. Athaý-bi ki noüýzhiüshkeýxchi niýashiüga amaýdi \tr he was / as / he did not pull out his / fat meat / the «ob.». / He went, they say / when / barely / people / to them \rf jod 1890:248.11 \op ahiý-biamaý Weýs'a-niýdeka akaý. Weýs'a-niýdeka theý teýdi eýkitoü agthaiý Haýxige. \tr arrived, they say / Grass-snake / the «sub.». / Grass-snake / went / when / at the same time / went homeward / @{Haýxige}. \rf jod 1890:248.12 \op Isoüýga thiükeý gthiýza-bi egoüý oüýhe agthaý-biamaý. Goüýki Weýs'a-niýdeka iýe \tr His younger brother / the «ob.» / took his, they say / having / fleeing / he went homeward, they say. / And / Grass-snake / to speak \rf jod 1890:248.13 \op giýtexi, Haýxige, Haýxige, eý ki shaiüýazhi-hnoüý-biamaý. Niýashiüga amaý eshoüýxti \tr hard for him, / @{Haýxige}, / @{Haýxige}, / said / when / his voice failed invariably, they say. / People / the «sub.» / very near to \rf jod 1890:248.14 \op hiý ki shoüý weýahidexti etheýgoü-biamaý. Gaýthiü Weýs'a-niýdeka Haýxige eý ha, \tr arrived / when / yet / very far / they thought, they say. / That one / Grass-snake / @{Haýxige} / says / , \rf jod 1890:248.15 \op aý-biamaý. Goüýki unaý-bi ki eýgithe eshoüýxchi ahiý akaýma Weýs'a-niýdeka. \tr said they, they say. / And / they sought him, they say / when / behold / very near / had come, they say / Grass-snake. \rf jod 1890:248.16 \op Huhuý! Weýs'a-niýdeka eýe thiü eýde washiüý nuýde ke ukiýthataý-xtioüý thiü, \tr Ho! ho! / Grass-snake / it is he / the one «mv.» / but / fat meat / throat / the / sticks very tight in / the one «mv.», \rf jod 1890:248.17 \op aý-biamaý. Goüýki giýthishnudaý-biamaý. Goüýki niýkashiüga amaý tiýi thoütaý agthaý-biamaý. \tr said they, they say. / And / they pulled it out for him, they say. / And / people / the «sub.» / village / to the / went homeward they say. \rf jod 1890:248.18 \op Goüýki Haýxige amaý agthaý-bi ki eýgithe Zhaýbe-waý'uzhiüýga edediý akaýma. \tr And / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.» / went homeward, they say / when / behold / Beaver-old-woman / was there, they say. \rf jod 1890:248.19 \op Ki, Waý'uzhiüýga, eaýtoü thanaýzhiü a, aý-biamaý Haýxige akaý. Oüýhoü, tushpaýha, \tr And, / Old woman, / why / you stand / ? / said, they say / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.». / Yes, / grandchild, \rf jod 1890:248.20 \op Haýxige Wakoüýdagi noüýba akaý ch'eýwathe amaý he. Eýdi wagaýxthoü oüýthizai \tr @{Haýxige} / Water-monster / two / the «col. ob.» / killed them / they say / . / There / servant / me they took \rf jod 1890:249.1 \op he, aý-biamaý. Ki, Waý'uzhiüýga, e'oüý shkaýxe taýdoü utheýhe a. Oüýhoü, tushpaýha, \tr . / said she, they say. / And, / Old woman, / how / you do / will, therefore / you join it / ? / Yes, / grandchild, \rf jod 1890:249.2 \op Haýxige aýnidoü gaýxe 'iýtha-biamaý he. Eýdi Haýxige moüd uýgthiü ki ubthaý'ude \tr @{Haýxige} / flood on him / to make it / they speak of, they say / . / There / @{Haýxige} / boat / sit in / when / I bite a hole in \rf jod 1890:249.3 \op te aý-bi egoüý edueýhe, aý-biamaý. Waý'uzhiüýga, eýgoü kiýshte Haýxige amaý \tr will / said they, they say / having / I joined it, / said she, they say. / Old woman, / so / even if / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:249.4 \op moüdeý ugthiüý goüýxti goüý giýudoüxti moüthiüý taý ama ha, aý-biamaý. Ki shi thi'aiý \tr boat / sit in / at any rate / still / very joyful / walk / will / he who / , / said he, they say. / And / again / they fail \rf jod 1890:249.5 \op kiýshte, tushpaýha, mazhoüý thoü bthuýga ugaýhanapaze gaýxe 'iýthai he, aý-biamaý. \tr even if, / grandchild, / land / the / all / darkness / making it / they speak of / , / said she, they say. \rf jod 1890:249.6 \op Waý'uzhiüýga, eýgoü kiýshte Haýxige amaý tiýxiüde uxthuýxa ugthiüý taý akaý ha. \tr Old woman, / so / even if / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.» / gorge / deep hollow / sit in / will / he who / \rf jod 1890:249.7 \op Uxthuýxa ugthiüý-de waniýta gat'eý-ma goüý waýthate gthiüý taý akaý, aý-biamaý. Shi, \tr Deep hollow / sit in when / animal / those killed by falling / still / eating them / he will sit, / said he, they say. / Again, \rf jod 1890:249.8 \op tushpaýha, ugaýhanapaze thi'aiý kiýshte weýs'a t'oüý waýxe 'iýthai he, aý-biamaý. \tr grandchild, / darkness / they fail / even if / snake / to abound / making them / they speak of / , / said she, they say. \rf jod 1890:249.9 \op Waý'uzhiüýga, eýgoü kiýshte Haýxige akaý keýha ge noübeý gaxaiý-de weýs'a ke paý \tr Old woman, / so / even if / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.» / turtle shell / the / hand / make when / snake / the «lg. ob.» / head \rf jod 1890:249.10 \op ge waýtoü moüthiüý taý amaý, aý-biamaý. Ki goüýki, Waý'uzhiüga, e'oüý-masheý \tr the «pl. ob.» / treading on them / he will walk, / said he, they say. / And / then, / Old woman, / what is the matter with you \rf jod 1890:249.11 \op shtewoüý Haýxige iýthat'ashnaiý a, aý-bi egoüý, gaxiýxixaý-biamaý. Goüýki agthaý-biamaý. \tr soever / @{Haýxige} / ye hate him / ? / said, they say / having, / he crushed in her «head» with blows, they say. / And / he went homeward they say. \rf jod 1890:249.12 \op Agthaý-biamaý goüýki Haýxige amaý akiý-bi ki tiý zhiügaýxti gaxaý-bi egoüý \tr He went homeward, they say / and / @{Haýxige} / the «sub.» / reached home, they say / when / lodge / very small / made, they say / having \rf jod 1890:249.13 \op iüý'e gaýthoüskaýxti theýnaxti tuýgthoü-bi egoüý, tiý zhiüýga gaxaý-biamaý. Goüýki \tr stone / just that size / just this many / transported, they say / having, / lodge / small / he made, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:249.14 \op isoüýga thiükeý haý thoü aýmata ithoüýgithaý-bi egoüý aýmata gthiüý-biamaý. Goüýki \tr his younger brother / the «ob.» / skin / the «ob.» / on one side / placed his, they say / having / on the other side / he sat, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:249.15 \op iüý'e ge naýzhideýxti gaxaý-bi egoüý niý aýgaxtoü gthiüý-biamaý. \tr stone / the / very red hot / made, they say / having / water / pouring on / he sat, they say. / Lodge / small / the \rf jod 1890:249.16 \op naýkadeýxti gaxaý-biamaý. Eýgoü te duýba zhoüý gaxaý-biamaý. Weýduba zhoüý \tr very hot / he made it, they say. / The like / four / sleep / he did it, they say. / The fourth / sleep \rf jod 1890:249.17 \op teýdi isoüýga gisiüý giaýxa-biamaý. Niüýta isoüýga akaý. Ki, Hau! kaýge-soüýga, \tr on the / his younger brother / alive again / he made for him, they say. / Alive / his younger brother / the «sub.». / And, / Ho! / friend younger brother, \rf jod 1890:249.18 \op niüýta wiýkoübthaxti egoüý niüýta wiýpaxe thoüýzha akiýwaha oügaýthe taiý, \tr alive / I wished very much for you / having / alive / I have made you / though / apart / let us go, \rf jod 1890:249.19 \op aý-biamaý. Ki wiý shti shoüýtoüga bthiüý taý miüke, kaýge-soüýga, aý-biamaý. Ki \tr said he, they say. / And / I / too / big wolf / I be / will / I who, / friend younger brother, / said he, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:249.20 \op thiý, kaýge-soüýga, taýxti nuýga zhiüýga shneý tateý ha, aý-biamaý. Shetoüý. \tr you, / friend younger brother, / deer / male / small / you go / shall / , / said he, they say. / So far. \rf jod 1890:249.21 \ti How the Big Turtle Went on the War-path \op Ki niýkashiüga toüýwoügthoü heýgashtewoüýzhi gthiüý-biamaý. Keýtoüga keýdi \tr And / people / village / very populous / sat they say. / Big turtle / to it \rf jod 1890:254.1 \op uiýha-biamaý. Ki weýnudoü atiý-hnoü-biamaý niýkashiüga aýzhi amaýta. Ki wiüý \tr joined, they say. / And / to war against them / came regularly, they say / people / at another place. / And / one \rf jod 1890:254.2 \op gaxthiý agthaý-biamaý. Ki nudoüý uýhoü-biamaý. Niýashiüga noüýba waýgithewaýkithaý-biamaý. \tr killed / they went homeward, they say. / And / war-path / he cooked «for it», they say. / Person / two / he caused them to go for them they say. \rf jod 1890:254.3 \op Wagaýxthoü waýgthakiýthe, Kehaýmazhiýde Siüýga sheýnoüba. Xaýde noüýba \tr Servant / he caused to go for their own, / Red-breasted turtle / Gray-squirrel / those two. / Grass / two \rf jod 1890:254.4 \op thibuýta ithoüýtha-biamaý uýhoü thoü ugaýshke teýdi hideý te. Ki a-iý-biamaý. Niýashiüga \tr he made round / he placed, they say / kettle / the / fastening / by the / bottom / the. / And / they approached, they say. / Person \rf jod 1890:254.5 \op eýthoübe atiý-biamaý. Hau, niýkawasoüý! aý-biamaý. Niýkashiüga iýxtai ki eýgoüweý'oü-hnoü, \tr in sight / came, they say. / Ho, / warrior! / said he, they say. / People / injured / when / so they always do to them, \rf jod 1890:254.6 \op niýkawasoüý! Theýte nudoüý uaýhoü, aý-biamaý. Uýhoü te watoüýzi \tr warrior! / This / war-path / I cook «for it», / said he, they say. / Cooking / the / corn \rf jod 1890:254.7 \op skiýthe te-niýxa edaýbe uaýhoü ha, aý-biamaý Keýtoüga akaý. Iüýthapa iüýthashki-hneý \tr sweet / buffalo-paunch / also / I cook «for it» / , / said, they say / Big turtle / the «sub.». / Corn-crusher / you go after him for me \rf jod 1890:254.8 \op tai. Goüýki giýboüi-ga, aý-biamaý. (Shi eýgoü Mikaýhe, Waýku shti, Weýhe shti, \tr will. / And / call to him, / said he, they say. / (Again / so / Comb, / Awl / too, / Pestle / too, \rf jod 1890:254.9 \op Naýwiüxe shti, Te-neýxe sheýna, weýboüi-ga, aý-biamaý Keýtoüga akaý.) Eýgithe \tr Fire-brand / too, / Buffalo-bladder / enough, / call them, / said, they say / Big turtle / the.) / At length \rf jod 1890:254.10 \op weýboü athaý-biamaý niýashiüga noüýba amaý. Ki Iüýthapa giýboü-biamaý: \tr to call them / went, they say / person / two / the «sub.». / And / Corn-crusher / they called him, they say: \rf jod 1890:254.11 \op Iüý-tha-paý! wa-skaý-thiü-heauý! Iüý-tha-paý! wa-skaý-thiü-heauý! Iüý-tha-paý! wa-skaý-thiü-heauý! \tr O Corn-crusher! / bowl bring! / O Corn-crusher! / bowl bring! / O Corn-crusher! / bowl bring! \rf jod 1890:254.12 \op Iüý-thaýpaý! wa-skaý-thiü-heauý! aý-biamaý. Shi Mikaýhe giýboü-biama: \tr O Corn-crusher! / bowl bring! / said they, they say. / Again / Comb / they called him, they say: \rf jod 1890:254.13 \op Miý-ka-heý! wa-skaý-thiü-heauý! Miý-ka-heý! wa-skaý-thiü-heauý! Miý-ka-heý wa-skaý-thiü-heauý! \tr O Comb! / bowl bring! / O Comb! / bowl bring! / O Comb bowl bring! \rf jod 1890:255.1 \op Miý-ka-heý! wa-skaý-thiü-heauý! aý-biamaý. Shi eýgoü Waýku giýboü-biamaý: \tr O Comb! / bowl bring! / said they, they say. / Again / so / Awl / they called him they say: \rf jod 1890:255.2 \op Waý-ku! wa-skaý-thiü-heauý! Waý-ku! wa-skaý-thiü-heauý! Waý-ku! wa-skaý-thiü-heauý! \tr O Awl! / bowl bring! / O Awl! / bowl bring! / O Awl! / bowl bring! \rf jod 1890:255.3 \op Waý-ku! wa-skaý-thiü-heauý! aý-biamaý. Ki Weýhe giýboü-biamaý: Weý-he! wa-skaý-thiü-heauý! \tr O Awl! / bowl bring! / said they, they say! / And / Pestle / they called him, they say: / O Pestle! / bowl bring! \rf jod 1890:255.4 \op Weý-he! wa-skaý-thiü-heauý! Weý-he! wa-skaý-thiü-heauý! Weý-he! wa-skaý-thiü-heauý! \tr O Pestle! / bowl bring! / O Pestle! / bowl bring! / O Pestle! / bowl bring! \rf jod 1890:255.5 \op aý-biamaý. Ki Naýwiüxe shti giýboü-biamaý: Naý-wiü-xeý! wa-skaý-thiü-heauý! \tr said they, they say. / And / Fire-brand / too / they called him, they say: / O Fire-brand! / bowl bring! \rf jod 1890:255.6 \op Naý-wiü-xeý! wa-skaý-thiü-heauý! Naý-wiü-xeý! wa-skaý-thiü-heauý! Naý-wiü-xeý! \tr O Fire-brand! / bowl bring! / O Fire-brand! / bowl bring! / O Fire-brand! \rf jod 1890:255.7 \op wa-skaý-thiü-heauý! aý-biamaý. Ki Te-neýxe shti giýboü-biamaý: Teý-ne-xeý! \tr bowl bring! / said they, they say. / And / Buffalo-bladder / too / they called him, they say: / O Buffalo-bladder! \rf jod 1890:255.8 \op wa-skaý-thiü-heauý! Teý-ne-xeý! wa-skaý-thiü-heauý! Teý-ne-xeý! wa-skaý-thiü-heauý! \tr bowl bring! / O Buffalo-bladder! / bowl bring! / O Buffalo-bladder! / bowl bring! \rf jod 1890:256.1 \op Teý-ne-xeý! wa-skaý-thiü-heauý! aý-biama. Waýgtha amaý akiý-biama. Nuýdoühoügaý! \tr O Buffalo-bladder! / bowl bring! / said they, they say. / Went for them / they who / reached home, they say. / O war-chief! \rf jod 1890:256.2 \op woüýgithe na'oüýi, aý-biamaý. Giýboüi-maý woüýgithexti ahiýi, Keýtoüga \tr all / heard, / said they, they say. / Those called / all / arrived, / Big turtle \rf jod 1890:256.3 \op tiýi teýdi. Hau! nuýdoühoügaý! Iüýthapa, Mikaýhe, Waýku, Weýhe, Naýwiüxe, Te-neýxe, \tr lodge / at the. / Ho! / O war-chief! / Corn-crusher, / Comb, / Awl, / Pestle, / Fire-brand, / Buffalo-bladder, \rf jod 1890:256.4 \op niýkashiüga gaýama iýxtai thoüýzha sheýtha-baýzhi eýgoü. Nuýdoü iüwiüýnudoügaýthe \tr people / those / injured / though / do not stir / like. / War-path / let us go to war for \rf jod 1890:256.5 \op taiý, aý-biamaý Keýtoüga akaý. Duýba zhoüý ki oügaýthe taiý. Iüýthapa uýhoü aýgazhiý-biamaý. \tr them, / said, they say / Big turtle / the «sub.». / Four / night / when / let us go. / Corn-crusher / to cook / he commanded they say. \rf jod 1890:256.6 \op Nuýdoühoügaý! Iüýthapa, thiý uthaýhoü te ha. Ki Mikaýhe shi hoüý guaýthishoü \tr O war-chief! / Corn-crusher, / you / you cook / will / . / And / Comb / again / night / beyond it \rf jod 1890:256.7 \op teýdi thiý uthaýhoü te ha. Shi Waýku thiý sheýna uthaýhoü te ha, aý-biamaý. Nudoüýhoüga \tr when / you / you cook / will / . / Again / Awl / you / that many / you cook / will / , / said he, they say. / War-chief \rf jod 1890:256.8 \op sheýna duýba uýhoüi. Nudoüýhoügai; ushteý amaý wagaýxthoüi. Ki niýashiüga \tr that many / four / cooked. / They were war-chiefs; / rest / the / were servants. / And / people \rf jod 1890:256.9 \op amaý gaý-biamaý: Na! niýashiüga weýboü amaý thoü eýbe nuýdoü uýhoüi teýshti. Ki \tr the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / Why! / persons / those who were called / who / war-path / they cook / «see note». / And \rf jod 1890:256.10 \op wiüý gaý-biamaý: Na! Keýtoüga uýhoü-biamaý. Tenaý! shkoüý-zhuaýzhi-maý shkoüý-thi'aý-ma thoüý \tr one / said as follows, they say: / Why! / Big turtle / cooked, they say. / Psha! / they who cannot move well enough / they who cannot move fast enough \rf jod 1890:256.11 \op woüýgithe waýbahiý a. Tenaý! Sheýnawaýthe taý amaý uýbesniü weýthai te. \tr all / he gathered them / ? / Psha! / They will destroy them / they find them out / they see them / when. \rf jod 1890:256.12 \op Nudoüýhoüga weýthigthoü t'oüýi-de nudoüý akaý teý, aý-biamaý. Iüýthapa uýhoü-biamaý. \tr War-chief / mind / possesses when / he may carry on war, / said they, they say. / Corn-crusher / cooked, they say. \rf jod 1890:256.13 \op Nuýgthe uýhoü-biamaý, shi te-niýxa eýgoü uthuýhoü-biamaý. Shi Waýku akaý uýhoü-biamaý. \tr Turnips / he cooked, they say, / again / buffalo-paunch / like / he cooked together, they say. / Again / Awl / the «sub.» / cooked, they say. \rf jod 1890:256.14 \op Siüý uýhoü-biamaý. Shi Mikaýhe akaý uýhoü-biamaý. Teýthawe uýhoü-biamaý. Goüý, \tr Wild rice / he cooked, they say. / Again / Comb / the «sub.» / cooked, they say. / @{Teýthawe} «see note» / he cooked, they say. / And, \rf jod 1890:256.15 \op Sheýna zhoüý. Oügaýthe taiý, hoüý ki, aý-biamaý. Goüý athaý-biamaý. Keýtoüga akaý \tr Enough / sleep. / Let us go, / night / when, / said he, they say. / And / they went, they say. / Big turtle / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:256.16 \op utoüý-thahe toüýga gaxaý-biamaý. Hiýthawiüý-doüpaý hithaýwiü-biamaý. Moüthiüýk \tr leggings with large flaps / made they say. / Short garters / he tied around the leggings, they say. / Earth \rf jod 1890:256.17 \op iüdeý thoü iýbikaý-biamaý Keýtoüga akaý. Goüýki zhiýdethe-hnoüý-biamaý. Goüýki \tr face / the / rubbed with, they say / Big turtle / the «sub.». / And / he reddened it they say. / And \rf jod 1890:257.1 \op xaýde thagaý-biamaý. Taxpiý thoü hiüýxpe skaý aýzhi-biamaý. Peýxeha gthiýza-biamaý, \tr grass / he wore on his head, they say. / Top of head / the / fine feather / white / he put them on, they say. / Gourd «rattle» / he took his, they say, \rf jod 1890:257.2 \op theýgoü-biamaý. Gasaýthu-biamaý. Wa'oüý-biamaý nudoüýhoüga wa'oüý etaý te. \tr thus they say. / He shook and rattled, they say. / He sang they say / war-chief / song / his / the. \rf jod 1890:257.3 \op Keý-toü Xoüý-ye waý-te kuý-he shaý-noü-gaý hiý-e cheý-e goý, hiý-e cheý-e goý. \tr «see note» \rf jod 1890:257.4 \op Noüteýxti moüthiüý-biamaý. Uýthishoü moüthiüý-biamaý. Athaý-biamaý ki oüýba amaý. \tr Stepping lively / he walked they say. / Around them / he walked they say. / They went, they say / when / day / they say. \rf jod 1890:257.5 \op Eýgithe Te-nuýga zhiüýga wiüý atiý-biamaý. Niýkawasoüý! giýnoüheýbai-ga, aý-biamaý \tr At length / Buffalo-bull / small / one / came, they say. / Warrior! / wait ye for him, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:257.6 \op Keýtoüga akaý. Ki, Wagaýshoü moübthiüý-de awaýnaxthiüýxti moübthiüý. Thakuýtha-ga, \tr Big turtle / the «sub.». / And, / Traveling / I walk while / I am in a great hurry / I walk. / Speak rapidly, \rf jod 1890:257.7 \op aý-biamaý. Eaýtoü moühniüý eýiüte. Oüýhoü, nuýdoühoügaý, eýgoü, aý-biamaý. Wagaýshoü \tr said he, they say. / Why / you walk / may? / Yes, / O war-chief, / so, / said he, they say. / Traveling \rf jod 1890:257.8 \op moühniüý-de uthiýthai eýgoü, Eýdi moübthiüý teý, ebtheýgoü, uwiýnai ha, aý-biamaý \tr you walk while / they told of you / as, / There / I walk / will, / I thought, / I sought you / , / said, they say \rf jod 1890:257.9 \op (Te-nuýga zhiüýga akaý). Keýgoü-ga, aý-biamaý (Keýtoüga akaý). Shkoüý thiýta te \tr (Buffalo-bull / small / the). / Come, do so, / said, they say / (Big turtle / the). / Ways «movements» / your / the \rf jod 1890:257.10 \op wiýtoübe koüýbtha, aý-biamaý. Te-nuýga akaý ukiýpatoüý-biamaý. Gipaýhoü-biamaý. \tr I see for you / I wish, / said he, they say. / Buffalo-bull / the «sub.». / rolled himself over, they say. / He arose again, they say. \rf jod 1890:257.11 \op Toüýde ke zhaýhe-hnoüý-biamaý. Heý te iýzhahe-hnoüý-biamaý. Toüýde ke baxaýpi-de \tr Ground / the / he thrust at regularly they say. / Horn / the / he thrust at with regularly they say. / Ground / the / he gored while \rf jod 1890:257.12 \op heýbe oüýtha theýtha-biamaý. Siüýde ke thixoüý teýgoü nazhiüý-biamaý. Tashnoüýge \tr piece / he threw away suddenly, they say. / Tail / the / break off / will, like / he stood they say. / Ash-tree \rf jod 1890:257.13 \op wiüý edediý-te amaý. Ieýnaxithaý-biamaý. Bastaýkixti weýahide theýtha-biamaý. Nuýdoühoügaý, \tr one / it stood there, they say, / He attacked it, they say. / Pushed «and splintered?» / far away / he sent forcibly, they say. / O war-chief, \rf jod 1890:257.14 \op gaýmoü teýskoübtheýgoü naýoüxiýtha 'ithaýi ki, aý-biamaý (Te-nuýga akaý). \tr I do that / will, I expect / to scare, or vex me / he threatens / if, / said, they say / (Buffalo-bull / the). \rf jod 1890:257.15 \op Niýkashiüga juýba wagaýshoü zhuaýwagthe wadoüýba-ga ha. Waheýhe shtewoüý \tr Person / some / traveling / I with them / see them / . / Faint-hearted / in the least \rf jod 1890:257.16 \op thiügaiý. Eýwathaýkigoü-shtewoüýzhi. Uýshioüthaýthe. Keý, moüthiüýga, aý-biamaý. Wa'oüý \tr there are none. / You are not in the least like them. / You have disappointed me. / Come, / walk, / said he, they say. / Song \rf jod 1890:257.17 \op te shi wa'oüý-biamaý. Keý-toü Xoüý-ye waý-te kuý-he shaý-noü-gaý, hiý-e cheý-e goý, \tr the / again / he sang they say. / Turtle / Big / «see note» \rf jod 1890:257.18 \op hiý-e cheý-e goý, aý-biamaý. Shi athaý-biamaý. Niýkawasoüý! tithaý-i-ga, aý-biamaý. Niý \tr said he, they say. / Again / they went, they say. / Warrior! / pass ye on, / said he, they say. / Water \rf jod 1890:257.19 \op wiüý edediý-ke amaý, zhiüýgazhi. Thitaý-biamaý. Goüýki Naýwiüxe pahoüýga \tr one / there it lay, they say, / not small. / They crossed it, they say. / And / Fire-brand / before \rf jod 1890:258.1 \op washkoüýxti moüthiüý amaý. Eýgithe uzheýtha-bi egoüý niýahitheýtha-biamaý goüý naýzhi-biamaý. \tr making a great effort / was walking, they say. / At length / weary, they say / because / he plunged into the water, they say / and / went out they say. \rf jod 1890:258.2 \op Nuýdoühoügaý! theýthuxchi shubthaý-maýzhi, aý-biamaý. Niýkawasoüý! uxtheýxchi \tr O war-chief! / just here / I go not to you, / said he, they say. / Warrior! / very soon \rf jod 1890:258.3 \op agthiý taý miüke. Shoüý gthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Masaýni ahiý-bi egoüý athaý-biamaý. \tr I come back / will / I who. / For a while / sit, / said he, they say. / The other side / reached, they say / having / they went, they say. \rf jod 1890:258.4 \op Eýgithe Iügthoüý-siü-sneýde wiüý shi atiý-biamaý. Niýkawasoüý! giýnoüheýbai-ga, e'oüý teýgoü shoüý iüte. \tr At length / Long-tailed-cat / one / again / came, they say. / Warrior! / wait ye for him, / «see note» \rf jod 1890:258.5 \op Eýgazeýze nazhiüýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Thakuýtha-ga, aý-biamaý. E'oüý \tr In a line / stand ye, / said he, they say. / Speak quickly, / said he, they say. / How \rf jod 1890:258.6 \op moühniüý eýiüte, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, nuýdoühoügaý, eýgoü, aý-biamaý. Wagaýshoü \tr you walk / may? / said he, they say. / Yes, / O war-chief, / so, / said he, they say. / Traveling \rf jod 1890:258.7 \op moühniüý-bi aiý uthiýtha-hnoüýi. Ki eýdi moübthiüý koüýbtha goüý uwiýnai, aý-biamaý. \tr you walked it was said / they said / was told of you regularly. / And / there / I walk / I wish / so / I have sought you, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:258.8 \op Keýgoü-ga, aý-biamaý. Shkoüý thithiýta te wiýtoübe tateý. Goüýki Iügthoüý-siü-sneýde \tr Do so, / said he, they say. / Ways / your own / the / I see for you / shall. / And / Long-tailed-cat \rf jod 1890:258.9 \op akaý hiüý ke bthuýgaxti kigthiýhedoüý-biamaý. Siüýde ke thish'iüýka-biamaý. Goüýki \tr The «sub.» / hair / the / all over / made his bristle up, they say. / Tail / the / he bent backward, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:258.10 \op paheý zhiüýga kigthaýha uoüýsi aýiaýtha-biamaý. Taýxti zhiüýga wiüý umoüýthiüka \tr hill / small / to the bottom / leaping / he had gone, they say. / Deer / small / one / year \rf jod 1890:258.11 \op noüýba ameýgoü nuýde-taýshe thoü thit'oüýbi egoüý thaxthaýzhe thaheý agthiý-biamaý. Gaýmoü \tr two / like them / throat lump / the / touched, they say, / having / making him cry by biting / holding with his teeth / he came back, they say. / I do that \rf jod 1890:258.12 \op teýskoü-btheýgoü, nuýdoühoügaý! edaýdoü naýoüxiýtha 'iýshai ki, aý-biamaý. Athuýha, \tr will, I expect, / O war-chief! / what / to scare or vex me / he threatens / if, / said he, they say. / Again «something else», \rf jod 1890:258.13 \op aý-biamaý Keýtoüga akaý. Oüýkazhi ha, nuýdoühoügaý! eshnoüý, aý-biamaý. Uýshioüthaýthe, \tr said, they say / Big turtle / the «sub.». / Not so / , / O war-chief! / that alone, / said he, they say. / You have disappointed me, \rf jod 1890:258.14 \op aý-biamaý Keýtoüga akaý. Niýkashiüga theýthoükaý zhuaýwagthe thoükaý wadoüýba-ga, \tr said, they say / Big turtle / the «sub.». / Person / these who / I with them / the ones who / see them, \rf jod 1890:258.15 \op aý-biamaý. Aýwatoü wiüý zhuýazhi aýdoü, aý-biamaý. Thizhuýazhixtioüý. Keý, \tr said he, they say. / Where «stands» / one / imperfect / ? / said he, they say. / You are very inferior. / Come, \rf jod 1890:258.16 \op moüthiüý-ga. Thiý uýshioüthaýthe, aý-biamaý. Athaý-biamaý. Eýgithe paheý kiýha ahiý-bi \tr walk. / You / you have disappointed me, / said he, they say. / They went, they say. / At length / hill / downward / they arrived, they say \rf jod 1890:258.17 \op ki, eýgithe Wasaýbe wiüý atiý-biamaý. Nuýdoühoügaý! shi atiý wiüý, a-biamaý. E'oüý teýgoü shoüý iüte, \tr when, / behold / Black bear / one / came, they say. / O war-chief! / again / has come / one, / said they, they say. / «see note», \rf jod 1890:258.18 \op niýkawasoüý! Giýnoüheýbai-ga. Eýgazeýze nazhiüýi-ga, aý-biamaý. \tr warrior! / Wait ye for him. / In a row / stand ye, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:258.19 \op Hau! keý, thakuýtha-ga. E'oüý moühniüý eýiüte. Wagaýshoü moübthiüý-de awaýnaxthiüýxti \tr Ho! / come, / speak quickly. / What is your business? / Traveling / I walk while / I am in a great hurry \rf jod 1890:258.20 \op moübthiüý, aý-biamaý (Keýtoüga akaý). Oüýhoü, nuýdoühoügaý! eýgoü, aý-biamaý \tr I walk, / said, they say / (Big turtle / the). / Yes, / O war-chief! / so, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:258.21 \op (Wasaýbe akaý). Wagaýshoü moühniüý-bi aiý uthiýtha-hnoüýi, ki eýdi moübthiüý \tr (Black bear / the). / Traveling / you walked, it was said / they said / was told of you regularly, / and / there / I walk \rf jod 1890:259.1 \op koüýbtha goüý uwiýnexti aýtha, aý-biamaý. Hau! keýgoü-ga, aý-biamaý (Keýtoüga \tr I wish / and / I have sought you diligently / indeed, / said he, they say. / Ho! / do so, / said, they say / (Big turtle \rf jod 1890:259.2 \op akaý). Aýzhoü goüý sheýsheiüte. Shkoüý thithiýta toüýbe koüýbtha, aý-biamaý (Keýtoüga \tr the). / How you do / so / you may have thought that. / Ways / your own / I see / I wish, / said, they say / (Big turtle \rf jod 1890:259.3 \op akaý). Wasaýbe akaý toüýde ke thixaýpi-bi goüý moü-taýshe oüýtha-hnoü theýtha-biamaý. \tr the). / Black bear / the «sub.» / ground / the / pierced with his claws, they say / so / round lumps of earth / threw away regularly / he sent forcibly, they say. \rf jod 1890:259.4 \op Goüýki taýshkahi naýsabe wiüý edediý-te amaý. Ieýnaxithaý-biamaý. Aýna-bi egoüý \tr And / oak / blackened by fire / one / stood there, they say. / He attacked it, they say. / Hugged it, they say, / having \rf jod 1890:259.5 \op oüýthaxti theýtha-biamaý. Nuýdoühoügaý! edaýdoü naýoüxitha 'iýthai ki gaýmoü teýskoübtheýgoü, \tr he threw it far / sent suddenly, they say. / O war-chief! / what / to scare or vex me / he threatens / if / I do that / will, I expect, \rf jod 1890:259.6 \op aý-biamaý (Wasaýbe akaý). Goüýki gaýi te Keýtoüga toüý: Hau! niýkawasoüý, \tr said, they say / (Black-bear / the). / And / said as follows / Big turtle / the «std. ob.»: / Ho! / warrior, \rf jod 1890:259.7 \op uýshioüthaýthe. Niýkashiüga juýba theýthoükaý zhuaýwagtheý-de wadoüýba-ga, \tr you have disappointed me. / Person / some / these who / I with them but / see them, \rf jod 1890:259.8 \op aý-biamaý. Waheýhe shtewoüý thiügaiý. Uýshioüthaýthe. Keý, moüthiüýga. Zhuýbazhi-maý \tr said he, they say. / Faint-hearted / in the least / there is none. / You have disappointed me. / Come, / walk. / The inferior ones \rf jod 1890:259.9 \op eýgoü-hnoü theýawakiýthe ha, aý-biamaý. \tr so regularly / I send them off / , / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:259.10 \op Uchiýzhexti eýdi athaý-biamaý. Eýgithe Te-neýxe thiükeý thibthaýza-biamaý, \tr Dense undergrowth / there / they went, they say. / At length / Buffalo-bladder / the «ob.» / was torn open, they say, \rf jod 1890:259.11 \op thixuý'egoüý-ma. Xe-iý! theýthuxchi shubthaý-maýzhi, aý-biamaý. Hau! niýkawasoüý! \tr sound of tearing like it, they say. / Alas! / just here / I go not to you, / said he, they say. / Ho! / warrior! \rf jod 1890:259.12 \op uxtheýxchi agthiý taý miüke. Shoüý gthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý (Keýtoüga akaý). Shi \tr very soon / I come back / will / I who. / For a while / sit, / said, they say / (Big turtle / the). / Again \rf jod 1890:259.13 \op athaý-biamaý. Athaý-biamaý ki uheý piýazhi eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Zhoüthoüýxa moüýshiadiýxti \tr they went, they say. / They went, they say / when / path / bad / there / they reached, they say. / Log / very high \rf jod 1890:259.14 \op gthadiüý zhoüý ke amaý. Kehaýmazhiýde akaý aýgazhade thi'aý amaý. Hau! nuýdoühoügaý, \tr across / were lying, they say. / Red-breasted turtle / the «sub.» / to step over / failed / they say. / Ho! / O war-chief, \rf jod 1890:259.15 \op theýthuxchi shubthaý-maýzhi, aý-biamaý. Hau! niýkawasoüý, uxtheýxchi agthiý taý \tr just here / I go not to you, / said he, they say. / Ho! / warrior, / very soon / I come back / will \rf jod 1890:259.16 \op miüke. Shoüý gthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý (Keýtoüga akaý). Shi athaý-biamaý. Athaý-biamaý \tr I who. / For a while / sit, / said, they say / (Big turtle / the). / Again / they went, they say. / They went, they say \rf jod 1890:259.17 \op ki, eýgithe Shoüýtoüga wiüý atiý-biamaý. Nuýdoühoügaý, shi atiý wiüý, aý-biamaý. \tr when, / behold / Big wolf / one / came, they say. / O war-chief, / again / has come / one, / said they, they say. \rf jod 1890:259.18 \op E'oüý teýgoü shoüý iüte, niýkawasoüý! Giýnoüheýbai-ga. Eýgazeýze nazhiüýi-ga, aý-biamaý \tr «see note» / warrior! / Wait for him. / In a row / stand ye, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:259.19 \op (Keýtoüga akaý). Hau! keý, thakuýtha-ga. E'oüý moühniüý eýiüte. Wagaýshoü \tr (Big turtle / the). / Ho! / come, / speak quickly. / What is your business? / Traveling \rf jod 1890:259.20 \op moübthiüý-de awaýnaxthiüýxti moübthiüý, aý-biamaý (Keýtoüga akaý). Oüýhoü, nuýdoühoügaý! \tr I walk while / I am in a great hurry / I walk, / said, they say / (Big turtle / the). / Yes, / O war-chief! \rf jod 1890:260.1 \op eýgoü, aý-biamaý (Shoüýtoüga akaý). Wagaýshoü moühniüý-bi aiý uthiýtha-hnoüýi, \tr so, / said, they say / (Big wolf / the). / Traveling / you walked, it was said / they said / was told of you regularly, \rf jod 1890:260.2 \op ki eýdi moübthiüý koüýbtha goüý uwiýnai, aý-biamaý (Shoüýtoüga akaý). Hau! \tr and / there / I walk / I wish / as / I have sought you, / said, they say / (Big wolf / the). / Ho! \rf jod 1890:260.3 \op keýgoü-ga, aý-biamaý (Keýtoüga akaý). Aýzhoü goüý sheýsheiüte. Shkoüý thithiýta toüýbe \tr do so, / said, they say / (Big turtle / the). / How you do / so / you may have thought that. / Ways / your own / I see \rf jod 1890:260.4 \op koüýbtha, aý-biamaý (Keýtoüga akaý). Ki'oüý amaý. Paý te zhiýdethaý-biamaý. Siý te \tr I wish, / said, they say / (Big turtle / the). / He decorated himself, they say. / Nose / the «see note» / he reddened, they say. / Foot / the \rf jod 1890:260.5 \op woüýgithe zhiýdethaý-biamaý. Noüýka ke xithaý mashoüý ugaýshka-biamaý. Xa-iý! \tr all / he reddened, they say. / Back / the / eagle / feather / he tied on, they say. / Why! \rf jod 1890:260.6 \op aý-biamaý. Keýgoü-ga, aý-biamaý. Shkoüý thithiýta te toüýbe koüýbtha. Keýgoü-ga, \tr said he, they say. / Do so, / said he, they say. / Ways / your own / the / I see / I wish. / Do so, \rf jod 1890:260.7 \op aý-biamaý (Keýtoüga akaý). Shoüýtoüga amaý ukiýgthishoüshoüý-biamaý. Ki wachiýshka \tr said, they say / (Big turtle / the). / Big wolf / the «sub.» / turned himself round and round, they say. / And / creek \rf jod 1890:260.8 \op zhiüýga zhoüý keýdi waweýnaxiýtha athaý-biamaý. Taýxti wiüý t'eýtha-biamaý. Thaheý \tr small / wood / by the / to attack / he went, they say. / Deer / one / he killed, they say. / Holding with the teeth \rf jod 1890:260.9 \op agthiý-biamaý. Nuýdoühoügaý! gaýmoü teýskoübtheýgoü, edaýdoü naýoüxiýtha 'iýthai ki, \tr he came back, they say. / O war-chief! / I do that / will, I expect, / what / to scare or vex me / he threatens / if, \rf jod 1890:260.10 \op aý-biamaý (Shoüýtoüga akaý). Uýshioüthaýthe. Niýkashiüga juýba wagaýshoü zhuaýwagthe \tr said, they say / (Big wolf / the). / You have disappointed me. / Person / some / traveling / I go with them \rf jod 1890:260.11 \op thoükaý wadoüýba-ga ha. Waheýhe shtewoüý thiügaiý. Keý, moüthiüý-ga. Eýgoü-hnoü \tr the ones who / see them / . / Faint-hearted / in the least / there is none. / Come, / walk. / So regularly \rf jod 1890:260.12 \op zhuýazhi-maý theýawakiýthe, aý-biamaý. Niýkawasoüý Siüýga, wadoüýbe moüthiüý-ga, \tr the inferior ones / I send them off, / said he, they say. / Warrior / Gray-squirrel, / to see them / walk, \rf jod 1890:260.13 \op aý-biamaý. Siüýga amaý wadoüýbe athaý-biamaý. Eýgithe agiý-biamaý, nisuýda \tr said he, they say. / Gray squirrel / the «sub.» / to see them / went, they say. / At length / he was returning, they say, / horn \rf jod 1890:260.14 \op bihuýhutoü. Nuýdoühoügaý, shugiý, aý-biamaý. Keýtoüga eýdi athaý-biamaý. Hau! \tr blowing on. / O war-chief, / he is returning, / said they, they say. / Big turtle / there / went, they say. / Ho! \rf jod 1890:260.15 \op niýkawasoüý, waýgazuýxti gaýxa-ga. Eýgoüxti iüwiüýtha-ga, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, \tr warrior, / very straight / do «+act». / Just as it is / tell me, / said he, they say. / Yes, \rf jod 1890:260.16 \op nuýdoühoügaý! eýgoüxti aýtha! Oüwoüýbesniü-bazhiý-xtioüý piý aýtha! aý-biamaý. Tiý \tr O war-chief! / just so / indeed! / They did not find me out at all / I was there / indeed! / said he, they say. / Lodge \rf jod 1890:260.17 \op koüýhaxchi ke oügthiüý taiý, aý biamaý (Keýtoüga akaý). Keýtoüga atheý 'iýtha-biamaý. \tr border very / the / let us sit, / said, they say / (Big turtle / the). / Big turtle / going / spoke of, they say. \rf jod 1890:260.18 \op Weýgaskoüawaýthe taý miüke, niýkawasoüý! ediýxchi aýnameýiüte, aý-biamaý. Agthiý-biamaý. \tr I look around to see how things are / will / I who, / O warrior! / just there / how many may be, / said he, they say. / He returned, they say. \rf jod 1890:260.19 \op Niýkawasoüý, etaýha oügaýthe taiý. Theýtoü ugthiüý uýdoü thoü, aý-biamaý. \tr Warrior, / thitherward / let us go. / This far / sitting-place / good / the, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:260.20 \op Shoüý amaý, Hau! niýkawasoüý! nuýdoühoügaý Iüýthapa! keýgoü-ga. Iýgaskoüýtha-ga. \tr By and by, as they moved, / Ho! / O warrior! / O war-chief / Corn-crusher! / do so. / Make an attempt. \rf jod 1890:261.1 \op Tiý-gaxa atheý taý akaý. Nuýdoühoügaý! aýgudi agthiüý teýiüte, aý-biamaý. \tr End lodge / he will go. / O war-chief! / where / I sit / shall ? / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:261.2 \op Nuýdoühoügaý, niýkawasoüý, tiýzhebe moübiýtahiýxti teýdi aýshiata thagthiüý te, aý-biamaý. \tr O war-chief, / O warrior, / door / «see note» / when / on the outside / you will sit, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:261.3 \op Ki wa'uý wiüý neýzhe aýshi athaý-biamaý. Iüýthapa uskoüýskoü aýbit'aý-biamaý. Doübaý-biamaý \tr &Atque / &mulier / one / &mingere / &exiit they say. / Corn-crusher / in a line with / she pressed on him, they say. / She saw him, they say \rf jod 1890:261.4 \op ki, gaý-biamaý: Hiü+! waniüýde koüýbtha thoüýshti. Iüýthapa pezhiýxchi \tr when, / she said as follows, they say: / Oh! / mush / I desired / heretofore. / Corn-crusher / very bad \rf jod 1890:261.5 \op ithaýkithe-naý, aý-biamaý. Iüýthapa pezhiýxchi weaýgigthaýtoü teý-na. Ithaýkithe, aý-biamaý. \tr I have found for myself! / said she, they say. / Corn-crusher / very bad / I pound my own on with / will! / I have found for myself, / said she, they say. \rf jod 1890:261.6 \op Weýgatoü ki noübeý bthuýgaxti gastaý-biamaý. Wamiý gashiýba-biamaý. Aýshi oüýtha \tr Pounded on «corn» with / when / hand / the whole / she mashed flat, they say. / Blood / she forced out, they say. / Out / threw it away \rf jod 1890:261.7 \op gtheýtha-biamaý. Iüýthapa piýazhi. Oüýtha gtheýtha-bi egoüý, shoüýshoüxti Keýtoüga taýpe \tr she sent it back, they say. / Corn-crusher / bad. / She threw it away / sent it back, they say / having, / without stopping / Big turtle / near to him \rf jod 1890:261.8 \op agthaý-biamaý. Agthiý-biamaý. Iüýthapa esheý-hnoüi wiüý tiýadiýxti gaxthiý gthiý, a-biamaý. \tr he went back they say. / He came back, they say. / Corn-crusher / you say regularly / one / right at the lodge / killed her / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:261.9 \op Nuýdoühoügaý! Miýkaheý! iýgaskoüýtha-ga, aý-biamaý. Iüýthapa gthiüý tediýxti shi thagthiüý \tr O war-chief! / O Comb! / make an attempt, / said he, they say. / Corn-crusher / sat / just at it / again / you sit \rf jod 1890:261.10 \op te, aý-biamaý. Goüý athaý-biamaý. Gthiüý aýgazhi tediýxti gthiüý-biamaý. Mikaýhe \tr will, / said he, they say. / And / he went, they say. / To sit / commanded him / just at it / he sat, they say. / Comb \rf jod 1890:261.11 \op akaý uýdoüxtiý-biamaý. Ki wa'uý wiüý aýshi athaý-biamaý. Mikaýhe ke iýtha-biamaý. \tr the «sub.» / very good, they say. / And / woman / one / out / went, they say. / Comb / the «recl. ob.» / she found, they say. \rf jod 1890:261.12 \op Mikaýhe oüthiüýge miükeý thoüýshti. Mikaýhe pezhiýxchi ithaýkithe, aý-biamaý. Tiýata \tr Comb / I have been without one / heretofore. / Comb / very bad / I have found for myself, / said she, they say. / To the lodge \rf jod 1890:261.13 \op athiüý akiý-biamaý. Uxtheýxti iýkigthaýha-biamaý. Nazhiýha noüýthade masaýni \tr having / reached home, they say. / Very soon / she combed her «hair» with it they say. / Hair / the temples / on one side \rf jod 1890:261.14 \op bthuýgaxti gashnuýda-biamaý. Mikaýhe piýazhi iýnahiü thoü eýde uýdoü eýskoü-hnoü ebtheýgoü \tr all / pulled out with the comb they say. / Comb / bad / indeed / the / but / good / as if only / so I thought it \rf jod 1890:261.15 \op thoüýshti. Oüýtha theýtha-biamaý tizheýbe teýdi. Oüýthakiýthai teýdi shoüshoüýxti agthaý-biamaý. \tr heretofore. / She threw it away / she sent it, they say / door / at the. / He made her throw him away / when / without stopping / he went back they say. \rf jod 1890:261.16 \op Nazhiýha athiüý agthaý-biama. Mikaýhe hnaýde-hnoüýi wiüý tiýadiýxti \tr Hair / having it / he went back, they say. / Comb / you call him regularly / one / right at the lodge \rf jod 1890:261.17 \op nazhiýha bthuýgaxti eýnashe piý, aý-biamaý. Keýtoüga eýthiü akiý-biamaý. 'Iý-biamaý. \tr hair / all / I snatched from her / I am coming back, / said he, they say. / Big turtle / having it for him / he reached again, they say. / He gave to him, they say. \rf jod 1890:261.18 \op Gaý-biamaý Keýtoüga: Weýshnoüoüthaýgithe, aý-biamaý. Theý uneý awiýbthiü, aý-biamaý. \tr Said as follows, they say / Big Turtle: / You make me thankful, / said he, they say. / This / to seek / I have you, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:261.19 \op Wa'uý-ma wachiýgaxeoüwoüýkithe taiteý oügaýkii ki. Thiýehniüý-de wa'uý wiüý \tr The woman / we make them dance / shall / we reach home when. / It is you since / woman / one \rf jod 1890:262.1 \op bthiýze taý miüke. Miüýagthoü taý miüke, aý-biamaý. \tr I take her / will / I who. / I take a female / will / I who, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:262.2 \op Nuýdoühoügaý! Waýku-haý! athuýh iýgaskoüýtha-ga, aý-biamaý. Nudoüýhoüga \tr O war-chief! / O Awl! / again / make an attempt, / said he, they say. / War-chief \rf jod 1890:262.3 \op Mikaýhe gthiüý te shi eýdi thagthiüý te, aý-biamaý. Waýku akaý uýdoüxchiý-biamaý; \tr Comb / sat / the / again / there / you sit / will, / said he, they say. / Awl / the «sub.» / very good they say; \rf jod 1890:262.4 \op doüýbe uýdoü-biamaý. Gthiüý aýgazhiý-bi te shi eýdi gthiüý-biamaý. Wa'uý wiüý aýshi \tr to look at / good they say. / To sit / commanded him, they say / the / again / there / he sat they say. / Woman / one / out \rf jod 1890:262.5 \op athaý-biamaý. Waýku ke iýtha-biamaý. Hiü+! waýku iýnahiü ithaýkithe, aý-biamaý. \tr went they say. / Awl / the «recl. ob.» / she found, they say. / Oh! / awl / indeed / I have found for myself, / said she, they say. \rf jod 1890:262.6 \op Waýku oüthiüýge thoüýshti. Weýshnoükiýthe, aý-biamaý. Tiýata athiüý agthaý-biamaý. \tr Awl / I had none / heretofore. / I am caused to be thankful, / said she, they say. / To the lodge / having it / she went homeward, they say. \rf jod 1890:262.7 \op Hiübeý iýgipat 'iýtha-biamaý. Hiübeý ithaýgipaýte teý, aý-biamaý. Iýbataý-biamaý. \tr Moccasin / to sew hers with it / she spoke of it, they say. / Moccasin / I sew mine with it / will, / said she, they say. / She sewed with it, they say. \rf jod 1890:262.8 \op Noübeýhi te iýbaxapiý-biamaý. Bashnoüý theýtha-biamaý. Wamiý heýgazhi amaý. Tizheýbe \tr Finger / the / she pierced with it, they say. / Missed in pushing / she sent suddenly, they say. / Blood / not a little / they say. / Door \rf jod 1890:262.9 \op teýdi oüýtha theýtha-biamaý. Waýku ke piýazhi iýnahiü ehoü+! Nieý iýnahiü akiýpaxe. \tr at the / threw it away / she sent suddenly, they say. / Awl / the «ob.» / bad / truly / ! / Pain / indeed / I have made for myself. \rf jod 1890:262.10 \op T'eýakitheýxti-moüý, aý-biamaý. Oüýtha gtheýtha-biamaý, tizheýbe aýshiataýxti. Waýku \tr I have altogether killed myself, / said she, they say. / She threw it away / sending it homeward, they say, / door / far out from. / Awl \rf jod 1890:262.11 \op hnaýde-hnoüýi. Tiýadiýxti wiüý zhaýhe ki t'eýathe, aý-biamaý. Moüýdehi wamiýxti \tr you called him regularly. / Right at the lodge / one / stabbed / when / I killed her, / said he, they say. / Spear / very bloody \rf jod 1890:262.12 \op agthaýthiü. Keýtoüga thiükeý eýdi akiý-biamaý. Nuýdoühoügaý! Waýku izhaýzhe ukiýgtha \tr had his. / Big turtle / the «ob.» / there / he arrived again, they say. / O war-chief! / Awl / his name / telling his \rf jod 1890:262.13 \op giý. Wiüý t'eýthe, aý-biamaý. Keýtoüga akaý gaý-biamaý: Hau! nuýdoühoügaý, \tr is coming back. / One / he has killed, / said they, they say. / Big turtle / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / Ho! / O war-chief, \rf jod 1890:262.14 \op weýshnoüoüthaýgithe, aý-biamaý. Thiýeshniüý-de iüdeý saýbeaýgithe taý miüke. Toüýwoü \tr you make me thankful, / said he, they say. / It is you since / face / I blacken mine / will / I who. / Village \rf jod 1890:262.15 \op thoü uýzhawa tateý, aý-biamaý. Hau! Weýhe-aý! iýgaskoüýtha-ga, aý-biamaý. Nudoüýhoüga \tr the / joyful / shall «be», / said he, they say. / Ho! / O Pestle! / make an attempt, / said he, they say. / War-chief \rf jod 1890:262.16 \op Waýku zhoüý te shi thazhoüý te, aý-biamaý. Weýhe uýdoüxchiý-biamaý. Ki eýdi \tr Awl / lay / the / again / you lie / will, / said he, they say. / Pestle / very good they say. / And / there \rf jod 1890:262.17 \op ahiý-biamaý. Zhoüý aýgazhi teýdi zhoüý-biamaý. Wa'uý wiüý aýshi a-iý- biamaý. Weýhe \tr he arrived, they say. / To lie / commanded him / by the / he lay, they say. / Woman / one / out / was coming, they say. / Pestle \rf jod 1890:262.18 \op ke iýtha-biamaý. Hiü+! weýhe uýdoü iýnahiü ithaýkithe. Weýhe oüthiüýge thoüýshti, \tr the «recl. ob.» / she found, they say. / Oh! / pestle / good / truly / I have found for myself. / Pestle / I had none / heretofore, \rf jod 1890:262.19 \op aý-biamaý. Tiýata athiüý akiý-biamaý. Watoüýzi juýba thizaý-biamaý. Uýhe te \tr said she, they say. / At the lodge / having it / she reached home, they say. / Corn / some / she took, they say. / Mortar / the \rf jod 1890:263.1 \op uzhiý-biamaý. Haý-biamaý. Watuýba-biamaý. Shinoüýdexti aýkihoü zhaýha-biamaý. \tr she filled, they say. / She pounded it, they say. / She beat it fine, they say. / Right on the knee / beyond / she stabbed, they say. \rf jod 1890:263.2 \op Bashnoüý theýtha-biamaý, eýgoü shiýnoüde zhaýha-biamaý. Hiü+! weýhe piýazhi iýnahiü \tr she missed in pushing / and sent suddenly, they say, / so / knee / she stabbed, they say. / Oh! / pestle / bad / truly \rf jod 1890:263.3 \op ehoü+! aý-biamaý. Aýshiata oüýtha gtheýtha-biamaý. Weýhe esheý-hnoüi tiýadiýxti wiüý \tr ! / said she, they say. / Outside / throwing it away / she sent it homeward, they say. / Pestle / you say regularly / right at the lodge / one \rf jod 1890:263.4 \op zhaýhe giý, wiüý t'eýthe ha, aý-biamaý. Keýtoüga thiükeý eýdi akiý-biamaý. Wiüý t'eýathe, \tr stabbed / is coming back, / one / has killed / , / said he, they say. / Big turtle / the «ob.» / there / he reached, they say. / One / I have killed, \rf jod 1890:263.5 \op nuýdoühoügaý! aý-biamaý. Weýshnoüoüthaýgithe, aý-biamaý Keýtoüga akaý. Hau! \tr O war-chief! / said he, they say. / You make me thankful, / said, they say / Big turtle / the «sub.». / Ho! \rf jod 1890:263.6 \op niýkawasoüý Siüýga, iýgaskoüýtha-ga, aý-biamaý. Tena! nuýdoühoügaý, e'oüý paýxe \tr O warrior / Gray-squirrel, / make an attempt, / said he, they say. / Fie! / O war-chief, / how / I do \rf jod 1890:263.7 \op taý, aý-biamaý. Tiý amaý xthab uýti-biamaý. Xthabeý ke tiýhukoü pahaýshi ke iýthahe \tr can? / said he, they say. / Lodge / the «pl.» / tree / camped in them, they say. / Tree / the «line of» / smoke-hole / above / the / you pass by \rf jod 1890:263.8 \op moühniüý te. Iýthithai ki thikiýde taý amaý. Washkoüý-ga, aý-biamaý, naýzoüde \tr you walk / will. / They find you / if / they will shoot at you. / Do your best, / said he, they say, / to evade «the blows, etc.» \rf jod 1890:263.9 \op washkoüý-ga. Wiüý gaxeý ahiý ki ieýnaxiýtha-ga, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe nuýzhiüga wiüý \tr do your best. / One / aside / reaches / if / attack him, / said he, they say. / At length / boy / one \rf jod 1890:263.10 \op iýtha-biamaý. Theýthiü siüýga wiüý ahoüý, aý-biamaý. Za'eýxti athaý-biamaý. Wahuýtoüthiü \tr found him, they say. / This one / gray squirrel / one / ! / said he, they say. / In a great uproar / they went, they say. / Roaring weapon \rf jod 1890:263.11 \op iýkidaý-biamaý. Utiüýshteoü-hnoüý-biamaý. Nuýzhiüga wiüý gaxaýta nazhiüý-biamaý. \tr they shot at him with, they say. / They even hit him «?» regularly they say. / Boy / one / at one side / stood they say. \rf jod 1890:263.12 \op Ieýnaxithaý-biamaý. Thaxtaý-biamaý. Ieýnaxithaý-bi ki thi'aiý a-iý-biamaý. Wuhuý! \tr He attacked him, they say. / He bit him, they say. / They attacked him, they say / when / they failed / they were coming, they say. / Wonderful! \rf jod 1890:263.13 \op siüýga uýmaka iýnahiü thoüýshti oüthiý'ai ha. Oüguý-hnoü wiüý waýthaxtai ha, aý-biamaý. \tr gray-squirrel / easy / indeed / heretofore / we have failed / . / We only / one / has bit us / , / said they, they say. \rf jod 1890:263.14 \op Siüýga hnaýde-hnoüýi gazoüýadixti wiüý t'eýthe giý ha, aý-biamaý. Keýtoüga uiýtha-biamaý. \tr Gray-squirrel / you call him regularly / right among them / one / killed / is coming back / , / said he, they say. / Big turtle / told to him they say. \rf jod 1890:263.15 \op Hau! niýkawasoüýxti, aý-biamaý. Waýgazuxti gaýxa-ga, aý-biamaý. \tr Ho! / real warrior, / said he, they say. / Very straight / act, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:263.16 \op Nuýdoühoügaý, eýgoüxti, aý-biamaý. Wiüý t'eýathe, aý-biamaý. Hau! niýkawasoüý, \tr O war-chief, / just so, / said he, they say. / One / I have killed, / said he, they say. / Ho! / warrior, \rf jod 1890:263.17 \op weýshnoüoüthaýgithe aýtha, aý-biamaý. \tr you make me thankful / indeed, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:263.18 \op Hau! niýkawasoüý, ithaýgaskoüýbthe taý miüke, wiý, aý-biamaý. Kaýshi agthiý-maýzhi. \tr Ho! / warrior, / I make a trial / will / I who, / I, / said he, they say. / A long time / I come not back. \rf jod 1890:263.19 \op Eýgithe thagtheý tai, aý-biamaý Keýtoüga akaý. Eýgithe oüthaýoühna thagtheý taiý, aý-biamaý \tr Beware / you go homeward / lest, / said, they say / Big turtle / the «sub.». / Beware / you leave me / you go homeward / lest, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:263.20 \op Keýtoüga akaý. Eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Maxuýde juýba aýhigi gaxtoüý-biteýamaý. Naýzhi teý \tr Big turtle / the «sub.». / There / he arrived, they say. / Ashes / some / many / had been poured out, they say, / They had gone out, \rf jod 1890:264.1 \op amaý. Eýgithe Keýtoüga akaý ukiýpaniüý-biamaý. Moüýte athaý-biamaý. Moüýte gthiüý-biamaý. \tr they say. / At length / Big turtle / the «sub.» / pushed his way through, they say. / Within / he went, they say. / Within / he sat they say. \rf jod 1890:264.2 \op Ishtaý thoü eýthoübe gthiüý-biamaý uthiýxide goüý. Wa'uý wiüý a-iý-biamaý hoüýegoüýche \tr Eye / the / emerging / he sat, they say / looking around / as. / Woman / one / was coming, they say / morning \rf jod 1890:264.3 \op ki, Keýtoüga gthiüý thiüýkeý eshoüýxti nazhiüý-biamaý. Tahaýwagthe gi'iüý-biamaý \tr when, / Big turtle / sat / the one who / very near / she stood, they say. / Shield / carried his they say \rf jod 1890:264.4 \op Keýtoüga akaý. Tahaýwagthe iüýthatoüý te haý, aý-biamaý. Wa'uý akaý uthiýxidaý-biamaý. \tr Big turtle / the «sub.». / Shield / you tread on my / will / , / said he, they say. / Woman / the «sub.» / looked around they say. \rf jod 1890:264.5 \op Aýwateýta iýai eýdoü, etheýgoü-bi egoüý, uthiýxidaý-biamaý. Shi eýgithoüý-biamaý. \tr At what place / he speaks / ? / thought she, they say / having, / she looked around, they say. / Again / he said to her, they say: \rf jod 1890:264.6 \op Tahaýwagthe iüýthatoü teý. Guýdiha nazhiüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Ki wa'uý akaý iýtha-biamaý. \tr Shield / you tread on my / will. / Further away / stand, / said he, they say. / And / woman / the «sub.» / found him, they say. \rf jod 1890:264.7 \op Hiü+! aý-biamaý. Shkoüýzhi nazhiüý-ga. Wabaýzhiüwiýthe, aý-biamaý Keýtoüga akaý. Keýtoüga \tr Oh! / said she, they say. / Motionless / stand. / I cause you to carry a message, / said, they say / Big turtle / the «sub.». / Big turtle \rf jod 1890:264.8 \op akaý nudoüý atiý-bi aiý, eý kiý-ga, aý-biamaý. Niýkagahi izhoüýge ubaýtiheýgithai \tr the «sub.» / to war / has come / he says, / say / reach home, / said he, they say. / Chief / his daughter / he buried his by hanging up \rf jod 1890:264.9 \op ke eý goüýtha atiý-bi, aiý, eý kiý-ga, aý-biamaý. Gaý-biamaý: Gaxiýxexti theýthai-ga, \tr the «recl. ob.» / that / desiring / has come, / he says, / say / reach home, / said he, they say. / They said as follows, they say: / Break in «his head» / send suddenly, \rf jod 1890:264.10 \op aý-biamaý niýkashiüga bthuýga. Gaý-biamaý: Aýxtoü oüthaýxixe theýthathe taýba, aý-biamaý \tr said, they say / people / all. / He said as follows, they say: / How possible / you break in my «head» / you send suddenly / can «pl.», / said, they say \rf jod 1890:264.11 \op Keýtoüga akaý. Oüthaýshnaha thoüýthoü theýthathai ki zhiýbe thakiýgthaxoüý taiý, aý-biamaý. \tr Big turtle / the «sub.». / You hit and it slips off of me / each time / you send it suddenly / if / leg / you break yours with blows / will, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:264.12 \op Niý te naýkadeýxti ki ugthoüý uýdoü, aý-biamaý. Shi+shte! aý-biamaý. Niý te naýkade \tr Water / the / very hot / when / put him in / good, / said they, they say. / For shame! / said he, they say. / Water / the / hot \rf jod 1890:264.13 \op anoüýbixoüý niýkashiüga aýhigi naýthit'eý taiý, aý-biamaý. Wiüýke eýgoü, aý-biamaý \tr I scatter by kicking / person / many / you die by scalding / will, / said he, they say. / He tells the truth / like it, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:264.14 \op niýkashiüga amaý. Ki eýgoü ki useý uýdoü, aý-biamaý. Shi+shte! aý-biamaý. Peýde \tr people / the «sub.». / And / so / if / to burn him / good, / said they, they say. / For shame! / said he, they say. / Fire \rf jod 1890:264.15 \op te anoüýbixoüý ki mazhoüý thoü bthuýga naýxthiüaýthe teý. Eýgithe shiüýgazhiüýga shti \tr the / I scatter by kicking / if / land / the / all / I cause to blaze / will. / Beware / children / too \rf jod 1890:264.16 \op aýhigi naýthit'eý taiý, aý-biamaý. Wiüýke eýgoü, aý-biamaý. Ki shiüýgazhiüýga wiüý niý \tr many / you die from heat / will, / said he, they say. / He tells the truth / like it, / said they, they say. / And / child / one / water \rf jod 1890:264.17 \op naý-biamaý. Noühaý, niý juýba, aý-biamaý. Keýtoüga akaý, Hiü+! aý-biamaý. Niý \tr asked for, they say. / O mother, / water / some, / it said, they say. / Big turtle / the «sub.», / Oh! / said, they say. / Water \rf jod 1890:264.18 \op te gashtoüýka-biamaý. Theýthiükeý niý naýkithaýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Edaýdoü eý waýthake, \tr the «ob.» / he tempted they say. / This one / water / cause him to ask for, / said «one», they say. / What / that / you mean, \rf jod 1890:264.19 \op aý-biamaý. Noühaý! niý juýba, aý-biamaý. Theýthiükeý Keýtoüga, Hiü+! aiý, aý-biamaý. \tr said «others», they say. / O mother! / water / some, / it said, they say. / This one / Big turtle, / Oh! / he said, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:265.1 \op Wuhuý! Niý noüýpe thiükeý ha, aý-biamaý. Niýata athiüý athaý-biamaý, siüýde ke \tr Wonderful! / Water / he is fearing / , / said they, they say. / To the water / having him / they went, they say, / tail / the \rf jod 1890:265.2 \op uthoüý-bi egoüý. Keýtoüga akaý toüýde ke iýmoüthoütoü shtewoüý shoüý siüýde ke \tr held, they say / having. / Big turtle / the «sub.» / ground / the / clinging to / notwithstanding / yet / tail / the \rf jod 1890:265.3 \op uthoüý-bi egoüý niýata athiüý ahiý-biamaý. Niý ki eýgih oüýtha itheýtha-biamaý. \tr held, they say / having / to the water / having him / they arrived, they say. / Water / the headlong / threw him away / they sent suddenly, they say. \rf jod 1890:265.4 \op Niý ke goüý moüthiüý-biamaý. Xageýgoü moüthiüý-biamaý. Niýwoü goüýzhiüga gaxaý-biamaý. \tr Water / the / for a while / he walked, they say. / Crying a little / he walked, they say. / To swim / knew not how / he made they say. \rf jod 1890:265.5 \op Wiý! wiý! wiý! aý-biamaý. Wuhuý! niý ke gazoüýata theýthai-ga, aý-biamaý. \tr Wee! / wee! / wee! / said he, they say. / Wonderful! / water / the / to the midst of / send him / said they, they say. \rf jod 1890:265.6 \op Piý eýgih itheýtha-biamaý. Kuýwiüxe moüthiüý-biamaý. Eýgithe uspeý amaý. Ki, T'eý ha, \tr Again / headlong / they sent him suddenly, they say. / Wandering around / he walked, they say. / At length / he sunk, they say. / And, / Dead / , \rf jod 1890:265.7 \op aý-biamaý. Agthaý-biamaý. Eýdi eýgoü gatheý'oü etaiý eýde, aý-biamaý niýashiüga amaý. \tr said they, they say. / They went homeward, they say. / Immediately / you should have done that to him, / said, they say / people / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:265.8 \op Agthaý-biamaý ki nuýzhiüga juýba eýdi nazhiüý-biamaý. Ki Keýtoüga ugaýha \tr They went homeward, they say / when / boy / some / there / stood they say. / And / Big turtle / floating \rf jod 1890:265.9 \op a-iý-biamaý. Ugaýs'iü atiý-biamaý. Ki nuýzhiüga juýba eýdi ushkoüý thoüýdi doüýbe \tr was coming, they say. / Peeping / he came, they say. / And / boy / some / there / deed «was done» / at the / to see \rf jod 1890:265.10 \op nazhiüý-biamaý. Keýtoüga nudoüý tiý kiýshti t'eýthathaý-bi eshaiý thoüýshti. Oüdoüýbe \tr stood they say. / Big turtle / to war / came / when, in the past / you killed him, that / you said / heretofore. / Look here \rf jod 1890:265.11 \op ithaýi-ga, aý-biamaý Keýtoüga akaý. Uthaý agthaý-biamaý nuýzhiüga amaý. Keýtoüga t'eýthathaý-bi \tr at me, / said, they say / Big turtle / the «sub.». / To tell it / went homeward, they say / boy / the «sub.». / Big turtle / you killed him that \rf jod 1890:265.12 \op thathaý-bi eshaiý eýde theýta akaý zhuýga kipaýha eýgoü weaýxaxa, aý-biamaý. Keýtoüga akaý \tr you said / but / this one behind / the «sub.» / body / showed his / as / laughed at us, / said they, they say. / Big turtle / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:265.13 \op niýta akaý-biamaý. Hau! oüthoüýnaxiýthai hau, aý-biamaý niýashiüga amaý. Ieýnaxithaý-biamaý. \tr alive / he is they say. / Ho! / we attack him / ! / said, they say / people / the «sub.». / They attacked him they say. \rf jod 1890:265.14 \op Eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Aýwathoüýdi? aý-biamaý. Theýthoüdi, aý-biamaý. Nushnoüý \tr There / they arrived, they say. / In what place? / said they, they say. / In this place, / said «the boys», they say. / Otter \rf jod 1890:265.15 \op aýwathiü eý a. Weýs'a-niýdekaý shti aýwathiü eý a, aý-biamaý. Sheýnoüba uneý tai, \tr where is he moving / ? / Grass-snake / too / where is he moving / ? / said they, they say. / Those two / let them seek him, \rf jod 1890:265.16 \op aý-biamaý. Keýtoüga akaý moüthiüýka moüýte gthiüý-biamaý. Pashiýzhe ishtaý thoü edaýbe \tr said they, they say. / Big turtle / the «sub.» / soil / within «under» / sat they say. / Tip of nose / eye / the «ob.» / also \rf jod 1890:265.17 \op enaýxchi eýthoübe amaý. Weýs'a Nushnoüý eýthoüba unaý-biamaý niý moüýtata. Eshoüýxti \tr alone / emerged / they say. / Snake / Otter / he too / sought him, they say / water / within. / Very near to him \rf jod 1890:265.18 \op iýha-biamaý. Paý thoü aýgazhade-hnoüý-biamaý. Iýthoüboüý eteýgoü ki Nushnoüý itiýxti \tr they passed, they say. / Head / the / they stepped over regularly they say. / A second time / apt / when / Otter / the very abdomen \rf jod 1890:266.1 \op thoüýdi thaxtaý-biamaý. Hau! zhiütheýha, nieý oüshkaýxe, aý-biamaý. Ki, Eaýtoü oüwoüýthaneý? \tr in the / he bit him, they say. / Ho! / elder brother, / pain / you make me, / said he, they say. / And, / Why / you seek me? \rf jod 1890:266.2 \op aý-biamaý Keýtoüga akaý. Uwiýna-maýzhi ha, aý-biamaý. Wabthaýte koüýbtha \tr said, they say / Big turtle / the «sub.». / I did not seek you / , / said he, they say. / I eat / I want \rf jod 1890:266.3 \op oüýgakikipaiý, aý-biamaý. Oüýkazhi, t'eoüýthe goüýtha-maý eýdi utheýhe shkoüýhna goüý \tr we have met each other, / said he, they say. / Not so, / to kill me / they who wish / there / you join / you wished / so \rf jod 1890:266.4 \op oüwoüýthaneý, aý-biamaý. Haý zhiütheý! haý zhiütheý! zhiütheýha! wiýbthahoüý. Uwiýna-maýzhi, \tr you sought me, / said he, they say. / O / elder brother! / O / elder brother! / elder brother O! / I pray to you. / I have not sought you, \rf jod 1890:266.5 \op aý-biamaý. Wiýbthashtoü teýgoü-maýzhi, aý-biamaý. Hau! zhiütheýha, atoüý ki oüýthashtoü \tr said he, they say. / I will by no means let you go «from my mouth», / said he, they say. / Ho! / elder brother, / how long / when / you «open your mouth and» let me go \rf jod 1890:266.6 \op tateý, aý-biamaý. Iügthoüý gthiý ki wiýbthashtoü taý miüke, aý-biamaý. Huü+! Iügthoüý \tr shall, / said he, they say. / Thundergod / has come back / when / I let you go / will / I who, / said he, they say. / Halloo! / Thundergod \rf jod 1890:266.7 \op gthiý ki oüthashtoü aýtha. Huü+! Hi-uýtoüna oüýthaxtai aýtha. Huü+! Niýashiüga \tr has come back / when / he lets me go / indeed. / Halloo! / Between the legs / he bites me / indeed. / Halloo! / People \rf jod 1890:266.8 \op weýka theýtha-biamaý. Thaxtaý-bi eý, aý-biamaý. Hi-uýtoüna thaxtaý-bi eý, aý-biamaý. \tr asking a favor of them / he sent suddenly, they say. / He is bitten, that / he says, / said they, it is said. / Between the legs / he is bitten, that / he says, / said they, it is said. \rf jod 1890:266.9 \op Tiýha uiýtiü-ga, aý-biamaý. Tiýha gapuýki-biamaý. Hau! zhiütheýha, Iügthoüý amaý \tr Tent-skin / hit for him, / said they, they say. / Tent-skin / they made sound by hitting, they say. / Ho! / elder brother, / Thundergod / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:266.10 \op gthiý, aý-biamaý. Gaýama tiýha utiüý, aý-biamaý Keýtoüga akaý. Shi zhoüý gaýxiaýtha \tr has come, / said he, they say. / Those / tent-skin / hit, / said, they say / Big turtle / the «sub.». / Again / wood / to fell it \rf jod 1890:266.11 \op uýdoü, aý-biamaý. Zhoüý ge gaxiýatha-hnoüý-biamaý. Zhoüý ge, Xwi+, xwi+, aý-biamaý. \tr good, / said they, they say. / Wood / the «pl. ob.» / they were felling they say. / Wood / the, / &Khwee, / &Khwee, / said, they say. \nt Khwee = sound of trees falling. [JS] \rf jod 1890:266.12 \op Hau! zhiütheýha, Iügthoüý amaý gthiý, aý-biamaý. Gaýamaý shti zhoüý gaxiaýthai, aý-biamaý \tr Ho! / elder brother, / Thundergod / the «sub.» / has come, / said he, they say. / Those / too / wood / they fell, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:266.13 \op Keýtoüga akaý. Wahuýtoüthiü thishiýbe uýdoü, aý-biamaý. Zhiütheýha, gthiý, aý-biamaý. \tr Big turtle / the «sub.». / Gun / to fire / good, / said they, they say. / Elder brother, / it has come, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:266.14 \op Gaýamaý shti wahuýtoüthiü thishiýbai, aý-biamaý Keýtoüga akaý. Eýgithe Iügthoüý huýtoü-biamaý \tr Those / too / gun / they fire, / said, they say / Big turtle / the «sub.». / At length / Thundergod / roared they say \rf jod 1890:266.15 \op weýahideýxti. Hau! zhiütheýha, gthiý, aý-biamaý. Thashtoüý-biamaý. Nushnoüý \tr very far away. / Ho! / elder brother, / it has come, / said he, they say. / He let him go, they say. / Otter \rf jod 1890:266.16 \op akaý xthaýxchi-biamaý. Gtheý amaý. Xthaxti kiý amaý. \tr the «sub.» / very thin they say. / He went homeward / they say. / Very lean / he reached home, they say. \rf jod 1890:266.17 \op Wazhiüýga noüýba-ma thoüý niý thoü thaxuý tai, aý-biamaý. Btheýxe waýthiü giýi-ga, \tr Bird / the two / the / water / the «ob.» / let them drink it dry, / said they, they say. / Pelican / having them / be ye returning, \rf jod 1890:266.18 \op aý-biamaý. Waýthiü agiý-bi egoüý, Niý thoü thaxuýi-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Niýashiüga wiüý \tr said they, they say. / Having them / they were coming back, they say / when, / Water / the / drink ye dry / , / said they, they say. / Person / one \rf jod 1890:267.1 \op nudoüý atiý eýde t'eýoüwoüthaiý eýde niýta. Weaýxaxaýxtioüýi, t'eoüýthe oügoüýthai \tr to war / came / but / we killed them / but / alive. / He laughs heartily at us, / we kill him / we desire \rf jod 1890:267.2 \op oüthiýzai ki. Thaxuý-biamaý wazhiüýga akaý. Dzhuýbaxchi Keýtoüga gthiüý thoü enaýxchi \tr we take him / when. / Drank it dry, they say / bird / the «sub.». / A very little / Big turtle / sat / the / only \rf jod 1890:267.3 \op ugaýshta-biamaý. Ki Keýtoüga akaý gaý-biamaý: Hau! niýkawasoü Siüýga, eýdi \tr was left they say. / And / Big turtle / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / Ho! / warrior / Gray-squirrel, / there \rf jod 1890:267.4 \op giý-ga, aýgudi thaýthiüsheýiüte, aý-biamaý. Naýthuhaýxti t'eýoüthai, aý-biamaý. Siüýga \tr be coming back, / where / you may be moving, / said he, they say. / Almost / I am killed, / said he, they say. / Gray-squirrel \rf jod 1890:267.5 \op amaý huýtoüxti agiý-biamaý. Waweýnaxiýtha agiý-biamaý. Niý-uzhi thoü waýthabthazaý-biamaý \tr the «sub.» / crying loud / was coming back, they say. / To attack them / he was coming back, they say. / Water-pouch / the / he tore them by biting they say \rf jod 1890:267.6 \op akiýtha. Uthaý'u'udaý-biamaý. Eýgithe niý ke bthuýgaxti eýta akiý-biamaý. \tr both. / He bit holes in «them», they say. / At length / water / the / all / there / reached home, they say. \rf jod 1890:267.7 \op Wachiýshka niuýthishoü thoütaý eýgigoüý-biamaý; niý ugiýzhi-biamaý. Weýbataýi-ga, \tr Creek / lake / to the / it was as before, they say; / water / filled with its, they say. / Sew ye for them, \rf jod 1890:267.8 \op aý-biamaý. Miüýxa amaý Btheýxe-maý nuýde ge weýbataý-biamaý. Weýbate thishtoüý-biamaý. \tr said they, they say. / Swan / the «pl. sub.» / Pelican the / throat / the «ob.» / sewed for them, they say. / Sewing for them / they finished they say. \rf jod 1890:267.9 \op Keý, shi thaxuýi-ga. Washkoüýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe oüthiý'a taiý, aý-biamaý. \tr Come, / again / drink it dry. / Do your best, / said they, they say. / Beware / we fail / lest, / said they, they say. \rf jod 1890:267.10 \op Shi thaxuý-biamaý. Shi niý thoü dzhuýbaxchi ushteý amaý. Haý! niýkawasoü Siüýga, \tr Again / they drank it dry, they say. / Again / water / the «ob.» / a very little / was left / they say. / Ho! / warrior / Gray-squirrel, \rf jod 1890:267.11 \op aýgudi thaýthiüsheýiüte, thaýthuhaýxchi t'eýoüthai. Eýdi giý-ga, aý-biamaý Keýtoüga akaý. \tr wherever you may be moving, / nearly / I am killed. / There / be coming back, / said, they say / Big turtle / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:267.12 \op Eýdi agiý-bi egoüý shi nuýde waýthabthaýbthazaý-biamaý. Shi niý ke bthuýgaxti eýta \tr There / he was coming back, they say / when / again / throat / he bit and tore them in many places, they say. / Again / water / the / all / there \rf jod 1890:267.13 \op akiý-biamaý. Nuýde ge piýazhixti waýxa-biamaý. Bateý shtewoüý piýazhixti waýxa-biamaý, \tr reached home, they say. / Throat / the «ob.» / very bad / he made them, they say. / To sew / in the least / very bad / he made them they say, \rf jod 1890:267.14 \op bateý uthiýshi eýgoü. Shoüý oüwoüýthish'a toüýgatoü. Siüýga amaý thixaý-biamaý \tr to sew / difficult. / Yet / we fail / we who will. / Gray-squirrel / the «mv. ob.» / chased him they say \rf jod 1890:267.15 \op ki thish'aý-biamaý. Siüýga iýt'athewaýthe iýnahiüý a, aý-biamaý. Siüýga e-hnoüý \tr when / they failed, they say. / Gray-squirrel / abominable / very / ! / said they, they say. / Gray-squirrel / alone \rf jod 1890:267.16 \op Keýtoüga zhuýgthai ebtheýgoü. E-hnoüý uthuýki ebtheýgoü, aý-biamaý. Aýdoü oüwoüýthi'ai, \tr Big turtle / with him / I think. / He only / sided with him / I think, / said they, they say. / Therefore / we have failed, \rf jod 1890:267.17 \op aý-biamaý. Shoüýgaxaý-biamaý. Hoüý ki agthaý-biamaý Keýtoüga akaý. Eýdi \tr said they, they say. / They ceased they say. / Night / when / went back, they say. / Big turtle / the «sub.». / There \rf jod 1890:267.18 \op akiý-biamaý zhuýwagthai thoükaýdi. Hau! niýkawasoüý, wamaýxethai ki agtheý-hnoüi. \tr he reached again, they say / he with them / by those who were. / Ho! / warrior, / they get even with them / when / they go homeward usually. \rf jod 1890:267.19 \op Thitan*ge wachiýgaxe ithaýhidai eýzhoümiü aýhoü, aý-biamaý. Agthaý-biamaý. Uýthishoü \tr Your sister / to dance / they are tired of waiting / I suspect / ! / said he, they say. / They went homeward, they say. / Around them \rf jod 1890:268.1 \op moüthiüý-biamaý. Peýxe thoü gigthaýsathu moüthiüý-biamaý. Niýkawasoüý! theýgimoü teý \tr he walked they say. / Gourd / the / rattling his / he walked they say. / Warrior! / thus I do / will \rf jod 1890:268.2 \op eheý-de eýgoü ha, aý-biamaý. Usaý-biamaý. Keýtoüga nudoüý thaiý kiýshti waýhnahiýde-hnoüýi. \tr I said but / so / , / said he, they say. / He burnt «grass», they say. / Big turtle / on the war-path / went / when, in the past / you invariably ridiculed. \rf jod 1890:268.3 \op Niýkashiüga waýxthi giý-bi eýskoü amaý usaý-biamaý. Eýgithe tiýi thoü \tr People / killed them / he is coming back / they think that / they say / he burnt «grass», they say. / At length / village / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:268.4 \op eýthoübe akiý-biamaý. Wahuýtoüthiü thishiýba-bi egoüý nazhiýha zhoüýzhiüga ugaýshke \tr in sight / they reached home, they say. / Gun «?» / fired, they say / having / hair / stick / tied to \rf jod 1890:268.5 \op athiüý-bi egoüý, Nudoüý amaý sheýagthiý. Iýgashoüýshoü. Niýkashiüga waýxthi shagiý. Iüýthapa \tr having it, they say / when, / They who went to war / there they have come. / They ran round and round. / People / killed them / there they are coming back. / Corn-crusher \rf jod 1890:268.6 \op wiüý t'eýthe aý-bi no+! Tiýadiýxti t'eýthe aý-bi no+! aý-biamaý. Mikaýhe tiýadiýxti \tr one / he killed / he says / «see note». / Right in the lodge / he killed him / he says / said he, they say. / Comb / right in the lodge \rf jod 1890:268.7 \op wiüý t'eýthe aý-bi no+! aý-biamaý. Waýku tiýadiýxti wiüý t'eýthe aý-bi no+! aý-biamaý. \tr one / he killed / he says! / said he, they say. / Awl / right in the lodge / one / he killed / he says! / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:268.8 \op Weýhe tiýadiýxti wiüý t'eýthe aý-bi no+! aý-biamaý. Siüýga gazoüýadixti thaýbthiü \tr Pestle / right in the lodge / one / he killed / he says! / said he, they say. / Gray-squirrel / right among them / three \rf jod 1890:268.9 \op t'eýwathe aý bi no+! aý-biamaý. Nudoüýhoüga gazoüýadixti za'eýxti Keýtoüga \tr killed them / he says / ! / said he, they say. / War-chief / right among them / in a great uproar / Big turtle \rf jod 1890:268.10 \op uthoüý-biamaý no+! Thi'aý-biamaý no+! aý-biamaý. Iýkizhuýxti moüthiüý-biamaý. \tr they held him, they say! / They failed, they say! / said he, it is said. / Very proud / he walked they say. \rf jod 1890:268.11 \op Tahaýwagthe gi'iüý moüthiüý-biamaý Keýtoüga. Tiý te upeý agthaý-biamaý. Uýgtha \tr Shield / carrying his / walked they say / Big turtle. / Lodge / the «ob.» / to enter / he went homeward, they say. / Telling of himself to them \rf jod 1890:268.12 \op gthiüý-biamaý. Niýkashiüga na'oüý goüýthai eýgoü eýdi ahiý-hnoü-biamaý. Eaýtoü \tr he sat they say. / People / to hear it / wished / as / there / they arrived regularly they say. / Why \rf jod 1890:268.13 \op thiýthi'aiý a, eshoüýxchi aýiaýgthiü. Eshoüýxchi iýthagthiüý ki eaýtoü ki thaniýta. Niý noüýape \tr did they fail with you / ? / very near / they sat. / Very near / you sat / if / how / when / you alive. / Water / I feared \rf jod 1890:268.14 \op paýxe goüý aniýta, aý-biamaý. Shoüýde guýdama ishtaý thiügaiý, aý-biamaý. Eaýtoü \tr I pretended / so / I alive, / said he, they say. / If so / those over there / eye / they have none, / said they, they say. / How \rf jod 1890:268.15 \op ki thaniýta iýthitha-baýzhi. Eýgoüthoüýzha maxuýde moüýte agthiüý goüý aniýta, aý-biamaý. \tr if / you alive / they did not find you. / Nevertheless / ashes / in / I sat / so / I alive, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:268.16 \op Niýkashiüga waýxthi agthiý. Eaýtoü iütheýzhai a, aý-biamaý. Niýashiüga thiaýxthi-hnoüýi \tr Person / killing them / I have come home. / Why / you doubt me / ? / said he, they say. / People / killing you regularly \rf jod 1890:268.17 \op wathaýkihna-baýzhi eýgoü weýnudoü piý. Niýashiüga t'eýawathe. Eaýtoü iütheýzhai eýiüte. \tr you did not take vengeance on them / as / to war on them / I was there. / People / I killed them. / Why / you doubt me / may? \rf jod 1890:268.18 \op Sheýna uaýgtha taý miüke. Shoüýpaxe, aý-biamaý. Shetoüý. \tr Enough / I tell of myself / will / I who. / I have stopped, / said he, they say. / So far. \rf jod 1890:268.19 \ti The man and the snake-man \op Niýashiüga wiüý tiý juýba ediý amaýma; heýgabazhiý-biamaý. Ki sheýnuzhiüýga \tr People / one / lodge / some / there / were, they say; / not a few they say. / And / young man \rf jod 1890:277.1 \op wiüý niýashiüga uýdoüxtiý-bi wazhiüýshtoü athaý-biamaý. Xthabeý shugaýxti teýdi paheý \tr one / person / very good, they say / in a bad humor / went they say. / Tree / very thick / at the / hill \rf jod 1890:277.2 \op toügaýxti eýdi uiýthoübe athaý-biamaý. Ki xthabeý shi aýmataýtoü eýgithe niýashiüga \tr very large / there / up-hill / he went, they say. / And / tree / again / from the other direction / at length / person \rf jod 1890:277.3 \op wachiýshka aýma te eý shti uhaý a-iýi te. Paheý eý shti tapeý a-iýi te. Woüýdoüxti \tr creek / other / the / he / too / following it / was coming. / Hill / he / too / when near it / was coming. / Right together \rf jod 1890:277.4 \op aýkikipaý-biamaý. Kitoüýbexti goüý nazhiüý-biamaý. Eýgithe gaýta guýatoü a-iý akaý \tr they met each other, they say. / Looking hard at each other / so / they stood, they say. / At length / to that place «see note» / from the place beyond / was approaching / the one who \rf jod 1890:277.5 \op eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Zhuýgthe nazhiüý-biamaý. Na! oügaýgthe teý, aý-biamaý. Wahnaýte \tr there / arrived, they say. / With him / he stood, they say. / Why! / let us go homeward, / said he, they say. / You eat \rf jod 1890:277.6 \op teý, aý-biamaý. Goüý zhuýgthe athaý-biamaý. Eýgithe niýashiüga wahiý thoü goüý-thoü amaý. \tr will, / said he, they say. / So / with him / he went, they say. / Behold / people / bone / the «ob.» / in a curvilinear heap for some time / they say. \rf jod 1890:278.1 \op T'eýwathaiý-ma eý niýashiüga zhuýgthe atheý akaý e-hnoüý eý t'eýwathe akaýma. Hau, \tr Those who were killed / he / man / with him / went / he who / he only / he / had killed them, they say. / Well, \rf jod 1890:278.2 \op wa'uýzhiügaýxchi eýdi gthiüý akaýma. Tiý teýdi wathaýte te wa'uýzhiügaýxchi eý niýashiüga \tr very old woman / there / was sitting, they say. / Lodge / in the / food / the / very old woman / she / persons \rf jod 1890:278.3 \op t'eýwathaiý e heýbe thateý teýgoü, uýhoü uiýgthoü-biamaý. Niüýdethaý-biamaý ha. \tr killed / them / piece / to eat / in order that, / pot / she put in for him, they say. / She caused it to be done, they say / \rf jod 1890:278.4 \op Bthaýta-maýzhi-hnoü-moüý, aý-biamaý. Ki watoüýzi juýba theýthiü ithoüýathe he, \tr I never eat it, / said he, they say. / And / corn / some / this «sort» / I have put away / , \rf jod 1890:278.5 \op aý-biamaý. Eý hnaýte-hnoü eýiüte, aý-biamaý (wa'uýzhiüga akaý). Oüýhoü, aý-biamaý. \tr said she, they say. / That / you eat regularly / it may be, / said, they say / (old woman / the). / Yes, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:278.6 \op Goüý shi niýkashiüga taniý teýdi shoüý uzhiý-biamaý watoüýzi te. Ki goüý niüýde ki \tr So / again / men / soup / in the / at any rate / she put it in, they say / corn / the «ob.». / And / so / cooked / when \rf jod 1890:278.7 \op uiýzhi-biamaý, goüý thataý-biamaý. Piýazhi iýnahiü aýhoü, etheýgoü gthiüý akaýma (sheýnuzhiüýga \tr she filled for him, they say, / and / he ate they say. / Bad / indeed / ! / thinking / was sitting, they say / (young man \rf jod 1890:278.8 \op akaý). Niýashiüga hniükeý, tha'eýwithe, aý-biamaý wa'uýzhiüga akaý. Niýashiüga \tr the). / Person / you who are, / I pity you, / said, they say / old woman / the «sub.». / Person \rf jod 1890:278.9 \op hniükeý, uýdoüxti hniükeý, tha'eýwithe, aý-biamaý. Edaýdoüxti iýthigashtoüýka-ba \tr you who are, / very good / you who are, / I pity you, / said she, they say. / What indeed / he tempted you with and \rf jod 1890:278.10 \op zhuýthigthe agiýi te eaýtoü iýthanahiü eýiüte, aý-biamaý. Piý-shtewoü-baýzhi, aý-biamaý. \tr with you / he was returning / when / how / you consent / could? / said she, they say. / Not at all good, / said she, they say. \rf jod 1890:278.11 \op Niýashiüga wahiý theý shtoüýbe ki eý t'eýwathai, aý-biamaý. Gasaýni hoüýegoücheýxchi \tr Men / bone / this / you see / the / he / killed them, / said she, they say. / To-morrow / early in the morning \rf jod 1890:278.12 \op theý tateý, aý-biamaý wa'uýzhiüga akaý. (Eý Weýs'a-niýashiüga akaýma, eý zhuýgthe \tr he go / shall, / said, they say / old woman / the «sub.». / (He / Snake-man / was, they say, / he / with him \rf jod 1890:278.13 \op akiý akaýma. Shiüýwakithe-hnoüý-biamaý ki oüýba duýba saýtoü zhoüý-xtieýgoü \tr reached home / he who, they say. / He fattened them regularly they say / when / day / four / five / sleep about \rf jod 1890:278.14 \op t'eýwathe-hnoüý-biamaý.) Eýgoü-hnoüýi. T'eýoüthaýthe te, aý-biamaý wa'uýzhiüga akaý. \tr he killed them regularly they say.) / So it is usually. / You kill me / will, / said, they say / old woman / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:278.15 \op Oühniýshtoü ki wathaýnaxthiüý te, aý-biamaý. Wahiý ge waiiüý ithaýgaxade iheýoüthaý-a, \tr You finish me / when / you hurry «away» / will, / said she, they say. / Bone / the «pl. ob.» / robe / covered with / lay me down, \rf jod 1890:278.16 \op aý-biamaý. Ki oühniýshtoü tediýhi hiübeý sheýthoü wiüý ithoüýatheý-de wi'iý, aý-biamaý. \tr said she, they say. / And / you finish me / arrives at the / moccasin / that / one I put away, but / I give to you, / said she, they say. \rf jod 1890:278.17 \op Wathaýshkoü teý, aý-biamaý. Atoüýxti wathuýdeazhi shiý shteýshtewoüý paýze tediýhi ki \tr You do your best / will, / said she, they say. / However far / distant / you reach / notwithstanding / evening / arrives at the / when \rf jod 1890:278.18 \op uthiýxthe taý akaý Weýs'a akaý, aý-biamaý wa'uýzhiüga akaý. Goüý theý hiübeý thoü \tr overtake you / will / he who / Snake / the «sub.», / said, they say / old woman / the «sub.». / And / this / moccasin / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:278.19 \op wi'iý thoü sihniýze teýdi theý pathaýge shtoüýbe te shiý tateý, aý-biamaý. Niýashiüga \tr I give to you / the «ob.» / you take steps forward / when / this / headland / you see / the / you reach / shall, / said she, they say. / Man \rf jod 1890:278.20 \op wiüý eýdi nazhiüý. Eýdi shiý-doü waxiüýha gaýthoü tha'iý te, aý-biamaý. Ki eýdi shiý \tr one / there / stands. / There / you reach and / paper / that / you give to him / will, / said she, they say. / And / there / you reach \rf jod 1890:279.1 \op tediýhi ki thishnuýd-adoü duýdugaxthe ithoüýtha-a he. Gthiý tateý, aý-biamaý wa'uýzhiüga \tr it arrives at / when / pull off and / facing this way / place them / . / Come home / shall, / said, they say / old woman \rf jod 1890:279.2 \op akaý. Goüýki wa'uýzhiüga akaý bthuýga uiýtha-biamaý goüý, t'eýtha-biamaý. Hoüýegoücheýxchi \tr the «sub.». / And / old woman / the «sub.» / all / told to him, they say / as, / he killed her, they say. / Early in the morning \rf jod 1890:279.3 \op ki tazhuý ke gasnaý-biamaý. Thishtoüý-biamaý. Eýgithe shiýbe te thigthaý-biamaý. \tr when / flesh / the / he gashed it «+cut into strips», they say. / He finished, they say. / At length / entrails / the «ob.» / he uncoiled, they say. \rf jod 1890:279.4 \op Niý kiýta athiüý ahiý-biamaý. Niý ke theýtoü eýgihitheýtha-biamaý. Shiýbe ugaýhaha \tr Water / to the / having them / he arrived, they say. / Water / the / this far / right into it he plunged them, they say. / Bowels / floating in tiny waves \rf jod 1890:279.5 \op azhoüý amaý. Wahiý ge waiiüý ithaýgaxade iheýtha-biamaý. Hiübeý thoü thizaý-biamaý; \tr lay on / they say. / Bone / the «pl. ob.» / robe / covered with / he laid her down, they say. / Moccasin / the «ob.» / he took, they say; \rf jod 1890:279.6 \op goüý iüýchoü athaý-bi ki, baxuý eýdi ahiý-bi ki, pathaýge te wathiýshna iýthe amaý. Goüý \tr so / now / he went, they say / when, / peak / there / he arrived, they say / when, / headland / the «ob.» / became visible / they say. / So \rf jod 1890:279.7 \op wiüaýxchioü sithiýzai teýdi pathaýge wathuýdeazhi te eýdi ahiý-biamaý; ahiýxti theýtha-biamaý. \tr once / he took a step forward / when / headland / distant / the «ob.» / there / he arrived, they say; / he arrived suddenly right there they say. \rf jod 1890:279.8 \op Goüý niýashiüga wiüý eýdi nazhiüý akaýma. Goüý waxiüýha thoü 'iý-biamaý. \tr And / man / one / there / was standing, they say. / And / paper / the «ob.» / he gave to him, they say. \rf jod 1890:279.9 \op Hau! wanaýxthiü-ga, aý-biamaý. Hiübeý thoü wa'uýzhiüga wa'iý thoü thishnuýda-bi \tr Ho! / hasten, / said he, they say. / Moccasin / the «ob.» / old woman / gave to him / the «ob.» / pulled off, they say \rf jod 1890:279.10 \op egoüý, eýtugaýxthe gthiüýkithaý-biamaý, Gtheý te, etheýgoü-bi egoüý. Shi niýashiüga akaý \tr having, / facing that way / he caused them to sit, they say, / Go homeward / will, / thought, they say / having. / Again / man / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:279.11 \op shi eýgoü hiübeý thoü 'iý-biamaý, waxiüýha wiüý edaýbe. Shiý tediýhi ki waxiüýha \tr again / so «+like» / moccasin / the «ob.» / gave to him, they say, / paper / one / also. / You arrive / «+hereafter» / when / paper \rf jod 1890:279.12 \op gaýthoü theýshpaha teý, aý-biamaý. Shiý tediýhi ki hiübeý thishnuýd-adoüý tizheýbe teýdi \tr that «ob.» / you show to him / will, / said he, they say. / You arrive / «+hereafter» / when / moccasin / pull off and / door / at the \rf jod 1890:279.13 \op ithoüýtha-ga, aý-biamaý (niýashiüga akaý). Oüýhoü, aý-biamaý (sheýnuzhiüga akaý). \tr place them, / said, they say / (man / the). / Yes, / said, they say / (young man / the). \rf jod 1890:279.14 \op Wanaýxthiü-ga, aý-biamaý (niýashiüga akaý). Koüýge ahiý-biamaý. Goüý niýashiüga \tr Hurry, / said, they say / (man / the). / Near, after moving / he arrived, they say. / And / man \rf jod 1890:279.15 \op wiüý shi eýdi nazhiüý akaýma. Waxiüýha thoü 'iý-biamaý. Hau! wanaýxthiü-ga, \tr one / again / there / was standing, they say. / Paper / the «ob.» / he gave to him, they say. / Ho! / hurry, \rf jod 1890:279.16 \op aý-biamaý (niýashiüga akaý). Hiübeý thoü niýashiüga pahoüýga akaý wa'iý thoü thishnuýda-bi \tr said, they say / (man / the). / Moccasin / the «ob.» / man / the first / the «sub.» / gave to him / the «ob.» / pulled off they say \rf jod 1890:279.17 \op egoüý, tizheýbe teýdi ithoüýtha-biamaý. Goüý niýashiüga aýma akaý hiübeý thoü shi \tr having, / door / at the / he placed them, they say. / And / man / the other / the «sub.» / moccasin / the «ob.» / again \rf jod 1890:279.18 \op wiüý 'iý-biamaý. Ki gaý-biamaý: Theý hneý uthaýtoü te. Niýashiüga wiüý gaýtedi nazhiüý. \tr one / he gave to him, they say. / And / said as follows, they say: / This / you go / you put on moccasins / will. / Man / one / in that place / stands. \rf jod 1890:279.19 \op Eýdi hneý te. Washkoüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Shi eýgoü hiübeý 'iý-biamaý waxiüýha \tr There / you go / will. / Do your best, / said he, they say. / Again / like «him» / moccasin / he gave to him, they say / paper \rf jod 1890:279.20 \op edaýbe. Eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Ahau! wanaýxthiü-ga, aý-biamaý. Hiübeý aýshiaýdi \tr also. / There / he arrived, they say. / Oho! / hurry, / said he, they say. / Moccasin / at the outside \rf jod 1890:280.1 \op ithoüýtha-biamaý. Ki gaý-biamaý: Gaýtedi niý wiüý eýdi keý amaý. Sihniýze theýthathe \tr he placed them, they say. / And / he said as follows, they say: / In that place / water / one / there / lies / they say. / You take sudden steps forward \rf jod 1890:280.2 \op ki, niý doüýbazhi-ga, aý-biamaý. Ki eýgoü-biamaý. Goüý athaiý te. Masaýni ahiý-biamaý. \tr when, / water / do not look at it, / said he, they say. / And / so they say. / So / he went. / The other side / he reached they say. \rf jod 1890:280.3 \op Hiübeý thoü weýgithishnudaý-biamaý. Paýze ahiý-biamaý. Eý wa'uýzhiüga \tr Moccasin / the «ob.» / pulled off their «from his feet» for them, they say. / Evening / arrived, they say. / That / old woman \rf jod 1890:280.4 \op t'eýthai ediýtoü athaiý te paýze te eýe ha. Wachiashka uiýthoübe tiýthe uhaý athaý-biamaý, \tr he killed her / since / he went / evening / the / that was it / . / Creek / up-hill / passed on / following it / he went they say, \rf jod 1890:280.5 \op pamuý. Niuýthishan iýdoübeýxti ahiý-bi egoüý eýgithe niýashiüga ubeýsniü-biamaý. \tr down-hill. / Lake / in the very middle / arrived, they say / having / behold / person / he found out they say. \rf jod 1890:280.6 \op Eýgaxe agiýi te. Sigtheý ke ugiýha xaýtha agiýi te. \tr Around / he was returning. / Trail / the / following his own / back again / he was coming. \rf jod 1890:280.7 \op Iüýbezhiýde-ma thoüý eýgoüxti kikaýxa-biamaý sheýnuzhiüýga akaý. Huhuý zhiüga \tr The red-tails / the / just so / made himself, they say / young man / the «sub.». / Fish / small \rf jod 1890:280.8 \op niý ke iýgagtheýze zhoüý-biamaý. Weýs'a akaý paheý thoü eýthoübe zhoüý-biamaý. \tr water / the «ob.» / causing ripples / lay, they say. / Snake / the «sub.» / hill / the «ob.» / in sight / lay, they say. \rf jod 1890:280.9 \op Weýs'a akaý iýmaxaý-biamaý. Niýashiüga wiüý uaýne, aý-biamaý. Shoüý wathiýshnaxti \tr Snake / the «sub.» / asked him, they say. / Person / one / I seek, / said he, they say. / And / in full sight \rf jod 1890:280.10 \op aýgahaxti moühniüý eýgoü wazhiüýga thiüý shtewoüý giýoü moüthiüý ki shtoüýbe te, \tr on the very surface / you walk / so / bird / the «ob.» / soever / flying / walks / if / you see it / will, \rf jod 1890:280.11 \op aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, eýgoü eýde toüýba-maýzhi, aý-biamaý. Toüýbe ki uwiýbtha te, \tr said he, they say. / Yes, / so / but / I have not seen them, / said he, they say. / I see him / if / I tell you / will, \rf jod 1890:280.12 \op aý-biamaý. Goüý athaý-biamaý Weýs'a amaý aýgaxthexti. Nikoüýhaxchi uhaý-biamaý \tr said he, they say. / So / went, they say / Snake / the «sub.» / right with the current. / On the very edge of the stream / followed, they say \rf jod 1890:280.13 \op Weýs'a amaý. Eýgithe Ikoüýgit'e xuýdexchi gthiüý akaýma. Theýgoüxti ahiý-biamaý. \tr Snake / the «sub.». / At length / Toad / very gray / was sitting, they say. / Just thus / he arrived, they say. \rf jod 1890:280.14 \op Niýashiüga wiüý theýthu iý eýgoü shtoüýbewaýthe-hnoüý, aý-biamaý. Keýnaxthe shteýshtewoüý \tr Person / one / here / having been coming / you may have seen him, / said he, they say. / Shadow / even if \rf jod 1890:280.15 \op shtoüýbewaýthe-hnoüý, aý-biamaý. Uaýne, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, kageýha, theýthu niýashiüga \tr you may have seen it, / said he, they say. / I seek him, / said he, they say. / Yes, / friend, / here / person \rf jod 1890:280.16 \op wiüý oüýbithaýzhoü ki niýashiüga wiüý oüýthiü toüýde noüp'oüýde; eýde aýwateýta e'oüý \tr one / I lay by day / when / person / one / came near «+almost» / ground / shaking it as he walked; / but / whither / how \rf jod 1890:280.17 \op theýiüte ithaýpahoü-maýzhi, aý-biamaý. Eýe ha, aý-biamaý. Eý uaýne thiü eý, aý-biamaý. \tr he may have gone / I do not know, / said he, they say. / That is he / , / said he, they say. / He / I seek him / the one / he, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:280.18 \op Goüý niý ke uhaý athaý-biamaý. Goüý aýnasa-biamaý ki hiýazhi amaý. Shi eýgaxe \tr So / water / the «ob.» / following it / he went, they say. / So / he cut off «his retreat» they say / when / he had not arrived. / Again / around \rf jod 1890:280.19 \op agiý-biamaý. Shi ahiýi teýta thiügeýe ha. Niý ke shi ugiýha agiýi te. Eýgithe \tr he was coming back, they say. / Again / he arrived / at the / there was none / . / Water / the «ob.» / again / following his own «trail» / he was returning. / At length \rf jod 1890:280.20 \op theý niýtoügaýxti ke iýdoübeýxti agiý-biamaý. Eýgithe, Huhuý toügaýxti wiüý nikoüýha \tr this / very big stream / the «ob.» / in the very middle / he was coming back, they say. / Behold, / Fish / very big / one / edge of the water \rf jod 1890:281.1 \op xeýbe keýdi zhoüý amaý. Waweýmaxaý-biamaý. Niýashiüga, kageýha, uaýn eýde \tr shallow / in the / he lay / they say. / He questioned him, they say. / Person, / O friend, / I seek / but \rf jod 1890:281.2 \op ithaýtha-maýzhi, aý-biamaý. Sheýthu uýwathakieý akaý thoüý eýe ha, aý-biamaý. Wuhuý! \tr I have not found him, / said he, they say. / Yonder / you talked with them / the one who / in the past / it is he / , / said he, they say. / Is it possible! \rf jod 1890:281.3 \op aý-biamaý. Uýmakazhiýxchioüý aýakip eýde iýpahoü-maýzhi ha, aý-biamaý Weýs'a akaý. \tr said he, they say. / Not very easily / I met him / but / I did not know him / , / said, they say / Snake / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:281.4 \op Goüý agthaý-biamaý. Ki eý-biamaý Huhuý toüýga akaý. Goüýki mazhoüý ushkoüý \tr So / he went homeward, they say. / And / it was he, they say / Fish / big / the «sub.». / And / land / where the deed \rf jod 1890:281.5 \op thoüýdi akiý-biamaý. Eýxti akiý-biamaý ki Siüýsnedewaýgithe amaý wiüý itaýxataýtoü \tr was done / he reached home, they say. / He himself / reached home, they say / when / Muskrat / the «sub.» / one / from up stream \rf jod 1890:281.6 \op a-iý-biamaý. Uthoüý-biamaý Weýs'a akaý. Waweýwimaýxe teýiüke, aý-biamaý. Iüdaýdoü \tr was approaching, they say. / Held him, they say / Snake / the «sub.». / I question you / will, / said he, they say. / What \rf jod 1890:281.7 \op oüthoüýthamaýxe teýiüte? Thakuýth eýgoü-ga, aý-biamaý Siüýsnedewaýgithe akaý. Shoüý, \tr you ask me / may? / Do speak quickly, / said , they say / Muskrat / the «sub.». / Still, \rf jod 1890:281.8 \op Niýashiüga uaýkie-de theýthu nazhiüýakitheý-de eý thiýehniüý ebtheýgoü, aý-biamaý (Weýs'a \tr Person / I talked to him when / here / I caused him to stand and / he / you are he / I think, / said, they say / (Snake \rf jod 1890:281.9 \op akaý). Oüýkazhi, aý-biamaý Siüýsnedewaýgithe akaý. Na! theý niýashiüga uýwathaýki \tr the). / No, / said, they say / Muskrat / the «sub.». / Why! / this / person / you talked with them \rf jod 1890:281.10 \op esheý amaý ithaýpahoü, aý-biamaý Siüýsnedewaýgithe akaý. Theýthoüdi agthiüý ki niýashiüga \tr you say / the one who moves / I know him, / said, they say / Muskrat / the «sub.». / In this place / I sat / when / person \rf jod 1890:281.11 \op wiüý tiý wiwiýta te shoüýxti iýhe athaiý, aý-biamaý. Zhoüý wiüý niý moüýte bixoüý-biamaý. \tr one / lodge / my own / the / in spite of / passing by / went, / said he, they say. / Wood / one / water / within / he broke by pressing on they say. \rf jod 1890:281.12 \op Eý niý moüýte oüýpai teýdi shoüý edaýdoü shteýshtewoü abthiüý agtheý ki aýagthiüýhnoü-moüý \tr He / water / within / asked me to go with him / when / yet / what / soever / I had it / I went homeward / when / I sit on it regularly \rf jod 1890:281.13 \op eýde iüýbixoü, aý-biamaý Siüýsnedewaýgithe akaý. Ki oüýba aýgudi teýdi, \tr but / he broke it for me, / said, they say / Muskrat / the «sub.». / And / day / where / when, \rf jod 1890:281.14 \op aý-biamaý (Wes'a akaý). Na! siýdadi miüý moüýshixti tithoüý, eý tiý wiwiýta iýhe \tr said, they say / (Snake / the). / Why! / yesterday / sun / very high / had become, / he lodge / my own / passing by \rf jod 1890:281.15 \op athaiý. Ki eýdi theý ki zhoüý ke bixoüý, aý-biamaý (Siüýsnedewaýgithe akaý). Goüý \tr went. / And / there / went / when / wood / the / he broke, / said, they say / (Muskrat / the). / So \rf jod 1890:281.16 \op wiüýkegaxaý-biamaý. Kageýha, wiüýthakextioüý, aý-biamaý (Weýs'a akaý). Piý \tr he believed him they say. / Friend, / you speak the very truth, / said, they say / (Snake / the). / Again \rf jod 1890:281.17 \op nikoüýha iýhe athaý-biamaý (Weýs'a amaý). Goüý theý nikoüýha-taýthishoü thiýxe-saýgi \tr bank of the stream / passing / went, they say / (Snake / the). / And / this / towards the bank of the stream / red willows \rf jod 1890:281.18 \op niý ke aýgapaýmu gthiüý-biamaý. Kehaýmazhiýde eýdi gthiüý akaýma. Uthoüý-biamaý \tr water / the «ob.» / leaning down close to / sat they say. / Red-breasted turtle / there / was sitting, they say. / Held him, they say \rf jod 1890:281.19 \op Weýs'a akaý. Waweýwimaýxe taý miüke, aý-biamaý. Niýashiüga uaýne-hnoü-moüý \tr Snake / the «sub.». / I question you / will / I who, / said he, they say. / Person / I have sought him regularly \rf jod 1890:281.20 \op eýde ithaýtha-mazhi, aý-biamaý (Weýs'a akaý). Oüýkazhiýxtioüý, aý-biamaý (Kehaýmazhiýde \tr but / I have not found him / said, they say / (Snake / the). / Not so at all, / said, they say / (Red-breasted turtle \rf jod 1890:281.21 \op akaý). Iüýchoüxchi eýthoübe agthiý. Neý thoü niuýgashuýpa ediýtoü eýthoübe agthi, \tr the). / Just now / in sight / have I come again. / Lake / the / pond / from it / in sight / have I come again, \rf jod 1890:282.1 \op aý-biamaý. Aýdoü iüdaýdoü shtewoüý uýshiaýkitha-maýzhi, kageýha, aý-biamaý. Athaý-biamaý \tr said he, they say. / Therefore / what / soever / I have not deceived «any one», / O friend, / said he, they say. / Went they say \rf jod 1890:282.2 \op (Weýs'a amaý). Eýgithe Teýbia tuýxti amaý wiüý niý xeýbe koüýha keýdi \tr (Snake / the). / At length / Frog / very green / the ones who / one / water / shallow / edge / by the \rf jod 1890:282.3 \op ugaýha goüý gthiüý akaýma. Eýdi ahiý-biamaý Weýs'a akaý. Kageýha, niýashiüga \tr floating / so / was sitting, they say. / There / arrived, they say / Snake / the «sub.». / Friend, / person \rf jod 1890:282.4 \op uaýne-hnoü-moüý. Eýgithe shtoüýbewaýthe, aý-biamaý. Oüý, aý-biamaý (Teýbia akaý). \tr I have sought him regularly. / At length / you may have seen him, / said he, they say. / Yes, / said, they say / (Frog / the). \rf jod 1890:282.5 \op Keý, uthaý-ga, aý-biamaý. Niýashiüga uaýne-hnoü-moüý eýde ithaýtha-maýzhi. Eýskana \tr Come, / tell it, / said he, they say. / Person / I have sought him regularly / but / I have not found him. / Oh that \rf jod 1890:282.6 \op shtoüýbeiüte thuýtoüxti iüwiüýthahna koübtheýgoü, aý-biamaý (Weýs'a akaý). Xaý-i-naý! \tr if you have seen him / very straight / you tell to me / I hope, / said, they say / (Snake / the). / Is it possible! \rf jod 1890:282.7 \op Kageýha, siýdadi paýzexchi-hnoü thoüýdi theýtahitheýthoüta niý uthiýbthi gthiüý thoü eýdi \tr Friend, / yesterday / very late in the evening / at the «time» / at this one behind / water / eddy / sits / the «ob.» / there \rf jod 1890:282.8 \op agthiüý ki niýashiüga kiýnaxthe toüýbe, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, kageýha, eýe ha, aý-biamaý. \tr I sat / when / person / shadow / I saw, / said he, they say. / Yes, / friend, / it was he / , / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:282.9 \op Eý uaýne ha, aý-biamaý. Goüý itaýxata geýthishoü goüý eýta athaý-biamaý Weýs'a \tr He / I seek him / , / said he, they say. / So / up stream / to that side / so / thither / went, they say / Snake \rf jod 1890:282.10 \op akaý. Shi eý theýke uhaý athaiý te. Goüý neý wiüý tatiüýxe aýkishugaýxti eýgoü keýdi \tr the «sub.». / Again / he / this «lg. ob.» / following it / went. / So / lake / one / green scum / very thick / like / in the \rf jod 1890:282.11 \op Keýtoüga ameý-de baýkiaýhoü moüthiüý amaý. Weýs'a akaý noüýka aýgthiü ithoüý-biamaý. \tr Big turtle / the «sub.», and / pushing and raising it / walked / they say. / Snake / the «sub.» / back / sat on suddenly they say. \rf jod 1890:282.12 \op Kageýha, waweýwimaýxe taý miüke. Eýthoübe eýgoü-ga, aý-biamaý. Na! \tr Friend, / I question you / will / I who. / Do emerge «from the water», / said he, they say. / Why! \rf jod 1890:282.13 \op iüdaýdoü oüthoüýthamaýxe taýdoü? aý-biamaý. Niýkashiüga ameý edediý-amaý thoüýzha \tr what / you ask me / will? / said he, they say. / Person / he who is / there is he moving / though \rf jod 1890:282.14 \op weýshpahoüýzhi tediýhi t'eýthithe taiý. Aýdoü shoüýgaxa-ga, aý-biamaý (Keýtoüga akaý). \tr you do not know him / when / he will kill you. / Therefore / quit it, / said, they say / (Big turtle / the). \rf jod 1890:282.15 \op Weýs'a akaý puýpuxaýxchi gthiüý-bi egoüý (gagiýgixe, paý thoü moüýshi), Keýtoüga \tr Snake / the «sub.» / drawn up very much / sat, they say / having / (coiled up, / head / the «ob.» / high), / Big turtle \rf jod 1890:282.16 \op thiükeý eý eýskoü etheýgoü gthiüý-biama. Kageýha, thuýtoü iüwiüýtha-ga, aý-biamaý \tr he who / he / it might be / thinking / he sat, they say. / Friend, / straight / tell it to me, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:282.17 \op Weýs'a akaý. Oüýkazhi, aý-biamaý Keýtoüga akaý. Na! uwiýbtha tethoüý, wiüýake \tr Snake / the «sub.». / No, / said, they say / Big turtle / the «sub.». / Why! / what I have told you, / I told the truth \rf jod 1890:282.18 \op eýgoü, aý-biamaý. Eýgoü gaxaýzhi-ga. Niýkashiüga amaý edediý-amaý thoüýzha weýshpahoüýzhi \tr like it, / said he, they say. / So / do not. / Person / the «sub.» / there is he moving / though / you do not know him \rf jod 1890:282.19 \op tediýhi thiý eýgithe t'eýthithe taiý, aý-biamaý Keýtoüga aýkaý. Piýxti kigthiýhoü gthiüý-biamaý \tr when / you / beware / lest he kill / you, / said, they say / Big turtle / the «sub.». / Yet again / raising himself / sat they say \rf jod 1890:282.20 \op Weýs'a akaý. Theýthiükeý sheý aýhoü, etheýgoü-biamaý. Keý, kageýha, na! \tr Snake / the «sub.». / This one / that / ! / thought he, they say. / Come, / friend, / why! \rf jod 1890:282.21 \op iüwiüýtha-ga ha, aý-biamaý Weýs'a akaý. Oüthoüýsabe heýga-maýzhi. Iüwiüýtha-ga, \tr tell me / , / said, they say / Snake / the «sub.». / I suffer / I very much. / Tell me, \rf jod 1890:283.1 \op aý-biamaý. Xa-iý! ikaýge aýna'oüzhi iýnahiü, aý-biamaý (Keýtoüga akaý). Uwiýbtha \tr said he, they say. / Wonderful! / his friend / he does not listen to / indeed, / said, they say / (Big turtle / the). / I tell you \rf jod 1890:283.2 \op taý miüke, aý-biamaý. Washkoüý-ga, aý-biamaý Weýs'a akaý. Sheý niýtoügaýxti teýdi \tr will / I who, / said he, they say. / Do your best / said, they say / Snake / the «sub.». / That / very big water / at the \rf jod 1890:283.3 \op shtoüýbe kethoüý niýkashiüga uthaýne thiü eýdi zhoüýi. Washkoüý-ga, aý-biamaý Keýtoüga \tr what you saw formerly / person / you seek / the one who / there / lies. / Do your best, / said, they say / Big turtle \rf jod 1890:283.4 \op akaý. Kageýha, wiüýthakeý a, aý-biamaý Weýs'a akaý. Eýdi zhoüýi. Washkoüý-ga. \tr the «sub.». / Friend, / you tell the truth / ? / said, they say / Snake / the «sub.». / There / he lies. / Do your best. \rf jod 1890:283.5 \op Weýshpahoüýzhi tediýhi thiý t'eýthithe taý akaý ha, aý-biamaý Keýtoüga akaý. Eýdi btheý \tr You do not know him / when / you / he kill you / will / he who / , / said, they say / Big turtle / the «sub.». / There / I go \rf jod 1890:283.6 \op taý miüke, aý-biamaý Weýs'a akaý. Washkoüý-ga. Weýshpahoüýzhi tediýhi thiý t'eýthithe taiý, \tr will / I who, / said, they say / Snake / the «sub.». / Do your best. / You do not know him / when / you / he you kill / will, \rf jod 1890:283.7 \op aý-biamaý. Nitoüýga gazoüýadi atheý amaýma. Ki eýdi zhoüý-biamaý niýashiüga unaiý \tr said he, they say. / Big water / in the midst of / he was going, they say. / And / there / lay, they say / person / sought \rf jod 1890:283.8 \op thiükeý. Goüý Weýs'a amaý eýdi athaý-biamaý. Niý ke uthiýbthi thiüý eýdi ahiý-biamaý. \tr he who was. / So / Snake / the «sub.» / there / went, they say. / Water / the / eddy / the «moving» / there / he arrived they say. \rf jod 1890:283.9 \op Eýgithe niý ke moütaýha athiüý aýiaýtha-biamaý. Eý niýashiüga xtaýtha-baýzhi akeý \tr At length / water / the / underneath / having him / it had gone, they say. / He / person / who did not love him \rf jod 1890:283.10 \op akeý, niý kikaýxa-bi egoüý. Weýs'a thiü eýthoübe hiý goüýtha shteýshtewoüý shoüý uthiýbthi \tr it was he, / water / made himself, they say / having. / Snake / the / emerging / to arrive / wished / notwithstanding / yet / eddy \rf jod 1890:283.11 \op athiüý-biamaý moüýtata shoüýxti-goüý nyuýtathiü t'eý te. Weýs'a t'eýtha-biamaý. Goüý \tr had him, they say / under / in spite of at length / smothered / he died. / Snake / he killed him, they say. / So \rf jod 1890:283.12 \op niýashiüga akaý agthaý-biamaý. Goüý akiý-biamaý. \tr man / the «sub.» / went homeward, they say. / So / he reached home, they say. \rf jod 1890:283.13 \ti The bear-girl \op Tiý juýba tiý amaýma. Ki miüýzhiüga noüýxti-biamaý. Ki ihoüý akaý \tr Lodge / some / pitched tents / they say. / And / girl / fully grown, they say. / And / her mother / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:287.1 \op giaýhe-hnoüý-biamaý. Weýthe athaý-biamaý. Ki nazhiýha xaýde iýbistaýxti akiý-biamaý. \tr used to comb her hair, they say. / To get «wood» / she went, they say. / And / hair / grass / pressed tightly against / she reached home, they say. \rf jod 1890:287.2 \op Eýgoüdoüýzha iüýchoüxchi nazhiýha giaýhe thoüýshti. Piýazhi iýnahiü ehoü+, aý-biamaý \tr Though so / just now / hair / combed for her / heretofore. / Bad / indeed / ! / said, they say \rf jod 1890:287.3 \op ihoüý akaý. Eýgithe Moüchuý thiükeý miüýzhiüga piýthe akaýma. Nuý wiüý shoüýge uneý \tr her mother / the «sub.». / Behold / Grizzly bear / the one who / girl / was loving, they say. / Man / one / horse / seeking it \rf jod 1890:287.4 \op ahiý-biamaý. Moüchuý ke iýtha-biamaý. Gaýtedi Moüchuý edediý-keý. Moüshoüýde \tr arrived, they say. / Grizzly bear / the «ob.» / he found, they say. / In that place / Grizzly bear / there he is lying. / Den \rf jod 1890:287.5 \op uzhoüý zhoüýt'e, aiý. Eýgithe wiüý niýashiüga sabaýzhi t'eýthe taiý, aý-biamaý. Wahuýtoüthiü \tr lying in / sound asleep, / he says. / Beware / one / people / suddenly / kill him / lest, / said they, they say. / Gun \rf jod 1890:288.1 \op bthuýga thizaýi-ga. Shoüýge-ma waýgthiü te. Goüý eýgaxe athaý-biamaý. Eýgithe theý \tr all / take ye. / The horses / they sat on them. / So / in a circle / they went, they say. / At length / this \rf jod 1890:288.2 \op miüýzhiüga akaý gaý-biamaý: Daýdihaý, moüchuýha iüýthahniü shkiý te, aý-biamaý. Ki \tr girl / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / O father, / grizzly-bear skin / please bring it back for me, / said she, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:288.3 \op t'eýtha-biamaý. Ki ithaýdi akaý waýthahoüý-biamaý niýashiüga bthuýga; aýdoü haý thoü \tr they killed him, they say. / And / her father / the «sub.» / prayed to them, they say / people / all; / therefore / skin / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:288.4 \op 'iýi-biamaý. Goüý, Sheýthu ugaýdoüi-ga, ihoüý thiükeý eý wakaý-bi egoüý, goüý miüýzhiüga \tr was given to him, they say. / And, / Yonder / fasten it down, / her mother / the one who / her / meant, they say / having, / so / girl \rf jod 1890:288.5 \op weýkinaýxthiü te athiüý athaý-biamaý. Thitoüý gthiüý-biamaý. Xageý-hnoü-biamaý. \tr hurried to get ahead of her / as / having it / she went, they say. / Working / she sat, they say. / She cried regularly, they say. \rf jod 1890:288.6 \op Miüýzhiüga wiüý itoüýga-biamaý. Thitoüý gthiüý teýdi zhuýgthe gthiüý-biamaý. Goüý \tr Girl / one / her younger sister, they say. / Working / sat / when / with her / she sat, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:288.7 \op thitoüý-biamaý ki Moüchuý giýkoü-hnoüý-biamaý. Etha+! eý-hnoü-biamaý. Zhiügaý \tr worked they say / when / Grizzly bear / she cried for him regularly, they say. / Ayaa! / she said regularly, they say. / Small \rf jod 1890:288.8 \op uthaý theýtha-biamaý. Noühaý, theýaka (moüchuýha thitoüýi ki, Etha+! eý-hnoüi he), \tr to tell it / sent suddenly, they say. / O mother, / this one / (grizzly-bear skin / works / when, / Ayaa! / says only / . ) \rf jod 1890:288.9 \op aý-biamaý. Goüýki thitoüý gthiüý-bi ki shi eýgoü-biamaý. Etha+! eý-hnoü-biamaý. \tr said she, they say. / And / working / she sat, they say / when / again / so they say. / Ayaa! / she said only, they say. \rf jod 1890:288.10 \op Shi zhiügaý akaý shi uthaý theýtha-biamaý. Noühaý, theýaka moüchuýha thitoüýi ki, Etha+! \tr Again / small / the «sub.» / again / to tell it / sent suddenly, they say. / O mother, / this one / grizzly-bear skin / works / when, / Ayaa! \rf jod 1890:288.11 \op eý-hnoüi he, aý-biamaý. Goüý thishtoüý-biamaý. Biýzethaý-biamaý. Goüý iheýthai te \tr she says, only / , / said she, they say. / So / she finished, they say. / She dried it, they say. / So / placed it / when \rf jod 1890:288.12 \op biýzethai eýgoü goüý thishtoüý-biamaý. Tiýgaxe athaý-biamaý. Ki eduiýha-biamaý \tr she dried it / as / so / she finished, they say. / Playing games / they went, they say. / And / she joined them, they say \rf jod 1890:288.13 \op Moüchuý piýthe akaý. Wiheý, moüchuýha iüthiüýgi moügthiüý-a, aý-biamaý. Goüý \tr Grizzly bear / loved him / the one who. / O little sister, / grizzly-bear skin / begone after mine for me, / said she, they say. / So \rf jod 1890:288.14 \op itheýthiü ahiý-biamaý. Goüý zhuýga gahaý thoü bthuýga aýgathkaý-biamaý. Goüý moüchuýxaýge-hnoü \tr having it for her / she arrived, they say. / So / body / on it / the / whole / she tied it on, they say. / So / crying regularly like a grizzly bear \nt =@{aýgashkaý-biamaý} \rf jod 1890:288.15 \op weýnaxithaý-biamaý. Za'eýxti oüýhe-hnoüý-biamaý. Moüchuý akaý \tr she rushed on them, they say. / In great confusion / they fled without exception, they say. / Grizzly bear / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:288.16 \op weaýnixiýthe taý akaý, aý-biamaý miüýzhiüga nuýzhiüga edaýbe. Eýgoü-hnoüý-biamaý; \tr attack us / is about to, / said, they say / girl / boy / also. / So invariably they say; \rf jod 1890:288.17 \op weýnaxiýtha-hnoüý-biamaý. Eýgithe weýduboüý tediýhi ki shoüýshoü Moüchuý-biamaý. \tr she rushed on them regularly, they say. / At length / the fourth time / arrived at it / when / without stopping / she was a Grizzly bear, they say. \rf jod 1890:288.18 \op Goüý miüýzhiüga tiýgaxe zhuýwagthe-maý bthuýga sheýnawathaý-biamaý. Itoüýge thiükeýshnaýxchi \tr So / girl / playing / those with whom she was / all / she destroyed them, they say. / Her sister / the one who alone \rf jod 1890:288.19 \op ugiýgthashtaý-biamaý. Goüý tiý ke bthuýga goüý sheýnawathaý-biamaý. Goüý \tr remained of her «people», they say. / So / lodge / the «ob.» / all / so / she destroyed them, they say. / So \rf jod 1890:288.20 \op izhoüýthe akaý enaýxchi moüshoüýde uzhoüý zhoüý-biamaý. Itoüýge thiükeý moüshoüýde \tr her elder sister / the «sub.» / alone / den / lying in it / she slept, they say. / Her younger sister / the one who / den \rf jod 1890:289.1 \op eý heýbe ke tizheýbe teýdi uthiýgudaý-bi egoüý eýdi gthiüýkithaý-biamaý. Noüpeýthihi \tr that / part / the «ob.» / door / at the / dug an inside corner, they say / having / there / she made her sit, they say. / You hungry \rf jod 1890:289.2 \op eteý. Tiý keýta moüthiüý-a he, aý-biamaý izhoüýthe akaý. Eýdi ahiý-bi egoüý tiý \tr may be. / Lodge / to the / walk / ! / said, they say / her elder sister / the «sub.». / There / arrived, they say / having / lodge \rf jod 1890:289.3 \op sheýnawathaiý ke goüý uhaý moüthiüý-biamaý. Goüý weýnoüdeýxti-hnoü akiý-biamaý. \tr were destroyed / the «line of» / so / following / she walked they say. / So / with a very full stomach / she reached again, they say. \rf jod 1890:289.4 \op Shi eýgasaýni te eýgithoü-biamaý, Eýdi moüthiüý-a he. Noüpeýthihi eteý. Wahnaýte \tr Again / on the morrow / she said to her, they say, / There / walk / ! / You hungry / may be. / You eat \rf jod 1890:289.5 \op teý, aý-biamaý. Shi eýgasaýni eýdi theýkitha-biamaý. \tr will, / said she, they say. / Again / the next day / there / she sent her, they say. \rf jod 1890:289.6 \op Eýgithe tiý ke uhaý athaý-biamaý. Eýgithe niýashiüga duýba ediý akaýma. Tiý \tr At length / lodge / the «line of» / following / she went, they say. / Behold / person / four / were there, they say. / Lodge \rf jod 1890:289.7 \op uýgthiü gthiüý akaýma. Weýgipahoüý-biamaý. Moüchuý itiýnu duýba amaý akiý-biamaý. \tr sitting in / they were sitting, they say. / She knew them, her own, they say. / Grizzly-bear / her elder brother / four / the «sub.» / reached home, they say. \rf jod 1890:289.8 \op Hiü+! tiýnuhaý, wizhoüýthe toüýwoügthoü sheýnawatheýxti edoü+! aý-biamaý. Xageý \tr Oh! / O elder brother, / my sister / village / has altogether destroyed them / «see note» / said she, they say. / Crying \rf jod 1890:289.9 \op nazhiüý uýtha-biamaý. Wiýnaxchi oüwoüýgigthaýshte, aý-biamaý. Eaýtoü aýdoü? aý-biamaý. \tr she stood / telling about them, they say. / I alone / am left of my «people», / said she, they say. / Why / therefore? / said they, they say. \rf jod 1890:289.10 \op Tiýnuhaý, wizhoüýthe Moüchuýi he, aý-biamaý. Ki, Atoüýdoü iý aýthigazhi eýiüte? \tr O elder brother, / my sister / is a Grizzly bear / , / said she, they say. / And, / At what time «of the day» / to be coming / she may have commanded you? \rf jod 1890:289.11 \op Moügthiüý-ga. Eýtoüdoü iý aýthigazhi ki shiý teý. Oüýkazhi, tiýnuhaý, hoüýegoüýche \tr Begone. / At the proper time / to be coming / she commands you / when / you be coming / will. / No, / O elder brother, / morning \rf jod 1890:289.12 \op teýdi kaýshi-hnoü moübthiüý, aý-biamaý. Aýdoü eýtoüdoü atiý taý miüke, hoüýegoüýche \tr when / some time invariably / I walk, / said she, they say. / Therefore / at the proper time / I shall have come, / morning \rf jod 1890:289.13 \op teýdi. Xthabeý gaýhithegeýta weýahide zhoüýi-a he, aý-biamaý. Goüý agthaý-biamaý \tr when. / Tree / at the, extending beyond that place / far away / lie ye / , / said she, they say. / So / went back, they say \rf jod 1890:289.14 \op miüýzhiüga amaý. Eý shti athaý-biamaý (nuý amaý). Akiý-biamaý. Ki moüshoüýde \tr girl / the «sub.». / He / too / went they say / (man / the). / She reached again, they say. / And / den \rf jod 1890:289.15 \op koüýgexchi kiý amaý ki uthiýbthoü-biamaý. Eaýtoü? aý-biamaý. Niýkasaýka bthoüý \tr very near to / she reached again / they say / when / (the Bear-girl) snuffed an odor, they say. / Why? / said «the sister», they say. / A fresh human smell / smelling of \rf jod 1890:289.16 \op hniü, aý-biamaý (Moüchuý akaý). Oüýkazhi, zhoüthehaý. Eýgithe. Sheýna. Thashtoüý-a he. \tr you are, / said, they say / (Grizzly-bear / the). / No, / O sister. / Beware. / Enough. / Stop talking / . \rf jod 1890:289.17 \op Oüýkazhi he, aý-biamaý zhiügaý akaý. Shoüý thashtafn*-bazhiý-biamaý. Wiheý, niýkasaýka \tr No / , / said, they say / small / the «sub.». / Still / she did not stop talking, they say. / O younger sister, / a fresh human smell \rf jod 1890:289.18 \op bthoüý hniü, eheý, aý-biamaý (Moüchuý akaý). Goüý thashtoüý-biamaý. Goüý zhoüý-biamaý. \tr smelling of / you are, / I say, / said, they say / (Grizzly-bear / the). / At length / she stopped talking, they say. / At length / they slept they say. \rf jod 1890:289.19 \op Hoüýegoüýche amaý. Hau. Keý, moüthiüý-a he. Wahnaýte teý, aý-biamaý. \tr Morning / they say. / Come, / walk / . / You eat / will, / said (the Bear-girl), they say. \rf jod 1890:290.1 \op Goüý athaý-biamaý miüýzhiüga. Waiiüý ke taýthaaýbe eheýtha-biamaý. Eýgithe ugaýs'iü-biamaý \tr So / went they say / girl. / Robe / the / she rolled up and over the shoulders / she placed it, they say. / At length / peeped they say \rf jod 1890:290.2 \op nuý amaý. Thitoüýge i thiüý, aý-biamaý. Miüýzhiüga eýdi ahiý-bi egoüý, shoüýshoüxti \tr man / the «sub.». / Your sister / is coming, / said «one», they say. / Girl / there / arrived, they say / having, / without stopping \rf jod 1890:290.3 \op zhuýgigthe athaý-biamaý. Goüý athaý-bi egoüý, wachiýshka ke thitaý-biamaý. Wiüý \tr with her / they went, they say. / So / went, they say / having, / creek / the «ob.» / they crossed, they say. / One \rf jod 1890:290.4 \op utoüý gthiýshnudaý-bi egoüý itoüýge gi'iüý-biamaý. Masaýni ahiý-bi egoüý, hiübeý \tr leggings / pulled off his, they say / having / his sister / he carried his, they say. / The other side / reached, they say / having, / moccasin \rf jod 1890:290.5 \op ugiýtoü-bi egoüý, toüýde aýthitaxti oüýha-biamaý. Eýgithe miüýthumoüýshi aýkihoü hiý \tr put his on, they say / having, / ground / going straight across / he fled, they say. / At length / noon / beyond / arrived \rf jod 1890:290.6 \op teý miüýzhiüga eýdi kiýazhi te. Eýgithe izhoüýthe akaý sigtheý uthuýha-biamaý. Eý neýthe \tr when / girl / there / reached not again. / At length / her elder sister / the «sub.» / trail / followed, they say. / That / kindling a fire \rf jod 1890:290.7 \op gthiüý teýdi atiý te. Oüýhoü, aýgudixti shiý, iütheýni taiý edoü+, aý-biamaý. Goüý waýthiü \tr they sat / at / she came. / Yes, / wherever / you arrive, / how can you escape me? / said she, they say. / So / having them \rf jod 1890:290.8 \op athaý-biamaý nuý amaý. Sigtheý uthuýha-biamaý Moüchuý amaý. Baxuý duýba oüýtha-biamaý. \tr went they say / man / the «sub.». / Trail / followed they say / Grizzly-bear / the «sub.». / Peak / four / they left behind they say. \rf jod 1890:290.9 \op Ki weýduba oüýtha athaiý tediýhi eýthoübe atiý-biamaý Moüchu amaý. Ahauý! \tr And / the fourth / leaving it / they went / when / in sight / came, they say / Grizzly-bear / the «sub.». / Oho! \rf jod 1890:290.10 \op aý-biamaý. Thitoüýge eýthoübe tiý ha. Wathkoüýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Goüý waýthiü \tr said they, they say. / Your sister / in sight / has come / . / Do ye your best, / said they, they say. / And / having them \nt =@{Washkoüýi-ga} \rf jod 1890:290.11 \op athaiý te. Thaýthuhaýxchi uýxtha-biamaý. Ki, Ahauý! aý-biamaý, ithaýgaskoüýbthe taý \tr she went. / Almost / she overtook them, they say. / And, / Oho! / said «one», they say, / I make an attempt / will \rf jod 1890:290.12 \op miüke, aý-biamaý (nuý noüý akaý). Thaýthuhaýxchi uýxthe amaý. Waxaýga gaxaý-biamaý, \tr I who, / said, they say / (man / grown / the). / Very nearly / they were overtaken, they say. / Thorns / he made they say, \rf jod 1890:290.13 \op aýkishuga ukiýhange thiüýge gaxaý-biamaý. Goüý waxaýga xageý iýbthoüxti \tr standing thick / having no space / between / he made, they say. / So / thorns / crying / had more than enough of \rf jod 1890:290.14 \op gashiýbe ahiý-biamaý Moüchuý amaý. Shi uýxtha-biamaý goüý, 'Aýgthaoüthaýthe chaýbe \tr out of / arrived, they say / Grizzly-bear / the «sub.». / Again / she overtook them, they say / when, / You have made me suffer / very much \rf jod 1890:290.15 \op eýgoü that'eý taiteý, aý-biamaý. Keý, zhiütheýha, wiý ithaýgaskoüýbthe taý miüke, aý-biamaý \tr as / you die / shall, / said she, they say. / Come, / O elder brother, / I / I make an attempt / will / I who, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:290.16 \op (nuý eýduaýtoü akaý). Wachiýshka zhiüýgaxchi thitaý-biamaý. Xthabeý shuýgaý kipaýiüazhiýxti \tr (man / next one / the). / Creek / very small / they crossed, they say. / Tree / thick / she cannot force her way through at all \rf jod 1890:290.17 \op gaxaý-biamaý. Zhoüý bthoüýze ke edaýbe toügaýtheha gaxaý-biamaý. Aýdoü \tr he made, they say. / Wood / fine / the «ob.» / also / over a large tract / he made, they say. / Therefore \rf jod 1890:290.18 \op kaýshi hiýazhi amaý Moüchuý amaý. Eýgithe shi uýxtha-biamaý. Thaýthuhaýxchi uýxtha-biamaý. \tr for some time / did not arrive / Grizzly-bear / the «sub.». / At length / again / she overtook them, they say. / Very nearly / she overtook them they say. \rf jod 1890:290.19 \op Shi eýgithoüý-biamaý: 'Aýgthaoüthaýthe heýgabaýzhi eýgoü woüýgithe that'eý taiteý, \tr Again / she said to him, they say: / You have made me suffer / not a little / as / all / you die / shall, \rf jod 1890:291.1 \op aý-biamaý. Na! zhiütheýha, wiý ithaýgaskoüýbthe taý miüke, aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga wiüý. \tr said she, they say. / Why! / O elder brother, / I / I make an attempt / will / I who, / said, they say / boy / one. \rf jod 1890:291.2 \op Waýku pa-iýxti gaxaý-biamaý. Siý te aýkusoüýde baxaýpi-biamaý. Wamiý ke goüý \tr Awl / very sharp / he made, they say. / Foot / the «ob.» / through and through / they pierced, they say. / Blood / the «ob.» / so \rf jod 1890:291.3 \op noübiýxoü goüý moüthiüý-biamaý Moüchuý amaý. Shi uýxtha-biamaý. Shi eýgithoüý-biamaý: \tr scattered by walking / so / walked they say / Grizzly-bear / the «sub.». / Again / she said to him they say: \rf jod 1890:291.4 \op 'Aýgthaoüthaýthe heýgabaýzhi eýgoü, zaniý that'eý taý-bi eheý, aý-biamaý. Ahauý! \tr You have made me suffer / not a little / as, / all / you die / shall / I have said, / said she, they say. / Oho! \rf jod 1890:291.5 \op thiýe-ga, aý-biamaý. Goüý toüýde heýbe usneýge gaxaý-biamaý. Aýoüsi theý tediýhi \tr do you be the one, / said «one», they say. / So / ground / piece / cracked / he made, they say. / To jump over / she went / when \rf jod 1890:291.6 \op toüýde ke agthoüýkoühoü goüý athaý-biamaý. Eýgihitheýtha-biamaý. Goüýki agiý-biamaý \tr ground / the «ob.» / on both sides / so / it went, they say. / She went right into it, they say. / And / were returning they say \rf jod 1890:291.7 \op itiýnu woüýgithe. Wahuýtoüthiü gthiýza-biamaý. Thitoüýge 'aýgthaawaýthe \tr her elder brother / all. / Gun / took his, they say. / Your sister / has made us suffer \rf jod 1890:291.8 \op chaýbe. Eýgoüxti iüý'oü taiý, aý-biamaý. Eýgaxe nazhiüý-bi egoüý, kiýda-biamaý, t'eýtha-biamaý. \tr very. / Just so / we do to her / will, / said they, they say. / Around in a circle / stood, they say / having, / they shot at her, they say, / they killed her they say. \rf jod 1890:291.9 \op Toüýde ke eýkigthoü-biamaý. \tr Ground / the / came together again, they say. \rf jod 1890:291.10 \ti The adventures of the badger's son \op Xuýga izhiüýge amaý iýkimoüýthiü athaý-biamaý. Toüýwoügthoü heýgashtewoüýzhi \tr Badger / his son / the «sub.» / as a visitor / went, they say. / Village / very populous \rf jod 1890:294.1 \op edediý-thoü amaý. Eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Xuýga iýkimoüýthiü atiý, aý-biamaý. Niýkagahi \tr there it was / they say. / There / he arrived, they say. / Badger / as a visitor / has come, / said they, they say. / Chief \rf jod 1890:294.2 \op tiý etaý teýdi zhuýgthe moüthiüýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Xuýga iýkimoüýthiü atiý, aý-biamaý. \tr lodge / his / at the / with him / walk ye, / said they, they say. / Badger / as a visitor / has come, / said they, they say. \rf jod 1890:294.3 \op Ahauý! iýkithaýi-ga, iügthoý, aý-biamaý. Ki eýdi zhuýgthe ahiý-biamaý. Giýku-hnoüý-biamaý. \tr Oho! / let him come, / O first-born son, / said he, they say. / And / there / with him / they arrived, they say. / They invited him regularly they say. \rf jod 1890:294.4 \op Xuýga izhiüýge eýku atiý, aý-biamaý. Shoüý giýku-hnoüý-biamaý. Nudoüýhoüga \tr Badger / his son / I invite him / I have come, / said «one», they say. / Still / they invited him regularly they say. / War-chief \rf jod 1890:294.5 \op uýzhu akaý izhoüýge wiüý wa'uý uýdoü t'oüý-biamaý. Theý Xuýga izhiüýge kiýku \tr principal / the «sub.» / his daughter / one / woman / good / he had, they say. / This / Badger / his son / they invited him \rf jod 1890:294.6 \op teýdi wa'uý akaý gaý-biamaý: Tanuýka iýthiku heýbe iüýthahniü shkiý te, aý-biamaý. \tr when / woman / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / Fresh meat / they invite you to / a piece / you having it for me / you come back / will, / said she, they say. \rf jod 1890:294.7 \op Oüýhoü, eýgoü kiýshte eýgoü tateý, aý-biamaý. Ki agtheý amaýma kiýku te. Ki wa'uý \tr Yes, / so / even if / so / shall «be», / said he, they say. / And / he was going back, they say / invited / when. / And / woman \rf jod 1890:294.8 \op akaý tizheýbe aýshiadi gthiüý akaýma. Tanuýka thanaý thoü theý abthiüý agthiý, aý-biamaý \tr the «sub.» / door / on the outside / was sitting, they say. / Fresh meat / you begged / the «ob.» / this / I have / I have come back, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:294.9 \op Xuýga izhiüýge akaý. Ki, Iüýthiü giý-a he, aý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. Ki eýthiü akiý-biamaý. \tr Badger / his son / the «sub.». / And, / Bring it hither to me, / said, they say / woman / the «sub.». / And / having it for her / he reached there again, they say. \rf jod 1890:294.10 \op Ki 'iý-biamaý ki, Atoüý ki thagtheý tateý? aý-biamaý. Thaýbthiü zhoüý-xtieýgoü agtheý taý \tr And / he gave to her, they say / when, / How long / when / you go homeward / shall? / said she, they say. / Three / nights about / I go homeward / will \rf jod 1890:294.11 \op miüke, aý-biamaý Xuýga izhiüýge akaý. Ki, Oügaýgthe tateý, thagtheý tediýhi ki, \tr I who, / said, they say / Badger / his son / the «sub.». / And, / We go homeward / shall, / you go homeward / arrives at it / when, \rf jod 1890:294.12 \op aý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. Goüý shoüý kiýku goüý nazhiüý-biamaý tiýi thoüýdi. Ki gaý-biamaý: \tr said, they say / woman / the «sub.». / So / still / inviting him / so / they stood, they say / lodges / at the. / And / he said as follows, they say: \rf jod 1890:294.13 \op Gasaýni agtheý taý miüke, aý-biamaý. Agtheý ki oügaýgthe teý esheý thoüýshti, aý-biamaý \tr To-morrow / I go homeward / will / I who, / said he, they say. / I go homeward / when / we go homeward / will / you said / heretofore, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:294.14 \op Xuýga izhiüýge akaý. Oüýhoü, eýgipe. Oügaýgthe tateý. Hoüý ki oüýshnixiý te, \tr Badger / his son / the «sub.». / Yes, / I said it. / We go homeward / shall. / Night / when / you rouse me / will, \rf jod 1890:294.15 \op aý-biamaý. Goüý zhoüý-biamaý ki iýkithaý-biamaý Xuýga izhiüýge akaý. Thixiý-biamaý. \tr said she, they say. / So / they slept, they say / when / awoke, they say / Badger / his son / the «sub.». / He wakened her, they say. \rf jod 1890:294.16 \op Paýhoü-ga. Oügaýgthe teý esheý thoü agtheý taý miüke, aý-biamaý. Zhuýgthe agthaý-biamaý. \tr Arise. / We go homeward / will / you said / the / I go homeward / will / I who, / said he, they say. / With her / he went homeward, they say. \rf jod 1890:294.17 \op Eýgithe ithaýdi akaý iýgipahoüý-biamaý thiügeý te, itheý te. Gaý-biamaý ithaýdi akaý: \tr At length / her father / the «sub.» / knew his own they say / was missing / when, / she had gone / when. / Said as follows, they say / her father / the «sub.»: \rf jod 1890:295.1 \op Shiüýgazhiüýga wiwiýta Xuýga izhiüýge zhuýgthe kigtheý, aý-biamaý. Iüthiüýthahniýxe taiý, \tr Child / my own / Badger / his son / with her / has gone again, / said he, they say. / You chase mine for me / will, \rf jod 1890:295.2 \op aý-biamaý. Uthaýxthai ki, Xuýga izhiüýge t'eýthathe taiý. Shiüýgazhiüýga wiwiýta iüthiüýthahniü \tr said he, they say. / You overtake her / if, / Badger / his son / you kill him / will. / Child / my own / you having her for me \rf jod 1890:295.3 \op shkiý taiý, aý-biamaý ithaýdi akaý. Iüsh'aýge akaý, Niýkagahi izhoüýge Xuýga \tr you coming back / will, / said, they say / her father / the «sub.». / Old man / the «sub.», / Chief / his daughter / Badger \rf jod 1890:295.4 \op izhiüýge zhuýgthe aýkiaýgthe teý amaý. Thiý iýthahniýxe taiý atha+! Uthaýxthai ki, Xuýga \tr his son / with her / he has gone back, they say. / You / chase his for him / will / indeed! / You overtake her / when, / Badger \rf jod 1890:295.5 \op izhiüýge t'eýthathe taiý atha+! Wa'uý thiükeý iýthahniü shkiý taiý atha+! aý-biamaý iüsh'aýge \tr his son / you kill him / will / indeed! / Woman / the «ob.» / you have her for him / you coming back / will / indeed! / said, they say / old man \rf jod 1890:295.6 \op akaý. Ahauý! aý-biamaý. Xuýga izhiüýge niýkagahi izhoüýge kigtheýdegoüý thixeý awashiý, \tr the «sub.». / Oho! / said they, they say. / Badger / his son / chief / his daughter / has gone again as / to pursue / he has asked us, \rf jod 1890:295.7 \op aý-biamaý. Thixaý-biamaý. Goüýki Xuýga izhiüýge gishkoüý aýgazhiý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. \tr said they, they say. / They chased, they say. / And / Badger / his son / to go faster / commanded, they say / woman / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:295.8 \op Gishkoüý-a he. Uwaýxthai ki eýgithe t'eýthithe taiý. Wiý eaýtoü ki t'eýoüthe taýba, aý-biamaý \tr Go faster / . / They overtake us / if / beware / they kill you / lest. / I / why / if / they kill me / will? / said, they say \rf jod 1890:295.9 \op wa'uý akaý. Eýgithe wathiýxe amaý eýthoübe atiý-biamaý. Wa'uý akaý gaý-biamaý: \tr woman / the «sub.». / At length / pursuer / the «sub.» / in sight / came, they say. / Woman / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: \rf jod 1890:295.10 \op Sheýati eý, aý-biamaý. Uwaýxthai, aý-biamaý. T'eýthithe teý. Gishkoüý-a he, aý-biamaý. \tr Yonder has come / he, / said she, they say. / We are overtaken, / said she, they say. / He kill you / will. / Go fast / , / said she, they say. \rf jod 1890:295.11 \op Uýxtha-bi egoüý, wa'uý toü uthoüý-biamaý. Goüýki Xuýga izhiüýge aýkihoü thixaý-biamaý. \tr Overtook them, they say / having, / woman / the «ob.» / they held her, they say. / And / Badger / his son / beyond / they pursued him, they say. \rf jod 1890:295.12 \op Ki wiüý athiüý atiý egoüý Xuýga izhiüýge uxthaý-biamaý ki gaý-biamaý: Kageýha, \tr And / one / having him / come / having / Badger / his son / he overtook him, they say / when / he said as follows, they say: / My friend, \rf jod 1890:295.13 \op t'eoüýthithe taý-bi thoüýzha, t'eýwitha-maýzhi. Gishkoüý-ga. Moüýde bthiýxoü, eheý taý miüke. \tr we were to kill you «he said» / though, / I do not kill you. / Go faster. / Bow / I broke it, / I say / will / I who. \rf jod 1890:295.14 \op Xthabeý sheý zoüdeý sheý aýkibanoüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Wiüý shi eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Uthaýxthe. \tr Tree / that / thick forest / that / run to with all your might, / said he, they say. / One / again / there / arrived, they say. / You overtook him. \rf jod 1890:295.15 \op Eaýtoü t'eýthathaýzhi a. Moüýde ke bthiýxoü goüý t'eýatha-maýzhi, aý-biamaý. Sheýte gtheý. \tr Why / you did not kill him / ? / Bow / the «ob.» / I broke it / so / I did not kill him, / said he, they say. / Yonder / he goes homeward. \rf jod 1890:295.16 \op Giýshkoü ihaý-ga, aý-biamaý. Shi wathiýxe eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Hau! kageýha, t'eoüýthithe \tr Going faster / suddenly, be thou, / said he, they say. / Again / pursuer / there / arrived, they say. / Ho! / friend, / we were to kill \rf jod 1890:295.17 \op taý-bi thoüýzha, t'eýwitha-maýzhi taý miüke. Gishkoüýi-ga. Xthabeý sheýthoü aýkibanoüý-ga, \tr you «he said» / though, / I kill you not / will / I who. / Go ye faster. / Tree / yonder / run to with all your might, \rf jod 1890:295.18 \op aý-biamaý. Koüýgexchi thagthiý, aý-biamaý. Moüýdekoü bthiýse, eheý taý miüke, \tr said he, they say. / Very near to / you have come again, / said he, they say. / Bowstring / I broke it, / I say / will / I who, \rf jod 1890:295.19 \op aý-biamaý. Wiüý shi eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Uthaýxthe thoüýshti. Eaýtoü azhoüý? aý-biamaý. \tr said he, they say. / One / again / there / arrived, they say. / You overtook him / heretofore. / Why / you did it? / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:296.1 \op Eaýtoü t'eýthathaýzhi a. Moüýdekoü bthiýse eýgoü niýta gtheý sheýte, aý-biamaý. Shi wathiýxe \tr Why / you did not kill him / ? / Bowstring / I broke it / as / live / he goes homeward / yonder «see note», / said he, they say. / Again / pursuer \rf jod 1890:296.2 \op eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Hau! kageýha, niýkagahi uýzhu t'eoüýthithe taý-bi aiý thoüýzha, \tr there / arrived, they say. / Ho! / friend, / chief / principal / we were to kill you «he said» / he said / though, \rf jod 1890:296.3 \op oüýka-oüýthiü-baýzhi. Thaniýta te. Siý nioüýthe, eheý taý miüke, aý-biamaý. Gishkoüý-ga. \tr we are not so. / You live / will. / Foot / it hurt me, / I say / will / I who, / said he, they say. / Go faster. \rf jod 1890:296.4 \op Xthabeý aýkibanoüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Wiüý shi eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Tenaý! Uthaýxthextioüý. \tr Tree / run to with all your might, / said he, they say. / One / again / there / arrived, they say. / Why! / You really overtook him. \rf jod 1890:296.5 \op Eaýtoü t'eýthathaýzhi a. Siý nioüýthe, goüý t'eaýtha-maýzhi. Sheýte gtheý. Giýshkoü thixaý-ga, \tr Why / did you not kill him / ? / Foot / hurt me, / so / I did not kill him. / Yonder / he went homeward. / Going faster / chase him, \rf jod 1890:296.6 \op aý-biamaý. Shi wathiýxe eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Hau! kageýha, sheýte tiý wiüý eýgihe hneý \tr said he, they say. / Again / pursuer / there / arrived, they say. / Ho! / friend, / yonder / lodge / one / headlong into it / you go \rf jod 1890:296.7 \op te, aý-biamaý. Thaniýta te, aý-biamaý. Sikoüý anoüýbthiütha, eheý taý miüke, aý-biamaý. \tr will, / said he, they say. / You live / will, / said he, they say. / Ankle / twisted in running, / I say / will / I who, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:296.8 \op Wiüý eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Noüshtoüý-biamaý. Tenaý! Uthaýxthextioüý thoüýshti. Eaýtoü \tr One / there / arrived, they say. / He stopped running, they say. / Why! / You really overtook him / heretofore. / Why \rf jod 1890:296.9 \op azhoüý? Wiüýthake. Sikoüý anoüýbthiütha, goüý anoüýshtoü. Sheýte gtheý. Giýshkoü thixaý-ga, \tr you did it? / You tell the truth. / Ankle / I twisted it in running, / so / I stopped running. / Yonder / he went homeward. / Going faster / chase him, \rf jod 1890:296.10 \op aý-biamaý. Moüthiüý-ti wiüý eýgihe aýiaýtha-biamaý. Oüýhe amaý. Za'eýxtioüý-biamaý \tr said he, they say. / Earth-lodge / one / headlong into it / he had gone, they say. / He fled / they say. / In a very great confusion, they say \rf jod 1890:296.11 \op wathiýxe amaý. Ki wa'uý akaý wazhiüý-piýbazhiý-biamaý. Tiý moütaýta wa'uý \tr pursuer / the «sub.». / And / woman / the «sub.» / was cross they say. / Lodge / within it / woman \rf jod 1890:296.12 \op wiüý eýdi gthiüý-biamaý. Tahaýwagthe gi'iüý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. Moüýdehi athiüý \tr one / there / sat they say. / Shield / carried her own, they say / woman / the «sub.». / Spear / having \rf jod 1890:296.13 \op gthiýza-biamaý. Xuýga izhiüýge moüýdehi aýbahaý-biamaý. Iýa-a he. Aýwadi shiý a. \tr she seized her own, they say. / Badger / his son / spear / she brandished it at him, they say. / Speak / . / On what «business» / you are coming / ? \rf jod 1890:296.14 \op Iýthaaýzhi ki, t'eýwithe taý miüke, aý-biamaý. Xuýga izhiüýge doüýbe shtewoüý-bazhiý-biamaý. \tr You do not speak / if, / I kill you / will / I who, / said she, they say. / Badger / his son / looked at her / in the least not they say. \rf jod 1890:296.15 \op Moüýdehi aýbaha shte sheýthe-woü-bazhiý-biamaý; gioüýha-bazhiý-biamaý. \tr Spear / she brandished it at him / even / he stirred not at all they say; / he fled not from her, they say. \rf jod 1890:296.16 \op Noüýde keýta niýashiüga wiüý zhoüý ke amaý. Etaýtoü iýe iýtha-biamaý. Toügeýha, \tr Wall / at the / person / one / was lying, they say. / From it / speech / he made come to her, they say. / O sister, \rf jod 1890:296.17 \op witaýhoü shoüýthiükeýtha-ga. Shoüthiükeýathe taý miüke, aý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. Wa'uý \tr my sister's husband / let him alone «as he sits». / I let him alone «as he sits» / will / I who, / said, they say / woman / the «sub.». / Woman \rf jod 1890:296.18 \op akaý Xuýga izhiüýge aýthixaý-biamaý. Wa'uý thiükeý gthoüý-bi ki nuýzhiüga isoüýga \tr the «sub.» / Badger / his son / married him, they say. / Woman / the «ob.» / he married her, they say / when / boy / her brother \rf jod 1890:296.19 \op bakuý-hnoü shoüshoüý-biamaý. Ki Xuýga izhiüýge akaý gaý-biamaý: Witaýhoü eaýtoü \tr robe over his head / always they say. / And / Badger / his son / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / My wife's brother / why so \rf jod 1890:297.1 \op aýdoü, aý-biamaý. Hiü+! uwiýbtha kiýshte eaýtoü azhoüý tadoü+, aý-biamaý. Ki \tr ? / said he, they say. / Oh! / I tell you / even if / how / you do that / will? / said she, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:297.2 \op nuýzhiüga gaý-biamaý: Toügeýha, witaýhoü uiýtha-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Ki wa'uý akaý, \tr boy / said as follows, they say: / O sister, / my sister's husband / tell it to him / , / said he, they say. / And / woman / the «sub.», \rf jod 1890:297.3 \op Hiü+! wiýsoüthoü+! thitaýhoü ueýbtha goüý eaýtoü gaýxe taýdoü. Wiýeshte waýbthi'a he, \tr Oh! / my dear younger brother! / your sister's husband / I tell him / so / how / he do it / will? / Even I / I have failed with them / , \rf jod 1890:297.4 \op aý-biamaý. Shi goüýaka shi iýmaxaý-biamaý. Eaýtoü eýiüte uthaý-ga, aý-biamaý. \tr said she, they say. / Again / sitting a while / again / he questioned her, they say. / How / it may be / tell it, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:297.5 \op Toügeýha, witaýhoü uiýtha-ga, eheý, aý-biamaý. Hiü+! wiýsoüthoü+! thitaýhoü ueýbthadoü \tr O sister, / my sister's husband / tell it to him / I say, / said he, they say. / Oh! / my dear younger brother! / your sister's husband / I tell it to him when \rf jod 1890:297.6 \op eaýtoü ukeýtoü doüýshteoüý taýdoü. Wiýeshte waýbthi'a he, aý-biamaý. Haý. Shi \tr how / he acquire it / may, «perhaps» / ? / Even I / I have failed with them / , / said she, they say. / «paragraph» / Again \rf jod 1890:297.7 \op iýmaxaý-biamaý. Shi nuýzhiüga gaý-biamaý: Toügeýha, witaýhoü uiýtha-ga, aý-biamaý. \tr he asked her, they say. / Again / boy / said as follows, they say: / O sister, / my sister's husband / tell it to him, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:297.8 \op Thitaýhoü ueýbtha taý miükeý, aý-biamaý (wa'uý akaý). Shitaýhoü wa'uý wiý oüýkigoü \tr Your sister's husband / I tell it to him / will / I who, / said, they say / (woman / the). / Your wife's brother / woman / I / like me \rf jod 1890:297.9 \op wiüý 'aýgthathaiý. Nazhiýha maýxoü athiüý agthaiý, aý-biamaý. Ki Xuýga izhiüýge \tr one / made him suffer. / Hair / she cut off / having it / she went homeward, / said she, they say. / And / Badger / his son \rf jod 1890:297.10 \op gaý-biamaý: Aýnai a. Ki, Wa'uý akaý duýbai he, aý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. Eýdi \tr said as follows, they say: / How many are they / ? / And, / Woman / the «sub.» / are four / , / said, they say / woman / the «sub.». / There \rf jod 1890:297.11 \op piý-hnan-moüý eýde waýbthi'a agthiý, aý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. Ki, Aýna thazhoüý ke-hnoüý \tr arrived, regularly, I have / but / I have failed with them / I have come home, / said, they say / woman / the «sub.». / And, / How many / you sleep / the regularly \rf jod 1890:297.12 \op shiý a, aý-biamaý. Wiüaýxchi azhoüý ke-hnoüý piý, aý-biamaý. Hiübeý aýna \tr you arrive / ? / said he, they say. / Once / I sleep / the regularly / I arrive, / said she, they say. / Moccasin / how many \rf jod 1890:297.13 \op uthaýtoü ke-hnoüý shiý a, aý-biamaý. Hiübeý noüýba uaýtoü ke-hnoüý agthiý, aý-biamaý. \tr you put on / the regularly / you come / ? / said he, they say. / Moccasin / two / I put on / the regularly / I have come home, / said she, they say. \rf jod 1890:297.14 \op Ki eýdi btheý taý miüke, aý-biamaý nuý akaý. Hiübeý iügaýxa-ga, aý-biamaý. Aýwatuskoüýska \tr And / there / I go / will / I who, / said, they say / man / the «sub.». / Moccasin / make for me, / said he, they say. / Where in a line with \rf jod 1890:297.15 \op a, aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. Miüýethoüýbe tithoüý uskoüýskadi gthiüý, \tr ? / said, they say / boy / the «sub.». / Sunrise / becomes again «?» / in a line with / it sits, \rf jod 1890:297.16 \op aý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. Eýdi piý-hnoü-moüý eýde sabeý heýgabazhi; aýdoü waýbthi'a-hnoü \tr said, they say / woman / the «sub.». / There / I arrived, regularly, I have / but / watchful / very; / therefore / I have failed with them regularly \rf jod 1890:297.17 \op agthiý, aý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. Ki, Goüý shoüý eýdi btheý taý miüke. Waýbthi'aý \tr I have come home, / said, they say / woman / the «sub.». / And, / So / still / there / I go / will / I who. / I fail with them \rf jod 1890:297.18 \op agthiý shteýshtewoü shoüý eýdi btheý taý miüke thoüýzha, umoüýe juýba iügaýxa-ga, \tr I come home / notwithstanding / still / there / I go / will / I who / though, / provisions / some / make for me, \rf jod 1890:297.19 \op aý-biamaý. Goüý athaý-biamaý. Athaý-biamaý, athaý-biamaý, athaý-biamaý, athaý-biamaý. \tr said he, they say. / So / he went, they say. / He went, they say, / he went, they say, / he went, they say, / he went, they say. \rf jod 1890:297.20 \op Hebaýdi zhoüý-biamaý. Eýgasaýni miüý thoü hiýde hiý ki eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Eýgithe \tr On the way / he slept, they say. / The next day / sun / the / low / arrived / when / there / he arrived, they say. / Behold \rf jod 1890:298.1 \op wa'uý akaý wachiýgaxaý-biamaý. Neýxe-xakuý utiüý-biamaý. Nazhiýha gaýthoü eýgoü \tr woman / the «sub.» / danced they say. / Drum / they hit, they say. / Hair / that / like \rf jod 1890:298.2 \op thizaiý eýgoü wachiýgaxe athiüý amaý. Waýgthade ahiý-bi egoüý, wadoüýbe nazhiüý-biamaý. \tr they took / as / dancing / they had it / they say. / Creeping up on them / arrived, they say / having, / looking at them / he stood they say. \rf jod 1890:298.3 \op Ugaýs'iü-biamaý. Wa'uý amaý shoüýgaxaý-biamaý neýxe-gakuý utiüý te. \tr He peeped they say. / Woman / the «sub.» / quit it they say / drum / beating / the «ob.». \rf jod 1890:298.4 \op Tiýata agthaý-biamaý. Eýgithe eýthoübe atiý-biamaý. Weý'iü moüýzepe shti athiüý-biamaý. \tr To the lodge / they went back, they say. / At length / in sight / they came, they say. / Pack-strap / ax / too / they had they say. \rf jod 1890:298.5 \op Weýthe athaý-biamaý, zhoüý agiýathaý-biamaý. Wa'uý wiüý nazhiýha skaýxti, \tr To find it / they went, they say, / wood / they went for it, they say. / Woman / one / hair / very white, \rf jod 1890:298.6 \op wiüý zhiýdexti, wiüý tuýxchi-biamaý, wiüý zeýxchi-biamaý. A-iý-bi shoüýzha thoüýxti goüý \tr one / very red, / one / very green, they say, / one / yellow very, they say. / They were approaching, they say / though / without the least cause \rf jod 1890:298.7 \op kipaýaze goüý oüýhe aýtiaýgtha-biamaý. Xuýga izhiüýge akaý ki'oüxti-biamaý. Uýdoüxti \tr scaring each other / so / to flee / they started suddenly, they say. / Badger / his son / the «sub.» / painted himself, they say. / Very good \rf jod 1890:298.8 \op kikaýxa-biamaý. Waýthaha teý shti uýdoüxti kikaýxa-biamaý. Zhoüý wiüý aýkoü nazhiüý-biamaý. \tr he made himself, they say. / Clothing / the / too / very good / he made for himself, they say. / Wood / one / leaning on / he stood they say. \rf jod 1890:298.9 \op Wa'uý itoüýge zhiügaý akaý miüýzhiüga pahoüýga atiý-biamaý. Xuýga izhiüýge \tr Woman / her sister / small / the «sub.» / girl / before / came, they say. / Badger / his son \rf jod 1890:298.10 \op iýtha-biamaý. Hiü+! zhoütheýha, nuý wiüý ithaýkithe, aý-biamaý. Hiü+! wiheý, wiýshi'eý \tr she found him, they say. / Oh! / elder sister, / man / one / I have found for myself, / said she, they say. / Oh! / my little sister, / my sister's husband \rf jod 1890:298.11 \op zhoüý oüthiýxoü toüýgatoü, goüý waýkida taiý, aý-biamaý. Zhoüý thixoüý-biamaý. Zhoüý ke \tr wood / we break / we will, / so / let him watch, / said she, they say. / Wood / they broke, they say. / Wood / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:298.12 \op heý'oü thishtoüý-biamaý ki, 'Iüweýakithaýi-a, aý-biamaý. Ahauý! Haýzhiüga uthiýsnoüi-ga. \tr tied in bundles / they finished, they say / when, / Cause us to carry them, / said they, they say. / Oho! / Cord / put the cords on the bundles \rf jod 1890:298.13 \op 'Iüýwikiýthe taiý miüke, aý-biamaý. Haýzhiüga uthiýsnoü-bi egoüý, moüýde gthiýsniüde \tr I cause you to carry them / will / I who, / said he, they say. / Cord / put them on, they say / having, / bow / pulled his out \rf jod 1890:298.14 \op egoüý, woüýgithe t'eýwathaý-biamaý wa'uý duýba thoükaý. Nazhiýha ge bthuýga maýwaxoüý-biamaý. \tr having, / all / he killed them, they say / woman / four / the «ob.». / Hair / the «ob.» / all / he cut off they say. \rf jod 1890:298.16 \op Goüý tiý teýta athaý-bi ki nazhiýha gthiýza-bi egoüý, itiýgthoü-biamaý. Usaý-biamaý. \tr So / lodge / to it / he went, they say / when / hair / took his, they say / having, / he carried in his robe above the belt, they say. / He fired «the grass» they say. \rf jod 1890:298.16 \op Shuýde saýbe. Ki gaý-biamaý: Toügeýha, witaýhoü agiý ebtheýgoü. Useý, \tr Smoke / black. / And / he said as follows, they say: / O sister, / my sister's husband / is coming back / I think. / He has fired «the grass», \rf jod 1890:298.17 \op aý-biamaý. Wiýeshte waýbthi'a-hnoü-moüý. Eaýtoü thitaýhoü waýthiü giý taýdoü, aý-biamaý. \tr said he, they say. / Even I / I have failed with them regularly I have. / How / your sister's husband / bringing them / coming home / will? / said she, they say. \rf jod 1890:298.18 \op Shi usaý-biamaý. Usaý-biamaý ki shuýde te zhiýde amaý. Thitaýhoü waýthiü shugiý, \tr He again / fired «the grass», they say. / He fired it, they say / when / smoke / the / red / they say. / Your sister's husband / having them / there he is, coming, \rf jod 1890:298.19 \op aý-biamaý Xuýga igaýxthoü akaý. Shi koüýge gthiý-bi ki, shi usaý-biamaý. Shuýde te \tr said, they say / Badger / his wife / the «sub.». / Again / near / had come, they say / when, / again / he fired it, they say. / Smoke / the \rf jod 1890:298.20 \op skaýxchi amaý. Thitaýhoü thaýbthiü waýthiü shugiý, aý-biamaý. Shi usaý-biamaý. Shuýde \tr very white / they say. / Your sister's husband / three / having them / there he is, coming, / said she, they say. / Again / he fired it, they say. / Smoke \rf jod 1890:299.1 \op te tuýxti amaý. Thitaýhoü woüýgithe waýthiü shugiý, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe eýthoübe agthiý-biamaý. \tr the / very green / they say. / Your sister's husband / all / having them / there he is, coming, / said she, they say. / At length / in sight / he came, they say. \rf jod 1890:299.2 \op Thitaýhoü sheýgthii he, aý-biamaý. Aýgikiýpa athaý-biamaý. Woüýgithe t'eýawaýthe, \tr Your sister's husband / yonder he has come / , / said she, they say. / To meet her own / she went, they say. / All / I killed them, \rf jod 1890:299.3 \op aý-biamaý. Witaýhoü nazhiýha etaý shti itheýbthiü agthiý, aý-biamaý. Shoüý he, aý-biamaý. \tr said he, they say. / My wife's brother / hair / his / too / I have for him / I have come home, / said he, they say. / Enough / , / said she, they say. \rf jod 1890:299.4 \op Woüýgithe waýhniü thagthiý uýdoü he, aý-biamaý. Hoüý ki Xuýga igaýxthoü akaý \tr All / having them / you have come home / good / , / said she, they say. / Night / when / Badger / his wife / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:299.5 \op thaýbthiü wagiýxukaý-biamaý. Weýwachi athiüý-biamaý. Eýgasaýni te, Iüý'e zheýgthoü-ga, \tr three / sang for her own, they say. / Scalp-dance / they had it, they say. / The next day / when, / Stone / put in the fire, \rf jod 1890:299.6 \op aý-biamaý. Upaý-biamaý. Itaýhoü thiükeý nazhiýha thizaiý te snaý ke giaýskebaý-biamaý. \tr said he, they say. / They entered, they say. / His wife's brother / the «ob.» / hair / took / when / scar / the «ob.» / he scraped for him, they say. \rf jod 1890:299.7 \op Wamiý gashiýba-biamaý ki nazhiýha eýgthoü-biamaý. Ki nazhiýha eýgigoü-biamaý. \tr Blood / he forced out, they say / when / hair / he put on for him, they say. / And / hair / was as before, they say. \rf jod 1890:299.8 \op Uýdoüxti gikaýxa-biamaý. Theý nazhiýha wa'uý duýba waýthiü agthiý te shoüýshoü \tr Very good / he made his «relation», they say. / This / hair / woman / four / having them / he came home / as / continually \rf jod 1890:299.9 \op watthiýgaxaý-biamaý. \tr danced they say. \rf jod 1890:299.10 \ti Adventures of the puma, the adopted son of a man \op Iügthoüý-siü-sneýde wiüý niýashiüga wiüý athiüý akaýma. Ki shiüýgazhiüýga shtewoüý \tr Long-tailed-cat / one / man / one / was keeping him, they say. / And / child / soever \rf jod 1890:303.1 \op thiügaiý te. Ki goüý theý shiüýgazhiüýga gaýxai te. Eýgithe niýashiüga sheýnuzhiüýga \tr he had none. / And / so / this / child / he made him. / At length / person / young man \rf jod 1890:303.2 \op atheý amaýma. Tiý te koüýgexchi ahiý-bi ki eýgithe taýxti juýba moüthiüý amaýma. \tr was going, they say. / Lodge / the / very near / he arrived, they say / when / behold / deer / some / were walking, they say. \rf jod 1890:303.3 \op Weýkinaxthai te tiý teýta ahiý-biamaý, wahuýtoüthiü thiügaiý eýgoü. Ki eý shti \tr He hid himself from them / when / lodge / at the / he arrived, they say, / gun / he had none / as. / And / he / too \rf jod 1890:303.4 \op thiügeý akaýma. Gaý-biamaý: Dadiýha, taýxti juýba uýmakaxchi edediý-amaý ha. \tr had none, they say. / He said as follows, they say: / O father, / deer / some / very easy / there they are / . \rf jod 1890:303.5 \op Wahuýtoüthiü oüwoüý'i-ga, aý-biamaý. Ahauý! aý-biamaý. Wahuýtoüthiü shtewoüý whoever \tr Gun / lend me, / said he, they say. / Oho! / said he, they say. / Gun \rf jod 1890:303.6 \op oüthiüýge, aý-biamaý. Sheýnuzhiüýga toü Iügthoüý-siü-sneýde isoüýgakithaiý te. Thisoüýga \tr I have none, / said he, they say. / Young man / the «ob.» / Long-tailed-cat / he made him a younger brother to him. / Your younger brother \rf jod 1890:303.7 \op zhuýgthe moüthiü-ga. Eýgithe thisoüýga iýthahusaý te. Thisoüýga iýthapithiüýxchi \tr with him / walk. / Beware / your younger brother / you scold him / lest. / Your younger brother / very gently \rf jod 1890:303.8 \op zhuýgthe-hnoüý-ga ha, aý-biamaý ithaýdi akaý. Eýgithe zhuýgthe athaý-biamaý. Theýameý, \tr go with him regularly / , / said, they say / his father / the «sub.». / At length / with him / he went, they say. / These are they, \rf jod 1890:303.9 \op kageýha, aý-biamaý. Taýxti eýbazuý-biamaý. Ki goüý eýbazu tediýtoü weýnaxiýtha \tr O younger brother, / said he, they say. / Deer / he pointed at for him, they say. / And / so / he pointed at for him / after the / attacking them \rf jod 1890:303.10 \op athaý-biamaý. Goüý ushkoüý thoüdiýxti shoüý taýxti wiüý t'eýtha-biamaý Iügthoüý-siü-sneýde \tr he went, they say. / So / deed / just at the / yet / deer / one / killed it, they say / Long-tailed-cat \rf jod 1890:303.11 \op akaý. Goüý 'iüý akiý-biamaý. Thisoüýga sheýgoü-hnoüý eýgoü teýxiaýthe, aý-biamaý \tr the «sub.». / So / carrying it / he reached home, they say. / Your younger brother / in that way invariably / as / I prize him, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:304.1 \op ithaýdi akaý. Goüý iüdaýdoü waniýta shkoüýhna ki thisoüýga uiýtha-hnoüý-ga. \tr his father / the «sub.». / So / what / animal / you wish / if / your younger brother / tell it to him regularly. \rf jod 1890:304.2 \op Waniýta bthuýgaxti t'eýwathe moüthiüý-biamaý Iügthoüýsiü-sneýde akaý. Dadiýha, kageý \tr Animal / all / killing them / walked, they say / Long-tailed cat / the «sub.». / O father, / younger brother \rf jod 1890:304.3 \op 'aýbae zhuaýgthe btheý taý miüke, aý-biamaý sheýnuzhiüýga akaý. Gaýtedi xthabeý \tr hunting / I with him / I go / will / I who, / said, they say / young man / the «sub.». / In that place / tree \rf jod 1890:304.4 \op shugaýxti uiýthoübe nazhiüý teý edediý amaiý. Eýdi pahaýdi thisoüýga ithaýpe gthiüý-ga. \tr very thick / up-hill / stands / the / there they are «mv.». / There / on the hill / your younger brother / waiting for / sit. \rf jod 1890:304.5 \op Goüý sheýnuzhiüýga akaý pahaýdi Iügthoüý-siü-sneýde ithaýpe gthiüý-biamaý. Kageý, theý \tr So / young man / the «sub.» / on the hill / Long-tailed-cat / waiting for / sat, they say. / O younger brother, / this \rf jod 1890:304.6 \op iüdaýdi 'aýshpae eteý te, aý-biamaý. Goüý pahaýdi gthiüý-biamaý sheýnuzhiüýga akaý. \tr my father / you hunt / may / the, / said he, they say. / So / on the hill / sat they say / young man / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:304.7 \op Goüý Iügthoüý-siü-sneýde xthabeý shuýga eýgih aýiaýtha-biamaý. Taýxti wiüý uthoüý-biamaý. \tr So / Long-tailed-cat / tree / thick / headlong / had gone, they say. / Deer / one / he held they say. \rf jod 1890:304.8 \op Thixthaýzhexchiý-biamaý. Goüý eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Thisnuý athaý-biamaý. Ubaýtiheýtha-biamaý. \tr He made cry out by holding, they say. / So / there / he arrived, they say. / Dragging it / he went, they say. / He hung it up they say. \rf jod 1890:304.9 \op Wasaýbe-ma wiüý koüýbtha, kageý, aý biamaý. Washiüý bthaýte teýgoü, \tr The black bears / one / I wish, / O younger brother, / said he, they say. / Fat meat / I eat / in order that, \rf jod 1890:304.10 \op aý-biamaý. Eýgithe wiüý uthoüý-biamaý. Eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Eýgithe kaýshi t'eýthe akaýma. \tr said he, they say. / At length / one / he held they say. / There / he arrived, they say. / Behold / some time / he was killing it, they say. \rf jod 1890:304.11 \op Iügthoüý-siü-sneýde akaý iýkigthagthiýdai-de kipiýka moüthiüý-biamaý. Hau! \tr Long-tailed-cat / the «sub.» / got foam on himself by biting since / rubbing himself / he walked they say. / Ho! \rf jod 1890:304.12 \op kageý, zhaýbe-ma wiüý koüýbtha ha, aý-biamaý. Niý ke aýnase te. Shoüý goüý eýgih \tr O younger brother, / the beavers / one / I wish / , / said he, they say. / Water / the / obstructed. / And after some time / headlong \rf jod 1890:304.13 \op aýiaýtha-biamaý. Eýgithe zhaýbe-ma wiüý zhiüýgazhi eýdegoü eýthoübe athiüý agthiý-biamaý. \tr he had gone, they say. / At length / the beavers / one / not small / but so / in sight / having it / he came back, they say. \rf jod 1890:304.14 \op Kageý, nushnoüý-ma wiüý koüýbtha ha, aý-biamaý. Goüý shi wiüý t'eýtha-biamaý \tr O younger-brother, / the otters / one / I wish / , / said he, they say. / So / again / one / he killed, they say \rf jod 1890:304.15 \op nushnoüý. Ki ithaýdi akaý noüýde-giýpibazhi te goüý uýgine a-iý-biamaý. Goüýki \tr otter. / And / his father / the «sub.» / heart was bad for him / as / so / seeking them, his own / he was coming, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:304.16 \op pahoüýgaxchi taýxti t'eýthai te eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Shi theý wasaýbe t'eýthai te eýdi \tr the very first / deer / killed / the / there / he arrived, they say. / Again / this / black bear / killed / the / there \rf jod 1890:304.17 \op ahiý-biamaý. Shi theý zhaýbe t'eýthai te eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Shi theý nushnoüý t'eýthai te \tr he arrived, they say. / Again / this / beaver / killed / the / there / he arrived, they say. / Again / this / otter / killed / the \rf jod 1890:304.18 \op eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Na! thisoüýga iýthiüge t'eýthathe, kageý, aý-biamaý. Shoüý eýgoü \tr there / he arrived, they say. / Fie! / your younger brother / weary / you kill him, / my child, / said he, they say. / Enough / so \rf jod 1890:304.19 \op gaýxa-ga, aý-biamaý. Goüý eý sheýna wa'iüý agthaý-biamaý. Ithaýdi akaý zaniý wa'iüý-biamaý. \tr make it, / said he, they say. / So / that / enough / carrying them / they went homeward, they say. / His father / the «sub.» / all / carried them they say. \rf jod 1890:305.1 \op Goüý akiý-bi egoüý izhiüýge akaý akiýwaha wathaýte gthiüý-biamaý. \tr So / reached home, they say / having / his son / the «sub.» / both / eating / they sat, they say. \rf jod 1890:305.2 \op Iügthoüý-siü-sneýde eý uýzhu-biamaý, ithaýdi t'oüý te; aýdoü ithaýdi iýkipiski zhuýgigthe \tr Long-tailed-cat / he / principal, they say, / his father / had him / the; / therefore / his father / near him without touching / with his \rf jod 1890:305.3 \op gthiüý-biamaý. Goüý ihoüý akaý eý shti eýgoüxti aýgi'oüthaý-biamaý. Goüý ediýtoü \tr sat they say. / So / his mother / the «sub.» / she / too / just so / took care of her own, they say. / So / after that \rf jod 1890:305.4 \op 'aýbae zhuýgigthe atheý-hnoü-biamaý. Thisoüýga wiüaýxchi t'eýthe-goü 'iüý-adoüý zhuýgthe \tr hunting / with his / he went regularly, they say. / Your younger brother / only one / killed it having / carry it and / with him \rf jod 1890:305.5 \op giý-hnoü-ga, aý-biamaý. Aýhigi t'eýwathe tediýhi kinoüýdathiü iýgikuhaý-biamaý \tr be coming back regularly, / said he, they say. / Many / killed them / when / making himself crazy by running / feared it for his, they say \rf jod 1890:305.6 \op ithaýdi akaý. Goüý eýgoü-hnoüý-biamaý. Waniýta wiüaýxchi t'eýthai goüý zhuýgthe \tr his father / the «sub.». / So / thus regularly, they say. / Animal / only one / he killed it / so / with him \rf jod 1890:305.7 \op agiý-hnoüý-biamaý. Shi 'aýbae zhuýgthe ahiý-biamaý. Thisoüýga wachiýshka wiüý guýatoü \tr he was coming home regularly, they say. / Again / hunting / with him / he arrived, they say. / Your younger brother / creek / one / from the further «ob.» \rf jod 1890:305.8 \op tiýthe teýdi shugaýxti nazhiüý teýdi ediý 'aýbae zhuýthagtheý te, aý-biamaý. Goüý eýdi \tr comes forth / at the / very thick / stands / at the / there / hunting / you with him / will, / said he, they say. / So / there \rf jod 1890:305.9 \op ahiý-biamaý. Kageý, iüdaýdi 'aýshpae eteý te theý, aý-biamaý. Goüý eýdi athaý-biamaý. \tr he arrived, they say. / O younger brother, / my father / you hunt / may / the / this, / said he, they say. / So / there / he went, they say. \rf jod 1890:305.10 \op Eýdi ahiý-biamaý ki kaýshixti eýgoü oüýpoü nuýga keýde t'eýthe akaýma. Kageý, \tr There / arrived, they say / when / a very long time / elk / male / lying, and / he was killing it, they say. / O younger brother, \rf jod 1890:305.11 \op moüchuý-ma wiüý t'eýtha-ga, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe wiüý uthoüý aýtiaýgtha-biamaý. Eýdi \tr the grizzly bears / one / kill it, / said he, they say. / At length / one / he held / suddenly they say. / There \rf jod 1890:305.12 \op athaý-biamaý. Moüchuý-xage heýgabazhiý-biamaý. H'a! h'a! h'a! eý-hnoü-biamaý \tr he went, they say. / Grizzly bear crying / very much they say. / Ha! / ha! / ha! / said only they say \rf jod 1890:305.13 \op moüchuý akaý. Eýgithe t'eýtha-bikeýama. Aýkixthaýte agthoüýkoühoü thixaýpi itheýtha-biamaý \tr grizzly bear / the «sub.». / At length / he was lying killed, they say. / On the body under the foreleg / on both sides / pierced with claws / forcibly they say \rf jod 1890:305.14 \op Iügthoüý-siü-sneýde toüý. Goüý te-nuýga wiüý shi ieýnaxiýthakithaý-biamaý. \tr Long-tailed-cat / the «ob.». / So / buffalo-bull / one / again / he made him rush on it, they say. \rf jod 1890:305.15 \op Te-nuýga toü t'eýtha-biamaý. Goüýki shi gaý-biamaý: Kageý, theýtedi wasaýbe sigtheý \tr Buffalo-bull / the «ob.» / he killed it, they say. / And / again / he said as follows, they say: / O younger brother, / in this place / black bear / trail \rf jod 1890:305.16 \op te unaý-ga, aý-biamaý sheýnuzhiüýga akaý. Iügthoüý-siü-sneýde aýgudi thaxtaiý te, \tr the «ob.» / hunt it, / said, they say / young man / the «sub.». / Long-tailed-cat / where / was bit / the, \rf jod 1890:305.17 \op aýkixthaýte shoüý bthuýga iýbaxti-hnoüý-biamaý. Shoüý iýbthoü-baýzhi eýgoü piý 'aýbaekiýthe-hnoüý-biamaý \tr on the body under the forelegs / in fact / all over / was constantly swelling up very much, they say. / Yet / unsatisfied / like / again / was constantly causing him to hunt, they say \rf jod 1890:305.18 \op sheýnuzhiüýga akaý. \tr young man / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:305.19 \op Eýgithe shi wat'eýthe uýgine athaiý. Shi eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Eýgithe moüchuý t'eýthe te \tr At length / again / slayer / seeking them, his own / went. / Again / there / he arrived, they say. / At length / grizzly bear / killed / the \rf jod 1890:306.1 \op eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Ki noüýde-giýpibazhiý-biamaý. Eýgithe wasaýbe iüýchoü t'eýthai te \tr there / he arrived, they say. / And / heart was bad for him they say. / At length / black bear / now / killed / the \rf jod 1890:306.2 \op thisnuý giý amaý. Eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Iügthoüý-siü-sneýde ithaýdi thiü aýgine ithoüý-biamaý. \tr dragging it / was coming, they say. / There / he arrived, they say. / Long-tailed-cat / his father / the «ob.» / embraced his / suddenly, they say. \rf jod 1890:306.3 \op Hau! Thisoüýga waniýta-ma wazhiüý-pibaýzhi utheýhnazhi eteý ki, aý-biamaý. Oüý, \tr Ho! / Your younger brother / the animals / cross / you not to tell to him / ought, / said he, they say. / Yes, \rf jod 1890:306.4 \op dadiýha, eýgoü, aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. Iýthoüboüý thisoüýga wiüeýshtewoüý uiýthazhi-ga, \tr O father, / so, / said, they say / boy / the «sub.». / A second time / your younger brother / even one / tell him not, \rf jod 1890:306.5 \op aý-biamaý. Goüý shi ithaýdi akaý woüýgithe t'eýwathe thoükaý wa'iüý-biamaý. Goüý \tr said he, they say. / So / again / his father / the «sub.» / all / killed them / the ones / carried them, they say. / So \rf jod 1890:306.6 \op wa'iüý akiý-biamaý. Ihoüý akaý xageýxti aýgin ithoüý-biamaý, wamiý ke gitoüýbai \tr carrying them / he reached home, they say. / His mother / the «sub.» / cried bitterly / embraced hers / suddenly, they say, / blood / the / saw her own \rf jod 1890:306.7 \op te. Sheýnuzhiüýga iýe te ithaýdi giaýxai te shi eýgithoüý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. Thisoüýga \tr when. / Young man / word / the / his father / made for him / the / again / said to him, they say / woman / the «sub.». / Your younger brother \rf jod 1890:306.8 \op iýthoüboüý wiüeýshtewoüý shtoüýbe ki uiýthazhi-a, aý-biamaý. Oüýthiü 'aýgthaoüýthathaýthiü, \tr a second time / even one / you see it / if / do not tell him, / said she, they say. / You have / come near making me suffer, \rf jod 1890:306.9 \op aý-biamaý. Goüý ediýtoü giniýkithe gthiüý-biamaý. 'Aýbaa-baýzhi, washeý shteoüý akaýgoü. \tr said she, they say. / So / after that / causing him to recover / they say, they say. / He did not hunt, / rich in food / even / he was, because. \rf jod 1890:306.10 \op Eýgithe hoüýegoücheýxchi amaý ki thiügaý-biteýama Iügthoüý-siü-sneýde amaý. Dadiýha, \tr At length / very early in the morning / they say / when / he was missing, they say / Long-tailed-cat / the «sub.». / O father, \rf jod 1890:306.11 \op kageý amaý thiügaiý, aý-biamaý sheýnuzhiüýga akaý. Thisoüýga 'aýbae the teý, aý-biamaý. \tr younger brother / the «sub.» / is missing, / said, they say / young man / the «sub.». / Your younger brother / hunting / went, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:306.12 \op Gthiý ta thiüý, aý-biamaý. Miüý thoü moüýshi tithoüý ki agthiý-biamaý. Goüý ithaýdi \tr Coming back / he will be, / said he, they say. / Sun / the / high / it became again, suddenly / when / he came home, they say. / So / his father \rf jod 1890:306.13 \op thiükeý gipaýspoü-biamaý. Goüýki aýshi athaý-biamaý. Goüý ithaýdi amaý uthuýgihaý-biamaý. \tr the «ob.» / he pushed his to attract notice, they say. / And / out / he went, they say. / There / they arrived, they say / when / behold / the beavers \rf jod 1890:306.15 \op wiüý goüýke amaý, zhiüýgazhi. Shi hiýdeataýthishoü eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Shi eýgoü zhaýbe-ma \tr one / lay for some time, they say / not small. / Again / down-stream / there / they arrived, they say. / Again / so / the beavers \rf jod 1890:306.16 \op wiüý goüýke amaý, zhiüýgazhi. Goüý sheýnoüba t'eýwathaý-biamaý. Wa'iüý akiý-biamaý. \tr one / lay for some time, they say, / not small. / So / only those two / he killed them, they say. / Carrying them / he reached home, they say. \rf jod 1890:306.17 \op Goüý eýgasaýni noüýba zhoüý-xtieýgoü teýdi zhuýgthe athaý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. Shi taýxti \tr So / the next day / two / sleeps, about / when / with him / went, they say / boy / the «sub.». / Again / deer \rf jod 1890:306.18 \op noüýba t'eýwathaý-biamaý. Wasaýbe noüýba t'eýwathaý-biamaý. Goüý eýdi aýhigi t'eýwathaý \tr two / he killed them, they say. / Black bear / two / he killed them, they say. / So / there / many / he killed them \rf jod 1890:306.19 \op biamaý. Gtheýba t'eýwathaý-biamaý: taýxti, wasaýbe shti, zhaýbe shti. Miüý thoü hiýdexchi \tr they say. / Ten / he killed them, they say: / deer, / black bear / too, / beaver / too. / Sun / the / low very \rf jod 1890:306.20 \op hiý ki akiý-biamaý. Dadiýha, kageý aýhigixti t'eýwathe ha, aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga \tr arrived / when / they reached home, they say. / O father, / younger brother / very many / killed them / , / said, they say / boy \rf jod 1890:307.1 \op akaý. Eýgasaýni te uýhe athaiý te, woüýgithe. Ithaýdi zhuýgigthe athaý-biamaý, ihoüý \tr the «sub.». / The next day / when / to bring in the meat / went, / all. / His father / with his / he went, they say, / his mother \rf jod 1890:307.2 \op edaýbe. Iügthoüý-siü-sneýde akaý athaý-bazhiý-biamaý. Weýnaxithaý-biamaý niýashiüga aýzhi \tr also. / Long-tailed-cat / the «sub.» / did not go, they say. / Attacked them, they say / people / different \rf jod 1890:307.3 \op amaý. Sheýnuzhiüýga pahoüýga gaxthiý-biamaý. Wa'uýzhiüga eýduaýtoü gaxthiý-biamaý. \tr the «sub.». / Young man / first / they killed him, they say. / Old woman / next / they killed her, they say. \rf jod 1890:307.4 \op Ithaýdi amaý noüýzhiüshkeýxchi akiý-biamaý. Thihoüý thizhiüýthe edaýbe waýxthi, aý-biamaý. \tr His father / the «sub.» / barely / reached home, they say. / Your mother / your elder brother / also / they killed them, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:307.5 \op Eýdi oügaýthe teý, aý-biamaý. Eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Iügthoüý-siü-sneýde ithaýdi eýdi hiý \tr There / let us go, / said he, they say. / There / they arrived, they say. / Long-tailed-cat / his father / there / arrived \rf jod 1890:307.6 \op wiuýwatoüýga t'eýtha-biamaý niýashiüga amaý. Iügthoüý-siü-sneýde akaý weýnaxithaý-biamaý \tr as soon as / killed him, they say / people / the «sub.». / Long-tailed-cat / the «sub.» / attacked them, they say \rf jod 1890:307.7 \op niýashiüga thoükaý. Shoüýge ke edaýbe wiüý t'eýtha-biamaý Iügthoüý-siü-sneýde akaý. Shi \tr people / the «ob.». / Horse / the «ob.» / also / one / killed them, they say / Long-tailed-cat / the «sub.». / Again \rf jod 1890:307.8 \op weýnaxithaý-biamaý. Uthuýkiheheýbe waýthiü-biamaý Iügthoüý-siü-sneýde akaý. Niýashiüga \tr he attacked them, they say. / One after another / had them, they say / Long-tailed-cat / the «sub.». / Man \rf jod 1890:307.9 \op wiüý shoüýge uthaýs'iü eýgoü-hnoü-siýxti t'eýtha-biamaý. Gtheýbahiwiüý teý t'eýwathaý-biamaý. \tr one / horse / sticking to / so throughout / he killed, they say. / A hundred / the / he killed them, they say. \rf jod 1890:307.10 \op Waýthixapi uthiýxpathe t'eýwathe-hnoüý-biamaý. Miüý itheý eýkitoüýxti wiüaýxchi \tr Piercing them with claws / he pulled off / he killed them regularly they say. / Sun / had gone / just then / only one \rf jod 1890:307.11 \op ugaýshta-biamaý. \tr was left they say. \rf jod 1890:307.12 \ti The raccoons and the crabs \st Frank La Flèche's Version \op Eýgithe Mikaý amaý theý amaýma. Eýgithe gaý-biamaý: \tr At length Raccoon / the «sub.» / was going, they say. / At length / he said as follows, they say: \rf jod 1890:310.1 \op Kaý-ge Miý-ka haý! haý-zi oüý-that oü-gaý-the te haý, kaý-ge Miý-ka haý! \tr Younger brother / Coon / O! / grapes / we eat / let us go / , / younger brother / Coon / O! \rf jod 1890:310.2 \op Wiýzhiütheýha, sheý bthaýte-hnoüýdi hiý oüýsoüsoüýde-moüý, goüý aýdoü ubthiý'age. \tr O my elder brother, / that / I eat it invariably when / tooth / shake me rapidly, / so / therefore / I am unwilling. \rf jod 1890:310.3 \op Kaý-ge Miýka haý! kan*-de oüý-that oü-gaý-the te haý, kaý-ge Miý-ka haý! \tr Younger brother / Coon / O! / plums / we eat / let us go / , / younger brother / Coon / O! \rf jod 1890:310.4 \op Wiýzhiütheýha, sheý bthaýte-hnoüýdi oüthoüýwoükeýga-hnoü-moüý, goüý aýdoü ubthiý'age. \tr O my elder brother, / that / I eat it invariably when / it always makes me sick, / so / therefore / I am unwilling. \rf jod 1890:310.5 \op Kaý-ge Miýka haý! noüý-pa oüý-that oü-gaý-the te haý, kaý-ge Miý-ka haý! \tr Younger brother / Coon / O! / choke-cherries / we eat / let us go / , / younger brother / Coon / O! \rf jod 1890:310.6 \op Wiýzhiütheýha, sheý bthaýte-hnoüýdi snioüýt'e-moü, goüý adoüý ubthiý'age. \tr O my elder brother, / that / I eat it invariably when / I am chilly, / so / therefore / I am unwilling. \rf jod 1890:310.7 \op Kaý-ge Miý-ka haý! Moüý-shkoü oüýthat oü-gaý-the te haý, kaý-ge Miý-ka ha! \tr Younger brother / Coon / O! / Crab / we eat / let us go / , / younger brother / Coon / O! \rf jod 1890:310.8 \op Haý! zhiüýthe, haý! zhiüýthe, zhiütheýha! sheý iüýudoü-hnoü-moüý. Eýgithe theý amaý. Eýgithe \tr O! / elder brother, / O! / elder brother, / elder brother O! / that / always good for me. / At length / they went, they say. / At length \rf jod 1890:310.9 \op Moüýshkoü ni-uýwagi ahiý-biamaý. Eýgithe t'eý gaxaý-biamaý. Eýgithe noüýzhiü thashkoüý \tr Crab / where they got water / they arrived, they say. / At length / dead / they made, they say. / Beware / barely / you stir \rf jod 1890:310.10 \op thiüýhe auý. Atoüý, Ahauý! eheý ki thashkoüý te haý. Eýgithe shiýbe thi'iý'ithai shteýshtewoüý, \tr over / ! / When, / Oho! / I say / when / you stir / will / . / Beware / entrails / they tickle «you» / notwithstanding, \rf jod 1890:310.11 \op paxthuýge uthiýbahiüýi shteýshtewoüý, ishtaý theýthezhiüýdai shteýshtewoüý, eýgithe thashkoüý \tr nostrils / they push up into your / notwithstanding, / eye / they reach into your / notwithstanding, / beware / you stir \rf jod 1890:311.1 \op thiüýhe auý. Atoüý, Ahauý! eheý kiýzhi thashkoüý te haý, aý-biamaý (Mikaý noüý akaý). \tr ever / ! / When, / Oho! / I say / if / you stir / will / , / said, they say / (Raccoon / grown / the). \rf jod 1890:311.2 \op Eýgithe Moüýshkoü miüýzhiüga juýba niý agiýahiý-biamaý. Ki goüýthoüka weýtha-biamaý. \tr At length / Crab / girl / some / water / arrived for, they say. / And / after they «stood» awhile / they found them, they say, \rf jod 1890:311.3 \op Toüthiüý uthaý agthaý-biamaý. Wathaýxuxuýxe noüýba t'eý akeý aýtha! U+! aý-biamaý. \tr Running / to tell it / they went homeward, they say. / Raccoon / two / dead / the two «lie» / indeed! / Halloo! / said «some», they say. \rf jod 1890:311.4 \op Eýgithe Moüýshkoü niýkagahi thiükeýdi uthaý ahiý-biamaý. Eýgithe Moüýshkoü niýkagahi \tr At length / Crab / chief / to him / to tell it / they arrived, they say. / At length / Crab / chief \rf jod 1890:311.5 \op akaý eýthoübe atiý-biamaý. Eýgithe weýnaxiýtha theýtha-biamaý. Ki iüsh'aýge wiüý \tr the «sub.» / in sight / came, they say. / At length / to attack them / he sent suddenly, they say. / And / old man / one \rf jod 1890:311.6 \op iýekiýthe teýgoü zhuýwagthaý-biamaý. (Eýgithe Mikaý akaýdi eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Ki wiüý \tr to act as crier / in order to / with them they say. / (At length / Raccoon / by them / there / they arrived, they say. / And / one \rf jod 1890:311.7 \op gaý-biama:) Hiüdaý! shiýbe bthiý'itha teý-ana, aý-biamaý. Shiýbe thi'iýtha-bi (ki) \tr said as follows, they say:) / Let me see! / entrail / I tickle him / will! / said he, they say. / Entrail / he tickled they say / (when) \rf jod 1890:311.8 \op sheýtheshtewoüýzhi zhoüý-biamaý. Thaýthuhaýxchi iýxa amaý ki thishtoüý-biamaý. Shi aýma \tr stirring not at all / he lay, they say. / Almost / he laughed / they say / when / he stopped, they say. / Again / the other \rf jod 1890:311.9 \op keýdi athaý-b egoüý paxthuýge thizhiüýda-biamaý. Sheýtheshtewoüýzhi zhoüý-biamaý. Shi aýma \tr by the / went, they say / having / nostrils / he reached into, they say. / Stirring not at all / he lay, they say. / Again / the other \rf jod 1890:311.10 \op keýdi athaý-biamaý. Ishtaý-koüha thiziýbexchi uthoüý-biamaý. Sheýtheshtewoüýzhi zhoüý-biamaý \tr by the / he went, they say. / Eye-border / taking by the very edge / he held, they say. / Stirring not at all / lay they say \rf jod 1890:311.11 \op Mikaý akaý. Heý! wathaýwachigaýxe teý aiý athu+! eý iýekiýthe theýtha-biamaý \tr Raccoon / the «sub.». / Ho! / you are to dance / he says / indeed, halloo! / saying / proclaiming / sent suddenly, they say \rf jod 1890:311.12 \op Moüýshkoü iüsh'aýge akaý. Eýgithe wachiýgaxaý-biamaý. Wachiýgaxe uýthishoüý-biamaý. \tr Crab / old man / the «sub.». / At length / they danced they say. / Dancing / they went around them, they say. \rf jod 1890:311.13 \op Wathaýxuxuýxe noüýba t'eý akeý, Aýma sitheýde snedeý, Aýma iüýdzhe xtheýxe. U+! \tr Raccoon / two / dead / the two «lie», / The one / heel / long, / The other / face / spotted. / Halloo! \rf jod 1890:311.14 \op (aý-biamaý iüsh'aýge akaý). Eýgithe toüýwoügthoü bthuýga wachiýgaxe uýthishoüý-biamaý, \tr (said, they say / old man / the). / At length / village / all / dancing / went around them, they say, \rf jod 1890:311.15 \op Moüýshkoü toüýwoügthoü. Eýgithe, Ahauý! aý-biamaý. Akiýtha nazhiüý aýtiaýtha-biamaý. \tr Crab / village. / At length, / Oho! / said he, they say. / Both / stood / suddenly they say. \rf jod 1890:311.16 \op Weýnaxith athaý-biamaý. Moüýshkoü tiý aýgikiýbanoüý-biamaý. Waýthate moüthiüý-biamaý. \tr Attacking them / they went, they say. / Crabs / lodge / ran with all their might for their, they say. / Eating them / they walked, they say. \rf jod 1890:311.17 \op T'eýwathe moüthiüý-biamaý. Eýgithe noübaýxchi aýkiaýgtha-biamaý. Keý! Moügthiüýi-ga. \tr Killing them / they walked, they say. / At length / only two / had gone back, they say. / Come! / Begone. \rf jod 1890:311.18 \op Moüýshkoü ethiýge taiý (aý-biamaý Mikaý akaý). Shetoüý. \tr Crab / they say of you / will «they» / (said, they say / Raccoon / the). / So far. \rf jod 1890:311.19 \ti The raccoons and the crabs \st @{Pathiü-noüpazhi}'s Version \op Eýgithe Mikaý amaý a-iý-biamaý. Kaýge Mike+! kaýge Mike+! kaýge Mike+! \tr At length / Raccoon / the / was coming, they say. / Younger brother / Coon O! / younger brother / Coon O! / younger brother / Coon O! \rf jod 1890:313.1 \op haýzi oüthaýt oügaýthe haý+, kaýge Mike+! aý-biamaý. Wiýzhiütheýha! sheý bthaýte-hnoüý \tr grapes / we eat / we go / ! / younger brother / Coon O! / said he, they say. / O my elder brother! / that / I eat regularly \rf jod 1890:313.2 \op thoüýdi niýxa oüthoüýnie-hnoü-moüý. Niý te bthaýtoü teýdi oüthoüýpaxeteý shtoü, aýshka \tr when / stomach / pains me in regularly I have «&or I do». / Water / the / I drink / when / it purges me / habitually, / close \rf jod 1890:313.3 \op gaýmoü azheý shtoü ha, aý-biamaý. Kaýge Mike+! kaýge Mike+! kaýge Mike+! \tr I do that / I stool / habitually / , / said he, they say. / Younger brother / Coon O! / younger brother / Coon O! / younger brother / Coon O! \rf jod 1890:313.4 \op guýbe oüthaýt oügaýthe haý+, kaýge Mike+! aý-biamaý. Wiýzhiütheýha! sheýthoü bthaýte-hnoüýdi \tr hackberries / we eat / we go / ! / younger brother / Coon O! / said he, they say. / O my elder brother! / that / I eat regularly, when \rf jod 1890:313.5 \op iüýgth oüýwasaý shtoü. Wazhiüýxidaýathe, aý-biamaý. Kaýge Mike+! kaýge \tr I am constipated / habitually. / I get out of patience with it, / said he, they say. / Younger brother / Coon O! / younger brother \rf jod 1890:313.6 \op Mike+! kaýge Mike+! wazhiýde oüthaýt oügaýthe haý+, kaýge Mike+! aý-biamaý. \tr Coon O! / younger brother / Coon O! / buffalo berries / we eat / we go / ! / younger brother / Coon O! / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:313.7 \op Wiýzhiütheýha! sheýthoü bthaýte-hnoüýdi izhoüýxe oüýtha'i'itha eýgoü akiýgthi'uý shtoü. Wazhiüýxidaýathe, \tr O my elder brother! / that / I eat regularly, when / &anus / it itches me / as / I scratch myself / habitually. / I get out of patience with it, \rf jod 1890:314.1 \op aý-biamaý. Kaýge Mike+! kaýge Mike+! kaýge Mike+! Moüýshkoü oüwoüýthat \tr said he, they say. / Younger brother / Coon O! / younger brother / Coon O! / younger brother / Coon O! / Crab / we eat them \rf jod 1890:314.2 \op oügaýthe te hau, kaýge Mike+! aý-biamaý. Haý! zhiüthe, haý! zhiüthe, zhiütheýha, \tr we go / will / ! / younger brother / Coon O! / said he, they say. / O! / elder brother, / O! / elder brother, / elder brother O! \rf jod 1890:314.3 \op sheý-hnoü wathaýte awaýsithe shtoü, aý-biamaý. Goüýki athaý-biamaý egoüý, weýthigthoü \tr that only / eating «them» / I think of them / habitually, / said he, they say. / And / they went, they say / having, / plan \rf jod 1890:314.4 \op gaýxe moüthiüý-biamaý. Toüýwoügthoü heýgashtewoüýzhi tapeý athaý-biamaý. Zhiütheýha, \tr making / they walked, they say. / Village / very populous / near by / they went, they say. / Elder brother, \rf jod 1890:314.5 \op uýkie oügaýxe ki aýkishuga ki wioüýnaxiýthai ki oüwoüýthate taiý, aý-biamaý. Oüýkazhi, \tr to talk with them / we make / if / standing thick / when / we rush on them / if / we eat them / will, / said he, they say. / No, \rf jod 1890:314.6 \op aý-biamaý izhiüýthe akaý. Gaý-biamaý: Niý-agihiý teýdi wiüýthoüthoü t'eýoüwoüýthe \tr said, they say / his elder brother / the «sub.». / He said as follows, they say: / Arrive there for water / at the / one by one / we kill them \rf jod 1890:314.7 \op oüwoüýthate oügthiüý tai, aý-biamaý. Shi isoüýga akaý, Oüýkazhi, weýthigthoü wiý paýxe ha, \tr we eat them / we sit / will, / said he, they say. / Again / his younger brother / the «sub.», / No, / plan / I / I make it / , \rf jod 1890:314.8 \op aý-biamaý. Shoüýge uneý uzhoüýge gaxaý agiýi keýta paheý aýthiü baxuý eýtoü te \tr said he, they say. / Horse / seeking / road / it forks / is coming again / at the / hill / ridge / peak / just that far / the \rf jod 1890:314.9 \op oügaýxe te, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, shoüý, aý-biamaý. Sheý tateý, aý-biamaý. Eýta athaý-biamaý. \tr let us make it, / said he, they say. / Yes, / enough, / said he, they say. / That / shall be, / said he, they say. / Thither / they went they say. \rf jod 1890:314.10 \op Eýgoü uzhoüýge ke akiýtha moüýathaxti goüý zhoüý-biamaý. T'eý gaxaý-biamaý. \tr So / road / the / both / flat on the back / so / they lay, they say. / Dead / they made they say. \rf jod 1890:314.11 \op Washkoüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Shoüý 'oüý aýthithiüý shteýshtewoüý, ishtaý thoü uthiýbahiü \tr Do your best, / said «one», they say. / Still / how / he has you / notwithstanding, / eye / the / he pushes in your \rf jod 1890:314.12 \op shteýshtewoüý, shiýbe thiýtha'iý'ithai shteýshtewoüý, paýxthuge te uthiýbahiü shteýshtewoüý, paý thoü \tr even if, / entrails / he tickles you / even if, / nostrils / the / he pushes in your / even if, / head / the \rf jod 1890:314.13 \op sipaý te thinoüýha theýthe shteýshtewoüý, sheýthazhi-ga, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe shoüýge uneý wiüý \tr toe / the / he kicks you aside / sending off / even if, / do not stir, / said he, they say. / At length / horse / seeking / one \rf jod 1890:314.14 \op agiý amaýma. Uzhoüýge ke uhaý agiý-biamaý. Weýtha-bi ki, Shi! shi! shiý! theýake \tr was returning, they say. / Road / the / following / he was returning, they say. / He found them, they say / when, / Shee! / shee! / shee! / these two lying \rf jod 1890:314.15 \op noüýba, aý-biamaý. Weýbetoüý-biamaý. Shi eýdi a-iý-biamaý. Sipaý goüý noühaý \tr two, / said he, they say. / He went around them, they say. / Again / there / was approaching, they say. / Toe / thus / he kicked one \rf jod 1890:314.16 \op theýtha-biamaý ki sheýtheshtewoüýzhi zhoüý-biamaý. Uthaý agthaý-biamaý. Wathaýxuxe esheý-hnoü \tr aside suddenly, they say / when / moving not at all / he lay, they say. / To tell it / he went homeward, they say. / Raccoon / you say regularly \rf jod 1890:314.17 \op noüýba t'eý akeý aýtha. Huü+! aý-biamaý. Toüýwoügthoü goüý gthiüý-biamaý. \tr two / dead / the two «lie» / indeed. / Halloo! / said he, they say. / Village / so / sat they say. \rf jod 1890:314.18 \op Hiüdaý! aý-biamaý boüý na'oüý-bi akaý. Eýgithe iüsh'aýge wiüý shikoüýgeata gthiüý akaýma \tr Hark! / said he, they say / calling / heard it, they say / he who. / At length / old man / one / far apart / he who was sitting, they say \rf jod 1890:314.19 \op boüý te na'oüý-bi egoüý uaýkihoü uthaý agthaý-biamaý. Wathaýxuxe noüýba \tr calling / the / heard it, they say / having / beyond / to tell it / went homeward, they say. / Raccoon / two \rf jod 1890:315.1 \op t'eý akeý, aiý atha+ u! aý-biamaý. Tiý amaý za'eýxtioüý-biamaý. Wanaý'oü-biamaý. \tr dead / the two «lie», / he says / indeed, / halloo! / said he, they say. / Lodge / the / in great confusion, they say. / They heard them, they say. \rf jod 1890:315.2 \op Waýwathaýchigaýxe te, aiý athaý+ u! aý-biamaý. Shoüý shiüýgazhiüýga moüthiüý wakoüýdagiý \tr You are to dance, / he says / indeed, / halloo! / said he, they say. / And / child / to walk / forward «+quick» \rf jod 1890:315.3 \op shtewoüý bthuýgaxti ahiý-biamaý. Ahiý-bi egoüý aýkishugaýxti eýgaxe nazhiüý-biamaý. \tr even / all / arrived, they say. / Arrived, they say / having / standing very close together / around / stood they say. \rf jod 1890:315.4 \op Iüsh'aýgextiý-bi eýdegoü athuýhageýxchi ahiý-biamaý. Iýmoügthet'oü aý-inazhiüý-biamaý. \tr A very aged man, they say / but / at the very last / arrived, they say. / Using a staff / he came and stood, they say. \rf jod 1890:315.5 \op Moüshiaýtaha nazhiüýi-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Theýama Ishtiýnike thipiýi aýtha! aý-biamaý. \tr Off at a distance / stand ye / , / said he, they say. / These / @{Ishtiýnike} / skillful «+cunning» / indeed! / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:315.6 \op Haýhakithaýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Hiüdaý! waýthit'oüýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Shiýbe waýthi'ithaýi-ga, \tr Get yourselves ready, / said he, they say. / Let us see! / feel them, / said he, they say. / Entrail / tickle ye them, \rf jod 1890:315.7 \op aý-biamaý. Shiýbe waýthi'thaýi-de sheýtheshtewoüý-bazhiý-biamaý. T'eý thoükaý, aý-biamaý. \tr said he, they say. / Entrail / tickled them when / they moved not at all they say. / Dead / they who, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:315.8 \op T'aýi ha. Keý, waýwachigaxaýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Iüsh'aýge akaý weýxuka gthiüý-biamaý. \tr They are dead / . / Come, / dance ye, / said he, they say. / Old man / the / singing for them / sat they say. \rf jod 1890:315.9 \op Iýbehiü utiüý-biamaý. Peýxe buýta gasaýthu utiüý-biamaý. Wathaýxuxe noüýba t'eý \tr Pillow / hit they say. / Gourd / round / to rattle / he hit they say. / Raccoon / two / dead \rf jod 1890:315.10 \op akeý. Iüýde xtheýxthe, iüýde xtheýxthe; Siüýde sneýde xtheýxthe; Hiüý zhoüýxe toüýga, \tr the. / Face / spotted, / face / spotted; / Tail / long / spotted; / Hair / offensive / big, \rf jod 1890:315.11 \op aý-biamaý. Zhiütheýha, sheýtathishoü weýnaxithaýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Nazhiüý aýtiaýtha-bi egoüý \tr said he, they say. / Elder brother, / on that side / attack them, / said «one», they say. / Stood / suddenly, they say / having \rf jod 1890:315.12 \op ediýtoüxti t'eýwathe waýthate moüthiüý-biamaý. Tiý ke uýgipaýaza-biamaý. Dzhuýbaxchi \tr forthwith / killing them / eating them / they walked, they say. / Lodge / the / they scared them into their own, they say. / Very few \rf jod 1890:315.13 \op akiý-biamaý. Shetoüý noüshtoüý-biamaý, weýnoüdaý-bi egoüý. Hahaý! goüýbadoü \tr reached home, they say. / So far / they stopped running, they say, / felt full after eating, they say / having. / Ha! ha! / just as we wished «?» \rf jod 1890:315.14 \op weýnoüdeawaýkithe, aý-biamaý. \tr we have been caused to feel full after eating, / said they, they say. \rf jod 1890:315.15 \ti The warriors who were changed to snakes \op Niýashiüga gtheýbanoüba nudoüý athaý-biamaý. Wathaýta-bazhiý-biamaý. Noüpeýhiü \tr Person / twenty / to war / went, they say. / They ate not they say. / Hunger \rf jod 1890:317.1 \op wakoüýdithextiý-biamaý. Eýgaxe agiý-biamaý. Shoüý, theý'iühaý! Uýthixide \tr very impatient from they say. / In a circle / they were returning, they say. / Enough, / O servants! / Looking around \rf jod 1890:317.2 \op moüthiüýi-ga. Washkoüýi-ga, uýthixide te, aý-biamaý nudoüýhoüga akaý. Ki eýgithe \tr walk ye. / Do your best, / looking around / the, / said, they say / war-chief / the. / And / at length \rf jod 1890:317.3 \op wiüý toüthiüý agiý-biamaý. Nuýdoühoügaý! waniýta wiüý edediý ameý ebtheýgoü, \tr one / running / was coming, they say. / O war-chief! / animal / one / there / is moving / I think, \rf jod 1890:317.4 \op aý-biamaý. Ahauý! aý-biamaý nudoüýhoüga akaý. Iüdaýdoü waniýta eýskoü ehneýgoü? \tr said he, they say. / Oho! / said, they say / war-chief / the. / What / animal / it may be you think? \rf jod 1890:317.5 \op aý-biamaý. Nuýdoühoügaý! te-nuýga, ebtheýgoü, aý-biamaý. Ahauý! aý-biamaý nudoüýhoüga. \tr said he, they say. / O war-chief! / buffalo bull, / I think, / said he, they say. / Oho! / said, they say / war-chief. \rf jod 1890:317.6 \op Shan*-de, theý'iühaý! oüniýt etaiý, aý-biamaý. Piý doüýbe moüthiüýi-ga shi. \tr If so, / O servants! / we live / may, / said he, they say. / Again / to see it / walk ye / again. \rf jod 1890:317.7 \op Shi toüthiüý athaý-biamaý wiüý. Eýgithe, moüthiüý atheý amaýma te-nuýga amaý. Na! \tr Again / running / went, they say / one. / Behold, / walking / was going, they say / buffalo bull / the. / Fie! \rf jod 1890:317.8 \op nudoüýhoüga ithaýpa-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Goüý ithaýpe athaý-biamaý. Theýthu gthiüýi-ga, \tr war-chief / wait for him / , / said they, they say. / And / waiting for him / they went, they say. / Here / sit ye, \rf jod 1890:317.9 \op aý-biamaý, wagaýxthoü eý waýwakaý-bi egoüý. Goüý athaý-biamaý. Oüdoüýbe zhoüýi-ga, \tr said he, they say, / servant / that / he meant them, they say / having. / And / he went, they say. / Looking at me / lie ye, \rf jod 1890:318.1 \op aý-biamaý. Aýnase nazhiüý-biamaý. Eýgithe a-iý amaýma te-nuýga amaý. Aýgata \tr said he, they say. / To intercept it / he stood, they say. / At length / was approaching, they say / buffalo bull / the. / Aiming at it \rf jod 1890:318.2 \op zhoüý-biamaý. Wahuýtoüthiü ke basnuý theýtha-biamaý. Aýgataý-bi aýfthutoüxchi. Ahiý-bi \tr he lay, they say. / Gun / the / he pushed along / suddenly, they say. / He aimed at it, they say / in a straight line. / He arrived, they say \rf jod 1890:318.3 \op ki eýgithe waniýta aýzhi amaýma. Noüýpe zhoüý-biamaý. Wahuýtoüthiü ke gthiýza-biamaý. \tr when / behold / animal / different / was moving, they say. / Fearing it / he lay, they say. / Gun / the / he took his they say. \rf jod 1890:318.4 \op Akiýda-maýzhi kiýshte t'eýoüthazhi eteýgoüzhi aýhoü, etheýgoü zhoüý-biamaý. Shi \tr I shoot not / even if / he kills me not / not apt / ! / thinking / he lay, they say. / Again \rf jod 1890:318.5 \op akiýde kiýshte muaýshnoü shoüý t'eýoüthe eteýgoü aýhoü, etheýgoü zhoüý-biamaý. Ithaýugthe \tr I shoot at him / even if / I miss him / still / to kill me / apt / ! / thinking / he lay, they say. / All the while \rf jod 1890:318.6 \op noüýwape zhoüý-biamaý. Weýs'a toüýga amaýma, siüýde-xthaý theýthoüskaý-biamaý. \tr fearing / he lay, they say. / Snake / big / it was moving, they say, / tail-rattler / this size, they say. \rf jod 1890:318.7 \op Thip'oüýde goüý thisaýthu-hnoüý-biamaý: Chu+. Goüý kiýda-biamaý. Sheýtheshtewoüýzhi \tr Shook by pulling / so / it rattled invariably, they say: / Choo-oo. / And / he shot at it, they say. / Not moving at all \rf jod 1890:318.8 \op nazhiüý-biamaý. Kiýdaiý-bi teýdi eýgithe xiaýtha aýiaýtha-biamaý. Iüýtoü nudoüýhoüga \tr it stood, they say. / It was shot at, they say / when / behold / falling / it went suddenly, they say. / Now / war-chief \rf jod 1890:318.9 \op thiükeý kiýde, aý-biamaý. Goüý eýdi agthaý-biamaý. Eýdi akiý-biamaý. Na! theý'iühaý! \tr the / shot at it, / said they, they say. / And / there / he went back, they say. / There / he arrived again, they say. / Bother! / O servants! \rf jod 1890:318.10 \op waniýta wiüý t'eýathe thoüýzha noüýpewaýthe, aý-biamaý. Na! nuýdoühoügaý! shoüý oüthoüýgudoüýbe \tr animal / one / I killed it / though / dangerous, / said he, they say. / Why! / O war-chief! / still / let us consider \rf jod 1890:318.11 \op taiý edaýdoü waniýta eýiüte, aý-biamaý. Weýs'a toüýga, aý-biamaý. Wuýhu' 'Aý! \tr what / animal / it may be, / said they, they say. / Snake / big, / said he, they say. / Really! \rf jod 1890:318.12 \op aý-biamaý. Zaniý thaxuýba-biamaý. Goüý eýdi ahiý-biamaý woüýgithe. Hiüda! \tr said they, they say. / All / wondered, they say. / And / there / arrived, they say / all. / See! \rf jod 1890:318.13 \op umaýsnai-ga, aý-biamaý. Umaýsna-biamaý. Eýgithe shiüý heýgazhiý-biamaý Weýs'a akaý. \tr split it with a knife, / said he, they say. / They split it they say. / Behold / fat / very, they say / Snake / the. \rf jod 1890:318.14 \op Ki teý-ma niýkashiüga ukeýthiü t'eýwathai te uýthibthoü bthoüý uýdoüxti eýgoüxtioüý \tr And / the buffaloes / people / common / kill them / when / they smell / odor / very good / just like \nt people / common = Indians \rf jod 1890:318.15 \op uthiýbthoü-biamaý Weýs'a akaý. Nuýdoühoügaý! uýdoüxtioüý uýthibthoü te, teý eýgoüxtioüý, \tr smelt they say / Snake / the. / O war-chief! / very good / smell / the, / buffalo / just like, \rf jod 1890:318.16 \op aý-biamaý. Weýgaskoüthaýi-ga, aý-biamaý nudoüýhoüga akaý. Goüý neýthe \tr said they, they say. / Test it, / said, they say / war-chief / the. / And / kindling a fire \rf jod 1890:318.17 \op shte iteýtha-biamaý. Peýde te naýhegazhiý-biamaý. Ki noüpeýhiü te wakoüýditha-biamaý. \tr even / they put it on, they say. / Fire / the / burnt very hot, they say. / And / hunger / the / impatient from, they say. \rf jod 1890:318.18 \op Ahauý! aý-biamaý. Keý, theý'iühaý! iýgaskoüthaýi-ga, aý-biamaý nudoüýhoüga \tr Oho! / said he, they say. / Come, / O servants! / test it, / said, they say / war-chief \rf jod 1890:318.19 \op akaý. Miüý thoü thaýthuhaýxchi itheý-hnoü eýgoü-biamaý. Goüý, Theýthuxti, theý'iühaý! \tr the. / Sun / the / nearly / had gone only / so they say. / And, / Right here, / O servants! \rf jod 1890:318.20 \op oüzhoüý tai, aý-biamaý. Goüý te-thiýtiü thoü shoüý basnoüý ithoüýtha-biamaý. Niüýdethai \tr let us sleep, / said he, they say. / And / buffalo rib / the / so / they placed on sticks to roast. / they say. / Cooked \rf jod 1890:319.1 \op te eýduaýtoü shoüý aýkasta iteýtha-biamaý. Shoüý wiüý pahoüýga thateý taiteý noüýpa-bi \tr when / next / so / in a heap / they put it, they say. / And / one / before / eat / shall / feared, they say \rf jod 1890:319.2 \op egoüý, aýkast iteýthe gthiüý-biamaý. Goüý eýgithe nudoüýhoüga akaý gaý-biamaý: \tr having, / in a heap / putting it / they sat, they say. / And / at length / war-chief / the / said as follows, they say: \rf jod 1890:319.3 \op Ahauý! aý-biamaý. Theý'iühaý! heýbe iüýthiü giýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Goüý heýbe eýthiü \tr Oho! / said he, they say. / O servants! / a piece / bring to me, / said he, they say. / And / a piece / having for him \rf jod 1890:319.4 \op akiý-biamaý. Thataý-biamaý. Eýgithe, Uýdoüxtioüý, the'iüý, aý-biamaý. Teý-ma oüwoüýthataiý \tr they reached again, they say. / He ate it, they say. / At length, / Very good, / servants, / said he, they say. / The buffaloes / we eat them \rf jod 1890:319.5 \op eýgoüxtioüý, aý-biamaý. Goüý zaniý thataý-biamaý. Ki niýathiüga nuýzhiügaý-biamaý. \tr just like, / said he, they say. / And / all / ate they say. / And / person / boy they say. \rf jod 1890:319.6 \op Nuýzhiügaý-bi eýde thataý-bazhiý-biamaý. Iýnahiüý-bi shte thataý-bazhiý-biamaý. \tr Boy, they say / but / he ate not they say. / They were willing, they say / even / he ate not they say. \rf jod 1890:319.7 \op Theý'iühaý! teý-ma oüwoüýthataiý eýgoü ha, aý-biamaý. Bthoüý piýbazhi-baýzhi, uýdoüxtioüý. \tr O servant! / the buffaloes / we eat them / it is like / , / said he, they say. / Odor / bad not, / very good. \rf jod 1890:319.8 \op Thataý-ga, aý-biamaý nudoüýhoüga akaý. Ubthiý'age, aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. Goüý \tr Eat it, / said, they say / war-chief / the. / I am unwilling, / said, they say / boy / the. / And \rf jod 1890:319.9 \op neýthe te eýgaxe gthiüý-biamaý. Ki nuýzhiüga akaý gaxaýta gthiü-biamaý. Goüý \tr kindled «fire» / the / around it / they sat, they say. / And / boy / the / apart / sat they say. / And \rf jod 1890:319.10 \op ugaýhanapaýze amaý. Goüý iýnoüdextioüý-bi egoüý zhoüý-hnoü-biamaý. Eýgithe, \tr dark / they say. / And / felt very full after eating, they say / having / slept each one, they say. / At length, \rf jod 1890:319.11 \op Ahauý! aý-biamaý. Theý'iühaý! paýhoüi-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Piýazhixtioüý, aý-biamaý \tr Oho! / said he, they say. / O servants! / arise / , / said he, they say. / Very bad, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:319.12 \op nudoüýhoüga akaý. Goüý uýwakieý thi'aýxti, shoüý goüý Weýs'a amaý bthuýga. Eýgithe \tr war-chief / the. / And / to talk to them / he failed, / strange to say «?» / Snake / the «+were» / all. / Behold \rf jod 1890:319.13 \op atoüý-ke-doüý bthuýgaxti thieý gaxaý kigthiýshtoü-biamaý Weýs'a sad-iheý. Nudoüýhoüga \tr just as long as he lay / all / half of the body / finished himself, they say / Snake / was lying stretched. / War-chief \rf jod 1890:319.14 \op aýma akaý gaý-biamaý: Ahauý! aý-biamaý. Guýda giýboü theýthai-ga, (aý-biamaý), \tr the other / said as follows, they say: / Oho! / said he, they say. / Yonder / call to him, / (said he, they say), \rf jod 1890:319.15 \op nuýzhiüga eý wakaý-bi egoüý. Nuýzhiüga akaý agiý-biamaý. Keý, theý'iühaý! wadoüýbai-ga, \tr boy / that / meant him, they say / having. / Boy / the / was coming, they say. / Come, / O servant! / look at us, \rf jod 1890:319.16 \op aý-biamaý. Theý'iühaý! theý noüýthapeýgoü hnaýtazhi iýshpahoü, aý-biamaý. Nuýzhiüga \tr said he, they say. / O servant! / this / you feared, as / you ate not / you know, / said he, they say. / Boy \rf jod 1890:319.17 \op akaý xageý nazhiüý-biamaý. Goüý, Uýsoüga, aý-biamaý. Thiýnaxchi thaniýta te, aý-biamaý. \tr the «sub.» / crying / stood they say. / And, / Hopeless, / said he, they say. / You alone / you live / will, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:319.18 \op Wathaýshkoü thagtheý te ha, aý-biamaý. Goüý theý oüguýgashoü oümoüýthiüi edaýdoü \tr You try / you go homeward / will / , / said he, they say. / And / this / we traveled / we walked / what \rf jod 1890:319.19 \op oüguýnai ke bthuýgaxti oüthiý'i, aý-biamaý. Xubeý 'iý-biamaý. Theý weaýthape shoüý \tr we sought / the / all / we give you, / said he, they say. / Sacred / they gave him, they say. / This / you wait for us / yet \rf jod 1890:319.20 \op oüýba (ki) hneý te. Eýgithe waoüýtha iýkuha-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. Waiiüý toügaý \tr day / (when) / you go / will. / At length / to leave them / afraid of, they say / boy / the. / Robe / large \rf jod 1890:320.1 \op ge wiüý uzhiý wetheý'iü taiý. Mazhoüý uýdoü geýdi paheý toügaý wiüý gaýge ithoüýawathaýthe \tr the / one / filling / you carry us / will. / Land / good / at the / hill / large / one / those / you put us \rf jod 1890:320.2 \op taiý, aý-biamaý nudoüýhoüga akaý. Goüý oüýba amaý. Woüýgithexti eýgoüxti gagiýgizhe \tr will, / said, they say / war-chief / the. / And / day / they say. / All / just so / coiled up \rf jod 1890:320.3 \op gthiüý akaýma, aýkigthiüýgthiü gthiüý-biamaý. Ki waiiüý toügaý wiüý thizaý-bi egoüý, \tr were / sitting, / sitting on one another / they sat, they say. / And / robe / large / one / took, they say / having, \rf jod 1890:320.4 \op uýzhi-biamaý. Ki weý'iü athaý-biamaý. Paheý uýdoüxti edediý-thoü amaý. Eýdi ithoüýwathaý-biama. \tr he put them in, they say. / And / carrying them / he went, they say. / Hill / very good / there it was, they say. / There / he put them, they say. \rf jod 1890:320.5 \op Paheý zhiüýgazhi, paheý bazuý, sheýhithe eýgoü xthabeý noübaý bazuý iýdoübe \tr Hill / not small, / hill / curvilinear top, / extending yonder / like it / tree / two / curvilinear top / in the middle \rf jod 1890:320.6 \op aýgtha-biamaý. Goüý eýdi ithoüýwathaý-biamaý xthabeý te hideý teýdi. Gtheý tateý \tr were put down on, they say. / And / there / he put them, they say / tree / the / bottom / by the. / Go homeward / shall \rf jod 1890:320.7 \op iýgipahoüý-bi egoüý, Weýs'a amaý bthuýgaxti nuýzhiüga toü aýgipa'aý-biamaý, zhuýga ke \tr they knew of their own, they say / having, / Snake / the «sub.» / all / boy / the / lay thick on their own, they say, / body / the \rf jod 1890:320.8 \op aýha-biamaý. Goüý waoüýtha agthaý-biamaý. Goüý tiý keýta akiý-biamaý. Nudoüýhoüga \tr they passed over, they say. / And / leaving them / he went homeward, they say. / And / lodge / at the / he reached home, they say. / War-chief \rf jod 1890:320.9 \op thiüthoüý waniýta thataiý eýde eý zhuý kikaýxai, aý-biamaý. Eý nugeý theý shoüý \tr the one who was / animal / ate / but / that / body / made for himself, / said he, they say. / He summer / this / «expletive» \rf jod 1890:320.10 \op eýwathathaiý-ma, wa'uý, shiüýgazhiüýga, shoüýge waýthiü-maý shtewoüý, edaýdoü athiüý \tr you who are his relations, / woman, / child, / horse / those that he has / even, / what / he has \rf jod 1890:320.11 \op gitoüýbe goüthaý-biamaý, aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. (Nugeý teýdi tiýi thoü shoüýxti \tr to see his / he wishes, they say, / said, they say / boy / the. / (Summer / when / lodges / the / at any rate \rf jod 1890:320.12 \op watoüýbe koü btha, aý-biamaý nudoüýhoüga wiüdeýthoüska Weýs'a akaý.) Goüý nugeý \tr I see them / I wish, / said, they say / war-chief / one-half / Snake / the.) / And / summer \rf jod 1890:320.13 \op te gaxthoüý athaý-biamaý. Eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Oügaýte, aý-biamaý. Theýthoüdiý, \tr when / migrating / they went, they say. / There / they arrived, they say. / We have come, / said he, they say. / Here it is, \rf jod 1890:320.14 \op aý-biamaý. Ki, Ediýxti oütiý tai, aý-biamaý. Goüý wa'uý, shiüýgazhiüýga, shoüý bthuýga \tr said he, they say. / And, / Just there / we camp / will, / said they, they say. / And / woman, / child, / in fact / all \rf jod 1890:320.15 \op eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Eýdi ahiý-biamaý ki eýgithe eýthoübaý-biamaý. Eýdi moüshoüýde \tr there / arrived, they say. / There / they arrived, they say / when / behold / they came out, they say. / There / holes in the ground \rf jod 1890:320.16 \op gaýxe akaýma. Eýi ha, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe noüýwathaýpe taiý. Eýi ha. Eýgithe \tr they had made, they say. / Those are they / , / said he, they say. / Beware / you fear them / lest. / Those are they / . / Beware \rf jod 1890:320.17 \op wetheýoühe taiý. Shkoüýzhi nazhiüýi-ga, aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga aýkaý. Eýgithe Weýs'a amaý \tr you flee from them / lest. / Motionless / stand ye, / said, they say / boy / the. / At length / Snake / the \rf jod 1890:320.18 \op bthuýgaxti nuýzhiüga toü aýgipa'aý-biamaý. Aýkihoü athaý-biamaý. Niýkashiüga amaý \tr all / boy / the / lay thick on their own, they say. / Beyond / they went, they say. / People / the \rf jod 1890:320.19 \op eýgazeýze nazhiüý-biamaý. Goüý wagiýkoü-biamaý. Xageý za'eýxtioüý-biamaý. Shoüý \tr in a row / stood, they say. / And / they condoled with their own, they say. / Crying / they made an uproar, they say. / In fact \rf jod 1890:320.20 \op bthuýga weýkoü-biamaý. Goüý uthuýgashiýbai te niýashiüga waýhai te iýbthoüxtioüý-biamaý \tr all / condoled with them, they say. / And / they went throughout / when \rf jod 1890:321.1 \op Weýs'a amaý. Goüý moüshoüýde teýta eýgazeýze aýkigthiüý-biamaý Weýs'a amaý. \tr Snake / the «sub.». / And / holes in the ground / at the / in a row / sat with one another, they say / Snake / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:321.2 \op Theý niýashiüga aýki'e amaýta wadoüýbe zhoüý-biamaý. Shoüýge-ma eýdi koütoüý \tr This / people / standing thick / at them / looking at them / they lay, they say. / The horses / there / tied \rf jod 1890:321.3 \op iteýwekithaý-biamaý. Wa'iüý ge, shaýnakaýgthe shti, weýgasaýpi shti, moüýde, utoüý \tr they placed theirs for them they say. / Packs / the, / saddle / too, / whip / too, / bow, / leggings \rf jod 1890:321.4 \op oüýtha a-iýi ge, hiübeý oüýtha a-iýi ge edaýbe, bthuýga eýdi iteýtha-biamaý. Goüý shi \tr left / were coming / the, / moccasins / left / were coming / the / also, / all / there / they put them, they say. / And / again \rf jod 1890:321.5 \op maýthe aýzhi amaý. Shi eýdi gaxthoüý atiý-biamaý. Kiý eýdi wathiýshna-bazhiý-biamaý. \tr winter / a different / they say. / Again / there / migrating / they came, they say. / And / there / not visible, they say. \rf jod 1890:321.6 \op pshoüýge waoüýtha amaý iüýchoüxchi zhaýi ge thiügeý-hnoü-biamaý. Aýdoü moüshoüýde \tr Horse / they left them / the / just now / dunged / the «pl.» / there was none, they say. / Therefore / holes in the ground \rf jod 1890:321.7 \op moütaýta waýgthathiü aýkiaýgtha-biamaý, eý uthaý-hnoü-biamaý. \tr inside / having them / they had gone back, they say, / that / they tell regularly, they say. \rf jod 1890:321.8 \ti The warriors and the three snakes \op Niýashiüga nudoüý ahiý-biamaý. Agthiý-zhoü-hnoüý-biamaý. Eýgithe mazhoüý zhoüý \tr Men / to war / arrived, they say. / They slept on the way home regularly, they say. / At length / land / sleep \rf jod 1890:324.1 \op tai thoüý agthiý-biamaý. Eýgithe zhoüthoüýxa toüýga (edediý-ke amaý). Theý uzhoüý uýdoüxtioüý, \tr will / the / they came back to, they say. / Behold / log / big / (were lying there, they say). / This / to sleep in / very good, \rf jod 1890:324.2 \op zhoüthoüýxa thaýbthiü-biamaý. Eýgaxe zhoüý-biamaý. Eýgithe oüýba amaý ki \tr log / three they say. / Around / they lay, they say. / At length / day / they say / when \rf jod 1890:324.3 \op tadeýsage (amaý). Nudoüýhoüga akaý uthiýxidaý-biamaý. Eýgithe zhoüthoüýxa amaý \tr high wind / (they say). / War-chief / the «sub.» / looked around, they say. / Behold / log / the \rf jod 1890:324.4 \op Weýs'a toüýga akaýma. Hau, theý'iü! piýazhixtioüý. Paýhoüi-ga, aý-biamaý. Woüýgithe \tr Snake / big / were, they say. / Ho, / servants! / it is very bad. / Arise, / said he, they say. / All \rf jod 1890:324.5 \op iaýthixa zhoüý akaýma. Goüýki ukiýgthoü-biamaý. Kigthiýdiüdiüý-biamaý. Ki tadeýsage \tr with open mouth / were lying, they say. / And / they took hold of one another, they say. / They held firmly to one another, they say. / And / high wind \rf jod 1890:324.6 \op gasnuý-hnoü athaý-biamaý. Uhoüýge nazhiüý akaý xageý nazhiüý-biamaý. Goüý \tr blowing along regularly / went they say. / The end / stood / he who / crying / stood they say. / And \rf jod 1890:324.7 \op gaý-biamaý: Hau, theý'iühaý! weýthigthoü wiüý ithaýathe ha, aý-biamaý. Shoüý iüdaýdoü \tr he said as follows, they say: / Ho, / O servants! / plan / one / I have found / , / said he, they say. / In fact / what \rf jod 1890:324.8 \op zhiüzhiüýga athiüý-bi keý shoüý bthuýga, moüý ke, hiübeý, maýhiü, wa'iý-biamaý Weýs'a \tr small things / they had, they say / the / in fact / all, / arrow / the, / moccasins, / knife, / they gave to them, they say / Snake \rf jod 1890:324.9 \op thoükaý. Goüýki iý te aýthapuýi te eýshetoüý goüý aýbthage keý amaý. Weýs'a amaý \tr the «ob.». / And / mouth / the / closed / when / that far / so / a calm / «lay» they say. / Snake / the \rf jod 1890:324.10 \op eý thataýdesagaý-biamaý iaýthixa zhoüýi te. Goüý theý gthadiüý zhoüý keý aýoüsi gtheý-hnoü-biamaý. \tr that / made wind with their mouths, they say / with open mouths / they lay / when. / And / this / across / it lay / the «ob.» / leaping across / they went homeward regularly they say. \rf jod 1890:324.11 \op Hau, theý'iühaý! wiüý pahoüýgai-ga, aý-biamaý. Goüý uthiý'aga-biamaý, \tr Ho, / O servants! / one / go ye before, / said he, they say. / And / they were unwilling, they say, \rf jod 1890:324.12 \op noüýpe-hnoüýi te. Ahauý! aý-biamaý. Theý'iühaý! wiýebthiüý te, aý-biamaý nudoüýhoüga \tr they feared regularly / as. / Oho! / said he, they say. / O servants! / I am he / will, / said, they say / war-chief \rf jod 1890:324.13 \op akaý. Shoüý iüdaýdoü shtewoüý nudoüýhanga eý washkoüý moüthiüý ameýgoü eý \tr the. / And / what / soever / war-chief / that / makes an effort / walks / that class / that \rf jod 1890:324.14 \op gaýxe moüthiüý ameýgoü t'eý te noüýpa-baýzhi goüý wiýebthiü taý miüke, aý-biamaý \tr doing / walks / that class / die / will / fears not / so / I am he / will / I who, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:324.15 \op nudoüýhoüga akaý. Goüý nudoüýhoüga thiükeý eýdi gtheý amaý ki iaýthixa zhoüý amaý \tr war-chief / the. / And / war-chief / the / there / was going homeward / when / with open mouth / was lying, they say \rf jod 1890:324.16 \op uthiýzoü akaý. Goüý aýoüsi aýkiaýgtha-biamaý. Ahauý! aý-biamaý. Washkoüýi-ga, \tr middle / the one. / And / leaping over / he had gone homeward, they say. / Oho! / said he, they say. / Be strong, \rf jod 1890:325.1 \op aý-biamaý nudoüýhoüga akaý. Goüý shi nudoüýhoüga aýma akaý shi eýgoü aýoüsi \tr said, they say / war-chief / the. / And / again / war-chief / the other / the «sub.» / again / so / leaping over \rf jod 1890:325.2 \op aýkiaýgtha-biamaý. Ahauý, theý'iü! washkoüýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Eý oügaýgi ki eýgoüxti \tr had gone homeward, they say. / Oho! / servants! / be strong, / said he, they say. / That / we coming homeward / when / just so \rf jod 1890:325.3 \op gaýxe goüýthai-ga, aý-biamaý. Shi eýgoü-hnoü wiüýthoüshoü agtheý nazhiüý-biamaý. Shi \tr to do / desire ye, / said he, they say. / Again / so regularly / one by one / going homeward / they stood, they say. / Again \rf jod 1890:325.4 \op wiüý akaý eýgoü agthaý-biamaý. Shi wiüý akaý agthaiý eteýgoü, niýkashiüga gtheýba-thaýbthiü. \tr one / the / so / went homeward, they say. / Again / one / the «sub.» / went homeward / apt, / man / thirty. \rf jod 1890:325.5 \op Shi wiüý akaý aýoüsi agthaý-biamaý. Shi wiüý akaý eýduaýtoü. Aýna akiýi-ma washkoüý \tr Again / one / the «sub.» / leaping over / went homeward, they say. / Again / one / the «sub.» / next to him. / How many / reached there again / to be strong \rf jod 1890:325.6 \op aýkigthaýzhi-hnoüý-biamaý. Eýde theýdeataýxchi nazhiüý toü aýbagthaý-biamaý. Ishtaýbthi \tr commanded one another regularly, they say. / But / at the very bottom / stood / the one / hesitated they say. / Tears \rf jod 1890:325.7 \op aýsnu-biamaý. Hau, theý'iühaý! nuý hniü. Nuý oüthiüý eýgoü oüguýgashoüýi, aý-biamaý. \tr trickled, they say. / Ho, / O servant! / man / you are. / Men / we are / so / we travel, / said «the leader» they say. \rf jod 1890:325.8 \op Thaxaýge, theý'iü, piýazhi shkaýxe, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe gtheý amaý ki Weýs'a akaý noüýxahi \tr You cry, / servant, / bad / you do, / said he, they say. / At length / he was going homeward / when / Snake / the «sub.» / backbone \rf jod 1890:325.9 \op ke thit'uýxa-bi egoüý waýzhoü kiheý amaý. Ki moüýatha gaýha kigtheýthe ki shoüýshoü \tr the / raised in a hump, they say / having / he lay down again suddenly, / they say. / And / on his back / he knocked him down again / when / without stopping \rf jod 1890:325.10 \op thasniüý theýtha-biamaý. Ahauý! aý-biamaý. Goüý, theý'iühaý, oüguý-hnoü oümoüýthiü. \tr he swallowed him suddenly they say. / Oho! / said «the leader» they say. / So, / O servants, / we alone / we walk. \rf jod 1890:325.11 \op Niýashiüga wiüaýxchi shtewoüý aýgudi t'eý goüýthai ki t'aiý, aý-biamaý. Goüý agthaý-biamaý. \tr Person / one / soever / where / to die / wishes / if / he dies, / said he, they say. / So / they went homeward they say. \rf jod 1890:325.12 \op Goüý akiý-zhoü-hnoüý-biamaý. Goüý eýgoü-hnoü zhoüý-biamaý weýahide te. \tr So / they slept on the way home regularly, they say. / So / thus regularly / they slept, they say / at a distance / when. \rf jod 1890:325.13 \op Eýgithe noüýba wadoüýbe athaý-biamaý. Nuýdoühoügaý! gaýtedi tiý juýba ediý thoü, \tr At length / two / to see / went they say. / O war-chief! / in that place / lodge / some / there / the, \rf jod 1890:325.14 \op aý-biamaý. Ahauý! aý-biamaý. Nuýdoühoügaý! uwaýzhiathai, aý-biamaý. Washkoüý-ga. \tr said they, they say. / Oho! / said he, they say. / O war-chief! / we are tired, / said they, they say. / Be strong. \rf jod 1890:325.15 \op Shoüýge oüwoüýgagthiü oügoüýthai, aý-biamaý. Ahauý! aý-biamaý. Goüý eýdi \tr Horse / we sit on them / we wish, / said they, they say. / Oho! / said he, they say. / So / there \rf jod 1890:325.16 \op akiý-biamaý. Ti-koüýhaxchi keýdi nazhiüý-biamaý. Nudoüýhoüga akiýwa tiýi thoüýdi \tr they reached again, they say. / The very edge of the lodges / by the / they stood, they say. / War-chief / both / lodges / to the \rf jod 1890:325.17 \op athaý-biamaý. Eýgithe shoüýge heýgazhi keý amaý. Ki nudoüýhoüga akiýwa waýbasiý-biamaý. \tr went they say. / Behold / horse / a great many in a line, they say. / And / war-chief / both / drove them before them they say. \rf jod 1890:325.18 \op Waýthiü agthaý-biamaý. Goüýama gaýthuadi waýthiü akiý-biamaý. Uýwagithaý \tr Having them / they went back, they say. / After a while / at that place / having them / they arrived again, they say. / To tell them \rf jod 1890:325.19 \op moügthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý, nudoüýhoüga aýma thiükeý eý wakaý-bi egoüý. Uýwagithaý \tr begone, / said he, they say, / war-chief / the other / the one who / that / he meant, they say / having. / To tell them \rf jod 1890:326.1 \op akiý-biamaý. Nudoüýhoüga thithiýta uýzhawa gaýxe, aý-biamaý. Hau! nuýdoühoügaý, \tr he arrived again, they say. / War-chief / your / pleasant / has made, / said he, they say. / Ho! / O war-chief, \rf jod 1890:326.2 \op aý-biamaý woüýgithexti. Goüý edi akiý-biamaý. Ahauý! aý-biamaý. Shoüýge sheý-ma \tr said, they say / all. / And / there / he arrived again, they say. / Oho! / said he, they say. / Horse / those \rf jod 1890:326.3 \op waýkoütoüýi-ga, aý-biamaý, bthuýgaxti. Shoüýge waýkoütoüý-biamaý. Goüý waýbasiý-biamaý \tr tie them, / said he, they say, / all. / Horses / they tied them, they say. / And / they drove them before them they say \rf jod 1890:326.4 \op bthuýga. Goüý zhoüý-hnoüi te waýthiü agthaiý te. Tiý oüýtha a-iýi thoüýdi \tr all. / And / they slept regularly / when / having them / they went homeward / the. / Lodge / abandoning / they were coming / at the \rf jod 1890:326.5 \op akiý-biamaý. Goüý shoüýge waýthiü akiýi-ma wa'uý, iüsh'aýge edaýbe wa'iý-biamaý, \tr they arrived home again, they say. / And / horse / those / that they took home / woman, / old man / also / they gave to them, they say. \rf jod 1890:326.6 \op bthuýgaxti shoüý. \tr all / in fact. \rf jod 1890:326.7 \ti The sun and moon \op Aýwimaýka-maýzhi. Niýkashiüga utheýwiüawaýthe shtewoüý waýshnieýthoü eýgoü aýhigi \tr I am out of patience with you. / People / I collect them / notwithstanding / you scatter them / as / many \rf jod 1890:328.1 \op uxpaýthewathaýthe-shtoüý, aý-biamaý Niýashiüga aýhigi uhiý eweýkoübtheýgoü \tr you cause them to be lost habitually, / said they say / Moon / the. / People / many / to grow / I wish for them, as \rf jod 1890:328.2 \op waýbthieýthoü theýathe shtewoüý ugaýhanapaýze uýthazhiý-hnoü eýgoü aýhigi noüpeýhiü \tr I scatter them / I suddenly / notwithstanding / darkness / you put them in it regularly / as / many / hungry \rf jod 1890:328.3 \op t'eýwathaýthe-hnoü, aý-biamaý Miüý akaý. Hau, niýkashiüga-maýshe! aýhigi zhuýthat'oüý \tr you kill them regularly, / said they say / Sun / the. / Ho, / ye who are people! / many / you mature \rf jod 1890:328.4 \op taiteý. Pahaýshi aýmusta witoüýbe agthiüý taiý miüke. Edaýdoü shkoüý moühniüýi \tr shall. / Above / directly above / I see you / I sit / will / I who. / What business / ye walk \rf jod 1890:328.5 \op ge bthuýgaxti iýwibthiýgthoü agthiüý taiý miüke, aý-biamaý. Niýoüba akaý gaý-biamaý: \tr the / all / I ruling you / I sit / will / I who, / said he, they say. / Moon / the / said as follows, they say: \rf jod 1890:328.6 \op Shi wiý shti eýgoü agthiüý taý miüke. Utheýwiüwitheý-de ugaýhanapaýze ki shi utheýwiüxti \tr Again / I / too / so / I sit / will / I who. / I collect you while / darkness / if / again / assembling in full force \rf jod 1890:328.7 \op akiý-thazhoüý taiý. Shoüý shkoüý moühniüý tai te bthuýga wiý iýwibthiýgthoü taiý miüke, \tr you sleep there again / will. / In fact / business / you walk / will / the / all / I / I ruling you / will / I who, \rf jod 1890:328.8 \op aý-biamaý. Shi uzhoüýge ukiaýwatoü oümoüýthiü taiteý. Haýshi moübthiüý taý miüke, \tr said she, they say. / Again / road / one after the other / we walk / shall. / Behind / I walk / will / I who, \rf jod 1890:328.9 \op aý-biamaý Niýoüba akaý. Niýoüba akaý wa'uý wiüý eýgoüxtioüýi. Neýxe aiýgatha \tr said, they say / Moon / the. / Moon / the / woman / one / is just like. / Kettle / carrying on the arm \rf jod 1890:328.10 \op moüthiüý-hnoüi. \tr she walks regularly. \rf jod 1890:328.11 \ti The suitor and his friends \op Toüýwoügthoü wiüý ediý-thoü amaý. Ki wa'uý wiüý uýdoüxti athiüý-biamaý toüýwoügthoü \tr Village / one / it was there / they say. / And / woman / one / very good / they had, they say / village \rf jod 1890:329.1 \op akaýdi. Ki sheýnuzhiüýga goüýtha ahiý-hnoü-biamaý. Ki thi'aý-hnoü-biamaý. \tr at the. / And / young man / desiring her / they arrived regularly they say. / And / they failed regularly they say. \rf jod 1890:329.2 \op Ki niýashiüga sheýnuzhiüýga wiüý, Hiüdaý! wa'uý goüýthai thi'aý-shnoüi eýde wa'uý \tr And / person / young man / one, / Let me see! / woman / they desired / failed regularly / but / woman \rf jod 1890:329.3 \op koüýbtha btheý teý-na, etheýgoü-biamaý. Goüý sheýnuzhiüýga akaý athaý-biamaý. Shoüý paheý \tr I desire her / I go / will! / he thought, they say. / And / young man / the «sub.» / went they say. / And / hill \rf jod 1890:329.4 \op wiüý toügaýxti ediý-thoü ki niýashiüga wiüý agthiüý akaýma. Sheýnuzhiüýga miüýthigthoüý \tr one / very large / it was there / when / person / one / was sitting, they say. / Young man / thinking of the woman \rf jod 1890:329.5 \op atheý amaý niýashiüga pahaýdi gthiüý thiüýke tapeý athaý-biamaý. Ki niýashiüga pahaýdi \tr he who was going / person / on the hill / sat / he who / from a near point / went they say. / And / person / on the hill \rf jod 1890:329.6 \op gthiüý akaý moüýgthe nazhiüý-bi ki shi gthiüý-hnoü-biamaý. Ki eýdi ahiý-biamaý \tr sat / he who / erect / stood, they say / when / again / sat regularly they say. / And / there / arrived, they say \rf jod 1890:329.7 \op sheýnuzhiüýga miüýthigthoüý amaý, niýashiüga thiükeýdi. Ki, Kageýha, eaýtoü thagthiüý a, \tr young man / thinking of a woman / the, / person / by the. / And, / Friend, / why / you sit / ? \rf jod 1890:329.8 \op aý-biamaý sheýnuzhiüýga akaý. Ki aýma akaý gaý-biamaý: Kageýha, teý theýma weaýnaxiýbtha \tr said, they say / young man / the. / And / the other / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / Friend, / buffalo / these / I attack them \rf jod 1890:329.9 \op koüýbtha eýdegoü akuýsoüde-shnoüý ibtheýgoü iüý'e siýkoü ithaýkoütoüý ha, \tr I wish / but / through «and beyond» regularly / I have gone, as / stone / ankle / I tie to it / , \rf jod 1890:329.10 \op aý-biamaý. Iüý'e toügaýxti thoü eýde siýkoü iýkoütoü gthiüý-biamaý. Ki aýma akaý \tr said he, they say. / Stone / very large / the / but / ankle / tying to / he sat they say. / And / the other / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:329.11 \op gaý-biamaý: Kageýha, etaýhi kiýshte thatoüýshniü te ha. Wagaýshoü btheý-de zhuýgthe \tr said as follows, they say: / Friend, / the time comes / if ever / you run / will / . / Traveling / I go when / to be with \rf jod 1890:329.12 \op oüthiüýge. Oügaýthe te ha, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, aý-bi egoüý, zhuýgthe athaý-biamaý. \tr I have none. / Let us go / , / said he, they say. / Yes, / said, they say / having, / with him / he went, they say. \rf jod 1890:329.13 \op Eýgithe shi neý toügaýxti noüýba ediý-thoü kish eýdiý niýashiüga wiüý gthiüý akaýma. \tr At length / again / lake / very large / two / it was there / when, / there / person / one / was sitting, they say. \rf jod 1890:329.14 \op Goüý niý te thatoüý goüthaý-bi-de bamaýxe niý te thatoüý athaý-bi shtewoüý shi \tr And / water / the / to drink / he desired, they say while / stooping / water / the / to drink / he went, they say / notwithstanding / again \rf jod 1890:329.15 \op paýgahoü-hnoüý-biamaý. Ki theýama sheýnuzhiüýga eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Kageýha, eaýtoü \tr he raised the head regularly they say. / And / this / young man / there / arrived, they say. / Friend, / why \rf jod 1890:329.16 \op thagthiüý a, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, kageýha, niý theýthoü bthaýtoü koüýbth eýdegoü oüthoüýbthoü-maýzhi-shnoü-moüý \tr you sit / ? / said he, they say. / Yes, / friend, / water / this / I drink it / I wish / but / I never get enough to satisfy me \rf jod 1890:330.1 \op eýgoü sheýhitheýthoü edaýbe ki bthaýtoü koübtheýgoü agthiüý ha, \tr as / yonder one / also / if / I drink it / I wish, as / I sit / \rf jod 1890:330.2 \op aý-biamaý. Kageýha, etaýhi kiýshte niý shnaýtoü te ha. Zhuýgthe oüthiüýge. Oügaýthe te ha, \tr said he, they say. / Friend, / the time comes / if ever / water / you drink / will / . / To be with / I have none. / Let us go / , \rf jod 1890:330.3 \op aý-biamaý. Goüý noüýba zhuýwagthaý-biýamaý, thaýbthiü te. Athaý-bi ki, shi eýgithe niýashiüga \tr said he, they say. / And / two / he went with them, they say, / three / the. / They went, they say / when, / again / at length / person \rf jod 1890:330.4 \op wiüý moüýxata uthiýxide moüthiüý amaýma. Eýdi ahiý-bi egoüý, Eaýtoü \tr one / at the sky / looking / was walking, they say. / There / they arrived, they say / having, / Why \rf jod 1890:330.5 \op moühniüý a, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, kageýha, moübthiýdoü theýatheý-de moüý iüýgthi-maýzhi \tr you walk / ? / said he, they say. / Yes, / friend, / I pulled the bowstring / I sent it suddenly but / arrow / it has come back to me I not \rf jod 1890:330.6 \op eýgoü ithaýape, aý-biamaý. Kageýha, wagaýshoü btheý-degoü zhuýgthe oüthiüýge. Etaýha \tr as / I wait for it to appear, / said he, they say. / Friend, / traveling / I go but / to be with / I have none. / Further on \rf jod 1890:330.7 \op kiýshte moüý ke uthaýgine teý. Oügaýthe te ha, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, aý-bi egoüý, \tr if ever / arrow / the / you seek your own / will. / Let us go / , / said he, they say. / Yes, / said, they say / having, \rf jod 1890:330.8 \op athaý-biamaý. Duýba-biamaý. Eýgithe niýashinga wiüý thizuýe zhoüý akaýma. Paýgahoüý-bi \tr they went, they say. / Four they say. / At length / person / one / stretched out / was lying, they say. / He raised his head they say \rf jod 1890:330.9 \op ki-hnoüý shi piý zhoüý-hnoü-biamaý. Eýgithe toüýde keýta waýna'oü-hnoüý akaýma. \tr when regularly / and / again / he lay regularly they say. / Behold / ground / on the / he was listening regularly to something, they say. \rf jod 1890:330.10 \op Kageýha, eaýtoü thazhoüý a, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, kageýha, peýzhi daýdoü geý shtewoüý iýi \tr Friend, / why / you lie / ? / said he, they say. / Yes, / friend, / vegetation / what / the / soever / coming \rf jod 1890:330.11 \op te nyuý te aýanaý'oü ha, aý-biamaý. Kageýha, etaýha kiýshte aýthanaý'oü te ha. \tr the / breathing / the / I listen to it / , / said he, they say. / Friend, / further on / if ever / you listen to it / will / . \rf jod 1890:330.12 \op Oügaýthe te ha. Wagaýshoü moübthiüý eýdegoü zhuýgthe oüthiüýge, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, \tr Let us go / . / Traveling / I walk / but / to be with / I have none, / said he, they say. / Yes, \rf jod 1890:330.13 \op aý-bi egoüý, zhuýgthe athaý-biamaý. Eýgithe toüýwoügthoü thoüýdi ahiý-biamaý. Goüý \tr said, they say / having, / with him / he went, they say. / At length / village / at the / they arrived, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:330.14 \op niýashiüga amaý eýdi ahiý-bi ki niýashiüga aýkiexti waýbanoüý-biamaý. Niýashiüga \tr man / the «sub.» / there / arrived, they say / when / people / standing very thick / gazed at them, they say. / Person \rf jod 1890:330.15 \op saýtoü atiýi ha, aý-biamaý. Awaýdi thatiýi a, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, wa'uý shiükeý \tr five / they have come / , / said they, they say. / For what / have you come / ? / said they, they say. / Yes, / woman / the \rf jod 1890:330.16 \op oügoüýtha oügaýti, aý-biamaý. Wa'uý thiükeý goüýtha atiý-hnoü eýde, teýxi; thi'aý-hnoüi, \tr we desiring her / we have come, / said they, they say. / Woman / the / desiring her / they have come regularly / but, / difficult; / they fail regularly, \rf jod 1890:330.17 \op aý-biamaý. Goüý gaý-biamaý: Wa'uý thiükeý thagthoüý shkoüýhnai ki iüý'e theýthoü \tr said they, they say. / And / they said as follows, they say: / Woman / the / you marry her / you desire / if / stone / this \rf jod 1890:330.18 \op thaoüýshna theýthathai ki, mazhoüý weýdazhiata gashiýbe theýthathai ki, thagthoüý tai. Toüýwoügthoü \tr you throw it away / if, / land / to a remote / out from / you send it / if, / you marry her / will. / Village \rf jod 1890:330.19 \op thoü u'aýze-hnoü shoüýshoü, aý-biamaý. Ki sheýnuzhiüýga miüýthigthoüý goüýtha \tr the / it shades regularly / continually, / said they, they say. / And / young man / thinking of a woman / desired her \rf jod 1890:330.20 \op akaý, Xe-iý! kageýha, teýxi heýgazhi, aý-biamaý. Kageýha, edaýdoü teýxi a. Teýxi \tr he who, / Alas! / my friend, / difficult / very, / said he, they say. / My friend, / what / difficult / ? / Difficult \rf jod 1890:331.1 \op shtewoüýzhi, aý-biamaý Iüý'e-siýkoü-iýkoütoüý akaý. Goüý eýdi athaý-biamaý Iüý'e-siýkoü-iýkoütoüý \tr not at all, / said, they say / Stone-ankle-tied-to / the. / And / there / went they say @{Iüý'e-siýkoü-iýkoütoüý} \rf jod 1890:331.2 \op akaý iüý'e thoüýdi. Eýdi ahiý-bi egoüý, iüý'e aýbit'aý-bi egoüý, bahitheýtha-biamaý. \tr the / stone / to the. / There / arrived, they say / having, / stone / leaned on it, they say / having, / he pushed it away they say. \rf jod 1890:331.3 \op Iüý'e thoü ugaýshneshneýgoü gatuýbextioüý-biamaý. Ki ediýtoü iüý'e thoü \tr Stone / the / as it was cracked in many places by the fall / it was ground very fine by the fall, they say. / And / from that / stone / the \rf jod 1890:331.4 \op gatuýbe ugaýextioüý-biamaý, mazhoüý bthuýga aýgudi shtewoüý iüý'e ge. Eýgithe shi \tr beaten fine / it was scattered far and wide, they say, / land / the whole / where / soever / stone / the «pl.». / At length / again \rf jod 1890:331.5 \op gaý-biamaý: Niýashiüga thoükaý wathaýte taiý ha. Uýwagihoüýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Toüýwoügthoü \tr they said as follows, they say: / Men / the / they eat / will / . / Cook ye for them, / said they, they say. / Village \rf jod 1890:331.6 \op bthuýgaxti uýwagihoüý-biamaý. Theýxe heýgazhi 'iüý ahiý-biamaý niý shte \tr the whole / cooked for them, they say. / Kettle / many / carrying / they arrived, they say / water / even \rf jod 1890:331.7 \op edaýbe. Ki gaý-biamaý: He! kageýha, oüthaý'a taiteý, aý-biamaý. Ki Niý-thaýtoütoügaý \tr also. / And / he said as follows, they say: / Alas! / my friend, / we fail to eat / shall, / said he, they say. / And / Water-drinker-large \rf jod 1890:331.8 \op akaý gaý-biamaý: Kageýha, oüthaýsniü toüýgatoü, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, kageýha, \tr the / said as follows, they say: / My friend, / we swallow it / we who will, / said he, they say. / Yes, / my friend, \rf jod 1890:331.9 \op aý-biamaý aýma akaý. Wathaýta-biamaý woüýgithe. Wathaýta-bi thoüýzha Niý-thaýtoütoügaý \tr Said, they say / the other / the. / They ate they say / all. / They ate, they say / although / @{Niý-thaýtoütoügaý} \rf jod 1890:331.10 \op akaý theýxe te shoüý uzhiý thizaý-bi egoüý thasniüý theýtha-biamaý. Niý teý shti \tr the / kettle / the / yet / filled / took, they say / having / swallowed / suddenly, they say. / Water / the / too \rf jod 1890:331.11 \op woüýgithe thasniüý-biamaý. Eýgithe shoüýgaxaý-biamaý. Hau. Wa'uý wiüý oüýsagi \tr all / he swallowed, they say. / At length / they ceased, they say. / «paragraph» / Woman / one / swift \rf jod 1890:331.12 \op heýgazhi eýdegoü, thakiýbanoüýi thagiýoüshna thagthiý ki, wa'uý thagthoüý tai, aý-biamaý. \tr very / but, / ye run a race / you leave her / you come back / if, / woman / you marry her / will, / said they, they say. \rf jod 1890:331.13 \op Eýgithe Iüý'e-siýkoü-iýkoütoü akaý gaý-biamaý: Wiý zhuaýgthe btheý taý miüke, aý-biamaý, \tr At length / @{Iüý'e-siýkoü-iýkoütoüý} / the / said as follows, they say: / I / I with her / I go / will / I who, / said he, they say, \rf jod 1890:331.14 \op wa'uý eý wakaý-bi egoüý. Goüý zhuýgthe athaý-biamaý. Iüý'e-siýkoü-iýkoütoüý akaý \tr woman / that / he meant, they say / having. / And / with her / he went, they say. / @{Iüý'e-siýkoü-iýkoütoüý} / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:331.15 \op wa'uý thiü zhuýgthe athaý-biamaý. Mazhoüý kiýbanoü zhuýwagthe agiý-hnoü thoüýdi eýdi \tr woman / the «ob.» / with her / he went, they say. / Land / to run a race / with them / was coming back regularly / at the / there \rf jod 1890:331.16 \op zhuýgthe ahiý-biamaý nuý thiükeý. Theýthutoü zhuaýwagthe-hnoü agtheýe he. Iüýtoü \tr with him / she arrived, they say / man / the «ob.». / Thence / I with them regularly / I go homeward / . / Now \rf jod 1890:331.17 \op oüýzioügitheý te he, aý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. Goüý gthiüý zhuýgtha-bi ki, wa'uý akaý \tr let us rest / , / said, they say / woman / the. / And / sat / he with her, they say / when, / woman / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:331.18 \op gaý-biamaý: Gaýtedi zhoüý-a he, aý-bi egoüý, heý uiýna-biamaý. Goüý nuý ke zhoüt'eý \tr said as follows, they say: / In that place / lie thou / , / said, they say / having, / lice / she hunted for, him they say. / And / man / the / was sound asleep \rf jod 1890:331.19 \op amaý. Zhoüt'eý kiýzhi oüýtha agthaý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. Paheý wiüý weýahideýxti ediý \tr they say. / Sound asleep / when / leaving him / went back, they say / woman / the. / Hill / one / at a great distance / there \rf jod 1890:332.1 \op ki eýgithe wa'uý akaý eýthoübe akiý-biamaý. Sheýagthi eý, aý-biamaý. Wadoüýba-bi \tr when / behold / woman / the / in sight / came back, they say. / Yonder has come back / that one, / said they, they say. / Looked at them, they say \rf jod 1890:332.2 \op egoüý, eýgithe, wa'uý akaý eshnoüý amaýma. Ki gaý-biamaý: Kageýha Waýna'oüý, \tr having, / behold, / woman / the / alone / was moving, they say. / And / he said as follows, they say: / My friend / Listener, \rf jod 1890:332.3 \op iükaýge thiügeýe ha. Aýna'oüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Goüý Waýna'oüý akaý aýna'oüý-bi \tr my friend / is not / . / Listen to him, / said he, they say. / And / @{Waýna'oüý} / the / listened to him, they say \rf jod 1890:332.4 \op egoüý, eýgithe, zhoüýxthude aýna'oüý-biamaý. Iükaýge zhoüýt'e keý, aý-biamaý. Hau, \tr having, / behold, / snoring / listened to him, they say. / My friend / sound asleep / lies, / said he, they say. / Ho, \rf jod 1890:332.5 \op kageýha Moüthiýdoü, iýgaskoüýtha-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Goüý Moüthiýdoü-toüýga moüý wiüý \tr friend / Pull-the-bow, / make an attempt / , / said he, they say. / And / Pull-the-bow-large / arrow / one \rf jod 1890:332.6 \op thizaý-bi egoüý, moüý ke thaxoüý-biamaý, ki thidoüý theýtha-biamaý. Goüý niýashiüga \tr took it, they say / having, / arrow / the / bit off they say, / and / pulling the bow / sent forcibly, they say. / And / man \rf jod 1890:332.7 \op theýgoü zhoüýt'e keý ki, paýxti kiýdi 'uý-biamaý Moüthiýdoü-toüýga akaý. Goüý paýhoü-bi \tr thus / sound asleep / lay / when, / right on the nose / on the / wounded him, they say / @{Moüthiýdoü-toüýga} / the. / And / arose they say \rf jod 1890:332.8 \op egoüý, eýgithe wa'uý akaý thiügaý-biteýama. Goüý agthaý-biamaý. Eýgithe wa'uý \tr having, / behold / woman / the / had disappeared, they say. / And / he went back, they say. / At length / woman \rf jod 1890:332.9 \op thiükeý koüýgexchi kiý thiükeý uxthaý-biamaý. Wa'uý thiü oüýtha agthaý-bi egoüý nuý \tr the / very near to / reached home / she who / he overtook, they say. / Woman / the leaving her / he went homeward, they say / having / man \rf jod 1890:332.10 \op akaý pahoüýga akiý-biamaý. Goüý wa'uý thiükeý uhiý-biamaý. Goüý wa'uý thiükeý \tr the «sub.» / before / reached «the goal», they say. / And / woman / the «ob.» / he overcame, they say. / And / woman / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:332.11 \op gthoüý-biamaý nuý akaý. \tr he married her, they say / man / the. \rf jod 1890:332.12 \ti The orphan: a pawnee legend \op Pahoüýgaxchi Paýthiü amaý Wakoüýda thiükeý iýbahoü-biamaý. Heýga-baýzhihnoüý-biamaý. \tr At the very first / Pawnee / the / Deity / the / knew him, they say. / They were always numerous, they say. \rf jod 1890:334.1 \op Gawthoüý athaý-biamaý. Wahoüýthishigeýxti iýkoü zhuýgigthaý-biamaý, \tr On the hunt / they went, they say. / A real orphan / his grandmother / he with his own, they say, \rf jod 1890:334.2 \op wa'uýzhiügaýxchi, tiýgthe. Tiýha thixthiýge gi'iüý-hnoü-biamaý ikoüý amaý. Wahoüýthishiýge \tr a very old woman, / dwelt. / Tent-skin / worn by use / carried her own regularly, they say / his grandmother / the. / Orphan \rf jod 1890:334.3 \op akaý moüýde ke athiüý-biamaý. Waiiüý thoü shti piýazhi, haý waiiüý; nazhiýha \tr the / bow / the / had they say. / Robe / the / too / bad, / skin / robe; / hair \rf jod 1890:334.4 \op shti xthoüýzhe-hnoüý-biamaý. Weýgithe-shtoüý-biamaý. Tiý ke tiý uhoüýge ge ahiý-bi \tr too / uncombed regularly, they say. / Begging-visitor-chronic, they say. / Lodge / the «line» / lodge / end / the «pl.» / arrived at, they say \rf jod 1890:335.1 \op ki sheýtoü uhaý weýgithe atheý-hnoüý-biamaý. Weýgithe-shtoüý thadaý-biamaý, izhaýzhe-t'oüýkithaý-biamaý. \tr when / so far / following / visiting to beg / he went regularly, they say. / @{Weýgithe-shtoüý} / they called him, they say, / they caused him to have the name, they say. \rf jod 1890:335.2 \op Gaxthoüý athaý-biamaý. Shoüý Weýgithe-shtoüý iýkuhe-hnoüý-biamaý, uhaý \tr On the hunt / they went, they say. / Still / @{Weýgithe-shtoüý} / they were afraid of regularly, they say, / following \rf jod 1890:335.3 \op atheý-hnoü-biamaý. Gaxthoüý athaý-biamaý. Hoüýegoüýche ki wahoüý-biamaý. \tr he went regularly, they say. / On the hunt / they went, they say. / Morning / when / they removed, they say. \rf jod 1890:335.4 \op Eýgithe zhoüý-biamaý. Tiuýthixthiýge keýdi zhoüý-biamaý. Thi'uýde aýiaýthai keýdi zhoüý-biamaý. \tr Behold / he slept, they say. / Old camping-ground / by the / he slept, they say. / Leaving him solitary / they had gone / at the / he slept they say. \rf jod 1890:335.5 \op Zhoüt'eýxti zhoüýi te. Eýgithe, Theýakeý akaý ha, aý-biamaý waýxe amaý. \tr Sound asleep / he lay. / At length, / This one reclining is he / , / said, they say / white man / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:335.6 \op Paýhoü-bi egoüý, eýgithe waýxe duýba akaýma. Agthaý-biamaý waýxe amaý. Wahoüýthishiýge \tr Arisen, they say / having, / behold / white man / four / were, they say. / Went back, they say / white man / the «sub.». / Orphan \rf jod 1890:335.7 \op akaý athaý-biamaý. Iýkitha-biamaý. Ugaýxthoü uzhoüýge uhaý athaiý te. Shoüý, \tr the / went, they say. / He awoke, they say. / The hunting party / road / following it / he went. / And, \rf jod 1890:335.8 \op Wahoüýthishiýge amaý atiý-baýzhi, eshaiý-de shi atiýi ha, aý-biamaý sheýnuzhiüýga amaý. \tr Orphan / the / has not come, / ye said but / again / he has come / , / said, they say / young man / the «pl.». \rf jod 1890:335.9 \op Wahoüý-biamaý. Weýgithe shi eýdi ahiý-biamaý niýkagahi uýzhu tiýi teýdi. Izhoüýge \tr They removed, they say. / Visiting to beg / again / there / he arrived, they say / chief / principal / lodge / at the. / His daughter \rf jod 1890:335.10 \op sheýtoü waýthixa-bazhiý-biamaý. Goüý uý'i-biamaý Wahoüýthishiýge thiükeý. Ki, Niýkashiüga-maý \tr so far / had not married, they say. / And / she gave him food, they say / Orphan / the. / And, / The people \rf jod 1890:335.11 \op wathaýte thiügeý-hnoüi; theýthu-hnoü wathaýte t'oüý ha. Shoüý atoüýshte goüý \tr food / they have none regularly; / here only / food / is «owned» / . / And / whenever / at all «?» \rf jod 1890:335.12 \op thatiý shkoüýhna ki tiý-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Shi uxtheý atiý-biamaý weýgithe. Wuhuý! \tr you come / you wish / when / come hither / , / said he, they say. / Again / quickly / he had come, they say / visiting to beg. / Really! \rf jod 1890:335.13 \op wathaýte thiügeýgoü wiüaýxchioü wathaýte-hnoüýi oüýba ge, aiý te. Iüýchoüxchi uýthi'i \tr food / as there is none / only once / they eat regularly / day / the, / he said. / Just now / she gave you food \rf jod 1890:335.14 \op thagtheý thoüýshti, aý-biamaý. Ki izhoüýge akaý shi uý'i-biamaý iýbahoüý-bi egoüý. \tr you went homeward / heretofore, / said he, they say. / And / his daughter / the / again / gave him food, they say / she knew him, they say / because. \rf jod 1890:335.15 \op Wahoüý-biamaý. Ki niýkagahi uýzhu izhoüýge akaý gaý-biamaý: Noühaý, theý wahoüý \tr They removed, they say. / And / chief / principal / his daughter / the / said as follows, they say: / O mother, / this / removing \rf jod 1890:335.16 \op athaiý ki uheý uthuýshixti thatiý te heý, aý-biamaý. Ki niýkagahi izhoüýge akaý \tr they go / when / path / at the very front / you pitch the tent / will / , / said she, they say. / And / chief / his daughter / the \rf jod 1890:335.17 \op sheýnuzhiüýga gthuýbaxti ukiýe-hnoüý-biamaý, shoüý iüýshte waýthixe goüýtha-bazhiý-biamaý. \tr young man / all / courted her regularly, they say, / yet / as if / to marry a man / she did not wish, they say. \rf jod 1890:335.18 \op Theý tiý-bi te ithaýpe tiý eýgoüi te, wa'uý amaý weýthe athaý-biamaý, zhoüý agiýathaý-biamaý. \tr This / to have come, they say / the / waiting to appear / pitched the tent / like it / when, / woman / the «sub.» / to discover it / they went, they say, / wood / they went for they say. \rf jod 1890:335.19 \op Zhoüý te 'iüý agthiý-biamaý. Ki niýkagahi akaý eýdi ahiýi te. Gazoüýata \tr Wood / the / carrying / they came back, they say. / And / chief / the / there / arrived. / In the midst of \rf jod 1890:336.1 \op eýgoü thatiý eteýde, aý-biamaý niýkagahi akaý. Wa'uý akaý gaý-biamaý: Eýgoüzha \tr so / you should have pitched the tent, / said, they say / chief / the. / Woman / the / said as follows, they say: / Though so \rf jod 1890:336.2 \op miüýzhiüga thizhoüýge theýthu tiý oüýgazhi eýgoü atiý he, aý-biamaý. Ki niýkagahi \tr girl / your daughter / here / to pitch it / commanded me / as / I pitched it / , / said she, they say. / And / chief \rf jod 1890:336.3 \op izhoüýge zhoüý te 'iüý agthiý-biamaý. Tiý teýdi iteýtha-baýzhi; gaxaýta iteýtha-biamaý. \tr his daughter / wood / the / carrying / she came back, they say. / Tent / at the / she did not put it; / aside / she put it, they say. \rf jod 1890:336.4 \op Eýgithe Wahoüýthishiýge ikoüý thutiý amaý, tiýha thixthiýge gi'iüý amaý. Wa'uýzhiüga, \tr At length / Orphan / his grandmother / was coming, they say, / tent-skin / worn by use / she carried hers / they say. / Old woman, \rf jod 1890:336.5 \op duýda giý-a he, aý-biamaý niýkagahi izhoüýge akaý, zhoüý teýdi ithaýpe gthiüý. Wa'uý \tr this way / come thou / , / said, they say / chief / his daughter / the, / wood / at the / waiting for her / sat. / Woman \rf jod 1890:336.6 \op akaý iýshte goüý iýazhi amaý. Tiýha te zhoüý teýdi iteýthe amaý. Tiý te iýgaxaý-biamaý. \tr the / ashamed / as / spoke not / they say. / Skin-tent / the / wood / by the / she put it / they say. / Lodge / the / she made of it, they say. \rf jod 1890:336.7 \op Hiü+! eý-hnoü gthiüý-biamaý wa'uýzhiüýga akaý. Sheýnuzhiüýga amaý geý-hnoü-biamaý: \tr Oh! / saying regularly / sat they say / old woman / the. / Young man / the «pl.» / said as follows, regularly, they say: \rf jod 1890:336.8 \op Wa! niýkagahi izhoüýge akaý Wahoüýthishiýge ikoüý tiý te iýgiaýxai, aý-biamaý. \tr Why! / chief / his daughter / the / Orphan / his grandmother / lodge / the / made for her, / said they, they say. \rf jod 1890:336.9 \op Kageýha, aýthixe taý akaý ebtheýgoü, aý-biamaý. Tiý te thishtoüý-biamaý. Waiiüý \tr Friend, / she will marry him / I think, / said they, they say. / Lodge / the / she finished, they say. / Robe \rf jod 1890:336.10 \op umiüýzhe edaýbe Wahoüýthishiýge tiý teýta tuýgigthoüý-biamaý niýkagahi izhoüýge akaý. \tr bed / also / Orphan / lodge / to the / carried hers, they say / chief / his daughter / the. \rf jod 1890:336.11 \op Wa! thoüý eýgoü sheýhe ha, aý-biamaý. Ahiýi te Wahoüýthishiýge tiý teýta. Tiý te \tr Why! / it is just as I thought / , / said they, they say. / He arrived / Orphan / lodge / at the. / Lodge / the \rf jod 1890:336.12 \op ugiýpa-baýzhi nazhiüý-biamaý. Shoüýxti aýgipaýgtha nazhiüý-biamaý, wa'uý moüýtata \tr he entered not his / he stood, they say. / In spite of / bashful about his own / he stood, they say, / woman / inside \rf jod 1890:336.13 \op gthiüý akaýgoü. Na! iý-a he, aý-biamaý. Tiý te ugiýpa-biamaý. Umiüýzhe uýdoüxti \tr sitting / as she was. / Fie! / come / , / said she, they say. / Lodge / the / he entered his, they say. / Bed / very good \rf jod 1890:336.14 \op giaýxe. Zhuýgthe gthiüý akaýma. Aýthixaý-biamaý. Wathaýte zhuýgthe athiüý-biamaý. Ki \tr she made for him. / With him / she was sitting, they say. / She married him, they say. / Food / with him / she had, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:336.15 \op sheýnuzhiüýga amaý gaý-biamaý: Wa! kageýha, Wahoüýthishige aýthixaý-biamaý niýkagahi \tr young man / the «pl.» / said as follows, they say: / Why! / my friend, / Orphan / she has married, they say / chief \rf jod 1890:336.16 \op izhoüýge akaý, eý-hnoü-biamaý. Gaý-biamaý: Thiaýdi eýpaze taiý gasaýni utheýhna te \tr his daughter / the, / they said regularly, they say. / He said as follows, they say: / Your father / let them stop to rest / to-morrow / you tell him / will \rf jod 1890:336.17 \op ha, aý-biamaý. Niýkagahi akaý iýekiýthewakithaý-biamaý. Shoüý, Eaýtoü teýgoü eýpaze \tr . / said he, they say. / Chief / the / made them act as criers, they say. / And, / Why / in order that / stop to rest \rf jod 1890:336.18 \op teýdoü, etheýgoü-biamaý. Eýthapaýze te, aiý aýtha, u+! gasaýni, aý-biamaý. Ki \tr should? / they thought, they say. / You stop to rest / will, / he says / indeed, / halloo! / to-morrow, / said he, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:336.19 \op gaý-biamaý: Eaýtoü wathaýte thiügeý ki eýpaze teýiüte, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe waýxe duýba \tr they said as follows, they say: / Why / food / without / when / stop to rest / should? / said they, they say. / At length / white man / four \rf jod 1890:337.1 \op eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Waýxe duýba atiýi ha, aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga amaý. Utheýwiüthaýkithe \tr there / arrived, they say. / White man / four / they have come / , / said, they say / boy / the. / You assemble yourselves \rf jod 1890:337.2 \op te, aiý aýtha, u+! aý-biamaý, Wahoüýthishiýge akaý eýgoü gaýxe aýgazhiý-bi egoüý. \tr will, / he says / indeed, / halloo! / said «the crier», they say, / Orphan / the / so / to do / commanded, they say / having. \rf jod 1890:337.3 \op Niýkagahi thiükeý kigthiýtoü waýgazhiý-biamaý, gthuýba. Edaýdoü gthuýba thi'iý 'iýthai aýtha, \tr Chief / the one who / to adorn themselves / commanded them, they say, / all. / What / all / to give you / they promise / indeed, \rf jod 1890:337.4 \op u+! Thakiýgthitoü te, aiý aýtha, u+! Moüýzeska wiüýaýxchi uýzhuxti wiüý gaýxe \tr halloo! / You adorn yourselves / will, / he says / indeed, / halloo! / Silver / one / really principal / one / to make him \rf jod 1890:337.5 \op 'iýthai te. Eýgithe waýxe amaý eýthoübe atiý-biamaý eýgasaýni ki. Gashiýbata \tr they promised. / At length / white man / the / in sight / had come, they say / the morrow / when. / Outside \rf jod 1890:337.6 \op zhoümoüýthiü atiý nazhiüý-biamaý. Waýxe uýzhu akaý pahoüýga gthiüý-biamaý. Ki \tr wagon / having come / stood they say. / White man / principal / the / before / sat they say. / And \rf jod 1890:337.7 \op niýkashiüga gthuýba gashiýbe ahiý-biamaý, Paýthiü. Goüý waýxe amaý eýdi a-iý-biamaý, \tr people / all / out of / arrived, they say, / Pawnees. / And / white man / the «pl.» / there / were coming, they say, \rf jod 1890:337.8 \op duýba. Ki uýzhu akaý gaý-biamaý waýxe akaý: Niýkashiüga oügaýx 'ioüýthai thiüýkethoüý \tr four. / And / principal / the / said as follows, they say / white man / the: / Man / we make him / we promised / he who was the one \rf jod 1890:337.9 \op uthiýxide moüthiüýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Shoüý theýke wadoüýbe uthiýxide moüthiüý-biamaý \tr seeking him / walk ye, / said he, they say. / And / this «line» / looking at them / seeking him / walked they say \rf jod 1890:337.10 \op waýxe amaý. Nudoüýhoüga thinkeýta akiý-biamaý. Na! nuýdoühoügaý, oüthoüýthabaýzhi, \tr white man / the «pl.». / War-chief / to the / they arrived again, they say. / Why! / O war-chief, / we did not find him, \rf jod 1890:337.11 \op aý-biamaý. Na! pahoüýgaxchi shtoüýbai te iýshpahoü eýiüte, aý-biamaý. Hau! \tr said they, they say. / Fie! / at the very first / ye saw him / as / you know him / probably, / said he, they say. / Ho! \rf jod 1890:337.12 \op keý, shi uthiýxide moüthiüýi-ga, aý-biamaý waýxe nudoüýhoüga akaý. \tr come, / again / seeking him / walk ye, / said, they say / white man / war-chief / the. \rf jod 1890:337.13 \op Ki Wahoüýthishiýge akaý waiiüý thoü giiüý-biamaý. Moüýde ke edaýbe agthaýthiü. \tr And / Orphan / the / robe / the / put on his, they say. / Bow / the / also / he had his. \rf jod 1890:337.14 \op Nuýzhiüga amaý gazoüýadi nazhiüý-biamaý. Gaýke wadoüýbe thishtoüý-bi ki nuýzhiügataýthishoü \tr Boy / the «pl.» / among / he stood, they say. / That «line» / they saw them / they finished, they say / when / towards the boys \rf jod 1890:337.15 \op uýthixide athaý-biamaý. Eýgithe iýtha-biamaý. Theýakeý akaý ha, aiý te uthaý \tr looking among them / they went, they say. / At length / they found him, they say. / This one is he / , / said they / when / to tell it \rf jod 1890:337.16 \op agthaý-biamaý. Wahoüýthishiýge doüýbai ki uthaý agthaiý ha. Eý ebtheýgoü, aý-biamaý. \tr they went back, they say. / Orphan / they saw him / when / to tell it / they went back / . / That / I think, / said «one», they say. \rf jod 1890:337.17 \op Hau! nuýdoühoügaý, edediý-akaý, eý uthaý akiý-biamaý. Waýxe amaý eýdi athaý-biamaý \tr Ho! / O war-chief, / he is there, / that / to tell / they arrived again, they say. / White man / the «pl.» / there / went they say \rf jod 1890:337.18 \op woüýgithe, aýgthiü gthiüý-bi egoüý; moüýzeska thoüý shti athiüýi te, waiiüý shoüý \tr all, / sitting on / sat, they say / because; / silver / the / too / they had, / robe / the \rf jod 1890:337.19 \op shti athiüý-biamaý. Eýdi a-iý-nazhiüý-biama. Gaý-biamaý: Oüguý shti wawaýshi eýgoü \tr too / they had, they say. / There / they approached and stood, they say. / He said as follows, they say: / We / too / we are employed / as \rf jod 1890:338.1 \op oügaýti, aý-biamaý. Nudoüýhoüga thiükeýta edaýdoü uthaý 'iýtha-biamaý. Niýkashiüga \tr we have come, / said he, they say. / War-chief / to him / what / to tell / he promised, they say. / Person \rf jod 1890:338.2 \op wiüý niýkagahi uýzhu gaýxe 'ithe, aýdoü edaýdoü gthuýbaxti iüýgathiü oügaýti, aý-biamaý. \tr one / chief / principal / to make him / he promised, / therefore / what / every / we having for him / we have come, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:338.3 \op Eshnoüýxti oüýxtieýgoü gaýxai te, uthuýt'atha-bazhiýi-ga ha. Shoüý, edaýdoü iüýgathiü \tr He alone / a great man / is made / as, / do not be jealous of him / . / Indeed, / what / we have \rf jod 1890:338.4 \op oügaýti thoüýzha eý thigaýxai te eýgoüxtioüýi. Keý, agiýmoüthiüýi-ga. Waiiüý ugthoüý \tr brought to him / though / that / made for him / the / is just like it. / Come, / walk ye for him. / Robe / put in \rf jod 1890:338.5 \op athiüý giýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Duýba eýdi athaý-biamaý. Naýzata agiýahiý-biamaý. Waiiüý \tr having him / come again, / said he, they say. / Four / there / went, they say. / To the rear / they went for him, they say. / Robe \rf jod 1890:338.6 \op ugthoüý athiüý athaý-biamaý. Niýkagahi gthuýbaxti giýtha-bazhiý-biamaý. Iýdoübe \tr putting him in / having him / they went, they say. / Chief / every one / were sad they say. / In the middle \rf jod 1890:338.7 \op gthiüýkithaý-biamaý. Waýxe akaý gaý-biamaý: Theýthiükeý. Eý oüýxtieýgoü uýzhu oügaýxe \tr they made him sit, they say. / White man / the / said as follows, they say: / This is the one. / That / great man / principal / let us make \rf jod 1890:338.8 \op taiý, aiý. Theý noüýp'iü teýgoü iüýgathiü oügaýti, aý-biamaý. Athaý-bi egoüý, noüýp'iükithaý-biamaý \tr him, / he said. / This / to wear on the neck / in order to / we having it for him / we have come, / said he, they say. / He went, they say / having, / he made him wear it on his neck they say \rf jod 1890:338.9 \op Wahoüýthishiýge thiükeý. Keý, wat'oüý ke eýthiü giýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Zhoü-moüýthiü \tr Orphan / the «ob.». / Come, / goods / the / bring ye to him, / said he, they say. / Wagon \rf jod 1890:338.10 \op ge eýthiü akiý-bi egoüý, Wahoüýthishiýge thiükeý uthuýshiataýxti wat'oüý geý shtewoüý, \tr the / having for him / they reached there again, they say / having, / Orphan / the / just before him / goods / the / soever, \rf jod 1890:338.11 \op neýxe, wahuýtoüthiü shti, shoüý bthuýga, aýkast iteýkithaý-biamaý. Niniý kuýge wiüý \tr kettle, / gun / too, / in fact / all, / in piles / they put them for him, they say. / Tobacco / box / one \rf jod 1890:338.12 \op thixthuýda-biamaý Wahoüýthishiýge akaý. Woüýgithe aýne moüýgthe nazhiüý-biamaý. \tr pulled out of, they say / Orphan / the. / All / putting the arms around / erect / he stood, they say. \rf jod 1890:338.13 \op Niniý bthaýska toügaýxti ge moüýgthe nazhiüý-bi egoüý, iýa-biamaý. Thahiýdai \tr Tobacco / flat / very large / the «pl.» / erect / he stood, they say / having, / he spoke, they say. / They ridicule «one» \rf jod 1890:338.14 \op shteýshtewoüý thashtoüý eýgoü-hnoüýi ha. Niniý te thizaý-bi egoüý, shoüýxti goüý oüýtha \tr notwithstanding / they stop talking / usually / . / Tobacco / the / took, they say / having, / for no special reason / throwing it \rf jod 1890:338.15 \op theýthe nazhiüý-biamaý; iýkinewakithaý-biamaý. Itiýgoü thiükeý wat'oüý ke gthuýba gi'iý-biamaý. \tr sending it / he stood, they say; / he made them scramble for it they say. / His grandfather / the / goods / the / all / he gave his \rf jod 1890:338.16 \op Itiýgoü akaý shte giýtha-bazhiý-biamaý, moüýzeska wiüý 'iýi-bazhiý-bi egoüý. \tr His grandfather / the / even / was sad they say, / silver / one / they did not give him, they say / because. \rf jod 1890:338.17 \op Wat'oüý aýkastaýxti aýhigixti tiý teýta wa'iüý theýwakithaý-biamaý. Waýxe akaý \tr Goods / piled very high / a great many / lodge / to the / carrying / he sent them «an. ob.» they say. / White man / the \rf jod 1890:338.18 \op gaý-biamaý: Theýthiükeý niýkagahi uýzhu oügaýxe tiaýwakithaiý. Edaýdoü weýthihiýde \tr said as follows, they say: / This one / chief / principal / we make him / we have been sent hither. / What / implements \rf jod 1890:338.19 \op thithiüýge ki, wat'oüý thithiüýge ki, giýka-hnoüýi-ga. Iügaýxe oügaýti-hnoü toüýgatoü, \tr you have none / if, / goods / you have none / if, / ask of him regularly as a favor. / We do it for him / we come hither regularly / we will, \rf jod 1890:339.1 \op aý-biamaý. Wa'uý akaý eýthe etaiý amaý ithaýdi akaý utheýwiüwathaý-biamaý. Shoüý \tr said he, they say. / Woman / the / relation / her own / the «pl.» / her father / the / he collected them they say. / And \rf jod 1890:339.2 \op waýthaha uýdoü athiüýi ge utheýwiükithaý-biamaý eýthe etaý amaý. Shoüýge uýdoü \tr clothing / good / they had / the «pl.» / they collected for him they say / relation / her own / the «pl.». / Horse / good \rf jod 1890:339.3 \op pahoüýga athiüýi toüý shti gi'iý-biamaý wa'uý thiükeý, Wahoüýthishiýge athiüý teýgoü. \tr before / he had it / the «st.» / too / he gave his, they say / woman / the, / Orphan / to have it / in order that. \rf jod 1890:339.4 \op Shoüýgaxe goüý wahoüý athaý-biamaý. Toüýwoügthoü gthuýba iýgithigthoüý-biamaý, teý \tr Finished / as / removing / they went, they say. / Village / the whole / he ruled it they say, / buffalo \rf jod 1890:339.5 \op uneý gaxthoüý athaiý te. Wa'uý thiükeý Wahoüýthishiýge akaý shoüýgagthiü zhuýgigthaiý te. \tr to hunt / migrating / they went / when. / Woman / the / Orphan / the / riding a horse / he with her / «past sign». \rf jod 1890:339.6 \op Shoüý-hnoü iýbahoüxtioüýi ki shoüý iýgie-hnoüý-biamaý niýkashiüga amaý. Wanaýsa-biamaý. \tr Yet regularly / they knew him very well / when / yet / they talked against him regularly, they say / people / the «pl.». / They surrounded a herd they say. \rf jod 1890:339.7 \op Teý wadoüýbe agthiý-bi egoüý, Wahoüýthishiýge akaý wanaýse te eduiýhe \tr Buffalo / seeing them / returned, they say / having, / Orphan / the / surrounding them / the / to join it \rf jod 1890:339.8 \op 'iýtha-biamaý. Wa'uý akaý eýthe etaý amaý wagiýnasa-biamaý. Goüý wanaýse te \tr he promised, they say. / Woman / the / relation / her own / the «pl.» / surrounded their «buffaloes» they say. / And / surrounding them / the \rf jod 1890:339.9 \op agthiýi te, wa'uý amaý noüýpa agiýatheý 'iýtha-biamaý. Wahoüýthishiýge igaýxthoü akaý \tr they had come back / when, / woman / the «pl.» / chokecherries / going for / spoke of, they say. / Orphan / his wife / the \rf jod 1890:339.10 \op eýdi atheý 'iýtha-biamaý. Eýgoü-ga, aý-biamaý Wahoüýthishiýge akaý. Shoüýge oüýsagiýxti \tr there / going / spoke of, they say. / Do so, / said, they say / Orphan / the. / Horse / very swift \rf jod 1890:339.11 \op wiüý aýgthiü athaý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. Zhuýgthe athaý-bazhi Wahoüthishiýge akaý. \tr one / sitting on / went, they say / woman / the. / With her / went not / Orphan / the. \rf jod 1890:339.12 \op Eýgithe za'aý-biamaý. Noüýpa aýgihiý-mata sheýnawatheýxti waýthiü a-iý-bi, aiý athaý! \tr At length / uproar they say. / Chokecherries / at those who went for them / having entirely exterminated them / they are chasing them hither «see note», / he says / indeed \rf jod 1890:339.13 \op aý-biamaý. Goüý niýkathixaý-biamaý. Wahoüýthishiýge akaý, Shoüýge oüýsagi aýta toü \tr said «one», they say. / And / they pursued the foe they say. / Orphan / the, / Horse / swift / beyond / the «st.» \rf jod 1890:339.14 \op hiüý skaýxti-ma iüthiüýkoütoüýi-ga. Aýagigthiü taýshe, aý-biamaý. Moüýdehi-hnoü \tr hair / those very white / tie ye it for me. / I ride my own / must, / said he, they say. / A dart only \rf jod 1890:339.15 \op siýoütheý athiüý-biamaý. Niýkathiýxe te athaiý te. Goüý uiýtha-hnoüýi te agiý amaý: \tr merely / he had they say. / Pursuit of the foe / the / he went. / And / telling him regularly / the / they were returning: \rf jod 1890:339.16 \op Wahoüýthishiýge igaýxthoü naýthuhaýxti uthoüýi te, aý-biamaý. Eýdi ahiý-biamaý ki \tr Orphan / his wife / nearly / they held her, / said they, they say. / There / he arrived, they say / when \rf jod 1890:339.17 \op naýthuhaýxchi uthoüý amaýma Shaoüý amaý. Wa'uý akaý naýthuhaýxchi uthoüýi te eýdi \tr very nearly / they were holding her, they say / Dakotas / the «pl.». / Woman / the / very nearly / they held her / when / there \rf jod 1890:339.18 \op ahiýi te. Atiý ha, aý-biamaý, wa'uý thiükeý ugiýkiaý-bi egoüý. Esheýxti-hnoü thoüýshti, \tr he arrived. / I have come / , / said he, they say, / woman / the / he talked to his, they say / having. / You said just that regularly / heretofore, \rf jod 1890:339.19 \op aý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. Theýta thiüý wiüý naýthuhaýxchi uthoüýi he, aý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. \tr said, they say / woman / the. / This one / the «mv.» / one / very nearly / took hold / , / said, they say / woman / the. \rf jod 1890:339.20 \op Ahauý! aý-biamaý. Weýnaxithaý-biamaý. Wiüý ubaýxpathaý-biamaý. Moüýdehi ke \tr Oho! / said he, they say. / He attacked them, they say. / One / he pushed and made fall they say. / Dart / the \rf jod 1890:340.1 \op iýzhahaý-biamaý. Shi waýthiü a-iýi te, etaýtoü-ma aýhigi amaý. Shi naýthuhaýxchi uthoüýi \tr he stabbed with it, they say. / Again / they were driving them back, / those from «the foe» / many / the «sub.». / Again / very nearly / held her \rf jod 1890:340.2 \op te, Esheýxti. Theýta thiü wiüý thaýthuhaýxchi uthoüýi he, aý-biamaý. Ahauý! aý-biamaý. \tr when, / You said just that. / This one / the «mv.» / one / very nearly / took hold / , / said she, they say. / Oho! / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:340.3 \op Wakoüýdithexti gaýxe weýnaxithaý-biamaý. Shaoüý wiüý ubaýxpathaý-biamaý. Moüýdehi \tr Very impatiently / doing / he attacked them, they say. / Dakota / one / he pushed and made fall they say. / Dart \rf jod 1890:340.4 \op ke iýzhahaý-biamaý. Shi waýthiü a-iýi te. Shi eýgithoüý-biamaý wa'uý akaý, Naýthuhaýxchi \tr the / he thrust him with, they say. / Again / they were driving them back. / Again / said to him, they say / woman / the, / Very nearly \rf jod 1890:340.5 \op theýta thiükeý wiüý uthoüýi he. Esheýxti-hnoü thoüýshti. Ahauý! aý-biamaý. Weýnaxithaý-biamaý. \tr this one behind / he who is / one / took hold / . / You said just that regularly / heretofore. / Oho! / said he, they say. / He attacked them they say. \rf jod 1890:340.6 \op Shaoüý wiüý ubaýxpathaý-biamaý. Moüýdehi ke iýzhahaý-biamaý. Weýduboüý \tr Dakota / one / he pushed and made fall they say. / Dart / the / he thrust him with, they say. / The fourth time \rf jod 1890:340.7 \op tediýhi, Theýta thiükeý wiüý naýthuhaýxchi uthoüýi he. Esheýxti-hnoü thoüýshti, aý-biamaý \tr when it came, / This one behind / he who is / one / very nearly / took hold / . / You said just that regularly / heretofore, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:340.8 \op wa'uý akaý. Ahauý! aý-biamaý. Weýnaxithaý-biamaý. Eýgithe shoüýge etaý akaý gaskiýi \tr woman / the. / Oho! / said he, they say. / He attacked them, they say. / At length / horse / his / the / panted \rf jod 1890:340.9 \op te, bazoüýzoüxti wiüý moüýdehi iýzhahai te. Goüýki eýgoüweý'oü-hnoüýi te iýbahoüý-biamaý. \tr when, / pushing right among them / one / dart / he thrust him with it. / And / so he did to them regularly / the / they knew it they say. \rf jod 1890:340.10 \op Goüý aýthipuý-biamaý aýkishuýga. Wathiýshnazhiýxtioüý amaý. Hau. Shoüýgaxai \tr And / they closed upon him, they say / standing near together. / He was not visible at all / they say. / «paragraph» / They ceased \rf jod 1890:340.11 \op te, Wahoüýthishiýge t'eýthai, aý-biamaý. Wahoüýthishiýge ugiýne ahiý-biamaý. Shoüý \tr when, / Orphan / they killed him, / said they, they say. / Orphan / to seek their own / they arrived, they say. / Yet \rf jod 1890:340.12 \op ushkoüý shte iýtha-bazhiý-biamaý; shoüýge keý shti iýtha-bazhiý-biamaý, niýkashiüga shti \tr deed / even / they did not find they say; / horse / the / too / they did not find they say, / man / too \rf jod 1890:340.13 \op thingeýxtioüý-biamaý. Shoüýgaxaý-biamaý. Shoüý wa'uý akaý akiý-biamaý ki waýthaha \tr was altogether missing they say. / They ceased they say. / And / woman / the / reached home, they say / when / clothing \rf jod 1890:340.14 \op uýdoü kikaýxai te. Goüýki hoüý ki thiügaý-biteýama niýkagahi uýzhu izhoüýge akaý. \tr good / she made for herself. / And / night / when / she had disappeared, they say / chief / principal / his daughter / the. \rf jod 1890:340.15 \op Shoüý oüwoüýwata muýgthoü itheý te na'oüý goüýthai shtewoüý na'oüý-bazhiý-biamaý. \tr And / to what place / stealing off / she had gone / the / to hear / they wished / notwithstanding / they did not hear, they say. \rf jod 1890:340.16 \op Eý pahoüýga waýxe amaý iýbahoüýi te niýkashiüga ukeýthiü weýbahoü tiýi te, aýdoü \tr That / before / white man / the «pl.» / they knew / the / Indians / knowing them / they had come / the, / therefore \rf jod 1890:340.17 \op Wahoüýthishiýge akaý moüýshi theý eýskoü etheýgoü-biamaý. Wa'uý thiüý shti moüýshi theý \tr Orphan / the / high / went / it might be / they thought, they say. / Woman / the «mv.» / too / high / went \rf jod 1890:340.18 \op eýskoü etheýgoü-biamaý. Aýdoü kihaýdi uýna'oü-baýzhi shoüýshoüi te. \tr it might be / they thought, they say. / Therefore / down below / they have never heard about them. \rf jod 1890:340.19 \ti The youth and the underground people \op Toüýwoügthoü juýba edediý-ma heýga-bazhiýxti. Shi niýkagahi akaý izhoüýge \tr Village / some / there they were / very populous. / Again / chief / the / his daughter \rf jod 1890:345.1 \op waýthixa-baýzhi te, izhiüýge akaý shti miüýgthoü-baýzhi te. Izhiüýge akaý noübaý-biamaý. \tr she had not married, / his son / the / too / they had not married. / His son / the / were two, they say. \rf jod 1890:345.2 \op Wanaýsa-biamaý. Teý-ma t'eýwathe-hnoüýi te. Ki theý niýkagahi izhiüýge aýma \tr They surrounded a herd they say. / The buffaloes / they killed them regularly. / And / this / chief / his son / the other \rf jod 1890:345.3 \op thiükeýthoü teý wiüý ieýnaxiýthai te, ukoüýhaxti. Uwtheýxti kiýde gthiüýi te. Teý \tr he who had been / buffalo / one / he attacked him, / far apart «from the rest». / Very soon / shooting at him / he sat. / Buffalo \rf jod 1890:345.4 \op amaý toüýiü-azhiýxti aýiaýthai te toüýde moütaýha. Niýkashiüga akaý eýgoüxti eýgihaýxti \tr the / not seen at all / had gone / ground / into. / Man / the / just so / headlong \rf jod 1890:345.5 \op aýiaýthai te shoüýge uthaýha. Teý akaý pahoüýgaxti eýgih aýiaýthai. Ithaýdi akaý iýekiýthewakithaý-biamaý. \tr he had gone / horse / with it. / Buffalo / the / at the first / headlong / had gone. / His father / the / sent out criers they say. \rf jod 1890:345.6 \op Shiüýgazhiüýga etaý akaý wanaýse eýde kiýazhi, aiý aýtha. Shtoüýbe \tr Child / his / the / he surrounded them / but / he has not come back, / he says / indeed. / You saw him \rf jod 1890:345.7 \op thaýthiüsheý ushnaý te, aiý aýtha, aý-biamaý. Niýkashiüga wiüý doüýba-bi aý-biamaý. Shoüý \tr you who moved / you will tell it, / he says / indeed, / said they, they say. / Man / one / he saw him that / he said, they say. / Yet \rf jod 1890:345.8 \op toüýbexti ha. Wathiýxe the teý, aý-biamaý. Uspeý doüýshte eýgih itheý, shoüý moüsnoüýsnoüxti \tr I saw him plainly / . / Chasing / he went, / said he, they say. / A sunken place / perhaps / headlong / he has gone, / yet / very level ground \rf jod 1890:345.9 \op amaý ki thiügeýxti tigtheý ha. Iýthoüboüý toüýba-maýzhi, aý-biamaý. Uneý \tr it was / when / missing altogether / he became / . / A second time / I did not see him, / said he, they say. / To seek him \rf jod 1890:345.10 \op aýkigthazhi ithaýdi akaý. Theýthuxti ha, aý-bi egoüý, ugaýexti unaý-biamaý. Gthuýba \tr he commanded the one with him / his father / the «sub.». / Just here / , / he said, they say / having, / scattering far and wide / they sought him, they say. / All \rf jod 1890:345.11 \op unaý-biamaý niýkashiüga amaý. Eýgithe moüshoüýde eýgih ithaiý goüýte amaý. Teý \tr sought him, they say / people / the «pl. sub.». / Behold / pit / headlong / he had gone / for some time, they say. / Buffalo \rf jod 1890:345.12 \op akaý moüthiüýka heýbe noüshpeý aýiaýtha-biamaý. Shoüýge toüý shti moüthiüýka noüshpeý \tr the «sub.» / soil / a piece / kicking off a piece / had gone, they say. / Horse / the «std. ob.» / too / soil / kicking off a piece \rf jod 1890:345.13 \op aýiaýtha-biamaý. Aýkihoü siýgthe thiügaý-biamaý. Goüý niýkashiüga gthuýba eýgih aýiaýtha-biamaý. \tr had gone, they say. / Beyond / trail / there was none, they say. / And / people / all / headlong / had gone, they say. \rf jod 1890:345.14 \op Moüshoüýde te zhiüýgazhiýxti itheýthextioüý-biamaý. Eýta wahoüý aýtiaýthe \tr Pit / the / not small at all / it went suddenly, down, down, they say. / Thither / to remove / suddenly \rf jod 1890:345.15 \op 'iýtha-biamaý ithaýdi akaý. Eýdi a-iý-ti-biamaý; moüshoüýde eýgaxe a-iý-ti-biamaý. \tr spoke of, they say / his father / the «sub.». / There / they came and camped, they say; / pit / around it / they came and camped, they say. \rf jod 1890:345.16 \op Sheýnuzhiüýga ikaýgewaýthe-maý shti eýgoü waýthahoüýi te. Sheýnuzhiüýga wiüý waheýhazhi \tr Young man / those whom he had as friends / too / so / he implored them. / Young man / one / stout-hearted \rf jod 1890:346.1 \op ki, noüýde sagiý doüýshteoüý upeý theý giýgoüthai waýthahoüýi te. Eýgithe wiüý iýgadizaý-biamaý \tr if, / heart / firm / perhaps / entering / to go / wishing for him / he implored them. / At length / one / rode round and round they say \rf jod 1890:346.2 \op tiýi thoü. Uýpe theý 'iýtha-biamaý. Ithaýdi thiükeý uiýthai-ga ha, aý-biamaý. \tr village / the «cv. ob.». / Entering / to go / he promised, they say. / His father / the one who «ob.» / tell to him / , / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:346.3 \op Haýzhiüga utheýwiüthe taýshe, aý-biamaý. Teýha haýzhiüga suý-bi egoüý, utheýwiüthaý-biamaý. \tr Cord / he collect them / must, / said he, they say. / Buffalo-hide / cord / cut in strips, they say / having, / he collected them they say. \rf jod 1890:346.4 \op Haýzhiüga keý iýkoütoüý-de, ha-buýta wiüý ugthiüý iügaýxe taiý, aý-biamaý. \tr Cord / the «ob.» / he tied with when, / skin round / one / to sit in / please make it for me, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:346.5 \op Goüý thishtoüý-biamaý. Shoüý aýgudi piý shteýshtewoüý uaý'oühe taý miüke. Ubthoüý \tr And / they finished it, they say. / Now / in what place / I arrive / soever / I put the body in / will / I who. / I take hold \rf jod 1890:346.6 \op btheý taý miüke thoüýzha, toüýde ke hiýde piý tediýhi ki haýzhiüga ke bthiýdoüagtheý taý \tr I go / will / I who / though, / ground / the «ob.» / the bottom / I reach / when hereafter / cord / the «ob.» / I pull on it suddenly / will \rf jod 1890:346.7 \op miüke. Bthiýdoüdoüý ki hniýze taiý, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe toüýde ke moütaýta ahiý-biamaý. \tr I who. / I pull on it repeatedly / when / you take it / will, / said he, they say. / At length / ground / the «ob.» / inside / he arrived they say. \rf jod 1890:346.8 \op Ugaýhanapazeýxtioü teý. Wabiýt'oü-biamaý ki teý amaý ukoüýadi gat'eý \tr It was very dark. / He felt around, they say / when / buffalo / the «sub.» / by itself / was lying \rf jod 1890:346.9 \op akaýma; shoüýge shti ukoüýadi gat'eý akaýma; niýashiüga shti ukoüýadi gat'eý akaýma. \tr dead from the fall; / horse / too / by itself / was lying dead from the fall; / man / too / apart / was lying dead from the fall. \rf jod 1890:346.10 \op Theýke niýashiüga ke thizaý-bi egoüý, uýxthuxa ugthoüý-biamaý. Goüýki gaýte shoüýxti \tr This «recl. ob.» / man / the «recl. ob.» / he took him, they say / having, / the hollow «bag?» / he put him in, they say. / And / that thing / in spite of \rf jod 1890:346.11 \op athaiý te kikaý-bazhi te ha. Goüý niýkashiüga u'oüýha-bi egoüý, giýtha-biamaý. Goüýki \tr he went / when / he did not ask the favor for himself / . / And / man / he put him in it, they say / because, / they rejoiced, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:346.12 \op t'e keý thizaý-bi egoüý, niüýta thiükeý gisiýtha-bazhiý-biamaý. Shoüý ithaýpe gthiüý te \tr dead / the one «ob.» / they took him, they say / having, / alive / the one who «ob.» / him they forgot, they say. / Yet / waiting for it / he sat \rf jod 1890:346.13 \op thoüýzha, thizaý-baýzhi gthiüý te xageý-hnoü-biamaý. Niýkagahi akaý izhoüýge waýthixaýzhi \tr though, / not taking him / he sat / when / he cried regularly they say. / Chief / the «sub.» / his daughter / virgin \rf jod 1890:346.14 \op thiükeý eý weýshi-biamaý. Ahniüý thagthiý ki thagthoüý tateý, aý-biamaý. Ugaýshoü moüthiüý \tr she who «ob.» / that / he hired him for, they say. / You have him / you come back / if / you marry her / shall, / said he, they say. / Traveling / he walked \rf jod 1890:346.15 \op te shoüý ugaýhanapaýze. Eýgithe wa'uýzhiüga akeýde uheý eýthai ahiý-biamaý. Wa'uýzhiüga \tr when / still / dark. / At length / old woman / was sitting, when / traveling the path, he came to her suddenly / he arrived, they say. / Old woman \rf jod 1890:346.16 \op thiükeý thahoüý-biamaý. Shoüý, wa'uýzhiüga, mazhoüý theýthu tiý uýthishixti atiý, \tr she who «ob.» / he implored her, they say. / Yet, / old woman, / land / here / to come hither / very difficult / I have come, \rf jod 1890:346.17 \op aý-biamaý. Toüýde ke pahaýshiata keýta atiý. Niýkashiüga wiüý moüshoüýde theý \tr said he, they say. / Ground / the «ob.» / up above / to the / I came. / Man / one / pit / this \rf jod 1890:346.18 \op uxpaýthe tiý. Bthiýze teýgoü atiý. Oüýthiza-baýzhi ha. Goüýki eaýtoü agtheý tateý bthiý'a \tr falling from a height / he came. / I take him / in order to / I have come. / Me they took not / . / And / how / I go back / shall / I fail \rf jod 1890:346.19 \op ha. Wa'uýzhiüga, iüwiüýkoü-ga, aý-biamaý. Edaýdoü uwiýkoü tateý paýxe tateý \tr . / Old woman, / help me, / said he, they say. / What / I help you / shall / I do / shall \rf jod 1890:346.20 \op thiügeý, aý-biamaý. Niýkashiüga wiüý gaýthiükeý gaýthu gthiüý. Eýdi moüthiüý-a he. \tr there is nothing, / said she, they say. / Man / one / that «unseen» one / in that «unseen» place / he sits. / There / walk thou / \rf jod 1890:347.1 \op Eý thigaýxe teý, aý-biamaý. Eýdi athaý-biamaý. Eýdi ahiý-bi egoüý, tiýzhebe thoü gakuýku \tr He / he will do it for you, / said she, they say. / There / he went, they say. / There / arrived, they say / having, / door / the «ob.» / he knocked on repeatedly \rf jod 1890:347.2 \op amaý. Iýe-hnoü wanaý'oü nazhiüý thoüýzha, giýthishiýba-baýzhi te. Wa'uý akaý gaý-biamaý: \tr they say. / Speaking regularly / hearing them / he stood / though, / they did not open it for him. / Woman / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: \rf jod 1890:347.3 \op Na! gaýtoü niýashiüga wiüý tiýi he. Tiýzhebe giýthishiýba-a he, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe, shieý \tr Fie! / that one «std.» / person / one / he has come / . / Door / open it for him / , / said she, they say. / Behold, / child \rf jod 1890:347.4 \op git'eý, aýdoü iýa-baýzhi gthiüý-biamaý. Giýtha-baýzhi gthiüý-biamaý. Timoüýte ahiý-biamaý, \tr his was dead, / there / not speaking / he sat, they say. / Sorrowful / he sat, they say. / Within the lodge / he arrived, they say, \rf jod 1890:347.5 \op wa'uý akaý tiýzhebe giýthishibaý-bi egoüý. Shoüý iýa-baýzhi gthiüý-biamaý nuý akaý. Noüpeýhiü \tr woman / the «sub.» / door / opened for him, they say / having. / Yet / not speaking / sat, they say / man «+husband» / the «sub.». / Hunger \rf jod 1890:347.6 \op wakoüýdithe amaý. Iýwoüxaý-biamaý. Wiüoüýwataýtoü moühniüý a, aý-biamaý. Goüý \tr he was impatient from / they say. / He asked him, they say. / From what «place» / you walk / ? / said he, they say. / So \rf jod 1890:347.7 \op ugthaý-biamaý. Pahaýshi-ketaýtoü moübthiüý eýde niýashiüga wiüý wanaýse eýde uxpaýthe \tr he told of his, they say. / Above from the / I walked / but / man / one / headed them off / but / falling from a height \rf jod 1890:347.8 \op tiý. Bthiýze teýgoü atiý. Oüýthiza-baýzhi ha. Goüýki eaýtoü agtheý tateý bthiý'a ha. \tr he came. / I take him / in order to / I came. / They did not take me / . / And / how / I go back / shall / I fail / . \rf jod 1890:347.9 \op Iüwiüýkoü-ga, aý-biamaý. Shiüýgazhiüýga git'eý ugthaý-biamaý. Shiüýgazhiüýga oüt'oüýi \tr Help thou me, / said he, they say. / Child / his was dead / he told of his, they say. / Child / we had him, \rf jod 1890:347.10 \op eýde, weýt'ai ha. Shiüýgazhiüýga t'e keý eýgoüxti oüthiýgaxe toüýgatoü, aý-biamaý, \tr but / he died to us / . / Child / dead / the one «ob.» / just like him / we make you / we who will, / said he, they say, \rf jod 1890:347.11 \op shieýgithaiý eý wakaý-bi egoüý. Shoüý edaýdoü abthiüý gthuýbaxti thithiýta, aý-biamaý \tr taking him as his child / that / he meant, they say / having. / In fact / what / I have / everything / is yours, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:347.12 \op ithaýdi akaý. Iýa-baýzhi-hnoü shoüý agtheý goüýthai eýgoü. Shoüý edaýdoü edeýshe ki, eýgoü \tr his father / the «sub.». / He spoke not regularly / yet / to go homeward / he wished / somewhat. / Yet / what / you say what / if, / so \rf jod 1890:347.13 \op wiýpaxe te ha, aý-biamaý ithaýdi akaý. Toüýwoügthoü thithiýta thagtheý shkoüýhna kiýshte, \tr I do for you / will / , / said, they say / his father / the «sub.». / Village / your / you go back / you wish / even if, \rf jod 1890:347.14 \op eýgoü te, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe agtheý 'iýtha-biamaý. Thagtheý tateý thoüýzha, Shoüýge hiüý \tr so / will, / said he, they say. / At length / to go homeward / he spoke of, they say. / You go homeward / shall / though, / Horse / hair \rf jod 1890:347.15 \op goüý aýiaýgthiü agtheý te, dadiýha, esheý ki, eýgoü te ha, aý-biamaý. Wa'uý akaý \tr of such a kind / I sit on him / I go homeward / will, / O father, / you say / if, / so / will / , / said he, they say. / Woman / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:347.16 \op gaý-biamaý: Na! shiüýgazhiüýga weýthiügai thoüýshti eýgoüxti gthiý. Edaýdoü wiüý ashniüý \tr said as follows, they say: / Fie! / child / we had none / heretofore / just like him / he has come. / What / one / you had \rf jod 1890:347.17 \op thoüýshti 'iý-a he, aý-biamaý, eýgthoüge eý wagikaý-bi egoüý. Shiüýgazhiüýga wiýpaxe. \tr heretofore / give to him / , / said she, they say, / her husband / that / she meant hers, they say / having. / Child / I make you. \rf jod 1890:347.18 \op Edaýdoü wi'iý taý miüke. Edaýdoü koüýbtha shtewoüý iýpaxe-hnoü-moüý, abthiüý \tr What / I give you / will / I who. / What / I desire / soever / I make with it regularly I use, / I have it \rf jod 1890:347.19 \op koüýbtha ki, aý-biamaý. Edaýdoü goüýthai ki, aýbazu iýgaxe-hnoüý-biamaý. \tr I desire / if, / said he, they say. / What / he desired / when, / pointing at it / he made with it regularly they say. \rf jod 1890:347.20 \op Dadiýha, shoüýge hiüý skaýxti aýagthiü agtheý koüýbtha. Nitaý-toüga hiüý skaýxti \tr O father, / horse / hair / very white / I sit on it / I go homeward / I wish. / Ear-big / hair / very white \rf jod 1890:348.1 \op sheýnoüba. Shaýnakaýgthe uýdoü, aý-biamaý. Keý, eýdi moüthiüý-ga. Shoüýge tiýzhebe \tr those two. / Saddle / good, / said he, they say. / Come, / there / walk thou. / Horse / door \rf jod 1890:348.2 \op thishiýba-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Thihoüý eýthoüba iýthoüboüý washtoüýbe shkoüýhna ki, washtoüýbe \tr pull open / , / said he, they say. / Your mother / too / a second time / you see us / you wish / when, / you see us \rf jod 1890:348.3 \op taiý, aý-biama. Kiýthagtheý te thoüýzha, Keý, dadiýha, uheý ke agtheý koüýbtha, \tr will, / said he, they say. / You go home again / will / though, / Come, / O father, / path / the «ob.» / I go homeward / I desire, \rf jod 1890:348.4 \op esheý te, aý-biamaý ithaýdi akaý. Agthaý-biamaý. Iüý'i thoü thiaýza tigtheý goüýxti gaýxa-biamaý, \tr you say / will, / said, they say / his father / the «sub.». / He went homeward, they say. / Stone / the «ob.» / pulled open / suddenly / just so / he made them they say, \rf jod 1890:348.5 \op moüýze ithaýbazu uskoüýskaxtiý-bi goüý. Uheýatoü uiýthoübe noütaýtaxi athaý-biamaý. \tr iron / pointing at them with / in a very straight line with, they say / because. / Steps «&or bridge» / up-hill / making the sound "taqi" at every step / he went they say. \rf jod 1890:348.6 \op Goüý iüý'e toügaýxti wiüý tiýzhebe te aýgaxade gthiüý thoü baheý titheýthai ki, \tr And / stone / very large / one / door-way / the «ob.» / covering / it sat / the «ob.» / he pushed it aside suddenly / when, \rf jod 1890:348.7 \op eýthoübe akiýi te. Shoüýge amaý gishkoüý tithaýtha, naýxixiýtha tithaýtha moüthiüý-biamaý, \tr in sight / he had come again. / Horse / the «sub.» / he was quick in moving / beginning suddenly and repeatedly, / he was timid / beginning suddenly now and then / he walked they say, \rf jod 1890:348.8 \op mazhoüý piýazhi, bthoüý piýazhi uýthibthoüý-bi egoüý. Eýthoübe ahiý-bi egoüýzha, toüýwoügthoü \tr land / bad, / odor / bad / he smelt, they say / because. / In sight / he arrived, they say / having, though, / village \rf jod 1890:348.9 \op oüýtha a-iýi thoü ugiýne athaý-biamaý. Eýgithe iüýchoüxchi wahoüý athaý-bikeýama. \tr he left / he came / the «ob.» / seeking his / he went, they say. / Behold / very recently / removing / they had gone in a line, they say. \rf jod 1890:348.10 \op Ithaýpe gthiüý te thoüýzha, wahoüý athaý-bikeýama. Tiuýthixthiýge shoüýge amaý noüýpe \tr Waiting for him to appear / they say / though, / removing / they had gone in a line, they say. / Old campingground / horse / the «sub.» / fearing the sight \rf jod 1890:348.11 \op moüthiüý-biamaý. Ugaýxthoü uzhoüge ke uhaý athaý-biamaý. Eýgithe niýashiüga noüýba \tr walked they say. / Road of the migrating party / the «ob.» / following / he went, they say. / At length / person / two \rf jod 1890:348.12 \op paheý toüýga thoü ugaýxthoü uzhoüýge ke weýthe theýthai te. Eý niýkagahi uýzhu igaýxthoü \tr hill / large / the «ob.» / road of the migrating party / the «ob.» / he discovered them suddenly, by looking that way. / That / chief / principal / his wife \rf jod 1890:348.13 \op eýthoüba weýt'et'oüý moüthiüý-biamaý. Haýshiata uthiýxidai te, Shoüýge aýgthiü sheýati, \tr too / mourning for their dead / walked they say. / Behind / they looked / when, / Horse / riding / yonder he comes, \rf jod 1890:348.14 \op ugaýxthoü uzhoüýge ke uhaý, aý-biamaý. Koüýge a-iý-biamaý. Ithaýpe gthiüý-biamaý. \tr road of the migrating party / the «ob.» / he follows, / said they, they say. / Near / he was coming, they say. / Waiting for him to appear / they sat, they say. \rf jod 1890:348.15 \op Shoüýge amaý noüýwape moüthiüý-biamaý, bthoüý piýazhi uthiýbthoü-biamaý. Na! edaýdoü \tr Horse / the «sub.» / fearing them / walked they say, / odor / bad / they smelt they say. / Why! / what \rf jod 1890:348.16 \op ukiýt'e hniüý hau, eý theýtha-biamaý niýkagahi uýzhu akaý. Wiýebthiü hau, aý-biamaý. \tr nation / you are / ? / saying / sent suddenly, they say / chief / principal / the «sub.». / It is I / ! / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:348.17 \op Shoüý wiüoüýwa eýshniü, esheý, aý-biamaý. Wanaýsai shiüýgazhiüýga thithiýta moüshoüýde \tr Yet / which one / you are that, / you say, / said he, they say. / They surrounded a herd / child / your / pit \rf jod 1890:348.18 \op eýgih itheý bthiýze piý. Oüýshniza-baýzhi. Wiýebthiü hau, aý-biamaý. Aýzhixti eýgoü te \tr headlong / had gone / I take him / I was there. / You did not take me. / It is I / ! / said he, they say. / Very different / like / the «as» \rf jod 1890:348.19 \op iüsh'aýge akaý giýzhai ti. Na! waýgazuxti ukiýgtha-ga, aý-biamaý. Wanaýsai te \tr old man / the «sub.» / doubted his word. / Why! / very straight / tell about yourself, / said he, they say. / They surrounded a herd / when \rf jod 1890:349.1 \op shiüýgazhiüýga thithiýta teý keý uthaýha eýgih itheý moüshoüýde moütaýta gat'eý. Ki thizeý \tr child / your / buffalo / the «ob.» / in connection with / headlong / he had gone / pit / inside / he was killed by the fall. / And / to take him \rf jod 1890:349.2 \op waýthagaýzhi ki, aýbagthaiý. Thizhoüýge weýthashiý ki, wiý bthiýze btheý thoü wiýebthiüý. \tr you commanded them / when, / they drew back through diffidence. / Your daughter / you paid with / when, / I / I take him / I went / in the past / it is I. \rf jod 1890:349.3 \op Noüýzhiüshkeýxchi eýthoübe agthiý, aý-biamaý. Ediýhi iýbahoüý-biamaý. Paheý toügaý \tr Barely / in sight / I have come home, / said he, they say. / Then / they knew him, they say. / Hill / large \rf jod 1890:349.4 \op thoü ukiýkie nazhiüý te. Tiýi thoütaýtoü niýkagahi izhiüýge akaý wadoüýbe iýthai te. Na! \tr the «ob.» / talking together / they stood. / Village / from the «ob.» / chief / his son / the «sub.» / looked this way. / Why! \rf jod 1890:349.5 \op iüsh'aýge akaý paheý toügaý thoü eýdi tiý thoükaý shi niýashiüga wiüý shoüýge aýgthiü atiýi \tr old man / the «sub.» / hill / large / the «ob.» / there / have come / they who / again / person / one / horse / riding / he has come \rf jod 1890:349.6 \op aýhoü. Uýwakieý nazhiüýi. Eýta btheý taý miüke. Hiüdaý! watoüýbe btheý taý miüke, \tr ! / Talking to them / he stands. / Thither / I go / will / I who. / Let me see! / I see them / I go / will / I who, \rf jod 1890:349.7 \op aý-biamaý. Eýta athaiý te shoüýgagthiü. Ithaýdi thiükeýdi akiý-biamaý. Niýkashiüga \tr said he, they say. / Thither / he went / riding a horse. / His father / to the «ob.» / he came again, they say. / Person \rf jod 1890:349.8 \op daýdoü uthaýkiai hau. Tenaý! thizhiüýthe thizeý hiý thiükeýde gthiý hau, aý-biamaý. Noübuýthoü-biamaý. \tr what / you talk with / ? / Why! / your elder brother / to take him / he arrived / he who, and / he has come again / ! / said he, they say. / They shook hands, they say. \rf jod 1890:349.9 \op Goüý izhoüýge thiükeý 'iý-biamaý. Uthaý moügthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý ithaýdi \tr And / his daughter / the one who / he gave to him, they say. / To tell it / begone, / said, they say / his father \rf jod 1890:349.10 \op akaý. Niýkashiüga niýkagahi woüýgithexti utheýwiükiýthe taiý ha. Sheýnuzhiüýga waheýhazhi \tr the «sub.». / Person / chief / all / let them assemble / . / Young man / stout-hearted \rf jod 1890:349.11 \op woüýgithexti utheýwiükiýthe taiý ha. Iüthiüýdoübe etaiý, witoüýde, aý-biamaý. \tr all / let them assemble / . / They look at mine / may, / my daughter's husband, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:349.12 \op Utheýwiükithaý-biamaý. Doüýbe a-iýi te. Edaýdoü 'iý tai ke athiüý a-iýi te. Niýkashiüga \tr They assembled they say. / To see him / they approached. / What / to give him / will / the «ob.» / having them / they came. / Person \rf jod 1890:349.13 \op gat'eý kethoüý thizeý the thiüý gthiý, aiý aýtha. Ki niýkagahi thiükeý itoüýdethaiý \tr killed by falling / he who was / to take him / he / who was going / he has come back, / he says / indeed. / And / chief / the one who / has him for his son-in-law \rf jod 1890:349.14 \op eýgoü, iýthagishtoüýbe hneý te, aiý aýtha, aý-biamaý. Shoüý edaýdoü tha'iý shkoüýhnai ge \tr as, / you see his «relation» / you go / will, / he says / indeed, / said he, they say. / And / what / you give him / you wish / the «pl. ob.» \rf jod 1890:349.15 \op eýthahniü hneý te, aiý aýtha. Niýkagahi akaý iýthahoü, aiý aýtha. Sheýnuzhiüýga washuýshe \tr you take them to him / will, / he says / indeed. / Chief / the «sub.» / to thank for them, / he says / indeed. / Young man / brave \rf jod 1890:349.16 \op edaýbe woüýgishe eýdi a-iý-biamaý. Shoüý waýthaha, shoüýge uýdoü-maý shti bthuýgaxti \tr also / all / there / approached, they say. / And / clothing, / horse / the good ones / too / all \rf jod 1890:349.17 \op 'iý-biamaý. Itiýgoü akaý niýkagahi uýzhu te 'iý-biamaý. Tiý uthuýshiata giaýxai-ga, \tr they gave to him, they say. / His wife's father / the «sub.» / chief / principal / the «ob.» / gave to him, they say. / Tent / in the center / make ye it for him, \rf jod 1890:349.18 \op aý-biamaý. Uthuýshiata tiý-biamaý. Thishtoüý-biamaý. Toüýwoügthoü wathaýta-baýzhi. \tr said he, they say. / In the center / he set up the tent, they say. / They finished, they say. / Nation / they did not eat. \rf jod 1890:349.19 \op Ithaýthipe gthiüý eýgoü wathaýta-baýzhi. Iüýchoü wahoüý a-iýi te thagthiý, aý-biamaý. \tr Waiting for you / they sat / as / they did not eat. / Now / to remove / they are coming / when / you have come back, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:349.20 \op Hau! aý-biamaý theý akiý akaý, Iüsh'aýge noüýba iýekiýthe moüthiüýi-ga, aý-biamaý. \tr Ho! / said he, they say / this / he reached home / he who, / Old man / two / to act as criers / walk ye, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:350.1 \op Niýkagahi uýzhu thiükeý itoüýde thiükeý gasaýni eýthapaýze te, aiý aýtha. Shoüý oüwoüýwataý \tr Chief / principal / he who / his son-in-law / he who / to-morrow / you rest / will, / he says / indeed. / And / to what place \rf jod 1890:350.2 \op shte hnaýzhi te, aiý aýtha, aý-biamaý. Shoüýge waýgthiü akiýi thoükaý eýgasaýni \tr soever / you go not / will, / he says / indeed, / said they, they say. / Horse / riding them / they reached home / they who «ob.» / the next day \rf jod 1890:350.3 \op wadoüýbe wagaýzhi te. Ki uxtheýxchi wadoüýbe agthiý-biamaý. Ithaýdi thiükeý giýkai \tr to act as scouts / he commanded them. / And / very soon / acting as scouts / they came back, they say. / His father / he who / he asked of him \rf jod 1890:350.4 \op te moüýze ke iýgaxai te uxtheýxchi teý heýgazhixti waýxai te. Wanaýs 'iýtha-biamaý. \tr the «ob.» / iron / the «ob.» / he did with it / when / very soon / buffalo / a great many / he made them. / To surround them / he spoke of, they say. \rf jod 1890:350.5 \op Teý-ma muýwahega-baýzhi amaý. Wanaýse te eduiýhe athaý-biamaý. Wa'uý akaý \tr they buffaloes / they killed many of them / they who. / Surrounding them / the / to join it / he went, they say. / Woman / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:350.6 \op gaý-biamaý: Wanaýxe te eýdi watoüýbe btheý koüýbtha. Teý-ma watoüýbe taýshe, \tr said as follows, they say: / Surrounding them / the / there / I see / I go / I wish. / The buffaloes / I see them / must, \rf jod 1890:350.7 \op aý-biamaý. T'eýwathe ki piý eteýgoü, aý-biamaý. Teý-ma t'eýwathaý-bi egoüý, agiý-biamaý; \tr she said, they say. / They are killed / when / I come back / apt, / said she, they say. / The buffaloes / they killed them, they say / having, / she was coming back, they say; \rf jod 1890:350.8 \op igaýxthoü pahaýdi nazhiüý-biamaý. Eýdi agthiý-biamaý. Teý t'eýawathe thoüýzha \tr his wife / on the hill / she stood, they say. / There / he came back, they say. / Buffalo / I killed them / though \rf jod 1890:350.9 \op wapaýde taý amaý, aý-biamaý. Wanaýse amaý akiýi te. Shi wanaýs 'iýthai te. \tr they will cut them up, / said he, they say. / They who surrounded them / reached home. / Again / to surround / he spoke of it. \rf jod 1890:350.10 \op Niýkagahi itoüýde akaý wadoüýbe theýwakith 'iýthai, aýtha, aý-biamaý. Shi teý thoü \tr Chief / his son-in-law / the «sub.» / to act as scouts / to send them / he spoke of, / indeed, / said he, they say. / Again / buffalo / the «cv. herd» \rf jod 1890:350.11 \op mazhoüý ushkoüý thoü shi eýgoüxti atiý amaýma. Wanaýsa-biamaý. Shi muýwahegabazhiý-biamaý. \tr land / where the deed was done / again / just so / they had been coming. / They surrounded them, they say. / Again / they killed many of them, they say. \rf jod 1890:350.12 \op Eýgithe niýkagahi uýzhu akaý izhiüýge akaý eýgithe wazhiüýshte akaýma. \tr At length / chief / principal / the «sub.» / his son / the «sub.» / behold / was in a bad humor, they say. \rf jod 1890:350.13 \op Niýkagahi te wa'iýazhi egoüý, itoüýde gi'iý te eý wazhiüýshte, uthuýgit'aýthe akaýma. \tr Chief «-taincy» / the «ob.» / he did not give to him / because, / his son-in-law / he gave to his / when / that / he was in a bad humor about, / he was envious of his «relation», they say. \rf jod 1890:350.14 \op Ki hoüý te shoüýge akaý ugthaý-biamaý. Iýa-biamaý. Dadiýha, niýkashiüga wiüý hoüýhnoüýdi \tr And / night / when / horse / the «sub.» / told of his, they say. / He spoke, they say. / O father, / person / one / night regularly when \rf jod 1890:350.15 \op t'eýawathe goüthaýxtioüýi, aý-biamaý. Ki hoüý te aýgikihiýde-hnoüý-biamaý. \tr to kill us / he desires very much, / said he, they say. / And / night / when / he attended to his own regularly they say. \rf jod 1890:350.16 \op Eýgithe wanaýsa-biamaý eýgasaýni ki, mazhoüý ushkoüý thoüýdi. Shi eýgoüxti teý amaý \tr At length / they surrounded them, they say / the next day / when, / land / it happened / at the. / Again / just so / buffalo / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:350.17 \op atiý amaýma, heýgazhi. Eýgithe itaýhoü akaý teý thoü noüt'eýwathe goüthaý-biamaý. \tr they had been coming, / a great many. / At length / his wife's brother / the «sub.» / buffalo / the «herd» / they trample him to death / he wished they say. \rf jod 1890:350.18 \op Teý-ma weýnaxithaý-biamaý kiý, waiiüý thoü uthuýgahiý-biamaý. Bakuýwiüxe shoüý eýdi \tr The buffaloes «ob.» / they attacked them, they say / when, / robe / the «ob.» / he waved they say. / Turning around in his course / still «?» / there \rf jod 1890:350.19 \op goüý gaýxai waiiüý thoü itaýhoü thiükeý teý-ma gazoüýadixti athiýpu-bi egoüý, wathiýshnazhiýxtioüý \tr so / he did / robe / the «ob.» / his sister's husband / the one who / the buffaloes / right among them / they closed in on him / having, / he was not seen at all \rf jod 1890:351.1 \op amaý. Niýkagahi itoüýde thiükeý teý amaý noüt'aiý, aý-biamaý. Noüt'aý-bi \tr they say. / Chief / his son-in-law / the «ob.» / they trampled him to death, / said they, they say. / They trampled him to death, they say \rf jod 1890:351.2 \op ki, teý amaý u'eýtha goüý usnuýe-kihaýha-biamaý. Shi ushkoüý shgewoüý iýtha-bazhiý-biamaý. \tr when, / buffalo / the «sub.» / scattering / so / they went in long lines in all directions they say. / Again / what was done / soever / they did not find they say. \rf jod 1890:351.3 \op Shoüýge shte iýtha-bazhiý-biamaý. Uýzhu shte iýtha-bazhiý-biamaý. Edaýdoü shte \tr Horse / even / they did not find, they say. / Principal / even / they did not find they say. / What / at all \rf jod 1890:351.4 \op ediý-thoüzhi amaý. Teý noüthiüýgai teýdi shoüýge amaý edaýdoü gaýxe shiükeýta \tr it was not there / they say. / Buffalo / trampled him to nothing / when / horse / the «sub.» / what / he made / to him who \rf jod 1890:351.5 \op aýkiaýgthai te. \tr they had gone back again. \rf jod 1890:351.6 \ti A yankton legend \op Eýgithe shiüýgazhiüýga wiüý enaýxchi t'oüý-biamaý. Teýxigithaý-biamaý. Ki \tr At length / child / one / alone / they had him, they say. / They prized theirs, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:355.1 \op shkaýde-hnoü ahiý-biamaý. Niýahitheý amaý. Ki ithaýdi akaý ihoüý ethoüýba eýwathe \tr playing regularly / he arrived, they say. / He went into the water / they say. / And / his father / the «sub.» / his mother / too / his relations \rf jod 1890:355.2 \op amaý shtewoüý bthuýga xageý-hnoüi. Ki ithaýdi akaý giýtha-bazhixtiý-biamaý. Ki \tr the «pl.» / even / all / cried regularly. / And / his father / the «sub.» / was very sad they say. / And \rf jod 1890:355.3 \op timoüýte zhoüý-bazhi amaý; aýshiata zhoüý-biamaý. Iüýbehiüý shte wathiüýgexti zhoüý-biamaý. \tr in the lodge / he lay not / they say; / outside / he lay, they say. / Pillow / even / he had not at all / he lay, they say. \rf jod 1890:355.4 \op Theýgoü aýzhoü ki, shiüýgazhiüýga xageý ginaý'oü-biamaý; toüýde moüýtata zhoüý ginaý'oü-biamaý. \tr Thus / he lay on it / when, / child / crying / he heard his, they say; / ground / within / lying / he heard his they say. \rf jod 1890:355.5 \op Eýthe etaý bthuýgaxti utheýwiükithaý-bi, 'eýwakith 'iýtha-biamaý. Toüýde ke \tr Relations / his / all / they assembled, they say, / to cause them to dig / he spoke of, they say. / Ground / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:355.6 \op 'eý 'iýtha-biamaý. Eýthe etaý amaý shoüýge utheýwiüwathaý-biamaý, waweýshi wa'iý \tr to dig it / he spoke of, they say. / Relation / his / the «sub.» / horse / they collected them, they say, / pay / to give them \rf jod 1890:355.7 \op tai eýgoü. Wat'oüý shti utheýwiüwaýthaý-biamaý, shoüýge-maý edaýbe. Ki niýashiüga \tr in order to. / Goods / too / they collected they say, / the horses / also. / And / man \rf jod 1890:355.8 \op noüýba xubaý-bi, aý-biamaý. Shiüýgazhiüýga ke uneý 'iýtha-biamaý. Iüsh'aýge wiüý ithaýdi \tr two / were sacred, / they said, they say. / Child / the «ob.» / to seek / they spoke of, they say. / Old man / one / his father \rf jod 1890:355.9 \op thiükeý uiýtha athaý-biamaý. Goüýki waýthiü atiý-biamaý. Niýashiüga xubeý thoükaý ithaýdi \tr the «ob.» / to tell him / went they say. / And / having them / he came, they say. / Person / sacred / the ones who / his father \rf jod 1890:355.10 \op akaý niniý uzhiý wa'iý-biamaý. Shiüýgazhiüýga ke ahniüý thagthiý ki, bthuýga wi'iý taiý \tr the «sub.» / tobacco / putting in / he gave to them, they say. / Child / the «ob.» / you have him / you come back / if, / all / I give to you / will «pl.» \rf jod 1890:355.11 \op miüke waweýshi ke. Hau. Ki'oüý-biamaý; aýma akaý saýbexti gaýxa-biamaý, \tr I who / pay / the «ob.». / «paragraph» / They painted themselves, they say; / the one / very black / he made it, they say, \rf jod 1890:355.12 \op aýma akaý ziýxti gaýxa-biamaý. Niý shkuýbe ke moütaýha akiýtha aýiaýtha-biamaý. \tr the other / very yellow / he made it, they say. / Water / deep / the «ob.» / into / both / had gone, they say. \rf jod 1890:356.1 \op Ki theý niýashiüga noübaý akaý eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Wakoüýda thiükeý ukiýa-biamaý. \tr And / this / man / two / the «sub.» / there / arrived, they say. / Deity / the «ob.» / they talked to, they say. \rf jod 1890:356.2 \op Shiüýgazhiüýga thiükeý t'aýzhi; niüýta gthiüý thiükeý amaý. Ithaýdi akaý shiüýgazhiüýga \tr Child / the one who / was not dead; / alive / he was sitting / they say. / His father / the «sub.» / child \rf jod 1890:356.3 \op ginaiý, aý-biamaý. Oügaýthiü oügaýgthe taý-bi, aiý ha. Ahniüý \tr begs for his, / said they, they say. / We have him / we go homeward / will, «see note» / he said / . / You have him / you go homeward / will / though, \rf jod 1890:356.4 \op pahaýshi ahniüý thakiýi ki t'eý tateý. Thataýzhi teýdi ahniüý thagthaiý ki, niüýta teýiüte. \tr above / having him / you reach home / when / he die / shall. / He ate not / when / you had him / you went homeward / if, / alive / might «be». \rf jod 1890:356.5 \op Wathaýte bthaýte thoü eý goüýtha teýgoü eýwoü goüý t'eý tateý. Eý ithaýdi thiükeý iýe \tr Food / I eat / the «ob.» / that / he desires / will, as / causing it / so / he die / shall. / That / his father / the «ob.» / words \rf jod 1890:356.6 \op gaýte uiýtha moügthiüýi-ga. Agiý-biamaý niýashiüga noübaý amaý. Akiý-biamaý tiý \tr those / to tell him / begone ye. / They were coming back, they say / man / two / the «sub.». / They reached home, they say / lodge \rf jod 1890:356.7 \op teýdi. Shiüýgazhiüýga thithiýta toüýbe; wa'uý-wakoüýda athiüý akaý, aý-biamaý. Niüýta \tr at the. / Child / your / I saw him; / woman-deity / she has him, / said «one», they say. / Alive \rf jod 1890:356.8 \op thiükeý, aý-biamaý. Niüýta toüýbe thoüýzha, wathaýte thataiý thoü eý heýbe thateý akaý; \tr he who, / said he, they say. / Alive / I saw him / though, / food / they eat / the «ob.» / that / a piece / he has eaten; \rf jod 1890:356.9 \op aýdoü pahaýshi oügaýthiü oügaýgthi ki, t'eý tateý, aiý. Ithaýdi akaý shoüý gitoüýbe goüýthai. \tr therefore / above / we have him / we come back / if, / he die / shall, / he says. / His father / the «sub.» / still / to see his / wished. \rf jod 1890:356.10 \op Wakoüýda wa'uý akaý shiüýgazhiüýga thiükeý thiý'i ki, shiýnudoü skaýxchi waweýshi \tr Deity / woman / the «sub.» / child / the «ob.» / she gives back to you / if, / dog / very white / pay \rf jod 1890:356.11 \op goüýthai. Ithaadi akaý, A'iý taý miüke, aý-biamaý, shiýnudoü skaý thiükeý. Shi niýashiüga \tr wishes. / His father / the «sub.», / I give to her / will / I who, / said he, they say, / dog / white / the «ob.». / Again / man \rf jod 1890:356.12 \op noüýba shi aýma saýbexti kikaýxa-biamaý, shi aýma ziýxti kikaýxa-biamaý. Shi niý \tr two / again / the one / very black / he made himself, they say, / again / the other / very yellow / he made himself, they say. / Again / water \rf jod 1890:356.13 \op moüýte athaý-biamaý. Keýdi ahiý-biamaý shi. Ithaýdi akaý shiüýgazhiüýga shoüý oügaýthiü \tr beneath / they went, they say. / At the «ob.» / they arrived, they say / again. / His father / the «sub.» / child / at any rate / we have him \rf jod 1890:356.14 \op oügaýgthe taiý, gitoüýbe 'iýthai. Ki shiüýgazhiüýga weý'i eýgoü, athiüý agthaý-biamaý. \tr we go homeward / will, / to see his / he spoke of. / And / child / he gave back to them / as / having him / they went homeward, they say. \rf jod 1890:356.15 \op Pahaýshi athiüý akiýi ki, shiüýgazhiüýga t'eý amaý. Ithaýdi thiükeýdi giý'i-biamaý. Ki \tr Above / having him / they reached / when, / child / he died / they say. / His father / at the / they gave back to, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:356.16 \op niýkashiüga bthuýgaxti xagaý-biamaý, gitoüýbexti shiüýgazhiüýga. Shiýnudoü hiüý skaý \tr people / all / they cried, they say, / they saw theirs plainly / child. / Dog / hair / white \rf jod 1890:356.17 \op niýahitheýtha-biamaý. Shiüýgazhiüýga gitoüýbe gixaiý ki, niýashiüga noübaý thoükaý \tr they plunged into the water, they say. / Child / they saw their / they buried their / when, / man / two / the ones who \rf jod 1890:356.18 \op waweýshi bthuýga wa'iý. Goüteýgoü ki, shi ithaýdi akaý ihoüý ethoüýba shi miüýzhiüga \tr pay / all / he gave to them. / Some time / when, / again / his father / the «sub.» / his mother / «she» too / again / girl \rf jod 1890:356.19 \op wiüý eýgoü giýthiügaý-biamaý. Wakoüýdagi thiükeý wathaýte wa'iý te thataý-bazhiý-biamaý, \tr one / so / they became without theirs, they say. / Water-deity / the one who / food / he gave / the / did not eat they say, \rf jod 1890:357.1 \op miüýzhiüga akaý; aýdoü niüýta athiüý akiýi-biamaý. Thoüýzha wakoüýda aýzhi-biamaý \tr girl / the «sub.»; / therefore / alive / having her / they reached home, they say. / Though / deity / another they say \rf jod 1890:357.2 \op athiüý akaý, ki shiýnudoü skaý duýba 'iýi kiýzhi weý'i 'iýtha-biama. \tr he who had her, / and / dog / white / four / they gave him / if / to give her back / he promised, they say. \rf jod 1890:357.3 \ti The lament of the fawn over its mother \op Taýxti wiüý miüýga Taýxtizhiüga zhuýgigthai. Taýxtizhiüga akaý weýthai te. \tr Deer / one / female / Fawn / she was with hers. / Fawn / the «sub.» / discovered them. \rf jod 1890:358.1 \op Noühaý, theýama niýashiügai ha. Oüýkazhi, niýashiüga-baýzhi, kaýxai he. Ki, Noühaý, \tr O mother, / these / are men / . / Not so, / they are not men, / they are crows / . / And, / O mother, \rf jod 1890:358.2 \op theýama niýashiügai ha. Oüýkazhi, niýashiüga-baýzhi, kaýxai he. Ki, Noühaý, theýama \tr these / are men / . / Not so, / they are not men, / they are crows / . / And, / O mother, / these \rf jod 1890:358.3 \op niýashiügai ha. Oüýkazhi, niýashiüga-baýzhi, kaýxai he. Eýgithe kiýdai niýashiüga amaý. \tr are men / . / Not so, / they are not men, / they are crows / . / At length / they shot at her / man / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:358.4 \op Taýxtizhiüga akaý oüýhai te. \tr Fawn / the «sub.» / fled. \rf jod 1890:358.5 \pr When he returned to the place, he found that the men had cut up his mother, and had put her liver on the fire. So he sang this lament: \op Noü-haý ni-aý-shiü-gaý-bi e-heý, Ka-xaý-bi e-sheý thoüý-shti; Piý thoü naý-thi-zi-ziý-dzhe. \tr O mother / they are men / I said, / They are crows / you said / formerly; / Liver / the «ob.» / is sizzling on the fire. \rf jod 1890:358.6 \ti A Ponka ghost story \op Nudoüý athaý-biamaý niýathiüga aýhigi. Poüýka-biamaý. Ki athaý-b egoüý \tr To war / went, they say / persons / many. / Ponkas, they say. / And / went, they say / having \rf jod 1890:359.1 \op a-iý-ti-biamaý. Neýtha-biamaý. Hoüýdoü amaý. Ki neýthexti gthiüý-biamaý; peýde \tr they camped for the night, they say. / They kindled a fire, they say. / Night time / they say. / And / kindling a bright fire / they sat, they say; / fire \rf jod 1890:359.2 \op te naýhegazhiýxti gaýxa-biamaý. Giýthexti wathaýte gthiüý-biamaý. Sabaýzhixti niýashiüga \tr the «ob.» / to burn very brightly / they made it, they say. / Rejoicing much / eating / they sat, they say. / Very suddenly / person \rf jod 1890:359.3 \op wiüý wa'oüý-biamaý. Xthiýazhi, aý-biamaý. Peýde sheýte aýba'uýi-ga. Xthiýazhi \tr one / sang they say. / Speechless, / said «one» they say. / Fire / yonder / cover with earth. / Speechless \rf jod 1890:359.4 \op moüýde gthiýzai-ga. Ki woüýgithe moüýde gthiýza-biamaý. Ki eýgaxe ithoüýth \tr bow / take ye yours. / And / all / bow / took their, they say. / And / to surround him \rf jod 1890:359.5 \op athaý-biamaý. Eýgaxe ithoüýtha-bi goüý ubiýsoüde athiüý aýtiaýtha-biamaý. Ki goüý \tr they went, they say. / They surrounded him, they say / so / in close quarters / they had him / they began at once, they say. / And / still \rf jod 1890:359.6 \op wa'oüý nazhiüý-biamaý; sheýtheshtewoüýzhi. Eýgithe xthabeý teýdi koüýge athaý-biamaý. \tr singing / he stood, they say; / he did not heed at all. / At length / tree / by the / near / they went, they say. \rf jod 1890:359.7 \op Ki koüýgexchi ahiý-biamaý ki, thashtoüý-biamaý wa'oüý akaý. Ki xthabeý teýdi \tr And / very near / they arrived, they say / when, / he stopped singing, they say / he sang / he who. / And / tree / by the \rf jod 1890:359.8 \op ahiý-bi ki, wahiý te goüýte amaý. Xthabeý hideý teýdi wahiý te edediý-te amaý, \tr they arrived, they say / when, / bone / the «ob.» / had lain there some time, they say. / Tree / the bottom / by the / bone / the / they were there, they say, \rf jod 1890:359.9 \op niýashiüga wahiý te. Shaoüý amaý ubaýtiheýwathe-hnoüý-biamaý niýashiüga t'aiý ki. \tr human / bone / the. / Dakota / the «sub.» / they hang up the bodies regularly they say / persons / they die / when. \rf jod 1890:359.10 \ti A Dakota ghost story \op Shaoüý nudoüý athaý-biamaý. Athaý-bi ki noüýba wadoüýbe athaý-biamaý. \tr Dakotas / to war / went, they say. / They went, they say / when / two / to act as scouts / they went, they say. \rf jod 1890:360.1 \op Niýkashiüga wiüý wa'oüý na'oüý-biamaý. \tr Person / one / singing / they heard, they say. \rf jod 1890:360.2 \op Heý-a-he+ the-heý-a! Heý-a-he+ the-heý-a! Heý-the-heý-e-heý! A-heý the-heý-a! \tr No English \rf jod 1890:360.3 \op Heý-the-heý-e-heý! E-haý-hu+thu-uý he-theý-a! Yaý-a-huý! Eý-the haý-a-eý-a! \tr No English \rf jod 1890:360.4 \op Kigthaýda-biamaý. Eshoüýxchi ahiý-bi ki ugaýs'iü-biamaý. Eýgithe shoüýtoüga \tr They crawled up on him together they say. / Very near / they arrived, they say / when / they peeped, they say. / Behold / big wolf \rf jod 1890:360.5 \op akaýma. \tr he was, they say. \rf jod 1890:360.6 \ti The adventure of an Omaha \op Niýashiüga wiüýaýxchi tiý wiüaýxchi 'aýbae athaý-biamaý, wa'uý shiüýgazhiüýga edaýbe \tr Man / one / tent / one / hunting / he went, they say, / woman / child / also \rf jod 1890:361.1 \op zhuýwagiýgthe. Goüýki tiý-biamaý uchiýzhe koüýhadi. Ki nuý akaý moüý ke heýgazhi \tr he with them, his own. / And / they camped, they say / undergrowth / by the edge of. / And / man / the «sub.» / arrow / the «ob.» / a great many \rf jod 1890:361.2 \op athiüý-biamaý. Wahuýtoüthiü thinfgaiý tediý-biamaý. Ki tiý-biamaý ki, goüýki 'aýbae \tr he had, they say. / Gun / they had none / when, they say. / And / they camped, they say / when, / after a while «?» / hunting \rf jod 1890:361.3 \op athaý-biamaý nuý siýoütheý. Tiý te oüýtha athaý-biamaý. Paýzegoü 'aýbae agthaý-biamaý \tr went, they say / man / alone. / Tent / the «ob.» / leaving it / he went, they say. / At evening / hunting / he went homeward, they say \rf jod 1890:361.4 \op tiý teýdi. Tiý te eshoüý akiý-bi ki, kuýha-biamaý nuý akaý. Goüýxti kuýha-bi \tr tent / to the. / Tent / the «ob.» / near to / he reached home, they say / when, / feared unseen danger, they say / man / the «sub.». / Immediately «?» / feared unseen danger, they say \rf jod 1890:361.5 \op egoüý, tiý te gigthaýda-biamaý. Ki eýgithe niýashiüga aýhigi tiý te thaýthuhaýxchi \tr having, / tent / the «ob.» / he crawled up on his own they say. / And / behold / men / many / tent / the «ob.» / very nearly \rf jod 1890:361.6 \op ieýnaxiýtha amaýma ki, eýdi aýnazaýdi akiý-biamaý. Goüý hiübeý utoüý ge edaýbe \tr were attacking it, they say / when, / there / in the rear / he reached home, they say. / And / moccasin / leggings / the «ob.» / also \rf jod 1890:361.7 \op gthiýshnudaý-bi egoüý, waiiüý ge edaýbe oüýtha-biamaý. Goüýki tiý te ieýnaxiýthai \tr pulled off his, they say / having, / robe / the «pl. ob.» / also / he left, they say. / And / tent / the «ob.» / they attacked it \rf jod 1890:361.8 \op te, eýkitoü eý shti ieýnaxiýtha agthaý-biamaý. Iýthae-bazhiýxtioüý shtewoüý wa'uý-biamaý. \tr when, / at the same time / he / too / to attack / went homeward, they say. / He did not speak at all / notwithstanding / he wounded them, they say. \rf jod 1890:361.9 \op Eýgithe iýbahoüýi-biamaý. Goüýki niýashiüga amaý oüýha-biamaý. Oüýha-bi ki, \tr At length / he was recognized they say. / And / men / the «sub.» / they fled, they say. / They fled, they say / when, \rf jod 1890:361.10 \op Giý-ga, giý-gaý, aý-bi egoüý, shiüýgazhiüýga, wa'uý edaýbe, waýgthizaý-bi egoüý, uchiýzhe \tr Come, / come, / said, they say / having, / child, / woman / also, / he took them his own, they say / having, / thicket \rf jod 1890:361.11 \op keýta zhuýwagiýgthe aýiaýtha-biamaý. Wiüeýshtewoü t'eýthai-bazhiý-biamaý. Eshnoüý heýgashtewoüýzhi \tr to the / he with them, his own / he had gone, they say. / Not even one / was killed, they say. / He alone / a great many \rf jod 1890:361.12 \op t'eýtha-biamaý. \tr he killed, they say. \rf jod 1890:361.13 \ti The Dakota who was scared to death by a ghost \op Shaoüý juýba tiý amaýma. Ki Shaoüý wiüý ed-uiýha-bi ki, wahoüý-shtoü \tr Dakotas / some / camped / they say. / And / Dakota / one / joined, they say / when, / a constant remover \rf jod 1890:362.1 \op heýgabazhiý-biamaý. Ki theý Shaoüý ti-maý ediýtoü wiüý ugaýshoü the teýe ha. Ki \tr not a little they say. / And / this / Dakota / those who camped / from / one / traveling / he went / . / And \rf jod 1890:362.2 \op niýashiüga aýzhi nudoüý aýkipaiý ki, t'eýthai te ha. Ki theý niýashiüga wahoüý giýudoü \tr man / different / on the war-path / he met him / when, / he killed him / . / And / this / man / to remove / it was good for him \rf jod 1890:362.3 \op akaý paýzexchi hiý ki, wahoüý athaiý te ha. Wa'uý-hnoü wiüaýxchi zhuýgthai te ha. \tr he who / late in the evening / it arrived / when, / removing / he went / . / Woman only / one / went with him / . \rf jod 1890:362.4 \op Eýgithe hoüý, ugaýhanapazexti, tiýi te ha theý wahoüý atheý akaý. Goüýki tiý wa'uý \tr At length / night, / very dark, / he camped / , / this / removing / he went / he who. / And / tent / woman \rf jod 1890:362.5 \op akaý gaýxai te ha. Ki wa'uý akaý, Tiýadi moügthiüý-a. Naýkoü gaýxa-a he, \tr the «sub.» / made it / . / And / woman / the «sub.», / To the tent / begone. / A light / make / , \rf jod 1890:362.6 \op aý-biamaý. Goüý tiýata agthaiý nuý akaý. Goüý peýde nuý akaý gaýxai te ha, \tr said she, they say. / And / in the tent / went / man / the «sub.». / And / fire / man / the «sub.» / he made it / , \rf jod 1890:362.7 \op Naýkoü gaýxa-bi ki, eýgithe niýashiüga t'eý keý, nazhiýha maýthingextioüý-bikeýama gaxthiýi \tr A light / he made, they say / when, / behold, / man / dead / lying, / hair / all cut off as he lay, they say / killed \rf jod 1890:362.8 \op keý, doüýbai te ha. Noüýpa-bi egoüý, Hiü! aý-bi egoüý, shoüýshoü t'aý-biamaý. \tr the «ob.», / he saw him / . / He feared the sight, they say / having, / Oh! / said, they say / having, / without stopping / he died, they say. \rf jod 1890:362.9 \op Naýkoü shkaýxe thagtheý thoüýshti aýthaoüý a, aý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. Iýazhi egoüý, eýdi \tr A light / you make / you go homeward / heretofore / have you put it on / ? / said, they say / woman / the «sub.». / He spoke not / having, / there \rf jod 1890:362.10 \op akiý-bi egoüý, thit'oüý-biamaý. Goüý naýkoü gaýxa-biamaý. Goüýki t'ekeý wadoüýba-bi \tr she reached home, they say / having, / she felt him, they say. / And / a light / she made, they say. / And / dead he lay / she saw they say \rf jod 1890:362.11 \op ki, shoüýge wiüý koüýtoü-bi egoüý, tiý te oüýtha agthaý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. Goüý \tr when, / horse / one / tied it, they say / having, / tent / the «ob.» / leaving / went back, they say / woman / the «sub.». / And \rf jod 1890:362.12 \op akiý-bi egoüý, Nuý zhuaýgthe btheý eýdegoü, niýashiüga wiüý gaxthiýi keýdegoü, ediýxti \tr reached home, they say / having, / Man / I with him / I went / but / person / one / was killed / he lay, but / just there \rf jod 1890:363.1 \op oütiýi eýdegoü, noüýpe t'eýe he, aý-biamaý. Eýgasaýni ki, nuý amaý doüýbe ahiý-bi \tr we camped / but / fearing the sight / he died / , / said she, they say. / The next day / when, / man / the «sub.» / to see him / arrived, they say \rf jod 1890:363.2 \op ki, eýgithe t'eý shoüýshoü keý amaý. \tr when, / behold, / dead / without stopping / he lay / they say. \rf jod 1890:363.3 \ti The hands of the dead Pawnee \op Shaoüý juýba tiý-biamaý. Ki Paýthiü wiüý t'eýtha-biamaý. Paýthiü thiükeý noübeý \tr Dakotas / some / camped, they say. / And / Pawnee / one / they killed, they say. / Pawnee / the «ob.» / hand \rf jod 1890:363.4 \op etaý te maýsa-bi egoüý, ubaýtiteýtha-biamaý pahaýta weýgoüze noüýbaxtieýgoü. Ki \tr his / the «ob.» / cut off, they say / having, / they hung them up, they say / at a hill / measure / about two. / And \rf jod 1890:363.5 \op hoüý, ugaýhanapaýze ki, tadeýsage heýgazhi amaý. Ki nuý amaý utheýwiü gthiüý-biamaý. \tr night, / dark / when, / high wind / much / they say. / And / man / the «pl. sub.» / collecting / they sat, they say. \rf jod 1890:363.6 \op Shoüý iýugtha goüý gthiüý-biamaý, deýshteaýa gthiüý-biamaý, shoüý iuýtha aýzhithoüthoüý 'iýthe \tr And / telling news about themselves / so / they sat, they say, / talking incessantly / they sat, they say, / in fact / news / different sorts / speaking of \rf jod 1890:364.1 \op gthiüý-biamaý. Ki niýashiüga wiüý iýe wakoüýdagixti tiýzhebe teýdi gthiüý-biamaý. \tr they sat, they say. / And / man / one / very loquacious / door / at the / he sat they say. \rf jod 1890:364.2 \op Ki niýashiüga wiüý waheýhazhixtiý-bi aýshiataýtoü a-iý-biamaý, shoüý niýashiüga waýspextiý-bi \tr And / man / one / very stout-hearted, they say / from outside / was coming, they say, / in fact / man / very sedate, they say \rf jod 1890:364.3 \op eýiüte, waheýhazhixtiý-bi eýiüte, aýshiataýtoü a-iý-biamaý. Nuý aýshiataýtoü a-iý akaý, \tr «he» may be, / very stout-hearted, they say / «he» may be, / from outside / he was coming, they say. / Man / from outside / he was coming / he who, \rf jod 1890:364.4 \op Noüýzhiüshkeýxchi atiý aýhoü, aý-biamaý. Ki theý niýashiüga iýe wakoüýdagi akaý, Eaýtoü \tr Hardly / I have come / ! / he said, they say. / And / this / man / loquacious / the «sub.», / Why \rf jod 1890:364.5 \op noüýzhiüshkeýxchi thatiý a, aý-biamaý. Na! tadeýsage, ugaýhanapazeýxti eýgoü, kuýahe \tr hardly / you have come / ? / said he, they say. / Why! / a high wind, / very dark / as, / I feared unseen danger \rf jod 1890:364.6 \op heýga-maýzhi eýgoü, noüýzhiüshkeýxchi atiý ha, aý-biamaý. Aýxtoü wiýebthiüý ki \tr I very much / as, / hardly / I have come / , / said he, they say. / How possible / it is I / if \rf jod 1890:364.7 \op noüýzhiü shkeýxchi atiý taýdoü, aý-biamaý iýe wakoüýdagi akaý. Uýkuheý shtewoüý thiügeý, \tr hardly / I have come / shall ? / said he, they say / loquacious / the «sub.». / Something to fear / at all / there is none, \rf jod 1890:364.8 \op aý-biamaý. Eýgoüthoüýzha, wiý kuýahe heýga-maýzhi, aý-biamaý aýma akaý, piý teýdi. \tr said he, they say. / Though so, / I / I feared unseen danger / I very much, / said he, they say / the / other, / I was coming / when. \rf jod 1890:364.9 \op Eýgoüthoüýzha, tiý gazoüýadixtioüý shoüý kuýthaheý te shoüýazhi, aý-biamaý. Ki niýashiüga \tr Though so, / tent / in the very midst of / yet / you feared / the / improper, / said he, they say. / And / man \rf jod 1890:364.10 \op waýspe akaý gaý-biamaý: Hiüýdakeý-goü! kuýthahaýzhi wiüýthakeýiüte, Paýthiü noübeý te \tr sedate / the «sub.» / he said as follows, they say: / So let us see! / you do not fear / if you tell the truth, / Pawnee / hand / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:364.11 \op agiýmoüthiüý-ga. Ashniüý thagthiý ki, shoüýge uýdoü wi'iý taý miüke, aý-biamaý. Apiýbthe \tr walk thou for them. / You have them / you come back / if, / horse / good / I give to you / will / I who, / said he, they say. / I go for them \rf jod 1890:364.12 \op koüýbtha ki, apiýbthe taý miüke, aý-biamaý iýe wakoüýdagi akaý. Tena! keý, \tr I wish / if, / I go for them / will / I who, / said, they say / loquacious / the «sub.». / Fie! / come \rf jod 1890:364.13 \op agiýmoüthiüýga. Shoüýge uýdoüxti wi'iý taý miüke, ashniüý thagthiý ki, aý-biamaý. \tr go for them. / Horse / very good / I give you / will / I who, / you have them / you come back / if, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:364.14 \op Agiýathaý-biamaý aýma akaý noübeý te. Ki theý niýashiüga theýaka gaý-biamaý: Eýgithe \tr He went for them, they say / the other / hand / the «ob.». / And / this / man / this «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / Beware \rf jod 1890:364.15 \op wiüýkazhi teý aýhoü. Eýdi noüýba zhuýgthe moüthiüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Eýgoü eýdi \tr he tell not the truth / lest / ! / There / two / with him / walk thou, / said he, they say. / So / there \rf jod 1890:364.16 \op athaý-biamaý. Koüýgexchi ahiýi ki, noübaý akaý hebaýdi gthiüý-biamaý, ithaýpe gthiüý-biamaý. \tr they went, they say. / Very near / they arrived / when, / two / the «sub.» / on the way / they sat, they say, / waiting for him / they sat they say. \rf jod 1890:364.17 \op Eýgithe gthiýazhi kaýshi amaý. Goüý gthiýazhi egoüý, noübaý akaý agthaý-biamaý \tr Behold / he came not back / a long while / they say. / And / he came not back / having, / two / the «sub.» / went back, they say \rf jod 1890:364.18 \op tiýata. Goüý, Thaoüýshna thagthiý a, aý-biamaý. Na! duýdadi oüthoüýgape oügthiüý \tr to the tent. / And, / You left him / you have come / ? / said he, they say. / Why! / on this side / we waited for him / we sat \rf jod 1890:365.1 \op ki, gthiýazhi egoüý, oügaýgi, aý-biamaý. Tenaý! t'eý te, aý-biamaý. Hiüdaý! eýdi \tr when, / he came not back / because, / we came home, / said they, they say. / Fie! / he died, / said he, they say. / Let me see! / there \rf jod 1890:365.2 \op btheý taý miüke, aý-biamaý waýspe akaý. Athiüý thiügeýxti eýdi athaý-biamaý, niniýba \tr I go / will / I who, / said, they say / sedate / the «sub.». / Having it / there was nothing at all / there / he went, they say, / pipe \rf jod 1890:365.3 \op siýoütheýxchi agthaýthiü-bi egoüý, eýdi athaý-biamaý niýashiüga noübeý teýdi, eshnaýxchi. \tr alone / had his, they say / having, / there / he went, they say / man / hand / to the, / he alone. \rf jod 1890:365.4 \op Eýgithe athaý-bi ki, pahoüýga niýashiüga atheý akaý, eýgithe niýashiüga noübeý te \tr Behold, / he went, they say / when, / before / man / he went / he who, / behold, / man / hand / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:365.5 \op koüýgexchi ahiýi ki, t'eý akaýma. Goüýki theý niýashiüga akaý noübeý te thizaý-bi \tr very near / he arrived / when, / he had died, they say. / And / this / man / the «sub.» / hand / the «ob.» / took, they say \rf jod 1890:365.6 \op egoüý, athiüý agthaý-biamaý. Akiý-biam eýgoü, Noübeý te abthiüý agthiý ha, aý-biamaý \tr having, / he took back, they say. / He reached there again, they say / as, / Hand / the «ob.» / I have brought them back / , / said, they say \rf jod 1890:365.7 \op niýashiüga waýspe akaý. Goüýki theý niýashiüga waýspe akaý iýa-biamaý. Wiý shti \tr man / sedate / the «sub.». / And / this / man / sedate / the «sub.» / he spoke, they say. / I / too \rf jod 1890:365.8 \op oüzhiüýga tediýtoü uaýgashoü-hnoü-moüý, anuýdoü-hnoü-moüý, aý-biamaý. Ki shoüý \tr me small / from that time / I have traveled regularly, / I have gone regularly on the war-path, / said he, they say. / And / no matter \rf jod 1890:365.9 \op edaýdoü teýxixti aýakipaý shtewoüý aniüýta ediýge-hnoü-moüý. Ki shoüý woüýeshte, \tr what / very difficult / I met / soever / I live / the «in. ob.» were there, regularly, I had. / And yet / even once, \rf jod 1890:365.10 \op Gaýmoü taý miüke, ehaý-mazhi-hnoü-moüý, aýaginaýxthe-hnoü-moüý, aý-biamaý. \tr I do that / will / I who, / I never said it, / I concealed mine regularly, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:365.11 \op Edaýdoü wiüý teýxi aýakipaý ki, Nuý bthiüý thoü, ebtheýgoü-hnoü-moüý, aý-biamaý. Ki \tr What / one / difficult / I meet / if, / Man / I am / the «past ?», / I always think, / said he, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:365.12 \op shoüý iýe uý'oüthiügeý-xti paýxa-maýzhi-hnoü-moüý, aý-biamaý. Ki wa'uý-hnoü teýxiawaýthe \tr yet / words / without just cause / I never make them, / said he, they say. / And / woman only / I prize them \rf jod 1890:365.13 \op ha, ki shoüýge shti teýxiawaýthe ha, aý-biamaý. Goüý niýashiüga waxpaýnixti \tr , / and / horse / too / I prize them / , / said he, they say. / And / man / very poor \rf jod 1890:365.14 \op noüýba weýboü-biamaý niýashiüga waýspe akaý. Niýashiüga waxpaýni thoükaý shoüýge \tr two / called them, they say / man / sedate / the «sub.». / Man / poor / the ones who / horse \rf jod 1890:365.15 \op uýdoüxti akiýtha wa'iý-biama, shoüýge oüýsagiýxti. Ki niýashiüga miüýgthoüzhi eýiüte \tr very good / both / he gave to them, they say, / horse / very swift. / And / man / unmarried / perhaps \rf jod 1890:365.16 \op wa'uý thiükeý shti 'iý-biamaý niýashiüga waýspe akaý. Wa'uý-hnoü teýxi thoüýzha shoüý \tr woman / the «ob.» / too / gave to him, they say / man / sedate / the «sub.». / Woman only / precious / though / yet \rf jod 1890:365.17 \op aniüýta taý miüke, aý-biamaý. Noüýde wiwiýta ithaýgipahoü koüýbtha goüý eýgimoü, \tr I live / will / I who, / said he, they say. / Heart / my own / I know mine / I wish / so / I do that, \rf jod 1890:365.18 \op aý-biamaý. Niýashiüga t'eý keý agiýmoüthiüýi-ga, aý-biamaý. \tr said he, they say. / Man / dead / the «ob.» / walk ye for him, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:365.19 \ti How the chief's son was taken back \op Shaoüý juýba tiý amaýma. Eýgithe niýkagahi thiükeý izhiüýge ugaýshoü itheý amaý, \tr Dakotas / some / had camped, they say. / At length / chief / the one who / his son / traveling / had gone, they say, \rf jod 1890:367.1 \op 'aýbae. Eýgithe hoüý ki, niýashiüga iýutha akiý-biamaý. Niýkagahi thiükeý, izhaýzhe \tr to hunt. / Behold, / night / when, / man / to tell news / reached there again, they say. / Chief / the one who, / his name \rf jod 1890:367.2 \op thadaý-bi egoüý, Mazhoüý gaýthuadi thizhiüýge t'eýthai, aý-biamaý. Ki niýkagahi akaý \tr mentioned, / having, / Land / in that «unseen place» / your son / they killed, / said he, they say. / And / chief / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:367.3 \op aýshiata ahiý-bi egoüý, iýekiýthe theýtha-bi egoüý, gaý-biamaý: Shaoüý zhiüýga wathiýhehazhiýxti \tr outside / arrived, they say / having, / to proclaim / sent suddenly, they say / having, / said as follows, they say: / Dakota / young / you are very stouthearted \rf jod 1890:367.4 \op shkoüýhna-hnoüýi thoü shiüýgazhiüýga wiýta hoüý theýxchi agiýtoübe koüýbtha. Iüthiügimoüthiüýi-ga. \tr you desire regularly / the «past ?» / child / my / night / this very / I see mine / I wish. / Go after mine for me. \rf jod 1890:367.5 \op Shoüýge oüýsagiýxti wiüý nitaý-toüga edaýbe, ashniüý thagthiý ki, wi'iý \tr Horse / very swift / one / big-ears / also, / you have him / you come back / if, / I give to you \rf jod 1890:367.6 \op taý miüke, aý-biamaý. Ki Shaoüý bthuýgaxti aýbagthaý-biamaý noüýpa-bi egoüý. Ki \tr will / I who, / said he, they say. / And / Dakotas / all / hesitated, they say / they feared «seen danger» they say / because. / And \rf jod 1890:367.7 \op Shaoüý wiüý waheýhazhixti eýiüte, Hiüdaý! wiý apiýbthe teý, etheýgoü-biamaý. Goüý \tr Dakota / one / very stout-hearted / perhaps, / Let me see! / I / I go for him / will, / he thought, they say. / So \rf jod 1890:367.8 \op agiýathaý-biamaý. Shoüý, Eýdi piý ki, noüýape tateý aýhoü, etheýgoü-bazhiý-biamaý. Eýgithe \tr he went for him they say. / Yet, / There / I arrive / when, / I fear / shall / ! / he did not think, they say. / At length \rf jod 1890:367.9 \op eýdi ahiý-bi ki, noüýpe heýga-bazhiý-biamaý. Ki shoüý thit'oüý-biamaý. Eýgithe 'iüý \tr there / he arrived, they say / when, / he feared / very much, they say. / And / yet / he touched him, they say. / At length / carrying him \rf jod 1890:367.10 \op agthaý-bi ki, uxpaýthe-hnoüý amaý shoüýge 'iüýkithai ke. Xageý-hnoü shoüshoüý-biamaý, \tr he went back, they say / when, / it was constantly falling, they say / horse / he caused to carry / the «ob.». / He cried regularly / without stopping they say, \rf jod 1890:367.11 \op 'iüý agthaiý te noüýpe. Piýthoüthoüý uxpaýthe ki, Aoüýbtha akiý ki, eýgithe \tr carrying it / he went back / the / he feared it. / Again and again / it fell when, / I abandon it / I reach there again / if, / beware \rf jod 1890:367.12 \op oüthoüýxa taiý, etheýgoü-bi egoüý, 'iüý akiý goüthaý-biamaý. Uxpaýthe shtewoüý shoüý \tr they laugh at me / lest, / thought, they say / having, / to carry it back / he wished, they say. / It fell / notwithstanding / yet \rf jod 1890:367.13 \op thizaiý-de shoüýge toü 'iüýkithaý-biamaý. Goüý 'iüý akiý-bi egoüý, shoüýge wiüý nitaýtoüga \tr he took it when / horse / the «ob.» / he caused to carry it they say. / And / carried it back, they say / having, / horse / one / big-ears \rf jod 1890:367.14 \op edaýbe 'iý-biamaý. Shoüý uýshkoü ge teýxi thoüýzha, shoüý uýshkoü theý teýxi aýta \tr also / he gave to him, they say. / Yet / deed / the «pl.» / difficult / though, / yet / deed / this / difficult / exceedingly \rf jod 1890:367.15 \op paýxe, (aý-biamaý,) 'iüý akiý-bi teýdi eý wakaý-bi egoüý. \tr I did it, / (said he, they say,) / he carried it back, they say / when / that meant, they say / having. \rf jod 1890:367.16 \ti The war party of @{Nudoüý-axa}'s father \op Iüdaýdi akaý nudoüý athaiý te. Goüý wa'oüý-hnoü shoüýshoü. Moüthiüý moüthiüý \tr My father / the / to war / went. / And / he sang regularly / always. / Walking / he walked \rf jod 1890:368.1 \op te wa'oüý-hnoü shoüýshoü; hoüý zhoüý ge goüý wa'oüý-hnoüi sheýnuzhiüýgai teýdi. \tr when / he sang regularly / always; / night / he lay down / the «pl.» / so / he sang regularly / he was a young man / when. \rf jod 1890:368.2 \op Eýgithe wadoüýbe ahiý-biamaý. Niýkashiüga siýgthe weýtha-biamaý wadoüýbe agthaiý \tr At length / to see / they arrived, they say. / Man / trail / they found them, they say / to see / they went back \rf jod 1890:368.3 \op te. Nuýdoühoügaý, eýgithe, niýashiüga juýba agthaiý ke haý, aý-biamaý. Ahauý! \tr when. / O war-chief, / behold, / man / some / have gone homeward in a long line / , / said they, they say. / Oho! \rf jod 1890:368.4 \op aý-biamaý. Washkoüýegoü-ga. Xubeýkithaý-bi thiüheý, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe niýashiüga \tr said he, they say. / Do persevere. / To make one's self sacred / be sure, / said he, they say. / At length / man \rf jod 1890:368.5 \op thaýbthiü weýna'uýxchi iýhe amaýma. Keý, nuýdoühoügaý, theýama oüwoüýgaxthiý taiý, \tr three / very close beside them / were / passing, they say. / Come, / O war-chief, / these / let us kill them, \rf jod 1890:368.6 \op aý-biamaý. Eýde nudoüýhoüga akaý uthiý'agai te. Eýgithe hoüý amaý, ugaýhanapaýze \tr said they, they say. / But / war-chief / the «sub.» / was unwilling. / At length / night / they say, / dark \rf jod 1890:368.7 \op eýgoü. Hu! hu! hu! hu! theýxe-gakuý utiüý-bi ameýe ha. Paýthiü amaý. Na'oüý-bi \tr like. / Hoo! / hoo! / hoo! / hoo! / drum / they hit them «not seen» / they are the ones / . / Pawnee / the «sub.». / Heard it, they say \rf jod 1890:369.1 \op egoüý, iüdaýdi akaý sheýnuzhiüýga zhuýgthe thiükeý thixiý-biamaý. Paýhoü-ga, aý-biamaý. \tr having, / my father / the «sub.» / young man / he with him / the «ob.» / he aroused them, they say. / Arise, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:369.2 \op shi uiýtha agthiý te. Nuýdoühoügaý, theýxe-gakuý utiüý amaý wathiýshnai. Gaýxchi ama \tr And / to tell it to him / they came back. / O war-chief, / drum / they hit / the «sub.» / they are manifest. / Those who are near \rf jod 1890:369.3 \op gaýthu agthiý tiý, aý-biamaý. Oüýba ugoüýba tihaý amaý. Eýgithe niýkashiüga niý ke \tr at that place / they have come and camped, / said he, they say. / Day / light / it came again, they say. / At length / person / water / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:369.4 \op uhaiý agiý amaýma. Goüý weýtha-baýzhi aýkusoüde aýkiaýgthai te. Ki wiüý agiý-biamaý. \tr they followed along / were coming back, they say. / And / they did not detect them / through / they had gone home again. / And / one / was coming back they say. \rf jod 1890:369.5 \op Hau! aý-biamaý. Theýthiü aýt'eoüýkithe taiý, aý-biamaý. Iüdaýdi akaý wadoüýbe \tr Ho! / said they, they say. / This one / let us cause him to die with us, / said they, they say. / My father / the «sub.» / to see \rf jod 1890:369.6 \op atiý. Uýhe ke aýshkaxchiý-biamaý. Iüdaýdi akaý uiýtha agthiý-biamaý nudoüýhoüga \tr he came. / Path / the «ob.» / he was very near, they say. / My father / the «sub.» / to tell him / came back, they say / war-chief \rf jod 1890:369.7 \op thiükeýta. Iüdaýdi bthuýga waoüýtha athaiý te, oüýsagiý-biamaý. Uxthaý-biamaý Paýthiü \tr to the. / My father / all / left them / he went, / he was swift at running, they say. / He overtook him, they say / Pawnee \rf jod 1890:369.8 \op thiü. Paýthiü thiü waiiüý gioüýtha-bi egoüý, gaxthoüý waýgikibanoüý-biamaý. Iüdaýdi \tr the «ob.». / Pawnee / he who moved / robe / threw his away, they say / having, / migrating party / he ran back towards his «people», they say. / My father \rf jod 1890:369.9 \op akaý uxthaý-biamaý. Kiýde-hnoüi te, moüý iýkide te; 'uý eýnasiýxti aýdoü kiýdai te. \tr the «sub.» / overtook him, they say. / He shot at him regularly / when, / arrow / he shot at him with; / to wound him / every time «?» / therefore / he shot at him. \rf jod 1890:369.10 \op Goüýki Washuýshe akaý eýdi ahiýi te, zhoü-weýtiü ke iýgaxthiý-biamaý. Ushteý amaý \tr And / Brave / the «sub.» / there / arrived / when, / wood to hit with / the «ob.» / he killed him with, they say. / Remainder / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:369.11 \op hashiýdoü ahiýi te. Goüýte-zhiüýga ki, uýhe agthoüýkoühoü waýnasai te Poüýka amaý. \tr afterward / they arrived. / A little while / when, / path / on both sides / surrounded them, / Ponka / the. \rf jod 1890:369.12 \op Eýgithe Paýthiü amaý oüýhe bashiýbe, waýthiü eýiüte Poüýka thoüýka. Goüýki iüdaýdi \tr At length / Pawnee / the «sub.» / fleeing / forced a way out, / they had them / it may be / Ponka / the «pl. ob.». / And / my father \rf jod 1890:369.13 \op akaý mazhoüý oüýth agthaiý thoüýdi shoüýshoü gthiüý-biamaý. Goüý iýna'uýxchi a-iý-biamaý. \tr the «sub.» / land / they left him / they went back / at the / continuing / he sat they say. / And / very close beside him / they were coming, they say. \rf jod 1890:369.14 \op Wakiýde goüýthai shteýshtewoüý waýkida-baýzhi-hnoüýi te. Aniýta koüýbtha thoüýshti; \tr To shoot at them / he wished / notwithstanding / he shot not regularly. / I live / I wished / heretofore; \rf jod 1890:369.15 \op eýgithe oüthoüýthai ki, eýgithe t'eýoüthe taiý, aiý te iüdaýdi akaý. Paýthiü niýashiüga aýkishuga \tr behold / they find me / if, / behold / they kill me / will, / said / my father / the «sub.». / Pawnee / men / standing close together \rf jod 1890:369.16 \op moüthiüý eý wakaiý, niýashiüga wiüaýxchi kiýzhi goüý t'eýthai eteýgoü. Theý Xu'eý-moüthiüý \tr they walked / that / he meant, / person / only one / if / so / they kill him / apt. / This / Roaring-as-he-walks \rf jod 1890:369.17 \op (Shaýge-ska ithaýdi) Paýthiü-maý aýhigixti t'eýwathaý-biamaý, wasiýsige heýga-bazhiý-biamaý. \tr (Hoof white / his father) / the Pawnees / very many / he killed them, they say, / brisk / not a little they say. \rf jod 1890:369.18 \op Eýgithe niýashiüga duýba (Paýthiü thoükaý) eý wadoüýbai te t'eýwathextioüýi. \tr Behold / man / four / (Pawnee / the «ob.») / that / they saw them / when / he really killed them. \rf jod 1890:369.19 \op Xu'eý-moüthiüý ehnoüý wat'eýthe akeý, iüdaýdi akaý eýthoüba; wat'eýtha-baýzhi Poüýka \tr @{Xu'eý-moüthiüý} / he alone / slayer / it was he, / my father / the «sub.» / he, too; / were not slayers / Ponka \rf jod 1890:369.20 \op ushteý amaý. Goüý niýashiüga (Poüýka) peýthabthiü shoüýka doüýshteoüý t'eýwathai \tr remainder / the. / And / man / (Ponka) / eight / nine / perhaps / killed them \rf jod 1890:370.1 \op Paýthiü amaý. Poüýka ushteý thoükaý sheýnawathaiý te Paýthiü amaý. Saýtoüxti-eýgoü: \tr Pawnee / the «sub.». / Ponka / remaining / the ones who / exterminated them, / Pawnee / the «sub.». / About five: \rf jod 1890:370.2 \op Nashkiý-toüýga, Xu'eý-moüthiüý, Te-zheý-bateý ithaýdi, iüdaýdi, ki Washuýshe niüýta \tr Head big, / @{Xu'eý-moüthiüý}, / Buffalo-Dung-in-Heaps / his father, / my father, / and / @{Washuýshe} / alive \rf jod 1890:370.3 \op agthiýi te ha. Woüýgithe oüýha u'eýthai te, uchiýzhe ke iýkinaýxthe goüý u'eýthai te. \tr came home / . / All / fleeing / they scattered, / thicket / the «ob.» / hiding themselves / so / they scattered. \rf jod 1890:370.4 \op Eýgasaýnidoü shoüý utheýwiükithaiý te, aýkikipaiý te. Goüý noüýzhiüshcheýxchi akiý-biamaý, \tr During the next day / yet / they assembled themselves, / they met each other. / And / barely / they reached home they say, \rf jod 1890:370.5 \op noüpeýhiüxtioüý, nukaýthiüxtioüý. \tr very hungry, / altogether naked. \rf jod 1890:370.6 \ti @{Nudoüý-axa}'s account of his first war party \op Oüzhiüýga teýdi pahoüýgaxchi atheý 'iýtha-biamaý. Ki iüdaýdi akaý goüý, Dadiýha, \tr Me small / when / at the very first / going / they spoke of, they say. / And / my father / the «sub.» / so, / O father, \rf jod 1890:372.1 \op gaýamaýta btheý koüýbtha, eheý (te), Oüýkazhi ha, aiý. Iýthoüboüý eýgithoüýzhi-ga. Oüzhiüýgadi, \tr to those «out of sight» / I go / I wish, / I said / (when), / Not so / , / he said. / A second time / do not say it to «any one». / Me small when, \rf jod 1890:372.2 \op nisiýha, uaýgashoü-hnoü-moüý eýde teýxi ithaýpahoü-hnoü-moüý, aiý. Thizhiüýg \tr my child, / I used to travel / but / difficult / I used to know, / he said. / You small \rf jod 1890:372.3 \op egoüý edaýdoü teýxi aýthakipaý ki, thaxaýge iýwikuheý, aiý. Eýgoüzha, niýashiüga amaý aýnaskaý \tr because / what / difficult / you meet / if, / you cry / I fear it for you, / he said. / Though so, / person / the «pl.» / how large \rf jod 1890:372.4 \op shtewoüý nuý iýkigthiýgshoüi eýgoü, ugaýshoü-hnoüýi, eheý. Aýdoü eýgimoü. Uaýgashoüý \tr soever / man / decide for themselves / as, / they always travel, / I said. / Therefore / I do so. / I travel \nt =@{iýkigthiýgshoüi} \rf jod 1890:372.5 \op koüýbtha, eheý. Hau! aiý. Eýdi hneý te, aiý. Niýashiüga aýkikithaiý tediýhi ki, \tr I wish, / I said. / Ho! / he said. / There / you go / will, / he said. / People / attack one another / the time comes / when, \rf jod 1890:372.6 \op bazoüýaxti hneý tateý, aiý. Niýashiüga uhnoüý-de goüý t'eýthithe shteýshtewoüý uýdoü, \tr pushing in among them / you go / shall, / he said. / Man / you hold him while / so / he kills you / notwithstanding / good \rf jod 1890:372.7 \op aiý. Goüý niýashiüga a-iýgthiü amaý keýdi piý. Eýgithe niýashiüga noüý-hnoü amaý. \tr he said. / And / man / those who came and sat / at the place / I arrived. / Behold / person / grown only / they say. \rf jod 1890:372.8 \op (Niýashiüga ukeýthiü eý iýoüxtieýgoüi kiuý amaý) Hau! aiý. Shoüý ha, izhiüýge thiüý \tr (Indian / common / that / he is a great man by means of / he is wounded / they say.) / Ho! / they said. / It is right / , / his son / the «mv. one» \rf jod 1890:372.9 \op eýde tiý ha, aý-biamaý. Noüboüýwoüthoüi. Goüý athaiý. Miüý uthuýagthe moüthiüýi. \tr but / he has come / , / said they, they say. / They shook hands with me. / And / they went. / Moon / throughout / they walked. \rf jod 1890:372.10 \op Eýgithe miüý ke t'eý, ugaýhanapazeýxti. Hau! aiý. Nuýzhiüzhiüýga ti-maý-thoü waýthiü \tr At length / moon / the «ob.» / dead, / very dark. / Ho! / they said. / Boys of various sizes / those who came / bring ye \rf jod 1890:372.11 \op giýi-ga. Izhaýzhe itoüýthiadi ge gioüýtha taiý. Izhiüýge thiükeý athiüý giýi-ga, aiý. Wiý \tr them hither. / His name / old / the «pl. ob.» / let them throw away their. / His son / he who is / bring him hither, / they said. / Me \rf jod 1890:372.12 \op oüwoükaiý, iüdaýdi izhaýzhe thadaiý. Goüý oüýthiü akiýi. Eýdi hneý te, aiý. Shuýdegaýxe, \tr they meant me, / my father / his name / they pronounced. / And / having me / they went back. / There / you go / will, / they said. / Smoke-maker, \rf jod 1890:372.13 \op Noüýge-tiýtha, Miüxaý-ska, shoüý ushteý amaý bthuýga uthuýshi thoüýdi gthiüýoükithaiý. \tr To-run-he-starts, / Goose-white, / in fact / the rest / all / center / in the / made me sit. \rf jod 1890:372.14 \op Ahauý! izhaýzhe thagiýoühna teý, aiý. Eýgithe, ikaýge izhaýzhe wiüý athiüý tateý; t'oüýxtioüý, \tr Oho! / his name / you will abandon your, / they said. / Behold, / his friend / his name / one / he shall / have it; / there is a great abundance, \rf jod 1890:372.15 \op aiý. Ikaýge theý nudoüý oügaý-i te aýxa amaý ha, aiý; aýdoü athiüý tateý, aiý. Nudoüýaxa, \tr they said. / His friend / this / to war / we were coming / when / he cried for it / , / they said; / therefore / he shall have it, / they said. / To-war-he-cried-for, \rf jod 1890:372.16 \op aiý. Goüý Shuýde-gaýxe uthaý theýthai. Wakoüýda-ma uthaý theýthai. Goüý izhaýzhe \tr they said. / And / @{Shuýde-gaýxe} / called aloud to tell it. / The deities / he called aloud to them to tell it. / And / his name \rf jod 1890:372.17 \op te gioüýtha 'iýthe thiükeý aýtha, u+! aiý. Nudoüý-axa izhaýzhe athiüý 'iýthe thiükeý aýtha, \tr the / to abandon his / he is speaking of / indeed, / halloo! / he said. / @{Nudoüý-axa} / his name / having / he is speaking of / indeed, \rf jod 1890:372.18 \op u+! aiý. Pathaýge toügeýgoü thaýthiüsheý shtewoüý, thanaý'oü teýgoü uwiýbtha shutheýathe \tr halloo! / he said. / Headland / somewhat large / you who move / soever, / you hear it / in order that / I tell you / I send to you \rf jod 1890:373.1 \op miükeý aýtha, u+! Xaýde banoüýnoü thaýthiüsheý shtewoüý, thanaý'oü teýgoü uwiýbtha \tr I who / indeed, / halloo! / Grass / in clumps / you who move / soever, / you hear it / in order that / I tell you \rf jod 1890:373.2 \op shutheýathe miükeý aýtha, u+! Zhoüý toügeýgoü thaýthiüsheý shtewoüý, thanaý'oü teýgoü uwiýbtha \tr I send to you / I who / indeed, / halloo! / Wood / somewhat large / you who move / soever, / you hear it / in order that / I tell you \rf jod 1890:373.3 \op shutheýathe miükeý aýtha, u+! Wazhiüýzhiüga bthuýgaxti toüýde ushkoüýshkoü moühniüý \tr I send to you / I who / indeed, / halloo! / Birds of various sizes / all / ground / stirring on repeatedly / ye who \rf jod 1890:373.4 \op maýshe, thanaý'oü teýgoü uwiýbtha shutheýathe miükeý aýtha, u+! Waniýta zhiüzhiüýga, \tr walk, / you hear it / in order that / I tell you / I send to you / I who / indeed, / halloo! / Animal / small ones of various sizes, \rf jod 1890:373.5 \op toüýde ushkoüýshkoü moü hniüý maýshe, thanaý'oü teýgoü uwiýbtha shutheýathe miükeý aýtha, \tr ground / stirring on repeatedly / ye who walk, / you hear it / in order that / I tell you / I send to you / I who / indeed, \rf jod 1890:373.6 \op u+! Gaýtegoüý uwiýbtha shutheýathaiý, waniýta maýshe. Watiýtha iýdoübadiýxti niýashiüga \tr halloo! / Thus and thus / I tell you / I send to you, / ye animals. / Rank of warriors / in the very middle / man \rf jod 1890:373.7 \op waseýkoüxti wiüý t'eýthai ki, uthoüý giý thiükeý aýtha, u+! aiý. Goüý izhaýzhe itoüýthiadi \tr very quick / one / he kills him / when, / holding him / he is coming back / indeed, / halloo! / he said. / And / his name / old \rf jod 1890:373.8 \op shti uthaiý. Nazhiüý-titheý oüýth 'iýth eýgoü, Nudoüý-axa athiüý 'iýthe shiükeý aýtha, u+! \tr too / he told. / To-rain-begins / to abandon it / he speaks of / as, / @{Nudoüý-axa} / to have it / he is speaking of / indeed, / halloo! \rf jod 1890:373.9 \op aiý. Goüý oüzhoüý-hnoüi. Paýthiü tiý ahiý-baýzhi eýgoü, wathaýta-bazhiýxtioüýi; noüpeýhiü \tr he said. / And / we slept regularly. / Pawnee / tent / they had not reached / as, / they did not eat at all; / hunger \rf jod 1890:373.10 \op wakoüýdithextioüýi. Goüý ahiýi Paýthiü tiý. Hoüý ki, tiýi ke eýgaxeý ithoüýthe athaiý. \tr they were very impatient from. / And / they arrived / Pawnee / tent. / Night / when, / the line of tents / to surround it / they went. \rf jod 1890:373.11 \op Eýgithe, Shoüýge toü theýtoü aýagthiü taý miüke, aiý te wineýgi akaý. Oüýkazhi, eheý. \tr At length, / Horse / the «ob.» / this «ob.» / I sit on him / will / I who, / he said / my mother's brother / the «sub.». / Not so, / I said. \rf jod 1890:373.12 \op Shoüý aýgthiü 'iýthai. Shoüýge aýgthiü toü oüýsagi heýgazhi. Goüý tiý theýke eýgaxe \tr Yet / to sit on it / he spoke of. / Horse / he sat on / the «ob.» / swift / very. / And / tent / this «line» / they \rf jod 1890:373.13 \op ithoüýthai te noüpoüýhiü. Wahaýba oümoüýthoü oügaýthe taiý, eheý. Nuýzhiüga wiüý \tr surrounded / when / me hungry. / Ears of corn / we steal / let us go, / I said. / Boy / one \rf jod 1890:373.14 \op eýkinaskaýxchi zhuaýgthe; eý shti itoüýshkaaýthe. Goüý uzhoüýge ke oüguýha oügaýthai. \tr just as large as he / I with him; / he / too / I had as a sister's son. / And / road / the «ob.» / we followed / we went. \rf jod 1890:373.15 \op Wachiýshka wiüý eýgoü uzhaýta nazhiüý akaý. Pamuý oügaýthai teýdi uý'e wiüý ediý akaý. \tr Creek / one / like / forked / it was standing. / Down-hill / we went / when / field / one / it was there. \rf jod 1890:373.16 \op Paýthiü amaý watoüý ge aýkast iteýgithe-hnoüýi. Watoüý aýhigi oüthiýzai, watoüýzi \tr Pawnee / the «sub.» / squash / the «pl.» / in heaps / they used to place their. / Squash / many / we took, / corn \rf jod 1890:373.17 \op ke edaýbe aýhigi oüthiýzai. Goüý 'iüý oügaýki, heýga-baýzhi. Eýna-thoüýthoü oüwoüý'ii. \tr the «ob.» / also / many / we took. / And / carrying / we reached there again, / a great many. / In equal shares / we gave to them. \rf jod 1890:373.18 \op Neoüýthai. Peýde ke ziý ki zheoüýzhi. Eýgithe oüýba akaý moüý shiaýha tihaiý. Waýthiü sha-iý \tr We kindled a fire. / Fire / the / yellow / when / we roasted it. / At length / day / the «sub.» / on high / it passed. / Yonder they come with the pursuers \rf jod 1890:373.19 \op ha, aiý. Wachiýshka kigthaýta neoüýthe oügthiüý. Goüý eýgithe, ubiýsoüdeýxti waýthiü \tr . / they said. / Creek / at the bottom / we kindled a fire / we sat. / And / behold, / pressing into very close quarters / they came \rf jod 1890:373.20 \op atiýi. Umaýha amaý edaýbe Paýthiü thiükeýdi eduiýhai te. Eýgithe goüý oüýhe ameý, \tr and had us. / Omaha / the «pl.» / also / Pawnee / at the «village» / joined in it. / At length / so / they were fleeing, \rf jod 1890:373.21 \op waýbaazaiý. Moüý noüýshudaiý. Pamuý waýthiü ediýxti wiüý t'eýthai te Poüýka thoükaý. \tr they were scared off. / Soil / they made a dust by running. / Down-hill / having them / just there / one / they killed him / Ponka / the «pl. ob.» \rf jod 1890:374.1 \op Aýtataýdi shi wiüý uthoüýi te. Goüýki shi wiüý eýdi t'eýthai te eýduaýtoü. Goüýki \tr Far beyond / again / one / they took hold of. / And / again / one / there / they killed him / the next. / And \rf jod 1890:374.2 \op wa'uý wiüý thizaiý te, Ta-saýba-wiü, Umaýha wa'uý. Eýgithe wineýgi akaý shoüýge \tr woman / one / they took, / Deer-black-female, / Omaha / woman. / At length / my mother's brother / the «sub.» / horse \rf jod 1890:374.3 \op toü iüthiüýthiü akiý, oüthoüýwoüheýgoü. Washkoüý-ga ha, aiý. Niýashiüga amaý heýga-baýzhi, \tr the «ob.» / having mine for me / he arrived again / having / followed me. / Do your best, / , / he said. / People / the «sub.» / a great many, \rf jod 1890:374.4 \op aiý. Goüý oüýoütha agthaiý. Winaýxchi oüwoüýshte. Shaýnakaýgthe eýagthoü ki \tr he said. / And / leaving me / he went homeward. / I alone / me remained. / Saddle / I put it on for «the horse» / when \rf jod 1890:374.5 \op aýagthiü. Pamuýxti agtheý; weýkoütoü uthiýxthaxthaiý bthiýshtoü gtheýathe. Eýgithe weýahide \tr I sat on it. / Down a very steep hill / I went homeward; / lariat / holding loosely / I let him go / I sent him homeward suddenly. / At length / at a distance \rf jod 1890:374.6 \op akiý. Siüdeýhadi aýgthiüga, eheý; eýde uthiý'agaiý. Goüý akiý, uzhoüýge aýkishuga, \tr I reached again. / By the tail / sit on it, / I said; / but / he was unwilling. / And / I arrived again, / road / standing thick, \rf jod 1890:374.7 \op ukiýhoüge thiügeý. Utoüýna zhiüýga teýdi iýha akiý. Goüý sheýna. Waýthishtoüýi, masaýni \tr bounds between two / none. / Space / small / by the / following it / I arrived again. / And / enough. / They let us go, / the other side \rf jod 1890:374.8 \op oügaýkii ki. Eýgithe wiüý athiüý akiýi, Kaýxe-zhiüýga. Paýthiü wiüý wabaýsnoü hideý \tr we reached it again / when. / At length / one / they came back with him, / Crow-young. / Pawnee / one / &scapula / bottom \rf jod 1890:374.9 \op teýdi uýi, shi hiýdeataýdi uýi; shi theýxoüde pahaýshi thoüýdi uýi. uthaýs'iü. Goüý \tr at the / wounded him, / again / at the bottom / he was wounded; / again / cheek / above / on the / he was wounded, / it stuck in. / And \rf jod 1890:374.10 \op maýhiüsi giýthishnuýde. Goüý oügaýthiü oügaýgthai. Hoüý ithaýugthe oümoüýthiüi. Hoüý \tr arrow-head / he pulled out for him. / And / we had him / we went homeward. / Night / throughout / we walked. / Night \rf jod 1890:374.11 \op te shi eýgoü ithaýugthe oümoüýthiüi. Shoüýxti oünoüýhoüi. Eýgithe eýgasaýni duýba zhoüý \tr the / again / so / throughout / we walked. / We walked even till night. / At length / the next day / four / sleep \rf jod 1890:374.12 \op shoüýxti oünoüýoübaiý. Oüýba weýsatoü te oügaýkii, Niý-ubthaýtha keýta. Eýgithe niýashiüga \tr we walked / till broad daylight. / Day / the fifth / the / we reached home, / @{Niý-ubthaýtha} / at the. / Behold / man \rf jod 1890:374.13 \op pahoüýga amaý niýashiüga gtheýba. Eýgitheýgoü, Shoüý ha, aiý egoüý, agthaiý. Eýgithe \tr before / they who / man / ten. / At length, / Enough / , / said / having, / they went homeward. / At length \rf jod 1890:374.14 \op niýashiüga tiýataýtoü duýba eýthoübe atiý. Eýgithe pahoüýga agthiý thiü, Pasiý-thiügeý. \tr person / from the lodge / four / in sight / they came. / Behold / before / he came / the «mv. one», / Top-branch-without. \rf jod 1890:374.15 \op Wizhiüýthe pahoüýga moüthiüý amaý eýduaýtoü. Niýashiüga bthuýgaxti iýwagikiýgthe. \tr My elder brother / before / he walked / the next. / People / all / kissed them, their own. \rf jod 1890:374.16 \op Winaýxchi ioüýgikiýgtha-baýzhi. Akiý teýdi iüdaýdi akaý geýiüthiüýgai: Wa! moüthiüý-ga \tr Me only / they kissed not me, their own, / I reached home / when / my father / the «sub.» / said as follows to me: / Why! / walk \rf jod 1890:374.17 \op ha. Niýkashiüga thaýbthiü waýxthi-maý washtoüýb eýiüte, eýdi that'eý ete ki, aiý. Tiýadi \tr . / Men / three / those who were killed / you may have seen them, / there / you die / ought, / he said. / To the tent \rf jod 1890:374.18 \op shkiý te ubthiý'age, aiý. Eý shkoüýhna, aiý. Utoüýnadi aýgudi noüpeýhiü that'eý \tr you have come back / the / I am unwilling, / he said. / That / you desire, / he said. / In some space / in what place / hungry / you die \rf jod 1890:374.19 \op shteýshtewoüý eý uýdoü, aiý. Oüxthaýxchi akiý. Iüýnoüha akaý umiüýzhe uýdoü wiüý \tr even if / that / good, / he said. / Me very lean / I reached home. / My mother / the «sub.» / couch / good / one \rf jod 1890:374.20 \op iügaýxai ha. Eýdi azhoüý ha. Iüdaýdi akaý wathaýte oü'iýi ha Theýthiükeý Nudoüý-axa \tr made for me / . / There / I slept / / My father / the / food / gave to me / / This one / @{Nudoüý-axa} \rf jod 1890:375.1 \op ugaýshoü hiý eýde iýthiüge t'eý gthiý. Doüýbe iý-ga, aiý. Iüdaýdi akaý shoüýge \tr traveling / arrived there / but / tired to death / he has come home / To see him / be coming, / he said. / My father / the «sub.» / horse \rf jod 1890:375.2 \op wiüý 'iýi te, waiiüý, utoüý, hiübeý, shoüý bthuýga iüsh'aýge giýboüi thiükeý 'iýi te. \tr one / he gave, / robe, / leggings, / moccasins, / in fact / all / old man / he was called / the one who / he gave to him. \rf jod 1890:375.3 \ti The defeat of the Pawnees by the Ponkas in 1855 \op Paýthiü amaý ithaýugtheýxti weýnudoü shoüýshoü. Ki theýthiü Aýgaha-moüwthiü iüsh'aýge \tr Pawnee / the «sub.» / throughout / made war on us / always. / And / this one / Over «them» he walks / old man \rf jod 1890:377.1 \op itoüýge eýde naýgthe thizaiý Paýthiü amaý. Ki Aýgaha-moüýthiü akaý goüý gitoüýbe \tr his sister / but / a captive / took her / Pawnee / the «sub.». / And / @{Aýgaha-moüýthiü} / the «sub.» / «expletive» / to see his \rf jod 1890:377.2 \op shoüý goüý t'eý 'iýtha-biamaý. Hoüýegoücheýxchi ki, thiügaý-biteýamaý. Ki-hnoüý goüý \tr at any rate / to die / he spoke of, they say. / Early in the morning / when, / he was missing, they say. / And only / «expletive» \rf jod 1890:377.3 \op aýthutoü mazhoüý gthiüý Paýthiü amaý. Goüý gaýke aýtiaýthai te shoüýshoü. Utoüýnadi-hnoü \tr in a straight line with / land / sat / Pawnee / the «sub.». / And / that / he passed on / always. / In a lone place regularly \rf jod 1890:378.1 \op zhoüýi te. Eýgithe hoüýegoücheýxchi eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Uthoüý-biamaý Paýthiü \tr he slept. / At length / early in the morning / there / he arrived, they say. / Took hold of him, they say / Pawnee \rf jod 1890:378.2 \op amaý. Eaýtoü moühniüý, aý-biamaý. Goüý, Miüýzhiüga uaýkizhi eýde naýgthe hniýzai; \tr the «sub.». / Why / you walk, / said they, they say. / And, / Girl / I am nearly related to / but / a captive / you took her; \rf jod 1890:378.3 \op ki aýgudi t'eýthathaiý eýiüte eýdi t'eýoüthaýthe koüýbtha. Eýdi shiýnudoü oüýthate taiý eýgoü \tr and / in what place / you killed her / it may be / there / you kill me / I wish. / There / dog / to eat me / in order that \rf jod 1890:378.4 \op moübthiüý, aý-biamaý. Thaxuýbewathaý-biamaý Paýthiü amaý. Iý aýbit'aý-biamaý. Wuhu+! \tr I walk, / said he, they say. / Spoke in wonder they say / Pawnee / the «sub.». / Mouth / they pressed on, they say. / Really! \rf jod 1890:378.5 \op t'eý noüýpazhi, aý-biamaý. Paýthiü amaý utheýwiükithaý-biamaý, bthuýgaxti. Uthuýshiata \tr to die / he fears not, / said they, they say. / Pawnee / the «sub.» / assembled they say, / all. / In the center \rf jod 1890:378.6 \op gthiüý-biamaý. Piý iýmaxaiý te. Eaýtoü moühniüý, aý-biamaý. Thuýtoüxti ugthaý-ga, \tr he sat they say. / Anew / they asked him. / Why / you walk, / said they, they say. / Very straight / tell your «story», \rf jod 1890:378.7 \op aý-biamaý. Na! Miüýzhiüga uaýkizhi eýde naýgthe hniýzai; theýthu iüýthahniü shkiý. Ki \tr said they, they say. / Why! / Girl / I am nearly related to / but / a captive / you took her; / here / you had her for me / you were coming home. / And \rf jod 1890:378.8 \op aýwathoüýdi t'eýthathaiý teýdi t'eýoüthathai koüýbtha. Eýdi shiýnudoü oüýthate taiý eýgoü \tr where / you killed her / at the / you kill me / I wish. / There / dog / to eat me / in order that \rf jod 1890:378.9 \op moübthiüý, aý-biamaý. Goüý, Wiüýke te, aý-biamaý. Goüý, Thitoüýge tiý hiýdeata \tr I walk, / said he, they say. / And, / He told the truth, / said they, they say. / And, / Your sister / lodge / down-stream \rf jod 1890:378.10 \op gaýhiakaýta athiüý, aý-biamaý. Oüthiý'i taiteý, aý-biamaý. Gasaýni eýta hneý te, \tr at yonder «camp» / they have her / said they, they say. / We give her to you / shall, / said they, they say. / To-morrow / thither / you go / will, \rf jod 1890:378.11 \op aý-biamaý. Goüý eýgasaýni ki, eýta athaiý te. Eýdi ahiý-biamaý ki, niýashiüga amaý \tr said they, they say. / And / the next day / when, / thither / he went. / There / he arrived, they say / when, / people / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:378.12 \op iýtha-biamaý. Uthoüýi te. Goüý tiý wiüý eýgiha athiüý aýiaýthai ki, utheýwiüthaý-biamaý. \tr found him, they say. / They took hold of him. / And / lodge / one / headlong / they had taken him / when, / they assembled, they say. \rf jod 1890:378.13 \op Goüý t'eýth 'iýtha-biamaý. Goüý tiý pahoüýga uoüýsi amaýdi amaý ahiý-baýzhi kaýshi; \tr And / to kill him / they spoke of, they say. / And / lodge / before / he alighted in / by those / the «sub.» / they did not arrive / for a long time; \rf jod 1890:378.14 \op aýdoüý oüýthiü t'eýtha baýthiü te. Iýkikinaýxthiüý-biamaý, pahoüýga t'eýthe goüýthai eýgoü. \tr therefore / he came very near being put to death. / Each one hastened to anticipate the rest, they say, / the first / to kill him / he desired / as. \rf jod 1890:378.15 \op Eýgoüxti athiüý akaýma. Ki Aýmaha-uthiýshi akaý sheýtheshtewoüýzhi gthiüýi te; waiiüý \tr Just so / they were keeping him, they say. / And / Unwilling-to-share-his-lodge-with-one / the «sub.» / not heeding at all / sat; / robe \rf jod 1890:378.16 \op kigthiýpixti gthiüýi te. Goüý Paýthiü etaýtoü-ma wiüý ahiýi te. Hau! keý, shoügaxaýi-ga. \tr he pulled well around himself / he sat. / And / Pawnee / those from «the other camp» / one / he arrived. / Ho! / come, / cease ye. \rf jod 1890:378.17 \op Wathaýte thishtoüý, niý shti thatoüý thishtoüý, niniý shti iüý thishtoüý, aiý te. \tr Eating / he finished, / water / too / drinking / he finished, / tobacco / too / using / he finished, / he said. \rf jod 1890:378.18 \op Goüý giý'i 'iýtha-biamaý. Thitoüýge athaýgthahniüý thagtheý tateý, aý-biamaý. Goüý \tr And / to give his back / they promised, they say. / Your sister / you have yours / you go homeward / shall, / said they, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:378.19 \op oüýba duýba giýthadaiý te gtheý tateý. Goüý sheýnoü tediýhi ki goüý agthaiý te. Paýthiü \tr day / four / they pronounced to him / when / he go homeward / shall. / And / enough times / arrived there / when / so / he went homeward. / Pawnee \rf jod 1890:379.1 \op noüýba edaýbe zhuýwagthaý-biamaý. Goüý aýgiaýgthai te. Oüýba gtheýba thaýbthiü zhoüý-xti-eýgoü \tr two / also / went with them, they say. / And / they passed «the other camp» on their way home. / Day / ten / three / sleep-about \rf jod 1890:379.2 \op akiýi te. Goüý Paýthiü-ma zhuýwagthe akiýi te, hiübeý, utoüý ge, waiiüý, \tr they reached home. / And / the Pawnees / with them / reached home / when, / moccasin, / leggings / the «ob.», / robe, \rf jod 1890:379.3 \op shoüýge shti eýkina wa'iýi te, shi gtheýwakithaiý te. Ki goüý ediýtoü goüý iýkit'athaiý te. \tr horse / too / equally / they gave to them, / again / they sent them home. / And / then / from that time / «expletive» / they hated one another. \rf jod 1890:379.4 \op Goüý Aýgaha-moüýthiü sheýnuzhiügai tediý te. Goüý wahaýba thiseý thishtoüýi te ediý. \tr And / @{Aýgaha-moüýthiü} / he was a young man / it was when. / And / ears of corn / to pull off / they finished / it was then. \rf jod 1890:379.5 \op Xeý thishtoüýi te, gaxthoüý athaiý te. Goüý teý waýnase-hnoüýi Niýubthaýtha keýdi. \tr To bury / they finished / when, / migrating / they went. / And / buffalo / they surrounded them regularly / @{Niý-ubthaýtha} / at the. \rf jod 1890:379.6 \op Eýgithe paýzexchi niýashiüga juýba sigthaý-bikeýama, heýgazhi. Eýgithe tiý amaý \tr At length / late in the evening / person / some / they left a trail in a long line / a great many. / Behold / the tents \rf jod 1890:379.7 \op sakiýboüwoüthaiý te. Mashchiüýge akaý Paýthiü thoükaý weýthai te. Miüý thoü hiýdexchi \tr we had them side by side. / Rabbit / the «sub.» / Pawnee / the «pl. ob.» / found them. / Sun / the / at the very bottom \rf jod 1890:379.8 \op teýdi, eýgithe, Mashchiüýge tiý amaýta iýkimoüýthiü athaiý eýde agiý amaýma, aiý te. \tr when, / behold, / Rabbit / tent / to the / as a visitor / he went / but / he is coming back, they say, / said they. \rf jod 1890:379.9 \op Wuüh! wuüh! aiý te. Niýkashiüga amaý za'aiý eýgoü shoüýge amaý oühaý-biamaý. \tr Whoon! / whoon! / he said. / People / the «sub.» / making an uproar / as / horse / the «sub.» / fled they say. \rf jod 1890:379.10 \op Poüýka amaý niýkathiýxe athaiý te. Mashchiüýge eduiýhai te. Paýthiü thoükaý gthiüýi \tr Ponka / the / to chase the foe / went. / Rabbit / joined in it. / Pawnee / the «pl.» / sat \rf jod 1890:379.11 \op thoüýdi ahiýi te. Goüý eýgax ithoüýwathaiý goüý ediýxti ahiý ki, eýgithe thiügaiý te. \tr at the / they arrived. / And / around it / they placed them / so / just there / they arrived / when, / behold, / there were none. \rf jod 1890:379.12 \op Niýashiüga iýkinaýxthai te. Umoüý'e 'iü, hiübeý, utoüý, shoüýge weýkoütoü athiüýi \tr People / had hid themselves. / Provisions / carried, / moccasin, / leggings, / horse / lariat / they had \rf jod 1890:379.13 \op geý shtewoüý, thishnoüýi eýgoü oüýthai te heýgazhi oüthiýzai te. Goüý Waiiüý-xuýde amaý \tr the «pl. ob.» / soever, / they dropped / as / they abandoned / as / a great many / we took. / And / Robe-gray / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:379.14 \op eshoüý tiýi. Goüý niýkashiüga amaý paheý bthuýga unaiý sigtheý shtewoüý weýtha-baýzhi. \tr near / camped. / And / people / the / hill / all / hunted / trail / in the least / they found not. \rf jod 1890:379.15 \op Goüý oüýgu oüýgathiüdiýtoü niýashiüga noüýba eýdi uýwagithaý ahiýi te, wizhiüýthe eýti \tr And / we / we who moved from / man / two / there / to tell them / they arrived, / my elder brother / his tent \rf jod 1890:379.16 \op teýta. Niýashiüga juýba gaýthoüdi weýtha-biamaý eýgoü, weýnaxiýtha atiý-bi eýde sigtheý \tr at the. / People / some / in that «place» / they found them, they say / as, / to attack them / they came, they say / but / trail \rf jod 1890:379.17 \op shtewoüý thiügaiý; umoüý'e bthuýgaxti waýsha-biamaý. Aýdoü atoüý moüshniüý te sheýtoü \tr in the least / there was none; / provisions / all / they snatched from them, they say. / Therefore / when / you walk / the / to that time \rf jod 1890:379.18 \op shoüýge sheý-ma waýthakihiýde te, aiý aýtha, u+! Hoüý geý shtewoüý waýthakihiýde te, \tr horse / those / you watch them / will, / he says / indeed, / halloo! / Night / the «pl.» / soever / you watch them / will, \rf jod 1890:379.19 \op aiý aýtha, u+! aý-biamaý. Goüý eý uýwagitha ahiý-biamaý aiý anaý'oü. Goüý oüwoüýnase-hnoü \tr he says / indeed, / halloo! / said they, they say. / And / that / to tell them / they arrived, they say / they said / I heard. / And / we surrounded the herds regularly \rf jod 1890:379.20 \op shoüýshoü. Eýgithe Shaoüý juýba atiý amaý. Ki eýdi oügaýhii. Ki \tr always. / At length / Dakota / some / came / the «sub.». / And / there / we arrived. / And \rf jod 1890:380.1 \op Poüýka amaý wanaýshe waýxai. Wanaýshe amaý niýkagahi edaýbe ukiýkiai te. \tr Ponka / the «sub.» / police / made them. / Police / the «sub.» / chief / also / they talked together. \rf jod 1890:380.2 \op Hau! shoüý ha, aiý. Goüý teý-ma ieýnaxiýthai. Muýwaheýga-baýzhi. Goüý Shaoüý amaý \tr Ho! / enough / , / they said. / And / the buffaloes / they attacked. / They shot down a great many. / And / Dakota / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:380.3 \op edaýbe wanaýse. Wa'iüý akiýi eýgoü, shkoüýzhi gthiüý teýdi, eýgithe, Sha-iý shoügaýgthiü \tr also / surrounded the herd. / Carrying them / reached home / having, / motionless / they sat / when, / behold, / Yonder he comes / riding a horse \rf jod 1890:380.4 \op wiüý hau, aiý. Eýgithe iýbahoü-hnoüýi. Uthaý'i-bi eý akaý hau, aiý. Atiý ha. \tr one / ! / they said. / At length / they all knew him. / Pours much water from his mouth into «something» / he / it is / ! / they said. / He came / . \rf jod 1890:380.5 \op Goüý Waiiüý-xuýde amataýtoü. Theýxe-gakuý akaý eýdi ahiý; eýkithe akeý. Oüwoüýnasai, \tr And / @{Waiiüý-xuýde} / from them. / Drum / the «sub.» / there / arrived; / the two were related. / We surrounded them, \rf jod 1890:380.6 \op aiý Uthaý'i-bi akaý. Te-nuýga gtheýba-noüýba ki eýdi noüýba woüýganasai, \tr said / @{Uthaý'i-bi} / the «sub.». / Buffalo bull / ten two / and / there / two / we surrounded them, \rf jod 1890:380.7 \op eýde sheýnaoüwoüýthextioüýi, aiý. Eýde peýthoübaxti-eýgoü te-nuýga amaý t'eýawathaiý, \tr but / we utterly destroyed them, / he said. / But / about seven / buffalo bull / the «pl. sub.» / they killed us, \rf jod 1890:380.8 \op aiý. Ki Huý-bthoü amaý, Ebeý-hnoü iüteý, etheýgoü eýgoü, wakoüýditheýgoü wanaý'oü \tr he said. / And / Fish-smeller / the «sub.», / Who only / it may be, / they thought / as, / impatiently / they hear it \rf jod 1890:380.9 \op taiteý. Naýzoüdazhi t'eýthai, aiý. Noüýge-tiýthe t'eýthai, aiý. Noübaý-moüthiüý t'eýthai, aiý \tr shall. / Seeks-no-refuge / is killed, / he said. / To-run-he-starts / is killed, / he said. / Two-walking / is killed, / he said. \rf jod 1890:380.10 \op Muýxa-naýzhiü t'eýthai, aiý. Shaýnugaýhi t'eýthai, aiý. Noüýba ushtaiý thoüýzha izhaýzhe awaýsitha-maýzhi \tr Stuck in obliquely he stands / is killed, / he said. / Big-head / is killed, / he said. / Two / remained / though / his name / I remember them I not \rf jod 1890:380.11 \op ha. Gaiý: Paýthiü gtheýba-noüýba ki eýdi noüýba weaýnaxiýthai eýde \tr . / He said as follows: / Pawnee / tens two / and / there / two / they attacked us / but \rf jod 1890:380.12 \op sheýnawathextioüýi, aiý. Goüý niüýta oüwoüýdoübai, zaniý giniüý, wiüýeshte t'aý-baýzhi. \tr they were utterly destroyed, / he said. / And / alive / we saw them, / all / recovered, / even one / he died not. \rf jod 1890:380.13 \op Paýthiü amaý heýgazhi ameýgoü weýahidexti waýthiü ahiýi, sheýnawathaý-biamaý. Noübaýthoüthoüý \tr Pawnee / the «sub.» / a great many / they were, as / to a very great distance / they went after them, / they exterminated them, they say. / By twos \rf jod 1890:380.14 \op shti t'eýwathaiý te, uýkiaýwatoütoüý wiüýaýxchi-thoüthoüý waýxthi waýthiü athaiý te. \tr too / they killed them, / one after another / by ones / killing them / they went after them. \rf jod 1890:380.15 \op Goüý woüýgakizhi. Waiiüý-xuýde-ma wachiýgaxe-hnoü shoüýshoü. Wizhiüýthe akaý \tr And / we came together again. / @{Waiiüý-xuýde} the «pl.» / they danced regularly / without stopping. / My elder brother / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:380.16 \op pahoüýga wiüý t'eýthe akaý. Goüý wa'oüý uheýthai te: \tr the first / one / the one who killed. / And / song / they carried it around: \rf jod 1890:380.17 \op Hi-aiý-o-hi+ Hi-aiý-o-hi+, Hi-aiý-o-hi+, Hi-aiý-o-hi+. U-biý-ska \tr No English \rf jod 1890:380.18 \op shte he+ Pa-hoüý-ga-xchi ke+, Shuý-gthe-thaý-zhi a-he+, Goüý-ki noü-wa-pe+, \tr The very first, / He did not send him home to you / And / they fear us, \rf jod 1890:381.1 \op Sheý-na-waý-the a-he+. Shuýde-gaýxe izhiüýge eýdi giý'iü ahiý-bi egoüý, Paýthiü \tr They were exterminated. / @{Shuýde-gaýxe} / his son / there / carrying him / she arrived, they say / having, / Pawnee \rf jod 1890:381.2 \op wiüý t'eýthai ke gahaý aýtoükithaiý te. Shi wiüý gahaý aýtoükithaiý te. Noüýba \tr one / he was killed / the «ob.» / upon / he caused him to tread on. / Again / one / upon / he caused him to tread on. / Two \rf jod 1890:381.3 \op aýtoükithaiý te. Goüý Noübaý-watoüý izhaýzhe athiüýkithaiý te. \tr he caused him to tread on. / And / Two-he-trod-on-them / his name / he caused him to have it. \rf jod 1890:381.4 \ti History of @{Iýshibaýzhi} \op Shoüý niýashiüga wiüý wa'uý wiüý miüýgthoü ki, shiüýgazhiüýga wiüaýxchi athiüý. \tr And / man / one / woman / one / married her / when, / child / only one / he had. \rf jod 1890:384.1 \op Ki nuýzhiüga akaý 'aýbaa-bazhiý-shteoüý, ugaýshoü-bazhiý-shteoüý, shoüý edaýdoü gaýxa-bazhiý-shteoüý; \tr And / boy / the «sub.» / hunted not at all, / he traveled not at all, / indeed / what / he did not at all; \rf jod 1890:384.2 \op wa'uý-hnoüxti uýxtawaýthe uýwakieý-hnoü shoüýshoü. Ki niýashiüga aýzhi amaý \tr woman only / loving them / he talked to them regularly / always. / And / people / different / the «pl.» \rf jod 1890:384.3 \op iýxaxa thahiýde-hnoü shoüshoüý-biamaý; iüýshte nuýzhiüga weýthigthoü thiügeýxti eýgoü \tr laughing at him / always ridiculed him they say; / as it were / boy / mind / without any / like \rf jod 1890:384.4 \op thahiýde-hnoü shoüshoüý-biamaý. Ithaýdi akaý enaýxchi tha'eýgithextioüý-biamaý. Shoüý \tr they always ridiculed him they say. / His father / the / he alone / pitied his own very much, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:384.5 \op nuýzhiüga nuý noüýxti eýgoü-biamaý. Shi moüýde shte thiügeý-hnoü shoüshoüý-biamaý. \tr boy / male / fully grown / like they say. / Again / bow / even / he was always / without it they say. \rf jod 1890:384.6 \op Shoüý wapeý thiügeý-hnoü shoüshoüý-biamaý. Ki nuýzhiüga akaý zhoü-weýtiü wiüý gaxaý-biamaý, \tr Indeed / weapon / he was always without it they say. / And / boy / the «sub.» / wood to hit with it / one / made they say, \rf jod 1890:384.7 \op baxuýxu duýbaha gaxaý-biamaý. Ki zhoü-weýtiü ke athiüý-hnoü shoüshoüý-biamaý. \tr ridges / in four places / he made it, they say. / And / war-club / the «ob.» / he had regularly / always they say. \rf jod 1890:384.8 \op Ki niýashiüga amaý doübaý-bi ki, thahiýde-hnoü shoüshoüý-biamaý, zhoü-weýtiü \tr And / people / the / saw it, they say / when, / they always ridiculed him they say, / war-club \rf jod 1890:384.9 \op athiüý te. Ki niýashiüga ukiýt'e ushteý amaý nudoüý-hnoü shoüshoüý-biamaý. Ki theý \tr he had / as. / And / people / nation / the rest / made war regularly / always they say. / And / this \rf jod 1890:384.10 \op Iýshibaýzhi nudoüý athaý-bazhi-hnoü shoüshoüý-biamaý; iýbahoü-bazhiý-biamaý. Shi eýgithe \tr @{Iýshibaýzhi} / to war / never went they say; / he knew it not they say. / Again / at length \rf jod 1890:384.11 \op maýshoü noüýba iüýbeziýga maýshoü waxuýbe gaxaý-biamaý; athiüý te ebeý shtewoüý \tr feather / two / yellow-tailed hawk / feather / sacred thing / he made them, they say; / he had them / the / who / soever \rf jod 1890:384.12 \op iýbahoü-bazhiý-biamaý; moüthoüý gaxaý-biamaý. Eýgithe niýashiüga nudoüý atheý 'iýthe \tr knew it not they say; / by stealth / he made them, they say. / At length / people / to war / to go / spoke of \rf jod 1890:384.13 \op na'oüýi ha Iýshibaýzhi akaý. Moüthoüý ukiýkie akaý ki, wanaý'oü-biamaý Iýshibaýzhi akaý. \tr heard it / , / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / the «sub.». / By stealth / they were talking to each other / when, / heard them, they say / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:384.14 \op Ki Iýshibaýzhi akaý, Eýdi btheý taý miükeý, etheýgoü-biamaý. Ki ebeý shtewoüý uiýtha-bazhiý-biamaý. \tr And / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / the «sub.», / There / I go / will / I who, / thought they say. / And / who / soever / he told him not they say. \rf jod 1890:384.15 \op Ihoüý thiükeý tiý teýdi thiügeý te kiý, maýshoü ke gthiýzai ki, athaý-biamaý. \tr His mother / the one who / lodge / at the / was not / when, / feather / the «ob.» / he took his / when, / he went they say. \rf jod 1890:384.16 \op Hoüý ki nudoüý theý goüýtha thoükaý waýkihiýdexti moüthiüý-biamaý Iýshibaýzhi \tr Night / when / to war / to go / those who wished / watching them very closely / walked they say / @{Iýshibaýzhi} \rf jod 1890:384.17 \op akaý. Eýgithe oüýba koüýge ki, nudoüý athaý-biamaý. Goüý weýahide ahiýi ki, \tr the «sub.». / At length / day / near / when, / to war / they went, they say. / And / at a distance / they arrived / when, \rf jod 1890:384.18 \op gthiüý-biamaý. Goüýki ushteý amaý wiüýthoüthoü eýdi utheýwiü ahiý nazhiüý-biamaý; \tr they sat, they say. / And / the rest / one by one / there / assembling / arriving / stood they say; \rf jod 1890:385.1 \op utheýwiükithaý-biamaý. Eýgithe nudoüýhoüga akaý Iýshibaýzhi eduiýhai te iýbahoü-bazhiý-biamaý. \tr they collected themselves, they say. / It happened that / war-chief / the «sub.» / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / he joined it / the / did not know it they say. \rf jod 1890:385.2 \op Nudoüý amaý woüýgithexti utheýwiü ahiý-biamaý. Eýgithe Iýshibaýzhi akaý \tr The warriors / all / assembling / arrived, they say. / Behold / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / the \rf jod 1890:385.3 \op wathiýshna-biamaý haýshiata, ugaýs'iü goüý-biamaý. Goüý nudoüý amaý doüýbai te, \tr was manifest they say / in the rear, / peeping / thus they say. / And / the warriors / saw him / when, \rf jod 1890:385.4 \op gaý-biamaý: Nuýdoühoügaý! wiüý atiý ha, aý-biamaý. Goüý nudoüýhoüga akaý gaý-biamaý: \tr they said as follows, they say: / O war-chief! / one / has come / , / said they, they say. / And / war-chief / the «sub.» / said as follows they say: \rf jod 1890:385.5 \op Niýkawasoüý! ebeýiüte iýbahoü moügthiüýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Goüý wagaýxthoü \tr Warriors! / who it may be / to know it / begone ye, / he said, they say. / And / servant \rf jod 1890:385.6 \op noüýba doüýbe ahiý-bi kiýzhi, eýgithe, Ishibaýzhi akeý akaýma. Goüý nudoüýhoüga \tr two / to see / arrived, they say / when, / behold, / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / was the one, they say. / And / war-chief \rf jod 1890:385.7 \op thiükeýdi akiý-bi ki, Nuýdoühoügaý! Iýshibaýzhi akeý akaý ha, aý-biamaý. Nudoüýhoüga \tr by the / they reached again, they say / when, / O war-chief! / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / he is the one / , / said they, they say. / War-chief \rf jod 1890:385.8 \op akaý giýthextioüý-biamaý. Niýkawasoüý! athiüý giýi-ga. Wa'uý 'iýwathe moüthiüý ki, \tr the «sub.» / was very glad they say. / Warriors! / bring him hither. / Woman / talking of them / he walked / when, \rf jod 1890:385.9 \op iýthaxaýxa moühniüý tabaýshe, aý-biamaý. Agiýahiý-bi egoüý athiüý akiý-biamaý. Eýgithe, \tr you laughed at him / you walked / necessarily, / said he, they say. / Arrived for him, they say / having / they reached there again with him, they say. / Behold, \rf jod 1890:385.10 \op moüýde shte thiügaý-bi, ki hiübeý shte thiügeý akaýma Iýshibaýzhi akaý. Goüý, Niýkawasoüý! \tr bow / even / had none, they say, / and / moccasin / even / had none, they say / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / the «sub.». / And, / Warriors! \rf jod 1890:385.11 \op hiübeý 'iýi-ga, aý-biamaý nudoüýhoüga akaý. Goüý, Shi moüý shti 'iýi-ga, \tr moccasin / give ye to him / said, they say / war-chief / the «sub.». / And, / Again / arrow / too / give ye to him, \rf jod 1890:385.12 \op aý-biamaý. Niýkashiüga woüýgithexti moüý noübaýthoüthoüý 'iý-biamaý, hiübeý wiüý \tr said he, they say. / Man / all / arrow / two each / they gave to him, they say / moccasin / one \rf jod 1890:385.13 \op edaýbe thoüthoüý 'iý-biamaý. Shi tashnoüýge eýdegoü xeýga eýde gasaý-bi egoüý, \tr also / «from» each / they gave to him, they say. / Again / ash-tree / but / cut down, they say / having, \rf jod 1890:385.14 \op moüýde giaýxa-biamaý. Goüý athaý-biamaý. Shoüý goüý zhoüý-hnoü-biamaý. Goüý \tr bow / they made for him, they say. / So / they went, they say. / As usual / they slept regularly, they say. / So \rf jod 1890:385.15 \op shi athaý-biamaý eýgasaýni ki. Eýgithe hoüý aýhigi zhoüý-biamaý. \tr again / they went, they say / the next day / when. / At length / night / many / they slept, they say. \rf jod 1890:385.16 \op Eýgithe niýkashiüga wiüý iýtha-biamaý nudoüý amaý. Niýkashiüga iýtha-biamaý ki, \tr At length / person / one / found, they say / the warriors. / Person / they found him, they say / when, \rf jod 1890:385.17 \op Nuýdoühoügaý, niýkashiüga thiü theý uskoüýskoüxti iý thiü aýtha! Hau! niýkawasoüý, \tr O war-chief, / person / the «mv. ob.» / this / right in a line with / is coming / indeed! / Ho! / warriors, \rf jod 1890:385.18 \op eý oüguýnai aýtha, oügaýxshi tai aýtha, aý-biamaý. Goüý kigthiýtoü-biamaý nudoüý amaý. \tr that / we seek him / indeed, / let us kill him / indeed, / said he, they say. / And / prepared themselves they say / the warriors. \nt =@{oügaýxthi} \rf jod 1890:385.19 \op Ki'oüý-biamaý, moüthiüýka ziý waseýsoü edaýbe iýki'oüý-biamaý. Waseýsoü ubiýxpathai \tr They painted themselves, they say, / earth / yellow / white clay / also / they painted themselves with, they say. / White clay / fell as they rubbed it \rf jod 1890:385.20 \op ge bahiý-hnoü-biamaý Iýshibaýzhi akaý. Ki nudoüýhoüga akaý gaý-biamaý: Eýgoüxti \tr the «ob.» / picked up, they say / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / the «sub.». / And / war-chief / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / Just so \rf jod 1890:386.1 \op aýdoü, niýkawasoüý, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, nuýdzhoühoügaý! eýgoü eýgoü, aý-biamaý. Shi \tr ? warrior, / said he, they say. / Yes, / O war-chief! / somewhat like it, / said he, they say. / Again \rf jod 1890:386.2 \op noüýka ke ziýkithaý-biamaý. Noüýka ke zioüýkithaý-ga, aý-biamaý. Ki nudoüýhoüga \tr back / the «ob.» / he made it yellow for him, they say. / Back / the «ob.» / make it yellow for me, / said he, they say. / And / war-chief \rf jod 1890:386.3 \op akaý gaý-biamaý: Eýgoüxti aýdoü, niýkawasoüý, aý-biamaý. Oüýhoü, nuýdzhoühoügaý! \tr the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / Just so / ? / warrior, / said he, they say. / Yes, / O war-chief! \rf jod 1890:386.4 \op eýgoü eýgoü, aý-biamaý. Ki nudoüý amaý hiübeý ge shte edaýbe gthiýshnudaý-biamaý. \tr somewhat like it, / said he, they say. / And / the warriors / moccasins / the / even / also / pulled off their, they say. \rf jod 1890:386.5 \op Ki Iýshibaýzhi 'iüýkithaý-biamaý. Iýshibaýzhi, waiiüý weýagi'iüýi-ga, aý-bi egoüý, Iýshibaýzhi \tr And / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / they caused to carry them, they say. / @{Iýshibaýzhi}, / robe / carry ours for us, / said, they say / having, / @{Iýshibaýzhi} \rf jod 1890:386.6 \op 'iüýkithaý-biamaý. Iýshibaýzhi (akaý) gaý-biamaý: Nuýdoühoügaý! niýashiüga thiü toüýbeshnoü \tr they caused to carry them, they say. / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / (the «sub.») / said as follows, they say: / O war-chief! / man / the «mv.» / I see him only \rf jod 1890:386.7 \op shteýshte-moüý te ha, uaýgas'iüý te haý, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe washniýhi te ha, aý-biamaý \tr at any rate I do / will / , / I peep / will / , / said he, they say. / Beware / you scare him off / lest / , / said, they say \rf jod 1890:386.8 \op nudoüýhoüga akaý. Oüýkazhi, nuýdoühoügaý! toüýbe-hnoü shteýshte-moüý te ha, \tr war-chief / the «sub.». / Not so, / O war-chief! / I see him only / at any rate I do / will / , \rf jod 1890:386.9 \op aý-biamaý. Hau! keýgoü, doübaý-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Goüý Iýshibaýzhi akaý ugaýs'iü-biamaý. \tr said he, they say. / Ho! / doing so, / see him / , / said he, they say. / And / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / the «sub.» / peeped they say. \rf jod 1890:386.10 \op Eýgithe uhiýashkaýxchi ti thiüý niýashiüga thiü. Ki goüýki gaý-biamaý Iýshibaýzhi \tr At length / very near / was coming / man / the «mv.». / And / then / said as follows, they say / @{Iýshibaýzhi} \rf jod 1890:386.11 \op akaý: Nuýdoühoügaý! woüýeshte theýtoü atiý-mazhi, aý-biamaý. Goüý ieýnaxithaý-biamaý \tr the «sub.»: / O war-chief! / even once «before» / this far / I have not come, / said he, they say. / And / attacked him they say \rf jod 1890:386.12 \op Iýshibaýzhi akaý. Moüýde oüýtha-biamaý, zhoü-weýtiü siýoütheýxchi athiüý-biamaý. Ki \tr @{Iýshibaýzhi} / the «sub.». / Bow / he threw away, they say, / club / barely / he had it, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:386.13 \op niýashiüga thiü uxthaý-bi egoüý, zhoü-weýtiü ke iýgaxthiý-biamaý. Wathaýhide shteýshtewoüý \tr man / the «ob.» / he overtook, they say / having, / club / the «ob.» / with it he killed him, they say. / They ridicule / even if \rf jod 1890:386.14 \op woüýete thashtoüý eýgoü-hnoüýi ha. Eýskoü wiüý gawiý'oüi koüý, aý-biamaý. Niýashiüga \tr at some time / they stop talking usually / . / Oh that / one / I do so to you / I wish, / said he, they say. / Man \rf jod 1890:386.15 \op ushteý amaý bthuýga nazhiýha thizaý-biamaý, Iýshibaýzhi akaý oüýkazhi ha. Goüý agthaý-biamaý. \tr the rest / all / hair / took it, they say, / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / the «sub.» / was not so / . / And / they went homeward, they say. \rf jod 1890:386.16 \op Nudoüý amaý tiýi eýthoübe akiý-biamaý. Eýthoübe akiý-biamaý ki, gaý-biamaý: Niýashiüga \tr The warriors / village / in sight of / reached home, they say. / In sight of / they reached home, they say / when, / they said as follows, they say: / Man \rf jod 1890:386.17 \op wiüaýxchi oüthoüýnaxiýthai eýde Iýshibaýzhi amaý gaxthiýi, aý-biamaý. Goüý iüsh'aýge wiüý \tr only one / we attacked him / but / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / the «sub.» / killed him, / said they, they say. / And / old man / one \rf jod 1890:386.18 \op iýdkiýthe theýtha-biamaý. Nudoüý amaý niýashiüga wiüaýxchi ieýnaxiýthai eýdegoü Iýshibaýzhi \tr proclaimed it aloud, they say. / The warriors / man / only one / attacked him / but / @{Iýshibaýzhi} \rf jod 1890:386.19 \op weýgaxthi, aý-bi aýtha u+! aý-biamaý. Goüý ihoüý ginaý'oü amaý. Ginaý'oü-biamaý \tr killed him for them, / they say / indeed / halloo! / said he, they say. / And / his mother / heard it about her own, they say. / She heard it about hers, they say \rf jod 1890:386.20 \op ki, gaý-biamaý: Gaýama wiüýkai eýiüte, iüthiüýdoüb eýgoü-a he, aý-biamaý, eýgthoüge \tr when, / she said as follows, they say: / That one «mv.» / he tells the truth / it may be, / see about mine for me / do / , / said she, they say, / her husband \rf jod 1890:387.1 \op thiükeý eý wakaý-bi egoüý. Aýxtoü wiüýke tabaýdoü. Thahiýde amaý te, aý-biamaý \tr he who / that / she meant, they say / having. / How possible / he tells the truth / shall? / They were ridiculing him, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:387.2 \op nuý akaý. Goüýki tiý koüýhaxchi akiý-bi ki, Nudoüý amaý niýashiüga wiüaýxchi \tr male / the «sub.». / And / lodge / the very border / they reached again, they say / when, / The warriors / man / only one \rf jod 1890:387.3 \op ieýnaxiýthai eýdegoü Iýshibaýzhi weýgaxthi, aý-bi aýtha u+! aý-biamaý iüsh'aýge akaý. Goüýki \tr attacked him / but / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / killed him for them, / they say / indeed / halloo! / said, they say / old man / the «sub.». / And \rf jod 1890:387.4 \op ithaýdi akaý nazhiüý-bi egoüý, aýshi athaý-biamaý. Aýshi athaý-bi ki, wiüýkai te iýbahoüý-biamaý \tr his father / the «sub.» / stood, they say / having, / out / he went, they say. / Out / he went, they say / when, / he told the truth / the / knew it they say \rf jod 1890:387.5 \op ithaýdi akaý. Goüýki ithaýdi akaý shoüýge-maý shte shoüý tiý te bthuýgaxti \tr his father / the. / And / his father / the / the horses / even / indeed / lodge / the / everything \rf jod 1890:387.6 \op iýkine-waýkithaý-biamaý. Goüki Iýshibaýzhi amaý goüý moüthiüý-biamaý. Eýgithe nudoüý \tr to scramble for made them they say. / And / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / the «sub.» / so / walked they say. / At length / to war \rf jod 1890:387.7 \op athaý-biamaý. Nudoüý athaý-bi, eýgithe shi niýashiüga duýba iý-ma weýtha-biamaý. Shi \tr they wenty they say. / To war / they went, they say, / at length / again / man / four / those coming / they found them, they say. / Again \rf jod 1890:387.8 \op weýnaxithaý-bi ki, shi Iýshibaýzhi amaý wagiýoüthaý-bi egoüý, niýashiüga duýba thoükaý \tr they attacked them, they say / when, / again / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / the «sub.» / left them, they say / having, / man / four / the ones \rf jod 1890:387.9 \op woüýgithexti waýxthi-biamaý. Goüý shi akiý-bi ki, gaý-biamaý: Niýashiüga duýba \tr all / he killed them, they say. / And / again / they reached home, they say / when, / they said as follows, they say: / Man / four \rf jod 1890:387.10 \op weoüýnaxiýthai eýde Iýshibaýzhi amaý gaxthiýi ha, aý-biamaý. Goüý iüsh'aýge wiüý iýekiýthe \tr we attacked them / but / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / the «sub.» / killed / , / said they, they say. / And / old man / one / proclaimed it \rf jod 1890:387.11 \op theýtha-biamaý. Nudoüý amaý niýashiüga duýba weýnaxiýthai eýdegoü Iýshibaýzhi weýgaxthi, \tr aloud they say. / The warriors / man / four / they attacked them / but / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / killed them for them, \rf jod 1890:387.12 \op aý-bi aýtha u+! aý-biamaý. Goüý eýgoü-hnoü nudoüý ahiý-bi ki, niýashiüga waýxthi-hnoü \tr they say / indeed / halloo! / said he, they say. / And / so usually / on the war-path / they arrived, they say / when, / man / he killed them regularly \rf jod 1890:387.13 \op shoüshoüý-biamaý, shoüýge shti waýthiü akiý-hnoü-biamaý. \tr always they say, / horse / too / having them / he reached home regularly, they say. \rf jod 1890:387.14 \op Ki ithaýdi akaý miüýgthoü aýgazhiý-biamaý. Nisiýha, iiüýgthoü eýgoü-ga. Ki \tr And / his father / the «sub.» / to take a wife / commanded him, they say. / My child, / do take a wife. / And \rf jod 1890:387.15 \op uthiý'age-hnoüý-biamaý Iýshibaýzhi akaý. Eýgithe wa'uý gthoüý-biamaý Iýshibaýzhi akaý. \tr was unwilling regularly, they say / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / the «sub.». / At length / woman / married, they say / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / the. \rf jod 1890:387.16 \op Gthoüý-bi ki, Iýshibaýzhi akaý wa'uý thiükeý zhoüý'oüha-baýzhi-hnoü shoüshoüý-biamaý. \tr He married her, they say / when, / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / the «sub.» / woman / the «ob.» / lay not on her regularly / always they say. \rf jod 1890:387.17 \op Aýgudi shteýshte hoüý ki, zhoüý-hnoü-biamaý. Ki ithaýdi akaý gaý-biamaý: Nisiýha, \tr In what place / soever / night / when, / he slept usually, they say. / And / his father / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / My child, \rf jod 1890:387.18 \op wa'uý wagthoüý ki, zhoüýwa'oüýhe-hnoüýi ha. Zhoüý'oüheýgoü-ga. Piýazhi shkaýxe, \tr woman / they marry them / when, / they lie on them usually / . / Do lie on her. / Bad / you do, \rf jod 1890:387.19 \op aý-biamaý. Gan*ki ithaýdi akaý eýgithoü-hnoü shoüshoüýxtioüý-biamaý. Eýgithe Iýshibaýzhi \tr said he, they say. / And / his father / the «sub.» / said it to him regularly / always they say. / At length / @{Iýshibaýzhi} \rf jod 1890:387.20 \op akaý aýmaka-bazhiý-biamaý iüsh'aýge thiükeý. Goüý hoüý ki, wa'uý shiükeý zhoüý'oühaý-biamaý. \tr the «sub.» / got out of patience with, they say / old man / the «ob.». / And / night / when, / woman / the «ob.» / he lay on her they say. \rf jod 1890:388.1 \op Oüýba ki, shoüý paýhoü-baýzhi-hnoü shoüshoüýxti ki wa'uý thiükeý zhoüý'oühe-hnoü \tr Day / when, / still / he rose not regularly / always / and / woman / the «ob.» / he lay on her regularly \rf jod 1890:388.2 \op shoüshoüýxtioüý-biamaý. Ki wa'uý ke paýhoü goüýtha-bi thoüýzha, Iýshibaýzhi akaý \tr always very they say. / And / woman / the «recl.» / to arise / wished, they say / though, / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:388.3 \op uthiý'agaý-biamaý. Ki tiý etaý amaý wahoüý athaý-bi shtewoüý, shoüý paýhoü-bazhiý-biamaý. \tr was unwilling, they say. / And / lodge / his / the «sub.» / removing / they went, they say / notwithstanding, / yet / he arose not they say. \rf jod 1890:388.4 \op Paýzexchi kiýshte, wahoüý ahiý-hnoü-biamaý. Shi eýgoü hoüý ki zhoüý-biamaý. Eýgithe \tr Late in the evening / even when, / removing / he arrived usually, they say. / Again / so / night / when / he lay, they say. / Behold, \rf jod 1890:388.5 \op hoüýegoücheýxchi ukiýt'e aýzhi juýba weýnaxithaý-biamaý. Ithaýdi akaý, Paýhoü \tr very early in the morning / nation / different / some / they attacked them, they say. / His father / the, / Do \rf jod 1890:388.6 \op eýgoü-ga. Weaýnaxiýthai ha. Shoüý Iýshibaýzhi akaý iýa-baýzhi zhoüý-biamaý. Eýgithe \tr arise. / We are attacked / . / Yet / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / the / speaking not / lay, they say. / At length \rf jod 1890:388.7 \op uhiýashkaýxchi atiý-biamaý ki, eýgithe, Iýshibaýzhi e+! aýgudi shniükeýiüteý! waýthiü piýazhiýxti \tr very near / they had come, they say / when, / behold, / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / Oh! / in what place / you who are may be / keeper / very bad \rf jod 1890:388.8 \op abthiüý eýde eýgithe theýama iüýdoübe taiý he, aý-biamaý wa'uý wiüý akaý. Huý te \tr I have / but / beware / these / see for me / lest / , / said, they say / woman / one / the. / Voice / the \rf jod 1890:388.9 \op na'oüý-bi ki, paýhoü-bi egoüý, weýtiü ke gthiýza-biamaý. Goüý eýdi athaý-biamaý. \tr he heard, they say / when, / arose, they say / having, / club / the «ob.» / he took his, they say. / And / there / he went, they say. \rf jod 1890:388.10 \op Goüý ukiýt'e-ma uiýha-biamaý ki, waýxthi-hnoüý-biamaý Iýshibaýzhi akaý. Ukiýt'e \tr And / the nations «enemy» / he joined, they say / when, / killed them regularly, they say / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / the «sub.». / Enemy \rf jod 1890:388.11 \op heýgashtewoüýzhi waýxthi-biamaý, shoüý woüýgithe. Niýashiüga washuýshe noübaý-biamaý. \tr a great many / he killed them, they say, / in fact / all. / Man / brave / two they say. \rf jod 1890:388.12 \op Wiüý Unaýhe izhaýzhe athiüý akaý, Hoüýga-biamaý. Iýshibaýzhi akaý uiýkoü-biamaý. Washuýshe \tr one / Unahe / his name / he had it, / a Hanga they say. / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / the / helped him, they say. / Bravery \rf jod 1890:388.13 \op te eýkigoüxtioüý-biamaý. Goüý Iýshibaýzhi [akaý] toüýwoügthoü etaý amaý xtaýgitheýxtioüý-biamaý. \tr the / they were just alike, they say. / And / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / [he who] / nation / his / the «sub.» / loved him very dearly, they say. \nt Includes line 15. [JS] \rf jod 1890:388.14 \op Eýgithe shi nudoüý athaý-biamaý ki, niýashiüga wiüý washuýshexti eýiüte zhuýgtha-biamaý. \tr At length / again / to war / they went, they say / when, / man / one / very brave / it may be / was with him they say. \rf jod 1890:388.16 \op Texuýzhoü izhaýzhe athiüý akaý, Koüýza-biamaý. Ki athaý-bi ki, geýthegoüý-biamaý \tr @{Texuýzhoü} / his name / he had it, / a @{Koüýze} they say. / And / they went, they say / when, / thought thus, they say \rf jod 1890:388.17 \op akiýwa: Wiüýoüwa noüýde thoü aýtaxti oüýthiü eýdoü, etheýgoü-biamaý. Eýgithe toüýwoügthoü \tr both: / Which one / heart / the «ob.» / very much more / we are / «in thought»? / they thought, they say. / At length / village \rf jod 1890:388.18 \op heýgashtewoüýzhi ediý-thoü amaý. Eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Goüý eýdi ahiý-bi ki, \tr very populous / was there / they say. / There / they arrived, they say. / And / there / they arrived they say / when, \rf jod 1890:388.19 \op gaý-biamaý: Niýkawasoüý, thagtheý tai ha, aý-biamaý; ushteý amaý eý wakaý-bi egoüý. \tr they said as follows, they say: / Warriors, / you go homeward / will / , / said they, they say; / remainder / the «pl.» / that / meant it, they say / having. \rf jod 1890:388.20 \op Weýahide moügthiüýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Goüý wagaýxthoü amaý agthaý-biamaý. Goüý \tr To a distance / begone ye, / said they, they say. / And / servant / the «pl.» / went homeward, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:388.21 \op Texuýzhoü, Iýshibaýzhi ethoüýba, Eýdi oügaýthe te, aý-biamaý, noüýde iýkipahoü goüthaý-bi \tr @{Texuýzhoü}, / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / he too, / There / let us go, / said they, they say, / heart / to know their / they wished, they say \rf jod 1890:389.1 \op egoüý. Eýdi ahiý-bi ki, eýgaxe tiýi thoü snoüýsnoüxtioüý amaý. Tiýi koüýge ahiý-bi \tr because. / There / they arrived, they say / when, / around / village / the «cv. ob.» / very level / they say. / Village / near / they arrived, they say \rf jod 1890:389.2 \op ki, eýgithe, niýashiüga amaý banoüýge-kidaý-biamaý. Aýkieýxti nazhiüý-biamaý. Ki \tr when, / behold, / men / the «sub.» / shot at the rolling hoops, they say. / In a great crowd / they stood, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:389.3 \op miüýthumoüshiýxtioüý-biamaý. Goüý, Eaýtoü oüýthiü ki, eýdi oügaýhi teýdoü, aý-biamaý \tr it was just noon they say. / And, / How / we be if, / there / we reach / shall? / said, they say \rf jod 1890:389.4 \op Texuýzhoü akaý. Ki Iýshibaýzhi aka gaý-biamaý: Kageýha, wahiý theýthoü nashkiý thoü \tr @{Texuýzhoü} / the «sub.». / And / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / Friend, / bone / this / head / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:389.5 \op oüguýgthoü teý, aý-biamaý, te-siüýde-xthuý'a wahiý skaýxti edediý-thoü eý wakaý-bi egoüý. \tr let us put in, / said he, they say, / buffalo-pelvis / bone / very white / the ones there / that / meant, they say / having. \rf jod 1890:389.6 \op Goüý miüýde eýdi athaý-biamaý. Shoüý geýthegoüý-hnoüý-biamaý: Hindaý! / wiüýaüwa \tr And / crawling / there / they went, they say. / Yet / they thought thus only, they say: / Let us see! / which one \rf jod 1890:389.7 \op noüýoüpe teýdoü, etheýgoü-hnoüý-biamaý. Goüýki niýashiüga banoüýge-kiýde amaý \tr we fear seen danger / will? / they thought only they say. / And / man / shot at rolling hoops / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:389.8 \op wahiý wiüý doübaý-bi ki, eýgithe, uhiýashkaýxchi tithoüý wahiý thoü. Gaý-biamaý: \tr bone / one / they looked at, they say / when, / behold, / very close / had become / bone / the. / One said as follows, they say: \rf jod 1890:389.9 \op Kageýha, wahiý theýthoü weýahiýdeataýxti thoüýshti, aý-biamaý. Ki wiüý gaý-biamaý. \tr Friend, / bone / this / at a very great distance / heretofore, / said he, they say. / And / one / said as follows, they say: \rf jod 1890:389.10 \op Kageýha, eýdi shoüýshoü, a-biamaý. Eýgithe goüýte-zhiüýga ki, eýgithe, uhiýashkaýxchi \tr Friend, / there / always, / said he, they say. / At length / a while little / when, / behold, / very close \rf jod 1890:389.11 \op tithoüý wahiý thoü. Kageýha, wahiý theýthoü weýahide esheý thoüýshti, uhiýashkaýxchi tiý ha, \tr became / bone / the. / Friend, / bone / this / at a distance / you said / heretofore, / very close / it has come / , \rf jod 1890:389.12 \op aý-biamaý. Ki Texuýzhoü akaý gaý-biamaý: Weaýbahoüýi. Weýathai ha, aý-biamaý. \tr said he, they say. / And / @{Texuýzhoü} / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / They know us. / They have detected us / , / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:389.13 \op Goüý Iýshibaýzhi akaý gaý-biamaý: Shoüý, aý-biamaý. Goüý Texuýzhoü akaý, Ahauý! aý-bi \tr And / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / Enough, / said he, they say. / And / @{Texuýzhoü} / the «sub.», / Oho! / said, they say \rf jod 1890:389.14 \op egoüý, wahiý oüýtha theýtha-biamaý, weýnaxithaý-biamaý, banoüýge-kiýde thoükaý. Goüý \tr having, / bone / they threw far away they say, / they attacked them they say, / shot at rolling hoops / those who. / And \rf jod 1890:389.15 \op akiýthaha wiüý gaxthiý-biamaý, banoüýge-kiýde thoükaý. Goüý agthaý-biamaý. Goüý \tr both / one / they killed him, they say, / shot at rolling hoops / those who. / And / they went homeward, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:389.16 \op ukiýt'e amaý: Noüýbaxchioüýi! oüwoüýthixe taiý ha, aý-biamaý. Waýthixe wathiüý athaý-biamaý. \tr enemy / the «sub.»: / They are only two! / let us chase them / , / said they, they say. / Chasing them / they went with them they say. \rf jod 1890:389.17 \op Eýgithe weýahideýxti wathiüý ahiý-bi kiýzhi, uchiýzhe ubaýazaý-biamaý. Uchiýzhe \tr At length / at a very great distance / they carried them, they say / when, / thicket / scared them into, they say. / Thicket \rf jod 1890:389.18 \op shuýgaxti eýgiha aýiaýtha-biamaý Texuýzhoü akaý Iýshibaýzhi ethoüýba. Goüý waýthi'aý-biamaý \tr very dense / headlong / had gone they say / @{Texuýzhoü} / the «sub.» / @{Iýshibaýzhi} / he too. / And / they failed with them, they say \rf jod 1890:389.19 \op ukiýt'e amaý. Goüý eýgoü-hnoü shoüshoüýxtioüý-biamaý akiýwa. \tr enemy / the «sub.». / And / so regularly / continually they say / both. \rf jod 1890:389.20 \ti The story of @{Waýbaskaýha} \op Toüýwoü-ni keýdi gthiüý-biamaý Umoüýhoü amaý. Eýgithe Paýthiü nudoüý atiý-bi \tr Village water / by the / sat they say / Omahas / the «sub.». / At length / Pawnees / to war / came, they say \rf jod 1890:393.1 \op egoüý, shoüýge juýba waýthiü agthaý-biamaý. Ki niýashiüga etaý akaý niýashiüga thaýbthiü \tr having, / horse / some / they took homeward, they say. / And / man / their / he who / man / three \rf jod 1890:393.2 \op zhuýwagshaý-bi egoüý, sigtheý ke wiuýhe athaý-biamaý, shoüýge waýthiü athaiý ke sigtheý ke. \tr with them, they say / having, / trail / the «ob.» / following them / he went, they say, / horse / having them / they went / the / trail / the. \nt =@{zhuýwagthaý-bi} \rf jod 1890:393.3 \op Niýashiüga wiuýhe atheý akaý, Waýbaskaýha izhaýzhe athiüý-biamaý. Athaý-bi egoüý, \tr Man / following them / went / the «sub.», / @{Waýbaskaýha} / his name / had they say. / Went, they say / having, \rf jod 1890:393.4 \op wachiýshka wiüý, &Republican izhaýzhe-thadaiý, ki Paýthiü amaý Kiýthathuýda izhaýzhe-thadaiý \tr stream / one, / Republican / his name they call it, / and / Pawnees / the «sub.» / @{Kiýthathuýda} / his name they call it \rf jod 1890:393.5 \op ke, eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Eýdi Paýthiü amaý eýdi toüýwoü gthiüý-biamaý. Eýdi waýthiü \tr the «ob.», / there / they arrived, they say. / There / Pawnees / the «pl. sub.» / there / village / sat they say. / There / having them \rf jod 1890:393.6 \op akiý-biamaý shoüýge-ma. Goüý meýdoü amaý. Goüý eýdi ahiý-bi egoüý, tiý upaý-biamaý. \tr they reached home, they say / the horses «ob.». / And / during the spring / they say. / And / there / arrived, they say / having, / lodge / they entered they say. \rf jod 1890:393.7 \op Hau. T'eýwathe goüthaý-biamaý Paýthiü amaý Umoüýhoü thoükaý. Ki Paýthiü \tr «paragraph» / To kill them / wished they say / Pawnees / the «sub.» / Omahas / the «ob.». / And / Pawnees \rf jod 1890:393.8 \op amaý ushteý amaý t'eýwathe goüýtha-bazhiý-biamaý. Ki niýkagahi tiý upaiý akaý iýe \tr the «sub.» / the rest / to kill them / did not wish they say. / And / chief / lodge / they entered it / the one who / he spoke \rf jod 1890:393.9 \op shtewoüý-bazhiý-biamaý. Goüý, T'eýwathe goüýthai kiýshte t'eýwathe taiteý, etheýgoü eýgoü, \tr at all not they say. / And, / To kill them / they wish / even if / they kill them / shall, / he th6ught / as, \rf jod 1890:393.10 \op iýa-bazhiý-biamaý. Eýgithe niýkagahi igaýxthoü akaý niý agiýathaý-biamaý. Athiüý agthiý-bi \tr he spoke not they say. / At length / chief / his wife / the «sub.» / water / went for they say. / She brought it back, they say \rf jod 1890:393.11 \op ki, Umoüýhoü thoükaý niý te wa'iý-biamaý. Goüýki taý heýbe thizaý-be egoüý, iuýgthoüwaýkithaý-biamaý, \tr when, / Omahas / the «ob.» / water / the «ob.» / she gave them, they say. / And / dried meat / pieces / she took, they say / having, / to put in the mouth she caused them, they say, \rf jod 1890:393.12 \op niüýta weýgoüthaý-bi egoüý, wa'uý akaý. Hau. Wathaýta-bi ki, gaý-biamaý \tr to live / she desired for them, they say / because, / woman / the «sub.». / «paragraph» / They ate, they say / when, / said as follows they say \rf jod 1890:393.13 \op niýkagahi akaý: Keý! shoüýgaxaý-ba aýshi moügthiüýi-ga. Niüýta weýgoütheýgoü \tr chief / the «sub.»: / Come! / cease ye and / out / begone ye. / To live / she wished for them, as \rf jod 1890:393.14 \op wathaýtewaýkithe, aý-biamaý. Bthuýgaxti aýshi agthaý-biamaý. Goüý weýku-hnoüý-biamaý \tr she caused them to eat, / said he, they say. / All / out / went they say. / And / invited them regularly they say \rf jod 1890:393.15 \op Paýthiü amaý Umoüýhoü thoükaý. Ki niýashiüga wiüý weýku-biamaý, Paýthiü \tr Pawnees / the «sub.» / Omahas / the «ob.». / And / man / one / invited them, they say, / Pawnee \rf jod 1890:393.16 \op waheýha-bazhiýxti-bi eýiüte, Umoüýhoü thoükaý weýku-biamaý. Ki uxpeý te zhiüýgashtewoüýzhi \tr very stout-hearted, they say / it may be, / Omahas / the «ob.» / he invited them, they say. / And / dish / the / far from small \rf jod 1890:394.1 \op ameýde hiübthiüýge siýoütheýxti ugiýpixti weýku-biamaý. Paýthiü akaý \tr they were, but / beans / alone / very full / he invited them, they say. / Pawnee / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:394.2 \op zhoü-weýtiü wiüý athiüý akaýma. Shnaýsniüi ki, gaýke iýwigaýxthi taiý miükeý. Shi \tr club / one / was keeping, they say. / Ye devour it / if, / that «ob.» / I kill you with / will / I who. / Again \rf jod 1890:394.3 \op shniý'ai kiýshte, gaýke iýwigaýxthi taiý miükeý, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe thasniüý-biamaý; \tr ye fail to do it / even if, / that «ob.» / I kill you with / will / I who, / said he, they say. / At length / they swallowed it, they say; \rf jod 1890:394.4 \op iýnoüdextioüý-bi shoüý thasniüý-biamaý. Gaxthiý-bazhiý-biamaý. Shoüý ha. Shnaýsniü, \tr they were satiated, they say / yet / they swallowed it, they say. / He did not kill they say. / Enough / . / You have swallowed it, \rf jod 1890:394.5 \op aý-biamaý. Ki eýgasaýni ki, uýwakiaý-biamaý Paýthiü amaý Umoüýhoü thoükaý: \tr he said, they say. / And / the next day / when, / talked to them, they say / Pawnees / the «sub.» / Omahas / the «ob.»: \rf jod 1890:394.6 \op Kageýha, shoüýge thoükaý waýthagthe thatiýi thoüýzha, waýthagthaýshniü thagthaý-baýzhi taiteý, \tr Friends, / horse / the «ob.» / you have come for them, your own / though, / them you have, your own / you go homeward not / shall, \rf jod 1890:394.7 \op aý-biamaý. T'oüý ki, waýthagthe thatiý te, aý-biamaý. Ki t'oüý ki, thatiý ki, maxuýde \tr said they, they say. / Harvest / when, / you come for them, your own / will, / said they, they say. / And / harvest / when, / you come / when, / gunpowder \rf jod 1890:394.8 \op juýba weýthashniü thatiý taiý, aý-biamaý. Goüý, Oüýhoü, eýgimoü taý miüke, aý-biamaý \tr some / you have for us / you come / will, / said they, they say. / And, / Yes, / I do that / will / I who, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:394.9 \op Waýbaskaýha akaý. Agthaý-biamaý. Agthaý-biamaý ki, xageý-hnoü shoüshoüýxtioüý-biamaý \tr @{Waýbaskaýha} / the «sub.». / They went homeward, they say. / They went homeward, they say / when, / crying regularly / all the time they say \rf jod 1890:394.10 \op Waýbaskaýha akaý. Wakoüýda thiükeý giýka xageý-hnoü-biamaý. Hau! \tr @{Waýbaskaýha} / the «sub.». / Deity / the «ob.» / asking a favor of / he cried regularly they say. / Ho! \rf jod 1890:394.11 \op Wakoüýda, ukiýt'e thoükaý oüýthizhuaýzhi thoüýzha, iüwiüýthakoü koüý ebtheýgoü, aý-biamaý \tr @{Wakoüýda}, / foreigners / they who / ill-treated me / though, / you help me / I hope / I think, / said he, they say \rf jod 1890:394.12 \op xageý-shnoüý-bi thoüýdi. Goüý Paýthiü-ma waýkitha goüthaý-biamaý Waýbaskaýha akaý. \tr crying regularly they say / when «past». / And / the Pawnees / to take vengeance on them / wished the say / @{Waýbaskaýha} / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:394.13 \op Eýgithe hoüý ki tiýadi akiý-biamaý. Xageý agthaý-biamaý, tiýi thoüýdi akiý-bi ki. \tr At length / night / when / at the lodges / they reached home, they say. / Crying / he went homeward, they say, / village / at the / he reached home, they say / when. \rf jod 1890:394.14 \op Ki xageý gtheý te iýbahoüý-biamaý, niýashiüga bthuýga na'oüý-biamaý. Gaýthiü shoüýge \tr And / crying / he went homeward / the / they knew it, they say, / people / all / heard it they say. / That one / horse \rf jod 1890:394.15 \op wiuýgihe thiü giý eýde, xageý giý ha, aý-biamaý. Xagaý-bi teýdi, Wakoüýda thiükeý \tr he who was following his / is coming back, / but / crying / he is coming / , / said they, they say. / He cried, they say / when, / Deity the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:394.16 \op thahoüý xagaý-biamaý. Goüýki niýashiüga iýbahoü-biamaý, nudoüý goüýtha xageý te. \tr imploring him / he cried, they say. / And / people / knew it they say, / to war / wishing / crying / the. \rf jod 1890:394.17 \op Uthaýzhi thoüýzha, shoüý iýbahoüý-biamaý. Goüý niýashiüga bthuýgaxti eýdi ahiý-bi egoüý, \tr He told not / though, / yet / they knew it, they say. / And / people / all / there / arrived, they say / having, \rf jod 1890:394.18 \op eaýtoü xageý te na'oüý goüthaý-biamaý. Goüý ugthaý-biamaý Waýbaskaýha akaý. Eýdi \tr why / he cried / the / to hear it / they wished, they say. / And / told his they say / @{Waýbaskaýha} / the «sub.». / There \rf jod 1890:394.19 \op piý thoüýzha, shoüýge thoükaý iüý'i-baýzhi. Oüýthina t'eýawaýtha-bathiüý, aý-biamaý. Ki \tr I arrived / though, / horse / the «ob.» / they did not give me mine. / They came near killing us, / said he, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:394.20 \op t'oüý ki, maxuýde iüýnai ha. Maxuýde iüýthiü tiý-ga ha, aý-biamaý Paýthiü amaý, \tr harvest / when, / gunpowder / they asked of me / . / Gunpowder / having for me / come thou / , / said, they say / Pawnee / the «sub.», \rf jod 1890:395.1 \op aý-biamaý. Bthuýgaxti niýashiüga amaý Waýbaskaýha tha'eýtha-bi egoüý, giýtha-bazhiý-biamaý. \tr said he, they say. / All people / the «sub.» / @{Waýbaskaýha} / pitied him, they say / having, / they were sad they say. \rf jod 1890:395.2 \op Eýgasaýni ki, niýashiüga bthuýgaxti utheýwiükithaý-biamaý. Niýkagahi amaý, \tr The next day / when, / men / all / assembled themselves, they say. / Chief / the, \rf jod 1890:395.3 \op waheýhazhi amaý shti, shoüý bthuýgaxti utheýwiükithaý-biamaý. Ki niniýba wiüý uzhiý-biamaý. \tr stout-hearted / the «sub.» / too, / in fact / all / assembled themselves, they say. / And / pipe / one / they filled they say. \rf jod 1890:395.4 \op Goüý Waýbaskaýha akaý niýashiüga bthuýgaxti waýthistubaý-biamaý, taýxpi \tr And / @{Waýbaskaýha} / the «sub.» / men / all / spread his hands before them, crown of head \rf jod 1890:395.5 \op ge waýbit'aý-biamaý. Gaý-biamaý: Thaý'eoüýgithaýi-ga ha. Edaýdoü iüthiüýthashniýgshoü \tr the «pl. ob.» / he pressed on them, they say. / He said as follows, they say: / Pity ye me / . / What / you decide f6r me \nt =@{iüthiüýthashniýgthoü} \rf jod 1890:395.6 \op ki, eýgoüxti iügaýxai-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Goüý niýkagahi akaý niniýba waxuýbe \tr if, / just so / do ye for me / , / said he, they say. / And / chief / the «sub.» / pipe / sacred \rf jod 1890:395.7 \op gaýxai ke uzhiý-biamaý. Goüý gaý-biamaý: Niniýba gaýke, Paýthiü woüýgakiýtha taiýte \tr they made it / the «ob.» / filled they say. / And / he said as follows, they say: / Pipe / that «ob.», / Pawnees / we take vengeance on them / shall \rf jod 1890:395.8 \op iýthanahiüýi ki, thanaýi-ga ha. Ushniýsh'agaiý ki, thanaý-bazhiýi-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Goüý \tr ye are willing / if, / put ye the pipe to your lips / . / Ye are unwilling / if, / do not put the pipe to your lips / , / said he, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:395.9 \op thanaý-biamaý; niýashiüga bthuýgaxti iüý-biamaý. Gaý-biamaý niýkagahi akaý: Keý! \tr they put it to their lips, they say; / men / all / smoked it, they say. / Said as follows, they say / chief / the «sub.»: / Come! \rf jod 1890:395.10 \op athuýha, iýthigthoüýi-ga. Atoüý ki woüýgakiýtha taiýte, iýthigthoüýi-ga. Ki wiüý gaý-biamaý: \tr finally, / decide ye. / How long / when / we take vengeance on them / shall, / decide ye. / And / one / said as follows they say: \rf jod 1890:395.11 \op Nuýdoühoügaý, nugeý theý-shnoü oüwoüýthate taiý. Wakoüýda thiükeý shti \tr O war-chief, / summer / this only / we eat / will. / Deity / the «ob.» / too \rf jod 1890:395.12 \op oüthaýhoü taiý, umoüýthiüka theý-hnoü. T'oüý ki, woüýgakiýtha taiý, aý-biamaý. Goüý \tr we pray to / will, / season / this only. / Harvest / when, / we take vengeance on them / will, / said he, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:395.13 \op niýashiüga duýba nudoüýhoügaý-biamaý; xageý-hnoü shoüshoüý-biamaý; oüýba teý shte \tr man / four / war-chief they say; / they cried regularly / always they say; / day / the «pl.» / even \rf jod 1890:395.14 \op hoüý geý shte xageý-hnoü shoüshoüý-biamaý. Wakoüýda, thaý'eoüýgithaý-ga. Awaýzhiüshteý \tr night / the «pl.» / even / they cried regularly / always they say. / @{Wakoüýda}, / pity me. / I am in a bad humor \rf jod 1890:395.15 \op te iüwiüýkoü-ga, Wakoüýda, eý-hnoü shoüshoüýxtioüý-biamaý. Goüýki nugeý ki, \tr the / help me, / @{Wakoüýda}, / he said regularly / always they say. / And / summer / when, \rf jod 1890:395.16 \op gaxthoüý athaý-bi ki, xageý-hnoü shoüshoüý-biamaý. Niýashiüga duýba oüýba ge wathaýta-baýzhi, \tr migrating / they went, they say / when, / they cried regularly / always they say. / Man / four / day / the «pl.» / they ate not, \rf jod 1890:395.17 \op niý shti thatoüý-baýzhi-hnoüý-biamaý. Hoüý ki, niý thatoüý-bi-deý wathaýte-hnoüý-biamaý. \tr water / too / they drank not regularly they say. / Night / when, / water / they drank they say while / they ate usually they say. \rf jod 1890:395.18 \op Eýgithe t'oüý ki, agthiý-biamaý toüýwoü thoüýdi. Hau! keý, shoüý ha. Angaýthe \tr At length / harvest / when, / they came back, they say / village / to the. / Ho! / come, / enough / . / Let us go, \rf jod 1890:395.19 \op taiý, aý-biamaý. Goüý athaý-biamaý gashiýbe. Hoüýegoücheýxchi nudoüý athaý-biamaý \tr said they, they say. / And / they went, they say / out of it. / Very early in the morning / to war / they went, they say \rf jod 1890:395.20 \op nuý amaý bthuýgaxti. Athaý-bi ki, eýgithe, Shaoüý juýba tiýi thoüýdi ahiý-biamaý; \tr males / the «sub.» / all. / They went, they say / when, / behold, / Dakotas / some / village / at the / arrived, they say; \rf jod 1890:396.1 \op Umoüýhoü tiýi thoü niniý athiüý ahiý-biamaý. Peýthoübaý-biamaý. Nudoüý bthuýgaxti \tr Omaha / village / the / tobacco / they brought to, they say. / Seven they say. / To war / all \rf jod 1890:396.2 \op oüýbatheý aýiaýthai te thatiý, aý-biamaý. Shaoüý akaý xaýtha agthaý-baýzhi, nudoüý amaýdi \tr to-day / have gone / when / you have come, / said they, they say. / Dakotas / the «sub.» / back again / did not go home, / to those who went to war \rf jod 1890:396.3 \op atheý 'iýtha-biamaý. Gaý-biamaý: Ushteý amaý atiý ki, uýwathaýgishnaý taiý ha, aý-biamaý, \tr to go / they spoke of, they say. / They said as follows, they say: / The rest / they come / when, / you tell them / will / , / said they, they say, \rf jod 1890:396.4 \op Shaoüý eý waýwakaý-bi egoüý. Goüý Shaoüý amaý peýthoüba amaý Umoüýhoü-maý \tr Dakotas / that / meant them, they say / having. / And / Dakotas / the / seven / the / the Omahas \rf jod 1890:396.5 \op wiuýhe athaý-biamaý nudoüý te. Athaý-bi egoüý eýgithe Paýthiü tiýi thoüýdi ahiý-biamaý \tr following them / went they say / on the war-path / when. / They went, they say / having / at length / Pawnee / village / at the / arrived, they say \rf jod 1890:396.6 \op Umoüýhoü amaý nudoüý te. Tiýi koüýha keýdi ahiý-biamaý oüýba koüýge ki. \tr Omahas / the «sub.» / on the war-path / when. / Village / border / by the / they arrived, they say / day / near / when, \rf jod 1890:396.7 \op Weýnaxiýtha goüthaý-bi egoüý, tiýi koüýha keýdi nazhiüý-biamaý. Eýgithe weýnaxithaý-biamaý \tr To attack them / desired, they say / having, / village / border / by the / they stood, they say. / At length / they attacked them they say \rf jod 1890:396.8 \op oüýba ki, Paýthiü-maý. Ki Paýthiü amaý Umoüýhoü-maý wadoüýba-biamaý \tr day / when, / the Pawnees. / And / Pawnees / the / the Omahas / saw them they say \rf jod 1890:396.9 \op weýnaxiýthai te. Paýthiü amaý, Wu! weaýnaxiýthai thoüýzha, Koüýzai te ha. Tuýtushi \tr they attacked them / when. / Pawnees / the «sub.», / Why! / they have attacked us / though, / they are Kansas / . / Frequent explosions \rf jod 1890:396.10 \op eýgoüi-deý goüý gtheý taý amaý, aý-biamaý. Eýgithe tiýi thoüýdi ahiý-bi egoüý, eýgithe \tr They make them while / at length / they will go away, / said they, they say. / At length / village / by the / arrived, they say / having, / behold, \rf jod 1890:396.11 \op Umoüýhoü-maýma. Weýbahoüý-biamaý Umoüýhoü-maý. Goüý waýkithaý-biamaý. \tr they were Omahas moving. / They knew them, they say / the Omahas. / And / they contended with them, they say. \rf jod 1890:396.12 \op Waýkithaý-biamaý thoüýzha, akiýtha t'eýkithe-hnoüý-biamaý: Paýthiü-maý shti t'eýwathe-hnoüý-biamaý, \tr they fought them, they say / though, / both / they killed one another, regularly, they say: / the Pawnees / too / they killed them regularly they say, \rf jod 1890:396.13 \op Umoüýhoü-maý shti t'eýwathe-hnoüý-biamaý. Eýgithe tiýi thoü ubiýsoüdeýxchi \tr the Omahas / too / they killed them regularly, they say. / At length / village / the / pressing very close upon \rf jod 1890:396.14 \op ahiý-biamaý. Eýgithe tiýi thoüýdi ahiý-bi egoüý, eýgithe moü-iýti ge. Moü-iýti ge \tr they arrived, they say. / At length / village / by the / arrived, they say / having, / behold, / lodges of earth / the «pl.». / Lodges of earth / the «pl.» \rf jod 1890:396.15 \op ba'uý-bi-deý useý-hnoüý-biamaý. Paýthiü tiý wiüý ba'uý-bi-deý Paýthiü amaý moüýte \tr they pushed holes in, they say, while / they set afire regularly, they say. / Pawnee / lodge / one / they pushed holes in, they say, while / Pawnees / the «sub.» / inside \rf jod 1890:396.16 \op unaýzhiü amaý aýshi oüýha athaý-bi-deý, shi tiý weýdazhiataý ahiý-hnoüý-biamaý. Paýthiü \tr stood in / the «sub.» / out / fleeing / they went, they say, while, / again / lodge / elsewhere / they reached regularly, they say. / Pawnees \rf jod 1890:396.17 \op aýhigi muýwaheýgabazhiý-biamaý. Ki tiýi dzhuýbaxchi uýgashtaý-biamaý, Paýthiü sheýnawathaý-bi \tr many / they shot down many of them, they say. / And / lodges / very few / remained they say, / Pawnees / they were exterminated, they say \rf jod 1890:396.18 \op egoüý. Goüý shoüýge-maý shti bthuýgaxti weýnashaý-biamaý Paýthiü-maý. \tr because. / And / the horses / too / all / they took from them, they say / the Pawnees. \rf jod 1890:396.19 \op goüý Shaoüý peýthoüba nudoüý wiuýhe hiý thoükaý shti zaniý t'eýwathaý-biamaý. \tr And / Dakotas / seven / to war / following them / arrived / the ones who / too / all / they killed them, they say. \rf jod 1890:396.20 \op Kaxeý-thoüýba itiýgoü shti t'eýtha-biamaý. \tr Two Crows / his grandfather / too / they killed him, they say. \rf jod 1890:396.21 \ti The first battle between the Omahas and the Ponkas after the death of Black Bird \op Diýxe eýgoü-biamaý. Heýgazhi t'aý-biamaý. Gaýxthoü athaiý te ha teý uneý. \tr Small-pox / they were so, they say. / Not a few / they died, they say. / Migrating / they went / , / buffalo / to hunt. \rf jod 1890:399.1 \op Poüýka amaýdi ahiý-biamaý. Teý waýthatai te Poüýka amaý. Ki theý-ma sheýtoü \tr Ponkas / at the / they arrived, they say. / Buffalo / ate them / Ponkas / the «sub.». / And / these / that far \rf jod 1890:399.2 \op diýxe iüýchoü giniüý te noüpeýhii te Umoüýhoü amaý; ukiýgthi'age eýgoü moüthiüýi te. \tr small-pox / now / recovered / when / were hungry / Omahas / the «sub.»; / indisposed / somewhat / they walked. \rf jod 1890:399.3 \op Oüwoüýthate tai-eýgoü shoügaýthai, aý-biamaý Umoüýhoü amaý. Iý-bazhiýi-ga, aý-biamaý \tr We eat / in order that / we go to you, / said, they say / Omahas / the «sub.». / Do not come, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:399.4 \op Poüýka amaý. Diýxe waýthaoüýhne taiý. Na! shoüý oüwoüýthataiý ki, oügaýgi taiý \tr Ponkas / the «sub.». / Small-pox / you will leave with us. / Psha! / at any rate / we eat / when, / we will be coming back \rf jod 1890:399.5 \op uxtheý, aý-biamaý Umoüýhoü amaý. Edi athaý-biamaý. Iý-bazhiýi-ga haý, aý-biamaý \tr soon, / said, they say / Omahas / the «sub.». / There / they went, they say. / Do not come / ! / said, they say \rf jod 1890:399.6 \op Poüýka amaý. Wakiýd 'iýtha-biamaý. Ki Umoüýhoü akaý dzhuýba ahiý-biamaý. \tr Ponkas / the «sub.». / To shoot at them / they threatened, they say. / And / Omahas / the «col. sub.» / a few / arrived, they say. \rf jod 1890:399.7 \op Diýxe shte wakeýga aýhigi weaýt'ai Umoüýhoü amaý. Poüýka-maý wakeýga-baýzhi \tr Small-pox / too / sick / many / died to us / Omahas / the «sub.». / The Ponkas / sick not \rf jod 1890:399.8 \op uý-t'oü oüt'eý taiý, aý-biamaý Poüýka amaý. Keý, maxuýde wapeý agthaýthiü iý taiý. \tr wounds having / we die / will, / said, they say / Ponkas / the «sub.». / Come, / gunpowder / weapons / having there / let them come. \rf jod 1890:399.9 \op Uthaý moügthiüýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Uý-t'oü oüt'eý gabasheý, aý-biamaý Umoüýhoü amaý. \tr To tell it / begone ye, / said they, they say. / Having wounds / we must die, / said, they say / Omahas / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:399.10 \op Umoüýhoü amaý eýdi athaý-biamaý Poüýka tiýi thoüýdi. (Kaýshixti-eýgoü iüsh'aýge akaý \tr Omahas / the «sub.» / there / went they say / Ponka / village / to the. / (A long time ago / old man / the \rf jod 1890:399.11 \op uthaiý.) A-iý-bi thoüýzha waýkithaý-biamaý. Tiýi keý shte eýdi eýgoü waýsha-biamaý; \tr told it.) / They approached, they say / though / they attacked them, they say. / Lodges / the «ob.» / even / directly / they deprived them of, they say; \rf jod 1890:399.12 \op edaýdoü athiüýi ge gioüýtha-biamaý, bthuýgaxti. Muýwahegabazhiý-biamaý. Dzhuýbaxchi \tr what / they had / the «pl.» / they abandoned theirs, they say, / everything. / They shot down many of them, they say, / Very few \rf jod 1890:399.13 \op umuýshta-biamaý Poüýka amaý. Umoüýhoü-heýbe ameýde giý amaý; niniýba athiüý \tr remained from shooting, they say / Ponkas / the «sub.». / Omahas part / he was, but / he was returning; / pipe / having \rf jod 1890:399.14 \op kiýbaxtha agiý amaý; mazhoüý uýdoü gaýxe athiüý giý amaý. Bachiýzhe iý amaý. Itoüýshkathaý-biamaý \tr face to face / he was coming / they say; / land / good / to make / having it / he was coming / they say. / Forcing his way in / he was coming, they say. / Had him for a nephew, they say \rf jod 1890:400.1 \op Umoüýhoü akaý. Umoüýhoü akaý gaý-biamaý: Toüshkaýha, thagthiý te, \tr Omaha / the «sub.». / Omaha / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: Sister's son, / you have come back / as, \rf jod 1890:400.2 \op shoüý ha, aý-biamaý. Noübeý waýbaha theý amaý ki, Umoüýhoü akaý niniýba athiüý \tr enough / , / said he, they say. / Hand / motioning / he went / they say / when, / Omaha / the «sub.» / pipe / having \rf jod 1890:400.3 \op gi toüý moüýdehi iýzhahaý-bi egoüý, t'eýtha biamaý. Shi shoüý aýkikiýtha moüthiüý-biamaý. \tr he who / spear / thrust at with, they say / having, / he killed him, they say. / Again / still / fighting one another / they walked, they say. \rf jod 1890:400.4 \op Eýgithe Poüýka wiüý iý amaý. Keý, sheýnawathaýthe shnaiý. Shoüýgaxaýi-ga, aý-biamaý. \tr At length / Ponka / one / was coming / they say. / Come, / you are going to destroy us. / Cease ye, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:400.5 \op Shoüýshkaxe te, aiý atha+! aý-biamaý iüsh'aýge iýekiýthe akaý. Niniýba haýshi ti toüý eý \tr You are to cease, / he says / indeed! / said, they say / old man / crier / the «sub.». / Pipe / later / he who came / that \rf jod 1890:400.6 \op iýnoüshtoüý-biamaý. Shoüýgaxaý-biamaý. Poüýka dzhuýbaxchi ushtaý-biamaý. \tr they stopped for, they say. / They ceased they say. / Ponkas / a very few / remained, they say. \rf jod 1890:400.7 \pr The following is a version of the latter part of the above paper, which was dictated in 1881 by Frank La Flèche, who obtained it from @{Aüba-hebe}, the general historian of the Omahas, a man who is over eighty years of age, and older than @{Oüýpoü-toüýga}: \op Poüýka amaýdi Umoüýhoü-heýbe wiüý moüthiüýi te. Ki Umoüýhoü amaý iýi \tr Ponkas / by the / Omaha part / one / he walked. / And / Omahas / the «pl.» / were coming \rf jod 1890:400.8 \op te wanaý'oü-bi ki, Iýwakitha-bazhiýi-ga. Wakiýdai-ga, aý-biamaý. Ki Umoüýhoü \tr the / he heard them, they say / when, / Cause ye them not to be coming. / Shoot at them, / he said, they say. / And / Omahas \rf jod 1890:400.9 \op amaý ginaý'oüi te. Ki waýkithaiý teýdi Poüýka-maý 'aýgthawaýthai te. Goüýki \tr the «sub.» / heard it of him. / And / they fought them / when / Ponkas the «ob.» / they made them suffer. / And \rf jod 1890:400.10 \op Poüýka amaý kiýbaxtha niniýba athiüý a-iýi te. Ki Umoüýhoü amaý gaiý te: \tr Ponkas / the «sub.» / face to face / pipe / having / were coming. / And / Omahas / the «sub.» / said as follows: \rf jod 1890:400.11 \op Umoüýhoü-heýbe thiükeý, izhaýzhe thadaiý te, eý wathaý'ii tediýhi ki, muýoüthiýshtoü taiýte, \tr Omaha part / he who, / his name / they called it, / that / you give to us / it occurs / when, / we finish shooting / shall, \rf jod 1890:400.12 \op aiý. Ki uthiý'agaiý te Poüýka amaý. Shi piýxti Umoüýhoü amaý waýkithaiý te. Ki \tr they say. / And / refused / Ponkas / the «sub.». / Again / anew / Omahas / the «sub.» / fought them. / And \rf jod 1890:400.13 \op wasiýsige-xtioüýi theý Umoüýhoü-heýbe Poüýka amaýdi uýthixe moüthiüý amaý. Ki \tr active very / this / Omaha part / Ponkas / by the / a refugee / he walked / the one who. / And \rf jod 1890:400.14 \op itoüýshka etaý-xti amaý aýgikipaiý te. Ki itoüýshka thiü noüýgipaý-biamaý. Ki \tr his sister's son / his real / the «mv. sub.» / he met his. / And / his sister's son / the «mv. ob.» / he feared to see his, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:400.15 \op wahoüý'ai te. Aniüýta koüýbtha. Thaý'eoüýgithaý-ga, aiý te. Thiý-ezha, thaý'eoüýthathaýdoü, \tr he prayed to him. / I live / I wish. / Pity me, your relation, / he said. / You, on the other hand, / have you pitied me ? \rf jod 1890:400.16 \op aiý te itoüýshka akaý. Goüýki moüýdehi iýzhahaý-biamaý. Kuýsoüdeýxti ithoüýthai te. \tr said / his sister's son / the «sub.». / And / spear / he pierced him with, they say. / Through and through / he placed him. \rf jod 1890:400.17 \op Shi Poüýka niniý uzhiý athiü a-iý amaý Umoüýhoü-maýdi. Ki shoüýgaxai te. \tr Again / Ponkas / tobacco / put in / having / were coming / they say / Omahas to them. / And / they ceased. \rf jod 1890:400.18 \ti The battle between the Omahas and the Pawnee Loups \op Umoüýhoü amaý nudoüý athaý-biamaý woüýgithe. Peýthoüba wadoüýbe athaiý te. \tr Omahas / the «sub.» / to war / went, they say / all. / Seven / to see / went. \rf jod 1890:402.1 \op Nudoüýhoüga akaý Shaýthewaýthe izhaýzhe athiüý te. Nuýdoühoügaý, tiý juýba peýthoüba \tr War-chief / the «sub.» / @{Shaýthewaýthe} / his name / he had it. / O war-chief, / lodge / some / seven \rf jod 1890:402.2 \op ediý te, eý uthaý moügthiüýi-ga, aý-biamaý Shaýthewaýthe akaý. Shi aýhigi-ma-taýtoü \tr there / the, / that / to tell / begone ye, / said, they say / @{Shaýthewaýthe} / the «sub.». / Again / the many from \rf jod 1890:402.3 \op atiý-biamaý. Nuýdoühoügaý, waýgazuoüýtha oügaýti ha, aý-biamaý. Wadoüýbazhiwaýkithaý-biamaý \tr they came, they say. / O war-chief, / we correct it / we have come / , / said they, they say. / Not to see he caused them, they say, \rf jod 1890:402.4 \op tiý keý. Keý! uthaý moügthiüýi-ga. Tiý peýthoübai. Wanaýxthiüi-ga, \tr lodges / the «line of.». / Come! / to tell it / begone ye. / Lodge / they are seven. / Hasten ye, \rf jod 1890:402.5 \op aý-biamaý. Atiý-biamaý aýhigi amaý (Umoüýhoü amaý). Hoü-iýmoüthiü eýdi athaý-biamaý. \tr said he, they say. / Came, they say / many / the «sub.» / (Omahas / the). / Night walking at / there / they went they say. \rf jod 1890:402.6 \op Eýdi koüýgexchi ahiý goüýtha-biamaý. Sheýtoü aýhigii te ukiýgtha-bazhiý-biamaý; \tr There / very near / to arrive, / they wished, they say. / So far / they were many / the / they had not told those with them, they say; \rf jod 1890:402.7 \op aýkinaxthaý-biamaý Umoüýhoü amaý. Ediýxchi ahiý-biamaý. Eýgithe, tiýhukoü \tr hid it from their party, they say. / Omahas / the «sub.». / Just there / they arrived, they say. / Behold, / smoke-holes \rf jod 1890:402.8 \op shaýbe keý amaý, heýgazhi. Nuýdoühoügaý, heýgazhi amaý thoüýzha, oügaýti oüthiýshtoüi ha. \tr distant black / lay / they say, / not a few. / O war-chief, / not a few / they are / though, / we have come / we have finished / . \rf jod 1890:402.9 \op Shoüý woüýgakiýtha taiý, aý-biamaý nudoüýhoüga aýzhi amaý wiüý akaý. Tiý koüýha \tr At any rate / let us contend with them, / said, they say / war-chief / different / the «pl.» / one / the «sub.». / Lodge / border \rf jod 1890:402.10 \op kediýxchi miüdeý athaý-biamaý; gtheýba-noüýba thoüthoüý noübeý ukiýgthoü miüdeý athaý-biamaý. \tr just at the / crawling / they went, they say; / by twenties / hand / holding one another / crawling / they went they say. \rf jod 1890:402.11 \op Xthiýazhixchioüý wagthaýde athaý-biamaý, kinoüýdoü athaý-biamaý. Nudoüýhoüga \tr Very quietly / creeping up on them / they went they say, / pushing themselves with their feet / they went, they say. / War-chief \rf jod 1890:402.12 \op wathiýxabe athiüý-biamaý, Gioüýha-bi izhaýzhe athiüý-biamaý. Weýtiü athiüý-biamaý, \tr sacred bag / he had it, they say, / @{Gioüýha-bi} / his name / he had it, they say. / Striking-instrument / he had it they say, \rf jod 1890:402.13 \op weýaxthade weýtiü gaýxe, waxuýbe gaýxe thizaý-biamaý. Tiýi thoü duboüý \tr war-club with iron point / striking-instrument / he made it, / sacred thing / he made it / he took it, they say. / Village / the «ob.» / four times \rf jod 1890:402.14 \op goüý-biamaý (aýgaizaý-biamaý). Makoüý waxuýbe gaýxe thishkaý-biamaý duboüý. \tr so, they say / (he brandished it towards, they say). / Medicine / sacred thing / he made it / he untied, they say / four times. \rf jod 1890:402.15 \op Tadeý teýta theýthe gaxaý-biamaý. Tadeý etaý gahiýth atheý gaýxai te. Makoüý teýta \tr Wind / to the / to send it off / he made it, they say. / Wind / its / wafting it / to go / he made it. / Medicine / to the \rf jod 1890:402.16 \op ahiý ki, wazhiüý gisiýthazhi waýxai te, wapeý gisiýthazhi waýxai Paýthiü-ma. Tiý \tr arrived / when, / disposition / not to remember / he made them, / weapons / not to remember / he made them / the Pawnees. / Lodge \rf jod 1890:402.17 \op koüýha a-iý-zhoü-ma moüý wiüý thidoüý theýtha-biamaý. Sheýtoü ugaýhanapaýze amaý. \tr border / those who approached and lay / arrow / one / he sent away by pulling «the bow» they say. / So far / darkness / they say. \rf jod 1890:403.1 \op Moüý ke wathiýshnazhi amaý. Washkoüý aýkigthazhi atiý-hnoü-biamaý, zhizhiý. Tiý koüýha \tr Arrow / the / not visible / they say. / To do his best / commanding one another / they came, they say, / whispering. / Lodge / border \rf jod 1890:403.2 \op ke eshoüýxchi a-iý-zhoü-biamaý, bispeý. Eýgithe oüýba akaý ugoüýba amaý. Moüý wiüý \tr the / very near to / they approached and lay, they say, / crouching. / At length / day / the «sub.» / gave light / they say. / Arrow / one \rf jod 1890:403.3 \op thidoüý theýtha-biamaý. Wathiýshna. Theýke waxuýbe ke duboüý aýgaiýzai te wa'iüýboü-biamaý. \tr he sent away by pulling «the bow» they say. / It was visible. / This «ob.» / sacred thing / the «ob.» / four times / he brandished it towards / when / he gave the attacking cry they say. \rf jod 1890:403.4 \op Duboüý te boüý-bi ki, hau! kiýda-biamaý. Waýkithaý-bi eýgoü, wapeý \tr Four times / the / he called, they say / when, / well! / they shot at it, they say. / They contended with them, they say / having, / weapon \rf jod 1890:403.5 \op gthiýze-ma Paýthiü-maý zhoüýt'e-maý shti, shoüýshoü waýxthi-biamaý. Wa'uý-ma shti wateý \tr those who took theirs / the Pawnees / those sound asleep / too, / without stopping / they killed them, they say. / The women / too / clothing \rf jod 1890:403.6 \op nukaýthiü noüshnuýde-hnoüý-biamaý; hoüeýgoüýche paýhoü wateý gthiý'a-hnoüýi te. Tiý \tr naked / slipped off regularly as they ran they say; / morning / they arose / clothing / they failed to fasten regularly. / Lodges \rf jod 1890:403.7 \op ke waýshe waýthiü-biamaý; aýkusoüde waýthiü-biamaý Paýthiü-maý. Iýkipehiüýhiüxti \tr the «line of» / making them abandon / they had them, they say; / through and beyond / they had them, they say / the Pawnees «ob.». / Just like pillows on one another \rf jod 1890:403.8 \op t'eýwathaý-biamaý, wapeý gisiýtha-baýzhi egoüý. Thiýxthe eýgih ithaý-biamaý, uýbaaze. \tr they killed them, they say, / weapons / they did not remember / because. / Canes / headlong / they went, t8ey say, / they were scared into. \rf jod 1890:403.9 \op aýtashoü goüý iýha-biamaý. Tiýi thoütaý shi uýgipaazaý-biamaý. Ediýhi ki, wapeý \tr Beyond that / so / they passed, they say. / Village / to the / again / they scared them into their, they say. / They arrived there / when, / weapons \rf jod 1890:403.10 \op gthiýzai te Paýthiü amaý. Ediýhi ki, t'eýwathe-hnoüýi Umoüýhoü-maý. Dzhuýba umuýshte \tr took their / Pawnees / the «sub.». / At that time / when, / they killed them regularly / the Omahas «ob.». / A few / remained from shooting \rf jod 1890:403.11 \op ahiýi te, wazhiüý-piýbazhi Paýthiü-maý. Aýhigi t'eýkithai. Shaýthewaýthe eýgithe t'eýtha-biamaý, \tr they arrived / when, / in a bad humor / the Pawnees. / Many / they killed one another. / @{Shaýthewaýthe} / at length / killed him they say, \rf jod 1890:403.12 \op Paýthiü amaý. Shaýthewaýthe t'eýthai, aiý, atha+. Shoüýshkaxe taiý, aiý, atha+, \tr Pawnees / the «sub.». / @{Shaýthewaýthe} / is killed, / he says, / indeed. / Enough you do / will, / he says, / indeed, \rf jod 1890:403.13 \op aý-biamaý. Shoüýgaxaý-biamaý. Shoüý shoüýge, tiýha, wathaýte gthuýbaxti, wenaýshe \tr said he, they say. / They ceased, they say. / Yet / horse, / tent-skin, / food / all, / snatching from them \rf jod 1890:403.14 \op 'iü agiý-biamaý. \tr carrying / they were coming home, they say. \rf jod 1890:403.15 \ti The second fight with the Ponkas \op Aýkikizhiý-biamaý. Umoüýhoü amaý shti gaxthoüý athaý-biamaý, Poüýka amaý shti \tr Two tribes came together, they say. / Omahas / the «sub.» / too / moving in a body / went, they say, / Ponkas / the «sub.» / too \rf jod 1890:405.1 \op gaxthoüý athaý-biamaý, Niý-ubthaýtha keýta. Teýga kitoüýba-bi egoüý, wachiýgaxaý-biamaý. \tr moving in a body / went, they say, / @{Niý-ubthaýtha} / at the. / New / they saw one another, they say / because, / they danced they say. \rf jod 1890:405.2 \op Poüýka wiüý wanaýsh utiüý-biamaý. Poüýka wiüý wanaýsha-biamaý. Uýtiü \tr Ponka / one / as a policeman / hit him, they say. / Ponka / one / was a policeman, they say. / Hit \rf jod 1890:405.3 \op amaý aýkikithaý-biamaý. Poüýka amaý eýwoü goüý, Umoüýhoü amaý weýnaxithaý-biamaý. \tr they who / contended together they say. / The Ponkas / being the cause / as, / Omahas / the «sub.» / attacked them they say. \rf jod 1890:405.4 \op Tiý ke, shoüýge shti, edaýdoü athiüýi, shoüý bthuýgaxti waýsha-biamaý. Shi wathiýstube \tr Lodge / the «col.», / ponies / too, / what / they had, / in fact / all / they made them abandon, they say. / Again / to spread the hands before them \rf jod 1890:405.5 \op agiý-biamaý kiýbaxtha. Ki Washuýshe ithaýdi akaý Poüýka amaýta ahiý-be egoüý, naýgthe \tr they were coming, they say / face to face. / And / @{Washuýshe} / his father / the «sub.» / Ponka / at the / arrived, they say / having, / a captive \rf jod 1890:405.6 \op thizaiý te. Shi wathiýstube athiüý a-iý-biamaý Umoüýhoü thoükaýta. Goüý mazhoüý \tr he was taken. / Again / to spread the hands before them / having him / they were coming, they say / Omahas / to the. / And / land \rf jod 1890:405.7 \op uýdoü gaxaý-biamaý. \tr good / they made it, they say. \rf jod 1890:405.8 \ti Battle between the Omahas and the Dakotas \op Oüzhiüýga teýdi teý wanaýse uýzhawaxti gthiüýi te Umoüýhoü amaý. Eýgithe \tr Me small / when / buffalo / surrounding them / very pleasantly / sat / Omahas / the «sub.». / At length \rf jod 1890:406.1 \op nudoüý athaý-bi, ai awaýna'oüý, Shaoüý toüýwoügthoü peýthoübaha, heýgabazhi. Paýthiü \tr to war / went, / they said / I heard them, / Dakotas / tribe / in seven places, / not a few. / Pawnees \rf jod 1890:406.2 \op waýkitha ahiýi te, ukiýt'e iýbthoüxti agiýi te, u'eýtha agiýi te bateýte amaý. Ki juýba \tr to contend with them / they arrived, / foe / very full of / they were coming back / gentes / the «sub.». / And / some \rf jod 1890:406.3 \op uheý eýawathaiý agthiý amaý wathaýte goüýthai, wathaýte 'iýtha-biamaý. Umoüýhoü gaxeý \tr they passed directly toward us, when on their way / they who returned to us / food / they desired, / food / they spoke of, they say. / Omahas / turning aside \rf jod 1890:406.4 \op hiýi te thaýbthiüxti-eýgoü. T'eýwatha-baýzhi goüýthai te, wanaýsh uýtiü te. Wapeý weýkida-baýzhi; \tr arrived / about three. / Not to kill them / they desired, / they hit them as soldiers. / Weapons / they did not shoot at them with; \rf jod 1890:406.5 \op theýthutoü-ma eýwaki'oüýi te, Umoüýhoü wakiýda-biamaý. Waýkithai te Umoüýhoü \tr those from this place / they brought it on themselves, / Omahas / shot at them, they say. / Contended with them / Omahas \rf jod 1890:406.6 \op amaý; t'eýkithai te. Shaoüý waýbaaze athaiý, dzhuýba-ma goüý. Ushteý keýta ukiýgtha \tr the «sub.»; / they killed one another. / Dakotas / were scared / they went, / those who were few / as. / The rest / to the / to tell one another \rf jod 1890:406.7 \op agthaý-biamaý. Atiý-biamaý gthuýbaxti. Theý Gahiýge-zhiüýga Shaoüý iýe thapiý. Oüwoüýthate \tr they went back, they say. / They came, they say / all. / This / @{Gahiýge-zhiüýga} / Dakota / speech / talked well. / We eat \rf jod 1890:406.8 \op tai-eýgoü oügaýgii, eý iýtha-biamaý Shaoüý amaý. Ukiýt'e te weaýbthoü oügaýgthii, \tr in order to / we were coming back, / to say / sent hither, they say / Dakotas / the «sub.». / Foreigners / the / we are satiated with / we have come back, \rf jod 1890:406.9 \op eý iýtha-biamaý. Shoüý thigoüýtha-baýzhi eýgoüi thoüýzha, wawaýthakiýhna shkoüýhnai, \tr to say / they sent hither, they say. / In fact / not desiring you / it was so / though, / you contend with us / you wish, \rf jod 1890:406.10 \op aý-biamaý. Gahiýge-zhiüýga akaý gaý-biamaý: Moüshiýatahaý moügthiüýi-ga, aý-biamaý. \tr said they, they say. / @{Gahiýge-zhiüýga} / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / Further off / begone ye, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:406.11 \op Aýkiaýgthai ha, niýkashiüga aýhigi. Shaoüý amaý, Umoüýhoü dzhuýba eýgoü, oüýhe waýthiü \tr They had gone back again / , / men / many. / Dakotas / the «sub.», / Omahas / few / as, / fleeing / they had them \rf jod 1890:406.12 \op agthaiý weýahide, waýshtoükai eýgoü. Tiý te weýahide gioüýthai Umoüýhoü amaý. \tr they went back / far away, / tempting them / like. / Lodge / the / far away / left theirs / Omahas / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:406.13 \op Eýgithe aýhigi atiý-biamaý, Shaoüý amaý toüýwoügthoü shaýpe amaý eýdi ahiý-biamaý. \tr At length / many / came, they say, / Dakotas / the / tribe / six / the «pl.» / there / arrived, they say. \rf jod 1890:406.14 \op Weýnaxithaý-biamaý Umoüýhoü-maý. Tiýi thoütaý oüýha-bi thoüýzha weýkithibthoüý-biamaý, \tr They attacked them, they say / the Omahas «ob.». / Village / to the / they fled, they say / though / they were mixed with one another, they say, \rf jod 1890:406.15 \op aýhigi aýtashoü. Goüý heýgazhi t'eýwathaý-biamaý Umoüýhoü-maý. Shoügaýxe-ba shkoüýazhi \tr many / more than. / And / not a few / they killed them, they say / the Omahas «ob.». / They ceased and / motionless \rf jod 1890:406.16 \op nazhiüý-biamaý. Tiýi thoü gitaýpe waýthiü a-iýi teýdi Umoüýhoü shoüýge-aýgthiü-baýzhi-maý \tr they stood, they say. / Village / the / «when» near their / having them / they were coming / when / Omahas / horse sat on not those who \rf jod 1890:407.1 \op aýhigi sheýnawathaiý te uýthishoü noüýge. Shoüý Umoüýhoü-maý shoüýge aýkigthaýha \tr many / they destroyed them / around them / running. / And / the Omahas / horse / one on it with another \rf jod 1890:407.2 \op aýgthiü-hnoüý-biamaý. Gaskiý t'eý thiü gthiýze-hnoüý-biamaý eýthe etaiý; noübaý \tr sat on regularly they say. / Nearly dead from shortness of breath / the «mv. ob.» / they took theirs regularly they say / relations / his; / two \rf jod 1890:407.3 \op shoüýge aýgthiü ki, shi wiüý siüýde uthoüý-hnoüý-biamaý, waýbaaze oüýhai te. Shoüý \tr horse / they sat on / when, / again / one / tail / he held regularly they say, / they were scared off / they fled / when. / And \rf jod 1890:407.4 \op ukiýkizhi-ma wiüý t'eýthai kiýzhi, Uthoüýi ha, theýta toü, na'oüý-bi egoüý, noüshtoüýi te; \tr those nearly related / one / he was killed / if, / He is held / , / this one behind / the «std. ob.», / heard it, they say / having, / he stopped running; \rf jod 1890:407.5 \op eýdi athaý-biamaý, woüýdoü t'eýwathe-hnoüýi te. Iüsh'aýge wiüý, Thizhiüýge t'eýthai ha, \tr there / he went, they say, / (the two / together / they were always killed. / Old man / one, / Your son / is killed / , \rf jod 1890:407.6 \op eý uthaiý ki, Hau! anoüýshtoü taý miüke, aý-biamaý. Eýdi athaý-biamaý. Aýkishuga \tr that / they told / when, / Ho! / I stop running / will / I who, / said he, they say. / There / he went, they say. / Standing thick \rf jod 1890:407.7 \op bazoüý eýgih aýiaýtha-biamaý. Edaýbe t'eýthai te. Eýgithe noüshtoüý-biamaý. Shoüýoügaýxe \tr pushing in among / right in / he had gone, they say. / Also / he was killed. / At length / they stopped pursuing, they say. / Let us cease, \rf jod 1890:407.8 \op taiý, aý-biamaý. Umoüýhoü-maý muýwahega-baýzhi. Ukiýe 'iýtha-biamaý, \tr said they, they say. / The Omahas / were shot down in great numbers. / To talk to him / they spoke of, they say, \rf jod 1890:407.9 \op Gahiýge-zhiüýga. Oüguýthikie toüýgatoü. Duýdiha iý-ga, aý-biamaý Shaoüý amaý. \tr @{Gahiýge-zhiüýga} «ob.». / We talk to you / we will. / This way / come, / said, they say / Dakotas / the. \rf jod 1890:407.10 \op Gahiýge-zhiüýga akaý zhuý-hnoü etaýha athaiý te, Shaoüý wiüý shoüýge aýgthiü ukiýe eýdi \tr @{Gahiýge-zhiüýga} / the «sub.» / body alone / thither / he went / when, / Dakota / one / horse / sitting on / to talk to him / there \rf jod 1890:407.11 \op ahiýi te. Ukiýkiai te. Shaoüý aýzhi wiüý naýzata gthiüý, aýgata gthiüý. Waýgata \tr arrived. / They talked together. / Dakota / another / one / at the rear / sat, / aiming at him / he sat. / The one aiming \rf jod 1890:407.12 \op gthiüý thiükeý doüýbai eýgoü, Umoüýhoü-maý wiüý weýthe theýthai te: Sheý aýtata-ma \tr he who was sitting «ob.» / he saw / as, / the Omahas / one / detecting the foe / he sent it away «the warning»: / That in sight / those who are beyond \rf jod 1890:407.13 \op wiüý aýthigaýta gthiüý. Noüshtoüý-ga, aý-biamaý. Shaoüý akaý kiýde iýthai te t'eýtha-biamaý. \tr one / aiming at you / he sits. / Stop standing «there», / said he, they say. / Dakota / the «sub.» / shooting at him / he sent it this way / when / he killed him they say. \rf jod 1890:407.14 \op Gahiýge-zhiüýga aýna'oüzhi a-hoü, aý-biamaý Umoüýhoü akaý, Thiaýshtoükaiý, \tr @{Gahiýge-zhiüýga} / he did not listen to «one» / ! / said, they say / Omaha / the «sub.», / You are tempted, \rf jod 1890:407.15 \op eheý, aiý te. Shoüýgaxai te. Eý iýnoüshtoüý shoüýgaxai te. Umoüýhoü-maý gtheýbathaýbthiü \tr I say, / he said. / They ceased. / That / they stopped pursuing by means of / they ceased. / The Omahas / thirty \rf jod 1890:407.16 \op aýta t'eýwathaiý te woüýgithe. Hoüý agiýi te shoüýgaxai te. Ushteý amaý \tr beyond / they killed them / all. / Night / it was coming / when / they ceased. / The rest \rf jod 1890:407.17 \op tiýi thoü gitaýpe agiýi te. \tr village / the / «when» near to their / they were coming home. \rf jod 1890:407.18 \ti How the Dakotas fought the Pawnees and avenged the death of @{Mawaýdoüthiü}'s brother \op Waýxe-heýbe akaý Poüýka wa'uý wagthoüýi. Poüýka amaý uýdoüxti athiüýi. \tr White man part / the «sub.» / Ponka / woman / married. / Ponkas / the «pl.» / very good / had him. \rf jod 1890:409.1 \op Shiüýgazhiüýga wiüý t'oüý-biamaý, nuýzhiüga amaý. T'eý amaý eý shiüýgazhiüýga pahoüýga \tr Infant / one / he had they say, / boy / they say. / Died / they say / that / child / before \rf jod 1890:409.2 \op t'oüýi te. Nudoüý atheý 'iýthai te Paýthiüaýta. Athaiý te. Tiý koüýhaxchi eshoüý gthiüýi \tr he had it. / To war / to go / he spoke of / to the Pawnees. / He went. / Lodge / very edge of / near to / he sat \rf jod 1890:409.3 \op te Paýthiü iüsh'aýge 'iýthe akiý-biamaý. Niýkashiüga aýwate iýgthiü thiükeý, aý-biamaý. \tr when / Pawnee / old man / to speak of him / reached home, they say. / Person / what thing / is sitting / by it, / said they, they say. \rf jod 1890:409.4 \op Gaýthu atiý gthiüý thiükeý, niýkashiüga wiüý, aý-biamaý. Eýdi ahiý-bi ki, eýgithe edediý \tr In that place / he has come / he is sitting, / person / one, / said he, they say / when, / behold, / he was sitting there \rf jod 1890:409.5 \op akaýma. Nazhiýha maýsai eýgoü, iüdeý thoü moüthiüýka aýthahaxti gaýxa-biamaý. Eýdi \tr they say. / Hair / cut off / as, / face / the «ob.» / earth / sticking tightly on / he made it, they say. / There \rf jod 1890:410.1 \op ahiý-bi egoüý, uthoüý-biamaý. Athiüý akiý-biamaý. Iýwoüxaý-biamaý. Eaýtoü moühniüý \tr arrived, they say / having, / they held him, they say. / They took him home, they say. / They questioned him they say. / Why / you walk \rf jod 1890:410.2 \op a, aý-biamaý. Nudoüý moübthiüý, aý-biamaý. Edaýdoü ukiýt'e hniüý a, aý-biamaý. \tr ? / said they, they say. / On the war-path / I walk, / said he, they say. / What / nation / you are / ? / said they, they say. \rf jod 1890:410.3 \op Shaoüý bthiüý, aý-biamaý. Poüýka shti heýbe bthiüý, aý-biamaý. Theý heýbai ukiýgtha-bazhiý-biamaý; \tr Dakota / I am, / said he, they say. / Ponka / too / part / I am, / said he, they say. / This / he was a part / he told not of himself they say; \rf jod 1890:410.4 \op Umoüýhoü heýbai ukiýgtha-bazhiý-biamaý; waýxe heýbai shti ukiýgtha-bazhiý-biamaý. \tr Omaha / he was a part / he told not of himself, they say; / white man / he was a part / too / he told not of himself they say. \rf jod 1890:410.5 \op Eý gaýte ukiýgthai ki, eý Umoüýhoü heýbai shi waýxe heýbai ukiýgthai \tr That afore-said thing / he told of himself / if, / that / Omaha / he was a part / again / white man / he was a part / he told of himself \rf jod 1890:410.6 \op ki, niýthe taý-bi etheýgoü ki, ukiýgtha-baýzhii te. T'eýthai te ha; aýnoüzhiüýgthe giaýxa-biamaý. \tr if, / they would let him live / he thought / when, / he did not tell it about himself. / They killed him / ; / an upright frame / they made for him they say. \rf jod 1890:410.7 \op Wa'ai ukeýtoü goüýthai eýgoü weý'e iýsnathe usaý-biamaý niýkashiüga toü. \tr Farming / to gain / they wished / as / hoe / to grease with / they burnt him, they say / man / the «std.». \rf jod 1890:410.8 \op Wat'eýthe uýzhu akaý Paýthiü akaý Iüdeý-snede izhaýzhe athiüý-biamaý. Shaoüý ukiýgsha te \tr Murderer / principal / the «sub.» / Pawnee / the «sub.» / Face long / his name / he had they say. / A Dakota / he confessed himself \nt =@{ukiýgtha} \rf jod 1890:410.9 \op Shaoüý na'oüý-bi t'eýthai te, giýtha-bazhiý-biamaý. Toüýwoügthoü utheýwiükithaý-biamaý. \tr Dakotas / they heard it, they say / he was killed / when, / they were sad, they say. / Tribe / they assembled themselves, they say. \rf jod 1890:410.10 \op Ugiýn 'iýtha-biamaý. Toüýwoügthoü peýthoübahaý-biamaý. Utheýwiükithaý-biamaý. \tr To seek theirs / they spoke of, they say. / Tribe / in seven places, they say. / They assembled themselves, they say. \rf jod 1890:410.11 \op Aýgaxthoüxti eýdi a-iý-biamaý. Koüýge atiýi te ha. Wa'uý shiüýgazhiüýga edaýbe \tr Just as when moving on the hunt / there / they approached, they say. / Near / they came / . / Woman / children / also \rf jod 1890:410.12 \op waoüýtha a-iýi te ha. Goüý-ke-xchi ahiýi te. Shi wanaýshe aýkikihiýde moüthiüýi te, \tr leaving them / they approached / . / Going for a long time in a line / they arrived. / Again / soldiers / paying attention to those with them / they walked, \rf jod 1890:410.13 \op eýgaxe wathiýhi iýkikuhaiý eýgoü. Eýdi hoüý-imoüýthiü athaiý te, niýkashiüga juýba \tr round about / to scare them off / they feared for themselves / as. / There / walking by night / they went / when, / person / some \rf jod 1890:410.14 \op kimoüýgthoüi te hoüý te. Paýthiü koüýgexchi ahiýi te, theý juýba akaý oüýba eýthoübexchi \tr absconded / night / when. / Pawnee / very near / they arrived / when, / this / some / the «sub.» / day / just in sight \rf jod 1890:410.15 \op shoüýge waýthizaiý te. Shoüýge waýthin agthaiý, aý-biamaý Paýthiü amaý. Waýthiü \tr horse / they took them. / Horse / having them / they have gone, / said, they say / Pawnees / the «sub.». / Having them \rf jod 1890:410.16 \op athaý-biamaý. Naýthuhaýxchi uýxthe amaýma. Waýthiü atiý-biamaý. Ki Shaoüý amaý \tr they went, they say. / Very nearly / they overtook them, they say. / Having them / they came, they say. / And / Dakotas / the «pl.» \rf jod 1890:410.17 \op gaý-biamaý: Wuhuý! juýba iýkinaýxthe aýiaýthai eýiüte, thawaýthiü atiý. Thaýthuhaýxchi \tr said as follows, they say: / Woo-hoo! / some / hiding themselves / they may have gone, / there they come chased by the foe. / Very nearly \rf jod 1890:410.18 \op uýthoü amaý. Hau! keý, theýthai-ga, aý-biamaý Shaoüý amaý. Toüýde ke noühoüýhoü-biamaý; \tr they held them / they say. / Ho! / come, / send ye, / said, they say / Dakotas / the «sub.». / Ground / the «ob.» / they made tremble under their feet they say; \rf jod 1890:410.19 \op noütiýdai te, heýgazhi amaý: Gu+! Theý Paýthiü amaý kigthiýsoüthaý-biamaý; \tr they made a drumming sound as they ran, / they were many, they say: / Goo! / This / Pawnees / the «sub.» / turned themselves around, they say; \rf jod 1890:411.1 \op oüýhe agthaý-biamaý. Uýthahaxti eýdi athaiý te, shoüýge oüýsagi aýgthiü-bi egoüý. \tr fleeing / they went homeward, they say. / Sticking very close to them / there / they went, / horse / swift / they sat on, they say / because. \rf jod 1890:411.2 \op Gaýama ushteý amaý oüýhe agthaý-biamaý Paýthiü amaý. Wiüaýxchi iýgadize-hnoü \tr Those / the rest / the «sub.» / fleeing / went homeward, they say / Pawnees / the «sub.». / One / riding round and round \rf jod 1890:411.3 \op gthiüý-biamaý, shoüýge uthuýnazhiüý-bi egoüý. Theýama oüwoüýxthe doüýshteoüý taý amaý \tr sat they say, / horse / he depended on, they say / because. / These / they overtake me / «dubitative sign» / they will \rf jod 1890:411.4 \op eýiüte, etheýgoü gthiüý-biamaý. Koüýgexchi ahiý-biamaý. Gtheý amaý. Moüshoüýde \tr it may be, / thinking / he sat they say. / Very near / they arrived, they say. / He went homeward / they say. / Den «hole» \rf jod 1890:411.5 \op unaýzhiü giý'iü-biamaý; ediýxti kinoüýsa amaý shoüýge toü. Shaoüý amaý aýnoüge \tr standing in / he carried him, they say; / just there / stumbled they say / horse / the «std.». / Dakotas / the «sub.» / running over him \rf jod 1890:411.6 \op noüt'aý-biamaý niýkashiüga ke. Shoüýshoü tiýi thoü waýthiü-biamaý ushteý amaý. Shoüýshoü \tr trampled him to death, they say / person / the «reclining». / Without stopping / village / the / they had them, they say / the rest / the «sub.». / Without stopping \rf jod 1890:411.7 \op tiýi thoü ieýginaxiýtha waýthiü a-iý-biamaý. Tiýi thoü uýgipaýazaý-biamaý. \tr village / the / rushing on theirs / having them / they approached, they say. / Village / the / they scared them into theirs, they say. \rf jod 1890:411.8 \op Paýthiü amaý aýkishugaý-biamaý. Aýkikithaý-biamaý. Paýthiü wiüý uýdoü aýtashoü; \tr Pawnees / the «sub.» / were very close together they say. / They contended together they say. / Pawnee / one / good / exceedingly; \rf jod 1890:411.9 \op shoüýge shti uýdoü aýgthiü-biamaý; waýthaha shti uýdoü. Tiýata kigtheý-shtoü; waýthaha \tr horse / too / good / he sat on, they say; / clothing / too / good. / To the lodge / he continued going back; / clothing \rf jod 1890:411.10 \op aýzhi ugiýnazhiüý-bi-deý, shi shoüýge aýzhi aýginazhiüý-bi-deý, iýgadize-hnoüý-biamaý. \tr different / he stood in his, they say while, / again / horse / different / he stood on, they say while, / he rode round and round they say. \rf jod 1890:411.11 \op Eýgithe t'eýtha-biamaý, shoüýge toüý shti thizaý-bi egoüý. Paýda-baýzhi niýkashiüga uýdoü \tr At length / they killed him, they say, / horse / the «std.» / too / they took, they say / because. / They did not cut him up / man / good \rf jod 1890:411.12 \op thiükeý. Aýbanoü-hnoüý-biamaý, thaxuýbe-hnoüý-biamaý, Shaoüý amaý. Itiýgoü akaý \tr he who. / They were gazing at him they say, / they were expressing wonder they say, / Dakotas / the «sub.». / His wife's father / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:411.13 \op Shaýtha-theýgathiýke. Shoüýgaxaý-biamaý Shaoüý amaý. Oüýzithagitheý te, aiý aýtha, aý-biamaý \tr Recaru-rekarika. / They ceased, they say / Dakotas / the «sub.». / You are to rest, / he says / indeed, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:411.14 \op Shaoüý amaý. Goüý waý'uý-ma shti atiý-biamaý. Shoüý niniý iüý gthiüý-biamaý Shaoüý \tr Dakotas / the «sub.». / And / the woman / too / came, they say. / Yet / tobacco / using / sat, they say / Dakotas \rf jod 1890:411.15 \op amaý. Paýthiü amaý gaý-biamaý. Iýi-ga, aý-biamaý. Ukiýt'e thatiýi ha. Iýi-ga ha, \tr the «sub.». / Pawnees / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / Come ye, / said they, they say. / Foes / you have come / . / Come ye / , \rf jod 1890:411.16 \op aý-biamaý. Aýbagtha taiý, etheýgoü eýgoü, iýe gaýte gaýxai Paýthiü amaý. Niniý iüý \tr said they, they say. / They will draw back, / they thought / as, / words / that / made / Pawnees / the «sub.». / Tobacco / using \rf jod 1890:411.17 \op gthiüý-ma aýbagtha taiý, etheýgoü eýgoü, weýboü-biamaý. Shoüýge-ma gthuýba shoüýgeunaýzhiü \tr those who sat / they will draw back, / they thought / as, / they called to them, they say. / The horses / all / horse standing in \rf jod 1890:411.18 \op te ugiýpixti uýzhi-biamaý Paýthiü amaý, moüthiüý-ti aýba'e-xtioüýi te. Theýama \tr the «col.» / very full / put them in, they say / Pawnees / the «sub.», / earth-lodge / they were very thick upon. / These \rf jod 1890:411.19 \op shoüýgaxa-bi eýskoü etheýgoüi te, niniý iüý gthiüý-ma. Eýgithe Shaoüý amaý, Keý! \tr they ceased / it might be / they thought / as, / tobacco / using / those who sat. / At length / Dakotas / the «sub.», / Come! \rf jod 1890:411.20 \op shoüýge-ma ithoüýoüwoüýthe taiý. Zhuý-hnoü woüýgakiýtha taiý, aý-biamaý. Waýkitha-biamaý. \tr the horses / let us place them. / Body only / let us contend against them, / said they, they say. / They fought them they say. \rf jod 1890:412.1 \op Tiý ke uýgipaýazaý-biamaý. Muýwahega-bazhiý-biamaý. Tiý te shti ugiýpi \tr Lodge / the «line of» / they scared them back into theirs they say. / They shot down a great many they say. / Lodge / the / too / full \rf jod 1890:412.2 \op eýgoü, eýgihe uýse-hnoüý-biamaý, moütaýta naýt'e-oüý-biamaý. Shoüýge-ma shti gthuýba \tr as, / right into it / they burnt regularly they say, / inside / they burnt to death they say. / The horses / too / all \rf jod 1890:412.3 \op weýnashaý-biamaý, weýha-thoüýthoü. Eýgithe waýbashibaý-biamaý. Tiýi ke waýsha-biamaý. \tr they took from them they say, / each one choosing some. / At length / they abandoned their things to them they say. / Lodges / the «line of» / they forced them to leave they say. \rf jod 1890:412.4 \op Niý keýta uýbaazaý-biamaý. Theý Shaýtha-theýgathiýke u thiügeýxti, shoüý \tr Water / to the / they scared them into they say. / This / Recaru-rekarika / wound / without any, / yet \rf jod 1890:412.5 \op gaskiý t'eý amaý. Niý ke uý-ma t'aiý te, Shaoüý wiüý shoüýxti goüý uýtiü-hnoü-biamaý, \tr he died from exhaustion / they say. / Water / the / those who were wounded / they died / when, / Dakota / one / without any reason / he hit them regularly they say, \rf jod 1890:412.6 \op waheýhazhiýxti goüýthai te. Sheýnoü eýgoü uýthoü-aýdoü giý-ga, aý-biamaý. \tr very stout-hearted / he wished / as. / Enough times / about / take hold of them and / come back, / said they, they say. \rf jod 1890:412.7 \op Paýthiü numiüýga moüthiýdoü wakoüýdagiý-biamaý, niuýthuoüýda eýdi nazhiüý-biamaý. \tr Pawnee / boy / to pull the bow / were very forward at, they say, / island / there / they stood, they say. \rf jod 1890:412.8 \op Thutiýxtioüý, moüý ukoüýskaxti uý-biamaý; t'eýtha-biamaý niý keýdi. Wuhuý! aýna'oüýzhi \tr Coming directly to him, / arrow / just in a line with him / wounded him, they say; / it killed him, they say / water / in the. / Strange! / he did not listen to «one» \rf jod 1890:412.9 \op aýhoü, aý-biamaý. 'Aýgthawaýthe, shoüý gthuýba weýnashaý-biamaý, haý ke, shoüýge-ma \tr ! / said they, they say. / They made them suffer, / yet / all / they took from them they say, / hide / the, / the horses \rf jod 1890:412.10 \op shti, gthuýba. Guaýthishoüýta Paýthiü aýhigi watoüýbe eýde, ediýtoüdoüý Paýthiü amaý \tr too, / all. / On the other side of that / Pawnees / many / I saw them / but / since then / Pawnees / the «pl.» \rf jod 1890:412.11 \op Chawiý dzhuýbaxchi umuýshta-biamaý. \tr @{Chawiý} / a very few / remain after the shooting they say. \rf jod 1890:412.12 \ti How Joseph La Flèche lost his goods \op Maýthe ki t'oügaýxthoü a-iýi te. Umoüýhoü amaý Bachiý toüýwoü teýdi gthiüýi. \tr Winter / when / the fall hunt / they came. / Omahas / the «sub.» / Sarpy / town / at the / sat. \rf jod 1890:415.1 \op Wiý teý uaýne btheý, gaýta. Ithaýpahoü-maýzhi weýnaxiýthai te, shoüý uthaiý te uaýna'oüý. \tr I / buffalo / I hunted / I went, / to that / place. / I knew it I not / that they were attacked, / yet / they told it / the «ob.» / I heard of it. \rf jod 1890:415.2 \op Thikiýma aýthutoüxtioüý, Nishuýde bashoüý edi, atiý-biamaý gaxthoüý. Goüýki Dzhoý akaý \tr @{Thikiýma} / in that very direction, / Missouri River / bend / at, / they came, they say / hunting party. / And / Joe / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:415.3 \op eýdi a-iýi te ha. Bachiý amaý uýthiüwiü tiý athiüýkithaiý Dzhoý. Umoüýhoü-maý gazoüýadi \tr there / he came / . / Sarpy / the «sub.» / trading / house / caused to have it / Joe. / Omahas the / among \rf jod 1890:415.4 \op taýxti-ha thiüwiüý moüthiüýkithaiý te Bachiý akaý. Eýgithe Thikiýma duaýthishoü ugaýxthi \tr deer-skin / to buy / caused him to walk / Sarpy / the «sub.». / At length / @{Thikiýma} / this side of / point of timber \rf jod 1890:415.5 \op keýta eýdi tiýi te ha Umoüýhoü amaý. Eýgithe nuý amaý 'aýbae athaiý te ha. Juýba \tr at the / there / camped / , / Omahas / the «sub.». / At length / man / the «sub.» / hunting / went / . / Some \rf jod 1890:415.6 \op shti nudoüý athaiý te; wa'uý, iüsh'aýge, shiüýgazhiüýga edaýbe, waoüýtha athaiý te ha. Dzhoý \tr too / to war / they went; / woman, / old man, / child / also, / leaving them / they went / . / Joe \rf jod 1890:415.7 \op akaý, Gthedoüý-naýzhiü, Toüýwoü-gaýxe, sheýna ushtaiý te. Eýgithe Umoüýhoü nudoüý \tr the, / Hawk-standing, / Village-maker, / those only / remained. / At length / Omahas / to war \rf jod 1890:415.8 \op atheý amaý Shaoüý sigtheý te weýthai te ha. Wa'uý, shiüýgazhiüýga edaýbe, wagiýtape \tr those who went / Dakotas / trail / the / they found them / . / Woman, / child / also, / near to them «their own» \rf jod 1890:415.9 \op gthaiý ki, kiý-baýzhi; sheýnawathaiý te Shaoüý amaý. Shi 'aýbae-maý tanuýka 'iüý gthaiý \tr they went back / when, / they did not reach again; / exterminated them / Dakotas / the «sub.». / Again / those who hunted / fresh meat / carrying / they went back \rf jod 1890:415.10 \op te, shi sheýnawathe-maý kiýi te ha. Dzhoý wat'oüý ke bthuýgaxti Shaoüý amaý ginashaiý \tr when, / again / those who were exterminated / they reached home / . / Joe / goods / the «ob.» / all / Dakotas / the «sub.» / took from him \rf jod 1890:416.1 \op te ha. Shoüýge-maý shti bfthuýga giýnashaiý te ha. Goüý shoüýge-maý shti bthuýga \tr . / The horses / too / all / they took from him / . / And / the horses / too / all \rf jod 1890:416.2 \op weýnaxaiý te tiýi thoü bthuýga. Gthedoüý-naýzhiü ithaýdi enaýxchi niüýta zhuýgigthe. \tr they took from them / village / the / all. / Hawk-standing / his father / he only / alive / he with his. \rf jod 1890:416.3 \op Wa'uý-ma, iüsh'aýge edaýbe, wiüdeýnaxti t'eýwathaiý te, gtheýba duýba-xti-eýgoü Umoüýhoü-maý. \tr The women, / old man / also, / just one half / they were killed, / forty / about / the Omahas. \rf jod 1890:416.4 \op Ushteý amaý oüýhe athaiý te uchiýzhe keýta. Ushteý amaý shiüýgazhiüýga \tr Those who remained / fleeing / they went / thicket / to the. / The rest / children \rf jod 1890:416.5 \op wagiý'iü oüýhe-hnoüýi te, eý niüýta bthuýga. Goüýki wiý Pizaýbahe keýta piý. \tr carrying them / they fled / as, / that / alive / all. / And / I / @{Pizaýbahe} / to the / I went. \rf jod 1890:416.6 \op Niýkashiüga tiý gtheýba-xti-eýgoü oüthiüý. Teý amaý heýga-baýzhi. Heýgazhi teý-ma t'eýoüwoüthaiý. \tr Person / lodge / ten about / we were. / Buffaloes / the «sub.» / were a great many. / A great many / the buffaloes / we killed them. \rf jod 1890:416.7 \op Waiiüý, meý-ha geý shti heýgazhi, aýdoü aýshkaxchi oütiý-hnoü oümoüýthiüi. \tr Robes, / winter-robes / the «pl.» / too / a great many, / therefore / very near / we camped regularly / we walked. \rf jod 1890:416.8 \op Theýthu uzhaýta thoüýdi Paýthiü toüýwoü duaýthishoüýdi eýxchi oügaýgthii. Eýdi hoüý \tr Here / the fork / at the / Pawnee / town / on this side of / just that / we came back. / There / night \rf jod 1890:416.9 \op oüzhoüýi, oütiýi. Eýgithe, hoüýegoüýche oügiýpahoüýi ki, shoüýge-ma bthuýgaxti weýthiügaiý \tr we lay down, / we camped. / Behold, / morning / we arose again / when, / the horses / all / were missing to us \rf jod 1890:416.10 \op te ha. Siýgthe oüýguginaiý, shoüý bthuýga. Mazhoüý oüwoüýwata athaiý te \tr . / Trail / we followed theirs «our own», / in fact / all. / Land / to which / they went / the \rf jod 1890:416.11 \op weoüýgipahoüý oügoüýthai te, maý thiügeý te. Eýgithe wamoüýthoü agthaiý ke; eýgithe \tr we know of ours / we desired, / snow / none / when. / Behold, / stealing them / they had gone back in a line; / behold, \rf jod 1890:416.12 \op waýthiü agthaiý ke. Wioüýgugiheý oügaýthai. Eýgithe Paýthiü wamoüýthoü agthaiý ke. \tr having them / they had gone back in a line. / We sought them «our own» / we went. / Behold, / Pawnees / stealing them / had gone homeward. \rf jod 1890:416.13 \op Sheý Ni-bthaýska itaýxata wanaýshe toüýwoü thoüýdi Paýthiü amaý edi gthiüý amaý. Eýdi \tr That / Platte River / towards the head / soldiers / town / by the / Pawnees / the «sub.» / there / sat. / There \rf jod 1890:416.14 \op waýthiü akiý amaý. Ki eýdi wioüýgugiheý oügaýhii. Ki hoüý ki, Paýthiü shoüýge \tr having them / they reached home. / And / there / we sought our own / we arrived. / And / night / when, / Pawnees / horse \rf jod 1890:416.15 \op etaý-ma eýgoü oü woüýmoüthoüýi. Ki wanaýshe tiý koüýgexchi xaýtha agiýi Umoüýhoü \tr their «pl. ob.» / like / we stole them. / And / soldier / lodge / very near / back again / were coming / Omaha \rf jod 1890:416.16 \op nuzhiüýga thaýbthiü. Eýgithe Paýthiü nudoüý gthe-maý waýkipaiý te. Paýthiü amaý aýhigi \tr boys / three. / At length / Pawnees / on the war-path / those going homeward / they met them. / Pawnees / the «pl.» / many \rf jod 1890:416.17 \op thoüýzha Umoüýhoü nuzhiüýga akaý wiüý gaxthiý. Ki oüguý oüýgathiü shoüýge eýgoü \tr though / Omaha / boys / the / one / killed him. / And / we / we who moved / horse / so \rf jod 1890:416.18 \op oüwoüýgathiü oügaýgii. Tiýi thoüýdi oügaýgthii ki, Dzhoý wat'oüý bthuýga giýnashaý-bi, \tr we had them / we were coming back. / Village / to the / we came home / when, / Joe / goods / all / they had taken from him, \rf jod 1890:416.19 \op aiý, anaý'oü. Shaoüý amaý sheýnawathaý-bi Umoüýhoü-maý, aiý, anaý'oü. \tr they said it, / I heard it. / Dakota / the «sub.» / had destroyed them / the Omahas, / they said it, / I heard it. \rf jod 1890:416.20 \ti Battle between the Dakotas and Omahas in 1847 \nt The Omahas Destroy a Dakota Raiding Party. [JEK] \nt This is a narrative collected from Two Crows (Lewis Morris) by Dorsey. [JEK] \op Meý ki, peýzhe eýthoübe ki, eýgithe Shaoüý shi weýnudoü ahiýi, shi waýkitha ahiýi. \tr Spring / when, / grass / came in sight / when, / behold, / Dakotas / again / to war against us / arrived, / again / to fight us / they arrived. \rf jod 1890:418.1 \op Wa'uý waxeý gthiýxthu'a ahiýi. Ki Shaoüý amaý eýdi ahiýi te. Weýnaxiýthai te \tr Woman / &cache / to empty their own / arrived. / And / Dakotas / the «sub.» / there / arrived. / They attacked them \rf jod 1890:418.2 \op wa'uý-maý. Wa'uý akaý thaýbthiü te noüý thoükaý Maxeýwathe akaý eduiýhai te, zhiügaýxchi, \tr the women. / Woman / the «sub.» / three / the / grown / the ones who / @{Maxewathe} / the «sub.» / joined, / small very, \rf jod 1890:418.3 \op ihoüý ke t'eýkithaiý teýdi. Ki tiýi thoü weýahide waxeý gthiýxthu'a-maý \tr his mother / the «ob.» / they killed her for him / when. / And / village / they / at a distance / &cache / those who emptied theirs \rf jod 1890:418.4 \op sheýnawathaý-bi, aiý. Wa'uý wiüý niüýta agthiý akaý eý uthaiý. Goüý sheýnuzhiüýga amaý \tr they destroyed them, it is said, / said they. / Woman / one / alive / who came back / that / told. / And / young men / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:418.5 \op shoüýge-ma wagiýkoütoü shi eýdi athaiý, waýthixe. Goüý paheý-de niýkashiüga bthuýgaxti \tr the horses / tied their own / again / there / went, / chasing them. / And / hill when / person / all \rf jod 1890:418.6 \op akiýi noüshtoüýi. Ki wiý haýshidoü agtheý ki, agthaý-bazhi-maý shoüý eýdi akiý. Wa'uýzhiüga \tr they came again to / they stopped going. / And / I / afterward / I went homeward / when, / those who did not go homeward / after a while / there / I came again to. / Old woman \rf jod 1890:418.7 \op kiýu agthiý amaý, eý Maxeýwathe ethoüýba ethoüýba niüýta agthiý. Waweýamaýxe: \tr she was wounded / she came back / the «mv. sub.», / that / @{Maxewathe} / too / alive / came back. / I questioned her: \rf jod 1890:419.1 \op Iüdaýdoü ukiýt'ai a, wa'uýzhiüga, eheý. Poüýka ebtheýgoü. Umoüýhoü ieý uaýwakiaiý \tr What / tribe were they / ? / old woman, / I said. / Ponkas / I think. / Omaha / speech / they talked to me \rf jod 1890:419.2 \op he, aiý wa'uýzhiüga akaý. Keý, oügaýgthe taiý; oüwoüýdoübe taiý, eheý. Kiýshtawaýgu \tr . / said / old woman / the «sub.». / Come, / let us go homeward; / let us see them, / I said. / Kictawagu \rf jod 1890:419.3 \op ki nuýzhiüga aýzhi wiüý sheýna thaýbthiü oügaýthai. Ki ushteý amaý haýshi agiýi. Eýthoübe \tr and / boy / another / one / enough / three / we went. / And / the rest / after / were coming. / In sight \rf jod 1890:419.4 \op oügaýkii ki, pahaýdi niýashiüga wiüý eýdi nazhiüý. Eýdi oügaýkii ki, weýahusaiý \tr we got back / when, / on the hill / man / one / there / stood. / There / we got back / when, / scolded us \rf jod 1890:419.5 \op iüsh'aýge akaý. E'oüý hau, oüthoüýi ki, Hoüýegoücheýxti wa'uý-ma waýxthi. Iüdaýdoü \tr old man / the «sub.». / What is the matter / ? / we said / when, / Early in the morning / the women / they killed them. / What \rf jod 1890:419.6 \op hniýtoü thagthiüý-baýdoü wathiýsniüdai eýiüte. Kaýshixti aýkiaýgthai te, aiý. Hoüeýgoüteýgoü \tr you worked at / you sat and / you delayed / it may be? / Long ago / they had come and gone, / he said. / Some time in the morning \rf jod 1890:419.7 \op waýxthi iýshpahoü ki, uhnaý thakiý eteýde. Ki wa'uýzhiüga \tr they killed them / you knew it / if, / you tell it / you should have reached home. / And / old woman / totally unable to move / running very swiftly to get there soon \rf jod 1890:419.8 \op kiý te, ehneýgoü a, eheý. Gaiý: Theýthoükeýe ha. Wathiýshna zhoüýi. Gaýthu \tr reach home / will, / you think it / ? / I said. / He said as follows: / These are the ones / . / Visible / they lie. / In that place \rf jod 1890:419.9 \op t'eýwathaiý, aiý. Goüý eýdi oügaýgthai ki, eýdi oügaýki wa'uý thoükaý. Moüý ge oüwoüýthishnuýdai \tr they killed them, / he said. / And / there / we went homeward / when, / there / we reached again / woman / the «pl. ob.». / Arrow / the «pl. ob.» / we pulled out of them \rf jod 1890:419.10 \op waiiüý etaiý ge oüthiýzai-de oüýgubeýtoü iýheoüýthai. Eýgithe shoügaýgthiü \tr robe / their / the «pl. ob.» / we took while / we wrapped them in / we laid «them» down. / At length / horseman \rf jod 1890:419.11 \op bthuýgaxti akiýi, niýashiüga gtheýbahiwiü-xti-eýgoü akiýi. Goüý oügaýtha-baýzhi; eýdi \tr all / reached there again, / men / hundred about / reached there again. / And / we went not; / there \rf jod 1890:419.12 \op oüwoüýdoübe oünaýzhiüi. Eýgithe niýkagahi wiüý akiýi. Iýshkadaýbi akeý. Keý, oüwoüýthixe \tr we looked at them / we stood. / At length / chief / one / reached there again. / @{Iýshkadaýbi} / it was he. / Come, / let us chase them \rf jod 1890:419.13 \op taiý ha, aiý. Niýashiüga bthuýga, Ahauý! aiý. Sigtheý ke wioüýguhai, oüwoüýthixai. \tr . / he said. / Men / all, / Oho! / they said. / Trail / the / we followed them, / we chased them. \rf jod 1890:419.14 \op Gishkoüýxti-baýzhi, iýthapiýthiü weýuhe oümoüýthiüi. Zhuýga-hnoü pahoüýga weýuhe \tr Not going very fast, / slowly / following them / we walked. / Body only / before / following them \rf jod 1890:419.15 \op oümoüýthiüi sigtheý ke. Shoügaýgthiü amaý aýgahadi wiýutoü gthiüýi. Eýgithe watiýshka \tr we walked / trail / the. / Riding horses / the «sub.» / at the outside / next to us / they say. / At length / creek \rf jod 1890:419.16 \op akaý toügaýthehai; uxthuýxa-baýzhiý; xaýde ha, thiýxthe shkuýbe bazoüý agthaiý ke. Goüý \tr the «sub.» / extended wide in all directions; / it was not a hollow; / grass / , / canes / deep / pushing among / they went homeward. / And \rf jod 1890:419.17 \op agthoüýkoühoü unaýsude goüý siýgthe uýnai. Shoüýge aýgthiü-ma paheý weýahideýxti \tr on both sides / it had been burnt bare / so / foot-prints / they sought them. / Horse / those who sat on / hill / at a great distance \rf jod 1890:419.18 \op siýgthe uýnegoü noüýge kuýwiüxai. Ki niýkashiüga xaýde shkuýbe keýdi wiýuhe akaý \tr trail / they sought them, as / running / they went around. / And / man / grass / deep / in the / followed them / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:419.19 \op koüýgexchi ahiýi ki, Shaoüý amaý bispeý zhoüýi ithoüý. Oüýthiü weýtha-bathiüý niýashiüga \tr very near / arrived / when, / Dakotas / the «sub.» / crouching / lay / suddenly. / He came very near finding them / man \rf jod 1890:419.20 \op wiüaýxchi akaý, shi kigthiýsoütha agiýi. Shoüýge toüýdi agthiý eýgoü aýgigthiü. Goüý \tr one / the «sub.», / again / turned about / he was coming back. / Horse / to the / he came back / as / he sat on his. / And \rf jod 1890:419.21 \op aýkihoü bthuýgaxti shoüýge aýgthiü uýnai, eýgaxe aýkikipaiý. Wathuýtada wiüý \tr beyond / all / horse / sitting on / they sought them, / around in a circle / they met one another. / Oto / one \rf jod 1890:420.1 \op zhuaýwagthe. Wathuýtada akaý wahuýtoüthiü athiüý; wiý moüý abthiüý. Geýpe ha: \tr he with us. / Oto / the «sub.» / gun / had; / I / arrow / I had. / I said as follows / : \rf jod 1890:420.2 \op Kageýha, xaýde thoüýdi eýdi bispeý zhoüýi, ebtheýgoü. Uthaýse te ha, eheý. Hau. \tr Friend, / grass / in the / there / crouching / they lie, / I think. / You will set it afire / , / I said. / «paragraph» \rf jod 1890:420.3 \op Umoüýhoü wiüý agthiýi. Goüý oünaýzhiü ediýtoü useý athiüý agthaiý. Goüý unaýhe \tr Omaha / one / came back. / And / we stood / thence / setting it afire / having it / they went homeward. / And / conflagration \rf jod 1890:420.4 \op aýmusta paheý ge aýtoü shoüýge aýgthiü-maý bthuýga bateýte nazhiüýi, unaýhe aýmusta \tr right above it / hill / the «pl. ob.» / how far / horse / those who sat on / all / in groups / stood, / conflagration / right above it \rf jod 1890:420.5 \op doüýbe nazhiüýi, eýgaxe nazhiüýi. Unaýhe akaý naýhega-baýzhi, xaýde akaý shkuýbe \tr looking / they stood, / all around / they stood. / Conflagration / the «sub.» / burnt with much heat, etc., / grass / the «sub.» / deep \rf jod 1890:420.6 \op eýgoü. Shoüýge aýgthiü-ma shaýpe-xti-eýgoü zhuaýwagthe anaýzhiü wiý shti, utoüýnadi. \tr as. / Horse / those who sat on / six about / I with them / I stood / I / too, / apart. \rf jod 1890:420.7 \op Eýgithe unaýhe amaý niýashiüga thoükaýdi ahiýi te. Eýgithe boüý awaýna'oüý. Shagthaiý \tr At length / conflagration / the «moving» / persons / to the / arrived. / At length / calling / I heard them. / I go homeward to you \rf jod 1890:420.8 \op ha, huü+! aiý. Shaoüý-ma naýethoübewaýthai. Eýgithe wakiýde aýkiaýgthai. \tr , / halloo! / they said. / The Dakotas / the fire made come out. / At length / shooting at us / they had come and gone. \rf jod 1890:420.9 \op Wa'uý thaýxthi shkiý Poüýka hniüý eýiüte uthaý iýthai-ga, aiý Iýshkadaýbi akaý. Ki \tr Woman / you killed them / you were coming back / Ponkas / you are / it may be / to tell it / send ye this way, / said / @{Iýshkadaýbi} / the «sub.». / And \rf jod 1890:420.10 \op Shaoüý amaý iýa-baýzhi. Ki Iýshkadaýbi akaý: Iýshkadaýbi wiýebthiüý ha, aiý te, kikiýn \tr Dakotas / the «sub.» / they spoke not. / And / @{Iýshkadaýbi} / the «sub.»: / @{Iýshkadaýbi} / I am he / , / he said / when, / fighting \rf jod 1890:420.11 \op 'ithaiý. Oüýb ithaýugthe aýkikithaiý. Waýthiü athaiý eýgoü miüýdoübe aýnaxti-eýgoü ahiýi \tr they spoke of. / Day / throughout / they contended with one another. / Having them / they went / as / hour / about how many / it arrived \rf jod 1890:420.12 \op te, eýgithe Shaoüý wiü uýi. Eýgithe Shaoüý thiü wiüý waýshai, shkoüýthi'aiý. Ushteý amaý \tr when, / at length / Dakotas / one / was wounded. / At length / Dakota / the «mv.» / one / they made them abandon him, / he was unable to move. / The rest \rf jod 1890:420.13 \op agthaiý. Eýgaxe ithoüýthai Umoüýhoü amaý. Shoüýge toü aoüýbtha. Zhuýga-hnoü bthiüý. \tr went homeward. / Around in a circle / they placed / Omahas / the «sub.». / Horse / the / I left. / Body only / I was. \rf jod 1890:420.14 \op Shkoü-thi'aý akaý moüýde athiüý. Waýbaaze-hnoüý amaý Umoüýhoü-maý, wazhiüýpiýbazhi \tr Unable to move / the «sub.» / bow / had. / He scared them off regularly / they say / the Omahas, / temper bad \rf jod 1890:420.15 \op Shaoüý akaý. Haýshidoü eýdi piý. Eýdi piý te shoüýshoü ithaýnaxiýbtha btheý Shaoüý \tr Dakota / the «sub.». / Afterward / there / I arrived. / There / I arrived / when / without stopping / I attacked him / I went / Dakota \rf jod 1890:420.16 \op thiükeý. Koüýge piý ki, oükiýde-hnoüýi thoüýzha, moüý ge weýdazhi-hnoü theýthe-hnoüýi. \tr the one who. / Near at hand / I arrived / when, / he shot at me regularly / though, / arrow / the «pl. ob.» / elsewhere regularly / he sent them away. \rf jod 1890:420.17 \op Goüý aýxthi Shaoüý thiükeý; moüýd ithaýtiü ha. Aýzoü iheaýthe, ki Wathuýtada akaý \tr And / I killed him / Dakota / the «ob.»; / bow / I hit him with / . / I hit him and knocked him down, / and / Oto / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:420.18 \op zhaýhai te. Goüý niýashiüga amaý iýkinai. Paýdai. Paýde thishtoüý ki, oüwoüýthixe; \tr speared him. / And / persons / the «sub.» / snatched at the pieces. / They cut him up. / Cutting up / they finished / when, / we chased them; \rf jod 1890:420.19 \op ushteý amaý waýthiü athaiý. Shi-eýdi oügaýthaiý. Xthabeý shuýgaxti eýdi eýgihaxti aýkiaýgthai \tr the rest / having them / they went. / Again there / we went. / Tree / very thick / there / right headlong into / had gone \rf jod 1890:420.20 \op Shaoüý amaý. Shi niýkagahi ahiý-bi eheý akaý, Iýshkadaýbi akaý, gaiý: Hau! \tr Dakotas / the «sub.». / Again / chief / arrived / I said / the one who, / @{Iýshkadaýbi} / the «sub.», / said as follows: / Ho! \rf jod 1890:421.1 \op shoüýgaxaýi-ga. Gaskiý giý'oüzikiýthe giýi-ga, aiý. Goüteýgoü ki, shi waýthakiýhna taiý, \tr cease ye. / Panting / to rest one's self / be ye coming back, / he said. / Some time / when, / again / you contend with them / will, \rf jod 1890:421.2 \op aiý. Hau! eýgoü te, aiý. Pahaýta bthuýga akiýgthiü. Shoüýge-maý shti gi'oüýziwagithaiý. \tr he said. / Ho! / so let it be, / they said. / At the hill / all / sat together on. / The horses / too / they caused them, their own, to rest. \rf jod 1890:421.3 \op Shaoüý amaý xthabeý ukiýgthiü gthiüýi, wa'oüý za'eýxti gthiüýi. Xthabeý uthuýnazhiü akaý \tr Dakotas / the «sub.» / tree / sitting together in / sat, / singing / making great confusion / they sat. / Tree / were depending on \rf jod 1890:421.4 \op Shaoüý akaý. Iýi-ga! oüýgakikiýtha taiý, eý-hnoü, oüýgabaýgtha taý-bi etheýgoü eýgoü. \tr Dakotas / the «col. sub.». / Be ye coming! / let us contend together, / they said regularly, / we will draw back / they thought / as. \rf jod 1890:421.5 \op Iütoüý! noüheýbe gthiüýi-ga. Goücheýgoü ki, goüý oüýgakikiýtha taiteý, aiý. Hau. \tr Hold! / waiting / sit ye. / Some time / when, / of course / we contend together / shall, / he said. / «paragraph» \rf jod 1890:421.6 \op Eýgithe Wathuýtada amaý ahiýi te. Eshoüý iüwiüýgthiüi, aýdoü uýwagitha ahiýi. Niýkathiýxe \tr At length / Otos / the «sub.» / arrived. / Near / we sat to them, / therefore / to tell it to them / they arrived. / To chase the foe \rf jod 1890:421.7 \op ahiýi Wathuýtada amaý. Xthabeý thoüý oüýgubaýazai te, Wathuýtada amaý atiýi. \tr arrived / Otos / the «sub.». / Tree / the «cv. col.» / we scared them into / when, / Otos / the «sub.» / came. \rf jod 1890:421.8 \op Goüý niýkagahi akaý gaiý te: Iütoüý! noüheýbai-ga. Goücheýgoü ki, goüý oüýgakiýtha \tr And / chief / the «sub.» / said as follows: / Hold! / wait ye. / Some time / when, / of course / we contend together \rf jod 1890:421.9 \op taiteý, aiý. Goüý Wathuýtada amaý noüshtoüýi. Bthuýga oügthiüýi. Kaýshi oügthiüýi, \tr shall, / he said. / And / Otos / the / stopped going. / All / we sat. / A long time / we sat, \rf jod 1890:421.10 \op shoüý miüýdoübe wiüý aýkihoü-xti-eýgoü oügthiüýi. Hau. Niýkagahi akaý moüýgthe \tr in fact / hour / one / beyond about / we sat. / «paragraph» / Chief / the / erect \rf jod 1890:421.11 \op nazhiüýi. Eýekiýthai: Hau! shetoüý ha. Keý! waýkithaýi-ga, aiý. Goüý woüýgithe, \tr stood. / He proclaimed: / Ho! / so far / . / Come! / contend with them, / he said. / And / every one, \rf jod 1890:421.12 \op Ahauý! aiý. Xthabeý thoü buýta ha. Eýgaxe ithoüýwathaýi-ga. Masaýni hiý-ba goüý \tr Oho! / said. / Tree / the «col.» / round / . / Surround ye them. / The other side / reach and / so \rf jod 1890:421.13 \op giýi-ga, aiý. Goüý waýkithaiý. T'eýkitha-baýzhi kaýshi. Eýgithe Umoüýhoü wiüý t'eýtha-bi, \tr be coming back, / he said. / And / they fought them. / They did not kill one another / a long time. / At length / Omaha / one / was killed, \rf jod 1890:421.14 \op aiý. Umoüýhoü wiüý t'eýthai ha, aiý. Eýdi piý ki, eýgithe oüýka-baýzhi; haýthezahaý \tr they said. / Omaha / one / has been killed / , / they said. / There / I arrived / when, / behold, / not so; / just on the surface \rf jod 1890:421.15 \op thiükeý. Waýgata gthiüýi ki, Shaoüý akaý eýtoüthiü kiýdai, aý ke uýi. Hau. Shi \tr the one who. / Aiming / he sat / when, / Dakota / the «sub.» / first / shot at him, / arm / the «ob.» / he wounded. / «paragraph» / Again \rf jod 1890:421.16 \op goücheý ki, Wathuýtada wiüý t'eýthai, eý t'eýthextioüýi. Eýgithe Shaoüý akaý shi wiüý \tr some time / when, / Oto / one / was killed, / he / was killed indeed. / At length / Dakotas / the «col.» / again / one \rf jod 1890:421.17 \op t'eýthai, eý Umoüýhoü amaý wat'eýthai. Shi Shaoüý akaý Wathuýtada wiüý t'eýthai. \tr was killed, / that / Omahas / the «sub.» / were the slayers. / Again / Dakotas / the «sub.» / Oto / one / they killed. \rf jod 1890:421.18 \op Shaoüý akaý, oüwoüýgabaýgtha kaýshi oümoüýthiüi, t'eýawathe-hnoüýi. Xthabeý thoü shoüý \tr Dakotas / the «sub.», / we drew back from them / a long time / we walked, / they were killing us. / Tree / the «col.» / at any rate \rf jod 1890:421.19 \op uoüýsii-ga, aiý Iýshkadaýbi akaý. Waýshpagthaiý te, eýgithe t'eýthithe-hnoüýi te. Goüý \tr leap ye into, / said / @{Iýshkadaýbi} / the «sub.». / You draw back from them / when, / beware / they kill you regularly / lest. / And \rf jod 1890:421.20 \op xthabeý thoü shoüý uoüýsii niýashiüga bthuýga. Xthabeý thoüý wiüdeýtan-di hiý ki, shi \tr tree / the «col.» / at any rate / leaped in among / men / all. / Tree / the «col.» / to one-half of the distance / arrived / when, / again \rf jod 1890:421.21 \op oünoüýshtoüi, oüwoüýgabaýgthai. Shi goücheý zhiüýga ki, Iýshkadaýbi akaý gaiý: Shoüý \tr we stopped going, / we drew back from them. / Again / a little while / when, / @{Iýshkadaýbi} / the «sub.» / said as follows: / At any rate \rf jod 1890:422.1 \op uoüýsii-ga. Waýshpagthaiý ki, eýgithe t'eýthithe-hnoüýi te, aiý. Noüýb eýthoübe oüwoüýgathiü \tr leap in. / You draw back / if, / beware / they kill you regularly / lest, / he said. / Two / coming out of it / we had them \rf jod 1890:422.2 \op oügaýhii, akiýwa niüýta oüwoüýthizaiý. Umoüýhoü-ma wiüý Shaoüý t'eýthai ke \tr we arrived, / both / alive / we took them. / The Omahas / one / Dakotas / they killed him / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:422.3 \op oüthoüýgipahoü-baýzhi oügiýpadaiý. Shi Wathuýtada t'eý ke edaýbe oügiýpadaiý. Shaoüý \tr we knew not ours / we cut up ours. / Again / Oto / who was dead / also / we cut up ours. / Dakota \rf jod 1890:422.4 \op wiüý ithaýnaxiýbtha ki, niýahitheý. Wahuýtoüthiü ke gthiýshnoü goüý niý ke eýgihitheý. Niý \tr one / I attacked him / when, / he fell into the water. / Gun / the «ob.» / he let drop / as / water / the «ob.» / it fell right into. / Water \rf jod 1890:422.5 \op ke uaýoüsi goüý eýthoübe gthiý ki, aý te akiýtha ubthoüý. Nazhiüýakitheýgoü Umoüýhoü-ma \tr the «ob.» / I leaped into / as / he came up / again / when, / arm / the / both / I held. / As I made him stand / the Omahas \rf jod 1890:422.6 \op paýdeawaýkithe. Shaoüý ushteý-ma wachiýshka ke aýkitheýte oüýhe-ma Umoüýhoü amaý \tr I made them cut him up. / Dakotas / the rest / creek / the «ob.» / crossing together / those who fled / Omahas / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:422.7 \op waýkipaiý ha. Theý Shaoüý amaý wahuýtoüthiü ge uzhiý thiügeý athiüýi eýgoü t'eýwathaiý. \tr met them / . / This / Dakotas / the «sub.» / gun / the «pl. ob.» / filled / without / they had / as / they were killed. \rf jod 1890:422.8 \op Shoüýxti goüý muýkihoüýi. Miüý itheýxtioüýi ki, sheýnawathaiý Shaoüý-ma. \tr They shot at one another even till night. / Sun / it had fully set / when, / they destroyed / the Dakotas. \rf jod 1890:422.9 \ti How the Omahas fought the Dakotas after the latter had killed @{Oüýpoü-toüýga}'s brother \op Umoüýhoü amaý wanaýse gthiüýi te. Wizhiüýthe amaý te-zhiüýga kiýde athaiý te, hoüýegoüýche. \tr Omahas / the «sub.» / surrounding the herds / sat. / My elder brother / the «sub.» / buffalo-calf / to shoot at / went, / morning. \rf jod 1890:425.1 \op Wiüý zhuýgthai te. Uhnuýshkadi te-zhiüýga wiüý t'eýthai te; paýde nazhiüýi te. \tr One / went with him. / In a valley / buffalo-calf / one / they killed; / cutting it up / they stood. \rf jod 1890:425.2 \op Shaoüý amaý wagthaýde a-iýi te, shoüýge aýgthiü shaýpexti-eýgoü. Wahuýtoüthiü uzhiýazhi \tr Dakotas / the «sub.» / creeping up on them / were approaching, / horse / sitting on / about six. / Gun / not loaded \rf jod 1890:425.3 \op nazhiüý te wizhiüýthe toü, aýma akaý moüýde athiüýi. Weýnaxiýthai-de, ku'eý a-iý-biamaý \tr stood / my elder brother / the «std. one», / the other / the «sub.» / bow / had it. / They attacked them when, / rushing forward / were coming they say \rf jod 1890:425.4 \op Shaoüý amaý. Ku'eý a-iý-bi egoüý, t'eýwathaý-biamaý, wapeý thiügeýgoü. \tr Dakotas / the «sub.». / Rushing / were coming, they say / having, / they killed them they say, / weapon / they had none, as. \rf jod 1890:425.5 \op Eýgithe uthaý agthiý. Umoüýhoü noüýba t'eýwathaiý, eý uthaý agthiý. Shaoüý amaý \tr At length / to tell it / they came back. / Omaha / two / they killed them, / that / to tell / they came back. / Dakotas / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:425.6 \op oüýhe agthaiý te wat'eýthe amaý. Eýdi ahiý eýgoü, wa'iüý agthiý. Shaoüý amaý \tr fleeing / went homeward / murderers / the «sub.». / There / they arrived / as, / carrying them / they came home. / Dakotas / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:425.7 \op akiý-biamaý. Tiýi thoütaý akiý-biamaý. Iýgadizaý-biamaý; tiý uthiýshoü-hnoüý-biamaý. \tr reached home, they say. / Village / to the / reached home, they say. / They rode round and round, they say; / lodge / they went around regularly, they say. \rf jod 1890:425.8 \op Heýga-bazhiý-biamaý; Poüýka edaýba-biamaý; aýkikiýzhi gthiüýi te edaýbe. Ihoüý \tr They were a great many, they say; / Ponkas / were also, they say; / the tribes coming together / they sat / also. / His mother \rf jod 1890:425.9 \op ugiýne juýba edediý-thoü amaý. Wanaýxthiüi-ga ha, aý-biamaý. Eý wat'eýthe uýzhu \tr he seeks his / some / the company is there, they say. / Hasten ye / , / said he, they say. / That / murderers / principal \rf jod 1890:425.10 \op akaý ithaýdi akaý wanaýxthiüwaýthe tiýi ke uhaý-biamaý. Gibaýzu izhaýzhe athiüý-biamaý \tr the «one who» / his father / the «sub.» / causing them to hasten / lodges / the «line of» / went along, they say. / @{Gibaýzu} / his name / he had, they say \rf jod 1890:425.11 \op ithaýdi akaý, niýkagahi uýzhu akaý. Poüýka tiýi ke shi uhaý-biamaý. Eýwathathaiý \tr his father / the «sub.», / chief / principal / the «sub.». / Ponka / lodge / the «line of» / again / he went along, they say. / You have them for relations \rf jod 1890:425.12 \op wathaýgthize taiý, naýgthe waýthizai ki, weýthagiýshpahoüýi ki, aý-biamaý. Poüýka-ma \tr you take them / will, / captive / they take them / when, / you recognize yours / if, / said he, they say. / The Ponkas \rf jod 1890:425.13 \op sheýtha-bazhiý-biamaý. Shi eýdi eýgithoü athaý-biamaý. Utheýha-baýzhi kiýshte, thieýshniü \tr did not heed, they say. / Again / there / to say it to / he went, they say. / You do not join / even if, / you are the ones \rf jod 1890:425.14 \op taiteý ha, aý-biamaý. Thiý oüýgathikiýtha toüýgatoü, aý-biamaý. Atheý nazhiüý-biamaý \tr shall «be» / , / said he, they say. / You / we contend with you / we will, / said he, they say. / Going / stood they say \rf jod 1890:425.15 \op Shaoüý amaý. Shoüý waýbaha keýd ugthiüýi-de wa'uý amaý goüý atheý nazhiüý-biamaý. \tr Dakotas / the «sub.». / In fact / Indian carriage / in the / sat in while / woman / the «sub.» / so / going / stood they say. \rf jod 1890:425.16 \op Ki Poüýka uýzhu akaý, Weýgasaýpi akaý, Poüýka tiýi thoü uhaý-biamaý. E'oüýxti \tr And / Ponka / principal / the «sub.», / Whip / the «sub.», / Ponka / village / the «circle» / went along, they say. / Just how \rf jod 1890:426.1 \op gaýxe taiý eýdoü waýbanoü hneý shkoüýhna thaýthiüsheý eýdi shneý eteýde, aý-biamaý \tr they will do / «in thought»? / to witness / you go / you wish / you who \rf jod 1890:426.2 \op Weýgasaýpi akaý. Eýdi athaiý te hoüýi te, Weýgasaýpi Moüchuý-waýthihi zhuýgigthe, \tr Whip / the «sub.». / There / they went / it was night / when, / Whip / @{Moüchuý-waýthihi} / he with his, \rf jod 1890:426.3 \op goüýki Poüýka amaý shti. Eýgithe a-iý-nazhiüý amaýma. Thiýskieý utheýwiükithaiý te, \tr and / Ponkas / the «sub.» / too. / At length / they were approaching and standing, they say. / All together / they assembled / when, \rf jod 1890:426.4 \op wanaýshe utheýwiükithaiý, juýba aýkikihiýde athaý-biamaý. Wanaýshe amaý eýgaxe \tr police / they assembled, / some / watching over one another / went, they say. / Police / the «pl. sub.» / all around \rf jod 1890:426.5 \op moüthiüý-biamaý; uthuýshiataý shti juýba, ubaýhiataý shti, haýshiataý shti. Wanaýshe \tr walked they say; / at the front / too / some, / at the sides / too, / behind / too. / Police \rf jod 1890:426.6 \op weýnaxiýtha-hnoüý-biamaý; wasniüýde moüthiüýi-ma uýtiü-hnoüý-biamaý. Weýgasaýpi \tr they attacked them regularly, they say; / delaying / those who walked / they hit them regularly, they say. / Whip \rf jod 1890:426.7 \op akaý weýhusaý-biamaý. Ukiýt'e iýwipahoüý-hnoü-moüýi. Thizhuý-bazhi-hnoüýi thoüýshti. \tr the «sub.» / scolded them, they say. / Nation / I have always known you in particular. / You were always unfortunate / heretofore. \rf jod 1890:426.8 \op Eaýtoü uýnoüpe iütheýshnoüi a. Wa'uý eýgizhoüýxti zhoüý hniü thoüýshti, aý-biamaý \tr Why / punishment / do ye threaten to me / ? / Woman / you did just so / you did / you were / heretofore, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:426.9 \op Weýgasaýpi akaý. Ki ukiýt'e akaý nuýi ha, aý-biamaý. Iýwipahoü taiý miüke, \tr Whip / the «sub.». / And / nation / the / are men / , / said he, they say. / I know you / will / I who, \rf jod 1890:426.10 \op aý-biamaý. Eýdi athaiý te, hoüý imoüýthiü a-iý-biamaý. \tr said he, they say. / There / they went / when, / night / walking by / they approached, they say. \rf jod 1890:426.11 \op Umoüýhoü aka-taýthishoü btheý. Umoüýhoü amaý paýze te noüýza gaýxai. \tr Omahas / towards those who are / I go. / Omahas / the «sub.» / evening / when / embankment / made. \rf jod 1890:426.12 \op Huýthuga gthiüýi thoü shoüýshoü noüýza gaýxai. Shiüýgazhiüýga noüýza wetheýshkaxe te, \tr Tribal circle / they sat / the / always / embankment / they made. / Children / embankment / you are to make for them, \rf jod 1890:426.13 \op aiý atha+. Atiý taý-biteý, aiý atha+, aý-biamaý. Ki noüýza gaýxai te Umoüýhoü amaý. \tr he says / indeed. / It is said that they will surely come, / he says / indeed, / said «one», they say. / And / embankment / made / Omahas / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:426.14 \op Goüýki tiýha ke uthuýkiheheýbe gaýxai ithaýugthe; tiýshi ge aýkithis'iüýs'iü gaýxai \tr And / tent-skins / the «line of» / one after another, as far as they would go / they made / throughout; / tentpoles / the «ob.» / interwoven / they made \rf jod 1890:426.15 \op ithaýugthe. Oüýba koüýge; wathaýshkoü te, aiý aýtha. Atiý-bi, aiý atha+, aiý. Eýta \tr throughout. / Day / near at hand; / you will do your best, / he says / indeed. / It is said they have come, / he says / indeed, / said he. / Thither \rf jod 1890:426.16 \op hoüý wadoüýbe ahiý-hnoü amaý; wanaý'oü agthiý, noütiýde wanaý'oü agthiý. Wathaýshkoü te, \tr night / scouts / were arriving; / hearing them / they came back, / making a drumming with the feet / hearing them / they came home. / You will do your best, \rf jod 1890:426.17 \op aiý aýtha. Eýbe uthiýkoü te thiügeý aýtha, aiý. Wapeý ke bthuýgaxti haýha \tr he says / indeed. / Who / he help you / will / there is none / indeed, / he said. / Weapon / the / all / ready \rf jod 1890:426.18 \op athaýgthahniüý thazhoüý te, aiý aýtha; maxuýde wahuýtoüthiü uthaýgizhi te, aiý aýtha; atiý-bi, \tr you have yours / you lie / will, / he says / indeed; / powder / gun / you put in yours / will, / he says / indeed; / it is said they have come, \rf jod 1890:426.19 \op aiý aýtha, aiý. \tr he says / indeed, / he said. \rf jod 1890:426.20 \op Oüýba akaý eýthoübe. Weaýnaxitha shu-iýthai; eýgaxe toüýde noütiýdai. Shoüýge \tr Day / the «sub.» / came forth. / They charged on us in coming this way; / all around / ground / they made a drumming noise «on» by running. / Horse \rf jod 1890:427.1 \op theýthutoü juýba weýkoütoü gthiýse eýgoü noüýgai; uwaýthishoü noüýgai. Shaoüý amaý \tr hence / some / lariat / broke theirs / as / they ran; / around us / they ran. / Dakotas / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:427.2 \op shoüýge-ma waýthiü agthaiý, gashiýbe noüýge ahiý-ma. Waýxe wiüý gazoüýadi \tr the horses / having them / went homeward, / outside / running / those who arrived. / White man / one / among \rf jod 1890:427.3 \op gaxthoüý-madi eduiýhe; shoüýge toüý shti eýthiü agthaiý. Maýshtu Thiýdoü izhaýzhe athiüý. \tr to those who were hunting / he joined; / horse / the «std. ob.» / too / having for him / they went homeward. / Mr. / Reed / his name / he had. \rf jod 1890:427.4 \op Shaoüý amaý shoüýge iüý'i taý amaý, eý-hnoü amaý. Giý'i eteýgoü-baýzhi, shoüý iýe eýgithoü-hnoüý \tr Dakotas / the «sub.» / horse / give back to me / will, / he said regularly / they say. / To give back to him / they were not apt, / yet / words / he said to «some one» regularly \rf jod 1890:427.5 \op amaý. Weýgoüze wiüdeýtoü-xchi-eýgoü tiýi eýgaxe waýkithai. Shoüý-ama tiýi \tr they say. / Measure / about one-half / lodges / all around / they contended against us. / By and by / lodges \rf jod 1890:427.6 \op ke Umoüýhoü amaý uýgipaý-xtioüýi; noüýzata eýgiha agiýi. Tiýi keýta kiýdai Shaoüý \tr the «line of» / Omahas / the «sub.» / entered their own; / to the rear / headlong / they were coming back. / Lodges / at the / shot at / Dakotas \rf jod 1890:427.7 \op amaý, shoüý niaýtha wakiýdai. Shoüýge-ma t'eýwathaiý aýhigi. Shaoüý moüý etaiý ke \tr the, / het / at random / they shot at them. / The horses / they killed them / many. / Dakotas / arrow / theirs / the \rf jod 1890:427.8 \op atiý-hnoüi tiýi ke. Umoüýhoü amaý tiýha umaýgude-hnoüýi; ki Shaoüý-ma eýthoübe \tr they came regularly / lodges / the «ob.». / Omahas / the «sub.» / tent-skins / cut holes in regularly; / and / the Dakotas / in sight \rf jod 1890:427.9 \op iý ki, wakiýde theýthe-hnoüýi Umoüýhoü amaý. Umoüýhoü wiüý, Kaýxe-thoüýba iniüýthe, \tr came / when, / shot away at them regularly / Omahas / the «sub.». / Omaha / one, / Crow two / his elder brother, \rf jod 1890:427.10 \op eýgoü t'eýtha-biamaý Shaoüý amaý. Tiýha toügaý umaý'ude ki, ugaýs'iü amaý. Eýgithe \tr so / they killed him, they say / Dakotas / the «sub.». / Tent-skin / large / cut a hole in / when, / he peeped / they say. / At length \rf jod 1890:427.11 \op peýxti 'eýthoüthai. Uthuýshi-naýzhiü izhaýzhe athiüý. Gashiýbata moüthiüýi te, Umoüýhoü \tr right on the forehead / they put it. / At the front he stands / his name / he had. / At the outside / they walked / when, / Omaha \rf jod 1890:427.12 \op wiüý t'eýthai, shoüýha iüýi. Heýga t'eýthai ha, aiý. Shi gashiýbata moüthiüýi te, shi \tr one / was killed, / wolf-skin / he word. / Buzzard / is killed / , / they said. / Again / at the outside / they walked / when, / again \rf jod 1890:427.13 \op wiüý t'eýthai. Uýhoü-toüýga t'eýthai ha, aiý. Shi gashiýbata moüthiüýi te, Paýthiü-noüpazhi \tr one / was killed. / Kettle large / is killed / , / they said. / Again / at the outside / they walked / when, / @{Paýthiü-noüpazhi} \rf jod 1890:427.14 \op uýi ha. Eý t'eýthai eýgoü, Mawaýdoüthiü eýdi athaiý; uýi zhiýbe kethoüý. \tr was wounded / . / That / was killed / as, / Mandan / there / went; / he was wounded / lower leg / the. \rf jod 1890:427.15 \op Mawaýdoüthiü t'eýthai, aiý. Mawaýdoüthiü muýbthizh itheýthai. Shaoüý-ma shti, t'eýwathaiý-ma \tr Mandan / is killed, / they said. / Mandan / they made him fall suddenly by shouting him. / The Dakotas / too, / those who were killed, \rf jod 1890:427.16 \op waýgthisnu agtheý-hnoüi; paý ge wakoüýtoü shoüýge-ma thisnuýwakithaiý. \tr they dragged them along / they went homeward regularly; / head / the «pl. ob.» / they tied them / the horses / they made them drag them. \rf jod 1890:427.17 \op Eýgithe inteýde eýdi a-iý-bazhi. Shoüýgaxai. Uthuýshiata Shaoüý noüýba t'eýwathaiý. \tr At length / now, but / there / they were not approaching. / They ceased. / At the front / Dakotas / two / were killed. \rf jod 1890:427.18 \op Eýdi weýnaxiýthai ahiýi egoüý, wapaýdai Umoüýhoü amaý; waýshnushnuýde, goüý \tr There / rushing on them / arrived / having, / cut them up / Omahas / the «sub.»; / cut them in many pieces, / so \rf jod 1890:427.19 \op weýgitiü theýthai. Xageý agthaý-biamaý. Goüý akiý-biamaý Shaoüý amaý, wagiý'iü. \tr they threw back and hit them with. / Crying / they went homeward, they say. / And / reached there again, they say / Dakotas / the «sub.», / carrying their own. \rf jod 1890:427.20 \op Tiý toügaýxti teýdi Mawaýdoüthiü wachiýgaxaý-biamaý. Uthiýzoü te woüýgithe gthiüýwakithaý-biamaý \tr Tent / very large / at the / Mandan / they danced they say. / Middle / the / all / caused them to sit, they say \rf jod 1890:428.1 \op Shaoüý t'e-maý. Tashaýge aý te uthoüýwakithaý-bi egoüý, wa'oüý \tr Dakotas / the dead ones. / Deer-claws / arm / the / made them hold, they say / having, / singing \rf jod 1890:428.2 \op gthiüýwakithaý-biamaý. Wa'oüý zhuýwagthe gthiüý-biamaý. Tiý te woüýgithe shoüý \tr they made them sit, they say. / Singing / with them / they sat, they say. / Tent / the / all / in fact \rf jod 1890:428.3 \op gthiüýwakithaý-biamaý t'eý thoüýka. Tiý te aýthiaýza te shoüýshoü noüýde ke moüthiüýk \tr made them sit they say / dead / the ones who. / Tent / the / they opened and put it on the poles / when / without stopping / sides / the / earth «sods» \rf jod 1890:428.4 \op aýgaspaý-biamaý. Tiý te thishtoüý-bi ki, oüýhe agthaý-biamaý. Umoüýhoü-maý atiý te, \tr they weighted, they say. / Tent / the / they finished, they say / when, / fleeing / they went homeward, they say. / The Omahas / come / will, \rf jod 1890:428.5 \op aiý, aýdoü oüýhe agthaý-biamaý Shaoüý amaý. Ki Umoüýhoü-maýdi t'eýwathaiý-ma \tr they said, / therefore / fleeing / went homeward, they say / Dakotas / the «sub.». / And / among / the Omahas / the dead ones «ob.» \rf jod 1890:428.6 \op wagiýxai. Heý-zhoüka-toüýga paýhi-xti 'eýthoüthai, t'eýthai. Wanuýkige siý te 'eýthoüthai. \tr they buried their own. / Horn forked «of a fawn» large / right in the neck / they put it on, / they killed him. / @{Wanuýkige} / foot / the / they put it on. \rf jod 1890:428.7 \op Aýgaha-washuýshe 'eýthoüthai, eý t'eýthextioüýi. Iüsh'aýge-wahiýthe uýi zhiýbe \tr @{Aýgaha-washuýshe} / they put it on, / that / they killed outright. / @{Iüsh'aýge-wahiýthe} / they wounded / lower leg \rf jod 1890:428.8 \op kethoüý. Paýthiü-gahiýge paý thoü 'eýthoüthai. \tr the. / @{Paýthiü-gahiýge} / head / the / they put it on. \rf jod 1890:428.9 \pr The following is an incomplete account of the same occurrence, which Two Crows gave: \op Nugeý gaýxthoü oügaýthai Umoüýhoü-maý. Siýoüthaiý: Paýthiü-ma zhuýwagtha-baýzhi; \tr Summer / on the hunt / we went / the Omahas. / They were alone: / the Pawnees / were not with them; \rf jod 1890:428.10 \op Umoüýhoü-ma-hnoüý gaxthoüýi. Goüý Wateý ke gaýke oüguýha oügaýthai. Dzhoý \tr The Omahas only / were on the hunt. / And / Elkhorn / the / that / we followed / we went. / Joe \rf jod 1890:428.11 \op akaý eýdi niýkagahi iýthigthoü-ma eduiýhe moüthiüýi. Oügaýthai eýgoü teý weýoüthai. \tr the / there / chief / those who ruled / joining / walked. / We went / as / buffalo / we found them. \rf jod 1890:428.12 \op Teý-ma heýgazhi t'eýoüwoüthaiý, eýgaxe goüý t'eýoüwoüýth oügthiüýi; shoüý aýhigioüýxti \tr The buffaloes / not a few / we killed them, / all around / so / we killed them / we sat; / in fact / very many times \rf jod 1890:428.13 \op oüwoüýnas oügthiüýi. Shoüý niýashiüga wiüaýxchi teý-ma gtheýba shti, agthiüýsatoüthoüthoü, \tr we surrounded them / we sat. / In fact / man / only one / the buffaloes / ten / too, / by fifteens, \rf jod 1890:428.14 \op gtheýba-noüýba-thoüthoüý shti, t'eýwatheý-hnoüýi. Goüý wanaýse te oüguýthi'age \tr by twenties / too, / killed them regularly. / And / to surround them / we were unwilling \rf jod 1890:428.15 \op eýgoü oügthiüýi, weaýbthoüi. Teý-ma weoüý'iü goüý eýgoü oügthiüýi. Eýgithe hoüýegoücheýxchi \tr somewhat / we sat, / we had our fill. / The buffaloes / we carried them / and / so / we sat. / At length / early in the morning \rf jod 1890:428.16 \op miüý eýthoübazhiýxchi, zhoüý agiýpahoü ki, eýgithe teý amaý aýshkaxchi aýiaýma. \tr sun / had not risen at all / sleep / I rose from / when, / behold, / buffalo / the «sub.» / very close / were coming. \rf jod 1890:428.17 \op Wiüaýxchi Dzhoý akaý t'eýtha-baýzhi shoüý bakuýwiüxe athiüýi, shoüý weýahide athiüý athaiý; \tr Only one / Joe / the «sub.» / did not kill it / yet / turning around / he had it, / yet / far off / he took it; \rf jod 1890:428.18 \op uýkiza keýta athiüý athaiý. Ki shoüýge toü oüwoüý'i Dzhoý akaý. Goüý teý thiü t'eýthe \tr no one there / to the / he took it. / And / horse / the / loaned to me / Joe / the «sub.». / And / buffalo / the «mv. ob.» / to kill it \rf jod 1890:428.19 \op oüshiý, aýdoü t'eýathe-goüý oüpaýdai. Zhuý ke wiý a'iüý, goüý tahaýnuka siýoütheý 'iüýi \tr asked me, / therefore / I killed it and / we cut it up. / Body / the / I / I carried, / and / green hide / alone / carried it \rf jod 1890:428.20 \op Dzhoý akaý. Oügaýgthai eýgoü tiý ke oügiýtape oügaýgthai. Tiýi thoü eýthoübe oügaýki \tr Joe / the «sub.». / We went homeward / as / tent / the / we were near to / we went homeward. / Tents / the / in sight of / we got back \rf jod 1890:429.1 \op ki, eýgithe teý juýba waýthixai. Oügaýgthai keýta ukoüýska waýthiü a-iýi duýda. \tr when, / at length / buffalo / some / they chased them. / We went homeward / to the / right in a line with / having them / they were coming / this way. \rf jod 1890:429.2 \op Koüýge oüga)ki ki, teý-ma wabaýkuwiüxe athaiý. Eýgithe niýashiüga amaý tahaýwagthe \tr Near / we got home / when, / the buffaloes / wheeling around / went. / Behold, / men / the «sub.» / shield \rf jod 1890:429.3 \op athiüýi te niýkathiýxe athaiý. \tr had / when / chasing the foe / went. \nt When Two Crows had dictated this, several Omahas entered the room, and he would not tell the rest. \rf jod 1890:429.4 \ti How @{Mawaýdoüthiü} went alone on the war-path \op Mawaýdoüthiü nudoüý athaý-be ki, enaýxchi athaý-biamaý. Tiýi thoüýdi ahiý-bi \tr Mandan / to war / went, they say / when, / he alone / went he said. / Village / at the / he arrived, he said \rf jod 1890:432.1 \op ki, tiýi thoü bazoüý athaý-bi ki, shoüýge-unaýzhiü wiüý thishiýbai te. Ki wa'uý wiüý aýshi \tr when, / village / the / among / he went, he said / when, / horse stands in / one / he pulled open. / And / woman / one / out \rf jod 1890:432.2 \op atiý-bi ki, doüýbai te ha. Ieý-xti tiýata agthaý-biamaý. Ki Mawaýdoüthiü akaý \tr came, he said / when, / she saw him / . / Speaking very «much» / to the lodge / she went back, he said. / And / Mandan / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:432.3 \op shoüýge thoükaý waýthi'a oüýhe agthaiý te, sheýnuzhiüýga heýgazhi thixaý-biamaý. Uxthaý-bazhi \tr horse / the ones that / failed with them / fleeing / went homeward / when, / young men / a great many / chased him, he said. / Not overtaking him \rf jod 1890:432.4 \op aýkiaýgthai te. Oüýba kiýzhi zhoüýi te, weýahide akiý-bi ki. Hoüý ki, shi eýdi \tr he had gone again. / Day / when / he slept, / far off / he reached again, he said / when. / Night / when, / again / there \rf jod 1890:432.5 \op athaý-biamaý. Ki tiýi thoü uthiýshoü-hnoü moüthiüýi te, zhoüý wagiýthe. Bthuýgaxti \tr he went, he said. / And / village / the / going around it, regularly / he walked, / to wait for them to go to sleep. / All \rf jod 1890:432.6 \op zhoüý-bi ki, sheýnumiüýga noüýba zhoüý-bazhi, wa'oüý kuýwiüxe moüthiüýi te. Hoüýskoüskoüý \tr slept, he said / when, / young man / two / not sleeping, / singing / wandering around / they walked. / Midnight \rf jod 1890:432.7 \op keýta hiýi ki, sheýnuzhiüýga noüýba amaý agthaiý te ha, zhoüý. Moüthiüý-ti tiýzhebe \tr to the / it arrived / when, / young man / two / the «sub.» / went homeward / , / to sleep. / Earth-lodge / door \rf jod 1890:432.8 \op iýba-t'oü gahaý akiýzhoüi te. Ki akiýtha zhoüýt'ai ki, aýma gaxthiý goüýthai te (Mawaýdoüthiü \tr handle it had / upon / they lay together. / And / both / sound asleep / when, / the one / to kill him / wished / (Mandan \rf jod 1890:433.1 \op akaý). Iýthapithiüýxchi eýta athaiý te. Eýdi ahiý-bi ki, aýma akaý paýgahoüýi \tr the). / Very carefully / thither / he went. / There / he arrived, he said / when, / the other / the «sub.» / raised his head \rf jod 1890:433.2 \op te, nashkiý thoü saýbazhixti moüýzepe-zhiüýga iýtiü-biamaý. Aýma akaý paýhoü \tr when, / head / the / very suddenly / ax little / he hit with it, he said. / The one / the «sub.» / to arise \rf jod 1890:433.3 \op aýtiaýthai te ha. Ki thixaiý te ha. Oüýha-biamaý Mawaýdoüthiü akaý. Thixeý \tr started / . / And / they chased him / . / Fled he said / Mandan / the «sub.». / Chasing him \rf jod 1890:433.4 \op moüthiüý-bi ki, boüý moüthiüý-biamaý Paýthiü-zhiüýga amaý. Tiý amaý bthuýgaxti \tr walked, he said / when, / hallooing / walked he said / Pawnee young / the «sub.». / Lodge / the «sub.» / all \rf jod 1890:433.5 \op thixaý-biamaý, wa'uý amaý shte, shiýnudoü amaý shte. Shi thi'aý-biamaý. Shi oüýba ki, \tr chased him, he said / woman / the / even, / dog / the / even. / Again / he failed, he said. / Again / day / when, \rf jod 1890:433.6 \op zhoüý-biamaý, uchiýzhe moüýte. Shi hoüý ki, eýdi athaý-biamaý. Oüýba koüýgexchi \tr he slept, he said, / thicket / within. / Again / night / when, / there / he went, / he said. / Day / very near \rf jod 1890:433.7 \op ki, shoüýge tiý wiüý thishiýbai te ha. Shoüýge wiüý koüýtoü-biamaý. Ki aýshi agthaý-bi \tr when, / horse / lodge / one / he pulled open / . / Horse / one / he tied he said. / And / out / he went homeward, he said \rf jod 1890:433.8 \op egoüý, tiýzhebe eýthoübe akiý-xti-bi ki, Paýthiü wiüý aýkipaý-biamaý uhiýashka. Ki \tr having, / door / emerging from / he had just reached again, he said / when, / Pawnee / one / he met him, he said / close by. / And \rf jod 1890:433.9 \op Paýthiü akaý noüýpai te Mawaýdoüthiü. Ki Mawaýdoüthiü akaý shoüýge toüý thishtoüý-baýzhi \tr Pawnee / the / feared to see him / Mandan. / And / Mandan / the «sub.» / horse / the «ob.» / not letting him go \rf jod 1890:433.10 \op thisnuý agthaý-biamaý, toüýthiü. Ki Paýthiü akaý eýdi eýgoüxti boüý thaheýgabazhihnoüý-biamaý. \tr pulling him along / went homeward, he said, / running. / And / Pawnee / the «sub.» / just then / hallooing / was making a great noise by calling, he said. \rf jod 1890:433.11 \op Ki Mawaýdoüthiü akaý shoüýge toüý aýgthiü ithoüýi te, kigthiýt'ut'uýs'a \tr And / Mandan / the «sub.» / horse / the «ob.» / sat on him suddenly / when, / bucking repeatedly \rf jod 1890:433.12 \op giý'iü-biamaý, ki oüýth itheýtha-biamaý. Thaýbthiüoüý oüýth itheýthai kiýzhi, za'aiý amaý; \tr it carried him, / and / threw him off, he said. / Three times / it threw him off / when, / they made an uproar, he said; \rf jod 1890:433.13 \op naýthuhaýxchi atiý-biamaý. Shiýnudoü amaý shti, wa'uý amaý shti, nuý amaý shti, bthuýga \tr very nearly / they came to him, he said. / Dog / the «sub.» / too, / woman / the «sub.» / too, / man / the «sub.» / too, / all \rf jod 1890:433.14 \op thixaiý te. Shoüýge thiü shoüýshoü aýgthiü aýkiaýgtha-biamaý. \tr chased him. / Horse / the «mv.» / without stopping / sitting on / he had gone again, he said. \rf jod 1890:433.15 \ti @{Pathiü-noüpazhi}'s war party in 1853 \op T'oügaxthoü taýxti oüthoüýkide gaxthoüý oügaýthai. Shoüý edaýdoü waoüýsizhiüýga \tr Fall hunt / deer / we shot at / on the hunt / we went. / In fact / what / leaping animal little \rf jod 1890:434.1 \op bthuýgaxti oüýgunai. A-iýti oüthiüý, uýzhawaxtioüýi. Shoüý taýxti, mikaý, xuýga, \tr all / we hunted them. / Approaching and pitching tents / we were, / in excellent spirits. / In fact / deer, / raccoon, / badger, \rf jod 1890:434.2 \op moüýga, ziziýka, shoüý bthuýgaxti, oüýba ge wa'iüý agthiý-hnoüi. Tiý gtheýba oüthiüý. \tr skunk, / turkey, / in fact / all, / day / the «pl.» / carrying them / they came back regularly. / Tent / ten / we were. \rf jod 1890:434.3 \op Oügaýtheýgoü, a-iýti. Shi eýgoüi, shi uýzhawaxtioüýi. Oügaýthai eýgoü, waýxe juýba \tr We went / as, / they approached and pitched tents. / Again / it was so, / again / they were in excellent spirits. / We went / as, / white man / some \rf jod 1890:435.1 \op wa'eý igthiüý amaý keýdi oügaýhii. Waýxe amaýdi oügaýhii eýgoü, wathaýte wa'iýi, \tr farming / they who sat at / by the / we arrived. / White man / by them / we arrived / as, / food / they gave us, \rf jod 1890:435.2 \op uýdoüxtioüýi. Eýgithe utheýwiüawaýthai. Niýkashiüga ukeýthiü hnoükaýshe, iýi-ga. \tr it was very good. / At length / they collected us. / Indian / ye who are, / be ye coming. \rf jod 1890:435.3 \op Oüguýkikieý tabaýshe. Hoüý ki oüguýkikieý taiý, ai. Oühoüý, ai. Hoüý eýgoü \tr We talk to each other / must. / Night / when / we talk to each other / will, / they said. / Yes, / said they. / Night / like \rf jod 1890:435.4 \op ke waýgiatiý eýgoü, Oügaýthe taiý. Tiý te toügaýxti teýdi zhuýawaýgthe atiýi. Eýgithe, \tr the / for us they come / as, / We go / will. / House / the / very large / at they / with us / they came. / Behold, \rf jod 1890:435.5 \op waýxe amaý bthuýgaxti ahiýi ha. (Eý Wateý guaýthishoü, Ni-xeýbe keýta, waýxe \tr white man / the «sub.» / all / arrived / . / (That / Little Sioux River / beyond, / Water-shallow / at the, / white man \rf jod 1890:435.6 \op pahoüýgaxchi hi-maý edediý-ma ha. Gthadiüý theýthutoü goüý theý te.) Uaýwakiaiý. \tr the very first / those who arrived / they were there / . / Across / thence / so / it went.) / They talked with us. \rf jod 1890:435.7 \op Ahauý! kageýha, uwiýkie miükeý-zha, kageýha, edaýdoü edeýhe ki, eýgoüxti shkaýxe \tr Oho! / friend, / I talk to you / I who, on the one hand, / friend, / what / I say what if, / just so / you do \rf jod 1890:435.8 \op taiý. Oüthoüýgudoüýbe toüýgatoü. Uýdoü kiýzhi, eýgoü oügaýxe toüýgatoü, ai \tr will. / We consider it / we who will. / Good / if, / so / we do it / we who will, / said \rf jod 1890:435.9 \op (Umoüýhoü amaý). Mazhoüý ke uthaýgashoü hneý taiý te ubthiý'age, ai (waýxe akaý). \tr (Omahas / the). / Land / the / you traverse / you go / will / the / I am unwilling, / said / (white man / the). \rf jod 1890:435.10 \op Mazhoüý ke theý thagthiüýxchi thoüý e-hnoüý thagthiüý; ki edaýdoü wanaýgthe thithiýta \tr Land / the / this / you sit just «on it» / the / that only / you sit «on»; / and / what / domestic animal / your \rf jod 1890:435.11 \op gashiýbe hiýwathaýthe thithiüýge ha. Eýgoüzha, mazhoüý ke wiwiýta, ai waýxe akaý. \tr out of it / you cause them to arrive / you have none / . / Though so, / land / the / mine, / said / white man / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:435.12 \op Mazhoüý ke thithiýtazhi; Itiýgoüthai thiüwiüýazhi, uthaýoüsi ha, ai Te-soüý akaý. Itiýgoüthai \tr Land / the / is not yours; / Grandfather / he did not buy it, / you leaped on it / , / said / Buffalo distant white / the «sub.». / Grandfather \rf jod 1890:435.13 \op thiüwiüýazhi te iýshpahoü aýdoü ithaýpahoü-xti-moüý, ai. Itiýgoüthai thiükeý thiüwiüý te \tr he did not buy it / the / you know it / and / I know it very well, / he said. / Grandfather / the one who / he bought it / the \rf jod 1890:435.14 \op wazhiüýthiskaý-xti aýdoü iýshpahoü aýdoü, ai, thazhuý-bazhi Umoüýhoü thiükeý. Te-soüý akaý \tr you are very intelligent / therefore / you know it / ? / he said, / speaking contemptuously of / Omaha / the «ob.». / @{Te-soüý} / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:435.15 \op waýxe thiükeý moüýge ke utiüýtiü. Eaýtoü gthoüýthiü-oüthaýthe a. Mazhoüý uhoüýge \tr white man / the «ob.» / breast / the «ob.» / he hit repeatedly. / Why / do do you make me foolish / ? / Land / end \rf jod 1890:435.16 \op ke gashiýbe zhiüýga thagthiüý. Wiýebthiüý goüý niýkashiügathaýkithe shniüý tateý. \tr the / out of it / a little / you sit. / It is I / as / you make yourself a man / you shall be. \rf jod 1890:435.17 \op Waniüýta ewaýzhiü zhuýt'oü agthaýte koüýbtha, goüý uaýgine moübthiüý, ai Te-soüý akaý. \tr Animal / of its own accord / grows / I eat mine / I wish, / so / I seek mine / I walk, / said / @{Te-soüý} / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:435.18 \op Eýgoüzha, shoüý ubthiý'age, ai (waýxe akaý). Iýe te oüýthana'oüýzhi, shoüý aýkihoü hneý \tr Nevertheless, / still / I am unwilling, / said / (white man / the). / Speech / the / me you do not listen to, / yet / beyond / you go \rf jod 1890:435.19 \op kiýzhi, oükiýkina tateý ha, ai waýxe akaý. Aýkihoü btheý taý miüke. Oüthaýkina teý. \tr if, / we fight / shall / , / said / white man / the «sub.». / Beyond / I go / will / I who. / You may fight me. \rf jod 1890:435.20 \op Mazhoüý ke wiwiýta goüý, btheý taa miüke, ai. Oüýhoü, ai, gasaýni hneý kiýzhi, \tr Land / the / mine / as, / I go / will / I who, / he said. / Yes, / said he, / to-morrow / you go / if, \rf jod 1890:436.1 \op witoüýbe shubtheý taý miüke ha, ai waýxe akaý. Waýxe-zhiüýga koüýhaha gaýthoü \tr I see you / I go to you / will / I who / , / said / white man / the «sub.». / Young white people / neighboring ones / that class \rf jod 1890:436.2 \op utheýwiüawaýthe-de, zhuaýwagthe shubtheý taý miüke, ai waýxe akaý. Hoüýegoüýte \tr I collect them when, / I with them / I go to you / will / I who, / said / white man / the. / Morning \rf jod 1890:436.3 \op wahoüýi eýgoü, 'aýbae u'eýtha goüý, oügaýthai eýgoü, thaýbthiü zhuaýwagthe. Waýxe amaý \tr they removed / as, / hunting / scattered / as, / we went / as, / three / I with them. / White man / the \rf jod 1890:436.4 \op gtheýba-duýba-xti eýgoü ahiýi eýgoü, waýnase nazhiüýi. Goüýi. Shetoüý noüshtoüýi-ga, \tr forty about / arrived / as, / heading us off / they stood. / They did so. / That far / stop moving, \rf jod 1890:436.5 \op ai. Shoüý oügaýthai ki, ku'eý a-iýi eýgoü, wahuýtoüthiü ke waýkii. Oüguýthi'agaiý-de \tr they said. / Yet / we went / when, / with a rush / they approached / as, / gun / the «ob.» / they tried to get from us. / We were unwilling, when \rf jod 1890:436.6 \op wakiýdai: Ku! ku! ku! Oügaýgthai eýgoü, ushteý keýta waýthiü ahiýi. Thaý-bazhiýi-ga. \tr they shot at us: / Koo! / koo! / koo! / We went homeward / as, / remaining / to the / having us / they reached. / Do not go. \rf jod 1890:436.7 \op Hnaiý ki, wikiýde taiý miüke. Uthoüýda thoü oüguýnazhiüi; eýkipa weýnazhiüi waýxe \tr Ye go / if, / I shoot at you / will / I who. / Island / the / we stood in it; / stood surrounding us / white man \rf jod 1890:436.8 \op amaý. Wathaýkide hniýshtoüi, ai. Oüýka-oüýthiü-baýzhi ha, weýzhai waýxe amaý. \tr the «sub.». / You shot at us / you finished, / he said. / We are not so / , / doubted their word / white man / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:436.9 \op Oüthaýkide hniýshtoüi goüý, shoüý btheý taý miüke, ai. Mazhoüý wiwiýta uaýgiha \tr You have finished shooting at me / as, / at any rate / I go / will / I who, / said he. / Land / my / I follow my own \rf jod 1890:436.10 \op moübthiüý, ai. 'Aýbae moübthiüý. Eaýtoü azhoüýi a. Iüýthikoüýi-ga. Shubtheý taý \tr I walk, / said he. / Hunting / I walk. / Why / do you act so / ? / Make ye room for me. / I go to you / will \rf jod 1890:436.11 \op miüke, ai. Aýthahushiýge, wikiýde teýiüke, ai. Hau! eýgizhoü shkoüýhna ki, \tr I who, / said he. / You speak saucily, / I shoot at you / will, / he said. / Ho! / you do that / you wish / if, \rf jod 1890:436.12 \op eýgoü-ga, ai Umoüýhoü amaý. Athaiý ki, waýxe amaý weýthikoüi. Paheý ke \tr do it, / said / Omahas / the «sub.». / They went / when, / white men / the «sub.» / made way for them. / Hill / the \rf jod 1890:436.13 \op oüýgahe oügaýthai goüý pamuý oügaýthai. Watiýshka ke oügaýhii. Watiýshka ke \tr we went over / we went / and / down-hill / we went. / Stream / the / we reached. / Stream / the \rf jod 1890:436.14 \op ugthiüý uýdoü; eýdi oüguýgthiüi. \tr to sit in / good; / there / we sat in. \rf jod 1890:436.15 \op Eýgithe waýxe amaý eýthoübe atiýi, heýga-baýzhi, gtheýbahiýwiü-noüýba-xti-eýgoü. \tr At length / white man / the «sub.» / in sight / came, / a great many, / hundred two about. \rf jod 1890:436.16 \op Oüguý gtheýba-thaýbthiü-xchi oüýthiü. Watiýshka ke uspeý oüguýgthiüi; niý koüýhaxchi \tr We / thirty just / we were. / Stream / the / sunken place / we sat in; / water / on the very bank \rf jod 1890:436.17 \op ke oügthiüýi. Wanaýshe-zhiüýga eheý thiü eýthoübe hiý. Wadoüýbe. Goüý iýthoü \tr the / we sat. / Young-soldier / I said / the one who / in sight / arrived. / He looked at them. / He did &so suddenly \rf jod 1890:436.18 \op kiýzhi, aý ke 'eýthoüthai. T'eýoüthai hau, aiý. Daýdoü baskiýthe! t'eýoüthextioüýi, ai. \tr when, / arm / the «ob.» / he was hit on. / They have killed me / ! / he said. / What / angry! / they have really killed me, / he said, \rf jod 1890:436.19 \op Ahauý! aiý. Keý! shoüý wiýoünaxiýtha taiý, ai. Bthuýga oünaýzhiüi, oüguýgtha'aiý. Eýgazeýze \tr Oho! / they said. / Come! / at any rate / we dash on them / will, / they said. / All / we stood, / we gave the scalp-yell. / In a row \rf jod 1890:436.20 \op zeýze goüý wiýoünaxiýtha oügaýthai. Waýxe-ma oüwoüýbaazaiý. Shoüýge aýgthiü waýxe \tr so / we dashed on them / we went. / The white men / we scared them off. / Horse / sat on / white men \rf jod 1890:436.21 \op bthuýga: Umoüýhoü wiüaýxchi shoüýge aýgthiü, Aýgaha-moüýthiü. Iýgadize-hnoüý-biamaý. \tr all: / Omaha / just one / horse / sat on, / @{Aýgaha-moüýthiü}. / He rode round and round, they say. \rf jod 1890:437.1 \op Weýgoüze moüthiüý: Waýxe-ma muýwashnoü gaxaýi-ga. Wedaýzhi-hnoü thishiýbai-ga, \tr Instructing us / he walked: / The white men / missing them in shooting / make ye. / Elsewhere, always / discharge ye «the guns», \rf jod 1890:437.2 \op ai. Eýgithe shi Umoüýhoü akaý waýnasai ha. Hau! keý, noüshtoüýi-ga. Shoüýoügaýxe \tr he said. / At length / again / Omahas / the «sub.» / headed them off / . / Ho! / come, / stop going. / Let us cease, \rf jod 1890:437.3 \op taiý, ai Aýgaha-moüýthiü akaý. Waýxe-ma oüýguwoükiýzhii; wiüeýshte oügthiýkena-baýzhi \tr said / @{Aýgaha-moüýthiü} / the «sub.». / The white men / we have them for near relations; / even one / we do not injure our own \rf jod 1890:437.4 \op te uýdoü ha, ai. Oügaýgthai. Wa'uý-madi oügaýkii. Keý! oügaýthe taiý, \tr the / good / , / said he. / We went homeward. / To the women / we came home. / Come! / let us go, \rf jod 1890:437.5 \op ai. Oügaýthai. Goüý a-iýti oüthiüý hau. Hau. Taýxti ke heýgashtewoü-baýzhi, t'oüý \tr they said. / We went. / And / approaching and camping / we were / / «paragraph» / Deer / the / a great many, / abundant \rf jod 1890:437.6 \op chaýbai. Taýxti ke oüýb ithaýugthe wakiýde moüthiüýi, taýxti-ma keaýxpagtha. Paýze \tr very. / Deer / the / day / throughout / shooting at them / they walked, / the deer / moved in and out among themselves. / Evening \rf jod 1890:437.7 \op miüý itheý ki, akiýi. Niýashiüga wiüaýxchi akaý saýtoü shte t'eýwathaiý, duýba shte t'eýwathaiý, \tr sun / had gone / when, / they got back. / Man / one / the «sub.» / five / even / he killed them, / four / even / he killed them, \rf jod 1890:437.8 \op thaýbthiü shteý t'eýwathaiý, noübaý shte t'eýwathaiý, uýzhawa heýga-baýzhi. Gasaýni mazhoüý \tr three / even / he killed them, / two / even / he killed them, / pleasure / not a little. / To-morrow / land \rf jod 1890:437.9 \op gaýthu thoüýdi oütiý taiý, ai. Ki eýgasaýni ki, shi eýgoüxti oümoüýthiüi, heýgazhi t'eoüýwoüthaiý. \tr that place / at the / we will camp, / said they. / And / the next day / when, / again / just so / we walked, / a great many / we killed them. \rf jod 1890:437.10 \op Gaxthoüý amaý a-iýtii, wachiýshka keýdshi shi oüguýtii; shi 'aýbae bthuýgaxti \tr those who were on the hunt / camped, / stream / by the / again / we camped in; / again / hunting / all \rf jod 1890:437.11 \op wa'iüý akiýi. Ediýhi, eýgithe, eýathaýtha taý amaý. Geýthishoü btheý taý miüke, ai \tr carrying them / reached home. / Then, / behold, / in different directions / will, / they said. / In that direction / I go / will / I who, / said \rf jod 1890:437.12 \op juýba. Ki wiý shti geýbthe ta) miüke, ai. Ki wiý shti gaýke uaýha taý miüke, \tr some. / And / I / too / I go by that course / will / I who, / said «one». / And / I / too / that «stream?» / I go along it / will / I who, \rf jod 1890:437.13 \op ai. Thaýbthiühoü eýathaýtha oügaýthai; uthiýzoü teýdi ueýhe. A-iýti oüthiüý eýgoü, taýxti \tr said «one». / In three parties / in different directions / we went; / middle / to the / I joined. / Approaching and camping / we were / as, / deer \rf jod 1890:437.14 \op ke heýgashtewoüýzhi shi t'eoüýwoüthaiý. Shi oügaýgthai eýgoü, aýkihoü a-iýti oüthiüý. \tr the / a great many / again / we killed them. / Again / we went homeward / as, / beyond / approaching and camping / we were. \rf jod 1890:437.15 \op Hoüý ki 'aýbae amaý agthiýi. Niýkashiüga noüýba edediý ameýde Shaoüý amaý, ai. \tr Night / when / they who hunted / came home. / Man / two / there / they were, but / Dakotas / they were, / said they. \rf jod 1890:437.16 \op Uaýwakiýa-maýzhi, eý shti oüwoüýkia-baýzhi. Wuhuý! uýwathakieý etaiý kiýzhi. Gasaýni \tr I did not talk to them, / they / too / did not talk to me. / Surprising! / you should have talked to them. / To-morrow \rf jod 1890:437.17 \op washtoüýbai kiýzhi, noübeý uýthoü-ba uýwakiaýi-ga, ai. Eýgithe shi hoüý te akiýi. \tr you see them / if, / hand / you hold and / talk ye to them, / said «one». / At length / again / night / when / they reached home. \rf jod 1890:437.18 \op Shaoüý amaý thiügaiý. Oüwoüýdoüba-baýzhi, oüwoüýwataýthishoü ugaýshoü athaiý eýiüte, ai. \tr Dakotas / the «sub.» / there were none. / We did not see them, / in what direction / traveling / they may have gone, / said they. \rf jod 1890:437.19 \op Gasaýni shi washtoüýbai ki, iüýtoü uýwakieýgoüi-ga, ai. Oüzhoüýi. Goüýki Shaoüý \tr To-morrow / again / you see them / if, / now / do talk to them, / said «one». / We slept. / And / Dakotas \rf jod 1890:438.1 \op tiýi duýbai te. Hoüý teýdi gtheýwakithaiý te, wa'uý amaý oüýhai. Goüýki nuý amaý \tr tent / were four. / Night / when / they sent them homeward, / woman / the «pl. sub.» / fled. / And / man / the «pl. sub.» \rf jod 1890:438.2 \op siýoütheý wagthaýde a-iýi te, oüguý. Goüý wachiýshka zhiüýga oüguýtii ke hiýdeata \tr alone / creeping up to us / they were coming, / us. / And / stream / small / we camped in / the / down-stream \rf jod 1890:438.3 \op shoüýge-ma theýoüwoüthaiý. Uýwathishoüýi te Shaoüý amaý, shoüýge-ma uýnai te. Eýgithe \tr the horses «ob.» / we sent them. / Went around us / Dakotas / the «sub.» / the horses «ob.» / sought them / when. / At length \rf jod 1890:438.4 \op shoüýge-ma weýthai te. Weýthai eýgoü, goüýki waýthiü agthaiý te. Oüthoüýgipahoübazhiýxti \tr the horses «ob.» / they found them. / They found them / as, / after a while / having them / they went homeward. / We did not know at all about our own \rf jod 1890:438.5 \op eýgoü, shi 'aýbae oügaýthai; taýxti-ma oüwoüýkidaiý. Paýze hiý eýgoü, \tr as, / again / hunting / we went; / the deer / we shot at them. / Evening / arrived / as, \rf jod 1890:438.6 \op oügaýgthai ki, eýgithe, shiüýgazhiüýga, wa'uý edaýbe, paheý theýgegoü geýdi aýnazhiüi, xageý \tr we went homeward / when, / behold, / child, / woman / also, / hill / like these / on them / stood on, / crying \rf jod 1890:438.7 \op za'eýxti amaý. Eaýtoü aýdoü. Shoüýge bthuýgaxti waýthiü aýkiaýgthai thoü+, ai te. \tr they made a great uproar / they say. / Wherefore / ? / Horse / all / having them / they have gone again / «past sign ?» / they said. \rf jod 1890:438.8 \op Xe-iý! waýthizhu-baýzhi heýga-baýzhi, ai. Goüý weýtha-bazhi goüý oügthiüý oüýgathiüý. Ahauý! \tr Alas! / they have injured us / not a little, / said «they». / And / we sad / so / we sat / we who moved. / Oho! \rf jod 1890:438.9 \op ai. Goüý xaýtha oügaýgthe taiý. Oüwoüýhoü taiý. Oüwoüýhoüi eýgoü, bthuýgaxti \tr said «one». / And / back again / let us go homeward. / Let us remove the camp. / We removed / as, / all \rf jod 1890:438.10 \op oüwoüý'iü'iüýi, wa'uý, shiüýgazhiüýga, noüý-ma shti, bthuýga. Goüý oügaýgthai eýgoü, \tr we carried little packs, / woman, / child, / the grown ones / too, / all. / And / we went homeward / as, \rf jod 1890:438.11 \op wachiýshka Zoüdeý-buýta eý akiýti oüthiüý. Oüzhoüýi eýgoü oüýba. Uthuýdoüdoübeýgoüi-ga, \tr stream / @{Zoüdeý-buýta} / that / we returned to and camped / we were. / We slept / as / day. / Do consider ye it a little, \rf jod 1890:438.12 \op ai. Ahauý! eheý, niýkashiüga thizhuýbazhi kiýdzhi, eýgoüweý'oü goüýthawaýthe ebtheýgoü. \tr said «one». / Oho! / I said, / man / injures one / when, / to do so in return / desirable / I think. \rf jod 1890:438.13 \op Niýkashiüga ukeýthiü shkoüý eaýwakigoüýi, noübeý 'oüý wakiýde, shoüý wathiýtoü ge 'oüý \tr Indian / habits / they are like us, / hand / how / to shoot, / indeed / work / the «pl. ob.» / how \rf jod 1890:438.14 \op shkoüý geý shtewoüý. Ugaýhanapaýze wagthaýde, shoüýge weýnashai te eý shti eýgoü \tr habits / the «pl. ob.» / soever. / Darkness / to crawl up to them, / horse / snatching from them / the «act» / that / too / so \rf jod 1890:438.15 \op oüthoüýbahoüýi, ebtheýgoü. Oüthiýpii, ebtheýgoü. Oüthiýxe taiteý, eheý. Sigtheý ke \tr we know, / I think. / We do it well, / I think. / We chase / shall, / I said. / Trail / the \rf jod 1890:438.16 \op oüthoüýguhe taiteý, eheý. Waxuýbe uaýhoü taý miüke, eheý, wiý. \tr we follow it / shall, / I said. / Sacred thing / I cook / will / I who, / I said, / I. \rf jod 1890:438.17 \op Hau. Waxuýbe uaýhoü. Niýkashiüga utheýwiüawaýthe. Shoüý tanuýka taýxti uaýhoü; \tr «paragraph» / Sacred thing / I cooked. / Man / I collected them. / And / fresh meat / deer / I cooked; \rf jod 1890:438.18 \op tanuýka te moüýzeska noüýba iýgaxe eý-hnoü uaýhoü. Neýxe te moüýzeska saýtoü. \tr fresh meat / the / silver / two / valued at / that only / I cooked. / kettle / the / silver / five. \rf jod 1890:438.19 \op Wat'oüý, waiýiü zhiýde, waiýiü tuý, haxuýde saýbe, unaýzhiü btheýka uýgaxe noüýba, bthiýze; \tr Goods, / blanket / red, / blanket / green, / robe / black, / shirt / thin / figured / two, / I took; \rf jod 1890:438.20 \op akiýtha wiüý bthuýga ki eýdi masaýni paýxe: uthuýshiata iteýathe. Theý weýku-ma, \tr both / one / round «one» / and / on it / half a dollar / I made it; / in the middle / I placed them. / This / those who were invited, \rf jod 1890:438.21 \op Hau! theýte wiýoübthai, eheý. Niýkashiüga gaýthiü waýthizhuaýzhi thiüý uaýne taý miüke. \tr Ho! / this pile / I abandon to you, / I said. / Person / that one / he who did wrong / I seek him / will / I who. \rf jod 1890:439.1 \op Awaýshkoü moübthiüý tateý. Wazhiüý thithiýta oüthaý'i taiý, wiýbthiüwiü, eheý. Hau! ai, \tr I make an effort / I walk / shall. / Disposition / your / you give me / will, / I buy it from you, / I said. / Ho! / said they, \rf jod 1890:439.2 \op oüthiý'i toüýgatoü thoüýzha, wathaýshkoü teý, iüthiüýgai. Iüýbehiü thizaiý-de uthuýshiata \tr we give it to you / we will / though, / you do your best / will, / they said that to me. / Pillow / they took when / in the middle \rf jod 1890:439.3 \op iheýthai. Peýxe noüýba edaýbe iüthiýxuka toüýgatoü. Hniüýwiü eýgoü, oüthiý'i toüýgatoü, \tr they laid it. / Gourd / two / also / we sing for you to dance / we will. / You buy it / as, / we give it to you / we will, \rf jod 1890:439.4 \op ai. Hneý tateý thoüýzha, uýshkoü athiý'oü te eýgoütheý'oü thagthiý tateý, ai. Wa'oüý \tr said they. / You go / shall / though, / deed / is done to you / the / you do so to him / you have come home / shall, / said they. / Singing \rf jod 1890:439.5 \op gthiüýi, peýxe gasaýthui te, iüýbehiü aýmoütiü gthiüýi. Hoüý te sneýdegoü, shoüýxti \tr they sat, / gourd / they rattled, / pillow / beating it against / they sat. / Night / the / long, as, / they beat \rf jod 1890:439.6 \op gaoüýbai. Goüý nudoüý zhuýawaýgthe goüýtha-ma noütaiý bthuýga. Wiý t'eýathe taý \tr even till day. / And / to war / I with them / they who wished / they danced / all. / I / I kill him / will \rf jod 1890:439.7 \op miüke, ai. Wiý ubthoüý taý miüke, ai. Wiý uý thiügeýxti ubthoüý taý miüke, ai. \tr I who, / said «one». / I / I take hold of / will / I who, / said «another». / I / wound / none at all / I take hold of / will / I who, / said «a third». \rf jod 1890:439.8 \op Shoüýge eweýnashe taý miüke, ai. Hau. Oüýba. Goüý oü'iýi eýgoü, wiý shti eýathaýtha \tr Horse / I steal from them / will / I who, / said «a fourth». / «paragraph» / Day. / And / they gave to me / as, / I / too / in different directions \rf jod 1890:439.9 \op awaý'i. Wathiýxabe ahniüý hneý te, wabaýxte ahniüý hneý te (ithaýthisoüde zhuýgthe-hnoüýi). \tr I gave. / Sacred bag / you have it / you go / will, / bundle / you have it / you go / will / (what is fastened securely to it / with it, regularly). \rf jod 1890:439.10 \op Ugaýhanapaýze kimoüýgthoü athaiý, wiüýthoüthoüýxchi iýkinaýxthe ubeýsniü \tr Darkness / stealing himself / went, / just one by one / hiding himself / to find him out \rf jod 1890:439.11 \op thiügeýxchi goüý atheý-hnoüi. Hoüýadi nudoüý athaý-bikeamaý, ai. Gashiýbe a-iýzhoüi. \tr there is no one at all / so / they were going. / Last night / to war / they went, it is said, / they said. / Outside of / they approached and lay down. \rf jod 1890:439.12 \op Hau! niýkawasoüý, wadoüýbe moüthiüýi-ga, eheý. Weýgoüze wiüý a-iýzhoü-hnoüýi \tr Ho! / warrior, / to see / walk ye, / I said. / Measure / one / they usually approach and lie down \rf jod 1890:439.13 \op hoüý wadoüýbe amaý. Hau! niýkawasoüý, atoüý thazhoüýtithiýthiüge ki, giýi-ga ha, \tr night / scout / the «pl. sub.». / Ho! / warrior, / when / you are sleepy / if, / come back / , \rf jod 1890:439.14 \op eheý. * * * Wazhiüýga-zhiýde huýtoü eýtoü teýdi, Paýhoüi-ga! paýhoüi-ga! eheý. Paýhoü \tr I said. / * * * Small bird red / cried / at that time / then, / Arise ye! / arise ye! / I said. / Arising \rf jod 1890:439.15 \op aýtiaýthai te woüýgithe. * * * Eýgasaýni ki, wadoüýbe amaý sabaýzhixchi agthiýi. Agiýi \tr they started up / all. / * * * The next day / when, / scouts / the «sub.» / very suddenly / came back. / They were coming \rf jod 1890:439.16 \op kiýzhi, nudoüýhoüga noüýba kiýbaxtha athaiý. Nuýdoühoügaý, wachiýshka theý geýthishoü \tr when, / war-chief / two / fact to face / went. / O war-chief, / stream / this / that side \rf jod 1890:439.17 \op ke iüýchoüxchi waýthiü agthaiý ke. Unoüýsude teýga gthagthaý. (Shoüýge zhaýzha moüthiüý \tr the / just now / having them / they went homeward. / Bare spots were made in by treading / new / suddenly and frequently. / (Horse / dunging often / walked \rf jod 1890:439.18 \op ke, eý wakaiý.) Soüý itaýta-xti agthaiý ke. Hau! niýkawasoüý, keý, oüdoüýbe taiý. \tr the, / that / they meant.) / White afar off / in many clusters, here and there / they went back. / Ho! / warriors, / come, / let us see. \rf jod 1890:439.19 \op Eýdi athaiý. Eýdi ahiýi. Theýe ha, ai. Hau! niýkawasoüý, eýe ha. Wioüýguhe \tr There / they went. / There / they arrived. / This is it / , / «he» said. / Ho! / warriors, / it is that / . / We follow them \rf jod 1890:439.20 \op taiý, ai. Wiuýhai. Wiuýhe shoüý moüthiüý oüýba t ithaýugthe. Eýgithe miüý th \tr will, / said «he». / They followed them. / Following them / still / walked / day / the / throughout. / At length / sun / the \rf jod 1890:440.1 \op itheýxchi ki, akiýtii ke. Eýgithe, shoüýge-ma waýthiü akiýi te. Tiýi ke duýba. Hoüý \tr had gone very / when, / they reached there again and camped. / Behold, / the horses / having them / they had reached there. / Lodges / the / four. / Night \rf jod 1890:440.2 \op ki oüzhoüýi, ki eýgasaýni oüwoüýthixai. Uzhoüýge ke oüguýha oümoüýthiüi thoüýzha, \tr when / we slept, / and / the next day / we chased them. / Road / the / we followed it / we walked / though, \rf jod 1890:440.3 \op oüýguxtha-baýzhi; shi hebaýdi oüzhoüýi. Shi eýgasaýni oüwoüýthixe oügaýthai. Shi oüýguxtha-baýzhi; \tr we did not overtake them; / again / on the way / we slept. / Again / the next day / we pursued them / we went. / Again / we did not overtake them; \rf jod 1890:440.4 \op hebaýdi oüzhoüýi. Oüýba duýba oüwoüýthixai; oüýba wiüdeýtoühe, miüýthumoüýshi \tr on the way / we slept. / Day / four / we pursued them; / day / half the length arrived, / noon \rf jod 1890:440.5 \op teýdi oünoüýshtoüi, uwaýzhethaxtioüýi. Oüwoüýthatai. Shi oüwoüýthixe oügaýthai. Eýgithe \tr at / we stopped going, / we were very tired. / We ate. / Again / we pursued them / we went. / At length \rf jod 1890:440.6 \op wachiýshka ke uzhaýta keýta oügaýhii ki, sigtheý ke uzhaýta bashoüýshoü ke uhaý athaiý \tr stream / the / fork / at the / we arrived / when, / trail / the / fork / winding / the / following it / it had \rf jod 1890:440.7 \op ke ha. Ki wioüýganase tai-eýgoü, uzhaýta thuýtoü ke oüguýha oügaýthai. Pamuý \tr gone / . / And / we head them off / in order that, / fork / straight / the / we followed / we went. / Down-hill \rf jod 1890:440.8 \op oütoüýthiü oügaýthe-hnoüýi, ki uiýthoübe gishkoüýxti oümoüýthiü oügaýthe-hnoüýi, \tr we ran / we went always, / and / up-hill / very fast / we walked / we went always, \rf jod 1890:440.9 \op miüýthumoüshi hiýazhi teýdi. Eýgithe miüý thoü hideýxchi tediýhi oünoüýshtoüi. Noübaý \tr noon / arrived not / when. / At length / sun / the / bottom very / it arrived at the / we stopped going. / Two \rf jod 1890:440.10 \op wadoüýbe athaiý. Goüý-thoüka-zhiüýga ki, agiýi. Ugaýhanapaýze ediýhi ki, shi \tr to see / went. / They moved a little while / when, / they were coming back. / Darkness / it arrived there / when, / again \rf jod 1890:440.11 \op wachiýshka uzhaýta bashoüýshoü ke itaýxataýthishoü ke oügaýkii. Eýdi oügaýkii eýgoü, \tr stream / fork / winding / the / towards the head / the / we came to it again. / There / we reached it again / as, \rf jod 1890:440.12 \op wadoüýbe noüýba hiýdeata theýoüwoükithaiý. Athaiý eýgoü, eýgithe sabaýzhixti Shaoüý \tr scouts / two / down-stream / we sent them. / They went / as, / at length / very suddenly / Dakota \rf jod 1890:440.13 \op tiý shaýpenoüýba weýthai. Ki wadoüýbe amaý agiýi. Shaýgi! shaýgi! shaýgi! ai. \tr tent / twelve / they found them. / And / scouts / the «sub.» / were coming back. / There they are, coming gack! / there they are, coming back! / there they are, coming back! / said «some». \rf jod 1890:440.14 \op Oükiýoütha gthiýheoüýthai. Eýgithe wadoüýbe amaý agthiýi. Nuýdoühoügaý! weoüýthai. \tr We threw ourselves down to hide. / At length / scouts / the / had come. / O war-chief! / we found them. \rf jod 1890:440.15 \op Tiý shaýpenoüýba athaiý ke ha, ai. Wachiýshka ke uhaý oüwoüýha oügaýgii. Eýgithe \tr Tent / twelve / have gone / , / said they. / Stream / the / following it / we followed «their trail» / we were coming back. / At length \rf jod 1890:440.16 \op Shaoüý tiý shaýpenoüýba ke tiýi thoü eýdi oügaýkii, thi'uýdexti teýdi. Peýde te \tr Dakota / tent / twelve / the / had been pitched / the «past act» / there / we reached on our homeward way, / altogether deserted / when. / Fire / the \rf jod 1890:440.17 \op shetoüý zeýxchioüý. Hoüý heýbe oüýguxthe toüýgathiüý. \tr so far / very yellow. / Night / a part / we pursue them / we who will move. \rf jod 1890:440.18 \op Shaoüý amaý wachiýshka ke bas'iüý uhaiý, ki Shaoüý ushteý amaý shoüýge waýthiü \tr Dakotas / the «sub.» / stream / the / upside down / went along, / and / Dakotas / the rest / horse / had them \rf jod 1890:440.19 \op amaý waýkipai. Hoüý te wiüdeýtoüxtihiý ki, oüýguxthaiý. Hau! niýkawasoüý, iüsh'aýge \tr the ones who / met them. / Night / the / just reached half the distance / when, / we overtook them. / Ho! / warrior, / old man \rf jod 1890:440.20 \op mazhoüý weýthazhiüýgai eýzhoümiüý ha. Hau! niýkawasoüý, hoüý heýbe oüýguxthe taiý. \tr land / they speak slightingly of us / I suspect / . / Ho! / warrior, / night / a part of / let us overtake them. \rf jod 1890:441.1 \op Washkoüý egoüýi-ga. Thikoüý, thitiýgoü edaýbe, uthiýgihita-baýzhi eýzhoümiüý ha. Atoüýhiü \tr Do your best. / Your grandmothers, / your grandfathers / also, / they are yearning for you, their own, / I suspect / . / At last \rf jod 1890:441.2 \op ki, eýthoübe gthiý eteýdoü, ethiýgigaiý eýzhoümiüý ha. Tiýadiýtoü aýtha'oü thaýthiüsheý iüte. \tr when, / in sight / he has come / apt? / they say that about you / I suspect / . / From the lodge / what luck have you / you are moving / ? \rf jod 1890:441.3 \op Uzhoüýge ke oüthiýxe oümoüýthiüi. Wadoüýbe amaý aýiaýthai ki iýtha-baýzhi agthiiý. Sheýtoü \tr Road / the / we pursued / we walked. / Scouts / the «sub.» / had gone / when / not finding «any one» / had come back. / So far \rf jod 1890:441.4 \op oüýguxtha-baýzhi, ai. Wachiýshka zhiüýga gaýxa ediý te oüthiýtai ki, masaýni oügaýhii \tr we have not overtaken them, / said they. / Stream / small / «going» aside / there / the / we forded / when, / the other side / we reached \rf jod 1890:441.5 \op ki, nudoüýhoüga wiüý, Niniý aiüý taý miüke, niýkawasoüý, ai. Aýgaha-moüýthiü \tr when, / war-chief / one, / Tobacco / I use / will / I who, / warrior, / he said. / @{Aýgaha-moüýthiü} \rf jod 1890:441.6 \op akeýi ha. Hiübeý oüguýgitoü oügthiüýi. Hiübeý utoüý thikuýkuthaýi-ga, ai Aýgaha-moüýthiü \tr it was he / . / Moccasin / we put on our moccasins / we sat. / Moccasin / to put on moccasins / pull them on hastily, / said / @{Aýgaha-moüýthiü} \rf jod 1890:441.7 \op akaý. Hau! niýkawasoüý, niniý zhiüý hniýshtoüi ki, shiý taiý. Wiý watoüýbe \tr the «sub.». / Ho! / warrior, / tobacco / you use / you finish / when, / you reach there / will. / I / I see them \rf jod 1890:441.8 \op btheý, eheý. Uzhoüýge ke uaýha moübthiüý. Atoüýtoübthiü moübthiüý. Xthabeý ke \tr I go, / I said. / Road / the / I followed it / I walked. / I ran a little, now and then / I walked. / Tree / the «line of» \rf jod 1890:441.9 \op ugaýshabe zhoüý. Koüýgexchi piý ki, shoüýge-ma uzhoüýge ke uhaý thutiýi eýgoü, \tr making a distant shadow / lay. / Very near / I arrived / when, / the horses / road / the / following it / had come this way / as, \rf jod 1890:441.10 \op waýpasi eýgoü, waýbthiü piý. Umoüýhoü shoüýge etaiý-ma wiýxti awaýgthize. \tr I drove them along / as, / I had them / I was coming back. / Omahas / horses / their «pl. ob.» / I myself / I seized our own again. \rf jod 1890:441.11 \op Waýpasi agtheý goüý theý gthiüý thoükaý koüýgexchi waýbthiü piý ki, shkoüýazhi ithoüýawaýthe. \tr I drove them along / I went back / so / this / sitting / those who were / very near / I had them / I was coming back / when, / not stirring / I placed them. \rf jod 1890:441.12 \op Eýta agtheý. Atoüýtoübthiüý. Theý gthiüý thoükaýta awaýtape agtheý. Sheýtoü \tr Thither / I went back. / I ran a little, now and then. / This / sitting / to those who were / I, being near to them / I went back. / So far \rf jod 1890:441.13 \op sheýtheshtewoüýzhi; niniý goüý gthiüý amaý. Hau! niýkawasoüý, nudoüýhoüga edaýbe, \tr they had not stirred in the least; / tobacco / as they were / they were sitting. / Ho! / warrior, / war-chief / also, \rf jod 1890:441.14 \op sheýtheshtewoüýzhi thagthiüýi. Uzhoüýge ke niýkashiüýga juýba uhaý agiýi, eheý. Wa! \tr not stirring in the least / you sat. / Road / the / person / some / following it / are coming back, / I said. / Why! \rf jod 1890:441.15 \op niýkawasoüý, 'oüý eýiüte. Oüwoüýwataýthishoü shoüý oüýthiü taiý eýiüte, ai. Geýpe: \tr warrior, / what is the matter / can be? / In what direction / by and by / we are / will / can? / said they. / I said as follows: \rf jod 1890:441.16 \op Niýkawasoüý, nudoüýhoüga edaýbe, kaýshixti juýba waýbthiü agthiý, eheý. Haý! \tr Warrior, / war-chief / also, / a very long time ago / some / I had them / I came back, / I said. / Thanks! \rf jod 1890:441.17 \op nudoüýhoüga! haý! nudoüýhoüga! haý! nudoüýhoüga! ai. Oüýthistuýbai. \tr war-chief! / thanks! / war-chief! / said they. / They extended their hands towards me. \rf jod 1890:441.18 \op Sipaýhi oüniýa-maýzhi agthiý tateý aýtha, ai. Waýkoütoüýi-ga! waýkoütoüýi-ga! eheý. \tr Toes / not paining me / I come home / shall / indeed, / said «one». / Tie ye them! / tie ye them! / I said. \rf jod 1890:441.19 \op Haýzhiüga weýkoütoüýi eýgoü, iýki waýbaxtai. Hau! niýkawasoüý, theýthu woüýgithe \tr Cord / they tied them with / as, / chin / they tied them. / Ho! / warrior, / here / all \rf jod 1890:442.1 \op thiskiýe uýthoü gthiüýi-ga, eheý. Niýkawasoüý, nudoüýhoüga edaýbe, oüwoüýbesniüýshtewoü-baýzhi. \tr together / holding them / sit ye, / I said. / Warrior, / war-chief / also, / they found me out in the least not. \rf jod 1890:442.2 \op shtewoü-baýzhi. Pi oüýgi'oü taiý, eheý. Ushteý amaý wagaýxthoü amaý shoüýge-ma \tr Anew / let us do it to him, / I said. / The rest / servants / the «sub.» / the horses \rf jod 1890:442.3 \op wakoüýtoüi goüý shkoüýazhi uýthoü gthiüýi. Hau! nuýdoühoügaý, eýdi oügaýthe teý, eheý. \tr tied them / so / motionless / holding them / sat. / Ho! / O war-chief, / there / let us two go, / I said. \rf jod 1890:442.4 \op Eýdi oügaýthe, noüýba theýgoü. Ugaýhanapaýze, shoüý bamaýmaxe oügaýthai. \tr There / we went, / two / thus. / Darkness, / yet / bowing the head repeatedly / we went. \rf jod 1890:442.5 \op Eýgazeýze goüýxti tiý amaý. Nuýdoühoügaý, tiý uhoüýge aýma teýta hneý teý, eheý. \tr In a line / just so / they / camped. / O war-chief, / tent / end / the one / to the / you go / will, / I said. \rf jod 1890:442.6 \op Oühoüý, eýdi btheý taý miüke, ai. Thiý, aýwateýdi shneý ta, ai. Tiý uhoüýge aýma \tr Yes, / there / I go / will / I who, / said he. / You, / by which / you go / will? / said he. / Tent / end / the other \rf jod 1890:442.7 \op teýta btheý taý miüke, nuýdoühoügaý, eheý. 'Oüýxti shteýshtewoüý juýba waýbthiü agthiý \tr to the / I go / will / I who, / O war-chief, / I said. / Just how it happens / notwithstanding / some / I have them / I have come \rf jod 1890:442.8 \op taý miüke, eheý. Eýdi btheý. Eýgithe shoüýge-ma tizheýbexti ugaýshk ithoüýwathaiý amaý. \tr will / I who, / I said. / There / I went. / At length / the horses / «at» the very door / fastened / they had been placed. \rf jod 1890:442.9 \op Eýdi piý. Shoüýge amaý aýzhi oüwoüýthibthoüýi eýgoü, iýoühaiý. Maýhiü agthiýze goüý \tr There / I arrived. / Horse / the «pl. sub.» / different / they smelt me / as, / they fled for that reason. / Knife / I took my / so \rf jod 1890:442.10 \op weýkoütoü ge maýawaýsasa; waýpasi agtheý. Hau! niýkawasoüý, theýama shi juýba \tr lariat / the «ob.» / I cut them repeatedly; / I drove them / I went homeward. / Ho! / O warrior, / these / again / some \rf jod 1890:442.11 \op shi waýbthiü agthiý, eheý. Oüthistuýbai. Haý! nudoüýhoüga! haý! nudoüýhoüga! \tr again / I have them / I have come, / I said. / They extended their hands towards me. / Thanks! / war-chief! / thanks! / war-chief! \rf jod 1890:442.12 \op haý! nudoüýhoüga! nuýdoühoügaý, weýshnoüoüthaýgithe, ai. Hoüý wiüaýxchi te, \tr thanks! / war-chief! / O war-chief, / you cause us to be thankful, / said they. / Night / just one / when, \rf jod 1890:442.13 \op noüboüý waýbthize. Hau! Waýgthiüi-ga! waýgthiüi-ga! waýgthiüi-ga! eheý. Shoüýge-ma \tr twice / I took them. / Ho! / Sit on them! / sit on them! / sit on them! / I said. / The horses «ob.» \rf jod 1890:442.14 \op waýgazhaýd ithoüýthoüi. Shoüýge aýgthiü-baýzhi ameýdegoü uskoüýskaxti aýagazhaýde goüý \tr they straddled them / they did it suddenly. / Horse / not ridden / it was of that sort / directly «on it» / I straddled / so \rf jod 1890:442.15 \op aýagthiü goüý kigthiýzhemuxa goüý, oüýoüthaýxti itheýthai. Hau! niýkawasoüý, siüdeýhadi \tr I sat on it / so / kicking up his heels / so, / he threw me very far away. / Ho! / warrior, / at the tail \rf jod 1890:442.16 \op ithoüýthai-ga. Oügaýgthe taýbasheý, eheý. Shoüý thiýskieýxti oügaýgthai. Shoüý oünoüýoübaiý. \tr place him. / We go homeward / must, / I said. / And / all together / we went homeward. / We rode till day. \rf jod 1890:442.17 \op Gishkoüýxti oügthiüýi. Shoüýxti oünoüýmiüthumoüýshii. Ediýhi ki, oüoüýshtoüi. \tr Very rapidly / we sat. / We rode even till noon. / It arrived / when, / we stopped going. \rf jod 1890:442.18 \op Shkoüýazhithoüýi. Eýgasaýni ki, maý ke shkuýbe ha. Sniýte waýwakoüýdithaiý. \tr They were suddenly motionless. / The next day / when, / snow / the / deep / . / Feeling cold / we were impatient from. \rf jod 1890:442.19 \op Sniaýwatai, sniaýwatai! Neýthe uýdoü, ai. Shoüýge-ma weaýgthae. Theýtoü athiüý-ga, \tr We are cold, / We are cold! / To kindle a fire / good, / said they. / The horses / I divided among them. / This one / have thou, \rf jod 1890:442.20 \op eheý peýthabthiüýoü. Keý! shoüý oügaýgthe taiý. Gishkoüýxti oügthiüýi. Shoüýxti shi \tr I said / eight times. / Come! / still / let us go homeward. / Very rapidly / we sat. / Still, indeed / again \rf jod 1890:442.21 \op oünoüýhoüi. Shi oüzhoüý-bazhiýxti, shoüý oünoüýoübaiý. Shi gishkoüýxti oügthiüýi, shi \tr we rode till night. / Again / we slept not at all, / we rode till day. / Again / very rapidly / we sat, / again \rf jod 1890:443.1 \op shoüýxti oünoüýhoüi. Eýgasaýni miüý hiýdexchi hiý ki, oügaýkii; weýahideýxchi \tr we rode even till night. / The next day / sun / the very bottom / it reached / when, / we reached home; / a very great distance \rf jod 1890:443.2 \op oümoüýthiüi. Nudoüý amaý agthiý, huü+! Nudoüý amaý agthiý, huü+! Shoüýge \tr we walked. / Warrior / the «pl. sub.» / have come home, / halloo! / Warrior / the «pl. sub.» / have come home, / halloo! / Horse \rf jod 1890:443.3 \op waýthiü agthiý, huü+! ai athaýzhi amaý. Oügaýkii eýgoü, oüzhoüýi. \tr bringing them / they have come, / halloo! / siad they / those who had not gone. / We reached home / as, / we slept. \rf jod 1890:443.4 \op Eýgithe Shaoüý amaý shoüýge-ma waýgthixe atiýi. Wiüaýxchi wagthaýde a-iý. \tr At length / Dakotas / the «sub.» / the horses / pursuing their own / had come. / Just one / creeping up to us / was coming. \rf jod 1890:443.5 \op Toüýbe. Aýshi piý ki weaýthe; ugaýhanapaýze shoüý wathiýshna moüthiüý. Wigaýxthoü \tr I saw him. / Out of doors / I arrived / when / I found him; / darkness / yet / visible / he walked. / My wife \rf jod 1890:443.6 \op ueýbtha. Theýama Shaoüý wiüý atiý, eheý. Wahuýtoüthiü ke agthiýze eýde, Shaoüý oüwoübesniü \tr I told her. / These / Dakotas / one / has come, / I said. / Gun / the «ob.» / I took mine / but / Dakota / found me out \rf jod 1890:443.7 \op eýgoü bispeý-goü zhoüý, toüýde ke aýthaskaýbe. Noüstaýstapi agthaiý. Oüýba \tr as / crouching somewhat / lay, / ground / the / he stuck to. / Walking rapidly but softly / he went homeward. / Day \rf jod 1890:443.8 \op ki oüoüýhai, Wateý-uzhiüýga kediýtoü. Hiýdeata oüoüýhai. Uhnuýshka wiüý oügaýhii \tr when / we fled, / Little Sioux River, the smaller / from the. / Down-stream / we fled. / Valley / one / we reached \rf jod 1890:443.9 \op eýgoü, a-iýti oüthiüý. Hoüý ki, ugaýhanapaýze ha. Eýgithe Shaoüý amaý uwaýxthai, \tr as, / we were approaching it and camping. / Night / when, / darkness / . / At length / Dakotas / the «sub.» / overtook us, \rf jod 1890:443.10 \op heýgazhi. Oüguý dzhuýba oüthiüý. Baxuý keýdi Shaoüý wiüý ugaýs'iüi te. Goüýki waýxe \tr not a few. / We / few / we were. / Sharp, thin peak / at the / Dakota / one / he peeped. / And / white man \rf jod 1890:443.11 \op wiüý edediý-akaý. Eý iýmaxai te. Umoüýhoü shniüý a, aiý te waýxw akaý. Oüýkamaýzhi, \tr one / he was «living» there. / He / questioned him. / Omahas / you are / ? / said / white man / the «sub.». / I am not so, \rf jod 1890:443.12 \op Shaoüý bthiüý, aiý te. Ki waýxe noüýba pamuý a-iýi eýgoü, wadoüýbe atiýi te. \tr Dakota / I am, / he said. / And / white man / two / down-hill / they were coming / as, / to see us / they came. \rf jod 1890:443.13 \op Gaiý te waýxe akaý: Umoüýhoü shniüýi. Shaoüý amaý edediý-amaý thoüýzha, aýxtoü uýdoü \tr Said as follows / white man / the «sub.»: / Omahas / you are. / Dakotas / the «sub.» / they are there / though, / how possible / good \rf jod 1890:443.14 \op thiýgiaýxe taýba, aiý te. Umoüýhoü iýe te thapiý-baýzhi thoüýzha, shoüý uaýwagithaiý te. \tr they do to you / should? / said they. / Omaha / speech / the / they did not speak well / though, / yet / they told it to us. \rf jod 1890:443.15 \op Shaoüý iüwiüýoühoüýgathiüýi. Shaoüý uýthai eýgoü, shoüýge ugaýshk ithoüýwathe uýdoü, \tr Dakotas / we were fleeing from them. / Dakotas / they told of them / as, / horse / fastened / to place them / good, \rf jod 1890:443.16 \op ai. Eýgithe Shaoüý amaý weaýnaxiýthai. Shoüýge-ma weýnashe goüýthai te. Niaýtha \tr said «some». / At length / Dakotas / the «sub.» / attacked us. / The horses / to take them from us / they desired. / At random \rf jod 1890:443.17 \op oüthiýshibai. Shaoüý-ma oüwoüýbaazai, ki shoüýge-ma woüýgagthaýthiüi te. Eýdi eýgoüxti \tr we fired. / The Dakotas «ob.» / we scared them off, / and / the horses «ob.» / we had our own. / Forth-with \rf jod 1890:443.18 \op Shaoüý iüwiüýoühoüýgathiüýi. Hiýdeata oüoüýhe oügaýthai. Shoüýxti hoüý \tr Dakotas / we were fleeing from them. / Down-stream / we fled / we went. / Right along / night \rf jod 1890:443.19 \op oüthoüýmoüthiü oügaýthai. Maý'a-uhoüýge keýta oügaýhii. Moüdeý-ha oügaýxai eýgoü, \tr we walked by / we went. / End of the cotton-woods / at the / we arrived. / Skin-boat / we made / as, \rf jod 1890:443.20 \op Nishuýde ke niwoüýgathiýte oügaýgthai. Shaoüý wathiýxe amaý gtheýba-thaýbthiü ki eýdi \tr Missouri River / the / we crossed in boats / we went homeward. / Dakotas / pursuers / the «sub.» / thirty / and / on it \rf jod 1890:443.21 \op shaýpe itaýxata agthaiý eýgoü aýpathage toüýga wiüý eýdi akiýi te. Ki Umoüýhoü \tr six / to the head of the stream / went homeward / as / headland / large / one / there / they reached it again. / And / Omahas \rf jod 1890:444.1 \op juýba, taýxti uýne moüthiüý-ma thoüý, xeýki keýdi gthiüý akaýma. Ki Umoüýhoü \tr some, / deer / hunting them / those who had walked, / foot of the bluff / at the / were sitting, they say. / And / Omahas \rf jod 1890:444.2 \op amaý ushteý amaý eshoüý gthiüýi te weýgipahoü-bazhiý-biamaý taýxti uýne moüthiüý amaý \tr the «sub.» / the rest / near there / sat / the / knew not about their own, they say / deer / hunting them / walked / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:444.3 \op theýamaý. Shaoüý amaý baxuý keýdi ugaýs'iü-biamaý. Eýgithe Umoüýhoü noüýba \tr these. / Dakotas / the «sub.» / peak / at the / peeped, they say. / At length / Omahas / two \rf jod 1890:444.4 \op wachiýshka keýdi akiý-bi egoüý, moüdeý-ha gaxaý-bi egoüý, niwaýthite athaiý te. \tr stream / at the / reached again, they say / having, / skin-boat / made, they say / having, / to cross in the boat / they went. \rf jod 1890:444.5 \op Eýgithe Shaoüý amaý wakiýda-bi egoüý, akiýthaý t'eýwathaiý. Ushteý akaý akiýi, shiüýgazhiüýga, \tr At length / Dakotas / the «sub.» / shot at them, they say / having, / both / they killed them. / The rest / reached home, / child, \rf jod 1890:444.6 \op wa'uý edaýbe. Oüguý-oüýgatoü-taýtoü shoüýge aýgthiü wiüý a-iý. Pasaýniataýtoü uthaý \tr woman / also. / Us from us who stood / horse / sitting on / one / was coming. / From the other side / to tell \rf jod 1890:444.7 \op iýtha-biamaý. Noüýba waýxthi agthaiý, huü+! aý-biamaý. Sheý hoüýadi weaýnaxiýthai. \tr they sent «the voice» this way, they say. / Two / they killed them / they went homeward, / halloo! / said they, he said. / That / last night / we were attacked. \rf jod 1890:444.8 \op Wakiýdai. Hoüý oüthoüýmoüthiü, shoüýxti oünoüýoüba oügaýgthii, eý theýtha-biamaý. \tr They shot at us. / Night / we walked by, / we walked even till day / we have come back, / to say it / they sent «the voice», they say. \rf jod 1890:444.9 \op Waýxthi ke ebeý-hnoüi a, aý-biamaý (shoüýge aýgthiü akaý). Moüýshka-gaýxe gaxthiý \tr Killed / the / who only / ? / said, they say / (horse / sitting on / he who was). / @{Moüýshka-gaýxe} / they slew \rf jod 1890:444.10 \op agthaiý, nuýzhiüga zhuýgthe, ai. Shoüý oügaýgthe toüýgatoü hau. Moüdeý-ha oügaýxai \tr they went homeward, / boy / with him, / said they. / Yet / we go homeward / we who will / ! / Skin-boat / we make \rf jod 1890:444.11 \op eýde sheýtoü oükiýgthi'aiý. Itaýxataý-ma gaýama bthuýga shagtheý taý amaý, aý-biamaý. \tr but / so far / we have not finished for ourselves. / Those up the stream / those out of sight / all / they go homeward to you / will / they, / said they, they say. \rf jod 1890:444.12 \op Agiý 'ithaý-biamaý, eý uthaý akiý. Eýgithe xageý agiý aýtiaýgthai. Xageý agiýi ha, \tr Coming back / they spoke of, they say, / that / to tell it / he reached home. / At length / crying / coming back / they were doing it suddenly. / Crying / they are coming back / , \rf jod 1890:444.13 \op ai. Hoüýadi wakiýde-ma thoüý eý doüýshte uheý iýhe akiý eýde, wiüý t'eýawathaiý te, ai. \tr was said. / Last night / those who shot at us / they / perhaps / path / passing that way / they reached again / but / one / they killed «of» us, / said «some». \rf jod 1890:444.14 \op Hoüýadi weaýnaxiýthai amaý thoüý aýpathaýge te hideý keýdi gaxthiý agthaý-biamaý, ai. \tr Last night / they attacked us / the ones who did / headland / the / bottom / at the / killed him / went homeward, they say, / said he. \rf jod 1890:444.15 \op Thizhiüýge, Moüýshka-gaýxe, gaxthiý agthaý-biamaý, ai. Aýgaha-moüýthiü (akaý) iüwiüýthai. \tr Your son, / @{Moüýshka-gaýxe}, / killed him / went homeward, they say, / said he. / @{Aýgaha-moüýthiü} / (the «sub.») / told me. \rf jod 1890:444.16 \op Tiý ke bthuýgaxti agiý-biamaý. Tiý amaý bthuýgaxti shoügaýki toüýgathiü. Weýpai-ga, \tr Tent / the / all / are coming back, they say. / Tent / the «sub.» / all / we reach you at home / we will, as we move. / Wait for us, \rf jod 1890:444.17 \op aiý te niý masaýni nazhiüý amaý. Tiý amaý bthuýgaxti shakiý taý amaý. Weýpai-ga, \tr said / river / on the other side / those who stood. / Tent / the «sub.» / all / they will reach you at home. / Wait for us, \rf jod 1890:444.18 \op aý-biamaý uthaý agthiý akaý. Noübaý zhoüý ki, eýgithe tiý ke bthuýgaxti agthiýi. Nishuýde \tr they said, said he / to tell it / he who came back. / Two / sleep / when, / at length / tent / the / all / came back. / Missouri River \rf jod 1890:444.19 \op hideý keýta uhaý agthaiý. Waniýta bthuýgaxti 'iü moüthiüý-biamaý, uýzhawaýxti. \tr bottom «mouth» / to the / following it / they went homeward. / Animal / all / carrying / walked, they say, / a great abundance. \rf jod 1890:444.20 \op Kigthoüýxe heýgazhi t'oüýi tiý ke. Agthaiý eýgoü akiýi Mazhoüý moüthiüý-ti gaýxe \tr Bees / not a few / possessed / tents / the. / They went homeward / as / they reached home. / Land / earth-lodge / made \rf jod 1890:445.1 \op thoütaý akiýi. Akiýi eýgoü, uýzhawaxtioüýi. Niýkashiüga bthuýgaxti bateýte wachiýgaxaiý, \tr at the / they reached home. / They reached home / as, / a very pleasant time. / People / all / in bands / they danced, \rf jod 1890:445.2 \op Mawaýdoüthiü wachiýgaxaiý. Shoüýge toü abthiüý akiý toü aýagthiüý. Akiý'oü; \tr Mandan / they danced. / Horse / the «std.» / I had / I reached home / the «std. ob.» / I sat on him. / I painted myself; \rf jod 1890:445.3 \op waýthaha uýdoü aýbthaha. Neýxe-gakuý uaýtiü: Ku+! Waýxa-naýzhiü gaýtoü kigthiýze te \tr clothing / good / I wore. / Drum / I hit: / Koo-oo! / @{Waýxa-naýzhiü} / that one / let him take it for himself \rf jod 1890:445.4 \op ha, eheý. Thiügeýathe. Eýwathe etaý amaý oüýthistuýbai. Thiý waxpaýni noüýthapaýzhi. \tr . / I said. / I gave it to one not my relation. / He had them for relations / his / the «sub.» / extended their hands to me. / You / to be poor / you do not fear it. \rf jod 1890:445.5 \op Wathiýshushe heýgazhi aýhoü. Oüýxtithieýgoü thakiýshkaxe aýhoü, aiý te. \tr You are brave / not a little / ! / You are an honorable man / you make yourself / ! / they said. \rf jod 1890:445.6 \ti Two Crows' war party in 1854 \op Umoüýhoü toüýwoügthoü guaýthishoüýta Nibthaýska ketaýthishoü oügthiüýi. Shaoüý \tr Omaha / nation / in the region beyond / Platte River / towards the / we sat. / Dakotas \rf jod 1890:452.1 \op amaý weaýnaxiýtha ahiýi; shoüýge waýgthiü-baýzhi, zhuýga-hnoü, weýnudoü ahiýi. Goüý \tr the «sub.» / to attack us / arrived; / horse / they did not sit on them, / body only, / to war against us / they arrived. / And \rf jod 1890:452.2 \op Bachiý toüwoüý eý ugaýxthi keýdi oügthiüýi, Umoüýhoü amaý bthuýgaxti oügthiüýi. \tr Sarpy / village / that / point of timber / by the / we sat, / Omahas / the ones who / all / we sat. \rf jod 1890:452.3 \op Wa'uý juýba watoüýzi toüýde moüýte xaiý, toüýwoü thoüýdi. Noüpeýhiü eýgoü, gthaýte \tr Woman / some / corn / ground / in / buried, / village / at the. / Hungry / as, / to eat their own \rf jod 1890:452.4 \op teýgoü gthiýze agthaiý. Ki Shaoüý amaý eýgithe nudoüý amaý atiýi te ha, ediý. Eýde \tr in order that / to take their own / they went back. / And / Dakotas / the «sub.» / at length / those on the war-path / came / , / there. / But \rf jod 1890:452.5 \op wa'uý amaý akiýi ki, weýnaxiýthai te, noübaý t'eýwathai wa'uý thoükaý. Wa'uý thiü wiüý \tr woman / the «sub.» / reached there again / when, / they were attacked / when, / two / were killed / woman / the ones who. / Woman / the «mv. ob.» / one \rf jod 1890:453.1 \op thiü wahuýtoüthiü iýtiü-biamaý, gabthaýbthaze, niýta gthiý, t'eýtha-baýzhi. Nazhiýha maýwasiýhixti \tr the «mv. ob.» / gun / they hit her with, they say, / gashing her repeatedly, / alive / she came back, / they did not kill her. / Hair / they cut entirely off \rf jod 1890:453.2 \op eýgoü maýwaxoüýi, waýthiü aýkiaýgthai. Oüwoüýthixai eýgoü, oüýguxtha-baýzhi. \tr as / they cut up, / having it / they had gone again. / We pursued them / as, / we did not overtake them. \rf jod 1890:453.3 \op Ugaýhanapaýze sigtheý weýoütha-baýzhi. Akiý ki, eýgithe hoüý ki, eýgithe niýkashiüga \tr Darkness / trail / we did not find it. / I reached home / when, / at length / night / when, / behold, / man \rf jod 1890:453.4 \op oüýgiatiý. Eýdi piý ha. Ki eýgithe niýashiüga duýba utheýwiükithe ha, ki wiý weýsatoü \tr came for me. / There / I arrived / , / And / behold, / man / four / assembled themselves / , / and / I / the fifth \rf jod 1890:453.5 \op bthiüý. Eýdi piý. Eýgithe gaýi ha: Hau! niýkashiüga juýba utheýwiüwathaý-ba, \tr I was. / There / I arrived. / At length / they said as follows: / Ho! / man / some / assemble them, \rf jod 1890:453.6 \op ai. Theý niýkashiüga akaý Shaoüý amaý waýthizhubaýzhi te, eýgiüwiüý'oü taiý ha, ai \tr they said. / This / people / the «sub.» / Dakotas / the «sub.» / have injured us / as, / let us do so to them / , / said \rf jod 1890:453.7 \op niýkashiüga duýba amaý. Niýkashiüga duýba amaý, Nuýzhiüga-ma utheýwiüwathaý-ga, ai. \tr man / four / the «sub.». / Man / four / the «sub.», / The boys / collect thou them, / said they. \rf jod 1890:453.8 \op Eý shti niýkashiüga utheýwiüwathaiý woüýgithe. Wiý shti nuýzhiüga utheýwiüawaýthe. \tr They / too / man / assembled them / all. / I / too / boy / I assembled them. \rf jod 1890:453.9 \op Niýkashiüga gtheýba-saýtoü te utheýwiüoüwoüýthai. Geýpe: Hau! niýkashiüga oüýgathiüý \tr Man / fifty / the / we assembled them. / I said as follows: / Ho! / man / we who are \rf jod 1890:453.10 \op oüguý awaýkigoüxtioüýi, niýkashiüga iýxta waýthiü-maý eoüýwoükigoüýi; iüdaýdoü \tr us / they are just like us, / man / wantonly / those who treat them / we are like them; / what \rf jod 1890:453.11 \op wapeý athiüýi, wahuýtoüthiü athiüýi, eýgoü oügaýthiüi. Eýgiüwiüý'oü taiý ha. Keý! edi \tr weapons / they have, / gun / they have, / like it / we have. / Let us do so to them / . / Come! / there \rf jod 1890:453.12 \op oügaýthe taiý ha, eheý. Goüý bthuýgaxti iýnahiüi. Oügaýtha-baýzhi shoüýoügatoüý, eýgithe \tr let us go / , / I said. / And / all / were willing. / We did not go / when we stood a while, / behold, \rf jod 1890:453.13 \op niýkagaýhi amaý uaýwagithiý'agai. Wat'oüý utheýwiüthai niýkagaýhi amaý. Theý niýashiüga \tr chief / the «sub.» / they were unwilling for us. / Goods / they collected / chiefs / the «sub.». / This / man \rf jod 1890:453.14 \op saýtoü pahoüýga utheýwiüoüwoüýth oüýgatoüý waýgiatiýi. Eýdi oügaýhii ki, eýgithe \tr five / before / we collected them / we who stood / they came for us. / There / we arrived / when, / behold, \rf jod 1890:453.15 \op wat'oüý utheýwiüthai ge eýgithe weaýgikuý akaý niýkagaýhi akaý. Eýgithe thaýzhi waýgazhi \tr goods / they collected / the «ob.» / behold, / had invited us on account of them / chiefs / the «sub.». / Behold, / not to go / they commanded us \rf jod 1890:453.16 \op nudoüý te. Hnaý-baýzhi taiý nudoüý te. Theý athiüýi-ga, aiý. Theý Itiýgoüthai thiükeýta \tr on the war-path. / You will not go / on the war-path. / This / have ye it, / said they. / This / Grandfather / to him \rf jod 1890:453.17 \op athaiý, mazhoüý weýthiüwiü athaiý; agthiýi tediýhi ki, nudoüý hneý shkoüýhnai ki, iýthiginahiüýi \tr they went, / land / to sell / they went; / they come home / at the time / when, / to war / you go / you wish / if, / they are willing for you \rf jod 1890:453.18 \op ki, hneý taiý, aiý niýkagaýhi thaýzhi amaý. Ubthiý'age ha. Iüýtha-maýzhi ha \tr if, / you go / will, / said / chiefs / those who did not go. / I was unwilling / . / I was displeased / \rf jod 1890:453.19 \op Wat'oüý bthiýza-maýzhi agtheý. Goüý oügaýtha-baýzhi: Itiýgoüthai the-maý weoüýgapai \tr Goods / I took I not / I went homeward. / And / we did not go: / Grandfather / those who went «to» / we waited for them \rf jod 1890:453.20 \op eýgoü, oügaýtha-baýzhi. Agthiýi ha. Itiýgoüthai thoü-taýtoü-maý. Agthiýi ki, Dzhoý \tr as, / we did not go. / They came home / . / Grandfather / those from «his city». / They came home / when, / Joe \rf jod 1890:454.1 \op thiükeýta piý. Nudoüý btheý koübtheýde niýkagaýhi amaý oüthoüýniteý goü, bthaý-maýzhi ha. \tr to him / I arrived. / To war / I go / I wished, but / chiefs / the «sub.» / they prohibited me / so, / I did not go / . \rf jod 1890:454.2 \op Iüthiüýwoüdoüýba-ga ha, eheý. Ahauý! ai. Goüý hneý shkoüýhna ki, goüý thaý-ga, \tr Consider it for me / , / I said. / Oho! / said he. / Of course / you go / you wish / if, / by all means / go, \rf jod 1890:454.3 \op aiý. Hau. Akiý ki niýkashiüga utheýwiüawaýthe. Paýthiü-noüpaýzhi agiýhiawaýkithe, \tr said he. / «paragraph» / I reached home / when / man / I collected them. / @{Pathiü-noüpazhi} / I sent them for him, \rf jod 1890:454.4 \op Wanaýshe-zhiüýga shi agiýhiawaýkithe, shi atiýi. Siüýde-xoüýxoü agiýhiwaýkithe. \tr @{Wanaýshe-zhiüýga} / again / I sent them for him, / and / they came. / @{Siüýde-xoüýxoü} / I sent them for him. \rf jod 1890:454.5 \op Nuýzhiüga aýhigi utheýwiüoüwoüýthai. Keý! nudoüý oügaýthai koüýbtha, eheý. Shaoüý \tr Boy / many / we collected them. / Come! / to war / we go / I wish, / I said. / Dakotas \rf jod 1890:454.6 \op amaý wiüý oügaýxthi koüýbtha, eheý. Goüý hoüý ki utheýwiüoükithaiý. Hoüý wiüdeýtoüxti \tr the ones who / one / we slay him / I wish, / I said. / And / night / when / we assembled ourselves. / Night / just half the length \rf jod 1890:454.7 \op oügaý-i. Umoüýhoü toüýwoü thoüý oügaýtii ki, oüýba. Goüýki aýkihoü \tr when / we were approaching. / Omaha / city / the / we came to / when, / day. / And / beyond \rf jod 1890:454.8 \op oügaýhii, duýda. Eýdi waýxe shtewoüý thiügaiý. Eýgithe teýska noüýba edediý-amaý \tr we arrived, / this way. / There / white man / at all / there were none. / At length / ox / two / were moving there \rf jod 1890:454.9 \op utoüýnadi. Ki nuýzhiüga amaý wagaýxthoü amaý wathaýte goüýthai, t'eýwathe 'iýthai. \tr in a place between. / And / boy / the «sub.» / servant / the «pl. sub.» / to eat / wished, / killing them / spoke of. \rf jod 1890:454.10 \op Nuýdoühoügaý, oüwoüýthate toüýgatoü, aiý. Hau! wagaýxthoü, aýma thiüý t'eýthabaýdoü \tr O war-chief, / we eat them / we who will, / said they. / Ho! / servant, / the one / the «mv. ob.» / kill and «pl.» \rf jod 1890:454.11 \op thataýi-ga. Aýma thiüý shoüýthiüeýthai-ga, eheý. Ediýtoü goüý oügaýhii goüý \tr eat it. / The other / the «mv. ob.» / let it alone, / I said. / Thence / so / we reached / so \rf jod 1890:454.12 \op oüzhoüýi ha. Shi ediýtoü oügaýhii eýgoü, Hoüthiý tiý uspeý ke edi a-iý oüzhoüýi. Ediýt \tr we slept / . / Again / thence / we reached / as, / Henry / house / hollow / the / there / we approached and slept. / Thence \rf jod 1890:454.13 \op oügaýthai ki, Huýtoüga mazhoüý uhoüýge ke shi eýdi a-iý oüzhoüýi. Shi oügaýthai \tr we went / when, / Winnebago / land / end / the / again / there / we approached and slept. / Again / we went \rf jod 1890:454.14 \op eýgoü, Ni-baýse thoüý, Maýxude-wa'aiý duaýthishoü, eýdi a-iý oüzhoüýi. Hoüýegoüýche \tr as, / &Ni-base / the, / Iowas farmed / this side of, / there / we approached and slept. / Morning \rf jod 1890:454.15 \op oügiýpahoüýi ki, eýkitoü niýkashiüga weýoüthai. Hau! weoüýgapai taý-bi, oüthoüýi \tr we arose / when, / just then / person / we detected them. / Well! / let us wait for them to appear, / we said \rf jod 1890:454.16 \op ki, Paýthiü-noüpaýzhi aýgiaýgthai ki uthiý'agai. Geýthishoü oüwoüýganaýse taý-bi, eheý \tr when, / @{Pathiü-noüpazhi} / they pass by / when / he was unwilling. / On that side / let us head them off, / I said \rf jod 1890:454.17 \op (toüýdeataýthishoü ithaýhe, eheý) ki, Paýthiü-noüpaýzhi Nishuýdeataýthishoü iýhe 'iýthai. Ki \tr (on the side of the ground / I pass along, / I said) / when, / @{Pathiü-noüpazhi} / towards the Missouri River / passing along / spoke of. / And \rf jod 1890:454.18 \op goüýki uheý piýazhi oüguýkioüýthai. Uwaýzhethai eýgoü niýashiüga oüýguxtha-baýzhii. \tr then / path / bad / we got ourselves into. / We were tired / as / man / we did not overtake them. \rf jod 1890:454.19 \op Niüýdugthaýde oügaýkii eýgoü oüýgugiýxtha-baýzhi. Shoüýxti oüýguxtha-baýzhi. Hoüý ha. \tr Creeping backward / we reached again / as / we did not overtake our own. / In spite of / we did not overtake them. / Night \rf jod 1890:454.20 \op Noüpeýawahiüýi eýgoü uwaýzhethai, oüýguxtha-baýzhi. Hoüýegoüýche oüthoüýkithai ki, \tr We were hungry / as / we were tired, / we did not overtake them. / Morning / we awoke / when, \rf jod 1890:455.1 \op wathaýte wathiüýge, wagaýxthoü-ma noüpeýhiü. Hau! Paýthiü-noüpaýzhi-haý, 'aýbae \tr food / we had none, / the servants / were hungry. / Ho! / @{Pathiü-noüpazhi}, O! / hunting \rf jod 1890:455.2 \op moüthiüý-ga. Wagaýxthoü noüpeýhiü, eheý. Athaiý 'aýbae Paýthiü-noüpaýzhi. Eýgithe \tr walk thou. / Servant / hungry, / I said. / Went / to hunt / @{Pathiü-noüpazhi}. / At length \rf jod 1890:455.3 \op taýxti wiüý 'iüý agthiý. Eýgoü oüthaýtai. \tr deer / one / carrying / he came back. / So / we ate. \rf jod 1890:455.4 \op Oüýba te goüý Nishuýde gthadiüý oügaýthai. Nishuýde koüýha keýta aý-i-oüýzhoüi. \tr Day / the / so / Missouri River / across to / we went. / Missouri River / bank / at the / we arrived and slept. \rf jod 1890:455.5 \op Hoüýegoüýche ki, niý akaý zhiüýga-baýzhi, nidoüý. Taýxti-ha t'eýwathaiý-ma moüdeý-ha \tr Morning / when, / river / the «sub.» / was not small, / a flood. / Deer-skin / those which had been killed / skin-boat \rf jod 1890:455.6 \op oügaýxai. Moüdeý-zhiüýga goüý, moüýde ge, waiiüý ge, wahuýtoüthiü edaýbe, \tr we made. / Boat small / so, / bow / the «pl. ob.», / blanket / the «pl. ob.», / gun / also, \rf jod 1890:455.7 \op oüguýzhii Niý akaý sheýhiakaý tiý pahaýde eýnaskaýthehaiý, niý akaý zhiüýga-baýzhi. Moüdeý \tr we put them in. / River / the «sub.» / yonder one / house / on the hill / extended that far, / river / the «sub.» / not small. / Boat \rf jod 1890:455.8 \op ke oüguýzhii ki, niýoüwoü oügaýthiüi. Noüýzhiüskeýxchi niý ke masaýni oügaýhii; \tr the «ob.» / we filled / when, / we swam / we had them. / Hardly / river / the / the other side / we reached; \rf jod 1890:455.9 \op uwaýzhethaxtioüýi masaýni oügaýhii. Masaýni aýioüýgthiüi ki, hiübeý oüguýgitoü \tr we were very tired / the other side / we reached. / The other side / we sat down there / when, / moccasin / we put on our moccasins \rf jod 1890:455.10 \op oüthiýshtoüi ki, noübaýha usaiý. Shaoüý amaý ugaýshoü shtewoüý sigtheý doüýbe oügthiüýi. \tr we finished / when, / in two places / they set the grass afire. / Dakotas / the «sub.» / traveled / notwithstanding / trail / seeing it / we sat. \rf jod 1890:455.11 \op Oüthoüýkinaýxthe oügthiüýi. Hau. Keý! waýgaxthoüý, uthuýdoübaýi-ga. Shuýde theý \tr We hid ourselves / we sat. / «paragraph» / Come! / O servant, / consider ye it. / Smoke / this \rf jod 1890:455.12 \op noübaýha te; wiüoüýwa eýdi oügaýthe taiý a, eheý, Hau. Paýthiü-noüpaýzhi akaý, \tr in two places / the; / which one / there / we go / will / ? / I said, «paragraph» / @{Pathiü-noüpazhi} / the, \rf jod 1890:455.13 \op Nuýdoühoügaý, theýta tetaýthishoü oügaýthe taiý, ai Paýthiü-noüpaýzhi akaý. Hau, goüý \tr O war-chief, / this one behind / towards the / let us go, / said / @{Pathiü-noüpazhi} / the «sub.». / Well, / so \rf jod 1890:455.14 \op oügaýthai; Nishuýde oüoüýthai, goüý oügaýthai, aýthita. Itaýxata usaiý, oüwoüýtape \tr we went; / Missouri River / we left it, / so / we went, / across, by a near way. / Up-stream / it was set afire, / we, being near it \rf jod 1890:455.15 \op oügaýthai. Oüzhoüýi ha hoüý te. Hoüý ithaýugthe oümoüthiüýi; ki thaýthuhaýxchi oüýba \tr we went. / We lay down / , / night / when. / Night / throughout / we walked; / and / almost / day \rf jod 1890:455.16 \op ki, oüzhoüýi. Niýkashiüga, hoüýegoüýche te oüýguthixiýdai ki, weýoütha-baýzhi. Ki \tr when, / we slept. / Pan, / morning / when / we looked around for them / when, / we did not find them. / And \rf jod 1890:455.17 \op Shaoüý toüýwoügthoü etaýthishoü oügaýgii, oüýbithaýugthe. Oüýguthixiýdexti oümoüýthiüi, \tr Sioux / city / towards / we were returning, / throughout the day. / We looked around very carefully for them / we walked, \rf jod 1890:455.18 \op weýoütha-baýzhi. Paýzexchi miüý thoü paheý ke koüýgexchi hiý. Keý! oügaýthe taiý, \tr we did not find them. / Late in the afternoon / sun / the / hill / the / very near to / arrived. / Come! / let us go, \rf jod 1890:455.19 \op waýgaxthoüý. Goüý oügaýthai. Moüaý siýoütheý, xthabeý thiügeý ha. Uxtheý iýkisoüýthiü \tr O servants. / So / we went. / Cliff / alone, / tree / there was none / . / Quickly / out of sight \rf jod 1890:455.20 \op oügaýiaýthe taiý. Sagiýgi eýgoüi-ga, eheý. Ki oügaýhi-baýzhi teýdi, Paýthiü-noüpaýzhi akaý, \tr let us go. / Do walk faster, / I said. / And / we did not reach it / when, / @{Pathiü-noüpazhi} / the «sub.», \rf jod 1890:455.21 \op Wakiýde-zhiüýga ethoüýba bispeý iýhai, eýtoüthiü weýthai niýkashiüga-maý. Ki oüguý shti \tr @{Wakiýde-zhiüýga} / he too / crouched / suddenly, / they first found them / the people «ob.». / And / we / too \rf jod 1890:456.1 \op biýsp oüzhoüýi. Paýthiü-noüpaýzhi amaý uthaý agthiý. Nuýdoühoügaý, xthabeý theýxchi thoüýdi \tr crouching / we lay. / @{Pathiü-noüpazhi} / the «sub.» / to tell it / came back. / O war-chief, / tree / this very / at the \rf jod 1890:456.2 \op zhoüý gaýsai, gataýxi, aiý. Hau! waýgaxthoü, niýkashiüýgai te edaýdoü-baýzhi. Oügaýtha-baýzhi \tr wood / they cut, / they make it sound, / said he. / Ho! / O warriors, / they are people / the / it is nothing. / We did not go \rf jod 1890:456.3 \op shoüý-oügatoüý niýashiüga aýma akaý agthiý. Hau! nuýdoühoügaý, niýkashiüga amaý \tr after we stood awhile / man / the other / the «sub.» / came back. / Ho! / O war-chief, / they are persons who are moving \rf jod 1890:456.4 \op ha, ai. Wa'uýi eýde Mawaýdoüthiü wa'oüýi ha, ai. Hau! niýkawasoü, shoüý ha, \tr . / said he. / They are women / but / Mandan / they sing / , / said he. / Ho! / O warrior, / enough / , \rf jod 1890:456.5 \op eheý. Hau. Goüý oügaýthai. Zhiügaý-xchi moüý shnaýde oügthiüýi, xaýde buýta unaýshte \tr I said. / «paragraph» / So / we went. / Very small / ground / bare of vegetation / we sat, / grass / round / left after a fire \rf jod 1890:456.6 \op oüguýgthiüi. Miüý akaý thaýthuhaýxchi aýiaýthai. Hau! waýgaxthoüý, hoüý ta akaý. Miüý \tr we sat in. / Sun / the «sub.» / almost / had gone. / Ho! / O servants, / night / will be. / Sun \rf jod 1890:456.7 \op akaý aýiaýthai ha. Hau! Keý, waýgaxthoüý Paýthiü-noüpaýzhi-haý! wadoüýbe moüthiüý-ga. \tr the / has set / . / Ho! / Come, / O servant / @{Pathiü-noüpazhi} O! / as a scout / walk thou. \rf jod 1890:456.8 \op Niýashiüga thoükaý tiý thoükaý aýnai eýdoü wathaýwa-ga, eheý. Eýgithe Paýthiü-noüpaýzhi \tr Person / the ones / camped / the ones who / how many are they / ? / count them, / I said. / At length / @{Pathiü-noüpazhi} \rf jod 1890:456.9 \op amaý agthiý. Nuýdoühoügaý, tiý akaý noübaý akaý ha. Shoüýge wiüaýxchi athiüý akaý ha, \tr the «sub.» / came back. / O war-chief, / tent / the «sub.» / two / are the ones / , / Horse / just one / they have / , \rf jod 1890:456.10 \op nuýdoühoügaý, eý iüwiüýtha agthiý. Hau! shoüý ha, eheý. Hau! waýgaxthoüý, woüýgakiýtha taiý \tr O war-chief, / that / he told me / he came back. / Ho! / enough / , / I said. / Ho! / O servant, / let us contend with them \rf jod 1890:456.11 \op ha. Wathaýshkoü taiý ha, eheý. Hau! piýgi'oü shi the-hnoüý, Siüýde-xoüýxoü, \tr . / You will do your best / , / I said. / Ho! / to do it again to him / again / only this time, / @{Siüýde-xoüýxoü}, \rf jod 1890:456.12 \op weýgaskoüýthe moüshiüý-ga, tiý thoükaý zhoüt'aiý ki, eheý. Uhnaý thagthiý te, \tr to try them / walk thou, / tent / the ones who / they are sound asleep / if, / I said. / You tell it / you come back / will, \rf jod 1890:456.13 \op eheý. Eýgithe Siüýde-xoüýxoü amaý agthiý. Nuýdoühoügaý, zhoüt'aiý ha, aiý Siüýde-xoüýxoü. \tr I said. / At length / @{Siüýde-xoüýxoü} / the «sub.» / came back. / O war-chief, / they are sound asleep / , / said / @{Siüýde-xoüýxoü}. \rf jod 1890:456.14 \op Hau! Keý, weoüýnaxiýtha taiý ha, waýgaxthoüý. Wapeý ge pa-iý gaxaýi-ga, \tr Ho! / Come, / let us attack them / , / O servants. / Weapon / the «pl. ob.» / sharp / make ye, \rf jod 1890:456.15 \op eheý. Maýhiü geý shti pa-iý kikaýxai; maýhiüsiý shti pa-iý kikaýxai; wahuýtoüthiü piý \tr I said. / Knife / the «pl. ob.» / also / sharp / they made for themselves; / gun / anew \rf jod 1890:456.16 \op ugiýzhii, moüýzemoü duýba-thoüýthoü, thaýbthiü-thoüýthoü shti uzhiýi. Hau! nuýdoühaüýgaý, \tr they loaded theirs, / ball / four apiece, / three apiece / too / they put in. / Ho! / O war-chief, \rf jod 1890:456.17 \op shoüý ha, ai. Hau! waýgaxthoüý, shoüý gthiüýi-ga. Siüýde-xoüýxoü eýdi zhuaýgthe \tr enough / , / said they. / Ho! / servants, / still / sit ye. / @{Siüýde-xoüýxoü} / there / I with him \rf jod 1890:456.18 \op btheý taý miüke. Weýgaskoüoüwoüýthe oügaýthe toüýgatoü, eheý. Waxiüýha tiý te \tr I go / will / I who. / We look upon things / we go / we who will, / I said. / Canvas / tent / the \rf jod 1890:456.19 \op ugthiüý. Noüýde ke ediýxchi zhoüxthuýde oüwoüýganaý'oü. Tiý te uaýkihoü zhoüxthuýde \tr they sat in. / Side of the tent / the / just there / snoring / we heard them. / Tent / the / next to it / snoring \rf jod 1890:456.20 \op oüwoüýganaý'oü oünaýzhiü, naýzata oünaýzhiüi. Siüýde-xoüýxoü eýboü. Gaýaka wiüý \tr we heard them / we stood, / at the rear / we stood. / @{Siüýde-xoüýxoü} / I called to him. / That one out of sight / one \rf jod 1890:457.1 \op zhoüxthuýdai, eheý. Aýthutoü t'eýthathe te ha, eheý. Goüýki oügaýgthai. Wagaýxthoü \tr snores, / I said. / Directly towards / you kill him / will / , / I said. / And / we went back. / Servant \rf jod 1890:457.2 \op thoükaýta oüguýtha oügaýgthe te, eheý. Eýgithe wagaýxthoüý thoükaýta a-iýi ki, oügaýkii. \tr to them / we tell it / we go back / will, / I said. / At length / servant / to them / they approaching / when, / we reached again. \rf jod 1890:457.3 \op Nuýdoühoügaý, e'oüý ha, ai. Zhoüt'eýxtioüýi ha, eheý. Hau. Goüý eýdi oügaýthai. \tr O war-chief, / how is it / ? / said they. / They are sound asleep / , / I said. / «paragraph» / So / there / we went. \rf jod 1890:457.4 \op Naýzata oügaýhii. Tiý eýgaxe nazhiüýi. Ahauý! goüý wakiýdai. Tiý te weýnaxiýthai \tr At the rear / we arrived. / Tent / all around / they stood. / Oho! / so / they shot at them. / Tent / the / they attacked them \rf jod 1890:457.5 \op goüý, eýgaxe wakiýdai eýgoü, tiý te muýthiügeýxtioüýi; peýthoüba t'eoüýwoüthaiý. Hoüý \tr as, / all around / they shot at them / as, / tent / the / they exterminated them by shooting; / seven / we killed them. / Night \rf jod 1890:457.6 \op wiüdeýtoüxti teýdi woüýgakiýthai, hoüýkaska ki woüýgakiýthai. T'eýoüwoüýthe oüthiýshtoüi \tr just half gone / when / we contended with them, / midnight / when / we contended with them. / We killed them / we finished \rf jod 1890:457.7 \op ki, oügaýgii. Hau! niýkawasoüý, shoüýoügaýxe taiý. Keý, shoüý ha, eheý. \tr when, / we were coming this way. / Ho! / warriors, / let us cease. / Come, / enough / , / I said. \rf jod 1890:457.8 \op Goüý oügaýgii. Hoüý ithaýugthe shoüý oümoüýthiüi. Oüýba eýkitoühaýxti Nishuýde ke \tr So / we were returning. / Night / throughout / still / we walked. / Day / just that far / Missouri River / the \rf jod 1890:457.9 \op oügaýgthii. Miüý thoüý eýthoübaýzhi Nishuýde ke oüthiýte oügaýgii. Oügaýgii te, shi oüýb \tr we came back to. / Sun / the / had not arisen / Missouri River / the / we crossed / we were returning. / We were returning / when, / again / day \rf jod 1890:457.10 \op ithaýugthe oümoüýthiüi. Ki miüýthumoüýshi hiý te, noüpeýawahiüýi eýgoü, taýxti noüýba \tr throughout / we walked. / And / sun on high / arrived / when, / we were hungry / as, / deer / two \rf jod 1890:457.11 \op t'eýwathai. Oüwoüýthate oügthiüýi. Goüý oügaýgii eýgoü, goüý oüzhoüýi. Shi eýgasaýni \tr they killed. / We ate them / we sat. / So / we were returning / as, / so / we slept. / Again / the next day \rf jod 1890:457.12 \op oügaýgii eýgoü, shoüý oüýb ithaýugthe oümoüýthiüi. Hoüý te, shi taýxti wiüý shi t'eýthai; \tr we were coming / as, / still / day / throughout / we walked. / Night / when, / again / deer / one / again / they killed it; \rf jod 1890:457.13 \op oüthaýtai. Shi eýgasaýni te, oüýb ithaýugthe shoüýxti goüý oünoüýhoüi. Shi hoüý te, goüý \tr we ate it. / Again / the next day / when, / day / throughout / still, indeed / so / we walked till night. / Again / night / when, / so \rf jod 1890:457.14 \op oümoüýthiüi; oüzhoüý-baýzhi oümoüýthiüi. Hoüý te, miüýdoübe peýthabthiü-xti-eýgoü, waýxe \tr we walked; / we slept not / we walked. / Night / when, / clock / about eight, / white man \rf jod 1890:457.15 \op tiý wiüý ediýte iýhe oügaýgthii. Waýxe akaý eýgithe noüýawape taý akaý. Wathaýte \tr house / one / which was there / passing it / we came back. / White man / the «sub.» / behold / he will fear us. / Food \rf jod 1890:457.16 \op iüýna taiý ha. Pahoüýga tizheýbe bthiýshibe taý miüke. Oüthoüýwoühe iýi-ga, ku'e, \tr let us ask of him / . / Before / door / I pull it open / will / I who. / Following me / be ye coming, / with a rush, \rf jod 1890:457.17 \op eheý. Wiýugoüýba uaýgas'iüý ki, kigthiýsioütheýxti nazhiüý akaý waýxe akaý. Weýshnoüaýwathe \tr I said. / Window / I peeped in / when, / he stripped himself entirely bare / was standing / white man / the «sub.». / Caused us to be thankful \rf jod 1890:457.18 \op waýxe akaý, wathaýte wa'iýi te hoüý te, niýawatheýxti eýgoü. Hoüý te, shoüý \tr white man / the «sub.», / food / he gave to us / night / at, / he really saved our lives / like. / Night / at, / yet \rf jod 1890:457.19 \op oüýbazhi, shoüý miüý eýthoübaýzhi, tiýi thoütaý angaýkii. Goüý niýkashiüga bthuýga shkoüýi. \tr not day, / yet / sun / had not arisen, / village / to the / we got home. / And / people / all / were stirring. \rf jod 1890:458.1 \op Niýkashiüga Shaoüý waýxthi amaý agthiýi ha, ai. Niýkashiüga peýthoüba t'eoüýwoüthaiý \tr Man / Dakotas / those who killed them / have come home / , / said they. / Person / seven / we had killed them \rf jod 1890:458.2 \op oüthoüýi goüý, giýthextioüýi niýkashiüga bthuýga. \tr we said / as, / were very glad / people / all. \rf jod 1890:458.3 \ti Battle between the Omahas and Dakotas in 1855 \op Gaxthoüý oügaýthai pahoüýgadi. Ki Wateý ke oüguýhai. Wadoüýbe waýthadai \tr On the hunt / we went / at the first. / And / Elkhorn River / the / we followed it. / Scouts / they who are called \rf jod 1890:462.1 \op tiý waxuýbe noübaý teýdi gtheýba-thaýbthiü-xti-eýgoü. Oügaýthai ki, huhuý t'eoüýwoüthaiý \tr tent / sacred / two / at the / about thirty. / We went / when, / fish / we killed them \rf jod 1890:462.2 \op juýba, aýnaxti-eýgoü. Toügaý thoükaý wanaýshe (amaý) kigthiýzai eýgoü, uýhoüi. Goüý \tr some, / about how many. / Large / the ones that / policeman / (the «pl. sub.») / took for themselves / as, / they cooked them. / So \rf jod 1890:462.3 \op thasniüýi te, oügaýthai. Hoüý oüthoüýmoüthiüýi. Wati(shka shugaý wiüý oüguýha oümoüýthiüi. \tr they swallowed / when, / we went. / Night / we walked during. / Creek / thick / one / we followed / we walked. \rf jod 1890:462.4 \op Watiýshka ke oüzhoüý-bazhi; gashiýbata oüzhoüýi, snoüsnoüýata. Oüýba ke ugoüýba \tr Creek / the / we slept not; / out from it / we slept, / on the level ground. / Day / the / light \rf jod 1890:462.5 \op ki, eýgithe oüýpoü nuýga eshoüý moüthiüý amaý. Wakiýde-pi aýkigthaýzhii. Wakiýdai ki, \tr when, / behold, / elk / male / near to / were walking. / Good marksman / exhorted one another. / They shot at them / when, \rf jod 1890:463.1 \op nugaý wiü zhiýbe muýxoüi. Toüdaýtoü ieýnaxiýthai ki, wiý ubthoüý. Anoüýhitheaýthe. \tr male / one / lower leg / broke it by shooting. / Treading on the ground / they attacked him / when, / I / I held him. / I kicked him and knocked him down. \rf jod 1890:463.2 \op Haýshi atiý amaý paý thoü 'eýthoüthai. Hoüý thataiý ki, bthaýta-maýzhi. Huhuý zhiüýga \tr After / those who came / head / the «ob.» / hit him on. / Night / they ate it / when, / I did not eat it. / Fish / small \rf jod 1890:463.3 \op nuýzhiüga wiüý iügaýsi wabthaýte agthiüý. Eýgithe oüýpoü noüýba shi thutiý watiýshka \tr boy / one / caught for me / I ate / I sat. / At length / elk / two / again / there they came / creek \rf jod 1890:463.4 \op ke uhaý. Aýma t'eoüýthai, miüýga ke. Waýgai eýgoü ugaýti. Oügaýthai (ki), wiüý \tr the / following. / The other / we killed, / female / the «ob.». / Cut in slices / as / it was held over a fire. / We went / (when), / one \rf jod 1890:463.5 \op wadoüýbe ahiý. Eýgithe teý-ma weýthai. Toüýthiü gtheýthai; tiýi thoütaý ugthaý agthaiý. \tr as a scout / arrived there. / At length / the buffaloes / he found them. / He ran back suddenly; / tents / to the / to tell of his / he went back. \rf jod 1890:463.6 \op Weýgoüze gtheýba-noüýba-xti-eýgoü toüýthiü woüýgithe akiýi. Eýgasaýni te, wahoüý \tr Measure / about twenty / running / all / reached home. / The next day / when, / removing \rf jod 1890:463.7 \op athaiý. A-iý-ti eýgoü, teý-ma waýnasai. Miüý thoü sheýhixchi hiý te, eýgithe niýashiüga \tr they went. / They came to a place and camped / as, / the buffaloes / they surrounded them. / Sun / the / just that far / arrived / when, / behold, / man \rf jod 1890:463.8 \op wiüý athaiý. Eýgithe niýkashiüga juýba wagthaýde amaýma, Shaoüý. Niýkathiýxai. Waýthiü \tr one / went. / At length / person / some / creeping up to us / were, they say, / Dakota. / They chased the foe. / Having them \rf jod 1890:463.9 \op athaýi. Edueýhe. Shoüý eýgithe ugaýhanapaýze. Shoüý wakiýde-hnoü gthiüýi. Shaoüý \tr they went. / I joined it. / Still / at length / darkness. / Still / shooting regularly at them / they sat. / Dakotas \rf jod 1890:463.10 \op amaý dzhuýba 'aýgthaxtioüýi. Eýgithe Shaoüý amaý ugaýhanapaýze uthuýnazhiüi; wazhiüýpibaýzhi. \tr the «sub.» / a few / they suffered very much. / At length / Dakotas / the «sub.» / darkness / depended on; / they were savage. \rf jod 1890:463.11 \op Weaýnaxiýthai (ki) wiüý t'eýthai, Umoüýhoü. Shi Umoüýhoü amaý weýnaxiýth \tr They attacked us / (when) / one / they killed, / Omaha. / Again / Omahas / the «sub.» / attacking them \rf jod 1890:463.12 \op 'iýthai. Aýkipai. Weoüýnaxiýtha taiý, ai. Umoüýhoü wiüý shoüýge oüýsagi toü aýgthiü, \tr spoke of. / They met. / Let us attack them, / said they. / Omaha / one / horse / swift / the / sat on, \rf jod 1890:463.13 \op moüýzepe-niniýba siýoütheý athiüý. Wiüý uý thiüýge utiüý goüýthai. Ediýxti ahiý ki, \tr hatchet pipe / alone / he had. / One / wound / without / to hit him / he wished. / Just there / he arrived / when, \rf jod 1890:463.14 \op moüýzepe gisiýtha-baýzhi eýgoüi. Thipaýz uthiýxpathe goüýthai. Shoüýge amaý paýhi \tr hatchet / he forgot it / like. / Pulling by the hair / to make him fall / he wished. / Horse / the «sub.» / neck \rf jod 1890:463.15 \op washkoüýtoügai eýwoü goüý, aýkusoüýde giý'iü athaiý. Goüýki Umoüýhoü thiükeý \tr he was strong / being the cause, / to him and beyond / carrying / he went. / And / Omaha / the «st. one» \rf jod 1890:463.16 \op Shaoüý toü uthoüý etheýgoü, waýthishnoü itheý. Shaoüý akaý naýzata t'eýthai. Shoüýge \tr Dakota / the «std. one» / to hold him / he thought, / missing his hold / he had gone. / Dakota / the «sub.» / at the rear / killed him. / Horse \rf jod 1890:463.17 \op amaý giý'iü xaýtha agiýi. T'eýoüthextioüýi! ai. Shoüýshoü weaýnaxiýthai. Shi wiüý \tr the «sub.» / carrying him / back again / was coming. / I have been killed outright! / said he. / Not stopping / they attacked us. / Again / one \rf jod 1890:463.18 \op moüýdehi iýzhahai, Umoüýhoü-ma wiüý ugaýxpathaiý. Shi wiüý shoüýge toü noüýge \tr spear / was pierced by, / the Omahas / one / struck him down. / Again / one / horse / the / to run \rf jod 1890:463.19 \op uthiý'agai (Pizaýbahe keýta moü-baýzhuzhuý eý noüýpai shoüýge). Shi Shaoüý wiüý atiý, \tr refused / (@{Pizaýbahe} / at the / clods of earth, here and there / that / feared / horse). / Again / Dakota / one / came, \rf jod 1890:464.1 \op shi t'eýthai Umoüýhoü thiükeý. Hoüýkaska ki, shoüýgaxai. Eýgasaýni ki, wahoüý \tr again / he killed / Omaha / the «ob.». / Midnight / when, / they ceased. / The next day / when, / removing \rf jod 1890:464.2 \op athaiý. Taý wa'iüý agthiýi niýkashiüga thaýbthiü. Wachiýgaxe utheýwiükiýthe. Wa'oüý \tr they went. / Dried buffalo meat / carrying / came back / man / three. / To dance / they assembled. / Singing \rf jod 1890:464.3 \op zhuýwagthe gthiüýwakithaiý t'eý thoükaý. Haýshi oüwaý'oü taiý, ai. T'eý thoükaý wa'oüý \tr with them / they caused them to sit / dead / the «pl. ob.». / After / let us sing, / said they. / Dead / the «pl. ob.» / singing \rf jod 1890:464.4 \op zhuýwagth 'iýthai. Waxeý thishtoüýi ki, niýashiüga wiüý weýgoüze wiüý-xti-eýgoü athaiý. \tr with them / they spoke of. / Burying them / they finished / when, / man / one / measure / about one / went. \rf jod 1890:464.5 \op Thaýzhi-ga, eý iýnite-hnoüýi niýkagahi amaý. Ki shoüý athaiý, paheý ke tapeý. Nuýzhiüga \tr Do not go, / saying, / forbade him / chief / the «sub.». / And / yet / he went, / hill / the «ob.» / being near it. / Boy \rf jod 1890:464.6 \op shtewoüý waýthixe iý ki, uthiý'age, ki shoüý athaiý. Etaý akaý giýboü eýgoüxti gthiüýi. \tr notwithstanding / pursuing him / were coming / when, / he refused, / and / still / he went. / There / the «col. sub.» / calling to him / just so / sat. \rf jod 1890:464.7 \op Theý iýnite-maý uheýwakitha-baýzhi. Paheý thoü iüýtoü eýdi hiý-xti etaýtoü athiüý a-iýi. \tr This / those who prohibited him / he did not let them have their way. / Hill / the / now / there / he had just arrived / thence / having him / they were coming. \rf jod 1890:464.8 \op T'eýthai. Uxtheý atiý. Shoüýge amaý noüýge agiýi. Shoüýgaxaýi-ga. Agiýi. \tr They killed him. / Quickly / they came. / Horse / the «sub.» / running / was coming back. / Cease ye. / They were coming. \rf jod 1890:464.9 \op Wahoüý. Shi weaýnaxiýthai. Gaxthoüý athaiý. Weaýnaxiýtha a-iýi, heýga-baýzhi. \tr They removed. / Again / they attacked us. / On the hunt / they went. / To attack us / they were coming, / not a few. \rf jod 1890:464.10 \op Waýkithai. Aýshkaxchi aýkikiýthai. Muýkishnoü-hnoüýi. Shoüýge wiüý t'eýthai Umoüýhoü \tr They contended with us. / Very close / they contended together. / They usually missed one another in shooting. / Horse / one / killed it / Omahas \rf jod 1890:464.11 \op amaý. Waýxe ieýska zhuoüýgthai ke t'eýthai. Shoüýge akaý oüýsagiýxti, moüýsnuýsnu \tr the «sub.». / White man / interpreter / we with him / the «ob.» / they killed. / Horse / the «sub.» / very swift, / wet quicksand \rf jod 1890:464.12 \op eýgih itheý. Shaoüý amaý uxtheý ahiý eýgoü, eý shti wiüý t'eýthe te, wahuýtoüthiüzhaýta \tr right into it / he had gone. / Dakotas / the «sub.» / soon / arrived / as, / he / too / one / he killed, / gun forked \rf jod 1890:464.13 \op athiüý. Umoüýhoü amaý gaxthoüý moüthiüý teýdi ugaýe moüthiüýi; wiüýthoüthoüý, \tr he had. / Omahas / the / on the hunt / walk / when / scattering / they walk; / by ones, \rf jod 1890:464.14 \op noübaý-thoüthoüý moüthiüýi. Umoüýthiüka wiüaýxchi thaýbthiüoüý weaýnaxiýthai Shaoüý amaý. \tr by twos / they walk. / Season / just one / three times / attacked us / Dakotas / the. \rf jod 1890:464.15 \ti My first buffalo hunt \op Thaýbthiüoüý piý ha. Pahoüýga piý teý oüzhiüýga, aýdoü teý awaýkida-maýzhi \tr Three times / I was there / . / Before / I was there / when / me small, / therefore / buffalo / I did not shoot at them \rf jod 1890:466.1 \op thoüýzha, shoüýge wa'iüýkitheý weýbthiü-hnoü-moüý wanaýse amaý. Pahoüýgaxchi \tr though, / horse / to cause him to carry loads / I used to keep them for them / the ones who surrounded the herd. / At the very first \rf jod 1890:466.2 \op wanaýsai teýdi, teý awaýkide 'iaýthe. Shoüýge doüýshte thioüýtha theýthai ki, teý doüýshte \tr they surrounded them / when, / buffalo / I shoot at them / I spoke of. / Horse / perhaps / it throws you suddenly / when, / buffalo / perhaps \rf jod 1890:466.3 \op zhaýthihe taiý, aiý. Ki awaýzhiüshte. Iüdaýdi akaý paýheaýta zhuoüýgthe athaiý. Teý-ma \tr gore you / may, / said he. / And / I was in a bad humor. / My father / the «sub.» / to the hill / with me / went. / The buffaloes \rf jod 1890:466.4 \op weýnaxiýthai te oüwoüýdoübe oügthiüýi. Ki iüdaýdi akaý oüwoüýkie shtewoüý, uaýkiamaýzhi-hnoü-moüý. \tr they attacked them / the / we saw them / we sat. / And / my father / the «sub.» / talked to me / notwithstanding, / I did not talk to him at any time. \rf jod 1890:466.5 \op Eýgithe te-nuýga wiüý tiýatathishoüýxti athiüý agiýi niýkashiüga akaý \tr At length / buffalo bull / one / right towards the tents, / having him / was coming back / man / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:466.6 \op wiüaýxchi aka. Ki te-nuýga amaý wazhiüý-pibaýzhi. Niýkashiüga thiükeý ieýnaxiýtha-hnoüýi. \tr only one / the «sub.». / And / buffalo bull / the «sub.» / was savage. / Man / the «ob.» / he attacked regularly. \rf jod 1890:466.7 \op Keý! eýdi moüthiüý-ga, aiý iüdaýdi akaý. Shoüýge miügaý toügaý zhiýde, \tr Come! / there / walk, / said / my father / the. / Horse / female / large / red, \rf jod 1890:466.8 \op moüýshiadixti eýde, akoüýtoü. Ki iüdaýdi akaý wahuýtoüthiü haýhadoüýxti eýdegoü \tr very tall / but, / I tied her. / And / my father / the «sub.» / gun / very light / but, so \rf jod 1890:467.1 \op athiüýi. Bthiýze goüý eýdi btheý. Eýdi piý kiýzhi te-nuýga akaý shkoüýazhi nazhiüý akaý. \tr had it. / I took it / and / there / I went. / There / I arrived / when, / buffalo bull / the «sub.» / motionless / was standing. \rf jod 1890:467.2 \op Ki niýkashiüga akaý eýdi piý ki, giýthextioüý-bi aiý. Wazhiüý-pibaýzhi te-nuýga akaý. \tr And / man / the «sub.» / there / I arrived / when, / that he was very glad / said. / Was savage / buffalo bull / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:467.3 \op Nuý akaý moüý iýkide theýthai, ki noüýka keýdi uýi. Goüýki weaýnaxiýthai. \tr Man / the «sub.» / arrow / shot at him suddenly with, / and / back / on the / wounded him. / And / he attacked us. \rf jod 1890:467.4 \op Shoüýge waýagthiü akaý duýboü uoüýsixti aýiaýthai, goüýki oüýoüth itheýthai. Te-nuýga \tr Horse / I sat on / the one which / four times / leaping far / had gone, / and / had thrown me suddenly. / Buffalo bull \rf jod 1890:467.5 \op akaý uhiýashkaýxchi atiýi ki, kigthiýpashoü athaiý. Waýkide bthiý'a aýiaýthai. Akiý \tr the «sub.» / very close to / had come / when, / turning himself around / he went. / To shoot at him / I failed / he had gone. / I reached home \rf jod 1890:467.6 \op ki, iüýnoüha akaý iüdaýdi iýhusa akaý ki akiý. Shoüýge toüý moüýze-thaýhe uthaýha \tr when, / my mother / the «sub.» / my father / was scolding him / when / I reached home. / Horse / the / bridle / sticking to him \rf jod 1890:467.7 \op kiý teýdi, iýbahoüi te oüýoüth itheýthai te. Iüdaýdi akaý iýa-bazhiýxti iýxa gthiüýi. \tr reached home / when, / she knew it / sent me off suddenly / the. / My father / the «sub.» / not speaking at all / laughing / sat. \rf jod 1890:467.8 \op Te-nuýga thiü t'eýthathe a, ai. Goüýki ithaýa-maýzhi. \tr Buffalo bull / the «ob.» / you killed him / ? / said he. / And / I did not speak. \rf jod 1890:467.9 \ti Sacred Traditons and Customs \op I.-- Iüsh'aýge oüguýtai amaý iýwaspe gaýx 'ithaý-biamaý, iýwagaýzu. Tiý noüýba \tr Old man / our / the «sub.» / what makes one behave / making it / spoke of, they say, / what makes one upright. / Tent / two \rf jod 1890:468.1 \op waxuýbe gaýx 'ithaý-biamaý, shi tiý wiüaýxchi waxuýbe gaýx 'ithaý-biamaý. Utheýwiükithaý-bi \tr sacred / making / they spoke of, they say, / again / tent / only one / sacred / making / they spoke of, they say. / Assembled themselves, they say \rf jod 1890:468.2 \op egoüý, iýhukithaý-biamaý niýkagaýhi amaý. Shoüý maýzi zhoüý maý'a thiü edaýbe \tr having, / consulted one another / chief / the «sub.». / In fact / cedar / wood / cottonwood / the «ob.» / also \rf jod 1890:468.3 \op waxuýbe gaýx 'ithaý-biamaý. Shi niniýba bthaýsxka noüýba waxuýbe gaýx 'ithaý-biamaý. \tr sacred / making / they spoke of, they say. / Again / pipe / flat / two / sacred / making / they spoke of, they say. \rf jod 1890:468.4 \op Niniýba thishtoüý-bi ki, niýkagaýhi kipaýhi-biamaý. Shoüý toüýwoügthoü ukiýpate \tr Pipe / they finished, they say / when, / chief / they chose for themselves, they say. / In fact / tribe / each gens for itself «?» \rf jod 1890:468.5 \op wiüýthoüthoüý noübaý shte shoüý kigthiýza-biamaý. Shoüý waxuýbe zhiüýga ueýtakiýkithe \tr by ones / two / even / in fact / took for itself, they say. / In fact / sacred thing / small / they caused themselves to own \rf jod 1890:468.6 \op thoüý toüýwoügthoü bateýteý-ma ki'iý-biamaý. Tiý noüýba te teaýta waxuýbe gaxaý-biamaý. \tr the «ob.» / tribe / the gentes / gave to one another. / Tent / two / the «ob.» / to the buffalo / sacred / they made it they say. \rf jod 1890:468.7 \op Tiý wiüaýxchi te niýkashiüýga-ataýthishoü, t'eýwathaiý-ataýthishoü, waxuýbe gaxaý-biamaý. \tr Tent / only one / the «ob.» / referring to men, / referring to killing them, / sacred / they made it they say. \rf jod 1890:468.8 \op Goüý thishtoüý-biamaý xuýbe gthuýba. Ki theý niýkagaýhi kikaýxe akaý \tr At length / they finished, they say / sacred / all. / And / this / chief / made themselves / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:468.9 \op uýwakiaý-biamaý, pahoüýga iýthigthoüý akaý. Tiý theý noüýba waxuýbe shkaýxai te, \tr talked to them, they say, / the first / ruler / the «sub.». / Tent / this / two / sacred / you made / the «ob.», \rf jod 1890:468.10 \op aýkithiüýi-ga ha. Huýthuga gaýxai te uthuýshiata nazhiüý tateý ha. Shoüý edaýdoü uýdoüxti \tr respect ye them / . / Circle of tents / made / the / in the middle / stand / shall / . / In fact / what / very good \rf jod 1890:468.11 \op ahniüý shteýshtewoüý 'iý-hnoüi-ga. Ki niýkagaýhi oüýgathiüý shteýshte weýgoüthaýi-ga, \tr you have / soever / always give to «them». / And / chief / we who are / even / desire from us, \rf jod 1890:468.12 \op aý-biamaý. Sheýnuzhiüga-maý eý wakaý-biamaý. Ediý ki wathiýheha-baýzhi taiý, aý-biamaý. \tr said they, they say. / The young men «ob.» / that / they meant, they say. / In that case / you will be stout-hearted, / said they, they say. \rf jod 1890:468.13 \op edaýdoü aýhigi thiügeýthatheshniükeýshe, shiüýgazhiüýga peý thoüýdi uthaýgiga taiý ha. \tr What / much / you give to those not relations / thou who, / child / forehead / on the / you paint yours / will / \rf jod 1890:468.14 \op Aýwaxpaniýxti eýgoü uýshkoü uthaýketoüýi ki, oüýxtithieýgoü taiý, shoüý uaýkihoü atoüý \tr Very poor, as a great man / like / deed / you acquire / if, / you will be great men, / still / additional «generations» / how far \rf jod 1890:468.15 \op athaiý te shetoüý athiüý taiý, aý-biamaý. \tr they go / the / so far / they will have it, / said they, they say. \rf jod 1890:468.16 \op II.-- Wahoüý atheý 'ithaý-biamaý, teý uneý. Teý-ma uthaý gthiý-hnoüi thoüýdi tiý \tr Removing / they spoke of going, they say, / buffalo hunting. / The buffaloes «ob.» / to tell of / they used to come back / when «in the past» / tent \rf jod 1890:469.1 \op waxuýbe zhoüý ke waiiüý uýdoü 'iý-hnoü-biamaý. Wanaýse-hnoüý-bi ki, tiý teýdi \tr sacred / wood «+pole» / the «recl. ob.» / robe / good / they used to give, they say. / They used to surround the herd, they say / when, / tent / at the \rf jod 1890:469.2 \op tetheýze giýbahi-hnoüý-biamaý. Sheýnuzhiüýga noüýba niýkagahiý thoükaý tiý waxuýbe \tr buffalo-tongue / they used to gather for it, they say. / Young man / two / chief / the ones who / tent / sacred \rf jod 1890:469.3 \op teýdi tetheýze theýshpahi te aýtha, aý-biamaý niýkagaýhi amaý, teý-ma t'eýwathaiý hnoüýdi. \tr at the / buffalo-tongue / you gather for «them» / will / indeed, / said, they say / chief / the «sub.», / the buffaloes / were killed / whenever. \rf jod 1890:469.4 \op Tetheýze pasiý thoü moüýde ke ubaýxoü ki, moüýde-koüý iý'iü-hnoüýi. Tiý teýdi \tr Buffalo-tongue / tip / the «ob.» / bow / the / pushed into / when, / bow-string / they used to carry by means of. / Tent / at the \rf jod 1890:469.5 \op eýtoüthiüýxti akiý-hnoüi. Paýze akiý ki, uhoüý-hnoüi. Niýkagaýhi amaý utheýwiüi \tr they, the very first / they used to reach again. / Evening / they reached home / when, / they used to cook. / Chief / the «sub.» / assembled \rf jod 1890:469.6 \op ki, waýhiü-shiüýthe t'oüýi ki, eýdi tiý te upaiý, waiiüýhahaýge thoüý eý uzhiý thateý. Eý \tr when, / robe with the hair out / they had / if, / there / tent / the «ob.» / they entered, / lower corners of a buffalo robe / the «ob.» / that / filling / they ate. / That \rf jod 1890:469.7 \op waxuýbe etaý akaý Hoüýga gaýxai akaý wa'oüý gthiüý-hnoüi, thataiý teýdi. \tr sacred thing / his / the one who / @{Hoüýga} / he who made it / singing / he used to sit, / they ate / when. \rf jod 1890:469.8 \op III.-- Niýashiüga wiüý uýkuhe moüthiüýi ki, wadoüýbe atheý taiý. Niýkabaýhi \tr Man / one / fearing unseen danger / walks / when, / as scouts / they will go. / Chief \rf jod 1890:469.9 \op amaý utheýwiükiýthe-hnoüýi. Iüsh'aýge wiüý boüý-hnoüi. Geý-hnoüi: Mazhoüý iütheýgasoüýga \tr the «sub.» / usually assemble. / Old man / one / calls. / He says as follows: / Land / you know it for me \rf jod 1890:469.10 \op te wiý aýthiühe+, ai. Eýdi eýgoüxti sheýnuzhiüýga gtheýba-saýtoü, gtheýba-shaýpe \tr will / I / I who move, / he says. / Forthwith / young man / fifty, / sixty \rf jod 1890:469.11 \op doüýshte, tiý waxuýbe teýdi ahiý-hnoüi. Sheýnuniüýga wadoüýbe aýiaýthe-hnoüýi. Athaiý \tr perhaps, / tent / sacred / at the / they arrive. / Young man / as scouts / usually go. / They go \rf jod 1890:469.12 \op ki, huýthuga thoü uthiýshoü toüýthiüi. Eýgithe niýkashiüga weýthe doüýshte, uthaý agthiýhnoüi. \tr when, / circle of tents / the «ob.» / going around it / they run. / At length / people / they discover / perhaps, / to tell it / they come back. \rf jod 1890:469.13 \op Shoüý eý nudoüý eýkigoüxtioüý. Weýbetoü agthiý-hnoüi, oüýhe doüýshteoüýi. \tr In fact / that / going to war / is just like it. / Making a detour / they come back, / they flee / perhaps «pl.». \rf jod 1890:469.14 \op IV.-- Teý-ma heýgabaýzhi t'eýwathaiý ki, gaxthoüý agiý-hnoüi. Eýgithe niýkagaýhi \tr The buffaloes / a great many / they killed them / when, / the hunting party / usually returned homeward. / At length / chief \rf jod 1890:469.15 \op amaý utheýwiükiýthe-hnoüýi te. Eýgithe waxuýbe gaýxe 'iýthai te shiý. Tiý waxuýbe \tr the «sub.» / assembled themselves. / At length / sacred «thing» / making / they spoke of again. / Tent / sacred \rf jod 1890:469.16 \op noüýba teýdi taý wiüý uýhoüi te, utheýwiükiýthe tai-eýgoü. Sheýnuniüýga gtheýbahiýwiüxti-eýgoü \tr two / at the / dried buffalo meat / one / they cooked, / to assemble themselves / in order that. / Young man / a hundred about \rf jod 1890:469.17 \op utheýwiüwaýthe-hnoüýi. Sheýnuniüýga nukaýthiü eýdi athaiý te, tiý te eýgaxe \tr they assembled them. / Young man / stripped to the waist / there / went, / tent / the / around it in a circle \rf jod 1890:469.18 \op gthiüýi te. Shoüý aýgudiý shte waheýhazhi-ma waiiüý iüý-hnoüi, unaýzhiü uýdoü shti \tr they sat. / Yet / in what place / soever / the stout-hearted ones / robe / they wore robes, / shirt / good / too \rf jod 1890:469.19 \op ugiýnazhiü-hnoüýi. Thasniüýi ki, shoüýgaxe-hnoüýi. Tiý ke uhaý athaiý ki, tiýshi \tr they wore their own shirts. / They swallowed «the food» / when, / they ceased. / Tent / the «line of» / following it / went / when, / tentpoles \rf jod 1890:469.20 \op thiguýzhe ti-uýthipu gthiüý weýnashe moüthiüýi, waheýhazhi amaý thizeý moüthiüýi. Shoüý \tr bent a little / small lodge «see note» / sat / snatching from them / walked, / stout-hearted one / the «sub.» / taking / walked. / Yet \rf jod 1890:470.1 \op eaýtoü waýgiki uthiý'aga-baýzhi. Zhoüý-zhiüga thizaiý ge tiý waxuýbe keýta athiüý akiý-hnoüi. \tr why / they tried to get them from them / they were not unwilling. / Stick / those that they took / tent / sacred / at the / having / they reached again. \rf jod 1890:470.2 \op Tiý sneýde uthuýkiheheýbe gaýxai. Waxuýbe uýzhu ke tiý te iýdoübe \tr Tent / long / one after another, as far as «the poles» reached / they made it. / Sacred thing / principal / the «ob.» / tent / the / in the middle \rf jod 1890:470.3 \op gaýxai. Shiüýgazhiüýga pahoüýga thiükeý taý giýnai. Iüsh'aýge wiüý shiüýgazhiüýga \tr they made. / Child / first-born / the one who / dried meat / asked of him. / Old man / one / children \rf jod 1890:470.4 \op gtheýbahiýwiü-noüýba-xti-eýgoü izhaýzhe wathaýde-hnoüýi. Tushpaý, wiüaýxchi shteýshte \tr hundred two about / his name / he called them. / O grandchild, / only one / even though \rf jod 1890:470.5 \op kuýzhi oüthaýgigthoüý te a-no+! aguýdi thaýtoüsheý-doü, aiý iüsh'aýge akaý. Utheýwiüthaiý \tr yonder, at a short distance, / you will put it on «the ground» for me / indeed, halloo! / in what place / you are standing! / said / old man / the «sub.». / They collected \rf jod 1890:470.6 \op ki, taý ke bthuýga doüýbai. Tiý sneýde eýtoü thibthaý-hnoüi. Wakoüý-moüthiüý \tr when, / dried meat / the «line of» / all / they looked at. / Tent / long / so far / they spread it out. / @{Wakoüý-moüthiüý} \rf jod 1890:470.7 \op akaý taý shiüýxchi duýba uthuýshiata iheýthe-hnoüýi. Maýxoüi. Ki shiüýxchi ke noübeý \tr the «sub.» / dried meat / very fat / four / in the middle / placed them. / He cut them up. / And / very fat / the «ob.» / hand \rf jod 1890:470.8 \op te eýthoüska waýga gaýxe-hnoüýi. Waseýzhide iýgahiýi ki, zhoüý waxuýbe te iýbika-hnoüýi, \tr the / that size / slices / he made them. / Red clay / they were mixed with / when, / sacred pole / the «ob.» / he rubbed on, \rf jod 1890:470.9 \op shniüýshniüde aýtashoü gaýxe-hnoüýi. Goüý thishtoüý-hnoüi. Ukiýt'e-shtoüý-ma \tr greasy / exceedingly / he made it. / And / he completed it. / The habitual fighters \rf jod 1890:470.10 \op utheýwiüwaýthe-hnoüýi. Ukiýt'e aýkitha gaýxe 'iýthe-hnoüýi. Iýgadiýze-hnoüýi, shoüýgagthiü. \tr they assembled them. / Enemy / to contend with / making «feigning» / they spoke of. / They rode round and round, / sitting on horses. \rf jod 1890:470.11 \op Xaýde duýbaha niýkashiüga eýgoü gaýxe-hnoüýi, tiý sneýde uthuýshiataýthishoü. \tr Grass / in four places / man / like / they made, / tent / long / in front of. \rf jod 1890:470.12 \op Duýboü kikiýde-hnoüýi, shi duýboü niýkashiüga thoükaý t'eýwathe waýxe-hnoüýi. \tr Four times / they shot at one another, / again / four times / person / the «ob.» / they pretended to kill them. \rf jod 1890:470.13 \op Wapaýde shti duýboü waýxe-hnoüýi. Aýdoübeýxti kiýde-hnoüýi. Xaýde muýbthizh \tr To cut them up / too / four times / they pretended. / Taking very close aim / they shot at «them». / Grass / the knocked \rf jod 1890:470.14 \op iheýthe-hnoüýi. Maxuýde siýoütheý uzhiý iýkide-hnoüýi. Ukiýt'e amaý niýkagaýhi thoükaý \tr down by shooting. / Powder / alone / put in / they shot at «them» with. / The hostiles / chief / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:470.15 \op weýnaxiýtha-hnoüýi. Duýboü aýkikiýtha-hnoüýi. Noüshtoüýi. Ukiýt'e amaý shoüýgaxai. \tr attacked them. / Four times / they fought one another. / They stopped running. / The hostiles / ceased. \rf jod 1890:470.16 \op Niniýba waxuýbe tiý athiüý thiükeýta duýboü ahiý-hnoüi, waiiüý wiüý ubeýtoü taiý \tr Pipe / sacred / tent / to him / who had it / four times / they arrived, / robe / one / to wrap around it \rf jod 1890:470.17 \op eýthiü ahiýi. Thishkeý te. Niniýba thishkaiý ki, ubeýtoü athiüý ahiýi. Tiý waxuýbe \tr they took it there for him. / They untied its covering. / Pipe / they untied / when, / wrapping it in «the robe» / they took it there. / Tent / sacred \rf jod 1890:470.18 \op keýta athiüý akiýi; eý niniýgahi waxuýbe gaýxe uzhiý. Niýkagaýhi amaý eshnaýxtdshi \tr at the / having it / they reached again; / that / killikinnick / sacred / made / they put in. / Chief / the «sub.» / they alone \rf jod 1890:470.19 \op thashuýde gthiüý-hnoüi. \tr puffing out smoke / sat. \rf jod 1890:470.20 \op V.-- Niniýba waxuýbe ketaýthishoü shi uýshkoü wiüý uwiýbtha taý miüke. Niýkagaýhi \tr Pipe / sacred / pertaining to the / again / custom / one / I tell you / will / I who. / Chief \rf jod 1890:471.1 \op amaý utheýwiüi ki, Wachiýgaxe uýdoü ha, ai. Iükeý-sabe akeý, niniýba etaý akaý, \tr the «sub.» / assembled / when, / To dance / good / , / said they. / @{Iükeý-sabe} / it was he who, / pipe / his / the «sub.», \rf jod 1890:471.2 \op eý wachiýgaxe gaýxe 'ithaiý, uthuýkie. Ithaýkigthe iýhukithaiý. Maý'a zhoüý wiüý agiýathaiý \tr that / a dance / making / promised, / talked to «them» about it. / To join one thing to the other / they consulted one another. / Cottonwood / wood / one / / went for it \rf jod 1890:471.3 \op Iükeý-sabe amaý woüýgithe. Pasiý thoütaý zhoüý gasuýda-baýzhi. Wa'uý noüýba zhuýwagthe \tr @{Iükeý-sabe} / the «pl. sub.» / all. / Top of a tree / at the / wood / was not cleared of branches. / Woman / two / with them \rf jod 1890:471.4 \op athaiý, maýshaka athiüýi. Uthuýshiataý uzheýti gaýxai; eýdi muýza-hnoüi, zhoüý te. Iüsh'aýge \tr went, / woman's strap for carrying wood / they had. / In the middle / hole for the pole / they made; / there / they planted it, / pole / the «ob.». / Old man \rf jod 1890:471.5 \op iýekiýthewaýkithaiý. Wathaýchigaýxe te, aiý atha+. Zhoüý thakiýnoüxi te atha+, aiý. Iükeý-sabe \tr they made them act as criers. / You will dance, / they say / indeed. / Sleep / you will arouse yourselves by dancing / indeed, / said they. / @{Iükeý-sabe} \rf jod 1890:471.6 \op akaýdi zhoüýzhiüga juýba gasaiý. Huýthuga thoüý uthiýshoü athaiý eýgoü, toüýwoügthoü \tr at the / stick / some / they cut. / Circle of tents / the «ob.» / around it / went / as, / tribe \rf jod 1890:471.7 \op ubaýnoü-ma zhoüýzhiüga wiüýthoüthoü wa'iý-hnoüýi. Ubaýnoü uýzhu akaý geý-hnoüi: \tr the gentes / stick / one by one / they gave them. / Gens / head-man / the / said as follows: \rf jod 1890:471.8 \op Wachiýgaxe te eýdi-oüguýiühe weýgoüthai eýgoü, zhoüýzhiüga ke wa'iý tai-eýgoü atiýi ha, ai. \tr Dance / the / we join it / they wish for us / as, / stick / the «ob.» / to give us / in order that / they have come / , / said he. \rf jod 1890:471.9 \op Sheýnuzhiüýga bthuýga haýthukaýthiüi. Waseýsoü ki'oüýi. Wa'uý miüýzhiüga edaýbe wateý \tr Young man / all / naked. / White clay / they rubbed on themselves. / Woman / girl / also / dress \rf jod 1890:471.10 \op teý-hnoüi, shi ki'oüýi. Aýgudiý shte sheýnuzhiüýga wiüý waýthaha uýdoü aýthahai. Iükeý-sabe \tr wore dresses, / again / they painted themselves. / In what place / soever / young man / one / clothing / good / he wore clothing. / @{Iükeý-sabe} \rf jod 1890:471.11 \op nuý noüý amaý woüýgithe zhoüý te eshoüýxchi gthiüý-hnoüi. Waýhiü-shiüýthe iüý-hnoüi. \tr man / grown / the «sub.» / every one / pole / the / very near it / sat. / Robe with the hair out / they wore. \rf jod 1890:471.12 \op Neýxe-gakuý duýba, peýxe duýba shti (athiüý) a-iý-gthiüi. Iükeý-sabe sheýnuzhiüýga-ma \tr Drum / four, / gourd rattle / four / too / (having them) / they sat there. / @{Iükeý-sabe} / the young men \rf jod 1890:471.13 \op niniýba waxuýbe noüýba ke, eý akiýwa weýpahoüýga athiüý taý akaý. Sheýnuzhiüýga \tr pipe / sacred / two / the, / that / both / the first / will have them. / Young man \rf jod 1890:471.14 \op noübaý akaý niniýba uzhiýi-de aýigaýtha moüthiüý-hnoüi. Waýthiüeýthe goüýtha-ma \tr two / the «sub.» / pipe / «they» filled, when / carrying on the arm / walked. / To make presents / those who wished \rf jod 1890:471.15 \op iýgadiýze-hnoüýi, shoüýgagthiüýi. Noütaiý uthiýshoü. Moüýte gthiüýi Xuýka akaý. Nuý \tr rode round and round, / sitting on horses. / They danced / going around «the pole». / Within / sat / Singers / the «sub.». / Man \rf jod 1890:471.16 \op amaý shoüý bakuýwiüxai; wa'uý amaý aýgaha noütaiý. \tr the «sub.» / in fact / turned around; / woman / the / outside on the / danced. \rf jod 1890:471.17 \ti @{Paheý-taýp'e} to @{Shuýde-gaýxe} and @{Moüchuý-waýthihi} \dt July 29, 1878 \op Negiýha, oüwoüýxpani chaýbe. Witoüýbe koüýbtha, akiýwa, Moüchuý-waýthihi \tr O mother's brother, / me poor / very. / I see you / I wish, / both, / @{Moüchuý-waýthihi} \rf jod 1890:475.1 \op eýthoüba. Maýthe usniý tediýhi ki, witoüýbe taiý miüke. Umoüýhoü-ma shoüýge \tr he too. / Winter / cold / it arrives / when, / I see you / will / I who. / The Omahas / horse \rf jod 1890:475.2 \op thiügeý chaýbe; waxpaýni amaý. Shaoüý amaýta piý eýde, shoüýge thiügeý agthiý. \tr without / very; / they are poor. / Dakotas / to the ones who / I was there, / but / horse / without / I came home. \rf jod 1890:475.3 \op Siüdeý-gtheýshka watoüýbe piý eýde, shoüýge oü'iý-baýzhi. Shiüýgazhiüýga thithiýta, negiýha, \tr Spotted Tail / I saw him / I was there / but, / horse / he did not give me. / Child / your, / O mother's brother, \rf jod 1890:475.4 \op wakeýga-baýzhi eýiüteý, iüwiüýtha-ga. Umoüýhoü-ma meý teýdi, mashteý teýdi, aýhigi \tr sick not / it may be, / tell to me. / The Omahas / spring / in the, / warm / in the, / many \rf jod 1890:475.5 \op thidoüýbe taý amaý. Kaxeý-thoüýba zhuaýgthe agthiüý; oüthoüýbahoü. Waxiüýha hniýze \tr see you will. / Two Crows / I with him / I sit; / he knows me. / Letter / you receive \rf jod 1890:475.6 \op ki, wiüýutoügaýxti tioüýkithaý-ga. \tr when, / just as soon as / make one come to me. \rf jod 1890:475.7 \ti @{Kaxeý-thoüýba} to @{Moüchuý-waýthihi} \dt July 29, 1878 \op Nisiýha, hnaýzhi teýdi, oüwoüýxpani-mazhiý-xti-moüý thoüýshti. Hneý ki, oüwoüýxpani \tr My child, / you did not go / when, / I was not poor at all / heretofore. / You went / when, / me poor \rf jod 1890:475.8 \op heýgamaýzhi. Wigiýsithe-hnoü shoüshoüý-xti-moüý. Shoüý wigiýtoübe koübthaý-xti-moüý. \tr me not a little. / I am used to thinking of you / always very I do. / In fact / I see you, my relation / I wish very much. \rf jod 1890:475.9 \op Eaýtoü ki wigiýtoübe eteýgoü-maýzhi. Weýahideýxti hneý te, iüýtha-maýzhi \tr How / if / I see you, my relation / apt I not. / Very far away / you went \rf jod 1890:475.10 \op ha. Iýe uýdoüxti winaý'oü koübtheýgoü. Nioüýba thiügeý teýdi shutheýathe. Shoüý. \tr . / Word / very good / I hear of you / I hope. / Moon «-light» / none / when / I send it to you. / Enough. \rf jod 1890:475.11 \ti @{Zhaýbe-ska} to @{Waheý'oü} \dt August, 1878 \op Thizhiüýthe t'eý. Pahoüýga iüsh'aýge izhiüýge gitoüýbe, giýt'e ha. Goüýki Wazhiüýa-gahiýga, \tr Your elder brother / dead. / Before / old man / his son / saw his, / died to him / . / And / Bird-Chief, \rf jod 1890:476.1 \op wabaýxu goüý hniýze te ha. Goüýki waxiüýha hniýze teýdi, uýdoü moüshniüý \tr letter / at any rate / you take it / will / . / And / letter / you receive it / when, / good / you walk \rf jod 1890:476.2 \op ki iüwiüýtha giýtha-ga. Anaý'oü te ha. Thizhoüýge weýdathe noübiýdawaýthe \tr if / to tell me / send it back. / I hear / will / . / Your daughter / gave birth / twins \rf jod 1890:476.3 \op waýthiü. Akiýwa t'aiý. Uxtheýxchi gthiý 'iýthathe wiýkoübtha. Shoüý. Thizhiüýthe t'eý goüý \tr she had. / Both / died. / Very soon / to come back / you promised / I desire you. / Enough. / Your elder brother / dead / so \rf jod 1890:476.4 \op uthiýwibthaý ha. He-xaýpa, thiaýdi, thaýthuhaýxchi t'eý. Thagiýshtoübaýzhi t'eý te amaý. \tr I tell you of yours / . / @{He-xaýpa}, / your father, / very nearly / dead. / You not seeing him, your own / die / he will. \rf jod 1890:476.5 \op Wazhiüýa-gahiýga doüýbe zhuýgtha-ga. Zhaýbe-ska tiýthikitheý. \tr Bird-Chief / seeing it / be with him. / White-Beaver / causes this to come to you. \rf jod 1890:476.6 \ti @{Zhaýbe-ska} to @{Waýxa-naýzhiü} \dt August, 1878 \op Thiaýdi thaýthuhaýxchi t'eý. Thagiýshtoübaýzhi t'eý eteýgoü. Zhaýbe-ska waxiüýha \tr Your father / very nearly / dead. / You do not see yours / to die / apt. / Beaver White / letter \rf jod 1890:477.1 \op tiýthikitheý. Wathaýgishtoübaýzhi t'eý ta thoükaý. Thakiý 'ithaýthe; wiüýthakaýzhi. Thitoüýge \tr causes to come to you. / You do not see your «relations» / they will die. / You reach home / you promised; / you did not speak truly. / Your elder sister \rf jod 1890:477.2 \op weýdatheýde t'eý. Thitoüýshka thitoüýge iýdathe ke t'eý. Miüý thoüý t'eý eýgasaýni che \tr bore children, but / dead. / Your sister's child / your elder sister / the one that she bore / dead. / Moon / the / dead / the next day / the «+when» \rf jod 1890:477.3 \op shutheýathe. \tr I send it to you. \rf jod 1890:477.4 \ti @{Namaýmana} to @{Moüchuý-waýthihi} \dt August 22, 1878 \op Tahoüýha, wabaýgtheze thoüý shuhiý wiüýuwatoüýga iýthathe te ha. Usniýazhi \tr Brother-in-law, / letter / the «ob.» / reaches you / as soon as / you cause it to be coming / will / . / Not cold \rf jod 1890:477.5 \op shoüteý shupiý taý miüke ha. Uzhoüýge ke ithaýpahoü-mazhiý-xti-moüý. Mazhoüý aýgudi \tr yet, when / I reach you / will / I who / . / Road / the / I have not the least knowledge of it. / Land / in what place \rf jod 1890:477.6 \op thagthiüý thoü ithaýpahoü koüýbtha taý miüke. Shiüýgazhiüýga witoüýge waýthiü thoükaý \tr you sit / the «ob.» / I know / I wish / will / I who. / Child / my elder sister / she had them / the ones who \rf jod 1890:477.7 \op uýdoüi ki, uaýna'oü koüýbtha. Wamuýske shti uaýzhi ha, weýgoüze agthiüý-saýtoü. \tr they are good / if, / I hear of it / I wish. / Wheat / too / I sowed / , / measure / fifteen. \rf jod 1890:477.8 \op Shiüýgazhiüýga wiwiýta wakeýgede piýazhi. T'eý teýdi, shubtheý teýiüte. Oüwoüýxpani \tr Child / my / sick, but / bad. / He dies / when, / I go to you / may. / Me poor \rf jod 1890:477.9 \op heýgamaýzhi ha. Eýskana witoüýbai koübtheýgoü-hnoü shoüýshoü. Mazhoüý (thoü) uýdoü \tr I am very / . / Would that / I see you / I am hoping / always. / Land / (the) / good \rf jod 1890:477.10 \op (ki), waýgazu anaý'oü koüýbtha. Sheýna. \tr (if), / correctly / I hear / I wish. / Enough. \rf jod 1890:477.11 \ti @{Uýhoü-zhiüýga} to @{Gashuýdithaü} \dt August 22, 1878 \op Nisiýha, hneý te, noüýde iüýpimazhiýxti-moüý. Atoüý wisiýthe te noüýde \tr My child, / you went / when, / heart / I had it very bad for me. / When / I think of you / the / heart \rf jod 1890:478.1 \op iüýpimaýzhi-hnoü-moüý. Goüýadi oüwoüýxpani-maýzhi teýiüte, shoüý eýskana witoüýbe \tr I always have it sad. / Now / I may not become poor, / yet / would that / I see you \rf jod 1890:478.2 \op koübtheýgoü. Shoüý eýskana, nisiýha, umoüýthiüka (theý) witoüýbe koübtheýgoü, usniý \tr I hope. / Still / would that, / my child, / season / (this) / I see you / I hope, / cold \rf jod 1890:478.3 \op teýdi theýthuaýdi. Niýkashiüga oüwoüýthitoüýxti eýgoü, aýdoü oükiýgthishuýpa-bazhiý-xtioüýi. \tr in the / during this. / Indians / we have worked hard / somewhat, / therefore / we have not packed our things at all. \rf jod 1890:478.4 \op Wathiýtoü te heýgazhi. E'oüý moühniüý te winaý'oü koüýbtha. Eýgithe waxiüýha \tr Work / the / not a little. / How / you walk / the / I hear from you / I wish. / Behold, / letter \rf jod 1890:478.5 \op uxtheýxchi tioüýthakiýthe koüýbtha ha. \tr very soon / you send to me / I wish. \rf jod 1890:478.6 \ti @{Kishkeý} to @{Moüchuý-toüýga} \dt August 22, 1878 \op Oüýbatheýgoü waxiüýha wawiýpaxuý. Shoüý wisiýthexti-hnoü-moüý, kageý. \tr This day, as / letter / I write to you. / Still / I am always remembering you very well, / O younger brother. \rf jod 1890:478.7 \op Wigiýsitheýxti oüýba ge. Shoüý hniýze ki, iýe juýba oü'iý ithaý-ga. Uýshkoü e'oüý \tr I remember you, my own, very well / day / the «pl. ob.». / Yet / you receive it / when, / word / some / to give to me / cause to be coming. / Deed / how \rf jod 1890:478.8 \op moühniüý te winaý'oü koüýbtha. Shoüý umoüýthiüka theýthuaýdi witoüýbe koübtheýgoü. \tr you walk / the / I hear from you / I wish. / In fact / season / during the present / I see you / I hope. \rf jod 1890:478.9 \ti @{Moüchuý-noüýba} to Agítcita \dt August 22, 1878 \op Oüýbatheý niýashiüga Poüýka thoükaý wabaýgtheze thoü tiýthai bthiýze. Thitoüýde \tr This day / people / Ponka / the ones who / letter / the / sent here / I have received. / Your daughter's husband \rf jod 1890:479.1 \op wakeýgai; iüýchoüxchi giýudoüýi. Ueýbtha taý miüke. Wamuýske ke sheýtoü \tr was sick; / just now / he is better. / I tell him / will / I who. / Wheat / the «ob.» / so far \rf jod 1890:479.2 \op gthiýtoüzhi. Wasniüýde tateý. \tr he has not worked his. / He delay / will surely. \rf jod 1890:479.3 \ti @{Moüchuý-noüýba} to @{Weýs'a-toüýga}. \dt August 22, 1878 \op Tushpaýha, iýe noüýba shutheýwikiýthe. Shoüý Shaoüý amaý, Siüdeý-gtheshka, noübeý-ubthoüý. \tr My grandchild, / word / two / I send to you. / In fact / Dakota / the ones who / Spotted-tail, / hand I held. \rf jod 1890:479.4 \op 'Oüýthiügeýxti noübeý-ubthoüý, shoüý uýdoü ha. Uýdoüxti noübeý-ubthoüý. \tr Nothing at all being the matter. / hand I held, / yet / good / . / Very good / hand I held. \rf jod 1890:479.5 \op Shoüý ukiýt'e wiüoüýwa ukiýt'e thoüý uýdoü thanaýzhiü te anaý'oü koüýbtha. Shoüý goüý \tr Now / nation / which one / nation / the / good / you stand / the / I hear it / I wish. / At any rate \rf jod 1890:479.6 \op wisiýthe-hnoü-moüý thoüýzha e'oüý te, iüýpi-maýzhi. Wakoüýda iüthiüýthigthoüý taiteý, \tr I always remember you / though / what is the matter / when, / I am sad. / The Great Spirit / decide for me about my own / shall, \rf jod 1890:479.7 \op eheý. Sheýna shutheýwikiýthe. Uýdoü anaýzhiü. \tr I say. / Enough / I send to you. / Good / I stand. \rf jod 1890:479.8 \ti @{Piý-zi-thiüýge} to @{Miüxaý-ska}, @{Xuýgahunaýzhiü}, and @{Xithaý-ska} \op Niýashiüga amaý theýamaý thidoüýbe taiý ebtheýgoü, aýdoü shubtheý taý miüke. \tr People / the «sub.» / these / see you / will / I think, / therefore / I go to you / will / I who. \rf jod 1890:480.1 \op Hneý te shetoüý, negiýha, shoüýge sheýna oüthaý'i thoükaý t'aiý, aýdoü shubtheý taý miüke. \tr You went / when / so far, / mother's brother, / horse / so many / you gave to me / the ones that / have died, / therefore, / I go to you / will / I who. \rf jod 1890:480.2 \op Witoüýbe te eýkigoü, toüýwoügthoü zaniýxti thidoüýbe goüýthai. Negiýha, wizhiüýthe \tr I see you / the / like it, / nation / all / see you / they wish. / O mother's brother, / my elder brother \rf jod 1890:480.3 \op meýgoü, oüwoüýxpani heýga-maýzhi. Shubtheý taý miüke ha. Edeýshai ki, waxiüýha \tr likewise, / me poor / I not a little. / I go to you / will / I who / . / What you say / if, / letter \rf jod 1890:480.4 \op uxtheýxchi tioüýthakiýthe koüýbtha ha. \tr very soon / you send here to me / I wish / \rf jod 1890:480.5 \ti @{Paheý-taýp'e} to @{Xithaý-ska} \op Waxiüýha hniýze te, ioüýkithaý-ga. Negiýha, mazhoüý thoüý e'oüý moühniüý \tr Letter / you receive / when, / cause one to be coming to me. / O mother's brother, / land / the / how / you walk \rf jod 1890:480.6 \op te thuýtoü anaý'oü koüý ebtheýgoü. Zhuýazhi kiýshte, thuýtoü iüwiüýtha giýtha-ga. Negiýha, \tr the / correctly / I hear it / I hope. / Unsuitable / even if, / correctly / to tell me / cause to come back. / O mother's brother, \rf jod 1890:480.7 \op oüwoüýxpani chaýbe ha. Axaýge-hnoü shoüshoüý-xti-moüý, witoüýba-maýzhi. Daýdoü \tr me poor / very / . / I am crying / always indeed I am, / I do not see you. / What \rf jod 1890:480.8 \op iüýthiügeý, negiýha, oüthoüýwoügthaý ha. Oüwoüýxpani chaýbe, negiýha. Theýamaý, \tr I am without, / mother's brother, / I suffer on account of it / . / Me poor / very, / mother's brother. / These, \rf jod 1890:480.9 \op negiýha, -- witoüýbe taý miüke thoüýzha, negiýha, wamuýske uaýzhi utheýwiüaýgithe \tr mother's brother, -- / I see you / will / I who / though, / mother's brother, / wheat / I sowed / I collect mine \rf jod 1890:480.10 \op bthiýshtoü ki witoüýbe koüýbtha. -- Umoüýhoü amaý usniýxti wiüdeýtoü tediýhi ki \tr I finish / when / I see you / I wish. -- / Omahas / the «sub.» / very cold / half the length / it arrives there / when \rf jod 1890:480.11 \op thidoüýbe taý amaý, negiýha. Niýkashiüga-maý theýamaý, Umoüýhoü-maý, negiýha, etaýhabaýzhi, \tr see you / will, / mother's brother. / The people / these, / the Omahas, / mother's brother, / are eccentric, \rf jod 1890:480.12 \op negiýha. Uýdoü nazhiüý-baýzhi; iüýtexi chaýbe ha. Iüýnoüha, wineýgi edaýbe, \tr mother's brother. / Good / they do not stand; / hard for me / very / . / My mother, / my mother's brothers / also, \rf jod 1890:481.1 \op wakeýga-baýzhi ki, iüwiüýtha giýtha-ga. E'oüý shteýshte awaýna'oü koüýbtha. Negiýha, \tr they are not sick / if, / to tell me / cause to be coming back. / What is the matter / soever / I hear of them / I wish. / Mother's brother, \rf jod 1890:481.2 \op waxiüýha Poüýka amaý gthiýthai te anaý'oü, uoüýde iüýudoü. Eýgoü, negiýha, \tr letter / Ponkas / the «sub.» / caused to come home / when / I heard it, / heart / good for me. / So, / mother's brother, \rf jod 1890:481.3 \op waxiüýha oü'iý ithaý-ga ha. Iýe juýba oü'iý-ga ha, negiýha. Noüýde iüýudoü \tr letter / to give me / cause to be coming / , / Word / some / give me / , / mother's brother. / Heart / good for me \rf jod 1890:481.4 \op teý, negiýha. \tr will, / mother's brother. \rf jod 1890:481.5 \ti @{Kebaýha} to @{Weýs'a-toüýga} \op Waweýmaxe shutheýathe. Niýkashiüýga maýshe, oüthiýsithai weýtha-baýzhi chaýbe. Uý'oüthiüýge \tr I ask questions / I send to you. / O ye people, / we remember you / we are sad / very. / To no purpose \rf jod 1890:481.6 \op wisiýthe-hnoü-moüý, oüýbatoüýshte. Shoüý mazhoüý e'oüý moühniüý ki, eý waýgazu \tr I am generally thinking of you, / some days. / Yet / land / how / you walk / if, / that / correctly \rf jod 1890:481.7 \op anaý'oü koüýbtha. Theýamaý niýkashiüga amaý usniý tediýhi ki, thidoüýbe goüýthai. \tr I hear / I wish. / These / people / the «sub.» / cold / it arrives at it / when, / to see you / wish. \rf jod 1890:481.8 \op Shoüý e'oüý moühniüý ki waxiüýha gioüýkithaý-ga. Winaý'oü koüýbtha. Uxtheýxchi \tr Yet / how / you walk / if / letter / send back to me. / I hear from you / I wish. / Very soon \rf jod 1890:482.1 \op waxiüýha gioüýkithaý-ga: Theý shuhiý tediýhi ki, waxiüýha-uhnoüý tediýhi ki, uxtheýxchi \tr letter / send back to me: / This / reaches you / it arrives at it / when, / letter you hold / it arrives at it / when, / very soon \rf jod 1890:482.2 \op gioüýkithaý-ga, waxiüýha. \tr send back to me, / letter. \rf jod 1890:482.3 \ti @{Si-kaüý-xega} to @{Eýduaýna} \st Antoine Roy \op Kageý, goüý Umoüýhoü amaý shatheý taý amaý. [Theý amaý] shubtheý bthiýshtoü anaýzhiü. \tr Younger brother, / after a while / Omahas / the «sub.» / go to you / will. / [They are going] / I go to you / I have finished / I stand. \rf jod 1890:482.4 \op Uýkie shatheý taý amaý. Niýkashiüýga gtheýba-noüýba thidoüýbe goüýthai. Shoüý, edaýdoü shteýshte \tr To talk with them / they will go to you. / Person / twenty / to see you / wish. / Now, / whatsoever \rf jod 1890:482.5 \op abthiüý-maýzhi, oüwoüýxpani chaýbe. Sheý niýashiüga nuýzhiüga thaýbthiü witoüýbai \tr I have I not, / me poor / very. / That / person / boy / three / I see you \rf jod 1890:482.6 \op koüýbtha: Mazhoüý-ibaýhoü, Shaýbe-naýzhiü, sheýna. Wisiýthe-hnoüýdi iüýtha-maýzhi-hnoü-moüý. \tr I wish: / Land he knows, / Dark «afar» he stands, / enough. / I remember you always when / I am always sad. \rf jod 1890:482.7 \op Shoüý witoüýbe koübthaýxti-moü, thaýbthiü gaýhnoükaýshe. Toüýwoügthoü teýxi \tr Yet / I see you / I wish indeed, / three / you who are those «unseen». / Tribe / difficult \rf jod 1890:482.8 \op iýshpahoü; iüýtoü teýxi, weýtexiýxtioüýi. Oüwoüýxpani te aýwake. Theýthoükaý, nuýzhiüga \tr you knew; / now / difficult, / very difficult for us. / I am poor / the / I mean it. / These, / boy \rf jod 1890:482.9 \op thoükaý, noübaý thoükaý, waxiüýha doüýbe zhuýwathaýgthe koüýbtha. Shoüý shiüýgazhiüýga \tr the «pl. ob.», / two / the «pl. ob.», / letter / to see it / you with them / I wish. / And / children \rf jod 1890:482.10 \op thiýta wakeýga te eýskoü t'eý iüte shoüý anaý'oü koüýbthaý. Mazhoüý-ibaýhoü shti thiýe \tr your / sick / the / it may be / dead it may be / yet / I hear it / I wish. / @{Mazhoüý-ibaýhoü} / too / you \rf jod 1890:482.11 \op waýwike. Shaýbe-naýzhiü thiý shti thiýe waýwike. \tr I mean you. / @{Shaýbe-naýzhiü} / you / too / you / I mean you. \rf jod 1890:482.12 \ti @{Wazhiüý-ska} to @{Moüchuý-waýthihi} and @{Oüýpoü-toüýga} \op Waxiüýha gaýthoü wawiýpaxuý shutheýathe. Shuhiý teý, hniýze ki, eýskana \tr Letter / that / I write to you / I send it to you. / It reaches you / when, / you take it / when, / oh that \rf jod 1890:483.1 \op uxtheýxchi gthiýthathe koübtheýgoü. Ki niýkashiüýga-ma, theýama, Umoüýhoü amaý, \tr very soon / you send «one» back / I hope. / And / the people, / these, / Omahas / the «sub.», \rf jod 1890:483.2 \op edaýdoü iýe keý oüýshte shoüý wabthiýtoü moübthiüý, eýgithe, uýshkoü wisiýthe ha. Wisiýthe \tr what / «they» speak / the / as if / still / I work / I walk, / behold, / deed / I remember you / . / I remember you \rf jod 1890:483.3 \op te shoüý waxiüýha gaýthoü shuhiý teýdi, iýe ke oüthaý'i tiýthathe ki, ithaýkigthiýgthoü koüýbtha. \tr the / yet / letter / that / it reaches you / when, / words / the / you give me / you send it, here / I decide for myself / I wish. \rf jod 1890:483.4 \op Shoüý niýashiüga ukeýthiü eshoüý wetheýnazhiü edaýdoü wiüý thi'iý geý thti waýgazuýxti \tr And / Indians / near to / you stand to them / what / one / they give you «pl. ob.» / too / very straight \nt =@{shti} \rf jod 1890:483.5 \op iüwiüýtha iýtha-ga. Anaý'oü koüýbtha. Shoüý Oüýpoü-toüýga, thiý shti wisiýthe shoüshoüýxti-moüý. \tr to tell me / send it here. / I hear it / I wish. / And / Big Elk, / you / too / I remember you / always indeed I do. \rf jod 1890:483.6 \op Ki shoüý iýe ke shutheý ke bthuýga, Oüýpoü-toüýga, thiý shti thanaý'oü teýgoü \tr And / in fact, / words / the / sent to you / the / all, / @{Oüýpoü-toüýga}, / you / too / you hear them / in order that \rf jod 1890:483.7 \op wawiýpaxuý. Iýe thiýta ke ioüýkithaý-ga, juýba, thiý shti. Niýashiüga-maý edaýdoü uýdoü \tr I write to you. / Words / your / the / send here to me, / some, / you / too. / The people / what things / good \rf jod 1890:483.8 \op gaýxe teýdi, siýthewaýthe. Uýdoü oüshkaýxe-hnoüý eýgoü, wisiýthe. Shoüý uwiýkie ke \tr do / when, / memorable. / Good / you usually made me / as, / I remember you. / And / I talk to you / the \rf jod 1890:483.9 \op iýe ke aýhigiýxti theýamaý uthuýwikieý shutheýathe. Oüwoüýxpani eýgoü aýdoü iýe aýhigixti \tr words / the / very many / these / I talk to you about / I send to you. / I am poor / somewhat / therefore / words / very many \rf jod 1890:483.10 \op uthuýwikieý shuýtheýathe. Wiýbthahoü shutheýathe. \tr I talk to you about / I send to you. / I pray to you / I send to you. \rf jod 1890:483.11 \ti @{Shoüýtoü-zhiüýga} to @{Moüchuý-waýthihi} \op Goüý witoüýba-maýzhi te, oüwoüýxpani; witoüýbe te, oüwoüýxpani-maýzhi. \tr At any rate / I do not see you / when, / I am poor; / I see you / when, / I am not poor. \rf jod 1890:484.1 \op Shneý te shetoüý noüýde iüýpi-maýzhi; oüwoüýkega eýgoü-shoüýshoü. Niýkagaýhi amaý \tr You went / the / so far / heart / not good for me; / I am sick / always. / Chiefs / the ones who \rf jod 1890:484.2 \op wiýuthakieý uýdoü-hnoüýi, shi sheýnuzhiüýga uýwathakieý shti uýdoü-hnoüýi. Toüýwoügthoü \tr you talk to them about it / is always good, / again / young man / you talk to them / too / is always good. / Tribe \rf jod 1890:484.3 \op theýama Umoüýhoü-maý daýdoü wathaý'i te uýdoü chaýbe-hnoü. Thisiýthe-hnoü shoüýshoü. \tr these / the Omahas / what / you have given them / good / very usually. / They are always thinking of you. \rf jod 1890:484.4 \op Weýthigthoü thiýta te uýdoü shoüshoüýxti. Eýskana umoüýthiüka aýzhi ki witoüýbe \tr Plans / your / the / good / continually. / Oh that / season / another / if / I see you \rf jod 1890:484.5 \op koübtheýgoü. Eýskana uheý ke iüwiüýthashna iýthathe koüýbtha. Ieýska ashniüý thiükeý \tr I hope. / Oh that / path / the «ob.» / you tell me / you send here / I wish. / Interpreter / you have him / the one who \rf jod 1890:484.6 \op uheý keý iýbahoü ki, iüwiüýth iýtha-ga ha. Badiýze izhaýzhe athiüý. Wathuýtada tiýi thoü \tr path / the «ob.» / knows it / if, / to tell me / send here / . / Battiste / his name / he has. / Oto / village / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:484.7 \op eýshetoüý oüýba uýmoüthiü aýna te anaý'oü koüýbtha. Poüýka tiýi thoü eýshetoüý, eý \tr as far as that / day / to walk in / how many / the / I hear it / I wish. / Ponka / village / the «ob.» / as far as that, / that \rf jod 1890:484.8 \op aýwake. Poüýka niýkagaýhi izhiüýge washuýshe woüýgithexti witoüýbai koübtheýgoü. \tr I mean it. / Ponka / chief / his son / brave / all / I see you / I hope. \rf jod 1890:485.1 \op Eýgipi moüý-xti-moüý eýgoü, witoüýbai koübtheýgoü-hnoü shoüýshoü. Wathaýte thiýta \tr I am so used to you / as, / I see you / I am hoping / always. / Food / your \rf jod 1890:485.2 \op bthaýte shoüýshoü. Iüýudoü, aýdoü witoüýbe koübthaý-xti-moüý. Badiýze akaý eý thizaiý \tr I ate / always. / Good / to me, / therefore / I see you / I desire very I do. / Battiste / the «sub.» / that / he takes it \rf jod 1890:485.3 \op ki, doüýbe uthiýtha taý akaý. \tr when, / seeing it / he will tell you. \rf jod 1890:485.4 \ti @{Maxpiýya-xaýga} to @{Moüchuý-naýzhiü} \op Tahoüýha, nuýzhiüga thithiýta t'eý te, noüýde iüýpi-maýzhi shoüýshoü. Ki theýthu thanaýzhiü \tr Brother-in-law, / boy / your / dead / as, / heart / bad for me / always. / And / here / you stood \rf jod 1890:485.5 \op naýzhiü teýdi, uýdoü heýga-hniü-aýzhi eýde ihneý te shetoüý, shiüýgazhiüýga thithiýta eýthoüba, \tr when, / good / a little you were not / but / you have gone there / so far, / child / your / he too, \rf jod 1890:485.6 \op mazhoüý thoü abthiüý thoüýdi iütheýwashkoüýxti ki, t'eý te anaý'oü teýdi, iüýtha-maýzhi ha. \tr land / the «ob.» / I have / in the / you made great efforts for me / when, / dead / the / I heard it / when, / I was sad / \rf jod 1890:485.7 \op Theýakaý itiými akaý xageý-hnoü shoüýshoüi. Shoüý goüý anaý'oü te, shetoüý noüýde \tr This one / his mother's brother's wife / the «sub.» / is always crying. / Just / so / I heard it / when, / so far / heart \rf jod 1890:485.8 \op iüýpi-maýzhi moübthiüý ha. Shoüýge zhoü-moüýthiü 'iüý thoüýka enaýxchi iüwiüýshte. \tr bad for me / I walk / . / Horse / wagon / carry / the ones that / they alone / remain to me. \rf jod 1890:485.9 \op Mazhoüý abthiüý thoü uýmaxethe paýxe eýgoü, wamuýske mazhoüý bthuýga uaýzhi. Shi \tr Land / I have / the / I did not like to give it up because I had worked it / as, / wheat / land / the whole / I sowed. / Again \rf jod 1890:485.10 \op daýdoü waxtaý zhiüýga bthuýga abthiüý; nuý shti abthiüý, shoüý watoüýzi shti aýhigiýxti \tr what / vegetable / small / all / I have; / potato / too / I have, / and / corn / too / very much \rf jod 1890:485.11 \op abthiüý. Niýkashiüga-maý theýthu moüthiüýi geýdi oüýba uaýwatiýha-hnoüýi. Umoüýhoü \tr I have. / The people / here / they walked / during the «pl.» / day / we are generally lonesome. / Omahas \rf jod 1890:485.12 \op amaý bthuýga thigiýsithe-hnoüýi. Ki Shaoüý amataý shti oügaýhii. Oügaýgthii, shoüýge \tr the / all / remember you. / And / Dakotas / to them / too / we arrived. / We came home, / horse \rf jod 1890:485.13 \op wa'iýi ha Shaoüý amaý. Shoüý witoüýbe koübtheýde teýxi ha. Tiý te iüthiüýdoübe \tr gave to us / / Dakotas / the. / Yet / I see you / I wish, but / difficult / . / House / the / to look after for me \rf jod 1890:485.14 \op thiügeý te eý aýwake, teýxi ha. Shoüý aýhigiýxti niýkashiüga amaý oüthiýdoübe taiteý \tr there is none / the / that / I mean it, / difficult / . / Yet / a great many / people / the «sub.» / we see you / shall \rf jod 1890:486.1 \op ebtheýgoü ha. Niýkashiüga wiüý sheýnuzhiüýga thithiýta thoükaý wiüý oüthaý'i koüýbtha. \tr I think / . / Person / one / young man / your / the ones who / one / you give me / I wish. \rf jod 1890:486.2 \op Umoüýhoü-maý iüýtoü wazhiüý-xidaýawaýthe; niýkashiüga-baýzhi goüýthai te, aýdoü wazhiüýxidaýawaýthe. \tr The Omahas / now / I am out of patience with them; / Indians they not / they desire, / therefore / I am out of patience with them. \rf jod 1890:486.3 \op Niýkashiüga amaý niýkagaýhi zhuoüýwoügiýgthai, eý uýdoü ha. Waýxe \tr People / the ones who / chief / we go with them, our own, / that / good / . / Acting the \rf jod 1890:486.4 \op gaýxe eýde oüthoüýt'athaiý eý weaýt'abtheý ha. Ki niýkashiüga ukeýthiü niýkagaýhi oüýtha \tr white man / but / they hate me / that / I hate them / . / And / Indian / ordinary / chief / to throw away \rf jod 1890:486.5 \op goüýthai ha; aýdoü sheýthu mazhoüý thoüýdi toüýbe koübthaý-xti ha. Paýthiü-noüpaýzhi \tr they wish / ; / therefore / yonder where you are / land / in the / I see it / I wish very / . / @{Pathiü-noüpazhi} \rf jod 1890:486.6 \op amaý eý waýxe gaýxe zhuýwagthe goüýthai ha; niýkashiüga ukeýthiü te oüýtha goüýthai ha. \tr the «sub.» / he / acting the white man / he with them / wishes / ; / Indian / ordinary / the / to throw it away / wishes / . \rf jod 1890:486.7 \ti Joseph La Flèche to his brother Frank \dt September, 1878 \op Waxiüýha gthiýthathai ki, iýe piýazhi sabaýzhi shuhiý oüthoüýkuhaiý ha. \tr Letter / you sent it back / if, / words / bad / suddenly / reach you / we apprehend it / . \rf jod 1890:486.8 \op Shoüý iýe dzhuýbaxchi uwiýbtha taý miüke ha. Pahoüýga shnaiý teýdi, wabaýgtheze \tr Now / words / very few / I tell you / will / I who / . / Before / you went / when, / letter \rf jod 1890:487.1 \op thoüý gthioüýthakiýthe-shnoüý ha. Ki meý theý wabaýgtheze wiüeýshte gthioüýthakitha-baýzhi ha. \tr the «ob.» / you used to send back to me / . / And / spring / this / letter / even one / you have not sent back to me / . \rf jod 1890:487.2 \op Shoüý wabaýgtheze thaýbthiü-xti-eýgoü shutheýathe ha. Kiý oüthaýkiwazhiüýshte ebtheýgoü ha, \tr Yet / letter / three about / I have sent to you / , / And / you were angry with me / I thought / , \rf jod 1890:487.3 \op wabaýgtheze wiüeýshte gthioüýthakithaýzhi. Shoüý thikaýge wiüý wabaýgtheze wiüý tiýthakiýthe \tr letter / even one / you did not send back to me. / Yet / your friend / one / letter / one / you caused some one to send it to him \rf jod 1890:487.4 \op ki, iüwiüýtha ha; aýdoü wiüý shutheýwikiýthe ha. Ki e'oüý oünaýzhiüi te weaýshpahoü \tr when, / he told me / ; / therefore / one / I cause him to send it to you / . / And / how / we stood / you knew us \rf jod 1890:487.5 \op hnaiý te, shoüýshoü oüthiüýi ha. Shoüý nieý thithiüýgexti tiý-uzhiý te winaý'oüi te, iüýthexti-moüý \tr you went / when, / always / we are / . / Yet / pain / you had none at all / household / the / I heard of you / when, / I was delighted \rf jod 1890:487.6 \op ha. Mazhoüý thoüý iýshpahoü hnaiý ha. Mazhoüý sheýta thoü, uýkuhexti shneý \tr . / Land / the «ob.» / you knew it / you went / . / Land / yonder by you / the «ob.», / very fearful about it / you go \rf jod 1890:487.7 \op eýgoüi ha; aýdoü kuýhewikiýthe-hnoü-moüýi ha. Misheýtha ihoüý wakeýga heýga-baýzhi \tr some what / ; / therefore / I have always been apprehensive on your «pl.» account / . / Michel / his mother / sick / not a little \rf jod 1890:487.8 \op thoüýzha, shoüý t'eý tateý ithaýpahoü-maýzhi ha, shoüý niüýta teý doüýshte ithaýpahoü-maýzhi ha. \tr though, / yet / die / shall / I do not know / , / yet / live / will / perhaps / I do not know / , \rf jod 1890:487.9 \op Nugeý theý mashteý heýgazhi ha; shoüý mashteý wiüeýshte ithaýpahoü-maýzhi ha. Oüýska, \tr Summer / this / warm / not a little / ; / in fact, / warm / even one / I do not know / . / By the by, \rf jod 1890:487.10 \op Frank wa'uý miüýgthoü eýde t'eýe ha, nuýgeaýdi. Shoüý mazhoüý thoüýdi oüthoüýniütaiý \tr Frank / woman / he married her / but / she is dead / , / last summer. / Still / land / in the / we live by it \rf jod 1890:487.11 \op te shetoüý oüthoüýbahoü-baýzhi ha. Waýgazu oüýthiü-baýzhi ha. Shoüý mazhoüý \tr will / so far / we do not know / . / Straight / we are not / . / Still / land \rf jod 1890:487.12 \op ke sheýta uaýgashoü koübtheýgoü. Ithaýdithaiý akaý iüthiüýginahiüýi ki, uaýgashoü eteýgoü ha. \tr the / yonder / I travel / I hope. / Agent / the «sub.» / he is willing for me, his own / if, / I travel / apt / . \rf jod 1890:487.13 \op Ithaýdithaiý akaý uýwagithiý'age-hnoüýi Umoüýhoü-maý. Shoüý Paýthiü tiýi thoü weýgoüze \tr Agent / the / is generally unwilling for them / the Omahas. / And / Pawnees / village / the / measure \rf jod 1890:487.14 \op aýna thagthiüý te iüwiüýthaga ha. Ki shi mazhoüý thagthiüýi thoüý theý shetoüý weýgoüze \tr how many / you sit / the / tell to me / . / And / again / land / you sit / the / this / so far / measure \rf jod 1890:487.15 \op aýna thagthiüýi ki, iüwiüýtha-ga ha. Ki shi iýe aýzhi wiüý eýgipe taý miüke ha. \tr how many / you sit / if, / tell to me / . / And / again / word / different / one / I say to him / will / I who / . \rf jod 1890:487.16 \op Shoüý iýe theýthu moüshniüý teýdi, iýe te eýgoü uwiýbtha-hnoü-moüý. Niýkashiüga ukeýthiü \tr Yet / word / here / you walked / when, / words / the / like / I usually tell you. / Indian / ordinary \rf jod 1890:487.17 \op te gioüýtha-ga, ehaý-maýzhi ha; shi, Waýxe gaýxa-ga, ehaý-maýzhi ha; shi, Niýkashiüga \tr the / throw away yours, / I did not say / ; / again, / Act the white man, / I did not say / ; / again, / Indian \rf jod 1890:488.1 \op ukeýthiü moüthiüý-ga, ehaý-maýzhi ha. Ki shi, Wakoüýda thiükeý uthuýnazhiüý-ga ha. \tr ordinary / walk thou, / I did not say / . / And / again, / Deity / the «ob.» / depend on him / . \rf jod 1890:488.2 \op Wakoüýda thiükeý siýtha-ga ha. Ki Wakoüýda thiükeý thasiýthathaýzhi ki, mazhoüý \tr Deity / the «ob.» / remember him / . / And / Deity / the «ob.» / you do not remember / if, / land \rf jod 1890:488.3 \op theýthu-shnaýxchi xtaýthathe ki, thiýthazhi tateý -- thiýthazhi tateý iüduýathaýtaha. Wakoüýda \tr here only / you love it / if, / you sad / shall / you sad / shall / in the future. / Deity \rf jod 1890:488.4 \op akaý itoüýthiüataý gthiüýi ha. Eýdi oügaýhi toüýgatoü. Eýdi oügaýhii ki, oüthoüýkipahoüý \tr the «sub.» / in front / sits / . / There / we reach / we who will. / There / we reach / when, / we know for ourselves \rf jod 1890:488.5 \op toüýgatoü, eheý. Wakoüýda akaý mazhoüý theýthu oümoüýthiüi ki, wadoüýbe \tr we who will, / I said. / Deity / the «sub.» / land / here / we walk / when, / seeing us \rf jod 1890:488.6 \op gthiüýi ha. Ki Wakoüýda akaý oüwoüýsitha-bazhiý-xtioüýi ha. Shi iýe te sheýna \tr sits / . / And / Deity / the one who / we have not remembered them at all / . / Again / words / the / enough \rf jod 1890:488.7 \op paýxu ha. Ki Paýthiü weýpahoü amaý aýna t'aiý iüýbaxu iýtha-ga. Shi iüdaýdoü \tr I write / . / And / Pawnees / I know them / the ones who / how many / have died / write to me / send it. / Again / what \rf jod 1890:488.8 \op iütheýshpaxu thkoüýhna iüýbaxuý-ga. Shoüýge shti aýna waýshniü eýiüte iüýbaxuý-ga. \tr you write to me / you wish / write to me. / Horse / too / how many / you have them / it may be / write to me. \nt =@{shkoüýhna} \rf jod 1890:488.9 \ti @{Gahiýge} to @{Xithaý-ska} and @{Tenuýga-naýzhiü} \op Sheýamaý niýkashiüýga-ma thiý moühniüý te, eý uýdoü waýhniü ebtheýgoü. Theýamaý \tr Those / the people / you / you walk / when, / that / good / you have them / I think. / These \rf jod 1890:489.1 \op uýdoü waýbthiü koübtheýde teýxi ha. Shoüý edaýdoü weýpibaýzhi-baýzhi oümoüýthiüi te, \tr good / I have them / I wish, but / difficult / . / Still / what / bad for us not / we walk / when, \rf jod 1890:489.2 \op shoüý oüguý-xchi oügaýkigthaýthiüi. Edaýdoü theý mazhoüý thoüý oüthiýtoüi te, aýta oüguýketoüýi. \tr still / we ourselves / have ourselves. / What / this / land / the / we work it / when, / beyond / we acquire. \rf jod 1890:489.3 \op Sheýta washkoüýi-ga. Witoüýbai-maýzhi iüýtexi; shoüý wisiýthai eýgoü, eýgipe. \tr Yonder / make an effort. / I do not see you «pl.» / hard for me; / yet / I remember you / as, / I have said it. \rf jod 1890:489.4 \op Shoüý mazhoüý uthaýgthiüi thoüý wathaýte e'oüý uthaýzhii ge e'oüý thuýtoü anaý'oü koüýbtha. \tr Still / land / you sit in / the / food / how / you have planted / the «pl. ob.» / how / straight / I hear / I wish. \rf jod 1890:489.5 \op Poüýka-maý e'oüý niýkashiüga wakeýga amaý awaýna'oü koüýbtha ha. Theýthu amaý \tr The Ponkas / how / people / sick / the ones who / I hear from them / I wish / . / Here / the ones who \rf jod 1890:489.6 \op wakeýga heýga-baýzhi. Shoüý thitiými akaý e'oüý moühniüý te bthuýga thinaý'oü goüýthai, \tr sick / not a little. / Now / your father's sister / the «sub.» / how / you walk / the / all / to hear of you / wishes, \rf jod 1890:489.7 \op aýdoü waxiüýha shutheýathe. Ieý theý, Moüchuý-waýthihi, Waýnoüpaýzhi iýuthaý-ga. Itiými \tr therefore / letter / I send to you. / Word / this, / @{Moüchuý-waýthihi}, / @{Waýnoüpaýzhi} / tell him the news. / His father's sister \rf jod 1890:489.8 \op akaý gaýxai. Theýthu anaýzhiü te iüýudoü-xti-moüý. Shoüý wisiýthai te, iüýtha-maýzhi-hnoü-moüý. \tr the «sub.» / has made it. / Here / I stand / the / it is very good for me. / Yet / I remember you / when, / I am always sad. \rf jod 1890:489.9 \op Shaoüý amaý niýashiüga watoüýbe piý eýde Siüdeý-gtheýshka uý'oüthiüýge \tr Dakotas / the ones who / people / I see them / I was there / but / Spotted Tail / without cause \rf jod 1890:489.10 \op noübeý oüwoüýthoüi. Niýashiüga-maý shti shoüýge wa'iý-baýzhi, wiý-hnoü gtheýba oü'iýi ha; \tr hand / he held me. / The people / too / horse / he did not give them, / me alone / ten / he gave me; \rf jod 1890:489.11 \op wiýe awaýkike. Theý wahaýba zhuýt'oüi teýdi, weýboüi, Ihoük*toüwiüý amaý, umoüýthiüka \tr me / I mean myself. / This / ear of corn / mature / when, / they have called us, / Yanktons / the «sub.» / season \rf jod 1890:489.12 \op iýthoüboüý teýta. Shoüý ukiýt'e koüýhaha zhuýwathaýgthai e'oüý thanaýzhiü ki, thuýtoü anaý'oü \tr a second time / at the. / Now / nations / neighboring «ones» / you with them / how / you stand / if, / straight / I hear it \rf jod 1890:489.13 \op koüýbtha. \tr I wish. \rf jod 1890:489.14 \ti @{Shoüýge-ska} to @{Xithaý-ska} \op Shoüý e'oüý moühniüý eý awaýna'oü koüýbtha. Shoüý goüý wakeýga-baýzhi shoüý \tr Now / how / you walk / that / I hear of them / I wish. / Still / so / they are not sick / yet \rf jod 1890:490.1 \op e'oüý uýdoü moühniüý eý awaýna'oü koüýbtha. Shoüý-hnoü goüý mazhoüý thoüý wathaýoühna \tr how / good / you walk / that / I hear of them / I wish. / Still, in particular «?» / so / land / the «ob.» / you abandoned it \rf jod 1890:490.2 \op hnaiý te shoüý oüthiýsithe-hnoüýi, oüýba ithaýugthe. Mazhoüý shiýi te, e'oüý mazhoüý \tr you went / the / yet / we always remember you, / day / throughout. / Land / you reached / as, / how / land \rf jod 1890:490.3 \op uýdoüxti moühniüý ki, winaý'oü koüýbtha. E'oüý te oüthoüýkipahoü-baýzhi. Waýxe \tr very good / you walk / if, / I hear from you / I wish. / How / will / we do not know about ourselves. / White man \rf jod 1890:490.4 \op amaý iýe sheýtoü wiüeýshte wegaýxa-baýzhi. Aýdoü eýe ha: oüthiýdoübe eýteoüýi te \tr the «sub.» / words / so far / even one / they have not done for us. / Therefore / that is it / : / we see you / may, at least / the \rf jod 1890:490.5 \op oüthoüýbahoü-baýzhi. Shoüý zhuýga wiýxchi witoüýbe koüýbthai, ki waxiüýha thoü shuhiý \tr we do not know. / Still / body / I, verily / I see you / I wish «pl. ob.», / and / letter / the / reaches you \rf jod 1890:490.6 \op te, uxtheýxchi xaýtha giýthathe koübtheýgoü. Iýutha anaý'oü koüýbtha. Ki thisoüýga \tr when, / very soon / back again / you cause to be coming / I hope. / News / I hear / I wish. / And / your younger brother \rf jod 1890:490.7 \op t'eý ha, Hexaýga-zhiüýga aiý te; niýkashiüga waheýhazhiýxti eýde t'eý ha. Ki niýkashiüga \tr dead / , / @{Hexaýga-zhiüýga} / &i. &e., ; / person / very stout-hearted / but \rf jod 1890:490.8 \op amaý niýkagaýhi amaý giýtha-bazhiýxtioüýi ha. Shoüý wa'uý amaý shti sheýnuzhiüýga amaý \tr the «sub.» / chief / the «sub.» / are very sad / . / Indeed / woman / the «sub.» / too / young man / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:490.9 \op shti giýtha-baýzhii ha. Shoüý-hnoü goüý daýdoü waachaý oüguýzhii ge uýdoüi ha. Shoüý \tr too / are sorrowful / . / «expletive» / what / vegetables / we planted / the «pl. ob.» / are good / . / And \rf jod 1890:490.10 \op wamuýske shti oüt'oüýi, shti uýdoüxti zhuýt'oü-oüthaiý. \tr wheat / too / we have plenty, / again / corn / too / very good / we have made it mature. \rf jod 1890:490.11 \ti @{Wanaýshe-kithaýbi} to @{Wazhiüýa-gahiýga} \op Shi waxiüýha thoü gthioüýthakiýthe te, wathiýtoü ke aýhigi. Oüwoüýkeg eýde, \tr Again / letter / the «ob.» / you made it come back to me / when, / work / the / much. / I was sick, / but \rf jod 1890:491.1 \op iüýchoü waýgazuýxti bthiüý ha. Ki wathiýtoü ke agthiýshtoü ki, shiüýgazhiüýga thagiýshtoübe \tr at present / very straight / I am / . / And / work / the «ob.» / I finish mine / when, / child / you see your \rf jod 1890:491.2 \op tateý. Wawaýxpani ha. Shoüýge shti wathiüýgai ha. Shoügaýthe taiteý. \tr shall. / We are poor / . / Horse / too / we have none / . / We go to you / shall «pl.». \rf jod 1890:491.3 \op Usniý teýdi, shoügaýthe toüýgatoü. Wa'uý thiükeý uxpaýtheaýtha-maýzhi koüýbtha, thizhoüýge; \tr Cold / when, / we go to you / we who will. / Woman / the «ob.» / I lose her I not / I wish, / your daughter; \rf jod 1890:491.4 \op aýdoü thagiýshtoübe tateý. Witoüýbe teýdi, iüsh'aýga, noüýde iüýudoü koüýbtha. \tr therefore / you see your / shall. / I see you / when, / O old man, / heart / good to me / I wish. \rf jod 1890:491.5 \op Maýthadi shoüýge uwiýbtha sheýtoü oügaýthiü ha; shtoüýbe eteýgoü. Waxiüýha shuhiý \tr Last winter / horse / I told you about / so far / we have it / ; / you see it / apt. / Letter / reaches you \rf jod 1890:491.6 \op teýdi, e'oüý moühniüý te uxtheýxchi iýthathe koüýbtha, waxiüýha. Winaý'oü koüýbtha. \tr when, / how / you walk / the / very soon / you send here / I wish, / letter. / I hear from you / I wish. \rf jod 1890:491.7 \op Shiüýgazhiüýga thaýbthiü thizhoüýge etaý thoükaý wagiýna'oü goüýthai. \tr Child / three / your daughter / her / the ones who / to hear about them, hers, / she wishes. \rf jod 1890:491.8 \ti @{Duýba-moüýthiü} to @{Tandeý-naükuýge} \st MacDonald \op Shoüý oüýbatheý, oüýba-waxuýbe thishtoüý te, wisiýthe ha. Ki edaýdoü iýutha thiügeý \tr Now / to-day, / sacred day / finished / when, / I remember you / . / And / what / news / there is none \rf jod 1890:492.1 \op shte, shoüý wabaýgtheze wiýpaxe. Shoüý mazhoüý ke iýshpahoü hneý ki oüthiýtoüi te, \tr even, / yet / letter / I make for you. / Now / land / the / you knew it / you went / when / we work it / when, \rf jod 1890:492.2 \op daýdoü oüthoüýgaxai te oüsiýth oüýgathiüý. Edaýdoü oüguýzhii ke uýdoüxti ha. Shoüý \tr what / we have made from it / the «ob.» / we are remembering as we move. / What / we planted / the «ob.» / very good / . / In fact, \rf jod 1890:492.3 \op waxtaý daýdoü oüguýzhii ge bthuýga t'oüý ha. Eýskana mazhoüý daýdoü thagthiüý eýiüte \tr vegetable / what / we planted / the / all / abound / . / Oh that / land / what / you sit / it may be \rf jod 1890:492.4 \op shoüý uýdoüxti thagthiüý iüte ebtheýgoü. Shoüý waxtaý daýdoü uthaýgizhi shte t'oüýxti \tr the «ob.» / very good / you may sit / I think. / In fact, / vegetable / what / you planted yours / even / having a great abundance \rf jod 1890:492.5 \op thagthiüýi koübtheýgoü. Shoüý wabaýgtheze thoü hniýze ki, uxtheýxchi gthioüýthakiýthe \tr you sit / I hope. / Now, / letter / the «ob.» / you take it / when, / very soon / you send back to me \rf jod 1890:492.6 \op koübtheýgoü ha. Shoüý mazhoüý thoü e'oüý moühniüý te iüwiüýthahna koüýbtha. Kaýshi \tr I hope / . / Now, / land / the «ob.» / how / you walk / the / you tell me / I wish. / Long \rf jod 1890:492.7 \op wabaýgtheze gthioüýthakiýthe-hnoüý eýde, thihaýti te shetoüý wabaýgtheze gthioüýthakitha-baýzhi \tr letter / you used to send back to me, / but / they removed / when / so far / letter / you have not sent back to me \rf jod 1890:492.8 \op shoüýshoü. Tiý-uzhiý thithiýta te, eýskana, uýdoüxti moüthiüý koübtheýgoü. Shiüýgazhiüýga \tr always. / Household / your / the, / oh that, / very good / walks / I hope. / Children \rf jod 1890:492.9 \op thoükaý uýdoüxti, eýskana, moüthiüýi koübtheýgoü: oüýbatheýxti awaýsitheýxti. \tr the ones who / very good, / oh that, / walking / I hope: / this very day / I am thinking much about them. \rf jod 1890:492.10 \op Eýskana shoüý Poüýka-ma, shoüý bthuýgaxti aýwaýsithe. Poüýka-ma ikaýgeawaýthe-shti-moüý, \tr Oh that / still / the Ponkas, / in fact / all / I remember them. / The Ponkas / I have many of them for my friends, \rf jod 1890:492.11 \op ki shi eýawaýthe shti, ki isoüýgaawaýthe-shti-moüý. Shoüý shiüýgazhiüýga wiwiýta \tr and / again / I have them for relations / too, / and / I have some, too, for my younger brothers. / Now, / child / my own \rf jod 1890:492.12 \op thiükeý e'oüý moüthiüý eýskana shoüý uýdoüxti moüthiüý koübtheýgoü. Wagiýoü-moüýze \tr the one who / how / he walks / oh that / at any rate / very good / he walks / I hope. / @{Wagiýoü-moüýze} \rf jod 1890:492.13 \op eý aýwake. Shoüý oüýba-waxuýbe aýma teýdi niýkashiüga wiüý t'eý ha, sheýnuzhiüýga. \tr him / I mean. / Now, / sacred day / the other / on the / person / one / died / , / a young man. \rf jod 1890:492.14 \op Hexaýga-zhiüýga izhaýzhe athiüý. Shoüý tiý-uzhiý wiwiýta te uýdoüxti agthiüý; wakeýga-baýzhi, \tr @{Hexaýga-zhiüýga} / his name / he had. / Now, / household / my own / the / very good / I sit; / they are not sick, \rf jod 1890:493.1 \op shoüý uýdoüxti agthiüý. Shoüý Poüýka-ma niýkashiüga-maý uýdoü iýnahiüi shte ithaiý te \tr in fact, / very good / I sit. / Still / the Ponkas / the people / good / truly / even / they went / as \rf jod 1890:493.2 \op teýxi iýnahiüýi a, ebtheýgoü agthiüý. Ki niýkashiüga juýba theýthoükaý, zhuoüýwoügthe \tr hard / truly / ! / I think / I sit. / And / people / some / these, / we with them \rf jod 1890:493.3 \op oügaýthiü thoükaý, piýbazhi chaýbai. Shoüýge-ma sheýnawathaiý. Shoüý e'oüý oüwoüýgaxe \tr we have them / the ones who, / bad / are very. / The horses / they have destroyed them. / Yet / how / we treat them \rf jod 1890:493.4 \op taiteý teýxi; 'oüýthiügeý waýbaskiýthai. Wawaýxpani heýga-baýzhi. Shoüý siýdadi shoüýge \tr shall / difficult; / in vain / we are angry. / We are poor / not a little. / In fact / yesterday / horses \rf jod 1890:493.5 \op wathiýtoüxti duýba waýthiü athaiý Huýtoüga amaý. Shoüý eýskana wabaýgtheze thoüý \tr working well / four / having them / went / Winnebagos / the «sub.». / Now / oh that / letter / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:493.6 \op uxtheýxchi tioüýthakiýthe koübtheýgoü. Shoüý niýkashiüga waýgazuxti eýde awaýshi eýgoü, \tr very soon / you send me / I hope. / Now / person / very straight / but / I have employed him / as, \rf jod 1890:493.7 \op wabaýgtheze iügaýxe. Meýadi shoüý peýzhi shkuýbe teýdi, Shaoüý amaýta piý. Ihoük*toüwiüý \tr letter / he has made for me. / Last spring / in fact / grass / deep / when, / Dakotas / to them / I was there / Yanktons \rf jod 1890:493.8 \op amaýdi piý. Shoüýge gtheýba-peýthoüba wa'iýi. Shiüýgazhiüýga nuýzhiüga thiükeý, \tr among the / I was there / Horse / tens seven / they gave us. / Child / boy / the one who, \rf jod 1890:493.9 \op eýskana mazhoüý theýthuaýdi abthiüý ki, iüýudoüxti-moüý teýiüte. Shoüý wathiýtoü iüwiüýkoü \tr oh that, / land / in this / I had him / if, / very good for me / it would be. / Indeed / working / he helped me \rf jod 1890:493.10 \op ki, iüýudoüxti-moüý teýiüte. Shupiý tethoüýdi abthiüý piý shte ebtheýgoü. Pazhoüý thoü \tr if, / very good for me / it would be. / I reached you / when, in the past / I had him / I was coming home / even / I think. / Land / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:493.11 \op thagthiüý thoü toüýbe ki, giýthazhiwaýthe ha. Shoüý mazhoüý gaýthoü thagthiüý teýdi, witoüýbe-hnoü-moüý \tr you sat / the «ob.» / I saw it / when, / it tended to make one sad / . / Indeed / land / that / you sat / when, / I used to see you \rf jod 1890:493.12 \op thoüýshti, ebtheýgoü (ki), iüýtha-maýzhi. Shoüý uxtheý witoüýbe eteýgoü-maýzhi \tr formerly, / I think / (when), / I am sad. / Now / soon / I see you / I am not apt \rf jod 1890:493.13 \op ebtheýgoü, aýdoü iüýtha-maýzhi. Shoüý uzhoüýge uthaýhai ge toüýbe ki, iüýtha-maýzhi. \tr I think. / therefore / I am sad. / Indeed / road / you passed along / the «pl. ob.» / I saw «them» / when, / I was sad. \rf jod 1890:493.14 \op Gatoüý teýdi shoüý mazhoüý thoü thagiýsitha-baýzhi te. Shaoüý amaý mazhoüý thagthiüýi \tr At last / indeed / land / the «ob.» / you have forgotten yours. / Dakotas / the ones who / land / you sat \rf jod 1890:493.15 \op ke bthuýgaxti ugthiüý amaý watoüýbe; ki eýde bthuýgaxti aýkiaýgthai, iütaýxata. \tr the / all / they who sat in it / I saw them; / and / but / all / have gone again, / up the river. \rf jod 1890:493.16 \ti @{Mactiüý-aüsaý} to @{Na'oüý-bi} \dt September 30, 1878 \op Uýdoüxti moübthiüý. Shoüý edaýdoü wathaýte ke oüguýzhii bthuýga uýdoü: \tr Very good / I walk. / Now / what / food / the «col. ob.» / we planted them / all / good: \rf jod 1890:494.1 \op wamuýske shti uýdoü, aýkiastaý duýba abthiüý. Ki iüýchoü wazhuýt'oü teýdi wawaýkegai. \tr wheat / too / good, / stack / four / I have. / And / now / when corn is maturing / at the / we are sick. \rf jod 1890:494.2 \op Ki Washuýshe t'eý, Hexaýga-zhiüýga t'eý. Ki mazhoüý ke e'oüý uýdoü moühniüý ki, \tr And / @{Washuýshe} / dead, / @{Hexaýga-zhiüýga} / dead. / And / land / the / how / good / you walk / if, \rf jod 1890:494.3 \op anaý'oü koüýbtha. Shoüý e'oüý uýdoü ke uýdoü moühniüý kiýshte anaý'oü koüýbtha. \tr I hear it / I wish. / In fact / how / good / the «ob.» / good / you walk / even if / I hear it / I wish. \rf jod 1890:494.4 \op Oüwoüýthitoüi, uýdoüxti nazhiüýi ha. Ki wisiýthe te, eýshetoüý waxeü*ha gaýthoü paýxe. \tr We work, / very good / it stands / . / And / I remember you / when, / from then till now / letter / that / I make. \rf jod 1890:494.5 \ti @{Moügthiýxta} to @{Paheý-aýgthiü} \dt September 30, 1878 \op Wamuýske siý gtheýbahiýwiü thaýbthiü abthiüý umoüýthiüka theýxchi. Shoüý wabthiýtoü \tr Wheat / seed / hundred / three / I have / season / this very. / Now / I work \rf jod 1890:495.1 \op te iüýudoüxti anaýzhiü. Shoüý nieý oüthiüýgexti anaýzhiü. Shoüý wabthiýtoü te iüýudoüxti \tr the / very good for me / I stand. / Now, / pain / I have none at all / I stand. / Now, / I work / the / very good for me \rf jod 1890:495.2 \op anaýzhiü, eýgoü wahniýtoüi ki, uýdoü teý ha. Shoüý wisiýthe te, eý shutheýathe ha, \tr I stand, / so / you work / if, / good / will / , / Now / I remember you / as, / that / I send to you / , \rf jod 1890:495.3 \op wabaýgtheze thoüý. Ki e'oüý thiý shti moühniüý te iüwiüýth iýtha ga, wabaýgtheze \tr letter / the «ob.». / And / how / you / too / you walk / the / to tell me / send here, / letter \rf jod 1890:495.4 \op hniýze eýkitoü iýtha-ga. \tr you take it / at the same time / send here. \rf jod 1890:495.5 \ti @{Ishtaýthabi} to @{Ashaýwage} \dt October 14, 1878 \op Zhiütheýha, oüýbatheý noüýde moütaýdi witoüýbe koübthaýxti ha. Toüýwoügthoü \tr Elder brother, / to-day / heart / on the inside / I see you / I wish very / . / Tribe \rf jod 1890:495.6 \op thithiýta thoüýdi toüýbe koüýbtha. Moüchuý-waýthihi eýthoüba, goüý thitoüýshka meýgoü, \tr your / at the / I see it / I wish. / @{Moüchuý-waýthihi} / he too, / and / your sister's son / likewise, \rf jod 1890:495.7 \op toüýwoügthoü thithiýtai thoüý toüýbe koüýbtha, umoüýthiüka theý. Niýkashiüga amaý iüýt'ai \tr tribe / your «pl.» / the / I see it / I wish, / season / this. / People / the «sub.» / have died to me \rf jod 1890:495.8 \op ha: Washuýshe t'eý, Shuýka-moüýthiü t'eý, Hexaýga-zhiüga t'eý, Paheý-taýp'e t'eý. Shoüý \tr : / @{Washuýshe} / dead, / @{Shuýka-moüýthiü} / dead, / @{Hexaýga-zhiüýga} / dead, / @{Paheý-taýp'e} / dead. / Now \rf jod 1890:495.9 \op niýkashiüga amaý etheýgoüi shoüýzha, shoüý wiý ebtheýgoü shubtheý taý miüke. Shoüý shuhiý \tr people / the «sub.» / think / though, / yet / I / I think / I go to you / will / I who. / Now / it reaches you \rf jod 1890:495.10 \op teýdi uxtheýxchi iüwiüýshpaxu, zhiütheýha. Giýthathe koüýbtha. Wathuýtada tiýi thoüýdi \tr when / very soon / «see note», / elder brother. / You cause to be coming back / I wish. / Oto / village / by the \rf jod 1890:496.1 \op iýhe piý taý miüke. Shoüý mazhoüý thagthiüý thoüý thuýtoüxti iüýbaxu giýtha-ga, zhiütheýha. \tr passing that way / I arrive there / will / I who. / Now / land / you sit / the «ob.» / very straight / writing to me / send it back, / elder brother. \rf jod 1890:496.2 \ti @{Gahiýge} to @{Ashaýwage} \dt October 14, 1878 \op Thikuýthaxti giýtha-ga. \tr Do it very quickly / send it back. \rf jod 1890:496.3 \op Shoüý edaýdoü iýutha thiügeý haý. Goüý niýkashiüga t'aiý te uwiýbtha goüý shutheýathe \tr Now / what / news / there is none / . / And / people / die / the / I tell you / so / I send to you \rf jod 1890:496.4 \op teýiüke. Thiýadi Washuýshe t'eý; Shuýka-moüýthiü t'eý; Paheý-taýp'e shti t'eý; Hexaýga-zhiüýga, \tr will. / Your father / @{Washuýshe} / dead; / @{Shuýka-moüýthiü} / dead; / @{Paheý-taýp'e} / too / dead; / @{Hexaýga-zhiüýga}, \rf jod 1890:496.5 \op Paýthiü-gahiýge izhiüýge, Tapaý toüýwoügthoü ubaýnoü, t'eý ha. Shiüýgazhiüýga t'eý-hnoüi, \tr @{Paýthiü-gahiýge} / his son, / Tapa / gens, / dead / . / Children / die usually, \rf jod 1890:496.6 \op wa'uý shti t'eý-hnoüi, theýthu shte aýhigi-baýzhi, dzhuýbai. Oüthiýna'oüýi noüýde weýudoüýi \tr woman / too / die usually, / here / even / not many, / they are few. / We heard from you / hearts / good for us, \rf jod 1890:496.7 \op eýde, oüthiýdoübe taiý eaýtoü oüthiüý taiteý teýxi ha. Shoüý edaýdoü waýxe amaý wa'iý \tr but / we see you / will / how / we be / shall / difficult / . / In fact / what / white people / the «sub.» / give us \rf jod 1890:496.8 \op eteýgoü-baýzhi, aýdoüý wawaýxpani heýga-baýzhi. Sheýta iýutha t'oüý. Niýkathiüga ukeýthiü \tr they are not apt, / therefore / we are poor / not a little. / Yonder where you are / news / abounds. / Indians \rf jod 1890:497.1 \op aýhigi ikaýgewathaýthe aýhigi uýshkoü etaiý awaýna'oü koüýbtha. Wathaýte thithiüýgai \tr many / you have them for your friends / many / deeds / their / I hear about them / I desire. / Food / you have none \rf jod 1890:497.2 \op teýxi heýgazhi. Washkoüý egoüýi-ga. Huýtoüga amaý shoüýge-ma sheýnawathaiý. \tr hard / not a littleo exert yourselves. / Winnebagos / the «sub.» / the horses / have made an end of them. \rf jod 1890:497.3 \ti @{Maxpiýya-xaýga} to @{Moüchuý-naýzhiü} \dt October 14, 1878 \op Waxiüýha gthiý tesh aýakipaýxchi-moüý bthiýze. Witaýhoü t'eý goüý, thanaý'oü \tr Letter / has come back / when, / I met it just then / I took it. / My brother-in-law / died / as, / you hear it \rf jod 1890:497.4 \op tebtheýgoü. Shuýka-moüýthiü eýe ha. Niýkashiüga wawaýkega heýga-baýzhi ha, noüýde \tr will, that I think. / @{Shuýka-moüýthiü} / is he / , / People / we are sick / not a little / , / heart \rf jod 1890:497.5 \op iüýudoüxti-maýzhi ha. Sheýnuzhiüýga aýhigi t'aiý iüýtoü; sheýnuzhiüýga uýdoüxti zhuaýwagthe \tr not very good for me / . / Young man / many / have died / now; / young man / very good / I with them \rf jod 1890:497.6 \op aýhigi t'aiý ha. Ki uýshkoü thanaý'oü shkoüýhna te eý theýama, niýkagaýhi amaý, \tr many / have died / . / And / deed / you hear / you wished / the / that / these «sub.», / chiefs / the, \rf jod 1890:497.7 \op uýdoüxti moüthiüýi ha. Ki uýsoüga shubtheýde, shubthaý-maýzhi. Iüdaýdi, Sheýki, utheýhna \tr very good / walk / . / And / no prospect of anything else / I was going to you, but, / I am not going to you. / My father, / @{Sheýki}, / you tell him \rf jod 1890:497.8 \op te ha, witaýhoü t'eý te. Nuýshiaýha-giý-hnoü shti, na'oüýkithaý-ga. Thineýgi t'eý amaý, \tr will / , / my brother-in-law / died / the fact. / @{Nuýshiaýha-giý-hnoü} / too, / cause him to hear it. / Your mother's brother / dead / they say, \rf jod 1890:497.9 \op aý-ga. Awaýkigthiýtoü ge iüýudoüxti-moüý, zhuýga wiýxchi. Theýama, niýkagaýhi amaý, \tr say it. / I work for myself / the «pl. ob.» / is very good for me, / body / I myself. / These (the «sub.»), / chiefs / the «sub.», \rf jod 1890:497.10 \op thisiýthe-hnoüýi. Waxiüýha gthiý teýdi, uaýwagibtheýde noüýde giýudoüýi niýkagaýhi \tr remember you. / Letter / came back / when, / I told them, when / heart / good for them / chiefs \rf jod 1890:497.11 \op amaý. Thinaý'oüi, Poüýka-maýshe, thidoüýbai te eýkigoü ha. Niýkashiüga amaý satoü \tr the «sub.». / They heard from you, / ye Ponkas, / they saw you / the / like it / . / People / the «sub.» / five \rf jod 1890:497.12 \op zhoüý ki t'eý-hnoüi; wakeýga te piýazhi. Witaýhoü t'eý te shetoüý peýthoüba zhoüý ki, \tr sleep / when / die, usually; / sickness / the / bad. / My brother-in-law / died / the / so far / seven / sleep / when, \rf jod 1890:497.13 \op shutheýathe. Wa'uý agthoüý thiükeý oüýthina t'aýthiü. \tr I send to you. / Woman / I married / the one who / came near dying. \rf jod 1890:497.14 \ti @{Maxpiýya-xaýga} to @{Moüchuý-naýzhiü} \dt October 15, 1878 \op Maxpiýya-xaýga wamuýske bthuýga giýnathiüýge; waxpaýni heýgazhi. Xaýde \tr @{Maxpiýya-xaýga} / wheat / all / burnt to nothing for him; / poor / not a little. / Hay \rf jod 1890:498.1 \op zhoü-moüýthiü-uzhiý gtheýba shti giýnathiüýge. Shi noüýde iüýtoü iüýudoüxti moübthiüý-maýzhi \tr wood-walking put-in / ten / too / burnt to nothing for him. / Again / heart / now / very good for me / I do not walk \rf jod 1890:498.2 \op te, thanaý'oü taiý ebtheýgoü waxiüýha shutheý. Eý noüzhuý gtheýba-noüýba woüýdoü \tr the, / you hear it / will / I think / letter / goes to you. / That / threshed / twenty / together \rf jod 1890:498.3 \op weýnathiüýgai. Shi nuýzhiüga, isoüýgaatheýde, eý woüýgithe weýnathiüýgai. Wamuýske \tr it was burnt to nothing for us. / Again / boy, / I have him for a younger brother, and / he / all / it was burnt to nothing for us. / Wheat \rf jod 1890:498.4 \op woüýgithe wiüaýxchioü iteýthe; oüwoüýthitoü oügaýiaýthai ki weýnathiüýgai. Hoüý ki \tr all / once / was piled; / we worked / we had gone / when / it was burnt to nothing for us. / Night / when \rf jod 1890:498.5 \op ahiýi te ha. \tr it arrived / \rf jod 1890:498.6 \ti @{Waýta-naýzhiü} to @{Shaýge-ska} \dt October 19, 1878 \op Oüýbatheý, kageý, wigiýtoübe koüýbthai eýdegoüý, oüwoüýxpani heýga-maýzhi. Iýpaxe \tr To-day, / younger brother, / I see you, my own / I wish, / but / I am poor / I am very. / I make by means of \rf jod 1890:499.1 \op eteý ge thiügeý. Bthuýgaxti thitaýhoü giýnathiüýge. Shoüý oüýbatheý thisoüýga meýgoü, \tr may / the «pl.» / there are none. / All / your brother-in-law / his was destroyed by fire. / Now / to-day / your younger brother / likewise, \rf jod 1890:499.2 \op wigiýtoübe koübtheýde, iýpaxe eteý ge bthuýga iüýnathiüýge eýgoü, thanaý'oü taiý ebtheýgoü \tr I see you, my own, / I wish, but / I make by means of / may / the «pl.» / all / destroyed for me by fire / as, / you hear it / will / I think \rf jod 1890:499.3 \op waxiüýha theý shutheýathe. Goüý thitoüýge meýgoü, thizhiüýthe meýgoü, woüýgithe \tr letter / this / I send to you. / And / your sister / likewise, / your elder brother / likewise, / all \rf jod 1890:499.4 \op winaý'oüi koüýbtha. Waxiüýha gioüýkithaý-ga, e'oüý hniü te, aiý. \tr I hear from you «pl.» / I wish. / Letter / send back to me, / how / you are / the, / &i. &e., \rf jod 1890:499.5 \ti @{Waýta-naýzhiü} to @{Zhiügaý-nuýdoü} \dt October 19, 1878 \op Waýbashk izhiüýge, Zhiügaý-nuýdoü, thizhiüýthe meýgoü, waxiüýha ioüýthakiýthe \tr @{Waýbashk} / his son, / @{Zhiügaý-nuýdoü}, / your elder brother / likewise, / letter / you send to me \rf jod 1890:500.1 \op koüýbtha. Oüýbatheý witoüýbe koüýbtha, waxiüýha shutheýwikiýthe. Shoüý mazhoüý theý \tr I wish. / To-day / I see you / I wish, / letter / I cause «one» to send to you. / Yet / land / this \rf jod 1890:500.2 \op thaoüýhna hnaiý thoüýdi uýdoüxti anaýzhiü eýde, oüýbatheý weýzhu-baýzhi, shoüý wamuýske \tr you left it / you went / in the / very good / I stand, / but / to-day / we are unfortunate, / in fact / wheat \rf jod 1890:500.3 \op oüýbatheý iüýnathiügeý-de wathaýte akiýpaxe aýhigi naýthiüge ha. Nuýzhiüga wiüý \tr to-day / it was destroyed by fire for me, and / food / I made for myself / much / was destroyed by fire / . / Boy / one \rf jod 1890:500.4 \op ithaýmaxe shutheýathe, Shiýnudoü-sk izhiüýge. Shoüý goüý, Shiýnudoü-sk izhiüýge, shoüý \tr I inquire of / I send to you, / @{Shiýnudoü-sk} / his son. / Yet / so, / @{Shiýnudoü-sk} / his son, / yet \rf jod 1890:500.5 \op goüý waýgazuýxti anaý'oü koüýbtha. E'oüý eýiüte iüwiüýthahna giýthathe te. \tr so / very straight / I hear it / I wish. / How / «he» may be / you tell me / you send back to me / will. \rf jod 1890:500.6 \op Shetoüý oüýbatheý niýkashiüga-maý toüýwoügthoüý-ma iüýudoü-maýzhi eýgoü eýdegoüý, \tr So far / to-day / the people / the gentes / good for me I not / somewhat, / but \rf jod 1890:500.7 \op oüýbatheý uhaiý. Sheýna 'iaýthe. Uxtheýxchi waxiüýha giýthathai koüýbtha, Zhiügaý-nuýdoü, \tr to-day / they have their way. / Enough / I have spoken of. / Very soon / letter / ye send back to me / I wish, / @{Zhiügaý-nuýdoü}, \rf jod 1890:500.8 \op thizhiüýthe meýgoü. Mazhoüý e'oüý thagthiüý thoüý thuýtoü anaý'oü koüýbtha. Pazhoüý \tr your elder brother / likewise. / Land / how / you sit / the «ob.» / straight / I hear / I wish. / Land \rf jod 1890:500.9 \op sheýta shiý te, washkoüý wakiýgthitoüýi-ga. Ediýhi ki uýdoü thanaýzhiü taiý. Theýthu \tr at yonder / you have arrived / as, / making efforts / work for yourselves. / In that event / good / you stand / will. / Here \rf jod 1890:500.10 \op wathaýoühna hnaiý te, oüwoüýkigthitoü oünaýzhiüi, eýgoü uýdoüxti anaýzhiü eýde, oüýbatheý \tr you left us / you went / when, / we worked for ourselves / we stood, / so / very good / I stood, / but / to-day \rf jod 1890:500.11 \op wamuýske iüýnathiüýge ha. \tr wheat / has been destroyed for me by fire / . \rf jod 1890:500.12 \ti @{Maxpiýya-xaýga} to @{Sheýki} \dt October 19, 1878 \op Iüsh'aýga, wamuýske abthiüý bthuýgaxti iüýnathiüýgegoü, thanaý'oü taiý ebtheýgoü \tr O old man, / wheat / I had / all / destroyed for me by fire, as, / you hear it / will / I think \rf jod 1890:501.1 \op shoüý waxiüýha shutheý. Zhoü-moüýthiü ke siýdzhuaýxchi iüwiüýshte; eýna shuteý agthaýbthiü. \tr yet / letter / goes to you. / Wagon / the / alone / remains to me; / that alone / remaining / I have mine. \rf jod 1890:501.2 \op Shoüý eýawathe ediý-ma awaýna'oü koüýbtha ha: Nudzhoüýhoüga, Hidiýga shti, Zhadeý-gi \tr Now / I have them for kindred / those who are there / I hear from them / I wish / : / @{Nudzhoüýhoüga}, / Hidiga / too, / @{Zhadeý-gi} \rf jod 1890:501.3 \op shti, anaý'oü koüýbtha, niüýta meýiüte. Gahiýge-teýga shti, Wazhiüýga-pa, Aýgaha-moüýthiü \tr too, / I hear / I wish, / alive / if they are. / @{Gahiýge-teýga} / too, / @{Wazhiüýga-pa}, / @{Aýgaha-moüýthiü} \rf jod 1890:501.4 \op iüsh'aýge, Iýshkadaýbi zhiüýga, Moüchuý-ska shti ha, wa'uýzhiüga ihoüýawaýthe \tr old man, / @{Iýshkadaýbi} / young, / @{Moüchuý-ska} / too / , / old woman / I had them for mothers \rf jod 1890:501.5 \op shti noüýba ediý-ma awaýna'oü koüýbtha ha. Shoüý ushteý iýwipahoüýi-maýzhi. Paýthiü-noüpaýzhi \tr too / two / those who are there / I hear from them / I wish / . / Now / the rest / I know you not. / @{Pathiü-noüpazhi} \rf jod 1890:501.6 \op akaý aýwoüi thiükeý igaýxthoü thiükeý eýathe, ituýshpa wiwiýtaxti, oüthoüýbahoüzhiýxti \tr the «sub.» / the one for whom he danced the pipe dance / his wife / the «ob.» / I have her as a relation, / grandchild / my very own, / she does not know me at all, \rf jod 1890:501.7 \op eýde, iüýchoü ithaýpahoü shutheý. Shoüý atoüý iýwipahoü-maýzhi-maýshe, aýna that'aiý \tr but / now / I know her / it goes to you. / Now / how far / I have known you not ye who, / how many / you have died \rf jod 1890:501.8 \op eýdoü ebtheýgoü, anaý'oü koüýbtha ha. Shoüý noüýde thoüý doüýxti iüýpi-maýzhi. Iüýtoü \tr ? / I think, / I hear / I wish / . / And / heart / the / beyond measure / I am sad. / Now \rf jod 1890:501.9 \op nuýzhiüga zhuaýwagthe uýdoüxti eýde, heýgazhi t'aiý, aýdoü noüýde iüýpi-maýzhi-hnoü \tr boy / I with them / very good, / but / not a few / died, / therefore / heart / sad to me regularly \rf jod 1890:501.10 \op shoüýshoü. Iüýtoü wamuýske iüýnathiüýgegoü, iüýtoü doüýxti iüýpi-maýzhi. Wa'uýzhiüga \tr always. / Now / wheat / has been destroyed for me by fire, as, / now / beyond measure / I am sad. / Old woman \rf jod 1890:501.11 \op ihoüýathe thiükeý wakeýge-de gigthaýzu-baýzhi. Thituýshpa shti woüýgithexti wakeýgai. \tr I had her for a mother / the one who / is sick but / she has not regained her strength. / Your grandchild / too / all / are sick. \rf jod 1890:501.12 \op Ithaýdi ke pahoüýga teýdi t'eý ha. Wa'uýzhiüga thoükaý goüý uýwagithaý-ga. \tr His father / the / before / when / died / . / Old woman / the «pl. ob.» / so / tell them. \rf jod 1890:501.13 \ti @{Shoüýge-ska} to @{Moüchuý-waýthihi} \dt Octover 21, 1878 \op Shoüý waxiüýha gthiýthathe thoüý bthiýze. Ki wathiýkega uthaýkigtha te oüguý shti \tr Now / letter / you sent back / the «ob.» / I took it. / And / you are sick / you told of yourself / the / we / too \rf jod 1890:502.1 \op eaýwagoüýi. Goüý niýkashiüga sheýnuzhiüýga waheýhazhiýxti bahiýxti oüt'aiý ha. Washuýshe \tr we are so. / And / person / young man / very stout-hearted / picked &or gathered / we have died / . / @{Washuýshe} \rf jod 1890:502.2 \op t'eý, Shuýka-moüýthiü shti, Paheý-taýp'e shti, Hexaýga-zhiüýga, Hexaýga-zhiüýga, He-snaýta, Peýde-gaýhi \tr dead, / @{Shuýka-moüýthiü} / too, / @{Paheý-taýp'e} / too, / @{Hexaýga-zhiüýga}, / @{He-snaýta}, / @{Peýde-gaýhi} \rf jod 1890:502.3 \op izhoüýge (Koüýze-hoüýga igaýxthoü), Maýshoü-ska izhiüýge, Shyuý-zhiüga izhiüýge shti, \tr his daughter / (@{Koüýze-hoüýga} / his wife), / @{Maýshoü-ska} / his son, / @{Shyuý-zhiüga} / his son / too, \rf jod 1890:502.4 \op Wauýxtawaýthe igaýxthoü t'eý, Gahiýge-wadaýthiüge igaýxthoü, Iýshkadaýbi ituýshpa, \tr @{Wauýxtawaýthe} / his wife / dead, / @{Gahiýge-wadaýthiüge} / his wife, / @{Iýshkadaýbi} / his grandchild, \rf jod 1890:502.5 \op shiüýgazhiüýga-ma zhiügaýxchi-ma aýhigi t'aiý. Ki shetoüý-hnoü edaýdoü iýutha e'oüý \tr the children / the very small ones / many / died. / And / so far / what / news / how \rf jod 1890:502.6 \op moühniüý ki, winaý'oü koüýbthai ha. Ki aýzhi uwiýbtha shutheýathe tateý shiügeý, Umoüýhoüxti. \tr you walk / if, / I hear from you / I wish / . / And / different / I tell you / I send to you / shall / there is none / as to the Omahas themselves. \rf jod 1890:502.7 \op Ki Poüýka thoükaý, niýkagaýhi thoükaý, t'eý thoükaý, izhaýzhe wahnaýde eteýde. \tr And / Ponka / the ones who, / chief / the ones who, / dead / the ones who, / his name / you should have called them. \rf jod 1890:502.8 \op U'aýgtha oüthiüý ha. Wawaýxpani. Itiýgoüthai moüýzeskaý shte wa'iý-baýzhi. Shoüý \tr Suffering / we are / . / We are poor. / The grandfather / silver / even / has not given us. / Yet \rf jod 1890:502.9 \op wathiýtoü keýta shoüýxtoügaýxai eýde, shoüýhnoü wazhuý-bazhi, aýhigixti \tr work / at the / we have done our best, / but / still / we are below the standard, / much not / as, / very much \rf jod 1890:502.10 \op oügaýxa-baýzhi-hnoüýi. Wathiýtoü te enaýxchi wiýuwagipiý etaiý, weýudoü eýte eaýwagoüýi, \tr we have not done usually. / Work / the / that alone / pleasant to us / may «be», / good for us / may «be» / we are so, \rf jod 1890:502.11 \op oüwoüýkigthiýtoü te eý aýwake. Toüýwoügthoü oüguýta-ma iýe waýspa-baýzhi, \tr are so, / we work for ourselves / the / that / I mean. / Gentes / our own «pl.» / words / do not behave, \rf jod 1890:502.12 \op enaýxchi teýxi zhiüýga; niýkagaýhi iýe waýna'oü-baýzhi. Itiýgoüthai eaýwawoüýi goüý \tr that alone / difficult / a little; / chief / words / they do not listen to us. / Grandfather / he caused it for us / so \rf jod 1890:502.13 \op toüýwoügthoü amaý iýe waýna'oü-baýzhi. Iüýtoü ieýska akaý waoüýthai, kigthiýzai \tr gentes / the «sub.» / words / do not listen to us. / Now / interpreter / the «sub.» / abandoned them, / he took himself back \rf jod 1890:502.14 \op gashiýbe. Toüýwoügthoü-maý iýe waýmaka-baýzhi. Goüýadi ieýska sheýta Poüýkata \tr out of. / The gentes / words / he was out of patience with them. / Already / interpreter / yonder / at the Ponka «land» \rf jod 1890:502.15 \op gaýxai thiüý iüýchoü ithaýdithai akaý gaýxe, oüguý oügaýxa-baýzhi. Niýkagaýhi oüýgatoü \tr was made / he who / now / agent / the «sub.» / made him, / we / we did not make him. / Chief / we who stand \rf jod 1890:502.16 \op oünaý'oü-baýzhi-shteoüýi, shetoüý ithaýdithai akaý uaýwagitha-baýzhi. Uaýwagithaiý tediýhi \tr we have heard nothing about it, / so far / agent / the «sub.» / has not told us. / He tells us / it arrives at \rf jod 1890:503.1 \op ki, e'oüý tateýiüte oüthoüýbahoü-baýzhi: weýshoü eteý kiýzhi, weýshoü-baýzhi ki, oüwoüýwate \tr when, / how / it may be / we do not know: / we agree / ought / if, / we do not agree / if, / which one of the «two» \rf jod 1890:503.2 \op tateýiüte. Shi wiüý giýtha-gaý, theý hniýze ki. \tr it may be. / Again / one / send back, / this / you take it / when. \rf jod 1890:503.3 \ti @{Wazhiüýa-gahiýga} to @{Moüchuý-toüýga} \dt October 19, 1878 \op Niýkagaýhi uýzhu hnoükaýshe, Ashaýwage, Moüchuý-waýthihi eýthoüba, sheýnuzhiüga \tr Chief / principal / ye who are, / @{Ashaýwage}, / @{Moüchuý-waýthihi} / he too, / young man \rf jod 1890:504.1 \op thithiýta watoüýba-maýzhi, oüwoüýxpani ha. Wigiýtoübe koüýbtha. Theý usniý theý \tr your own / I have not seen them, / I am poor / . / I see you, my own, / I wish. / This / cold / this \rf jod 1890:504.2 \op tediýhi ki, shupiý tateý ebtheýgoü ha. Eýskana uxtheýxchi waxiüýha gthioüýthakiýthe \tr it arrives at / when, / I reach you / shall / I think / , / Oh that / very soon / letter / you cause «one» to send it back to me \rf jod 1890:504.3 \op koübtheýgoü, nisiýha, wisoüýga, wituýshpa meýgoü, niýkagaýhi uýzhu hnoükaýshe. \tr I hope, / my child, / my younger brother, / my grandchild / likewise, / chief / principal / ye who are. \rf jod 1890:504.4 \op Oüwoüýxpani eýgoü, awaýgitoüýbe koüýbtha, toüýwoügthoü. Sheýnuzhiüýga gthuýbaxti \tr I am poor / as, / I see the, my own, / I wish, / nation. / Young man / all \rf jod 1890:504.5 \op oüthoüýwoühe goüýthai ha. Zhuaýwagthe shupiý tateý, ebtheýgoü. Shoüý niýkagaýhi \tr to follow me / desire / . / I with them / I reach you / shall, / I think. / In fact / chief \rf jod 1890:504.6 \op bthuýga oüthoüýwoühe goüýthai, ebtheýgoü, nisiýha, wisoüýga, wituýshpa meýgoü, \tr all / to follow me / desire, / I think, / my child, / my younger brother, / my grandchild / likewise, \rf jod 1890:504.7 \op niýkagaýhi uýzhu hnoükaýshe. Sheýnuzhiüýga wiwiýta zhuaýgthexti iüýt'e eýgoü, noüýde \tr chief / principal / ye who are. / Young man / my own / I really was with him / dead to me / as, / heart \rf jod 1890:504.8 \op iüýpi-maýzhi eýgoü, waxiüýha shutheýwikiýthe. Niýkashiüga bthuýgaxti giýpi-baýzhi, waxpaýni; \tr is bad for me / as, / letter / I cause «one» to send it to you. / People / all / are sad, / poor; \rf jod 1890:504.9 \op iüýtoü thigiýsithaiý ha. Nisiýha, witoüýbe koüýbtha ha. Wanaýgthe shoüýge oüthaý'i-ma \tr at present / they remember you / . / My child, / I see you / I wish / . / Domestic animal / horse / those which you gave me \rf jod 1890:504.10 \op sheýnawatheýgoü, oüwoüýxpani, nisiýha. Oüwoüýxpani eýgoü, thaýthuha ithaýt'e. Ukiýt'e \tr they have been destroyed, as, / I am poor, / my child. / I am poor / as, / nearly / I have died from it. / Nation \rf jod 1890:504.11 \op theý Shaoüý amaý atiýi ha. Shoüýge waýbthiü eýde woüýgithe awaý'i. Ki eýdi piý \tr this / Dakotas / the «sub.» / came here / . / Horse / I had them / but / all / I gave them. / And / there / I arrived \rf jod 1890:504.12 \op ki, wiüýeshte oü'iý-baýzhi ha, nisiýha. Umoüýhoü amaý, nisiýha, thidoüýbe goüýthai, \tr when, / even one / they did not give me / , / my child. / Omahas / the «sub.», / my child, / to see you / wish, \rf jod 1890:504.13 \op ki eýgoü witoüýbe koüýbtha. Shupiý tateý ebtheýgoü, nisiýha, usniý theý. E'oüý ki, \tr and / so / I see you / I wish. / I reach you / shall / I think, / my child, / cold / this. / How / if, \rf jod 1890:504.14 \op nisiýha, thuýtoüxti gthioüýthakiýthe te ebtheýgoü. Uxtheýxchi eýskana anaý'oü te \tr my child, / very straight / you cause «one» to send it back to me / will / I think. / Very soon / oh that / I hear it / win \rf jod 1890:504.15 \op ebtheýgoü. Sheýnuzhiüýga thithiýta, niýkagaýhi thithiýta edaýbe, iýe thithiýta uxtheýxti \tr that I think. / Young man / your own, / chief / your own / also, / words / your own / very soon \rf jod 1890:504.16 \op winaý'oüi koüýbtha. \tr I hear from you / I wish. \rf jod 1890:504.17 \ti @{Zhaýbe-ska} to @{Gahiýge-zhiüýga}, @{Waýxa-naýzhiü}, and @{Ashaýwage} \op Gahiýge-zhiüýga t'eýskoüi etheýgoü Zhaýbe-ska iýwoüxe tiýthai. Waýxa-naýzhiü, Ashaýwage, \tr @{Gahiýge-zhiüýga} / dead, he might be / thinking that / @{Zhaýbe-ska} / to question / begins. / @{Waýxa-naýzhiü}, / @{Ashaýwage}, \rf jod 1890:505.1 \op sheý-thabthiü, wiüoüýwa shteýshte t'eýskoüi etheýgoü weýgthoüxe tiý ha. Ginaý'oü \tr those three and no more, / which one / soever / dead, he might be / thinking that / to ask about them, his kindred / has come / . / To hear about his own \rf jod 1890:505.2 \op goüýthai Zhaýbe-ska. Uxtheýxchi kiýthe taý-bi waxiüýha, ginaý'oü goüthai; uxtheý \tr wishes / @{Zhaýbe-ska}. / Very soon / he says that some one will cause it to reach home / letter, / to hear about his own / he wishes; / soon \rf jod 1890:505.3 \op waxiüýha thoükiý te. -- Ashaýwage, waxiüýha shutheýathe thiýze aýdoü doüýbe zhuýwagthaý-ga. \tr letter / the / will reach home. -- / O @{Ashaýwage}, / letter / I send to you / take it / and / seeing it / be with them. \rf jod 1890:505.4 \op Gahiýge-zhiüýga, Waýxa-naýzhiü, Waheý'oü, sheýna, doüýbai-ga. Waxiüýha hniýzai ki, \tr @{Gahiýge-zhiüýga}, / @{Waýxa-naýzhiü}, / @{Waheý'oü}, / enough, / look ye at it. / Letter / you take it / when, \rf jod 1890:505.5 \op wiüý eýskoü that'aý-baýzhi ki, uxtheýxchi waxiüýha thoüý kiýthathe taiý. Waheý'oü, Wathiýdaze \tr one / it might be / you have not died / if, / very soon / letter / the «ob.» / you will cause to reach home. / @{Waheý'oü}, / Wathidaze \rf jod 1890:505.6 \op sheý-noüba, oüwoüýwa shteýshte t'eýskoüi ginaý'oü goüýthai. Wiýuwathaýgihnaý \tr those two, and no more, / which one / soever / dead, he might be / to hear of his / he wishes. / You tell us about our own \rf jod 1890:506.1 \op kiýthathe taý-bi. Shi niüýta ki, waýthutoü goüýthai. \tr you will cause it to reach home, he said. / Again / alive / if, / straight / to hear of his own / he wishes. \rf jod 1890:506.2 \ti @{Zhiýde-taü} to @{Ashaýwage} \dt October 25, 1878 \op Wizhiüýthe iüýt'e, noüýde iüýpi-maýzhi-hnoü shoüýshoü. Iýkuhaýbi t'eý thanaý'oü te, \tr My elder brother / died to me, / heart / bad for me regularly / always. / @{Iýkuhaýbi} / dead / you hear it / will, \rf jod 1890:506.3 \op Ashaýwage. Wa'uý wiwiýta ke shi t'eý ke koügeýxchi-hnoü hiý. Umoüýthiüka theý \tr O @{Ashaýwage}. / Woman / my own / the «recl. one» / again / dead / when lying / very near to usually / arrived. / Season / this \rf jod 1890:506.4 \op witoüýbe koübtheýde bthiý'a ha; wizhiüýthe t'eý, wa'uý wiwiýta t'eý ta teýdi hiý. \tr I see you / I wished, but / I have failed / ; / my elder brother / dead, / woman / my own / die / will / at it / has arrived. \rf jod 1890:506.5 \op Umoüýthiüka aýzhi ki, witoüýbe koüýbtha ki, witoüýbe tateý ebtheýgoü. Sheýki, \tr Season / another / if, / I see you / I wish / if, / I see you / shall / I think. / O @{Sheýki}, \rf jod 1890:506.6 \op thitoüýge t'eý ha, oüýbatheý, Gakiýe-moüýthiü igaýxthoü. \tr your elder sister / dead / , / to-day, / @{Gakiýe-moüýthiü} / his wife. \rf jod 1890:506.7 \ti @{Teý-ukoüha} to @{Moüchuý-si-toüýga} \op Shoüý, nisiýha, wisiýthe-hnoü-moüý. Shoüý eýskana e'oüý moühniüý ki, winaý'oümazhiý-xti-moüý; \tr Now, / my child, / I am always thinking of you. / Now / oh that / how / you walk / if, / I have not heard from you at all; \rf jod 1890:507.1 \op shoüý e'oüý moühniüý ki, iüwiüýthahna giýthathe koübtheýgoü. Witoüýba-maýzhi \tr yet / how / you walk / if, / you tell me / you send back / I hope. / I see you I not \rf jod 1890:507.2 \op oüwoüýxpani heýga-maýzhi. Ki eýskana witoüýbe koübtheýgoü eýde, bthiý'a-hnoü-moüý. \tr I am poor / I am very. / And / oh that / I see you / I hoped, / but / I have failed each time. \rf jod 1890:507.3 \op Ki thikaýge-ma, eýskana woüýgithe uýwathagihnaý koübtheýgoü. Ki \tr And / those who are your friends, / oh that / all / you tell them / I hope. / And \rf jod 1890:507.4 \op oüwoüýkega-maýzhi, 'oüýthiügeýxti moübthiüý; eýgoüxti moühniüý koübtheýgoü. Wabaýxu \tr I am not sick, / nothing at all is the matter / I walk; / just so / you walk / I hope. / Letter \rf jod 1890:507.5 \op wiüý shutheýwikiýthe. Shoüý uxtheýxchi gthiýthathe koübtheýgoü. Waýxe amaý \tr one / I cause him to send it to you. / And / very soon / you send one back / I hope. / White man / the «mv. sub.» \rf jod 1890:507.6 \op mazhoüý thiükeý 'iaýwathaiý ki, noübeý t'oüý mazhoüý wathiýtoü wagaýzhi agthaiý. Mazhoüý \tr land / the / spoke about us / when, / hand / possessing / land / to work it / commanded us / went homeward. / Land \rf jod 1890:507.7 \op thoüýdi kiaýshi oüýthiü taiý, ebtheýgoü. Sheýta shoügaýhi-baýzhi taiý, ebtheýgoü. Gaýtegoüý \tr in the / a long time / we will be, / I think. / Yonder / we will not reach you, / I think. / In that manner \rf jod 1890:507.8 \op uwiýbtha shutheýathe. \tr I tell you / I send to you. \rf jod 1890:507.9 \ti @{Duýba-moüýthiü} to @{Tandeý-naükuýge} \dt October 25, 1878 \op Shoüý wabaýgtheze tiýthathe oüýbatheý toüýbe. Niýashiüga iüýthadai theýaka. Shoüý \tr Now / letter / you sent / to-day / I have seen it. / Person / read it to me / this «sub.». / Now \rf jod 1890:508.1 \op eýskana tiý-uzhiý thiýta uýdoüxti anaý'oü ki iüýudoü. Shoüý eýskana Wakoüýda akaý \tr oh that / household / your / very good / I heard / when / good for me. / Now / oh that / Deity / the \rf jod 1890:508.2 \op uthiýkoüi koübtheýgoü. Ki Oüýpoü-toüýga t'eý te anaý'oü ha, ki niýkagaýhi saýtoü \tr help you / I hope. / And / Big Elk / he died / the / I heard it / , / and / chief / five \rf jod 1890:508.3 \op t'aiý te awaýna'oü ha. Ki niýkashiüga-maýshe, aýhigixti that'aiý te shoüý githazhiwaýthe. \tr died / the / I heard of them / . / And / ye people, / very many / you died / the / yet / grievous. \rf jod 1890:508.4 \op Oüýbatheý oüguý shti wawaýkegaiý. Niýkashiüga uýdoüxti saýtoü t'aiý. Shi iüýchoü t'eý \tr To-day / we / too / we are sick. / Person / very good / five / died. / Again / now / to die \rf jod 1890:508.5 \op eteýgoüxti ediý-ma-hnoüýi, ki wa'uý shti t'eý-hnoüi. Shoüý mazhoüý ke shoüý theý shti \tr very apt / those are usually here, / and / woman / too / usually die. / Yet / land / the / yet / this / too \rf jod 1890:508.6 \op eýgoü, uýt'e t'oüý eýgoü oüt'eý-hnoüi. Ki mazhoüý sheýtathishoü keýta shoügaýhi taiteý \tr like, / death / abounds / like / we are dying. / And / land / towards yonder place / at the / we reach you / shall \rf jod 1890:508.7 \op noüýoüpe heýga-baýzhi. Ki niýkashiüga amaý edaýdoü iýbahoü amaý, 'iaýwathe-hnoüýi \tr we fear it / not a little. / And / people / the «sub.» / what / they know / they who, / usually talk about us \rf jod 1890:508.8 \op thoüýzha, oükiýwashkoü heýga-baýzhi. Shoüý waýthiwagaýzu goüýthai. Theýthuaýdi waýthiwagaýzu \tr though, / we have made efforts in our own behalf / not a little. / And / to make us straight / they wish. / In this place / make us straight \rf jod 1890:508.9 \op taý amaý te. Aýdoü mazhoüý keýta, sheýta keýta, shoügaýhi taiý oügoüýtha-baýzhi \tr they will, doubtless. / Therefore / land / at the, / at yonder place / at the, / we reach you / will / we do not wish it \rf jod 1890:508.10 \op eýgoüi ha. Ki e'oüý weaýgithiýgthoü shte eaýwagoü toüýgatoü, shoüý sheýthu teýdi \tr somewhat / . / And / how / they decide for us / even / we are so / we who will, / yet / there / in the \rf jod 1890:508.11 \op shoügaýtha-baýzhi toüýgatoü eýskoü-oüthoüýthai. Mazhoüý thoü ithaýdithaiý tiýi te shetoüý \tr we go not to you / we who will / we think it may be so. / Land / the / agent / houses / the / so far \rf jod 1890:508.12 \op itaýxataýthishoü wakeýga-baýzhi. Shoüý oüýbatheý wisiýthai eýgoü, wabaýgtheze shutheýwikiýthe. \tr towards up stream «north» / they are not sick. / Now / to-day / I remember you «pl.» / as, / letter / I cause him to send it to you «sing.». \rf jod 1890:508.13 \op Shoüý tiý-uzhiý wiwiýta te uýwakega thiügeý. Shoüý edaýdoü mazhoüý theýthuaýdi wiüaýxchi \tr And / household / my own / the / sickness / has none. / And / what / land / in this / only one \rf jod 1890:509.1 \op weýtexi eýgoü uwiýbthai-hnoü-moüý. Huýtoüga-maý teýxi ha. Shoüý wabaýgtheze \tr hard for us / somewhat / I have told you «pl.» regularly. / The Winnebagos / hard / . / Now / letter \rf jod 1890:509.2 \op uxtheýxchi theý, wabaýxu theýthu thiükeý, eýskana tha'iý gthiýthathe koübtheýgoü. \tr very soon / goes, / writer / here / he who, / oh that / you give him / you send back / I hope. \rf jod 1890:509.3 \ti @{Pathiü-noüpazhi} to @{Tatoüýga-naýzhiü} \op Nisiýha, oüwoüýxpani heýga-maýzhi kiýzhi, wigiýsithe-hnoü-moüý. Eýskana, nisiýha, \tr My child, / I am poor / I am very / if, / I usually remember you, my relation. / Oh that, / my child, \rf jod 1890:510.1 \op wigiýtoübe koübtheýgoü-hnoü-moüý aýtoüheý. -- Kageýha, mazhoüý theýthu shoüýshoü hniüý \tr I see you, my own / I usually hope / I who stand. -- / My friend, / land / here / always / you were \rf jod 1890:510.2 \op kiýzhi, oüwoüýxpani-maýzhi tateý ebtheýgoü thoüýzha, ihneý ha. Hneýgoü oüwoüýxpani \tr if, / I «am» not poor / shall / I think / though, / you have gone / . / As you went / I am poor \rf jod 1890:510.3 \op heýga-maýzhi. Shoüý edaýdoü uýshkoü moühniüý ki, shoüý e'oüý moühniüý ki, bthuýga \tr I am very. / Yet / what / deeds / you walk / if, / in fact / how / you walk / if, / all \rf jod 1890:510.4 \op anaý'oü koübtha ha. Shoüý iýe uýdoüxti wigiýna'oü koüýbtha ha. Nisiýha, mazhoüý \tr I hear it / I wish / . / In fact / words / very good / I hear of you, my own / I wish / . / My child, / land \rf jod 1890:510.5 \op anaýzhiü thoüýdi wabthiýtoü oüthoüýshpahoü hnaiý te, iüýchoü aýtashoü btheý. Waýxe amaý \tr I stood / in the / I worked / you knew me / you «pl.» went / when, / now / beyond it / I go. / White people / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:510.6 \op edaýdoü shoüý wathaýte bthuýga gaýxai ge eaýwakigoüýxtioüýi. Shetoüý oüthiýtoü te \tr what / in fact / food / all / they make / the «pl. ob.» / we are just alike. / So far / we work / the \rf jod 1890:510.7 \op oügthiý'axti, gthiýsai te oügthiý'axti, maýthe ha. Mazhoüý shtoüýbe thoüý bthuýga wamuýske \tr we have failed indeed, / plucking their own / the / we have failed indeed, / winter / . / Land / you saw / the / all / wheat \rf jod 1890:510.8 \op ugiýpi. Pazhoüý thoüýdi uýkuhe thiügeýxti oünaýzhiüi; sagiýxti oüthiüý. Niýkashiüga-maý \tr is full of. / Land / in the / cause of fear / having none at all / we stand; / very firm / we are. / The people \rf jod 1890:510.9 \op aýna that'aiý te izhaýzhe zaniýxti oüwoüýna'oü oügoüýthai. Washuýshe izhiüýge thoükaý \tr how many / you have died / the / his name / every one / we hear them / we wish. / @{Washuýshe} / his son / the ones \rf jod 1890:510.10 \op wiüý t'eý. Eýdi-aý-i-nazhiüý izhaýzhe atheü*. \tr one / died. / @{Eýdi-aý-i-nazhiüý} / his name / he had. \rf jod 1890:510.11 \ti @{Ishtaýthabi} to @{Moüchuý-waýthihi} and @{Ashaýwage} \op Waxiüýha gthiýthathe thoüý bthiýze. Mazhoüý thagthiüý thoüý thuýtoüxti iüwiüýtha \tr Letter / you sent back / the «ob.» / I took it. / Land / you sit / the «ob.» / very straight / to tell me \rf jod 1890:511.1 \op giýtha-ga. Theý shutheýathe. Sheýama niýkashiüga juýba shathaiý ha. Itiýze shubtheý \tr be sending back. / This / I send to you. / Those / people / some / went to you / . / At the same time / I go to you \rf jod 1890:511.2 \op koübtheýde waxiüýha gthiýazhi eýgoü, oüýoütha shathaiý ha. Shoüý uwiýkie te eýkigoüýxtioüý, \tr I wished, but / letter / had not come back / as, / leaving me / they went to to you / . / Now / I talk to you / the / it was just like it, \rf jod 1890:511.3 \op waxiüýha thoüý bthiýze teýdi. Shoüý, zhiütheýha, oüwoüýxpani heýga-maýzhi. Mazhoüý \tr letter / the / I took it / when. / Yet, / elder brother, / I am poor / I am very. / Land \rf jod 1890:511.4 \op uhiýashka thagthiüý ebtheýgoü-maýzhi thoüýshti; weýahideýxti thagthiüý ebtheýgoü. Shoüý \tr close by / you sit / I did not think / heretofore; / at a great distance / you sit / I thought. / Yet \rf jod 1890:511.5 \op mazhoüý mashteýata thagthiüý thoüý oüýba uýmoüthiü aýna zhoüý ki-hnoüýi anaý'oü koüýbtha. \tr land / in the warm region / you sit / the / day / to walk in / how many / sleeps / if only / I hear it / I wish. \rf jod 1890:511.6 \op Wawaýkegai shoüýoügaýxai, oügiýnii. \tr We were sick / we have quit, / we have recovered. \rf jod 1890:511.7 \ti @{Waxpe-sha} to @{Shaýhieýtha} \op Negiýha, mazhoüý aýgudi moühniüý wisiýthe-hnoü shoüýshoü. Aýna shoüý that'aiý \tr Mother's brother, / land / in what place / you walk / I am remembering you / always. / How many / in fact / you have died \rf jod 1890:512.1 \op eýiüte winaý'oüi koüýbtha. Mazhoüý aýgudi thanaýzhiü ki, mazhoüý waýgazuaýzhi, shubthaý-maýzhi. \tr it may be / I hear from you «pl.» / I wish. / Land / in what place / you stand / if, / land / not straight, / I have not gone to you. \rf jod 1890:512.2 \op That'eý te eýkigoü iüýtha-maýzhi heýga-maýzhi. Nuýzhiüga, kageý, t'eýe ha, Hexaýga-zhiüýga. \tr You die / the / it is like it / I am sad / I am very. / Boy, / third son, / is dead / , / @{Hexaýga-zhiüýga}. \rf jod 1890:512.3 \op Iýkuhaýbi shti t'eýe ha, thitoüýshka. Shoüý wabaýgtheze gioüýthakiýthe \tr @{Iýkuhaýbi} / too / is dead / , / your sister's son. / Now / letter / you cause him to be sending it back to me \rf jod 1890:512.4 \op koübtheýgoü. Shoüý aýgudi uýdoüxti thanaýzhiü te anaý'oü koübtheýgoü. \tr I hope. / Now / in what place / very good / you stand / the / I hear it / I hope. \rf jod 1890:512.5 \op Shoüý eýwitheýxti wisiýthe oüýbatheý. Eýskana witoüýbe koübtheýgoü eýde, oüzhuý-mazhi; \tr Now / I have you for a very near relation / I remember you / to-day. / Oh that / I see you / I hoped, / but / I am not well; \rf jod 1890:512.6 \ti @{Waniýta-waýxe} to @{Gahiýge} \op shetoüý oüwoüýshte agthiüý, oügiýni-maýzhi. Theýthu mazhoüý hnaýzhi teýdi, oüwoüýxpani \tr so far / I remain / I sit, / I have not recovered. / Here / land / you did not go / when, / I was poor \rf jod 1890:512.7 \op shtoüýbe te shoüýshoü bthiüý. Ki thiý-hnoü wisiýtha-maýzhi; Poüýka niýkagaýhi \tr you saw it / the / always / I am. / And / you only / I do not remember you; / Ponka / chief \rf jod 1890:512.8 \op zaniýxti awaýsithe; sheýnuzhiüýga-ma shti awaýsithe, zaniý. Shoüý wisiýthai te, meýadi \tr all / I remember them; / the young men / too / I remember them, / all. / Now / I remembered you / when, / last spring \rf jod 1890:512.9 \op uýshkoü wiüý Shaoüý amaýta piý te eýwoüý eýgoü, piý ki, uýshkoü zhuýazhi gaýxai. \tr deed / one / Dakotas / to them / I arrived / when, / it being the cause / as, / I was coming back / when, / deed / wrong / they did. \rf jod 1890:513.1 \op Goüýki eýegoü wisiýthai. Hau. Edaýdoü iýutha niýkashiüga-ma t'e-maý zaniýxti \tr And / that being so / I remember you. / «paragraph» / What / news / the people / the dead ones / all \rf jod 1890:513.2 \op izhaýzhe waýiütheýshpaxuý giýthathe koübtheýgoü, zaniýxti awaýna'oü koüýbtha. Shoüý iüýtha-mazhiýxti-hnoü-moüý \tr his name / you write them for me / you send back / I hope, / all / I hear them / I wish. / Now / I am always very sad \rf jod 1890:513.3 \op wisiýthai teýdi. Aýshka thagthiüý teýdi, witoüýbe koüýbtha eýgoü, \tr I remember you / when. / Near / you sat / when, / I see you / I wished / as, \rf jod 1890:513.4 \op shupiý-hnoü-moüý; eýde iüýtoü eoüýgoü-maýzhi iüýtha-maýzhi. Hau. Goüýki Umoüýhoü-maý \tr I used to reach you; / but / now / I am not so / I am sad. / «paragraph» / And / Omahas the «pl.» \rf jod 1890:513.5 \op sheýma shuhiýwathe-hnoüýi washtoüýbai ki, shuhiýi ki, wabaýgtheze iýthathe teý; \tr those «you see» / they have been sent to you / you see them / when, / reach you / when, / letter / you send / will; \rf jod 1890:513.6 \op awaýna'oü koüýbtha. Shoüý eýskana uýdoüxti moüthiüýi koüýbtha, iýe uýdoüxti awaýna'oü \tr I hear about them / I wish. / Now / oh that / very good / they walk / I wish, / words / very good / I hear about them \rf jod 1890:513.7 \op koüýbtha. Hau. Goüýki eaýwatheýxti Umoüýhoü sheýma shuhiýi ki, eýskana \tr I wish. / «paragraph» / And / I have them for near kindred / Omahas / those «you see» / reach you / when, / oh that \rf jod 1890:513.8 \op shoüýge-ma wiüý oüthaý'i koübtheýgoü, iüýthiü giý wathaýkithe koübtheýgoü. Shoüý \tr the horses / one / you give me / I hope, / having for me / coming back / you cause them / I hope. / Still \rf jod 1890:513.9 \op thizhiüýge, Uýhoü-zhiüýga, eý iüýthiü giý koübtheýgoü. Shoüýge zhoü-moüýthiü 'iüý thoükaý \tr your son, / @{Uýhoü-zhiüýga}, / he / having for me / coming back / I hope. / Horse wagon / carry it / the ones that \rf jod 1890:513.10 \op wiüý iüýt'e, wiüaýxchi iüwiüýshte. Shoüýge oüthaý'i ki, pahoüýga wabaýgtheze iý \tr one / is dead to me, / only one / remains to me. / Horse / you give me / if, / before / letter / is coming \rf jod 1890:513.11 \op koübtheýgoü. Ioüýkithaý-ga. Shetoüý tateý ebtheýgoü. Mazhoüý theýthu shoüýge thiügaiý \tr I hope. / Cause it to be coming for me. / So far / shall / I think. / Land / here / horse / there are none \rf jod 1890:513.12 \op eýgoü, shoüýge t'oüýata thanaýzhiü, aýdoü wiýna shutheýathe. Ki Uýhoü-zhiüýga giýazhi ki, \tr as, / horse / where they abound / you stand, / therefore / I beg from you / I send to you. / And / @{Uýhoü-zhiüýga} / is not coming back / if, \rf jod 1890:513.13 \op Umoüýhoü zhiüýga wiüý iüýthiü giý waýthashiý koüýbtha. \tr Omaha / small / one / having for me / is coming back / you ask him / I wish. \rf jod 1890:513.14 \ti @{Heý-woüzhiýtha} to @{Gahiýge-wadaýthiüge} \op Nioüýthiügeýxti agthiý. Umaýha akaýdi agthiý. Uýshkoü aýzhoü ke waýgazu \tr I have no pain at all / I have come back. / Omahas / to them / I have come back. / Deed / you do that / the / straight \rf jod 1890:514.1 \op anaý'oü koüýbtha. Umaýha akaýdi uýdoüxti agthiý, nioüýthiügeýxti. Eýde Umaýha \tr I hear / I wish. / Omahas / to them / very good / I have come back, / I have no pain at all. / But / Omahas \rf jod 1890:514.2 \op akaýdi agthaý-maýzhi tateýskoübtheýgoü, eheý. Eýskana thagthiýi koübtheýgoü, eheý. Theýama \tr to them / I go not homeward / shall, I think, / I said. / Oh that / you have come back / I hope, / I said. / These \rf jod 1890:514.3 \op Umaýha amaý uýdoüxti nazhiüý amaý: niýashiüga daýdoü gthiý shteýshtewoüý thizeý goüýtha \tr Omahas / the «sub.» / very good / are standing: / person / what / has come back / soever / to take him / wishing \rf jod 1890:514.4 \op gthiüý amaý. Shoüý wakeýga nieý thithiüýge eýiüte winaý'oü koüýbthai ha. Shoüý eaýwathe \tr they are sitting. / Now / sick / pain / you have none / it may be / I hear of you / I wish «pl. ob.» / . / Indeed / I have them as kindred \rf jod 1890:514.5 \op zhiüýga e'oüý ki eýshtewoüý, anaý'oü koüýbtha. U'aýgthaxti agthiý, nukaýthiü agthiý, \tr small / how / if, / even that / I hear it / I wish. / Suffering greatly / I have come back, / bare of outer garments / I have come back, \rf jod 1890:514.6 \op Umaýha akaýdi. Ki theýaka, wineýgi akaý, waiýiü iüýthiüwiü. Eýskana wabaýxu thoü \tr Omahas / to them. / And / this one, / my mother's brother / the «sub.», / blanket / bought for me. / Oh that / letter / the \rf jod 1890:514.7 \op shuhiý ki, uxtheýxchi wiüý oüthaý'i giýthathai koübtheýgoü. Theýaka witoüýge akaý \tr reaches you / when, / very soon / one / you give me / you «pl.» send it back / I hope. / This one / my elder sister / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:514.8 \op eýna agtheý taiteý ebtheýgoü, Shaoüý amaýta. Umaýha akaýdi thaýbthiü zhoüý shutheý \tr she alone / go homeward / shall / I think, / Dakotas / to them. / Omahas / at them / three / sleep / it goes to you \rf jod 1890:514.9 \op wabaýxu thoü. \tr letter / the. \rf jod 1890:514.10 \ti @{Pathiü-noüpazhi} to @{Tatoüýga-naýzhiü-zhiüýga} \dt December 16, 1878 \op Waxiüýha theýthoü atiý bthiýzegoü, nisiýha, witoüýbe eýgoü, iüýudoüxti-moüý, \tr Letter / this / I came here / I took it, as, / my child, / I see you / like, / it is very good for me, \rf jod 1890:515.1 \op iüýthe-xti-moüý ha. Shoüý, nisiýha, atoüýshte waxiüýha shuhiýathe-hnoü-moüý tateý. Ki \tr I am very glad / . / And, / my child, / whensoever / letter / I send to you regularly / shall. / And \rf jod 1890:515.2 \op thisoüýga sheýthu shuhiý te, oüwoüýxpani eýgoü shuýtheaýkithe ha. Theýthu, nisiýha, \tr your younger brother / yonder / reached you / as to it, / I am poor / as / I caused him to go to you / . / Here, / my child, \rf jod 1890:515.3 \op anaýzhiü te, mazhoüý theýthu anaýzhiü, wabthiýtoü uýdoüxti bthuýga anaýzhiü. Shoüý, nisiýha, \tr I stand / when, / land / here / I stand, / I work / very good / all / I stand. / Yet, / my child, \rf jod 1890:515.4 \op wigiýsithe-hnoü thoüýdi, edaýdoü wiüý ahniüý tedi abthiüý teýiüte, ebtheýgoü-hnoü-moüý \tr I always remembered you / when, in the past, / what / one / you had / when / I have it / will, perhaps, / I used to think it \rf jod 1890:515.5 \op ha. Nisiýha, atoüýshte shoüý wigiýtoübe tateýskoübtheýgoü-hnoü-moüý ha. \tr . / My child, / whenever / still / I see you, my own / shall I am used to thinking / . \rf jod 1890:515.6 \ti @{Pathiü-noüpazhi} to his son @{Niýdahoü} \op Waxiüýha thoüý gthiýthathe thoüý bthiýze. Hau. Waxiüýha shutheýathe, Tatoüýga-naýzhiü. \tr Letter / the «ob.» / you sent it back / the «ob.» / I took it. / «paragraph» / Letter / I send to you, / @{Tatoüýga-naýzhiü}. \rf jod 1890:516.1 \op Hniýze ki, gaýthoü Niýdahoü tha'iý te. Wanaýxthiüxti giýi-ga ha. Wathiýtoü \tr You take it / when, / that «ob.» / @{Niýdahoü} / you give it to him / will. / Hurrying very much / be ye coming home / . / Work \rf jod 1890:516.2 \op te bthiý'axti-moüý ha. Shoüý uýdoüxtiaýzhi eýgoü anaýzhiü; uýshkoü t'oüý anaýzhiü. Wanaýxthiü \tr the «ob.» / I have failed, indeed, at it / . / not very good / like / I stand; / business / plenty / I stand. / Hurrying \rf jod 1890:516.3 \op giý-ga. Shoüý witoüýba-maýzhi noüýde iüýpi-maýzhi-hnoü-moüý ha. \tr be coming home. / Still / I do not see you / heart / I always have it bad for me / \rf jod 1890:516.4 \ti @{Heý-woüzhiýtha} to @{Hexaýga-naýzhiü} \dt January 22, 1879 \op Shoüý theýthu oünaýzhiüi te uýdoüxti oünaýzhiüi thoüýzha, shoüý Shaýoüaýta oügaýthe taiteý, \tr Now / here / we stand / when / very good / we stand / though, / yet / to the Dakotas / we go / shall, \rf jod 1890:517.1 \op ebtheýgoü. Witaýhoü akaý theýaka shoüýge thaýbthiü waýthiü, waiýiü shti noüýba 'iýi, \tr I think. / My sister's husband / the «sub.» / this one / horse / three / has them, / robe / also / two / they have given him, \rf jod 1890:517.2 \op moüýzepe-zhiüýga noüýba 'iýi, niniýba-weýawoü shti 'iýi, wamuýske ke aýhigi 'iýi, \tr sharp iron small / two / they gave him, / calumet / also / they gave him, / wheat / the / much / they gave him, \rf jod 1890:517.3 \op aýdoü u'aýgtha shtewoüý thiügeýxti oünaýzhiüi. Sheýta uýdoüxti thanaýzhiü eýkigoüýxti eýgoü \tr therefore / suffering / in the least / without any / we stand. / Yonder / very good / you stand / just alike / so \rf jod 1890:517.4 \op oünaýzhiüi. Wamuýske ke utheýwiüoüýgithe oüthiýshtoüi ki, Shaýoüaýta oügaýthe taiteý, \tr we stand. / Wheat / the / we collect ours / we finish / when, / to the Dakotas / we go / shall, \rf jod 1890:517.5 \op ebtheýgoü. Theýaka, witoüýge akaý, miüýzhiüga wiüý iýdathai. Tadeý-gauýbthiü akaý \tr I think. / This one, / my elder sister / the «sub.», / girl / one / bore. / @{Tadeý-gauýbthiü} / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:517.6 \op Wazhiüýga siýthe-hnoü shoüýshoüi. Shoüý e'oüý te zaniýxti winaý'oüi koüýbtha, piýxti. \tr @{Wazhiüýga} / remembers him / always. / Now / how it is / all / I hear of you / I wish, / anew. \rf jod 1890:517.7 \op Wa'uýzhiügaýxchi thiükeý shti thuýtoü anaý'oü koüýbtha. Teý-wa'uý izhoüýge eýthoüba \tr Very old woman / the one who «ob.» / also / straight / I hear / I wish. / @{Teý-wa'uý} / too / her daughter / she too \rf jod 1890:517.8 \op thuýtoü awaýna'oü koüýbtha. Ki thuýtoü awaýna'oü kiýshte, e'oüý paýxa-maýzhi teý ki, \tr straight / I hear from them / I wish. / And / straight / I hear from them / even if, / how / I do not / will / if, \rf jod 1890:517.9 \op shoüý wisiýthe-hnoü-moüýi. Ki thiý, thiuýdoü thanaýzhiü kiýshte witoüýbe taiý; thiýtexi \tr yet / I always remember you «pl. ob.». / And / you, / good for you / you stand / even if / I see you «pl. ob.» / will; / hard for you \rf jod 1890:517.10 \op kiýshte oüshtoüýbe taiý, thiý. Wiýexti e'oüý moübthiüý ki, iüýthe-hnoü shoüýshoü. Atoüýshte \tr even if / you see me / will, / you. / I my very self / how / I walk / when, / I am glad usually / always. / Whensoever \rf jod 1890:517.11 \op wisiýthe-hnoü-moüýi. She-maý nuýzhiüga thaýbthiü zhuaýwagthe-hnoü-moüý-de e'oüýi ki, \tr I usually remember you «pl. ob.». / Those with you / boy / three / I was with them regularly, and / how they are / if, \rf jod 1890:517.12 \op iüwiüýthahna giýthathe koübtheýgoü. Moüý-akiýbanoü, ki Pahuýthishoüý, Wazhiüýga-pa \tr you tell me / you send back / I hope. / @{Moüý-akiýbanoü}, / and / @{Pahuýthishoüý}, / @{Wazhiüýga-pa} \rf jod 1890:517.13 \op iniüýge, ki Hoüýga-shkaýde, sheýna, wisiýthe-hnoü-moüýi. Ki agthiý teýdi oüshtoüýb \tr his son, / and / @{Hoüýga-shkaýde}, / enough, / I always remember you. / And / I reached home / when / you see me \rf jod 1890:517.14 \op 'iýthathai thoüýshti. Uýdoüxti moühniüý shteýshtewoüý, thiýtexi ki, iüwiüýtha giýtha-ga. \tr you promised / heretofore. / Very good / you walk / even if, / hard for you / if, / to tell me / send back. \rf jod 1890:517.15 \op Ki thiýtexi shteýshtewoüý, edaýdoü uýzhawaxti ahniüý ki, iüwiüýtha giýtha-ga. Theýama \tr And / hard for you / even if, / what / very pleasant / you have it / if, / to tell me / send back. / These \rf jod 1890:517.16 \op Umaýha shkaýde-hnoüý-ma edueýhe-hnoü-moüý-de shoüý wisiýthe-hnoü-moüýi. Iüýthextiý \tr Omahas / those who play regularly / I usually join but / yet / I always remember you «pl. ob.». / I am very glad \rf jod 1890:517.17 \op shtewoüý, shoüý wisiýthe-hnoü-moüý ki, iüýpi-maýzhi-hnoü-moüý. \tr even if, / yet / I always remember you / when, / I am always sad. \rf jod 1890:517.18 \ti @{Shuýde-gaýxe} to @{Weýs'a-toüýga} \dt February 6, 1879 \op Niýkashiüga amaý theýama iüwiüýkoüi bthuýgaxti. Wathaýte te tiý ugiýpixti \tr People / the «sub.» / these / have helped me / all. / Food / the / tent / very full \rf jod 1890:518.1 \op iügaýxai. Shoüýge shti wiüý ediüýgthoüi. Ithaýdithai akaý iüwiüýkoüxtioüýi. Mazhoüý \tr they have made for me. / Horse / too / one / they have bestowed on me. / Agent / the «sub.» / has helped me very much. / Land \rf jod 1890:518.2 \op shti ithaýdithai akaý oü'iýi ha; edaýdoü uaýzhi takeý shti woüýgithe oü'iýi: thanaý'oü taieýgoü \tr too / agent / the «sub.» / has given to me / ; / what / I plant will, the «col. ob.» / too / all / he has given to me: / you hear it / in order that \rf jod 1890:518.3 \op waxiüýha shutheýwikiýthe. Oüýbatheý thitiýzhoü Shaýoüaýta btheý, shoüýge noüýba \tr letter / I cause him to send it to you. / To-day / your sister's daughter / at the Dakotas' land / I go, / pony / two \rf jod 1890:519.1 \op iüthiüýboü tiýthai eýgoü. Wabaýxu wiüý iýthathe itiýze gaýta. Btheý te wabaýxu wi'iý. \tr to call me on account of mine / have sent here / as. / Letter / one / you send here / at the same time / to that place. / I go / when / letter / I give you. \rf jod 1890:519.2 \op Awaýnaxthiüýxti btheý ha. Goüýki agthiý ki, uaýzhi taý miüke. Wahoüý-thiügeý ikoüý \tr I am in a great hurry / I go / . / And / I come back / when, / I plant / will / I who. / @{Wahoüý-thiügeý} / his grandmother \rf jod 1890:519.3 \op eýthoüba waýthiü gthiý toüýtha-ga. Shkoüýhna ki, waýthiü gthiý goüýtha-ga. \tr her too / having them / to come back / desire thou. / You wish / if, / having them / to come back / desire thou. \rf jod 1890:519.4 \ti @{Shoügeý-hiü-ziý} to his brother, @{Weýs'a-toüýga} \st March, 1879 \op Zhiütheýha, &Monday teýdi iýe dzhuýba uwiýbtha shutheýathe. Edaýdoü wiüý, zhiütheýha, \tr Elder brother, / Monday / on the / words / a few / I tell you / I send to you. / What / one, / elder brother, \rf jod 1890:519.5 \op iüýtexiýxti-moüý shte oüthiüýge. Niýashiüga ukeýthiü weýthigthoü te iteýtha-ga; waýxe \tr I have it very hard for me / even / I have none. / Indian / mind / the / put it down; / white man \rf jod 1890:519.6 \op weýthigthoü gaýxa-ga. Niýashiüga weýthigthoü zhuýazhi thiü uiýkoüzhi-ga. Uýshkoü thiýudoü \tr mind / do. / Person / mind / not up to the mark / the one who / do not aid him. / Deed / good for you \rf jod 1890:519.7 \op eteý te kikaýxa-ga; haýhadoü kikaýxa-ga. Itiýgoüthai akaý uýzhu akaý waýthitoübazhiýxti \tr apt / the «ob.» / do for yourself; / ready / make yourself. / Grandfather / the / principal / the / did not work at all in our case \rf jod 1890:519.8 \op shoügaýhi te, ki xaýtha oügaýgi taiý te, uýwaweýshi gaýxe taiý te giýtexi; \tr we reached yonder, where you are, / when, / and / back again / we are coming back / will / when, / pay / make / will / the / difficult for him; \rf jod 1890:520.1 \op aýdoü ewaýzhiü oüguý oügaýkigthaýthiü oügaýgthi te uiýe thiügeý te uýdoüxtioüý te, aiý te. \tr therefore / of his own accord / we / we having ourselves / we have come back / the / words about it / none / the / very good indeed / will, / he said it. \rf jod 1890:520.2 \op Niýashiüga ukeýthiü ke bthuýgaxti giýtha-baýzhi; waýxe keý shti bthuýga giýtha-baýzhi. \tr Indians / the / all / are sad; / white people / the / too / all / are sad. \rf jod 1890:520.3 \op Weýthigthoü wiüý shkaýxe ki, Hexaýga-naýzhiü eýthoüba, gaýxe-hnoüýi-ga. Wioüýbtha \tr Decision / one / you make / if, / @{Hexaýga-naýzhiü} / he too, / do ye it alone. / I left you \rf jod 1890:520.4 \op agthiý te, iüýtha-mazhiýxti. Weýthigthoü paýxe te eýgoüxti shkaýxai koübtheýgoü. Waxiüýha \tr I came back / when, / I was very sad. / Decision / I made / the / just so / you make it / I hope. / Letter \rf jod 1890:520.5 \op hniýze ki, uxtheýxchi waxiüýha thoü oü'iý ithaý-ga. Hau. Kageýha Badiýze, ikaýgewiýthe. \tr you take / when, / very soon / letter / the «ob.» / give me / send here. / «paragraph» / Friend / Battiste, / I have you for a friend. \rf jod 1890:520.6 \op Niýashiüga sheýthoükaý uýshkoü shoüý uýwakoüý-ga. Waýxe amaý t'oüýgaxthoüý \tr Person / those by you / deed / at any rate / help them. / White people / the «sub.» / fall hunt \rf jod 1890:520.7 \op tediýhi ki, waýthitoü 'iýthai. \tr it arrives at / when, / to work about us / have promised. \rf jod 1890:520.8 \ti @{Duýba-moüýthiü} to @{Tenuýga-niýkagahi} \dt March, 1879 \st MacDonald. \op Kageý, waxiüýha gthiýthathe thoü iüýchoü agthiý bthiýze ha. Ki waxiüýha thanaý \tr Younger brother, / letter / you sent back / the «ob.» / now / I have come home / I have taken it / . / And / letter / you beg \rf jod 1890:521.1 \op te, oüýbatheý paýxe ha. Ki edaýdoü iýutha uýdoüxti wiüý mazhoüý theýthuadi thiügeý \tr as, / to-day / I make it / . / And / what / news / very good / one / land / at this place / there is none \rf jod 1890:521.2 \op eýgoü. Mazhoüý thoüýdi washkoüý te enaýxchi iýnitawaýthe te eýe ha. Kuýwiüxe \tr somewhat. / Land / in the / making an effort / the / that only / life-sustaining / the / that is it / . / Going around \rf jod 1890:521.3 \op moüthiüý niýtazhi eteýgoü. Shoüý-hnoü goüý wathiýkega uthaýgtha, ki, Shiüýgazhiüýga thoükaý \tr walking / not living / apt. / Yet only / so / you were sick / you told of your own, / and, / Child / the ones who \rf jod 1890:521.4 \op wiüýeshte iüýt'azhi, etheý te, noüýde iüýudoü. Ki enaýxchi-baýzhi taý akaý ha; shi \tr even one / not dead to me, / you said / when, / heart / good to me. / And / that alone not / about to be «?» / ; / again \rf jod 1890:521.5 \op oüýb aýzhi tediýhi ki, iüýshte thataýpe hneýgoü. Theýama niýkashiüga juýba gthiýi; \tr day / another / it arrives at / when, / for instance / you are near it / you go, / somewhat. / These / people / some / have come back; \rf jod 1890:521.6 \op iütoü gthiý; oüýba-waxuýbe thaýbthiü agthiýi. Ki mazhoüý theýthuadi gthiýi te, wakiý'e \tr now / has come back; / sacred day / three / they have come back. / And / land / in this place / they have come back / as, / to farm for themselbes \rf jod 1890:521.7 \op weýgoüthai. Ki eýbe niýkashiüga utoüýnadi doüýbe teýdi, t'eý giýgoüthaýzhiwaýthe, shoüý \tr they wish it for them. / And / who / person / in a place between / sees him / when, / to die / not to be desired for him, / in fact \rf jod 1890:521.8 \op noüýde-giýpezhiwaýthe heýgazhi. Shoüý eýskana nieý thithiüýgexti moüshniüý koübtheýgoü, \tr apt to make the heart sad for him / not a little. / Now / oh that / pain / you have none at all / you walk / I hope, \rf jod 1890:521.9 \op Wakoüýda thiükeý thigaýxe ki. Hau. Shoüý niýkashiüga ikaýgeawaýthe shti at'oüý, \tr Deity / the one who / he makes for you / if. / «paragraph» / Now / people / I have them as friends / too / I have plenty, \rf jod 1890:521.10 \op shiüýgazhiüýga wapaýxe, oüýbatheý wisiýthai. Tiý-uzhiý wiwiýta te nieý shte wathiüýgai. \tr child / I make them, / to-day / I remember you «pl.». / Household / my own / the / pain / even / we have none. \rf jod 1890:521.11 \op Shetoüý wabthiýtoü-maýzhi; oüýbatheý wamuýske uaýzhi taý miüke ha. Niýkashiüga amaý \tr So far / I have not worked; / to-day / wheat / I sow / will / I who / . / People / the \rf jod 1890:521.12 \op theýama bthuýgaxti shkoüýi, oüýbatheý. Ki e-hnoüý gaýte uwiýbtha eteýgoü, niýkashiüga \tr these / all / stirring, / to-day. / And / that only / that thing / I tell you / apt, / people \rf jod 1890:521.13 \op amaý shkoüý moüthiüýi te e-hnoüý uwiýbtha eteýgoü, e-hnoüý iýnitawaýthe. \tr the / stirring / walk / the / that only / I tell you / apt, / that only / life-sustaining. \rf jod 1890:521.14 \ti @{Pathiü-noüpazhi} to @{Tatoüýga-naýzhiü-zhiüýga} \dt March, 1879 \op Waxiüýha gthiýthathe thoüý bthiýze ha. Shiüýgazhiüýga wiwiýta uýdoüxti uhnaý \tr Letter / you have sent home / the «ob.» / I have taken it / . / Child / my own / very good / you told it \rf jod 1890:522.1 \op tiýthathe te, noüýde iüthiüýudoü. Shuýde-gaýxe ameý Shaoüýata athaiý; shetoüý agthiý-baýzhi. \tr you have sent here / as, / heart / mine is good for me. / @{Shuýde-gaýxe} / it is he who / to the Dakotas / went; / so far / he has not come back. \rf jod 1890:522.2 \op Moüchuý-naýzhiü gthiý te, oüýba-waxuýbe thaýbthiü; shoüý uýdoüxti aýhoü wakiýgthitoü \tr @{Moüchuý-naýzhiü} / came back / when, / sacred day / three; / yet / very good / ! / they will work \rf jod 1890:522.3 \op taý amaý. Shoüý tiý-uzhiý thithiýta te wiüýeshte shetoüý that'aýzhi te noüýde iüthiüýudoüýxti-moüý. \tr for themselves. / Now / household / your own / the / even one / so far / you have not died / as / heart / I have mine very good indeed. \rf jod 1890:522.4 \op Ki wiý shti eýgimoü; tiý-uzhiý wiwiýta uýdoüxti anaýzhiü. Theýama niýkashiüga \tr And / I / too / I do that; / household / my own / very good / I stand. / These / people \rf jod 1890:522.5 \op amaý uýdoüxti wakiýgthitoüi; uýdoüxtioüý taý amaý. Gaýthoü waxiüýha shuhiý teýdi, \tr the «sub.» / very good / work for themselves; / very good / they will be. / That one / letter / it reaches you / when, \rf jod 1890:522.6 \op wathiýtoü uiýkoü oüthiüýgexti-moüý; shiüýgazhiüýga wiwiýta wanaýxthiüxti giý agaýzhi-ga. \tr work / to help him / I have none at all; / child / my own / hurrying very much / to be coming back / command him. \rf jod 1890:522.7 \ti @{Huýpetha} to @{Sheýki} \dt March, 1879 \op Oüýbatheý wabthiýtoü-xti-moüý taý miüke. Ki wisiýthegoü wawiýpaxu shutheýathe. \tr To-day / I work very hard / will / I who. / And / as I remember you / I write to you about several things / I send to you. \rf jod 1890:523.1 \op Theýama Umoüýhoü amaý thisiýthe-hnoüýi; uthiýkiai eýgipioüýi. Shoüý Poüýka amaý \tr These / Omahas / the «sub.» / always remember you; / they talk with you / it is pleasant to them. / Now / Ponkas / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:523.2 \op agthiýi ge uthiýtha-hnoüýi winaý'oü. Oüýbatheý witoüýbe koübtheýgoü. Ki shoüý \tr have come back / the / they have told of you / I have heard of you. / To-day / I see you / I hope. / And / in fact \rf jod 1890:523.3 \op wisiýthe ki, witoüýbe koübtheýgoü. Shoüýge wathaýt'oü, aýdoü witoüýbe koübtheýgoü. \tr I remember you / when, / I see you / I hope. / Horse / you have plenty of them, / therefore / I see you / I hope. \rf jod 1890:523.4 \op Umoüýhoü amaý mazhoüý etaiý thoü wathiýtoü-maý washtoüýbe thoü iüýchoü aýtashoü \tr Omahas / the «sub.» / land / their / the / those who worked it / you saw them / in the past / now / beyond it \rf jod 1890:523.5 \op wathiýtoü, giýthextioüý; aýdoü uwiýbtha shutheýathe. Wakiýgthitoü weýgoüthai eýgoü, \tr work, / are very glad; / therefore / I tell you / I send to you. / To work for themselves / they wish for us / as, \rf jod 1890:523.6 \op waxtaýhi, sheýhi, koüýde, noüýpa-zhiüýga, haýzi, shoüý bthuýga wa'iý 'iýthai. Eý sheýna \tr fruit tree, / apple tree, / plum tree, / cherry, / grape, / in fact / all / to give us / they promise. / That / enough \rf jod 1890:523.7 \op uwiýbtha. Thanaý'oü teýgoü shutheýathe. Shi umoüýthiüka theý mazhoüý athiüý niýkashiüga \tr I tell you. / You hear it / in order that / I send to you. / Again / season / this / land / having / people \rf jod 1890:523.8 \op bthuýgaxti teýska-miüýga eýkina uýwagiýzhi taý amaý. \tr all / cow / in equal shares / they will put them in. \rf jod 1890:523.9 \ti @{Ishtiýnike} and the chipmunk \op Ishtiýnike amaý athaý-bi ki, a-iýzhoü-biamaý, mikaýha waiüý giiüý zhoüýbi egoüý. \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / the «mv. sub.» / went, they say / when / came and slept, they say, / raccoon skin / robe / wearing his / he reclined, they say / having. \rf jod 1890:549.1 \op Hoüýegoüýche iýkitha-baýzhi tedi, zhediüýi te ha. Ki zheý akaý diüýdiü athaiý teýdi \tr Morning / he woke not / when, / &membrum &virile &riguit / . / And &membrum &virile / the «sub.» / rigid / was going / when \rf jod 1890:549.2 \op waiüý thoü uthaýha athaiý te ha moüýshi. Ki moüýshiataýxti gahiýhitha gthiüý te ha. \tr robe / the «garment» / with it / went / / high in the air. / And / far up on high / waving to and fro / sat / . \rf jod 1890:549.3 \op Goüýki Ishtiýnike akaý iýkithaý-biamaý. Ki waiüý thoü doüýba-bi ki, uýshikithaý-biamaý. \tr And then / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / awoke, they say. / And / robe / the / saw, they say / when / it gave him needless trouble, they say. \rf jod 1890:549.4 \op Ki, "Shi+shte! Heýga theýtoü. Aýxtoü eýgoü iütheý'oü taýdoü? Ithaýkithe \tr And / Fie! / buzzard / this «std. ob.» / How possible. / you do so to me / should? / I awoke \rf jod 1890:549.5 \op azhoüý ha," eý amaý ki, waiüý akaý iýthapithiüýxchi kihaý agiý-biamaý. Ki iýgipahoüý-biamaý. \tr I recline / / he was saying, / when, / robe / the «sub.» / very slowly / downward / was returning, they say. / And / he knew his, they say. \rf jod 1890:549.6 \op "Xe!" aý-biamaý. "Waiüý witaý eý thoü eýdoü uýshiaýkithe aýhoü." Goü zheý \tr Bother! / said he, they say. / Robe / my / that «aforesaid» / the «cv. ob.» / «expresses surprise?» / I deceived myself / ! / And / &membrum &virile \rf jod 1890:549.7 \op ke gipeýtoü-bi egoüý, athaý-biamaý. Athaý-biamaý ki, Tashniüýge wiü uheý eýtha-biamaý. \tr the «lg. ob.» / wrapped up his, they say / having / went, they say. / Went, they say / when / Streaked chipmunk / one / traveling the path he came to him suddenly, they say. \rf jod 1890:549.8 \op Tashniüýge akaý, "Tsiý-tsi-tsiý!" aý-biamaý. "Xa-iý! theý-noü eýgithoüý-ga." Shi eýgithoüý-biamaý \tr Streaked chipmunk / the «sub.» / Tsee-tsee-tsee! / said, they say. / Whew! / only this / say it! / Again / said it «to him», they say \rf jod 1890:549.9 \op Tashniüýge akaý. "Xa! oüýthazhiüýga iýnahiü aýhoü," aý-bi egoüý, eýdi \tr Striped chipmunk / the «sub.». / Whew! / he underrates me / truly / ! / said, they say / having / there \rf jod 1890:549.10 \op athaý-biamaý. Tashniüýge akaý moütaýha aýiaýtha-biamaý, moüshoüýde ugiýpe. Ki \tr went, they say. / Striped chipmunk / the «sub.» / within / had gone, they say, / den / entered his. / And \rf jod 1890:549.11 \op Ishtiýnike akaý zheý ke gthiýgtha-biamaý. Ki moüshoüýde te uthuýbahiüý-biamaý. Ki \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / &membrum &virile / the «lg. ob.» / unwrapped his, they say. / And / den / the «ob.» / thrust it into, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:549.12 \op Tashniüýge iýt'a-biamaý. Ki Tashniüýge akaý zheý ke heýbe thasaý-biamaý. "Oüthaýxthaxthaýpzha-ga! \tr Striped chipmunk / touched, they say. / And / Striped chipmunk / the «sub.» / &membrum &virile / the «lg. ob.» / part / bit off, they say. / Pierce my flesh often with your teeth! \rf jod 1890:549.13 \op Iütheýni tateý. Thiuýdoü tateý ha," aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Shi \tr You escape from me / shall. / It shall be good for you / / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Again \rf jod 1890:550.1 \op etaýha theýtha-biamaý zheý ke. Shi heýbe thasaý-biamaý. Shoüý eýgoü-hnoü thaseý athiüý \tr further / sent, they say / &membrum &virile / the «lg. ob.». / Again / part / bit off, they say. / Still / so only / biting off / having it \rf jod 1890:550.2 \op athaý-biamaý. Ki, "Tsiý-tsi-tsiý!" aý-biamaý Tashniüýge akaý. "Oüýhoü, Chiý-chi-chi, \tr he went, they say. / And / Tsee-tsee-tsee / said, they say / Streaked chipmunk. / the «sub.». / Yes, / Chee-chee-chee, \rf jod 1890:550.3 \op aý-ga ha. Thiuýdoü tateý haý," aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. "Eaýtoü eýdoü" etheýgoü-bi \tr say / ! / It shall be good for you / . / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / What can be the matter / ? / he thought, they say \rf jod 1890:550.4 \op egoüý, Ishtiýnike akaý zheý ke gthiýza-biamaý. Ki eýgithe cheýshkaxchi uthaýshtavikeýamaý. \tr having / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / &membrum &virile / the «lg. ob.» / took his back, they say. / And / behold / very short / it remained of a «lg. ob.» after biting, they say. \rf jod 1890:550.5 \op "He+-i-shi! oüýthizhuaýzhi iýnahiü aýhoü," aý-bi egoüý, gthiý'uda-biamaý. \tr Alas! / he has made me suffer / truly / ! / said, they say / having / took his out of the hole, they say. \rf jod 1890:550.6 \op Shoüý heýbe gthiýza-bi te uaýtoü oüýtha theýtha-bi-deý, "Gaýniüke haýzi thiýthade taiý," \tr Then / part / took his, they say / when / next / threw it away, they say, when «as» / You who are that «unseen» / grapes / they call you / shall \rf jod 1890:550.7 \op aý-biamaý. Ki ediýtoü mazhoüý thoü haýzihi eýthoübaý-biamaý. Kiý shi heýbe gthiýza-bi \tr said, they say. / And / from that / land / the / grape-vines / came out of, they say. / And / again / part / took his, they say \rf jod 1890:550.8 \op egoüý, shi oüýtha theýtha-biamaý. "Gaýniüke koüýde thiýthade taiý," aý-biamaý. Ki \tr having, / again / threw it away, they say. / You who are that «unseen» / plums / they call you / shall, / said, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:550.9 \op ediýtoü koüýdehi eýthoübaý-biamaý. Shoüý eýgoü waxtaý ke bthuýga ugaýshibaý-biamaý. \tr from that / plum-trees / came in sight, they say. / Then / so / fruit / the / all / he accomplished «the making of» all, they say. \rf jod 1890:550.10 \ti @{Ishtiýnike} and the four creators \op Athaý-biamaý ki, tiýgtha-biamaý, miüýgthoü-bi egoüý. "Niýniuýzhiha sheýthoü iüý'i \tr He went, they say / when / he dwelt in a lodge they say, / he took a wife they say / as. / Tobacco-pouch / that visible «cv. ob.» / give back to me \rf jod 1890:552.1 \op iýtha-ga. Thitiýgoü Zhaýbe thiükeýdi btheý taýshe," aý-biamaý. Goü eýdi athaý-biamaý. \tr send it hither. / Your grandfather / Beaver / to the «st. ob.» / I go / must, / said he, they say. / And / there / he went they say. \rf jod 1890:552.2 \op Ubaýhoü hiý amaý ki, "Hau, geýthishoü tethaý-ga," aý-biamaý Zhaýbe akaý. Iüýbehiü \tr Part of the lodge opposite the entrance / he was reaching there, they say / when / Ho, / in that direction / pass along, / said he, they say / Beaver / the «sub.». / Pillow \rf jod 1890:552.3 \op keýdi aýgthiükithaý-biamaý. "Wathaýte shtewoüý thiügeý thoüýshti. Thitiýgoü iüdaýdoüxti \tr by the / he caused him to sit on it, they say. / Food / soever / there was none / heretofore. / Your grandfather / what indeed \rf jod 1890:552.4 \op thateý tedoü+," aý-biamaý Zhaýbe igaýxthoü akaý. Goüýki Zhaýbe akaý zhaýbe zhiüýga duýba \tr he eat / shall? / said, they say / Beaver / his wife / the «sub.». / And / Beaver / the «sub.» / beaver / young / four \rf jod 1890:552.5 \op wat'oüý-biamaý. Zhiüýgaxchi akaý, gaý-biamaý, "Dadiýha, wiýebthiü taý miüke, wathaýte \tr he had them, they say. / Very small / the «sub.», / said as follows, they say / O father, / I am that / I who will, / food \rf jod 1890:552.6 \op te," aý-biamaý. Ithaýdi akaý gigthaýxthi-biamaý. Ugiýhoü-bi egoüý, Ishtiýnike thiükeý \tr the, / said he, they say. / His father / the «sub.» / he killed his own by hitting, they say. / He boiled his own they say / as, / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «st. one» \rf jod 1890:552.7 \op thateýkithaý-biamaý. Ishtiýnike akaý thataý-bazhi teýdi, Zhaýbe akaý gaý-biamaý: \tr they caused him to eat it, they say. / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / he ate it not / when, / Beaver / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: \rf jod 1890:552.8 \op "Eýgithe wahiý wiüeýshtewoü naýxoü te haý! Thaxoüýzhi-ga ha!" aý-biamaý. Thoüýzha \tr Beware / bone / even one / you break by biting / lest / ! / Do not break it by biting / ! / said he, they say. / Yet \rf jod 1890:552.9 \op Ishtiýnike akaý sipaýhi wiüý thaxoüý-biamaý. Weýnoüdaý-bi-deý, wahiý ge gipaýhi-biamaý. \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / toes / one / he broke it by biting, they say. / Felt full after eating they say when, / bone / the «pl. ob.» / he gathered his own, they say. \rf jod 1890:552.10 \op Haý uiýzhi-bi-deý, niaýha theýtha-biamaý. Goüeýgoüteshtewoüýzhi zhaýbe \tr Skin / he filled for him they say when, / into the water / he plunged it, they say. / Not even a little while «had elapsed» / beaver \rf jod 1890:552.11 \op zhiüýgaxchi akaý eýthoübe akiý-biamaý, giniý. Ithaýdi akaý, "E'oüý a," egaý-biamaý ki, \tr very small / the «sub.» / emerging / came thither again, they say, / he revived. / His father / the «sub.», / How is it / ? / he said the preceding, they say / when, \rf jod 1890:552.12 \op izhiüýge akaý, "Dadiýha, sipaýhi wiü oüýthaxoüýi ha," aý-biamaý. Aýdoü ediýtoü zhaýbe \tr his son / the «sub.», / O father, / toes / one / he broke mine by biting / said he, they say. / Therefore / since then / beaver \rf jod 1890:552.13 \op amaý bthuýga sipaýhi wiüý, sipaýhi uzhiüýga iýbiski te, uthaýsna-biteýama. Niýniuýzhiha \tr the «pl. sub.» / all / toe / one, / little toe / next to / the, / has been split by biting, they say. / Tobacco-pouch \rf jod 1890:552.14 \op thoü gisiýtha-baýzhi gaýxe agthaý-biamaý (Ishtiýnike amaý). Ki shiüýgazhiüýga eý \tr the «cv. ob.» / he did not remember it / pretending / he started homeward, they say / (@{Ishtiýnike} / the «mv. sub.».) / And / child / that «aforesaid» \rf jod 1890:552.15 \op wawaýgikaý-bi egoüý, "Sheýthoü itheýthiü moüthiüý-ga. Xoüxaýta iýgioütha theýtha-ga. \tr he meant them, his own / they say / as, / That visible «cv. ob.» / having for him, the owner / walk thou. / At a great distance / throw it back to him, the owner. \rf jod 1890:553.1 \op Deýshteaýa-noüý," aý-biamaý. Ki shiüýgazhiüýga amaý itheýthiü athaý-biamaý. Xoüxaýta \tr he talks incessantly usually, / said he, they say. / And / child / the «mv. sub.» / having it for the owner / went, they say. / At a great distance \rf jod 1890:553.2 \op iýgioüýtha theýthe taýbi ki, "Duýdiha! duýdiha!" aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Etaýha \tr to throw it back to him, the owner / about, they say / when / This way! / this way! / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Further \rf jod 1890:553.3 \op weýagaýthiü hiý amaý kiýzhi, "Thiýadi oüýdoübe hiý te, uiýtha-ga," aý-biamaý. "Dadiýha, \tr having them for the owners / he was reaching there, they say / when, / Your father / to see me / he shall reach there / tell him, / said, they say. / O father, \rf jod 1890:553.4 \op washtoüýbe shiý te, aiý," aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. "Geý wioüýkuhaiý eýgoü, Xoüxaýta \tr you see them / you reach there / shall, / he said, / said, they say / boy / the «sub.». / That / we apprehended it / as, / At a great distance \rf jod 1890:553.5 \op weýgioüýtha theýtha-ga, oüthoüýi thoüýshti," aý-biamaý Zhaýbe akaý. Ishtiýnike tiuýpe \tr throw it back to them, the owners, / we said / heretofore, / said, they say / Beaver / the «sub.». / @{Ishtiýnike} / to enter the lodge «+visit» \rf jod 1890:553.6 \op athaý-biamaý Zhaýbe amaý. Ki eýta ahiý-bi ki, Ishtiýnike akaý shiüýgazhiüýga-ma wiü \tr went, they say / Beaver / the «mv. sub.». / And / there / arrived there they say / when, / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / the children / one \rf jod 1890:553.7 \op t'eýgikiýthe goüýtha-biamaý, gaxthaýzhe athiüý-biamaý. Eýde Zhaýbe akaý uiýthi'agaý-biamaý. \tr to kill him, his own / wished, they say, / making him cry out by hitting him / he had him, they say. / But / Beaver / the «sub.» / was unwilling for him, they say. \rf jod 1890:553.8 \op "Shoüthiükeýtha-ga! 'Aýgthathaýthe ha," aý-biamaý. Goüýki Zhaýbe amaý niaýta \tr Let the «st. ob.» alone! / You make him suffer / / said he, they say. / And then / Beaver / the «mv. sub.» / to the water \rf jod 1890:553.9 \op athaý-bi egoüý, zhaýbe zhiüýga wiüý athiüý akiý-bi-deý, woüýgithe thataý-biamaý. \tr went they say / as, / beaver / young / one / he brought back thither / they say when, / all / they ate, they say. \rf jod 1890:553.10 \op Ki shiý oüb aýzhi ki, "Niýniuýzhiha sheýthoü iüý'i iýtha-ga. Thitiýgoü Siüýhnedewaýgithe \tr And / again / day / another / when / Tobacco-pouch / that visible «cv. ob.» / give back to me / send it hither / Your grandfather / Muskrat \rf jod 1890:553.11 \op thiükeýdi btheý taýshe," aý-biamaý. Goüý eýdi athaý-biamaý. Ubaýhoü hiý amaý \tr to the «st. ob.» / I go / must / said he, they say. / And / there / he went, they say. / Part of the lodge opposite the entrance / he was reaching there, they say \rf jod 1890:553.12 \op ki, "Hauý, geýthishoü tithaý-ga," aý-biamaý Siüýhnedewaýgithe akaý. Iüýbehiü keýdi \tr when / Ho! / in that direction / pass along / said he, they say / Muskrat / the «sub.». / Pillow / by the \rf jod 1890:553.13 \op aýgthiükithaý-biamaý. "Wathaýte shtewoüý thiügeý thoüýshti. Thitiýgoü iüdaýdoüxti \tr he caused him to sit on it, they say. / Food / soever / there was none / heretofore. / Your grandfather / what indeed \rf jod 1890:553.14 \op thateý tedoü+, aý-biamaý Siüýhnedewaýgithe igaýxthoü akaý. Ki Siühnedewaýgithe \tr he eat / shall ? / said, they say / Muskrat / his wife / the «sub.». / And / Muskrat \rf jod 1890:553.15 \op akaý, "Niý agiýmoüthiüý-ga," aý-biamaý. Wa'uý amaý agiýathaý-bi egoüý, athiüý \tr the «sub.», / Water / fetch thou / said he, they say. / Woman / the «mv. sub.» / she went after it they say / as, / she \rf jod 1890:553.16 \op akiý-biamaý niý te. Ugaýshke aýgazhiý-biamaý. Ki wa'uý akaý ugaýshka-biamaý, niý \tr took it home, they say. / water / the «ob.» / To hang the kettle over the fire / he told her, they say. / And / woman / the «sub.» / hung up the kettle over the fire, they say, / water \rf jod 1890:553.17 \op te. Aýbixextioüý amaý ki, bashoüýtha-biamaý nuý akaý. Bashoüýtha-bi ki, siüý \tr the «ob.». / It was boiling very fast / they say / when / pushed over kettle, they say / man / the «sub.». / He pushed over the kettle they say / when / wild rice \rf jod 1890:554.1 \op bashoüýtha-biamaý. Goüý Ishtiýnike akaý thataý-biamaý siü te. Niýniuýzhiha thoü \tr he [pushed over the kettle and] poured out, they say. / And / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / he eats, they say / wild rice / the «ob.». / Tobacco-pouch / the «cv. ob.» \rf jod 1890:554.2 \op gisiýtha-baýzhi gaýxe agtha-biamaý (Ishtiýnike amaý). Ki shiüýgazhiüýga thoükaý eý \tr not remembering it / he pretended / he started homeward, they say. / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «mv. sub.». / And / child / the «pl. ob.» / that \rf jod 1890:554.3 \op wawaýgikaý-bi egoüý, "Sheýthoü itheýthiü moüthiüý-ga! Xoüxaýta iýgioüýtha theýtha-ga \tr he meant them they say / as, / That seen «cv. ob.» / having it for the owner / walk thou. / At a great distance / throw it back to him, the owner \rf jod 1890:554.4 \op Deýshteaýa- noüý," aý-biamaý. Ki shiüýgazhiüýga amaý itheýthiü athaý-biamaý. Xoüxaýta \tr He talks incessantly usually / said he, they say. / And / child / the «mv. sub.» / having it for the owner / went they say. / At a great distance \rf jod 1890:554.5 \op iýgioüýtha theýthe taýbi ki, "Duýdiha! duýdiha!" aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Etaýha \tr he was about to throw it back to him, the owner, they say / when / This way! / this way! / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Further \rf jod 1890:554.6 \op weýagaýthiü hiý amaý kiýzhi, "Thiýadi oüýdoübe hiý te, uiýtha-ga," aý-biamaý. "Dadiýha, \tr having them for the owners / he was reaching there, they say / when / Your father / to see me / he reach there / shall / tell him / said, they say. / O father, \rf jod 1890:554.7 \op washtoüýbe shiý te, aiý," aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. "Geý wioüýkuhai eýgoü, Xoüxaýta \tr you see them / you reach there / shall / he said / said, they say / boy / the «sub.». / That / we apprehended it / as / At a great distance \rf jod 1890:554.8 \op weýgioüýtha theýtha-ga, oüthoüiý thoüýshti," aý-biamaý Siüýhnedewaýgithe akaý. Ishtiýnike \tr throw it back to them, the owners, / we said / heretofore / said, they say / Muskrat / the «sub.». / @{Ishtiýnike} \rf jod 1890:554.9 \op tiuýpe athaý-biamaý Siüýhnedewaýgithe amaý. Ki etaýha ahiý-bi ki, Ishtiýnike \tr to enter the lodge «+visit» / went, they say / Muskrat / the «mv. sub.». / And / further / arrived there they say / when / @{Ishtiýnike} \rf jod 1890:554.10 \op akaý, igaýxthoü thiükeý eý wagikaý-bi egoüý, "Ni agiýmoüthiüý-ga," aý-biamaý. \tr the «sub.» / his wife / the «st. ob.» / that «aforesaid» / he meant his own, they say, / as, / Water / fetch thou / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:554.11 \op Igaýxthoü amaý niý agiýathaý-biamaý. Ugaýshka-bi egoüý, aýbixeýxti ki, bashoüýtha-bi \tr His wife / the «mv. sub.» / water / she went after it they say. / She hung the kettle over the fire, they say / as, / it boiled very fast / when, / he pushed it over, they say, \rf jod 1890:554.12 \op ki, niý siýoütheýxti bashoüýtha amaý. Siüýhnedewaýgithe gaýxe te eýgoü gaýxe goüýtha \tr when, / water / alone he / was pushing it over, they say. / Muskrat / he did / the «act» / so / to do / he wished \rf jod 1890:554.13 \op te thi'aý amaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Siüýhnedewaýgithe akaý shi eýgoü gaýxa-bi egoüý \tr the / he was failing to do it, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Muskrat / the «sub.» / again / so / he did, they say / as \rf jod 1890:554.14 \op siüý aýhigi giýoütha agthaý-biamaý. Kiý shi gaý-biamaý oüb aýzhi ki, "Thitiýgoü \tr wild rice / a great quantity / he left for him / he started home, they say. / And / again / said as follows, they say / day / another / when / Your grandfather \rf jod 1890:554.15 \op Naxiýde-shkoüýni thiükeýdi btheý taý miüke," a-biamaý. Ki eýdi athaý-biamaý. Eýdi \tr Blue Kingfisher «?» / to the «st. ob.» / I go / I / who will / said he, they say. / And / there / he went, they say. / There \rf jod 1890:554.16 \op hiý amaý ki, Naxiýdeshkoüýni akaý thiýxushpoü aýgapamuýxti keýdegoü aýtoü-bi egoüý, \tr he was arriving, they say / when / Blue Kingfisher «?» / the «sub.» / large white willow / as it lay bent down so far that it was horizontal «?» / he stepped on it, they say / as, \rf jod 1890:554.17 \op ediýtoü niý ke gthoüýge athaý-biamaý. Huhuý wiü eýthoübe athiüý akiý-biamaý. Ki \tr thence / water / the «lg. ob.» / diving / he went, they say. / Fish / one / emerging / he brought it back, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:555.1 \op Ishtiýnike thiükeý thateýkithaý-biamaý. Ki Ishtiýnike gtheý amaý kiýzhi, noübuýthishiü \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / the «st. ob.» / he caused to eat it, they say. / And / @{Ishtiýnike} / was starting home, they say, / when / glove \rf jod 1890:555.2 \op masaýniha gisiýthazhi gaýxe gtheý amaý. Ki nuýzhiüga toüý eý wagikaý-bi egoüý, \tr on one side / not remembering it / pretending / he was starting home, they say. / And / boy / the «std. ob.» / that / he meant his own, they say / as \rf jod 1890:555.3 \op "Sheýthoü itheýthiü moüthiüý-ga! Xoüxaýta iýgioüýtha theýtha-ga! Deýshteaýa- noüý," \tr That seen «cv. ob.» / having it for the owner. / walk thou! / At a great distance / throw it back to him, the owner! / He talks incessantly. usually \rf jod 1890:555.4 \op aý-biamaý. Ki shiüýgazhiüýga amaý itheýthiü athaý-biamaý. Xoüxaýta iýgioüýtha theýthe taýbi \tr said he, they say. / And / child / the «mv. sub.» / having it for the owner / went, they say. / At a great distance / he was about to throw it back to the owner, they say, \rf jod 1890:555.5 \op ki, "Duýdiha! duýdiha!" aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Etaýha weýagaýthiü hiý amaý \tr when, / This way! / this way! / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Further / having them for the owners / he was reaching there, they say \rf jod 1890:555.6 \op kiýzhi, "Thiýadi oüýdoübe hiý te, uiýtha-ga," aý-biamaý, "Dadiýha, washtoüýbe shiý te, \tr when / Your father / to see me / he reach there / shall / tell him / said, they say, / O father / you see them / you reach there / shall \rf jod 1890:555.7 \op aiý," aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. "Geý wioüýkuhai eýgoü, Xoüxaýta weýgioüýtha theýtha-ga, \tr he said, / said they say / boy / the «sub.». / That / we apprehended it / as, / At a great distance / throw it back to them, the owners, \rf jod 1890:555.8 \op oüthoüýi thoüýshti," aý-biamaý Naxiýdeshkoüýni akaý. Goüý eýdi athaý-biamaý \tr we said / heretofore / said, they say / Blue Kingfisher «?» / the «sub.». / And / there / went, they say \rf jod 1890:555.9 \op Naxiýdeshkoüýni amaý, Ishtiýnike tiuýpe. Eýdi hiý amaý ki, Ishtiýnike akaý thiýxushpoüý \tr Blue Kingfisher «?» / the «mv. sub.», / @{Ishtiýnike} / to enter his lodge «+to visit» / There / he was arriving, they say / when / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / large white willow \rf jod 1890:555.10 \op aýgapamuýxti keýdegoü aýne athaý-biamaý. Ki ediýtoü niý ke u'oüýsi eýgihe \tr as it lay bent down so far that it was horizontal «?» / climbing it / went, they say. / And / from it / stream / the «lg. ob.» / leaping in / beneath the surface \rf jod 1890:555.11 \op aýiaýtha-biamaý. Ki noüýzhiüshkeýxchi Naxiýdeshkoüýni akaý thizaý-biamaý. Niý \tr had gone, they say. / And / scarcely / Blue Kingfisher «?» / the «sub.» / seized him, they say. / Water \rf jod 1890:555.12 \op iýnoüdeýxti Ishtiýnike thizaý-biamaý. Goüý huhuý wiü thizaý-bi egoüý, Ishtiýnike giýoütha \tr having his fill of it / @{Ishtiýnike} / he seized him, they say. / And / fish / one / he took, they say / as / @{Ishtiýnike} / he left for him \rf jod 1890:555.13 \op agthaý-biamaý. \tr he started home, they say. \rf jod 1890:555.14 \op Ki shiý oüb aýzhi ki, "Thitiýgoü Siüýga thiükeýdi btheý taý miüke," aý-biamaý. Ki \tr And / again / day / another / when, / Your grandfather / Flying-squirrel / to the «st. ob.» / I go / I who will / said he, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:555.15 \op eýdi athaý-biamaý. Eýdi hiý amaý ki, Siüýga akaý, igaýxthoü thiükeý eý wagikaý-bi \tr there / he went, they say. / There / he was arriving, they say / when, / Flying-squirrel / the «sub.», / his wife / the «st. ob.» / that / he meant his own, they say \rf jod 1890:555.16 \op egoüý, "Waýku sheýke iýtha-ga," aý-biamaý. Waýku thizaý-bi egoüý, tiý te aýgine athaý-biamaý. \tr as / Awl / that seen «lg. ob.» / hand hither / said he, they say. / Awl / he took, they say / as, / lodge / the «std. ob.» / climbing his own / went, they say. \rf jod 1890:555.17 \op Pahaýshiataýxti ahiý-bi ki, shoüdeý thoü zhaýkihaý-biamaý. Taýge uxpaýthe \tr At the very top / he reached, they say / when / &scrotum / the part / he stabbed himself, they say. / Black walnuts / to fall from a height \rf jod 1890:555.18 \op gaýxa-biamaý, heýgazhi. Taýge thateýkithaý-biamaý Ishtiýnike. Ki agthaý-bi ki, \tr he made, they say, / not a few. / Black walnuts / he caused to eat, they say / @{Ishtiýnike}. / And / he started home, they say / when, \rf jod 1890:556.1 \op noübuýthishiü masaýniha gisiýthazhi gaýxe gtheý amaý. Ki nuýzhiüga toü eý wagikaý-bi \tr glove / on one side / not to remember / pretending / he was starting home, they say. / And / boy / the «std. an. ob.» / that «aforesaid» / he meant his own, they say \rf jod 1890:556.2 \op egoüý, "psheýthoü itheýthiü moüthiüý-ga! Xoüxaýta iýgioüýtha theýtha-ga! Deýshteaýa-noüý," \tr as, / That seen «cv. ob.» / having it for the owner / walk thou! / At a great distance / throw it back to him, the owner! / He talks incessantly usually, \rf jod 1890:556.3 \op aý-biamaý (Siüýga akaý). Ki shiüýgazhiüýga amaý itheýthiü athaý-biamaý. Xoüxaýta \tr said, they say / (Flying-squirrel) / the «sub.». / And / child / the «mv. sub.» / having it for the owner / went, they say. / At a great distance \rf jod 1890:556.4 \op iýgioüýtha theýthe taýbi ki, "Duýdiha! duýdiha!" a-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Etaýha \tr he was about to throw it back to the owner, they say / when, / This way! / this way! / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Further \rf jod 1890:556.5 \op weýagaýthiü hiý amaý kiýzhi, "Thiýadi oüýdoübe hiý te, uiýtha-ga," aý-biamaý. "Dadiýha, \tr having them for the owners / he was reaching there, they say / when, / Your father / to see me / he reach there / shall, / tell him, / said he, they say. / O father \rf jod 1890:556.6 \op washtoüýbe shiý te, aiý," aý-biamaý nuýzhiüga akaý. "Geý wioüýkuhai eýgoü, Xoüxaýta \tr you see them / you reach there / shall, / he said, / said, they say / boy / the «sub.». / That / we apprehended / as, / At a great distance \rf jod 1890:556.7 \op weýgioüýtha theýtha-ga, oüthoüýi thoüýshti," aý-biamaý Siüýga akaý. Goüý eýdi doüýbe \tr throw it back to them, the owners, / we said / heretofore, / said, they say / Flying-squirrel / the «sub.». / And / there / to see him \rf jod 1890:556.8 \op athaý-biamaý Siüýga amaý, Ishtiýnike. Eýdi hiý amaý ki, Ishtiýnike akaý waýku thizaý-bi \tr went, they say / Flying-squirrel / the «mv. sub.», / @{Ishtiýnike}. / There / he was reaching there, they say / when, / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / awl / took it, they say \rf jod 1890:556.9 \op egoüý, tiý te aýgine athaý-biamaý. Pahaýshiata eýshtiamaýthoüxti ahiý-bi kiýzhi, shoüdeý thoü \tr as, / lodge / the «std. ob.» / climbing his own / went, they say. / At the top / he barely / he reached there, they say / when / &scrotum / the part \rf jod 1890:556.10 \op zhaýkihaý-biamaý. Ki wamiý saýbexti baduýzha-biamaý. "Xeý! nieýzhixchi kikaýxe aýhoü," \tr stabbed himself, they say. / And / blood / very black / he forced out by stabbing, they say. / Why! / not paining at all / he made for himself, / ! \rf jod 1890:556.11 \op aý-biamaý Siüýga akaý. Siüýga akaý waýku thizaý-bi egoüý, tiý te aýne athaý-biamaý. \tr said, they say / Flying-squirrel / the «sub.». / Flying-squirrel / the «sub.» / awl / he took, they say / as / lodge / the «std. ob.» / climbing / he went, they say. \rf jod 1890:556.12 \op Ki taýge heýgazhiýxti giaýxa-biamaý Siüýga akaý Ishtiýnike. \tr And / Black walnuts / an exceedingly great number / made for him, they say / Flying-squirrel / the «sub.» / @{Ishtiýnike}. \rf jod 1890:556.13 \ti @{Ishtiýnike}, the women, and child -- an Omaha myth \op Eýgithe Ishtiýnike amaý atheý amaýma. Eýgithe tiý wiü goüý te amaý. Ni-koüýha \tr At length / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «mv. sub.» / was going, they say. / At length / lodge / one / of some sort was std., they say. / Bank of stream \rf jod 1890:559.1 \op keýta athaý-bi oüý, niý ke uhaý-biamaý. Niý ke moüýtata koüýde edediý ke amaý, \tr to the «lg. ob.» / having gone, they say, / stream / the «lg. ob.» / followed, they say. / Stream / the «lg. ob.» / beneath / plum / were there in abundance, they say \rf jod 1890:559.2 \op zhiýde keý amaý. "Wuhu+!" etheýgoü-biamaý. Kigthiýshnudaý-bi egoüý, mikaýha \tr red / lay «&or in abundance?» / they say. / Oh! / he thought, they say. / Having stripped off his clothing, they say, / raccoon skin \rf jod 1890:559.3 \op peýzhi ge iteýtha-bi oüý, koüýde te aýgthoüge aýiaýtha-biamaý. Moüthiüýka ke thixthoüýxti \tr bad / the many «in. ob.» / having put them down, they say, / plum / the «col. ob.» / diving on account of / had gone, they say. / Soil / the «lg. ob.» / seizing a large handful \rf jod 1890:559.4 \op thizaý-biamaý. Agthiý-bi ki, doüýba-bi ki, moüthiüýka teý amaý. "Wuhu+!" \tr took it, they say. / Had come back «to land», they say / when, / looked at it, they say / when, / soil / a mass / they say. / Oh! \rf jod 1890:559.5 \op aý-biamaý. Shi niý keýta doüýba-bi ki shi koüýde te eýgoüxti doüýba-biamaý. Shi \tr said, they say. / Again / stream / at the «lg. ob.» / looked at it, they say / when / again / plum / the «col. ob.» / just so / saw, they say. / Again \rf jod 1890:559.6 \op eýgoüxti aýiaýtha-biamaý. Shi eýgoü-biamaý, moüthiüýka-noü athiüý agthiý-biamaý. Shi \tr just so / had gone, they say. / Again / was so, they say, / soil only / having it / he returned «to land», they say. / Again \rf jod 1890:559.7 \op doüýba-bi ki, niý keýta, "Waýhua+!" aý-biamaý. Shi koüýde ke zhiýde keý amaý, \tr looked at it, they say / when, / stream / at the «lg. ob.», / Really! / said he, they say. / Again / plum / the «lg.» line / red / in abundance / they say \rf jod 1890:559.8 \op niý keýta. Shi eýgoüxti aýiaýtha-biamaý. Shi eýgoüxti moüthiüýka thizaý-biamaý. \tr stream / at the. / Again / just so / had gone, they say. / Again / just so / soil / took, they say. \rf jod 1890:559.9 \op "Xa-iý!" aý-biamaý. Shi eýgoüxti aýiaýtha-bi oüý, agthiý-bi ki, moüaý keýta uýthixidaý-bi \tr Whew! / said, they say. / Again / just so / having gone thither, they say / had come back «to land», they say / when, / cliff / to the / gazed, they say \rf jod 1890:559.10 \op ki, eýgithe koüýdehi akaý moüaý keýta aýgapaýmuxti iýthistaýxti nazhiüý akaýma. \tr when, / behold / plum trees / the «sub.» / cliff / at the / having very heavy weight «of fruit» that bore down their branches / adhering to in bunches or clusters / were std., they say. \rf jod 1890:559.11 \op Ki eý niý keýta niýuwathiýkihoüý ke-noüý aýgthoügaý-biamaý. Waýthaha peýzhi te \tr And / that / stream / at the / reflection in the water / the «lg. ob.» only / dived on account of that, they say. / Clothing / bad / the «col. ob.» \rf jod 1890:559.12 \op aýgthahaý-bi oüý, eýdi athaý-bi oüý, koüýde ge thiseý amaý, aýthishiüý-bi oüý. Atheý amaý \tr having put on his own, they say / there / having gone, they say / plum / the «pl. ob.» / was pulling off, they say, / having put them into a blanket "pocket" made by curving the left arm, they say. / Was going, / they say \rf jod 1890:559.13 \op tiý teýdi. Koüýde te zhexthiüý iýbikaý-bi oüý, tiýhukoü te eýgiha-noü oüth* itheýtha-biamaý. \tr tent / to the «std. ob.». / Plum / the «col. ob.» / &semen / having rubbed on them, they say, / smoke-hole / the «std. ob.» / through in each case / threw it forcibly thither, they say. \rf jod 1890:560.1 \op Ki wa'uý noübaý akaýma. "Hiüý, shikoüý, koüýde wiü ithaýkithe doü+," aý-biamaý. \tr And / woman / two / sat, they say. / Oh! / sister-in-law, / plum / one / I have found for myself / «fem.» / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:560.2 \op Iýkine-noüý amaý. Eýdi ahiý-bi oüý, "Xa-iý! ishiýkoü meýgoü theýthuxti iüýgthi thoükaý-na," \tr They were scrambling now and then for «the plums», they say. / There / having arrived, they say, / Whew! / her sister-in-law / likewise / just here / my relations have come here and sit! \rf jod 1890:560.3 \op aý-biamaý. "Tenaý! gaýke koüýde ke oüýta shtewoüýzhi ki, niýsa-bazhiýxtioü, thishiýkoü \tr said he, they say. / Why! / that line / plum / the «lg.» line / very abundant / when, / you have not picked them at all, / your sister-in-law \rf jod 1890:560.4 \op meýgoü," aý-biamaý (Ishtiýnike akaý). "Hiüý, tiýgoühaý, oüguýgashoü-bazhiýxtioüý edoü+! \tr likewise, / said, they say / (@{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.»). / Oh! / grandfather «f. sp.», / we have not traveled at all / alas «fem. intj.»! \rf jod 1890:560.5 \op Uhiýashk eýgoü eteý, tiýgoühaý, oükiýgthise taiý eiüteý." "Hau, thiseý moüthiüýi-ga," \tr Near / somewhat / if, / grandfather «fem. sp.», / we may pick them for ourselves. / Ho, / to pick them / walk ye, \rf jod 1890:560.6 \op aý-biamaý. Shiüýgazhiüýga aýma akaý u'oüýhe athiüý akaýma, ki uthuýhe uthaýha aýkoü \tr said he, they say. / Child / other one / the «sub.» / put into the cradle and wrapped the coverings around it / was keeping it, they say, / and / Indian cradle-board / with it / leaning \rf jod 1890:560.7 \op iteýtha-bi toüý amaý. Ki zhoüýt'e toüý amaý shiüýgazhiüýga. Ki gaý-biamaý Ishtiýnike \tr was set up std., they say. / And / sound asleep / was std., they say / child. / And / said as follows, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} \rf jod 1890:560.8 \op akaý, "Sheýtoü iüthiüýoütha moüthiüýi-ga u'oüýhe toü. Eýgithe koüýdehi doüýshte \tr the «sub.», / That «std. an. ob.» / leave for me, its relation / walk ye / the «std. one» put into the cradle / Beware / plum tree / perhaps \rf jod 1890:560.9 \op iüthiüýnieýthe te!" "Hiüý, tiýgoühaý, eýgoü te doü+," aý-biamaý. Goüý "Aýagikiýda \tr hurt it, my relation / lest! / Oh! / grandfather «f. sp.», / so / will / «fem.». / said, they say. / And / I attend to my own \rf jod 1890:560.10 \op agthiüý taý miüke," aý-biamaý. Goüýki thaý-biamaý wa'uý-ma. Goüýki Ishtiýnike \tr I sit / will / I who, / said he, they say. / And then / went, they say / the women / And then / @{Ishtiýnike} \rf jod 1890:560.11 \op akaý hiüýthieýkitheýxti nazhiüý-bi oüý, neýxe niý uzhiý iteýtha-bi teý ameýde thizaý-bi oüý, \tr the «sub.» / bestirring himself at once / having arisen to his feet, they say, / kettle / water / filled / the «std. in. ob.» had been put down, they say / having taken it, they say, \rf jod 1890:560.12 \op ugaýshka-biamaý. Shiüýgazhiüýga ke t'eýtha-bi oüý, uýsu gaýxa-biamaý. Uhoüý-biamaý \tr hung it over the fire, they say. / Child / the «recl. ob.» / having killed it, they say, / strips of meat / made it, they say. / Boiled it, they say \rf jod 1890:560.13 \op shiüýgazhiüýga ke. Paý thoü thizaý-bi egoüý, u'oüýhe keýdi paxthuýxaha thoüýdi \tr child / the «recl. ob.». / Head / the «cv. ob.» / taken, they say / having, / entire Indian cradle / in the «lg. ob.» / head covering / in the part \rf jod 1890:560.14 \op ugiýgthoü-biamaý, niýta nazhiüý teýdi eýgoüxti gaýxa-biamaý. Hiüýthieýkitheýxti peýde \tr put his own relation, they say, / alive / stood / when / just so / did, they say. / Bestirring himself at once / fire \rf jod 1890:560.15 \op aýhiüthiüthaý-bi oüý, aýshi shti wadoüýbe ahiý-noü-biamaý. Eýgithe niüýdethaý-biamaý. \tr having put wood on it, they say, / out of doors / too / to look / went often, they say. / At length / was cooked, they say. \rf jod 1890:560.16 \op Thizaý-bi egoüý, thateý athoükaý-ma. Gthiý-bazhi thasniüý-bi egoüý, athaý-biamaý. \tr Having taken it, they say, / he sat eating it, they say. / Not having returned / he having swallowed it, they say, / went, they say. \rf jod 1890:560.17 \op Wa'uý-ma kiý-bi ki, thiügaý-bi teý amaý Ishtiýnike amaý. "Shikoüý, iüsh'aýge \tr The women / reached home, they say / when, / he was missing, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «mv. sub.». / "Sister-in-law, / old man \rf jod 1890:560.18 \op amaý thiügaiý te heý," aý-biamaý. "Na! iüýzhoü te shoüshoüýxchi zhoüý ehoü+!" \tr the «mv. sub.» / is missing / «?» / «fem.»," / said. / Why! / he lay for me / the past act / without intermission / lies / «fem. in soliloquy»! \rf jod 1890:561.1 \op aý-bi egoüý, gthiýze agiý-bi ki, paý thoü uxpaýthe amaý. "Hiüý, siýzhiüxchithoü+!" \tr having said, they say, / seized her own / was returning, they say / when, / head / the part / was falling from a height, they say. / Oh! / dear little child! \rf jod 1890:561.2 \op eý amaý. Xagaý-biamaý wa'uý akiýtha. Goüý xageý gthiüý thoüýka te, Ishtiýnike amaý \tr was saying, they say. / Cried, they say / woman / both. / And / crying / were st. / when, / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «mv. sub.» \rf jod 1890:561.3 \op ki'oüý-bi oüý, moüthiüýka iýki'oüý-bi oüý, aýzhixti kikaýxa-bi oüý, eýdi ahiý-biamaý. \tr having painted his face, they say, / earth / having painted his face with it, they say, / very different / having made himself, they say, / there / arrived, they say. \rf jod 1890:561.4 \op "Tenaý! eaýtoüxti thaxaýgai a, thishiýkoü meýgoü," aý-biamaý. "Hiüý, tiýgoühaý, \tr Why! / for what possible reason / you «pl.» cry / ? / your sister-in-law / likewise, / said he, they say. / Oh, / grandfather «f. sp.» \rf jod 1890:561.5 \op Ishtiýnike amaý theýthu atiýi eýdegoü, koüýde uthaý egoüý oüthiýse oügaýhi. Theýke u'oüýhe \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / the «mv. sub.» / here / came / having «past», / plum / having told about / we pick «them» / we two reached there. / This «lg. ob.» / «entire» Indian cradle \rf jod 1890:561.6 \op ke oüoüýtha oügaýhi eýde, thasniüý aýiaýthai te. Paý thoü u'oüýhe ke paxthuýxaha \tr the «lg. ob.» / we left it / we two reached there / but, / swallowing «the child» / he had gone. / Head / the part / entire Indian cradle / the «lg. ob.» / head covering \rf jod 1890:561.7 \op thoüýdi ugiýgthoü aýiaýthai tedoü+." "Waýhuaý!" aý-biamaý. "Hiüdaý, moüýzepe \tr in the part / put his own relation / had gone / «fem.». / Really! / said he, they say. / Let me see, / ax \rf jod 1890:561.8 \op iýthai-ga. Bthiýxe taýshe," aý-biamaý. Moüýzepeý-de 'iýi-bi egoüý, athaý-biamaý toüýthiüxti \tr send ye hither. / I chase him / must, / said he, they say. / Ax when «?» / they having given it to him, they say, / he went, they say / running fast \rf jod 1890:561.9 \op moüthiüý amaý. Toüýthiüxti athaý-bi egoüý, xthabeý shugaýxti eýdegoü ahiý-bi egoüý, \tr he was walking, they say. / Running fast / having gone, they say, / tree / very thick / being, in the past / having reached there, they say, \rf jod 1890:561.10 \op iüchoüýga-noüý uýne moüthiüý amaý. Zhoüý tiý'a keý uhaý, moüýzepe pahiýde thoü \tr mice «or some other rodents» only / seeking them / was walking, they say. / Wood / decayed / the «lg. ob.» / passed along, / ax / butt-end of the ax-head / the part \rf jod 1890:561.11 \op iüchoüýga-noü weýgaxthixthiý-bi egoüý wamiý aýthahahaýxti gaýxa-bi oüý, agtheý amaý. \tr mice only / having killed them one by one with it, they say / blood / streaming from various parts of it / having made it, they say, / was returning, they say. \rf jod 1890:561.12 \op Hau. Akiý-bi oüý, tiý teýdi, "Aýxthi agthiý ha, thishiýkoü meýgoü," aý-biamaý. \tr «paragraph» / Having reached there again, they say, / lodge / at the «std. ob.», / I killed him / I have come back / , / your sister-in-law / likewise, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:561.13 \op "Hiü+! tiýgoühaý, uhiý ashkeýgoü eýiüte." "Oüýkazhixtioüý ha, wathuýde shtewoüýzhi. \tr Oh! / grandfather «f. sp.», / place of reaching / somewhat near / perhaps «indirect question». / Not at all / , / by no means near. \rf jod 1890:561.14 \op Hiüthieý-de uaýxthe ha," aý-bi oüý, moüýzepe wamiý aýthahahaýxti athiüý akiý-biamaý. \tr Hurrying, when / I overtook him / / having said, / they say / ax / blood / streaming from various parts of it / having it / he reached there, again, they say. \rf jod 1890:561.15 \op Ki eý amaý ha, koüýde niüýde ki aýgaha xuýde aýthaha thiü eýwoü amaý Ishtiýnike \tr And / that was it, they say / , / plum / ripe / when / on it / gray / adheres / the «class» / he caused it, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} \rf jod 1890:561.16 \op amaý gaýxa-biamaý. \tr the «mv. sub.» / did it, they say. \rf jod 1890:561.17 \ti @{Ishtiýnike} and the turtle -- an Omaha myth \op Ishtiýnike amaý atheý amaýma. Eýgithe watiýshka bashoüýi te eýthoübe ahiý-bi ki, \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / the «mv. sub.» / was going, they say. / At length / creek / it bends / the «place where» / in sight / arrived, they say / when, \rf jod 1890:563.1 \op eýgithe Keý toüga goüý thiükeý amaý, ithaýnaxiýdeadi atiýgthiü eýgoü. Kigthiýza-bi \tr at length / Big turtle / was «st.» there awhile, they say, / At a sheltered place warmed by the sun / having come there and sat. / Having drawn «himself» back, \rf jod 1890:563.2 \op egoüý, bispaýspa agiý-bi egoü, toüýthiüxti athaý-bi oüý, pamuý te eýdi ahiý-bi \tr they say / crouching at intervals / having been coming back, they say, / running fast / having gone, they say, / downhill / the / there / arrived, they say \rf jod 1890:563.3 \op oüý, gaý-biamaý: "Tenaý! eaýtoü sheýnazhiýxti thagthiüý a. Niý gaýke biýze te aiý \tr having / said as follows, they say: / Why! / wherefore / paying no attention whatever / you sit / ? / Water / that «lg. ob.» / dry / will / said \rf jod 1890:563.3 \op egoüý, waniýta niý ugthiüý amaý bthuýgaxti niý uthuýhai ha. Ki aý-biamaý Keý \tr having, / quadruped / those dwelling in the water / all / water / follow immediately after it / . / And / said, they say / Turtle \rf jod 1890:563.5 \op toüga akaý, "Naý! theý aýtiaýgthiü-noü-moüý thoüýzha, edaýdoü shtewoüý anaý'oü-maýzhi. \tr big / the «sub.», / Why! / this / I often come and sit / though, / what / soever / I have not heard. \rf jod 1890:563.6 \op Goüý miü theýtoü hiý ki, theý aýtiaýgthiü-noü-moüý ha." "Wanoüýxthiü-ga haý," \tr And / sun / this far / reaches / when, / this / I usually come and sit / / Hurry / ! \rf jod 1890:564.1 \op aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý, "kaýshixti sheýnuzhiüýga juýba t'aý-biamaý iýbize, nushnoüý \tr said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.», / very long ago «see note» / young men / some / have died, they say / from thirst, / otter \rf jod 1890:564.2 \op zhiüýga shti t'eý amaý, siüýde zhiüýga shti t'eý amaý, siüýde bthaýska shti t'eý ama, mikaý \tr young / too / is dead, they say, / tail / small / too / is dead, they say, / tail / flat / too / is dead, they say, / raccoon \rf jod 1890:564.3 \op zhiüýga shti t'eý amaý." \tr small / too / is dead, they say. \rf jod 1890:564.4 \op Hau. "Keý, oügaýthe te haý," aý-biamaý Keý toüga akaý. Zhuýgthe athaý-biamaý \tr «paragraph» / Come, / let us two go / / said, they say / Big turtle / the «sub.». / With him / went, they say \rf jod 1890:564.5 \op Ishtiýnike amaý. Waýhi xeýga-noü uneý zhuýgthe amaý. Waýhi weýtiü \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / the «mv. sub.». / Bone / dried only / seeking / was with him, they say. / Bone / striking weapon \rf jod 1890:564.6 \op uýdoüxti iýtha-bi oüý, "Kageýha, moüthiüý-ga haý. Aneýzhe taý miüke," aý-biamaý \tr very good / having found it, they say / Friend, / walk / ! / &Mingo / will / I who, / [&mingam] / said, they say \rf jod 1890:564.7 \op Ishtiýnike akaý. Theýke wahiý ke thizaý-bi oüý, atheý ameýde sakiýbaxti zhuýgthe \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / This «lg. ob.» / bone / the «lg. ob.» / having taken it, they say, / when he «the Big turtle» was going / right beside him / with him \rf jod 1890:564.8 \op moüthiüý-bi oüý, "Kageýha, niýkashiüýga moüthiüýi ki, paýhi gaziýzi eýgoü moüthiüýnoüi." \tr having walked, they say, / Friend, / person / walks / when, / neck / stretching often / so / he usually walks. \rf jod 1890:564.9 \op Keý toüga pahiý ke gaýzieýxti-noü moüthiüý thiü, zhiýbe keý shti noüzhaýgexti \tr Big turtle / neck / the «lg. ob.» / stretching it far, usually / was walking, / leg / the «lg. ob.» / too / sticking them out much bent \rf jod 1890:564.10 \op moüthiüý thiü, eýgoü-noüý thiü kiýzhi, paýhixti ke eheýtha-bi oüý, gazoüýxti \tr was walking, / was doing so regularly / when, / right on the neck / the «lg. ob.» / having put the «horizontal ob.» on it «another horizontal ob.». / having knocked him down \rf jod 1890:564.11 \op iheýtha-bi oüý, gashtoüý-bazhiý-bi oü ki, goüý gaxthiý-bi oüý, "Haha+! oüýba \tr and stunned him, they say, / not having stopped hitting him, they say / when, / so / having killed him, they say, / Ha! ha! / day \rf jod 1890:564.12 \op wiüýshti gaýaki'oüý-shnoü," aý-biamaý, atheý amaý athiüý-bi oü. Neýthe akaý, Keý \tr some «pl.» / I do that for myself usually, / said he they say, / was going / having kept it, they say. / He was kindling a fire, / Turtle \rf jod 1890:564.13 \op toüga thiükeý zheýgthoü akaý. Shoüýxti zhoüýtithiügaý-bi oüý, "Hau, azhoüý taý miüke \tr big / the «st. ob.» / he was roasting the animal as he sat. / In spite «of his hunger?» / having become sleepy, they say, / "Ho, / I will sleep \rf jod 1890:564.14 \op thoüýzha, iýzhoüxe thazhoüýazhi te haý. Hau, thiniüýde ki, Keý toüga, 'P!' esheý te ha." \tr though, / O @{Iýzhoüxe} / you sleep not / shall / . / Ho, / you cooked / when, / O Big turtle, / 'Puff!' / you say / shall / ." \rf jod 1890:564.15 \op Goüý zhoü keý. Miýkasi amaý noüstaýpixchi aýiaýma. Keý thiükeý thizaý-bi oüý, \tr And / he lay sleeping. / Coyote / the «mv. sub.» / walking very softly over the leaves, etc. / was coming. / Turtle / the «st. ob.» / having taken it, they say, \rf jod 1890:564.16 \op zhegaý ge wiüý thishnuýda-bi oüý, thazhuý athoükaý. Te-aýnita te woüýgithe thasniüý-bi oüý, \tr leg / the «pl. ob.» / one / having pulled out «&or off», they say, / sat biting off the meat. / Animal limb / the «ob.» / all / having devoured, they say, \rf jod 1890:564.17 \op wahiý ge eýdi ugiýpadoüý-bi oüý, shi peýde teýdi ithoüýtha-bi oüý, Ishtiýnike \tr bone / the «pl. ob.» / there / having pushed them back into their places «?», they say, / again / fire / in the «ob.» / have placed it «the turtle», they say, / @{Ishtiýnike} \rf jod 1890:564.18 \op e'oüý gaýxe te eýgoüxti gaýxe ithoüýtha-bi oüý, athaý-biamaý. Eýgithe Ishtiýnike \tr how / he made it / the / just so / made it / having placed the animal, they say, went, they say. / At length / @{Ishtiýnike} \rf jod 1890:564.19 \op akaý iýkithaý-biamaý. Keý thiükeý ba'uý-bi oüý, thizaý-bi oüý, te-aýnita te wiüý uthoüýi \tr the «sub.» / awoke, they say. / Turtle / the «st. ob.» / having pushed into the ashes to find the turtle, they say, / having taken it, they say, / animal limbs / the / one / grasped it \rf jod 1890:565.1 \op egoüý, thidoüý ki siý'oütheýxti thizeý gi. "Sa!" (aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý) Shi wiüý \tr having, / pulled it / when / only that and nothing else / he took it / was coming back / Pshaw! / (said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.») / Again / one \rf jod 1890:565.2 \op te eýgoü ki shi eýgoüxti siý'oütheý thizeý amaý. "Xa!" eý goü, shi wiüý te thizeý \tr the / so / when / again / just so / only that / he was taking, they say. / Bshaw! / said / as, / again / one / the / took it \rf jod 1890:565.3 \op ki shi siý'oütheýxti eýgoü thizeý amaý. "Xa+!" eý goü, shi wiüý te thizeý ki, \tr when / again / only that / so / he was taking, they say. / Pshaw! / said / as / again / one / the / took / when, \rf jod 1890:565.4 \op shi eýgoü siý'oütheýxchi thizeý amaý. "Xaý-i-na+! iýzhoüxe-aý, thazhoüýazhi te eheý thoüýshti." \tr again / so / only that / was taking it, they say. / Surprising! / O @{Iýzhoüxe}, / you sleep not / shall / I said / formerly. \rf jod 1890:565.5 \op Izhoüýxe kigthiýtubaý-bi oüý, oüýhe-noüý-bi ki, "Oüýhazhi-ga," eý-noü-biamaý. "Xaý-i-na+! \tr @{Izhoüýxe} / having scratched his own, they say, / fled often, they say / when, / Do not flee, / said often, they say. / Surprising! \rf jod 1890:565.6 \op Oüýhoü, agthaýsniü thoüýshti," aý-biamaý. \tr Yes, / I devoured it, my own / formerly, / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:565.7 \ti The coyote and the snake -- an Omaha myth \op Miýkasi amaý toüýde aýthitaýxti athaý-biamaý. Daýdoü uneýgoü moüthiüý-bi \tr Coyote / the «mv. sub.» / ground / crossing by the nearest way / went, they say. / Something as he sought it / walked, they say, \rf jod 1890:566.1 \op ki, sabaýzhixti niýkashiüga wiüý, "Noüshtoüýga haý," aý-biamaý. "Wiüoüýwa \tr when / very suddenly / person / one / O stop walking / ! / said, they say. / Which one \rf jod 1890:566.2 \op eteýdoü," etheý-goü-bi egoüý, uthiýxidaý-bi ki, iýtha-bazhiý-biamaý. Shi etaýha atha-biamaý. \tr can it be? / he thought, they say / as «+having» / he looked around, they say / when, / he did not find him, they say. / Again / further / went, they say. \rf jod 1890:566.3 \op Ki "Oüthoüýbetoüý-ga haý," aý-biamaý. Ki Miýkasi akaý iýtha-biamaý \tr And / Pass to one side of me / ! / said, they say. / And / Coyote / the «sub.» / found him, they say. \rf jod 1890:566.4 \op Weýs'a. "Shi+shte! theý moübthiüý thoüýzha, ebeý-shtewoü iýpetoü koüýbtha-maýzhi. Thiý \tr Snake. / Fie! / this / I walk / though, / who at all / I pass to one side of him / I wish I not. / You \rf jod 1890:566.5 \op gaxeý tithaý-ga! Uheý ke iüýthikoüý-ga!" "Theý moübthiüý thoüýzha, eýbe wiüý \tr to one side / pass! / Path / the «lg. ob.» / give me room! / This / I walk / though / who / one \rf jod 1890:566.6 \op eýbthikoü teý aýhoü, ebtheýgoü-shtewoüý-maýzhi ha," aý-biamaý Weýs'a akaý. "Eýgoü \tr I give him room / will / «in soliloquy»! / I think at all I not / / said, they say / Snake / the «sub.». / So \rf jod 1890:566.7 \op kiýshte aýwinoüýge taý miüke ha," aý-biamaý Miýkasi akaý. "Eýgoü kiýzhi, that'eý \tr even if / I run on you / I / who will / / said, they say / Coyote / the «sub.». / So / if / you die \rf jod 1890:566.8 \op tateý," aý-biamaý Weýs'a akaý. "Aýxtoü at'eý taýdoü. Uýt'e oüthiüýge," aý-biamaý \tr shall surely / said, they say / Snake / the «sub.» / How possible / I die / shall? / Cause of death / me -- none / said, they say \rf jod 1890:567.1 \op Miýkasi akaý. "Keý, oüýgazhaýda-ga! Zhaýthiüoükiýtha-ga," aý-biamaý Weýs'a akaý. \tr Coyote / the «sub.». / Come / step over me! / Do it in spite of me! / said, they say / Snake / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:567.2 \op Ki Miýkasi akaý aýgazhaýda-biamaý. Ki Weýs'a akaý thaxtaý-biama. Ki Miýkasi \tr And / Coyote / the «sub.» / stepped over him, they say. / And / Snake / the «sub.» / bit him, they say. / And / Coyote \rf jod 1890:567.3 \op akaý nieý-shtewoü-baýzhi-biamaý. "Aýwateýe a. Aýwigazhaýde ki at'eý tateý, esheý \tr the «sub.» / pained at all not, they say. / Where is it / ? / I stepped over you / if / I die / shall / you said \rf jod 1890:567.4 \op thoüýshti. Aýwate at'eý," aý-biamaý Miýkasi akaý. Goüý iýthoüboüý iýa-bazhiý-bi egoüý, \tr heretofore. / Where is it / I die / said, they say. / Coyote / the «sub.». / And / a second time / he spoke not, they say, / as «+having» \rf jod 1890:567.5 \op athaý-biamaý Miýkasi amaý, toüýde aýthitaýxti. Goüteý-goü ki, wachiýshka wiüý ahiý-biamaý. \tr went, they say / Coyote / the «mv. sub.» / ground / across by the nearest way. / After sometime / when / stream / one / he reached, they say. \rf jod 1890:567.6 \op Ki nithaýtoü taý-bi egoüý, niý ke doüýba-bi ki, niuýwathekiýe kitoüýba-biamaý. \tr And / to take a drink / was about, they say, / as «+having», / water / the «lg. ob.» / he looked at they say / when / reflection in the water / he saw himself, they say. \rf jod 1890:567.7 \op Ki shiüýxti kitoüýba-biamaý. "Xa-eý! eýgimoü-maýzhi-noü-moüý thoüýshti. \tr And / very fat / he saw himself, they say. / Whew! / I never was so / heretofore. \rf jod 1890:567.8 \op Oüshiüý ithaýnahiüý a" aý-bi egoüý, kigthiýt'oü-shteoü-noü-biamaý. Ki thatoüý-bi egoüý, \tr Me fat / I truly / ! / said, they say / as, / he felt himself all over even «?» often, they say. / And / he drank, they say, / as «+having» \rf jod 1890:567.9 \op shoüý athaý-biamaý. Goüýte kizhi, "Azhoüýtoüthoüýthiüge ithaýnahiü aýhoü," aý-bi \tr still / he want, they say. / A while / when / I am sleepy / I truly / «in soliloquy»! / he said they say \rf jod 1890:567.10 \op egoüý, xaýde bazoüý zhoüý-biamaý. Ki shoüýshoü t'eý amaý, iýbaxti. Ki shetoüý ha. \tr as «+having» / grass / pushing in among / he lay, they say. / And / always / he died, they say, / much swollen. / And / so far / . \rf jod 1890:567.11 \ti The coyote and the snake \op Eýgithe Weýs'a wiüý eýdi zhoüý akaýma. Gthadiüý uskoüýskoüxti uheý the keý. \tr At length / Snake / one / there / was recl., they say. / Across / in a very straight line / path / was going. \rf jod 1890:568.1 \op "Waý! moüshiaýtaha zhoüý-ga, Weýs'a! Aýwigazhaýde ki, that'eý tateý," aý-biamaý \tr Why! / further off / lie, / O Snake! / I step over you / if, / you die / shall, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:568.2 \op Miýkasi akaý. "Uheý theýthoüskaýxti keýdegoü thiý-edoü oüthoüýshpetoüý eteý ki," \tr Coyote / the «sub.». / Path / just this size / lies, but / you rather «than I» / you go to one side of me / ought, \rf jod 1890:568.3 \op aý-biamaý Weýs'a akaý. "Xa-iý! moüshiaýtaha zhoüý-ga, eheý," aý-biamaý. "Thiý-edoü \tr said, they say / Snake / the «sub.». / Whew! / further off / lie, / I say, / said, they say. / You rather «than I» \rf jod 1890:568.4 \op moüshiaýtaha iýha-ga," aý-biamaý Weýs'a akaý. "Ahauý! aýwigazhaýde taý miüke \tr further off / pass «&or go» that way, / said, they say / Snake / the «sub.». / Oho! / I will step over you \rf jod 1890:568.5 \op thoüýzha, that'eý tateý ha," aý-biamaý Miýkasi akaý. "Na! wiý niýkashiüýga-ma wiüý \tr though, / you die / shall / / said, they say / Coyote / the «sub.». / Why! / I / the people «pl. ob.» / one \rf jod 1890:568.6 \op oüýgazhaýde teýdi t'eý-noü haý," aý-biamaý Weýs'a akaý. "Oüýhoü," aý-biamaý Miýkasi \tr steps over me / when / usually dies / / said, they say / Snake / the «sub.». / Yes, / said, they say / Coyote \rf jod 1890:568.7 \op akaý. Goüý, "At'eý taý miüke," aý-biamaý. "Hiüdaý! wiüýoüwa wiüýoüke teýskoü," \tr the «sub.». / And, / I will die, / said, they say. / Let us see! / which one of the two / we two tell the truth / may, in future, \rf jod 1890:568.8 \op aý-biamaý Miýkasi akaý. Goüý athaý-biamaý Miýkasi amaý. Waýgazhaýde theýthexti ki, \tr said, they say / Coyote / the «sub.». / And / went, they say / Coyote / the «mv. sub.». / Stepped over very suddenly / when, \rf jod 1890:568.9 \op zhiýbe sihiý gediý doüýshte thaxtaiý te. "Hauý, that'eý tateý ha, aýwigazhaýdzhe eýdegoü." \tr lower leg / foot / on the «pl.» / one or the other / he was bitten. / Ho, / you die / shall / , / I stepped over you / but. \rf jod 1890:568.10 \op "Thiý that'eý tateý ha," aý-biamaý Weýs'a akaý. Goüý athaý-biamaý Miýkasi amaý. \tr You / you die / shall / / said, they say / Snake / the «sub.». / And / went, they say / Coyote / the «mv. sub.». \rf jod 1890:568.11 \op Goüý moüthiüý thiüý te, "Xa-iý! zhuýga gaýmoü-maýzhi-noü-moüý thoüýshti. Oüshiüý \tr And / he was walking / when, / Whew! / body / I never acted in that manner formerly. / Me-fat \rf jod 1890:568.12 \op ithaýnahiüý-a," aý-bi oüý, kigthaýzi-bi oüý, noüýka keý shti kitoüýba-bi oüý, uthuýkitoüýbe-noüý-biamaý. \tr I truly! / having said, they say, / having stretched himself by an effort, they say, / back / the «lg. ob.» / too / having looked at himself, they say, / he was examining himself often, they say. \rf jod 1890:569.1 \op Shoüýxti shtiý ugthaý'a titheýthe-noüý amaý. Iaýtha-xtiý-shteoüý-noü \tr In spite «&or notwithstanding» / too / hitting the mouth and giving the scalp-yell / he took up the cry often, they say. / Gaped very hard even «?» often \rf jod 1890:569.2 \op eýgoü, "Xa+! Weýs'a iýe te wiüýke te eýgoü a," eý-noü amaý. Eýgithe zhuýga thiü \tr having, / Whew! / Snake / spoke / the / told the truth / the / so / ! / was saying often, they say. / At length / body / the \rf jod 1890:569.3 \op bthuýgaxti iýba amaý, badiüýdiü, pashiýzhe geý shtewoüý bapuýshiü-xtioüý amaý. "Weýs'a \tr entire / was swollen, they say, / distended, / tip of the nose / the «pl. ob.» / even / was exceedingly puffed up, they say. / Snake \rf jod 1890:569.4 \op iýe te wiüýke te eýgoü a," shi eý amaý. Ithaýnaxiýdadzhi gthiüý thiükeý, gagiýgixeýxchi \tr spoke / the / told the truth / the / so / ! / again / was saying, they say. / At a sheltered place, warmed by the sun / he was st., / coiled many times \rf jod 1890:569.5 \op zhoüýt'e goüý shoüýshoü eýdi t'eý amaý. Eý amaý, aýdoü Weýs'a amaý edaýdoü waniýta \tr slept soundly / as / continually / there / dead / they say. / That was it, they say, / therefore / Snake / the «pl. sub.» / what / quadruped \rf jod 1890:569.6 \op waýthaxtaiý te bthuýga iýba t'eý-noüi teý. \tr they bit them / when / all / swelling / died usually. \rf jod 1890:569.7 \ti The coyote and the gray fox -- a Ponka story \op Tiýkaxuýde wiü shiüýxtioüý-biamaý. "Kageý, edaýdoü iýthishiüýi a," aý-biamaý \tr Gray fox / one / was very fat they say. / Younger brother, / what / you are fat by means of / ? / said, they say, \rf jod 1890:570.1 \op Miýkasi akaý. "Oüýhoü, zhiütheýha, wamuýske nasaýge 'iüý a-iý ki, uthuýshiata t'eý \tr Coyote / the «sub.». / Yes, / O elder brother, / wheat / baked hard / carrying / they come / when / in front / dead \rf jod 1890:570.2 \op paýxe azhoüý-noü-moüý," aý-biamaý. "Goüýki zhoüýthinoüýge kedi oüwoüý'oühai \tr I pretend / I usually recline / said, they say. / And then / wagon / in the / they put me when reclining \rf jod 1890:570.3 \op tedi uaýnoüxpaýthe azhoüý-noü-moüý. Ki uaý'oüsi agtheý-noü-moüý. Goüýki bthaýte \tr when / I make them fall from a height by kicking / I usually recline. / And / I leap / I usually start home. / And then / I eat \rf jod 1890:570.4 \op agtheý-noümoüý. Wamuýske nasaýge eý oüthoüýshiü ha," aý-biamaý. Goüýki, \tr I usually start home. / Wheat / baked hard / that / I am fat by means of / / said, they say. / And then, \rf jod 1890:570.5 \op "Zhiütheýha, eýgoü, shkaýxe wiýkoübtha," aý-biamaý Tiýkaxuýde akaý. "Thiýexchi, zhiütheý, \tr O elder brother, / so / you do / I desire you, / said, they say / Gray fox / the «sub.». / Especially you, / elder brother, \rf jod 1890:570.6 \op siý thitoüg* eýgoü, aýhigi uthaýnoüxpaýthe tateý ebtheýgoü." Goüýki Miýkasi akaý \tr foot / you large / as, / many / you make them fall from a height by kicking / shall / I think. / And then / Coyote / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:570.7 \op uthuýshiata zhoüý-biamaý. Goüýki waýxe akaý zhoüýthinoüýge ke u'oüýhai te. Goüýki \tr in front / reclined, they say. / And then / white man / the «sub.» / wagon / in the «lg. ob.» / put the «recl. ob. in.» / past sign. / And then \rf jod 1890:570.8 \op geýthegoüý-biamaý waýxe akaý: "Theýke wawiüýazhi aýhoü." Sihiý te baxtaý-biamaý. \tr he thought as follows, they say / white man / the «sub.»: / This «recl. ob.» / it is not the first time / «in soliloquy»! / Feet / the «ob.» / he tied, they say. \rf jod 1890:570.9 \op Zhoüýthinoüýge keýdi u'oüýhai te waýxe akaý tiý etaiý teýdi akiý-biamaý. Waýxe \tr Wagon / in the / put the «recl. ob.» in / when / white man / the «sub.» / house / his / at the / reached home again, they say. / White man \rf jod 1890:570.10 \op ti pezhiý-xti wiüý te oüýtha theýtha-biamaý Miýkasi ke. Eýgithe waýxe akaý maýhiü \tr house / bad very / one / the «ob.» / threw him suddenly, they say / Coyote / the «recl. ob.» / At length / white man / the «sub.» / knife \rf jod 1890:570.11 \op athiüý ahiýi te Miýkasi keýdi maýsa-biamaý sihiý ge baxteýgoü goü t'e gaýxai \tr he brought there / the «+when» / Coyote / at the «recl. ob.» / cut cords with a knife, they say, / feet / the «pl.» / as they were tied / and / dead / pretended \rf jod 1890:570.12 \op doüýshte ki, 'iüý agthaý-biamaý. (Sihiý maýsa-baýzhi, haýzhiüga iýkoütoü enaýxchi \tr perhaps / when / carrying on the back / he went back to his house. / (Feet / not cut, / cord / used for tying / that only \rf jod 1890:570.13 \op maýsai.) Ki noüýge agthaý-biamaý Miýkasi akaý. Tiýkaxuýde ieýnaxiýthe agthaý-biamaý. \tr he cut with a knife.) / And / running / went homeward, they say / Coyote / the «sub.». / Gray fox / to attack him / went homeward they say. \rf jod 1890:570.14 \op "Kageýha," aý-biamaý, "'aýgthaoüthaýthe," aý-biamaý. "Thieýwathaýki'oü! \tr O younger brother, / said, they say / you have made me suffer / said, they say. / You brought it on yourself! \rf jod 1890:570.15 \op Xthiýazhi giý-ga," aý-biamaý Tiýkaxuýde akaý. Waýxe akaý waý'iü atiý amaý keýdi \tr Silently / come back, / said, they say / Gray fox / the «sub.». / White man / the «sub.» / transporting goods / he came, they say, / at the place \rf jod 1890:571.1 \op thazhoüý eýgoü thieýwathaýki'oü," aý-biamaý. "Kageýha, wiüýthakeýxtioüý," aý-biamaý. \tr you lay down / as / you brought it on yourself, / said, they say. / O younger brother, / you speak the very truth / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:571.2 \op Miýkasi akaý. Tiýkaxuýde akaý gashtoüýka-biamaý. \tr Coyote / the «sub.» / Gray fox / the «sub.» / tempted him, they say. \rf jod 1890:571.3 \ti How the rabbit was deprived of his fat \op Waniýta amaý shiüý waýxa-biamaý pahoüýgadi. Wiüoüýwa shiüý uthukoüpe \tr Quadruped / the «pl. sub.» / fat / were made, they say / at the first. / Which / fat / made him handsome \rf jod 1890:571.4 \op iýbahoü goüýtha-biamaý. Ki waniýta-ma bthuýgaxti weýboü-biamaý. Ki utheýwiü \tr to know / he wished, they say. / And / the quadrupeds / all / he called to them, they say. / And / assembling \rf jod 1890:571.5 \op eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Ki shiüý uthuýkoüshniüýde-ma paý thoü uýthoü-bi-deý paýhi kediýtoü \tr there / they arrived there, they say. / And / fat / those who did not look handsome with it / head / the part / he held them, they say while / neck / from the «lg. ob.» \rf jod 1890:572.1 \op waýthiskebaý-bi-deý washiüý ge weýnashaiý-de, waýthishtoü theýthe-noüý-biamaý. Eýgithe \tr he scraped them with his hand, they say while / fat / the scattered «in. ob.» / he took from them when, / letting them go / he was sending them regularly, they say. / At length \rf jod 1890:572.2 \op Mashchiüýge eýdi athiüý ahiý-biamaý. "Wiýebthiü taý miüke ha. Wiý shiüý oüthoüýwoükoüýpi \tr Rabbit / there / having him / he reached there, they say. / I am the one / I who will / . / I fat / it makes me handsome \rf jod 1890:572.3 \op taý miüke ha," aý-biamaý Mashchiüýge akaý. "Hiüdakeý! giý-ga ha," aý-biamaý. \tr I who will / / said, they say / Rabbit / the «sub.». / Let us see! / come / ! / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:572.4 \op Goü shiüý gaýxa-biamaý. "Thiý doüýxti uthuýthikoüshniüýde shiüý te," (aý-biamaý). Goü \tr And / fat / he made him, they say. / You / beyond measure / it makes you ugly / fat / the, / (said, they say). / And \rf jod 1890:572.5 \op paý thoü uthoüý-bi egoüý, pahiý hideý thoüdiýtoü thiskeýba-biamaý ki, aýbakuý thoü \tr head / the part / he seized, they say / as «+having», / neck / base / from the part / scraped off with the hands, they say / when, / space between the shoulders / the part \rf jod 1890:572.6 \op uthiýsp itheýtha-biamaý niýashiüga akaý. Aýdoü shiüý-noü thoüýdi aýbakuý unuýshka thoü \tr he pulled it suddenly, they say / person / the «sub.». / Therefore / fat only / on the part / space between the shoulders / depression / the part \rf jod 1890:572.7 \op enaýxchi waýshiü heýbe aýthaha-noüý amaý, ediýtoü. Eýgithe Mikaý akaý enaýxchi \tr that only / fat meat / part / adheres to, usually / they say / since then. / At length / Raccoon / the «sub.» / he only \rf jod 1890:572.8 \op shiüý uthuýkoüpiý-biamaý, aýdoü zhuýga bthuýga waýshiü aýthaha giaýxa-biamaý. \tr fat / made him handsome, they say, / therefore / body / whole / fat meat / adhering to / made for him, they say. \rf jod 1890:572.9 \ti How the rabbit killed a giant \op Mashchiüýge-iüý amaý atheý amaýma eýgithe. Eýgithe toüýwoügthoü wiü eýdi \tr Rabbit / the «mv. sub.» / was going, they say / at length. / At length / nation / one / there \rf jod 1890:573.1 \op ahiý-biamaý. "Mashchiüýge-iüý iýkimoüýthiü atiý huü+!" e-noüý-biamaý niýashiüga \tr arrived, they say. / Rabbit / as a visitor / has come / halloo! / said often, they say / people \rf jod 1890:573.2 \op amaý. "Ebeýdi neý a," aý-biamaý niýashiüga amaý, aýkipaý-bi egoüý. "Na! goüý \tr the «pl. sub.». / To whom / you go / ? / said, they say / people / the «pl. sub.» / having met him, they say. / Why! / just \rf jod 1890:573.3 \op ebeýdi shteýshte piý taý miüke," aý-biamaý (Mashchiüýge-iüý akaý). "Na! tiý amaý \tr to whom / soever / I reach / will / I who / said, they say / (Rabbit / the «sub.»). / Why! / lodge / the «pl. sub.» \rf jod 1890:573.4 \op wathaýta-baýzhii haý. Taýxti-giýkidaýbi akaý-noü wathaýte t'oüýi ha. Eýdi neý \tr do not eat / . / He for whom they shoot at the deer / the «sub.» only / food / he has / . / There / you go \rf jod 1890:573.5 \op eteý ki" (aý-biamaý niýashiüga amaý). Shoüý tiý uhoüýge nazhiüý teýdegoü, eýdi \tr ought / (said, they say / people / the «pl. sub.»). / Yet / lodge / end / stood / the, but «in the past», / there \rf jod 1890:573.6 \op ahiý-biamaý. "Kageýha, wathaýte shtewoüý wathiüýgai ha," aý-biamaý tiý upaiý \tr arrived, they say. / Friend, / food / soever / we have none / / said, they say / lodge / entered \rf jod 1890:573.7 \op akaý. "Na! kageýha, edaýdoü shteýshte shateý amaý-noü, thiügeý ki," aý-biamaý \tr the «sub.». / Why! / friend, / what / soever / they / are eating usually / there is none / when / said, they say \rf jod 1890:573.8 \op Mashchiüýge-iüý akaý. Eýgithe Mashchiüýge-iüý giýku-biamaý Taýxti-giýkidaýbi akaý. \tr Rabbit / the «sub.». / At length / Rabbit «ob.» / invited him to a feast, they say / @{Taýxti-giýkidaýbi} / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:573.9 \op "Wuhu+! kageýha, thiýkui ha. Wanoüýxthiü-ga haý," aý-biamaý theý tiý upaiý \tr Oho! / friend, / you are invited to a feast / . / Hasten / ! / said, they say / this / lodge / entered \rf jod 1890:573.10 \op akaý. Ki toüýwoügthoüý amaý noüýpe-xti-noü amaýma. Edaýdoü waniýta t'eýthai \tr the «sub.». / And / nation / the «pl. sub.» / usually were fearing him greatly, they say. / What / quadruped / they killed \rf jod 1890:573.11 \op shteýshtewoü eý bthuýga athiüý-noü akaýma. Ki eýdi ahiý-biama Mashchiüýge-iüý \tr soever / that / whole / he was usually keeping it, they say. / And / there / arrived, they say / Rabbit \rf jod 1890:573.12 \op amaý giýkui teýdi. Eýthoübe hiý kiýzhi, "Ahauý! geýthishoü tithaý-ga haý," aý-biamaý. \tr the «mv. sub.» / he was invited to a feast / at the. / In sight / arrived / when, / Oho! / on that side / pass along / ! / said, they say \rf jod 1890:573.13 \op Mashchiüýge-iüý amaý u'oüýsi-xchi aýtiaýtha-biamaý. Gthiüý-biamaý. Eýgithe \tr Rabbit / the «mv. sub.» / leaping high / passed along, they say. / Sat they say. / At length \rf jod 1890:573.14 \op uý'i-biamaý. Wathaýta-bi egoüý, kigthaýkegoü gthiüý-biamaý. Heýbe uthaýshta-bi egoüý, \tr they gave food to him, they say. / Having eaten different things, they say, / ate very rapidly / sat, they say. / Part having reserved it instead of eating it, they say, \rf jod 1890:573.15 \op uxpeý te basnuý theýtha-biamaý. "Kageýha, uxpeý te duýate," aý-biamaý \tr bowl / the / pushed off / suddenly, they say. / Friend, / bowl / the / the one on this side / said, they say \rf jod 1890:574.1 \op (Mashchiüýge-iüý akaý). Goüý, "Kageýha, shoüý paýxe te," aý-biamaý (Mashchiüýge-iüý \tr (Rabbit / the «sub.»). / And, / Friend, / enough / I do / will / said, they say / Rabbit \rf jod 1890:574.2 \op akaý). Goüý, "Oühoüý," aý-biamaý (Taýxtigikidaýbi akaý). Agthaý-bi egoüý, \tr the «sub.»). / And, / Yes, / said, they say / @{Taýxti-giýkidaýbi} / the «sub.». / Having gone back, they say \rf jod 1890:574.3 \op uneýthe koüýha ke wiüaýxchioü u'oüýsi-bi egoüý, weýnoüboüý tediýhi wagaýxthoü \tr fire-place / border / the «lg. ob.» / once / having leaped, they say, / the second time / the, arrived there / servant \rf jod 1890:574.4 \op Taýxti-giýkidaýbi etaý thiükeý moüýge aýthitaýxti aýtoü-bi egoüý, u'oüýsixti aýkiaýgtha-biamaý. \tr @{Taýxti-giýkidaýbi} / his / the «st. ob.» / chest / straight across / having stepped on, they say, / with a great leap / had gone homeward they say. \rf jod 1890:574.5 \op Uthaýshta-bi thoüý ikaýge thiükeý agthaýthiü akiý-biamaý. Ikaýge igaýxthoü \tr What was not eaten / the part / his friend / the «st. ob.» / having his own / he reached there again, they say. / His friend / his wife \rf jod 1890:574.6 \op eýthoüba giýthexti thataý-biamaý, wathaýtazhi ameýgoü. Eýgithe hoüýegoüýche ki, \tr she too / very glad / ate it, they say, / as they had not been eating, they say. / At length / morning / when \rf jod 1890:574.7 \op iýekithaý-bi egoüý, shkoüýthe waýgazhiý-biamaý. Shi goüý "Taýxti-giýkidaýbi akaý \tr crier proclaimed, they say, / having / dislodge the game / commanded them, they say. / Again / so / @{Taýxti-giýkidaýbi} / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:574.8 \op t'eýkithe taiý akaý," e-noüý-biamaý niýashiüga amaý. Aýbae amaý athaý-biamaý. \tr he is the one for whom they are about to kill «the game», / were saying often, they say / people / the «pl. sub.». / Hunter / the «pl. sub.» / went, they say. \rf jod 1890:574.9 \op Xthabeý shuýgaxti eýiüte shkoüýtha-bi oüý gateýgoüxti wakiýda biamaý. Mashchiüýge-iüý \tr Tree / very thick / perhaps / dislodged the game, they say / having / just in that manner / they shot at them, they say. / Rabbit \rf jod 1890:574.10 \op amaý eýdi ahiý theýtha-biamaý gishkoüýxti. Eýgithe Taýxti-giýkidaýbi akaý kaýshixti eýdi \tr the «mv. sub.» / there / started off in order to reach there soon, they say / very hastily. / Behold / @{Taýxti-giýkidaýbi} / the «sub.» / very long ago / there \rf jod 1890:574.11 \op ahiý-bi egoüý, atheý amaýma. Shi weýdazhi wakiýda-bi egoüý, eýdi eýgoüxti \tr having arrived there, they say, / was going «elsewhere», they say, / immediately \rf jod 1890:574.12 \op shi hiý thetheý goü ki eýgithe kaýshixti eýdi ahiý-bi egoüý, atheý amaýma shi, \tr again / started off in order to reach / and «?» / when / behold / very long ago / there / having arrived, they say, / was going «elsewhere» they say / again \rf jod 1890:574.13 \op Taýxti-giýkidaýbi amaý. "Aýmakaýzhiwaýthe aýhoü," etheýgoü-biamaý Mashchiüýge-iüý akaý. \tr @{Taýxti-giýkidaýbi} / the «mv. sub.». / Enough to make one lose patience / «in soliloquy»!, / thought, they say / Rabbit / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:574.14 \op Shi weýdazhi wakiýda-bi egoüý, shi eýdi eýgoüxti ahiý theýtha-biamaý. Eýtoüthiü \tr Again / elsewhere / having shot at something, they say, / again / immediately / started off in order to reach there soon, they say. / He first \rf jod 1890:574.15 \op ahiý-biamaý Mashchiüýge-iüý akaý. "Kageýha, oüpaýde taiý ha," aý-biamaý \tr arrived there, they say / Rabbit / the «sub.». / Friend, / let us cut it up / / said, they say \rf jod 1890:574.16 \op Mashchiüýge-iüý akaý. Ki niýkashiüýga theýakaý taýxti t'eýthe akaý uthiý'agaý-biamaý. \tr Rabbit / the «sub.». / And / person / this one «sub.» / deer / he who killed it «sub.» / was unwilling, they say. \rf jod 1890:574.17 \op "Na! kageýha, Taýxti-giýkidaýbi akaý atiý te eteoüýi ha," aý-biamaý. "Na! \tr Why! / friend, / @{Taýxti-giýkidaýbi} / the «sub.» / come / will / by and by / / said, they say. / Why! \rf jod 1890:574.18 \op kageýha, waniýta t'eýwathaiý ki, wapaýdai-de eýnahathoüýthoü wa'iý-noüi," aý-biamaý \tr friend, / quadruped / they kill them / when / they cut them up when / in equal piles or shares / they usually give to them, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:574.19 \op (Mashchiüýge-iüý akaý). Shoüý-noü uthiý'agaý-biamaý niýashiüýga akaý, Taýxti-giýkidaýbi \tr (Rabbit / the «sub.»). / Still «despite what was said» / he was unwilling, they say / person / the «sub.», / @{Taýxti-giýkidaýbi} \rf jod 1890:575.1 \op noüýpa-bi egoüý. Mashchiüýge-iüý amaý ku'eý athaý-bi egoüý, sihiý te uthoüý ithoüý-biamaý. \tr he feared to see him, they say / as. / Rabbit / the «mv. sub.» / with a rush / having gone, they say, / feet of the animal / the «ob.» / he seized suddenly, as he stood, they say \rf jod 1890:575.2 \op Umaýsna-biamaý. Eýgithe eýthoübe atiý-biamaý Taýxti-giýkidaýbi amaý. \tr He slit the skin with a knife, they say. / At length / in sight / came, they say, Táqtigíkidábi / the «mv. sub.» \rf jod 1890:575.3 \op "Piýazhi shkaýxe! Shoükeýtha-ga," aý-biamaý (Taýxti-giýkidaýbi akaý). "Edaýdoü \tr Bad / you do / Let the «recl. ob.» alone, / said, they say / @{Taýxti-giýkidaýbi} / the «sub.». / What \rf jod 1890:575.4 \op piýazhi paýxe a," aý-biamaý (Mashchiüýge-iüý akaý). "Waniýta t'eýwathaiý-de \tr bad / I do / ? / said, they say / Rabbit / the «sub.». / Quadruped / when they kill them \rf jod 1890:575.5 \op wapaýdai-de eýnahathoüýthoü niýkashiüýga-ma wa'iý-noüi" (aý-biamaý Mashchiüýgi-iüý \tr when they cut them up / in equal piles or shares / the people «pl. ob.» / they usually give to them / said, they say / Rabbit \rf jod 1890:575.6 \op akaý). "Shoükeýtha-ga, eheý," aý-biamaý Taýxti-giýkidaýbi akaý. Shoüý-noü \tr the «sub.». / Let the «recl. ob.» alone, / I say, / said, they say / @{Taýxti-giýkidaýbi} / the «sub.». / Still «despite what was said» \rf jod 1890:575.7 \op Mashchiüýge-iüý akaý ubaýsnoü-biama "Daýdoü thiü piýxoü thiü aýhoü," aý-biamaý \tr Rabbit / the «sub.». / pushed «the knife» into the meat, they say / What / the «mv. ob.» / I blow it «a light ob.» / the «mv. ob.» / ? / said, they say \rf jod 1890:575.8 \op (taýxtigiýkidaýbi aka). "Oüýbixoüý-ga! oüýbixoüý-ga!" aý-bi \tr (@{Taýxti-giýkidaýbi} / the «sub.»). / Blow me «as a light ob.» / blow me «as a light ob.» / having said, they say, / thither by degrees \rf jod 1890:575.9 \op athaý-biamaý. Bixoüý-bi egoüý, Mashchiüýge-iüý theý amaý gaxaýdoüxchi. Goüýki \tr went, they say. / Having blown him, they say, / Rabbit / was going, they say / with his fur standing out all over from his being blown at. / And then \rf jod 1890:575.10 \op theý amaý Taýxti-giýkidaýbi akaý taýxti ke thizaý-bi egoüý, itiý'oühe theýtha-bi egoüý, \tr was going, they say / @{Taýxti-giýkidaýbi} / the «sub.» / deer / the «recl. ob.» / having taken it, they say, / put the «lg. ob.» in his belt, / suddenly, they say, / having \rf jod 1890:575.11 \op athaý-biamaý. Taýxti aýna t'eýwathaiý-ma bthuýga itiýwazhi- noüý akiý-noü-biamaý. \tr went, they say. / Deer / how many / those which were killed «pl. ob.» / all / putting them the «lg.» objects in his belt / usually / he usually reached home, they say. \rf jod 1890:575.12 \op Niýkashiüýga sneýdeaýxti-biamaý. Shoüý gaýxe akiý-bi egoüý, taýxti aýna t'eýwathaiý-ma \tr Person / very tall, they say. / Having quit / having reached, again, they say, / deer / how many / those which were killed «pl. ob.» \rf jod 1890:575.13 \op bthuýgaxti Taýxti-giýkidaýbi akaý itiýwazhi akiý-biamaý. Hoüý ki, Mashchiüýge-iüý \tr all / @{Taýxti-giýkidaýbi} / the «sub.» / putting them, the «lg.» objects in his belt / reached home, they say. / Night / when / Rabbit \rf jod 1890:575.14 \op amaý ugaýshoü amaý shoü ptaýxtigiýkidaýbi tiý te uthiýshoü goüý hoüý te nazhiüý \tr the «mv. sub.» / was traveling, they say / until / @{Taýxti-giýkidaýbi} / lodge / the «std. ob.» / going around it / awhile / night / when / he was \rf jod 1890:575.15 \op aýthoükaý. Wagthiýshka wiü thizaý-bi egoüý, eýgithoüý-biamaý: "Wagthiýshka, neý te \tr std. / Insect / one / having taken it, they say, / said to it, they say: / O insect, / you go / will \rf jod 1890:575.16 \op thoüýzha, tashtaýdexti teýdi naýxta te ha" aý-biamaý. Eýgithe hoüýegoüýche ki \tr though / the flank itself «+just on the flank» / in the / you bite him / will / / said, they say. / At length / morning / when \rf jod 1890:575.17 \op Taýxti-giýkidaýbi wakeýga, aý-biamaý. Tashtaýde thoüýdi tha'iýi'thaý amaý. Ki thi'uý \tr @{Taýxti-giýkidaýbi} / sick, / said, they say. / Flank / in the / itched him, they say. / And / scratched with his fingers \rf jod 1890:576.1 \op te shoüý thishtoüýazhiýxti shoüýshoü goüý zhuý thoü uthiý'ude amaý goüý t'eý amaý. Ki \tr when / still / not ceasing at all / continually / at last «?» / flesh / the / scratched a hole in, they say / and / died / they say. / And \rf jod 1890:576.2 \op niýkashiüýga amaý eýgithoüý-biamaý: "Mashchiüýge-iüý toüýwoü giýgthoüi-ga," \tr people / the «pl. sub.» / said to «each other», they say: / Rabbit / village / make ye for him "erect a village for him. \rf jod 1890:576.3 \op aý-biamaý. Ki Mashchiüýge-iüý akaý eýgithoüý-biamaý: "Wiý toüýwoü giýgthoüi \tr said, they say. / And / Rabbit / the «sub.» / said to «one?», they say: / I / village they place for one \rf jod 1890:576.4 \op moübthiüý-maýzhi," aý-biamaý. "Wa'uýzhiüga waxpaýthiüxti agiýoübtha utoüýnadi, aýdoü \tr I walk I not / said, they say. / Old woman / very poor / I left her, my own / in a lonely place / therefore \rf jod 1890:576.5 \op agtheý taý miüke," aý-bi egoüý, agthaý-biamaý. Shetoüý. \tr I start back / will / I who / having said, they say. / So far. \rf jod 1890:576.6 \ti The rabbit and the turkeys \op Mashchiüýge-iüý amaý atheý amaýma. Eýgithe Ziziýka juýba edediý amaýma. \tr Rabbit / the «mv. sub.» / was going, they say. / At length / Turkey / some / were there, they say. \rf jod 1890:577.1 \op Eýdi ahiý-bi oüý, "Giýi-ga haý, wiýxuka taiý miüke," aý-biamaý. Goüý Ziziýka amaý \tr There / having arrived, they say, / Come ye / ! / I will sing for you «pl.», / said he, they say. / And / Turkey / the «pl. sub.» \rf jod 1890:577.2 \op atiý-bi oüý, "Ahauý! weýxuka taiý ha, Mashchiüýge-iüý," aý-biamaý. "Wiýxuka taiý \tr having come, they say, / Oho! / sing for us / will / , / Rabbit, / said they, they say. / I sing for \rf jod 1890:577.3 \op miüke thoüýzha, toügeýgoü-maýshe aýgahaýi-ga. Eýgithe ishtaý thaýbtha taiý. Wiüý ishtaý \tr you «pl.» / though, / ye who are somewhat large / be ye outside. / Beware / eye / you open / lest «pl.». / One / eye \rf jod 1890:578.1 \op thaýbthai ki, ishtaý thizhiýde taiýte ha," aý-biamaý. Goüý waoüý-biamaý. "Heý! \tr you «pl.» open / if, / eye / you red / shall «pl.» / / said he, they say. / And / sang, they say. / Alas! \rf jod 1890:578.2 \op wadoüýbe thiükeý! Ishtaý zhideý! Ishtaý zhideý! Iüýbe-noü thi'oüýdzhe! Iüýbe-noü \tr looker / the one who! / eye / red! / eye / red! / Tail «of bird» regularly / he opens out! / Tail «of bird» regularly \rf jod 1890:578.3 \op thi'oüýdzhe." Tanfgaý-ma aýthutoü waýthizaý-bi oüý, uýzhiha uzhiý gthiüý-bi oüý, wiüý \tr he opens out. / The large ones «pl. ob.» / straight way / having taken them, they say, / [He took them whereever they were] / sack / filling / having sat, they say, / one \rf jod 1890:578.4 \op ishtaýxoüxoü gaýxa-bi ki, "Tenaý! naýthuhaýxti toügeýgoü oüýgathiü sheýnaawaýthe \tr eyes opened a little / made, they say / when, / Why! / almost / us who are somewhat large «pl. ob.» / exterminating us \rf jod 1890:578.5 \op atheý akaý ha," aý-bi oüý, "Ku+!" eý goü, gioüý athaý-biamaý. Theýaka Mashchiüýge-iüý \tr he is going / / having said, they say, / "Koo-oo!" / said / as / flying / went, they say. / This one «sub.» / Rabbit \nt Koo-oo = Sound of whirr of the wings. \rf jod 1890:578.6 \op wa'iüý agthaý-bi oüý, akiý-bi oüý, "Koühaý, gaýke eýgithe shtoüýbe te. Awaý'iü \tr carrying a bundle or pack on his back / having gone homeward, they say, / having reached home, they say, / Grandmother, / that «lg. ob.» / beware / you look at it / lest. / I carried it on my back \rf jod 1890:578.7 \op agthiý thoüýzha, aýkida gthiüý-ga," aý-biamaý. Eýgithe naýxpe gaseý theý amaý. "Edaýdoü \tr I came home / though, / guarding it / sit, / said he, they say. / At length / a spit / to cut / was going, they say. / What \rf jod 1890:578.8 \op 'iüýgthi edoüý" etheýgoü-bi oüý ikoüý akaý uýzhiha ke thishkaý-bi oüý, wadoüýbe ki, \tr did he bring home on his back / «fem. soliloquy»? / having thought, they say / his grandmother / the «sub.» / sack / the «lg. ob.» / having untied, they say / looked / when, \rf jod 1890:578.9 \op bthuýga gioüý-bi oüý, xaýde ti te saýpixtioüý tiýhukoü te iýhe agthaý-bi oüý, \tr all / having flown, they say, / grass / lodge / the «std. ob.» / hitting hard against it / smoke-hole / the «std. ob.» / passing that way / having started home, they say, \rf jod 1890:578.10 \op noüýzhiüshcheýxchi wiüý wateý iýgaxthiý amaý ikoüý thiükeý. Eýgithe akiý-biamaý ha \tr barely / one / skirt / was killing it with, they say / his grandmother / the «st. one». / At length / reached home, they say / \rf jod 1890:578.11 \op Mashchiüýge-iüý amaý. "Hiü! shpathoüý 'agthaaýgithe ithaýnahiüý ehoü+," aý-biamaý. \tr Rabbit / the «mv. sub.». / Oh! / grandchild / I have made my own suffer / I truly / «fem.»! / said she, they say. \rf jod 1890:578.12 \op "Waýhuaý! koühaý, shtoüýbazhi te, eheý thoüýshti." Goüý Ziziýka thiükeý thishnaý akaý \tr Really! / grandmother, / you are not to look at it, / I said / formerly. / And / Turkey / the one who «ob.» / was stripping off its feathers \rf jod 1890:578.13 \op Mashchiüýge-iüý akaý. Thishnaý-bi oüý, thishtoüý-bi kiý, shi paýda-bi oüý, shiýbe te \tr Rabbit / the «sub.». / having stripped off its feathers, they say, / finished, they say / when, / again / having dissected it, they say, / entrail, / the «col. ob.» \rf jod 1890:578.14 \op thizaý-bi oüý, ikoüý thiükeý gi'iý theýtha-bi oüý, "Koühaý, gaýte shiýbe te thizaý-ga \tr having taken, they say, / his grandmother / the «st. ob.» / giving to his own / having sent suddenly, they say, / Grandmother, / that «col. ob.» / entrail / the «col. ob.» / take it \rf jod 1890:578.15 \op ha." Ikoüý thiükeý wathiýtoü moüýgthe nazhiüý ki, wamiý gateý heýbe giýoütha theýtha-bi oüý, \tr ! / His grandmother / the one who «ob.» / working / erect / stood / when, / blood / lump / part / having thrown away at her, they say, \rf jod 1890:578.16 \op hiýutoüýna teýdi, "Wuhu+! koühaý, t'eoüýthagitheýxti zhoüý," aý-biamaý. Goüýki \tr &pudendum &muliebre «in this case» / at the, / Oho! / grandmother, / you have indeed killed me, your relation, / said he, they say. / And then \rf jod 1890:579.1 \op wa'uýzhiüga akaý, "Hiüý, shpathoüý, t'eaýgitheý-xti moüý ehoü+," aý-biamaý. Goüý \tr old woman / the «sub.», / Oh! / grandchild, / I have indeed killed him, my own / «fem. in soliloquy»!, / said she, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:579.2 \op wa'uýzhiüga akaý aýshiata neýtha-biamaý. Goüý Ziziýka thiükeý Paýthiü weýku 'iýtha-biamaý \tr old woman / the «sub.» / outside of the lodge / kindled a fire, they say. / And / Turkey / the one who «ob.» / Pawnee / to invite them to feast on it / he spoke of, they say \rf jod 1890:579.3 \op Mashchiüýge-iüý akaý. Goüý waýgtha athaý-biamaý. Goüý akiý-bi egoüý, eýxti tizheýbegthoü \tr Rabbit / the «sub.». / And / messenger to invite guests to a feast / went, they say. / And / having reached home again, they say / he himself / door-flap \rf jod 1890:579.4 \op thoü baheý iýthe gthiüý-biamaý, gataýxi kithoüý te, "Naýwa, Sitheý-makoüý \tr the part / knocked it out from the lodge by pushing / sat, they say, / it fell back and made a sudden tapping sound / when, / Ho! / @{Sitheý-makoüý} \rf jod 1890:579.5 \op theshaýthu," eý gthiüý-biamaý. Ikoüý akaý goüý ki aýshiataýtoü, "Tuýshpathoüý! Paýthiü iüthiüýhahoü-bazhiý-xchi \tr chief, / saying it / sat, they say. / His grandmother / the «sub.» / and «?» / when / from the outside of the lodge, / My grandchild! / Pawnee / they do not know him, my kinsman, at all \rf jod 1890:579.6 \op ehoü+!" eý gthiüý-biamaý. Paýthiü weýku-bi ai wiüýka-bazhiý-xti \tr «fem. in soliloquy»!! / saying / sat, they say. / Pawnee / that he had invited them to a feast / said / he did not speak a single word that was true \rf jod 1890:579.7 \op goü eýxchi iýe heýbe ugiýkie gthiüý-biamaý. \tr as / he himself / words / part / speaking to his own «words?» / sat, they say. \rf jod 1890:579.8 \ti The bird chief \op Wazhiüýga-maý bthuýgaxti weýboü-biamaý. Wazhiüýga wiüoüýwa maýxe keýta \tr The birds «pl. ob.» / all / they called them, they say. / Bird / which one / upper world / at the \rf jod 1890:580.1 \op aýta gioüý shiý thaýthiüsheý nudoüýhoüga shniüý tateý ha, aý-biamaý. Ki bthuýgaxti \tr furthest / flying / you reach / you who move / leader / hou be / shall / said, they say. / And / all \rf jod 1890:580.2 \op eýkitoühaýxti moüýshi athaý-biamaý. Ki Kiýxaxaýdzhoü akaý Xithaý aýhiü kigtheý hiü \tr at equal heights / high in the air / went, they say. / And / Wren / the «sub.» / Eagle / wing / beneath / feathers \rf jod 1890:581.1 \op shkuýbe thoü ugthiüý-biamaý. Goüý wazhiüýga amaý bthuýgaxti aýhiü uzheýtha-bi egoüý, hideý \tr thick / the part / sat in, they say. / And / bird / the «pl. sub.» / all / wing / tired, they say / as, / below \rf jod 1890:581.2 \op giý-bi ki, eý-noü athaý-biamaý Xithaý amaý. Ki Xithaý thiü shetoüý amaý ki, Kiýxaxaýdzhoü \tr were returning, they say / when, / he only / went, they say / Eagle / the «mv. sub.». / And / Eagle / the «mv. one» / was so far, they say / when, / Wren \rf jod 1890:581.3 \op amaý aýkihoü athaý-biamaý. Ki wazhiüýga amaý bthuýgaxti hideý gthiý-bi ki, Xithaý \tr the «mv. sub.» / beyond / went, they say. / And / bird / the «pl. sub.» / all / below / had returned, they say / when, / Eagle \rf jod 1890:581.4 \op amaý-noü goüýtexti ki agthiý-biamaý. Ki sheýnoü-bi eýskoü etheýgoü-bi egoüý, \tr the «mv. sub.» only / a long time / when / returned, they say. / And / enough, they say / perhaps / they thought, they say / as «+having», \rf jod 1890:581.5 \op waýthawaý-biamaý wazhiüýga amaý. Eýgithe Kiýxaxaýdzhoü eý-noü gthiýazhi amaý. Ki \tr they counted them, they say / bird / the «pl. sub.». / Behold / Wren / only he / had not returned, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:581.6 \op ithaýpa-biamaý. Eýgithe agthiý-biamaý goüýgexti ki. Xithaý oüýxtikitheýgoü amaý ki, \tr they waited for him, they say. / At length / he returned, they say / a long time / when. / Eagle / was thinking too highly of himself, / they say / when, \rf jod 1890:581.7 \op eýgithe Kiýxaxaýdzhoü akaý eý aýta gaýxaiiý-biamaý. \tr behold / Wren / the «sub.» / that / chief one / was made, they say. \rf jod 1890:581.8 \ti The buffalo and the grizzly bear -- an Omaha myth \op Eýgithe Moüchuý amaý atheý amaýma, watiýshka eýiüte uhaý-bi oüý. Pathaýge wiü \tr At length / Grizzly bear / the «mv. sub.» / was going, they say, / stream / perhaps / having followed its course, they say. / Headland / one \rf jod 1890:582.1 \op nazhiüý teý amaý ki, uskoüýskoüxti athaý-biamaý. Pathaýge te eýthoübe ahiý-bi ki, \tr it was standing, they say / when, / in a straight line «directly towards it» / went, they say. / Headland / the «std. ob.» / in sight / arrived, they say / when, \rf jod 1890:582.2 \op eýgithe Tenuýga wiü kiýgthe te nazhiüý akaýma. Moüchuý akaý hiýde niýstustu \tr behold / Buffalo bull / one / underneath / the «std. ob.» / was std., they say. / Grizzly bear / the «sub.» / base / backing step by step \rf jod 1890:582.3 \op agiý-bi egoüý, niý keýta athaý-bi oüý, niý ke uhaý athaý-bi oüý, ugaýs'iü ahiý-bi \tr having come, they say, / stream / to the «lg. ob.» / having gone, they say, / stream / the «lg. ob.» / following / having gone, they say, / peeping / arrived, they say \rf jod 1890:582.4 \op ki, te-diýxe toüý amaý xthaýxtioü pamoüýgthexti nazhiüý amaý Tenuýga toüý ukiýgthi'age \tr when, / scabby buffalo / std. / they say / very lean / with bowed head / was std., they say / Buffalo bull / the «std.» / indisposed to move \rf jod 1890:582.5 \op goüý. Moüchuý amaý gthaýda-bi oüý, ku'eý athaý-bi oüý, Tenuýga nazhiýha thoü uthoüý \tr as. / Grizzly bear / the «mv. sub.» / crept up on him, they say / having, / with a rush / went, they say / having, / Buffalo bull / hair of the head / the part / grasped \rf jod 1890:582.6 \op ithoüý-bi oüý, thipaýza-biamaý. Thikuýwiüxe athiüý-bi oüý, thizhoüýzhoü, "Iýa-ga haý! \tr suddenly, they say / having, / pulled him by the hair, they say. / Pulling him around / had him, they say / having, / shook him often, / Speak / ! \rf jod 1890:582.7 \op Iýa-ga haý! Gaýthuxti moübthiüý aýthiüheý ki oüthoüýthakizhaýzhe amaý. Keý, na, iýa-ga!" \tr Speak / ! / That unseen place / I walk / I who move / when / you threatened to attack me / they say. / Come, / now, / speak! \rf jod 1890:582.8 \op (aý-biamaý). Noübeý bthaýska shti iýtiü-noüý-bi oüý, pashiýzhe te. "Tenaý! eaýtoü \tr (said, they say). / Paw / flat / too / hit him with it often / having, / tip of nose / the «ob.» / Fie! / why \rf jod 1890:582.9 \op iýwikizhaýzhe ta, goüýxti moüniüý thaýthiüsheý," aý-biamaý Tenuýga akaý. "Oüýkazhi ha! \tr I threaten to attack you / should, / just in the manner «you mention?» / you walk / you who move, / said, they say / Buffalo bull / the «sub.». / Not so / . \rf jod 1890:582.10 \op oüthoüýthakizhaýzhe amaý," aý-biamaý Moüchuý akaý. Nazhiüýha thoüý thishtoüý-bi oüý, uthiýshoü \tr you threatened to attack me / they say, / said, they say / Grizzly bear / the «sub.». / Hair of the head / the part / let it go, they say, / having, / around him \rf jod 1890:582.11 \op athaý-bi oüý, siüýde keý uthoüý-bi oüý, shi thiuýubthiü athiüý-bi oüý, thishtoüý taý-bi kiý, \tr having gone, they say, / tail / the «lg. ob.» / having grasped, they say, / again / pulled him round and round / having had him, they say, / about to let him go, they say / when, \rf jod 1890:582.12 \op shoüdeý thoü noübeý bthaýska iýtiü-biamaý. Tenuýga thiü gabthaýbthazhe moüthiüý amaý. \tr &scrotum / the part / paw / flat / hit him there with it, they say. / Buffalo bull / the «mv. ob.» / legs wide apart / was walking / they say. \rf jod 1890:582.13 \op "Uü*huühuü*huühuü+! niaýzhixchioüý shkaýxe aýhoü," aý-biamaý Tenuýga akaý. Moüchuý \tr Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! / not paining at all / you make / «in soliloquy»!, / said, they say / Buffalo bull / the «sub.». / Grizzly bear \rf jod 1890:582.14 \op amaý athaý-biamaý, niüýde kuýshti eýgoü. Tenuýga akaý getheýgoü-biamaý, "Aýkithaý-ba \tr the «mv. sub.» / went, they say, / hams / «see note» / somewhat. / Buffalo bull / the «sub.» / thought as follows, they say, / Return the blows \rf jod 1890:583.1 \op hauý! Thiý shti eýgoüxti eýgoü-noü niü thoüýshti wazhiüý te," etheýgoü amaý ki, Moüchuý \tr ! / You / too / just so / often like / you were / in the past / disposition / the / was thinking / they say / when, / Grizzly bear \rf jod 1890:583.2 \op akaý iýbahoüý-biamaý. "Wa! edeýshegoüý a," aý-biamaý Moüchuý akaý. "Edeýha-maýzhi \tr the «sub.» / knew it, they say. / Why! / what do you say / ? / said, they say / Grizzly bear / the «sub.». / I said nothing \rf jod 1890:583.3 \op ha," eý amaý Tenuýga. Shi xaýtha agiý-bi oüý, shi Tenuýga thikuýwiüxeýxti athiüý-biamaý. \tr . / was saying, they say / Buffalo bull. / Again / back to starting-point / having come, they say, / again / Buffalo bull / turned him around very fast / had him, they say. \rf jod 1890:583.4 \op Shi heý te uthoüý-bi oüý, paý thoü shti thiuýubthiüý-noü athiüý-biamaý shi. \tr Again / horn / the «ob.» / having grasped, they say, / head / the part / too / pulled it round and round often / had him, they say / again. \rf jod 1890:583.5 \op "Na! gaýzhoü eheý kiýshti weýthazha thoüýshti," aý-biamaý Moüchuý akaý. Shi siüýde ke \tr Fie! / you do that / I said / when / you denied it / formerly, / said, they say / Grizzly bear / the «sub.». / Again / tail / the «lg. ob.» \rf jod 1890:583.6 \op uthoüý-bi oüý, shi pahoüýga giý'oüi teý eýgoü giý'oü-biamaý. Noübeý bthaýska \tr having grasped it, they say, / again / before / did to him / the / so / did to him, they say. / Paw / flat \rf jod 1890:583.7 \op iýtiü-biamaý. Shi gabthaýbthazhe moüthiüý amaý Tenuýga. "Uü*huühuü*huühuü+ \tr hit him with, they say. / Again / legs wide apart / was walking, they say / Buffalo bull. / Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! \rf jod 1890:583.8 \op niaýzhixchioüý shkaýxe aýhoü," aý-biamaý Tenuýga akaý. Shi athaý-biamaý Moüchuý amaý. \tr not paining at all / you make / «in soliloquy»!, / said, they say / Buffalo bull / the «sub.». / Again / went, they say / Grizzly bear / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:583.9 \op Shi Tenuýga akaý eýgithe eýgoü getheýgoü-biamaý shi: "Waýhuaý! Aýkithaý-ga hauý! \tr Again / Buffalo bull / the «sub.» / at length / so / thought as follows, they say / again: / Really! Return the blows / ! \rf jod 1890:583.10 \op Thiý shti wazhiüý te eýgoü-xti eýgoü-noüý niü thoüýshti," etheýgoü amaý. Shi Moüchuý amaý \tr You / too / disposition / the «ob.» / just so / often like / you were / formerly, / was thinking, they say. / Again / Grizzly bear / the «mv. sub.» \rf jod 1890:583.11 \op shi iýbahoüý-biamaý. "Wa! edeýshegoüý a," aý-biamaý. "Edeýha-maýzhi ha," eý amaý \tr again / knew it, they say. / Why! / what do you say / ? / said, they say. / I said nothing / / was saying, they say \rf jod 1890:583.12 \op Tenuýga. "Gaýzhoü eheý kiýshti weýthazha thoüýshti," aý-biamaý, xaýtha agiý-bi egoüý. \tr Buffalo bull. / You do that / I said / when / you doubted it / formerly, / said, they say, / back to the starting-point / having come, they say. \rf jod 1890:583.13 \op Thipaýze uthoüý ithoüý-bi oüý, shi thikuýwiüxeýxti athiüý-bi oüý shi noübeý bthaýska shti \tr Pulled his hair «on the head» / seized him / suddenly, they say / having, / again / turned him around very fast / having had him, they say / again / paw / flat / too \rf jod 1890:583.14 \op iýtiü-noüý-biamaý. Shi siüýde ke uthoüý-bi oüý, shi noübeý bthaýska shti iýtiü-biamaý, \tr hit him with it often, they say. / Again / tail / the «lg. ob.» / having grasped it, they say, / again / paw / flat / too / hit him with it, they say, \rf jod 1890:583.15 \op pahoüýga giý'oüi teý eýgoü giý'oü-biamaý. "Uü*huühuü*huühuüp! niaýzhixchioüý \tr before / did to him / the / so / did to him, they say. / Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! / not paining at all \rf jod 1890:583.16 \op shkaýxe aýhoü," aý-biamaý Tenuýga akaý. Shi athaý-biamaý Moüchuý amaý. Shi ptenuýga \tr you make / «in soliloquy»!, / said, they say / Buffalo bull / the «sub.». / Again / went, they say / Grizzly bear / the «mv. sub.». / Again / Buffalo bull \rf jod 1890:583.17 \op etheýgoü amaý, "Waýhuaý! Aýkithaý-ga hauý! Thiý shti wazhiüý* te eýgoüxti eýgoü-noüý niü \tr was thinking, they say, / Really! / Return the blows / ! / You / too / disposition / the / just so / often like / you were \rf jod 1890:583.18 \op thoüýshti," etheýgoü amaý. Shi Moüchuý amaý shi iýbahoü-biamaý. "Wa! edeýshegoü \tr formerly, / was thinking, they say. / Again / Grizzly bear / the «mv. sub.» / again / knew it, they say. / Why! / what do you say \rf jod 1890:584.1 \op a," aý-biamaý (Moüchuý akaý). "Edeýha-maýzhi ha," eý amaý Tenuýga. "Aýkithaý-ga \tr ? / said, they say / Grizzly bear / the «sub.». / I said nothing / / was saying, they say / Buffalo bull. / Return the blows \rf jod 1890:584.2 \op hauý! Thiý shti wazhiüý te eýgoüxti eýgoü-noüý niü thoüýshti, eheý ha," aý-biamaý. "Oühoüý," \tr ! / You / too / disposition / the / just so / often like / you were / formerly, / I said / / said, they say. / Yes, \rf jod 1890:584.3 \op aý-biamaý Moüchuý akaý. Tenuýga amaý niýstustuý athaý-biamaý. Siüýde ke thiýhoü \tr said, they say / Grizzly bear / the «sub.». / Buffalo bull / the «mv. sub.» / backing step by step / went, they say. / Tail / the «lg. ob.» / raised \rf jod 1890:584.4 \op theýtha-biamaý. "Na! oüýhazhi-ga haý, aý-biamaý Moüchuý akaý. Tenuýga amaý \tr suddenly in the air, they say. / Why! / do not flee / ! / said, they say / Grizzly bear / the «sub.». / Buffalo bull / the «mv. sub.» \rf jod 1890:584.5 \op kioüýtha gthiheýtha-bi oüý, ukiýpatoütoüý-biamaý. Tenuýga amaý niýstustuý moüthiüý-biamaý, \tr having thrown himself down suddenly, they say, / turned himself back and forth, they say «¬ rolling over and over in one direction». / Buffalo bull / the «mv. sub.» / backing step by step / walked, they say, \rf jod 1890:584.6 \op moü-noüý'u. "Na! oüýhazhi-ga, eheý," aý-biamaý Moüchuý akaý. Ki \tr pawing the ground. / Fie! / do not flee, / I say, / said, they say / Grizzly bear / the «sub.». / And \rf jod 1890:584.7 \op Tenuýga akaý ieýnaxiýtha tai eýgoü niýstustuý moüthiüýi te. Ki Moüchuý akaý \tr Buffalo bull the «sub.» / to attack him / in order to / backed step by step / walked / the «completed act». / And / Grizzly bear / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:584.8 \op baýazaý-bi etheýgoüi te. Tenuýga akaý Moüchuý eshoüýxchi hiý ki, zhudeý thaheýga-bazhiý-bi oüý, \tr that he was scared / he thought / the «completed act». / Buffalo bull / the «sub.» / Grizzly bear / near to him / arrived / when, / having puffed exceedingly «in breathing», they say, \rf jod 1890:584.9 \op ku'eý athaý-biamaý. Moüchuý moüshiaýhaxti oüth* itheýtha-biamaý. Giý \tr with a rush / went, they say. / Grizzly bear / very high in the air / threw him / suddenly, they say. / Returning \rf jod 1890:584.10 \op ki, shi ithaýoüthe zhaýha-bi oüý, shi moüshiaýha oüth* itheýtha-biamaý. Kiýhadi kiheý ki, \tr when, / again / "on the fly" / having gored him, they say, / again / high in the air / threw him / suddenly, they say. / Downward / laid again / when, \rf jod 1890:584.11 \op toüýde aýbasoüýda-bi kiý, bashnoüý-bi oüý, Moüchuý amaý athaý-biamaý miüdaýda, \tr ground / pushing against the animal on the ground, they say / when, / having failed to gore him, they say, / Grizzly bear / the «mv. sub.» / went, they say / crawling by degrees, \rf jod 1890:584.12 \op bashnoüýshnoü athiüý-biamaý. Moüaý ke uchiýzhe ke eýgiha aýiaýtha-bi oüý, Moüchuý amaý \tr thrusting at him often and missing him each time / had him, they say. / Cliff / the «lg. ob.» / thicket / the «lg. ob.» / into it / having gone, they say, / Grizzly bear / the «mv. sub.» \rf jod 1890:584.13 \op iüteýde Tenuýga amaý ukiýgthispe thi'aý-bi oüý, aýkusoüýde moüaý koüýha ke aýiaýtha-biamaý. \tr but now / Buffalo bull / the «mv. sub.» / to hold himself back / having failed, they say, / beyond / cliff / bank / the «lg. ob.» / had gone, they say. \rf jod 1890:584.14 \op Gaýthuxti ahiý-bi oüý, siüýde ke thixoüý teýgoü nazhiüý-biamaý Tenuýga akaý. \tr At that very unseen place / having reached, there, they say, / tail / the «lg. ob.» / raised and bent / stood, they say / Buffalo bull / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:584.15 \op Moüchuý akaý moüaý ke ugaýs'iü agthiý-bi oüý, "Tenuýga hauý! ikaýgeoükitheý tateý \tr Grizzly bear / the «sub.» / cliff / the «lg. ob.» / peeping / having come back, they say, / Buffalo bull / ho! / we shall be friends \rf jod 1890:584.16 \op hau+! wazhiüý te eaýwakigoü eýgoü," aý-biamaý. \tr «called to one at a distance». / disposition / the / we are alike / somewhat, / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:584.17 \ti Adventures of the orphan \op Toüýwoügthoü juýba gthiüý-biamaý. Ki wa'uýzhiüga wiü Wahoüýthishige \tr Nation / some / sat, they say. / And / old woman / one / Orphan \rf jod 1890:586.1 \op zhuýgigthe toüýwoügthoü gaxaýta gthiüý-biamaý. Goü waxpaýthiüxtioüýi te, ti uýthipu, \tr she with her own / nation / apart from / sat, they say. / And / they were very poor / low tent «of poor people» \rf jod 1890:586.2 \op xaýde tiý te, gthiüý-biamaý. Ki ituýshpa akaý tiý-gaxe-noüý-biamaý. "Koühaý, moüýde \tr grass / lodge / the «std. ob.» / sat, they say. / And / her grandchild / the «sub.» / used to play games, they say. / O grandmother / bow \rf jod 1890:586.3 \op zhiüýga wiü iügaýxa-ga," aý-biamaý. Ikoüý akaý giaýxa-biamaý. Moüý shti giaýxa-biamaý. \tr small / one / make for me, / said, they say. / His grandmother / the «sub.» / made it for him, they say. / Arrow / too / made for him, they say. \rf jod 1890:586.4 \op Goü wazhiüýga wakiýde-noüý-biamaý ituýshpa akaý. Shoüý wazhiüýga-ma \tr And / bird / used to shoot at them, they say / her grandchild / the «sub.». / And / the birds \rf jod 1890:586.5 \op ipiýthahe ke eýgaxeýxti miýwazhi akiý-noü-biamaý. Ki wakiýde-pi-xtiý-biamaý \tr belt / the «lg. ob.» / all around in a circle / putting them in his belt / he used to reach home, they say. / And / he was a very good marksman, they say \rf jod 1890:586.6 \op nuýzhiüga akaý, edaýdoü thiüý shtewoüý t'eýthe-noüý-biamaý. Tiýi thoütaý za'eý-xti-noüý-biamaý, \tr boy / the «sub.», / what / the «mv. ob.» / soever / he usually killed it, they say. / Tents / at the «cv. ob.» / they used to make a great noise, they say. \rf jod 1890:586.7 \op miüý shoü moüýshi tithoüý teýdi. Ikoüý thiükeý iýmaxaý-biamaý: "Koühaý, \tr sun / the «cv. ob.» / high in the air / the «cv. ob.» became / when. / His grandmother / the «st. ob.» / he questioned her, they say: / O grandmother, \rf jod 1890:586.8 \op gaýama za'eý amaý eaýtoüi a," aý-biamaý. Ikoüý akaý eýgithoüý-biamaý, "Gaýama \tr those unseen ones / they are making a noise / why are they / ? / said, they say. / His grandmother / the «sub.» / said to him, they say, / Those unseen ones «sub. of an action» \rf jod 1890:587.1 \op toüýwoügthoü amaýdi wazhiüýga wiü hiý-noü amaý zhiýdexti. Tiýi thoüýdi maý'a \tr nation / near those «sub. of an action» / bird / one / reaches there regularly, they say / very red. / Tents / by the «cv. ob.» / cottonwood \rf jod 1890:587.2 \op xthabeý sneýdeaýxti tethoüý aýtoü-noüý-biamaý wazhiüýga akaý. Tiýi thoü bthuýgaxti \tr tree / very tall / the «std. ob.» in the past / ho stands on regularly, they say / bird / the «sub.». / Tents / the «cv. ob.» / all \rf jod 1890:587.3 \op wazhiüýga akaý ugaýzhide-noüý-biamaý mazhoüý thoü. Eýdegoü niýkagahiý akaý \tr bird / the «sub.» / sheds a red light over them, they say / land / the «cv. ob.». / But / chief / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:587.4 \op kiýdewaýkithaý-biamaý. Eýbe t'eýthe thiükeý izhoüýge thiükeý gthoüý te," aý-biamaý. \tr causes them to shoot at it, they say. / Who / kills it / the one who / his daughter / the one who / marry her / may, / said she, they say. \rf jod 1890:587.5 \op "Koühaý, eýdi btheý taý miüke," aý-biamaý. "Awaýdixti neý te ehoü+! \tr O grandmother, / there / I go / will / I who, / said, they say. / To what place indeed / you go / can / «fem.»! \rf jod 1890:587.6 \op Waweýxtaxtaiý he. Iýthixta taiý he," aý-biamaý ikoüý akaý. "Uthaýde-xti thithiüýge \tr They are those who abuse people / «fem.». / Abuse you / will «pl.» / «fem.». / said, they say / his grandmother / the «sub.». / Real cause for «going?» / you have none \rf jod 1890:587.7 \op ehoü+!" Shoüý ituýshpa akaý moüýde gthiýza-bi egoüý, athaiý te, aýshi. "Eýgithe shneý \tr «few»! / Yet / her grandchild / the «sub.» / bow / took his, they say / as «+having.». / went / out of doors. / Beware / you go \rf jod 1890:587.8 \op te, eheý," aý-biamaý ikoüý akaý. "Goüý gaýgedi tiý-gaxe moübthiüý taý miüke," \tr lest, / I say, / said, they say / his grandmother / the «sub.». / At any rate / to those unseen places / to play games / I walk / will / I who, \rf jod 1890:587.9 \op aý-biamaý ituýshpa akaý. Eýgithe ituýshpa amaý athaý-biamaý shoüýshoü te toüýwoügthoü. \tr said, they say / her grandchild / the «sub.». / At length / her grandchild / the «mv. sub.» / went, they say / without stopping / the / nation. \rf jod 1890:587.10 \op Tiýi thoü koüýge athaý-bi ki, ugaýzhide amaý toüýwoügthoüý thoü. Niýashiüga amaý \tr Tents / the «cv. ob.» / near at hand / went, they say / when, / it shone with a red light / nation / the «cv. ob.». / People / the «pl. sub.» \rf jod 1890:587.11 \op aýkieýxti amaýma kiýde amaýma wazhiüýga thiükeý. Eýdi ahiý-biamaý Wahoüýthishiýge \tr were «mv.» in a great crowd, they say / were shooting at it as they moved, they say / bird / the «st. ob.». / There / arrived, they say / Orphan \rf jod 1890:587.12 \op amaý. Niýashiüga wiüý ahiý-bi egoüý, "Giý-ga haý, Wahoüýthiüge! thakiýde te," \tr the «mv. sub.». / Person / one / reached there, they say / as «+having», / O come / Orphan! / you shoot at it / may \rf jod 1890:587.13 \op aý-biamaý. Noüýwapaýbi egoüý, waýbagtha nazhiüý-biamaý Wahoüýthishiýge akaý. \tr said, they say. / Feared them, they say / as «+having» / drawing back thro' shame or diffidence / stood, they say / Orphan / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:587.14 \op Niýashiüga amaý a-iý-bi egoüý, "Guýdiha! guýdiha eýgoü! Wahoüýthishiýge kiýde \tr Person / the «mv. sub.» / coming, they say / as, / That way! / that way / somewhat! / Orphan / shoot at it \rf jod 1890:587.15 \op tateý," aý-biamaý. Wahoüýthiýshiýge akaý wazhiüýga kiýda-biamaý. Noüýzhiüshcheýxchi \tr shall, / said, they say. / Orphan / the «sub.» / bird / shot at it, they say. / Barely \rf jod 1890:587.16 \op muýshnoü itheýtha-biamaý. Ishtiýnike akaý kiýde ki, sakib* iheý thiýxthe wiü \tr he suddenly missed hitting it, they say. / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / shot at it / when / beside / lying / reed / one \rf jod 1890:588.1 \op thidoüý theýtha-biamaý. Niýashiüga amaý aý-biama, "Wuhu+! Wahoüýthiüge akaý \tr pulling «the string» / he sent it, they say. / People / the «pl. sub.» / said, they say, / Oh! / Orphan / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:588.2 \op oüýthiü t'eýthab athiüý!" "Wiýe bthiüý," aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Wazhiüýga amaý \tr came very near killing it! / I / I am, / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Bird / the «mv. sub.» \rf jod 1890:588.3 \op gioüý athaý-biamaý ki, niýashiüga amaý goüý ueýtha agthaý-biamaý. Goüý Wahoüýthishiýge \tr flying / went, they say / when, / people / the «pl. sub.» / at any rate / scattering / went homeward, they say. / And / Orphan \rf jod 1890:588.4 \op shti agthaý-biamaý. Ki akiýi te, ikoüý thiükeýdi. "Koühaý, wazhiüýga thiükeý \tr too / went homeward, they say. / And / he reached home, / his grandmother / at the «st. one». / O grandmother, / bird / the one who \rf jod 1890:588.5 \op oüýthiü t'eýath aýthiü ha," aý-biamaý. "Iýthoüboüý thaýzhi-a he+! Iýthixta taiý he. \tr I came very near killing it / / said, they say. / A second time / go not / «fem.»! / Abuse you / will «pl.» / «fem.». \rf jod 1890:588.6 \op Shnaýzhi te oüthoüýi thoüshtiý," aý-biamaý ikoüý akaý. Shi oüýba aýzhi te shi \tr You go not / shall / we said / heretofore, / said, they say / his grandmother / the «sub.». / Again / day / another / the / again \rf jod 1890:588.7 \op hoüýegoüýche te eýdi athaý-biamaý. Shi za'eýxtioüý-biamaý. Shi ahiý-biamaý ki, \tr morning / the / there / went, they say. / Again / there was a great noise, they say. / Again / arrived there, they say / when \rf jod 1890:588.8 \op eýgoü-biamaý. Shi niýashiüga kiýde aýgazhi akaý shi eýgoü kiýde aýgazhiý-biamaý. Shi kiýdai \tr so, they say. / Again / person / to shoot at it / commanded him / the «sub.» / again / so / to shoot at it / commanded him, they say. / Again / he shot at it \rf jod 1890:588.9 \op te eýgoü-biamaý. Shi noüýzhiüshcheýxchi muýshnoü-biamaý. Shi Ishtiýnike akaý kide \tr the «past act» / so, they say. / Again / barely / missed hitting it, they say. / Again / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / shot at it \rf jod 1890:588.10 \op ki sakib* iheý thiýxthe wiü thidoüý theýtha-biamaý. (Oüd so on, as on the first day. \tr when / beside / lying / reed / one / pulling «the string» / he sent it, they say. \rf jod 1890:588.11 \op Similar adventures on the third day.) Oüýba weýduba te ahiýi te wazhiüýga \tr Day / fourth / the / arrived there / the «+when» / bird \rf jod 1890:588.12 \op thiükeý kiýda-biamaý. Kuýsoüdeýxti ithoüýtha-biamaý. "Wuhu+! Wahoüýthiüge \tr the one who / shot at it, they say. / Through and through / he placed it, they say. / Oh! / Orphan \rf jod 1890:588.13 \op akaý t'eýthe," aý-bi kiýzhi, Ishtiýnike akaý, "Sa! sa! Wiý t'eaýthe! Wiý t'eaýthe! \tr the «sub.» / has killed it, / said, they say / when, / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.», / «see note» / I / I killed it! / I / I killed it \rf jod 1890:588.14 \op Uthaýde thithiüýge! Uthaýde thithiüýge!" aý-biamaý. Goü uheýwakitha-bazhiý-biamaý \tr Cause for «complaint?» / you have none! / Cause for «complaint?» / you have none! / said, they say. / And / he would not let them have their way, they say \rf jod 1890:588.15 \op Ishtiýnike akaý, goüý Wahoüýthishiýge wazhiüýga t'eýthai te giýnashaý-biamaý. Goüý \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.», / and / Orphan / bird / killed it / the / snatched from him, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:588.16 \op niýashiüga amaý aýkie aýbanoü wazhiüýga thiükeý nazhiüý-biamaý. Ki Wahoüýthishige \tr people / the «pl. sub.» / in a crowd / viewing the spectacle / bird / the «st. ob.» / stood, they say. / And / Orphan \rf jod 1890:588.17 \op amaý eýdi athaý-bi egoüý, hiüý wiü thishnuýda-bi ki, wazhiüýga bthuýgaxti gthiýza-biamaý, \tr the «mv. sub.» / there / went, they say / as «+having», / feather / one / pulled out, they say / when, / bird / whole / took his own they say, \rf jod 1890:589.1 \op zhiýdexti amaý. Agthaý-biamaý. Goüýki niýkagahiý akaý gaý-biamaý, \tr very red / they say. / Went homeward, they say. / And then / chief / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say, \rf jod 1890:589.2 \op "Witoüýde thiü athiüý giýi-ga," aý-biamaý. Goüý wazhiüýga thiükeý athiüý agthaý-bi \tr My daughter's husband / the «mv. one» / be / bringing him hither, / said, they say. / And / bird / the one who / took it homeward, they say \rf jod 1890:589.3 \op egoüý niýkagahiý akaý eýthiü akiý-i-biamaý, Ishtiýnike akaý shti athiüý akiý-i-biamaý. \tr as «+having» / chief / the «sub.» / had it taken there to him, they say, / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / too / was taken there to him, they say. \rf jod 1890:589.4 \op Izhoüýge thoükaý noübaý eýiüge noüý thiükeý Ishtiýnike akaý gthoüý-biamaý. Goüý \tr His daughter / the ones who / two / perhaps / grown / the one who / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / took her to wife, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:589.5 \op miüýgthoüi eýgoü, goüý gthiüý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Wahoüýthishiýge akaý akiý-biamaý. \tr took a wife / as, / so / sat, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Orphan / the «sub.» / reached there his home, they say. \rf jod 1890:589.6 \op "Koühaý, wazhiüýga thiükeý t'eaýthe agthiý," aý-biamaý. "Heý! shpathoüý! heý, shpathoüý!" \tr O grandmother, / bird / the «st. ob.» / I killed it / I have come home, / said, they say. / Oh! / grandchild! / oh! / grandchild! \rf jod 1890:589.7 \op aý-biamaý. "Koühaý, weýthitoü-teýgthe iügaýxa-ga haý, uthiýzoü teýdi," aý-biamaý. \tr said, they say. / O grandmother, / [See notes.] / make for me / ! / middle / at the, / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:589.8 \op Goüý tiý te ugaýzhideýxti gthiüý-biamaý Wahoüýthishiýge akaý ikoüý eýthoüba. Ki, \tr And / tent / the «std. ob.» / filled with a very red light / sat, they say / Orphan / the «sub.» / his grandmother / she too. / And, \rf jod 1890:589.9 \op "Koühaý, wathiýgizhe wiü iügaýxa-ga," aý-biamaý. Goüý ikoüý akaý wathiýgizhe giaýxa-biamaý. \tr O grandmother, / hoop «of hide?» / one / make for me, / said, they say. / And / his grandmother / the «sub.» / hoop / made for him, they say. \rf jod 1890:589.10 \op Wathiýgizhe biz* ithoüýtha-bi teýdi, uhiýta-bazhiý-biamaý Wahoüýthishiýge \tr Hoop / to dry / was placed, they say / when, / was anxiously waiting for it, they say / Orphan \rf jod 1890:589.11 \op akaý. Eýgithe biýze amaý. "Hauý, koühaý, uthiýzoü te gthiüý-ga haý," aý-biamaý. \tr the «sub.». / At length / dry / they say. / Ho, / grandmother, / middle / the / sit / ! / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:589.12 \op Goüý Wahoüýthishiýge akaý aýshiataý a-iý-nazhiüý-biamaý, tizheýbe iýshnugataýthishoü teýdi \tr And / Orphan / the «sub.» / outside / came and stood, they say, / door / towards the right hand / at the \rf jod 1890:589.13 \op nazhiüý-biamaý. Ki gaý-biamaý ikoüý thiükeý, "Koühaý, esheý te haý, Teý niýkashiüýga \tr stood, they say. / And / said as follows, they say / his grandmother / the «st. ob.», / O grandmother, / you say it / shall / , / Buffalo / person \rf jod 1890:589.14 \op waýdoüb eýgoü noü goüý-xti eýde shutheý he, shpathoüý he, esheý te haý, koühaý," \tr they are seen «?» / usually so / of that very sort «?» / but / goes to you / «fem.»., / you say it / shall / , / O grandmother, \rf jod 1890:589.15 \op aý-biamaý. Goüý ikoüý akaý eýgithoüý-biamaý. Tiýataýtoü wathiýgizhe thoü banoüýge \tr said he, they say. / And / his grandmother / the «sub.» / said to him, they say. / From the tent / hoop / the «cv. ob.» / making it roll by pushing \rf jod 1890:589.16 \op iýtha-biamaý. Tizheýbe te aýshi eýthoübe atiý-bi ki, teý the uthaiý akaý wiüý goüý \tr she sent it hither, they say. / Doorway / the / outside / emerging / it came, they say / when, / buffalo / this / told of / the «sub.» / one / so \rf jod 1890:589.17 \op tithoüý-biamaý. Wahoüýthishiýge akaý kuýsoüdeýxti ithoüýtha-biamaý, tizheýbe teýdi \tr became suddenly «a cv. ob.», they say. / Orphan / the «sub.» / through and through / placed it, they say, / doorway / at the \rf jod 1890:590.1 \op t'eýtha-biamaý. Goüý ikoüý eýthoüba paýda-bi egoüý, ikoüý akaý bthugaxti aýga-biamaý. \tr killed it, they say. / And / his grandmother / she too / they cut up the animal, they say / as «+having», / his grandmother / the «sub.» / whole / cut into slices, they say they say. \rf jod 1890:590.2 \op Toüýwoügthoü wathaýta-bazhiý-biamaý. Ikoüý akaý iýthixthi heýbe gaýxa-biamaý. \tr Nation / did not eat anything, they say. / His grandmother / the «sub.» / [See note.] / piece / made, they say. \rf jod 1890:590.3 \op Thishtoüý-bi ki, "Koühaý, iýthixthi sheýte aniüý neý te," aý-biamaý, "niýkagahiý \tr Finished, they say / when, / O grandmother, / [See note.] / that pile / having it / you go / will, / said, they say, / chief \rf jod 1890:590.4 \op thiükeýdi. Geýshe te haý, Tiniý, gaýte thiaýdi thateý tedoü+," aý-biamaý. "Oüý, \tr to the «st. ob.» / You say as follows / will / , / O son's wife, / that / your father / eat / he may. «fem.» [See note.] / said, they say. / Yes, \rf jod 1890:590.5 \op goü, eýgoü tateý, shpathoüý," aý-biamaý ikoüý akaý. Goüý eýdi athaý-biamaý ikoüý amaý. \tr and, / so / shall, / grandchild, / said, they say / his grandmother / the «sub.». / And / there / went, they say / his grandmother / the «mv. sub.». \rf jod 1890:590.6 \op Goüý tizheýbe teýdi ubaýhoü theýtha-bi egoüý, kigthiýsoütha theýtha-bi egoüý, agiý-biamaý \tr And / doorway / at the / part of tent near entrance / sent it off, they say / having, / turned herself around suddenly, they say / having, / she was returning home, they say \rf jod 1890:590.7 \op wa'uýzhiüga akaý. Ki gaý-biamaý tiýata akaý, "Doüýbai-ga, doüýbai-ga, doüýbai-ga," \tr old woman / the «sub.». / And / said as follows, they say / in the tent / the one who «sub.», / Look ye! / Look ye! / Look ye! \rf jod 1890:590.8 \op aý-biamaý. Doüýbe eýthoübe ahiý-bi ki, niýashiüýga shtewoüý thiügaý-biamaý. \tr said, they say. / To look / emerging / arrived there, they say / when, / person / soever / there was none, they say. \rf jod 1890:590.9 \op (Wahoüýthishiýge akaý ikoüý thiükeý wathiýshnazhi gikaýxa-biamaý, aýdoü haýshi teýdi, \tr (Orphan / the «sub.» / his grandmother / the one who «ob.» / invisible / made his, they say, / therefore / after / when, \rf jod 1890:590.10 \op oüýba weýduboüý tediýhi ki, "Koühaý, wathiýshna shkiý tateý ha, iüýtoü," aý-biamaý.) \tr day / fourth time / the, it arrived there / when, / O grandmother, / visible / you come back / shall / , / now, / said he, they say.) \rf jod 1890:590.11 \op Ki Ishtiýnike akaý gaý-biamaý, "Wa'uýzhiüga wiüaýxchi ushteý degoüý eý te ha," \tr And / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say, / Old woman / just one / remains / but / that / is the one «?» / \rf jod 1890:590.12 \op aý-biamaý. Shi duboüý eýgoüi te. Weýduboüý tediýhi ki, uýthikiýhoü wiüý \tr said, they say. / Again / four times / it was so. / Fourth time / the, it arrived there / when, / sack of buffalo meat / one \rf jod 1890:590.13 \op 'iüý-biamaý ikoüý akaý, wazhiüýga thiükeý aýtagthoüý-biamaý. "Koühaý, iüýtoü wathiýshna \tr carried on her back, they say / his grandmother / the «sub.», / bird / the «st. ob.» / she carried the «cv. ob.» on top of a pile, they say. / O grandmother, / now / visible \rf jod 1890:590.14 \op shkiý tateý ha," aý-biamaý. Goü ikoüý amaý athaý-biamaý, wazhiüýga thiükeý \tr you come back / shall / / said, they say. / And / his grandmother / the «mv. sub.» / went, they say, / bird / the «st. ob.» \rf jod 1890:590.15 \op aýtagthoüý-biamaý. Ki tiý te koüýge ahiý-bi ki, tiý te ugaýzhide athaý-biamaý. \tr she carried the «cv. ob.» on top of a pile, they say. / And / tent / the «std. ob.» / near / arrived there, they say / when, / tent / the «std. ob.» / began to shine with a red light, they say. \rf jod 1890:590.16 \op Tiýi koüýha ke athaý-biamaý. Niýkashiüýga amaý eýgithoüý-biamaý, "Wuhu+! \tr Tents / border / the «lg. ob.» / went, they say. / People / the «pl. sub.» / said to «some one», they say, / Oho! \rf jod 1890:591.1 \op Wahoüýthiügeý akaý wazhiüýga t'eýtha-bi oüthoüýi kiýshte, Ishtiýnike t'eýthe eshaiý \tr Orphan / the «sub.» / bird / that he killed it / we thought it / when, / @{Ishtiýnike} / killed it / you said \rf jod 1890:591.2 \op thoü. Wahoüýthiügeý ikoüý amaý theý 'iüý atiý. Ebeýdi 'iü theý doü," eý-noü-biamaý. \tr in the past. / Orphan / his grandmother / the «mv. sub.» / this / carrying on her back / has come. / To whose lodge / carrying on her back / she goes / ? / said regularly, they say. \rf jod 1890:591.3 \op Goüý doüýbe nazhiüý-biamaý niýkashiüýga amaý. "Wuhu+! niýkagahiý tiý \tr And / seeing / stood, they say / people / the «pl. sub.». / Oho! / chief / tent \rf jod 1890:591.4 \op teýdi 'iüý athaiý," aý-biamaý. Tizheýbe teýdi ahiý-bi egoüý, wa'iüý te gapuk*iteý \tr to the / carrying on her back / she went, / said, they say. / Doorway / at the / reached, they say / as «+having», / load on her back / the «ob.» / making the sound "puki" by falling \nt =@{gapuýkiteý} \rf jod 1890:591.5 \op gaýxa-biamaý. "Hiüý, tini+, thiaýdi thisoüýga meýgoü sheýte thateý taiý-edoü+," \tr she made it, they say. / Oh! / son's wife, / your father / your brother / likewise / this pile / they eat it / may «pl.». «fem.» [See note.] \rf jod 1890:591.6 \op aý-biamaý. "Doüýbai-ga, doüýbai-ga, doüýbai-ga! Gaýte shti goüý-noü aýhoü," \tr said, they say. / See «ye»! / see «ye»! / see «ye»! / That thing / too / she has done it regularly / ! \rf jod 1890:591.7 \op aý-biamaý niýkagahiý akaý. Goü Ishtiýnike akaý gaý-biamaý, "Wa'uýzhiüga wiüaýxchi \tr said, they say / chief / the «sub.». / And / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say, / Old woman / only one \rf jod 1890:591.8 \op ushteý degoüý eý thiü te, goüýki ebeý taýdoü," aý-biamaý. Ki doüýbe a-iý-biamaý. \tr remains / but / she / is the one / and then / who / could? / said, they say. / And / to see her / they came, they say. \rf jod 1890:591.9 \op Kiý eýgithe Wahoüýthishiýge ikoüý akaý eý akaýma. "Wahoüýthiügeý ikoüý eý akaý heý," \tr And / behold / Orphan / his grandmother / the «sub.» / she was the one, they say. / Orphan / his grandmother / she is the one / «fem.»., \rf jod 1890:591.10 \op aý-biamaý. "Hauý, witoüýde athiüý giýi-ga," aý-biamaý. Goü theýte wa'iüý teý thizaiý \tr said, they say. / Ho, / my daughter's husband / bring «ye» him hither, / said, they say. / And / this pile / bundle or pack / the pile / they took \rf jod 1890:591.11 \op te ikoüý thiü wa'iüý hi te thizaiý te, wazhiüýga thiükeý shti thizaý-bi egoüý, \tr when, / his grandmother / the «mv. ob.» / pack that she took they took it thither / when, / bird / the «st. ob.» / too / took, they say / as «+having,» \rf jod 1890:591.12 \op ubaýtithoüýtha-biamaý. Ishtiýnike t'eýthe thiüýkeý edaýbe ithoüýtha-biamaý. \tr hung it up, they say. / @{Ishtiýnike} / killed it / the one who / he put it down / the one who / also / they put it down, they say. \rf jod 1890:591.13 \op Ti te ugaýzhideýxti gthiüý-biamaý. Goü Wahoüýthiýshige akaý athiüý akiýi-bi \tr Tent / the «std. ob.» / shining with a very red light / sat, they say. / And / Orphan / the «sub.» / taken him back thither, they say \rf jod 1890:591.14 \op egoüý, zhiügaý thiükeý gthoüý-biamaý. Goüý gthiü-biamaý, miüýgthoü-bi egoüý. \tr having, / small / the one who / he took to wife, they say. / So / sat, they say, / taken a wife, they say / having. \rf jod 1890:591.15 \op Nazhiýha thoüý iýthiskiýski-xtioüý-biamaý, gahaý-bazhi shoüshoüý-bi egoüý, xthoüýzhe-xtioüý-biamaý. \tr Hair / the part / exceedingly tangled, they say, / uncombed / remained, they say / having, / exceedingly tangled, they say. \rf jod 1890:591.16 \op Ishtiýnike igaýxthoü akaý, "Wiheý, umiüýzhe he iüýbixpaýthe te he! \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / his wife / the «sub.», / Younger sister / couch «&or rug» / lice / he made fall by pressure on me accidentally / will / «fem.»! \rf jod 1890:591.17 \op Moüshiýataha eýgoü gthiüýkithaiý-a he! Wanoüýdethagthaýzhi ehoü+!" aý-biamaý. \tr At a greater distance / cause ye him to sit / «fem.»! / You do not loathe him / «fem.»! / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:591.18 \op Wahoüýthishiýge igaýxthoü eýthoüba giýtha-bazhiýxti gthiüý-biamaý. Wa'uý akaý giaýhe \tr Orphan / his wife / she too / very sad / sat, they say. / Woman / the «sub.» / to comb for him \rf jod 1890:592.1 \op 'iýtha-bi ki, uthiý'age-noüý-biamaý Wahoüýthishiýge akaý. Goüý gthiüýi te, miüýgthoüi \tr promised, they say / but, / always unwilling, they say / Orphan / the «sub.». / So / he sat / sign of complete action, / taken a wife \rf jod 1890:592.2 \op eýgoü. Oüýba miüý moüýshi tithoüý amaý kiý, wa'uý thiükeý zhuýgigthe athaý-biamaý \tr having. / Day / sun / was becoming high in the air, they say / when, / woman / the one who / with her his own / he went, they say \rf jod 1890:592.3 \op mazhoüý gashiýbata. Ahiýi te ha. Neuýthishoü wiüý eshoüý gthiüý eýiüte eýta ahiý-biamaý \tr land / beyond «the village.» / They arrived there / . / Lake / one / near to / sat / perhaps / there / arrived, they say \rf jod 1890:592.4 \op wa'uý zhuýgigthe. Gthiüý-biamaý, ni-koüýha kedi. "Ni theýthoü moüýte \tr woman / with her, his own. / Sat, they say, / shore / by the. / Water / this «cv. ob.» / beneath \rf jod 1890:592.5 \op btheý taý miüke thoüýzha, eýgithe thagtheý te ha. Agthiý-maýzhi shteýshtewoü, goüý \tr I go / will / I who / though, / beware / you go homeward / lest / . / I come back I not / notwithstanding, / still \rf jod 1890:592.6 \op gthiüý-ga. Agthiý taý miüke ha," aý-biamaý Wahoüthishiýge akaý "Peý gaýthoü eýdoü \tr sit. / I come back / will / I who / / said, they say / Orphan / the «sub.» / Forehead / that part / in particular «?» \rf jod 1890:592.7 \op weýgaskoüoüýtha-ga," aý-biamaý. Peý thoü iýdoübeýxti unuýshka-biamaý. Goüý \tr examine me as to it, / said, they say. / Forehead / the part / in the very middle / was a depression, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:592.8 \op wahoüýthishiýgai eýgoü waxpaýthiüi eýgoü uhiýi eýgoü nieýthe doüýshte-oüýi te, snaiý \tr orphan / as / was poor / as / was brought up / as / was hurt / perhaps / sign of completed action, / was scarred \rf jod 1890:592.9 \op te, peý thoüýdi. Goü niý ke zhuýhe athaý-biamaý. Goüý paýxti thoü eýthoübe \tr sign of completed action, / forehead / on the part. / And / stream / the «lg. ob.» / fording / went, they say. / And / only the head / the part / emerging \rf jod 1890:592.10 \op nazhiüý-bi egoüý, kigthiýsoüthaý-bi egoüý, wa'uý thiükeý ugiýkie iýtha-biama. "Edaýdoü \tr stood, they say / having, / turned himself around, they say / having, / woman / the one who / speaking to her, his own / sent «his voice» hither, they say. / What \rf jod 1890:592.11 \op uwiýbtha te siýtha-ga," aý-biamaý. "Shoüý ha," aý-bi egoüý, niý ke eýgiha aýiaýtha-biamaý. \tr I told you / sign of past or complete action / remember it, / said, they say. / Enough / / said, they say / having / stream / the «lg. ob.» / beneath the surface / had gone they say. \rf jod 1890:592.12 \op Goüý wa'uý thiükeý xageý thiükeý te goüý gthiýazhi te eýtoü ni-koüýha \tr And / woman / the «st. one» / was weeping «as she sat» / as / still / he did not come back / as / so far / bank, &or shore \rf jod 1890:592.13 \op ke uhaý goü xageý moüthiüý-biamaý. Ishtaýha ke uzheýtha-bi egoüý, zhoüý-biamaý \tr the «lg. ob.» / following the course / still / weeping / walked, they say. / Eyelid / the «lg. ob.» / weary, they say / being, / slept, they say \rf jod 1890:592.14 \op wa'uý akaý. Mazhoüý thoü ni-koüýha keýdi pahoüýga ahiýi thoütaý akiý-bi egoüý, \tr woman / the «sub.». / Land / the «place» / bank, «&or shore» / by the / first / they reached there / to the «place» / she reached there again, they say / having, \rf jod 1890:592.15 \op eýdi zhoüý-biamaý. Zhoüt'eýxti zhoü keý ki, eýdi akiý-biamaý nuý akaý. Thixiý-biamaý. \tr there / she lay down, they say. / Sound asleep / she was lying / when, / there / he reached there again, they say / man / the «sub.» / He woke her by taking hold of her, they say. \rf jod 1890:592.16 \op "Agthiý ha. Paýhoü ga haý," aý-biamaý. Paýhoü titheýgoü wadoüýbe kiýzhi, eýgithe \tr I have returned / . / Arise / ! / said, they say. / Arose / suddenly, when / she locked / when / behold \rf jod 1890:593.1 \op niýashiüga akaý uýdoüxti akaýma, nazhiýha keý shti uýdoüxtiý-bi goüý waýbagthaý goü \tr person / the «sub.» / was very good, they say, / hair / the «lg. ob.» / too / very good, they say / as / hesitated thro' shame or diffidence / as \rf jod 1890:593.2 \op kigthiýsoüthaý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. "Hiü"! na! waweýthaxaýxa ehoü+! Niýashiüga \tr she turned herself around, they say / woman / the «sub.». / Oh! / fie! / you are one given to abusing people / «fem.»! / Man \rf jod 1890:593.3 \op wiü waxpaýthiüxti aýbthixeý degoüý niý theýthoüdi eýgihitheý degoüý gthiýazhi eýgoü \tr one / very poor / I took him as my husband / but / water / at this / he went beneath the surface / but / he has not returned / as \rf jod 1890:593.4 \op axaýge ithaýapeý miükeý. Waweýthaxaýxa ehoü+!" aý-biamaý. "Tenaý! wiýe bthiüý," \tr I weep / I wait for him / I who sit. / You are one given to abusing people / «fem.»! / said, they say. / Why! / I / I am, \rf jod 1890:593.5 \op aý-biamaý nuý akaý. Shoüý noü aýna'oü-bazhiý-biamaý wa'uý akaý. "Teýnaý! gaýthoü \tr said, they say / man / the «sub.». / Yet / still / she paid no attention to him, they say / woman / the «sub.». / Why! / that «place» \rf jod 1890:593.6 \op weýgaskoüoüthaýthe te eheý thoüýshti doüýba-ga haý." Wa'uý akaý kigthiýsoüthaý-bi \tr you examine me as to it / will / I said / heretofore / see it / ! / Woman / the «sub.» / turned herself around, they say \rf jod 1890:593.7 \op egoüý, doüýba-bi ki, iüteýde aýgin ithoüý-bi egoüý, iýagikigthaý-biamaý. Ki nikoüýha \tr as «+having», / saw him, they say / when / now «a reversal of previous act, etc.» / embraced him, her own, suddenly, they say / as «+having», / kissed him, her own, they say. / And / shore «of the lake» \rf jod 1890:593.8 \op keýdi athaý-bi egoüý, tat'iüýxe ni-koüýha iýgabeýxiü ge utheýwiüthaý-bi \tr to the / went, they say / as «+having», / green scum that arises on water in springs, etc. / shore / blown up there from «the water» / the scattered / collected, they say \rf jod 1890:593.9 \op egoüý, waiüý gikaýxa-biamaý wa'uý thiükeý, wateý shti gikaýxa-biamaý. Wahoüýthishiýge \tr as «+having», / robe / made for her, his own, they say / woman / the «st. ob.», / skirt / too / made for her, his own, they say. / Orphan \rf jod 1890:593.10 \op akaý wazhiüýga oüýshte wapuýgahahaýda-eýgoü-maý hiübeý thoü shti waýzhi \tr the «sub.» / bird / as if / those resembling short-eared owls / moccasin / the part / too / laid in great numbers \rf jod 1890:593.11 \op utoüý-biama, waiüý thoü shti waýzhi waiüý-biamaý, zhoü- weýtiü shti wiü athiüý-bi ki, \tr were as moccasins, they say, / robe / the part / too / laid on in great numbers / wore as a robe, they say, / wood / for hitting / too / one / he had, they say / when \rf jod 1890:593.12 \op iýkoütoüý shti waýxa-biama. Zhoü-weýtiü ke iheýthe-noüý-bi thoüýdi wazhiüýga akaý \tr tied to it / too / he made them, they say. / Wood / for hitting / the «lg. ob.» / laid down the «lg. ob.» usually, they say / when / bird / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:593.13 \op gahut* (oü) iheý- noüý- biamaý. Goüý igaýxthoü eýthoüba agthaý-biamaý paýze-xchi \tr crying out from being hit / was placed horizontally suddenly / usually / they say. / And / his wife / she too / they started home, they say / late in the afternoon \rf jod 1890:593.14 \op ki. Eýthoübe akiý-biamaý tiý ke. Tiý ke bazoüý agthaý-biamaý ki eýgithe niýashiüga \tr when. / Emerging «+in sight» / they reached there again, they say / tent / the «lg. line» / pushing among them / went back, they say / when / at length / people \rf jod 1890:593.15 \op amaý eýgithoü-noüý-biamaý, "Na! Wahoüýthiügeý igaýxthoü niýkashiüýga aýzhixti \tr the «pl. sub.» / said to «one» regularly, they say, / Why! / Orphan / his wife / person / very different \rf jod 1890:593.16 \op akeýdegoü zhuýgthe agthiýi ha. Wahoüýthiügeý t'eýthai ebtheýgoü." Hoüýegoücheaýdi \tr he is but / with him / she has come back / . / Orphan / he has killed / I think. / In the morning now past \rf jod 1890:594.1 \op eýgoü athaý-biamaý. "Na! niýkashiüýga akaý uýdoü heýgabaýzhi," eýnoü-biamaý niýashiüýga \tr so / went, they say. / Why! / person / the «sub.» / good / not a little, / said, usually, they say / people \rf jod 1890:594.2 \op amaý. Akiý-biamaý tiý teýdi. Theýama wazhiüýga amaý huýtoü za'eýxtioüý \tr the «pl. sub.». / Reached there, his home, they say / tent / to the. / These / birds / the «pl. sub.» / crying out / made a great noise \rf jod 1890:594.3 \op biamaý tiý te akiý-bi egoüý. Ishtiýnike igaýxthoü akaý, "Iüteýde, wiheý wiýshi'e \tr they say / tent / the «std. ob.» / reached there, his home, they say / having. / @{Ishtiýnike} / his wife / the «sub.», / But now, / younger sister / my sister's husband \rf jod 1890:594.4 \op umiüýzhe thoü heýbe aýgthiü te, eheý," aý-biamaý. "Naý, zhoüýthehaý, thiýshi'e heý eýgithe \tr rug / the / part / sit on / may, / I say, / said, they say. / No, / elder sister, / your sister's husband / louse / beware \rf jod 1890:594.5 \op eýthibixpaýthe te heý," aý-bi egoüý, umiüýzhe iýgithibeýxiü theýtha-biamaý. Ishtiýnike \tr he let it fall on you by pressure accidentally / lest / «fem.»., / said, they say / having, / rug / turned it up for the owner / sent it off, they say. / @{Ishtiýnike} \rf jod 1890:594.6 \op igaýxthoü akaý xageý-noü shoüshoüý-biamaý. Kiý eýgithe ithaýdi akaý eýgithoüý-biamaý, \tr his wife / the «sub.» / weeping regularly / always, they say. / And / at length / her father / the «sub.» / said to «him», they say, \rf jod 1890:594.7 \op Ishtiýnike eý wakaý-bi egoüý, "Mazhoüý theýthoü theýthoüsk eýdegoü weýthigthoü gaxaýxa \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / that / he meant, they say / having, / Land / this / this size / but / plan / with many branches \rf jod 1890:594.8 \op uthiýthai thoüýshti. Shiüýgazhiüýga xageý iüýthashtoüýzhi ha," aý-biamaý iüsh'aýge akaý. \tr they told of you / in the past. / Child / weeping / does not stop for me / / said, they say / old man / the «sub.», \rf jod 1890:594.9 \op Ishtiýnike igaýxthoü eý wakaý-biamaý, Wahoüýthishiýge xtaýthai te. Ki Ishtiýnike \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / his wife / that / meant, they say, / Orphan / she loved / the. / And / @{Ishtiýnike} \rf jod 1890:594.10 \op akaý eýgithe eýgithoüý-biamaý, Wahoüýthishiýge ukiýa-bi egoüý, "Kageý, moüýsa maýxoü \tr the «sub.» / at length / said to «him», they say, / Orphan / spoke to him, they say / having, / Younger brother, / arrowshaft / to cut with a knife \rf jod 1890:594.11 \op oügaýthe te ha. Thitaýhoü moüý iüwiüýgaxe te ha," aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. \tr let us two go / . / Your wife's brother / arrow / let us make for them / , / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:594.12 \op Ki Wahoüýthishiýge akaý iýa-bazhiý-biamaý. Kiý shi eýgithoüý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý, \tr And / Orphan / the «sub.» / did not speak, they say. / And / again / said to him, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.», \rf jod 1890:594.13 \op "Kageý, thitaýhoü moüý iüwiüýgaxe te ha. Moüýsa maýxoü oügaýthe te ha," \tr Younger brother, / your wife's brother / arrow / let us make for them / . / Arrowshaft / to cut / let us two go / , \rf jod 1890:594.14 \op aý-biamaý. "Keý, zhiütheýha, eýgoü te ha," aý-biamaý Wahoüýthishiýge akaý. Goüý \tr said, they say. / Come, / elder brother, / so / let / / said, they say / Orphan / the «sub.». / And \rf jod 1890:594.15 \op Ishtiýnike akaý giý+thextioüý-biamaý, zhuýgthe atheý ta akeý-goü. Waýthaha te iteýthe \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / was exceedingly delighted, they say, / with him / he was about to go, as. / Clothing / the / to put away \rf jod 1890:594.16 \op 'iýthe ki, uiýthi'agaý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. "Goüý aýthahaý-ga! Eaýtoü iteýthathe ta," \tr spoke of / when, / was unwilling for him, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Still «at any rate» / wear the clothing! / Why / you put it away / should? \rf jod 1890:594.17 \op aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Goüý zhuýgthe athaý-biamaý. Xthabeý shuýgaxti eýiüte koüýha \tr said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / And / with him / went, they say. / Tree / very thick / it may be / border \rf jod 1890:594.18 \op keý ahiý-biamaý ki, eýgithe ziziýka gioüý athaý biamaý. Ki xthabeý aý-ithoüý-biamaý. \tr the «lg. ob.» / reached there, they say / when, / behold / wild turkey / flying / went, they say. / And / tree / alighted on, they say. \rf jod 1890:595.1 \op "Wa! kageý, wakiýda-ga haý. Wiü bthaýte azhoüý te ha, basnoüý," aý-biamaý \tr Oh! / younger brother / shoot at them / ! / One / I eat / I recline / may / , / pushed on a stick to be roasted «?» / said, they say \rf jod 1890:595.2 \op Ishtiýnike akaý. "Naý, zhiütheýha, wanoüýxthiüxti oügaýthe," aý-biamaý Wahoüýthishiýge \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / No, / elder brother, / in great haste / we go, / said, they say / Orphan \rf jod 1890:595.3 \op akaý. "Wa! kageý, wiü t'eoüýkithaý-ga haý," aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. "Daýdoü, \tr the «sub.». / Why! / younger brother / one / kill for me / ! / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / What, \rf jod 1890:595.4 \op wizhiüýthe daýdoü 'iýthe-noüýdi, thashtoüýzhi a iýnahiü aýhoü," aý-bi egoüý, Wahoüýthishiýge \tr my elder brother / what / speaks about whenever, / does not stop speaking / ! / truly / «in soliloquy»!, / said, they say / having, / Orphan \rf jod 1890:595.5 \op amaý eýdi athaý-bi egoüý, wakiýde teýgoü moüýde ke gthiýze amaý. Uýsoüga moüý \tr the «mv. sub.» / there / went, they say / having, / to shoot / in order / bow / the «lg. ob.» / was taking his own, they say. / Barely, &or just about to / arrow \rf jod 1890:595.6 \op ke thidoüýxti ta toüý ki, "Utaý ha!" aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý, zhizhiý iaý-bi egoüý. Ki \tr the «lg. ob.» / pulled hard on the bowstring / future sign / the «std. ob.» / when, / Lodge on a limb / ! / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.», / whispering / spoke, they say / having. / And \rf jod 1890:595.7 \op Wahoüýthishiýge akaý wakiýda-bi egoüý, wiü kuýsoüdeýxti ithoüýtha-biamaý. "Utaý \tr Orphan / the «sub.» / shot at, they say / having, / one / through and through / placed «the bird», they say. / Lodge on a limb \rf jod 1890:595.8 \op ha, utaý ha!" aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Uxpaýthe iý ki, hebaýdi utaý amaý. \tr ! / lodge on a limb / ! / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Falling from a height / it was coming / when, / on the way / it lodged in a limb, they say. \rf jod 1890:595.9 \op "Wuhuý! kaýge-soüýga, iüýne hiý theýtha-ga haý," aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. "Naý, \tr Oho! / friend younger brother, / climb for me / reach / send off / ! / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / No, \rf jod 1890:595.10 \op zhiütheýha, goüý oügaýthe te haý, aý-biamaý Wahoüýthishiýge akaý. "Wa! eaýtoü moüý \tr elder brother, / still / let us two go / , / said, they say / Orphan / the «sub.». / Why! / wherefore / arrow \rf jod 1890:595.11 \op keý shti thaoüýna ta, aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. "Agiýhi theýtha-ga haý." "Na! daýdoü \tr the / too / you abandon / should? / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Reach there for it / send off / ! / [+Go quickly after it]. / Fie! / what \rf jod 1890:595.12 \op wizhiüýthe daýdoü 'iýthe-noüýdi thashtoüýzhi iýnahiü-noü aýhoü," aý-biamaý Wahoüýthishiýge \tr my elder brother / what / speaks about whenever / does not stop speaking / truly usually / «in soliloquy»!, / said, they say / Orphan \rf jod 1890:595.13 \op akaý. Aýne theý goüýtha amaý. Xthabeý teýdi athaý-biamaý Wahoüýthishiýge amaý, hideý \tr the «sub.». / Climbing / to go / was wishing, they say. / Tree / to the «std. ob.» / went, they say / Orphan / the «mv. sub.», / base \rf jod 1890:595.14 \op teýdi. "Wa! sheýma iteýwathe moüthiüý-ga haý. Uchiýzhe uthuýthioüýthe ki thiseý tai \tr to the. / Why! / those / to place them away / walk / ! / Thicket / impedes your progress / when / tear it / lest \rf jod 1890:595.15 \op eýgithe," aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Wazhiüýga theý weýki'oü nashkiý waýzhi-ma eý \tr beware, / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / Bird / this / ornament / head / those put on thick / that \rf jod 1890:595.16 \op waýwakaý-bi egoüý, shoüý waiüý geý shtewoüý waýzhi waiüý te ha wazhiüýga thoükaý. \tr meant them, they say / having, / in fact / robe / the scattered / even / put on thick / wore as a robe / «complete action» / / bird / those who. \rf jod 1890:595.17 \op Goüý Wahoüýthishiýge waýthaha teý gthiýshnud eýgoü iteýgithe theý ama haý, xthabeý hideý \tr And / Orphan / clothing / the / pulled off his / having / to put his own down / was going, they say / , / tree / base \rf jod 1890:596.1 \op teýdi. Ishtiýnike akaý eýgithoüý-biamaý ha, "Xthabeý theýte snedeý tiýgthe," aý-biamaý \tr to the. / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / said to «it», they say / , / Tree / this «std. ob.» / tail / «std. ob.», becomes so, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:596.2 \op Ishtiýnike akaý, zhizhiý iaý-bi egoüý. Wahoüýthishiýge wanaý'oü eýgoü eýgoü iýe te \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.», / whispering / spoke, they say / having. / Orphan / heard / a little / as / word / the \rf jod 1890:596.3 \op weýmaxe amaý. "Na! zhiütheýha, edeýshe eýgoü a," eý amaý, paý xaýtha wadoüýbe eýgoü. \tr was asking him about it, they say. / Why! / elder brother, / what did you say / ? / was saying, they say, / head / backward / looked / having. \rf jod 1890:596.4 \op "Edeýhe ta. Goüý iüýgi thethiüý goü athiüý gthiý-de bthateý taý miüke, eheý miükeý, \tr What I say / should? / Still / returning for me / this «mv. one» / so / he brings it back, when / I eat it / will / I who, / I was saying as I sat, \rf jod 1890:596.5 \op kaýge-soüýga," aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Goüý shi theý ama haý, aýne xthabeý te. Ki \tr friend younger brother, / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / And / again / was going, they say / , / climbing / tree / the «std. ob.». / And \rf jod 1890:596.6 \op shiý eýgithoüý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý, "Xshabeý theýte snedeý tiýgthe," aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike \tr again / said to «it», they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.», / Tree / this «std. ob.» / tall / «std. ob.» it becomes, / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} \nt =@{xthabeý} \rf jod 1890:596.7 \op akaý, zhizhiý iaý-bi egoüý. Ki shiý Wahoüýthishiýge wanaý'oü eýgoü eýgoü shi weýmaxe \tr the «sub.», / whispering / spoke, they say / having. / And / again / Orphan / heard / a little / as / again / was asking him about it, \rf jod 1890:596.8 \op amaý. "Na! zhiütheýha, edeýshe eýgoü-noüý a," shi eý amaý. "Na! edaýdoü edeýhe ta, \tr they say. / Why! / elder brother, / what have you been saying occasionally / ? / again / was saying, they say. / Why! / what / I say something / should? \rf jod 1890:596.9 \op kaýge-soüýga," aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. "Goü edaýbexchi iüýhi thiü, eheý miüke," \tr friend younger brother, / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / And / very nearly / he has reached it for me / the «mv. ob.», / I was saying as I sat, \rf jod 1890:596.10 \op aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Goüý shi etaýha theý amaý aýne. Ki shiý eýgithoüý-biamaý \tr said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / And / again / further / was going, they say / climbing. / And / again / said to «it», they say \rf jod 1890:596.11 \op Ishtiýnike akaý, shi zhizhiý iaý-bi egoüý, "Xthabeý theýte snedeý tiýgthe," aý-biamaý. Ki \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.», / again / whispering / spoke, they say / having, / Tree / this «std. ob.» / tall / «std. ob.» it becomes, / said, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:596.12 \op Wahoüýthishiýge wanaý'oü eýgoü eýgoü shi weýmaxe amaý. "Na! zhiütheýha, edeýshe \tr Orphan / heard / a little / as / again / was asking him about it, they say. / Why! / elder brother / what have you been \rf jod 1890:596.13 \op eýgoü-noüý a," shi eý amaý. "Na! edaýdoü edeýhe ta, kaýge-soüýga," aý-biamaý \tr saying occasionally / ? / again / was saying, they say. / Why! / what / I say something / should? / friend younger brother, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:596.14 \op Ishtiýnike akaý. "Goüý edaýbexchi iüýhi thiü, eheý miüke," aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / And / very nearly / he has reached it for me / the «mv. one», / I was saying, as I sat, / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:596.15 \op Shiý theý ama haý, shi aýne. Goüý weýkuheýxti moüthiüý ama haý, iýe te wanaý'oü \tr Again / was going, they say / , / again / climbing. / And / very apprehensive / was walking, they say / / word / the / he heard something \rf jod 1890:596.16 \op shtewoüý weýzha-noüý-bi egoüý. Ki eýgithe shi eýgithoüý-biamaý, "Xthabeý theýte snedeý \tr notwithstanding / always denied it, they say / as. / And / at length / again / said to it, they say, / Tree / this «std. ob.» / tall \rf jod 1890:596.17 \op tiýgthe," shi aý-biamaý. Shi ediýhi wanaý'oü eýgoü, piý weýmaxe amaý. "Na! zhiütheýha, \tr «std. ob.» it becomes, / again / said, they say. / And / at that time / understood it / as, / again / he was questioning him. / Why! / elder brother, \rf jod 1890:596.18 \op edeýshe eýgoü-noüý a," shi eý amaý. "Edeýha-maýzhi, aý-biamaý. Xthabeý theýte maýxe \tr what have you been saying occasionally / ? / again / was saying, they say. / I said something I not, / said he, they say. / Tree / this «std. ob.» / upper world \rf jod 1890:597.1 \op ithaýbat'u te, eheýe ha," aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Goü xthabeý te utiüý iheýthathaý \tr let it extend to, / I said / / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / And / tree / the «std. ob.» / hitting it / he brought a «horizontal ob.» against it here and there \rf jod 1890:597.2 \op uthiýshoü nazhiüý-biamaý. "Xthabeý theýte snedeý tigtheý te, eheýe ha," aý-biamaý. Goüý \tr going around it / he stood, they say. / Tree / this «std. ob.» / tall / let it «the lg. ob.» become suddenly, / I said / / said, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:597.3 \op xthabeý akaý maýxe ithaýbat'uý amaý. Wahoüýthishiýge maýxe ithaýbisoüdeýxti keýta \tr tree / the «sub.» / upper world / extended to, they say. / Orphan / upper world / in a very narrow space between «the tree and the upper world» / at the \rf jod 1890:597.4 \op nazhiüý amaý. "Heý-i'*!" eý ama haý, Wahoüýthishiýge. Goü xageý-noü shoüshoüý amaý. \tr was std., they say. / Alas! / was saying, they say / , / Orphan. / And / was crying regularly / always / they say. \rf jod 1890:597.5 \op Nazhiýha thoüý shti naxthoüýzhe-xtioüý amaý. Eýgithe sabaýzhixti Xithaý Weýganiýbe \tr Hair / the part / too / was exceedingly tangled, they say. / At length / very suddenly / Eagle / Young White Eagle \rf jod 1890:597.6 \op waýthadaiý-ma wiüý ahiý-biamaý, xageý nazhiüý toü. "Niýashiüga edeýshe thaýtoüsheý a," \tr those called that / one / arrived there, they say, / weeping / stood / the «std. ob.». / Person / what are you saying as you stand / ? \rf jod 1890:597.7 \op aý-biamaý. "Haý, tigoüý! haý, tigoüý! haý, tigoüý!" aý-biamaý Wahoüýthishiýge akaý. \tr said, they say. / Oh! / grandfather / oh! / grandfather / oh! / grandfather / said, they say / Orphan / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:597.8 \op "Hauý, keýgoüga! ugthaý-ga haý," aý-biamaý Xithaý akaý. "Oühoüý, tigoüýha," aý-biamaý \tr Ho, / come, do so! / confess / ! / said, they say / Eagle / the «sub.». / Yes, / O grandfather, / said, they say \rf jod 1890:597.9 \op Wahoüýthishiýge akaý. "Tigoüýha, xthabeý shuýgaxti iheýthe xeýki goüýxti-noü thoüýdi, \tr Orphan / the «sub.». / O Grandfather, / tree / dense very / laid down / foot of the bluff / just that sort «?» / at the place, \rf jod 1890:597.10 \op tigoüýha, waniýta oüýpoü nuýga zhiüýga eýdegoüý aýthagiýoü noükaýshe-noü wiüý bthiü ha, \tr O grandfather, / quadruped / elk / male animal / small / but «in the past»? / you were flying over it regularly / one / I am / , \rf jod 1890:597.11 \op tigoüýha," aý-biamaý Wahoüýthishiýge akaý. "Hauý, shoüý ha," aý-biamaý Xithaý akaý. \tr O grandfather, / said, they say / Orphan / the «sub.». / Ho, / enough / / said, they say / Eagle / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:597.12 \op "Thitiýgoü wiü tiý tateý," aý-biamaý. Goüý athaý-biamaý Xithaý ama. Shi giýthazhiýxti shi \tr Your grandfather / one / come / shall, / said, they say. / And / went, they say / Eagle / the «mv. sub.». / Again / very sad / again \rf jod 1890:597.13 \op Wahoüýthishiýge xageý nazhiüý amaý. Shi eýgithe Heýga amaý ahiý-biamaý. Shi iýe eýgithoüýi \tr Orphan / crying / was std., they say. / Again / at length / Buzzard / the «mv. sub.» / arrived, they say. / Again / word / said to him \rf jod 1890:597.14 \op te eýgithoüý-biamaý. Shi Wahoüýthishiýge iýe te eýgithoüý amaý. Shi waniýta wiü \tr the / said to him, they say. / Again / Orphan / word / the / was saying, they say «?» / Again / quadruped / one \rf jod 1890:597.15 \op uýwagithaý amaý. Shi eýgoü, "Hau, shoüý ha. Thitiýgoü wiü tiý tateý," aý-biamaý. \tr he was telling about to them, they say. / And / so, / Ho, / enough / . / Your grandfather / one / come / shall, / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:597.16 \op Goüý athaý-biamaý Heýga amaý. Shi giýthazhiýxti shi Wahoüýthishiýge xageý nazhiüý amaý. \tr And / went, they say / Buzzard / the «mv. sub.» / Again / very sad / again / Orphan / crying / was std., they say. \rf jod 1890:597.17 \op Shi eýgithe Kaýxe amaý ahiý-biamaý. Shi eýgithoüý-biamaý iýe te. Goüýki shi \tr Again / at length / Crow / the «mv. sub.» / arrived there, they say. / Again / said to him, they say / word / the. / And then / again \rf jod 1890:597.18 \op Wahoüýthishiýge shi eýgithoüý amaý, shi waniýta wiü uýwagithaý amaý. "Hau, shoüý ha. \tr Orphan / again / was saying, they say, / again / quadruped / one / he was telling about to them, they say. / Ho, / enough / . \rf jod 1890:598.1 \op Thitiýgoü wiü tiý tateý," aý-biamaý. Goüý athaý-biamaý Kaxe ama. Shi giýthazhixti \tr Your grandfather / one / come / shall, / said, they say. / And / went, they say / Crow / the «mv. sub.». / Again / very sad \rf jod 1890:598.2 \op shi Wahoüýthishiýge xageý nazhiüý amaý. Shi eýgithe Wazhiýbesneýde amaý ahiý-biama. \tr again / Orphan / crying / was std., they say. / Again / at length / Magpie the «sub.» / arrived there, they say. \rf jod 1890:598.3 \op Shi eýgithoüý-biamaý iýe te. Goüýki shi Wahoüýthishiýge shi eýgithoüý amaý, shi \tr again / said to him, they say / word / the. / And then / again / Orphan / again / was saying to him, they say, / again \rf jod 1890:598.4 \op waniýta wiüý uýwagithaý amaý. "Hau, shoüý nazhiüý-ga. Thitiýgoü tiý tateý," \tr quadruped / one / was telling about to them, they say. / Ho, / &still «yet» / stand. / Your grandfather / come / shall, \rf jod 1890:598.5 \op aý-biamaý. Goüý athaý-biamaý Wazhiýbesneýde amaý. Eýgithe Xithaý amaý ahiý-biamaý. \tr said, they say. / And / went, they say / Magpie / the «mv. sub.». / At length / Eagle / the «mv. sub.» / arrived there, they say. \rf jod 1890:598.6 \op "Hauý, atiý ha," aý-biamaý Xithaý akaý. "Haý, tigoüý! haý, tigoüý! \tr Ho, / I have come / , / said, they say / Eagle / the «sub.». / Oh! / grandfather! / oh! / grandfather! \rf jod 1890:598.7 \op haý, tigoüý!" eý amaý Wahoüýthishiýge wahoüý'e goüý. "Hau! aýhi bashoüý thoü \tr oh! / grandfather! / was saying, they say / Orphan / making a special petition / as. / Ho! / wing / bent part / the «part» \rf jod 1890:598.8 \op oüwoüth*-adoüý noüýka ke goüý noüýsoü theýtha-ga. Eýgithe ishtaý niýbtha te. Ishtaýthipiüýze \tr grasp me and / back / the «lg. ob.» / at any rate / lie with legs stretched out. / Beware / eye / you open / lest. / Eye closed \rf jod 1890:598.9 \op zhoüý-ga," (aý-biamaý Xithaý akaý). Giý'iü agthaý-biamaý, xthabeý uthiýshoü \tr recline, / said, they say / Eagle / the «sub.». / Carrying him on his back / started home, they say, / tree / around \rf jod 1890:598.10 \op gawiüýxe goü. Uzheýtha-xti-noüý-bi thoüýdi xthabeý gaxaý ge aýtoü ithoüý-noüý-biamaý. \tr flying around / as. / He was generally very tired «or every time that he was tired» / when / tree / branch / the «scattered» / trod on / stood suddenly, each time, they say. \rf jod 1890:598.11 \op 'Oüýzigithaý-bi ki- noüý shi agtheý-noüý-biamaý. Ki shiý eýgithe Heýga \tr He rested, they say / when / often / again / started home often, they say. / And / again / at length / Buzzard \rf jod 1890:598.12 \op amaý ahiý-biamaý. "Hauý, atiý ha," aý-biamaý Heýga akaý. "Haý, tigoüý! haý, \tr the «mv. sub.» / reached there, they say. / Ho, / I have come / , / said, they say / Buzzard / the «sub.». / Oh! / grandfather! / oh! \rf jod 1890:598.13 \op tigoüý! haý, tigoüý!" eý amaý Wahoüýthishiýge, wahoüý'e goüý. "Hau! Aýhi bashoüý \tr grandfather! / oh! / grandfather! / was saying, they say / Orphan, / making a special petition / as. / Ho! / Wing / bent part \rf jod 1890:598.14 \op thoü oüwoüth*- adoüý noüýka ke goüý noüýsoü theýtha-ga. Eýgithe ishtaý niýbtha te \tr the «part» / grasp me / and / back / the «lg. ob.» / at any rate / lie with legs stretched out. / Beware / eye / you open / lest \rf jod 1890:598.15 \op haý. Ishtaý-thipiüýze zhoüý-ga haý. Moüthiüý waýspa-maýzhi," aý-biamaý Heýga akaý. Goüý \tr . / Eye closed / recline / ! / Walking / I do not behave, / said, they say / Buzzard / the «sub.». / And \rf jod 1890:598.16 \op shi giý'iü agthaý-biamaý, xthabeý uthiýshoü gawiüýxe goüý. Uzheýthaxti-noüý-bi thoüýdi \tr again / carrying him on his back / started home, they say, / tree / around / flying around / as. / Every time that he was tired, they say / when \rf jod 1890:598.17 \op xthabeý gaxaý ge aýtoü ithoüý-noüý-biamaý. 'Oüýzigithaý-bi ki- noüý shi agtheý-noüý-biamaý. \tr tree / branch / the «scattered» / trod on / stood suddenly, each time, they say. / He rested, they say / when / often / again / started home, often, they say. \rf jod 1890:599.1 \op Ki shiý Kaýxe amaý ahiý-biamaý. "Hau, atiý ha," aý-biamaý Kaýxe \tr And / again / Crow / the «mv. sub.» / arrived, they say. / Ho, / I have come / / said, they say / Crow \rf jod 1890:599.2 \op akaý. "Haý! tigoüý! haý, tigoüý! haý, tigoüý!" aý-biamaý Wahoüýthishiýge wahoüý'e \tr the «sub.». / Oh! / grandfather! / oh! / grandfather! / oh! / grandfather! / said, they say / Orphan / making a special petition \rf jod 1890:599.3 \op goüý. "Hau! Aýhi bashoüý thoü oüwoüth*-adoüý noüýka ke goüý noüýsoü theýtha-ga. \tr as / Ho! / Wing / bent part / the «part» / grasp me and / back / the «lg. ob.» / at any rate / lie with legs stretched out. \rf jod 1890:599.4 \op peýgithe ishtaý niýbtha te haý. Ishtaý-thipiüýze zhoüý-ga haý," aý-biamaý Kaýxe akaý. \tr Beware / eye / you open / lest / . / Eye closed / recline / ! / said, they say / Crow / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:599.5 \op Giý'iü agthaý-biamaý, xthabeý uthiýshoü gawiüýxe goüý. Uzheýthaxti-noüý-bi thoüýdi \tr Carrying him on his back / started home, they say, / tree / around / flying around / as. / Every time that he was tired, they say / when \rf jod 1890:599.6 \op xthabeý gaxaý ge aýtoü ithoüý-noüý-biamaý. 'Oüýzigithaý-bi ki-noüý shi agtheý-noüý-biamaý. \tr tree / branch / the «pl.» / trod on / stood suddenly, each time, they say. / He rested, they say / when, often / again / started home often, they say. \rf jod 1890:599.7 \op Kaýxe thiü ediýhi kiýzhi, moüthoüý ishtaýxoüxoü gaýxa-bi egoüý, eýgithe \tr Crow / the «mv. one» / reached there / when / secretly / eyes slightly open / made, they say / having, / behold \rf jod 1890:599.8 \op toüýde ke ugaýzi doüýba-biamaý. Piýxti wahoüý'e zhoüý-biama: "Haý, tigoüý! \tr ground / the «lg. ob.» / made a yellow glare / saw, they say. / Anew / making a special petition / he lay, they say: / Oh! / grandfather! \rf jod 1890:599.9 \op haý, tigoüý! haý, tigoüý!" eý amaý Wahoüýthishiýge. Eýgithe Wazhiýbesneýde amaý \tr oh! / grandfather! / oh! / grandfather! / was saying, they say / Orphan. / At length / Magpie / the «mv. one» \rf jod 1890:599.10 \op aýiaýtiagthaý-biamaý, huýtoü. "Atiý ha," aý-biamaý Wazhiýbesneýde akaý. "Haý, tigoüý! \tr was coming very suddenly, they say, / crying out. / I have come / / said, they say / Magpie / the «sub.». / Oh! / grandfather! \rf jod 1890:599.11 \op haý, tigoüý! haý, tigoüý!" eý amaý Wahoüýthishiýge, wahoüý'e goüý. "Hau! Aýhi \tr oh! / grandfather! / oh! / grandfather! / was saying, they say / Orphan, / making a special petition / as. / Ho! / Wing \rf jod 1890:599.12 \op bashoüý thoü oüwoüth*- adoüý noüýka ke goüý noüýsoü theýtha-ga. Eýgithe ishtaý \tr bent part / the «part» / grasp me / and / back / the «lg. ob.» / at any rate / lie with legs stretched out. / Beware / eye \rf jod 1890:599.13 \op niýbtha te haý. Ishtaý-thipiüýze zhoüý-ga haý," aý-biamaý Wazhiýbesneýde akaý. Ki \tr you open / lest / . / Eye closed / recline / ! / said, they say. / Magpie / the «sub.». / And \rf jod 1890:599.14 \op Wazhiýbesneýde amaý giý'iü akiý-biamaý. Wazhiýbesneýde akaý t'eýxchi akiýzhoü-biamaý. \tr Magpie / the «mv. sub.» / carrying him on his back / reached there again, they say. / Magpie / the «sub.» / very dead / reached there again and lay down, they say. \rf jod 1890:599.15 \op Wahoüýthishiýge akaý wahoüý'a-bi egoüý, "Haý, tigoüý! haý, tigoüý! haý, tigoüý!" \tr Orphan / the «sub.» / made a special petition, they say / having, / Oh! / grandfather! / oh! / grandfather! / oh! / grandfather! \rf jod 1890:599.16 \op aý-biamaý. Xthabeý te uthiýshoü athaý-bi ki eýgithe Ishtiýnike akaý waýthaha etaiý \tr said, they say. / Tree / the «std. ob.» / around it / went, they say / when / behold / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / clothing / his \rf jod 1890:599.17 \op te eýdi oüýtha agthaý-bi teý amaý, waýthaha Wahoüýthishiýge etaý te aýthaha \tr the «col. ob.» / there / abandoning / he had gone back, they say, / clothing / Orphan / his / the «col. ob.» / wearing it \rf jod 1890:599.18 \op agthaý-bi teý amaý. Ishtiýnike akaý waýthaha te aýthaha akiý-bi egoüý, wazhiüýga \tr had gone back, they say. / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / clothing / the «cl. ob.» / wearing it / having reached there again, they say, / bird \rf jod 1890:600.1 \op thoükaý huýtoü-bazhiý-xti-biý shtewoüý eýxchi huýtoü gaýxe-noüý-biamaý. "Xthiýazhi \tr the ones who / not crying out at all, they say / notwithstanding / he himself / crying out / pretended often, they say. / Silent \rf jod 1890:600.2 \op eýgoü gthiüýi-ga. Naxiýde waýnazaý'e," eý-noü-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý. Eýgithe \tr do / sit ye. / Inner ear / you make a great uproar by crying out, / said often, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / At length \rf jod 1890:600.3 \op Wahoüýthishiýge hideý gthiý te wazhiüýga akaý waýthaha akaý iýgipahoüý-bi egoüý, \tr Orphan / bottom / had returned to / when / bird / the «sub.» / wore them / the «col. sub.» / having known him, their own «master», they say, \rf jod 1890:600.4 \op huýtoü za'eýxti gthiüý-biamaý, Ishtiýnike akaý waýthahaý-bi egoüý. Ishtiýnike akaý \tr crying out / making a great noise / sat, they say, / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / having worn them, they say. / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:600.5 \op eýgithoü-noüý-biamaý, "Xthiýazhi eýgoü gthiüýi-ga. Naxiýde waýnazaý'e," aý-biamaý. \tr was saying often to «the birds», they say, / Silent / do / sit ye. / Inner ear / you make a great uproar by crying out, / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:600.6 \op Wahoüýthishiýge akaý moüýzhiha ke ugiýna-bi kiý, eýgithe Ishtiýnike amaý eýshti \tr Orphan / the «sub.» / quiver / the «lg. ob.» / sought his own, they say / when, / behold / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «mv. sub.» / it too \rf jod 1890:600.7 \op athiüý agiý-bi teý amaý. Moüýzhiha etaý-bi ke thiýxthe moüýzhiha ke eýdi oüýtha \tr he had returned home with it, they say. / Quiver / his, they say / the «lg. ob.» / there / leaving it \rf jod 1890:600.8 \op agiý-bi keý amaý. Moüý te doüýba-bi ki, eýgithe hideý gapaýi juýba thiýxthe teýdi \tr he had returned home, they say. / Arrow / the «col. ob.» / saw, they say / when / behold / base / cut sharp / some / rushes / in the \rf jod 1890:600.9 \op athiüý-bi keý amaý. Mikaýha waiüý thoüý shti eýdi oüýtha agiý-bi thoüý amaý. Giýthabazhiý-xti \tr he had the «col.», they say. / Raccoon skin / robe / the «garment» / too / there / it had been left when he had come back, they say. / Very sad \rf jod 1890:600.10 \op moüý te thizaý-bi egoüý, hideý gapaýi te thithuýthutoüý-bi egoüý, sheý waniýta \tr arrow / the / having taken, they say, / base / cut sharp / the / having pulled straight often, they say, / that / quadruped \rf jod 1890:600.11 \op uýwagithaiý-ma thoüý bthuýgaxti eýgoü t'eýwakithaý-bi egoüý, agthaý-biamaý. Ishtiýnike \tr those about which he had told / in the past / about all / he killed them purposely, they say / having, / he started home, they say. / @{Ishtiýnike} \rf jod 1890:600.12 \op mikaýha waiüý thoü itheýthiü agthaý-biamaý, moüýzhiha keý shti. Wazhiüýga akaý \tr raccoon skin / robe / the «garment» / having for the owner / he went homeward, they say / quiver / the «lg. ob.» / too. / Bird / the \rf jod 1890:600.13 \op koüýge giý te iýgipahoüý-bi egoüý, huýtoü teý shtiý-bi egoüý gioüý aýtiathathaý-biamaý. \tr near / coming / the / having known him, their own «master», they say, / cried out / the completed act / too, they say / so / flying / they began, now and then, they say. \rf jod 1890:600.14 \op Ishtiýnike akaý eýdi doüýxti iýkizhuý-bi egoüý, wazhiüýga thoükaý xthiýazhi-noü gthiüý \tr @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / there / beyond measure / was proud, they say / as, / bird / the «pl. ob.» / silent often / to sit \rf jod 1890:600.15 \op waýgazhiý-biamaý. Eýgithe Wahoüýthishiýge amaý sheýte agiý-biamaý, tizheýbe teý ubaýhoü \tr commanded them, they say. / At length / Orphan / the «mv. sub.» / that seen «std. ob.» / coming back, they say, / doorway / the / was coming in \rf jod 1890:600.16 \op agiý-biamaý. Eýgithe goüý akaýma, Ishtiýnike akaý waýthaha te aýthahaý-bi egoüý. \tr at the entrance, they say. / At length / some time / sat, they say, / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.» / clothing / the «col. ob.» / having put on the clothing, they say. \rf jod 1890:600.17 \op Ki eýgithoüý-biamaý Wahoüýthishiýge akaý, "Na! thiý gaýte aýnaha te goüý aýnaha \tr And / said to him, they say / Orphan / the «sub.», / Why! / you / that «col.» / you wore / as / still / you wear it \rf jod 1890:600.18 \op haý," aý-bi egoüý, iýgioüýtha theýtha-biamaý. Goüý waýthaha te giýgthizaý-biamaý. \tr . / having said, they say, / he threw it back to him suddenly, they say. / So / clothing / the «col. ob.» / took back his own, they say. \rf jod 1890:601.1 \op Wahoüýthishiýge nazhiýha geý shtewoüý naxthoüýzhexti kiý amaý. Akiý-bi egoüý, \tr Orphan / hair / the «pl.» / even / exceedingly tangled / returned there / they say. / Having returned there, they say, \rf jod 1890:601.2 \op goüý amaiý te. Neýxe gakuý wiü gaýxe-wakithaý-biamaý. Igaýxthoü thiükeý \tr they were so for some time. / Drum / one / he caused them to make it, they say. / His wife / the «st. ob.» \rf jod 1890:601.3 \op uiýtha-bi egoüý, "Oüwoüýtihaý-xti aýthiüheý thoü agthiý ha. Iüsh'aýge uiýtha-ga haý. \tr having told her, they say, / Me very lonely / I who moved / in the past / I have come back / . / Old man / tell it to him / ! \rf jod 1890:601.4 \op Niýkashiüýga-ma bthuýgaxti wachiýgaxe eweýkoübtha ha," aý-biamaý. Ki igaýxthoü \tr The people «pl. ob.» / all / to dance / I wish for them / / said, they say. / And / his wife \rf jod 1890:601.5 \op akaý ithaýdi thiükeý uiýtha-biamaý. Ki ithaýdi akaý iüsh'aýge wiü agiýthe-wakithaý-bi egoüý, \tr the «sub.» / her father / the «st. ob.» / told it to him, they say. / And / her father / the «sub.» / old man / one / having caused them to fetch him, they say, \rf jod 1890:601.6 \op iüsh'aýge thiü hiý ki, theý Wahoüýthishiýge iýe edaýdoü edeý ke bthuýgaxti uiýtha-bi egoüý, \tr old man / the «mv. ob.» / arrived there / when, / this / Orphan / word / what / he said something / the / all / having told to him, they say, \rf jod 1890:601.7 \op iýekiýthe uthaý theýkithaý-biamaý. Ki iüsh'aýge amaý eýgithoü athaý-biamaý, tiý ke uhaý. \tr as a crier / to tell it / sent him, they say. / And / old man / the «mv. sub.» / to say it to «someone» / went, they say, / lodge / the «lg. line» / following. \rf jod 1890:601.8 \op "Wathaýchigaýxe te, aiý atha+! Tiýi thoü bthuýgaxti shiüýgazhiüýga aýthoüska keý shtewoü \tr You are to dance, / he says / indeed! / Lodges / the «cv. ob.» / all / children / of what size / the «lg.» line / soever \rf jod 1890:601.9 \op bthuýgaxti wathaýchigaýxe te, aiý atha+!" aý-biamaý. Wahoüýthishiýge akaý igaýxthoü \tr all / you are to dance / he says / indeed! / said, they say. / Orphan / the «sub.» / his wife \rf jod 1890:601.10 \op thiükeý goü ikoüý thiükeý shti zhuýwagigthaý-bi egoüý, uthuýshiata athaý-biamaý, neýxe-gakuý \tr the one who «ob.» / and / his grandmother / the one who «ob.» / too / having gone with them, his own, they say, / to the middle of the tribal circle / went, they say, / drum \rf jod 1890:601.11 \op te athiüý-bi egoüý. Igaýxthoü thiükeý ugiýkiaý-bi egoüý, eýgithoüý-biamaý (Iýpithaýge \tr the / having had it, they say. / His wife / the «st. ob.» / having spoken to her, his own, they say, / said to her, they say / Belt \rf jod 1890:601.12 \op sagiýxti gaýxa-biamaý.)," Iýpithaýge gaýke oüwoüýthoü-ga haý, thidiüýdiü-ga haý. \tr very light / made it, they say, / Belt / that «lg. ob.» / grasp me / ! / pull hard / ! \rf jod 1890:601.13 \op Eýgithe niýshtoü te haý," aý-biamaý. Shi ikoüý thiükeý shi aýmataýthishoü uthoüý aýgigthaýzhi-biamaý. \tr Beware / you let go / lest / / said he, they say. / Again / his grandmother / the «st. ob.» / again / on the other side / to grasp / commanded her, his own, they say. \rf jod 1890:601.14 \op "Koühaý, thishtoüýzhi-ga haý. Eýgithe niýshtoü te haý," aý-biamaý. Goüý \tr O grandmother, / do not let go / ! / Beware / you let go / lest / . / said he, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:601.15 \op niýkashiüýga amaý bthuýgaxti eýdi uthuýshiata ahiý-bi egoüý, gthiüý-biamaý Wahoüýthishiýge \tr people / the «pl. sub.» / all / there / at the middle of the tribal circle / having arrived there, they say, / sat, they say / Orphan \rf jod 1890:601.16 \op akaý uthoüýda thoüýdi. Neýxe-gakuý te utiüý iheýtha-bi ki, bthuýgaxti niýkashiüýga-ma \tr the «sub.» / middle / in the «place». / Drum / the «ob.» / to hit it / he laid the stick horizontally, they say / when, / all / the people «pl. ob.» \rf jod 1890:601.17 \op gahaý iheý waýxa-biamaý. Giuýzhawaýxtioüý-biamaý niýkashiüýga amaý neýxe-gakuý te \tr he made the crowd rise «about a foot» and come down again, they say. / They were much pleased, they say / people / the «pl. sub.» / drum / the \rf jod 1890:602.1 \op utiüý teýdi. Iýthoüboüý utiüý-bi ki, moüshiaýha zhiüýga gahaý ihaý-biamaý. Theýakaý \tr he hit it / when. / A second time / he hit it, they say / when, / up in the air «mv.» / little / the crowd arose and came down again, they say. / This «sub.» \rf jod 1890:602.2 \op ikoüý akaý, "Iüý, tuýshpathoü+! anoüýpixti-moüý he," aý-biamaý. Zhuýga ke bthuýga \tr his grandmother / the «sub.», / Oh! / grandchild! / I usually «?» dance very well / «fem.». / said she, they say. / Body / the «lg. ob.» / every \rf jod 1890:602.3 \op gahaý ithoüý-biamaý ki, gateg* ithoüý-biamaý. Ki iýthoüboüý utiüý-bi ki, \tr arose and came down again, they say / when, / in that manner / she became suddenly, they say. / And / a second time / hit, they say / when, \rf jod 1890:602.4 \op moüshiaýhaxti iheý waýxa-biamaý. Giý-bi ki, toüýde ke kiý-baýzhi shi utiüý-biamaý. \tr mv. very high up in the air / placed in a line / he made them, they say. / They were coming back, they say / when, / ground / the «lg. ob.» / not reaching there again / again / he hit it, they say. \rf jod 1890:602.5 \op Shi piý pahaýshi theýwathaý-biamaý. Gakuýkuthaý-biamaý. Niýkashiüýga-ma \tr Again / anew / up above / he sent them, they say. / He beat rapidly, they say. / The people «pl. ob.» \rf jod 1890:602.6 \op bthuýgaxti moüshiaýhaxti itheýwathaý-biamaý. Ki gakuýkuthaý-bi egoüý, niýkashiüýga-ma \tr all / mv. very high up in the air / he sent them thither, they say. / And / having beat rapidly, they say, / the people «pl. ob.» \rf jod 1890:602.7 \op uxiýde shtewoüý wathiýshna-bazhiý-biamaý. Niýkashiüýga-ma goüýtexti ki t'eýxti-noü \tr glimpse / even / they were not visible, they say. / The people «pl. ob.» / a long time / when / fully dead usually \rf jod 1890:602.8 \op gthihaýha waýxa-biamaý. Niýkashiüýga-ma bthuýgaxti goüý t'eýwathaý-biamaý, \tr returning and lying one by one / he made them, they say. / The people «pl. ob.» / all / so / he killed them, they say, \rf jod 1890:602.9 \op gat'eýwathaý-biamaý. Theýakaý wa'uýzhiüga akaý, igaýxthoü akaý sheýnoüba eýshti \tr he killed them by beating «the drum», they say. / This «sub.» / old woman / the «sub.», / his wife / the «sub.» / only those two / they too \rf jod 1890:602.10 \op moüýshi gadoüýi thoüýzha, iýpithaýge ke uthoüýwakithaiý goü thishtoüýzhi waýgazhi: sihiý \tr high in the air / were blown «up» to / through, / belt / the «lg. ob.» / he made them grasp it / as / not to let go / he commanded them: / feet \rf jod 1890:602.11 \op te moüýshi gadoüý-biamaý, zhuýga akaý bas'iüý zhoüý-biamaý. Ishtiýnike itiýgoü \tr the / high in the air / were blown «up» to, they say, / body / the «sub.» / upside down / lay, they say. / @{Ishtiýnike} / his father-in-law \rf jod 1890:602.12 \op eýthoüba ikoüý keý shti sheýnoübaýxti ugaýshta-bi egoüý, itiýgoü thiü wahoüý'e-xti \tr he too / his mother-in-law / the «lg. ob.» / too / only those two / having been left «not killed by hitting the ground», they say, / his father-in-law / the «mv. ob.» / making a special petition «with fervor» \rf jod 1890:602.13 \op giý-noü amaý: "Haý, nisiýha! witoüýde meýgoü, shagtheý. Thaý'eoüýgithaýi-ga!" eý \tr was coming back, often, they say: / Oh! / my child! / my son-in-law / likewise, / I return to you. / Pity ye me, your relation! / said \rf jod 1890:602.14 \op shtewoüý Wahoüýthishiýge akaý, "Oühoüý! Giý-ga haý," aý-bi shtewoüý, shi piý utiüý-noü-bi \tr notwithstanding / Orphan / the «sub.», / Yes! / Come / ! / said, they say / nevertheless, / again / anew / beat often they say \rf jod 1890:602.15 \op thoüýdi, shi piý gud* itheýthe-noüý-biamaý. Wahoüý'e iýbthoü-xtiý-bi ki, \tr when, / again / anew / beyond / sent him thither often, they say. / Making a special petition / fully sated «&or satiated» they say / when \rf jod 1890:602.16 \op gat'eýtha-biamaý. Shi igaýxthoü keý shi eýgoüxtioüý amaý, shi wahoüý'e te. Shi \tr he killed him by letting him fall, they say. / Again / his wife / the «lg. ob.» / again / was just so, they say, / again / made a special petition, / Again \rf jod 1890:602.17 \op Wahoüýthishiýge akaý, "Oühoüý! Giý-ga haý, waý'uzhiüýga," aý-bi shtewoüý, shi piý \tr Orphan / the «sub.», / Yes! / Come / ! / old woman, / said, they say / nevertheless, / again / anew \rf jod 1890:602.18 \op gud* itheýthe-noüý-biamaý, shi gat'eýtha biamaý. Ishtiýnike enaýxchi ushteý amaý. \tr beyond / sent her thither often, they say, / again / he killed her by letting her fall, they say. / @{Ishtiýnike} / he alone / was left / they say. \rf jod 1890:602.19 \op "Haý, kaýge-soüýga! Haý, kaýge-soüýga! shagtheý ha. Wihoüýga meýgoü, \tr Oh! / friend younger brother! / Oh! / friend younger brother! / I go to you / , / My potential wife / likewise, \rf jod 1890:603.1 \op thaý'eoüýgithaýi-ga," (aý-biamaý Ishtiýnike akaý). Ishtiýnike goüý gat'eýtha-biamaý. \tr pity ye me, your relation / said, they say / @{Ishtiýnike} / the «sub.». / @{Ishtiýnike} / at length / he killed him by letting him fall, they say. \rf jod 1890:603.2 \ti Legend of @{Ukiýabi} \op Goüý niýkashiüýga akaý xubaiý te, wathiýpi-noü aýtai te, Ukiýabi akaý. Goüýki \tr And / person / the «sub.» / was mysterious, / doing things skillfully / exceeded / the «past act», / @{Ukiýabi} / the «sub.». / And then \rf jod 1890:609.1 \op izhiüýge akaý duýbai te, wiüý akaý noüýi te, thaýbthiü zhiügaiý te. Hau. Goüýki noüý \tr his son / the «sub.» / were four, / one / the «sub.» / was grown, / three / were small. / «paragraph» / And then / grown \rf jod 1890:609.2 \op akaý xubeý eýgigoüýxtioüýi te. Hau. Goüýki shoüýxti ithaýdi thiükeý t'eýgithe goüýthai te. \tr the «sub.» / mysterious / was just like his «father». / «paragraph» / And then / strange to say, / his father / the one who / to kill him, his own, / wished. \rf jod 1890:609.3 \op Hau. Goüý moüýshiata iüýbe-ziýga-ma wiüý moüýxe ibiýsoüdeýxti gawiüýxe \tr «paragraph» / And / up in the air / yellow-tailed hawks / one / upper world / pressing close against / flying in a circle \rf jod 1890:610.1 \op moüthiüý gaýxai te ha, izhiüýge akaý. Wazhiüýga zhuýkithe amaý. Goüýki ithaýdi akaý \tr walking / made / , / his son / the «sub.». / Bird / he changed himself into, they say. / And then / his father / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:610.2 \op oüb iýzhoüi te ha. Ithaýdi akaý zhoüý-bi ki, eýgithe uthiýxide theýthai te. Eýgithe iýgithai te, \tr day / lay down by / . / His father / the «sub.» / lay down, they say, / when, / at length / he looked all around suddenly. / At length / he found him, his own, \rf jod 1890:610.3 \op iýgipahoüýxti theýthai te, t'eýwathe goüýthai te iýkipahoüý zhoüýi te ithaýdi akaý. Wa'uýzhiüga \tr he recognized his own «son» suddenly, / to kill / wished / the / knowing it about himself / reclined / his father / the «sub.». / Old woman \rf jod 1890:610.4 \op thiükeý ugiýkiai te. "Waý'uzhiüýga, Tiý-githashiýzhe akaý piýazhi chaýbe gaýxai," \tr the «st. one» / he spoke to her, his own. / Old woman, / Lodge shivers for another by biting / the «sub.» / bad / very / did, \rf jod 1890:610.5 \op eýgithoüý-biamaý. Hau. "Athuýha he," aý-biamaý. "Edaýdoü piýazhi gaýxe teýiüte," \tr said to her, they say. / «paragraph» / Again / «fem.». / said, they say. / What / bad / he do / should? \rf jod 1890:610.6 \op aý-biamaý ihoüý akaý. "Oüýkazhi, waý'uzhiüýga, t'eoüýthe goüýthai," aý-biamaý. \tr said, they say / his mother / the «sub.». / Not so, / old woman, / to kill me / wishes, / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:610.7 \op Hau. Goüý tiýhukoü iýhe athaiý te, gthedoüý gaýxe, ithaýdi akaý. Ieýnaxiýthai \tr «paragraph» / And / smoke-hole / passing that way / he went, / hawk / made, / his father / the «sub.». / He dashed on him \rf jod 1890:610.8 \op izhiüýge thiü. Mazhoüý oüýba kuýwiüxe thixeý athiüý te. Tiý thoüýdi thixeý agiýi te. Tiý \tr his son / the «mv. ob.». / Land / day / turning in his course / pursuing / had him. / Tent / to the place / pursuing / was returning. / Tent \rf jod 1890:610.9 \op thoüýdi eýgiha kigtheý amaý. Hiüxpeý gaýxe zhoüý keý amaý. Shi iýgipahoüýxti ithaýdi \tr to the / down from above / had gone thither, they say. / Plume / made / was lying, they say. / Again / he fully recognized his own / his father \rf jod 1890:610.10 \op amaý. Athiüý athaý-bi egoüý, athiüý athaý-bi egoüý, ni moüýte itheý amaý. Shi \tr the «mv. sub.». / Having taken him along, they say, / having taken him along, they say, / water / beneath / was going thither, they say. / Again \rf jod 1890:610.11 \op huhuý gaýxe amaý. Shi iýbahoüý-biamaý ithaýdi akaý. \tr fish / made / they say. / Again / recognized him, they say / his father / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:610.12 \op Hau. Shi athiüý athaý-bi egoüý, athiüý athaý-bi egoüý, athiüý athaý-bi egoüý, \tr «paragraph» / Again / having taken him along, they say, / having taken him along, they say, / having taken him along, they say, \rf jod 1890:610.13 \op wakoüýdagi wiüý ni uýzhoü keý amaý. Wakoüýdagi ke upeý theý-goü thieýxthu'a \tr water monster / one / water / was lying in it, they say. / Water monster / the «lg. ob.» / entering / went, and / inside the animal \rf jod 1890:610.14 \op keýmoüýte zhoüý amaý. Shi ithaýdi akaý shi eýgoü moütaýta aýiaýthai te. Shi aýkusoüýde \tr the «lg. ob.» / within / was lying, they say. / Again / his father / the «sub.» / again / so / within / had gone. / Again / out at the other end \rf jod 1890:610.15 \op eýthoübe ahiý-biamaý. \tr emerging / had reached there, they say. \rf jod 1890:610.16 \op Hau. Shi athiüý agthaý-bi egoüý, shi tiý te eýgiha kigtheý amaý. Heý gaýxe \tr «paragraph» / Again / having taken him along on the way back, they say, / again / tent / the «std. ob.» / down from above / had gone, they say. / Louse / made \rf jod 1890:610.17 \op amaý ki, shi ithaýdi amaý iýgipahoüý-biamaý. Shoü edaýdoü waniýta shuý gaýxe \tr they say / when, / again / his father / the «mv. sub.» / recognized him, their own, they say. / In fact / what / quadruped / prairie chicken / made \rf jod 1890:610.18 \op shtewoüý, ithaýdi akaý eýgoü gaýxe amaý. Hau. Moüchuý gaýxe ki, shi ithaýdi akaý eýgoü \tr even, / his father / the «sub.» / so / made / they say. / «paragraph» / Grizzly bear / made / when, / again / his father / the «sub.» / so \rf jod 1890:610.19 \op gaýxe amaý. Iügthoüýga gaýxe ki, shi ithaýdi akaý eýgoü gaýxe amaý. Miüýxa soüý \tr made / they say. / Wild cat / made / when, / again / his father / the «sub.» / so / made / they say. / Swan \rf jod 1890:611.1 \op toüýga skaý-xti-ma wiüý eýgoü gaýxe ki, shi ithaýdi akaý eýgoü gaýxe amaý. Shi \tr those very white ones / one / so / made / when, / again / his father / the «sub.» / so / made / they say. / Again \rf jod 1890:611.2 \op gthedoüý gaýxe kiýshte, eýgithe iýwashkoüý te zaniý sheýnathe te, uzheýtha te Ukiýabi izhiüýge. \tr hawk / made / when, / at length / strength «&or power» / the / all / he had expended, / he became weary / @{Ukiýabi} / his son. \rf jod 1890:611.3 \op Hau. Moüýxe theýke baxaýpi itheý goüýtha te, thetoüý aiýzhoü te (moüýxe ke \tr «paragraph» / Upper world / this «lg. ob.» / to force his way through by pushing / wished / when, / this far / he came and reclined / when / upper world / the «lg. ob.» \rf jod 1890:611.4 \op baxaýpi aiýzhoü te, niüýde gatoüý thaýzhi amaý), siüdeýhi thoü aýtoüi te ithaýdi akaý. \tr he pierced it / came and reclined / when, / hams / that far / did not go / they say, / &os &sacrum / the part / trod on it / his father / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:611.5 \op Goü eý t'eýthai te. Hoüý iýthuaýgthe athiüý eýgoü oüýba ke eýkitoühaýxti t'eýthai te. \tr And / that / killed him. / Night / throughout / having had him / day / the / just half in sight / killed him. \rf jod 1890:611.6 \op Hoüýegoücheýxchi xagaiý te tiýi teýdi. "Ukiýabi izhiüýge shoüýxti goü t'eý amaý," \tr Early in the morning / they cried / tents / at the. / @{Ukiýabi} / his son / strange to say / is dead, they say, \rf jod 1890:611.7 \op aiý te. Goüýki doüýbe eýdi ahiý-biamaý. Eýgithe t'e keý amaý. Eýgithe moüýathaýxti \tr they said. / And then / to see him / there / arrived, they say. / Behold / dead / lay / they say. / Behold / very flat on his back \rf jod 1890:611.8 \op zhoü keý amaý, Ukiýabi iniüýge ke, t'e keý amaý. Waseýzhide niýka ithaýdi akaý \tr was lying, they say, / @{Ukiýabi} / his son / the «lg. ob.», / dead / lay / they say. / Indian red paint / his father / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:611.9 \op thizaý-bi egoüý, zhuýga zhiýzhidekithaý-biamaý, xagaý-bazhiýxti gthiüý akaýma. Peýxe wiü \tr having taken, they say, / body / he reddened for him in spots, they say, / not crying at all / was st., they say. / Gourd / one \rf jod 1890:611.10 \op gasaýthu goüý waoüý gthiüý akaýma. Eýgithe waoüý te thashtoüý-bi egoüý, xagaý-biamaý. \tr rattled by shaking / so / singing / was st., they say. / At length / song / the / having stopped singing, they say, / he cried, they say. \rf jod 1890:611.11 \op Niýkashiüýga xageý titheýthe amaý ki, bthuýga xagaý-biamaý toüýwoü thoüýdi, xageý \tr People / were taking up the crying in succession, they say / when, / all / cried, they say / village / at the, / crying \rf jod 1890:611.12 \op uiýkoü-biamaý. Niýkashiüýga amaý Poüýka amaý Ukiýabi iüsh'aýge izhiüýge t'eýgithai \tr they helped him, they say. / People / the «pl. sub.» / Ponka / the «pl. sub.» / @{Ukiýabi} / old man / his son / killed his own \rf jod 1890:611.13 \op uiýkoü-biamaý. Niýkashiüýga amaý Poüýka amaý Ukiýabi iüsh'aýge izhiüýge t'eýgithai \tr they helped him, they say. / People / the «pl. sub.» / Ponka / the «pl. sub.» / @{Ukiýabi} / old man / his son / killed his own \rf jod 1890:611.13 \op te noüýde piýazhi e-noüý aýta eýskoüi. \tr the «act» / heart / bad / only that / extreme / they assumed it. \rf jod 1890:611.14 \ti @{Ukiýabi}, the suitor -- a Ponka legend \op Ukiýabi iüsh'aýge akaý niýkashiüýga noüýba wagaýxthoü waýthiü te haý, nuý. \tr @{Ukiýabi} / old man / the «sub.» / person / two / servant / he had them / , / man. \rf jod 1890:613.1 \op Miüý itheý ki, zhuýwagthe gthiüý-biamaý. Gaý-biamaý, "Kageýha, wa'uý gaýtedi \tr Sun went «down» / when, / he with them / sat, they say. / He said as follows, they say, / O friend, / woman / in that tent «?» \rf jod 1890:613.2 \op (waýthixaýzhi) thiükeý agthoüý koüýbtha," wagaýxthoü thoükaý uýwagithaiý te. Ki, \tr (has not taken a husband) / the one who / I take her for a wife / I wish, / servant / the ones who / he told it to them / when. / And, \rf jod 1890:613.3 \op "Eýdi iüwiüýthakieý neý tai, akiýwaxti, kageýha," aý-biamaý Ukiýabi akaý. \tr There / you speak to her for me / you go / will, / both, / O friend, / said, they say / @{Ukiýabi} / the «sub.». \rf jod 1890:613.4 \op Igaýxthoü, wa'uýzhiüga akaý, gaý-biamaý, "I+, aý / uýhaxtioüý," aý-biamaý. "Miüýzhiüga \tr His wife, / old woman / the «sub.», / said as follows, they say, / How absurd! «fem.» / do speak about something else! / said, they say. / Girl \rf jod 1890:613.5 \op uýdoüxti t'oüý akaýdi aýxtoü thi'iiý taýba," aý-biamaý. \tr very good / have / among those who / how possible / they give one to you / should? «pl.» / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:613.6 \op Hau. "Keý, eýdi moüthiüýi-ga," aiý te. Goü eýdi athaý-biamaý. Tiýata \tr «paragraph» / Come, / there / walk ye, / he said / the «past act». / And / there / went, they say. / To the tent \rf jod 1890:613.7 \op aiý-biamaý akiýwa. Nuý akaý (miüýzhiüga ithaýdi akaý) gaý-biamaý: "Hauý," \tr were coming in this directon «&sic», they say / both. / Man / the «sub.» / girl / her father / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / Ho! \rf jod 1890:613.8 \op aý-biamaý. Nuý thiükeý- goü, wa'uý thiükeý- goü, waýthahoüýi te akiýwa. "Shiüýgazhiüýga \tr said, they say. / Man / the «st. ob.» / both, / woman / the «st. ob.» / and, / they prayed to them / both. / Child \rf jod 1890:613.9 \op theýthiüke uýdoüxti that'oüýi. Oüýbatheý niýkashiüýga wiüý gthoüý goüýthai eýgoü, \tr this st. one / very good / you have a child. / This day / person / one / to marry her / wishes / as, \rf jod 1890:613.10 \op thigaýxthoü eýthoüba oüguýthikieý oügaýti," aý-biamaý. Nuý thiükeý iýazhi amaý. Wa'uý \tr your wife / her too / we speak to you / we have come, / said, they say. / Man / the «st. one» / did not speak / they say. / Woman \rf jod 1890:613.11 \op akaý iýa-biamaý, uxtheýxti, "Ebeý a niýashiüýga gthoüý goüýtha thiüýkeý," aý-biamaý. \tr the «sub.» / spoke, they say, / very soon, / Who / ? / person / to marry her / wishes / the one who / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:613.12 \op "Wikaýge akaý Ukiýabi akeý," aý-biamaý. "Na, guýdiha gigthaiý- a! Oüýthiüska \tr My friend / the «sub.» / @{Ukiýabi} / the one referred to, / said, they say. / Fie! / further off / enter ye your own lodge «fem. imper.»! / Almost «?» \rf jod 1890:614.1 \op niýashiüga eýgoü baýdoü. Shiüýgazhiüýga theýthiükeý uýdoüxti at'oüý he. Niýashiüýga \tr person / so / ? / Child / this «st. ob.» / very good / I have her / «fem.». / Human being \rf jod 1890:614.2 \op waýthixe agiýkoübtha, Wakoüýda waýthixeý shtewoüý agiýkoübtha-maýzhi heý." Goüý \tr to take as her husband / I wish her, my own, / Mysterious Power / to take as her husband / soever / I do not wish her, my own / «fem.». / And \rf jod 1890:614.3 \op agthaý-biamaý. Akiý-biamaý. Eýgithe Ukiýabi iüsh'aýge akaý thizuý zhoüý akaýma. \tr started back, they say. / Reached home, they say. / Meanwhile / @{Ukiýabi} / old man / the «sub.» / stretched out / was recl., they say. \rf jod 1890:614.4 \op Paýhoü amaý. Moüýgthe gthiüý-biamaý. Ukiýkie agthaý-biamaý wagaýxthoü amaý. \tr Arose from recl., they say. / Erect / sat, they say. / Talking together / started back, they say / servant / the «pl. sub.». \rf jod 1890:614.5 \op "Kageýha, iýe te piýazhi a. Wikaýge oüguýthazhi teý," aý-biamaý. Aýma akaý \tr O friend, / speech / the / bad / ! / My friend / let us not tell him about it, / said, they say. / Other one / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:614.6 \op gaý-biamaý: "Tenaý! iýgipahoüý gthiüýi. Eaýtoü oüguýthazhi taýdoü." \tr said as follows, they say: / Why! / knowing his own / he sits. / Why / we two not tell about it / should ? \rf jod 1890:614.7 \op Goüý akiý-biamaý. "Hau, thikaýge ameýgoü thagthiý," aý-biamaý Ukiýabi iüsh'aýge \tr And / they reached home, they say. / Ho, / your friend / he likewise / you two have come back. / said, they say / @{Ukiýabi} / old man \rf jod 1890:614.8 \op akaý. Iýxaxa gthiüý-biamaý. "Oügaýgthi, kageý-i," aý-biamaý. "Ahauý! edaýdoü edaiý \tr the «sub.». / Laughing often / he sat, they say. / We have come back, / younger brother «masc.», / said, they say. / Oho! / what / they said something \rf jod 1890:614.9 \op eýiüte, thikaýge meýgoü waýgazuýxti iüwiüýthai-ga," aý-biamaý. Goüý, "Kageýha, \tr perhaps, / your friend / likewise, / very correctly / tell ye me, / said, they say. / And, / O friend, \rf jod 1890:614.10 \op uthiý'agai," aý-biamaý. "Shiüýgazhiüýga theýthiükeý oüt'oüýi thoüýzha, niýashiüýga waýthixe \tr they were unwilling, / said, they say. / Child / this st. one / we have her / though, / human being / to take as her husband \rf jod 1890:614.11 \op agiýkoübtha, Wakoüýda waýthixeý shtewoüý agiýkoübtha-maýzhi he. Guýdiha \tr I wish her, my own, / Mysterious Power / to take as her husband / soever / I do not wish her, my own / «fem.». / Further off \rf jod 1890:614.12 \op gigthaiý-a heý, kageýha, eweýagaiý," aý-biamaý. Uýwakiaý-biamaý Ukiýabi iüsh'aýge \tr enter ye your own lodge «fem. imper.» / ! / O friend, / she did speak «against you» to us what precedes, / said «they say». / He spoke to them / @{Ukiýabi} / old man \rf jod 1890:614.13 \op akaý. "Sheýthoü hiüxpeý thoü, waý'uzhiüýga, iüý'i iýtha-ga" (aý-biamaý). Ikaýge aýma \tr the «sub.». / That «cv. ob.» / plume / the «cv. ob.», / O old woman, / hand mine to me / said, they say. / His friend / other one \rf jod 1890:614.14 \op thiükeý iüdeý thoü saýbekithaiý te. Hiüxpeý thoü taxpiý thoü eýzhi te, maýshoü \tr the «st. ob.» / face / the «part» / he blackened for him / the «past act». / Plume / the «cv. ob.» / crown of the head / the «part» / put many «small ob.» on for him / the «past act», / feather \rf jod 1890:614.15 \op aýthahahaýxti giaýxai te. Shi aýma thiükeý shi eýgoü gaýxai te. Uýwakiaiý te. \tr sticking to it here and there / made for him / the «past act». / Again / other one / the «st. ob.» / again / so / did / the «past act». / He spoke to them / the «past act». \rf jod 1890:614.16 \op Teýha waiüýi te, waýhiü shiüýthe. Mazhoüý wiü aýthadai teý. "Mazhoüý gaýthoüdi \tr Buffalo hide / wore as robes / the «past act», / robe with the hair outside. / Land / one / he mentioned it / the «past act». / Land / to that «place» \rf jod 1890:614.17 \op neý tai." (Weý'e akiýtha athiüýi te.) "Uzheýti shkaýxe tai. Moüthiüýka thipiýxti \tr you go / will «pl.» / Hoe / both / had / the «past act» / Hole for a pole / you make it / will «pl.». / Earth / made very skillfully \rf jod 1890:615.1 \op ithoüýthathe eýgoü hiüxpeý aýthazhiý taiý. Niýkashiüýga wiüý niýxu taiý. Giý-bazhiýi-ga. \tr you place it / so / plume / you put small objects on it / will «pl.». / Person / one / you mark / will «pl.». / Do not be «ye» coming back. \rf jod 1890:615.2 \op Niýshtoü ki, eýdi gthiüýi-ga. Shupiý taý miüke," aý-biamaý. \tr You finish / when / there / sit ye. / I will reach there where you will be, / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:615.3 \op Ukiýabi amaý athaiý te mazhoüý thoüýdi. Xthabaýdi iügthoüýga eýgoüxti zhuýkithaý-biamaý \tr @{Ukiýabi} / the «mv. sub.» / went / the «past act» / land / to the «place». / Among the trees / wild cat / just so / he changed himself into, they say \rf jod 1890:615.4 \op Ukiýabi akaý. Sithiýze toüýde noüp'oüýde, peýde shte noünaýxthiü aýiaýtiagthaý-biamaý. \tr @{Ukiýabi} / the «sub.» / He raised his feet / ground / shook slowly from walking, / fire / even / made blaze up by walking / became suddenly as he was approaching, / they say. \rf jod 1890:615.5 \op Wagaýxthoü amaý iýgipahoüý gthiüý-biamaý. "Thikaýge koüýge a-iý," aý-biamaý. \tr Servants / the «pl. sub.» / knowing him, their own / sat, they say. / Your friend / near / is coming, / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:615.6 \op Atiýi te ha. Tiý amaý (ki,) gaý-biamaý ikaýge eýthoüba, "Kageýha, kaýshi oüthiýshtoüi \tr He came / . / He came, they say / when / said as follows, they say / his friend / he too, / O friend, / long ago / we finished it \rf jod 1890:615.7 \op thoüýzha, thatiýazhi," aý-biamaý. "Ahauý," aý-biamaý Ukiýabi iüsh'aýge akaý. "Keý, thagtheý \tr though, / you did not come, / said, they say. / Oho! / said, they say / @{Ukiýabi} / old man / the «sub.». / Come, / you start back \rf jod 1890:615.8 \op tai. Weý'e thoü ithoüýthai-ga. Koüýsi saýtoü te gaýte aniüý-doü thagtheý tai," aiý \tr will «pl.» / Hoe / the «cv. ob.» / put down «pl.» the «cv. ob.» / Plum-stone / five / the / that «col. ob.» / you have it, and / you start back / will «pl.», / said \rf jod 1890:615.9 \op te. "Tizheýbe teýdi thanaýzhiü taiý. Tiýshi hideý te thaýtataýthishoü thanoüýtata taiý. \tr the «past act». / Door-way / at the / you stand / will «pl.». / Tent-pole / base / the / on the left of / you patter on the ground with the sole of the foot / will «pl.». \rf jod 1890:615.10 \op Koüýsi saýtoü theýshpaha taiý," (aý-biamaý Ukiýabi iüsh'aýge akaý. Wagaýxthoü amaý \tr Plum-stone / five / you show to her / will «pl.», / said, they say / @{Ukiýabi} / old man / the «sub.». / Servant / the «pl. sub.» \rf jod 1890:615.11 \op athaý-biamaý.) \tr went, they say. \rf jod 1890:615.12 \op Eýgithe miüýzhiüga waýthixaýzhi akaý aýshi eýthoübe atiýi te ha. Niýstu \tr At length / girl / unmarried / the «sub.» / out of doors / emerging «from the tent» / came / . / Stepping backward \rf jod 1890:615.13 \op agthaiý te ha. Eýgithe wa'uý amaý wiýuhe amaý. Eýgithe kigthiýsoütha- doü toüýthiü \tr they went back / . / At length / woman / the «mv. sub.» / was following close after them, they say. / At length / turned themselves around / and / running \rf jod 1890:615.14 \op agthaý-biamaý. Ki wiýuhe amaý wa'uý amaý. Goü athiüý agthaý-biamaý wa'uý thiüý \tr went homeward, they say. / And / was following close behind them, they say / woman / the «mv. sub.» / And / having her / they went homeward, they say / woman / the «mv. ob.» \rf jod 1890:615.15 \op nuý amaý. Wa'uý amaý wateý gthiýbthaze moüthiüý-biamaý, nazhiýha thoüý shti \tr men / the «pl. sub.». / Woman / the «mv. sub.» / skirt / tearing her own by pulling / walked, they say, / hair / the part / too \rf jod 1890:615.16 \op kigthiýpazaý-biamaý, wateý thoü kigthiýthiügeý-xtioüý-biamaý. Mazhoüý thoüýdi athiüý \tr she pulled her own hair down over her forehead, they say, / skirt / the «garment» / she utterly destroyed it for herself by tearing, they say. / Land / at the «place» / having her \rf jod 1890:615.17 \op akiý-biamaý. Ukiýabi gthiüý akaýdi zhuýgthe athiüý akiý-biamaý. Ukiýabi iüsh'aýge akaý \tr they reached there again, they say. / @{Ukiýabi} / sat to the one who «sub.» / with her / having her / they reached there again, they say. / @{Ukiýabi} / old man / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:616.1 \op ikaýge meýgoü zhoüý'oühaý-biamaý (&or zhoüý'oühe-doüýshteoüý-biamaý). Wagaýxthoü-ma \tr his friends / likewise / &cum &ca &concubuisse &aiunt, / &cum &ca &forte &concubuisse &aiunt. / The servants \rf jod 1890:616.2 \op wiüý niý uiýzhikithaý-biamaý, iüdeý thoü bthuýga nuýkakithaý-biamaý, wa'uý toü. Ediýhi \tr one / water / he caused to fill for her, they say, / face / the part / whole / made wet «for her», they say, / woman / the «std. ob.». / At that time \rf jod 1890:616.3 \op giýwazhiüskaý-biamaý. Ukiýai te, "Koüýsi te wakoüý aniüý te. Uthiýhi-baýzhi taiteý. \tr she regained her senses, they say. / He spoke to her / the «past act», / Plum-stone / the «col. ob.» / gambling appliances / you have «them» / will / They shall not win from you. \rf jod 1890:616.4 \op That'aýzhi kaýshi tateý. Wa'uýzhiügaýxchi shiý tateý. T'eý wiýkoübtha ki, that'eý te, \tr You do not die / a long time / shall «s.». / Very old woman / you reach there / shall «s.». / To die / I wish for you / if / you die / will, \rf jod 1890:616.5 \op eýde t'eý wiýkoübtha-maýzhi. Thihoüý iýe piýazhiý iügaýxe. Eýe ha, uýshkoü te \tr but / to die / I do not wish for you. / Your mother / word / bad / made for me. / That is it / , / deed / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:616.6 \op wiýpaxe," aiý te. \tr I did to you, / he said / the «past act». \rf jod 1890:616.7 \op Hau. "Keý, thagtheý te. Ugaýhanapaýze shoü teý, tiýata thagtheý taýshe. \tr «paragraph» / Come, / you start home / will. / Dark / still / when, / to the tent / you start home / must. \rf jod 1890:616.8 \op Oüýba koüýge theý ki shoüý," aý-biamaý. Wa'uý amaý agthaý-biamaý. Ki \tr Day / near / goes / when / all right / said he, they say. / Woman / the «mv. sub.» / started home, they say. / And \rf jod 1890:616.9 \op Ukiýabi iüsh'aýge akaý shuý gaýxa-biamaý. Tiý eýtoüthiü agtha-biamaý. \tr @{Ukiýabi} / old man / the «sub.» / prairie hen / made, they say. / Tent / he first / started home, they say. \rf jod 1890:616.10 \ti A Dakota story \op Pahoüýgadi Shaoüý wiü t'eý amaý kiý, ithaýdi akaý ihoüý eýthoüba paheýata tiý \tr Formerly / Dakota / one / died / they say / when, / his father / the «sub.» / his mother / she too / on the hill / lodge \rf jod 1890:618.1 \op gikaýxa-biamaý. Ki tiý te moüýte sadeýgthe giaýxa-bi egoüý, gahaý iheýgithaý-biamaý. \tr made for their own, they say. / And / lodge / the «std. ob.» / within / scaffold / made for him, they say / as «+having», / on it / they laid him, their own, they say. \rf jod 1890:618.2 \op Ki sheýnuzhiüýga wiüý tiýgtha-bi egoüý, ithaýdi thiükeý agthaýthiü-biamaý. \tr And / young man / one / dwelt in a lodge, they say / as «+having», / his father / the «st. ob.» / had his own, they say. \rf jod 1890:618.3 \op Ki eýgithe iüsh'aýge noüýba eýdi ahiý-biamaý, ki niniý iüý zhuýgthe gthiüý-biamaý \tr And / at length / old man / two / there / arrived there, they say, / and / tobacco / to use «+smoke» / with him / sat, they say \rf jod 1890:618.4 \op wiüý thiükeý. Shoü deýshte ithaýtha. Eýgithe theý sheýnuzhiüýga ithaýdi akaý gaý-biamaý: \tr one / the «st. ob.». / Yet / they talked first about one thing then about another. / At length / this / young man / his father / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say \rf jod 1890:618.5 \op "Kageýha, thikaýge meýgoü, wat'eý keýdi mashteý waiüý maýoükiýxoü oügaýthe taiý \tr O friend, / your friend / likewise, / the corpse «?» / at the «recl. ob.» / warm / robe / we cut it apart for ourselves / we go / shall \rf jod 1890:618.6 \op ha, tiýha te," aý-biamaý. Ki sheýnuzhiüýga akaý uthiý'agaý-bi egoüý, "Oüýkazhi ha. \tr . / tent skin / the «ob.», / said he, they say. / And / young man / the «sub.» / was unwilling, they say / as, / Not so / . \rf jod 1890:618.7 \op Eýgoü gaýxa-bazhiýi-ga haý. Sheýnuzhiüýga tha'eýgoü-xti t'eý ha, e-noüý shteýshtewoü, \tr So / do not ye / ! / Young man / [in a] very pitiable [manner] / died / , / alone / even if, \rf jod 1890:618.8 \op utiý'a gikoüýthai eýgoü, ti gikaýxe iheýgithaiý ha. Shoükeýthai-ga haý," aý-biamaý. \tr to mellow &or decay in «the tent» / desired for their own / as, / lodge / making for their own / they laid their own. / . / Let the «recl. ob.» alone / ! / said he, they say. \rf jod 1890:618.9 \op Ki shoüý ithaýdi akaý, "T'eý shti thishtoüý ke kiý, eýdi iýgiuýdoü deýshteoüý taýdoü. \tr And / yet / his father / the «sub.», / Dead / too / he lies finished / if, / there / for his good / perhaps / will ? «sign of surprise or doubt». \rf jod 1890:618.10 \op Waiüý wathiüýgai eýgoü, tiýha te heýbe maýoükiýxoü oügoüýthai ha," aý-biamaý. \tr Robe / we none / as, / tent skin / the / part / we cut off for ourselves / we wish / / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:618.11 \op Ki shenuzhiüga aka, "Waýhu'aý! uthiýhexti shkoüýshnai aýhoü. Hiüýdakeý! theý shteshte-oüýi-ga \tr And / young man / the «sub.», / Really! / to have your wish fully gratified / you wish / ! / Let us see! / go ye at any rate \rf jod 1890:618.12 \op haý," eý weýhusaý-biamaý. Ki iüsh'aýge akaý woüýgithe iýa-bazhiýxti \tr ! / that / he scolded them. / And / old man / the «sub.» / all / not speaking at all \rf jod 1890:619.1 \op nazhiüý-bi egoüý, athaý-biamaý wat'eý keýta. Ki sheýnuzhiüýga akaý iüsh'aýge-ma \tr stood up, they say / as «+having», / went, they say / corpse / to the «recl. ob.». / And / young man / the «sub.» / the old men \rf jod 1890:619.2 \op ithaiý ki, wa'uý thiükeý ugiýkiaý-bi egoüý gaý-biamaý: "Thaýnoühaý, waseýsoü thoü \tr they had gone / when, / woman / the «st. one» / spoke to her, his own / as «+having» / said as follows, they say: / O wife / white clay / the piece \rf jod 1890:619.3 \op iüthiüýthizaý-ba haý. Sheý-ma wiüý t'eýathe-xti-moüý taýshe," aý-biamaý. Ki wa'uý akaý \tr take mine for me / ! / Those in sight / one / I kill him indeed «&or fully» / must, / said, they say. / And / woman / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:619.4 \op uthiý'agaý-bi egoüý, "Shoümeýwathaý-a heý. Waiüý thiügaiý he. Waiüý maýkixoü taiý \tr was unwilling, they say / as, / Let them alone / «fem.»! / Robe / they have none / «fem.». / Robe / let them cut off for themselves \rf jod 1890:619.5 \op he," aý-biamaý thoüýzha shoüý nuý akaý thashtoüý-bazhiý-bi egoüý, wa'uý thiükeý weýgithiýze \tr «fem.»., / said she, they say / though / yet / man «+husband» / the «sub.» / not stopping speaking, they say / as, / woman / the «st. one» / was taking it for &them «&sic», \rf jod 1890:619.6 \op amaý ha waseýsoü thoü. Goüýki nuý akaý thizaý-bi egoüý, iýsoükithaý-biamaý ha \tr they say / / white clay / the piece. / And then / man «+husband» / the «sub.» / took it, they say / as «+having», / he whitened himself with it, they say / \rf jod 1890:619.7 \op waseýsoü thoü, shoüý bthuýga, iüdeý, noüshkiý thoü shtewoüý. Thishtoüý-bi ki iüsh'aýge-ma \tr white clay / the piece, / in fact / all «his body», / face, / head / the part / even. / He finished, they say / when / the old men \rf jod 1890:619.8 \op athaiý te sakiýba iýhe athaý-bi egoüý, eýgoüthiü eýdi ahiý-biamaý ha, wat'eý keýdi. \tr they went / the / passing alongside of / went, they say / as «+having», / he first / there / arrived, they say / , / corpse / at the «recl. ob.». \rf jod 1890:619.9 \op Sadeýgthe te aýna-bi egoüý gahaý zhoüý-biamaý, paý thoü tiýmoüthuýhe te eýthoübe \tr Scaffold / the «std. ob.» / he climbed, they say / as «+having» / on it / he lay, they say, / head / the part / "breast of the tent" «where the skins are joined, above the entrance» / the / emerging from \rf jod 1890:619.10 \op ithoüýthe. Ki eýgithe iüsh'aýge amaý aýiaýmamaý uiýthoübe te iýthapithiüýxchi ukiýkie. \tr he placed the part. / And / at length / old men / the «pl. sub.» / were coming, they say / up-hill / the / very slowly / talking together. \rf jod 1890:619.11 \op Sheýnuzhiüýga akaý wanaý'oü zhoüý-biamaý. Ki eýgithe tiý teýdi ahiý-bi ki, iüsh'aýge \tr Young man / the «sub.» / to listen to them / he lay, they say. / And / at length / lodge / at the «std. ob.» / arrived, they say / when, / old men \rf jod 1890:619.12 \op amaý gthiüý-biamaý woüýgithe. Ki pahoüýga akaý gaý-biamaý: "Kageýha, thikaýge \tr the «pl. sub.» / they sat, they say / all / And / first one / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / O friend, / your friend \rf jod 1890:619.13 \op meýgoü, niniý uzhiýi-ga haý. Theýnoü haýshi thikaýge niniý iü zhuoüýgigthe tabaýshe," \tr likewise, / tobacco / fill ye / ! / This time / after / [This last time] / your friend / tobacco / to use / we with him, our own / must «pl.», \rf jod 1890:619.14 \op aý-biamaý. Ki wiüý, "Oüýhoü, thikaýge wiüýkextioüý ha. Eýgoü uýdoü ha," aý-bi \tr said, they say. / And / one, / Yes, / your friend / does indeed speak truly / . / So / good / , / said, they say \rf jod 1890:619.15 \op egoüý, niniý uzhiý-biamaý. Uzhiý thishtoüý-bi egoüý, thanaý-biamaý. Ziý ama kiý niniýba \tr as «+having», / tobacco / filled, they say. / Filled / finished, they say / as «+having», / drew a whiff, they say. / It was yellow / they say / pipe \rf jod 1890:619.16 \op ke tiýmoüthuýhe tetaýthishoü thisoüýtha. Moüýshi uthiýxidaý-bi egoüý, "Hau! kageýha, \tr the «lg. ob.» / "breast of the tent" «where the skins are joined, above the entrance» / towards the / he turned. / Up in the air / he gazed, they say / as «+having», / Ho, / friend \rf jod 1890:619.17 \op niniý gakeý. Goüý theýnafn haýshi niniý iü zhuoüýthigiýgthai. Ki akiýthaha oüthiüý taiý \tr tobacco / that «lg. ob.». / And / this time / after / [This last time] / tobacco / to use / we are with you, our own. / And / apart / we be / shall \rf jod 1890:620.1 \op ha, niniý gakeý," aý-bi egoüý, etaýthishoü uthiýxidaý-biamaý ki paý thoü goüý thoü \tr . / tobacco / that «lg. ob.» / said, they say / as «+having», / in that direction / he gazed, they say / when / head / the part / in the manner described / the part \rf jod 1890:620.2 \op iýtha-biama. Ki, "Wa! kageýha, thikaýge meýgoü, theýta-thoü doüýbai-ga haý," \tr found it, they say. / And, / Oh! / O friend, / your friend / likewise, / this place behind you / look ye / ! \rf jod 1890:620.3 \op aý-biamaý. Ki noübaý akaý doüýba-bi kiý, "Wuhuý! kageýha, eýe akaý ha," aý-bi \tr said, they say. / And / two / the «sub.» / looked, they say / when, / Really! / O friend, / it is he about whom we have heard / / said, they say \rf jod 1890:620.4 \op egoüý, oüýhe agthaý-biamaý woüýgithe. Ki sheýnuzhiüýga akaý kihaý u'oüýsi-bi egoüý, \tr as «+having», / fleeing / went back, they say / all. / And / young man / the «sub.» / downward / leaped, they say / as «+having», \rf jod 1890:620.5 \op weýnoüxithaý-biamaý. Ki noübaý-ma waxthiý xiaýtha-bi thoüýzha, sheýwatha-bazhiý-bi \tr attacked them, they say. / And / the two / being scared / fell to the ground, they say / though, / paid no attention to them, they say \rf jod 1890:620.6 \op egoüý, ithaýdi thiü aýkihoü gthiýxa-biamaý. Ki iüsh'aýge amaý uýxthaiý-bi ki, waxthiý \tr as «+having», / his father / the «mv. ob.» / beyond / he pursued him, his own, they say. / And / old man / the «mv. sub.» / was overtaken, they say / when, / being scared \rf jod 1890:620.7 \op xiaýtha-biamaý. Ki iniüýge akaý aýgigthazhaýdexti gthiüý-bi egoüý, "Noüxiýde thithiüýge \tr he fell to the ground, they say. / And / his son / the «sub.» / sitting astride his own / sat, they say / as «+having», / Hearing / you have none \rf jod 1890:620.8 \op iýthanahiüýi ahoüý. Niniý iüwiüýzhi-ga haý," aý-biamaý. Ki iüsh'aýge akaý, "Haý! \tr you truly / ! / Tobacco / fill for me / ! / said, they say. / And / old man / the «sub.» / Ho! \rf jod 1890:620.9 \op tushpaý! haý! tushpaý!" aý-bi egoüý, thizuýe zhoüý niniý uiýzhi zhoüý-biamaý. Ki sheýnuniüýga \tr O grandchild! / Ho! / O grandchild! / said, they say / as «+having», / stretched out / lying / tobacco / filling for him / he lay, they say. / And / young man \rf jod 1890:620.10 \op thiükeý niniý ke iüý thishtoüý amaý ki, gaý-biamaý iüsh'aýge akaý: "Haý! tushpaý! haý! \tr the «st. one» / tobacco / the «lg. ob.» / used / was finishing, they say / when, / said as follows, they say / old man / the «sub.»: / Ho! / O grandchild! / Ho! \rf jod 1890:620.11 \op tushpaý! tushpaý, thaý'eoüýgith-aýdoü oüýthishtoüý-ga. Theýnoü haýshi niniý iü zhuoüýthigiýgthe \tr O grandchild! / O grandchild! / pity me and / let me go. / This time / after / [This last time] / tobacco / to use / we be with you, our own \rf jod 1890:620.12 \op taý-bi, oüthoüýthai eýgoü shoügaýhii ha. Tushpaý, thaý'eoüýgithaý-ga," aý-biamaý. "Eýgoü \tr about, that, / we thought / as / we went there where you were / . / O grandchild, / pity me, your own / said, they say. / So \rf jod 1890:620.13 \op noüzhiüý adoüý oüýthistuýba-ga haý," aý-biamaý sheýnuzhiüýga akaý. Goüýki iüsh'aýge \tr stand up / and / extend your hand toward me in entreaty / ! / said, they say / young man / the «sub.». / And then / old man \rf jod 1890:620.14 \op akaý noüzhiüý-bi egoüý, thistuýba-biamaý. "Haý! tushpaý! haý! tushpaý!" eý shoüýshoü \tr the «sub.» / stood up, they say / as «+having», / extended his hands toward him, they say. / Ho! / O grandchild! / Ho! / O grandchild! / saying / constantly \rf jod 1890:620.15 \op nazhiüý-biamaý. Sheýnuzhiüýga akaý iýxa teýgoü-xtiý-bi shtewoüý, oüýkabaýzhi-noüý-biamaý. \tr he stood, they say. / Young man / the «sub.» / to laugh / just about to, they say / even though, / was not so regularly, they say. \rf jod 1890:620.16 \op "Ke! moügthiüý-ga haý. Eýgithe iýthoüboüý azhoüý miükeýdi oüwoüýshnishoüýshoü taiý \tr Come! / begone / ! / Beware / a second time / I lie / by me who lie / you go around me often / lest \rf jod 1890:620.17 \op ha. Hiý-bazhiýi-ga haý," aý-bi egoüý, gtheýkithaý-biamaý ha sheýnuzhiüýga akaý. Goüýki \tr . / Do not ye arrive there / ! / said they say / as «+having», / made him go homeward, they say / / young man / the «sub.». / And then \rf jod 1890:621.1 \op sheýnuzhiüýga amaý xaýtha athaý-biamaý. Ki eýgithe iüsh'aýge noübaý akaý shetoüý-noü xiaýthai \tr young man / the «mv. sub.» / back to the starting place «+scaffold» / went, they say. / And / at length / old man / two / the «sub.» / still / they fell down \rf jod 1890:621.2 \op thoüýdi akiýtha zhoüý akaýma. Ki koüýge theý amaý kiý akiýtha bakuý aýiaýtha-biamaý, \tr at the place / both / were lying, they say. / And / near at hand «in &line» / was young, they say / when / both / with robes over their heads / they had gone somewhere, they say, \rf jod 1890:621.3 \op waxthiý-bi egoüý, shoüý shoüýthoükeýwathe agthaý-biamaý. Agthaý-bi kiý shi eýtoüthiü \tr they were cowards, they say / as, / yet / he let them alone / he went homeward, they say. / He went homeward, they say / when / again / he first \rf jod 1890:621.4 \op akiý-biamaý tiý teýdi sheýnuzhiüýga amaý. Goüýki kigthiýzha-bi egoüý thizuýe zhoüý-biamaý. \tr reached home, they say / lodge / at the «std. ob.» / young man / the «mv. sub.». / And then / washed himself, they say / as «+having» / stretched out / lay, they say. \rf jod 1890:621.5 \op Ki igaýxthoü thiükeý ugiýkiaý-bi egoüý, "Eýgithe gthiýi kiý iýthaxa te haý. \tr And / his wife / the «st. one» / spoke to her, his own, they say / as «+having», / Beware / they have returned / when / you laugh / lest / . \rf jod 1890:621.6 \op Iýxazhi goüýtha washkoüý-ga haý. Oüýshiü waxthiý gaskiý t'eýawaýthathiüý ha," aý-biamaý. \tr Not to laugh / desire / make an effort / ! / Nearly / being scared / panting / I killed them «accidentally» [I made them die from exhaustion.] / . / said, they say. \rf jod 1890:621.7 \op Ki iüsh'aýge-ma gthiý-bi kiý zhoüý gaýxe zhoüý-biamaý akiýtha. Ki iüsh'aýge akaý \tr And / the old men / returned home, they say / when / to sleep / feigning / they lay, they say / both. / And / old men / the «coll. sub.». \nt both = the man and wife. \rf jod 1890:621.8 \op woüýgithe zhoüý-bazhiý-xti niniý iü zhuýkigthe gthiüý-biamaý, iýabazhiý-xti shti. Shoüýxti \tr all / not sleeping at all / tobacco / using / with one another / they sat, they say, / not speaking at all / too. / Still, indeed \rf jod 1890:621.9 \op zhoüý-bazhi, oüýba amaý, woüýgithe. Ki hoüýegoüýche kiý sheýnuzhiüýga akaý \tr not sleeping, / it was day, they say, / all. / And / morning / when / young man / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:621.10 \op paýhoü-bi kiý iüsh'aýge akaý woüýgithe giýtha-bazhiý-xti gthiüýakaýma. Ki sheýnuzhiüýga \tr arose from sleep, they say / when / old men / the «coll. sub.» / all / very sorrowful / were sitting, they say. / And / young man \rf jod 1890:621.11 \op akaý gaý-biama: "Thikaýge meýgoü waiüý maýthaxoü thagthiýi ge wiüý oü'iý-ga haý. Wiý \tr the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / Your friends / likewise / robe / you cut off / you have come back / the «in. objects» / one / give to me / ! / I \rf jod 1890:621.12 \op shti waiüý oüthiüýge-xti-moüý ha," aý-biamaý. Ki ithaýdi akaý, "Tenaý! eýdi oügaýhii \tr too / robe / I have none at all / / said he, they say. / And / his father / the «sub.» / Why! / there / we arrived there \rf jod 1890:621.13 \op thoüýzha oüthiý'a oügaýgthii ha, weaýnoüxiýthai eýgoü. Oüýthiü-noü t'eýawatha-bathiüýi ha," \tr though / we failed / we have come back / , / we were attacked / as. / Nearly / we were killed «accidentally?» / , \rf jod 1890:621.14 \op aý-biamaý. "Tenaý! eýgoü tateý ubthiý'age goüý, Thaý-bazhiýi-ga haý, eheý ki shoüý \tr said he, they say. / Why! / so / shall / I was unwilling / as, / Go ye not / ! / I said / when / yet \rf jod 1890:621.15 \op oüýthanaý'oü-baýzhi shnaiý ha. Iüýtoü eýde thaxaýgai te ha," aý-biamaý sheýnuzhiüýga \tr you did not hear me / you went / . / Now / but / you weep / the past act «?» / , / said, they say / young man \rf jod 1890:621.16 \op akaý. Shi hoüý ki sheýnuzhiüýga akaý, "Shi athuýha iýgaskoüýthe moüthiüýi-ga haý. Wiý \tr the «sub.». / Again / night / when / young man / the «sub.», / Again / in addition to / to try it / walk ye / ! / I \rf jod 1890:622.1 \op shti heýbe iüýthiü giýi-ga haý, thikaýge meýgoü, waiüý oüthiüýge-xti-moüý aýtha," \tr too / piece / having it for me / be ye coming back / ! / your friend / likewise, / robe / I have none at all / indeed, \rf jod 1890:622.2 \op aý-biamaý. Ki iüsh'aýge akaý woüýgithe waýmoükaý-shtewoüý-bazhiý-biamaý, uthiý'agaý-bi \tr said, they say. / And / old men / the «coll. sub.» / all / became altogether out of patience with him, they say, / they were unwilling, they say \rf jod 1890:622.3 \op egoüý. Sasuý. \tr as. / François (Frank). \rf jod 1890:622.4 \ti A Yankton story \op Goü Ihoüýktoüwiü toüýwoügthoü meýiüte, sheýnuzhiüýga wiüý miüý ithaýpe-noüýi \tr And / Yankton / village / those perhaps «?» / young man / one / human female / waited for an unseen one regularly \rf jod 1890:624.1 \op te. Niýkagaýhi izhoüýge noüýba ukiýkizhi te, waýthixa-baýzhi te, nuýzhiügaý shti wiüý te, \tr the «completed act». / Chief / his daughter / two / near kindred / the «past sign», / boy / too / one / the «past act», \rf jod 1890:624.2 \op zhiügaý. Ki niýashiüýga theý miüý ithaýpa-bi eheý akaý, eý wa'uý thoükaý uýwakie goüýthai \tr small. / And / man / this / that / he waited for a woman / I said / the «sub.», / he / woman / the «pl. ob.» / to talk to them / desired \rf jod 1890:624.3 \op te, eý weýapaiý te. Hoüý ki, tiý teýdi ahiýi te, tiý-soüthe. Ti naýza teýdi zhoüýi \tr the «past act», / he / waited for them / the «past act». / Night / when, / tent / at the / arrived / the «past act», / tent whitened. / Tent / rear / at the / lay \rf jod 1890:624.4 \op te. Goü iýe waýna'oü zhoüýi te. Eýgithe sheýmiüzhiüýga akaý akiýtha ukiýkie \tr the «past act». / And / speaking / listening to them / lay / the «past act». / At length / young woman / the «sub.» / both / talked together \rf jod 1890:624.5 \op aýtiaýgtha-biamaý. Geý aýtiaýgtha-biamaý: "Wiheý, eýbe niýkashiüýga wiüý Kageý \tr began suddenly, they say. / To say as follows / began suddenly, they say: / Younger sister, / who / person / one / Younger brother «fem.» \rf jod 1890:624.6 \op uý'oü t'oü-weýakithaiý ki, oüýgathiýxe tateý," aý-biamaý. "Wuhu+!" etheýgoü zhoüýi te. \tr causes him «for us, his sisters» to enrage the enemy, etc. / if, / we take him for a husband / shall, / said, they say. / Oho! / thinking / he lay / the «past act». \rf jod 1890:624.7 \op Goü weýthigthoü gaýxe zhoüýi te. Agthaý-bi egoüý, eýwathe-maýdi akiý-bi egoüý, hiübeý \tr And / plan / making / he lay / the «past act». / Having gone back, they say, / to his kindred «pl. ob. , etc.» / having returned, they say, / moccasins \rf jod 1890:624.8 \op bateý washiýi te. Goüý giaýxai te. Paýze iýthoüboüý ki, nuýzhiüga uneý athaiý te, \tr to saw / employed them / the «past act». / So / they did it for him / the «past act». / Evening / a second time / when, / boy / to seek him / went / the «past act», \rf jod 1890:624.9 \op iüdeý thoü iýkipahoüýzhiwaýthe teýdi. Goüý nuýzhiüga thiü eýdediý thiü amaý, tiý-gaxe. \tr face / the «part» / can not be recognized by one another / when. / And / boy / the «mv. ob.» / was «mv.» / there / they say, / playing. \rf jod 1890:624.10 \op Goüýki iýthai te. Goüýki, "Giý-ga hauý, Kageý-i," aý-bi egoüý goüý athiüý athaiý te. \tr And then / found him / the «past act». / And then, / Come / ! / Younger brother, «masc.» / having said, they say / so / having him / he went / the «past act». \rf jod 1890:624.11 \op Goüý hoüý te ithaýugtheýxti goüý giý'iü athaiý te, toüýde aýthitaýxti. Goüý nudoüý \tr And / night / the / throughout / so / carrying him on his back / went / the «past act», / ground / across by the nearest way. / And / to war \rf jod 1890:624.12 \op giý'iü athaiý te. Tenuýga wiü t'eýtha-bi egoüý, tanuýka umoüýe niüýde gaýxai te. \tr carrying him on his back / went / the «past act». / Buffalo bull / one / having killed, they say, / fresh meat / provisions / cooked / made / the «past act». \rf jod 1890:625.1 \op Goüý umoüýe te 'iüý-bi egoüý, nuýzhinfgaý shti aýgahaýdi giý'iüi te. Watiýshka eýdegoü \tr And / provisions / the «col. ob.» / having carried on his back, they say, / boy / too / in addition to it / carried him on his back, they say / the «past act». / Creek / but «past» \rf jod 1890:625.2 \op ahiý-bi egoüý, nuýzhiüga uchiýzheadi gthiüýkithaý-bi egoüý, umoüýe heýbe 'iýi te, taý. \tr having reached it, they say, / boy / in the bushes / having seated him, they say, / provisions / part / gave to him / the «past act», / dried meat. \rf jod 1890:625.3 \op "Eýgithe neý te. Shoüýshoü gthiüý-ga. Eýgithe uthaýgas'iüý te, gashiýbata! \tr Beware / you go / lest. / Always / sit. / Beware / you peep / lest, outside «the undergrowth» \rf jod 1890:625.4 \op Agthiý taý miüke ha." Goüý athaiý te, wadoüýbe. Niýashiüýga shte weýtha-baýzhi akiýi \tr I will return hither / / And / went / the «past act», / as a scout. / Person / at all / found them not / he reached there again \rf jod 1890:625.5 \op teýdi, ukiýa-bi egoüý, nuý noüýxti ukiýe gaýxai te, "Nuýdoühoügaý, niýashiüýga shte \tr when, / having spoken to him, they say, / man / fully grown / speaking to him / made / the «past act», / O war captain, / person / at all \rf jod 1890:625.6 \op thiügaiý. Edaýdoü shtewoüý thiügaiý." Shi giý'iü egoüý shi athaiý te. Shi \tr is wanting. / Whatsoever / is wanting. / Again / having carried him on his back / again / went / the «past act». / Again \rf jod 1890:625.7 \op goüý amaý eýgoü gthiüýkithaiý te, uchiýzheadi paýzexchi hiý ki. Shi wadoüýbe athaiý \tr having gone thus for some time / he seated him / the «past act», / amid the undergrowth / late in the evening / he reached there / when. / Again / as a scout / went \rf jod 1890:625.8 \op te. Eýgithe wakiýda-biamaý. Eýgithe niýashiüýga wiüý oüýpoü wiüý t'eýthe akaýma. \tr the «past act». / At length / he shot at something, they say. / At length / person / one / elk / one / was killing it, they say. \rf jod 1890:625.9 \op Ki nuýzhiüga thiükeý agiýagthe goüýtha-bi kiýshte, giýtexi te shoüý goüý uthuýdoübe gthiüýi \tr And / boy / the «st. ob.» / to fetch him / wished, they say / even when, / difficult for him / the «+as» / yet / still / considering / he sat \rf jod 1890:625.10 \op te. Goü niýashiüýga toü gthaýdai te. Goü weýthe shtewoüýzhi t'eýthai te niýashiüýga \tr the «past act». / And / person / the «std. ob.» / he crept up towards him / the «past act». / And / not having seen him at all / he killed him / the «past act» / person \rf jod 1890:625.11 \op keý. Goüýki nuýzhiüga thiükeý agiýagthaiý te. "Nuýdoühoügaý, niýashiügaý wiüý t'eýathe \tr the «recl. ob.». / And then / boy / the «st. ob.» / he fetched / the «past act». / O war captain, / person / one / I have killed \rf jod 1890:625.12 \op ha. Wanoüýxthiü-ga haý," aiý te. Goü giý'iü egoüý eýdi athaiý te, toüýshiü. Eýdi \tr . / Hasten / ! / said / the «past act». / And / having carried him on his back / there / went / the «past act», / running. / There \rf jod 1890:625.13 \op ahiý-bi egoüý, nuýzhiüga thiükeý niýashiüýga keý gahaý aýtoükithaiý te. Goüýki agthaiý \tr having reached, they say, / boy / the «st. ob.» / person / the dead body / on it / caused him to tread / the «past act». / And then / started home \rf jod 1890:625.14 \op te. Niýashiüýga nazhiüýha thoüý shti heýbe thizaý-bi egoüý, goüý nuýzhiüga thiükeý giý'iü \tr the «past act». / Person / hair / the «part» / too / part / having taken, they say, / so / boy / the one who / carrying him on his back \rf jod 1890:625.15 \op agthaiý te. Goü wa'uý thoükaý wasiýthexti gtheý te goüý, "Miüaýgthoü taý miüke," \tr started home / the «past act». / And / woman / the «pl. ob.» / thinking intently of them / started back / the «past act» / as, / I take for a wife / will / I who, \rf jod 1890:626.1 \op etheýgoü eýgoü, giýthexti gthe teý. Ki pahoüýga mazhoüý aiýi thoüýdi akiýi te, \tr having thought, / very glad / started home / the «past act». / And / before / land / he was approaching / at the «land» / he arrived again / the «past act», \rf jod 1890:626.2 \op ti-uýthixthiýge thoüýdi. Eýgithe tiý wiü eýdediý te amaý. Tiýi bthuýgaxti wahoüý-bi \tr deserted village site / at the «land». / At length / tent / one / was std. there, / they say. / Tents / all / removed, they say \rf jod 1890:626.3 \op kiý, tiý wiüaýxchi eýdediý te amaý. Eýdi ahiý-bi ki, eýgithe tizheýbe teý shtewoüý \tr when, / tent / just one / was std. there, they say. / There / arrived, they say / when, / behold / door-way / the / en ev \rf jod 1890:626.4 \op moüthiüýka aýzhi-bi egoüý, iüýchoüxchi wahoüý athaý-bi keý amaý, tiýi amaý ushteý amaý. \tr earth / having been put on it in small pieces, they say, / just now / migrating / they had gone off in a lg. line, they say, / those in the tents «sub.» / the others «sub.». \rf jod 1890:626.5 \op Shi uzhoüýge ke uhaý athaiý te, ugaýxthoü zhoüýge wiýuhe athaiý te. Eýgithe niýashiüýga \tr Again / toad / the «lg. ob.» / following it / went / the «past act», / road of migrating party / following closely after them / went / the «past act». / At length / person \rf jod 1890:626.6 \op noüýba pahaýdi gthiüý akaýma. Eýdi ahiý-bi ki, eýgithe theý nuýzhiüga thiükeý ithaýdi \tr two / on a hill / were sitting, they say. / There / arrived, they say / when, / behold / this / boy / the one who / his father \rf jod 1890:626.7 \op akaý ihoüý akaý sheýnoüba akaýma. Aiý-bi egoüý, nuýzhiüga iýagikigthaý-bi egoüý, \tr the «sub.» / his mother / the «sub.» / those two / were st., they say. / Having come, they say, / boy / having kissed their own, they say, \rf jod 1890:626.8 \op niýashiüýga thiükeý iýakigthaý-biamaý, ithaýdi akaý shti, ihoüý akaý shti, ihoüý akaý shti. "Uýdoü heýgazhi \tr man / the one who / they kissed him, they say, / his father / the «sub.» / too, / his mother / the «sub.» / too. / Good / very \rf jod 1890:626.9 \op shkaýxe eýdegoü thakiýgthizhuaýzhi," aý-biamaý. Niýashiüýga akaý nuýzhiüga thiükeý athiüý athaiý \tr you did / but / you injured yourself, / said, they say. / Man / the «sub.» / boy / the one who / took away \rf jod 1890:626.10 \op te ebeý shtewoü uiýtha-baýzhii teý. Ki itoüýge amaý nuýzhiüga thiükeý thiügeý teýdi \tr when / who / soever / he did not tell it to / the «past act». / And / his sister / the «pl. sub.» / boy / the one who / was missing / when \rf jod 1890:626.11 \op iýgitha-baýzhi teýdi, t'eýkithaý-biamaý. Nuýzhiüga ithaýdi akaý gaý-biamaý: "Aniüý neý \tr they did not find him, their own / when, / they killed themselves, they say. / Boy / his father / the «sub.» / said as follows, they say: / You took him away \rf jod 1890:626.12 \op teýdi unaý eteý ki uýdoüxti shkaýxe thoüýzha, itoüýge akaý enaýxchi nuý ukiýzhi eýgoü \tr when / you tell it / ought / very good / you do / though, / his sister / the «sub.» / him only / man / near relation «brother» / as \rf jod 1890:626.13 \op teýxigithaiý, shoüý uxpaýthe te goüý t'eý doüýshte etheýgoüi eýgoü goüý t'eýkithaiý itoüýge \tr prized him, their own, / so / lost / the / and / dead / perhaps / they thought / as / so / killed themselves / his sister \rf jod 1890:626.14 \op akiýtha." Goüýki theý niýashiüýga akaý goüý ithaýdi thiükeý uiýthai te theý iýe ke \tr both. / And then / this / man / the «sub.» / at any rate / his father / the «st. ob.» / told it to him / the «past act» / this / spoken / the \rf jod 1890:626.15 \op bthuýga, e'oüý niýashiüýga t'eýthai teý. "Keý, oügaýthe taiý. Shoüý ha. Wanaýte te \tr all, / how / man / he killed / the «past act». / Come, / let us go. / Enough / . / You eat / shall \rf jod 1890:626.16 \op haý," aiý te. "Moüthiüýi-ga. Shubtheý taý miüke," aiý te niýashiüýga akaý. Goüý \tr . / said he / the «past act». / Walk ye. / I will go to you, / said / the «past act» / man / the «sub.». / So \rf jod 1890:626.17 \op gthiüýi te. Iýkisoüýthiü thaiý ki, xaýtha agthaiý te. Wa'uý theý t'eýkithe thoükaýta akiýi \tr he sat / the «past act». / Out of sight / they went / when, / back again / he started back / the «past act». / Woman / this / killed themselves / to the ones / he reached again \rf jod 1890:627.1 \op te. Tizheýbe moüthiüýka moü-baýse aýzhii te uthiýxpathaý-bi egoüý, tiý moüýte ahiýi \tr the «past act». / Door-way / earth / cubes of sod piled up / the «col. ob.» / having made fall from a height by pulling, they say, / tent / within / arrived \rf jod 1890:627.2 \op te. Eýgithe wa'uý akiýtha zhoüýki'oüýhe iheýwathaý-bi thoükaýma. Eýdi ahiý-bi egoüý, \tr the «past act». / Behold / woman / both / reclining together «?» / they had been laid, they say. / There / having arrived, they say, \rf jod 1890:627.3 \op uthiýzoü te utoüýna uýbasne zhoüý akaýma. Goüýki t'eýkithe akaýma. \tr middle / the / space / making a split by pushing «?» / he was lying, they say. / And then / he was killing himself, they say. \rf jod 1890:627.4 \ti Address to the young men \op Niýashiüga-maýshe, wathaýkigthiýtoüi nuýde taxux* uthiýzhi-xti ki-noüý, edaýdoü wiüý \tr O ye people, / you work for yourselves / throat / you are very full of / [you \rf jod 1890:628.1 \op thakiýshkaxe taiý ha. Washkoüýi-ga. Eýbe uthuýnazhiü-bazhiýi-ga. Niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü \tr you make for yourself / will pl. / . / Try «pl.». / Who / do not depend «ye» on him. / Indian \rf jod 1890:628.2 \op oüýgathiü bthuýgaxti Wakoüýda akeý-goü waýxai te ha, mazhoüý thoüýdi, thoüýzha \tr we who move / all / @{Wakoüýda} / the «sub.», so / made us / the «past act». / , / land / on the, / though \rf jod 1890:628.3 \op edaýdoü weaýgiuýdoü oümoüýthiü wegaýxai ge bthuýgaxti thiügeý ha. Mazhoüý theýthoü \tr what / for our advantage / we walk / made for us / the «pl. ob.» / all / wanting / . / Land / this «place» \rf jod 1890:628.4 \op bthuýgaxti waýxe-ma ugiýpi eýgoü waniýta weaýgiuýdoü Wakoüýda thiükeý wegaýxai \tr all / the white people / full / as / quadruped / good for us / @{Wakoüýda} / the «st. one» / made for us \rf jod 1890:628.5 \op thoüýzha, bthuýgaxti muýthiügaiý. Pahoüýga teýdi waniýta thiü etaý thiügeýxti goüý \tr though, / all / exterminated by shooting / Before / when / quadruped / the «class» / his / without any at all / so \rf jod 1890:628.6 \op t'eoüýthe oümoüýthiüi, oüthoüýkigthiýgthoüxti oümoüýthiüi, nuý eýgoüxti oümoüýthiüi. Ki \tr we killed / we walked, / we deciding altogether for ourselves / we walked, / man / just like / we walked. / And \rf jod 1890:629.1 \op iüýchoü teýdi uýshkoü ge e-noüý oügiýsitheýxti oümoüýthiü taiteý thiügeý. Waýxe-ma \tr now / when / deed / the «pl. ob.» / only those / we remember well / we walk / shall «pl.» / wanting. / The white people \rf jod 1890:629.2 \op uýshkoü etaiý ke oüthoüýbahoü-baýzhi shteýshtewoü, shoüý etaýthishoü wioüýthixe taiý. Ediý \tr deed / their / the / we do not know / notwithstanding, / yet / towards them / let us shape our course. / In that \rf jod 1890:629.3 \op ki weýudoü oümoüýthiü taiý. \tr case / good for us / we shall walk. \rf jod 1890:629.4 \ti @{Tenuýga-naýzhiü} to his friend Gray Hat \op Theýthu Wathaýge xuýde gthiý ki, uaýkie. Itiýgoüthai keýta piý, Waýzhiüdaýthiü \tr Here / Hat / gray / had come back / when, / I talked to him. / Grandfather / at the «place» / I was there. / Washington \rf jod 1890:629.5 \op eý aýwake, mazhoüý theýthoü wiwiýta Itiýgoüthai thiükeý weýbthiüwiü piý. Niýkashiüýga \tr that / I mean, / land / this «cv.» / my / He whom they have for a grandfather / the «st. ob.» / I sell it / I was there. / People \rf jod 1890:629.6 \op kediý amaý hiýdeataý amaý Maýhiü-toüýga-ma eýkigoüýxti watoüýbe. Ki eýgithe \tr those who were there / those lower down the Missouri River / the Americans / just like / I saw them. / And / at length \rf jod 1890:629.7 \op mazhoüý weýgthiüwiü teýdi waxpaýniaýzhi amaý. Itiýgoüthai akaý uzhoüýge uýdoü wiüý oü'iý \tr land / sold their / when / they were not poor. / Grandfather / the «sub.» / road / good / one / gave me \rf jod 1890:630.1 \op haý. Ithaýgitha-maýzhi, aýdoü waxpaýni. Oüwoüýxpani aýdoü ki eýskana Wakoüýda \tr . / I have not found mine, / therefore / poor. / I am poor / therefore / and / oh that! / God \rf jod 1890:630.2 \op thiükeý izhiüýge thiükeý, oüýba etaý keýta eýthoübe piý koüý ebtheýgoü. Eýde \tr the one who / his son / the one who, / day / their / to the / in sight / I reach / I hope. / But \rf jod 1890:630.3 \op ugaýhanapaýze kediý-noü shoüýshoü bthiü. Eýskana theýshetoüý, Maýhiü-toüýga-maýshe, \tr darkness / in it usually / always / I am. / Oh that! / henceforth, / O ye Americans, \rf jod 1890:630.4 \op ugoüýba keýta eýskana piý koüý ebtheýgoü. Iüwiüýthakoüýi ki, eýskoü ebtheýgoü, \tr light / to the / oh that / I reach / I hope. / You help me / if / it may be / I think that, \rf jod 1890:630.5 \op shiüýgazhiüýga wiwiýta niüýt athaiý koüý ebtheýgoü. Ukiýt'e theýamaý Shaoüý amaý piýbazhi \tr child / my / alive / go / I hope. / Nation or Foreigners / these / Dakota / the «pl. sub.» / bad \rf jod 1890:630.6 \op heýgabaýzhi ki, shoüý, Maýhiü-toüýga-maýshe, edaýdoü ge aýhigiýxti wathaý'i \tr not a little / when, / still, / O ye Americans, / what «+thing» / the «pl. in. ob.» / a great many / you give to them \rf jod 1890:630.7 \op waxpaýni-baýzhi. Wiý noüxiýde oüskaýxti, iýe thithiýtai anaý'oü miükeý. Nishuýde \tr they are not poor. / I / I have a very good hearing, / word / your «pl.» / I am hearing as I sit. / Missouri River \rf jod 1890:630.8 \op theý-kedi waýxe aýhigixti, waxpaýnixti at'eý taý miüke. Niýashiüga-ma uýshkoü \tr this by the / white man / a great many, / very poor / I die / will / I who. / People the «pl. ob.» / deed \rf jod 1890:630.9 \op piýazhi amaý wathaýkihiýdai ki, iýe thithiýtai anaý'oü miükeý. Ugaýhanapaýze kedi \tr bad / the ones who / you attend to them / if / word / your «pl.» / I am hearing as I sit. / Darkness / in the \rf jod 1890:630.10 \op shoüýshoü bthiüý. Theýshetoüý eýskana oüshtoüýbe eg eýteoüýi eýde. Wagoüýze wiüý \tr always / I am. / By this time / oh that / you see me / so «?» / should at least / but. / Teacher / one \rf jod 1890:630.11 \op Poüýka tiýi thoüýdi nazhiüý ha, theýthu nazhiüý. Waxpaýni t'oüý oüthoüýbahoü wagoüýze \tr Ponka / village / at the / stands / , / here / stands. / Poor / there is / he knows about me / teacher \rf jod 1890:630.12 \op toü. Edaýdoü iüýtexi ge wagoüýze toüý na'oüý tateý. Uýshkoü iüýtexi ge \tr the «std. one». / What / hard for me / the «pl. in. ob.» / teacher / the «std. one» / he hears it / shall. / Deed / hard for me / the «pl. in. ob.» \rf jod 1890:630.13 \op baxuýakitheý-noü- moüý taý miüke. Ki iýe ke wagoüýze toüý theýna'oüi ki, \tr I cause him to write usually I use / will / I who. / And / word / the / teacher / the «std.» / you hear from him / when, \rf jod 1890:630.14 \op wiüýke eýskoü eneýgoüi, gebtheýgoü, Maýhiü-toüýga-maýshi. pithaýdioüwoüthaiý-ma \tr He speaks truly / perhaps / you think, / I think that, / O ye Americans! / Those whom we have had for agents \rf jod 1890:630.15 \op waýgazu-baýzhi. Uýshkoü ge iüýudoüi ge ithaýtha-maýzhi ha. Niýashiüga-ma \tr not straight «pl.». / Deed / the «pl. in. ob.» / bood for me / the «pl. in. ob.» / I have not found / . / The persons «pl. ob.» \rf jod 1890:630.16 \op waýgazuýxti-ma wiüý koüýbtha. Waýgazuý-ma wiü tiýthakitheý ki, iüwiüýkoüi ki, \tr the very honest ones / one / I desire. / The honest ones «pl. ob.» / one / you send him to me / if, / he helps me / if, \rf jod 1890:630.17 \op ithaýniüta teý ha. Ki Wathaýge xuýde thiý, iýe tateý anaý'oü teý eýshetoüý-xti eýgithe \tr I may live by means of him / . / And / Hat / gray / you / he speak / shall / I heard it / when / from that time onward really / it happened \rf jod 1890:630.18 \op waýgazu zhiügaýxchi. Waýgazu te eýgoü-noü koüýbtha. Uýdoü ha, ebtheýgoü. \tr straight / very small. / Straight / the / so only / I desire. / Good / , / I think that. \rf jod 1890:630.19 \op Guýdiha aniüýta (eý)te aýhoü, aýdoü weýthihiýde sagiýgi- noü koüýbtha. Zhoüýthinoüýge \tr In future / I live / may / ! / therefore. / tool / hard ones of different kinds only / I desire. / Wagon \rf jod 1890:630.20 \op koüýbtha. Teýska koüýbtha. Teýska zhoü 'iüý-ma koüýbtha. Weý'e koüýbtha. \tr I desire. / Cattle / I desire. / Cattle / wood / those who carry on their backs / I desire. / Plow / I desire. \rf jod 1890:631.1 \op Xaýdigaýshna koüýbtha. Toüýdinoüshpeý koüýbtha. Weýmagiýxe koüýbtha. \tr Scythe / I desire. / Spade / I desire. / Saw / I desire. \rf jod 1890:631.2 \op Moüýze wiýugaýdoü koüýbtha. Shoüýge waýthaha koüýbtha. Wamuýsk-inoütuýbe \tr Iron / used for nailing / I desire. / Horse / clothing / I desire. / "Wheat-grinder" «+grist-mill» \rf jod 1890:631.3 \op koüýbtha. Ki eý abthiüý ki, ithaýniüta teý aýhoü, ebtheýgoü. Mazhoüý ge toüýga \tr I desire. / And / that / I have / when, / I live by means of it / will / ! / I think that. / Land / the «pl. in. ob.» / large \rf jod 1890:631.4 \op shtewoüý abthiüý- maýzhi ha; aýdoü weýthihiýde sagiýgi- noü koüýbtha ha. Usniý \tr by any means / I have I not / ; / therefore / tool / hard ones of different kinds only / I desire / . / Winter \rf jod 1890:631.5 \op gtheýba ki eýdi thaýbthiü Itiýgoüthai thiükeýta piý te agthiý te, ki shetoüý weýthihiýde \tr ten / and / on it / three / the one had as a grandfather / to the / I was there / the / I have come back / the, / and / that far / tool \rf jod 1890:631.6 \op sagiý- shtewoüý abthiüý- maýzhi. Aýdoü weýthihiýde sagiý ge koüýbtha. Wagoüýze toü \tr hard by any means / I have I not. / Therefore / tool / hard / the «pl. in. ob.» / I desire. / Teacher / the «std.» \rf jod 1890:631.7 \op koüýbtha te oüthoüýbahoü. Ki eýkigoüýxti iütheýshkaxaiý koüý ebtheýgoü. Edaýdoü \tr I desire / the / he knows about me. / And / just like it / for me you make it / I hope that. / What \rf jod 1890:631.8 \op wiüý ithaýniüta teý shtewoüý thiügeýe ha. Enaýxchi ithaýniüta teý ha. \tr one / I live by means of it / may / soever / there is none / . / That only / I live by means of him / may / . \rf jod 1890:631.9 \ti @{Hexaýga-saýbe} and @{Tatoüýga-naýzhiü} to Betsy Dick \op Nuýzhiüga akaý thidoüýbe goüýthai. Waýthaha uýwathagishnaý te gitoüýbe \tr Boy / the «sub.» / to see you / desires. / Clothing / you told us about / the / to see his own \rf jod 1890:633.1 \op goüýthai. Uxtheýxchi tha'iý te goüýthai. T'oüýadi thatiý teýdi shoüýgetazhiüýga wi'iý \tr he desires. / Very soon / you give it to him / the / he desires. / Last fall / you came / when / colt / I gave you \rf jod 1890:633.2 \op aniüýthagtheý, gthiý. Nuýzhiüga thi'iý thiükeý eý aýzhi ha, gthiýzazhi ha shoüýgetazhiüýga. \tr you took it homeward, / it has returned. / Boy / he gave it to you / the one who / he / different / , / he did not take it back / / colt. \rf jod 1890:633.3 \op Poüýka aýzhi shoüýge toüý ihoüý toü athiüý akaý, eý gthiýzai shoüýgetazhiüýga. Utoüýbe \tr Ponka / another / horse / the «std.» / its mother / the «std.» / he has her / the «sub.» / he / took it back / colt. / Do not look for \rf jod 1890:633.4 \op githaýzhi-ga! Oüwoüýwata ugaýshoü-baýzhi. Shkoüýazhi gthiüý. Wawaýxpani heýgabaýzhi. \tr it, as your own! / Whither / they have not gone traveling. / Potionless / sits. / We are poor / not a little. \rf jod 1890:633.5 \op Gatiýde-moüýthiü, niýkagahi washiý etaiý t'eý. Shuýde-gaýxe izhiüýge, Xegaýthixoü, \tr @{Gatiýde-moüýthiü}, / chief / adherent / their / dead. / Smoke-maker / his son, / @{Xegaýthixoü}, \rf jod 1890:633.6 \op t'eý thishtoüý gthiüý. Pahoüýgadi wabaýxu wiü shutheýathe, gthiýazhi. Iüýchoü shi gaýthoü \tr dead / finished / sits. / Formerly / letter / one / I sent to you, / it has not returned. / Now / again / that one \rf jod 1890:633.7 \op shutheýathe. Miüý theý heýbe thigiýtoübe goüýthai nuýzhiüga. T'oüýdoü thatiý teýdi \tr I send to you. / Moon / this / part / to see you, his own / desires / boy. / In the fall / you came / when \rf jod 1890:633.8 \op tha'eýthithe nuýzhiüga. Shoüýge wiü thi'iý. Edaýdoü uýwathaginaý thagthiý bthuýga ginaý'oüi, \tr had pity on you / boy. / Horse / one / he gave to you. / What / you told us about / you came back / all / have heard of their own, \rf jod 1890:633.9 \op thiýna-baýzhi. Neýxigakuý enaýxchi thiýnai. Miüý theý heýbe gitoüýbe goüýthai. Shatheý \tr they did not beg of you. / Drum / alone / they asked of you. / Moon / this / part / to see their own / they wish. / To go to you \rf jod 1890:633.10 \op 'ithaiý nuýzhiüga wiýta. Wabaýxu wiü tioüýthakitheý 'iýthathe eýde tiýazhi. Edaýdoü te \tr speaks of it / boy / my. / Letter / one / you cause to come hither / you promised / but / it has not come. / What / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:633.11 \op uthaýket'oü kiýzhi, anaý'oü koüýbtha. Wabaýxu thoü shuhiý te eýgasaýni teý iýthathe te \tr you acquire / it, / I hear / I desire. / Letter / the / reaches you / the / on the following day / the / you find it / the \rf jod 1890:633.12 \op wabaýxu tioüýthakitheý koüýbtha. E'oüý thakiý eýiüte anaý'oü koüýbtha. \tr letter / you cause to come to me / I desire. / How / you reach home / it may be / I hear it / I desire. \rf jod 1890:633.13 \ti @{Hexaýga-saýbe} to @{Kushaýsha}, at the Omaha Agency, Nebr. \dt March 11, 1872 \op Shupiý tateý ebtheýgoü. Moüýzepe niniýba iüwiüýthane esheý, oüthaý'i thishtoüý. \tr I reach you / shall / I think that. / Hatchet / pipe / you seek for me / you said, / you gave to me / finished. \rf jod 1890:635.1 \op Sheýki giý ki, athiüý giýkithaý-ga! Teýzhiühiüýde wathaýge oüthaý'i 'iýthathe agiýkoübtha. \tr @{Sheýki} / is returning / when, / cause him to bring it back! / Woven yarn / head-dress / you gave me / you promised / I wish my own. \rf jod 1890:635.2 \op Sheýna. \tr Enough. \rf jod 1890:635.3 \ti @{Hexaýga-saýbe} to @{Sheýki}, a Ponka staying at the Omaha Agency \dt 1872 \op Sheýki, moüýzeska thiýta abthiüý, bthiýze. Niýashiüga thaýbthiü oüýkii eýde \tr @{Sheýki}, / money / your / I have, / I took it. / Person / three / contended with me for it / but \rf jod 1890:635.4 \op awaý'i-maýzhi: Ithaýdithai thiükeý, ieýska, Moüchuý-nita. Oüwoüýshkoütoüýga, aýdoü \tr I did not give it to them: / Agent / the, / interpreter, / @{Moüchuý-nita}. / I am strong, / therefore \rf jod 1890:635.5 \op awaý'i-maýzhi. Moüýzeska wiýta gtheýba iteýwikitheý, eýde witaýhoü t'eý aýdoü awaý'i. \tr I did not give it to them. / Money «?» / my / ten / I put away for you, / but / my wife's brother / dead / therefore / I gave to them. \rf jod 1890:635.6 \op Shoüýge noüýba, teýska miüýga edaýbe, edaýdoü goüýtha oüýthagaýzhi uaýket'oü, eýde \tr Horses / two, / ox / female / also, / what / to desire / you commanded me / I acquired, / but \rf jod 1890:635.7 \op witaýhoü t'e, aýdoü zaniý thiügeý, bthuýgaxti thiügeý. Moüýzeska thagiýshtoübe \tr my wife's brother / dead, / therefore / all / there is none, / every one / there is none. / Money / you see your own \rf jod 1890:635.8 \op koüýbtha, aýdoü iteýathe. Umaýha teý uneý amaý kiý ki, anaý'oü koüýbtha. \tr I desire, / therefore / I put it away. / Omaha / buffalo / hunters / reach home / when, / I hear / I desire. \rf jod 1890:635.9 \op Waxiüýha shtoüýbe ki, eýgasaýni tioüýthakitheý te anaý'oü ki. Sheýna. \tr Paper / you behold / when, / the following day / you send to me / please / I hear / when. / Enough. \rf jod 1890:635.10 \ti @{Hexaýga-saýbe} to Dr. Potter, Yankton, Dak \dt 1873 \op Waýxe paýxe iüýtoü miü shaýpe. Pahoüýgadi iüwiüýthakoüýazhi eýde, wagoüýze \tr White man / I act / now / moon / six. / Formerly / you did not help me / but, / teacher \rf jod 1890:636.1 \op waýxe uýdoü heýgazhi te, weýkishnoüthaýkithe ki, edaýdoüshteýshte tioüýthakitheý koüýbtha, \tr white man / good / not a little / as «?» / you make me thankful suddenly / if, / whatsoever / you send to me / I desire, \rf jod 1890:636.2 \op kageýha. Wigiýsithe-noü shoüýshoü. Ithaýdi uýdoü weýpahoü-maýzhi. Noüpoüýhiü \tr O friend. / I remember you only / always. / Agent «or Father» / good / I do not know them. / I am hungry \rf jod 1890:636.3 \op agiýsithe-noü-moüý. Iüýchoü waýxe ithaýdi Poüýka-ma teýska wiü oü'iý. Uýdoü \tr I remember it usually. / Now / white man / agent «or father» / the Ponkas «pl. ob.» / ox / one / has given to me. / Good \rf jod 1890:636.4 \op niüý eýde thiaýxai. Ithaýdithai aýzhi wiü uýdoüxti atiý, eý aýwake. Waýxtoüoüthaýkithe \tr you are / but / he has excelled you. / Agent / another / one / very good / has come / that / I mean. / You are pleased with what I am doing \rf jod 1890:636.5 \op ki, edaýdoü weýthihide oüthaý'i koüýbtha, dadiýha. \tr if, / what / tool / you give to me / I desire, / O father! \rf jod 1890:636.6 \ti @{Hexaýga-saýbe} to @{Kushaýsha} \dt 1872 \op Wabaýxu thanaý theý shutheýathe. Theýaka ithaýdithai akaý uýdoüxti akaý, eýgoü \tr Letter / you asked for / this / I send to you. / This one «sub.» / agent / the «sub.» / very good / the «sub.», / so \rf jod 1890:637.1 \op edaýdoü uýzhu taiteý weaýgibaýzha gthiüý, unaý'oü oüýthagaýzhi te uaýna'oü. Maýshoü ska \tr what / important / shall be «pl.» / showing to us, his own / sits, / to hear about it / you commanded me / as / I have heard about it. / Feather / White \rf jod 1890:637.2 \op shuýtheaýkithe waxiüýha. Sheýki moüýzeska te abthiüý. Agthiý te, esheý. Weýbaxuý-ga! \tr I sent it to you for him / paper. / @{Sheýki} / money / the / I have. / I come home / will / you said. / Write to us! \rf jod 1890:637.3 \op Wiý ubthoüý te, esheý. Waxiüýha uxtheýxchi koüýbtha, wabaýxu eý aýwake. Iüýzhanoüýi \tr I / I take hold / will, / you said. / Paper / very soon / I desire, / letter / that / I mean. / We usually doubt him \rf jod 1890:637.4 \op Umaýha ithaýdithai thiükeý. Wiý wabaýxu gioüýkithe teý, anaý'oü koüýbtha. \tr Omaha / agent / the one who. / I / letter / is caused to come back for me / when, / I hear it / I wish. \rf jod 1890:637.5 \op Eýgoü oügoüýthai. \tr so / we desire. \rf jod 1890:637.6 \ti @{Uhoüýge-zhaü}, a Ponka, to Hiram Chase (@{Wasabe-toüýga}), at Omaha Agency \op Iüýnoüha giý te aýgazhi-ga. Waxpaýni thiügeý. Wathaýte k(e) uýzhawa. Giý-ga \tr My mother / be coming / may / command her! / Poor / there is none. / Food / the / abundance. / Return thou \rf jod 1890:638.1 \op haý. Ihoüýktoüwiü shoüýge aýhigi waý'i, aýdoü oüguý wawaýxpani-baýzhi. Ki \tr ! / Yankton / horse / many / gave to us, / therefore / we / are not poor. / And \rf jod 1890:638.2 \op wiýshti uýdoüxti anaýzhiü. Noübuýwibthoüý miükeý. Sheýna. \tr I too / very good / I stand. / I am shaking hands with you. / Enough. \rf jod 1890:638.3 \ti Part of a letter from @{Uhoüýge-zhaü} to his brother, @{Moüchuý-naýzhiü} \op Wabaýhi-zhiüýga uxpaýthe; Shaoüý utiüý-bazhi, niüýta agthiý. Shi weaýnaxiýthai \tr @{Wabaýhi-zhiüýga} / fell; / Dakotas / did not hit him, / alive / he came back. / Again / they attacked us \rf jod 1890:638.4 \op Sheýhi t'oü teý wachiýshka ke itaýxi thoü woüýgathiü oügaýhi. Shoügaýgthiü peýnoüba \tr Appletree / abound / the / creek / the / head / the / we having them / we reached there. / Riding on horses / seven \rf jod 1890:638.5 \op oüýguxthai, ki weaýnaxiýthai. Oükiýoüthe tiýtheoüýthai. Mazhoüý-ibaýhoü washuýshe, \tr we overtook them, / and / they attacked us. / We threw ourselves down / we passed along suddenly «?» / [We threw ourselves down suddenly in quick succession] / Knows-the-Land / brave, \rf jod 1890:638.6 \op Moüchuý-toüýga washuýshe, noüýpewaýthe, niüýta. Tatoüýga-naýzhiü washuýshe. \tr one / very close to him / arrow / wounded with, / Standing Buffalo. / Boy Warrior / brave. \rf jod 1890:638.8 \ti @{Hexaýga-saýbe} and others to an Omaha \op T'oüýadi Umaýha tiý shupiý. Ki nuýzhiüga wiwiýta weýki'oü uýwathaýgishnaý, \tr Last fall / Omaha / house / I went thither to you. / And / boy / my / ornament / you told them about it, \rf jod 1890:639.1 \op nushnoüýha, xithaý mashoüý wiü, sheýna, iüwiüýthanaý'oü. T'oüýdoü thatiý ha. Moüýzepeniniýba \tr otter skin, / eagle / quillfeather / one, / enough, / you heard about for me. / In the fall / you came hither / . / Hatchet pipe \rf jod 1890:639.2 \op uwaýthaginaý, ginaý'oüi ha, zaniý nuýzhiüga. Moüýze-unaýzhiü maýshoü-paýgthoü \tr you told them about it, / they have heard of it, their own / , / all / boy. / Iron shirt / head-dress of eagle tail feathers \rf jod 1890:639.3 \op wathaýge, tehaý-nashaýbe, hiübeý, wathaý'i 'iýthathe, moüýze-aýkoüta, sheýna, uýwathaýginaý, \tr head covering, / buffalo robe smoked dark, / moccasins, / you give to us / you promised, / metal armlets, / enough, / you told them about it, \rf jod 1890:639.4 \op iüthiýna-shtewoü-baýzhi. Wazhiüý thithiýta wathaý'i 'iýthathe. Gatoüýadi ukeýt'oü eýskoü oüthoüýthai, \tr we did not beg of you in the least. / Disposition / your own / you give to us / you promised. / At last / to acquire it / perhaps / we thought, \rf jod 1890:639.5 \op eýde edaýdoü uýwathaýginaý oüýkazhiýxtioü. \tr but / what / you told them about / is not so at all. \rf jod 1890:639.6 \ti @{Uhoüýge-zhaü} to @{Shoügeý-ska}, an Omaha chief \op T'oüýadi shupiý iýe uýdoü iütheýshkaxe, weýthigthoü aýwateýgoü waýgazuýxti \tr Last fall / I reached there where you are / word / good / you made for me, / thought «&or plan» / in what way / very straight \rf jod 1890:640.1 \op ioüýkithaý-ba, dadiýha. Oüýbatheý shubtheý koüýbtha, eýde oüwoüýkega. Ki theýamaý \tr send to me, / O father. / To-day / I go to you / I desire, / but / I am sick. / And / these \rf jod 1890:640.2 \op Shaoüý amaý shti 'aýgtha waýthiü, aýdoü kuýaheýgoü shubthaý-mazhi. T'oüý ki, shubtheý \tr Dakota / the «pl. sub.» / too / suffering / they have us, / therefore / fearing unseen danger somewhat / I do not go to you. / Fall / when, / I go to you \rf jod 1890:640.3 \op koüýbtha. Shoüýgetazhiüýga wiü agiýoübtha piý. Poüýka sheýthu iüthiüýthiü \tr I desire. / Colt / one / I abandoned my own / I reached there. / Ponka / there where you are / having it for me \rf jod 1890:640.4 \op giýwathaýkithe koüýbtha. Wahoüýthiüge niniýba wiü oü'iý 'iýthe koüýbtha: uiýtha-ga. \tr cause them to be returning / I desire. / Orphan / pipe / one / to give me / promise / I desire: / tell it to him. \rf jod 1890:640.5 \op Edaýdoü iüwiüýthana te wiüýaxchiýshte unaý'oüoüthaýkithaýzhi. Edaýdoü wiüaýxchi \tr What / you told to me / the / even one / you did not cause me to hear about it. / What / just one \rf jod 1890:640.6 \op thiýnai niýashiüga noüýba: neýxigakuý thiýnai. Oüýba theýthuaýdi goüýthai, eýde niý'a, \tr asked of you / person / two: / drum / asked of you. / Day / on this / they desire it, / but / you have failed, \rf jod 1890:640.7 \op aýdoü sheýna shkoüýna te, zaniýxti gikoüýtha-bazhiýxtioüýi. Iýe thithiýta wiüýthakaýzhi. \tr therefore / enough / you desire it / may, / all / they do not wish at all for their own. / Word / your / you do not speak truly. \rf jod 1890:640.8 \op Kuýge wiüý oügaýthiü aýdoü sheýna goüýthai kuýge. Wa'uý niü eýde iýe thithiýta \tr Box / one / we have / therefore / enough / they desire / box. / Woman / you are / but / word / your own \rf jod 1890:640.9 \op toügaýxti iýthae. Ugiýhita-baýzhi. Weýki'oü uýwathaýginaý te aýdoü shatheý 'iýthai eýde, \tr very large / you speak. / They are waiting very anxiously for what was promised. / Trinkets / you told them about them / the «past act» / therefore / to go to you / they spoke of it / but, \rf jod 1890:640.10 \op niý'a aýdoü shathaý-baýzhi 'iýthai ha. Sheýna. \tr you have failed / therefore / not going to you / they speak of it / . / Enough. \rf jod 1890:640.11 \ti @{Uhoüýge-zhaü} to Agent C. P. Birkett \dt 1873 \op Edaýdoü iüýtexi uwiýbtha. Poüýka niýkagaýhi uýzhu, Moüchuý-waýthihi, \tr What / hard for me / I tell you. / Ponka / chief / principal, / @{Moüchuý-waýthihi}, \rf jod 1890:641.1 \op Ashaýwage, Kaýxe-saýbe, Wazhiüýa-gahiýga, Gahiýge, zhoüýinoüge oü'iýazhi, theý iüýtexi \tr @{Ashaýwage}, / Black Crow, / @{Wazhiüýa-gahiýga}, / chief, / wagon / has not given me, / this / hard for me \rf jod 1890:641.2 \op heýga-maýzhi. Goüýadiýxti zhoüýinoüge thiýxti, noüýde thithiýta, &Major, zhoüýinoüge \tr not a little for me. / Just now / wagon / you yourself, / heart / your own, / Major, / wagon \rf jod 1890:641.3 \op wiü oüthaý'i koüýbtha. Iýthigthoü te Poüýka niýkagaýhi thoükaý wetheýshkoünaýzhi, \tr one / you give to me / I desire. / Decision / the / Ponka / chief / the ones who / you do not desire for them, \rf jod 1890:641.4 \op thiýxchi iýnigthoü wathaý'i koüýbtha. Niýkagaýhi bthuýga theýthu etheýgoü- noüýdi ki \tr just you / you deciding / give to them / I desire. / Chief / all here / thinking that / usually when / and \rf jod 1890:641.5 \op zhoüýinoüge ke oü'iý-baýzhi ki, toüýwoügthoü piýazhi tateý, ebtheýgoü, &Major. Ki \tr wagon / the / do not give to me / if, / village / bad / shall be, / I think that, / Major. / And \rf jod 1890:641.6 \op edaýdoü piýazhi paýxa-maýzhi. Zhoüýinoüge nuýzhiüga wa'iý 'iýtha- biamaý, eýde ubthiý'age. \tr what / bad / I do not. / Wagon / boy / to give to them / they promised it is said, / but / I was unwilling. \rf jod 1890:642.1 \op Moüchuý-naýzhiü toüýwoügthoü etaý thoüýdi zhoüýinoüge noübaý eteýgoü; weýnoüba te \tr Standing Bear / gone / his / in the / wagon / two / probable; / the second / the \rf jod 1890:642.2 \op wiýtai, eýskoü ebtheýgoü. Iüwiüýkoü washkoüý-ga! \tr it is mine, / perhaps / I thought. / To help me / try! \rf jod 1890:642.3 \ti Frank La Flèche, Sr., to his daughter, Susanne \dt November 12, 1877 \op Mazhoüý thoü oükiýkoüthai teý oüthiý'a toüýgatoü ebtheýgoü. Umaýha tiýi thoü \tr Land / the / we desire for ourselves / the / we shall fail to obtain / I think that. / Omaha / village / the \rf jod 1890:642.4 \op iüýtoü oünaý toüýgatoü. Theýshetoüý-noü uýwaweýshi ke shetoüý-noü 'ioüýtha-bazhiý-xtioüýi. \tr now / we shall ask for. / Up to this time / pay / the / so far only / we have not at all mentioned it. \rf jod 1890:642.5 \op Iüdaýdoü nieý shte wathiüýgai. Goüý thi'aýxti ki, goüý uýwaweýshi 'ioüýtha toüýgatoü. \tr What / pain / soever / we have none. / And / failing altogether / if, / then / pay / we shall mention it. \rf jod 1890:642.6 \op Sheý mazhoüý niýashiüga ukeýthiü mazhoüý etaiý eýdi uthaýkine taiý ha, eweýagaiý ha. \tr That / land / Indian / common / land / their / there / you can seek for yourselves / , / they said the foregoing to us / . \rf jod 1890:642.7 \op Aýgudi edeý sheýtoü oügoüýtha-baýzhi. Goüý shoüýge thoükaý thieýgthoüge eýthoüba \tr Where / what they said / so far / we have not desired it. / And / horse / the «pl. ob.» / your husband / he too \rf jod 1890:642.8 \op waýkihidaýi-ga. Goüý sheýna goüýte uwiýbtha shutheýathe. Iýeska oüwoüýgathiü \tr attend ye to them. / And / enough / for a while / I tell you / I send to you. / Interpreter / we have them \rf jod 1890:642.9 \op oügaýti wiýutoüýga pedeýni thatoüýi, piýbazhi. \tr we had come hither / as soon as / whisky / he drank, / be «was» bad. \rf jod 1890:642.10 \ti @{Waxpe-sha}, an Omaha to Mr. Provost \dt August 24, 1878 \op Wamuýske juýba oüwoüý'i-ga haý, kageýha. Noüzhuý eýna wiý'i teýiüke, oüthaý'i \tr Wheat / some / lend me / ! / O friend. / Threshing / that quantity / I give back to you / will, / you give to me \rf jod 1890:643.1 \op te. Weýgoüze duýba koüýbtha. \tr when «&or if» / Measure / four / I desire. \rf jod 1890:643.2 \ti @{Maxpiýya-xaýga} to @{Shaýkuthuý Thakitaýwe} \op Waxiüýha gaýthoü shutheý. Shoüý goüý wisiýthai te waxiüýha shuhiý-noü tateý. \tr Paper / that «ob.» / goes to you. / At any rate / I remember you «pl.» / the / paper / reach you usually / shall. \rf jod 1890:644.1 \op Gatoüýadi aýzhoüi eýdoü, ebtheýgoü, shiý winoü'oüi koüýbtha. Umoüýhoü-ma moüýzeska \tr By this time / have you «pl.» acted / «in a soliloquy»?, / I think that, / again / I hear from you / I wish. / The Omahas / money \rf jod 1890:644.2 \op thizaý-baýzhi shoüýshoü iüýtoü. Pahoüýga geýdi moüýzeska thizeý shoüshoüýi, eýde iüýtoü \tr do not receive / always / now. / Before / at different times / money / received / always, / but / now \rf jod 1890:644.3 \op thizaý-baýzhi, wa'iý-bazhiýxtioüýi. Aýdoü moüýzeska thanaý te uthiýhazhi teý, wa'iý-baýzhi \tr they do not get it, / they do not give it to us at all. / Therefore / money / you begged / the / you have not your way about it / will, / they do not give it to us \rf jod 1890:644.4 \op shoüýshoü eýgoü uthiýhazhi ha. Wamuýske ke goüý heýgazhi abthiüý eheý thoüdi, shoüýshoü. \tr always / so / you do not have your desire / . / wheat / the / and «?» / not a little / I have / I said / in the past, / it continues. \rf jod 1890:644.5 \op Mazhoüý thoü wamuýske toügaý uaýzhi, weýgoüze gtheýbahiýwiü noüýba abthiüý. Eýskana \tr Land / the / wheat / large / I sowed, / measure / hundred / two / I have. / I hope \rf jod 1890:644.6 \op theýthu niüý ebtheýgoü wamuýske t'oüý ki, wathaýte t'oüý ki. Watoüýzi keý shti heýgazhi \tr here / you are / I think that / wheat / abounds / if, / food / abounds / if. / Corn / the / too / not a little \rf jod 1890:644.7 \op abthiüý. Waýxe nuý etaý ke heýgazhi abthiüý. Waýxe waxtaý etaý ke bthuýga abthiüý. \tr I have. / White man / potato / his / the / not a few / I have. / White man / fruit / his / the / all / I have. \rf jod 1890:644.8 \op Abthiüý geýshte heýgazhi abthiüý. Niýkagahiý-ma pahoüýgadi weaýt'abtheý Umoüýhoü-maý; \tr I have / the things «what» soever / not a few / I have. / The chiefs «pl. ob.» / formerly / I hated them / The Omahas «pl. ob.»; \rf jod 1890:644.9 \op ki iüýtoü niýkashiüga amaý uýdoüxti moüthiüýi, iüýtoü niýkagahiý-ma weaýt'abtha-maýzhi \tr and / now / people / the «pl. sub.» / very good / they walk, / now / the chiefs «pl. ob.» / I do not hate them \rf jod 1890:644.10 \op ha. Shoüý kiýkui gazoüý goü uýdoüxti goüý eýdi moübthiüý ha. Niýkagaýhi te eý uýdoü \tr . / At any rate / calling to feasts / among / so «?» / very good / so «?» / there / I walk / . / Chief / the / it / good \rf jod 1890:644.11 \op eýgithe weaýt'abtheý ke eýgithe piýazhi paýxe te ha. Niýkashiüga thiüý wiüý waxpaýni ki, \tr behold / I hate them / the / behold / bad / I may do / . / Person / the «mv.» / one / poor / if, \rf jod 1890:644.12 \op niýtoü eteýgoü ha, niýkagaýhi amaý iüthiüýgai ha. Niýkashiüga wiüý daýdoü goüýthai, \tr you work / ought / , / chief / the «pl. sub.» / said the foregoing to me / . / Person / one / what / he desires, \rf jod 1890:644.13 \op waxpaýni ki, uiýkoü-ga, aiý ha niýkagaýhi amaý. Aýdoü niýkashiüga waxpaýni thiü \tr poor / when, / help him, / said they / / chief / the «pl. sub.». / Therefore / person / poor / the «mv. ob.» \rf jod 1890:644.14 \op tha'eýathe iüýtoü. Shoüýge waýbthiü thoükaý shoü sheýnawaýthe, niýkashiüga waxpaýni \tr I pity him / now. / Horse / I have them / the ones that «ob.» / at length «?» / are expended, / person / poor \rf jod 1890:644.15 \op shtewoüý awaý'i-noü-moüý. Ki zhoümoüýthiü' iüý thoükaý enaýxchi ushtaiý ha. Witoüýbe \tr soever / I used to give to them. / And / wagon / carried / the ones that / only / they remain / . / I see you \rf jod 1890:644.16 \op tat eýskoü ebtheýgoü. Iüýchoü shoüýge ubaýhadi aýzhi oüthiüýge ha. Umoüýhoü amaý \tr shall / perhaps / that I think. / Now / horse / on their flank «+beside them» / another / I am without / . / Omaha / the «pl. sub.» \rf jod 1890:645.1 \op waýxe gaýxe goüýthai ha. Susiý zhuýwagthaiý niýkashiüga gtheýba-duýba waýxe gaýxe \tr white man / act / desire / . / Susanne La Flèche / he with them / person / forty / white man / act \rf jod 1890:645.2 \op zhuýwagthe goüýthai. Umoüýhoü amaý bthuýga uthiý'agai; niýkagaýhi te teýxigithaiý \tr he with them / desire. / Omaha / the «pl. sub.» / all / are unwilling; / chief / the «thing» / prize their own \rf jod 1890:645.3 \op sheýnuzhiüýga bthuýga. Waýxe gaýxe-maý eý wioüýt'athaiýi ha. Ki waýxe gaýxazhi amaý \tr young man / all. / White man «pl. ob.» / those who act / that / we hate them / . / And / white man / do not act / the «pl. sub.» \rf jod 1890:645.4 \op umoüýthiüka theý shahiý-noü taý amaý, niýkagaýhi amaý. Wiüý thidoüýbai ki waýxe gaýxe \tr season / this / will be reaching you, / chief / the «pl. sub.». / One / sees you / when / white man / act \rf jod 1890:645.5 \op amaý daýdoü tha'iý-baýzhi eteýgoü ha: niýkashiüga ukeýthiü te eý oüýtha goüýthaii ha, \tr the «pl. sub.» / what / you do not give to him / should / : / Indian / common / the «thing» / that / abandon / they wish / , \rf jod 1890:645.6 \op waýxe gaýxe amaý. Ki wiý niýashiüga ukeýthiü te akiýoübtha koüýbtha-maýzhi ha. \tr white man / act / the «pl. sub.». / And / I / Indian / common / the «thing» / I throw away for myself / I do not wish / . \rf jod 1890:645.7 \op Witoüýge oüýthina t'aý-bathiüý, wakeýgai. Eýde iüýtoü gigthaýzu. Shetoüý ediýxti \tr My sister / came very near dying, / she was sick. / But / now / she has recovered. / So far / just there \rf jod 1890:645.8 \op toüýba-maýzhi ha, wathiýtoü ke aýakihiýde moübthiüý ha. Izhiüýge amaý eý iüwiüýtha \tr I have not seen her / , / work / the «ob.» / I attend to it / I walk / . / Her son / the «mv. sub.» / that / to tell me \rf jod 1890:645.9 \op atiý-noüi. Waxchaý zhiüýga heýgazhi eýta btheý, ki moüthoüý weaýkuhe, aýdoü eýta \tr has come regularly. / Vegetable / small / not a few / unto / I go, / and / stealing / I fear for them, / therefore / thither \rf jod 1890:645.10 \op piý-mazhi-noü-moüý shetoüý-noü. Tiýxti teýdi wabthiýtoü moübthiüý. Mazhoüý thoü \tr I have not been going / so far. / The very house / at the / I work / I walk. / Land / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:645.11 \op weýahide anaýzhiü ha, aýdoü eýta piý-maýzhi-noü-moüý. Eýskana mazhoüý thoü toügaý \tr distant «from» / I stand / , / therefore / there / I have not reached there regularly. / Oh, that! / land / the «ob.» / large \rf jod 1890:645.12 \op niýbthi koübtheýgoü ha. Eý shupiý ki, mazhoüý thoü toügaý niýbthi ki, uthuýtoübe \tr you pulverize it / I hope / . / That / I reach you / when, / land / the «ob.» / large / you pulverize it / when, / I examine it \rf jod 1890:645.13 \op eteýgoü ha. Wa'uý wiü agthoüý koüýbtha, Paýthiü wa'uý wiü. \tr apt / . / Woman / one / I marry her / I wish, / Pawnee / woman / one. \rf jod 1890:645.14 \ti Two Crows to the Winnebago agent \dt 1878 \op Huýtoüga ithaýdithai niükeý, niýkashiüga thithiýta wiüý oüwoüýkie shugtheý. \tr Winnebago / agent / you who are, / person / your / one / having spoken to me / has gone back to you. \rf jod 1890:647.1 \op Shoüýge iüwiüýxpatheý- de noübaý weýbahoü, ubeýsniü eýe ha, oüthoüýwoükieý ha. \tr Horse / I lost / when / two / he knew them, / he found it out / that is it / , / he spoke to me about it / . \rf jod 1890:647.2 \op Ki goüýki iüýboü ha; shupiý ki uthuýkie zhuoüýgth 'iýthe ha. Niýkashiüga \tr And / at length / he called me / ; / I reach you / if / to speak about it / he with me / promised / . / Person \rf jod 1890:647.3 \op Huýtoüga wamoüýthoü thoükaý weýbahoü eýe haý, eýde ieýska oüthiüýgegoü shubthaý-maýzhi \tr Winnebago / thief / the ones who / he knows them / that is it / , / but / interpreter / as I have none / I do not go to you \rf jod 1890:647.4 \op eýgoü, wabaýgtheze wiýpaxe ha. Eýde eýskana theýboü aýdoü waýgazuýxti ithaýmaxe \tr as, / letter / I make to you / . / But / oh that / you call him / and / very straight / you ask him \rf jod 1890:647.5 \op koübtheýgoü, Siüýwaniüýde eýe ha. Waýgazuýxti uthiýtha ki, anaý'oü koübtheýgoü ha \tr I hope, / «Henry» Rice / it is he / . / Very straight / he tells you / if, / I hear it / I hope / \rf jod 1890:647.6 \op Eýgoüxti kiýzhi, Umoüýhoü ithaýdithai thiükeý wabaýgtheze iýkithaý-ga. \tr Just so / if, / Omaha / agent / the one who / letter / send hither to him. \rf jod 1890:647.7 \ti @{Shoügeý-ska} (White Horse) to @{Wirukraü-niüe}, an Oto \op Shoü thizhiüýge t'eý, Hexaýga-zhiüýga, oüýba waxuýbe teýdi t'eý ha. Oüýska \tr Now / your son / dead, / Little Elk, / day / mysterious / on the / died / . / By the by \rf jod 1890:648.1 \op wakeýg eýde dzhuýba zhoüý teýdi t'eý ha. Niýkashiüga ushkuýd eýde t'eý ha. Umoüýhoü \tr sick / but / a few / sleep / after / died / . / Person / kind / but / died / . / Omaha \rf jod 1890:648.2 \op amaý giýtha-bazhiýxtioüýi ha. Niýkagaýhi woüýgithe giýtha-baýzhi, shi niýkashiüga \tr the «pl. sub.» / are very sad / . / Chief / all / are sad, / again / people \rf jod 1890:648.3 \op sheýnuzhiüýga shti giýtha-bazhiýi. E-hnoüý sheýnuzhiüýga aýta gaýxai, toüýwoügthoü gthuýba, \tr young man / too / are sad. / He only / young man / excellent / made, / tribe / whole, \rf jod 1890:648.4 \op eýde giýt'ai ha. Aýdoü niýkashiüga gthuýba giýtha-baýzhi ha. Thizhiüýgegoü, thagiýna'oü \tr but / died to it / . / Therefore / people / all / are sad / . / As «he was» your son, / you hear of your own \rf jod 1890:648.5 \op teýgoü, aýdoü waxiüýha shutheýathe ha. Niýkashiüýga-ma Umoüýhoü-ma wawaýkegaiý \tr in order the, / therefore / paper / I send to you / . / The people / the Omahas / we are sick \rf jod 1890:648.6 \op ha. Waýwakegeý- de Moü-gaý'azhi eýshti t'eý tai eýgoü. Hoüýadi toüýbe; wakeýga \tr . / We are sick / during / @{Moü-gaý'azhi} / he too / is apt to die. / Last night / I saw him; / sick \rf jod 1890:648.7 \op piýazhi. \tr bad. \rf jod 1890:648.8 \ti @{Maxpiýya-xaýga} and others, to @{Wirukraü-niüe} \dt 1878 \op Thizhiüýge oüýba waxuýbe teýdi t'eý ha. Thanaý'oü teýgoü waxiüýha aýdoü \tr Your son / day / mysterious / on the / dead / . / You hear it / in order that / paper / therefore \rf jod 1890:649.1 \op shutheýathe. Wikaýge weýt'ai toüýwoügthoü bthuýgaxti weýtha-bazhiýi ha. Niýkagaýhi \tr I send it to you. / My friend / dead to us / nation / all / we are sad / . / Chief \rf jod 1890:649.2 \op amaý shti bthuýga giýtha-bazhiýi. Thizhiüýge ikaýge amaý woüýgithe wakeýga-bazhiýi ha. \tr the «pl. sub.» / too / all / are sad. / Your son / his friend / the «pl. sub.» / all / are not sick / \rf jod 1890:649.3 \op Wawaýkega-bazhiýi ha. Thizhiüýge enaýxchi wakeýgai, t'eý. Niýashiüga ushkuýdoü, ki \tr We have not been sick / . / Your son / he only / was sick, / dead. / Person / kind, / and \rf jod 1890:649.4 \op t'eý ha. Ki oüniüý toüýgatoü. Eaýtoü oüthiýgaxe taiteý oüthoüýbahoü-bazhiýi. \tr dead / . / And / we live / will. / How / we do for you / shall / we do not know. \rf jod 1890:649.5 \op Wikaýge akaý Kishkeý akaý shoüýge wiü gi'iý ha, t'e keý. Ki Uýhoü-zhiüýga, \tr My friend / the «sub.» / @{Kishkeý} / the «sub.» / horse / one / gave his own / , / dead / the «lg. ob.». / And / @{Uýhoü-zhiüýga}, \rf jod 1890:649.6 \op Gahiýge-wadaýthiüge, Kebaýha, shoü thanaý'oü teýgoü gaýthoü shutheýoükithaiý. \tr @{Gahiýge-wadaýthiüge}, / @{Kebaýha}, / now «&or well» / you hear it / in order that / that «ob.» / we send it to you. \rf jod 1890:649.7 \op Gahiýge-wadaýthiüge igaýxthoü thagthaiý teýdi t'eý ha. Shoüý wabaýgtheze theýthoü \tr @{Gahiýge-wadaýthiüge} / his wife / you went homeward / when / dead / . / And / letter / this «ob.» \rf jod 1890:649.8 \op shuhiý wiýutoügaýxti shi wiüý iýtha-ga haý. Oüthiýna'oü oügoüýthai. \tr reaches you / just as soon as / again / one / send hither / ! / We hear about you / we desire. \rf jod 1890:649.9 \ti @{Moüchuý-noüýba} to @{Wiyakoiü} \dt September 14, 1878 \op Thineýgi akaý Siüdeý-gtheshkaý uýkie akaý wabaýgtheze theýthoü shutheýthithe ha. \tr Your mother's brother / the «sub.» / Spotted Tail / paid a friendly visit to / the one who / letter / this «ob.» / sends it to you / \rf jod 1890:650.1 \op Siüdeý-gthezhe gaxthoüý oüwoüýwata mazhoüý thoü iüwiüýth iýtha-ga haý. Noübeý \tr Spotted Tail / migrating / whither / land / the «ob.» / to tell me / send hither / ! / Hand \rf jod 1890:650.2 \op ubthoüý te agiýsithe-noü-moüý; iüýboüi eýde, agiýsithe-noü-moüý. Mazhoüý daýdoü \tr I took hold / the «act» / I remember from time to time; / he called me / but, / I remember from time to time. / Land / what «sort» \rf jod 1890:650.3 \op gthiüý tateý waýgazu anaý'oü koüýbtha. Shoüý goüý oüwoüýkega heýga-maýzhi, \tr he sit / shall / straight / I hear / I wish. / At any rate / I am sick / I not a little, \rf jod 1890:650.4 \op Umoüýhoü oüýgatoü wawaýkega heýga-baýzhi. Sheýnuzhiüýga waheýhazhiýxti paýxe \tr Omaha / we who stand / we are sick / not a little. / Young man / very stout-hearted / I made him \rf jod 1890:650.5 \op ke iüýt'e ha, aýdoü iüýtha-maýzhi ha, iüýtha-maýzhi heýga-maýzhi. Hexaýga-zhiüýga \tr the «recl. ob.» / dead to me / , / therefore / I am sad / , / I am sad / I not a little. / Little Elk \rf jod 1890:650.6 \op izhaýzhe athiüý. Hau. Sheýna 'iýwikiýthe. Iýe dzhuýbaxchi shutheýathe. \tr his name / he had. / «paragraph» / Enough / I have spoken with you. / Word / very few / I send to you. \rf jod 1890:650.7 \ti @{Mactiüý-aüsaý} to @{Tenuýga-wazhiü}. \op Giý-ga haý. Thizhiüýthe akaý, Moügthiýxta, wamuýske aýkiastaý peýthabthiü athiüý. \tr Return thou / ! / Your elder brother / the «sub.», / Blackbird, / wheat / stack / eight / has. \rf jod 1890:651.1 \op Ki wiý aýkastaý duýba abthiüý. Ki thanaý'oü ki, noüýde thiýudoü eteý ki. Niýkashiüýga \tr And / I / stack / four / I have. / And / you hear it / when, / heart / you good / ought to be. / Person \rf jod 1890:651.2 \op utoüýnahaýxti moüniüý noüýde iüthiüýpi-maýzhi, neý te iüýpi-maýzhi. Ki \tr very solitary / you walk / heart / I am bad by means of, / you went / the / bad for me. / And \rf jod 1890:651.3 \op Waýthutaýda amaý e'oüý moüthiüý ki, uxtheýxchi iüwiüýth iýtha-ga, usniýazhi shoüteý. \tr Oto / the «pl. sub.» / how / they walk / if, / very soon / to tell me / send hither, / not cold / yet awhile. \rf jod 1890:651.4 \op Usniýazhi shoüteý, thagthiý wiýkoübtha. Ki Umoüýhoü Hexaýga-zhiüýga t'eý ha, eý thanaý'oü \tr Not cold / yet awhile, / you have come back / I desire for you. / And / Omaha / Little Elk / dead / , / that / you hear \rf jod 1890:651.5 \op te ha. Ki wa'uý wiwiýta wakeýga ha. Ki Poüýkata neý iýwikuheý. \tr will / . / And / woman / my / sick / . / And / to the Ponkas / you go / I fear for you. \rf jod 1890:651.6 \op Eýskana naýzhi koübtheýgoü. Ki waýnoüzhu amaý oüýba-waxuýbe theýthuaýdi agthiý taý amaý. \tr Oh that / you go not / I hope. / And / thresher / the «pl. sub.» / Sunday / at this place / they will have returned. \rf jod 1890:651.7 \op Thizhiüýthe akaý xaýde zhoümoüýthiü-uzhiý gtheýba-noüýba gaýxai, wamuýske-tiý te. Tiý \tr Your elder brother / the «sub.» / hay / wagon / full / twenty / made, / wheat house / the. / House \rf jod 1890:651.8 \op te uýdoüxti gaýxai. Waxiüýha thoü wi'iý thoü niýze ki, shtoüýbe ki, waxiüýha \tr the / very good / made. / Paper / the «ob.» / I give to you / the «ob.» / you receive / when, / you see / when, / paper \rf jod 1890:651.9 \op eýgoü oü'iý-ga. E'oüý moüniüý uýshkoü iüwiüýtha-ga. Anaý'oü koüýbtha. \tr so / give to me. / How / you walk / deed / tell to me. / I hear it / I wish. \rf jod 1890:651.10 \ti @{Moüchuý-noüýba} to Pawnee Joe \dt 1878 \op Shoüý waxiüýha pahoüýgadiý shte shutheýwikitheý-noü-moüý tioüýthakithaýzhi shoüýshoü. \tr Now / paper / formerly at various times / I used to send to you by some one / you have not sent hither to me / always. \rf jod 1890:652.1 \op Niýkashiüýga mazhoüý thaoüýna naiý te toüýbe ki, iüýtha-maýzhi-noü-moüý. Niýkashiüýga \tr Indian / land / you abandoned / you went / the / I see / when, / I am sad from time to time. / People \rf jod 1890:652.2 \op wiwiýta noüýba Umoüýhoü-zhiüýga waýniü moüniüý- baýdoü eýskoü tha'eýwathaýthe \tr my / two / young Omaha / you keep them / you walk / and «pl.» / oh that / you have pity on them \rf jod 1890:652.3 \op koübtheýgoü. Uýdoüxti awaýginaý'oü koüýbtha. Ki ukiýt'e koüýha shoüý Athaýbahu, \tr I hope. / Very good / I hear of them, my own / I wish. / And / foreigner / border / for example. / Arapaho, \rf jod 1890:652.4 \op Maxpiýyatu, Paýdoüka, Shaýhieýtha, Koüýze, Wazhaýzhe, Ugaýxpa, Poüýka, gaýna \tr Arapaho, / Comanche, / Cheyenne, / Kansas, / Osage, / Quapaw, / Ponka, / that number \rf jod 1890:652.5 \op washtoüýbe ki, uýdoü moüniüý aýdoü oüthaýsithaýzhi. Ki wiý, wisiýthe-noü-moüý. \tr you see them / if, / good / you walk / therefore / me you forget. / And / I, / I remember you from time to time \rf jod 1890:652.6 \op Wiýshti, ukiýt'e juýba iüýchoü watoüýbe ha. Siüdeý-gtheshka toüýwoügthoü etaý \tr I too, / foreigner / some / now / I have seen them / . / Spotted Tail / nation / his \rf jod 1890:652.7 \op amaý, toüýwoügthoü peýthoüba, watoüýbe ha. \tr the «pl. sub.», / nation «&or gens» / seven, / I have seen them / \rf jod 1890:652.8 \op Hau. Watoüýbe niýkashiüýga wiwiýta shoüýge gtheýba-peýthabthiü ki eýdi \tr «paragraph» / I saw them / Indian «&or people» / my own / horse / eighty / and / on it \rf jod 1890:652.9 \op peýthoüba wa'iýi Shaoüý amaý. Wiý uýzhu miükeý Siüdeý-gtheshka shoügaýgthiü piý \tr seven / gave to us / Dakota / the «pl. sub.». / I / principal / I who / Spotted Tail / riding a horse / I reached there \rf jod 1890:652.10 \op a'iý. Mikoýozhi niýkagaýhi uýzhu thiükeý waiüý wiü uýdoü-xti wiüý piý eýde shi \tr I gave to him. / Minneconjou / chief / principal / the one who / robe / one / I reached there / but / again \rf jod 1890:652.11 \op a'iý ha. Daýdoü wiüeýshte iügaýxa-baýzhi piý. Mazhoüý aýgudi waýgazu agthiüý ki, \tr I gave to him / . / What / even one / they did not do for me / I was there. / Land / where / straight / I sit / when, \rf jod 1890:652.12 \op oüthaýgishtoüýbe te ha, aiý ha, Siüdeý-gtheshka iüthiüýgai. Waýthaha, unaýzhiü \tr you may see me, your own / , / said he / , / Spotted Tail / said the foregoing to me. / Clothing, / shirt \rf jod 1890:652.13 \op aýbthaha ge, zaniýxti awaý'i. Utoüý geý shti, shoü hiübeý geý shti, awaý'i. Bthuýga \tr I wore / the «pl. in. ob.» / every one / I gave to them. / Leggins / the «pl. ob.») too, / even / moccasin / the «pl. ob.» / too, / I gave to them. / The whole \rf jod 1890:652.14 \op awaý'i ha. \tr I gave to them / \rf jod 1890:652.15 \op Hau. Goüýki thiý moüniüý, e'oüý moüniüý, uýdoü moüniüý eýgoü iüwiüýth \tr «paragraph» / And now / you / you walk, / how / you walk, / good / you walk / so / to tell me \rf jod 1890:653.1 \op iýtha-ga. Winaý'oüi koüýbtha. Shoüý goüýki Paýthiü niýkagaýhi aýna t'aiý te anaý'oü \tr send to me. / I hear about you «pl.» / I wish. / Well / and now / Pawnee / chief / how many / have died / the / I hear it \rf jod 1890:653.2 \op koüýbtha. Shi sheýnuzhiüýga waheýhaii ki wanaýshe waheýhazhi aýna t'aiý te \tr I wish. / Again / young man / stout-hearted / and / police / stout-hearted / how many / have died / the \rf jod 1890:653.3 \op anaý'oü koüýbtha. \tr I hear it / I wish. \rf jod 1890:653.4 \op Ahau. Shi wathaýte shkaýxe ke, watoüýzi thakiýshkaxe ke uthaýket'oü eýiüte, \tr «paragraph» / Again / food / you make / the «ob.», / corn / you make for yourself / the / you have acquired / perhaps, \rf jod 1890:653.5 \op shoüý anaý'oü kan*btha. Shi wamuýske uthaýzhi keý shti uthaýket'oü eýiüte anaý'oü \tr still / I hear it / I wish. / Again / wheat / you planted / the «ob.» / too / you acquire it / perhaps / I hear it \rf jod 1890:653.6 \op koüýbtha. Shi teý wanaýte, teý amaý uýhiaýshka wanaýte anaý'oü koüýbtha. \tr I wish. / Again / buffalo / you eat them, / buffalo / the «sub.» / close by / you eat them / I hear it / I wish. \rf jod 1890:653.7 \op Hau. Shi uýshkoü wiüý wiwiýta uwiýbtha teýiüke. Wathaýte akiýpaxe \tr «paragraph» / Again / dead / one / my / I tell to you / will. / Food / I make for myself \rf jod 1890:653.8 \op heýga: wamuýske weýgoüze kuýge thaýbthiü uaýket'oü, thawaý uthiýshi eýgoü uaýket'oü. \tr a little: / wheat / measure / box / three / [+3,000] / I have acquired, / difficult to be counted / I have acquired. \rf jod 1890:653.9 \op Shi watoüýzi ke shi eýkigoü. Waýxe waxtaý etaiý, sheý, nuýgthe, mazhoüýxe, \tr Again / corn / the «ob.» / again / like it. / White man / vegetable / their, / apple, / turnip, / onion, \rf jod 1890:653.10 \op poüýxi shti, nuý shti, haýzi toüýga shti, noüýpa shti, shoüý waýxe waxtaý-zhiüga \tr parsnip / too, / potato / too, / grape / large / too, / cherry / too, / in fact / white man / small vegetable \rf jod 1890:653.11 \op uzhiýi ge bthuýga bthiýzhut'oü, uhiýathe. Ki waýxe amaý theýama piýxti washkoüý \tr planted / the «pl. in. ob.» / whole / I have brought to maturity, / I have raised. / And / white man / the «pl. sub.» / these / anew / to make an effort \rf jod 1890:653.12 \op oüýagaýzhii, "Ukiýgthi'agaýzhi-ga," aiý ha. Niýkashiüýga waheýhazhiýxti noüýba iüýt'ai \tr they have commanded me. / Do not be lazy, / they say / . / Person / very stout-hearted / two / have died to me \rf jod 1890:653.13 \op ha. Paýthiü-gahiýge izhiüýge, Hexaýga-zhiüýga, t'eý ha. \tr . / Pawnee Chief / his son, / Little Elk, / dead / \rf jod 1890:653.14 \op Hau. Washuýshe sheýnuzhiüýga sheýnoüba aýta oügaýxai, ki akiýtha t'aiý ha. \tr «paragraph» / Brave / young man / those two / excellent / made, / and / both / died / . \rf jod 1890:653.15 \op Toüýwoügthoü weýtha-baýzhi. Shoüý Umoüýhoü-zhiüýga-ma akiýtha wagiýna'oüýwakithaý-ga! \tr Nation / we are sad. / Now / the young Omahas «pl. ob.» / both / cause them to hear about them, their own. \rf jod 1890:653.16 \op Akiýtha wagiýna'oü taýbashe. Uýwagithaý-ga Umoüýhoü-zhiüýga. \tr Both / they must hear about them, their own. / Tell to them / young Omaha. \rf jod 1890:653.17 \op Ahau. Mazhoüý iýshpahoü Umoüýhoü mazhoüý etaiý bthuýga bthiýtube. \tr «paragraph» / Land / you know it / Omaha / land / their / the whole / I have pulverized. \rf jod 1890:653.18 \op Wiüaýxchi iüýgexi: wanaýgthe, teýska, kuýkusi, wazhiüýga-zhiýde, shetoüý aýhigi \tr Just one / hard for me: / domestic animal, / cow, / hog, / chicken, / so far / many \rf jod 1890:653.19 \op waýbthiü-maýzhi. Uxtheýxchi waxiüýha niýze ki, gioüýkithaý-ga, waxiüýha eýgoü \tr I do not have them. / Very soon / paper / you take it / when, / cause to be returning hither, / paper / such «&or like» \rf jod 1890:653.20 \op wiüý. Iýe aýhigi gioüýkithaý-ga. Shubtheý koüýbtha shtewoüý bthiý'a-noü-moüý. \tr one. / Word / many / cause to be returning hither. / I go to you / I wish / even though / I have failed from time to time. \rf jod 1890:654.1 \op Iüýtexi ha. Shoü mazhoüý aýakihiýde, aýdoü shubtheý koüýbtha bthiý'a-noü-moüý. Ki \tr Hard for me / . / Well, / land / I attend to it, / therefore / I go to you / I wish / I have failed from time to time. / And \rf jod 1890:654.2 \op oüýbatheý maýthe uthuýgashiýbe witoüýbe koübth eýde bthiý'a ki, shi thanaý'oü tateý, \tr to-day / winter / throughout / I see you / I wished / but / I fail / when / again / you hear it / shall, \rf jod 1890:654.3 \op shubthaý-maýzhi ki. Umoüýhoü-maý theýamaý oüýbatheý wakeýga heýga-baýzhi, aýdoü \tr I do not go to you / if. / The Omahas / these / to-day / sick / not a little, / therefore \rf jod 1890:654.4 \op niýkashiüýga waheýhazhi noüýba t'aiý ha. Shiüýgazhiüýga wa'uý edaýbe t'aiý ha. Aýdoü \tr Indian / stout-hearted / two / died / . / Child / woman / also / died / . / Therefore \rf jod 1890:654.5 \op wakeýga thanaý'oü te waxiüýha shutheýathe. Sheýna iýe shutheýwikithe. Oüýba \tr sick / you hear it / may / paper / I send to you. / Enough / word / I send to you by «some one». / Day \rf jod 1890:654.6 \op weýduba teýdi Washuýshe t'eý. (Moüchuý-noüba) isoüýga zhuýgigthe baxuýi, \tr the fourth / on the / @{Washuýshe} / dead. / Two Grizzly bears / his younger brother / he with his own / writes, \rf jod 1890:654.7 \op Michaýxpe-zhiüýga izhaýzhe athiüý. \tr Little Star / his name / he has. \rf jod 1890:654.8 \ti Spafford Woodhull, an Omaha, to John Heron, Plum Creek, Nebr. \dt September 24, 1878 \op Kageýha, iýe dzhuýbaxchi wiýpaxu shutheýathe. Theýamaý nuýzhiüga zhuaýwagthe shupiý \tr Friend, / word / very few / I write to you / I send to you. / These / boy / I with them / I went to you \rf jod 1890:655.1 \op amaý moüýzeska wagaýxe eýthithiü gisiýthe-noüýi eýdegoü moüýzeska thi'aý heýga-baýzhi \tr the «pl. sub.» / money / debt / they have for you / remember it from time to time / but / money / they have failed / not a little \rf jod 1890:655.2 \op shetoüý. Shoüý thiý'i-baýzhi kaýshi te iüýtha-maýzhi ha. Shoüý miüý noübaý tediýhi ki, shupiý \tr so far. / And / they do not give it back to you / a long time / the / I am sad / . / And / moon / two / it reaches there / when, / I reach you \rf jod 1890:655.3 \op eteýgoü, shetoüý mazhoüý thagthiüý keýta. Sheýthu watoüýthe wathaýshi tethoüý tehaý-nasaýge \tr apt, / that far / land / you sit / at the. / There / to tan hides / you hired them / in the past / hardened buffalo hide \rf jod 1890:655.4 \op duýba tethoüý nuýzhiüga amaý ginaý'oü goüýthai theýamaý. E'oüý shkaýxe te wagaýxe te \tr four / in the past / boy / the «pl. sub.» / to hear of their own / they wish / these (the «sub.»). / How / you make it / the / debt / the \rf jod 1890:656.1 \op eý juýba iýshpasheýthoüi te iüwiüýth iýtha-ga. Goüýki toüýthe thishtoüý tethoüý duýba thoü \tr that / some / you have rubbed it out / the / to tell me / send hither. / And then / tanning / finished / in the past / four / the \rf jod 1890:656.2 \op watoüýthe wathaýshi tethoüý e'oüý shkaýxe te anaý'oü koüýbtha, wiýshti. Waýgazuýxti \tr to tan hides / you hired them / in the past / how / you make it / the / I hear it / I wish, / I too. / Very straight \rf jod 1890:656.3 \op iüwiüýth iýtha-ga. Shupiý eteýgoü shoüý ithaýdithai iüthiüýginahiüý tediýhi ki, shupiý \tr to tell to me / send hither. / I reach you / apt / now / agent / willing for me, his own / in case / that, / I reach you \rf jod 1890:656.4 \op taý miüke. Sheýna wawiýpaxu shutheýathe ha. Shoüý uxtheýxchi gthioüýthakithe \tr I will. / Enough / I write them to you / I send it to you / . / And / very soon / you cause to have returned to me \rf jod 1890:656.5 \op waxiüýha. \tr paper. \rf jod 1890:656.6 \ti @{Waxpe-sha}, an Omaha, to @{Tataüka-mani}, a Yankton. \dt September 25, 1878 \op Wabaýgtheze wiü shutheýwikithe. Iüýtha-maýzhi heýga-maýzhi. Isoüýga wiýta t'eý \tr Letter / one / I send for you. / I am very sorrowful. / His younger brother / my / dead \rf jod 1890:656.7 \op ha, aýdoü waxiüýha shutheýathe. Wagiýoü-moüýze, wikaýge, \tr . / therefore / paper / I send to you. / @{Wagiýoü-moüýze}, / my friend, / tell it to him. / Formerly \rf jod 1890:656.8 \op washtoüýbe te uýdoüxti eýgoüzhi ha. Shoüýge shaýpe wathaý'i-maý shte thiügaýi, eý wa'iýi. \tr you saw us / the / very good / not so / . / Horse / six / the ones which you gave us / even / are wanting / that / are given away \rf jod 1890:656.9 \op Sheýta piý agthiý teýdi, waýchigaýxe atiý: shoüýge wathiüýgextioüýi. Thanaý'oü \tr There where you are / I reached / I came back / when, / to dance / they came: / horse / we had none at all. / You hear it \rf jod 1890:657.1 \op wiýkoübtha. Thisoüýga shoüýge thiügeý heýga-baýzhi. Uýshkoü wiüý piýazhi heýga-baýzhi \tr I desire for you. / Your younger brother / horse / he is very destitute of. / Dead / one / bad / very \rf jod 1890:657.2 \op uwiýbtha shutheýathe. Wawaýkega duýba zhoüý ki, t'eý-noüi, niýkashiüýga aýhigi t'ai. \tr I tell you / I send to you. / We are sick / four / sleep / when, / they usually die, / person / many / have died \rf jod 1890:657.3 \op Shiüýgazhiüýga thiýta awaýna'oü koüýbtha. Thizhiüýthe shti e'oüýi eýiüte awaýna'oü koüýbtha. \tr Child / your / I hear of them / I wish. / Your elder brother / too / how / they may be / I hear of them / I desire. \rf jod 1890:657.4 \ti @{Gahiýge}, an Omaha, to @{Wiyakoiü}, a Yankton. \dt September 28, 1878 \op Dadiýha, iüýgoü oüýbatheý teýxi ithaýpahoü. Shoüý edaýdoü, dadiýha, weýthigthoüý \tr Father, / now / to-day / trouble / I know it. / And / what, / O father, / plan \rf jod 1890:657.5 \op shtewoüý thiügeý. Iüýchoü oüýba waxuýbe theýke Kageý t'eý ha, Washuýshe izhaýzhe athiüý. \tr soever / there is none. / Now / day / mysterious / this / Fourth son / dead / , / @{Washuýshe} / his name / he had. \rf jod 1890:657.6 \op Mawaýdoüthiü uiýtha-ga. Shi, dadiýha, sheýnuzhiüýga aýtaxti, Hexaýga-zhiüýga, shi t'eý \tr Mandan / tell him. / Again, / father, / young man / very excellent, / Little Elk, / again / dead \rf jod 1890:657.7 \op ha. Toüýwoügthoü iüýtoü wawaýkega heýga-baýzhi eýgoü weýthigthoüý shtewoüý thiügeý. \tr . / Nation / now / we are very sick / as / plan / soever / there is none. \rf jod 1890:657.8 \op Waxiüýha wiü, dadiýha, Hexaýga-moüýthiü tiýthe thoüý oüthoüýbahoü-baýzhi, niýashiüýga \tr Paper / one, / O father, / @{Hexaýka-maýni} / cause it to come / the «ob.» / we do not know it, / Indian \rf jod 1890:657.9 \op ukeýthiü baxuýi thoü eýgoü. Iýe te wiüdeýna na'oüýi eýde iýe thiýta na'oüý goüýthai. \tr common / it was written / the / as. / Word / the / one-half / they heard / but / word / your / to hear / wish \rf jod 1890:658.1 \op Iýe aýhigi iýbahoüýzhi eýgoü, aýdoü waxiüýha iýwimaýxe shutheýathe. Daýdoü eý wakaiý \tr Word / many / he did not know / as, / therefore / paper / I ask you / I send to you. / What / that / he means \rf jod 1890:658.2 \op te oünaý'oü oügoüýthai ha. Niýkashiüýga-ma, dadiýha, Umoüýhoü-maý, piý \tr the / we hear it / we wish / . / The people, / O father, / the Omahas, / anew \rf jod 1890:658.3 \op tha'eýwathaý-ga. Weýthigthoü uýdoü wegaýxa-ga. Iüdaýdi thiügeý thoüýzha, dadiýha, \tr pity them! / Plan / good / make for them! / My father / there is none / though, / O father, \rf jod 1890:658.4 \op thaniüýta te iüýudoüýxti anaýzhiü. Umoüýhoü-maý tha'eýwathaýthe eýgoü sheýhe ha, \tr you live / the / very good for me / I stand. / The Omahas / you pity them / so / I say that \rf jod 1890:658.5 \op toüýwoügthoüý thoü. \tr nation / the. \rf jod 1890:658.6 \ti @{Moüchuý-noüýba} to @{Hexaýka-maýni} and @{Tataüka-iüyaüke}, Yanktons. \dt October 3, 1878 \op Hexaýga moüýthiü Tatoüýga noüýge eýthoüba, waxiüýha tiýthathaiý thoü bthiýze \tr Elk / walks / Buffalo / runs / he too, / paper / which you have sent hither / I have taken it \rf jod 1890:659.1 \op eýgoü toüýbe ha. Shi waxiüýha theýthoü shutheýathe. Wathiýgthoü shtewoüý thiügeý ha. \tr as / I have seen it / . / Again / paper / this / I send to you. / Plan / soever / there is none / . \rf jod 1890:659.2 \op Niýkashiüýga aýhigi t'eý, shiüýgazhiüýga wa'uý shti edaýbe t'eý. Niýkashiüýga noüýba \tr Persons / many / dead, / child / woman / too / also / dead. / Person / two \rf jod 1890:659.3 \op waheýhazhi eýgoü iüýt'ai ha, aýdoü axaýge-noü-moüý shoüýshoü. Washuýshe Mawaýdana \tr stout-hearted / so / have died to me / , / there / I am usually crying / always. / @{Washuýshe} / Mandan \rf jod 1890:659.4 \op ineýgi thiükeý t'eý ha, eý niniýba athiüý thiükeý eýde t'eý ha. Shi aýma ke, Hexaýga-zhiüýga \tr his mother's brother / the one who «sat» / dead / , / he / pipe / had / the one who «sat» / but / dead / . / Again / other one / the, / Little Elk \rf jod 1890:659.5 \op izhaýzhe athiüý. Niýashiüýga waheýhazhixti wapaýxai eýde t'aiý ha. Iýshpahoü \tr his name / he had. / Person / very stout-hearted / I made them / but / they are dead / . / You know him \rf jod 1890:659.6 \op etaiý, duýdoügaýgthiü shoüýge wiü eýthashniü thatiý, shoüýge oüýpoü-hiü-eýgoü te, eý \tr ought, / we sat on this side / horse / one / you brought here for him, / horse / the color of elk hair / the, / that \rf jod 1890:659.7 \op Hexaýga-zhiüýga izhaýzhe athiüý ke. Sheýtatoü shoüýge waýthiü agthiý, wathaý'i-ma bthuýga \tr Little Elk / his name / he had / the «lg. ob.» / From yonder place / horse / they brought them back hither / those you gave / all \rf jod 1890:659.8 \op iüýmoüthoüýi Huýtoüga amaý. Wakeýga te shetoüýha oüýthishtoüý shtewoüýzhi, aýdoü \tr have stolen from me / Winnebago / the «pl. sub.». / Sick / the / so far / stopped on me / not at all, / there \rf jod 1890:659.9 \op doüýxti iüýpi-maýzhi heýga-maýzhi. Ithaýe agthiüý teýdi niýkashiüýga aýhigi iüýt'ai, aýdoü \tr beyond measure / I am sad / not a little. / I talk / I sit / when / person / many / have died to me, / therefore \rf jod 1890:659.10 \op noüýde iüýpi-maýzhi ha. Ki eýthe wiwiýta amaý, Poüýka amaý, weýboü tiýthai ha, \tr heart / I am sad / . / And / kindred / my / the «pl. sub.», / Ponka / the «pl. sub.», / to invite us / have sent hither / , \rf jod 1890:659.11 \op eýde btheý tateý ithaýpahoü-maýzhi ha, oüwoüýkega anaýzhiü eýgoü. Sheýamaý Shaoüýxti amaý \tr but / I go / shall / I do not know / , / I am sick / I stand / as. / Those / Real Dakota / the «pl. sub.» \rf jod 1890:659.12 \op Siüdeý-gtheshka daýdoü weýthigthoü gaýxai anaý'oü koüýbtha. Moüýzeskaý shti bthiýza-maýzhi, \tr Spotted Tail / what / plan / they make / I hear it / I wish. / Money too / I have not received, \rf jod 1890:659.13 \op waýxe amaý oü'iý-baýzhi. Shoüýge sheýnawaýthe eýgoü oüwoüýxpani heýga-maýzhi, shoüý \tr white man / the «pl. sub.» / they have not given to me. / Horse / made an end of them / as / I am very poor, / and \rf jod 1890:659.14 \op waxiüýha shutheýwikithe, iýe dzhuýbaxchi shutheýwikithe. \tr paper / I cause «some one» to take it to you, / word / very few / I cause «some one» to take it to you. \rf jod 1890:659.15 \ti @{Waxpe-sha} to @{Tataüka-mani} \dt October 9, 1878 \op Waýgazuýxti winaý'oü te noüýde iüýudoü ha. Shiüýgazhiüýga wiwiýta thisiýthe-noüýi. \tr Very straight / I have heard from you / the / heart / good for me / . / Child / my / usually remembers you. \rf jod 1890:661.1 \op Wa'uý wiwiýta thisiýthe-noüýi. Waxiüýha shuthaiý teýdi nuý saýtoü waheýhazhiýxti \tr Woman / my / usually remembers you. / Paper / went to you / when / man / five / very stout-hearted \rf jod 1890:661.2 \op t'aiý ha. Shoüý edaýdoü shoüýgaxai bthuýgaxti oüguýket'oüýi. Wamuýske shti \tr have died / . / And / what / they have done enough / the whole / we have acquired. / Wheat / too \rf jod 1890:661.3 \op oüguýzhii keý oüguýket'oüýi. Iüýtoü theýthutoütheýthe eýthe thithiýta-ma bthuýgaxti awaýsithe-noü-moüý \tr we sowed / the / we have acquired. / Now / from this time forward / kindred / those who are your / the whole / I remember them from time to time \rf jod 1890:661.4 \op tateý, ebtheýgoü. Gebtheý tateý, ebtheýgoü. Waýthutaýda eýta btheý tateý, \tr shall, / I think that. / I go that way «pointed out» / shall, / I think that. / Oto / to / I go / shall, \rf jod 1890:661.5 \op ebtheýgoü. Oüýba waxuýbe noübaý tediýhi ki, Umoüýhoü amaý juýba atheý taiteý, \tr I think that. / Day / mysterious / two / by that time, / Omaha / the «pl. sub.» / some / they go / shall, \rf jod 1890:661.6 \op ebtheýgoü. Wakeýga thaýbthiüha eaýwagoüýi. Oüýba waxuýbe wiüaýxchi kiýshte \tr I think that. / Sick / in three ways «?» / so we are «?». / Week / just one / even when \rf jod 1890:661.7 \op t'eý-noüi. Niýashiüýga amaý niý-masaýniataý-ma e'oüýi a. Awaýna'oü koüýbtha, \tr they usually die. / Person / the «pl. sub.» / those on the other side of the river / how are they / ? / I hear about them / I wish, \rf jod 1890:661.8 \op Siüdeý-gtheshka tiýi-ma. \tr Spotted Tail / those in his village. \rf jod 1890:661.9 \ti @{Ishtaýthabi}, an Omaha, to @{Hexaýga-saýbe}, a Ponka, at Yankton Agency, Dak. \dt October 14, 1878 \op Wawaýkegaiý. Washuýshe t'eý, Hexaýga-zhiüýga t'eý, Paheý-tap'e, Shuýka-moüýthiü \tr We have been sick. / @{Washuýshe} / dead, / Little Elk / dead, / @{Paheý-taýp'e} / dead, / @{Shuýka-moüýthiü} \rf jod 1890:662.1 \op t'eý, niýkashiüga uýdoüxti t'aiý ha. Wa'uý wiwiýta wiý sheýnoüba, wawaýkegaiý, \tr dead, / person / very good / died / . / Woman / my / I / those two, / we have been sick, \rf jod 1890:662.2 \op noüýzhiüshkeýxchi oüniüýtai. Oüniüýta ki, wisiýthe ha, aýdoü wawiýpaxuý. Sheý-ma \tr barely / we are alive. / We are alive / when, / I remember you / , / therefore / I write things to you. / Those \rf jod 1890:662.3 \op shiüýgazhiüýga-ma Ihoüýktoüwiüý juýba wiwiýta-maý wapaýxe-maý uýwagithaý-ga, \tr children / Yankton / some / those who are my / those whom I made / tell it to them, \rf jod 1890:662.4 \op toüýwoü thoü. Mazhoüý thoü oüýbatheý piýazhi heýga-baýzhi ha: oüýba wiüý ki, \tr village / the. / Land / the / to-day / is very bad / / day / one / when, \rf jod 1890:662.5 \op niýkashiüýga noübaý shte t'aiý, ki thaýbthiü shte t'aiý, ki duýba shteý t'aiý, oüýba wiüaýxchi \tr Person / two / for instance / died, / and / three / for instance / died, / and / four / for instance / died, / day / just one \rf jod 1890:662.6 \op ki. Ki sheýthoü theý shuhiý te shtoüýbe te eýkitoühaý waiüýbaxuý-ga. Shoüý e'oüý \tr when. / And / that «cv. ob.» / this / reaches you / the / you see it / the / at the same time / write things to me. / Now / how \rf jod 1890:662.7 \op thanaýzhiü ki, waýiütheýshpaxuý koüýbtha. Iüwiüýth iýtha-ga. \tr you stand / if, / you write things to me / I wish. / To tell me / send to me. \rf jod 1890:662.8 \ti Lion to Battiste Deroin and the Oto chiefs. \dt October 9, 1878 \op Kageýha, uwiýkie shutheýathe. Kageýha, witoüýbe koübtheýde oüwoüýkega ha. \tr My friend, / I speak to you / I send to you. / My friend, / I see you / I wish, but / I am sick / . \rf jod 1890:663.1 \op Oügiýni ki, shupiý taý miüke, witoüýbe taý miüke. Ki iüýchoü Umoüýhoü amaý \tr I recover / when, / I reach you / will / I who, / I see you / will / I who. / And / now / Omaha / the «pl. sub.» \rf jod 1890:663.2 \op shupiý-mazhi shoüteý shatheý 'itheý-noüi. Shatheý 'itheý te ubthiý'age: wawaýkega \tr I do not reach you / yet awhile / going to you / they usually speak of it. / Going to you / speaking of / the / I am unwilling! / we are \rf jod 1890:663.3 \op heýga-baýzhi, ki thiýshti wathiýkega. Atoüý oügiýni ki, eýkitoühaý shoügaýhi toüýgatoü \tr very sick, / and / you too / you are sick. / When / I recover / when, / at the same time / we shall reach you \rf jod 1890:663.4 \op thiýskieý. Wawaýsniüde toüýgatoü wamuýske ke noüzhuý thi'aiý; thishtoüýi ki, \tr all together. / We shall delay / wheat / the / thresh / they have failed; / they finish / when, \rf jod 1890:663.5 \op shoügaýhi toüýgatoü. Wathiýkega te that'aiý te oüguýshti oüýt'aiý te iüýtha-maýzhi ha. \tr we shall reach you. / You are sick / the / you die / the / we too / we die / the / I am sad / \rf jod 1890:663.6 \op Shoüý waxiüýha theýthoü niýze ki, uxtheýxchi shi eýgoü waxiüýha wiüý gthioüýkithaý-ga. \tr Now / paper / this «ob.» / you receive it / when, / very soon / again / like it / paper / one / send back to me. \rf jod 1890:663.7 \op Kiýbashnoü shuhiý eweýkoübtha-maýzhi. Waxiüýha noüheýbai-ga, esheý iýthathe taiý. \tr Missing one another in going to you / I do not wish for them. / Paper / wait ye for it, / you say / you send hither / please. \rf jod 1890:663.8 \op Umoüýhoü-maý bthuýga eý aýwawakeý: wiý pahoüýga shuhiý koüýbtha-maýzhi, thiýskieý \tr The Omahas / all / that / I mean: / me / before / to go to you / I wish not. / all together \rf jod 1890:663.9 \op shoügaýhi oügaýthai atoüýshte. \tr we reach you / we go / at some future time. \rf jod 1890:663.10 \ti @{Shkatce-yiüe}, a Missouri, to Battiste Deroin \op Sheýta niýashiüýga oüthoüýt'athe thiükeý waýgazu anaý'oü koüýbtha: iüwiüýth iýtha-ga. \tr There where / person / he who is jealous of me / straight / I hear / I wish: / to tell me / send hither. \rf jod 1890:664.1 \op Ki shagtheý koübtheýde waýgazuaýzhi, iüýtexi ha. Goüýki iüwiüýthanaý tiýthathe, waýgazu \tr And / I go back to you / I wish, but / it is not straight, / it is hard for me / . / And then / you tell to me / you send hither, / straight \rf jod 1890:664.2 \op anaý'oü koüýbtha. Theý wabaýgtheze thoü niýze ki, uxtheýxchi wiüý ioüýkithaý-ga. \tr I hear / I wish. / This / letter / the «ob.» / you receive it / when, / very soon / one / send hither. \rf jod 1890:664.3 \op Umoüýhoü-maýdi iüýudoüýxti anaýzhiü. Kiýku edueýhe-noü-moüý. Oüýba wiüdeýtoü \tr among the Omahas / very good / I stand. / Calling to feasts / I usually am a member. / Day / part \rf jod 1890:664.5 \op te hithaiý teýdi Umoüýhoü amaý waýchigaýxe edueýhe-noü-moüý. Waýhiuýthaxaý \tr the / Saturday / on the / Omaha / the «pl. sub.» / dance / I usually join. / Pottawatomi \rf jod 1890:664.6 \op Waýthutada amaý athaiý eýiüte anaý'oü koüýbtha. Athaý-baýzhi doüýshteoüýi, ahiý \tr Oto / the «pl. sub.» / went / whether or not / I hear it / I wish. / They did not go / for example, / they reached there \rf jod 1890:664.7 \op doüýshteoüýi, anaý'oü koüýbtha. Edaýdoü edeýshe tiýthathe ki, shagtheý taý miüke. Shoüý \tr for example, / I hear it / I wish. / What / what you say / you send hither / when, / I go back to you / I will. / And \rf jod 1890:664.8 \op shagtheý koübtheýde iüýtexi ha. Teýxi kiýshte, shagthaý-maýzhi teýiüke. Waýgazu \tr I go back to you / I wish, but / difficult for me / . / Difficult / if, / I will not return to you. / Straight \rf jod 1890:664.9 \op iüwiüýthanaý tiýthathe uýdoü ki, shagtheý taý miüke. Tiý guaýthishoü thoükaý thaiý ki, \tr you tell it to me / you send it hither / good / if, / I go back to you / I will. / Lodge / beyond / the ones who / went / if, \rf jod 1890:664.10 \op awaýna'oü koüýbtha, waýgazu. Shoüýge-ska (Waýthutada niýkagaýhi) Poüýkata theý \tr I hear about them / I wish, / straight. / White Horse / Oto / chief / to the Ponkas / to go \rf jod 1890:664.11 \op 'iýthe anaý'oü koüýbtha, waýgazu. Poüýkata theý goüýthai ki, wabaýgtheze ioüýkithaý-ga. \tr spoke of it / I hear it / I wish, / straight. / To the Ponkas / to go / he wishes / if, / letter / send to me. \rf jod 1890:664.12 \ti @{Maxpiýya-xaýga} to @{Shaýkuthuý Thakitaýwe}. \dt October 12, 1878 \op Waxiüýha shutheýwikitheý thoü gthiýazhi eýde witaýhoü t'eý ha thanaý'oü t(e) ebtheýgoü \tr Paper / I sent by some one to you / the «ob.» / has not returned / but / my brother-in-law / dead / / you hear it / may / that I think \rf jod 1890:665.1 \op waxiüýha shutheýathe. Niýkashiüýga eýkigoüýxti wipaýxe eýde witoüýge egthoüýge t'eý \tr paper / I send to you. / Indian / just alike / I make you / but / my sister / her husband / dead \rf jod 1890:665.2 \op ha. Shiüýgazhiüýga etaý thoükaý aýdoübe thiügaiý aýdoü e'oüý shubthaý-maýzhi. Tiýuzhiý te \tr . / Child / his / the ones who / to look after / they have none / therefore / how / I do not go to you. / Household / the \rf jod 1890:665.3 \op wakeýga-baýzhi uwiýbtha tethoüý iüýtoü wakeýgai, woüýgitheýxti. Sheýtoü ushteý thoükaý \tr they were not sick / I told to you / in the past / now / are sick, / every one. / So far / the rest \rf jod 1890:665.4 \op gigthaýzu-bazhiýxtioüýi. Saýtoü zhoüý ki-noüý t'aiý ha. Wakeýga te piýazhi. Pahoüýgadi \tr have not recovered at all. / Five / sleep / when usually / they die / . / Sick / the / bad. / Formerly \rf jod 1890:665.5 \op noüýde iüýudoüýxti-moüý eýde, iüýtoü iüýtha-maýzhi ha. Shubtheý eheý tethoüý shubthaý-maýzhi \tr heart / very good for me / but, / now / I am sad / . / I go to you / I said / in the past / I go not to you \rf jod 1890:665.6 \op taý miüke ha. Waxiüýha thoü shuhiý ki, uxtheýxchi gthioüýkithaý-ga, winaý'oü \tr I will / . / Paper / the / reaches you / when, / very soon / send it back to me, / I hear from you \rf jod 1890:665.7 \op koüýbtha-xti. Niýkashiüýga-ma uýdoüxti-noüý t'aiý ha. Niýashiüýga ushkuýdoüxti \tr I wish very. / The people / very good some / die / . / Person / very kind \rf jod 1890:665.8 \op zhuaýwagthe aýhigi t'aiý ha. Noüýde iüýtha-mazhiý-xti-noü shoüýshoü. Moüýzeskaý shti \tr I with them / many / have died / . / Heart / very sad for me continues / always. / Money / too \rf jod 1890:665.9 \op wa'iý-bazhi shoüýshoüi. Shoü aýdoü moüýzeska wiüeýshte shtoüýbazhi-noü. Weýkoütoü \tr they have not given to us / always «pl.». / And / therefore / money / even one / you «sing.» do not see usually. / Lariat \rf jod 1890:665.10 \op teýnazhiýha gazoüýde wiüý gioüýkithaý-ga. Wathaha abthiüý eýde, witaýhoü t'eý, thiügeý -- \tr hair on a buffalo's head / to plait / one / send back to me. / Clothing / I had / but, / my brother-in-law / dead, / there is none \rf jod 1890:666.1 \op bthuýgaxti thiügeý. Shoüý edaýdoü weýki'oü shtewoüý oüthiüýge. Umoüýthiüka theý \tr all / is gone. / Now / what / ornament / soever / I have none. / Season / this \rf jod 1890:666.2 \op ithaýugthe shoüý maýthe aýma tetaý shtewoüý waýthaha akiýkoübtha teýiüke. Eýgoü geýdi \tr throughout / in fact / winter / the other / at the / soever / clothing / I desire for myself. / So / at different times \rf jod 1890:666.3 \op witoüýbe te. Poüýka amaýdi wiüý itiýze wabaýgtheze shuýtheaýkithe. Poüýka akeý \tr I see you / may. / Ponka / with them / one / together «with you» «&or at the same time» / letter / I send it to you «by a messenger». / Ponka / it is he \rf jod 1890:666.4 \op wiü tioüýkithai. Poüýka akeý waxiüýha wiü tioüýkithai, Poüýka niýkagahi wiü, \tr one / he has sent to me. / Ponka / it is he / paper / one / he has sent it to me, / Ponka / chief / one, \rf jod 1890:666.5 \op Moüchuý-nazhiü aiý akaý, wiý ikaýgeaýthe. \tr Standing Grizzly bear / they say / the one who, / I / I have him for a friend. \rf jod 1890:666.6 \ti @{Moüchuý-noüýba} to Battiste Deroin. \dt October 10, 1878 \op Iýshkadaýbi, niýkagaýhi noükaýshe woüýgithe, niýkashiüýga wiýta shuthaiý. Shiüýgazhiüýga \tr @{Iýshkadaýbi}, / chief / ye who are / all, / people / my / have gone to you. / Child \rf jod 1890:667.1 \op wiýta shti shuthaiý. Thidoüýbe shuthaiý. Umoüýhoü uýdoü waýbthiü-maý zaniý \tr my / too / has gone to you. / To see you / have gone to you. / Omaha / good / those whom I have / all \rf jod 1890:667.2 \op shuthaiý. Uýdoüxti wiüý ke t'eý ha, Hexaýga-zhiüýga, Paýthiü-gahiýge izhiüýge; ushteý \tr have gone to you. / Very good / one / the «recl. ob.» / dead / , / Little Elk, / Pawnee Chief / his son; / the rest \rf jod 1890:667.3 \op amaý shuthaiý ha. Wathiýkegaý-bi aiý te, anaý'oü shoüý thidoüýbe goüýthai eýgoü shuthaiý. \tr the «pl. sub.» / have gone to you / . / That you had been sick / they said, / I heard it / yet / to see you / they wish / as / they have gone to you. \rf jod 1890:667.4 \op Kageýha, niýkagaýhi noükaýshe, thaý'eoüýgithaýi-ga. Sheý-ma niýkashiüýga uýdoüxti \tr Friend, / chief / ye who are, / have pity on me. / Those / person / very good \rf jod 1890:667.5 \op giýwakithaýi-ga, tha'eýthathe giýwakithaýi-ga, noüýde-giýudoüxti giýwakithaýi-ga. \tr send ye them back to me, / you pity him / send ye them back to me, / being very glad / send ye them back to me. \rf jod 1890:667.6 \op Sheýnuzhiüýga wasiýsige thithiýta-ma waýgthahoüýi-ga! Niýkagaýhi izhiüýge thiükeý \tr Young man / active / those who are your / pray ye to them, your own! / Chief / his son / the «st. an. ob.» \rf jod 1890:667.7 \op gthaýhoüi-ga! Ki ieýska noükaý, thiýshti, Badiýze isoüýga eýthoüba, Waýthutaýda \tr pray ye to him, your own! / And / interpreter / ye who are, / you, too, / Battiste / his younger brother / he too, / Oto \rf jod 1890:667.8 \op niýkagaýhi iýe uýwagikoüýi-ga, ieýska noükaýshe. Umoüýhoü toüýwoügthoü nazhiüý \tr chief / word / help ye them, / interpreter / ye who are. / Omaha / nation / stand \rf jod 1890:667.9 \op niýkashiüýga amaý wasiýsige aýtashoü shuthaiý. Eýskoü thaý'eoüýgitha-baýdoü 'iýthai \tr people / the «pl. sub.» / active / exceedingly / have gone to you. / Oh that / you have pity on me and «pl.» / they promise \rf jod 1890:667.10 \op eteýgoüxti iügaýxa-ga. Umoüýhoü niýkagaýhi woüýgithe sheýnuzhiüýga theý ti-maý \tr very apt / make for me. / Omaha / chief / all / young man / this / those who have come \rf jod 1890:667.11 \op teýxiwagitheýxtioüi. Iýe edaýdoü edaiý ki, Umoüýhoü niýkagaýhi eýgoüxti wagiýkaxenoüýi, \tr they prize them very highly. / Word / what / what they say / when, / Omaha / chief / just so / they usually do for them their own, \rf jod 1890:667.12 \op theý ti-maý nuýzhiüga. Hau. Sheýna Waýthutaýda niýkagaýhi noükaýshe, wiýbthahoüýi, \tr these who have come / boy. / «paragraph» / Enough / Oto / chief / ye who are, / I have prayed to you «pl.», \rf jod 1890:667.13 \op kageýha. Hau. Iýe te sheýna wiýbthahoü shutheýathe. \tr my friends. / «paragraph» / Word / the / enough / I pray to you / I send it to you. \rf jod 1890:667.14 \ti @{Ki-wiý-gu-tidzha-thiý-ci} to @{Shiýthe-thiýtawe} \dt October 21 \op Wiý miükeý, Ashaýwage thaýthihuýthe, waxiüýha shutheýwikithaiý ha, thizhiüýthe meýgoü. \tr I / I who sit, / «Pawnee words», / paper / I cause some one to take it to you «pl.» / , / your elder brother / likewise. \rf jod 1890:668.1 \op Shoüý mazhoüý theýthoü thaoüýna naiý thoü oüwoüýxpaniýxti anaýzhiü ha. Shoüý oüýbatheý \tr And / land / this «cv. ob.» «&or place» / you abandoned / you went / the place / me very poor / I stand / . / And / to-day \rf jod 1890:668.2 \op witoüýbe koüýbtha, u'oüýthiügeýxti waxiüýha shutheýwikithaiý. Goüý-noü zhuýga \tr I see you / I wish, / for no reason whatever / paper / I cause some one to take it to you «pl.». / And usually «?» / body \rf jod 1890:668.3 \op wiýxchi shi uýdoü moübthiüý eýte-moüý, shoüý- goüý edaýdoü akiýpaxe te uýdoüxti \tr I my very self / again / good / I walk / I do this at least, / at any rate / what / I have made for myself / the / very good \rf jod 1890:668.4 \op anaýzhiü eýde, oüýbatheý wamuýske iteýathe niýkashiüýga shaýpe athiüý eýna-bthuýga iteýthe \tr I stood / but, / to-day / wheat / I piled it up / person / six / had it / all together / put in a heap \rf jod 1890:668.5 \op naýthiüge ha. \tr was burnt to nothing / . \rf jod 1890:668.6 \ti @{Moüchuý-noüýba} to @{Hexaýka-maýni} and @{Tataüka-iüyaüke} \dt October 16 \op Thutoüýxti uwiýbtha shutheýathe ha iüýchoü thiý wikaýge meýgoü. Toüýwoügthoü \tr Very straight / I tell you / I send it to you / / now / you / my friend / likewise. / Nation \rf jod 1890:669.1 \op piýazhi thoü heýgazhi ha: miüý thaýbthiü wawaýkegaiý, sheýtoü wagiýni-baýzhi; aýdoü that'eý \tr bad / the «cv. ob.» / not a little / / moon / three / we have been sick, / so far / we have not recovered; / therefore / you die \rf jod 1890:669.2 \op taiteý uwiýbthi'agaiý, iýwit'aýbthai-maýzhi. Eýgithe wathiýkega that'aiý ki, oüýthagtha taiý. \tr shall «pl.» / I am unwilling for you «pl.», / I do not hate you «pl.». / Beware / you sick / you die / if / you blame me / lest. \rf jod 1890:669.3 \op sheýna. Iý-bazhiýi-ga. Wakeýga te piýazhi shoüshoüýxtioüýi. Moüýzeskaý shti \tr Enough. / Do not be coming! / Sick / the / bad / remains indeed! / Poney / too \rf jod 1890:669.4 \op oüthiýza-baýzhi, wawaýxpani heýga-baýzhi. Shoüýge-ma Huýtoüga amaý sheýnawathaiý, \tr we have not received, / we are very poor. / The horses / Winnebago / the «pl. sub.» / have made an end of them, \rf jod 1890:669.5 \op wamoüýthoüi; aýdoü akiýna koüýbtha agthiüý, iüýtha-maýzhi iüýtoü. Toüýwoügthoü-maý \tr they have stolen them; / therefore / I fight / I wish / I sit, / I am displeased / now. / The nations \rf jod 1890:669.6 \op Poüýkama gtheýbahiýwiü ki eýdi aýta t'aiý; Maýxude-maý shti, Zaýge, Waýthutaýda, \tr the Ponkas / a hundred / and / over / have died; / the Iowas / too, / Sacs, / Otos, \rf jod 1890:669.7 \op Paýthiü, toüýwoügthoü-maý shti bthuýga wakeýga heýga-baýzhi. Niýkagaýhi uýzhu \tr Pawnees, / the nations / too / all / have been very ill. / Chief / principal \rf jod 1890:669.8 \op thoükaý weýshpahoü ha. Gthedoüý - naýzhiü izhaýzhe athiüý akaý iýthigthoü taý aka haý, eý \tr the ones who / you know / . / Hawk / stands / his name / he who has it, (the «sub.») / he will decide / , / that one «the aforesaid» \rf jod 1890:669.9 \op waýgazu thiýgaxe taý aka haý. Shoüýge shaýpe tha'iý ha, Gthedoüý - naýzhiü. Iýshpahoüý \tr straight / he will do for you. / Horse / six / you gave to him / , / Hawk / stands. / You know him \rf jod 1890:669.10 \op tateý. Sheýna shutheýwikitheý. \tr shall. / Enough / I have sent to you by some one. \rf jod 1890:669.11 \ti Lion to Battiste Deroin and the Oto chiefs. \dt October 19, 1878 \op Waxiüýha oüýbatheý bthiýze, uxtheýxchi uwiýkie shutheýathe, kageýha. Niýkashiüýga \tr Paper / to-day / I have received it, / very soon / I speak to you / I send it to you, / my friend. / Persons \rf jod 1890:670.1 \op juýba oüwoüýkie atiýi, ikaýgeawatheý-de atiýi. Oüwoüýkie anaý'oü ki, noüýde \tr some / to speak to me / have come, / I made them my friends, and / they have come. / to speak to me / I heard it / when, / heart \rf jod 1890:670.2 \op iüýudoüýxti-moü. Sheýna. Goüýki niýkashiüýga t'eý ha, Iýkuhaýbi siýdadi aýma \tr was very good for me. / Enough. / And now / person / dead / , / @{Iýkuhaýbi} / yesterday / the other \rf jod 1890:670.3 \op teýdi t'eý ha, eý niýkashiüýga wiwiýta, nuýzhiüga wiwiýta. Eýbe toüýwoügthoü t'eý \tr on the / dead / , / he / person / my, / boy / my. / Who / nation / die \rf jod 1890:670.4 \op shteýshtewoü, zaniý wiwiýta, iüýtha-maýzhi ha. Shi niýkashiüýga wiwiýta amaý shuhiý \tr soever, / all / mine, / I am sad / . / Again / person / my / the «pl. sub.» / have reached you \rf jod 1890:670.5 \op shoüýge wathaý'i te awaýna'oü iüýthe-xti-moüý, noüýde iüýudoü. \tr horse / you have given to them / the / I heard it of them / I was very well pleased, / heart / good for me. \rf jod 1890:670.6 \op Hau. Goüýki toüýwoügthoü thithiýtai thoü pahoüýga teýdi t'eý iüwiüýthanaý \tr «paragraph» / And then / nation / your «pl.» / the «ob.» / before / when / dead / you told to me \rf jod 1890:671.1 \op tiýthathe awaýna'oü te iüýtha-maýzhi ha. Ki iüýchoü wiüeýshte t'eý iüwiüýthana-baýzhi \tr you sent hither / I heard of them / the / I was sad / . / And / now / even one / dead / you have not told to me \rf jod 1890:671.2 \op aýdoü noüýde iüýudoüýxti-moüý. Ki hauý, niýkagaýhi noükaýshe, sheýnuzhiüýga \tr therefore / heart / mine feels very good. / And / ho! / chief / ye who are, / young man \rf jod 1890:671.3 \op edaýbe, t'eý winaý'oüi-maýzhi iüýthe-xti-moüý. Theýshetoüý edaýdoü wiüý iýutha \tr also, / dead / I have not heard of you / I am very glad. / From this time / what / one / news \rf jod 1890:671.4 \op iüwiüýthana- noüýi koübtheýgoü. Oügiýni eteýgoü. Theý wabaýgtheze bthiýze teýdi \tr you tell to me / only / I hope. / We recover / apt. / This / letter / I receive it / when \rf jod 1890:671.5 \op waýwe ti teýdi atiý. Shoüý witoüýbai-maýzhi kaýshi taiteý ha. Wamuýske \tr white man / house / into it / I have come. / And / I do not see you «pl.» / a long time / shall / . / Wheat \rf jod 1890:671.6 \op iüthiüýnoüzhu-baýzhi kaýshi taiteý, aýdoü witoüýbai- maýzhi kaýshi taiteý. Maýthe uskoüýskoü \tr they not thresh my / a long time / shall, / therefore / I see you «pl.» / not / a long time / shall. / Winter / in a straight line with \rf jod 1890:671.7 \op usniý iýdoübeýxti tediýhi ki, iüthiüýnoüzhuý taiteý. \tr cold / in the very middle / by that time, / they thresh it for me / shall. \rf jod 1890:671.8 \ti @{Moüchuý-noüýba} to Battiste Deroin and the Oto chiefs \op Tushpaýha, wiýbthahoü. Weýthigthoü paýxe te eýgoüxti iütheýshkaxe Waýthutaýda \tr Grandchild, / I pray to you. / Decision / I make it / the / just so / you make it for me / Oto \rf jod 1890:672.1 \op niýkagaýhi noükaýshe eýdabe wiýbthahoüýi. Noüýde iüýtha-maýzhi. Oüýba ithaýugthe \tr chief / ye who are / also / I pray to you «pl.». / Heart / I am sad. / Day / throughout \rf jod 1890:672.2 \op axaýge shoüshoüýi eýde, noübaý zhoü winaý'oüi te iüýthexti-moüý. Wanaýgthe oüthaý'i-ma \tr I weep / always / but, / two / sleep / I have heard from you / the / I am very glad. / Domestic animal / the ones which you gave to me \rf jod 1890:672.3 \op weýthihiýde weýpaxe aýdoü wakoüýbtha-noü-moüý, eýgoü wiýna eýgoü oüthaý'i te noüýde \tr tool / I treat them as «or I use them for» / therefore / I desire them only, / as / I have begged of you / as / you have given to me / the / heart \rf jod 1890:672.4 \op iüýudoü, shi wakeýga te oügiýni-maýzhi-noü-moüý, aýdoü sheýnuzhiüýga waheýhazhiýxti \tr good for me, / again / sick / the / I have not yet recovered, / therefore / young man / very stout-hearted \rf jod 1890:672.5 \op wiü iüýt'e, Waniýta-waýxe iniüýge, Iýkuhaýbi izhaýzhe athiüý. \tr one / of mine is dead, / Lion / his son, / @{Iýkuhaýbi} / his name / he had. \rf jod 1890:672.6 \op Hau. Thihoüý meýgoü nieý thithiüýge thanaýzhiü noüýde iüýudoü. Ki thitoüýge \tr «paragraph» / Your mother / likewise / pain / you have none / you stand / heart / good for me. / And / your sister \rf jod 1890:672.7 \op Umoüýhoü amaý tha'eýthai, wanaýgthe duýba 'iýi ha, aýdoü thitaýhoü wakiýgthitoüýxti, \tr Omaha / the «pl. sub.» / have pitied her, / domestic animal / four / have given to her / , / therefore / your sister's husband / works very hard for himself, \rf jod 1890:672.8 \op aýdoü noüýde iüýudoüýxti anaýzhiü. Tiýuzhi wiwiýta uýdoüxti anaýzhiü. Sheýna shutheýwikitheý. \tr therefore / heart / very good for me / I stand. / Household / my / very good / I stand. / Enough / I have sent to you. \rf jod 1890:672.9 \ti @{Zhaýbe-ska} to @{Gashtagabi}, a Ponka, at Yankton Agency, Dakota Territory \dt 1878 \op Poüýka niýkashiüýga gtheýbahiýwiü t'aý-bi ai eýde thanaý'oü teýgoü waxiüýha \tr Ponka / Indians / a hundred / have died, it is said / they say / but / you hear it / in order that / paper \rf jod 1890:673.1 \op shuhiýwikitheý. Niýashiüýga wiüaýxchi t'eý ke uthaiý, ushteý te uthaý-baýzhi, izhaýzhe oüwoüýna'oü-baýzhi. \tr I cause it to reach you. / Person / just one / dead / the «recl. ob.» / they told, / remainder / the / they did not tell, / his name / we did not hear them. \rf jod 1890:673.2 \op Tenuýga-shaýge-toüýga enaýxchi oünaý'oüi ha. Thanaý'oü teýgoü shuhiýathe \tr Buffalo bull hoof large / he only / we have heard / . / You hear it / in order that / I cause it to reach \rf jod 1890:673.3 \op waxiüýha. Tenuýga-shaýge-toüýga t'eý ke toüýwoügthoü bthuýga weýthabazhiý-xtioüýi, \tr paper. / @{Tenuýga-shaýge-toüýga} / dead / the «recl. ob.» / nation / whole / they are very sad, \rf jod 1890:673.4 \op aý-bi thoüý amaý. \tr it is said in the letter. \rf jod 1890:673.5 \ti @{Toügaý-gaxe} to @{Ishtaý-maüsh'e}, an Oto. \dt October 25, 1878 \op Wamuýske ke iüýnathiüýge. Iýshpahoü thagtheý naýthiüge. Wamuýske ke \tr Wheat / the «lg. ob.» / is burnt to nothing for me. / You knew it / you went back / it is consumed. / Wheat / the «lg. ob.» \rf jod 1890:673.6 \op naýthiüge. Iýshpahoü thagtheýde naýthiüge, wamuýske ke. Eýde wagaýxe teý shte \tr is consumed. / You knew it / you went back, but / it is consumed, / wheat / the «lg. ob.». / But / debt / the / even \rf jod 1890:673.7 \op eweýbthi'a taý miüke. Iüdaýdoü shte iýpaxa-maýzhi, wamuýske keý naýthiüge \tr I fail for them / will / I who. / What / soever / I do not make by means of, / wheat / the «lg. ob.» / is consumed \rf jod 1890:673.8 \op oüthoüýsabe chaýbe. Eýde toüýwoügthoü wakeýga chaýbai eýgoü, witaýhoü iüýchoü \tr I suffer / greatly. / But / nation / sick / very much / as, / your brother-in-law / now \rf jod 1890:673.9 \op t'eý ha, Shuýka-moüýthiü izhaýzhe athiüý. Nieý oüthiüýge-xti-moüý. Shupiý 'iaýthe tethoüý \tr dead / , / @{Shuýka-moüýthiü} / his name / he had. / Pain / I have none at all. / I reach you / what / I said in the past \rf jod 1890:674.1 \op wagaýxe eweýbthi'a te oüthoüýwoüthispeýgoü, shupiý-maýzhi teý. Gaýtegoüý shupiý \tr debt / I fail for them / the / as I am kept back «&or restrained» on account of it, / I may not reach you. / In that manner / I reach you \rf jod 1890:674.2 \op 'iaýthe tethoüý, nieý oüthiüýge ki, shupiý taý miüke; ki wagaýxe te nieý oüthiüýge \tr what I promised in the past, / pain / I have none / if, / I will reach you; / and / debt / the / pain / I have none \rf jod 1890:674.3 \op ki, uthuýhiaýgith eteýgoü. Theýke thihoüý wakeýgede iüýchoüxchi giniý. Nuýzhiüga \tr if, / I cause it to be enough for me «to pay or cancel it» / apt «&or may». / This «recl. ob.» / your mother / was sick, but / just now / she has recovered. / Boy \rf jod 1890:674.4 \op ituýshpaawaýthe shiüýgazhiüýga thiýta thihoüý wasiýthe- noüýi. Uýshkoü e'oüý niüý te \tr I have them for grandchildren / infant / your / your mother / remembers them / usually. / Deed / how / you are / the \rf jod 1890:674.5 \op waýgazuýxti anaý'oü koüýbtha, aýdoü edaýbe wabaýxu shutheýathe. Ki shiüýgazhiüýgazhiüýga \tr very straight / I hear it / I wish, / therefore / also / letter / I send to you. / And / child \rf jod 1890:674.6 \op thoükaýshti nieý thiügaiý ki, awaýna'oü koüýbtha. Ki thigaýxthoü thiükeý shti nieý thiügaiý \tr the «pl. ob.» too / pain / have none / if, / I hear of them / I wish. / And / your wife / the one who / too / pain / she has none \rf jod 1890:674.7 \op ki, anaý'oü koüýbtha. Ki wabaýgtheze tioüýthakitheý (koüýbtha). Ithaýwipe eýde, \tr if, / I hear it / I wish. / And / letter / you send hither to me / I wish. / I have waited for you / but, \rf jod 1890:674.8 \op wabaýgtheze tioüýthakithaýzhi. Shubtheý te, esheý ki, wabaýgtheze ioüýkithaý-ga. \tr letter / you have not sent hither to me. / I go to you / will, / you say / if, / letter / send to me. \rf jod 1890:674.9 \op Goüýki Waýthutaýda- maý ithaý- bi aiý, e'oüý uýshkoü te awaýna'oü koüýbtha. Ki \tr And then / Oto / the «pl. sub.» / have gone «by request» / it is said / they say, / how / deed / the / I hear of them / I wish. / And \rf jod 1890:674.10 \op naý-bazhi shkoüýna ki, iýe waýgazu anaý'oü koüýbtha. Ki neý te ki, waýgazu \tr you do not go / you wish / if, / word / straight / I hear it / I wish. / And / you go / will / if, / straight \rf jod 1890:674.11 \op anaý'oü koüýbtha. Shoüýge wiü aniüý ameýde oüthaý'i koüýbtha. Edeýshe ki, \tr I hear it / I wish. / Horse / one / you have / they say, but «&or as» / you give to me / I wish. / You say something / if, \rf jod 1890:674.12 \op shupiý taý miüke. Weýdazhi wathaý'i wiýkoübtha-maýzhi. Niýze ki, uxtheýxchi \tr I will reach you. / Elsewhere / you give them / I do not wish for you. / You receive it / if, / very soon \rf jod 1890:674.13 \op wabaýgtheze iýthathe koüýbtha. Shoüý toüýwoügthoü thithiýta niýkagaýhi amaý iýe daýdoü \tr letter / you send hither / I wish. / And / nation / your / chief / the «pl. sub.» / word / what \rf jod 1890:674.14 \op shte awaýna'oü koüýbtha. Ki oüýbatheý iüdaýdoü iüwiüýthakoüýi te uthuýwinaýzhiü. \tr ever / I hear of them / I wish. / And / to-day / what / you have aided me / the / I depend on you for it. \rf jod 1890:674.15 \op Goüý edeýshe te waýgazuýxti anaý'oü koüýbtha. \tr And / what you say / the / very straight / I hear it / I wish. \rf jod 1890:674.16 \op Hau. Poüýka-ma etaýshti iýe ki waýgazu anaý'oü koüýbtha. Poüýka-ma \tr «paragraph» / The Ponkas / there too / word / the / straight / I hear it / I wish. / The Ponkas \rf jod 1890:674.17 \op niýkagaýhi peýthabthiü gthiý amathoüý zhuaýwagthe piý amathoüý, iýe daýdoü \tr chief / eight / those who came back / I with them / those whom I reached, / word / what \rf jod 1890:674.18 \op oüthoüýwoükiaiý asiýthe-noü shoüýshoü. Daýdoü uthuýwikieý thatiý teýdi Poüýka iýe \tr they spoke to me about / I have always remembered. / What / I spoke to you about / you came hither / when / Ponka / word \rf jod 1890:674.19 \op uthuýwikieý asiýthe-noü-moüý. Iüýboüi eýgoü asiýthe-noü-moüý. Eý watoüýbe koüýbtha. \tr I spoke to you about / I am thinking of from time to time. / They called me / as / I am thinking of it from time to time. / That / I see them / I wish. \rf jod 1890:675.1 \op Iýe uthuýwikieý asiýthe-noü-moüý, waýgazu iüýna'oüý-ga. Ki Moüchuý-waýthihi, \tr Word / I spoke to you about / I am thinking of from time to time, / straight / hear for me. / And / @{Moüchuý-waýthihi}, \rf jod 1890:675.2 \op Ashaýwage, Weýs'a-toüýga, iýe etaiý asiýthe-noü-moüý. Iüýboüi Moüchuý-waýthihi; \tr @{Ashaýwage}, / Big Snake, / word / their / I am thinking of from time to time. / He called me / @{Moüchuý-waýthihi}; \rf jod 1890:675.3 \op iýe ke gisiýthethaiý. Thagiýsithe ki, hiý-ga. Poüýkata tiýi thoüýdi waxiüýha \tr word / the / he has caused him to remember. / You remember it / when, / reach there. / At the Ponkas / village / at the / paper \rf jod 1890:675.4 \op itheýwathaýkithe taiý. Waxiüýha iýwikikaý. \tr cause it to go thither for them / please. / Paper / I ask as a favor of you «?» «see note». \rf jod 1890:675.5 \ti @{Duýba-moüýthiü} to @{Hexaýga-saýbe} \dt October 25, 1878 \op Shoüý Poüýka-maýta wabaýgtheze hiýathe. Ki iýutha wiüý awaýna'oü: Poüýka-ma \tr And / to the Ponkas «pl. ob.» / letter / I have caused it to arrive there. / And / news / one / I have heard about them: / The Ponkas «pl. ob.» \rf jod 1890:676.1 \op aýhigi t'aý-bi aiý, gtheýba-hiý-wiü aýta t'aý-biamaý; niýkagaýhi saýtoü t'aý-biamaý \tr many / that they have died / they say, / hundred / over / have died, they say; / chief / five / have died, they say. \rf jod 1890:676.2 \op Niýkagaýhi toügaýxti wiüaýxchi t'eý amaý ha, Oüýpoü toüýga. Shoüý shoüýge waýthiü-noüý-bi \tr Chief / very great / only one / is dead, they say / , / Elk / big. / And / horse / they usually have them, they say \rf jod 1890:676.3 \op thoüýzha, noüpeýhiü t'aiý eýgoü weýgthiüwiü-noüý-biamaý. Shoüý bthuýga wakeýga-biamaý. \tr though, / hungry / die / as / they are selling them, they say. / In fact / all / are sick, they say. \rf jod 1890:676.4 \op Shoüý giýtexi heýgabazhiý-bi, aiý. Shoüý oüýbatheý sheýna anaý'oü. Ki Umoüýhoü \tr And / it is very difficult for them, that / they say. / And / to-day / enough / I have heard. / And / Omaha \rf jod 1890:676.5 \op oüýgathiüý shti wawaýkega heýga-baýzhii ha. Niýashiüýga saýtoü t'aiý. Thanaý'oü thoüýzha, \tr we who move / too / we are very sick / . / Men / five / dead «pl.». / You have heard it / though, \rf jod 1890:677.1 \op shoüý uwiýbtha. Hexaýga-zhiüýga t'eý, Washuýshe shi iýshpahoü t'eý, Shuýka-moüýthiü t'eý, \tr still / I tell it to you. / Elk little / dead, / Brave / again / you know him / dead, / @{Shuýka-moüýthiü} / dead, \rf jod 1890:677.2 \op iýshpahoü. Paheý-taýp'e iýshpahoü. Iýkuhaýbi t'eý. Sheýna t'aiý ha. Ki shetoüý \tr you know him. / @{Paheý-taýp'e} / you know him. / @{Iýkuhaýbi} / dead. / Enough / they are dead / . / And / so far \rf jod 1890:677.3 \op wakeýga akaý waýthishtoü-baýzhi-oüýi. Ki iüýshte uiýthoübe oügaýthe eýgoü. \tr sickness / the «sub.» / he has not stopped on us. / And / as if / up-hill / we go / so. \rf jod 1890:677.4 \ti Joseph La Flèche to A. B. Meacham, of "The Council Fire." \dt December 20, 1878 \op Kageýha, oüýbatheý wisiýthe-goüý, wabaýgtheze wiýpaxu, iýe dzhuýba. Kageýha, \tr My friend, / to-day / as I remember you, / letter / I make to you, / word / a few. / My friend, \rf jod 1890:677.5 \op ithaýe te eýskoü thanaý'oü koüý ebtheýgoü ha. Edaýdoü wiü maýthadi uwiýbtha ha. \tr I speak / the / perhaps / you hear it / I hope / . / What / one / last winter / I told you / . \rf jod 1890:677.6 \op Wiýpaxu bthiýshtoü maýthadi, iýe ke shoüýshoü shi uwiýbtha ha. Mazhoüý theýthu oümoüýthiü \tr I wrote to you / I finished / last winter, / word / the / always / again / I tell you / . / Land / here / we walk \rf jod 1890:677.7 \op te Wakoüýda akaý theýthu zhuýt'oü waýxai eýgoü, theýthu oümoüýthiüi ha. Waýxe amaý \tr the / God / the «sub.» / here / made us have bodies / as, / here / we walk / . / White man / the «pl. sub.» \rf jod 1890:677.8 \op theýthu atiý-bazhi teýdi mazhoüý oüguýtai te eýskoü oüthoüýthai ha. Ki Itiýgoüthai akaý \tr here / had not come / when / land / our / the / perhaps / we thought / . / And / Grandfather / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:678.1 \op mazhoüý thoüý weýthiüwiüý-bi aiý eýgoü, weýthiüwiü ha; ki mazhoüý zhiüaýxchi oüguýgigthaýshtai \tr land / the / that it was sold / he said / as, / it was sold / / and / land / very small / we have reserved of our own \rf jod 1890:678.2 \op ha, oügaýgthathiüýi ha. Shi waýxe amaý weýthizai goüýthai ha, mazhoüý weýdazhi theaýwakiýthe \tr . / we have our own / . / Again / white man / the «pl. sub.» / they take from us / they wish / , / land / elsewhere / to send us \rf jod 1890:678.3 \op goüýthai ha: weýtexi heýga-baýzhi. Oüýshte mazhoüý thoü weýthizai t'eaýwathaiý te \tr they wish / / hard for us / not a little. / As if / land / the «ob.» / they take from us / they kill us / the \rf jod 1890:678.4 \op eýkigoüxtioüýi ha. Ki oüniüýta oügoüýthai aýdoü wabaýgtheze theý wiýpaxu ha. Ki \tr it is just like it / . / And / we live / we wish / therefore / letter / this / I write to you / . / And \rf jod 1890:678.5 \op niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü amaý piýazhi aýhoü eshneýgoüi ha, aýdoü waýxe oügaýxe taý-bi oüthoüý \tr Indian / common / the «pl. sub.» / bad / «in thought»! / you think / , / therefore / white man / that we will act / we say \rf jod 1890:678.6 \op oüýguiýthithaiý ha. Iýe te wiüýkexti oüýguiýthithaiý ha. Ki waýxe oügaýxe teýdi \tr we tell to you / . / Word / the / speaking the very truth / we tell it to you / . / And / white man / we act / when \rf jod 1890:678.7 \op mazhoüý thoü oügaýgthathiüý oügoüýthai ha. Aýdoü waýxe oügaýxe oügoüýthai ha. \tr land / the / we keep our own / we wish / . / Therefore / white man / we act / we wish / . \rf jod 1890:678.8 \op (Shoüý edaýdoü weýtexi ke zaniýxti uwiýbtha koüýbtha thoüýzha, bthiý'a eýgoü oüýba aýzhi \tr (And / what / hard for us / the / all / I tell to you / I wish / though, / I fail / somewhat / day / another \rf jod 1890:678.9 \op kiýzhi, shi juba uwiýbtha teý.)... Kageýha, waýxe amaý Maýhiü-toüýga \tr if, / again / some / I tell to you / will.)... / My friend, / white man / the «pl. sub.» / American \rf jod 1890:678.10 \op amaý niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü wadoüýbe amaý edaýdoü uthiýthai ki, uýdoü (waýgazu) \tr the «pl. sub.» / Indian / common / those who have seen them / what / they tell you / when, / good / straight \rf jod 1890:678.11 \op uthiýtha-noüýi ha. Ki wadoüýba-bazhiýxti amaý, "Niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü-ma piýbazhi amaý," \tr they usually tell you / . / And / those who have not seen them at all / Indian / those who are common / are bad / it is said \rf jod 1890:678.12 \op eý-noüi ha; ukiýkiaiý teýdi, "Niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü-ma piýbazhiýxti," eý ukiýkie-noüýi ha. \tr they usually say / ; / they talk together / when, / Indian / common, those who are / are very bad, / that / they usually talk together / . \rf jod 1890:678.13 \op Ki, kageýha, eýskana noüýde thithiýta thoü thagthaýshibe aýdoü Wakoüýda thiükeý \tr And, / my friend, / oh that / heart / your / the «cv. ob.» / you open your own «in speech?» / and / God / the one who \rf jod 1890:678.14 \op thasiýthathe aýdoü niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü-ma tha'eýawathaýthai koüýoüthoüýthai ha. Shoüý hoüý \tr you remember him / and / those who are common Indians / you have pity on us / we hope / . / In fact / night \rf jod 1890:678.15 \op ge oüýba geý shti, kuýoühe-noüý shoüshoüýxti oüthiüýi ha. Kageýha, shi iýe aýzhi wiüý \tr the / day / the / too, / usually we fear unseen danger / always / we are / . / My friend, / again / word / another / one \rf jod 1890:678.16 \op dzhuýbaxchi paýxe koüýbtha. Kageý, iýe shi dzhuýba aýzhi uwiýbtha taý miüke ha. \tr a very few / I make it / I wish. / Friend, / word / again / few / different / I tell to you / I will / \rf jod 1890:678.17 \op Waýxe wanaýshe-maý ithaýdioüwoüýthe taý-bi, eshaiý ha. Eýde wanaýshe-ma wioüýbahoüýi \tr White man / the soldiers «pl. ob.» / that we are to have them for agents / you «pl.» say / . / But / the soldiers «pl. ob.» / we know them \rf jod 1890:678.18 \op ha. Wioüýbahoüýi eýgoü, noüýoüwoüpaiý ha. Oüwoüýgoütha-baýzhi ha. Shoüý \tr . / We know them / as, / we fear to see them / . / We do not want them / . / In fact \rf jod 1890:678.19 \op niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü amaý woüýgitheýxti wagoüýtha-baýzhi wanaýshe-ma. Ki niýkashiüýga \tr Indians / the «pl. sub.» / all of them / do not want them / the soldiers «pl. ob.». / And / person \rf jod 1890:678.20 \op pahoüýgamadiýtoü-maý ithaýdioüwoüthaiý eýgoü, weoüýbahoüýi ha. Iüýshte eshnaýxchi \tr from the first ones the «pl. ob.» / we had them for agents / as, / we know them / . / As if / they only \rf jod 1890:679.1 \op niýkashiüýga eýgoüxti-noüýi ha. Ki niýkashiüýga, wa'uý doüýshte, wiüý iýxta goüýthai \tr human beings / usually just so / . / And / Indian, man / woman / or, / one / to abuse / desired \rf jod 1890:679.2 \op ki aýthiza-bazhiýxti iýxta-noüýi ha. Ki shi t'eýwathe goüýthai kiýshte, t'eýwathe-noüýi ha. \tr if / without taking her at all / abused her usually / . / And / again / to kill them / they wished / even if, / they usually killed them / . \rf jod 1890:679.3 \op Shoüý kuýkusi shiýnuda edaýbe eýkigoüýxti waýxe-noüýi, t'eýwathe te. Aýdoü \tr In fact / hog / dog / also / just like / usually treated them, / killed them / the. / Therefore \rf jod 1890:679.4 \op oüwoüýgoütha-baýzhi. Niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü amaý edaýdoü piýazhi gaýxai te eý pahoüýga \tr we do not want them. / Indians / the «pl. sub.» / what / bad / they did / the / they / before \rf jod 1890:679.5 \op gaýxa-baýzhi-noüýi ha. Wanaýshe amaý eý pahoüýga gaýxai shtewoüý, uýshkoü piýazhi te \tr they usually did not / . / Soldier / the «pl. sub.» / they / before / did it / even when, / deed / bad / the \rf jod 1890:679.6 \op aýgigthaxaýde-noüýi. Aýgigthaxaýdai eýgoü, niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü uýshkoü piýazhi etaý \tr usually covered their own. / They covered their own / as, / Indian / deed / bad / his \rf jod 1890:679.7 \op Itiýgoüthai thiükeý giýbaha-noüýi. ... (Ki, kageýha, shi iýe juýba uheýathe \tr Grandfather / the «st. ob.» / usually showed it to him. / And, / my friend, / again / word / some / I add \rf jod 1890:679.8 \op ha. Shoüý iýe oüguýtai te niýashiüýga ukeýthiü iýe etaiý, ushteý waýgazuýxti, wiüýkexti \tr . / And / word / our / the / Indian / word / their, / the rest / very straight, / very true \rf jod 1890:679.9 \op ediýge ha, thoüýzha iýe wiüýke shtewoüý Itiýgoüthai thiükeý weýthiza-baýzhi eýgoü, ithaýdithai \tr there are here and there / , / though / word / they speak truly / even when / the President / does not, as it were, take them from us, / agent \rf jod 1890:679.10 \op thiükeý iýe etaý enaýxchi giýthizaiý te, eý weýtexi heýga-oüýthiü-baýzhi, eý weaýgiteýxi uýzhu \tr the / word / his / only / takes from him / the, / it / is very hard for us, / it / our own troubles «?» / chief \rf jod 1890:679.11 \op teýe.) Ki iýe wiüý shi eýgipe taý miüke thoüýzha, eýgoüxti eýgipe taý miüke. \tr the, it is. / And / word / one / again / I will say that / though, / just so / I will say that. \rf jod 1890:679.12 \op Niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü-ma mazhoüý Itiýgoüthai akaý weýthiüwiü-maý wa'eý gthiüý-ma iüýshte \tr The Indians / land / President / the «sub.» / those who have sold / plowing / those who continue / as if \rf jod 1890:679.13 \op niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü-ma Shaoüý waýthadaiý-ma weaýt'athaiý ha. Ki shi niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü-ma \tr the Indians / Dakota / those who are called / they hate us / . / And / again / the Indians \rf jod 1890:679.14 \op bthuýgaxti eaýwakigoüýxti skoüý eshneýgoü ha, eýdegoüý eaýwakigoüý-baýzhi \tr all / we are just alike / you think that / , / but / we are unlike \rf jod 1890:679.15 \op ha. Juýba waýxe amataýthishoü goüýthai ha, ki juýba oüýkabaýzhi ha. Eý Shaoüý \tr . / Some / towards the white men / desire / , / and / some / are not so / . / They / Dakota \rf jod 1890:679.16 \op waýthadaiý-ma. Ki eýkigoüýxti oüthiüý-bi eshneýgoüi ki oüýka-oüýthiü-baýzhi ha, \tr are the ones called. / And / just alike / that we are / you think / when / we are not so / , \rf jod 1890:679.17 \op eýkigoü-oüýthiü-baýzhi ha. Ukiýt'e aýzhithoüýthoü oüthiüýi ha. Ki, waýxe-maýshe, thiýshti \tr we are not alike / . / Nation / of different sorts / we are / . / And, / O ye white people, / you too \rf jod 1890:679.18 \op aýzhithoüýthoü shniüýi ha, ki oüguýshti aýwagoüýi ha. Shaoüý amaý shti weaýt'athaiý ki, shi \tr of various kinds / you are / , / and / we too / we are so / . / Dakota / the «pl. sub.» / too / they hate us / if, / again \rf jod 1890:679.19 \op thiýshti weaýthat'aýshnai ki, eaýtoü oüýthiü oüniüýta taýba. Eýgoü ki, oüniüýta oügoüýthai \tr you too / you «pl.» hate us / if, / how / we are / we live / shall possibly «?» / So / if, / «That being the case» / we live / we wish \rf jod 1890:679.20 \op eýgoü, thiýmasheataýthishoü oügaýthe oügoüýthai. Oüthiý'ai shteýshtewoü, shoüý oüguýket'oü \tr as, / towards you «pl.» / we go / we wish. / We fail / notwithstanding, / yet / we acquire \rf jod 1890:680.1 \op oügoüýtha toüýgatoü, waýxe gaýxe te. Ki ediý-noü weaýgiudoüi eteýgoüi. Shi iýe gaýte \tr we will wish, / acting the white man / the «thing». / And / in it only / it will be good for us / it is apt. / Again / word / that \rf jod 1890:680.2 \op sheýna uwiýbtha ha. Shi iýe aýzhi uwiýbtha taý miüke. Ki oüniüýta oügoüýtha eýgoü, \tr enough / I tell you / . / Again / word / different / I will tell to you. / And / we live / we wish / as, \rf jod 1890:680.3 \op oüwoüýkigthiýtoüi ha. Ki oüwoüýkigthiýtoüi te weaýgiudoüi te oüthoüýbahoüýxti \tr we work for ourselves / . / And / we work for ourselves / the / it is good for us / the / we know it very well \rf jod 1890:680.4 \op eýgoü, oüwoüýkigthitoüi ha. Degoüý umoüýthiüka theý weýtexiýxti eýg(oü) oüthiüý ha: \tr as, / we work for ourselves / . / But / season / this / we are in great trouble / so «?» / we are / : \rf jod 1890:680.5 \op mashteý heýgazhi eýgoü wamuýske siý ge weýnat'eýga ha, aýdoü shuýga-zhiüýga thaýbthiü \tr warm / very / as / wheat / seed / the / withered by heat for us / , / therefore / ten-cent piece / three \rf jod 1890:680.6 \op duýba shetoüý weaýgigaýxai. Aýdoü edaýdoü shtewoüý oükiýkaxa-bazhiý-xti eaýwagoüýi. \tr four / so far / we have made of our own. / Therefore / what / soever / we have not made at all for ourselves / we are like that. \rf jod 1890:680.7 \op Ki shoüý waxtaý aýzhithoüýthoü oügaýthiüi ha, oükiýkaxai, nuý, watoüýzi doüýshte. Ki \tr And / in fact / vegetable / of different kinds / we have / , / we have made for ourselves, / potato, / corn / for instance. / And \rf jod 1890:680.8 \op niýkashiüýgathemaý, xiüýha-skaý-ma oüwoüýdoübaiý te, "Uýdoü moüthiüýi aýhoü," oüthoüýthai \tr person / these «pl. ob.», / those who have white skins «pl. ob.» / we see them / when, / Good / they walk / «in thought»!, / we think \rf jod 1890:680.9 \op ha. Aýdoü oügoüýthai ha. Ki weýthihiýde edaýdoü thithiýtai ge bthuýgaxti iýnitawa/*the \tr . / Therefore / we desire it / . / And / tool / what / your own / the «pl. ob.» / all / life sustaining \rf jod 1890:680.10 \op oüthoüýbahoüýi-de umoüýthiüka thaýbthiüxchi ediýtoü weýthihiýde oügaýthiü ha. Ki \tr we have known, as, / season / just three / from / tool / we have / . / And \rf jod 1890:680.11 \op oüwoüýthitoü oüthoüýgaskoüýthai uýdoü te oüthoüýbahoüxtioüýi, aýdoü oügoüýthai \tr we work / we try it / good / the / we know it very well, / therefore / we wish it \rf jod 1890:680.12 \op ha. Ki wabaýgtheze theýthoü iüthiýbaxuýi te Wakoüýda akaý zhuaýwagtheýxti gthiüý \tr . / And / letter / this «cv. ob.» / we write it for you / the / God / the «sub.» / really with us / he sits \rf jod 1890:680.13 \op eýgoüi, aýdoü eýskana mazhoüý thoü 'iaýwathaýtha-bazhiýxti koüýoüthoüýthai. Oügaýgthathiüý \tr so, / therefore / oh that / land / the «ob.» / you do not talk about us at all / we hope. / We keep our own \rf jod 1890:680.14 \op oügoüýthai eýde oüthiýthahoüýi. Ki niýkashiüga uaýwathagikoüýi-mashiý shti, oüthiýthahoüýi, \tr we wish / but / we pray to you. / And / person / ye who help us / too «&or on the one hand», / we pray to you, \rf jod 1890:680.15 \op ki aýmataýthishoü-masheý shti oüthiýthahoüýi ha. Umoüýhoü-ma niýkashiüýga-maý \tr and / ye who are on the other side / too «&or on the other hand» / we pray to you / . / The Omahas «pl. ob.» / the Indians (the «pl. ob.») \rf jod 1890:680.16 \op tha'eýawathaýi-ga. Ukiýt'e-ma zaniýxti eý oüýwoüwaýka-baýzhi, oüguýshna eý \tr have pity on us. / The nations / all / that / we do not mean them, / we only / that \rf jod 1890:680.17 \op oüwoüýkikaiý. \tr we mean ourselves. \rf jod 1890:680.18 \ti @{Teý-ukoüha} to A. B. Meacham \dt December 20, 1878 \op Kageýha, wiýbthahoü shutheýathe taý miüke. Ebeý thiü shteýshtewoü mazhoüý \tr My friend, / I pray to you / I send to you / I will. / Who / he is / soever / land \rf jod 1890:682.1 \op thoüýdi niýta moüthiüý goüýthai, ebtheýgoü. Niýkashiüýga iýe awaýna'oüý ki, iüýshte \tr in the / alive / to walk / he wishes, / I think that. / Person / word / I hear them / when, / as if \rf jod 1890:682.2 \op snioüýt'exti eýgoü. Ki mazhoüý thoü pahoüýga oüwoüýkigthiýtoüi te wathaýte \tr I am very chilly / so. / And / land / the / before / we worked for ourselves / the / food \rf jod 1890:682.3 \op oüthoüýnitaýxtioü oükiýgthitoüýi ha. Goüd* eý uýdoü eýskoübtheýgoü. Niýkashiüýga \tr we lived by means of / we worked for ourselves / . / And then «?» / that / good / I think that. / Person \rf jod 1890:682.4 \op xiüýha-zhiýde thiü shteýshte mazhoüý thoüýdi niýta moüthiüý goüýthai ha. Gaýte mazhoüý \tr red-skin / he is / soever / land / in the / alive / to walk / he wishes / . / That / land \rf jod 1890:682.5 \op iýnitawaýthe teýgoü Wakoüýda iüwiüýthai eýgoü, iýe uwiýbtha shutheýathe. Eýskana \tr life-sustaining / in order that / God / told me / as, / word / I tell you / I send it to you. / Oh that \rf jod 1890:682.6 \op wiýbthahoü shutheýathe iýe te niýze koübtheýgoü. Keý, kageýha, sheýna wiýbthahoü \tr I pray to you / I send it to you / word / the / you receive it / I hope. / Come, / friend, / enough / I pray to you \rf jod 1890:682.7 \op shutheýathe. \tr I send it to you. \rf jod 1890:682.8 \ti @{Huýpetha} to A. B. Meacham \dt December 20, 1878 \op Kageýha, iýe wiüý uwiýbtha taý miüke ha. Shoüý waýgazuýxti uwiýbtha \tr My friend, / word / one / I will tell you / . / And / very straight / I tell you \rf jod 1890:683.1 \op akiýpaxe. Niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü oüýgathiü uýshkoü thithiýta xtaýoüthe oüýgathiü, aýhigiýxti \tr I make it for myself / Indian / common / we who are «mv.» / deed / your / we who are loving it, / very many \rf jod 1890:683.2 \op oüýthiü-baýzhi. Itiýgoüthai mazhoüý weýthiüwiü-maý woüýgithe oüthiüý. Niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü \tr we are not. / President / land / those who sold it / all / we are. / Indian / common \rf jod 1890:683.3 \op oüýgathiü oüwoüýkigthiýtoü oüýgathiü. Oüwoüýkigthiýtoü oüýgathiü wathaýnoüshniüý a. \tr we who are mv. / we are working for ourselves. / We who are working for ourselves «as we mv.» / do you forget us / ? \rf jod 1890:683.4 \op Niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü uýdoü oüýgathiü iýe oüthiý'i-noüýi. Niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü piýazhi-maý \tr Indian / common / good / we who are mv. / word / we have given you from time to time. / Indian / common / those who are bad \rf jod 1890:683.5 \op edaýdoü gaýxe goüýthazhi-maý eýkigoüýxti washkaýxe-noüýi. Ki niýkashiüýga uýdoü-ma \tr what / to do / they who do not wish / just alike / you usually make us. / And / Indian / those who are good \rf jod 1890:683.6 \op weýtoüiü oümoüýthiü oügoüýthai. Sheýna uwiýbtha. \tr distinguished «from others» / we walk / we wish. / Enough / I tell you. \rf jod 1890:683.7 \ti @{Mawaýdoüthiü} to A. B. Meacham \dt December 20, 1878 \op Kageýha, iýe dzhuýbaxchi ithaýe wiýbthahoü shutheýathe taý miüke. Iýe thiýta \tr My friend, / word / very few / I speak / I pray to you / I will send to you. / Word / your \rf jod 1890:684.1 \op zhiüaý-xchi anaý'oü kiýshte, gishkoüýxti ubthoüý-noü-moüý ha. Oüýbatheý, kageýha, \tr very small / I hear / even if, / very quickly / I usually take hold of it / . / To-day, / my friend, \rf jod 1890:684.2 \op tha'eýawathaýthai koübtheýgoü. Tha'eýawagithaýi-ga. Piýxti, kageý, uaýwagikoüýi-ga. \tr you take pity on us / I hope. / Pity ye us! / Anew, / friend, / help ye us! \rf jod 1890:684.3 \op Ki mazhoüý zhuýat'oü thoüýdi, kageý, eýskana eýdi shoüýshoü aniýta wabthiýtoü \tr And / land / I have grown / in the, / friend, / oh that / there / always / I live / I work \rf jod 1890:684.4 \op moübthiüý koübtheýgoü. Atoüý at'eý shteýshtewoü shiüýgazhiüýga wiwiýta-ma eýskana \tr I walk / I hope. / When / I die / soever / child / those who are my / oh that \rf jod 1890:684.5 \op uzhoüýge thiýtai uhaiý koübtheýgoü. Ki uýshkoü thithiýtai ediýhi ki, "Shiüýgazhiüýga \tr road / your / they follow / I hope. / And / deed / your / in that case, / child \rf jod 1890:684.6 \op oüguýtai-ma iýbahoü athiüý eteýgoüi aýhoü," oüthoüýthai. Uýshkoü thithiýtai uhaiý \tr those who are our / knowing / to have / will be apt / ! / we think. / Deed / your / they follow \rf jod 1890:684.7 \op ki-shnoüý, "Uýdoü etaiý aýhoü," oüthoüýthai, xtaýoüthai. Oüwoüýhoü'e oügoüýthai ha. \tr when, only, / Good / will «be» / ! / we think, / we love it. / We pray for something / we wish / . \rf jod 1890:684.8 \op Keý, kageýha, sheýna uwiýbtha shutheýathe ha. \tr Come, / my friend, / enough / I tell you / I send to you / \rf jod 1890:684.9 \ti @{Pathiü-noüpazhi} to the Pawnee Agent. \op (Paýthiümaüýhoü tiý teýdi nazhiüý.) T'eý aiý anaý'oü ha. Eýgoü ki thuýtoüxti \tr (Skidi / lodge / at the / he stood.) / Dead / they say / I have heard / . / So / if / very straight \rf jod 1890:685.1 \op anaý'oü koüýbtha. Ithaýdithai thaýtoüsheý, wiýka ha, wiýbthahoüý ha. Paýthiü niýkagaýhi \tr I hear it / I wish. / You who stand as agent, / I ask a favor of you / , / I pray to you / . / Pawnee / chief \rf jod 1890:685.2 \op noükaýshe, wiýkai, niýkashiüýga t'eý ke edaýdoü athiüý te waýgazu iüýthiükithaý-ga. \tr ye who are «st.», / I ask a favor of you, / person / he who lies dead / what / he had / the «whole» / straight / cause it to be for me. \rf jod 1890:685.3 \op Waýgazu iüthiüýthashkaýxe ki, iüthiüýwoüth iýtha-ga. Waýgazu iüthiüýwoüth iýthathe ki, \tr Straight / you do it for me / if, / to tell me about mine / send hither. / Straight / to tell me of mine / you send hither / if, \rf jod 1890:685.4 \op witoüýbe te eýkigoüýxti wiýbthahoü shutheýathe. Mazhoüý theýthoü oüýtha theý thoüýshti. \tr I see you / the / just like it / I pray to you / I send to you. / Land / this / abandoned / he went / formerly. \rf jod 1890:685.5 \op Mazhoüý etaý thoü shoüý shkoüýazhiýxti goüý gthiüý goüýki sheýta nazhiüý te edaýdoü athiüý, \tr Land / his / the / yet / not moving at all / so / he sat / and then / yonder / he stood / the / what / he had, \rf jod 1890:685.6 \op shoüý tiý tedi, shoüýge, teýska shti, shoüý zhoümoüýthiü shti, shoüý edaýdoü waýthiü ge \tr for instance / lodge / in the, / horse, / ox / too, / and / wagon / too, / and / what / he had them / the «pl. in. ob.» \rf jod 1890:685.7 \op waýgazuýxti iüthiüýwoüth iýtha-ga. Shoüý shiüýgazhiüýga doüýshte wiü eýskoü t'oüýi te \tr ver straight / to tell me about mine / send hither. / And / child / for example / one / perhaps / he had / the \rf jod 1890:685.8 \op anaý'oü koüýbtha. Theshaýthu kiýthibaýski niýkagaýhi eý pahoüýga uthuýkiaý-ga. Kgaeý, \tr I hear / I wish. / Recaru / kiribaski / chief / he / before / speak to him about it. / My friend, \rf jod 1890:685.9 \op edaýdoü athiüý te iýmaxaý-ga. Kageýha, ieýska niükeýshe, wiýbthahoü. Edaýdoü \tr what / he had / the / ask him. / My friend, / you who are interpreter, / I pray to you. / What \rf jod 1890:685.10 \op athiüý te iýshpahoü eteýgoü. Kageýha, niýashiüýga ukeýthiü moübthiüý te shoüýshoü-maýzhi, \tr he had / the / you know it / apt. / My friend, / Indian / common / I walked / the / always I am not, \rf jod 1890:685.11 \op waýxe uýshkoü paýxe goüý edaýdoü oüýtha theý te waýgazuýxti ithaýgipaýxe koüýbtha. \tr white man / deed / I do / as / what / he abandoned / he went / the / very straight / I make by means of my own / I wish. \rf jod 1890:685.12 \op Waýgazuýxti iüthiüýthakitheý ki, uxtheýxchi iüthiüýwoüth iýtha-ga. Agiýna'oü ki, \tr Very straight / you cause it to be for me / if, / very soon / to tell me about my own / send hither. / I hear of my own / if, \rf jod 1890:685.13 \op weýthigthoü akiýpaxe teýiüke. \tr plan / I make for myself / will. \rf jod 1890:685.14 \ti @{Huýpetha} to @{Thi-xkiý-da-wi The-shaý-thu} \op Shoüý, Paýthiü-maýshe, wisiýthe-noü-moüýi. Witoüýbai koübtheýgoü thoüýzha, wabthiýtoü \tr Well, / O ye Pawnees, / I think of you occasionally. / I see you / I hope / though, / I have been working, and \rf jod 1890:686.1 \op eýdegoüý iüýtoü bthiýshtoü ki, wisiýthai. Niýkashiüýga witoüýbai-maýshe, aýna that'aiý \tr now / I have finished / if, / I remember you «pl.». / Person / ye whom I have seen, / how many / you have died \rf jod 1890:686.2 \op winaý'oüi koüýbtha: iýwimaýxe shutheýathe. Niýkashiüýga oüýgathiü washtoüýbai tethoüý \tr I hear about you / I wish: / I ask you a question / I send to you. / Person / we who move / you saw us / in the past \rf jod 1890:686.3 \op iüýtoü uýdoü oüthiüý. Mazhoüý thoüýdi thatiýi teýdi washtoüýbe, mazhoüý oügthiüýi thoü \tr now / good / we are. / Land / in the / you came hither / when / you saw us, / land / we sit in / the \rf jod 1890:686.4 \op washtoüýbai waýxe amaý shkoüýi bthuýgaxti eýgoü oügaýxai. Mazhoüý sagixti Itiýgoüthai \tr you saw us / white people / the «pl. sub.» / they stir / all / so / we do. / Land / very firm / President \rf jod 1890:686.5 \op akaý wegaýxai weýthexti oümoüýthiü aýdoü wisiýthai iüýtha-maýzhi iýwimaýxe shutheýathe ha. \tr the «sub.» / has made for us / we are very glad / we walk / therefore / I remember you / I am sad / I ask you a question / I send to you / \rf jod 1890:686.6 \ti @{Toüwoü-gaxe-zhiüga} to @{Hexaýka-maýni} and @{Ishtaý-zhoüzhoüý}, Yanktons \op Pahoüýgadi umoüýthiüka aýma teýdi niýkashiüýga washtoüýbe thatiý. Ki eýdi \tr Formerly / season / other / in the / person / you saw them / you came hither. / And / then \rf jod 1890:687.1 \op niýkashiüýga duýba iýe uýdoüxti wathaý'i te gisiýthe-noü shoüýshoü. Ki iüýtoü wathiýtoü \tr person / four / word / very good / you gave to them / the / they remembered continued / always. / And / now / to work \rf jod 1890:687.2 \op thishtoüýi ki, thidoüýbe taiteý ebtheýgoü. Wawaýkega heýga-baýzhi. Niýashiüýga oüt'aiý \tr they finish / when, / they shall see you / I think that. / We have been very sick. / People / we have died \rf jod 1890:687.3 \op ha. Weýtha-bazhiýxtioüýi, aýdoü thi eýgoü oüthiýsithai shoügaýhi toüýgatoü. Niýkagaýhi \tr . / We are very sad, / therefore / you / so / we remember you / we shall reach you. / Chief \rf jod 1890:687.4 \op amaý shahiý teýdi sheýna-shtewoüý-baýzhi, aýdoü oüguý wathaýsithathaý-bi eskoüý eý agthiý \tr the «pl. sub.» / they reached you / when / you «pl.» showed not even the slightest attention, / therefore / we / that you remembered us «introd. that» / perhaps / that / they returned \rf jod 1890:687.5 \op niýkagaýhi amaý, aýdoü shoügaýthai. Dzho akaý shoüýge thi'iý te thatiý teýdi eýde \tr chief / the «pl. sub.», / therefore / we go to you. / Joe / the «sub.» / horse / he gave to you / the «act» / you came hither / when / but \rf jod 1890:687.6 \op shathaý-baýzhi; iüýtoü ikaýge thiükeý gisiýthai. Kaxeý-thoüýba akaý shoüýge thiý'i tethoüý \tr he does not go to you; / now / his friend / the «st. ob.» / he remembers him. / Two Crows / the «sub.» / horse / that he gave to you in the past \rf jod 1890:687.7 \op thatiý teýdi, iüýtoü ikaýge thiükeý gisiýthai. Oüýpoü-toüýga akaý thatiý teýdi shoüýge \tr you came hither / when, / now / his friend / the «st. ob.» / he remembers him. / Big Elk / the «sub.» / you came hither / when / horse \rf jod 1890:687.8 \op thiý'i; iüýtoü ikaýge thiükeý gisiýthai. Thatiý teýdi Huýpetha shoüýge wiü wi'iý; iüýtoü \tr he gave you; / now / his friend / the «st. ob.» / he remembers him. / You came hither / when / @{Huýpetha} / horse / one / I gave you / now \rf jod 1890:687.9 \op agiýsithe, wikaýge. Sheýna izhaýzhe oügiýpaxu shutheýoüthai. Ushteý amaý woüýgithe \tr I remember it, / my friend. / Enough / his name / we write our own / we send to you. / The rest / all \rf jod 1890:687.10 \op shoüýge shi'iý-ma thikaýge amaý bthuýga wagiýtoübe shatheý ta amaý. Shiüýgazhiüýga \tr horse / those to whom you gave / your friend / the «pl. sub.» / all / to see them, their own / they will go to you. / Child \rf jod 1890:687.11 \op wiýta uýwagithaý-ga. Oüwoüýkega eýdegoüý oüýthiü-noü at'aýthiü. Aniýta ki, \tr my / tell it to them. / Me sick / but so / nearly / I died. / I live / if, \rf jod 1890:687.12 \op awaýgisiýthe, awaýgitoüýbe koüýbtha. \tr I remember them, my own, / I see them, my own / I wish. \rf jod 1890:687.13 \ti @{Toüwoü-gaxe-zhiüga} to @{Miügabu}, a Yankton \op Sheýtataýtoü, nisiýha, shoüýge oüthaý'i-ma woüýgitheýxti thiügaiý. Goüý wigiýtoübe \tr From your place, / my child, / horse / those which you gave me / all / are gone. / And «so» / I see you, my own \rf jod 1890:688.1 \op koüýbtha. Aýdoü edaýdoü shteýshtewoü, nisiýha, iýe uýdoüxti oüthaý'i tiýthathe koübtheýgoü. \tr I wish. / Therefore / what / soever, / my child, / word / very good / you give to me / you send hither / I hope. \rf jod 1890:688.2 \op Waxiüýha uxtheýxchi gioüýkithaý-ga. \tr Paper / very soon / send back to me. \rf jod 1890:688.3 \ti @{Moüchuý-noüýba} to @{Panyi-naxpashi} \op Toüshkaýha, wituýshpa meýgoü, waxiüýha goüý shutheýwikitheý. Shoüý niýkashiüýga \tr My sister's son, / my grandchild / likewise, / paper / anyhow / I cause to be taken to you. / And / person \rf jod 1890:689.1 \op juýba toüýwoügthoü thithiýtai gaxthoüý theý goüýthai aiý, anaý'oü, eýde iýwimaýxe \tr some / nation / your / migrating / to go / wish / they say, / I have heard, / but / I ask you \rf jod 1890:689.2 \op shutheýathe. Ki aýna naý-baýzhi eýiüte shi anaý'oü koüýbtha, waýgazuýxti anaý'oü \tr I send to you. / And / how many / you do not go / perhaps / again / I hear it / I wish, / very straight / I hear it \rf jod 1890:689.3 \op koüýbtha. Ki goüýki niýkagaýhi noükaýshe, shi aýna naý-baýzhi eýiüte shi waýgazu \tr I wish. / And / and then / chief / ye who are, / again / how many / you do not go / perhaps / again / straight \rf jod 1890:689.4 \op winaý'oüi koüýbtha. Goüýki oüguý theýthutoü te wakeýga te wagiýni oügaýthai \tr I hear from you / I wish / And then / we / from this «time» / the / sick / the / we recover / we go \rf jod 1890:689.5 \op ha. Usniý te eýkitoüthiügeý tateý. neý tai te iüýtha-maýzhi. Mazhoüý thoü uýmaka \tr . / Cold / the / as far as / none / shall «be». / You will go / the / I am sad. / Land / the / cheap \rf jod 1890:689.6 \op shkaýxe thaoüýnai te iüýtha-maýzhi. Goüýki mazhoüý thoü uýdoü pahoüýga iüýtoü \tr you make / you abandon it / the / I am sad. / And then / land / the / good / first / now \rf jod 1890:689.7 \op ithaýpahoü. Iüýtoü mazhoüý thoü uýdoü pahoüýga te ithaýpahoü, aýdoü mazhoüý thoü \tr I know it. / Now / land / the / good / first / the / I know it, / therefore / land / the \rf jod 1890:689.8 \op teýxiaýgithe. Iüsh'aýge ut'aiý thoü winaý'oüi koüýbtha. Aýdoü uxtheýxchi paýze heýbe \tr I prize mine. / Old man / they died in / the / I hear of you / I wish. / Therefore / very soon / evening / part \rf jod 1890:689.9 \op niýze ki, iýthathe teý. \tr you receive it / when, / you will please send it hither. \rf jod 1890:689.10 \ti @{Ishtaýthabi} to @{Hexaýga-saýbe}, @{Macaü}, and @{Mawataüna}, Yankton Agency, Dakota Territory \dt 1879 \op Shoü zaniý wiýbthahoüýi ha, niýkashiüýga noükaýshe. Ki shoüý oüýbatheýxchi \tr Now / all / I petition you «pl.» / , / person / ye who are. / And / at any rate / this very day \rf jod 1890:690.1 \op uaýgashoü koübtheýgoü goü witoüýbai koüýbtha. Theý-ma shiüýgazhiüýga-ma \tr I travel / I hope / as / I see you «pl.» / I wish. / These / the children \rf jod 1890:690.2 \op wapaýxe-ma awaýgitoüýbe koüýbtha ha. Noüýde iýsoüthiüýge. She Siüdeý gtheshkaý \tr those whom I made / I see them, my own / I wish / . / Heart cause of gladness I have none. / That / Tail / Spotted \rf jod 1890:690.3 \op atoüý gthiüý eýiüte eý iüwiüýth iýthai-ga. Gaýthoü shtoüýbe ki uxtheýxchi eýkitoü \tr how far / sits / perhaps / that / to tell me / send ye! / That «cv. ob.» / you see it / when / very soon / simultaneously \rf jod 1890:690.4 \op iüýbaxuýi-ga. \tr write ye to me. \rf jod 1890:690.5 \ti @{Te-miü-wa'u}, a Ponka woman, to her daughter, Mary @{Napesha}, at Santee Agency, Nebraska \op Thiaýdi thidoüýbe goütheýde t'eýe he. Waýxa-naýzhiü thidoüýbe goüýthai. Iüsh'aýge \tr Your father / to see you / wished, but / he is dead / . / @{Waýxa-naýzhiü} / to see you / wished. / Old man \rf jod 1890:690.6 \op t'eýe he. Thitoüýge thidoüýbe goütheýde, thiýshi'e wathiýtoü eýgoü, oügaýtha-baýzhi \tr is dead / . / Your younger sister / to see you / wished, but, / your sister's husband / works / as, / we do not go \rf jod 1890:690.7 \op toüýgatoü. Maýthadi thitoüýge nuýzhiüga wiüý iýdatheýde, giýt'ee heý. Sheýta te \tr we shall. / Last winter / your younger sister / boy / one / gave birth to, but, / he is dead to her / . / Yonder / the \rf jod 1890:690.8 \op e'oüý thiügeý thanaýzhiü, shiüýgazhiüýga thoükaý e'oüý thiügeý nazhiüý ki, awaýna'oü \tr nothing / being the matter / you stand, / child / the ones who / nothing / the matter / they stand / if, / I hear of them \rf jod 1890:690.9 \op koüýbtha. Thisoüýga akaý noüboüý iüdeý-wagaýxe gthiýthai he. Iüsh'aýge akaý \tr I wish. / Your younger brother / the «sub.» / twice / "face-picture" / has sent it back / . / Old man / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:690.10 \op gaýtataýtoü wakeýga a-iý te shoüýshoü iýt'e he. U'oüýthiügeý thitoüýge akaý thidoüýbe \tr from that unseen place / sick / he was coming / the / continuing / died from it / . / For no reason / your younger sister / the «sub.» / to see you \rf jod 1890:690.11 \op goüýthai. \tr wishes. \rf jod 1890:690.12 \ti Louis Sanssouci to @{Hoüýga-sheýnu} \op Waxiüýha gioüýthakitheý thoü gthiý. Winaý'oü te uýdoü ha. Thaniýta moüniüý \tr Paper / you have sent back to me / the / has returned. / I hear from you / the / good / . / You live / you walk \rf jod 1890:691.1 \op te toüýwoügthoüý-ma giýthai, thinaý'oüi ki, noüýde giýudoüýi. Iutha oüthaý'i ke \tr the / the gentes / are glad, / they hear from you. / when, / heart / good for them. / News / you give me / the \rf jod 1890:691.2 \op uthaýgashoü moüniüý keýta uýdoüxti moüniüý te shtiý ki, shi piýazhi te shtiý iüwiüýthanaýzhi. \tr you travel / you walk / to the / very good / you walk / the / too / when / again / bad / the / too / you have not told me. \rf jod 1890:691.3 \op Ki uýdoü moüniüý ki, iüwiüýthanaý ki, shi piýazhi kiýshte iüwiüýthanaý ki, \tr And / good / you walk / if, / you tell me / if, / again / bad / even if / you tell me / if, / again / bad / even if / you tell me / if, \rf jod 1890:691.4 \op iüýudoü teýiüte. Ediý ki, toüýwoügthoüý-ma theýma uaýwagiýbtha teý. Uýshkoü oüthoüýthawoüýxe \tr good for me / it may be. / In that case, / the gentes / these / I will tell it to them. / Deed / you asked me about \rf jod 1890:691.5 \op te uwiýbtha taý miüke. Niýkashiüýga umoüýthiüka theýnaxchi t'e-maý \tr the / I will tell to you. / People / season / only this / those who died \rf jod 1890:691.6 \op wathaýna'oü shkoüýna te uwiýbtha taý miüke. Washuýshe, Gahiýge isoüýga; Moüchuý-noüýba \tr you hear about them / you wish / the / I will tell it to you. / @{Washuýshe}, / @{Gahiýge} / his younger brother; / Two Grizzly bears \rf jod 1890:691.7 \op isoüýga, Shuýka-moüýthiü; Paýthiü-gahiýge izhiüýge, Hexaýga-zhiüýga; \tr his younger brother, / @{Shuýka-moüýthiü}; / Pawnee-Chief / his son, / Little-Elk; \rf jod 1890:691.8 \op waýxa-naýzhiü isoüýga, Iýkuhaýbi; Paheý-taýp'e, Moüchuý-noüýba itoüýshka; Weýzhiüshte \tr @{Waýxa-naýzhiü} / his younger brother, / @{Iýkuhaýbi}; / @{Paheý-taýp'e}, / @{Moüchuý-noüýba} / his sister's son; / @{Weýzhiüshte} \rf jod 1890:691.9 \op akaýdi Niýmoühoü iniüýge, He-snaýta; Iüchoüýgatha, Moüchuý-noüýba isoüýga; \tr in the / @{Niýmoühoü} / his son, / @{He-snaýta}; / @{Iüchoüýgatha}, / @{Moüchuý-noüýba} / his younger brother; \rf jod 1890:691.10 \op Gthedoüý-naýzhiü itaýhoü, Waýsh'azhi, Ishtaýsoüda akaýdi, Kiýdahaýnu iniüýge; Shyuý-zhiüga \tr Standing Hawk / his brother-in-law, / @{Waýsh'azhi}, / @{Ishtaýsoüda} / in the, / @{Kiýdahaýnu} / his son; / Prairie-chicken \rf jod 1890:691.11 \op izhiüýge, Moügeý-zhiüýga; Teý-thitiü iniüýge; Peýde-gaýhi izhoüýge, Koüýze-hoüýga \tr his son, / Small-Breast; / Buffalo Rib / his son; / Fire Chief / his daughter, / @{Koüýze-hoüýga} \rf jod 1890:692.1 \op igaýxthoü; Siý-toüga igaýxthoü; Moüýgthithoü igaýxthoü, Moüchuý-xi izhoüýge; \tr his wife; / Big Foot / his wife; / @{Moüýgthithoü} / his wife, / @{Moüchuý-xi} / his daughter; \rf jod 1890:692.2 \op Washuýshe izhoüýge noüý ke; Wauýxtawaýthe igaýxthoü; Iýshkadaýbi ituýshpa; Pa-soüý-naýzhiü \tr @{Washuýshe} / his daughter / grown / the «recl. ob.»; / Lover / his wife; / @{Iýshkadaýbi} / his grandchild; / @{Pa-soüý-naýzhiü} \rf jod 1890:692.3 \op ituýshpa; Shaýge-duýba izhoüýge; He-soüýnida izhoüýge; Kawaýha izhoüýge; \tr his grandchild; / @{Shaýge-duýba} / his daughter; / Horn-on-one-side / his daughter; / @{Kawaýha} / his daughter; \rf jod 1890:692.4 \op Toüýwoügaxe iüsh'aýge ituýshpa; Washuýshe izhiüýge, Eýdi-aý-i-nazhiüý; ki Poüýka \tr Village-maker / old man / his grandchild; / @{Washuýshe} / his son, / @{Eýdi-aý-i-nazhiüý}; / and / Ponka \rf jod 1890:692.5 \op iüsh'aýge, He-xaýpa t'e. Iýutha aýzhi t'oüý thoüýzha, uwiýbtha-maýzhi taý miüke \tr old man, / Scabby-Horn / dead. / News / other / exists / though, / I will not tell you. \rf jod 1890:692.6 \op Wathaýna'oü shkoüýna ki, piý waxiüýha iýtha-ga. Moüchuý-noüýba akaý wabaýzhiü \tr you hear about them / you wish / if, / anew / paper / send hither. / Two Grizzly bears / the «sub.» / message \rf jod 1890:692.7 \op theýte shutheýthai: Waxiüýha noüboüý shutheýwikitheý thoü gthioüýthakithaýzhi-noü, aýdoü \tr this / sends to you: / Paper / twice / I have sent it to you by some one / «see note» / you have not sent it back to me by some one usually, / therefore \rf jod 1890:692.8 \op iýthoüboüý athaýna'oüýzhi tateý. Uýdoüxti moübthiüý. \tr a second time «+ever» / you shall not listen to it. / Very good / I walk. \rf jod 1890:692.9 \ti @{Shoüýtoü-zhiüýga} to T. L. Gillingham \op Shoüýtoü-zhiüýga wathiýtoü theýshkoüna te wathiýtoüxti. Noüýza uý'e thoüý shti \tr Little Wolf / to work / you wished for him / the / he has worked very hard. / Fence / field / the / too \rf jod 1890:693.1 \op aýnase. Ki eýgoü uýdoü theýshkoüna teýgoü gaýxe. Ki eýgoü gaýxe eýde theýama \tr he has fenced in. / And / so / good / you wished for him / like the / he has done. / And / so / he has done / but / these «sub.» \rf jod 1890:693.2 \op Umoüýhoü amaý piýazhi-noü giaýxai-noüý shoüýshoü. Uý'e-ithaýnase thisheýthoüi; shoüýge-ma \tr Omahas / the «pl. sub.» / bad only / have done to him usually / always. / Fence of a field / they have pulled to pieces; / the horses \rf jod 1890:693.3 \op thateýwakiýthe-noüýi uý'e etaý thoüýdi. Goüýki waweýshi 'iý-bazhi-noüýi, giýthazhiýxti-noüýi. \tr they have caused them to eat usually / field / his / in the. / And then / pay / they have not given continually, / very sad he «has been» usually. \rf jod 1890:693.4 \op Eýskana iýe thithiýta iüwiüýthakoü iýthathe koüýbtha. Ithaýdi thiükeý uiýth iýtha-ga. \tr Oh that / word / your / you help me / you send hither / I wish. / His father / the one who / to tell to him / send hither. \rf jod 1890:693.5 \op Goüýki aýahushiýge thoüýzha ithaýdithaiý akaý waýthitoü-baýzhi-noüýi, aýdoü iüýtha-maýzhi-noü-moüý. \tr And then / I insist on it / though / agent / the «sub.» / does not deal with them «as offenders» usually, / therefore / I am sad usually I am. \rf jod 1890:693.6 \op Aýdoü iýe thithiýta iüwiüýthakoü iýthathe koüýbtha. Goüýki, kageýha, "Wanaýgthe \tr Therefore / word / your / you help me / you send hither / I wish. / And then, / my friend, / Domestic animal \rf jod 1890:693.7 \op waýthiü-ga," esheý goü eýgoü paýxe eýde, gtheýba-shaýpe waýbthiü eýde, theýama iüýmoüthoüýi, \tr keep them, / you said it / as / so / I have done / but, / sixty / I had them / but, / these «sub.» / they stole from me, \rf jod 1890:693.8 \op sheýnawakithaiý. Shiý hashiýdoü gtheýba-shaýpe shiý iüýmoüthoüýi. Noüboüýkigthe \tr have made an end of them. / Again / afterwards / sixty / again / they stole from me. / On two occasions \rf jod 1890:693.9 \op wanaýgthe bthuýga t'eoüýkithe-noüýi. Kageýha, zhoüý shoüýge-tiý paýxe kiýshte, \tr domestic animal / all / they have killed for me usually. / My friend, / wood / horse-house / I made / even when, \rf jod 1890:693.10 \op iüýmoüthoü-noüýi. \tr they have stolen from me usually. \rf jod 1890:693.11 \op Hau. Goüýki, kageýha, Paýthiü-noüpaýzhi iniüýge shoüýge toü iüýmoüthoüýi ha. \tr «paragraph» / And then, / my friend, / @{Pathiü-noüpazhi} / his son / horse / the «std. ob.» / he has stolen from me / . \rf jod 1890:693.12 \op Iüýbaxu gthiüý akaý, ithaýdithaiý shti, waýxe ushteý amaý shti, shoüýge toü iýbahoüýi. \tr To write for me / he sits / the one who, / agent / too, / white people / the others «pl. sub.» / too, / horse / the «std. ob.» / they know him. \rf jod 1890:693.13 \op Eýskana, kageýha, iüwiüýthakoü koübtheýgoü. Shoüý eýgoü giaýxai waýthagaýzhi eteýde. \tr Oh that, / my friend, / you help me / I hope. / And / so / to do to him / you should have commanded them. \rf jod 1890:693.14 \op Goüýki kiýnai, t'eoüýthe goüýthai. Oüýhushiýgai. Daýdoü wiwiýta te waxpaýth iüýgoüthaiý. \tr And then / they fought, / to kill me / they wished. / They spoke saucily to me. / What / mine / the / to lose «?» / they wished for me. \rf jod 1890:693.15 \op Aýdoü iüýmoüthoü enaýxti nazhiüý. Waýxe bthuýga oüthoüýbahoüýi, theý iüýmoüthoüýi \tr Therefore / to steal from me / alone / they stand. / White man / all / they know about me, / this / they stole from me \rf jod 1890:694.1 \op te. Aýdoü eýskana, kageýha, wathiýtoü aýthagaýzhi koübtheýgoü theýtoü. Oüwoüýtiü \tr the. / Therefore / oh that, / my friend, / to deal with them as offenders / you command him / I hope / this «std. ob.». / He hit me \rf jod 1890:694.2 \op t'eoüýthe goüýthai kiýshte, iüýthitoü-baýzhi. "Giýthit eýgoü-ga," esheý koübtheýgoü. Teýxixti \tr to kill me / he wished / even when, / he did not deal with the offender for me. / Do deal with the offender for him, / you say it / I hope. / Very hard \rf jod 1890:694.3 \op iügaýxai u'aýgtha uwiýbtha shutheýathe. Tiýthathaýzhi ki, waiüýmoüthoü shoüýshoü iügaýxe taý-akaý. \tr they have done for me / the suffering / I tell you / I send to you. / You do not send hither / if, / to steal them from me / always / he will do it against me. \rf jod 1890:694.4 \op Shoüýge toüý enaýxchi iüthiüýthiü gthiý; ushteý te iüýthitoü-baýzhi. Uýshkoü wiüý \tr Horse / the «std. ob.» / that alone / he has brought mine back; / rest / the / he has done nothing for me. / Deed / one \rf jod 1890:694.5 \op theý kiýna akaýdi, wa'uý niý agiý itheý-ma waýbisoüýde wachiý-noüi; eýde waýthitoü-baýzhi \tr this / he fights / about the one who «?», / woman / water / those who go after it / holding them down by pressure / he violates them usually; / but / he does not deal with them as offenders \rf jod 1890:694.6 \op ithaýdithaiý akaý. Isoüýga meýgoü gaýxai, theý waýbisoüýde wachiý, thitoüý eýkoübtha \tr agent / the «sub.». / His younger brother / likewise / does it, / this / holding them down by pressure / &coitio, / to treat him as an offender / I wish it for him \rf jod 1890:694.7 \op thoüýzha, shoüý thitoüý-baýzhi. \tr though, / yet / he does not deal with him. \rf jod 1890:694.8 \ti @{Pathiü-noüpazhi} to his son, @{Niüýdahoü} \op Paýthiü akaýdi shiý kiýzhi, uxtheýxti giý-ga. Neý kiýzhi, uýshkoü piýazhiýxti uaý'oüsi \tr To the Pawnees / you reach / if, / very soon / return. / You went / if, / deed / very bad / I have leaped into \rf jod 1890:695.1 \op ha, aýdoü uxtheýxti witoüýbe koüýbtha ha. Thiý, uxtheýxti, Chaýza-thiüýge, thisoüýga \tr . / therefore / very soon / I see you / I wish / . / You, / very soon, / @{Chaýza-thiüýge} / your younger brother \rf jod 1890:695.2 \op zhuýwagthe giý-ga. Chaýza-thiüýge, neý teýdi uýshkoü piýazhiýxti aniüý neý ha. Niýkashiüýga \tr with them / return. / @{Chaýza-thiüýge}, / you went / when / deed / very bad / you took away / . / People \rf jod 1890:695.3 \op amaý bthuýgaxti iýai ha. Wamuýske uzhiý keýdi thagthiýi koüýbtha. Aýkihiýde \tr the «pl. sub.» / all / have spoken / . / Wheat / planted / in the / you return «pl.» / I wish. / Attend to it \rf jod 1890:695.4 \op washkoüý giýi-ga. Waxiüýha shuhiý kiýzhi, waxiüýha uxtheýxti gioüýkithaý-ga, \tr try / return ye! / Paper / reaches you / when, / paper / very soon / cause to be returning to me, \rf jod 1890:695.5 \op thizhiüýthe meýgoü. Theýaka ithaýdithaiý akaý hoüý gtheýba-thaýbthiü zhoüý uýshkoü t'oüý \tr your elder brother / likewise. / This one / agent / the «sub.» / night / thirty / sleep / deed / to exist «?» \rf jod 1890:695.6 \op iügaýxai, aýdoü iüýtha-maýzhi- noü shoüýshoü. Aýdoü uxtheýxti thagthiýi koüýbtha. Paýthiü \tr has made for me, / therefore / I am sad usually / always. / Therefore / very soon / you return «pl.» / I wish. / Pawnee \rf jod 1890:695.7 \op amaý tha'eýthithaiý kiýshte, uxtheýxti uthaý giýthai-ga. Iüwiüýtha giýthai-ga. \tr the «pl. sub.» / they have pitied you / even if, / very soon / to tell it / be sending back «pl.». / To tell me / be ye sending back. \rf jod 1890:695.8 \ti @{Moüchuý-noüýba} to @{Wiyakoiü} \op Toüshkaýha, iýutha daýdoüshte oüthiüýge. Shoüý oüwoüýxpani, toüshkaýha. \tr Sister's son, / news / whatever / I have none. / Still / I am poor, / sister's son. \rf jod 1890:696.1 \op Oüshtoüýbe te shoüshoüýxtioüýi. Toüýwoügthoü shti noüýde ithaýgisa-maýzhi oüýgoü. \tr You saw me / the / it has always continued so. / Nation / too / heart / I am uneasy about my own / I am so. \rf jod 1890:696.2 \op Waxpaýni bthiüý. Aýdoü nugeýadi witoüýbai ki, uýzhawa shkaýxai agiýsithe, noüýde \tr Poor / I am. / Therefore / last summer / I saw you / when, / abundance «&or pleasure» / you made / I remember, / heart \rf jod 1890:696.3 \op iüýudoü-noü-moüý. \tr it is very good for me. \rf jod 1890:696.4 \op Hau. Oüýpoü-wadoüýbe thiükeý Ihoüýktoüwiüý amaýdi ediý thiükeýiüteý \tr «paragraph» / He who sits looking at the Elk «pl.» / Yankton / at the «pl.» / there / he sits whether \rf jod 1890:696.5 \op iüwiüýth iýtha-ga. Moüýze-noüýp'iü isoüýga, maýthadi Umoüýhoüdi tiý ha, eý \tr send hither to tell me. / Iron Necklace / his younger brother, / last winter / to the Omahas / came / , / that \rf jod 1890:696.6 \op aýwake. Poüýka juýba giý-bi aiý, eýde shetoüý agiý-bazhiýi. Shuýde-gaýxe izhaýzhe \tr I mean him. / Ponka / some / that they are returning / they say, / but / so far / they are not returning. / Smoke Maker / his name \rf jod 1890:696.7 \op athiüý, toügaýxti iýshpahoüýi. Umoüýhoü juýba Poüýkata athaiý, iüýtoü oüýba-waxuýbe \tr he has, / very great / you know him. / Omaha / some / to the Ponkas / went, / now / mysterious day «+week» \rf jod 1890:696.8 \op saýtoü athaiý. Shetoüý oüguý oünaý'oü-baýzhi. Umoüýhoü amaý theýama shoüý \tr five / have gone. / So far / we / we have not heard. / Omaha / the «pl. sub.» / these / in fact \rf jod 1890:696.9 \op oüwoüýwata athaiý weýpahoü-maýzhi. Shoüý uýkie athaý-baýzhi, shiý teý uneý shti athaý-baýzhi. \tr whether / they have gone / I do not know about them. / And / to talk to them they did not go, / and / to hunt buffalo / too / they did not go. \rf jod 1890:697.1 \op Wathiýtoü ugiýne athaiý, waýxe amaýdi. Aýhigi t'ai niýashiüýga. Gaýthoü waxiüýha, \tr Work / to seek their own / have gone, / white people / among them. / Many / have died / people. / That «cv. ob.» / paper, \rf jod 1890:697.2 \op toüshkaýha, niýze ki, uxtheýxchi ioüýkithaý-ga. Ki Oüýpoü-wadoüýbe thiükeý eýdediý \tr sister's son, / you receive it / when, / very soon / send to me. / And / He who sits looking at the Elk «pl.» / he is there \rf jod 1890:697.3 \op ki, iüwiüýtha giýtha-ga, wanoüýxthiüxti. Wigaýxthoü akaý eýthai. Iýutha zhiüzhiüýga \tr if, / to tell me / send back, / very hastily. / My wife / the «sub.» / has him for a relation. / News / small ones of various kinds \rf jod 1890:697.4 \op that'oüý kiý, iüwiüýtha giýtha-ga. Shubthaý-mazhi kiý, wigaýxthoü shutheý tateý. Shutheý \tr you have / if, / to tell me / send back. / I do not go to you / if, / my wife / shall go to you. / To go to you \rf jod 1890:697.5 \op goüth eýgoü, iýwimaýxe shutheýathe. Shoüý iýutha thiügeýxti eýgoü, iüýtoü waxiüýha \tr as she desires it, / I ask you a question / I send to you. / And / news / there is none at all / as, / now / paper \rf jod 1890:697.6 \op shutheýathe. \tr I send to you. \rf jod 1890:697.7 \ti @{Toügaý-gaxe} to @{Ishtaý-maü'woe} \op Waxiüýha kaýshixti eýgoü shutheýwikitheý hiýazhi kiýshte, waýgazu gaýxa-ga. \tr Paper / a very long time ago / I caused to be taken to you / it has not reached there / even if, / straight / make it. \rf jod 1890:698.1 \op Shiüýgazhiüýga thiýta nieý thiügeý ki, awaýna'oü koüýbtha. E'oüý moüniüý te uýdoüxti \tr Child / your / have no pain / if, / I hear about them / I wish. / How / you walk / the / very good \rf jod 1890:698.2 \op moüniüý winaý'oü koüýbtha. Poüýkata waxiüýha thiükeý eý theýthathe a. Poüýkata \tr you walk / I hear it about you / I wish. / To the Ponkas / paper / the «cv. ob.» / that / have you sent it / ? / To the Ponkas \rf jod 1890:698.3 \op waxiüýha thoü eý theoüýthakitheý te, iýe edaiý te waýgazu iüwiüýtha giýtha-ga. \tr paper / the «cv. ob.» / that / you have sent it away / the, / words / what they said / the / straight / you tell me / send back. \rf jod 1890:698.4 \op Awaýna'oü koüýbtha, Poüýka, wiýshti. Toüýwoügthoü noükaýshe, uýshkoü e'oüý waýgazu \tr I hear about them / I wish, / Ponkas, / I, too. / Nation / ye who are, / deed / how / straight \rf jod 1890:698.5 \op winaý'oü koüýbtha. Shaýoü theýama iüýchoü gtheýbahiýwiü noüýba atiý-biamaý. Atiý \tr I hear about you / I wish. / Dakota / these / now / two hundred / have come it is said. / They come \rf jod 1890:698.6 \op eýteoüý taý ama. Oübaýthe atiý taiteý. Eýta wa'uýzhiüga thiükeý agiýna'oü koüýbtha, \tr will, / at some future time. / To-day / they shall surely come. / There / old woman / the one who / I hear about her, my own / I wish, \rf jod 1890:698.7 \op eýshti nieý thiügeý ki. Miüý-oübaý-thiü aýwake. Eýshti nuýzhiüga (Iübthiýtu) shiüýgazhiüýga \tr she, too / has no pain / if. / Moon Moving by Day / I mean her. / She, too / boy / Blackbird / child \rf jod 1890:698.8 \op etaý thoükaý awaýna'oü koüýbtha, nieý thiügeý ki. Wa'uý gthoüý thiükeý anaý'oü koüýbtha, \tr her «?» / the ones who / I hear about them / I wish, / has no pain / if. / Woman / the one whom he has married / I hear about her / I wish, \rf jod 1890:698.9 \op eýshti nieý thiügeý ki. Iüdaýdoü wakeýga shte oüthiüýge, nieý oüthiüýgexti haý. Theýama \tr she, too / has no pain / if. / What / sick / soever / I have none, / pain / I have none at all / . / These \rf jod 1890:698.10 \op toüýwoügthoüý amaý u'aýgtha chaýbai. Gaxthoüý u'eýthai bthuýga, toüýwoügthoüý. \tr nation / the «pl. sub.» / suffer / exceedingly. / Migrating / have scattered / all, / nation. \rf jod 1890:698.11 \op Ithaýdithaiý akaý moüýzeska wa'iý-baýzhi. Waxiüýha shuhiý te niýze ki, uxtheýxchi \tr Agent / the «sub.» / money / has not given to them. / Paper / reaches you / the / you receive it / when, / very soon \rf jod 1890:698.12 \op ioüýthakitheý te. Thikoüý shti thitiýgoü edaýbe nieý thiügeý ki, awaýna'oü koüýbtha. \tr you will send ti to me. / Your grandmother / too / your grandfather / also «more than two» / have no pain / if, / I hear about them / I wish. \rf jod 1890:698.13 \op Hau. Iüdaýdoü wanaýgthe wazhiüýga, kuýkusiý shti uhiýwathaiý giýshk uhiýwathaý-ga. \tr «paragraph» / What / domestic animal / bird, / hog / too / they raise them / quickly raise them! \rf jod 1890:698.14 \op Mazhoüý thoü meýadi niýtube aýkihiýde thituýba-ga. Waxtaý doüýshte giýshk uzhiý ki, \tr Land / the / last spring / you plowed / attending to it / plow it! / Fruit «&or vegetable» / whatever / is quickly planted / if, \rf jod 1890:698.15 \op wathiýtoü uýdoü ha. Wathiýtoü uýdoüxtioüý. Shoüýge doüýshte waýniü ki, goüý gishkoüýxti \tr to work / good / . / Work / «is» very good. / Horse / soever / you have them / if, / so / very quickly \rf jod 1890:698.16 \op wathiýtoüwaýkithaý-ga, mazhoüý thoüýdi. Shoüýge-ma thihaýta theýwathaýzhi-ga, gaxeý \tr cause them to work, / land / on the. / The horses / do not give them to any one that comes along, / aside \rf jod 1890:699.1 \op theýwathaýzhi-ga. Iüýtoü wathiýtoü te e-noüý uýdoü, gaýtegoüý uwiýbthaý shutheýathe. Shoüý \tr do not send them. / Now / work / the / that only / good, / in that manner / I tell you / I send to you. / And \rf jod 1890:699.2 \op wabaýgtheze niýze ki, iýe uýdoüxtioüý uxtheýxchi ioüýthakitheý te. \tr letter / you receive it / when, / word / very good / very soon / you send hither by some one / will. \rf jod 1890:699.3 \ti @{Tenuýga-wazhiü} to @{Wazhiüý-ska}, an Oto \op Iýe dzhuýbaxchi wabaýgtheze wiýpaxe shutheýathe. Shoüý uýshkoü e'oüý ki, winaý'oü \tr Word / very few / letter / I make to you / I send to you. / And / deed / how / if, / I hear from you \rf jod 1890:700.1 \op koüýbtha. Wiýshti uýdoüxti anaýzhiü theýthu. Sheýta nugeýadi shupiý teýdi iýe wiüý wi'iý \tr I wish. / I too / very good / I stand / here. / Yonder / last summer / I reached you / when / word / one / I gave you \rf jod 1890:700.2 \op piý eýskoü btheýgoü. Eaýtoü thatiýazhi. Sheýta Gahiýge-wadaýthiüge shuhiý tethoüýdi iýe \tr I was there / I thought that. / Why / you have not come. / Yonder / Saucy Chief / reached you / in the past / word \rf jod 1890:700.3 \op wiüý iüýthiü gthiý. Edaýdoü te wiwiýta goüý wiýboü goüý oüýba aýakihiýdexti agthiüý. \tr one / he brought back to me. / What / the / my / as / I called you / as / day / I watched it very closely / I sat. \rf jod 1890:700.4 \op Ki Gahiýge-wadaýthiüge iýe wiüý athiüý gthiý: iýhuthazhiýxti thatiý ki, iüýudoüxti-moüý te. \tr And / Saucy Chief / word / one / brought it back: / you did not consult me at all / you had come / if, / it would have been good for me. \rf jod 1890:700.5 \op Ki oüýba wiýbthade te aýkihoü hiý eýgoü, thatiýazhi te ha. Shoüý thihoüý thiaýdi sheýna \tr And / day / I mentioned to you / the / beyond / reached / as, / you did not come / . / And / your mother / your father / those only \rf jod 1890:700.6 \op awaýsithe-noü-moüý, iüýudoüýxti-moüý. Shoüý edaýdoü wi'iý te thatiýazhi te (ithaýshpagtha \tr I remember them usually I do, / it «is» very good for me. / Now / what / I gave you / the / you did not come / you hesitated on account of it \rf jod 1890:700.7 \op shiýazhi te), iüýtha-maýzhi chaýbe. Oüýshte thiý iüthiüýtha'iüýge goü. Ki edaýdoü oüthaý'iaýzhi \tr you were not coming, / I am sad / very. / As if / you / you despised mine / so. / And / what / you did not give me \rf jod 1890:700.8 \op te ithaýshpagtha shiýazhi te. Ki sheýta shupiý teýdi edaýdoüshte akiýpaxa-maýzhi, \tr the / you hesitated on account of it / you were not coming / And / yonder / I reached you / when / whatsoever / I did not make for myself, \rf jod 1890:700.9 \op wabthiýtoü-maýzhi. Ki agthiý ki, wabthiýtoü-xti-moüý. Shoüý wamuýske, nuý shti, \tr I did not work. / And / I have returned / when, / I have worked very hard. / And / wheat, / potato / too, \rf jod 1890:700.10 \op wahaýba shti, oüguýzhii, eýgoü thakiýshkaxe koübtheýgoü. Mazhoüý thoüýdi wakiýgthitoü \tr corn / too, / we have planted, / so / you do for yourself / I hope. / Land / in the / to work for himself \rf jod 1890:700.11 \op uýdoüxtioüýi. Mazhoüý thoüýdi weýthigthoü gaýxa-ga. Niýkashiüýga wakiýgthitoü shtoüýbe \tr is very good. / Land / in the / mind / make it. / Person / works for himself / you see him \rf jod 1890:700.12 \op ki, "Theý theýgimoü taý miüke," etheýgoü-ga. Ki eý uýdoü ebtheýgoü, mazhoüý thoüýdi \tr when, / This / I do this / I will, / think that! / And / that / good / I think that, / land / in the \rf jod 1890:700.13 \op wakiýgthitoü te. Sheýna uwiýbtha shutheýathe. Wabaýgtheze iütheýnai eýgoü, shutheýathe. \tr to work for himself / the. / Enough / I tell you / I send to you. / Letter / you «pl. ?» have begged of me / as, / I send it to you. \rf jod 1890:700.14 \op Eýskana eneýgoü ki, iýe daýdoüshte winaý'oü koübtheýgoü, iýe uýdoüxti. Nugeýadi \tr Oh that / you think that / if, / word / whatsoever / I hear from you / I hope, / word / very good. / Last summer \rf jod 1890:700.15 \op piý teýdi duýba zhoüý ki agthiý. \tr I was there / when / four / sleep / when / I came back. \rf jod 1890:700.16 \ti @{Moüchuý-noüýba} to @{Wiyakoiü} \op Toüshkaýha, iýe thiýta te ana'oü ha. Oüwoüýthakieý tiýthathe te iüýthexti-moüý \tr Sister's son, / word / your / the / I have heard it / . / You speak to me / you have sent hither / the / I am very glad \rf jod 1890:701.1 \op ha. "Negiýha, wineýgi meýgoü," esheý te oüthaýgthahoüýxti ha, eýde niýkashiüýga-ma \tr . / Mother's brother, / my mother's brother / likewise, / you said that / the / you prayed to me most earnestly / , / but / the people \rf jod 1890:701.2 \op thi'uýde heýga-baýzhi a, iüsh'aýge- noü ushtaiý. Ki Poüýkataý shti aýiaýthai ha, Paýthiüaýta \tr have abandoned the place / very / ! / old man only / they remain. / And / to the Ponkas / too / they have gone / , / to the Pawnees \rf jod 1890:701.3 \op shti aýiaýthai ha, Wathuýtadataý shti aýiaýthai ha, meýha shti ga'uý athaiý. Aýdoü \tr too / they have gone / , / to the Otos / too / they have gone / , / spring hides / too / to scrape / they went. / Therefore \rf jod 1890:701.4 \op iüsh'aýge-noü ushtaiý. Iýthae tethoüý bthiý'a tateý ebtheýgoü. Uýdoü paýxe bthiý'a tateý \tr old man only / are left. / What you mentioned formerly / I shall surely fail / I think that. / Good / I do it / I shall surely fail \rf jod 1890:702.1 \op ebtheýgoü. Akiýxibtha niýashiüýga thi'uýdai eýgoü uýkizaýxti atiýi, aýdoü, toüshkaýha, \tr I think that. / I hesitate on account of probable failure / person / scarce / as / not at home at all / they have come, / therefore / sister's son, \rf jod 1890:702.2 \op thinaýxchi thikaýge meýgoü, iüýudoü shkaýxe- noüýi aýdoü awaýshkoüxti tateý. \tr you only / your friend / likewise, / good for me / you make it / usually / therefore / I make a great effort / shall. \rf jod 1890:702.3 \op Bthiý'a tateý thoüýzha shoüý oüthoüýthashigaýzhi-ga. Thikaýge meýgoü, shoüý bthiý'axti thanaý'oüi \tr I shall fail / though / still / do not speak against me on account of it! / Your friend / likewise, / still / I fail altogether / you «pl.» hear it \rf jod 1890:702.4 \op shteýshtewoüý thaý'eoüýgithaýi-ga. Toüýwoügthoüý waxpaýthiü te aýhigi uwiýbtha eýe ha \tr even if / pity «ye» me! / Nation / poor / the / much / I have told you / that is it / \rf jod 1890:702.5 \op bthiý'a te. Shi waiüý te iüýt'oüi shoüý awaý'i eteýde oüthiüýge ha. Moüýzeskaý shti \tr I fail / the. / And / robe / the / I had it / the / I should have given to them, but / I have none / . / Money / too \rf jod 1890:702.6 \op bthiýza-maýzhi. Ki niýkashiüýga-ma, xtaýwithaiý heýga-maýzhi. Daýdoü wi'iý-maýzhi tateý \tr I have not received. / And / the people, / I love you «pl.» very much. / What / I shall not give to you \rf jod 1890:702.7 \op iüýtha-maýzhi ha. Iýwit'aýbthai-maýzhi. Atoüý oüniýtai te shetoüý eoüýkithai shoüshoüý \tr I am sad / . / I do not hate you «pl.». / How long / we live / the / so long / we have each other as kindred / always \rf jod 1890:702.8 \op tateý. Thiý shoüýge t'oüý amaý gazoüý thanaýzhiü, aýdoü wathiýxpathiü shteýshtewoüýzhi \tr shall. / You / those who have many horses / among / you stand, / therefore / you are poor / not by any means \rf jod 1890:702.9 \op ha. Eýde wiý, shoüýge thiügeýadiýxti anaýzhiü. Bthuýga thuýtoüxti uwiýbtha. \tr . / But / I / just where there are no horses / I stand. / All / very straight / I tell you. \rf jod 1890:702.10 \op Niýkagaýhi noükaýshe, wanaýshe thithiýta thoükaý, niýkagaýhi izhiüýge noükaýshe, shi \tr Ye who are chiefs, / soldier / your / they who are, / chief / his son / ye who are, / again \rf jod 1890:702.11 \op niýkagaýhi izhoüýge-masheý shti, oüwoüýxpathiü eýgoü shoüý thaý'eoüýthathe te wiýbthahoüý \tr chief / ye who are their daughters / too, / I am poor / as / still / you pity me / the / I pray to you \rf jod 1890:702.12 \op shutheýathe. Oüwoüýxpathiü te shoüshoüý-xti-moüý, aýdoü the-maý niýkashiüýga-ma \tr I send to you. / I am poor / the / I am continually, / therefore / these / the people \rf jod 1890:702.13 \op ti-maý ithaýgaskoüýbthe shteýshtewoüý shoüý waýbthi'a tateý ebtheýgoü. Wiýbthahoüý te \tr those who have come / I make the experiment / notwithstanding / still / I shall fail in regard to them / I think that. / I pray to you / the \rf jod 1890:702.14 \op sheýna ha. Siüdeý-gtheshkaý edediý geýiüteý uthiýkie te iüwiüýth iýtha-ga. Waxiüýha \tr enough / . / Spotted Tail / whether they «in pl.» are there / has spoken to you / the / to tell me / send hither. / Paper \rf jod 1890:702.15 \op thoü bthiýze ha, tiýthathe. Miüýthumoüýshi wathaýte hiý teýdi bthiýze ha. \tr the «ob.» / I have received it / , / you have sent it hither. / Noon / meal / arrived there / when / I received it / . \rf jod 1890:702.16 \ti @{Shoügeý-ska} to Battiste, the Pawnee interpreter \op Shoüý sheý niýkashiüýga eýthe wiýtaxti shuthaiý ha. Ki ieýska niükeý niýkagaýhi \tr Now / that / person / kinsman / my real / have gone to you / . / And / interpreter / you who are / chief \rf jod 1890:704.1 \op sheýnoüba tha'eýwathaýthe koübtheýgoü. Shoüý mazhoüý thoüý weýahiýde thoüýzha, waxpaýni \tr those two only / you pity them / I hope. / And / land / the «ob.» / distant / though, / poor \rf jod 1890:704.2 \op eýgoü thidoüýbe shuthaiý. Noüýde giýudoüxti washkaýxe koüýbtha. Uaýwathakoüýi \tr as / to see you / have gone to you. / Heart / very good / you make them / I wish. / You aid us \rf jod 1890:704.3 \op koüýbtha. Ki gaýte aýzhi wiüý uwiýbtha. Umoüýhoü itoüýge akaý edaýdoü oüýtha \tr I wish. / And / that / another / one / I tell you. / Omaha / his sister / the «sub.» / what / he abandoned \rf jod 1890:704.4 \op theý ge wiüý gikoüýthai, aýdoü thiýthahoü shutheýthai ha. Wiüý tha'iý ki, Umoüýhoü-maý \tr he went / the «pl. in. ob.» / one / wishes her own, / therefore / to pray to you / she sends to you / . / One / you give her / if, / the Omahas \rf jod 1890:704.5 \op athiüý waýthashiý tai. Ki Kushaýsha ihoüý eýthoüba uýwagithaý-ga ha. Ki e'oüý \tr to keep it / you will employ them. / And / @{Kushaýsha} / his mother / she too / tell it to them / ! / And / how \rf jod 1890:704.6 \op kiýshte, Kushaýsha waxiüýha wiüý gioüýkithe teý ha. Waýgazu iüwiüýtha eýiüte. \tr even if, / @{Kushaýsha} / paper / one / he will send back to me / . / Straight / to tell me / whether. \rf jod 1890:704.7 \op Ki sheý niýkashiüýga eýthe wiwiýta shuhiý ki, e'oüý shuhiý eýiüte awaýginaý'oü \tr And / that / person / kinsman / my / reach you / if, / how / reach you / whether / I hear about them, my own \rf jod 1890:704.8 \op koüýbtha. Waxiüýha ioüýthakitheý koüýbtha. \tr I wish. / Paper / you send hither to me / I wish. \rf jod 1890:704.9 \ti @{Wazhiüýga-sabe} to Battiste Deroin and @{Ke-gtheýze} \op Shoüý Waýthutaýda amaý mazhoüý mashteý keýta gaxthoüý theý goüýthai kiýshte, \tr And / Oto / the «pl. sub.» / land / warm / to the «ob.» / migrate / to go / they wish / even if, \rf jod 1890:705.1 \op iüwiüýth iýtha-ga. Shi thaýzhi goüýtha-baýzhi kiýshte, thuýtoü iüwiüýth iýtha-ga. \tr to tell me / send hither. / Again / not to go / they do not wish / even if, / straight / to tell me / send hither. \rf jod 1890:705.2 \ti @{Unaýzhiü-ska} to @{Gahiýge} \op Goüý agthiýi ha. Umaýhamaýdi agthiý eýgoü thaý'eoüýthai eýgoü iüýkoü-noüýi. \tr Just / I have returned / . / To the Omahas / I have returned / as / they pity me / as / they have condoled with me as a rule. \rf jod 1890:705.3 \op Dzhoý thiükeýdi agthiý eýgoü, eýdi anaýzhiü ha. Wathaýte uýdoüxti bthaýte oüýthexchi \tr Joe / to him who / I have returned / as / there / I stand / . / Food / very good / I eat it / very gently \rf jod 1890:705.4 \op oüýthiü. Sheýama Shaoüý amaý atiý-biamaý. Huýtoüga amaýdi atiý-biamaý. Shetoüý \tr he keeps me. / Those / Dakota / the «pl. sub.» / have come, it is said. / Winnebago / to the «pl.» / have come, it is said. / So far \rf jod 1890:705.5 \op watoüýba-maýzhi. Gasaýni shteýshte watoüýbe taý miüke. U'aýgthaxti-eýgoü agthiý ha \tr I have not seen them. / To-morrow / or «some day» thereafter / I see them / will / I who. / I suffered greatly / I have come / \rf jod 1890:705.6 \op Ki shoüýge-maý shti uzheýthai eýgoü, shetoüý gashiýbe agthaý-maýzhi ha. Uaýwakieý te \tr And / the horses / too / are tired / as, / so far / outside / I have not gone back / . / I talk to them / the «act» \rf jod 1890:705.7 \op shti shetoüý-noü oüthoüýbthoü-shtewoü-maýzhi. Shoüý theýthu agthiý te iýshpahoü tai-eýgoü, \tr too / so far only / I am far from having enough of it. / And / here / I have returned / the / you «pl.» know it / in order that «pl.», \rf jod 1890:705.8 \op uwiýbtha shutheýathai ha. Shoü mazhoüý theýthu agthiý te iüýshte nyuý iüýudoüýxti eýgoü \tr I tell you / I send to you «pl.» / . / And / land / here / I have returned / the / merely / to breathe / is very good for me \rf jod 1890:705.9 \op ha. Shoü pahoüýga oüwoüýdoübaiý ge eýgoü shoüshoüýxti gthiüý amaý ha. Ki \tr . / And / before / we saw them / the «pl. in. ob.» / so / continually / are sitting / . / And \rf jod 1890:705.10 \op wamuýske shti bthuýga ugiýzhi ameýgoü, uýdoüxti gthiüý amaý ha. Shoü e'oüý theý \tr wheat / too / all / as they have planted their own, / very good / they are sitting / . / And / how / this \rf jod 1890:706.1 \op moübthiüý te goüý wisiýthai moübthiüý. Shoü theýthu agthiý te theýama waýxe amaý \tr I walk / the / at any rate / I remember you «pl.» / I walk. / And / here / I returned / the / these / white people / the «pl. sub.» \rf jod 1890:706.2 \op uýdoüxti watoüýbe ha. Shoü uýshkoü wabthiýpi-maýzhi piý oüshkaýxe tethoüýzha, aniýta \tr very good / I see them / . / And / deed / I did them «?» wrong / I was returning / you made «+reckoned» me / although, in the past, / I live \rf jod 1890:706.3 \op koübtheýgoü, eýgimoü ha. Shoü umoüýthiüka aýnashteýshte aniýta koübthegoü, aoüýhe: \tr I hoped, / I did that / . / And / season / how many soever / I live / I hoped, / I fled: \rf jod 1890:706.4 \op wakeýga te noüýape ha. Sheýama waýshniü thanaýzhiü-ma tha'eýwathatheýxti koüý \tr sick / the / I feared the seen danger / . / Those / you keep them / you stand the ones who / you have great pity on them / Oh that \rf jod 1890:706.5 \op ebtheýgoü ha, ithaýdithaiý thiýe waýwikeý ha. Shoüý eýskana ithaýe te thuýtoüxti uýwathaýgishnaý \tr I think that / , / agent / you / I mean you / . / And / oh that / I speak / the / very straight / you tell them \rf jod 1890:706.6 \op ebtheýgoü ha. ... Sheýma uaýwakiýzhi-ma, iüýnoüha, iýdawaýthe-ma \tr I think that / . / Those / those who are my near kindred, / my mothers, / the ones who gave me birth \rf jod 1890:706.7 \op waýkihiýda-ga; watiýzaxti awaýgitoübe koüýbtheýgoü ha Noükaý-t'oüi eýshti eýgoü \tr attend thou to them; / all together / I see them, my own / I hope / : / Has-a-Back / he too / so \rf jod 1890:706.8 \op waýkihiýde koübtheýgoü, uaýwakiýzhi-maý. Shaýhieýtha iüdaýdi eýshti eýgoü sheýma uaýwakiýzhi-ma \tr he attends to them / I hope, / those who are my near kindred. / Cheyenne / my father / he too / so / those / those who are my near kindred \rf jod 1890:706.9 \op waýkihiýde koübtheýgoü. Moüchuý-naýzhiü ethoüýba gaýthoü wi'iýi. Waýthutaýda \tr he attends to them / I hope. / Standing Grizzly bear / he too / that «ob.» / I give to you «pl.». / Oto \rf jod 1890:706.10 \op thoükaýdi oügaýgthi teýdi shoüýge duýba waýshniü thakiý-bi, eý tiýthai ha, eý te Badiýze \tr to the «pl.» / we came back / when / horse / four / you had reached there again with them, it was said, / that / they sent hither / , / said / Battiste \rf jod 1890:706.11 \op akaý. Ki wiüoüýwataýtoü shoüýge-ma waýthiü kiý eýiüte iüwiüýtha iýtha-ga ha, \tr the «sub.» / And / whence / the horses / they reached there again with them / if / to tell me / send hither / ! \rf jod 1890:706.12 \op Gahiýge. \tr @{Gahiýge}. \rf jod 1890:706.13 \ti @{Unaýzhiü-ska} to @{Weýs'a-toüýga} \op Oüýba theýthu Shaoüý amaý watoüýbe ha, Umaýha tiýi thoüýdi. Oüýdoübai \tr Day / here / Dakota / the «pl. subj.» / I saw them / , / Omaha / village in the. / They saw me \rf jod 1890:707.1 \op eýgoü thaý'eoüýthexti iüýkoüi ha. Iüýtha-maýzhi chaýbe. "Awaýdi neý- goü \tr as / they pitied me exceedingly / they condoled with me / . / I am sad / very. / Where / you went / as \rf jod 1890:707.2 \op noüýde waxpaýni- wathaýthai, xeaýwathaýthai," iüthiüýgai theýama. Thoüýzha, "Wanaýshe, \tr anxious / you «pl.» have made us / you «pl.» have made us weep, / they said the foregoing to me / these. / Though, / Policemen, \rf jod 1890:707.3 \op thiýe oüýwoüzhoüýi," eheý. "Zhiügaýxchi the-maý giýthazhiwathaýthai, wanaýshe-maýshe." Shoüý \tr you are they who caused me the trouble, / I said. / Very small / these ones «pl. ob.» / you have made them sad, / O ye policemen? / Yet \rf jod 1890:707.4 \op uýshkoü u'aýgtha ke noüýde wiýta ithoüýathe thoü eoüýkigoüýi ha, giýtha-bazhiýxtioüýi. \tr deed / I suffer / the «coll.» / heart / my / I put it in / the «ob.» / they were like me / , / they were very sad. \rf jod 1890:707.5 \op Umaýha amaý edaýbe noüýde eýkigoüýxtioüýi thoüýzha, e'oüý tateý oüthoüýbahoüýzhi. \tr Omaha / the «pl. sub.» / also / heart / they are very similar / though, / what the matter / shall «be» / we two do not know it. \rf jod 1890:708.1 \op Eý uwiýbtha shutheýathai. E'oüý shkaýxai ge woüýete wiüaýxchi eýgoü ukiýhai-ga. \tr That / I tell you / I send to you. / How / you do / the scattered «in an. obj.» / at least this one time / just one / as / follow it for yourselves. \rf jod 1890:708.2 \op Eýgoü neý shti ukiýt'e giýthazhiwathaýthe-noüýi. Beýgitheýxti eýde shoüý tha'eýthithe chaýbe-noüýi. \tr So only / [See note.] / too / nation / you have usually made them sad. / A total stranger / but yet / they pitied you / very usually. \rf jod 1890:708.3 \op Keý, iüýtexi eýgoü sheýhe. Shi gaýte ukoüýha. Shi goüý uwiýbtha shutheýathai. \tr Come! / hard for me / as / I say that. / Again / that / apart. / Again / so / I tell you / I send to you. \rf jod 1890:708.4 \op Shetoüý uaýgashoü tateý hiýazhi, itaýxataýthishoü ke. Etaý keý shtewoüý shoüý noüýde \tr That far / I travel / shall / it has not reached, / towards the head of the river / the «lg. ob.». / There / the «lg. ob.» / notwithstanding / yet / heart \rf jod 1890:708.5 \op ke eýgoü taiýt ebtheýgoü. Etaý amaý iýe etaiý ge anaý'oü thoüýzha, eýshti iýe \tr the «coll. ?» / so / shall / I think. / There / the «pl. sub.» / word / their / the «pl. ob.» / I hear it / though, / they too / word \rf jod 1890:708.6 \op ukoüýadixtioüý wiý aýthiühetaýthishoü thoüýzha, "Wiüýkextioüýi aýhoü" ebtheýgoü. Atoüý \tr are altogether at one side / I / towards me as I move / though, / They have spoken the full truth / «in soliloquy»! / I think. / When \rf jod 1890:708.7 \op eý ithaýpahoü kiý, waxiüýha wiüý shuhiý ete haý shiý. Hauý-ha! Waxiüýha wiüý iügaýxai \tr tiI / know about it / if «in future». / paper / one / it reaches you / may / / again. / Well! / Paper / one / they make it for me \rf jod 1890:708.8 \op koüýbtha, ithaýdithaiý-a! Ithaýdithaiý thaý'eoüýthatheýxti koübtheýgoü teý-noü shoüýshoüxti bthiüý. \tr I wish, / O agent! / Agent / you pity me greatly / I hoped / usually / I really continue. \rf jod 1890:708.9 \op Sheý piý te edaýdoü miüý-mazhi ha. Waxiüýha btheýkaxchi miüý agthiý ha. Ki \tr That / I reached / the / what / I did not wear as a robe / . / Paper «&or calico» / very thin / I wore as a robe / I came back / . / And \rf jod 1890:708.10 \op niýashiüýga-ma eýe ha, thaý'eoüýthai te ithaýdithaiý uýdoüxti oügaýthithiüý eýskoü btheýgoü \tr the people / said it / , / they pitied me / the / agent / very good / we had you / I thought / that \rf jod 1890:708.11 \op thoüýshti. Eýe ha, ithaýsht-oüthaýth eýgoü ha, thoüýzha edaýdoü te niý'a eýgoü eýgoü aýhoü \tr formerly «&i. &e. , not now». / That is it / , / you, my friend, have made me ashamed / somewhat / , / though / what / the / you failed at / somewhat / so / «in soliloquy»! \rf jod 1890:708.12 \op ebtheýgoü ha. Wathaýshk uthaýket'oü kiý, uýdoü ithaýpahoü teýiüte ebtheýgoü. \tr I think that / . / You try / you acquire it / if, / good / I know it / might «in past» / I think that. \rf jod 1890:708.13 \op Wathaýshkoü tethoüýzha, niý'a teýha, ebtheýgoü. Ki sheýama shoüý-noü wetheýwashkoüý-noü \tr You tried / though, in the past, / you failed / perhaps, / I think. / And / those / at any rate «?» / you make efforts for them \rf jod 1890:708.14 \op shoüýshoü koübtheýgoü. Ithaýdithaiý 'oüýxtioüýthigitheýgoüi thoüýshti. Iüdaýd uýdoü \tr always / I hope. / Agent / we regarded you, our own, too highly / in the past. / What / good \rf jod 1890:708.15 \op wetheýshkaxe te wiýeshte ithaýpahoü-maýzhi ha. Thoüýzha edaýdoü wiüý eýwoü teýshte \tr you made for us / the / I for my part / I do not know about it / . / Though / what / one / is causing the trouble \rf jod 1890:708.16 \op eýgoü aýhoü ebtheýgoü. Shoüý iýe aýhigiýxti wi'iý tateý shte shi iüýtexi eýgoü ha. \tr so / «in thought»! / I think. / Yet / word / very many / I give you / shall / even / again / hard for me / somewhat / . \rf jod 1890:708.17 \op Sheýna goüý shoüý ithaýe te, goüý thanaý'oü t ebtheýgoü, eýgoü goüý uwiýbtha \tr Enough / so / at any rate / I have spoken / the, / so / you hear it / will / I think, / so / thus / I tell you \rf jod 1890:708.18 \op ithaýdithaiý-a! Gaýtegoüý sheýna, ithaýdithaiý-a! Goüýki niýashiüýga wiüý t'e gthiýthathaiý- de \tr O agent! / Thus / enough, / O agent! / And then / person / one / died / you have sent back when \rf jod 1890:708.19 \op ithaýpahoü-maýzhi ha. Wanaýshe toüýga t'eýe ha eshaiý- de ithaýpahoü-maýzhi ha. \tr I do not know him / . / Policeman / large / is dead / / you said / when / I do not know him / . \rf jod 1890:709.1 \op Eý thuýtoü anaý'oü koüýbtha ha. Shoüý niýashiüýga that'aiý te eý waýgazu tiý a. Eý \tr That / straight / I hear it / I wish / . / Now / person / you have died / the / that / correct / has come / ? / That \rf jod 1890:709.2 \op Wanaýshe toüýga enaýxchi aýthixuýde ha. Niýashiüýga gtheýbahiýwiü ke eýdi gtheýba-saýtoü \tr Policeman / large / that only / not plain / . / Person / one hundred / and besides / fifty \rf jod 1890:709.3 \op ki eýdi noüýba that'aiý te waýgazu ithaýpahoü agthiý. Aýgahaýdi shi aýna that'aiý \tr and / besides / two / you died / the / straight / I knew it / I came back. / Besides / again / how many / you have died \rf jod 1890:709.4 \op te sheý waýthawa baxuý oü'iý ithaýi-ga. Goüý gaýchegoüý ha, Weýs'a-toüýga ithaýdithaiý \tr the / that / counting them / writing / give to me / send to me. / And / thus it is / , / Big Snake / agent \rf jod 1890:709.5 \op ethoüýba. \tr he too. \rf jod 1890:709.6 \ti Lion to Battiste Deroin. \dt December 12, 1878 \op Wabaýgtheze tioüýthakitheý thoü bthiýze oüýbatheý. Wabaýgtheze bthiýze teýdi \tr Letter / you have sent hither to me / the «ob.» / I have received it / to-day. / Letter / I have received it / when \rf jod 1890:710.1 \op noüýde iüthiüýudoüý-xti-moüý. Niýkashiüýga wanoüýzhu-maýdi eýde niýkashiüýga wiüý \tr heart / I had it very good for me. / People / among the threshers / but / people / one \rf jod 1890:710.2 \op noüt'aiý thoüýzha, shetoüý niýta zhoüý. Ithaýpahoü-maýzhi niýta teýshte, t'eý teýshte \tr killed by the machine / though, / so far / alive / lies. / I do not know it / whether he will live, / whether he will die \rf jod 1890:710.3 \op ithaýpahoü-maýzhi. Izhaýzhe te Kishkeý isoüýga, Moüchuý-pa eý. Piýazhi te heýgazhi gaýxai \tr I do not know. / His name / the / @{Kishkeý} / his younger brother, / @{Moüchuý-pa} / that. / Bad / the / not a little / was made \rf jod 1890:710.4 \op zhuýga bthuýga. Weýnoüzhu ak eýwoüi. \tr body / whole. / Threshing-machine / the «sub.» / caused it. \rf jod 1890:710.5 \op Hau. Niýkagaýhi noükaýshe, ieýska niükeýshe, wathaýshkoü koübtheýgoü aýdoü \tr «paragraph» / Ye who are chiefs, / interpreter / you who are, / you make an effort / I hope / therefore \rf jod 1890:711.1 \op ushkuýdoü wathaýkishkoüý koüýbtha. Wathaýshkoü taý-bi eheý te, shiüýgazhiüýga \tr to do good deeds / you exert yourselves / I wish. / That you are to persevere / I said it / the, / child \rf jod 1890:711.2 \op wabaýgtheze aýthadewathaýkithe eheý te, eý aýwake. Niýkashiüýga aýna niüý eýiüte \tr book / you cause them to read / I said it / the, / that / I mean it. / People / how many / you are / it may be \rf jod 1890:711.3 \op toüýde wathaýshkoü thitoüýi-ga. Wathaýshkoü taý-bi eheý te, eý aýwake. Eýskana \tr ground / you persevere / work ye! / That you are to persevere / I said / the, / that / I mean. / Oh that \rf jod 1890:711.4 \op shi ithaýdithaiý thiükeý sheý doüýbethakithaiý koübtheýgoü. Wabaýgtheze thoü uthiýkoüi \tr again / agent / the one who / that / you cause him to see it / I hope. / Letter / the «ob.» / it helps you \rf jod 1890:711.5 \op koübtheýgoü, washkoüý koüýbtha. \tr I hope, / he makes an effort / I wish. \rf jod 1890:711.6 \op Hau. Niýkashiüýga sheýma aýma-maý edaýdoü edaiý shteýshtewoü iýa-bazhiýi-ga, \tr «paragraph» / Person / those / the others / what / they say what / soever / do not speak, \rf jod 1890:711.7 \op wadoüýba-bazhiýi-ga. Niýkashiüýga sheýthu iýhe gthiý thiü Poüýka niýkagaýhi thiükeý theýthu \tr do not look at them. / Person / yonder / passed / he who was returning / Ponka / chief / the one who / here \rf jod 1890:711.8 \op gthiý ha. Gthiý teýdi toüýbe teýdi iüýtha-maýzhi eýde shetoüý uaýkia-maýzhi waýgazu. \tr has returned / . / He returned / when / I saw him / when / I was sad / but / so far / I have not spoken to him / straight. \rf jod 1890:711.9 \op Umoüýhoü ithaýdithaiý akaý niýkagaýhi edaýbe waýgazu giaýxai tediýhi ki, thanaý'oü taiteý, \tr Omaha / agent / the «sub.» / chief / also / straight / they make for him / when it shall reach, / you shall hear it, \rf jod 1890:711.10 \op niýkagaýhi noükaýshe, Waýthutaýda noükaýshe, ieýska niükeýshe edaýbe. \tr ye who are chiefs, / ye who are Otos, / you who are the interpreter / also. \rf jod 1890:711.11 \op Hau. Uýshkoü wiwiýta te thanaý'oü tai, weýthigthoü wiwiýta te. Niýkashiüýga \tr «paragraph» / Deed / my / the / ye will hear it, / decision / my / the. / Indian \rf jod 1890:711.12 \op ukeýthiü ikaýgeawaýtha-maýzhi ha; thinaýxchi ikaýgewithaiý. Shaoüý amaý atiýi eýde \tr common / I do not have them for my friends / / you only / I have you for friends. / Dakota / the «pl. sub.» / have come / but \rf jod 1890:711.13 \op uaýwakia-maýzhi. Uaýwakia-maýzhi agthaiý. Ikaýgeawaýtha-maýzhi eheý te. Niýkagaýhi \tr I did not speak to them. / I did not speak to them / they went back. / I did not have them for friends / I said / the. / Chief \rf jod 1890:711.14 \op amaý iüsh'aýge amaý eý eýwoüi; aýdoü ikaýgeawaýtha-maýzhi, uaýwakia-maýzhi. Enaýxchi \tr the «pl. sub.» / old man / the «pl. sub.» / that / caused it; / therefore / I did not have them for friends, / I did not speak to them. / They only \rf jod 1890:711.15 \op ikaýgewaýthe goüýthai te iüsh'aýge amaý, e-noüýi niýkagaýhi amaý. Shoüý niýkashiüýga \tr to have them for friends / wished / the / old man / the «pl. sub.», / they only / chief / the «pl. sub.». / And / person \rf jod 1890:711.16 \op themaý waýxe-ma, mazhoüý theýthu nazhiüý-ma zaniý ikaýgeawaýthe ha. Shoüý ushkuýdoüxti \tr these «pl. ob.» / the white people, / land / here / those who stand / all / I have them for friends / . / And / doing very good deeds \rf jod 1890:711.17 \op ke edaýdoü ithaýkipaýxe pahoüýgadiýtoü ke eýgizhoü koüýbthaxti. Piýazhi teý ki, thiý \tr the / what / I did for myself / from the first / the / you do that / I strongly desire. / Bad / will / if, / you \rf jod 1890:711.18 \op shkaýxa-baýzhi wiýkoübthaiý. Shiüýgazhiüýga tha'eýwathagithaý-ba wathiýtoü washkoüýi-ga. \tr you do it not / I wish for you «pl.». / Child / do pity them your own and «pl.» / to work / persevere ye! \rf jod 1890:711.19 \op Ediý ki, Wakoüýda akaý tha'eýthithe taiý, ki edaýdoü shteýshte uýdoü thiýgaxe taiý. Shoü \tr In that case, / God / the «sub.» / will pity you, / and / what / soever / good / will do for you. / And \rf jod 1890:712.1 \op oüwoüýthakieý wabaýgtheze tiýthathe te noüýde iüýud eýgoü, eýskana uýdoüxti moüniüý \tr you spoke to me / letter / you sent hither / the / heart / good for me / as, / oh that / very good / you walk \rf jod 1890:712.2 \op koübtheýgoü. Niýkashiüýga sheýthoüka gthaýdiüaýta atheý goüýtha thoüka eýgithoü-bazhiýi-ga. \tr I hope. / Person / those / across / to go / the ones who wish it / do not say anything to «them» \rf jod 1890:712.3 \op Eýgitheýgoü eýgishe taiý. Eýgithoü-bazhiýi-ga. Shoüý wiýshti oüwoüýxpani thoüýzha, shoüý \tr Beware / you say to / lest. / Say it not to «them». / And / I too / I am poor / though, / yet \rf jod 1890:712.4 \op wathiýtoü te eý uýdoü ha. Keý, sheýna uwiýbtha shutheýathai. \tr to work / the / that / good / . / Come, / enough / I tell you / I send to you. \rf jod 1890:712.5 \ti @{Pathiü-noüpazhi} to @{Hexaýka-maýni}, @{Ishtaý-zhoüzhoüý}, and @{Ptewakaü-inazhiü}. \dt December 21, 1878 \op Niýkagaýhi-maý, kageýha, uýshkoü weýshpahoü iüthiýgoüthai eýgoü sheoüýtha-baýzhii \tr The chief «pl. obj.», / my friend, / deed / you knew us / we desired for you / as / we paid no attention to it \rf jod 1890:713.1 \op ha, thakiýthagthaiý teýdi. Iüýtoü weýtha-baýzhii. Ki thakiýthagthaiý teýdi iüýtoü weýpibaýzhii. \tr . / you had gone back / when. / Now / we are sad. / And / you had gone back / when / now / bad for us «unfortunate». \rf jod 1890:713.2 \op Gaý waxiüýha shutheýathe thoüýzha, eýskana iýe uýdoüxti wigiýna'oüýi koüýbtha. \tr That / paper / I send to you / though, / oh that / word / very good / I hear from you, my own «pl.» / I wish. \rf jod 1890:713.3 \op Uxtheýxti waxiüýha ioüýthakitheý te. Shoüý eýskana iýe uýdoüxti winaý'oüi \tr Very soon / paper / you send hither to me / will. / And / oh that / word / very good / I hear from you, «pl.» \rf jod 1890:713.4 \op koübtheýgoü. Niýkashiüýga juýba ukoüýh oüthiüý weaýshpahoüýi; ukoüýha oümoüýthiüi. \tr I hope. / Person / some / apart from the rest / we are / you know us; / apart from the rest / we walk. \rf jod 1890:713.5 \op Thiýskieý ukoüýh oügatoüý oüýguiýha-baýzhi. Sheoüýthitha-bazhiýxti thagthaiý, ki wathaýte \tr All together / apart / we who stand / we do not follow them. / We disregarded you altogether / you went back, / and / food \rf jod 1890:713.6 \op oüthiý'i-bazhiýxti thagthaiý weýpi-baýzhi. \tr we gave you none at all / you went back / bad for us. \rf jod 1890:713.7 \ti @{Moüchuý-noüýba} to @{Mato-maza}, a Yankton \op Shoüý thitiýgoü meýgoü wiýbthahoü shutheýathe taiý miükeý. Niýkashiüýga amaý theýama \tr And / your grandfather / likewise / I pray to you / I will send to you «pl. sub.» / these \rf jod 1890:714.1 \op Hexaýga-moüýthiü juýba zhuýwagthe ti-maý ti wiýtaxti tiýi ha. Wathaýte daýdoü bthaýte \tr Walking Elk / some / those with whom he came / house / my own / came hither / . / Food / what / I ate \rf jod 1890:714.2 \op woüýdoü zhuaýwagtheýgoü, wathaýte thashtoüý shugthaiý. Shoüý uaýgthashiýge taý miüke. \tr together / I having been with them, / food / finished eating it / they went back to you. / And / I will complain of my own «tribe». \rf jod 1890:714.3 \op Iüýtha-maýzhi uaýgtha taý miüke. Umoüýhoü amaý theýama niýkagaýhi amaý sheýnuzhiüýga \tr I am displeased / I will tell of my own. / Omahas / the «pl. sub.» / these / chief / the «pl. sub.» / young men \rf jod 1890:714.4 \op ama edaýbe, "Keý, uýwa'iýi-ga," eheý ki, washtaý-baýzhi oüýthiü-noü moüthiüýi, aýdoü \tr the «pl. sub.» / also, / Come, / give ye food to them, / I said / when, / not sparing them «articles of food» / having me / they walked, / therefore \rf jod 1890:714.5 \op umoüýthiüka wiüý iüýtha-maýzhi tateý ebtheýgoü. Shoüý aýdoü theýama Umoüýhoü amaý \tr season / one / I shall be displeased / I think it. / And / therefore / these / Omaha / the «pl. sub.» \rf jod 1890:714.6 \op iüýku nazhiüýi. Bthaý-maýzhi-noü-moüý. "Oüwoüýkega," eheý. Iýe oüwoüýha-maýzhi \tr inviting me / they stand. / I make it a rule not to go. / I am sick, / I say. / Word / I am not followed \rf jod 1890:714.7 \op oüthoüýwoükeýgai. Hexaýga-moüýthiü, "Maýthe duýba watoüýba-maýzhi taiý," eý shagthaiý. \tr I am sick on account of / Walking Elk, / Winter / four / I shall not see them, / said / went back to you. \rf jod 1890:714.8 \op Sheýna goüý iýutha shutheýathe. Goüý thitiýgoü gthiý doüýshteoüýi ki, waxiüýha itiýze \tr Enough / at any rate / news / I send to you. / And / your grandfather / has returned / even if «?» / when, / paper / together \rf jod 1890:714.9 \op shtoüýbe taiý. \tr you will see it. \rf jod 1890:714.10 \ti Louis Sanssouci to William Parry \op Waxiüýha wiýpaxe te eheý te iýe eýgoüxti agiýpaxe koüýbtha. Toüýwoügthoü \tr Paper / I make to you / will / I said / the / word / just so / I make my own / I wish. / Nation \rf jod 1890:715.1 \op zaniýxti niýe wathiüýgai. Ki niýe wathiüýgai shoüý eteý etheýwathe. Iýutha oüthiüýge \tr all / we have no pain. / And / we have no pain / as it should be / may / reasonable. / News / I have none \rf jod 1890:715.2 \op thoüýzha, shoüý iýe ewiýgeheý te eýgoü agiýpaxe koüýbtha. Athuýhage theýthu thatiý te, \tr though, / yet / word / I said that to you / the / so / I make my own / I wish. / Last / here / you came hither / the, \rf jod 1890:715.3 \op "Ieýska te anoüýshtoü taý miüke," eheý, ebtheýgoü. Ki eýgoü paýxe thoüýzha, niýkagaýhi \tr Interpreter / the / I will stop walking, / I said, / I think it. / And / so / I have done / though, / chief \rf jod 1890:715.4 \op amaý giýshoü-xti-baýzhi ebtheýgoü thoüýzha, wiý eaýtoü aýmoü tateý oüthiüýge ebtheýgoü, \tr the «pl. sub.» / were not fully satisfied / I thought / though, / I / how / I shall do / I have none / I thought, \rf jod 1890:715.5 \op anoüýshtoü ha. Eýdi uweýdi-maýzhi. Oügiýkoüthaiý ki, ithaýdithaiý thiükeý uthuýkie taiý, \tr I stopped walking / . / There / I am not in it. / They wish me, their own / if, / agent / the «ob.» / let them talk with him about it, \rf jod 1890:715.6 \op oügiýkoütha-baýzhi kiýshte, shi eýgithoü taiý. Wiýmiükeýdi e'oüý thiügeý. Gahiýe \tr they do not want me, their own / even if, / again / let them say it to him. / With reference to me / there is no cause for complaint «against them». / Council \rf jod 1890:715.7 \op toüýga wiü oügaýxai. Ithaýdithaiý thiükeý oüwoüýshi eýgoü, eýgoü eýpaxe, eýde gahiý \tr great / one / we have made. / Agent / the «st. one» / asked «&or employed» me / as, / so / I did for him, / but / council \rf jod 1890:715.8 \op ieý uýshkoü goüýthai te eýgoüxti oügaýxai. Sheýta shubtheý koübtheýde e'oüý tateý iüte. \tr word / deed / they wished / the / just so / we made it. / Yonder / I go to you / I wish, but / how / it shall be is uncertain. \rf jod 1890:715.9 \op Ishtaý theýthoü zeoüýthai eýgoü shubtheý koüýbtha. Waýxe oüguýtai amaý iüwiüýkoü goüýthai \tr Eye / this / they practice on me / so / I go to you / I wish. / White people / our / the «pl. sub.» / to help me / wish \rf jod 1890:715.10 \op ha. Niýkashiüýga thithiýta amaý waýxe amaý iüwiüýkoüi te eýgoü taý-biteý eshneýgoü \tr . / Person / your / the «pl. sub.» / white people / the «pl. sub.» / they helped me / the «past act» / so that they shall be / you think it \rf jod 1890:715.11 \op a. Ikaýgewithaiý eýskoübtheýgoü aýdoü iýe te eýgipe ha. Uxtheýxchi iýe te xaýtha \tr ? / I have you «pl.» for friends / I think so / therefore / word / the / I have said it «what precedes» / . / Very soon / word / the / back again \rf jod 1890:715.12 \op tiýiüthiüýthakitheý koübtheýgoü, kageýha. Thikaýge-ma uýwagithaý-ga, Miükaý'e shti. \tr you will cause some one to bring my own hither / I hope, / my friend. / Your friends / tell it to them, / Star / too. \rf jod 1890:715.13 \ti @{Ishtaýthabi} to @{Shuükixowe}. \dt January 14, 1879 \op Tahoüýha, niýkashiüýga thithiýta thoükaý witoüýbe koüýbtha. Niýkashiüýga zhuýwathaýgthe \tr Brother-in-law, / people / your / the ones who / I see you «sing.» / I wish. / People / you with them \rf jod 1890:716.1 \op thoükaý witoüýbe koüýbtha. Iüsh'aýgexti shiý ki, edaýdoü iýwipaýxe koüýbtha ha. \tr the ones who / I see you «sing.» / I wish. / Very old man / you reach / when, / what / I make for you by means of / I wish / \rf jod 1890:716.2 \op Niýkagaýhi Moüchuý-noüýba akaý iügaýxai ha, aýdoü shubtheý koüýbtha, niýkashiüýga \tr Chief / @{Moüchuý-noüýba} / the «sub.» / has done for me / , / therefore / I go to you / I wish, / people \rf jod 1890:716.3 \op thithiýta thoükaý witoüýbe koüýbtha theý uxtheýxchi. Washaýkathuýde eýe ha, toüýbe \tr your / the ones who / I see you / I wish / this / very soon. / @{Washaýkathuýde} / it is he / , / I see him \rf jod 1890:716.4 \op koüýbtha thiükeý: e toüýbe taiý ha, niýkagaýhi akaý. Goüýki uxtheýxchi gaýthoü \tr I wish / the one who: / him / I see / will / , / chief / the «sub.». / And then / very soon / that «cv. ob.» \rf jod 1890:716.5 \op shtoüýbe ki, tahoüýha, waxiüýha wiü tioüýkithaý-ga. Akiýgthishtoüý-xti-moüý ha. \tr you see / when, / O brother-in-law, / paper / one / send hither to me. / I have fully prepared myself for it / \rf jod 1890:716.6 \op Niýkashiüýga 'oüý akaý wabaýxukithaýthiüi akaý eý baxuýi te, wiüý bthiýze-noü-moüý. \tr Indian / how / the «sub.» / he whom they have as their amanuensis / he / write / when, / one / I usually receive it. \rf jod 1890:716.7 \ti @{Toüwoü-gaxe-zhiüga} to A. B. Meacham. \dt January 16, 1879 \op Huýtoüga shoüýge weýmoüthoüý waweýshi koüýbtha, tigoüýha. Shoüýge gtheýbahiýwiü \tr Winnebago / horse / they stole from us / pay / I wish, / O Grandfather. / Horse / a hundred \rf jod 1890:717.1 \op aýta weýnashaiý ha. Pahoüýgadi Isoüýyati shoüýge gtheýbahiýwiü ki eýdi \tr and over / they snatched from us / . / Formerly / Santee / horse / a hundred / and / besides \rf jod 1890:717.2 \op gtheýba-peýthabthiü iüýnashai eýgoü, waweýshi koüýbtha, tigoüýha. ... \tr eighty / took from me / as, / pay / I wish, / O Grandfather. \rf jod 1890:717.3 \op Waýgazuýxti oünaý'oü oügoüýthai, tigoüýha. Mazhoüý thoü agthiýtoü ha: waxiüýha sagiý \tr Very straight / we hear it / we wish, / O grandfather. / Land / the «ob.» / I work my own / / paper / hard \rf jod 1890:717.4 \op koüýbtha. Sheýthiü ithaýdithaiý bthuýga uthuýakieý bthiýshtoü iýe te athiüý shugtheýakithe, shi \tr I wish. / That «mv. ob.» / agent / all / I have talked to him about it / I have finished / word / the / I cause him to take it back to you, / again \rf jod 1890:717.5 \op gaýthoü waxiüýha shutheýathe. Shoüý awaý'e tediýhi ki, iüýtexi tat eýskoübtheýgoü, \tr that «ob.» / paper / I send to you. / And / I plow / when the time comes, / hard for me / shall / I think that. \rf jod 1890:717.6 \op shoüý eýdi eýskana moüýzeska juýba iüýtheýshpaha koübtheýgoü. Shoüý, tigoüýha, \tr yet / there / oh that / money / some / you show to me / I hope. / And, / O Grandfather, \rf jod 1890:717.7 \op sheýna uwiýbtha. Uwiýbtha te eýskana eýgoüxti iütheýshkaxe koübtheýgoü. Itiýgoüthaiý \tr enough / I have told you. / I have told you / the / oh that / just so / you do for me / I hope. / Grandfather \rf jod 1890:717.8 \op shniükeý, wiýbthahoüý ha. Niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü weýgithiýgthoü shniükeý, wiýbthahoü. \tr you who are, / I pray to you / . / Indian / common / the one who plans for them / you who are, / I pray to you. \rf jod 1890:717.9 \op Goüý gaýte sheýna wiýbthahoü ha. Ki uýshkoü aýzhi shi wiüý uwiýbtha taý miüke. \tr And / that / enough / I pray to you / . / And / deed / another / again / one / I will tell you. \rf jod 1890:717.10 \op Eýskana edaýdoü iüýtexi ke wathiýshnaxti witoüýbe uthuýwikieý koübtheýgoü. Eýskana \tr Oh that / what / difficult for me / the «coll.»? / very plainly / I see you / I talk to you about it / I hope. / Oh that \rf jod 1890:717.11 \op eneýgoüxti iütheýshkaxe koübtheýgoü. Edeý teýdoü ebtheýgoü aýwinaý'oü taý miüke. \tr just so you think / you do for me / I hope. / What will he say? «a soliloquy» / I think / I will hear from you. \rf jod 1890:717.12 \op eýskana iýe te niýze koübtheýgoü. Shoüý edeýshe ki, uxtheýxchi gthiýthathe tat eýskoü \tr Oh that / word / the «ob.» / you take it / I hope. / And / what you say / if, / very soon / you cause to return hither / shall / so \rf jod 1890:717.13 \op oüthoüýthai. \tr we think. \rf jod 1890:717.14 \ti @{Miüxaý-ska} to @{Maza-nap'iü}, a Yankton. \dt January 25, 1879 \op Negiýha, shubtheý taý miüke. Ki witoüýge shti iüýnoühaý shti watoüýbe koüýbtha. \tr Mother's brother, / I will go to you. / And / my sister / too / my mother / too / I see them / I wish. \rf jod 1890:719.1 \op Oüýba goüý oüwoüýxpani goüý witoüýbe koüýbtha goüý shubtheý taý miüke. Iüýnoühaý \tr Day / as / I am poor / as / I see you / I wish / as / I will go to you. / My mother \rf jod 1890:719.2 \op t'eý te shetoüý iüdaýdi waxpaýni haýdoü witoüýbe koübthaý-xti-moüý ha. Hiüdaý, goüý \tr died / so far / my father / poor / , therefore / I see you / I have a strong desire / . / Let me see, / as \rf jod 1890:719.3 \op miüaýgthoü goüý oüwoüýxpani goüý witoüýbe koübthaý-xti-moüý ha. Ki Wiheý shti \tr I have taken a wife / as / I am poor / as / I see you / I have a strong desire / . / And / Fourth sister / too \rf jod 1890:719.4 \op iüýchoü waýthixe goüý eýgoü thanaý'oü taýi ebtheýgoü shutheýathe. Ki thatiýi teshti edaýdoü \tr now / has taken a husband / as / so / you will hear it / I think it / I send to you. / And / you came / in the past, too / what \rf jod 1890:719.5 \op abthiüý-maýzhi haýdoü thithiüýge-noü thagthaiý. Ki Umoüýhoü Badiýze shutheý taý-thiükeý, \tr I had not I / , therefore / you without any usually / you went back. / And / Omaha / Battiste / he is the one who will go to you, \rf jod 1890:719.6 \op waýwoü. Ki eýdi shubtheý taý miüke. Poüýka noüýba eýshti shatheý taý akaý. (Sheýna \tr to dance the pipe dance. / And / there / I will go to you. / Ponka / two / they too / will go of their own accord to you. / (Enough \rf jod 1890:719.7 \op eteýgoü ha. Sheýna taý aka.) \tr it may be / . / Enough / it will be.) \rf jod 1890:719.8 \ti @{Shoügeý-ska} to @{Wiyakoiü}. \dt January 27, 1879 \op Negiýha, shoüý wineýgi shti iüýt'e goüý witaýhoü shti iüýt'e goüý oüwoüýxpani \tr Mother's brother, / at any rate / my mother's too / is dead to me / as / my brother-in-law / too / is dead to me / as / I am poor \rf jod 1890:720.1 \op heýga-maýzhi. Sheý shiüýgazhiüýga paýxe thiükeý agiýtoübe koüýbtha. Oüwoüýxpani \tr I am very. / That / child / I made him / the one who / I see my own / I wish. / I am poor \rf jod 1890:720.2 \op heýga-maýzhi goüý adoüý toüýwoügthoüý thithiýta, negiýha, awaýtoübe koüýbtha. Ki \tr I am very / as / therefore / nation / your, / mother's brother, / I see them / I wish. / And \rf jod 1890:720.3 \op waxiüýha thoü shuhiý tediýhi kiý, shiüýgazhiüýga wiwiýta uthaýkie koüý. Toüýbe \tr paper / the «ob.» / reaches you / when the time arrives, / child / my / you talk to / please. / I see him \rf jod 1890:720.4 \op koüýbtha te iýnahiü ki, waxiüýha ioüýthakitheý koübtheýgoü. Shoüý wagaýzuoüthaýkithe \tr I wish / the / he is willing / if, / paper / you cause to be coming hither to me / I hope. / And / you straighten it for me \rf jod 1890:720.5 \op ki, iüwiüýthana iýthathe te. Ki theýthu niýkashiüýga thithiýta amaý atiýi ha. Ki \tr if, / you tell me / you will send hither. / And / here / people / your / the «pl. sub.» / came hither / . / And \rf jod 1890:720.6 \op oüwoüýxpani eýgoü edaýdoü wiüýaxchiýshte iüwiüýgaxa-baýzhi shagthaiý. Kiý iýe ke \tr I was poor / so / what / even one / we did not do for them / they went back to you. / And / word / the \rf jod 1890:720.7 \op zhuýazhi weýgaxe shagthaý-biama. Ki eýdi shoüý zhuýga winaýxchi shubtheý koüýbtha. Ki \tr inferior / made for us / they went back to you, it is said. / And / then / at any rate / body / I alone / I go to you / I wish. / And \rf jod 1890:720.8 \op e'oüý moüniüý shoüý nieý thithiüýge ki, shoüý uýdoüxti moüniüý ki, winaý'oü koüýbtha. \tr how / you walk / at any rate / you have no pain / if, / at any rate / very good / you walk / if, / I hear from you / I wish. \rf jod 1890:720.9 \op Shoüý ukiýt'e iütaýxataý amaý e'oüýi geý shtewoüý shoüý iýe waýgazu anaý'oü koüýbtha. \tr And / foreigners / those who are up towards the head of the river / how «pl.» / soever their affairs may be / still / word / straight / I hear it / I wish. \rf jod 1890:720.10 \op Shoüý toüýwoügthoüý thithiýta-maý shti uýshkoü e'oüý moüthiüý ki, shoüý e'oüýi geý shtewoüý \tr And / nation / those who are yours / too / deed / how / they walk / if, / at any rate / how «pl.» / soever their affairs may be \rf jod 1890:720.11 \op shoüý waýgazuýxti anaý'oü koüýbtha. \tr still / very straight / I hear it / I wish. \rf jod 1890:720.12 \ti @{Moüchuý-noüýba} to @{Wiyakoiü} \op Keý, toüshkaýha, wawiýna shutheýathe taý miüke. Moüchuý-shaýge, noübeý etaiý ge \tr Come, / sister's son, / I beg from you / I will send to you. / Grizzly bear claw, / hand / their / the «pl. in. ob.» \rf jod 1890:721.1 \op juýba aniüý ki, wabaýgtheze 'iüý-amaýdi uzhiý-adoüý edi ioüýkithaý-ga. Tiýi ki, \tr some / you have / if, / letter / where they carry them on their back / put it in and / there / send it hither to me. / It comes / if, \rf jod 1890:721.2 \op toüshkaýha, iüýthe-xti-moüý taý miüke. Waýthiüoüýthathe akiýpaxe taý miüke. Niýkashiüýga \tr sister's son / I will be greatly pleased. / You treat me as your kinsman «&i. &e. , very kindly» / I will make for myself. / People \rf jod 1890:721.3 \op sheý agthiüý miükeý guaýthishoü toüýwoügthoüý duýbahai ediýtoü iüýnai tiýthai eýdegoü \tr that / I am sitting / beyond / nation / in four places / thence «near the speaker» / to beg from me / have sent hither / but \rf jod 1890:721.4 \op oüthaý'i ki, eýta awaý'i taý miüke, aýdoü iüwiüýthakoüýxti koüýbtha ha. Awaýshkoü \tr you give it to me / if, / there / I will give to them, / therefore / you give me all possible help / I wish / . / I try \rf jod 1890:721.5 \op teýgoü sheýhe ha. Goüýki iýutha aýzhi thiügeýxtioü aýdoü uwiýbtha-maýzhi. Sheýna goüý \tr in order to / I say that / . / And then / news / different / there is none at all / therefore / I do not tell you. / Enough / as \rf jod 1890:721.6 \op wiýpaxu shutheýathe. Thiýshti e'oüý thanaýzhiü ki, uýdoü thanaýzhiü ki, winaý'oü koüýbtha. \tr I write to you / I send to you. / You too / how / you stand / if, / good / you stand / if, / I hear form you / I wish. \rf jod 1890:721.7 \ti @{Shuýde-gaýxe}, to Louis Roy and @{Moüchuý-iüsh'age}. \dt February 6, 1879 \op Shubtheý ha. Awaýnoüxthiüýxti shubtheý ha. Witoüýbe taý miüke, dadiýha. \tr I am going to you / . / I am in a great hurry / I am going to you / . / I will see you, / O father. \rf jod 1890:722.1 \op Oüýbatheý, dadiýha, iüwiüýthakoüý te haý. Oüwoüýxpaniýxti agthiüý. Niýkashiüýga \tr To-day, / O father, / you will please help me / . / I am very poor / I sit. / People \rf jod 1890:722.2 \op thithiýta thoüý bthuýga watoüýbe koüýbtha. Niýkagaýhi peýthoüba noükaýshe, wiýbthahoü \tr your / the «cv. ob.» / all / I see them / I wish. / Chief / seven / ye who are, / I pray to you \rf jod 1890:722.3 \op shutheýathai. Wanaýshe nudoüýhoüga duýba noükaýshe, wiýbthahoü shutheýathai. \tr I send to you. «pl.». / Captain of police / four / you who are, / I pray to you «pl.». \rf jod 1890:722.4 \ti Edward Esau to Joseph Esau, at Pawnee Agency. \dt February 17, 1879 \op Pahoüýgadi wawiýpaxu shutheýathe thoüýzha, wabaýgtheze xaýtha gthiýthathaýzhi. \tr Formerly / I wrote several things to you / I sent to you / though, / letter / back again / you have not sent it back. \rf jod 1890:723.1 \op Iüýchoü Poüýka amaý agthiýi ki, uthiýthai, thidoüýba-bi ai eýgoü, iýe dzhuýbaxchi \tr Now / Ponka / the «pl. sub.» / they have come back / when, / they told about you, / that he had seen you / he said / as, / word / very few \rf jod 1890:723.2 \op uwiýbtha taý miüke. Sheýthu zhuýwigthe tethoüýdi shtoüýbe tethoüý shoüshoüýxti moübthiüý \tr I will tell to you. / Yonder / when / I was with you in the past / you saw me / in the past / always / I walk \rf jod 1890:723.3 \op ha. Shoüý nieý shte oüthiüýge-xti-moüý, wa'uý wiwiýta shiüýgazhiüýga wiwiýta-maý \tr . / And / pain / even / I am really destitute of, / woman / my / child / those who are mine \rf jod 1890:723.4 \op shti. Shoüý iüýthe-xti goüý moübthiüý ha. Ki edaýdoü aýhigi abthiüý-maýzhi. \tr too. / And / I am very glad / so / I walk / . / And / what / many / I have not. \rf jod 1890:723.5 \op Oüwoüýxpani chaýbe moübthiüý. Oüýba geý shoüý witoüýbe koübthaý-xti-moüý ha. \tr I am poor / very / I walk. / Day / the «pl. in. ob.» / at any rate / I see you / I have a strong desire / . \rf jod 1890:723.6 \op Shoüý uý'oüthiügeýxti ebtheýgoü-noü-moüý ha. Ki mazhoüý weýahideýxti thanaýzhiü \tr Yet / all in vain / I usually think it / . / And / land / at a great distance / you stand \rf jod 1890:723.7 \op aýdoü, eý aýwake, witoüýbe te bthiý'a ha. Shoüý Umoüýhoü-maý washtoüýbe \tr because, / it / I mean, / I see you / the / I am unable / . / And / the Omahas / you saw them \rf jod 1890:723.8 \op shoüshoüýxtioüý iüýtoü uýdoüxti athaiý. Shoüý waxiüýha pahoüýgadi shutheýathe thoüý \tr continued all the time / now / very good / they go. / And / paper / formerly / I sent to you / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:723.9 \op gthiýazhi eýgoü, ithaýkuheýgoü iýe te dzhuýbaxchi wiýpaxe ha. Sheý wabaýgtheze xaýtha \tr has not returned / as, / as I apprehend unseen trouble / word / the / very few / I make for you / . / That / letter / back again \rf jod 1890:723.10 \op gthioüýthakitheý ki, shi iýe juýba uwiýbtha taý miüke. Shoüý uxtheýxchi iüýbaxu \tr you cause it to have returned / if, / again / word / some / I will give to you. / And / very soon / write to me \rf jod 1890:723.11 \op iýtha-ga. Winaý'oü teý koüýbtha-xti-moüý ha. \tr send it hither. / I hear from you / the / I have a strong desire / \rf jod 1890:723.12 \ti @{Pathiü-noüpazhi} to @{Niüýdahoü}, at the Ponka Agency. \dt February 22, 1879 \op Wabthiýtoü te bthiý'a-xti-moüý taý miüke, ebtheýgoü. Witoüýba-maýzhi kiýzhi, \tr I work at different thing / the / I shall utterly fail to complete it, / I think it. / I do not see you / if, \rf jod 1890:724.1 \op wathiýtoü te noüýde oüthoüýsa-maýzhi-noü-moüý. Wanoüýxthiü-xti giý-ga. Shoüý \tr work / the / heart / I am usually uneasy on account of it. / In a great haste / be returning. / And \rf jod 1890:724.2 \op uýdoüxti anaýzhiü. Shoüý edaýdoü iýutha thiügeý eýgoü. Wathiýtoü te enaýxti uhiýtazhiwaýthe, \tr very good / I stand. / And / what / news / there is none / so. / Work / the it only / causing impatient or anxious looking for results, \rf jod 1890:724.3 \op aýdoü wanoüýxthiüxti thagthiý koübtheýgoü. Theýaka thitaýhoü akaýshti \tr therefore / making great haste / you come back / I hope. / This one «sub.» / your brother-in-law / the «sub.», too \rf jod 1890:724.4 \op wathiýsniüdaiý aýdoü noüýde giýpi-baýzhii ha. Gaýthoü waxiüýha shuhiý teýdi, \tr you «pl.» are tardy / therefore / heart / is bad for him / . / That «ob.» / paper / reaches you / when, \rf jod 1890:724.5 \op shkiý shkoüýna kiýzhi, waxiüýha wanoüýxthiüxti gioüýkithaý-ga. Shoüý uýdoüxti \tr you are returning / you desire / if, / paper / making great haste / you send it back to me. / And / very good \rf jod 1890:724.6 \op nieý thiügeý goü anaýzhiü, nuýzhiügaý shti woüýgithe uýdoüxti iüýnazhiüýi. \tr without pain / so / I stand, / boy / too / all / very good / they stand for me. \rf jod 1890:724.7 \ti @{Moüchuý-noüýba} to @{Ishtaýthabi} \op Iýe dzhuýbaxchi shutheýwikitheý taý miüke ha. Uaýwa'iý taý amaý eýde iýshpahoüýzhi. \tr Word / very few / I will cause some one to take to you / . / They will give things to us / but / you do not know it. \rf jod 1890:725.1 \op Teýska juýba wa'iý 'ithaiý, teýska niýta wa'iý 'ithaiý, wanaýgthe oüwoüýgathiü taý-bi \tr Oxen / some / they have promised to give to us, / oxen / alive / they have promised to give to us, / domestic animals / that we may keep them \rf jod 1890:725.2 \op koübtheýgoü. Sheýhi shti juýba wa'iý 'ithaýi, eý iýshpahoü wiýkoübtha ha. Shaoüý \tr I hope. / Apple tree / too / some / they have promised to give to us, / that / you know it / I desire for you / . / Dakota \rf jod 1890:725.3 \op amaý theýama toüýwoügthoüý saýtoü wadoüýbe goüýthai. Poüýka uýthixe abthiüý \tr the «pl. sub.» / these / nation / five / to see them / they wish. / Ponka / refugee / I have \rf jod 1890:725.4 \op iüsh'aýge iüýt'e. Gatoüýadi edaýdoü iýnigthoüý te niýshtoü teýiüte, giýi-ga. Thagthiýazhi \tr old man / is dead for me. / Now, at last / what / you planned / the / you have finished / shall, if, / return ye. / You do not come back \rf jod 1890:725.5 \op ki uýwa'i te uthuýthithiüýge tateý ebtheýgoü. Poüýka shti juýba agiý amaý. \tr if / they issue them / the / shall not be sufficient to give you a share / I think it. / Ponka / too / some / are returning, / it is said. \rf jod 1890:725.6 \op Moüchuý-naýzhiü agiýi ha. Agthiý tediýhi ki, wathiýtoü taý amaý ha. \tr Standing Grizzly bear / is returning / . / He has returned / by the time that / they will act in his case \rf jod 1890:725.7 \ti Richard Rush to @{Unaýzhiü-ska} \op Tigoüýha, iýe dzhuýbaxchi wiýpaxu ha. Ki iüýudoüý-xti-moüý ha. \tr Grandfather, / word / very few / I write to you / . / And / I am doing very well / . \rf jod 1890:725.8 \op Kiýzhi Poüýka tiý juýba agthiýi. Theýama Umoüýhoü amaý e'oüý weýgaxe taiýte \tr «paragraph» / Ponka / lodge / some / have returned. / These / Omaha / the «pl. sub.» / how / they shall do to them \rf jod 1890:725.9 \op shetoüý waýgazuý-shtewoüýzhi. Moüchuý-naýzhiü akaý zhuýwagthe agthiýi. Waýxe theýthu \tr so far / is by no means certain. / Standing Grizzly bear / the «sub.» / he with them / they have returned. / White man / here \rf jod 1890:725.10 \op ti thiüý tiý tediýhi kiýzhi, waýgazu tateý ha. Ki wabaýgtheze wiýna thoü \tr he who has come and is mv. / he has come / it reaches there / when, / it shall be straight / . / And / letter / I have begged from you / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:726.1 \op koüýbtha-xti-moüý ha. Waýgazu iütheýshkaxe koübtheýgoü. Moüýzeskaý shti shetoüý \tr I desire it greatly / . / Straight / you do for me / I hope. / Money / too / so far \rf jod 1890:726.2 \op bthiýza-maýzhi, aýdoü waweýshi oüthiüýge ha. Ki shoüýzhiüga thaoüýna thagtheý toü \tr I have not received, / therefore / pay / I have none / . / And / colt / you abandoned when you went back / the «std. ob.» \rf jod 1890:726.3 \op e'oüý shkaýxe ki, anaý'oü koüýbtha. Uxtheý waiüýbaxuý-ga. \tr how / you do / if, / I hear it / I wish. / Soon / write to me about the things. \rf jod 1890:726.4 \ti @{Pathiü-noüpazhi} to @{Muüche-xaüche}, an Oto. \op Thatiý 'iýthathe te, iý-azhi-ga. Oüwoüýxpani heýga-maýzhi. Eýgithe thatiý ki, u'oüýthiügeýxti \tr You have spoken of coming / the, / do not come. / I am very poor. / Beware / you come / if, / all in vain \rf jod 1890:726.5 \op thatiý te. Noüýde thiýpezhiýxti thagtheý ki wiýshti eýgoü noüýde iüthiüýudoü-maýzhi \tr you come / lest. / Heart / very sad for you / you go back / if / I too / so heart / not good for me on account of it \rf jod 1890:726.6 \op ithaýnahiü-maýzhi. Shoüý waýxe, "Wakiýgthitoüýi-ga," ai eýgoü, aýakihiýde; wathiýtoü \tr I am not willing. / And / white people, / Work for yourselves! / said / having, / I pay attention to it; / work \rf jod 1890:726.7 \op tenaýxti asiýthe ha. \tr only the / I think of it / \rf jod 1890:726.8 \ti @{Huýpetha} to Inspector J. H. Hammond \op Kageýha, oüniýta tai eýgoü niýta wetheýshkoünaý uaýwathaýgishnaiý. Oügiýsithai \tr My friend, / we live / in order that / to live / you wished for us / you told us. / We have remembered it \rf jod 1890:727.1 \op oüýb ithaýugthe. Wakoüýda thiükeý hiýdadi tiý eýgoü, uýawathaýkiaiý. Wazhiüýwaskaý-xti \tr through the day. / God / the one who / down to the bottom / had come hither / as, / you talked to us. / We are very sensible \rf jod 1890:727.2 \op eýgoü washkaýxe. Niýkashiüýga akaý waweýthigthoüý akaý kaýshi heýga-baýzhi; maýthe \tr so / you made us. / Person / the «coll. sub.» / ruler / the «coll. sub.» / [+those who «coll.» give directions] / a long while / not a little; / winter \rf jod 1890:727.3 \op gtheýba-thaýbthiü ki eýdi peýthabthiü waweýthigthoüýi; eýde uheý oügaýthe taiý iýbahoü-baýzhi, \tr thirty / and besides / eight / they have ruled over us; / but / the path / we will go along / they have not known, \rf jod 1890:727.4 \op uaýwagitha-baýzhi. 'Aýgtha-xti oüýthiü thatiý. Thatiý eýgoü, uaýwathaýginaiý te oünaý'oüi. \tr they have not told us. / Suffering greatly / we were / you came hither. / You came hither / as, / you have told us / the / we have heard it. \rf jod 1890:727.5 \op Uaýwathaýginaiý te woüýgitheýxti thizaý-baýzhi shteýshtewoü oüthoüýgaskoüýthe toüýgatoü. \tr You have told us / the / all / have not received it / even though / we will try it. \rf jod 1890:727.6 \op Niýkashiüýga akaý theýaka waweýthigthoüý akaý noüshtoüýi te eýbe uýwagithaý ki, na'oüý \tr Person / the «sub.» / this / those «coll.» who give directions / they stop walking / the / who / to tell them / if, / hear \rf jod 1890:727.7 \op tai eýdoü, oüthoüýthai. Ki thiý uýwathaýginaý tediýhi kiýzhi, na'oüý iüwiüýgoüthaiý. Ki \tr apt? «in soliloquy», / we think. / And / you / you tell us / on its arrival / when, / to hear it / we desire for them. / And \rf jod 1890:727.8 \op niýkashiüýga amaý waýxe-masheý shti toüýwoügthoüý thanaýzhiü geý waweýthigthoüý thiügeý \tr person / the «pl. sub.» / ye white people / too / nation «&or city» / you stand / the «pl. in. ob.» / ruler / none \rf jod 1890:727.9 \op ki, waýgazu-baýzhi te ha. Ki toüýwoügthoüý oüýgatoü waweýthigthoü wathiüýgai ki, \tr if, / they will not be straight / . / And / nation / we who stand / ruler / we have none / if, \rf jod 1890:727.10 \op waýgazu-oüýthiü-baýzhi taiteý eýskoü oüthoüýthai. Aýdoü niýkashiüýga juýba wazhiüýskaxchi \tr we shall not be straight / we think that probably. / Therefore / person / some / very sensible \rf jod 1890:727.11 \op washkoüýtoügaýxti mazhoüý thoüýdi iýe eýna'oü etaiý kiýzhi, weaýthagishkaýxai koüý \tr very strong / land / in the / word / they listen to it / ought / if, / you make it for us / we \rf jod 1890:727.12 \op oüthoüýthai. \tr hope. \rf jod 1890:727.13 \ti @{Pathiü-noüpazhi} to Inspector Hammond \op Niýkashiüýga duýba, saýtoü, shaýpe doüýshteoüýi, aýhigi ukiýkie, eýdi washkoüýtoüga \tr Person / four, / five, / six / it may be «?», / much / they talk together, / then / strong \rf jod 1890:728.1 \op edaýdoü gaýxai, eýgoü oügoüýthai. Woüýgathiü ki, iýe oüwoüýgaginaý'oü taiý, aýdoü \tr what / they do, / so / we wish. / We have them / if, / word / we obey them, our own, / will «pl.», / therefore \rf jod 1890:728.2 \op geý te oügoüýthai. \tr what has been specified «?» / we wish it. \rf jod 1890:728.3 \ti @{Mazi-kide} to Inspector Hammond \op Thati teýdi iýwipahoü-maýzhi, zhiütheýha. Uýwathakieý-meýdegoü iýe thiýta te anaý'oü; \tr You came / when / I did not know you, / O elder brother. / Since you have spoken to us / word / your / the / I have heard; \rf jod 1890:728.4 \op noüýde iüthiüýudoü. Ki theý-ma niýkashiüýga juýba wathiýtoü wetheýshkoünaý-meýdegoü \tr heart / mine is good by means of it. / And / these «pl. ob.» / person / some / to work / as you have wished «for» them «pl. ob.» \rf jod 1890:728.5 \op witiýgoü meýgoü, eýdueýhe. Ki niýkashiüýga theýama, niýkagaýhi-ma moünoüýthiü, \tr my grandfather / likewise, / I belong to. / And / person / these, / the chiefs / have made mistakes, \rf jod 1890:728.6 \op wathiýtoü-ma theýama niýkashiüýga juýba wathiýtoü goüýthai-ma eýdueýhe. Eýde \tr the ones who work / these / person / some / those who wish to work / I belong to. / But \rf jod 1890:728.7 \op umoüýthiüka noüýba iüýchoü iýnitawaýthe iýbahoüýi; siý masaýni thizeý athaiý. \tr season / two / now / «what is» favorable to live / they know; / foot / on one side / taking it / they go. \rf jod 1890:728.8 \ti @{Waxpe-sha} to @{Unaýzhiü-ska}. \dt March 24, 1879 \op Negiýha, wabaýgtheze bthiýze ki, noüýde iüthiüýudoüý-xti-moüý. Negiýha, \tr Mother's brother, / letter / I received / when, / heart / mine was very good by means of it. / Mother's brother, \rf jod 1890:729.1 \op wizhiüýthe niýta, wakeýga te giniüý. Eýskana iýthae te bthuýga eýgoü shkaýxe \tr my elder brother / lives, / sick / the / he has recovered from. / Oh that / you spoke / the / all / so / you do \rf jod 1890:729.2 \op koübtheýgoü. Hneý tethoüýdi noüýde iüýpi-maýzhi. Ki iüýtoü oüýka-maýzhi. Shoüý \tr I hope. / You went in the past / heart / bad for me. / And / now / I am not so. / And \rf jod 1890:729.3 \op Poüýka amaý edaýdoü giýtexiýxti wiüý aýkipaiý, waýxe wanaýshe oüýbatheýxchi \tr Ponka / the «pl. sub.» / what / very difficult for / one / have met it, / white soldiers / this very day \rf jod 1890:729.4 \op waýthiü athaiý: Moüchuý-naýzhiü, Kaýxe-niý-thatoüý, Teý-sigtheý, Shyu-iý-hnoü, Wathiýxe-kaýshi, \tr have taken them away: / @{Moüchuý-naýzhiü}, / Kaxe-ni-thata~, / Buffalo Tracks, / Prairie chicken is coming, / Runs a long time, \rf jod 1890:729.5 \op Moüchuý-daýthiü, Shoügeý-hiü-ziý. Buthiýte izhiüýge thaýzhi, ihoüý akaý Thuzaýthi gthiýzai eýgoü. \tr Foolish Grizzly bear. / Horse with yellow hair. / Charles Pepin / his son / did not go, / his mother / the «sub.» / Rosalie / having taken him from her own. \rf jod 1890:729.6 \op Wamuýske uaýzhi üthiýshtoü ki, Wathuýtada watoüýbe btheý teýiüke, negiýha. Shoü \tr Wheat / I sow / I finish / when, / Oto / I see them / I may go, / O mother's brother. / And \rf jod 1890:729.7 \op oüýba ithaýugthe eýta thanaýzhiü koübtheýgoü. Washkoüý-ga. Wanaýshe thiýthize taiý, \tr day / through / there / you stand / I hope. / Make an effort. / Soldier / they will take you, \rf jod 1890:729.8 \op ebtheýgoü. Shuýde-gaýxe, wineýgi, witiými meýgoü, wakeýga-baýzhi ki, awaýna'oü \tr I think it. / Smoke-maker, / my mother's brother, / my father's sister / likewise, / not sick / if, / I hear about them \rf jod 1890:729.9 \op koüýbtha. Ishtaýthabi akaý Waýthutaýdata waýwoüi ahiýi, shoüýge shaýpe-noüýba \tr I wish. / @{Ishtaýthabi} / the «sub.» / to the Otos / to dance the pipe-dance / reached there, / horse / twelve \rf jod 1890:729.10 \op waýthiü agthiýi. \tr he has brought them back. \rf jod 1890:729.11 \ti @{Moüchuý-noüýba} to @{Wiyakoiü} \dt April 3, 1879 \op Shoüý, toüshkaýha, uaýgthashiýge shutheýathe taý miüke. Ki oüwoüýxpani eheý \tr And, / sister's son, / I complain of my own / I will send to you. / And / I am poor / I said \rf jod 1890:730.1 \op uwiýbtha-noü-moüý. Ki Hexaýga-moüýthiü maýthadi shoüý wadoüýbe atiýi, ki \tr I usually told you. / And / Walking Elk / last winter / at any rate / to see us / came, / and \rf jod 1890:730.2 \op oüwoüýxpani eheý eýgoü, shoüýshoü waxpaýni te shugtheý. Goüýki Hexaýga-moüýthiü \tr I am poor / I said / as, / always / poor / the / he went back to you. / And / Walking Elk \rf jod 1890:730.3 \op amaý oükoüýtoüi shagthaiý, toüshkaýha. Ki wituýshpa oüýba atoüýki oüýthishke teýdoü, \tr the «mv. sub.» / tied me / they went back to you, / O sister's son. / And / my grandchild / day / when «fut.» / he loose me / will? «in soliloquy», \rf jod 1890:730.4 \op ebtheýgoü anaýzhiü shoüýshoü taý miüke. Sheýna, toüshkaýha, iýe uaýgthashiýge shutheýathe. \tr I think it / I stand / always / will / I who. / Enough, / O sister's son, / word / I complain of my own / I send to you. \rf jod 1890:730.5 \op Ahauý. Shaoüý-xti-maýta shiý teýdi edaýdoü iýe uthuýthikiaiý eýiüte anaý'oü \tr «paragraph» / To the real Dakotas / you went / when / what / word / they spoke to you about / if / I hear it \rf jod 1890:730.6 \op koüýbtha. Shoüý edaýdoü uwiýbtha te thiügeý eýgoü ha. Shoüý iýutha thiügeý shti \tr I wish. / And / what / I tell you / the / there is none / so / . / And / news / none / too \rf jod 1890:731.1 \op anaýzhiü. Poüýka theý Moüchuý-naýzhiü gthiý eýde wanaýshe amaý agiýatiý eýgoü, \tr I stand. / Ponka / this / Standing Grizzly bear / came back / but / soldier / the «pl. sub.» / came for him / as, \rf jod 1890:731.2 \op Umoüýhoü toüýwoügthoü thoüýdi waýthiü agthaiý. Ki e'oüý giaýxai taiteý shetoüý \tr Omaha / city / to the / they took them back. / And / how / they shall do to them / so far \rf jod 1890:731.3 \op ithaýpahoü-maýzhi: agiý taiteý shti ithaýpahoü-maýzhi, shi Poüýka mazhoüý thoütaý \tr I do not know: / they shall be returning / too / I do not know, / again / Ponka / land / to the \rf jod 1890:731.4 \op waýthiü hiý taiteý shti ithaýpahoü-maýzhi. Ki, "Iüwiüýkoü-ga," aýzhi eýgoü, ueýkoü-maýzhi: \tr they shall take them thither / too / I do not know. / And, / Help me! / as he did not say, / I did not help him: \rf jod 1890:731.5 \op eý iüýtha-maýzhi te. Iýutha uwiýbtha shutheýathe Umoüýhoü ti peýthoüba gaxthoüý \tr that / I am sad for / the. / News / I tell you / I send to you. / Omaha / lodge / seven / migrating \rf jod 1890:731.6 \op athaiý eýde, agthiý-baýzhi shoüýshoü. Paýthiüaýta juýba gaxthoüý athaiý eýde shetoüý \tr went / but, / they have not returned / always. / To the Pawnees / some / migrating / went / but / so far \rf jod 1890:731.7 \op agthiý-baýzhi. Iýutha piýazhiýxti iüýchoü anaý'oü. Hiýdeaýta Waýthutaýda tiýi thoüý \tr they have not returned. / News / very bad / now / I have heard. / Down the stream / Oto / the village \rf jod 1890:731.8 \op guaýthishoüýta diýxe wakeýga eýgoü-bi; zhuýga xthiýxthi, aýhigi t'aý-biamaý. Thiaýdi \tr beyond / it is said that they have the small-pox; / body / broken out in running sores, / many / have died, it is said. / Your father \rf jod 1890:731.9 \op makoüý iwoüýxekithaý-ga, waýxe amaýdi. Zeýthithaiý ki, diýxe eýthigoü-baýzhi taiý. \tr medicine / cause him to ask about it, / among the white people. / They prescribe for you / if, / you will not have the small-pox. \rf jod 1890:731.10 \op Oüguýshti Umoüýhoü amaý eaýwagoü toüýgatoü, makoüý oüthoüýkiwoüýxe toüýgatoü. \tr We too / Omaha / the «pl. sub.» / we will be so, / medicine / we will ask about it for ourselves. \rf jod 1890:731.11 \op Poüýka iüsh'aýge wiüý abthiüý eýde t'eýe ha. Wasaýbe-xthaý izhaýzhe athiüý. Shuýde-gaýxe \tr Ponka / old man / one / I had / but / he is dead / . / Black bear lean / his name / he had. / Smoke-maker \rf jod 1890:731.12 \op uiýtha-ga. Shi iýe edaýdoü uwiýbtha ke thuýtoüxti uwiýbtha shutheýathe. \tr tell it to him! / Again / word / what / I tell to you / the / very correctly / I tell it to you / I send to you. \rf jod 1890:731.13 \op Waxiüýha gaýthoü niýze ki, uxtheý gioüýkithaý-ga. \tr Paper / that / you receive it / when, / soon / send it back. \rf jod 1890:731.14 \ti @{Pathiü-noüpazhi} to @{Muüche-xaüche} \op Oüwoüýwataý shte uaýgashoü-maýzhi, aýdoü shoüýge oüthiüýge, oüwoüýxpani ha. \tr In any direction whatever / I have not traveled, / therefore / horse / I have none, / I am poor / . \rf jod 1890:732.1 \op Iý-azhi-ga haý. Eýgithe 'oüýthiügeýxti uthaýgashoü thatiý te. Thiýthazhiýxti thagtheý ithaýnahiü-maýzhi. \tr Do not be coming / ! / Beware / altogether in vain / you travel / you come / lest. / You are very sad / you go back / I am not willing. \rf jod 1890:732.2 \op Niýkashiüýga juýba ikaýgeawaýthe thoüýzha, wathiýtoü aýkihiýdai eýgoü, \tr Person / some / I have them for friends / though, / word / they attend to / as, \rf jod 1890:732.3 \op niýashiüýga ukeýthiü uýshkoü etaiý te gaýxe oügoüýtha-baýzhi. Aýdoü iý-azhi-ga haý. Sheýna. \tr Indian / common / deed / their / the / to do / we do not wish. / Therefore / do not be coming / ! / Enough. \rf jod 1890:732.4 \ti @{Toüwoü-gaxe-zhiüga} to @{Mawataüna} \op Shoü goüý mazhoüý thoüý bthiýtoü eýde edaýdoü bthuýga uaýzhi bthiýshtoü ki, Ihoük*toüwiüý \tr At any rate / land / the «ob.» / I have worked / but / what / all / I plant them / I finish / when, / Yankton \rf jod 1890:733.1 \op tiýi toüýbe teý, ebtheýgoü. Shoüý Ihoük*toüwiüý tiý guaýthishoüý Shaoüý aýzhithoüthoüý \tr village / I will see it, / I think it. / And / Yankton / village / beyond / Dakota / different ones \rf jod 1890:733.2 \op watoüýbe koüýbtha. Shoüý thisoüýga, Uýxth eteýgoü, shoüýge tiýuzhi shoüý \tr I see them / I wish. / And / your younger brother, / To overtake «a foe» / apt, / horse / houseful / in fact \rf jod 1890:733.3 \op hoüýdoü shoüýge saýtoü giýnathiüýge, weý'iü, kuýkusiý shti, bthuýga giýnathiüýge. \tr at night / horse / five / he lost by fire, / plow, / hog / too, / all / he lost by fire. \rf jod 1890:733.4 \op Thanaý'oü teýgoü uwiýbtha shutheýathe. Shoüý goüý-noü shupiý te ebtheýgoü uwiýbtha \tr You hear it / in order that / I tell it to you / I send to you. / And / at any rate «?» / I will reach you / I think it / I tell you \rf jod 1890:733.5 \op shutheýathe. Shoüý niýashiüýga juýba nuýzhiüga waýgazuýxti Ihoük*toüwiüý ikaýgeoüwoüýthai \tr I send to you. / And / person / some / boy / very straight / Yankton / we have them for friends \rf jod 1890:733.6 \op wagiýtap'eýxti zhuaýwagthe. Oüýshte-noüý tiý wiwiýta uaýgipeý shugtheý. \tr being very near to them, my kindred / I was with them. / Usually, as it were / house / my own / I enter my own / I return to you. \rf jod 1890:733.7 \op Uxtheýxti waxiüýha ge wiüý ioüýkithaý-ga. Niýashiüýga-ma e'oüýi ki, iüwiüýtha-ga \tr Very soon / paper / the «pl. in. ob.» / one / send hither to me! / The people / how they are / if, / tell me. \rf jod 1890:733.8 \op Waýgazuýxti iüwiüýtha iýtha-ga. \tr Very straight / to tell me / send hither! \rf jod 1890:733.9 \ti @{Huýpetha} to A. B. Meacham \op Kageýha, uýshkoü uaýwathagishnaý tiýthathaiý te oügaýxai. Wathiýtoü e'oüý shkaýxai \tr My friend, / deed / you told to us / you have sent hither / the / we have done it. / Work / how / you «pl.» do it. \rf jod 1890:734.1 \op ge oüthoüýgaskoüýthai, oüthiýshtoüi. Niýkashiüýga oüýgathiüý pahoüýga Wakoüýda \tr the «pl. in. ob.» / we have attempted, / we have finished. / Person / we who are / before / God \rf jod 1890:734.2 \op akaý zhuýt'oü waýxai te edaýdoü shtewoüý oüthoüýbahoü-baýzhi. Kageýha, wathiýtoü te \tr the «sub.» / made us have bodies / the / what / soever / we did not know. / My friend, / work / the \rf jod 1890:734.3 \op oüýbatheýxchi oüthiýshtoüi te uwiýbtha shutheýathe. Niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü oüýgathiüý uýshkoü \tr this very day / we have finished / the / I tell it to you / I send to you. / Indian / common / we who are / deed \rf jod 1890:734.4 \op thithiýta uýdoü shtewoüý iýbahoü-baýzhi, oüguý-shnoü oüthoüýbahoü, Umoüýhoü oüýgatoü. \tr your / good / soever / they know not, / only we / we know it, / we who are Omahas. \rf jod 1890:734.5 \op Kageýha, niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü ushteý-ma giýtha-bazhiý-xti-noüý shoüý oüýba ithaýugthe, \tr My friend, / Indian / common / the others / are usually very sad / yet / day / throughout, \rf jod 1890:734.6 \op kageýha, giýthazhi-meýde oüguiýhazhi oügoüýthai. Eýskana uaýwakoü koüý oüthoüýthai. \tr my friend, / those who have been sad / we do not follow / we wish. / Oh that / they help us / we hope. \rf jod 1890:734.7 \op Niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü oüýgathiüý waýthaha oüguýtai ge aýthaha shtewoüý goüýtha-baýzhi \tr Indian / common / we who are / clothing / our / the «pl. in. ob.» / to wear clothing / at all / they do not wish \rf jod 1890:734.8 \op waýxe amaý. Ki, waýxe-maýshe, edaýdoü ashniüý ge bthuýga oügoüýthai. Pahoüýga teýdi \tr white people / the «pl. sub.». / And, / O ye white people! / what / you have / the «pl. in. ob.» / all / we desire. / Formerly \rf jod 1890:734.9 \op ugaýhanapazeýxti oüguýmoüthiüý-noü shoüýshoü, niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü oümoüýthiü \tr in great darkness / we were always walking, / Indian / common / we walked \rf jod 1890:734.10 \op teýdi. Ki oüýbatheýxchi oüthiýdoübaiý teýdi, oüýba uýdoüxti weýahideýxti \tr when. / And / this very day / we have seen you / when, / day / very good / to a very great distance \rf jod 1890:734.11 \op oüguýthixiýde eaýwagoüýi. Waýxe-maýshe, mazhoüý niýuthuoüýda theý niýkashiüýga \tr we look to a distance / we are so. / O ye white people! / land / island / this / Indian \rf jod 1890:734.12 \op ukeýthiü-ma Wakoüýda akaý ueýtawaýkithai. Wiýugaýshe shtewoüý oüthiýgaxa-baýzhi. \tr the common ones «pl. ob.» / God / the «sub.» / caused them to own it. / In the way / in the least / we did not regard you. \rf jod 1890:735.1 \op Nitoüýga masaýni ke mazhoüý uthuýthikithiüýgai thoüý mazhoüý wiwiýta thoüý thatiý. \tr Big Water / other side / the / land / it did not hold out for you «all» / the / land / my / the / you come hither. \rf jod 1890:735.2 \op Ki thaniýta tai eýgoü mazhoüý wiwiýta thoü thatiý eýgoü, thaniýtai. Mazhoüý wiwiýta \tr And / you live / in order that / land / my / the / you having come hither, / you live. / Land / my \rf jod 1890:735.3 \op thoü thatiý teýdi, shoüýge-ma shiüýxti watoüýbe-noü-moüý, teýska shte shiüýxti \tr the / you have come / when, / the horses / very fat / I have usually seen them, / oxen / too / very fat \rf jod 1890:735.4 \op watoüýbe-noü-moüý, wamuýske uzhiý geý shti, weýgoüze gtheýba-duýba, gtheýba-saýtoü, \tr I have usually seen them, / wheat / sown / the «pl. in. ob.» / too, / measure / forty, / fifty, \rf jod 1890:735.5 \op uzhiý-noüi geý watoüýbe, mazhoüý wiwiýta thoüýdi. Watoüýzi geý shti gtheýba-duýba \tr they usually sowed / the «pl. in. ob.» / I have seen them, / land / my / in the. / Corn / the «pl. in. ob.» / too / forty \rf jod 1890:735.6 \op uzhiý-noüi watoüýbe; noüýza geý shti uýdoüxti gthiüý; shoüýge tiý geý shti uýdoüxti, \tr they usually planted / I have seen; / fence / the «pl. in. ob.» / too / very good / sit; / horse / house / the «pl. in. ob.» / too / very good, \rf jod 1890:735.7 \op tiý-ugthiüý geý shti, uýdoü gthiüý; kuýkusi wiüaýxchi gtheýba-saýtoü shteoüýi: mazhoüý \tr dwelling-house / the «pl. in. ob.» / too, / good / sit; / hog / one / fifty / perhaps: / land \rf jod 1890:735.8 \op wiwiýta thoü iýkikaýxai waýxe amaý. Githexti-noü shoüýshoüi. Wiý iüýtha-maýzhi-noü \tr my / the / have made for themselves by means of it / white people / the «pl. sub.». / They are usually very glad / always. / I / I am sad usually \rf jod 1890:735.9 \op shoüýshoü bthiüý. Iüýchoüxchi iüýthe ha, aýdoü wawiýpaxu shutheýathe. Iüwiüýthakoü \tr always / I am. / Just now / I am glad / , / therefore / I write several things to you. / I send to you. / You help me \rf jod 1890:735.10 \op koübtheýgoü. Iüwiüýthakoü kiýzhi, iüýthe-noü shoüýshoü eteýgoü. Niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü-ma \tr I hope. / You help me / if, / I am usually glad / always / apt. / Indian / the common ones \rf jod 1890:735.11 \op waniýta piýazhiýxti te thiüý eýkigoüýxti washkaýxai, waýxe-maýshe. Tenaý! wamiý \tr quadruped / very bad / will / the «mv. an. ob.» / just like it / you make us, / O ye white people. / Fie! / blood \rf jod 1890:735.12 \op eoüýthikigoüýi: xiüýha-skaý thiaýxai, xiüha-zhiýde waýxai. Pahoüýga teýdi edaýdoü \tr we are like you: / white skin / he made you, / red skin / he made us. / Formerly / what \rf jod 1890:735.13 \op shtewoüý oüthoüýbahoü-baýzhi, iüýtoü uýshkoü thithiýtai ge oüthoüýthibahoüýi. Uýshkoü \tr soever / we did not know, / now / deed / your / the «pl. in. ob.» / we know you by means of them. / Deed \rf jod 1890:735.14 \op thithiýtai ge oüthoüýthibahoüýi teýdi, uýshkoü thithiýtai geý oüthoüýguthiheý oügoüýthai. \tr your / the «pl. in. ob.» / we know you by means of them / when, / deed / your / the «pl. in. ob.» / we follow you in them / we wish. \rf jod 1890:735.15 \op Oüthoüýguthiheý toüýgatoü ha. Oüthoüýnit etaiý te wiüý uaýwagithaýi-ga, \tr We will follow you in them / . / We may improve by means of / the «things» / one / tell it to us, \rf jod 1890:735.16 \op waýxe-maýshe. E'oüý iýthigiuýdoüi geý wiüý uaýwagithaýi-ga, kageýha. Xtoüýthithe \tr O ye white people. / How / they are for your good / the «pl. in. ob.» / one / tell to us, / my friend. / We love you \rf jod 1890:735.17 \op heýga-baýzhi, kageýha. Niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü juýba mashteý mazhoüý keýta hiý eýde \tr not a little, / my friend. / Indian / common / some / warm / land / to the / reached / but \rf jod 1890:735.18 \op gthiý. Giýtha-baýzhi chaýbe, niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü. Watoüýbe, Poüýka thoükaý. Tenaý! \tr have come back. / They are sad / very, / Indian / common. / I have seen them, / Ponka / the ones who. / Fie! \rf jod 1890:736.1 \op uýshkoü thithiýta iýbahoü doüýbe goüýthai thoükaý eaýtoü t'eý wetheýshkoünaiý a. \tr deed / your / to know / to see / they wish / the ones who / why / to die / do you wish for them / ? \rf jod 1890:736.2 \op Wakoüýda thiükeý wiý eýskana iýe thanaý'oüi ediý-mashi, Wakoüýda thiükeý iýe \tr God / the one who / I / oh that / word / you hear it / O you who are there, / God / the one who / word \rf jod 1890:736.3 \op eýthanaý'oü-bazhiýxtioüýi. Wathaý'etheý shte iýshpahoü-baýzhi eýskoübtheýgoü, waýxe-maýshe. \tr you do not obey him at all. / Pity / even / you do not know it / it may be, I think it, / O ye white people. \rf jod 1890:736.4 \op Niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü thoükaý wakiýgthitoüýxti goüýthai eýde waýnikuýwiüxe waýniü \tr Indian / common / the ones who / to work hard for themselves / they wished / but / you have led them around / you have kept them \rf jod 1890:736.5 \op Poüýka thoükaý. Waxiüýha shuhiý teýdi, waxiüýha-gaýwa baxuý-de shoüý mazhoüý \tr Ponka / the ones who / Paper / reaches you / when, / paper spread open / written when / and / land \rf jod 1890:736.6 \op bthuýga uthiý'ai te, goüýki wiüý ioüýkithaý-ga. \tr whole / scattered in / the, / and then / one / send hither to me! \rf jod 1890:736.7 \ti John Springer to John Primeau. \dt April 26, 1879 \op Kageýha, shoüýge toü shetoüý iýkikaýwiüaýtha-maýzhi. Shoüýge toüý xthaý eýde iüýchoü \tr My friend, / horse / the «std. an. ob.» / so far / I have not bartered. / Horse / the «std. an. ob.» / lean / but / now \rf jod 1890:737.1 \op shiü theý ha. Ki iüýchoü wabthiýtoü heýga-maýzhi, weýbthiüwiü-maýzhi teýiüke. Bthiýshtoü \tr fat / goes / . / And / now / I have plenty of work, / I may not sell. / I finish it \rf jod 1890:737.2 \op ki, shoüýge iýkikaýwiüaýthe taý miüke. Iüýchoü tiýuzhiý oüguýtai nieý thiügeý, uýdoüxti \tr when, / horse / I will trade. / Now / household / our / pain / has none, / very good \rf jod 1890:737.3 \op oünaýzhiü. Ki Ihoük*toüwiüý tiýi thoütaý shneý wiýkoübtha. Shiüýgazhiüýga wiwiýta eýta \tr we stand. / And / Yankton / village / to the / you go / I wish for you. / Child / my / there \rf jod 1890:737.4 \op shtoüýbe neý wiýkoübtha. Ki Moüchuý-naýzhiü ithaýmaxe te uýshkoü e'oüý ithaýpahoü-maýzhi \tr you see him / you go / I wish for you. / And / Standing Grizzly bear / I ask him a question / may deed / how / I do not know \rf jod 1890:737.5 \op ha. Wabaýgtheze shi uxtheý tioüýthakitheý koübtheýgoü, waxiüýha theý niýze ki. \tr . / Letter / again / soon / you send hither to me / I hope, / paper / this / you receive it / when. \rf jod 1890:737.6 \ti @{Oüýpoü-toüýga}, and others, to Inspector J. H. Hammond \dt May 8, 1879 \op Niýkashiüýga amaý theýama ikaýgewathaýthe Umoüýhoü uýwathakieý amathoüý shoüý \tr Indian / the «pl. sub.» / these / you have them for friends / Omaha / those whom you talked to in the past / at any rate \rf jod 1890:738.1 \op iütaýxata wagaýshoü shneý te shoüý thagthiý ithaýthipaiý eýde, thagthiýazhi eýgoü, mazhoüý ukiý \tr towards the head of the river / traveling / you went / the / still / you have returned / they have waited for you / but, / you have not returned / as, / land / home \rf jod 1890:738.2 \op thithiýta thoüýdi thakiý eýskoü etheýgoü eýgoü, uthuýthikieý goüýthai, uthiýna'oü goüýthai. \tr your / in the / you have reached home / perhaps / they think / as, / to talk to you about something / they wish, / to hear about you / they wish. \rf jod 1890:738.3 \op Kageýha, iýe wiüý uthuýthikieý goüýthai ha, uýshkoü wiüý uthuýthikieý goüýthai. Uxtheýxchi \tr My friend, / word / one / to talk to you about it / they wish / , / deed / one / to talk to you about it / they wish. / Very soon \rf jod 1890:738.4 \op wabaýgtheze wiüý iýwakithaý-ga ha. Thatiýazhi tateý ki, iýe te thi'iý shuhiýthe 'iýthai ha. \tr letter / one / send to us / . / You shall not come hither / if, / word / the / to give to you / to send thither to you / they promise / . \rf jod 1890:738.5 \ti @{Maü'e-gahi} to Louis Roy. \dt May 24, 1879 \op Umaýha-maýdi agthiý. Umaýha theýama wizhiüýthe amaý, wineýgi amaý edaýbe, \tr To the Omahas / I have returned. / Omaha / these / my elder brothers / the «pl. sub.», / my mother's brother / the «pl. sub.» / also, \rf jod 1890:739.1 \op oüýthexti oüýthiü eýgoü, iüýudoüýxtiý moübthiüý. Mazhoüý piýazhi heýgazhi, uýt'e ke \tr very gently «&or carefully» / have me / as, / very good for me / I walk. / Land / very bad, / cause of death / the «coll. ?» \rf jod 1890:739.2 \op heýga-shtewoüýzhi, mashteý heýgazhi-noüý shoüýshoü. Witoüýbe koüýbtha-xti shoüýshoü \tr far from being few, / warm / very usually / always. / I see you / I have a strong desire / always \rf jod 1890:739.3 \op moübthiüý. Wisiýthe-noü shoüýshoü. Wa'uý thithiýta ushkuýdoü goüý-adoüý awaýsithe-noü \tr I walk. / I remember you usually / always. / Woman / your / kind / as, therefore / I remember them usually \rf jod 1890:739.4 \op shoüýshoü. Hiübeý uýdoü iügaýxe- noü, aýdoü awaýsithe-noü-moüý. Thiaýdi wathaýte \tr always. / Moccasin / good / made for me usually, / therefore / I am usually thinking about them. / Your father / food \rf jod 1890:739.5 \op ukeýt'oü thoüý uthiýde uhiý zhuwiýgthe, woüýdoü uaýhi ha, goüý-adoüý wisiýthe-noü-moüý. \tr he acquired / the «ob.» / together in work / I was with you in growing, / together / I grew up / , / as, therefore / I am usually thinking of you. \rf jod 1890:739.6 \op Eýde witoüýba-maýzhi iüýtexi ithaýnahiü moübthiüý. Eduaýna eoüýtha-baýzhi te \tr But / I do not see you / hard for me / I accept it / I walk. / Antoine / not related to me / the \rf jod 1890:739.7 \op eýkigoüýxtioüý, aýdoü tiý te shtewoüý, toüýba-maýzhi, shoüý piý ha. Thitaýhoü akaý shoüýge \tr is just like it, / therefore / lodge / the «ob.» / even, / I did not see it, / I was coming back hither just so / . / Your brother-in-law / the «sub.» / horse \rf jod 1890:739.8 \op toüý thi'iý toü abthiüý pi te aiý eýde, agiýsitheý-shtewoü-maýzhi. Shoüý hoüý-imoüýthiü \tr the «std. an. ob.» / he gave it to you / the «std. an. ob.» / I am bringing it back hither / will / he said / but, / I did not think of it at all. / Just «as I was» / walking by night \rf jod 1890:739.9 \op piý ha. Uxtheýxchi witoüýbe taý miüke eteýgoü. Degoüý wabaýxu thoü niýze ki, \tr I was coming back / . / Very soon / I will see you / it is probable. / But «?» / letter / the «ob.» / you receive it / when, \rf jod 1890:739.10 \op uxtheýxchi waxiüýha gioüýthakitheý te. Edeýshe ki, shupiý taý miüke. Nuý watoüýzi \tr very soon / paper / please be sending it, back to me. / What you say / if, / I will reach you. / Potato / corn \rf jod 1890:739.11 \op edaýbe uaýzhi eýdegoü shetoüý agthiý'a. Agthiýshta ki, shupiý eteýgoü ha. Hiübeý eýskana \tr also / I have planted / but / so far / I have not finished mine. / I finish mine / when, / I reach you / it is probable / . / Moccasin / oh that \rf jod 1890:739.12 \op thigaýxthoü ithoüýoükithaiý koübtheýgoü. \tr your wife / she puts them by in order to save for me / I hope. \rf jod 1890:739.13 \ti Two Crows and others to Joseph La Flèche, at Omaha. \dt May 28, 1879 \op Sheý-ma ukiýkie weýshpahoü ki washkoüý-ga. Shoüý 'iaýwathe-noüýi ge eýskana \tr Those whom you see / talking together / you know them / when / make an effort! / And / they are usually talking about us / the «pl. in. ob.» / oh that \rf jod 1890:740.1 \op piý iýe uýdoüxti, eýskana shkaýxe koüý oüthoüýthai. Wathaýshkoü koüý oüthoüýthai. \tr anew / word / very good, / oh that / you make it / we hope. / You make an attempt / we hope. \rf jod 1890:740.2 \ti Fred. Merrick to G. W. Clother. \op Oüýbatheý wawiýpaxu shutheýathe ha. Sheýthu piý te niýkashiüýga zhuaýwagtheý akaý \tr To-day / I write to you about several things / I send to you / . / Yonder / I reached there / the / Indian / I with them / the «coll. sub.» \rf jod 1890:741.1 \op giýudoüýxtioüýi, uýdoüxti zhuaýwagthe. Mazhoüý btheý 'iaýthe thoütaý zhuaýwagthe bthaý-maýzhi. \tr it was very good for them, / very good / I was with them. / Land / I go / I promised / to the / I with them / I did not go. \rf jod 1890:741.2 \op Ki maýzhoüý theýthuaýdi agthiý tediýhi ki, wabthiýtoüxti-moüý. Ki uýshkoü eýgishe tethoüý \tr And / land / in this place / I have come back / by the time that, / I have worked. / And / deed / you said that to «some one» / in the past \rf jod 1890:741.3 \op anaý'oü koüýbtha-xti-moüý. Wahaý shkoüýna 'iýthathe tethoüý eýgoüxti gaýxa-ga. Shoüý \tr I hear it / I have a strong desire. / Animal skins / you wish for / you spoke of / in the past / just so / act! / And \rf jod 1890:741.4 \op anaý'oü koüýbtha-xti-moüý ha, uthaýket'oü tediýhi kiýzhi. Waxiüýha theý shuhiý te \tr I hear it / I have a strong desire / , / you acquire it / by the time that / if. / Paper / this / reaches you / the \rf jod 1890:741.5 \op eýskana iýe oüthaý'i 'iýthathe koübtheýgoü, uxtheýxchi. Niýkashiüýga wagaýxe eýthithiüý akaý \tr oh that / word / you give to me / you promise / I hope, / very soon. / Indian / debt / he has for you / the «sub.» \rf jod 1890:741.6 \op gisiýthai oüýba ithaýugthe. Ki oüýba witoüýbe te eýtoüdoü washtoüýbe tateý ebtheýgoü. \tr remembers it / day / through. / And / day / I see you / the / by that time / you shall see it «ob. not named» / I think it. \rf jod 1890:741.7 \op Shoüý iüýudoüxti-moüý, eýskana uxtheýxchi waxiüýha ioüýthakitheý koübtheýgoü. Ki \tr And / I am doing very well, / oh that / very soon / paper / you send hither to me / I hope. / And \rf jod 1890:741.8 \op uýthitoü t'oüý heýgazhi ha, wamuýske keý shti heýgazhi, aýdoü oüwoüýsniüdeý-xti-moüý \tr work / abounds / very much / , / wheat / the / too / very much, / therefore / I am delayed a long time \rf jod 1890:741.9 \op ha. Shi wahaý uthaýket'oü shkoüýna te haý. Ki niýkashiüýga theý shahiý akaý \tr . / Again / animal skin / you acquire / you wished / . / And / person / this / he reached you / the «coll. sub.» \rf jod 1890:741.10 \op woüýgithe uthaýket'oü thiýgoüthai. Niýkashiüýga akaý thigiýsithe-noüýi ha. Ikaýgethitheýxti \tr all / you acquire / they wish it for you. / Person / the «coll. sub.» / they are usually remembering you / . / Having you for a real friend \rf jod 1890:741.11 \op kikaýxai. \tr they make for themselves. \rf jod 1890:741.13 \ti @{Homna} to @{Hexaýka-maýni}, @{Ishtaý-zhoüzhoüý}, and @{Maüatsheba} «&sic», Yanktons. \op Niýkashiüýga thaýbthiü sheýna wawiýpaxuýi ha. Shoüý, niýkashiüýga-maýshe, eýwithai, \tr Indian / three / enough / I write to you «pl.» on different subjects / . / And, / O ye Indians, / I have you for kindred, \rf jod 1890:742.1 \op ki ikaýgewitheý-shti-moüýi. Ki mazhoüý ke weýahideýxti piý eýdegoü, iüýtexi eýgoü \tr and / I also have you for my friends. / And / land / the / at a great distance / I had arrived, / it was hard for me / as \rf jod 1890:742.2 \op agthiý. Niýkashiüýga theýama eaýwathe amaýdi agthiý, ki iüýudoüý-xti-moüý, iüýthe-xti \tr I returned hither. / Persons / these / I have them for kinsmen / to the ones who / I returned, / and / I was doing very well, / I was very well pleased \rf jod 1890:742.3 \op moü thiüý ki, waýxe amaý oüýthizai. Ki mazhoüý gaýhithoütaý oüýathiü akiý teýdi, \tr I walked / when, / white people / the «pl. sub.» / they took me. / And / land / to that «land» out of sight / they took me back thither / when, \rf jod 1890:742.4 \op waýxe amaý oüwoüý'iaiý. Oüýthishtoüý-bi aiý eýdegoüý, shetoüý oüwoüýthoüi, oüwoüýshte \tr white people / the «pl. sub.» / were talking about me. / That they had let me go / they said / but, / so far / they hold me, / I am left \rf jod 1890:742.5 \op zhiüýga haý, oüýthishtoü-baýzhi. Niýkashiüýga theýama, Umaýha amaý shti uaýwagikoüýxti. \tr a little / , / they have not released me. / Person / these, / Omaha / the «pl. sub.» / too / have given me much help. \rf jod 1890:742.6 \op Shetoüý Umaýha mazhoüý etaý thoüýdi bazoüý akiý-maýzhi, koüýha keýdi agthiý. Ki \tr So far / Omaha / land / their / to the / among the crowd / I have not reached there again, / border / to the / I have returned. / And \rf jod 1890:742.7 \op oüýthishtoüýi teýdi, shoüý niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü uýshkoü zhuýzhuaýzhi keý shtewoüý eýskoü \tr they let me go / when, / at any rate / Indian / common / deed / bad ones of various kinds / the / soever / oh that \rf jod 1890:742.8 \op anoüýshibe koübtheýgoü. Shoüý oüýbatheý wisiýthe-xti, wabaýgtheze wawiýpaxuýi. \tr I take my feet out of «?» / I hope. / And / I think much about you, / letter / I have written to you on different subjects. \rf jod 1890:742.9 \op Ki uýshkoü e'oüý moüniüý ki, shoü waýgazu eýskana iüwiüýthanaiý koübtheýgoü (shoüý \tr And / deed / how / you walk / if, / yet / straight / oh that / you «pl.» tell it to me / I hope / yet \rf jod 1890:743.1 \op uýshkoü aýzhoü e'oüý moüniüý ki). Ki niýkashiüýga juýba theýama uýshkoü ge giýtexi \tr deed / you do it / how / you walk / if. / And / person / some / these / deed / the «pl. in. ob.» / hard for «them» \rf jod 1890:743.2 \op amaý. Ikaýgethitheýxti kiýzhi, uýshkoü geý giýtexi amaý haý thoüýzha, niýkashiüýga juýba \tr the «pl. cl.». / They have you for real friends, / when, / deed / the «pl. in. ob.» / hard for «them» / the «pl. cl.» / / though, / person / some \rf jod 1890:743.3 \op eýwoüi, niýkagahiý- ma waýgthai, thidoüýba-baýzhi eý wakaiý. Shoüý niýkashiüýga \tr they caused it, / chief / the «pl. in. ob.» / they accuse them / they did not see you / it / they mean. / And / person \rf jod 1890:743.4 \op thethiüke izhaýzhe te shpaýxu eteýgoü. Kiý wabaýgtheze iüthiüýthizaiý ki, iüwiüýtha tiýthe \tr this st. one / his name / the «ob.» / you write it / it is probable. / And / letter / he receives for me at my request / when, / to tell me / to send to me \rf jod 1890:743.5 \op eteýgoü. Duýba-moüýthiü eý waýgazuýxti niýkashiüýga iüthiüýthize taý thiükeý. \tr he is apt. / @{Duýba-moüýthiü} / he / very straight / person / the one who will receive it for me. \rf jod 1890:743.6 \ti @{Naüzandazhi} to James O'Kane \dt June 24, 1879 \op Shoüý, kageýha, oüýbatheý wisiýthe wawiýpaxu shutheýathe, iýe dzhuýbaxchi eýgoü. \tr And, / my friend, / to-day / I remember you / I write to you about several things / I send to you, / word / very few. \rf jod 1890:744.1 \op Ikaýgekiýthe uýdoüxti oüýthiü thoüýshti, oükiýtoüba-baýzhi kaýshi oüthiüý. Shoüý \tr Regarding one another as friends / very good / we were / formerly, / we have not seen one another / a long time / we are. / And \rf jod 1890:744.2 \op wathaýsithaýtha-bazhiý-xti-zhoüý eýiüte, shoüý oüthiýsithe-noüý oüthiüý. Shoüý thikaýge \tr you have not been thinking of us at all / if, perhaps, / yet / we think of you usually / we are. / And / your friend \rf jod 1890:744.3 \op noüýde thoü giýthazhiý-xti-noü shoüýshoü, xageý-noü shoüýshoü. Thikaýge wa'uý \tr heart / the «ob.» / very sad for him usually / always, / he weeps usually / always. / Your friend / woman \rf jod 1890:744.4 \op giýwakeýga giýt'e teýgoü. Shoüý eýskana wabaýgtheze niýze ki, e'oüý moüniüý eýiüte \tr sick for him / his dies / is apt. / And / oh that / letter / you receive it / when, / how / you walk / if \rf jod 1890:744.5 \op shoüý winaý'oü koüýbtha. Shoüý uýthitoü athaýgthaniüý eýiüte oüthiýna'oü oügoüýthai. \tr at any rate / I hear from you / I wish. / And / work / you have your own / if / we hear from you / we wish. \rf jod 1890:744.6 \op Shoüý Meýzhik oüýpoüha, taýxtiha doüýshte, athiüý eýiüte, iýthamaýxe ki, iüwiüýthanaý \tr And / @{Meýzhik} / elk hide, / deer hide / or, / he has / if, / you ask him / when, / you tell it to me \rf jod 1890:744.7 \op koübtheýgoü. Shoüý taýxtiha noüýba uýdoüxti koüýbtha, iütheýniüwiüý kiý, ioüýthakitheý \tr I hope. / And / deer hide / two / very good / I desire, / you but them for me / if, / you send them hither to me \rf jod 1890:744.8 \op koübtheýgoü, uxtheýxchi. Shi oüýpoüha wiüaýxchi shteýshtewoü koübthaýxti. Shoüý \tr I hope, / very soon. / Again / elk hide / just one / even if / I desire greatly. / And \rf jod 1890:744.9 \op e'oüý moübthiüý te oüthoüýshpahoü. Nieý oüthiüýge-xti-moüý. \tr how / I walk / the / you know me. / Pain / I have not at all. \rf jod 1890:744.10 \ti @{Waxpe-sha} to @{Unaýzhiü-ska}. \dt June 3, 1879 \op Shoüý winaý'oü koüýbtha, ki oüýba aýhigi winaý'oü-maýzhi ha. Wineýgi \tr And / I hear from you / I wish, / and / day / many / I have not heard from you / . / My mother's brother \rf jod 1890:745.1 \op giý ameýde, gthiýazhi, Shaýhieýtha. Sheýta thanaýzhiü, negiýha, iüýthexti-moüý. Wisiýthe-noü \tr is returning they say, but, / he has not returned, / Cheyenne. / Yonder / you stand, / mother's brother, / I am very glad. / I think of you usually \rf jod 1890:745.2 \op shoüýshoü. Wabaýgtheze niýze ki, uxtheýxti tiýthathe koübtheýgoü. Dzhoý akaý Poüýka \tr always. / Letter / you receive it / when, / very soon / you send it hither / I hope. / Joe / the «sub.» / Ponka \rf jod 1890:745.3 \op ahiý eýde, agthiý uxtheýxchi. Wineýgi shukiý eýiüte shtoüýbe ki, iüwiüýthanaý iýthathe \tr reached there / but, / he returned hither / very soon. / My mother's brother / returned there to you / if / you see him / when, / you tell it to me / you send hither \rf jod 1890:745.4 \op te haý, unaý'oüoüthaýkithe teý, shtoüýbe teýdi. Poüýka sheýthu gthiý te shetoüý \tr will / , / you cause me to hear about it / will, / you see him / when. / Ponka / yonder / has come back / the / so far \rf jod 1890:745.5 \op waýgazu-baýzhi, ebeýshte iýbahoüýzhi. \tr is not straight, / whoever / does not know it. \rf jod 1890:745.6 \ti John Primeau to Rev. A. L. Riggs. \dt June 5, 1879 \op Oüýbatheý niýashiüga watoüýbe, ukikiaiý oüýbatheý Umaýha amaý. Ki &Omaha \tr To-day / people / I have seen them, / they have talked together / to-day / Omaha / the «pl. sub.». / And / Omaha \rf jod 1890:746.1 \op &City etaýtoü niýashiüýga wiýuki wiüý atiý, Poüýka wiýuki akeý. Iýe uýdoüxti niýashiüýga \tr City / from it / person of Indian / advocate / one / has come, / Ponka / advocate / the one who is he. / Spoke / very good / man \rf jod 1890:746.2 \op akaý wiýuki akaý. Moüchuý-naýzhiü niýashiüýga uiýkoü chaýbai, waýwiu'eý akeý, uýdoü-xti \tr the «sub.» / advocate / the «sub.». / Standing Bear / person / has aided him / greatly, / lawyer / the one who, / very good \rf jod 1890:746.3 \op giýgoüthaiý. Iüýchoübaýthe iýai te uwiýbtha taý miüke. Itiýgoüthaiý thiükeýta Poüýka \tr desires for him. / This day, now / what they spoke / I will tell you. / Grandfather / to the / Ponka \rf jod 1890:746.4 \op thoükaý 'iýwathe atheý 'ithaiý, Isoüýyati thoükaý shti, Umaýha thoükaý shti, Huýtoüga \tr the ones who / to talk about them / to go / he has promised, / Santee / the ones who / too, / Omaha / the ones who / too, / Winnebago \rf jod 1890:746.5 \op thoükaý shti, aýdoü uýshkoü ge bthuýga waýgazu gaýxe goüýthai. Shoüý iýe ke aýhigi \tr the ones who / too, / therefore / deed / the «pl. in. ob.» / all / straight / to make / he wishes. / And / word / the / many \rf jod 1890:746.6 \op thoüýzha, dzhuýba paýxe, awaýnoüxthiü eýgoü. &Monday teýdi piý ha. Ki &Wednesday \tr though, / few / I made, / I was in haste / as. / Monday / on / I was coming hither / . / And / Wednesday \rf jod 1890:746.7 \op teýdi atiý ha, Umaýha tiýi thoüýdi. Ki oüýba-waxuýbe thishtoüý, &Monday teýdi \tr on / I came hither / , / Omaha / village / to the. / And / Sunday / finished, / Monday / on \rf jod 1890:746.8 \op shagtheý taý miüke. Thawiýni Shaýni ethoüýba Poüýka wiýuki uwaýthaginaý te. Thaýsi, \tr I will start back to you. / David / Charles / he too / Ponka / they aid them / you tell it to them / will. / Dorsey, \rf jod 1890:746.9 \op &Mr. &Hamilton* shti toüýbe. Sheýna. \tr Mr. Hamilton / too / I saw. / Enough. \rf jod 1890:746.10 \ti @{Moüchuý-noüýba} to @{Unaýzhiü-ska} \op Waxiüýha theýthoü iüýchoüxchi bthiýze. Shaoüý amaý shagthaiý teýdi iüýchoüxchi \tr Paper / this / just now / I have received it. / Dakota / the «pl. sub.» / started back to you / when / just now \rf jod 1890:747.1 \op bthiýze. Waweýoümaýxe tiýthai te uwiýbtha shutheýathe taý miüke. Edaýdoü nuýzhiüga \tr I have received it. / To ask me some questions / they sent hither / the / I tell it to you / I will send it to you. / What / boy \rf jod 1890:747.2 \op amaý thi'iý amaý ithaýpahoü-maýzhi, shoüý weýamaýxe taý miüke, thoüýzha akiýxibtha, kaýshi \tr the «pl. sub.» / they gave to you / I do not know it, / yet / I will ask them a question about several things, / though / I hesitate from fear of failure, / a long time \rf jod 1890:747.3 \op heýgazhi. Shi thatiý ki, weýthanaýxai ki, uýdoü teýiüte. Goüý Poüýka amaý theýama \tr very. / Again / you have come hither / when, / you question them about several things / if, / good / it would be. / And / Ponka / the «pl. sub.» / these «pl.» \rf jod 1890:747.4 \op Dzhoý akaý eýta ahiý, iýutha etaý te u thaý taý miüke. Thiaýdi Poüýka iýhusaý-biamaý, \tr Joe / the «sub.» / there / reached there, / news / his / the «pl. in. ob.» / I will tell it. / Your father / Ponka / They scolded him, it is said, \rf jod 1890:747.5 \op giý aýgazhiý-biamaý, shoüý eshoüýadi gthiüý thiükeý amaý. Sheýki amaý tiý saýtoü \tr to be returning / they ordered him, it is said, / yet / near to them / he was sitting, it is said. / @{Sheýki} / the «mv. sub.» / lodge / five \rf jod 1890:747.6 \op zhuýwagthe agiý-bi ameýde oüýba-waxuýbe noüýba giý te shetoüý &Joe &Susette \tr he with them / was returning hither, they say, but / mysterious day / two / returning / the / so far / Joe / Susette \rf jod 1890:747.7 \op ethoüýba Poüýka tiýi thoüýdi ahiý-bi egoüý, Poüýka uthaý-biamaý. Iüýchoü \tr she too / Ponka / village / at the / having arrived there, they say, / Ponka / told it, they say. / Now \rf jod 1890:747.8 \op koüýgexchi agthiýi te, Umoüýhoü tiýi thoüýdi. Iüýtoü oüýba-waxuýbe duýba giý \tr very near the time / they have returned / the, / Omaha / village / to the. / Now / mysterious day / four / returning \rf jod 1890:747.9 \op te shetoüý, Sheýki. Poüýka noüýba wakoüýtoü-biamaý, Weýs'a-toüýga, Gahiýge \tr the / so far, / @{Sheýki}. / Ponka / two / were tied, they say, / Big Snake, / The Chief \rf jod 1890:747.10 \op ethoüýba. Uýkie atheý 'ithaý-bi egoüý, Poüýka ithaýdithaiý akaý iýhuwathaý-biamaý: \tr he too. / To pay a friendly visit / to go / they spoke of it, they say / having, / Ponka / agent / the «sub.» / he consulted them: \rf jod 1890:747.11 \op "Iüýtoü, noüheýbai-ga. Thitiýgoü iýhuwathe theýathe taý miüke. Iýnahiü ki, shneý \tr Hold on! / wait ye! / Your grandfather / to consult them / I will send thither. / He is willing / if, / you \rf jod 1890:747.12 \op taiteý. Iýnahiü ki, umoüýe shti wi'iý eýgoü, neý taiteý," aý-biamaý. Ki shoüý \tr shall go. / He is willing / if, / provisions / too / I give you / having, / you shall go, / he said, they say. / And / yet \rf jod 1890:747.13 \op na'oüý-baýzhi Weýs'a-toüýga Gahiýge ethoüýba. Goüý Poüýka zhuýwagthe athaý-bi \tr they did not listen to him / Big Snake / The Chief / he too. / So / Ponka / with them / went, they say \rf jod 1890:747.14 \op Shaýhieýtha tiýi thoüýdi. Eýdi ahiý-bi ki, Shaýhieýtha ithaýdi akaý uýthoü-biamaý, Weýs'a-toüýga \tr Cheyenne / village / to the. / There / arrived there, they say / when, / Cheyenne / father / the «sub.» / held them, they say, / Snake Big \rf jod 1890:747.15 \op Gahiýge ethoüýba. Goüýki ushteý amaý wanaýshe amaý waýgiahiý-biamaý \tr The Chief / he too. / And then / those who remained «+the rest» / police / the «pl. sub.» / they came there for them, they say \rf jod 1890:747.16 \op goüý, waýthiü akiý-biamaý. Wakoüýtoü thoüýzha, uxtheý waýthishke taý-biteýamaý. Iüýtoü \tr as, / they took them back home, they say. / They tied them / though, / soon / they shall be untied, they say. / Now \rf jod 1890:748.1 \op Poüýka ushteý amaý kimuýgthoü giý goüýthai eýde, Dzhoý akaý shkoüýazhi gthiüý waýgazhi. \tr Ponka / the remainder / to steal away / returning / wished / but, / Joe / the «sub.» / not moving / to sit / commanded them. \rf jod 1890:748.2 \op Moüchuý-naýzhiü theýthiüke oüýguiüýkoüi. Umoüýhoü mazhoüý uhoüýge waýxe etaý \tr Standing Bear / this st. one / we aided him. / Omaha / land / end / white people / their own \rf jod 1890:748.3 \op heýbe ugthiüý gthiüý. Ki oüýbatheý oüýguiüýkoüi, maýshoü hiýde uthoüý zhuaýwagthe. \tr part / sitting in it he sits. / And / to-day / we have aided him, / quill / base / to take hold of it / I was with them. \rf jod 1890:748.4 \op Shetoüý Wakoüýda thahoüý-ma wauýie edaýbe Umoüýhoü akaý shti sheýna uiýkoüi \tr So far. / God / those who pray to Him / lawyer / also / Omaha / the «coll. sub.» / too / enough / have aided him \rf jod 1890:748.5 \op Moüchuý-naýzhiü. Oüýbatheý wauýie wiü zhuoüýgthe gthiüý, oüthoüýgukieý oügthiüýi. \tr Standing Bear. / To-day / lawyer / one / he with me / he sat, / we talked together / we sat. \rf jod 1890:748.6 \op Itiýgoüthaiý thiükeý atheý 'ithaiý, wauýie akaý. Eý agthiý tediýhi ki, waýgazu teýiüte. \tr Grandfather / the one who / to go / he spoke of it, / lawyer / the «sub.». / He / he has returned hither / by that time / when, / straight / it may be. \rf jod 1890:748.7 \op Zhuoüýgthe oügthiüý taiteý, ki mazhoüý sheýta, oüwoüýwa gthiüý teýiüte oüthoüýbahoü-baýzhi. \tr We with him / we shall sit, / and / land / yonder, / which «of the two?» / he site / it may be / we do not know it. \rf jod 1890:748.8 \op Wakoüýda thahoüý-ma, wauýie amaý edaýbe Poüýka thiüý enaýxchi uthuýki-baýzhi; \tr God / those who pray to Him, / lawyer / the «pl. sub.» / also / Ponka / the «coll. ob.» / they only / they do not side with; \rf jod 1890:748.9 \op niýkashiüga ukeýthiü bthuýga uaýwagikiý iýai, aýdoü weýthe heýga-baýzhi. \tr Indian / common / all / to side with us / he speaks, / therefore / we are very glad. \rf jod 1890:748.10 \op Ahauý. Umoüýhoü oüýgatoü niýe wathiüýge heýga-baýzhi; wathaýte oükiýkaxe \tr «paragraph» / Omaha / we who stand / pain / we have none / very «pl.»; / food / we have made for ourselves \rf jod 1890:748.11 \op bthuýga oüthiýzhut'oüýi; uýdoüxti oünaýzhiüi. Shetoüý Moüchuý-naýzhiü toüýba-maýzhi ha. \tr all / we have raised it; / very good / we stand. / So far / Standing Bear / I have not seen him / \rf jod 1890:748.12 \op Iüýtoü, gasaýni doüýshte, toüýbe taý miüke. \tr Now, / to-morrow / perhaps / I will see him. \rf jod 1890:748.13 \op Hau. Sheýama, Maýshoü-uýiü, Ishtaý-zhoüzhoüý, Mikaýha-thaýge, sheýna, Siüdeý-gtheshkaý \tr «paragraph» / Those, / Wiyakoin, / @{Ishtaý-zhoüzhoüý}, / Raccoon skin headdress, / enough, / Spotted Tail \rf jod 1890:748.14 \op doüýbe tai eýgoü shagthaiý. Shupiý taý miüke. \tr to see him / in order that «pl.» / they have started. / I will reach there. \rf jod 1890:748.15 \ti To Inspector J. H. Hammond, from several Omahas. \dt June, 1879 \pr Two Crows said: \op Goüý, zhiütheýha, thatiý teýdi iýwipahoüý-maýzhi ha. Ki \tr And / elder brother, / you came / when / I did not know you / . / And \rf jod 1890:750.1 \op niýkashiüýga theýama uýwathakieý-ma wiwiýta-ma iýthae thagtheý te iüwiüýthai. Ki wisiýthe-noü \tr person / these / those to whom you talked / those who are mine / you spoke / you went back / the / they have told me about it. / And / I think of you usually \rf jod 1890:750.2 \op shoüýshoü ha. Ki mazhoüý theýthoü oüthoüýnite eteýgoüi te bthuýgaxti uaýwathaýginaý \tr always / . / And / land / this / we live by means of it / ought «pl.» / the / all / you told it to us \rf jod 1890:750.3 \op thagthaiý. Ki shi piýxti eýskana oüthoüýwashkoüý eteýgoüi ki, wiü wetheýshkaxaiý \tr you started back. / And / again / anew / oh that / we get strong by means of it / ought «pl.» / if, / one / you make for us \rf jod 1890:750.4 \op koüý oüthoüýthai. Eýskana, shoüýge, kageýha, wakoüýbtha ha. Wathiýtoü-ma zhuýbazhi, \tr we hope. / Oh that, / horse, / my friend, / I desire them / . / The working ones are inferior, \rf jod 1890:750.5 \op nuýshiaýha, eýgoü, washkoüý-thi'aý-noüi. Niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü shoüýge eý aýwaka-maýzhi \tr low in stature, / as, / they are weak usually. / Indian / common / horse / it / I do not mean it \rf jod 1890:750.6 \op ha: waýxe shoüýge, umoüýthiüka thaýbthiü, duýba-ma shetoüý oüwoüýgoüthaýi. Eýskana \tr . / white man / horse, / year / three, / those who are four / so far / we desire them. / Oh that \rf jod 1890:750.7 \op uaýwathagikoüý eýteoüýi kiýzhi, eý weaýgiuýdoü etaiý. Uxtheýxchi eýskana Itiýgoüthaiý \tr you help us / may, at least «pl.» / if, / that / good for us / may. / Very soon / oh that. / Grandfather \rf jod 1890:750.8 \op thiükeý iýe oüguýtai na'oüýthakitheý koüý oüthoüýthai. \tr the one who / word / our / you cause him to hear / we hope. \rf jod 1890:750.9 \pr @{Duýba-moüýthiü} said: \op Zhiütheýha, oüýbatheý edaýdoü wiýka taý miüke, aýdoü \tr O elder brother, / to-day / what / I will ask a favor of you, / therefore \rf jod 1890:750.10 \op wabaýgtheze wiýpaxu shutheýathe. Maýthadi thatiý ha. Ki uwiýkie-maýzhi eýte-moüý \tr letter / I have written to you / I send it to you. / Last winter / you came hither / . / And / I did not talk to you / I may, in the least \rf jod 1890:750.11 \op thoüýzha, niýkashiüýga theýama ikaýgeawaýthe-ma uthiýkiaiý te, iýe te uthiýthai te \tr although, / person / these / those whom I have for friends / talked to you / the, / word / the / told about you / the \rf jod 1890:750.12 \op anaý'oü te iüýudoüxti-moüý, zhiütheýha. Ithaýnita teý. Iüwiüýthana te, eýbthize \tr I heard / when / I was very glad, / O elder brother. / I live by means of it / will. / You tell it to me / the, / I take it from him \rf jod 1890:750.13 \op tediýhi ki, ediý-noü aniüýta eteýgoü. Ki wiýka te, eheý te. Shoüýge-ma \tr by the time / when, / then only / I live / apt. / And / I ask a favor of you / will, / I said it. / The horses «pl. ob.» \rf jod 1890:750.14 \op wiwiýta-ma weýbthihiýde-ma haýhadoüýi, ki edaýdoü skiýge athaiý te thuýtoüxti \tr those that are mine / those by means of which I continue at work / are light, / and / what / heavy / goes / the / very straight \rf jod 1890:750.15 \op athaý-baýzhi thoüýzha, shoüý awaýshkoü te, eheý thoü, goüý awaýshkoü taý miüke. Zhiütheýha, \tr they do not go / though, / yet / I make an effort / will, / I said in the past, / so / I will make an effort. / O elder brother, \rf jod 1890:750.16 \op shoüýge waýxe etaiý, shoüý umoüýthiüka thaýbthiü duýba, saýtoü-ma, eýskana oüwoüýgoüthaiý. \tr horse / white people / their, / &i. &e., / year / three / four, / those that are five, / oh that / we desire them. \rf jod 1890:750.17 \op Ki Itiýgoüthaiý thiükeý uxtheýxti eýskana theýshpaha koübtheýgoü. \tr And / their grandfather / the «st. ob.» / very soon / oh that / you show it to him / I hope. \rf jod 1890:750.18 \pr @{Pathiü-noüpazhi} said: \op Zhiütheýha, oüýbatheý edaýdoü wiüý wiýka shutheýathe. Shoüýge \tr O elder brother, / to-day / what / one / I ask a favor of you / I send it to you. / Horse \rf jod 1890:751.1 \op wathiýtoü waýbthiü te oüzhuý-mazhi heýga-maýzhi, shoüýge wiwiýta te. Shoüýge waýxe \tr to work / I have them / the / I am very unfortunate, / horse / my / the. / Horse / white people \rf jod 1890:751.2 \op etaiý washkoüýtoüga wakoüýbtha. Shoüýge-ma maýthe thaýbthiü, duýba, saýtoü \tr their / strong / I desire them. / The horses / winter / three, / four, / five \rf jod 1890:751.3 \op shetoüý-ma eý wakoüýbtha. Ediý ki, mazhoüý thoü bthiýtoü te uiýthoübe btheý eteýgoü. \tr those who are so far / that / I desire them. / In that case, / land / the / I work it / the / up the hill / I go / apt. \rf jod 1890:751.4 \op Itiýgoüthaiý, eýskana uxtheýxchi uthuýthakieý koübtheýgoü. \tr Grandfather, / oh that / very soon / you speak in him about it / I hope. \rf jod 1890:751.5 \pr @{Mawaýdoüthiü} said: \op Kageýha, oüýbatheýxchi edaýdoü thiýna eýdegoüý edueýhe \tr My friend, / this very day / what / they have begged from you / I have joined it \rf jod 1890:751.6 \op ha. Mazhoüý thoüýdi enaý edaýdoü oükiýkaxaiý oüthiýthahoü-noüýi eý-noü eýe ha. \tr . / Land / in the / that alone / what / we have done for ourselves / we pray to you usually / it alone / that is it / . \rf jod 1890:751.7 \op Eýdegoüý edaýdoü paýxe te bthiý'a-noü-moüý ha, kageý. Ki aýdoü oüýbatheý \tr But / what / I do / the / I usually fail to complete / , / O friend. / And / therefore / to-day \rf jod 1890:751.8 \op uaýwathakoüýi te oüthoüýthe-xti ha. Goüý theýthoüka wanaýgthe oüthoüýwashkoü taiýte \tr you have aided us / the / we really think it / . / And / these / domestic animal / we shall be strong by means of them \rf jod 1890:751.9 \op eýe ha, aýdoü uwiýbtha shutheýathe. \tr that is it / , / therefore / I tell it to you / I send it to you. \rf jod 1890:751.10 \pr @{Teý-ukoüha} said: \op Kageýha, oüýbatheý niýkashiüýga theýama wathiýbaxu taý ama ha; \tr My friend, / to-day / person / these / they write to you on different subjects / will «pl.» / \rf jod 1890:751.11 \op ki wizhiüýthe iýe wiüý oü'iý gtheý etheýgoü eýgoü thisiýthe eýgoü waiüthiýbaxu toüýgatoü. \tr and / my elder brother / word / one / he gave it to me / he started back / thought that / having / remembered you / having / we write to you / we will. \rf jod 1890:751.12 \op Shoüý maýthadi thatiý teýdi oüwoüýthakieý te, iýe te aýgisithe-noü shoüýshoü. Iýe te \tr And / last winter / you came hither / when / you spoke to me / when, / word / the / I think of it usually / always. / Word / the \rf jod 1890:751.13 \op abthiüý te sheý abthiüý ha. Shoüý edaýdoü oüguýzhi kiýzhi, bthuýgaxti hiý ke uýdoü, \tr I have / the / that / I have / . / And / what / we plant / if / all / stock / the «coll. ob.» / good, \rf jod 1890:751.14 \op sheýhi keý shti, zhoüý'abe bthuýgaxti uýdoü. Ki aýma oüthaý'i 'ithaýthe te ubthoüý-shtewoü-maýzhi, \tr apple tree / the «coll. ob.» / too, / leaf / all / good. / And / the other / you give me / you promised / the / I have taken hold of it in the least degree I - not, \rf jod 1890:751.15 \op toüýbe-shtewoüý-maýzhi ithaýdithaiý wa'iý-baýzhi, oüýbatheý noüshtoüýi, aýzhi ugthiüý, \tr I have not even seen it, / agent / did not give it to us. / to-day / he has ceased to walk, / another / sits in «his place», \rf jod 1890:751.16 \op niýkashiüýga ithaýdithaiý akaý. Ki teýska-ma eý aýwake ha. Ki teýska-ma eý Itiýgoüthaiý \tr Indian / agent / the «st. sub.». / And / the cattle / that / I mean / . / And / the cattle / that / Grandfather \rf jod 1890:751.17 \op uthuýthakieý ki, eýskana mazhoüý geýdi agthaýbthiü abthiüý koübtheýgoü. Goüý shoüýge \tr you speak to him about it / if, / oh that / land / in the «pl. in. ob.» / I have my own / I have it / I hope. / And / horse \rf jod 1890:751.18 \op wiýna, shoüýge umoüýthiüka thaýbthiü meýgoü, duýba meýgoü, saýtoü meýgoü, sheýna. \tr I beg from you, / horse / year / three / those of that age, / four / those of that age, / five / those of that age, / enough. \rf jod 1890:752.1 \op Shoüýge iüth'aýgexti koüýbtha-maýzhi, shoüýge ukeýthiü shti koüýbtha-maýzhi; Maýhiütoüýga \tr Horse / very old man / I do not want it, / horse / common / too / I do not want it; / American \nt =@{iüsh'aýge} \rf jod 1890:752.2 \op shoüýge-ma eshnaýxchi wakoüýbtha, mashteý shoüýge oüwoüýgoütha-baýzhi. Heýshpaiuýna \tr the horses «pl. ob.» / those alone / I want them, / warm «&i. &e. , Kansas» / horse / we do not want them. / Spanish \rf jod 1890:752.3 \op shoüýge eýshti piý-bazhi. \tr horse / those too / are bad. \rf jod 1890:752.4 \pr @{Oüýpoü-toüýga} said: \op Zhiütheýha, thatiý ha, Umoüýhoü mazhoüý thoüýdi. Ki e'oüý \tr O Elder brother, / you came hither / , / Omaha / land / to the. / And / how \rf jod 1890:752.5 \op oügthiüý thoü shkoüý oügthiüý washtoüýbe thatiý. Ki "Iýe wiwiýta te siýthai-ga," esheý, aýdoü \tr we sat / the / action / we sat / you saw us / you came. / And / Word / my / the / remember ye it, / you said, / therefore \rf jod 1890:752.6 \op siýthe-noüýi. Shoüý edaýdoü wetheýshkaxe, mazhoüý aýwoüzhi, wetheýshkaxe iüthiýnai kethoüý \tr they remember it usually. / And / what / you have done for us, / land / strong to bear them up, / you make it for us / we begged of you / in the past \rf jod 1890:752.7 \op oüsiýthe-noüý shoüshoüýi thoüýzha, uýthitoü heýgazhi aniüý eýgoü, wetheýni'aiý te, esheý. Shoüý \tr we think of it usually / always / though, / work / very much / you have / as, / you had failed to accomplish it for us / the, / you said. / And \rf jod 1890:752.8 \op waýxe uýshkoü oügoüýthai te uxtheý oügoüýthai ha. Shoüý e'oüý moüniüý te eýgoüxti \tr white people / deed / we desire / the / soon / we desire / . / And / how / you walk / the / just so \rf jod 1890:752.9 \op uxtheý oügoüýthai ha. Ithaýpazhi, thithiýta gthiýtoü-ga. Mazhoüý agthiýtoü ki, agthaýbthiü \tr soon / we desire it / . / Not waiting for him to appear, / your own / do your own work. / Land / I work my own / if, / I have my own \rf jod 1890:752.10 \op koübtheýgoü, waxiüýha sagiý. Itiýgoüthaiý thiükeý gaýte na'oüýkithaý-ga. Shoüý edaýdoü \tr I hope, / paper / hard. / Grandfather / the «st. ob.» / that thing / let him hear it. / And / what \rf jod 1890:752.11 \op weýtexi ge bthuýgaxti, eýskana oügoüýtha-baýzhi. Shoüý niýkashiüýga mazhoüý thoü \tr are hard for us / the «pl. in. ob.» / all, / oh that / we do not want it. / And / person / land / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:752.12 \op waýkihiýde-maý shti weýthisiýhi-ga, gashiýbe theaýwakithaýi-ga. Ki mazhoüý akiýgthitoü \tr those who attend to them / too / cleanse it of them for us, / out of it / cause them to go from us. / And / land / I work for myself \rf jod 1890:752.13 \op teýdi, weýthihiýde aýkipazoüý iügaýxai-ga. Eý tiý ki, iüýshte edaýdoü shte \tr when, / tool / each with its own kind / make for me. / That / it comes hither / when, / as if / what / ever \rf jod 1890:752.14 \op a'aýgtha-maýzhi, kuýaha-mazhiýxti, wabthiýtoü moübthiüý. Ithaýdithaiý amaý enaý moüýzeska \tr I do not suffer, / I do not fear unseen danger at all, / I work at various tasks / I walk. / Agent / the «pl. sub.» / only they / money \rf jod 1890:752.15 \op kediýtoü athiüý gthiüýi eýgoü, enaý weýthihiýde athiüý gthiüýi. Thiýskieý iteýthe gthiüý \tr from the / having it / they sit / as, / only they / implements / having / they sit. / All in a pile / to place in a heap / sitting \rf jod 1890:752.16 \op oüwoüýgoütha-baýzhi. \tr we do not want them. \rf jod 1890:752.17 \ti @{Waxpe-sha} to @{Unaýzhiü-ska}. \dt August 19, 1879 \op Shoüý eaýtoü waxiüýha gthiýthakithaýzhi shoüý gthithakithaýzhi shoüýshoü ha. Shubtheý \tr And / why / paper / you have not sent back hither / always / . / I will \rf jod 1890:755.1 \op taý miüke ha. Shoüý oüýba-waxuýbe noübaý te shetoüý waxiüýha gthiýthathe ki, \tr go to you / . / And / mysterious day «+week» / two / the / so far / paper / you send back / if, \rf jod 1890:755.2 \op shubtheý teýiüke, sheýta. Wabaýgtheze uxtheýxchi gioüýkithaý-ga, theý niýze ki. Shoüýge \tr I will go to you, / yonder. / Letter / very soon / send back hither to me, / this / you receive it / when. / Horse \rf jod 1890:755.3 \op thagiýna toüý paýsi iüýtexi ithaýkuheý ha. Aoüýbtha shubtheý taý miüke. Niýashiüýga \tr you asked for your own / the «std. an. ob.» / I drive it / difficult for me / I fear the unseen danger / . / I abandon if / I will go to you. / Person \rf jod 1890:755.4 \op ikaýgeaýthe agiýna'oü koüýbtha. Thuýtoüxti iüthiüýwoüth iýtha-ga: Tatoüýka-maýni eý \tr I have him for a friend / I hear about my own / I wish. / Very accurately / send hither / to tell me about my own: / Walking Buffalo-bull / that is he \rf jod 1890:755.5 \op aýwake. Shoüý theýthu thagthiýazhi te iüýshoü-xti-moüý ha. Poüýka-ma shetoüý \tr I mean him. / And / here / you have not returned hither / the / I am well satisfied with it / . / The Ponkas / so far \rf jod 1890:755.6 \op waýgazu-baýzhi, theýthu thanaýzhiü te teýxi a, eheý: giýtexiwaýthe, giýtexiýxti nazhiüýi. \tr are not straight, / here / you stand / the / difficult / ! / I say: / troublesome to them, / very difficult for them / they stand. \rf jod 1890:755.7 \ti To the Cincinnati Commercial, from several Omahas. \pr @{Duýba-moüýthiü} said: \op Kageýha, niýkashiüýga theý oüýgathiüýdi, Umoüýhoü \tr My friend, / Indian / this / to us who are mv., / Omaha \rf jod 1890:755.8 \op oüýgathiüýdi, wabaýgtheze wiüý tiýthathe te anaý'oü. Weýthigthoü te oüthoüýthamaýxe \tr to us who are mv., / letter / one / you sent it hither / the / I heard it. / Mind / the / you asked me about \rf jod 1890:755.9 \op te uwiýbtha taý miüke. Mazhoüý thoü theýthoü agthaýbthiü. Mazhoüý wiwiýta. \tr the / I will tell it to you. / Land / the / this / I have my own. / Land / my own. \rf jod 1890:755.10 \op Ki niýkashiüýga-ma theý-ma shkoüý moüthiüý-ma watoüýbe ha, ishtaý weýtoübe. \tr And / the people «pl. ob.» / these «pl. ob.» / those who walk actively «busily» «pl. ob.» / I have seen them / , / eye / I have seen them with. \rf jod 1890:756.1 \op Niýkashiüýga shkoüý wiwiýta ke agiýoübtha koüýbtha haýshiataýthishoü; agiýtoüba-maýzhi. \tr Person / act / my own / the / I abandon my own / I wish / towards the rear; / I do not look at mine. \rf jod 1890:756.2 \op Agiýpasnu theýathe. Ki waýxe theýama watoüýbe te shkoüý e'oüýi te uýdoü iýnahiü \tr I push my own off. / And / white people / these / I see them / the / act / how they are / the / good / really \rf jod 1890:756.3 \op ebtheýgoü, eýskoü eýgimoü koüý ebtheýgoü ha. Niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü shkoüý te \tr I think, / oh that / I do that / I hope / . / Indian / common / act / the \rf jod 1890:756.4 \op naýxixiýtha te koüýbtha-maýzhi ha, haýshiataýthishoü agiýpasnu theýathe, eý aýwake. Oüýba \tr what made people fear to leave camp / the / I do not desire / , / towards the rear / I push my own, / that / I meant it. / Day \rf jod 1890:756.5 \op ithaýugthe edaýdoü oüthoüýgiuýdoü te uaýkigthixiýde ha. Eýgithe shkoüý thithiýta te \tr throughout / what / by means of which I may prosper / the / I gaze around, in search of it for myself / . / At length / deeds «movements» / your / the \rf jod 1890:756.6 \op e- noüý iýgiuýdoüwaýthe te toüýbe ha. Niýkashiüýga-ma watoüýbe te wiýshti aýkitoüýbe: \tr that only / may be good for «one» / the / I have seen it / . / The people / I have seen them / the / I too / I have looked at myself: \rf jod 1890:756.7 \op shoüý edaýdoü uýgaxetha iýwashkoü e'oüýi te wiýshti eýgimoü aýtoüheý- de, \tr and / what / limbs / strong by means of / how it is / I too / I am standing doing that / during, \rf jod 1890:756.8 \op ha. Wamuýske uaýzhi, nuý uaýzhi, mazhoüýxe, waxthaý, watoüýzi, \tr I think it / / Wheat / I have sown, / potato / I have planted, / onion, / cabbage, / corn, \rf jod 1890:756.9 \op hiübthiüýge, watoüý, she, noüýpa, nuýgthe, poüýxe-zhiýde, &tomato, &lettuce, saýkathiýde. \tr beans, / pumpkin, / apple, / cherry, / turnip, / beet, / tomato, / lettuce, / watermelon. \rf jod 1890:756.10 \op Teýska waýbthiü, shoüýge, zhoüthiýnoüge, shoüýge-weý'iü, wazhiüýga-zhiýde. Kageýha, \tr Cow / I have them, / horse, / wagon, / harness, / chicken. / My friend, \rf jod 1890:756.11 \op niýkashiüýga thikaýge theý-ma tiý te ugiýpixtioüý gthiüý oünaý'oüi. Ki weýthigthoü \tr person / your friend / these / house / the / very full / sitting / we hear it. / And / mind «&or plan» \rf jod 1890:756.12 \op ebtheýgoü woüýgitheýxti etheýgoüi. Ki wagaýshoü iüýshte teýgaxti btheý eýgoü ha. \tr I think it / all / they think it. / And / traveling / as it were / very new / I go / so / \rf jod 1890:756.13 \op Moübthiüý oüthoüýbthoü-mazhiý-xti-moüý. Ki edaýdoü oüýbatheý bthiýzhut'oü uwiýbtha te, \tr I walk / I have by no means had enough. / And / what / to-day / I have raised / I tell to you / the, \rf jod 1890:756.14 \op eýskana umoüýthiüka aýzhi ki, aýta bthiýzhut'oü koübtheýgoü. Kageýha, thikaýge amaý \tr oh that / year / another / when, / beyond / I raise / I hope. / My friend, / your friend / the «pl. sub.» \rf jod 1890:756.15 \op theýama ukiýxthaxtha-baýzhi ha. Iüýshte kigthiýxe amaý eýgoüi ha. Pahoüýga thiüý \tr these / they run unequal distances / . / As if / they were chasing one another / they are so / . / Before / the one «mv.» \rf jod 1890:756.16 \op gthiýxe amaý eýgoüi ha. \tr they are chasing him, their own / they are so / . \rf jod 1890:756.17 \pr Two Crows said: \op Kageýha, niýkashiüýga thiýegoü-maýshe, iýe oüthiýna'oüi -de \tr My friend, / people / the ones like you, / word / we heard from you when \rf jod 1890:756.18 \op weýthextioüýi. Wathiýtoü ge oüthoüýnahiüýxti. Weýthexti oüwoüýkigthiýtoü oümoüýthiü \tr we were very glad. / Work / the «pl. in. ob.» / we are very willing for it. / We are very glad / we work for ourselves / we walk \rf jod 1890:756.19 \op shtewoüý, Itiýgoüthaiý thiükeý wagaýxthoü etaý amaý sabaýzhixti oüsiýthe-noüýi thoüýdi, \tr even when, / Grandfather / the «st. one» / servant / his / the «pl. sub.» / very suddenly / we think of him usually / when, \rf jod 1890:757.1 \op oüthoüýkuhe-noüýi. Oüýshte uaýwagikoüý-bazhiýxti thoükaý. * * * * Eýskana \tr we fear the unseen danger usually. / As if / they were not helping us at all. / Oh that \rf jod 1890:757.2 \op iýe thanaý tiýthathe niýkashiüýga aýhigiýxti unaý'oüwathaýkithe koüý oüthoüýthai. Eýskana \tr word / you begged / you sent hither / people / very many / you cause them to hear about it / we hope. / Oh that \rf jod 1890:757.3 \op wawiýue oüýguiüýhai koüý oüthoüýthai. Eýskana mazhoüý thoü waxiüýha sagiýxti \tr lawyer / we join them / we hope. / Oh that / land / the / paper / very firm \rf jod 1890:757.4 \op wathaý'i koüý oüthoüýthai. Ediýhi ki, waýxe waýspa-baýzhi-ma oüthoüýkuha-baýzhi \tr you give to us / we hope. / In that event, / white people / the ones who are not keeping motionless / we do not fear unseen danger \rf jod 1890:757.5 \op eteýgoü. Kageýha, iýe oü+ / oüýthamaxaýzhi shoüý uwiýbtha. Edaýdoü waxtaý \tr apt. / My friend, / word / you did not ask me / yet / I tell it to you. / What / vegetable «&or fruit» \rf jod 1890:757.6 \op oüthiýzhut'oüýi ge weoüýthiüwiüýi teýdi, haýhadoüýxti eýgoü-noüýi, shi edaýdoü etaiý \tr we raise / the «pl. in. ob.» / we sell / when, / very light / so usually, / again / what / their own \rf jod 1890:757.7 \op ge skiýgexti wegaýxe-noüýi, uýthiüwiü ti athiüý amaý. \tr the «pl. in. ob.» / very heavy / they make for us usually, / store / those who keep «sub.». \rf jod 1890:757.8 \pr Big Elk said: \op Shoü noüýde thoüýdi iüdaýdoü iüýtexi ge uwiýbtha shutheýathe. \tr And / heart / in the / what / hard for me / the «pl. in. ob.» / I tell to you / I send to you. \rf jod 1890:757.9 \op Niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü-ma edaýdoü uýdoü kikaýxe goüýtha ameýde, ithaýdithaiý amaý \tr Indian / the common «pl.» / what / good / to do for themselves / they were wishing, but, / agent / the «pl. sub.» \rf jod 1890:757.10 \op uwaýgikoüýzhi amaý-na. Kageýha, niýkashiüýga thieýgoü-masheý-na, uýshkoü weýtexi \tr they are the only ones who do aid us. / My friend, / person / only to you and those like yourself, / deed / hard for us \rf jod 1890:757.11 \op oüthoüýguthiýkie eýtai. Itiýgoüthaiý thiükeý edaýdoü weýtexi ge weýtexi-baýzhi etheýgoüxti-noüý, \tr we talk to you about them / can. / Grandfather / the «st. one» / what / hard for us / the «pl. in. ob.» / not hard for us / he thinks just so usually, \rf jod 1890:757.12 \op waýkihiýdewakithaiý-ma, ithaýdithaiý-ma, iüýshte waýthiudoüý-bi etheýgoü-noü gthiü \tr the ones whom he causes to watch over us, / the agents, / as it were / that they benefit us / he thinks usually / he sits \rf jod 1890:757.13 \op teý. Aýdoü niýkashiüýga-ma edaýdoü kikaýxai ge eýgimoü koübtheýgoü. Shoüý mazhoüý \tr the. / Therefore / the people / what / they do for themselves / the «pl. in. ob.» / I do that / I hope. / And / land \rf jod 1890:757.14 \op thoüýdi niýkashiüýga uýdoüxti koüýbtha ha; niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü agiýtoübe shtewoüý \tr in the / person / very good / I desire him / / Indian / common / I look at my own / even \rf jod 1890:757.15 \op koüýbtha-maýzhi. Mazhoüý thoüýdi aýwoüzhiýxti niýkashiüýga-maýshe bthuýga iüwiüýthakoüýi \tr I do not wish it. / Land / in the / fully strong enough to bear one up / O ye people / all / you aid me \rf jod 1890:757.16 \op koüýbtha. Niýkashiüýga-maýshe, noüýde uýdoü ithoüýthathe-maýshe, woüýgithe, uthaýkigthaiý \tr I wish. / O ye people, / heart / good / ye who place it, / every one, / you tell your affairs to one another \rf jod 1890:757.17 \op ki, uaýwathakoüýi ki, mazhoüý thoüýdi oümoüýthiü oügoüýthai. \tr when, / you aid us / if, / land / in the / we walk / we wish. \rf jod 1890:757.18 \pr @{Maxewathe} said: \op Kageýha, waxiüýha tioüýthakitheý niükeýshe, wiýbthahoü \tr My friend, / paper / you have sent it hither to me / you who sit, «sing.» / I pray to you \rf jod 1890:758.1 \op theýathe, sheýhe ha. Eýskana iütheýwashkoüý shkoüýna, kageýha, waxiüýha tioüýthakitheý, \tr I send it off, / I think and say that / . / Oh that / you make an effort for me / you wish it, / my friend, / paper / you send it hither to me, \rf jod 1890:758.2 \op iüýthe-xti-moüý. Shkoüý thiýta oüthoüýbahoüý-shtewoü-baýzhi shoüý xtaoüýthextioüýi. Eýskana \tr I am very glad indeed. / Acts / your / we do not know anything about them / yet / we love them very well. / Oh that \rf jod 1890:758.3 \op weýudoü eteýgoü uaýwathaginixiýde koüý oüthoüýthai. Shoüý niýkashiüýga waxiüýha \tr good for us / apt / you look around in search of something for us / we hope. / And / person / paper \rf jod 1890:758.4 \op wetheýshkaxe ti-maý weýthextioüýi, noüýde giýudoüxtioüýi thikaýge-ma. Uýshkoü \tr you made for them / those who have come hither / are very glad, / heart / very good for them / your friends. / Deed \rf jod 1890:758.5 \op oüguýtai ke iýnitawaýthe gaýthoüskaý shte ediýthoüaýzhi, wathiüýgextioüýi. Iýnitawaýthe \tr our / the / life sustaining / of that size / even / it is not there, / we are destitute of all. / Life sustaining «thing» \rf jod 1890:758.6 \op oüguýthixiýde shtewoüý oüthoüýtha-baýzhi-noüýi. Shkoüý thithiýta enaýxchi iýnitawaýthe ha. \tr we gaze at a distance from «an. ob.» / even when / we do not find it usually. / Act «movement» / your / it alone / life sustaining / \rf jod 1890:758.7 \op Kageýha, tha'eaýwagithaýi-ga. Oüniýta oügoüýthai eýgoü oükiýwahoüý'e-noü shoüýshoü \tr My friend, / pity us. / We live / we wish / as / we make a special prayer for ourselves usually / always \rf jod 1890:758.8 \op oüthiüý oüýba ithaýugthe. \tr we are / day / throughout. \rf jod 1890:758.9 \pr @{Pathiü-noüpazhi} said: \op Mazhoüý theýthoüdi uýthiüwiü ti athiüý akaý t'eýawaýthe \tr Land / in this / store / he who keeps it / to slaughter us \rf jod 1890:758.10 \op goüýthaxtioüýi. Oügiýoütha oügoüýtha shteýshtewoü Itiýgoüthaiý akaý-noü uiýkoü te weýtexi \tr has a strong desire. / We throw him, our own, away, / we wish / notwithstanding / Grandfather / the «sub.» usually / he aids him / the «+as» / hard for us \rf jod 1890:758.11 \op ha. Edaýdoü akiýgthizhuýt'oü te iýxtaxti oüýthiü aýtashoü iüýnashe-noüý shoüýshoü, aýdoü \tr . / What / I raise for myself / the / most wantonly / he has me / more than «enough» / he snatches from me usually / always, / therefore \rf jod 1890:758.12 \op eýskana umoüýthiüka theý mashteý aýma tetaýhi ki, theýthu nazhiüý iüýgoütha-baýzhi. Eýskana \tr oh that / year / this / warm / the other one / it shall arrive, when, / here / to stand / we do not wish for him. / Oh that \rf jod 1890:758.13 \op Itiýgoüthaiý thiükeý unaý'oüthakitheý koübtheýgoü. \tr Grandfather / the one who / you cause him to hear about it / I hope. \rf jod 1890:758.14 \pr Two Crows said: \op Goü edaýdoü, kageýha, e'oüý oümoüýthiü ge wathaýna'oü \tr And / what, / O friend, / how / we walk / the «pl. in. ob.» / you hear about us \rf jod 1890:758.15 \op shkoüýna, aýdoü oüýguiüýthitha shuýtheoüýthe toüýgatoü ha. Ki mazhoüý theýthuaýdi uýshkoü \tr you wish, / therefore / we tell it to you / we will send it to you / . / And / land / in this place / deed \rf jod 1890:758.16 \op weýtexi heýga-baýzhi eýde, uaýwakoüý wathiüýgai. Itiýgoüthaiý akaý niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü \tr hard for us / very / but, / to help us / we have none. / Grandfather / the «sub.» / Indian / common \rf jod 1890:758.17 \op Huýtoüga juýba mazhoüý oügthiüýi thoüýdi eshoüý ithoüýwathaiý. Ki ukiýt'e weýtexi \tr Winnebago / some / land / we sit / in the / near to / he placed them. / And / foreigner / hard for us \rf jod 1890:758.18 \op heýga-baýzhi niýkashiüýga eshoüý weýgthiü te. Shoüýge Huýtoüga akaý gtheýbahiýwiü \tr very / people / they sat near to us / the. / Horse / Winnebago / the «sub.» / hundred \rf jod 1890:758.19 \op thaýbthiü weýmoüthoüýi, Umoüýhoü etaiý. Ki ithaýdithaiý akaý weýbahoüýxtioüýi eýde, \tr three / stole from us, / Omaha / their own. / And / agent / the «sub.» / they knew very well «&or fully» about us / but, \rf jod 1890:759.1 \op weýthitoü shte goüýtha-baýzhi-noüýi. Itiýgoüthaiý thiükeý ithaýdithaiý akaý unaý'oükiýthe \tr to work for us / even / they did not wish usually. / Grandfather / the one who / agent / the «sub.» / to cause him to hear about it \rf jod 1890:759.2 \op woüýgagaýzhi shtewoüý wabaýgtheze shtewoüý giaýxa-baýzhi-noüýi, ebtheýgoü. Aýdoü \tr we commanded them / notwithstanding / letter / soever / they did not make to him usually, / I think it. / Therefore \rf jod 1890:759.3 \op Itiýgoüthaiý thiükeý na'oüzhi-noü teý ha. Ki waýxe amaý edaýdoü zhiüaýxchi shtewoüý \tr Grandfather / the «st. one» / has not usually heard it / . / And / white people / the «pl. sub.» / what / very small / even \rf jod 1890:759.4 \op uiýxpathaiý ki, giýtexi heýga-baýzhi-noüýi, ki edaýdoü toügaý heýga-baýzhi uaýwagixpathaiý \tr they lose it / if, / hard for them / very usually, / and / what / large / very / we lose \rf jod 1890:759.5 \op Itiýgoüthaiý thiükeý weýthitoü-baýzhi weýtha-baýzhi. Ki eýgoü wamoüýthoü aýakiýbtha ki, \tr Grandfather / the «st. one» / does not work for us / we are sad. / And / so / the thief / I attack him in turn, / if, \rf jod 1890:759.6 \op Itiýgoüthaiý akaý uýdoü etheýgoü te eýskoü eneýgoü a. Ki aýakiýbtha-maýzhi teýdi, eý \tr Grandfather / the «sub.» / good / he thinks it / will / you think it probable / ? / And / I did not attack him in turn / when, / it \rf jod 1890:759.7 \op uýdoü eýskoübtheýgoü eýgoü aýakiýbtha-maýzhi thoüýshti. Ki Itiýgoüthaiý akaý iüýthitoüýzhi \tr good / I thought it probable / as / I did not attack him / heretofore «not now». / And / Grandfather / the «sub.» / did not work for me \rf jod 1890:759.8 \op eýgoü, iüýtha-maýzhi ha. Ki edaýdoü waweýshi Huýtoüga amaý oü'iý tateý ebtheýgoü \tr as, / I am sad / . / And / what / pay / Winnebago / the «pl. sub.» / he shall give it to me / I thought it \rf jod 1890:759.9 \op thoüýshti. Ediýtoü oü'iý tateý ebtheýgoü thoüýzha, oü'iýazhi Itiýgoüthaiý thiükeý. Ki piýazhi \tr heretofore «but not now». / From it / he shall give it to me / I think it / though, / he has not given it to me / Grandfather / the «st. one». / And / bad \rf jod 1890:759.10 \op teýgoü aýakiýbtha iüýgoütheýgoü Itiýgoüthaiý akaý, aýdoü waweýshi te oü'iýazhi te ha. \tr in order that «?» / I assault him in turn / as he wishes for me / Grandfather / the «sub.», / therefore / pay / the / he has not given it to me / , \rf jod 1890:759.11 \op Shoüý wabaýgtheze thoüýdi Itiýgoüthaiý thiükeý eýdi hiýthakitheý koübtheýgoü iýe gaýte. \tr And / letter / in the «ob.» / Grandfather / the «st. one» / there / you cause it to reach there / I hope / word / those. \rf jod 1890:759.12 \ti @{Te-zheý-bate} to Rev. A. L. Riggs. \dt October 13, 1879 \op Niýkashiüýga oüýgathiü oüthiýgthahoüýi, niýkashiüýga-maýshe. Atoüý gedoüý, kageýha, \tr People / we who move / we thank you our own, / O ye people. / At different times, / O friend, \rf jod 1890:762.1 \op oüthiýgisiýthe - noü shoüýshoü. Eýskana niýkashiüýga tha'eýtewatheýxti juýba thiü \tr we remember you, our own / usually / always. / Oh that / Indian / most pitiful / some / the «coll. ?» \rf jod 1890:762.2 \op tha'eaýwathatheýxti oügoüýthai, oüýba theýthuaýdi. Shi wikaýge theý baxuýoükitheý, \tr you pity us indeed / we wish, / day / on this. / Again / my friend / this / we have caused him to write it, \rf jod 1890:762.3 \op kageýha. Oüthiýgthahoüýi. Ki eýskana, Kaýga, oüýba iýthakiýthe ki, oüthiýthahoüýi te \tr O friend. / We thank you. / And / Oh that, / Third son, / day / you awake / when, / we pray to you / the \rf jod 1890:762.4 \op thagiýsithe koüý oüthoüýthai. Oüguý, Kaýga, niýkashiüýga oüýgathiü, niýkashiüýga wiüý \tr you remember it / we / hope. / We, / Third son, / Indian / we who move, / person / one \rf jod 1890:762.5 \op oüguýkiai ki, oügaýxa oügoüýtha-baýzhi. Ki, Kaýga, gatoüýhi teýdi oüt'eý taiteý \tr we talk to him / we, / we go beyond him / we do not wish. / And, / Third son, / that far «unseen» / when / we shall die \rf jod 1890:762.6 \op oüthoüýkipahoü-baýzhi. Ikaýge-ma-taýthishoüý-ma wiü niýta wagiýkoüthaxtioüýi ha, \tr we do not know about ourselves. / Those on the side of his friends / one / to live / he really wishes for them, his own / , \rf jod 1890:762.7 \op kageýha. Ki ikaýge wiüý theýthiüke waxiüýha thanaý'oü teýgoü gaýxeoüýgikithaiý. \tr O friend. / And / his friend / one / this st. one / paper / you hear it / in order that / we have caused him, our own, to make it. \rf jod 1890:762.8 \op Moüthiüý-chakiý weýt'ai teý eýshetoüý oüýba-waxuýbe wiüaýxchi. Theýama Unaýzhiü-xuýde \tr @{Moüthiüý-chakiý} / die for us / the past act / so far / «+until now» / mysterious day / just one. / This «mv. sub.» / Gray coat \rf jod 1890:762.9 \op amaý agthaiý te waýthagitheýxtioüýi, tha'eýawatheýxti iýai. Ki e'oüý oüt'eý teýgoü-baýzhi \tr the «mv. sub.» / he went / the «+when» / he made us very glad by talking, / having great pity for us / he spoke. / And / how / we die / can not \rf jod 1890:762.10 \op iüýtoü; weýagiuýdoü eteýgoü uaýwagithaiý. \tr now; / we do well «&or it is for our good» / apt / he has told it to us. \rf jod 1890:762.11 \ti @{Nudoüý-axa} to Rev. A. L. Riggs. \dt October 14, 1879 \op Kageýha, ikaýgewithaiý, Wakoüýda waýthahoü-maýshe, wawiýuie-maýshe, \tr O friends, / I have you for my friends, / God / ye who pray to him, / ye who are under the protection of the laws, \rf jod 1890:763.1 \op ikaýgewitheýxti. Ki niýkashiüýga wiüý Wakoüýda thiükeý iýe etaý te gaxaiý. Ki eý \tr I have you for true friends. / And / person / one / God / the «st. one» / word / his / the «ob.» / has gone beyond. / And / it \rf jod 1890:763.2 \op koüýbtha-maýzhi. Wakoüýda iýe etaý zaniýxti bthiýze. Wakoüýda akaý oüthoüýgiuýdoü \tr I do not wish it. / God / word / his / every one / I have taken. / God / the «sub.» / I do well by means of \rf jod 1890:763.3 \op eýte te zaniýxti iüwiüýthai ha, aýdoü iüýthe-xti-moüý. Aýxa-maýzhi koüýbtha. Uýshkoü \tr ought / the / every one / he has told to me / , / therefore / I am very glad. / I do not go beyond him / I wish. / Deed \rf jod 1890:763.4 \op wiüý, Moüchuý-naýzhiü thioüýtha gtheý te bthiýze ha, ubthoüý ha. Thanaý'oü te ha. \tr one, / Standing Bear / he abandoned you / he went back / the / I have taken it / , / I have taken hold of it / . / You hear it / will / . \rf jod 1890:763.5 \op Niýkashiüýga wiüý sheýthu shakiý. Isoüýga akaý uýshkoü woüýgitheýxti izhiüýthe thiüý \tr Person / one / yonder / has reached there again, where you are. / His younger brother / the «sub.» / deed / all / his elder brother / the «mv. ob.» \rf jod 1890:763.6 \op giaýxai. Thanaý'oü eteý. Shtoüýbe ki, "Niýkashiüýga naxiýde-thiüýge aýhoü," eneýgoü \tr made for him. / You hear it / ought. / You see him / if, / Person / disobedient / ! / you think it \rf jod 1890:763.7 \op eteý ki. Eýgoü wetheýshkoünaiý eteýgoü eýgoü ha, Shoüýge-hiü-ziý-a. Umaýha-maý \tr ought. / So / you wish for us / apt / so / , / O Yellow Horse. / The Omahas \rf jod 1890:763.8 \op theýama wiüý waýxthi, Peýnishka. Chaýza-thiüýge t'eýoüth 'ithaý-bi, esheý te. T'eaýthe \tr these / one / stunned them, / @{Peýnishka}. / @{Chaýza-thiüýge} / to kill me / that he spoke of it, / you said it. / I kill him \rf jod 1890:763.9 \op 'iaýthe, wiýuthaginaý. Goüýki Noüýpewaýthe shti t'eaýthe 'iaýthe unaý te. Goüýki \tr I threatened, / you told them about their own. / And / Dangerous / too / I kill him / I threatened / you told it / the. / And \rf jod 1890:764.1 \op Sihiý-duba shti t'eaýthe 'iaýthe, unaý te. Sheýna niýkashiüýga thaýbthiü unaý te. Gaýtegoüý \tr Four Legs / too / I kill him / I threatened / you told it / the. / Enough / person / three / you told it / the. / In that manner \rf jod 1890:764.2 \op wetheýshkaxaiý. Maxpiý ithaýbat'u wathithishna. \tr you have acted against us. / Cloud / pressing against / you are visible. \rf jod 1890:764.3 \ti @{Te-zheý-bate} to @{Wazhiüýga-pa}. \dt September, 1879 \op Shetoüý waýthi'aýxtioüýi. Wathiýtoü oüwoüýshkoüi chaýbe eýde shetoüý oüthiý'ai. \tr So far / they have altogether failed in the work on our account. / Work / we have exerted ourselves / very «hard» / but / so far / we have not finished it. \rf jod 1890:765.1 \op Shaýni-a, Thawiýna meýgoü, thitiýgoü tha'eýthai-ga. Giýwashkoüýi-ga. Wathaýte \tr O Charles, / David / likewise, / your grandfather / pity ye him! / Do ye make an effort for him! / Food \rf jod 1890:765.2 \op shiüýgazhiüýga thoükaý tha'eiýkithaýi-ga. Niýkashiüýga sheýthiüke, kageýha, wiýbthahoü, \tr child / the ones who / pity ye him through. / Person / that seen st. one, / my friend, / I pray to you, \rf jod 1890:765.3 \op Wazhiüýga-uýdoü. Tha'eýthathe koübtheýgoü ha, niýkashiüýga thiükeý. Shoüý edaýdoü wiüý \tr Good Bird. / You pity him / I hope / , / person / the «st. ob.». / And / what / one \rf jod 1890:765.4 \op gaýketa wathaýshkoü te thiügeý. Usniý eýdi hiý. Ki enaýxchi wathaýshkoü koübtheýgoü \tr at that «place?» / you make an effort / will / there is none. / Cold / it has reached there. / And / it only / you make an effort / I hope \rf jod 1890:765.5 \op sheýthuadiýxti te. Ki aýwakeýta wathaýshkoü te thiügeý. ... Shetoüý waxiüýha \tr just yonder by you / the. / And / at what place / you make an effort / will / there is none. / So far / paper \rf jod 1890:765.6 \op tioüýthakithaýzhi. ... Moüýa-cheýba igaýxthoü wahiýthage gitoüýbe goüýthai eýgoü, \tr you have not sent hither to me. / Mawacepa / his wife / lame / to see his own / he wishes / as, \rf jod 1890:765.7 \op oüýgiti koübtheýgoü. Moüthiüý-chaki iüsh'aýge t'eý takeý. \tr he comes for me / I hope. / Ma~thi~ tcaki / old man / will surely die as he reclines. \rf jod 1890:765.8 \ti @{Moüchuý-dathiü} to @{Wathixe-kashi}. \op Wa'uý thiükeý sheýthiüke agiýkoübthaý-xti-moüý. Theýthu nazhiüý teýdi u'aýgthazhi eteý. \tr Woman / the «st. one» / that «st. one» / near you / I strongly desire «to have» my own «again». / Here / she stands / when / she does not suffer / ought. \rf jod 1890:766.1 \op Usniý hiýazhi teýdi, uxtheý agiýkoübtha wa'uý thiükeý. Ki e'oüý eneýgoü ki, uxtheýxchi \tr Cold / has not arrived / when, / soon / I desire my own again / woman / the «st. one». / And / how / you think it / if, / very soon \rf jod 1890:766.2 \op waxiüýha thoü ioüýkithaý-ga. Uniý'age kiýshte, eýskana eýgoüxti shkaýxe \tr paper / the «ob.» / send it hither to me. / You are unwilling / even if, / oh that / just so / you act \rf jod 1890:766.3 \op koübtheýgoü. Wa'uý thiükeý iüthiüýthaniü shiý koübtheýgoü. Thikaýge amaý theýama \tr I hope. / Woman / the «st. one» / you bring mine for me / I hope. / Your friend / the «pl. sub.» / these \rf jod 1890:766.4 \op wagoüze amaý maýthe te uthuýagthe tha'eýawathaiý. Uaýwa'i taý amaý waýxe amaý. \tr teacher / the «pl. sub.» / winter / the / throughout / pitied us. / They will give rations to us / white people / the «pl. sub.». \rf jod 1890:766.5 \op Theýama iýe awaýxa koüýbtha-maýzhi, aýdoü shagtheý koüýbtha-maýzhi. \tr These / word / I go beyond them / I do not wish, / therefore / I go back to you / I do not wish. \rf jod 1890:766.6 \ti @{Gahiýge} to @{Shuýde-gaýxe}. \op Shuýde-gaýxe-aý wamuýske te wagaýxe oü'iý-baýzhi-noüýi. Thaoüýna thigaýxai. \tr O Smoke-maker! / wheat / the / debt / they have not given it to me usually. / You have abandoned it / they have thought about you. \rf jod 1890:766.7 \op Shoüý theýthu thagthiý tateý akiýxibtha, aýdoü ithaýa-maýzhi, oü'iý-baýzhi thoüýzha. Shoüý sheýta \tr And / here / you shall have come back / I hesitated from fear of failure, / therefore / I have not spoken, / they have not given it to me / though. / And / yonder where you are \rf jod 1890:766.8 \op thagthiüý te, Poüýka-maýshe, noüýde iüýpi-maýzhi ha. Pahoüýga shupiý teýdi \tr you sit / the, / O ye Ponkas, / heart / not good for me / . / Before / I reached you / when \rf jod 1890:766.9 \op uwiýbtha kethoüý uskoüýskoü tateý ebtheýgoü. Shoüý Poüýka amaý noüýde wiwiýta \tr I told it to you / the, in the past / shall be straight on / I think it. / And / Ponka / the «pl. sub.» / heart / my own \rf jod 1890:767.1 \op eheýbe akiýpaxe, nieýxti oüshkaýxai. Thagthaiý te eý aýwake. Theýthu gthiüý thoükaý \tr a part of them / I make it for myself, / you cause me great pain. / You have gone back / it / I mean it. / Here / the ones who sit \rf jod 1890:767.2 \op 'oüý wegaýxai tediýhi ki, thanaý'oü taiteý. Uýshkoü wetheýshkoüna te niýshtoü. \tr how / they do for them / by the time it arrives [&or if they should] / when, / you shall hear it. / Deed / you have wished for them / the / you have dropped it. \rf jod 1890:767.3 \op Noüýde thoü thiaýxai ha. \tr Heart / the / you have been excelled «+left behind &or ignored» / \rf jod 1890:767.4 \ti @{Waxpe-sha} to @{Unaýzhiü-ska}. \dt October 14, 1879 \op Sheýta shubtheý koüýbtha, bthiý'a. Wathiýtoü waxtaý naýzhi ge thitoüý thiügeý \tr Yonder «to you» / I go to you / I wished, / I have not been able. / Work / vegetables / I have planted / the «pl. in. ob.» / to work / there is none \rf jod 1890:767.5 \op shubthaý-maýzhi ha. Bthiýshtoü ki, shubtheý teýiüke ha. Poüýka amaý mazhoüý theýthu \tr I do not go to you / . / I finish it / when, / I go to you / may «?» / . / Ponka / the «pl. sub.» / land / here \rf jod 1890:767.6 \op nazhiüý taý amaý. Sheýta shkoüýazhi nazhiüý-ga haý, Shuýde-gaýxe-aý. Shkoüýazhi nazhiüýi-ga \tr will be standing. / Yonder motionless / stand thou / ! / O Smoke-maker. / Motionless / stand ye \rf jod 1890:767.7 \op haý akiýtha. Poüýka amaý wathiýtoü thaýthuhaýxchi waýthishtoü athaiý. Wizhiüýthe t'eý. \tr ! / both. / Ponka / the «pl. sub.» / to work / almost / to let them go / they have gone. / My elder brother / dead \rf jod 1890:768.1 \op Kaýxe-saýbe. Oüýba-waxuýbe aýma teýdi t'eý. Eaýtoü wabaýgtheze gthioüýthakithaýzhi \tr Black Crow. / Mysterious day / the other one / on the / dead. / Why / letter / you have not sent back to me \rf jod 1890:768.2 \op shoüýshoü thuýtoüxti iüwiüýtha giýtha-ga haý, negiýha. Moüchuý-noüýba shetoüý giniýazhi, \tr always / very correctly / to tell it to me / send back hither / ! / O mother's brother. / Two Grizzly bears / so far / has not recovered. \rf jod 1890:768.3 \op T'eý tateý, ebtheýgoü. \tr He shall die, / I think it. \rf jod 1890:768.4 \ti @{Naüzandazhi} to T. M. @{Meýzhik}. \dt November 6, 1879 \op Shoü wagaýxe eýwibthiüý te ithaýugtheýxti asiýthe. Shutheýathe tateý ebtheýgoü, \tr And / debt / I have for you / the «ob.» / continually / I remember it. / I shall send it to you / I have thought it, \rf jod 1890:768.5 \op eýde mazhoüý wathaýwa ge unoüýshtoü te ithaýpahoü-maýzhi. Utoüýnadi uxpaýthe \tr but / land / counting / the «pl. in. ob.» / stopping place / the «ob.» / I do not know it. / At some lone place / it be lost \rf jod 1890:768.6 \op iýniheý ebtheýgoü eýgoü shutheýatha-maýzhi. ... Shoüý moüýzeskaý te thagiýt'oü eteýgoü. \tr lest / I think it / as / I have not sent it to you. / And / money / the / you have plenty of your own / apt. \rf jod 1890:768.7 \op Sheýna. ... Oüýpoüha shkoüýna ki iüwiüýthana iýthathe teý ha. \tr Enough. / Elk skin / you desire / if / you tell it to me / you send hither / please / \rf jod 1890:768.8 \ti @{Te-zheý-bate} to @{Unaýzhiü-ska}. \op Unaýzhiü-ska, thineýgi shoüýge toü Shaoüý aiýi ki, itheýthaniü thatiý koübtheýgoü. \tr O White Shirt, / your mother's brother / horse / the «std. ob.» / Dakota / they are coming / if, / you bring mine hither / I hope. \rf jod 1890:769.1 \op Shetoüý wathiýtoü te ushteý. Goüý thigiýsithe-noü shoüshoüýxti, eý ha. Shetoüý \tr So far / work / the / remains. / And / he remembers you, usually / always «emph.», / he says / . / So far \rf jod 1890:769.2 \op niýkashiüýga wathiýtoü-maýta thi'aý-xtioüý. Oüýba-waxuýbe toügaý te hi teý eý \tr people / to the workers / they have not finished at all. / Mysterious day / large / the / reaches there / when / it \rf jod 1890:769.3 \op uýtoübethe. Ki Hexaýga-moüýthiü-aý, wisiýthe-noü shoüýshoü. Eýthe wiwiýta-maýshe, \tr there is a hope. / And / O Walking Elk, / I remember you, usually / always. / Kindred / you who are mine, \rf jod 1890:769.4 \op woüýgitheýxti wigiýsithe-noü-shoüshoüý-xti-moüýi. Shoüý niýkashiüýga duýba shti \tr all / I am really thinking of you continually. / And / person / four / too \rf jod 1890:769.5 \op wisiýthai. Wanaýshe-zhiüýga, thiýshti wisiýthe. Wikuwa, thiýshti, Kageý, wisiýthe-noüý \tr I remember you «pl.». / O Little Policeman, / you too / I remember you. / @{Wikuwa} «a Dakota name», / you too, / Fourth son, / I remember you usually \rf jod 1890:769.6 \op shoüýshoü. Theýaka, Wanaýshe-zhiüýga, thitiými akaý xageý-noü shoüýshoü, thiýdoübe \tr always. / This one, / O Little Policeman, / your father's sister / the «sub.» / she cries usually / always, / to see you \rf jod 1890:769.7 \op goüthaý-xti eýgoü. Goü Shuýde-gaýxe tiý te (i'aýthe te wiüaýxchi eýkigoü) tiý \tr she has a strong desire / as. / And / Smoke-maker / lodge, / the «std. ob.» / I have spoken of it / the «ob.» / just one / like it / lodge \rf jod 1890:769.8 \op wiüaýxchi oügthiüý eýgoü, wisiýthe-noü shoüýshoü. Iyuwazi itiýzhoüaýthe agiýtoübe \tr just one / we sit / so, / I remember you, usually / always. / @{Iyuwazi} «Dakota name» / I have her for my sister's daughter / I see her, my own \rf jod 1890:769.9 \op koübthaý-xti-moüý. Ki theýakaý, Shaýwiü akaý, izhoüýge wahiýthage gitoüýbe \tr I have a strong desire. / And / this one, / Dakota woman / the «sub.», / her daughter / lame / to see her own \rf jod 1890:769.10 \op goüýthaxtioüý (Moüýa-cheýba igaýxthoü). Ki, kageýha, niýkashiüýga duýba wigiýsithe-noü \tr she strongly desires / @{Moüýa-cheýba} / his wife. / And / O friend, / person / four / I remember you usually \rf jod 1890:769.11 \op shoüýshoü. Ki wiüý thatiý, Chexapa, Tatoüýka-iüyoüýke. Toüýwoügthoü wiwiýta \tr always. / And / one / you came hither, / Beats the Drum «?», / Running Buffalo. / Nation / my own \rf jod 1890:770.1 \op noükaýshe, Ihoük*toüwiüý noükaýshe wazaýni, wigiýsithe-noü-moüýi shoüshoüý-xti-moüýi. \tr ye who are, / Yankton / ye who are / all, / I remember you «pl.» usually / I do it always. \rf jod 1890:770.2 \op Shoüý eýskana edaýdoü shteýshte zhiüzhiüýga thanaý'oü eýiüte shoüý iýutha daýdoü thanaý'oü \tr And / oh that / what / soever / small ones of different sorts / you hear it / whether «&or if» / and / news / what / you hear it \rf jod 1890:770.3 \op eýiüte iüwiüýthana tiýthathai koübtheýgoü. \tr whether «&or if» / you tell it to me / you «pl.» send hither / I hope. \rf jod 1890:770.4 \ti Betsy Dick to @{Wathixe-kashi}. \dt November 15, 1879 \op Iýe theý oüýbatheý shutheýathe. Zaniý uýdoüxti niüý eýteoüýi te anaý'oü koüýbtha. \tr Word / this / to-day / I send it to you. / All / very good / you are / at least «pl. ?» / the / I hear it / I wish. \rf jod 1890:770.5 \op Neýgihaý, igaýxthoü shti shoüý thihoüýga shtewoüý winaý'oü koüýbtha, shiüýgazhiügaý \tr O mother's brother, / his wife / too / and / your potential wife / even / I hear from you / I wish, / child \rf jod 1890:770.6 \op shti zaniý thuýtoüxti, eýskana, uýwathaginaý koübtheýgoü. Goüýki, wiýsoüthoüý, \tr too / all / very correctly, / oh that, / you tell it to us / I hope. / And, / my younger brother «f. sp.», \rf jod 1890:770.8 \op shutheýwikitheý. Shoüýge waoüýthe iütheýshkaxe teý thuýtoü anaý'oü koüýbtha, wiýsoüthoüý. \tr I have sent it to you by some one. / Horse / you promised to pay it to me for my services as a doctor / the / correctly / I hear it / I wish, / my younger brother «f. sp.». \rf jod 1890:770.9 \op Moüchuý-naýzhiü agiý shathaiý te wawiýue akaý uaýwagiýbtha eýde iýeska uthiýtha-bazhiýi \tr Standing Bear / he went to you after him / the «+when» / lawyer / the «sub.» «see note» / I have told it to him / but / interpreter / he did not tell it to you \rf jod 1890:770.10 \op teý he, wiýsoüthoüý. Goüý-adoü goüýadi wabaýgtheze shutheýathe goüý eýskana iýe \tr the / «fem.»., / my younger brother «f. sp.». / So, therefore / now / letter / I send to you / as / oh that / word \rf jod 1890:771.1 \op te uýdoüxti iütheýshkaxe tiýthathe koübtheýgoü. Oüýba hithaiý teýdi shutheýathe. \tr the / very good / you make for me / you send it hither / I hope. / Day / they bathe / on the / I send it to you. \rf jod 1890:771.2 \op Thizhiüýge t'eý te anaý'oü te, thizhiüýthe shti t'eýthai te, iýutha pezhiýxti anaý'oü he. \tr Your son / died / the / I have heard it / the, / your elder brother / too / they killed him / the, / news / very bad / I have heard it / «fem.». \rf jod 1890:771.3 \op Noüýde iüýpi-maýzhi, wiýsoüthoüý, thoüýzha weýahide thanaýzhiü giýtexiwaýthe eýthe. \tr Heart / bad for me, / my younger brother «f. sp.», / though / at a distance / you stand / a source of trouble / indeed «fem.». \rf jod 1890:771.4 \op Oüýbatheýxchi Moüchuý-naýzhiü iýe etaý ke anaý'oü, wabaýgtheze gaýwa toüýbe ki. \tr This very day / Standing Bear / word / his / the / I have heard, / newspaper / I saw / when. \rf jod 1890:771.5 \op Waýxe bthuýga tha'eýthithaiý iýai te, noüýde iüthiüýudoü. Shoüý, wiýsoüthoüý, noüýde \tr White people / all / have pitied you «pl.» / have spoken / the, / heart / it is good for mine. / Yet / my younger brother «f. sp.», / heart \rf jod 1890:771.6 \op iüýpi-maýzhi axaýge agthiüý eýthe. Thizhiüýthe doüýshteoüý, thitoüýshka doüýshteoüý, iüýthahoüý-a, \tr is bad for me / I weep / I sit / indeed, «fem.». / Your elder brother / either, / your sister's son / or, / pray to him for me «fem.», \rf jod 1890:771.7 \op shoüýge toüýta. Iýe te edeý te ki, eýskana tioüýthakitheý koübtheýgoü. &Spafford \tr horse / concerning the «std. ob.». / Word / the / he will say something / if, / oh that / you send it hither to me / I hope. / &Spafford \rf jod 1890:771.8 \op &Woodhull izhoüýge abthiüý thiüýkethoüý iüýt'e, thieýwoüzhoüý. Moüthiüý-chakiý t'eýe he. \tr Woodhull / his daughter / I have her / the one, in the past / dead to me, / you have caused it. / @{Moüthiüý-chakiý} / is dead / «fem.».. \rf jod 1890:771.9 \op Umoüýhoü shte t'aý-bazhi, enaýxchi t'eýe he oüýbatheýxchi. \tr Omaha / even / have not died, / only he / is dead / «fem.». / this very day. \rf jod 1890:771.10 \ti @{Nudoüý-axa} to @{Shuýde-gaýxe}. \dt November 15, 1879 \op Shoüý thizhiüýge t'eýthai te waýxe amaý eýde, theýama Umaýha amaý bthuýgaxti \tr And / your son / they have killed him / the / white people / the «pl. sub.» / but, / these / Omaha / the «pl. sub.» / all \rf jod 1890:772.1 \op noüýde giýpi-baýzhi, aýdoü oüýbatheý hithaiý teýdi uwiýbtha shutheýathe. Ki Umaýha amaý \tr heart / are sad, / therefore / to-day / they bathe / when / I tell it to you. / And / Omaha / the «pl. sub.» \rf jod 1890:772.2 \op uthuýgigthe-noüýi, shoüýge wa'iýi te gthiý tediýhi, shiý eýgoü tat eýskoü eýde \tr they are sorrowful for their relation usually, / horse / they give to us / the / has come back / by the time, / again / so / shall be / they thought / but \rf jod 1890:772.3 \op hebaýdi uýshkoü zhuaýzhi giaýxai. Theýama Umaýha amaý uthuýgigthaiý te noüýde \tr before reaching the end / deed / inferior / made for him. / These / Omaha / the «pl. sub.» / they are sorrowful for their relation / the / heart \rf jod 1890:772.4 \op iüthiüýudoü-xti-moüý. Uýshkoü bthuýgaxti waýgazuýxti na'oüý-baýzhi, t'eýthai te-shnoüý \tr mine is very good for me. / Deed / all / very straight / they have not heard, / they killed him / the only \rf jod 1890:772.5 \op goüý na'oüýi. Ki aýdoü theýaka ikaýge akaý noüýde giýpi-baýzhi-xtioüýi, eýkigoüýxti \tr so / they heard. / And / therefore / this one / his friend / the «sub.» / heart / is very sad for him, / just like him \rf jod 1890:772.6 \op noüýde iüýpi-maýzhi. Noüýde iüýpi-maýzhi te goüý eýgizhoü eteý. E'oüý paýxe tateý \tr heart / I am sad. / Heart / I am sad / the / so / you do that / ought. / How / I do / shall \rf jod 1890:772.7 \op thiügeý, goüý noüýde thoü eýg ithoüýthathe eteý. Waxiüýha oüthaý'i shkoüýna kiýshte, \tr there is none, / so / heart / the «cv. ob.» / so / you place it «cv. ob.» / ought. / Paper / you give to me / you wish / even if, \rf jod 1890:772.8 \op eýgoüxti iýtha-ga. \tr just so / send hither. \rf jod 1890:772.9 \ti @{Peýde-gaýhi} to Silas Wood. \dt December 1, 1879 \op Theý waxiüýha tiýthathe thoü bthiýze ha. Waxiüýha thoü toüýbe te noüýde thoü \tr This / paper / you have sent hither / the «ob.» / I have received it / . / Paper / the «ob.» / I saw it / when / heart / the «ob.» \rf jod 1890:773.1 \op iüýudoüýxti toüýbe ha. Ki oüýbatheý niýkashiüýga amaý bthuýgaxti uýshkoü wiüý 'ithaiý \tr very good for me / I saw it / . / And / to-day / people / the «pl. sub.» / all / deed / one / they talk about it \rf jod 1890:773.2 \op eýdegoüý shoüý theýthu anaýzhiü teýdi 'ithaiý ki, iüýudoü-xti-moüý thoüýzha, thithiüýge teýdi, \tr but / yet / here / I stand / when / they talk about it / if, / I am doing very well / though, / you are wanting / when, \rf jod 1890:773.3 \op 'ithaiý te u'oüýthiügeý thanaý'oü teýgoü waxiüýha shutheýathe, noüýde iüthiüýpi-maýzhi ha. \tr they talk about it / the / in vain / you hear it / in order that / paper / I send to you, / heart / mine is very sad by means of it / \rf jod 1890:773.4 \op Waýxe amaý Itiýgoüthaiý ithaýdithaiý ethoüýba, niýkashiüýga thithiýta-xti-ma wiüý ieýska \tr White people / the / Grandfather / agent / he too, / people / those who are really your own / one / interpreter \rf jod 1890:773.5 \op gikaýxa-ga, aiý. ... Eý ga)tegoüý uwiýbtha. Goüý moüniüý te thiýudoüý-xti-zhoüý \tr make him, your own, / said. / That / that is the substance of it / I have told you. / And / you walk / the / you are doing very well \rf jod 1890:773.6 \op esheý, iýthoüboüý oüshtoüýbazhi eýgoü iýthaeý te iüýpi-maýzhi. \tr you say it, / a second time «+once more» / you do not see me / so / you speak it / the / it is bad for me. \rf jod 1890:773.7 \ti @{Miüka'e-zhiüga} to @{Ke-gtheýze} (Charles Moore). \st December, 1879 \op Goü theýthoü waxiüýha thoü theýama Umoüýhoü amaý iýe thithiýta ubth eýdegoüý, \tr And / this «cv. ob.» / paper / the «cv. ob.» / these / Omaha / the «pl. sub.» / word / your / I have told them, but, \rf jod 1890:774.1 \op shoüý juýba iüýzhakitheýgoü shatheý taý amaý, aýna'oü-baýzhi. Aýdoü gaýthoü waxiüýha \tr yet / some / as they have doubted me / they will go to you, / they have not obeyed. / Therefore / that «cv. ob.» / paper \rf jod 1890:774.2 \op shutheýathe. Ki iýe edaýdoü edeýshe te shi piý thuýtoü anaý'oü koüýbtha. Iýe wiüý \tr I send it to you. / And / word / what / what you say / the / again / anew / straight / I hear it / I wish. / Word / one \rf jod 1890:774.3 \op theý iüwiüýthana te piý waýgazuoükitheýxti iýtha-ga. "Naxiýde te athiüý-ga," \tr this / you told it to me / the / anew / making it very straight for me / send it hither. / Inner ear / the / keep thou, \rf jod 1890:774.4 \op esheý tethoüý eý aýwake. Iýe te anoüýbthiü. Eý thuýtoü anaý'oü koüýbtha. Edaýdoü \tr what you said, in the past / that / I mean it. / Word / the / I forget «I do not understand». / That / correct / I hear it / I wish. / What \rf jod 1890:774.5 \op iýutha thiügeý, shoüý iýe uthuýwikieý-noü-moüý ge eýskana thuýtoüxti iütheýshkaxe \tr news / none, / yet / word / I have been speaking to you regularly / the «pl. in. ob.» / oh that / very correctly / you do for me \rf jod 1890:774.6 \op koübtheýgoü. Iýe thithiýta asiýthe-noü shoüýshoü, iüýudoü ge. Goüý niýkashiüýga-ma \tr I hope. / Word / your / I think of them usually / always, / good for me / the «pl. in. ob.». / And / the people «pl. ob.» \rf jod 1890:774.7 \op washtoüýbe thagtheý goüý e'oüý thiügeý, uýdoüxti nazhiüý. Iýe thithiýta aýakihiýde anaýzhiü, \tr you saw them / you went back / still / what is the matter / there is none, / very good / stand. / Word / your / I attend to it / I stand, \rf jod 1890:774.8 \op eý bthiýxe. Shoüý iýe weýthigthoü uýdoüxti winaý'oü koübtheýgoü. Uxtheýxti shi athuýha \tr it / I pursue it. / And / word / decision / very good / I hear from you / I hope. / Very soon / again / finally \rf jod 1890:774.9 \op watoüýbe koüýbtha waxiüýha. \tr I see them / I wish / paper. \rf jod 1890:774.10 \ti @{Teý-ukoüha} to @{Unaýzhiü-ska} and @{He-waüzhitha}. \dt December 12, 1879 \op Shiüýgazhiüýga iüýt'e tateý ebtheýgoü. Shoüý edaýdoü teýxi aýakipaý. Wawiýna \tr Child / shall die to me / I think it. / And / what / difficult / I have met it. / I beg something from you \rf jod 1890:775.1 \op shutheýathaiý. Heý-woüzhiýtha thitoüýge ethoüýba, oüwoüýxpani heýga-maýzhi. Shoüý shoüýge \tr I send to you «pl.». / One Horn / your sister / she too, / I am poor / I am very. / And / horse \rf jod 1890:775.2 \op wiü aniüý eýiüte eýskana oüthaý'i 'ithaýthe koübtheýgoü. Shoüý iýe wiwiýta eýgoüxti \tr one / you have it / if / oh that / you give it to me / you promise / I hope. / And / word / my / just so \rf jod 1890:775.3 \op iütheýshkaxe koübtheýgoü. Woüýgitheýxti wiýbthahoüýi, thitaýhoü meýgoü, thitoüýge shti. \tr you do for me / I hope. / Every one / I pray to you «pl.», / your brothers-in-law / likewise, / your sisters / too. \rf jod 1890:775.4 \op Shubtheý koüýbtha te bthiý'a. Sidaýdi t'eý-de gisiüý ha, miüýzhiüga noüý toü eý aýwake. \tr I go to you / I wish / the / I am unable. / Yesterday / when she died / she revived / , / girl / grown / the «std. ob.» / her / I mean her. \rf jod 1890:775.5 \op Axaýge-noü shoüýshoü noüýde thoütaý. Thiýdoübe goüýthaxti eýde aý'oüzhi t'eý takeý. \tr I am weeping usually / always / heart / in the. / To see you / she had a strong desire / but / she, being unsuccessful «&or unlucky» / she will surely die as she reclines. \rf jod 1890:775.6 \op Shoüý e'oüý ki, uxtheýxchi iüwiüýtha tiýtha-ga. Oüýbatheý wawiýpaxu shutheýathe. \tr And / how / if, / very soon / to tell it to me / send hither. / To-day / I write something to you / I send to you. \rf jod 1890:775.7 \ti @{Nudoüý-axa} to Miss Jocelyn. \dt December 3, 1879 \op Oüýbatheý usniýxti teýdshi iüdaýdoü tioüýthathaiý uaýnazhiüý eýgoü, oüshtiýdexti-moüý \tr To-day / very cold / when / what / you have sent here to me / I stand in it / as, / I am living very comfortably \rf jod 1890:776.1 \op aýdoü wiýbthahoü shutheýathai, wa'uý-mashe. Piýxti, kageýha, uýdoü iügaýxai-ga. \tr therefore / I thank you / I send it to you «pl.», / O ye women. / Anew, / O friends, / good / do ye for me. \rf jod 1890:776.2 \op Kageýha, Wakoüýda thiükeý iüdaýdoü uýdoü ketaýthishoü ke oüthiýsoüthaiý, aýdoü \tr O friends, / God / the «st. one» / what / good / towards the «ob.» / the «ob.» / we turned, / therefore \rf jod 1890:776.3 \op wiýbthahoüý-noü-moüý. Waýxe amaý theýama wathiýtoü ke watoüýbe. Wakoüýda \tr I have been praying to you regularly. / White people / the «pl. sub.» / these / do various kinds of work / the / I have seen them. / God \rf jod 1890:776.4 \op akaý noübeý thishkoüýwakithaiý bthuýgaxti watoüýbe, aýdoü eýgimoü koübtheýgoü, \tr the «sub.» / hand / has caused them to move «rapidly» / all / I have seen them, / therefore / I do that / I hope, \rf jod 1890:776.5 \op agiýna-noü-moüý. Shiüýgazhiüýga wiwiýta wathiýt iýbahoü aýdoü shi eý gaýthiüke \tr I beg for my own usually. / Child / my / to work / knows it / therefore / again / it / that «st. ob.» \rf jod 1890:776.6 \op ukoüýadi uwiýbtha shutheýathe. Weýnoüdeoüýgithe-noüý, aýdoü eý uýdoü eýskoübtheýgoü. \tr apart / I tell it to you / I send it to you. / He causes me to feel full, as after eating usually, / therefore / that / good / I think it may be. \rf jod 1890:776.7 \op Gatoüýadi eýgimoü teýiüt ebtheýgoü, aýdoü akiýpaxe eýgoü teýiüte. Oüýba aýgudi \tr Just about this time / I do that / may / I think it, / therefore / I do it a little for myself / may. / Day / where \rf jod 1890:776.8 \op shteýshte waxiüýha tioüýthakitheý wiýkoübtha. Iüdaýdoü shkaýxe moüniüý-masheý, \tr soever / paper / you send hither to me / I desire for you. / What / you do / O ye who walk, \rf jod 1890:776.9 \op gazoüýadi ueýhe moübthiüý. \tr among them / I follow it / I walk. \rf jod 1890:776.10 \ti @{Waxpe-sha} to @{Unaýzhiü-ska}. \dt December 26, 1879 \op Negiýha, iýe tiýthathe te iüýthexti-moüý. Shoüýge aýhigi waýniü iüýthexti-moüý. \tr O uncle, / word / you have sent here / the / I am very glad. / Horse / many / you have them / I am very glad. \rf jod 1890:777.1 \op Hoüý ge ithaýugthe oüthiýsithaiý. Shiüýgazhiüýga wiwiýta tha'eýwathatheýxti eteý ki, \tr Night / the «pl. in. ob.» / throughout / we think of you. / Child / my / you have great pity on them / ought, \rf jod 1890:777.2 \op tha'eýwathaýthazhiýxtioüý, thisiýthe-noü shoüýshoü. Shubtheý taý miüke, negiýha. Shoü \tr you have not pitied them at all, / he thinks of you usually / always. / I will go to you, / O uncle. / Well \rf jod 1890:777.3 \op atoüý iüýudoü te eýtoü uxtheýxchi eýgoü. Niniýgahi gtheýba zhoüý paýxe anaýzhiü \tr how long / good for me / the / so long / very soon / so. / Killickinnick / ten / night / I make it / I stand \rf jod 1890:777.4 \op teýiüke. Shoüý thitoüýge shtewoüý watoüýbe koüýbtha. Uýwathaýginaý koübtheýgoü. \tr will. / Well, / your sister / even / I see them / I wish. / You tell it to them / I hope. \rf jod 1890:777.5 \op Shoüýgetazhiüýga weýbthiüwiü eýgoü thiügeý. Witiýgoü akaý, Moüchuý-noüba ethoüýba \tr Colt / I sell them / as / there are none. / My grandfather / the «sub.», / Two Grizzly bears / he too \rf jod 1890:777.6 \op shahiý taý aka. Eýdi shupiý teýiüke. Shetoüý giniýxtiaýzhi. Thinaý'oü ki, giýthextioüý. \tr will arrive there where you are. / Then / I will reach there where you are. / So far / he has not fully recovered. / He hears from you / if, / he is very glad. \rf jod 1890:777.7 \op Shoüýge, negiýha, oüthiüýge. Shoüýge waýxe etaýxti noübaý waýbthiü enaýxchi. \tr Horse, / O uncle, / I have none. / Horse / white people / their very own / two / I have them / them only. \rf jod 1890:777.8 \op Shiüýgazhiüýga enaýxchi waýthiü, wathiýtoüwaýkithe-noüýi. \tr Child / they only / they have them, / they cause them to work usually. \rf jod 1890:777.9 \ti @{Pahaüga-moüýthiü} to Silas Wood. \dt January 12, 1880 \op Shoüý niýashiüýga amaý theýama wakiýgthitoü amaý thanaý'oü eýiüte, etaý teýta \tr Well / people / the «pl. sub.» / these / they are working for themselves / the «pl. sub.» / you hear it / perhaps, / there / pertaining to \rf jod 1890:778.1 \op uýdoüxti ithaýpahoü piý thoüýzha, iüýzhu-maýzhi. Theýthuadi teý kikaýxai kiý, goüýthawaýthe. \tr very good / I knew it / I reached there / though, / I was unfortunate. / In this place / the / they do for themselves / if, / desirable. \rf jod 1890:778.2 \op Shoüý edaýdoü athiüý ge iýpahoü piý ki, uxpaýthethe eýkoübtha-maýzhi. Woüýgithe \tr Well / what / they have / the «pl. in. ob.» / I knew it / I arrived there / when, / to lose / I did not wish for him. / All \rf jod 1890:778.3 \op iüýthiü gthiý eýkoübtha. Theý niýashiüýga amaý e'oüý moüthiüýi ki, niüýta goüýthai \tr to bring back here to me / I wish for him. / This / people / the «pl. sub.» / how / they walk / if, / to live / they wish \rf jod 1890:778.4 \op thoüýzha, niýashiüýga noübaýha athaiý. Eýbe uthuýahe koüýbtha-maýzhi. Uýdoüxti \tr though, / people / in two ways / they go. / Whom / I follow him / I do not wish. / Very good \rf jod 1890:778.5 \op eýskana weýthigthoü shkaýxe koübtheýgoü thoüýzha, thagthiý tateýta thasiýthathe koübtheýgoü. \tr oh that / decision / you make it / I hoped / though, / with reference to your future return here / you think of it / I hope. \rf jod 1890:778.6 \op Shoüý e'oüý thiügeý ha. \tr Well / what is the matter / there is none / \rf jod 1890:778.7 \ti @{Pahaüga-moüýthiü} to @{Shuýde-gaýxe}. \dt January 12, 1880 \op Shuýde-gaýxe, iýe eýgishe te ubthaý agthiý eýdegoüý, iýe thithiýta siýtha-baýzhi. Ubthaý \tr Smoke-maker, / word / what you say / the «ob.» / I told it / I came back here / but, / word / your / they had forgotten. / I told it \rf jod 1890:779.1 \op teýdi gisiýthe thoüýzha, thi'aý. Shoüý ubthaý agthiý teýdi, noüýde giýudoüxtioüý thoüýzha, \tr when / they remembered it / though, / they have failed. / Still / I told it / I came back here / when, / heart / very good for them / though, \rf jod 1890:779.2 \op edaýdoü iýgaxe tateýta thi'aý. Thi'aý uwiýbtha tethoüý shoüýshoü thi'aý. Ki goüý thi'aý te \tr what / with reference to the means of doing it / they have failed. / They fail / I told it to you / in the past / always / they have failed. / And / so / they have failed / the \rf jod 1890:779.3 \op shoüýshoü; iýthoüboüý iýazhiwaýthe. Goüý thanaý'oü teýgoü uwiýbtha. ... Iýthoüboüý \tr always; / again / it should not be spoken. / So / you hear it / in order that / I tell it to you. / Again \rf jod 1890:779.4 \op iýazhi-ga. \tr do not speak it. \rf jod 1890:779.5 \ti Omaha-Ponca Letters Recorded by Dorsey \ti @{Hexaýga-saýbe} to H.G. Nichols \op Wakoüýda akaý niýashiüýga waxpaýni doüýbai ki, tha'eýthai ki, \tr @{Wakoüýda} / the «sub.» / person / poor / sees him / when, / pities him / when, \rf jod 1891:9.1 \op uiýkoüi, esheý. Aýdoü niýashiüýga ukeýthiü bthiüý eýde shoüý Wakoüýda uýdoü \tr helps him, / you said. / Therefore / person, Indian / common, ordinary / I was / but / still / @{Wakoüýda} / good \rf jod 1891:9.2 \op taýthishoü btheý. Weýthihiýde 'iýi te zaniý uiýkoüi ki, ugoüýba teýta itheý \tr towards / I go. / Tool / given / the / all / he helps him / when, / light / to the / he has gone \rf jod 1891:9.3 \op ukiýkizhi. Ti uýdoü agthiüý koüýbtha. Wikaýge Wakoüýdataýthishoü \tr near kindred. / House / good / I sit / I desire. / My friend / on God's side \rf jod 1891:9.4 \op izhaýzhe anaý'oü koüýbtha, ki iüwiüýkoü koüýbtha. Ti bthoüý uýdoü, \tr his name / I hear / I desire, / and / he helps me / I desire. / House / smell / good, \rf jod 1891:9.5 \op teýska waýbthiü uýshkoü te weýwashkoü tateý, noübaý thithiýtai ki oüthaý'i \tr ox / I have them / deed / the / strong by means of them / shall, / two / are yours / if / to me you give \rf jod 1891:9.6 \op shkoüýna ki, [thithiýtai] oüthiýze oügoüýthai. Aýdoü weýwashkoütoüýga \tr you wish / if, / [yours] / we take / we desire. / Therefore / means of strength \rf jod 1891:9.7 \op woüýdoü waýbthiü koüýbtha. Iýe thiýta uýdoü anaý'oü. Iüwiüýthakoü \tr both together / I have them / I desire. / Word / your / good / I hear. / You help me \rf jod 1891:9.8 \op koüýbtha, kageý(ha). ti uýdoü agthiüý koüýbtha, niýashiüýga ukeýthiü \tr I desire, / O friend / House good / I sit / I desire, / Indian / common \rf jod 1891:9.9 \op weýthihiýde uýdoü tizheýbadi sagiý doüýbai koüýbtha. Wakoüýdataýthishoü \tr tool / good / at the door / hard / they see / I desire. / Towards God \rf jod 1891:9.10 \op kageý, shubtheý. Zhoü gthaýdiü u'oüýaze at'?eý kiýshte kuýge \tr O friend, / I go to you. / Cross / shadow / I die / whenever / box \rf jod 1891:9.11 \op azhoüý ke eýteoüý. Wakoüýda thiükeý bthaý-mazhi tedi, weýthihiýde; \tr I recline / the «lg. ob.» / should at least. / @{Wakoüýda} / the one who / I do not go / when, / tool; \rf jod 1891:9.12 \op weý'e, teýska, teýska miüýga, kuýkuse, wazhiüýga-zhiýde, moüýzepe, \tr plow, / ox, / / cow, / hog, / chicken, / ax, \rf jod 1891:9.13 \op zhoüýimaýse, iüý'e-weýtiü, moüýze wiýugaýdoü, zhoüý toüga iýmase, \tr hand-saw, / hammer, / / nails, / crosscut / / / saw, \rf jod 1891:9.14 \op zhoüýthinoüýge, zhoühiüýbe, noübuýthishiü, unaýzhiü, wathaýge, nitaý-ithishtiýde, \tr wagon, / shoe, / gloves, / shirt, / hat, / what makes the ears comfortable, \rf jod 1891:9.15 \op xaýdinoüse, xaýdigase, wamuýsk-inoütuýbe, xaýdithize, shoüýge-nuýde- \tr mowing machine, / scythe, / grist-mill, / hay-fork, / horse-col- \rf jod 1891:10.1 \op weý'iü, teýska-nuýde-weý'iü, moüýze-ukiaýchacha, uxpuýzhi waseýs-uxpeý, \tr lar, / ox-yoke, / iron chain, / dish closet, / earthen dishes, \rf jod 1891:10.2 \op niý-ithaýtoü, moüýzuneýthe, aýgthiü, uzhoüý, iüýbehiü, / wamuýske weýnoüzhu \tr cups, / stove, / chair, / bedstead, / pillow, / threshing machine, \rf jod 1891:10.3 \op (koüýbtha?). Aýdoü / zhoüý gthaýdiü / u'oüýaze uýdoüxti uaýha koüýbtha. \tr (I desire). / Therefore / cross / shadow / very good / I follow its course / I desire. \rf jod 1891:10.4 \op Iüwiüýthakoüýi kiýzhi ugoüýba te piý koüýbtha. Iýe thithiýta, kageý, \tr You «all» help me / if / light / the «ob.» / I reach there / I desire. / Word / your, / O friend \rf jod 1891:10.5 \op anaý'oü; noüýde iüýudoüýxti-moüý. Wakoüýdataýthishoü btheý. Oüý- \tr I have heard; / heart / it is very good for me. / Towards God / I go. To- \rf jod 1891:10.6 \op batheý wabaýxu thithiýta iýe anaý'oü kiýzhi, noüýde iüýudoü, weýashnoü \tr day / letter / your / word / I hear / if, / heart / good for me, / I am thankful \rf jod 1891:10.7 \op heýga-maýzhi. Iüwiüýthakoü kiýzhi, weýthihiýde at'oüý eteýgoü. Weýthihiýde \tr I not a little. / You help me / if, / tool / I have / apt. Tool \rf jod 1891:10.8 \op izhaýzhe abthaýde zaniý koüýbtha. Shoü Wakoüýda thiüýketaýthishoü iýe \tr his name / I have called / all / I desire. / Now / @{Wakoüýda} / the one towards / word \rf jod 1891:10.9 \op wiýta zaniý oüthaý'i koüýbtha. Mazhoüý wiýta thoü gashiýbe bthiüý -mazhi. \tr my / all / you give to me / I desire. / Land / my / the / outside of / I am / I-not. \rf jod 1891:10.10 \op Iüsh'aýge pahoüýga theýtoüxti ut'?aiý, wahiý uaýgigthiü agthiüý, mazhoüý \tr Old man / before / up to this very time / died in, / bone / I sit in my own I sit, / land \rf jod 1891:10.11 \op thoü, aýdoü iüýtexi heýga-maýzhi. \tr the «ob.», / therefore / precious to me / I-not a little. \rf jod 1891:10.12 \ti Part of Another Letter from the Same to the Same \op Niýashiüýga wiüaýxchi moüýzeskaý gtheýba-noüýba keýdi saýtoü \tr Person / just one / money / twenty / on the / five \rf jod 1891:12.1 \op iüwiüýxpathe-noü-moüý taý miüke, esheý, anaý'oü. Eýde weýthixthi \tr I lose / only I have «?» / I will, / you said, / I heard. / But / brain \rf jod 1891:12.2 \op moüýtata abthiüý -noü shoüýshoü. Niýashiüýga ukeýthiü ti thiýta thidoüýbai \tr within / I have kept / only / always. / Indian / common / house / your / they see you \rf jod 1891:12.3 \op uýdoü iýnahiü, etheýgoü taiteý. Hiüdaý, eýgoü oügthiüý te etheýgoü \tr good / indeed, / they think / shall. / Let us see! / so / we sit / may / they think \rf jod 1891:12.4 \op taiteý, esheý tethoüýi. \tr shall, / you said / in the past. \rf jod 1891:12.5 \op Kageýha, iüýchoü winaý'oü koüýbtha. Watoüýthe meýha toüýiwi- \tr My friend, / now / I hear from you / I wish. / Tanning hides / winter hides / I who \rf jod 1891:12.6 \op kitheý miükeý wiýe bthiüý. Ki meýha ge juýba aniüý ki, anaý'oü \tr dressed hides for you / I / I am. / And / winter hides / the «pl. in. ob.» / some / you have / if, / I hear it \rf jod 1891:12.7 \op koüýbtha. Ki gaýthoü wabaýgtheze niýze ki, uxtheýxchi ioüýthakitheý \tr I wish. / And / that «ob.» / letter / you receive it / when, / very soon / you send it to me \rf jod 1891:12.8 \op koübtheýgoü. \tr I hope. \rf jod 1891:12.9 \op Oüýbatheý wabaýgtheze bthiýze, &Friday, iüýthexti-moüý. Shoüý uýshkoü \tr To-day / letter / I have received it, / Friday, / I am very glad. / And / deed \rf jod 1891:13.1 \op wiwiýta wabaýgtheze niýze ki, uxtheýxchi wabaýgtheze gioüýkithaý-ga. \tr my / letter / you receive it / when, / very soon / letter / cause it to be returning to me. \rf jod 1891:13.2 \op Sheýma tiý guaýthishoü nuýshiaýha-ma eý aýwawakeý, eaýtoüi te anaý'oü \tr Those / lodge / beyond / those who are below / that / I mean them, / how they are / the / I hear it \rf jod 1891:13.3 \op koüýbtha, waýgazu. Athaiý ki, waýgazuýxti wabaýgtheze tioüýthakitheý \tr I wish, / straight. / They go / if, / very straight / letter / you send hither to me \rf jod 1891:13.4 \op koüýbtha, goüýki shagtheý koüýbtha ediýhi ki. Niýkashiüýga oüthoüýt'?athe \tr I wish, / and then / I go back to you / I wish / if that has occurred. / Person / he who is jealous \rf jod 1891:13.5 \op akaý eý theý ki, shagtheý koüýbtha. Wa-shaý-ka-thuý-ti wakeýga te \tr of me / that / he goes / if, / I return to you / I wish. / @{Wa-shaý-ka-thuý-ti} / sick / the \rf jod 1891:13.6 \op giniý a, iýwimaýxe shutheýathe. Niýta ki, anaý'oü koüýbtha, t'?eý kiýshte, \tr has recovered / ? / I ask you / I send to you. / Alive / if, / I hear it / I wish, / dead / even if, \rf jod 1891:13.7 \op anaý'oü koüýbtha. \tr I hear it / I wish. \rf jod 1891:13.8 \ti Fred Merrick, an Omaha, to G.W. Clother, Columbus, Nebr. \op Kageýha, oüýbatheý wabaýgtheze thithiýta oüýba uýdoüxti, hoüýegoüýche \tr My friend, / to-day / letter / your / day / very good, / morning \rf jod 1891:13.9 \op teýdi, bthiýze. Oüýbatheý bthiýze te iüýudoüý-xti-moüý. Theý koüýbtha \tr in the, / I have received it. / To-day / I have received it / the / it is very good for me. / This / I desire \rf jod 1891:13.10 \op teý eýskana uthaýket'oüý koübtheýgoü-xti-moüý; ukeýt'oü goüýtha-ga. \tr the / oh that / you acquire it / I earnestly hope; / to acquire it / desire! \rf jod 1891:14.1 \op Ki maýthadi wachiýshka pi keýthoüta shi piý koüýbtha. Ki uzhoüýge \tr And / last winter / creek / I reached there / to the «lg. ob.» in the past / again / I reach it / I wish. / And / road \rf jod 1891:14.2 \op maýthadi piý kethoüý eý uaýgiha piý koüýbtha. Ki sheýthu iýhe shakiý \tr last winter / I reached it / the «lg. ob.» in the past / that / following its course again / I reach it / I wish. / And / yonder / passing by that way / I will \rf jod 1891:14.3 \op taý miüke, tiý thiýta teýdi. Goüýki wazhaý ke uthaýket'oü niükeýshe \tr return there to you, / house / your / to the. / And then / hides / the «ob.» / you who are acquiring them \rf jod 1891:14.4 \op shakiý koübtheýgoü. Ki thikaýge niýkashiüýga uaýwagiýbtha te, esheý \tr I return thither to you / I hope. / And / your friend / person / I tell them / the, / you said \rf jod 1891:14.5 \op thoükaý uaýwagiýbtha taý miüke. Ki iýe thithiýta na'oüýi kiýzhi, giýthe- \tr the ones / I will tell it to them. / And / word / your / they hear it / when, / they \rf jod 1891:14.6 \op xtioüý taiteý, / uaýwagiýbtha tediýhi ki. Ki uýthitoü t'oüý heýgazhi eýgoü, \tr shall greatly rejoice, / I tell it to them / by the time / when. / And / work / abounds / very / as, \rf jod 1891:14.7 \op atoüý akiýgthishtoüý ki, eýta shupiý eteý ha. Ki thiýshti ithaýugthe eýtoü \tr when / I finish for myself / if, / there / I reach you / may / . / And / you too / throughout / that long \rf jod 1891:14.8 \op shkoüýna thanaýzhiü koübtheýgoü wahaý te. Shoüý niý'azhi shoü koübtheýgoü, \tr you wish / you stand / I hope / hides / the. / And / you do not fail / at any rate / I hope, \rf jod 1891:14.9 \op uthaýket'oüýxti koübtheýgoü. Edaýdoü iýutha thiügeý. Iüýudoüýxti \tr you acquire them in abundance / I hope. / What / news / there is no. / Very good for me \rf jod 1891:14.10 \op anaýzhiü, wiýshti. Ki sheýna, kageýha, wiýpaxu oüýbatheý. Waxiüýha \tr I stand, / I too. / And enough, / my friend, / I write to you / to-day. / Paper \rf jod 1891:14.11 \op ge wiüý shi uxtheýxchi tioüýthakitheý koüýbtha. Na'oüýthakitheý \tr the «pl. in. ob.» / one / again / very soon / you cause to come hither to me / I desire. / To cause him to hear it \rf jod 1891:14.12 \op koüýbtha. \tr I wish. \rf jod 1891:14.13 \ti @{Naüzandazhi}, an Omaha, to T.M. @{Meýzhik}, Kearney Junction, Nebr. \op Kageýha, shoüý wabaýgtheze iýe dzhuýbaxchi wiýpaxu shutheýathe. Shoüý \tr My friend, / now «expective» / letter / word / very few / I write to you / I send to you. / And \rf jod 1891:15.1 \op e'oüý niü te winaý'oü koüýbtha, kageýha. Shoüý goüý wathaýsithaýtha- \tr how / you are / the / I hear from you / I wish, / my friend. / At any rate / it is &you who have \rf jod 1891:15.2 \op bazhiý-xti-zhoüý te oüguý oüthiýsithe. Wabaýgtheze wiýpaxu shutheýathe, \tr not thought of us at all / the / we / we have thought of you. / Letter / I write to you / I send to you \rf jod 1891:15.3 \op toüýwoügthoü thoüýdi moüniüý eýiüte. Shoüý oüthoüýthibahoüý-xtioüýi \tr nation «or city» / in the / you walk / it may be. / And / we know you very well \rf jod 1891:15.4 \op te shi oüguýshti weaýshpahoüýxtioüýi te. Shoüý thikaýge, &Spafford \tr the / again / us too / you know us very well / the. / And / your friend, / Spafford \rf jod 1891:15.5 \op &Woodhull, giýthazhiýxti eýgoü, wa'uý giýt'?e. Shoüý umoüýthiüka \tr Woodhull, / is very sad / so, / woman / his is dead. / And / year \rf jod 1891:15.6 \op maýthe tediýhi ki, oüthiýdoübe eteýgoü. Shoüý wahaý niüýwiü geý shte \tr winter / by the time / when, / we see you / apt. / And / hides / you buy / the «pl. in. ob.» / even \rf jod 1891:15.7 \op anaý'oü koüýbtha, aniüýi ge. Shoüý taýxtiha, oüýpoüha, shoüý meýha, \tr I hear it / I wish, / you have them / the «pl. in. ob.» / And whether / deer hides, / elk hides, / or / winter hides, \rf jod 1891:15.8 \op shoü eýskana waýgazuýxti iüwiüýthana koübtheýgoü. Mazhoüý aýgudi \tr still / oh that / very straight / you tell it to me / I hope. / Land / where \rf jod 1891:15.9 \op meýha t'oüý kiýzhi, unaý'oü goüýtha-ga. Shoüý oüýpoüha, shoüý noüýba \tr winter hides / abound / if, / to hear about it / desire. / And / elk hides, / either / two \rf jod 1891:15.10 \op thaýbthiü doüýshte, wiýxchi koüýbtha ha. Shi taýxtiha noüýba thaýbthiü \tr three / or / I myself / desire them / . / Again / deer hides / two / three \rf jod 1891:15.11 \op doüýshte, uýdoüxti, koüýbtha. Eýskana waxiüýha uxtheýxchi tioüý- \tr or, / very good, / I desire. / Oh that / paper / very soon / you cause to \rf jod 1891:16.1 \op thakitheý koübtheýgoü. &O'Kane aýgudi eýdediýtoü eýiüte iüwiüýth iýtha-ga. \tr come hither to me / I hope. / O'Kane / where / there he is standing / perhaps / to tell me / send hither. \rf jod 1891:16.2 \op Shoüý meýha eýskana juýba aniüý shkoüýna koübtheýgoüxti. &Spafford \tr And / winter hides / oh that / some / you have / you wish / I earnestly hope. / Spafford \rf jod 1891:16.3 \op &Woodhull iýshpahoüýxti, zhuaýgthe oüthoüýshpahoüxti-zhoüý niü. \tr Woodhull / you know him very well, / I with him / you know me very well / you are. \rf jod 1891:16.4 \ti @{Naüzandazhi} to John Rathbun. \op Shoüý wabaýgtheze wiýpaxu shutheýathe. Shoüý waweýwimaýxe \tr And / letter / I write to you / I send to you. / And / I ask you about several matters \rf jod 1891:16.5 \op shutheýathe. Shoüý uxtheýxchi ioüýthakitheý koübtheýgoü, waweýwimaýxe \tr I send to you. / And / very soon / you send hither to me / I hope, / what questions I have asked you \rf jod 1891:16.6 \op waýgazuýxti. / Niýashiüýga ukeýthiü juýba maýthadi shahiý; meýha aniüý \tr very straight. / Indian / common / some / last winter / reached you; / winter hides / you \rf jod 1891:16.7 \op tateý, eý uthiýtha agthiýi. Ki shi aniüý doüýshteoüý eýskana iüwiüýthana \tr shall have, / that / telling about you / they returned hither. / And / again / you have / whether / oh that / you tell it to me \rf jod 1891:17.1 \op koübtheýgoü. Ki e'oüý / thagiýshkaxe tat / eýskoü eneýgoü, / meýha / aniüý \tr I hope. / Again / how / you shall make your own / you think it probable, / winter hides / you have \rf jod 1891:17.2 \op eýiüte, waýgazuýxti anaý'oü koüýbtha. Shoüý mazhoüý toüýwoü-maýdi, \tr may, / very straight / I hear it / I wish. / And / land / in the towns, \rf jod 1891:17.3 \op mazhoüý &Kansas, aýgudi meýha t'oüý kiýzhi, iüwiüýthana koüýbtha. \tr land / Kansas, / where / winter hides / abound / whether, / you tell it to me / I wish. \rf jod 1891:17.4 \op &Fort &Dodge thoütaý meýha t'oüý kiýzhi, uthaýna'oüý koübtheýgoü. Niýka- \tr Fort / Dodge / at the / winter hides / abound / whether, / you hear about it / I hope. / In- \rf jod 1891:17.5 \op shiüýga ukeýthiü-ma meýha goüýtha-noüýi ha. Shoüý toüýthe ki iýkishi \tr dian / the common ones / winter hides / desire / usually / . / And / to tan / if / payment in kind \rf jod 1891:17.6 \op goüýtha-noüýi. Ki waýgazuýxti iüwiüýthana tiýthathe kiýzhi, niýkashiüýga \tr desire / usually. / And / very straight / you tell it to me / you send hither / when, / person \rf jod 1891:17.7 \op shoüý watoüýthe uýdoüxti wabthiü zhuaýwagthe shubtheý taý miüke. \tr in fact / tanner / very good / I have them / I with them / I will go to you. \rf jod 1891:17.8 \op Shoüý aýbae naiý te uthaýket'oüý te iýshpahoü te, iüwiüýthana koü- \tr And / hunting the large animals / you went / the / you acquired / the / you know / the, / you tell it to me / I \rf jod 1891:17.9 \op btheýgoü. Shoüý oüthoüýshpahoüý-xtioüýi, shi wiýshti iýwipahoüý-xti-moüý. \tr hope. / And / you know me very well, / again / I too / I know you very well. \rf jod 1891:17.10 \op Umoüýthiüka wiüý sheýthu watoüýthe oüthiü. \tr Year / one / yonder / tanning / we were. \rf jod 1891:17.11 \ti @{Naüzandazhi} to T. M. @{Meýzhik}. \op Shoüý wawiýpaxu shutheýathe iýe dzhuýbaxchi eýgoü. Shoüý wabaýgtheze \tr And / I write to you about several things / I send to you / word / very few. / And / letter \rf jod 1891:18.1 \op tioüýthakitheý thoü / bthiýze eýdegoü, / iýe ke waýgazuýxtiaýzhi uxpaýtheaýthe. \tr you have sent hither to me / the / I have received it, but / word / the / not exactly straight / I have lost. \rf jod 1891:18.2 \op Shoüý iüdaýdoü edeýshe teýiüte iüwiüýthana koübtheýgoü. Shoüý &Upton \tr And / what / what you would / have said / you tell it to me / I hope. / And / Upton \rf jod 1891:18.3 \op uaýwakieý iýe te, edeýshe te uaýwagiýbtha, shoüý iýe te uwiýkoüxti eýgoü \tr I talked to him / word / the / what you said / the / I told it to them, / and / word / the / I help considerably / you \rf jod 1891:18.4 \op taý miüke / ithaýugtheýxti eýgoü. Shoüý moüýzeska teý uthiýxpathaýzhi tat \tr I will / throughout / partly. / And / money / the / you shall not lose it \rf jod 1891:18.5 \op ebtheýgoü. Thiýshti edeýshe te thagiýsithe eteýgoü. Wamuýske noüseý \tr I think it. / You too / what you said / the / you remember it / should «&or apt». / Wheat / cut by machinery \rf jod 1891:18.6 \op thishtoüýi teýdi, wagaýxe thagiýshtoübe eteýgoü. Moüýzeska teý uthaý- \tr they finish it / when, / debt «due you» / you see your own / apt. / Money / the / you ac- \rf jod 1891:18.7 \op ket'oüý tediýhi ki, wiýxti / bthiýza-maýzhi taý miüke, / eýxti shutheýthikith \tr quire it / by that time / when, / I myself / I will not receive it, / he himself / to send it to you \rf jod 1891:18.8 \op 'iýthai, &Upton izhiüýthe akeýe ha, Oüýpoü-toüýga. Shoüý, kageýha, \tr has promised, / Upton / his elder brother / he is the one / , / Big Elk. / And, / my friend, \rf jod 1891:18.9 \op eýskana usniý teýdi, meýha ge juýba uthaýna'oüý koübthaýxti. \tr oh that / cold / when, / winter hides / the «pl. in. ob.» / some / you hear of them / I strongly desire it. \rf jod 1891:18.10 \op Waýgazuýxti iüwiüýthana koübthaý-xti-moüý. Oüýpoühaý waweýshi \tr Very straight / you tell it to me / I do really desire it. / Elk hides / pay \rf jod 1891:18.11 \op oüthaý'i 'iýthathe / te tioüýthakith 'iýthathe te gisiýtha-ga haý. Iýusiýshtoü \tr you promised to give to me / the / you send hither to me / you promised / the / remember it / ! / Telling a lie \rf jod 1891:18.12 \op uwiýbtha-maýzhi. Moüýzeskaý thagiýshtoübe tateý uwiýbtha. \tr I do not tell it to you. / Money / you see your own / shall / I tell it to you. \rf jod 1891:18.13 \ti @{Naüzandazhi} to James O'Kane, Hastings, Nebr. \op Shoüý wabaýgtheze tioüýthakitheý thoü bthiýze. Shoüý wahaý ge bthuýga \tr And / letter / you send it hither to me / the «ob.» / And / I have received it. / And / hides / the «pl. in. ob.» / all \rf jod 1891:19.1 \op koübthaý-xti eteý-moü thoüýzha, shoüý meýha te aýta koüýbtha. Shoüý \tr I desire very much / I do that at least / though, / yet / winter hides / the / beyond all / I desire. / And \rf jod 1891:19.2 \op &Kansas ediý-geý shteoüý. Meýha ge uthaýna'oü koüýbtha. Shoü \tr Kansas / they must be in some places. / Winter hides / the «pl. in. ob.» / you hear about them / I wish. / And \rf jod 1891:19.3 \op eýskana wahaý ge goüýtha ki, iüwiüýthakoüýxti koübtheýgoü. Shoüý \tr oh that / hides / the «pl. in. ob.» / they desire / if, / you help me considerably / I hope. / And \rf jod 1891:19.4 \op oüýba ithaýugthe / wisiýthe-noü-moüý taý miüke. / Shoüý nieý thithiüýge \tr day / throughout / I will be thinking of you often. / And / you have no sickness \rf jod 1891:19.5 \op eýskana winaý'oü koübtheýgoü. Shoüý wabaýgtheze eýskana tioüýthakitheý \tr oh that / I hear it about you / I hope. / And / letter / oh that / you send it hither to me \rf jod 1891:19.6 \op koübtheýgoü. Shoüý &Fort &Dodge etaý shti uthaýna'oüý koübtheýgoü, \tr I hope. / And / Fort Dodge / there / too / you hear about it / I hope, \rf jod 1891:19.7 \op shoüý aýgudi shteýshte uthaýna'oü koübthegoü. \tr in fact / where / soever / you hear about it / I hope. \rf jod 1891:19.8 \ti To T.H. Tibbles from Several Omahas \dt August 22, 1879 \op Kageýha, niýkashiüýga mazhoüý bthuýgaxti \tr My friend, / person / land / entire \rf jod 1891:20.1 \op aýta-maýshe oüýbatheý wisiýthai eýgoü wiýbthahoüýi ha. Niýkashiüýga- \tr ye who excel / to-day / I think of you «pl.» / as / I pray to you «pl.» / . / O ye peo- \rf jod 1891:20.2 \op maýshe, edaýdoü iýshpahoü thagthiüý-maýshe, mazhoüý theýthuaýdi edaýdoü \tr ple, / what / you know / you who sit, / land / in this «here» / what \rf jod 1891:20.3 \op weýtexi ge niýkashiüýga wiüý weaýbahoüýi eýgoü, weýthitoü shuthaiý ha. \tr hard for us / the «pl. in. ob.» / person / one / knows about us / as, / to work for us / he goes to you / \rf jod 1891:20.4 \op &Tibbles eý aýwake ha. Iýe te eýskana theýshniza-baýdoü, utheýkoüi \tr Tibbles / him / I mean him / . / Word / the / oh that / you «pl.» take from him and «pl.», / you help him \rf jod 1891:20.5 \op koübtheýgoü eý wiýbthahoüýi ha, Ki niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü oüýgathiü \tr I hope / that / I pray to you «pl.» / , / And / Indian / common / we who move \rf jod 1891:20.6 \op bthuýgaxti uýshkoü ke-noüý weaýbahoüýi eýgoü, weýthitoü shuthaiý thoüýzha, \tr all / deed / the some / he knows about us / as, / to work for us / he goes to you / though, \rf jod 1891:20.7 \op eshnoüý ki eýgithe thi'aý te haý. Aýdoü niýkashiüýga-maýshe, utheýkoüi \tr he only / if / beware / he fail / lest / . / Therefore / O ye people, / you help him \rf jod 1891:20.8 \op tediýhi ki, uthaýket'oüýi kiýzhi, eýskana mazhoüý thoüý iüýthexti awaýki- \tr by the time / when, / you succeed / if, / oh that / land / the «ob.» / I am very glad / I work for \rf jod 1891:20.9 \op gthiýtoü anaýzhiü koübtheýgoü. Niýkashiüýga uýshkoü weaýbahoüýzhi-maý \tr myself / I stand / I hope. / Indian / deed / the ones who do not know about us \rf jod 1891:20.10 \op &Tibbles edaýdoü uthaiý te giýzha-maý, iýbahoüýzhi-maý giýzhai te shoüýazhi \tr Tibbles / what / he tells / the / those who doubt him / those who do not know it / they doubt him / the «act» / improper \rf jod 1891:20.11 \op ha. Thoüýzha &Tibbles akaý iýe edaýdoü edeý te waýgazuýxti niýka- \tr . / Though / Tibbles / the «sub.» / word / what / what he says / the / very straight / In- \rf jod 1891:20.12 \op shiüýga ukeýthiü-ma weýthitoü shathaiý. \tr dian / the common ones / to work for them / he goes to you. \rf jod 1891:20.13 \op Kageýha, oüýbatheý edaýdoü niýkashiüýga-ma \tr My friend, / to-day / what / the people \rf jod 1891:21.1 \op wazhiüýska aýta-ma oüýbatheý awaýsitheýgoü waýbthahoü taý miüke. Ki \tr wise / those who excel / to-day / as I think of them / I will pray to them about several things. / And \rf jod 1891:21.2 \op niýkashiüýga wiüý theýthutoü shutheý - de edaýdoü iüýtexi ke ishtaý thoü \tr person / one / thence / he goes to you when / what / is hard for me / the «ob.» / eye / the «instr.» \rf jod 1891:21.3 \op oüthoüýdoübeýxti oüthoüýbahoüýxti shutheý. Ki niýkashiüýga pahoüý- \tr he has really seen me with it / he really knows about me / he goes to you «by request». / And / person / for- \rf jod 1891:21.4 \op gadi uýshkoü wiüeýshte eýgoü toüýba-maýzhi iüýchoüxchi toüýbe uýshkoü \tr merly / deed / even one / so / I did not see / just now / I see him / deed \rf jod 1891:21.5 \op te. &Tibbles eý aýwake. Ki, niýkashiüýga-maýshe, edaýdoü iüýtexi ke \tr the «ob.» / Tibbles / him / I mean him. / And / O ye people, / what / hard for me / the \rf jod 1891:21.6 \op bthuýgaxti uthiýthai ki, eýskana theýshnize koübtheýgoü, wiýbthahoü \tr all / he tells to you / when, / oh that / you take it from him / I hope / as, / I pray to you \rf jod 1891:21.7 \op shutheýathe. Edaýdoü weýtexi ge iýbahoüýzhi-ma giýzhai shteýshtewoüý, eý \tr I send it to you. / What / are hard for us / the «pl. in. ob.» / those who do not know them / they doubt them / notwithstanding, / he \rf jod 1891:21.8 \op weaýbahoüýi eýgoü iýe te theýshnize etaiý. Ki Itiýgoüthaiý akaý uýshkoü \tr he knows about us / as / word / the / you will please receive from him. / And / Grandfather / the «sub.» / deed \rf jod 1891:21.9 \op weýtexi ge weaýbahoüý-bazhiý-xtioüýi, ki waýkihiýdai thoüýzha, eýgithe \tr are hard for us / the «pl. in. ob.» / he does not know at all about us, / and / he oversees us / though, / behold \rf jod 1891:21.10 \op t'?eý weýgoüthai. Shoüý oüniýta oügoüýthai eýgoü, oüthiýthahoüýi, niýka- \tr to die / he wishes for us. / Yet / we live / we wish / as, / we pray to you, / per- \rf jod 1891:21.11 \op shiüýga uaýwathakoüýi-maýshe. Ki uýshkoü the wabthiýtoü keýta btheý. \tr son / ye who aids us. / And / deed / this / I work at various things / to the / I go. \rf jod 1891:21.12 \op Uýshkoü shiýtai bthiýze piý, uýshkoü thiýtai bthuýgaxti bthiýze te / piý ha. \tr Deed / your «pl.» / I take / I have reached / deed / your «pl.» / all / I take / the «act» / I have reached there / . \rf jod 1891:21.13 \op Dagoüý Itiýgoüthaiýakaý iüýshte, "Waýxe shkaýxe wiýkoübthai-maýzhi ha," \tr But «&or when so» / Grandfather / the «sub.» / as if, / You live as white people I do not wish it for you «pl.» / \rf jod 1891:21.14 \op eý akaý eýgoüxtioüýi. Ki niýkashiüýga theýthutoü theý thiüý oüýbatheý \tr he is saying it / it is just so. / And / person / hence / he who is going / to-day \rf jod 1891:21.15 \op agiýsithe. Bthuýga wisiýthai, / niýkashiüýga aýta-maýshe. / Wathaýshkoü-bi \tr I think of him. / All / I think of you, / ye persons who are great. / That you have made efforts \rf jod 1891:21.16 \op eneýgoüi eýiüte, piý wathaýshkoü koüýoüthoüýthai wiýbthahoüýi shutheýathe. \tr you think / perhaps, / anew / you made efforts / we hope / I pray to you «pl.» / I send it to you. \rf jod 1891:21.17 \op Kageýha, niýkashiüýga the aýta waýthahoüýi-ma \tr My friend, / person / this / beyond all / those who pray \rf jod 1891:21.18 \op awaýsithe oüýbatheý. Ki niýkashiüýga the thiüý eýskana iýe edeý ki, \tr I think of them / to-day. / And / person / he who is going / oh that / word / what he says / if, \rf jod 1891:21.19 \op bthuýgaxti theýniza-baýdoü eýthanaý'oü koüýoüthoüýthai. Ki niýkashiüýga \tr all / you take from him / and «pl.» / you listen to him and act accordingly / we hope. / And / person \rf jod 1891:22.1 \op ukeýthiü-ma toüýwoügthoü bthuýgaxti weýthitoü thaiý. Ki weýthiuýdoüxti \tr the common ones / tribe / all / to work for us / he goes «by request». / And / it is made very good for us \rf jod 1891:22.2 \op teýdi, niýkashiüýga wetheýnitoü-maýshe uthaýket'oüýi ki, niýkashiüýga \tr when, / Indian / ye who work for us / you succeed / if, / human beings \rf jod 1891:22.3 \op oüthiüý etaiý ha. Waýshniniýashiüýgai oügoüýthai. Niýkashiüýga-ma \tr we should be / . / You «pl.» make us human beings / we wish. / The indians \rf jod 1891:22.4 \op Itiýgoüthaiý amaý waýkihiýdai uýdoü, eýskoü pahoüýga oüthoüýthai thoüýzha, \tr 2 Grandfather / the «pl. sub.» / they watched over us / good, / thus / first / we thought / though, \rf jod 1891:22.5 \op oüýkazhi teýgoü ha. Daýdoü oüguýtai eýskoü oüthoüýthai thoüýzha, eýgithe \tr it is not so / apt / . / What / our own / thus / we thought / though, / behold \rf jod 1891:22.6 \op oüguýta-baýzhi keýgoüxtioüý oüýgatoü. Eýgoü tediýhi kiýzhi, niýashiüýga \tr not our own / the objects are just so / we who std. / So / by the time / when, / person \rf jod 1891:22.7 \op wataýp'e the-maý / gishkoüý eýskana uýwathakoüýi koübtheýgoü ha. Shoüý \tr those who go to the ones near them / acting quickly / oh that / you aid them / I hope / . / And \rf jod 1891:22.8 \op niýkashiüýga oüýgathiüý uzhoüýge uýdoü ke e'oüý oüguýkigthixiýdai \tr person / we who move / road / good / the «ob.» / how / we look all around for it ourselves \rf jod 1891:22.9 \op thoüýzha, uýdoü iýtheaýwathaiý koüýoüthoüýthai. Shoüý oüguýthixidaý-bi eheý \tr though, / good / they cause us to find it / we hope. / And that we have looked all around for it / I said \rf jod 1891:22.10 \op te, kageýha, sheýte uýshkoü thiýta oüýgugaýxthai eý awaýke. \tr the, my friend, / that «ob.» / deed / your / we have faced toward them / it / I mean it. \rf jod 1891:22.11 \op Goüý, kageýha, niýkashiüýga juýba theýama thisiýthai \tr And, / my friend, / person / some / these «pl. sub.» / they remember you \rf jod 1891:22.12 \op ha. Ki waweýtheniýtoü naiý te oüthiýsithaiý oüýbatheý. Umoüýthiüka \tr . / And / to work at various things for us / you went / the / we think of you / to-day. / Year \rf jod 1891:22.13 \op gtheýba-duýba tediýtoü wazhiüýoüskaý thoüýzha, niýkashiüýga eýgoü ithaýpahoü- \tr forty / from the «time» / I had sense / though, / person / such / I have not \rf jod 1891:22.14 \op maýzhi, uýshkoü wathaý'ethe te. Ki iüýtoü wamiý oüguýtai te ki wamiý \tr known him, / deed / merciful / the. / And / now / blood / our / the / and / blood \rf jod 1891:22.15 \op etaiý te edaýbe juýbe-shte uiýhazhi thoüýzha, shoüý thaý'eaýwathai eýgoü \tr his / the / also / mixed «blood» at all / he does not follow / though, / yet / he pities us / as \rf jod 1891:22.16 \op waweýthitoüýi. Ki moüýtanahaý oümoüýthiüi te waýxe amaý shoüshoüýxti \tr he works at various things for us. / And / wild / we walk / the / white people / the «pl. sub.» / forever \rf jod 1891:22.17 \op weýgoüthai, ki Wakoüýda akaý iüýtoü waweýthitoü aýgazhi eýgoü \tr they wish for us, / and / God / the «sub.» / now / to do various kinds of work for us / has ordered him / as \rf jod 1891:22.18 \op waweýthitoüýi. Ki iüýtoü niýkashiüýga-ma moüthiüýi kedi moübthiüý \tr he works at various things for us. / And / now / the people / they walk / at the / I walk \rf jod 1891:22.19 \op koübtheýgoü awaýkiwahoüý'e ha. Xiühaý aýzhi bthiüý thoüzha, niýka- \tr I hope / I pray for that on my own account / . / Skin / different / I am / though, / per- \rf jod 1891:23.1 \op shiüýga xiühaý-skaý-ma mazhoüý moüthiüýi thoüýdi edi moübthiüý koü- \tr son / those who have white skins / land / they walk / in the / there / I walk / I \rf jod 1891:23.2 \op btheýgoü. Ki wikaýge shutheý thiü eýskana iýe edaýdoü edeý ke eý \tr hope. / And / my friend / the one who has gone to you / oh that / word / what / what he says / the / he \rf jod 1891:23.3 \op wadoüýbai eýgoü shutheý. Eýskana niýkashiüýga aýta-maýshe, iýe te \tr he has seen us / as / he has gone to you «by request». / Oh that / person / ye who are important, / word / the \nt =@{wada%uýba} is a typo in the original for =@{wadoüýba}. 09-jan-97 [JEK] \rf jod 1891:23.4 \op theýnizai utheýkoüi koübtheýgoü. Itiýgoüthaiý bthaýda-mazhi. Niýkashiüýga- \tr you take from him / you aid him / I hope. / Grandfather / I do not call him by name. / Indian- \rf jod 1891:23.5 \op t'?eýthe bthaýde: eýskana toüýbexti iýe gaýte a'iý koübtheýgoü. Iüwiüý- \tr slayer / I call him by name: / oh that / I see him indeed / word / those / I give to him / I hope. / He has not \rf jod 1891:23.6 \op koüzhi te eý aýwake. Ithaýdithaiý amaý iýe edaiý te iýe weýthize eýgoü \tr helped me / the / it / I mean it. / Agent / the «pl. sub.» / word / what they say / the / word / he takes from them / so \rf jod 1891:23.7 \op oüdoüýbe shtewoüýzhi. Wahoüý'e haýshiataýxti bthiýzegoü wiýbthahoüýi \tr he does not even look at me. / Petition / at the very last / as I have taken it I pray to you «pl.» \rf jod 1891:23.8 \op shutheýathe. \tr I send it to you. \rf jod 1891:23.9 \op Niýkashiüýga waweýthitoü the thiüý enaýxchi \tr Person / to work at various things for us / he who is on his way / he alone \rf jod 1891:23.10 \op Wakoüýda iýe te aýna'oü. Weýthigthoü etaý te Wakoüýda thiükeý \tr God / word / the / obeys it / Mind / his / the / God / the one who \rf jod 1891:23.11 \op gaxaý goüýthazhi te, uýdoü te. Ki mazhoüý thoü Wakoüýda akaý waýxai \tr to go beyond / he does not wish / the, / good / the. / And / land / the «ob.» / God / the «sub.» / made us \rf jod 1891:23.12 \op thoüýdi "Wiýugaýshe thakiýshkaxe," aýzhi te Wakoüýda thiükeý. Shoüý e'oüý \tr in the / You «shall» consider yourselves in the way of others, / did not say / the / God / the «st. one». / And / how \rf jod 1891:23.13 \op niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü shtewoüý, e'oüý waýxe-maýshe, Wakoüýda thiükeý \tr Indian / common / even, / how / ye white people, / God / the «st. one» \rf jod 1891:23.14 \op enaýxchi waýxai te mazhoüý thoüýdi, "Wiýugaýshe thakiýshkaxe taiý," aýzhi te \tr he only / made us / the / land / in the / You consider yourselves in the way of others / shall, / did not say / the \rf jod 1891:23.15 \op ha Wakoüýda akaý. Wakoüýda akaý edaýdoü gaýxai te e-noüý \tr . / God / the «sub.» / God / the «sub.» / what / he has made / the / it only \rf jod 1891:23.16 \op uýdoü ha. Ki edaýdoü that'oüý-maýsheý, iüýshte eýthakigoüýxtioüýi; \tr good / . / And / what / ye who have abundance, / as if / you are just like him; \rf jod 1891:23.17 \op aýdoü niýashiüýga the thiüý enaýxchi iýe te eýthanaý'oü etaiý. Niýashiüýga \tr therefore / person / he who has gone / he alone / word / the / you will please listen to him accordingly. / Person \rf jod 1891:23.18 \op u'aýgtha oüýgathiü waweýthitoü shuthaiý. Mazhoüý thoüýdi Wakoüýda \tr suffering / we who move / to work at various things for us / he has gone to you. / Land / in the / God \rf jod 1891:24.1 \op akaý waýxai eýgoü, eýdi oümoüýthiüi thoüýzha, edaýdoü oüguýkihi-baýzhi. \tr the «sub.» / made us / having, / there / we have walked / though, / what / we have not succeeded at. \rf jod 1891:24.2 \op Edaýdoü oüguýkihi-baýzhi goüý, shoüý niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü oüýgathiü \tr What / we have not succeeded at / as, / yet / Indian / we who move \rf jod 1891:24.3 \op uýthitoü washkaýxai. Goüý piýazhiýxti ke-noüý Itiýgoüthaiý akaý uýha \tr work «trouble» / you have made for us. / And / very bad / the / usually / Grandfather / the «sub.» / to go along the path \rf jod 1891:24.4 \op weýgoüthai, aýdoü niýkashiüýga shethiüý wadoüýbexti shutheý, waweýthitoü \tr wishes for us, / therefore / person / that one mv. near you / having really seen us / has gone to you «by request», / to work at various things for us \rf jod 1891:24.5 \op shutheý. Niýkashiüýga washkoüýtoüga-maýshe, Wakoüýda naýhoüi maýshe, \tr has gone to you «by request». / Person / ye who are strong / God / ye who pray to him, \rf jod 1891:24.6 \op uiýkoüi-ga. \tr help ye him. \rf jod 1891:24.7 \op Kageýha, mazhoüý thoüýdi &United \tr My friend, / land / in the / United \rf jod 1891:24.8 \op &States eýdi niýkashiüýga-maýshe, wiýbthahoüýi ha. Niýkashiüýga-maýshe \tr States / there / O ye people! / I pray to you «pl.» / . / O ye people! \rf jod 1891:24.9 \op bthuýgaxti wiýbthahoüýi ha. Shoüý wabaýgtheze theýthoü shtoüýbai ki, \tr all / I pray to you «pl.» / . / And / letter / this «ob.» / you see it / when, \rf jod 1891:24.10 \op tha'eaýwathaýthai oügoüýthai eýgoü, iüthiýbaxuýi ha. Shoüý theý pahoüý- \tr you have mercy on us / we wish / as, / we have written to you / . / And / this / for- \rf jod 1891:24.11 \op gadi mazhoüý theýthoüdi oümoüýthiü teýdi, theýgoü shtewoüý oüthoüý- \tr merly / land / in this / we walked / when, / of this sort / at all / we did \rf jod 1891:24.12 \op bahoü-baýzhi. Goüý mazhoüý thoüýdi Wakoüýda akaý edaýdoü shteýshte \tr not know. / And / land / in the / God / the «sub.» / what / soever \rf jod 1891:24.13 \op oüthaýte taiteý, zhuýt'oü wegaýxai eýgoü, oüthaýte oümoüýthiü eýgoü, \tr we eat it / shall, / to have bodies / he made for us / as, / we ate / we walked / as, \rf jod 1891:24.14 \op enaýxchi weaýwazhiüýska oümoüýthiü ha. Ki eýgithe, niýkashiüýga-maýshe, \tr that alone / we had sense by means of / we walked / . / And / behold, / O ye people, \rf jod 1891:24.15 \op uýshkoü giýtexi washkaýxai ha. Ki weýtexi ki, iýnitha wathiüýgai \tr deed / hard for one / you make «for» us / . / And / hard for us / if, / refuge / we have none \rf jod 1891:24.16 \op ki, Itiýgoüthaiý eýdi oügaýthai eýgoü, oüwoüýthahoü-noüýi. iýe te \tr if, / Grandfather / there / we go / as, / we pray to them / usually. / And / word / the «ob.» \rf jod 1891:24.17 \op weýthiza-baýzhi-noüýi. Ki weýthiza-baýzhi te eýgithe oüthoükipahoüýi. \tr they have not received from us usually. / And / they have not taken them from us / the / behold / we know it for ourselves «&or by experience». \rf jod 1891:24.18 \op Eýgithe niýkashiüýga oüýthiü-baýzhi-bi etheýgoü akaý. Ki niýkashiüýga \tr Behold / human beings / that we are not / they are thinking it. / And / human beings \rf jod 1891:24.19 \op oüýthiü-baýzhi etheýgoü te, oüthoüýkipahoüýi ha, aýdoü, niýkashiüýga-maýshe, \tr we are not / they thought it / the, / we know it for ourselves / , / therefore, / O ye people, \rf jod 1891:25.1 \op thiýmasheý2-taýthishoü shoügaýthai ki, Itiýgoüthaiý waýbat'?u-noüýi: "Iý-bazhiýi-ga," \tr towards you «pl.» / we go to you / when, / Grandfather / blocks our way usually: Do «ye» not be coming, \rf jod 1891:25.2 \op eý eýgoüxtioüýi. "Niýkashiüýga wiýkoübthai-maýzhi," eý eýgoüxtioüýi. Shoüý \tr he says / it is just so. / Human beings / I do not wish for you «to be», / he says / it is just so. / Yet \rf jod 1891:25.3 \op eýskana tha'eaýwathaýtha-badoü theýthutoütheýthe niýkashiüýga uheýawathaýthai \tr oh that / you pity us and «pl.» / from this time onward / human beings / you admit us «to be» \rf jod 1891:25.4 \op oügoüýthai. Ki shoüý niýkashiüýga oüýthiü tediýhi, eýskana shiügazhiüýga \tr we wish. / And / yet / human beings / we are / by the time, / oh that / child \rf jod 1891:25.5 \op oüguýtai shtewoüý gisiýthe-noü shoüýshoü koüýoüthoüthai, niýkashiüýga \tr our / even / he remembers usually / always / we hope, / human being \rf jod 1891:25.6 \op washkaýxai tediýhi ki. Ki niýkashiüýga uaýwagikoüýi thiü enaýxchi \tr you make us / by the time / when. / And / person / he helps us / the «mv. one» he only \rf jod 1891:25.7 \op uýshkoü te / gaýxazhi te / haý. Thisiýthai eýgoü uýshkoü te gaýxe te ha \tr deed / the / he will not do it / . / He thinks of you / as / deed / the / he will do it / \rf jod 1891:25.8 \op "Iüwiüýkoü taý ama, " etheýgoü, / gaýxe te / ha; aýdoü eýskana \tr They will aid me, / he thinks / as, / he will do it / / therefore / oh that \rf jod 1891:25.9 \op utheýkoüi koüýoüthoüýthai. Eýskana, kageýha, Wakoüýda akaý noüýde \tr you aid him / we hope. / Oh that, / my friend, / God / the «sub.» / heart \rf jod 1891:25.10 \op thithiýta thiýthishiýba-baýdoü oüguý oüthoüýai te noüýde thithiýta te upeý \tr your / he pulls it open for you and «pl.» / we / we speak / the / heart / your / the / they enter \rf jod 1891:25.11 \op koüýoüthoüýthai. Shoüý niýashiüýga &Tibbles aiý thiü iýe wiüaýxchi shtewoüý \tr we hope. / And / person / Tibbles / the one mv. who is called / word / just one / even \rf jod 1891:25.12 \op waýgazuaýzhi aýthadaýzhi ebtheýgoü. Waýgazuýxti uthiýthai ha, kageýha. \tr not straight / he does not mention / I think it. / Very straight / he has told you / , / my friend. \rf jod 1891:25.13 \op Wagiýzha-baýzhi-ga. Waýdoübai eýgoü uthiýthai. Waýdoübai eýgoü, \tr Do not doubt the things he tells. / He has seen us / as / he tells it to you / He has seen us / as, \rf jod 1891:25.14 \op iýbahoüýi eýgoü, weýthitoüýi: weýtexi te weýthitoüýi ha. Shoüý tha'eýawa- \tr he knows it / as, / he works for us / hard for us / the / he works for us / . / And you pity \rf jod 1891:25.15 \op thaýtha-ba eýskana utheýkoü koüýoüthoüýthai, niýkashiüýga noüýde-uýdoü- \tr us / and «pl.» / oh that / you aid him / we hope, / people / ye who have good \rf jod 1891:25.16 \op maýshe. \tr hearts. \rf jod 1891:25.17 \op Kageýha, niýkashiüýga uaýwathaýkie neý thaýthiü- \tr My friend, / person / you talked to us / you who were going \rf jod 1891:25.18 \op shethoüý, niýkashiüýga theýama oüýbatheý thisiýthai eýgoü, waýiüthiýbaxuýi \tr in the past, / person / these / to-day / they remember you / as, / we have written to you about several things \rf jod 1891:25.19 \op ha, Oüthiýsithe-noü shoüshoüýxtioüýi ha. "E'oüý / oüthiýna'oü taiý eýdoü," \tr . / We think of usually / always / . / How / we can hear from him / «in soliloquy»?, \rf jod 1891:26.1 \op oüthoüýthe shoüýshoüxti oüýthiüi ha. Shoüý niýkashiüýga Wakoüýda \tr we think / always / we are / . / And / person / God \rf jod 1891:26.2 \op waýnahoü-maýshe, bthuýgaxti uthiýkoüi koüýoüthoüýthai. Iýe thithiýta ke \tr you who pray about different things, / all / they help you(s.) / We hope. / Word your / the \rf jod 1891:26.3 \op eýskana iýusiýshtoüzhi thiýgaxe koüýoüthoüýthai. Ki theýthu niýkashiüýga \tr oh that / not lying / they make «regard» you / we hope. / And / here / Indian \rf jod 1891:26.4 \op ukeýthiü amadiýtoü zhuýthat'oüý wagaýshoü neý eýgoü. &Judge &Dundy eý \tr common / from the «pl.» / you had a body / traveling / you go / so. / Judge / Dundy / he \rf jod 1891:26.5 \op weýthigthoü etaý te uýdoü heýgazhi eýgoü oüthoüýnithaiý ha. Ediýhi ki, \tr decision / his / the / good / very / as / we take refuge in it / . / That being the case, \rf jod 1891:26.6 \op "Weýudoü zhiüýga eteýgoü aýhoü, " oüthoüýthai. Ki uýshkoü ke 'iýthathe \tr good for us / a little / apt / «in soliloquy»!, / we think. / And / deed / the / you speak about \rf jod 1891:26.7 \op neý ke wiüýthakaýzhi te thiügeýxtioüýi. Bthuýgaxti iýshpahoüýxti eýgoü \tr you went / the / you do not speak truly / the / there is none at all. / All / you know it well / as \rf jod 1891:26.8 \op neý, / thiýzha-baýzhixtioüý etaiý. / Itiýgoüthaiý thiükeý thiýzha shteýshtewoüý, weaý- \tr you went, / they should not doubt you at all. / Grandfather / the «st. one» / he doubts you / even if, / he does \rf jod 1891:26.9 \op bahoü-baýzhi ha. Thiý weaýshpahoüýi eýgoü 'iaýwathathaiý. Ki Itiýgoüthaiý \tr not know us / . / You / you know us / as / you talk about us. / And / Grandfather \rf jod 1891:26.10 \op thiükeý, wagaýxthoü etaý amaý iusiýshtoütheýxtioüýi. Ki Itiýgoüthaiý \tr the «st. one» / several / his / the «pl. sub.» / they really caused him to tell a lie. And / Grandfather \rf jod 1891:26.11 \op thiükeý, / "Niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü-ma / giýudoüýxti wapaýxe," etheýgoü te ha. \tr the «st. one», / The Indians / very prosperous / I have made them, / he has thought it / . \rf jod 1891:26.12 \op Goüýki wegaýxai thoüýzha, ediýti ki, wegaýxa-baýzhi, thisheýthoü-noüýi \tr And then / he does it for us / though, / by the time it has come hither / when, / they do not do it for us, / they pull it to pieces / usually \rf jod 1891:26.13 \op wagaýxthoü etaý amaý. Ki Itiýgoüthaiý thiükeý giýudoü wegaýxe-noüýi \tr servant / his / the «pl. sub.» / And / Grandfather / the «st. one» / good for one / he makes it for us / usually \rf jod 1891:26.14 \op thoüýzha, ithaýdithaiý amaý ediýti uýdoü te eý thizeý-noüi, oüguý u'aýgtha- \tr though, / agent / the «pl. sub.» / by the time it has come hither / good / the / it / they take it usually, / we / suffering \rf jod 1891:26.15 \op noüý oüthiüýi ha. Goüýki Itiýgoüthaiý thiükeý wagiýbaxu theýthai teýdi, \tr usually / we are / . / And then / Grandfather / the «st. one» / to write different things to him / they send off / when, \rf jod 1891:26.16 \op uýdoüxti oüthiüý-bi eý giýbaxu theýthe-noüýi ha ithaýdithaiý amaý, iýusiýshtoü \tr very good / that we are / it / they write it to him / they send to him / usually / / agent / the «pl. sub.», / they tell lies \rf jod 1891:26.17 \op heýga-baýzhi ha. Goüýki Itiýgoüthaiý thiükeý uýdoüxti wegaýxai 'iýthai \tr not a few / . / And then / Grandfather / the «st. one» / very good / to do for us / he promised \rf jod 1891:26.18 \op tethoüýzha, shoüý, ithaýdithaiý amaý uýdoü wegaýxa-bi etheýgoü-noüý teýe \tr though in the past / yet / agent / the «pl. sub.» / good / that they have done for us he thinks it usually / it is the \rf jod 1891:27.1 \op ha. / "Uýdoü te thizeý-noüi thoüýzha, shoüý piýazhi te-noüý aýhushiýgai," \tr . / Good / the / they take it usually / though, / yet / bad / the usually / they persist in «saying» \rf jod 1891:27.2 \op etheýgoü-noüi teý, Itiýgoüthaiý akaý. Ki uýdoü Itiýgoüthaiý 'iýthe te \tr he thinks usually / the, / Grandfather / the «sub.» / And / good / Grandfather / promised / the \rf jod 1891:27.3 \op wegaýxa-baýzhi-noüýi eýgoü, ushteý amaý naxiýde-thiügeý-noüi ha Shaoüý \tr they do not do for us usually / as, / remain / the ones who / are disobedient usually / / Dakota \rf jod 1891:27.4 \op amaý. Ki gageýgoü ge weýtexi ge Itiýgoüthaiý na'oüý iüýgoüthai \tr the «pl. sub.» / And / like those / the «pl. in. ob.» / hard for me / the «pl. in. ob.» / Grandfather / to hear it / we wish for him \rf jod 1891:27.5 \op eýgoü, ithaýdithaiý amaý baxuý oüwoüýshi-noüýi. Ithaýdithaiý amaý baxuý \tr as, / agent / the «pl. sub.» / to write / we employ them usually. / Grandfather / the «pl. sub.» / to write \rf jod 1891:27.6 \op oüwoüýshi shtewoüý eýgithe weýbaxu-baýzhi-noüýi; weýbaxuý-bi aiý \tr we employ them / notwithstanding / behold / they do not write for us usually; that they have written for us / they say \rf jod 1891:27.7 \op shtewoüý, wiüýka-baýzhi-noüýi ha ithaýdithaiý amaý. Itiýgoüthaiý wagaý- \tr notwithstanding, / they do not speak truly usually / / agent / the «pl. sub.» / Grandfather / serv- \rf jod 1891:27.8 \op xthoü etaý amaý na'oüý iüýgoüthai eýgoü, waýiüthiýbaxuýi ha. \tr ant / his / the «pl. sub.» / to hear it / we wish for him / as, / we write to you about several things / \rf jod 1891:27.9 \op Kageýha, theý oüýba ge wagaýshoü ne teý oüýba \tr My friend, this / the days / traveling / you go / the / day \rf jod 1891:27.10 \op ithaýugthe thisiýthe-noüýi thikaýge amaý. Oüýshte ithaýdi wagaýshoügiýthe \tr throughout «or, every» / they think of you usually / your friend / the «pl. sub.» / As if / his father / he causes his own to travel \rf jod 1891:27.11 \op eýgoüxtioüýi: "E'oüý anaý'oü eteýdoü," ebtheýgoü oüýba ithaýugthe. Eýska \tr it is just so: / How / I hear it / apt? «in soliloquy», / I think it / day / throughout «&or every». / Oh that \rf jod 1891:27.12 \op wikaýge ukeýt'oü koüýoüthoüýthe-noüýi. Wadoüýbai eýgoü shutheý, \tr my friend / succeed / we hope / usually. / he saw us / as / he has gone to you «by request», \rf jod 1891:27.13 \op Wakoüýda waýthahoü niýkashiüýga-maýshe, wawiýue-masheýgoü, eýskana \tr God / to pray various prayers to o ye people, / lawyer / ye who, likewise / oh that \rf jod 1891:27.14 \op utheýkoü koüýoüthoüýthai. Eýska iýnitawaýthe te ukeýt'oü koüýoüthoüýthai \tr you aid him / we hope. / Oh that / capable of sustaining life / the / he acquires it / we hope. \rf jod 1891:27.15 \pr @{Toüwoü-gaxe} said: \op Kageýha, shoüý niýkashiüýga-ma waýbtha- \tr My friend, / in fact / the people / I pray to \rf jod 1891:27.16 \op hoü theýathe iýe wiüaýxchi. Shoüý niýkashiüýga edaýdoü wiýuthakiaiý ki, \tr them / I send away / word / just one. / And / person / what / you «pl»speak to them about it / if, \rf jod 1891:27.17 \op uthuýthakiýkie-maýshe, Wakoüýda waýthahoü-maýshe edaýbe, wiýbthahoüýi \tr O ye who speak to one another about it, / God / ye who pray various prayers to him / also, / I pray to you «pl.» \rf jod 1891:27.18 \op bthuýgaxti. Niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü bthuýgaxti thiýthihoüýi te ha, uaýwa- \tr all. / Indian / common / really all / they have prayed to you / O ye \rf jod 1891:28.1 \op thagikoüýi-maýshe. Oüýba ge wabthiýtoü-noü-moüý shtewoüý, niýka- \tr who aid us. / day / the «pl. in. ob.» / I usually work at different things / even if, / per- \rf jod 1891:28.2 \op shiüýga wagaýshoü the thiüý gthiý k, edaýdoü iýe uýdoüxti athiüý gthi \tr son / traveling / he who has gone / he returns / when, / what / word / very good / he brings back \rf jod 1891:28.3 \op koüýebtheýgoü-xti-noü-moüý, asiýthe-noü shoüý shoü. Edaýdoü shteýshtewoüý \tr I am usually earnestly hoping it, / I think usually of him / always. / what / soever \rf jod 1891:28.4 \op sagiýxti ukeýt'oü gthiý koüýoüthoüýthai, ebtheýgoü. Ki shiüýgazhiüý ga \tr very firm / he aquires / he returns / we hope, / I think it. / And / child \rf jod 1891:28.5 \op wiwiýta sagiýxti mazhoüý thoüýdi iüýnazhiü koübtheýgoü. \tr my / very firmly / land / in the / he stands for me / I hope. \rf jod 1891:28.6 \pr @{Pathiü-noüpazhi} said: \op Kageýha, washniýtoü neý te eýskana niýka- \tr My friend, / to work at various things / you went / / the oh that / In- \rf jod 1891:28.7 \op diüýga ukeýthiü uýwathagikoüý uýdoüxti uthaýket'oü thagthiý koübtheýgoü. \tr dian / common / you aid them / very good / you acquire it / you return hither / I hope. \rf jod 1891:28.8 \op Niýkashiüýga wauýe-maýshe utheýkoü-maýshe, eýskana washkoüýxti utheý- \tr Person / O ye lawyers / O ye who help him, / oh that / making a great effort / you render \rf jod 1891:28.9 \op koüxti koübtheýgoü wiýbthahoüýi ha. Niýkashiüýga sheýthiü weýtexi ke \tr him much aid / I hope / I pray to you «pl.». / Person / that «mv. ob.» / hard for us / the \rf jod 1891:28.10 \op iýbahoüýi eýgoü weýthitoü shuthaiý. \tr he knows it / as / to work for us / has gone to you. \rf jod 1891:28.11 \pr @{Wajepa} said: \op 'Iýatha-maýzhi thoüýzha, iýe bthuýga wiwiýta, iüýshoüha. \tr I have not spoken about it / though / word / all / my own. / I agree to them. \rf jod 1891:28.12 \ti John Springer to John Primeau \dt September 11, 1879 \op Kageýha, oüthiýna'?oü-bazhiý-xtioü kaýshi. Wabaýgtheze wathaý'?iazhi. \tr My friend, we have not heard from you at all / a long time. / Letter / you have not given us. \rf jod 1891:33.1 \op Wa'?uý wiwiýta &Susette thiýna'?oü goüýthai. Miüýzhiüga oüguýtai \tr Woman / my / Susette / to hear from you / wishes. / Girl / our \rf jod 1891:33.2 \op zhiügaý thiükeý wakeýga iüýchoü. Moüchuý-naýzhiü amaý shagthaiý. Waý- \tr small / the one who / is sick / now. / Standing Bear / the «mv. sub.» / has gone back to you. / I pur- \rf jod 1891:33.3 \op bthixe piý eýde naxiýdethiüýge goüý iýe te oüýna'oü-baýzhi, waýbthieýsa \tr sued / I reached him / but / disobedient / as / word / the / he did not hear me, / I spent more time than I had intended \rf jod 1891:33.4 \op agthiý. Ki uýshkoü te thi'?aýxti shoüý agthaiý. E'?oüý moüshniüý te \tr I returned hither / And / deed / the / failed in altogether / yet / went back. / How / you walk / the \rf jod 1891:33.5 \op iüwiüýtha iýtha-ga. Moüchuý-noüýba izhiüýge Shaoüýata theý goüýthai \tr to tell it to me / send hither. / Two Grizzly Bears / his son / to the Dakotas / to go / wished \rf jod 1891:33.6 \op eýde, thiýsh'a. Ithaýdithai amaý uthiý'agaiý. \tr but, / he failed. / agent / the «sub.» / was unwilling. \rf jod 1891:33.7 \ti To Rev. John C. Lowrie, New York, from Two Crows and Other Omahas \dt September 16, 1879. \op Kageýha, waýiüthiýbaxuýi ha. Shoüý iýe dzhuýbaxchi oüguýthikieý \tr O friend! / we write to you on various subjects. / And / word / very few / we speak to you \rf jod 1891:34.1 \op shuýtheoüýthe toüýgatoü. Shoüý uýshkoü pahoüýgadi '?ioüýthe toüýgatoü \tr we will send to you. / and / deed / formerly / we will speak of it \rf jod 1891:34.2 \op ha. Uýshkoü pahoüýgadi wabaýgtheze aýthade tiý te 'ioüýthe toüýgatoü \tr Deed / formerly / book / reading / house / the / we will speak of it \rf jod 1891:34.3 \op ha. Iüýshte, kageýha, pahoüýgadi wabaýgtheze aýthade tiý te wathaý'i \tr / / as if, / O friend, / formerly / book / reading / house / the / you gave it to us \rf jod 1891:34.4 \op te, wetheýshkaxaýi ha. Ki shoüý uýdoüxti oüthoüýbahoü-bazhiýxtioüýi \tr the, / you made it for us / And / yet / very good / we did not know it at all \rf jod 1891:34.5 \op thoüýzha, shoüý eýdi shiügazhiüýga nazhiüýoüwoüýkithe-noüý. Iüýtoü \tr though, / yet / there / child / we caused them to stand / usually. / now \rf jod 1891:34.6 \op wabaýgtheze aýthade te enaýxchi uýdoü teýdegoüý oüthoüýbahoüýi ha; \tr book / reading / the / it only / good / has been apt / we know it / \rf jod 1891:34.7 \op aýdoü oügoüýthai heýga-oüýthiü-baýzhi wabaýgtheze aýthade te. Goüý \tr therefore / we desire it / we are not a little / book / reading / the «ob.» / And \rf jod 1891:35.1 \op "Shoüý wabaýgtheze aýthade tiý teý uýdoüxti shiüýgazhiüýga amaý nazhiüýi \tr At any rate / book / reading / house / the / very good / child / the «pl. sub.» / stand \rf jod 1891:35.2 \op aýhoü," oüthoüýthai ha. Ki shoüý wabaýgtheze aýthade te thapiýxti \tr ! / we think / . / And / yet / book / reading / the / speaking it well \rf jod 1891:35.3 \op waseýkoü athaiý-de ebeýwoüi eýiüte wabaý gtheze aýthade tiý te \tr rapidly / they want / when / who caused it «the trouble» / it may be / book / reading / house / the \rf jod 1891:35.4 \op thisheýthoüi. Goüý ithaýdithaiý amaý waýthiü, shiüýgazhiüýga oüýba heýbe \tr was broken up. / And / agent / the «pl. sub.» / had them, / child / day / part of it \rf jod 1891:35.5 \op wabaýgtheze aýthadewaýkithaiý. Ki theýama shiüýgazhiüýga-ma pa- \tr book / caused them to read. / And / these / the children / be- \rf jod 1891:35.6 \op hoüýga wabaýgtheze athade amaý niüýta amaý gtheýba-shaýpe ki \tr fore / book / read / the «pl. sub.» / alive / the ones who / sixty / and \rf jod 1891:35.7 \op eýdi saýtoü. Iýe thapiý, wabaýxu shteoüýi. Iýe thapiý thoükaý ediýtoü \tr on it / five. / Language / speak well, / they even write «letters». / Language / speak well / they who / from «them» \rf jod 1891:35.8 \op wiüý Itiýgoüthaiý ieýska; shi ediýtoü wiüý wabaýgtheze weýthade \tr one / Grandfather / «his» interpreter; / again / from «them» / one / book / reads for them \rf jod 1891:35.9 \op ha. Shi ediýtoü noübaý zhoüthiýtoüi ha, shi thaýbthiü waýxe ti gaýxe \tr Again / from «them» / two / work as carpenters / and / three / white people / house / to make \rf jod 1891:35.10 \op iýbahoüýi ha. Shi ediýtoü thaýbthiü moüýzegaýxai ha. Shi ediýtoü \tr they know / . / Again / from «them» / three / work as blacksmiths / . / Again / from «them» \rf jod 1891:35.11 \op wiüý uýthituýbadi wathiýtoü ha. Ki iüýchoü &Quaker-maý waýthiü te \tr one / at the grist mill / works / . / and / now / the Quakers / have had them / the \rf jod 1891:35.12 \op shetoüý wiüaýxchishte waýxe iýa-baýzhi: moüýzeska te u'oüýthiügeýxti \tr so far / even only one / white people / do not speak the language: / money / the / all in vain \rf jod 1891:35.13 \op uxpaýthe, edaýdoü shteýshtewoü iýkikaýxa-baýzhi. Ki pahoüýga te uýdoü \tr fell down «lost», / what / soever / they did not make for themselves by means of it. / And / before / the / good \rf jod 1891:35.14 \op iýnahiü teýdegoüý, weýthisheýthoü eýgoü weýtha-baýzhi heýga-baýzhi. Uýshkoü \tr indeed / was apt, but, / they broke it up for us / as / we are sad / very. / Deed \rf jod 1891:35.15 \op pahoüýga tethoüý shi eýxti oükiýkoüthaiý. Ki eýskoü Itiýgoüthaiý akaý \tr before / the «past» / again / that very thing / we desire for ourselves. / And probable «or, perhaps» / Grandfather / the «sub.» \rf jod 1891:35.16 \op uaýwagikoüýi etheýgoüwaýthe. Ki shiý eýskana, kageýha, uaýwathagi- \tr he helps us / is reasonable. / And again / oh that, / O friend / you help \rf jod 1891:35.17 \op koüýi oüthoüýthai. Pahoüýgadi uaýwathagikoüýi eýgoü shi iüýchoü \tr us / we think. / Formerly / you helped us / as / again / now \rf jod 1891:35.18 \op uaýwathagikoüýi oügoüýthai. Iüýshte toüýwoügthoü thoüý wabaýgtheze \tr you help us / we desire. / As if / tribe / the / book \rf jod 1891:35.19 \op aýthade te iýgi uýdoü tateý naýkoüxti oüdoüýbe eaýwagoüýi, aýdoü \tr reading / the / shall be for its good / shining very brightly / we see it, / we are so, / therefore \rf jod 1891:36.1 \op oügoüýtha-xtioüýi. &Day &school te oügoüýtha-baýzhi. \tr we stongly desire it. / Day school / the / we do not desire. \rf jod 1891:36.2 \ti @{Huýpetha} to William M'Kim Heath \dt October 1, 1879 \op Kageýha, oüýbatheý waxiüýha thoü toüýbe. Kageýha, niýkashiüýga \tr My friend, / to-day / paper / the / I have seen it. / My friend, / people \rf jod 1891:37.1 \op nankaýshe, eýskana oüshtoüýbai koübtheýgoü, shi witoüýbai koübtheýgoü. \tr ye who, / oh that / you see me / I hope, / again / I see you «pl.» / I hope. \rf jod 1891:37.2 \op Niýkashiüýga-maýshe, wathaýkigthiýtoüi te xtaýwithai eýgimoü ha. \tr O ye people. / you work for yourselves / the / I love you «pl.» / as / I do that / \rf jod 1891:37.3 \op Wamuýske weýgoüze gtheýba-noüýba uaýzhi, uýdoüxti paýxe. Watoüýzi \tr Wheat / measure / twenty / I sowed, / very good / I did. / Corn \rf jod 1891:37.4 \op weýgoüze gtheýba-thaýbthiü uaýzhi; nuý weýgoüze gtheýba-noüýba; mazhoüýxe, \tr measure / thirty / I planted; / potato / measure / twenty; / onion, \rf jod 1891:37.5 \op nuýgthe, hoübthiüýge, bthuýga uýdoüxti paýxe. Tiý shti wiüý akiýpaxe, \tr turnip, / beans, / all / very good / I did. / House / too / one / I made for myself, \rf jod 1891:37.6 \op uýdoüxti, eýde iüýnathiüýge. Kuýkusi gtheýba waýbthiü, teýska-miüýga \tr very good, / but / it was burnt for me. / Hog / ten / I have them, / cow \rf jod 1891:37.7 \op wiüaýxchi, miüýxa duýba waýbthiü; ziziýka wiüaýxchi: sheýna weýthaki- \tr just one, / goose / four / I have the n: / turkey / just one: / enough / you make for yourself \rf jod 1891:37.8 \op shkaýxai ge eý eýskana ebtheýgoü, kageýha, iüýchoüxchi waýbthiü. \tr by means of them / the «pl. in. ob.» / that / perhaps / I think it, / my friend, / just now / I have them. \rf jod 1891:37.9 \op Iüýchoüxchi uwiýbtha ha. Edaýdoü oüthoüýbahoü-baýzhi eýgoü, niýka- \tr Just know / I tell it to you / . / What / we do not know it / so, / In- \rf jod 1891:37.10 \op shiüýga ukeýthiü oüýgathiü. 'Aýgthaxti oüýthiü. Oüt'?eý te weaýthiügeýxti \tr dian / common / we who move. / Suffering greatly / we are. / We die / the / we have no means at all \rf jod 1891:37.11 \op shoüýshoü oüýthiü oüýba ithaýugthe, edaýdoü oüthoüýbahoü-baýzhi, eheý. \tr always / we are / day / throughout, / what / we do not know it, / I say. \rf jod 1891:37.12 \op Wakoüýda amaý uýthitoü ge thigoüýzai goüý, niýpi goüý, uýdoü \tr God / the «mv. sub.» «&or pl. sub.» / work / the «pl. in. ob.» / he has taught you / as, / you do it well / as / good \rf jod 1891:37.13 \op moüniüý. Ki weýgoüza-baýzhi goüý, kageýha, weýtexi ha. Waniýta \tr you walk. / And / he has not taught us / as, / my friend, / it is hard for us / . / Quadruped \rf jod 1891:37.14 \op eýwazhiü zhuýt'oü thiüý eý uaýwagithaiý. Eý uýthitoü wegaýxai. Heýbe \tr matures of its own accord / the «coll. ?ob.» / it / he has told us. / It / work / he made for us. / Part \rf jod 1891:37.15 \op oüguýtoüi goüý, heýbe oüguýtoüi goüý, ki wiüý oüiüýi. Kageýha, \tr we put on as moccasins / as, / part / we put on as leggins / as, / and / one / we wear as robes. / My friend, \rf jod 1891:37.16 \op oüthoüýbahoü-baýzhi 'aýgthaxti oüýthiü. Uaýwakoüýi-ga. Uaýwathakoüýi \tr we do not know it / suffering greatly / we are. / Help us! / You help us \rf jod 1891:37.17 \op ki, oüniýta eteýgoü. Uaýwathakoüýi te niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü-ma niýta \tr if, / we live / apt. / You help us / the / Indian / the common ones / to live \rf jod 1891:37.18 \op wetheýshkoünaiý eýskoü ebtheýgoü goüý, uwiýbtha. Oügueýzha shti waýxe \tr you wish for us / I think it may be / as, / I tell it to you. / We, on the one hand / too / O ye \rf jod 1891:37.19 \op maýshe, mazhoüý pahoüýga uthaý'oüsi te thaý'eoüýthithe heýga-oüýthiü-baýzhi \tr white people, / land / first / you leaped in it / the / we pitied you / we were very. \rf jod 1891:38.1 \op Ki mazhoüý thoü uýdoü shtoüýbai tediýhi ki, weaýthat'?anaiý, t'?eý \tr And / land / the / good / you saw it / by the time it arrived / when, / you hated us, / to die \rf jod 1891:38.2 \op wetheýshkoünaiý. Kageýha, shoümeýwathaýi-ga. Nikashiüýga ukeýthiü-ma \tr you wished for us. / My friend, / let «ye»us alone! / Indian / the common ones \rf jod 1891:38.3 \op sheýna 'iýwathaýi-ga. Oüwoüýkigthiýtoüi wadoüýbe-noüýi Umoüýhoü \tr enough / speak «ye» about them. / We work for ourselves / they see us / usually / Omaha \rf jod 1891:38.4 \op oüýgatoü. Pahoüýga teýdi uýthitoü thithiýtai ge doüýbe goüýtha- \tr we who stand. / At the first / work / your / the «pl. in. ob.» / to look at / they had \rf jod 1891:38.5 \op shtewoüý-baýzhi. Ki iüýchoüxchi uýthitoü thithiýtai ge theýama doüýbai, \tr not the least desire. / And / just now / work / your / the «pl. in. ob.» / these / they look at it, \rf jod 1891:38.6 \op aýdoü shoümeýwathaýi-ga. Kageýha, niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü oüýgathiü \tr therefore / let them alone! / My friend, / Indian / common / we who move \rf jod 1891:38.7 \op 'aýgthawathaýthai chaýbai. Waniýta daýdoü, taýxti, teý, oüýpoü, tachuýge, \tr you make us suffer / very greatly. / Quadruped / what «sort», / deer, / buffalo, / elk, / antelope, \rf jod 1891:38.8 \op shoüý waniýta bthuýga t'oüýi goüý weýudoü goü, t'?eýwathaýthai. Thiügaiý, \tr in fact / quadruped / all / they abounded / as / good for us / as, / you killed them. / There are none, \rf jod 1891:38.9 \op oüýguginaiý ki..... Niýkashiüýga-maýshe, thatiý te shetoüý shiüýga- \tr we seek them, our own / when. / O ye people, / you came hither / the / so far / child \rf jod 1891:38.10 \op zhiüýga aýhigi iýda amaý, shoüýge miügaý amaý mazhoüý thoüýdi iýda amaý. \tr many / have been born, / horse / female / the «pl. sub.» / land / in the / have been born. \rf jod 1891:38.11 \op Waýxe waýthiü amaý wiüý gtheýba iýdawaýthe watoüýbe. Teýska miüýga \tr White people / have them / the «pl. sub.» / one / ten / has given birth to / I have seen them. / Cow \rf jod 1891:38.12 \op mazhoüý wiwiýta thoüýdi aýhigi weýdathe watoüýbe-noü-moüý. Mazhoüý \tr land / my / in the / many / have had young ones / I have usually seen them. / Land \rf jod 1891:38.13 \op thoüýdi pahoüýga ti teýdi, tiý thiügeýxti wathiýtoü nazhiüý amaý. \tr in the / first / had come hither / when, / house / none at all / working / they were standing, it is said. \rf jod 1891:38.14 \op Ki tiý athuýhage gaýxe-noüý amaý. Niýkashiüýga-maýshe, waýthaha \tr And house / at the last / they have usually been making, it is said. / O ye people! / clothing \rf jod 1891:38.15 \op uýdoüxti witoüýbai. Ki edaýdoü iýgaxe a. toüýde thoüdiýtoü \tr very good / I have seen you. / And / what / has it been done by means of / ? / ground / from the \nt =@{thoüdiýta%i} is a typo in the original for =@{thoüdiýtoü}; probably broken type. 09-jan-97 [JEK] \rf jod 1891:38.16 \op thizeý amaý. Teýska-ma shiüýxti watoüýbe-noü-moüý. Ki mazhoüý \tr it has been taken, they say. / the cows / very fat / I have usually seen them. / And / land \rf jod 1891:38.17 \op wiýta thoüýdi xaýde ge iýshiü amaý. Kageýha, uýshkoü thithiýtai \tr my / in the / grass / the «pl. in. ob.» / they are fat by by means of it, they say. / My friend, / deed / your \rf jod 1891:38.18 \op bthuýgaxti xtaýathe btheý. Uaýwakoü wathiüýgai. Waýxe-maýshe, \tr all / I love it / I go. / To help us / we have none. / O ye white people, \rf jod 1891:39.1 \op uaýwathakoüýi ki, oüniýta eteýgoü. Kageýha, niýuthoüýda bthuýga \tr you help us / if, / we live / apt. / My friend, / island / all \rf jod 1891:39.2 \op eýskana niýashiüýga unaý'oüwathaýkithaiý koübtheýgoü. Niýashiüýga-ma \tr oh that / people / you cause them to hear about it / I hope. / The people \rf jod 1891:39.3 \op oüwoüýna'oüýi tediýhi ki, waxiüýha wiüý oü'iý ithaý-ga. Iýe uýdoüxti \tr they hear about me / by the time arrives / when, / paper / one / give to me / send it hither. / Word / very good \rf jod 1891:39.4 \op edaýbe gaýxe 'iý ithaý-ga. Ikaýgewitheýxti akiýpaxe. Kageýha. \tr also / to make it / give it / send it hither. / I have you for my true friend / I make it for myself. / My friend, \rf jod 1891:39.5 \op waýgazuýxti uwiýbtha. Thikaýge-ma uýwagithaý-ga. Kageýha, iüýthexti \tr very straight / I tell it to you. / Your friends «pl. ob.» / tell it to them. / My friend, / I am very glad \rf jod 1891:39.6 \op witoüýbe agthiüý eýgoü oüýba uýdoüxti uwiýkie. Kageýha, oüshtoüýbazhi \tr I see you / I sit / so / day / very good / I talk to you. / My friend, / you have not seen me \nt =@{wita%iýbe} is a typo in the original for =@{witoüýbe}; probably broken type. 09-jan-97 [JEK] \rf jod 1891:39.7 \op goüýadoü oüthoüýda te uwiýbtha taý miüke. Maýthe gtheýba-thaýbthiü \tr as, therefore / I was born / the / I will tell you. / Winter / thirty \rf jod 1891:39.8 \op ki eýdi noüýba bthiüý. \tr and on it / two / I am. \rf jod 1891:39.9 \ti @{Toüwoü-gaxe-zhiüga} to @{Miügabu}, a Yankton. \op Pahoüýga wazhuýta'oü tediýtoü witoüýbe koübtheýde, teýxi heýgazhi. \tr Before / harvest season / from the / I see you / I wished, but, / difficult / very. \rf jod 1891:41.1 \op Edaýdoü bthiýzhut'oüý te aoüýbtha shubtheý te iüýtexi heýga-maýzhi. Iüýtoü \tr What / I have raised / the / I abandon it / I go to you / the / difficult for me / I am very. / Now \rf jod 1891:41.2 \op shetoüý-noü, edaýdoü bthiýzhut'oüý bthiý'a ha. ... Goüý, nisiýha, \tr only so far, / what / I have raised / I have not finished / . / And, / my child, \rf jod 1891:41.3 \op shoüýge oüthaý'i-noüýi-ma iüýshena. Goüý eýe ha, wigiýtoübe koüýbtha \tr horse / the ones that you gave me at different times / have been expended for me. / And / that is it / , / I see you, my own / I want \rf jod 1891:41.4 \op te. Shoü goüý niýkashiüýga itaýxataý amaý iüdaýdoü weýthigthoü gaýxe- \tr the. / And at any rate / Indian / at the head of the Missouri River / the «pl. sub.» / what / plan / they make \rf jod 1891:41.5 \op noüýi eýiüte eýskana, nisiýha, ieý thanaý'?oü shteýshtewoü iüwiüýthana \tr usually / it may be / oh that, / my child, / word / you hear it / soever / you tell it to me \rf jod 1891:41.6 \op tiýthathe, uxtheýxchi. Shoüý shiüýgazhiüýga wa'uý shti nieý shtewoüý \tr you send it hither, / very soon. / And / child / woman / too / pain / soever \rf jod 1891:41.7 \op thiügeý, eýskana, nisiýha, eýgizhoü winaý'oüi koübtheýgoü. Oüýba atoüý- \tr have none, / oh that, / my child, / you do that / I hear from you / I hope. / At different \rf jod 1891:41.8 \op shtewoüý, nisiýha, wisiýthe shoüýshoü. Eýskana awaýgitoüýbe koübtheýgoü, \tr times, «W.» / my child, / I think of you / always. / Oh that / I see them, my own / I hope, \rf jod 1891:41.9 \op oüýba gatoüý ki. Iýe daýdoü shteýshtewoü eýskana, nisiýha, oüthaýgi- \tr day / that far / when. / Word / what / soever / oh that, / my child, / you write to me, \rf jod 1891:41.10 \op shpaýxu ithathai koübtheýgoü. \tr your own / you «pl.» send hither / I hope. \rf jod 1891:41.11 \ti @{Te-zheý-bate} to T. H. Tibbles \dt September 29, 1879 \op ... Kageýha, oüýba ge iýpi eteýgoü. Oüthaýgiwaýshkoüi ki, \tr O friend! / day / the «pl. in. ob.» / good by means of / apt. / You exert yourself for me, your own, / if \rf jod 1891:42.1 \op aniüýta tateý..... Piýthoüthoü thaý'eoüýtha-bi eneýgoü. Piýxti \tr I shall live. / Again and again / that you have pitied me / you think it. / Anew \rf jod 1891:42.2 \op tha'eoüýgithaýi-ga Waýxe amaý kigthaýhoüi te eýgoü wiýgthahoüýi, \tr pity ye me! / White people / the «pl. sub.» / praying to one another as kinsmen / the / so / I pray to you, my own, \rf jod 1891:42.3 \op wahoüý'?e tetaýthishoü. . \tr with reference to petitioning for something. \rf jod 1891:42.4 \ti @{Naüzandazhi} to James O'Kane. \op Shoüý wabaýgtheze iýe dzhuýba wiýpaxu shuýtheathe. Wabaýgtheze \tr And / letter / word / a few / I write to you / I send to you. / Letter \rf jod 1891:43.1 \op shutheýwithe ameýde xaýtha wiüeýshtewoü tioüýthakithaýzhi. Shoüý-noü \tr it is said that I sent it to you «but I do not know it: sic» but / back again / even one / you have not sent hither «to me». / And only \rf jod 1891:43.2 \op oüýpoüha taýxtiha edaýbe iütheýshkoünaý 'ithathe thoüýshti, shoüý oüýba \tr elk hides / deer hides / also / you desired for me / you promised / formerly, / yet / day \rf jod 1891:43.3 \op ithaýugthe asiýthe-noü-moüý. Shoüý oüýpoüha meýha doüýshte wiüoüýwa \tr throughout / I think of it from time to time. / And / elk hides / winter hides / or / which ones \rf jod 1891:43.4 \op t'oüýxti niüýwiü koübtheýgoü. Shoüý meýha ge aýtaxti koüýbtha. \tr are very plentiful / you buy / I hope. / And / winter hides / the «pl. in. ob.» / exceedingly / I wish. \rf jod 1891:43.5 \op ... Shoüý uxtheýxchi, eýskana, xaýtha iüwiüýthana koübtheýgoü. \tr and / very soon, / oh that, / back again / you tell me / I hope. \rf jod 1891:43.6 \ti @{Gahiýge}, an Omaha, to @{Maýshoü}, a Ponka, and @{Hexaýka-maýni}, a Yankton \dt November 10 \op Uýshkoü theý shkoüýna te teýxi heýgazhi. Wiý-noü eweýpaxuý-noü-moüý \tr Deed / this / you desire / the / difficult / very. / I only / I usually write for them \rf jod 1891:44.1 \op eýde giýtexi ha. Wabaýgtheze theoüýthai ge weýnaxthe-noüýi, Poüýka \tr but / difficult for him / . / Letter / we send away / the «pl. in. ob.» / they conceal from them / usually, / Ponka \rf jod 1891:44.2 \op thoükaý wa'?iý-baýzhi-noüýi, aýdoü oüýgabaýgthai. Ki Maxpiý-zhiýde iýe etaý \tr the «pl. ob.» / they do not give to them / usually, / therefore / we hesitate not liking to ask for the favor. / And Red Cloud / word / his \rf jod 1891:44.3 \op te piý waýgazu anaý'oü koüýbtha, uthaýkiaiý tediýhi ki. Ki esheý sheýna \tr the / anew / straight / I hear / I desire, / you talk to him / when the time arrives. / And / you say it / enough \rf jod 1891:44.4 \op ha. Ki Ihoüýktoüwiüý-ma oüwoüýdoübe taiteý ebtheýgoü. Wathiýtoü \tr . / And / the Yanktons / we see them / shall / I think it. / Work \rf jod 1891:44.5 \op oüthiýtoü goüý theýama niýkashiüýga wadoüýbe goüýthai. Thiýe waýwikeý, \tr we have finished it / as / these / people / to see them / they wish. / You / I mean you, \rf jod 1891:44.6 \op Maýshoü. Niýkashiüýga zhuýwathaýgthe moüniüý weýgaskoüýthekitheýxti-ga. \tr Feather. / People / you with them / you walk / cause him «some one» to entertain them well. \rf jod 1891:44.7 \op Uýdoü wagoütha-ga. Weýs'a-toüýga t'?eýtha-bi aiý, Sheýta shukiýthai \tr Good / desire them. / Big Snake / that he has been killed / they say. / Yonder / one causes it to reach there again where you are \rf jod 1891:44.8 \op eýiüte oünaý'oü oügoüýthai. \tr whether / we hear it / we wish. \rf jod 1891:44.9 \ti Cyrus Phillips, an Omaha, to Battiste Deroin and Son, Oto, Interpreters \dt November 11, 1879 \op Witoüýbe koüýbtha. Iüýchoü shubtheý koüýbtha. Theýthiüke, Waniýta- \tr I see you / I wish. / Now / I go to you / I wish. / This st. one, / Li- \rf jod 1891:45.1 \op waýxe, shutheý tathiükeý, eýdi shubtheý tateý, ebtheýgoü. Witoüýbe \tr on, / the one who will go to you, / then / I go to you / shall, / I think it. / I saw you \rf jod 1891:45.2 \op agthiý tethoüý, kageýha, noüýde iüthiüýudoüýxti agthiý. Ki theýthiüke \tr I came back hither / in the past, / O friend, / heart / mine was very good / I came back. / And / this st.one \rf jod 1891:45.3 \op igaýxthoü thiükeý weýdatheýdegoü wakeýga: iý te wamiý xtoüý-noüi, \tr his wife / the «st. one» / has given birth to children, but / she is sick: / mouth / the «ob.» / blood / drops / usually, \rf jod 1891:45.4 \op eýde waýxe-zhiüýga wabaýgtheze gaýxe thoü goüýzhiüga ebtheýgoü aýdoü \tr but / white man's son / letter / made it / the «ob.» / he did not know how to do it / I think it / therefore \rf jod 1891:45.5 \op aýgahaýdi shutheý. Eýskana uxtheýxchi wabaýgtheze tioüýthakitheý koü- \tr in addition to it / it goes to you. / Oh that / very soon / letter / you send hither to me / I \rf jod 1891:45.6 \op btheýgoü. Waniýta-waýxe shuhiý tediýhi ki, iüdaýdoü shtewoüý 'iý-bazhiýi-ga \tr hope. / Lion / he reaches you / by the time that, / what / ever / do not ye give to him \rf jod 1891:45.7 \op haý. Niniýba oüýtha thiükeýe ha, nudoüýhoüga thiükeý. Ki eýde \tr ! / Pipe / to abandon it / he is one who / , / leader / the one who. / And / but \rf jod 1891:45.8 \op niniýba athiüý shutheý goüýtha, eýde uýshkoü daýdoü theýshkaxa-baýzhi koü- \tr pipe / to take it to you / he wishes, / but / deed / what / you do not for him / I \rf jod 1891:45.9 \op btheýgoü, Kaýga. \tr hope, / O Thirdson. \rf jod 1891:45.10 \ti @{Wakiýde} to @{Mawataüna}, a Yankton \dt November 12, 1879 \op Niýashiüýga witoüýbe koüýbthaxti ha. Wabthiýtoü te iüýtoü bthiýshtoü. \tr person / I see you / I strongly desire / . / I work at different things / the / now / I have finished. \rf jod 1891:46.1 \op Toüshkaýha, niýashiüýga ikaýgewitheý niükeý, uýdoüxti iüwiüýthana koüý- \tr O sister's son, / person / I have you for a friend / you who are / very good / you tell it to me / I \rf jod 1891:46.2 \op btha ha. Shoüý waxiüýha gthiýazhi shoüý shubtheý eteýgoü. Eýskana \tr wish / . / And / paper / has not come back / yet / I go to you / apt. / Oh that \rf jod 1891:46.3 \op waxiüýha tioüýthakitheý koübtheýgoü, wanoüýxthiüxti. Iýe waxpaýnixti \tr paper / you send it hither to me / I hope. / very hastily. / Word / very poor \rf jod 1891:46.4 \op eýgoü uwiýbtha. Waxiüýha oüýbatheý thishtoüý te aýma hiýazhi te shubtheý \tr so / I tell it to you / Paper / to-day / finished / the / the other one / has not reached there / when / I go to you \rf jod 1891:46.5 \op eteýgoü. Edaýdoü akiýpaxe koüýbtha keýta wanoüýxthiüxti shubtheý \tr apt. / What / I make for myself / I wish / on account of the / very hastily / I will go \rf jod 1891:46.6 \op taý miüke. \tr to / you. \rf jod 1891:46.7 \ti @{Miüka'e-zhiüga}, an Omaha, to @{Ke-gtheýze}, an Oto \dt November 12, 1879 \op Waxiüýha tiýth 'ithe eýde, tiýazhi ha, aýdoü waweýmaxe shutheýathe. \tr Paper / to be sent hither / was promised, / but, / it has not come / , / therefore / to ask about several things / I send it to you. \rf jod 1891:47.1 \op Ki theý shuhiý kizhi, waxiüýha thoü tiý giýgoüthai. Uýshkoü e'oüý \tr And / this / it reaches you / when / paper / the / to come hither / he wishes for it «?». / Deed / how \rf jod 1891:47.2 \op moüniüý ki, na'oüý goüýthai. Shoüý wathiýkega thagtheý te anaý'oü \tr you walk / if, / to hear it / he wishes. / And / you were sick / you went back / the / I hear it \rf jod 1891:47.3 \op koüýbtha. Shoüý e'oüý niýkashiüýga uýshkoü e'oüý thigaýxai te anaý'oü \tr I wish. / And / how / person / deed / how / they did for you / the / I hear it \rf jod 1891:47.4 \op koüýbtha. Shoüý e'oüý thakiý thuýtoü anaý'oü koüýbtha. \tr I wish. / And / how / you reached home / correctly / I hear it / I wish. \rf jod 1891:47.5 \ti @{I-tuý-ti-taý-ha-gaý}, an Omaha, to @{Taý-pi-ka-tha-waý-hu'}. a Pawnee. \op Goü shoüý thaniýta te that'?eý te wiüoüýwa thiýna'oü goüýthai, \tr / «see note» / you live / the / you are dead / the / which one / to hear about you / he wishes, \rf jod 1891:47.6 \op thisiýthe shoüýshoü, thizhiüýge. Shoüý-noü uýshkoü thithiýta thisiýthe-noüýi. \tr he remembers you / always, / your son. / And usually / deed / your / he usually remembers you. \rf jod 1891:47.7 \op Uýdoü waýniü te goüý thaniýta thiýdoübe eýkigoüýxti goüýthai, thshiýna'oü \tr Good / you have them / the / so / you live / to see you / just like it / he wishes. / to hear from you \rf jod 1891:47.8 \op te. Wa'uý zhuýgthe iýshpahoü giýt'?e ha. Shoüý e'oüý uxtheýxti thiýdoübe \tr the. / Woman / he with her / you know her / is dead to him / . / And / how / very soon / to see you \rf jod 1891:48.1 \op te thiügeýe ha. Shoüý thaniýta te goüý thiýdoübe eýkigoüýxti thiýna'oü \tr the / there is none / . / And / you live / the / so / to see you / just like it / to hear from you \rf jod 1891:48.2 \op goüýthai. Shoüý wa'?uý thithiýta shiüýgazhiüýga edaýbe e'?oüý moüthiüý \tr he wishes. / And / woman / your / children / also / how / they walk \rf jod 1891:48.3 \op wanaý'oü goüýthai. Thizhiüýge shutheý. Shetoüý aniýta moübthiüý. Eýthe \tr to hear about them / he wishes. / Your son / goes to you. / So far / I live / I walk. / Kindred \rf jod 1891:48.4 \op thithiýta shti thiýna'?oü goüýthai. Uýshkoü thithiýta bthuýga na'?oüý goüýthai. \tr your / too / to hear from you / they wish. / Deed / your / all / to hear / they wish. \rf jod 1891:48.5 \op Thiýdoübe uthiýshi eýgoü, shoüý goüý waxiüýha shutheýthikithaiý. \tr To see you / it is almost impossible, / yet at any rate / paper / he sends it to you, by some one. \rf jod 1891:48.6 \ti Lion to Battiste Deroin and the Oto Chiefs. \op Goüý witoüýbe koüýbtha shtewoüý, shoüý edaýdoü iýbthigthoü-maýzhi \tr And / I see you / I wished / notwithstanding, / yet / what / I did not decide on \rf jod 1891:49.1 \op nuýgeaýdi. Ki oüwoüýxpani heýga-maýzhi eýgoü, witoüýbai-maýzhi \tr last summer. / And / I am poor / I am very / as, / I have not seen you «pl.»from \rf jod 1891:49.2 \op noü-moüý. Shoüý Umoüýhoü-ma shatheý taý ama iüýchoü. Iýe wiüý \tr time to time. / And / the Omahas / are going to you / now. / Word / one \rf jod 1891:49.3 \op geýshe wiüý iüwiüýtha. Ke-gtheýze nuýgeaýdi shugtheý teýdi iüwiüýtha. \tr you said as follows / one / he told it to me. / @{Ke-gtheýze} / last summer / he went back to you / when / he told it to me. \rf jod 1891:49.4 \op Usniý theý maýthe theý wiüeýshtewoü Umoüýhoü amaý ahiý-baýzhi taý-bi \tr Cold / this / winter / this / even one / Omaha / the «pl. sub.» / that they must not reach there \rf jod 1891:49.5 \op Wathutaýda-maýdi, eý tiýthai, wabaýgtheze, aýdoü eýgoü koüýbtha. Eý \tr to the Otos, / he said it / he sent it hither, / letter, / therefore / so, / I wish. / Him \rf jod 1891:49.6 \op wiüýkeaýthe. Mashteý teýdi wadoüýbe goüýthai ki, wadoüýbe goüýthai \tr I regard him speaking truly. / Warm / when / to see them / they wish / if, / to see them / they wish \rf jod 1891:49.7 \op shoüý. Ki nuýzhiüga wiwiýta &Sam &Allis: "Waýthaha aýhigi a'iüý agthiý \tr proper. / And / boy / my own / Sam Allis: / Clothing / much / I have carried back hither \rf jod 1891:49.8 \op agiý-i-ga ha," edeýgoü wabthiýtoü ki, apiýshubtheý taý miüke. \tr Be thou coming for it / ! / as you have said it / I work at different things / I finish / if, / I will go to you for it. \rf jod 1891:49.9 \op Iteoüýkithaý-ga. Shoüý sheýna uwiýbtha shutheýathe. Eshaýdoü iýutha \tr Put them aside for me. / And / enough / I tell it to you / I send to you. / What / news \rf jod 1891:49.10 \op piýazhi shi iýe uýdoü keý shti akiýwa anaý'oü koüýbtha. &Gus &La &Dieu \tr bad / again / word / good / the / too / both / I hear it / I wish. / Auguste la dieu \rf jod 1891:49.11 \op igaýxthoü iüýchoü wakeýga heýgazhi. Weýdathe goüý t'?eý tateýgoü. Iý te \tr his wife / now / she is sick / very. / She gave bith to a child / as / she is very apt to die. / Mouth / the \rf jod 1891:49.12 \op wamiý xtoüý-noüi. \tr blood / drops / usually. \rf jod 1891:49.13 \ti @{Waxpe-sha}, an Omaha, to Mawachepa, a Yankton \dt November 26, 1879 \op Kageýha, iýutha dzhuýbaxchi anaý'?oü eýgoü shuýtheaýthe teýiüke. Poüýka \tr O friend, / news / very few / I have heard / as / I will send it to you. / Ponka \rf jod 1891:50.1 \op wiüý t'?eýtha-biamaý, Weýs'a-toüýga, anaý'oü. Poüýka-ma 'aýgthaxti \tr one / it is said that he has been killed, / Big Snake, / I have heard it. / The Ponkas «pl. ob.» / suffering greatly \rf jod 1891:50.2 \op waýthiü te ha. Mazhoüý sheýthu thanaýzhiü te uýdoüxti thanaýzhiü. Sheýta shupiý \tr he has had them / . / Land / yonder / you stand / the «as» / very good / you stand. / Yonder / I reached you \rf jod 1891:50.3 \op witoüýbe-noü-moüý, uýdoüxti witoüýbe-noü-moüý. Niýashiüýga wiüý \tr I used to see you regularly, / very good / I used to see you from time to time. / Person / one \rf jod 1891:50.4 \op ineýgiaýthe sheýta shutheý, Unaýzhiü-ska. Shtoüýbe ki, tha'?eýthe-xti-noüý-ga. \tr I call him uncle / yonder / has gone to you, (by request? / White Shirt. / You see him / when, / have great pity for him from time to time. \rf jod 1891:50.5 \op Waýspe moüthiüý aýgazhi-ga. Miüý theý guaýthishoüý keýdi witoüýbe taiý \tr Soberly / to walk / command him. / Moon / this / beyond / in the / I will see \rf jod 1891:50.6 \op miüke. Uýxta zhiüýga iýshpahoü ki, iüwiüýthana tiýthathe teýgoü uwiýbtha \tr you «pl.» / Desirable thing / small / you know it / if, / you tell it to me / you send hither / in order that / I tell it to you \rf jod 1891:50.7 \op shuýtheaýthe. Shoüý edaýdoü wathiýtoü thitoüý I ke bthuýga anaý'oü koüýbtha. \tr I send it to you. / And / what / work / they work / the «ob.» / all / I hear it / I desire. \rf jod 1891:50.8 \op Pahoüýgadi niýkashiüýga thithiýta watoüýbe te uýshkudoü heýga-baýzhi- \tr Formerly / person / your / I saw them / the «when» / beneficent / very \rf jod 1891:50.9 \op noüýi. Wineýgi uthaýkie ki, e'oüýi te waxiüýha uxtheýxchi tioüý- \tr usually «pl.» / My uncle / you talk to him / when, / how he is / the / paper / very soon / you send \rf jod 1891:51.1 \op thakitheý koübtheýgoü. Wabaýgtheze theýathe-noü-moüý thoüýzha, wiü-eýshte- \tr hither to me / I hope. / Letters / I have sent him regularly / though, / even one \rf jod 1891:51.2 \op woü tiýthazhi-noü aýdoü waweýamaýxe shuýtheaýthe. \tr he has not sent hither / usually / therefore / I ask different questions / I send to you. \rf jod 1891:51.3 \ti @{Nudoüý-axa}, a Ponka, to T. H. Tibbles, and Others \dt November, 1879 \op Niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü aýthiüheý edaýdoü paýxe te poüýzhiüga-noü-moüý. \tr Indian / common / I who move / what / I do / the / I usually do not know how to do it. \rf jod 1891:51.4 \op Thi-noüý edaýdoü shkaýxai ki, uýdoü eteý ki shkaýxai, aýdoü, ka- \tr You alone / what / you «pl.» do / if, / good / ought / you «pl.»do it, / therefore, / O \rf jod 1891:51.5 \op geýha, iýe ke uýdoü eteý ki iütheýshkaxe eteýgoü aýhoü ebtheýgoü eýgoü, \tr friends, / word / the / good / ought / you make for me / apt / ! / I think it / as, \rf jod 1891:51.6 \op piýxti wiýbthahoü uwiýbtha shutheýathe. Wakoüýda akaý, kageýha, \tr anew / I pray to you / I tell it to you / I send it to you «s». / God / the «sub.», / O friends, \rf jod 1891:51.7 \op waxiüýha skaý oü'iý-baýzhi, thiý, kageýha, waxiüýha, skaý thoü thi'iý. \tr paper / white / did not give it to me, / you, / O friends, / paper / white / the «ob.» / he gave it to you. \rf jod 1891:51.8 \op Aýdoü thiý edaýdoü ke iýshpahoü ha. Aýdoü iütheýshkaxe tai-eýgoü, \tr Therefore / you / what / the «ob.» / you know it / . / Therefore / you do it for me / in order that, «pl.», \rf jod 1891:51.9 \ti @{Pathiü-noüpazhi} and @{Teý-ukoüha} to T. H. Tibbles, New York \dt December, 1879 \op kageýha, uwiýbtha shutheýathai shiý, kageýha. \tr O friends, / I tell it to you / I send it to you «pl.» / again, / O friends. \rf jod 1891:51.10 \op Unaýzhiü-xuýde, kageýha, waýwetheýnitoü naiý te. Washkoüý-ga. \tr Gray Shirt, / O friend, / to work at different things for us / you went. / Be strong! \rf jod 1891:52.1 \op Ithaýugtheýxti oüthiýsithaiý. Wathaýshkoü koüýoüthoüýthai. Uthaýket'oüý ki, \tr Continually / we think of you. / You make an effort / we hope. / You succeed / if, \rf jod 1891:52.2 \op kageýha, oüniýta eteýgoü. Mazhoüý thoüýdi eýskana wabthiýtoü sagiý \tr O friend, / we live / apt. / Land / in the / oh that / I work at various things / firmly \rf jod 1891:52.3 \op anaýzhiü koüýbtha. Shoü edaýdoü, shoüý tiý 'oüý ge shtewoüý, bthuýga \tr I stand / I wish. / And / what, / in fact / house / of whatever kind they may be, / all \rf jod 1891:52.4 \op sagiýxti anaýzhiü koüýbtha. Kageýha, oüýbatheýxchi wawiýpaxu \tr very firmly / I stand / I wish. / O friend, / this very day / I write to you on different subjects \rf jod 1891:52.5 \op shutheýathe. Wisiýthe goüý wiýbthahoü shutheýathe. Eýskana Wakoüýda \tr I send to you. / I think of you / as / I pray to you / I send to you. / O that / God \rf jod 1891:52.6 \op thiükeý shti uaýwagikoüýi koübtheýgoü. Thikaýge-ma aýna eýiüte \tr the st. ne / too / he aids us / I hope. / Those who are your friends / how many / they may be \rf jod 1891:52.7 \op waýbthahoü oüýbatheý woüýgitheýxti. Eýskana wahoüý'e wiwiýta thizaiý \tr I pray to them / to-day / «to» all. / Oh that / special prayer / my / they receive it \rf jod 1891:52.8 \op koübtheýgoü. Ki thizaiý tediý-noü aniýta eteýgoü. Washkoüý haýshia- \tr I hope. / And / they receive it / only when / I live / apt. / Making an effort / at the very \rf jod 1891:52.9 \op taýxti shteýshtewoü, kageýha, thagiý'?oü koübtheýgoü. Izhaýzhe juýba \tr last / even if, / O friend, / you gain it / I hope. / His name / some \rf jod 1891:52.10 \op oüthiý'i shuýtheoüýai eý woüýgithe oüthiýthahoüýi. Uthaýket'oü ki-noüý, \tr we give to you / we send to you / that / all / we pray to you. / You succeed / only if, \rf jod 1891:52.11 \op mazhoüý thoüýdi bamaýxe wabthiýtoü koüýbtha. Waxiüýha sagiý \tr land / in the / bowing the head / I work at various things / I wish. / Paper / firm \rf jod 1891:52.12 \op thoü uxtheý ubthoüý - ediý-noü aniýta eteýgoü. Waniýtoü moüniüý te \tr the «ob.» / soon / I take hold of it / then only / I live / apt. / You work at various things / you walk / the \rf jod 1891:53.1 \op Wakoüýda akaý thiýdoübe gthiüý, xtathiýthe te. Oüguýshti xtoüýthithai, \tr God / the «sub.» / seeing you / he sits, / he has loved you. / We too / we love you, \rf jod 1891:53.2 \op niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü oüýgathiü. Edaýdoü uýdoü wetheýshkoünaý, niýta \tr Indian / common / we who move. / What / good / you desire for us, / to live \rf jod 1891:53.3 \op wetheýshkoünaý. Eýskana niýkashiüýga uýwathaginaý - ma iýe piýazhi \tr you desire for us. / Oh that / people / the ones whom you have told / word / bad \rf jod 1891:53.4 \op shtewoüý, oü'iý-baýzhi koübtheýgoü. Waýbthahoü sheýhe. \tr soever, / they do not give to me / I hope. / I pray to them / I say that. \rf jod 1891:53.5 \ti Fred. Merrick, an Omaha, to George W. Clother, Columbus, Nebr. \dt December 17, 1879 \op Oüýbatheý, kageýha, wawiýpaxu. Mazhoüý sheýta shupiý 'iaýthe \tr To-day, / O friend, / I write to you about various things / Land / yonder / I reach you / I promised \rf jod 1891:54.1 \op tethoüý shupiý-maýzhi taý miüke. Thoüýzha witiýgoü akaý, Miüxaý-t'oü, \tr in the past / I will not reach you. / Though / my grandfather / the «sub.», / @{Miüxaý-t'oü} \rf jod 1891:54.2 \op shutheý tateý ha, wahaý juýba eýskana uthaýket'oüý ki, tha'iý koü- \tr he shall go to you. / hides / some / oh that / you acquire / if, / you gave to him / I \rf jod 1891:54.3 \op btheýgoü eý shutheý taý thiüke, oüýpoüha. Wa'uý noübaýxti wakeýgai \tr hope / that / the one who will go to you, / elk hide. / Woman / first two / are sick \rf jod 1891:54.4 \op ha, aýdoü shubtheý bthiý'a. Shoüý kageýha, uxtheýxchi waxiüýha anaý'oü \tr / / therefore / I go to you / I fail. / And / O friend, / very soon / paper / I hear it \rf jod 1891:54.5 \op koübtheýgoü. Anaý'oü tediýhi ki, shutheý eýkoübtha. Wiýshti koüýbtha \tr I hope. / I hear it / by the time that, / to go to you / I wish for him. / I too / desire \rf jod 1891:54.6 \op wahaý te, weýthiüwiü te athiüý shuýtheaýkithe taý miüke edaýbe. Wagaýxe \tr hides / the «ob.», / means of buying / the «ob.» / I will cause him to take it to you / also. / Debt \rf jod 1891:54.7 \op eýwibthiü masaýniha athiüý shuýtheaýkithe taý miüke edaýbe. Wahaý te \tr I have for you / fifty cents / I will cause him to take it to you / also. / Hides / the \rf jod 1891:54.8 \op uýmaka iütheýshkaxe koübtheýgoü. Sheý niýkashiüýga juýba shuthaiý. E'oüý \tr cheap / you make for me / I hope. / That / person / some / have gone to you. / How \rf jod 1891:54.9 \op wetheýshkaxe te anaý'oü koüýbtha ha. Wahaý te niýze aiý, anaý'oü \tr you do for them / the / I hear it / I wish / . / Hides / the «ob.» / you have received / they say, / I have heard it \rf jod 1891:54.10 \op thoüýzha, wa'uý noübaýxti wakeýgai eýgoü, shubthaý-mazhi taý miüke. \tr though, / woman / just two / are sick / as, / I will not go to you. \rf jod 1891:54.11 \ti @{Naüzandazhi} to T. M. @{Meýzhik} \dt December 20, 1879 \op Kageýha, wawiýpaxu. Shoü iýe dzhuýbaxchi uwiýbtha shutheýathe. \tr O friend, / I write to you about something. / Well, / word / very few / I tell it to you / I send it to you. \rf jod 1891:55.1 \op Shoü wagaýxe Oüýpoü-toüýga eýthithiü te uthiýwikoüý -xti-moüý. Niýa- \tr Well / debt / Big Elk / he has it for you / the / I have aided you greatly respecting your own. / In- \rf jod 1891:55.2 \op shiüýga ukeýthiü sheýtha-baýzhi eýgoü, wabaýgtheze tioüýthakitheý thoü uaýwa- \tr dian / common / they disregard him / as, / letter / you send it here to me / the «ob.» / I told it \rf jod 1891:55.3 \op giýbtha. Anaý. Thaýsi akaý iýbahoüýi. Ki wagaýxe thagiýt'oü tediýhi \tr to them. / I begged. / Dorsey / the «sub.» / he knows it. / And / debt / you possess your own / by the time \rf jod 1891:55.4 \op oüýpoüha oüthaý'i 'ithaýthe wabaýgtheze iütheýshpaxu tioüýthakitheý teýdi. \tr elk hide / you give to me / you promised / letter / you wrote to me / you sent it here to me / when. \rf jod 1891:55.5 \op Oüýpoü-toüýga uthuýakieý. Shoü oüýpoüha koüýbtha chaýbe. Eýskana, \tr Big Elk / I talked to him about it. / Well, / elk hide / I wish. / very. / Oh that, \rf jod 1891:55.6 \op kageýha, tioüýthakitheý koübtheýgoü. \tr O friend, you send it here to me / I hope. \rf jod 1891:55.7 \ti @{Waxpe-sha} to @{Kushaýsha} \dt December, 1879 \op Shiüýgazhiüýga thithiýta woüýgathiü uýdoüxtioüýi, uwiýbtha shutheýathe. \tr Child / your / we have them / they are very good, / I tell it to you / I send it to you. \rf jod 1891:56.1 \op Shiüýgazhiüýga thithiýta woüýgathiü weýdathaiý, uýdoüxti miüýzhiüga \tr Child / your / we have them / has had a baby, / very good / girl \rf jod 1891:56.2 \op iýdathaiý, uwiýbtha shutheýathe. Shoüý e'oüý moüniüý eýiüte shoüý waxiüýha \tr she has given birth to it, / I tell it to you / I send it to you. / Well, / how / you walk / if, / well / paper \rf jod 1891:56.3 \op shutheýwikiýthe ha. Niýashiüýga wiüý eaýthe, ineýgiaýthe. Uthaýkieý. E'oüý \tr I send it to you / . / Person / one / I have him as a kinsman, / I have him as a mother's brother. / You talk to hm. / How \rf jod 1891:56.4 \op moüthiüý eýiüte anaý'oü koüýbtha. Shiüýgazhiüýga etaý-ma 'oüýi eýiüte \tr he walks / if / I hear it / I wish. / Child / those who are his / how they are / if \rf jod 1891:56.5 \op awaýna'oü koüýbtha. \tr I hear about them / I wish. \rf jod 1891:56.6 \ti @{Moüchuý-hiü-xti} to @{Wiyakoiü}, Yankton Agency \dt December 26, 1879 \op Toüshkaýha, tha'eýoüthaýthe te niýkashiüýga thithiýta thaý'eoüýthai ithaýki- \tr O sister's son, / you have pitied me / the / people / your / have pitied me / I know it \rf jod 1891:57.1 \op Pahoüý Edaýdoü niýkashiüýga thithiýta oügiý'i taiý ge eý tiýiüthiüýkithai \tr for myself. / What / people / your / we shall give back to / the «pl. in. ob.» / it / they send here for me \rf jod 1891:57.2 \op koübtheýgoü. Iüýudoü teýdi, wigiýtoübe eteýgoü, toüshkaýha. Niýka- \tr I hope. / Good for me / when, / I see you, my own / apt. / O sister's son. / Peo- \rf jod 1891:57.3 \op shiüýga thiýskieýxti thidoüýbai eweýkoübth eýdegoüý oüthi'ai. Shoüý juýba \tr ple / all in a mass / they see you / I have wished for them / but / we have failed. / Well, / some \rf jod 1891:57.4 \op shahiý eteýgoü. Wakoüýditheý thidoüýbe goüýthai. Shoüý Unaýzhiü-skaý \tr they reach you / apt. / In great haste «impatiently» / to see you / they wish. / Well, / White Shirt \rf jod 1891:57.5 \op sheýnoüba wigiýtoübe koüýbthaxti. \tr that two / I see you, my own / I strongly desire. \rf jod 1891:57.6 \ti White Horse, an Omaha, to @{Chexa-apapi}, a Yankton \dt January 10, 1880 \op Witoüýbe koübtheýde, bthiý'a ha. Nisiýha, ithaýdithaiý akaý Itiýgoüthaiý \tr I see you / I have wished, but / I am unable / . / O child, / agent / the «sub.» / Grandfather \rf jod 1891:57.7 \op zhiüýga eýthoüba iüwiüýthi'agaiý eýgoü, shubthaý-maýzhi taý miüke. Shi e'oüý \tr small / he too / they are unwilling for me / as, / I will not to to you. / Again how \rf jod 1891:57.8 \op eneýgoü ki, thuýtoü iügaýxe giýtha-ga, thizhiüýge eýthoüba. Shoüý ukiýt'e \tr you think / if, / correctly / to make for me / be sending back hither / your son / he too. / Well, / foreigner \rf jod 1891:57.9 \op itaýxataý-ma shti shoüý edaýdoü iýutha uýthanaý'oü kiýshte, iüwiüýthana \tr those at the head of the stream / too / well, / what / news / you hear the report / even if, / you tell it to me \rf jod 1891:57.10 \op tiýthathe koübtheýgoü. Shoü e'oüý moüniüý kiýshte, thuýtoüxti anaý'oü \tr you send it here / I hope. / Well, / how / you walk / even if, / very correctly / I hear it \rf jod 1891:58.1 \op koüýbtha. \tr I wish. \rf jod 1891:58.2 \ti @{Mawaýdoüthiü}, an Omaha, to @{Mawataüna}, a Yankton \dt January 12, 1880 \op Thisoüýga shiüýgazhiüýga noüýxti ke giýt'?e ha. E'oüý thanaý'oü \tr Your younger brother / child / full grown / the «recl. ob.» / dead to him / . / How / you hear it \rf jod 1891:58.3 \op kiýshte, e'oüýxti shkaýxazhi tethoüýzha, thanaý'oü teýgoü uthiýtha shutheýthai \tr even if, / just how / you did not / though, in the past, / you hear it / in order that / to tell it to you / sends it to you \rf jod 1891:58.4 \op thisoüýga akaý. Thisoüýga giýpezhi heýgazhi, thanaý'oü teýgoü uthiýtha \tr your younger brother / the «sub.» / Your younger brother / bad for him / very, / you hear it / in order that / to tell it to you \rf jod 1891:58.5 \op shutheýthai. Sheýnuzhiüýga thoü bthuýgaxti thaý'eoüýthai, giýpezhiiüthiüýkithai. \tr sends it to you. / Young man / the «coll.» / all / have pitied me. / They have caused grief for my own «child». \rf jod 1891:58.6 \op Shoü aýkihoü bthuýga / thiügeý paýxe / goüý shoüý noüýzhiüshkeýxchi goüý \tr Well, / beyond / all / I have made it nothing / as / yet / just barely / so \rf jod 1891:58.7 \op moüýgthe agthiüý, wa'uý zhuýagiýgthe. Uwaýtoüga, eýdegoü noüd iýsoü- \tr erect / I sit / woman / I with her, my own. / As soon as, / but «?» / I have nothing to \rf jod 1891:58.8 \op thiüýge goüý, atoüý witoüýbe shupiý koüýbtha ki, / shupiý taý miüke. \tr cheer me / as, / how long / I see you / I arrive where you are / I wish. / if, / I will arrive where you are. \rf jod 1891:58.9 \op 1 Shoüý ieý edeýshe kiýshte, shoüý uxtheýxchi waxiüýha wiü tiýthathe ki, \tr Well, / word / what you say / even if, / well, / very soon / paper / one / you send here / if, \rf jod 1891:58.10 \op anaý'oü koüýbtha. \tr I hear it / I wish. \rf jod 1891:58.11 \ti @{Mawaýdoüthiü} to @{Tuhi} and @{Mahiü}, No Heart, Nebr. \op Shiüýgazhiüýga thithiýta akiýtha wabaýgtheze gaýthoü wegaýxe tiýthai. \tr Child / your / both / letter / that / to make it for them / he has begun. \rf jod 1891:59.1 \op Thitiýgoü akaý (Mawaýdoüthiü) izhiüýge noüýxti ke giýt'?e, eýdegoü \tr Your grandfather / the «sub.» / (Mandan) / his son / fully grown / the «recl. ob.» / dead to him, / but \rf jod 1891:59.2 \op thizhiüýge thigaýxthoü iýgahiý thanaý'oü tai-eýgoü wabaýgtheze gaýthoü \tr your son / your wife / «mixed, or» together with / you hear it / in order that «pl.» / letter / that \rf jod 1891:59.3 \op thigaýxai. Shoüý iüýtha-maýzhi heýga-maýzhi. Edaýdoü iüwiüýxpathe te, \tr he has made to you. / Well, / I am sad / I am very. / What / I have lost it / the «ob.», \rf jod 1891:59.4 \op thanaý'oü teýgoü uwiýbtha shutheýathai. Oüwoüýxpani heýga-maýzhi, shoüý \tr you hear it / in order that «dual» / I tell it to you / I send it to you «pl.». / I am poor / I am very, / yet \rf jod 1891:59.5 \op thiýti uýshkoü e'oüý moüshniüý ki, anaý'oü koüýbtha. Shoüý wabaýgh / eze \tr you too / deed / how / you walk / if, / I hear it / I wish. / Well, / letter \rf jod 1891:59.6 \op wiü tioüýthakitheý koüýbtha. \tr one / you send here to me / I wish. \rf jod 1891:59.7 \ti James Springer, an Omaha, to W.M.C. Grant, Sibley, Iowa \dt January 26, 1880 \op Kageýha, agthiý te shetoüý u'oüýthiügeý bthiüý-mazhi. Shoüý uýdoüxti \tr O friend, / I have returned here / the / so far / in vain / I have not been. / Well, / very good \rf jod 1891:60.1 \op agthiý te shiüýgazhiüýga waýagthaýbthiü, shoüý wiýbthahoü. Shuthaý-bazhi \tr I have returned here / the / child / I have kept them, my own, / yet / I thank you. / They shall not \rf jod 1891:60.2 \op taiteý. Shoüý wabaýgtheze aýthadaiý, uýdoüxti nazhiüýi. Hoüthiý shtoüýbe \tr go to you. / Well, / book / they read, / very good / they stand. / Henry / you see him \rf jod 1891:60.3 \op kiýzhi, utheýna koübtheýgoü. \tr if, / you tell it to him / I hope. \rf jod 1891:60.4 \ti @{Toüwoü-gaxe-zhiüga} to James Vore \dt January 27, 1980 \op Shoüý uýshkoü wiüý niýkashiüýga juýba sidaýdi wathiýtoü hiý eýde \tr And / deed / one / person / some / yesterday / to do some work / reached there / but \rf jod 1891:61.1 \op ithaýdithaiý thiükeý iýe wiü a'iý ueýbtha. Goüýki iýe ke wi'iý uwiýbtha \tr agent / the one who / word one / I gave it to him / I told it to him. / And then / word / the «ob.», / I give it to you / I tell it to you \rf jod 1891:61.2 \op ha shi thiý. Wathiýtoü te oüwoüýzhetha heýga-maýzhi, oüthoüýsabe heýga- \tr . / again / you. / Work / the «ob.» / I am very tired «of it» / I am very, / I suffer «from it» / I am \rf jod 1891:61.3 \op maýzhi. Iüýtoü wabthiýtoü te shetoüý umoüýthiüka saýtoü wabthiýtoü. \tr very, / Now / I work at something / the / so far / year / five / I have worked at something. \rf jod 1891:61.4 \op Toüýwoügthoü waýgazu agiýkoübtha goüý, toüýwoügthoü aýagikihiýde, \tr Nation / straight / I wish for my own / as, / nation / I watched it, my own, \rf jod 1891:61.5 \op agthiýtoü anaýzhiü. Oüthoüýshpahoü thanaýzhiü, edaýdoü niýkashiüýga mazhoüý \tr I work at it, my own / I stand. / You know me / you stand, / what / people / land \rf jod 1891:61.6 \op thoüýdi uýdoü anaýzhiü koüýbtha te oüthoüýshpahoüýxti thanaýzhiü. Edaýdoü \tr in the / good / I stand / I wish / the / you know me very well / you stand. / What \rf jod 1891:61.7 \op niýkashiüýga theýthuadiýshti uthuýwikieý-noü-moüý thanaý'oü. Ki gat'oüý- \tr person / here at different times in the past / I have been talking to you about it regularly / you have heard. / And / at last \rf jod 1891:61.8 \op / hiü ki / eýskana uýthitoüdaýdoü shteýshtewoüý ubthoüý koübtheýgoü. Wiýka \tr «future» / of that / work / what / soever / I take hold of it / I hope. / I ask a favor of you \rf jod 1891:61.9 \op ha. Iüwiüýkoü-ga haý. Thiýezhaý shti uwiýkoü heýga-maýzhi, ki eýgoü \tr . / Help me / ! / You on the one hand / too / I have aided you / I not a little, / and / so \rf jod 1891:61.10 \op iüwiüýkoü-ga. Shoüý niýkashiüýga noübaý uýthitoü te iýbthoüi te eýskoü \tr help me. / Well, / person / two / work / the / have had their fill of it / the / I hope it \rf jod 1891:61.11 \op ebtheýgoü goüý, thanaý'oü teýgoü uwiýbtha. Uwiýbtha te goüý uwiýbtha \tr may be so / as, / you hear it / in order that / I tell it to you. / I tell it to you / the / at any rate / I tell it to you \rf jod 1891:61.12 \op ha: Shoüýge-ska Iýbahoüýbi eýthoüba. Maýthe gtheýba-noüýba ki eýdi \tr . / White Horse / @{Iýbahoüýbi} / he too. / Winter / twenty / and / on it \rf jod 1891:61.13 \op shaýpe shetoüý wathiýtoüi eýde, iüýtoü uzheýthai ebtheýgoü. Niýkashiüýga \tr six / so far / they have worked / but, / now / they are tired / I think it. / Person \rf jod 1891:61.14 \op wiü wathiýtoü goüýthai eýiüte gat'oüýhiü teýdi eýskana niýashiüýga \tr one / work / desires / if / at / last / oh that / person \rf jod 1891:61.15 \op aýzhi wathiýtoü te athiüý koübtheýgoü. Shoüýge-ska izhiüýtheaýthe eýde, ... \tr another / work / the / he has it / I hope. / White Horse / I have him for an elder brother / but, \rf jod 1891:61.16 \op oügiýxta-baýzhi. ... Waýthanoüýbahaý-noü shoüýshoü. \tr he does not wish to be intimate with me. / He makes us «go» in two ways / usually / always. \rf jod 1891:61.17 \ti @{Pathiü-noüpazhi} to T.H Tibbles. \op Kageýha, uthaýgashoü ne teý shetoüý Wakoüýda waýbthahoü. \tr O friend, / you traveled / you went / the / so far / God / I have prayed to about something. \rf jod 1891:62.1 \op Wakoüýda waýthahoü-maýshe bthuýgati thanaý'oü taiý. Uýshkoü thiýta \tr God / ye who pray to him about something. / all / you will hear it. / Deed / your \rf jod 1891:62.2 \op uthuýwihaiý, ithaýpahoü-mazhiýxti, niaýtha-noü te uthuýwihaiý. Aniýta \tr I follow you «pl.» on account of it, / I do not know it at all, / at random usually / the / I follow you «pl» on account of it. / I live \rf jod 1891:62.3 \op eteýgoü ebtheýgoü eýgoüuýshkoü uthuýwihaiý. \tr apt / I think it / as / deed / I follow you «pl.» on account of it. \rf jod 1891:62.4 \ti @{Maxewathe} to John Primeau, a Ponka. \op Shoüý mashteý ki, shupiý eteýgoü, kageýha. Shoüý iýe te eýskana \tr Well, / warm / when, / I reach you / apt, / O friend. / Well, / word / the / Oh that \rf jod 1891:63.1 \op shoüýshoü thagthiýshethoüýzhi koübtheýgoü. ... \tr always / you do not break it, your own / I hope. \rf jod 1891:63.2 \ti @{Une-moüýthiü}, an Omaha, to Mrs. Minna Schwedhelm, West Point, Nebr. \dt January 29 \op Shoüý sheýthu witoüýbe piý tethoüýdi ithaýe witoüýbe piý eheý \tr Well, / yonder where you are / I see you / I reached / at the place, in the past / I spoke / I see you / I reach there / I said \rf jod 1891:63.3 \op tethoüý ithaýusiýshtoü eýgoü thoüýzha, agthiý teýdi eýkitoühaý Itiýgoüthaiý \tr in the past / I told a lie / so / though, / I came back here / when / just at that time / Grandfather \rf jod 1891:63.4 \op akaý ti wa'iý 'ithaiý, ki niýkashiüýga theýama bthuýgaxti shkoüýi. ... \tr the «sub.» / house / promised to give them to us, / and / people / these / all / were active. \rf jod 1891:63.5 \op Uý'oüthiüýga-maýzhi shetoüý agthiý'a zhoüý koüýbtha ke. Ki shoüý oüýba \tr I am not at leisure / so far / I have not finished my work / wood / I desire / the «lg. ob.» / And yet / day \rf jod 1891:63.6 \op witoüýbe te ithaýpahoü-mazhiý-xti-moüý. Wathiýtoü hegaýzhi abthiüý. \tr I see you / the / I do not know at all. / Word / not a little / I have it. \rf jod 1891:63.7 \op Shoüý giýthazhiaýzhi-ga. Iýe thuýtoüxti uwiýbtha shuýtheaýthe. ... \tr Yet / do not be sad! / Word / very correctly / I tell it to you / I send it to you. \rf jod 1891:63.8 \op Shoüýge-maý shti wathiýtoüi. ... \tr The horses / too / are working. \rf jod 1891:63.9 \ti @{Gahiýge} to His Son Silas Wood. @{Niý-ubthaýtha}, Nebr. \dt February 7, 1880 \op Wawashpaýxu tiýthathe thoü anaý'oü eýde u'oüýthiügeý. Thitoüý ta amaý \tr You wrote something / you sent it here / the «ob.» / I heard it / but / in vain. / Those who will work \rf jod 1891:64.1 \op wasniüýdai. Ki shoüý zhuýga wiýxchi weýthigthoü te uýdoüxti paýxe \tr are slow. / And yet / body / I myself / plan / the / very good / I made it \rf jod 1891:64.2 \op eýdegoü / bthiýha taý miüke. / Thanaý'oü teýgoü uwiýbtha shutheýathe \tr but / I shall fail / You hear it / in order that / I tell it to you / I send it to you. \rf jod 1891:64.3 \op Ukiýt'e-ma wiüý toüýbe tedi shkoüý oüwoüýsekoü eýde iütexi. Shoüý \tr The foreign nations / one / I saw it / when / motion / I was rapid / but / difficult for me. / Well \rf jod 1891:64.4 \op uýdoü teýta washkoüý-ga. Eýskana uýdoü te iütheýsithe koübtheýgoü. \tr good / with regard to the / make an effort. / Oh that / good / the / you remember it for me / I hope. \rf jod 1891:64.5 \op Siüdeý-gtheshkaý eý aýwake. Shoüý waxiüýha Siüdeý-gtheshkaý etaý \tr Spotted Tail / him / I mean him. / Well, / paper / Spotted Tail / his \rf jod 1891:64.6 \op toüýbe ki, iüýthe, u'oüýthiügeý iüýthe. Umoüýhoü amaý weýthihiýde \tr I see it / if, / I am glad, / for no reason / I am glad. / Omaha / the «pl. sub.» / implement \rf jod 1891:64.7 \op keý shti thizeý ta amaý / ha, mashteý / tediýhi ki, / goüý na'oüý-ga: weý'iü, \tr the «ob.» / too / will receive / , / warm / by the time when, / at any rate / hear it! / horsecollar, \rf jod 1891:64.8 \op zhoümoüýthiü, weý'e, waýku. Nieý oüthiüýge-xti-moüý ha. Iýutha \tr wagon, / plow, / pitchfork. / Pain / I have none whatever / . / News \rf jod 1891:64.9 \op oüthiüýge. ... \tr I have none. \rf jod 1891:64.10 \ti @{Une-moüýthiü} to Mrs. Schwedhelm \dt February 9, 1880 \op Oüýba piý tateý. Uheý piýazhi-maý t'oüýi eýgoü, shoüý oüýba-waxuýbe \tr Day / I shall reach there. / Path / the bad ones / abound / as, / and / mysterious day \rf jod 1891:65.1 \op theý eheýbe piý koüýbtha shteýshtewoü bthiý'a eteýgoü eýgoü, ... \tr this / part of it / I reach there / I wish / even if / I fail / apt / as, \rf jod 1891:65.2 \ti George Miller to Louis Roy. Yankton Agency, D.T \dt February 10, 1880 \op Nugeý pahoüýgadi shupiý teýdi iüýchoü shi witoüýbe koüýbtha. \tr Summer / formerly / I reached you / when / now / again / I see you / I wish. \rf jod 1891:65.3 \op Wathiýtoü agthiýshtoü ki, shubtheý koüýbtha. Wizhiüýthe shti thisiýthe-noüýi. \tr Work / I finish mine / when, / I go to you / I wish. / My elder brother / too / thinks of you usually. \rf jod 1891:65.4 \op Thoüýktoüwiüý amaý e'oüý eýiüte waxiüýha shuhiý ki, awaýna'oü \tr Yankton / the «pl. sub.» / how / perhaps / paper / reaches you / when, / I hear about them \rf jod 1891:65.5 \op koüýbtha. Winaýxchi goü / shubtheý taý miüke. / Thiý-niükeýshediý shupiý \tr I wish. / I alone / at any rate / I will go to you. / To you who sit / I will reach \rf jod 1891:65.6 \op taý miüke. \tr there where you are. \rf jod 1891:65.7 \ti Big Elk, an Omaha, to Rev. James Powell, Chicago \dt February 11, 1880 \op Kageýha, wisiýthe-noü shoüýshoü. Sheý piý teýdi edaýdoü uýdoü \tr O friend, / I think of you / usually / always. / That / I reached there / when / what / you \rf jod 1891:66.1 \op moüshniüý niükeý witoüýbai. Wakoüýda waýthahoü eý aýwake. Agthiý \tr you walked / you who sat / I saw you. / God / praying to him about something / it / I mean it. / I came back here \rf jod 1891:66.2 \op eýgoü uaýwakieý niýkashiüýga-ma. Shoüý gtheýba-shaýpextieýgoü tiý te \tr having / I talked to them / the people «pl. ob.». / Well / about sixty / house / the «ob.» \rf jod 1891:66.3 \op upaiý ebtheýgoü, Nishuýde kedi. Iüýchoü oüýba-waxuýbe teýdi gtheý- \tr entered / I think it, / Missouri River / by the. / Now / mysterious day / on the / just \rf jod 1891:66.4 \op baxti niý thatoüýi, nashkiý aýgaxtoüýi: Oüýba-heýbe ituýshpa, Maýsh'a- \tr ten / water / they drank, / head / they dropped on: / Half-a-day / his grandson / Richard \rf jod 1891:66.5 \op wakuýde, Te-zhiüýga-wadaýthiüge, Maý'a-xuýde, Wadzheýpa izhiüýge, ... \tr Rush, / Skittish Buffalo Calf, / Gray Cottonwood, / Wadjepa / his son, \rf jod 1891:66.6 \op Ki uýdoü witoüýbai goüý, eýgoü koüýbtha. Agthiý teýdi eýgoü gaýxai \tr And / good / I saw you «pl.» / as, / so / I wish. / I came back here / when / so / they did \rf jod 1891:66.7 \op theýama juýba, Ki eshnaýxchi Wakoüýda thiükeý oüthoüýgunaýzhiü \tr these / some. / And / he alone / God / the «st. one» / we stand by «we depend on» him \rf jod 1891:66.8 \op ki, / oüniüýta taiý, / eheý. Mazhoüý thoüýdi enaýxchi gaýxe thiükeý \tr if, / we will live / I say. / Land / in the / he only / the one who is «sits» making \rf jod 1891:66.9 \op / oüthoüýgunaýzhiü taý-bi / eýgoü wegaýxai. Ki "Wiý-noü oüsiýthe moüthiüýi-ga \tr that we will depend on him / so / he makes it for us. / And / I only / to remember me / walk ye \rf jod 1891:66.10 \op haý. Wiý-shnoü uýdoü te abthiüý." Mazhoüý thoüýdi shtewoüý oümoüýthiü \tr ! / I only / good / the / I have it. / Land / in the / soever / we walk \rf jod 1891:66.11 \op te eshnoüý oüthoüýwashkoü eteýgoüi. Sheýthu shupiý teýdi iýe paýxe \tr the / it only / we make an effort by means of it / apt. / Yonder where you are / I reach there where you are / when / word / I make \rf jod 1891:66.12 \op thoüýzha, dzhuýba paxe. Piýxti wiýbthahoü shutheýathai, Wakoüýda \tr although, / few / I make. / Anew / I pray to you / I sent to you «pl.», / God \rf jod 1891:66.13 \op waýthahoü-maýshe. Thishnaýxchi shniýwagaýzu shnaiý. Wauýie-maýshe, \tr ye who pray to him about something. / Only you / you correct it / you go. / O ye lawyers, \rf jod 1891:66.14 \op sheýna uthuýwinaýzhiüi mazhoüý thoüýdi. Ki niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü oüýgathiü \tr enough / I depend on you «pl.» / land / on the. / And / Indian / common / we who move \rf jod 1891:66.15 \op mazhoüý agthaýthiü wetheýshkoüshnaiý eýgoü wetheýnitoü moüniüýi. Ki \tr land / to have his own / you wish it for us / as / you work for us / you walk. / And \rf jod 1891:66.16 \op ithaýugtheýxti wisiýthai moübthiüý. Eskana mazhoüý thoü agthaýbthiü \tr continually / I think of you «pl.» / I walk. / Oh that / land / the «ob.» / I have my own \rf jod 1891:67.1 \op iüthiüýwoükeýt'oüi / koüý ebtheýgoü-noü / shoüýshoü. Noüýde thoü iüýudoüxti \tr they acquire mine for me / I hope it usually / always. / Heart / the / very good for me \rf jod 1891:67.2 \op Wakoüýda thiükeý enaýxchi uthuýanaýzhiü moübthiüý. Niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü \tr God / the «st. one» / He only / I depend on him / I walk. / Indian / common \rf jod 1891:67.3 \op oümoüýthiüi te wagthoüýthiüi te wetheýnisheýthoü shkoüýnai, wetheýoüna \tr we walked / the / we are foolish / the / you abolish it for us / you «pl.» wish, / you throw it away from us \rf jod 1891:67.4 \op shkoüýnai. Niýkashiüýga washkaýxe shkoüýnai. Uýshkoü gaýte niýshtoü \tr you «pl.» wish. / Human beings / you make us / you «pl.» wish. / Deed / that / you finish it \rf jod 1891:67.5 \op / tediýhi ki, / niýkashiüýga oümoüýthiü eýgoüxtioüý tai, mazhoüý thoüýdi. \tr by the time when «or that», / human beings / we walk / just so / will, / land / in the. \rf jod 1891:67.6 \op Ki washkoüý wathiüýgai. Washkoüýtoügaýxti washkaýxe eýgoü tai. \tr And / strength / we have none. / Very strong / you make us / so / will. \rf jod 1891:67.7 \ti @{Moüchuý-hiü-xti} to @{Kigthaüýxe Waýthatai}, Yankton Agency, Dakota Territory \dt 1879 \op Oüwoüýkega chaýbe thoüýzha, shoüý waxiüýha shutheýwikitheý. \tr I am sick / very / though, / yet / paper / I send it to you by some one. \rf jod 1891:68.1 \op Pahoüýgadiýshti niýkashiüýga eýgoü wiü tiýthe ha, witoüýbai piý ki. \tr Often, formerly / Indian / like / one / was sent hither / , / I saw you «pl.» / I reached there / when. \rf jod 1891:68.2 \op Waweýnoüxe pahoüýga te zaniýxti abthiüý (Shoüý edaýdoü iýwoüxe iýthe te \tr You asked questions about various things / before / the / all / I have it. / Well, / what / to ask a question / he sent hither / the \rf jod 1891:68.3 \op eý aýwake.). Witoüýbexti / uwiýbtha taiý miükeý / ha. Oüwoüýkega \tr it / I mean it. / I really see you / I will tell it to you «pl.» / . / I am sick \rf jod 1891:68.4 \op eýdegoüý / at'?eý tateý / ithaýkipahoüý-shtewoü-maýzhi, shi / aniüý tateý \tr but / I shall die / I do not know the least thing about myself, / again / I shall live. \rf jod 1891:68.5 \op ithaýkipahoüý-shtewoü-maýzhi. Shoü ushteý amaý thidoüýbe goüýthai eýgoü shuhiý \tr I do not know at all about myself. / Well, / they remain / the «pl. sub.» / to see you / they wish / as / they shall \rf jod 1891:68.6 \op taiteý. Theýthoüka iüsh'aýge thoükaý shuhiý taiteý thoüýzha, shiüýgazhiüýga \tr reach you. / These / old man / the ones who / shall reach you / though, / child \rf jod 1891:68.7 \op wiwiýta, Ishtaý-basuýde, eý / pahoüýga tateý. / Oüguýkikieý koüýbtha \tr my own, / @{Ishtaý-basuýde}, / he / shall be the first. / We talk together / I wish \rf jod 1891:68.8 \op thoüýzha, Ihoüýktoüwiüý tiýi thoüýdi eýdi thanoüýshtoü koübtheýgoü: eýdi \tr though, / Yankton / village / in the / there / you stop walking / I hope: / there \rf jod 1891:68.9 \op / shahiý etaiý. / Maxpiý-zhiýde, Itiýgoüthaiý thiükeýta shiý ki, iüýkikaý-ga. \tr they may reach you. / Red Cloud, / Grandfather / to the «st. one» / you reach there / if, / request that my petition be granted as a favor to yourself. \rf jod 1891:68.10 \op Uaýwakieý koüýbtha ha. Umoüýhoü-maýdi uýshkoü wiüý oüwoüýtha-ga \tr I talk to them about something / I wish / . / To the Omahas / deed / one / tell about me \rf jod 1891:68.11 \op haý, eýta hiýi ki. Ihoüýktoüwiüý tiý thatiý ki, uxtheý waxiüýha \tr ! / there / they arrive there / if. / Yankton / house / you come / when, / soon / paper \rf jod 1891:68.12 \op tioüýkithaý-ga. Winaý'oü koüýbtha. Ediý ki, shuhiý doüýshteoüý \tr send hither to me. / I hear from you / I wish. / In that case, / they reach you / perhaps \rf jod 1891:68.13 \op taiteý ha. \tr shall «pl.» / \rf jod 1891:68.14 \pr To @{Wiyakoiü}: \op Toüshkaýha, oüýbatheý oüwoüýkega heýga-maýzhi. \tr O sister's son, / to-day / I am sick / I am very. \rf jod 1891:68.15 \op Oügiýni ki, / witoüýbe taý miüke, / ki oügiýni-maýzhi ki, witoüýba-maýzhi \tr I recover / if, / I will see you, / and / I do not recover / if, / I will not \rf jod 1891:68.16 \op / taý miüke. \tr see you. \rf jod 1891:68.17 \ti @{Gahiýge} to Battiste Deroin, Oto Agency, Nebr. \dt February 14, 1880 \op Waxiüýha thoü sidaýdi tiý ha. Sidaýdi tiý te bthiýze eýkitoühaýxchi \tr Paper / the «ob.» / yesterday / came / . / Yesterday / came / the / I took it / just at that time \rf jod 1891:69.1 \op niýkagaýhi waýxai. Shoü edaýdoü iýutha thiügeý. Oüthoüýnoüxaiý eýgoü \tr chief / they made them. / Well, / what / news / there is none. / You «pl.» asked me a question / as \rf jod 1891:69.2 \op uwiýbthai. Shoü niýkashiüýga amaý wakiýgthitoüýi eýgoü waýxe waýxai \tr I tell it to you «pl.» / Well, / the people / the «pl. sub.» / they work for themselves / as / white people / they act \rf jod 1891:69.3 \op iüýtoü. Zhoüýtoüga thitoüýi te eý aýwake. Wathiýtoü wathaýna'oünoüýi \tr now. / Large logs / they work at / the «act» / it / I mean it. / Work / you have usually heard about them \rf jod 1891:70.1 \op iüýtoü wathiýtoüi. Niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü / koüýhahaý thagthiüý-masheý, \tr now / they work. / Indian / common / you who sit on the borders of different «tribes», \rf jod 1891:70.2 \op washkoüý-egoüýi-ga. Zhuýazhi-noüýi winaý'oüi: waniýtoü-baýzhi eý aýwake. \tr do make «ye» an effort. / Inferior usually / I have heard about you: / you do not work / it / I mean it. \rf jod 1891:70.3 \op Mazhoüý thoüýdi waýxe amaý aýkishuýgai, aýdoü ithaýdithaiý edaýdoü edeý \tr Land / in the / white people / the «pl. sub.» / stand very thick, / therefore / agent / what / what he says \rf jod 1891:70.4 \op te oüýguiüýkoü-noüýi. Shoü edaýdoü siýthewaýthe thiügeý. Oüwoüýthitoüýi \tr the / we usually help him. / Well, / what / memorable / there is none. / We work \rf jod 1891:70.5 \op tediýtoü waiüý sagiý oüiüýi. Shetoüý witiýgoü oüthoüýgunaýzhiü-baýzhi, \tr since «&or consequently» / blankets / firm / we have worn. / So far / my grandfather / we have not depended on him, \rf jod 1891:70.6 \op noübeý te washkoüýoügiýkithai. Ithaýdithaiý uthiýkie-noüýi te eýgoü \tr hand / the / we cause our own, to make an effort. / Agent / he speaks to you usually / the / so \rf jod 1891:70.7 \op gaýxai-ga: eý-noü uýdoü te ebtheýgoü ha. Uýwathaginaý teýgoü uwiýbtha \tr do ye! / it only / good / the / I think it / . / You tell something to him / in order that / I tell it to you \rf jod 1891:70.8 \op shutheýathe. Niýkashiüýga thithiýta-ma na'oüý eweýkoübtha. Waweýtheshkoüýze \tr I send it to you. / People / those who are your own / to hear it / I wish for them. / You teach them various things \rf jod 1891:70.9 \op teýgoü uwiýbtha. Ithaýdithaiý eýthoüba na'oüý eýkoübtha. \tr in order that / I tell it to you. / Agent / he too / to hear it / I wish for him. \rf jod 1891:70.10 \ti @{Wasabe-toüýga} to @{Nishaüý-shiüeý}, an Oto. \op Waxiüýha / shutheýathe taý miüke. / Haxuýde waiüý zhiýde ushtaiý \tr Paper / I will send it to you. / Robe / blanket / red / remains \rf jod 1891:71.1 \op teýdi, Te-zheýga tha'iý wiýkoübtha. Tha'iý-bazhi ki, shubtheý taý miüke \tr when, / @{Te-zheýga} / you give it to him / I wish for you. / You do not give it to him / if, / I will go to you \rf jod 1891:71.2 \op uxtheýxti. Shoüýge toüý oüthaý'i toüý aýzhixti oüthaý'i. Waýxe shoüýge \tr very soon. / Horse / the «std. ob.» / you gave it to me / the «std. ob.» / entirely different one / you gave it to me. / White people / horse \rf jod 1891:71.3 \op etaý ushtaiý teýdi oüthaý'i-baýzhi iüýtha-mazhixti piý. \tr their / remain / when / you have not given it to me / I was very sad / I was returning hither. \rf jod 1891:71.4 \ti @{Nudoüý-axa}, a Ponka, to @{Nitaý-toüýga-wa'iý}, a Kansa \dt February 16, 1880 \op Goüý waxiüýha thanaý-noü thoüý wi'iý shutheýathai. Shoüý e'oüý \tr And / paper / you have begged often / the «ob.» / I give it to you / I send it to you «pl.». / Well, / how \rf jod 1891:71.5 \op moüniüý ki goüý oüýba theýthuaýdi winaý'oüi koüýbtha. Ki mashteý \tr you walk / if / at any rate / day / on this / I hear from you «pl.» / I wish. / And / warm \rf jod 1891:71.6 \op tediýhi oüshtoüýbe koübtheýgoü. Shoüý uýdoüxti moübthiüý theýthuaýdi. \tr by the time it is reached / you see me / I hope. / Well, / very good / I walk / here. \rf jod 1891:71.7 \op Aýnita koüý ge eoüýgigoü eýgoü oüdiüýde-xti-moüý. Oüwoüýshkoütoüýga-xti-moüý \tr Limbs / muscles / the «pl. in. ob.» / I am as I was formerly / as / I have them very firm. / I am very strong \rf jod 1891:72.1 \op adoüý. Koüýze wiüý Noüýpewaýthe izhaýzhe athiüý \tr because. / Kansas / one / Dangerous / his name / he has \rf jod 1891:72.2 \op ethoüýba, waxiüýha shutheýathe thoüý shuhiý tediýhi ki, uxtheýxchi wiüý \tr he too, / paper / I sent to him / the «ob.» / it reaches you / by the time that / very soon / one \rf jod 1891:72.3 \op oüthaý'i koübtheýgoü. Thitoüýge wiüý that'oüý eýgoü asiýthe-noü-moüý. \tr you give it to me / I hope. / Your sister / one / you have / as / I am usually thinking of her. \rf jod 1891:72.4 \op Sheýthu waniýta noüýba oüthaý'i thoükaý awaýgisiýthe-noü-moüý, zhiütheýha. \tr Yonder where you are / quadruped / two / you gave to me / the ones that / I am usually thinking of them, / O elder brother. \rf jod 1891:72.5 \ti @{Duýba-moüýthiü} to @{Maü'e-gahi}, a Ponka, @{Niý-ubthaýtha}, Nebr. \dt February 16, 1880 \op Wabaýgtheze wiüý gthioüýthakitheý thoüý bthiýze ha, thagtheý tedi. \tr Letter / one / you have sent back to me / the / I have received it / , / you went back thither / when. \rf jod 1891:72.6 \op Mazhoüý itaýxata ne teý iüýthe-xti-moüý. Ki shoüý ne teý iüýthamazhiý-xti-moüý. \tr Land / towards the head of the river / you went / the / I was very glad. / And / yet / you went / the / I was very sad. \rf jod 1891:72.7 \op Ki oüýbatheý niýkashiüýga theýthiüke ikaýgeaýthe thiükeý \tr And / to-day / person / this st. one / I have him for a friend / the «st. one» \rf jod 1891:72.8 \op wabaýgtheze iüwiüýtha, iüýthe-xti-moüý toüýbe te. Uxtheýxchi shoüýge \tr letter / has told it to me, / I was very glad / I saw it / when. / Very soon / horse \rf jod 1891:72.9 \op wiüý abthiüý, esheý. Ki eý aýwake, iüýthe eheý te. Mazhoüý theýthu thanaýzhiü \tr one / I have, / you said. / And / it / I meant it, / I was glad / I said / the. / Land / here / you stood \rf jod 1891:72.10 \op teýdi iýutha thiügeý. Oüýba-waxuýbe aýma tethoüýdi oüýba weýduba te \tr when / news / there is none. / Mysterious day / other / on the, in the past / day / fourth / the \rf jod 1891:73.1 \op Umoüýhoü amaý shkoüýi. Tiý te ugiýpi. Ki niýkashiüýga-ma bazoüý \tr Omaha / the «pl. sub.» / were acting. / House / the «ob.» / was full. / And / the people / pushing the way through \rf jod 1891:73.2 \op moübthiüý. Ki thishtoüýi teýdi oüýba-waxuýbe theý, niýkashiüýga \tr I walked. / And / they finished / when / mysterious day / this, / people \rf jod 1891:73.3 \op amaý shi utheýwiükithaiý bthuýgaxti. Ki niýkashiüýga amaý sheý iýe thanaý'oü-noü \tr the «pl. sub.» / again / assembled / all. / And / people / the «pl. sub.» / that / word / you heard usually \rf jod 1891:73.4 \op keý thiuýdoü 'ithaiý. Ki ukiýkie ge iýe uýdoüxti iügaýxai \tr the / to do good / promised. / And / talking together / the «pl. in. ob.» / word / very good / did for me \rf jod 1891:73.5 \op niýkashiüýga amaý. Ki shoüý eýskana shoüýge thiýmoüthoüýi te iýthagithe \tr people / the «pl. sub.» / And / yet / oh that / horse / was stolen from you / the «act»? / you have found your own \rf jod 1891:73.6 \op te wathiýshna tediýhi ki, thagiýshtoübe eteýgoü. Shoüý e'oüý niýkashiüýga \tr the / visible / it arrives there / when, / you see your own / apt. / Well, / how / people \rf jod 1891:73.7 \op itaýxataý-ma moüthiüýi te wabaýgtheze theýthoü shuhiý, niýze ki, e'oüý \tr those toward the head of the river / they walk / the / letter / this one / reaches you / you receive it / when, / how \rf jod 1891:73.8 \op moüthiüý iüwiüýthana tiýthathe koübtheýgoü. Shoüý eýskana uýdoüxti \tr they walk / you tell it to me / you send it here / I hope. / Well, / oh that / very good \rf jod 1891:73.9 \op moüniüý koü. Edaýdoü shteýshtewoü uýdoü aniüý koübtheýgoü. Wisiýthe \tr you walk / I hope «?». / What / soever / good / you have / I hope. / I think of you \rf jod 1891:73.10 \op moübthiüý teýiüke. Shoüý goüý-noü edaýdoü iýutha sheýna noübuýwibthoüý \tr I walk / will «?». / Well, / still usually / what / news / enough / I shake hands with you \rf jod 1891:73.11 \op te eýkigoü. Theý niýkashiüýga ukiýkiaiý teýdi, Te-zheý-bate wahoüý'ai. \tr the / it is like it. / This / people / they talked together / when, / @{Te-zheý-bate} / prayed for a special object. \rf jod 1891:73.12 \op "Uxtheýxti wiýgioüýbtha agtheý taý miüke, ebtheýgoü" ai. Goüý-noü \tr Very sooon / I leave you, my own / I will go back «&or homeward», / I think, / he said. / And usually \rf jod 1891:73.13 \op itaýxata edaýdoü uthaýne neý te eýskana edaýdoü wiüý abthiüý eneýgoü \tr toward the head of the river / what / you sought / you went / the / oh that / what / one / I have it / you think it \rf jod 1891:73.14 \op wathaýshkoü eteýgoü. Goüý sheýna uwiýbtha. \tr you make an effort / apt. / And / enough / I have told it to you. \rf jod 1891:73.15 \ti Part of a Letter of @{Gahiýge} to His Son Silas \dt February, 1880 \op Niýkashiüýga amaý kigthiýwagaýzu ha, waýgazu ha. \tr People / the «pl. sub.» / have made themselves straight / , / straight / . \rf jod 1891:74.1 \ti @{Toüwoü-gaxe-zhiüga}, an Omaha, to @{Mawataüna}, a Yankton \dt February 17, 1880 \op Niýkashiüýga-maýshe, shkoüý e'oüý moüniüý eýskana waýgazuýxti \tr O ye people, / act / how / you walk / oh that very straight \rf jod 1891:74.2 \op iüwiüýthana iýthathe koübtheýgoü. Goüý sheýthoüka, Shaoüý zhiüýga \tr to tell it to me / you send hither / I hope. / And / those, / Dakota / small \rf jod 1891:74.3 \op shiüýgazhiüýga wapaýxe thoükaý, watoüýbe koüýbtha. Umoüýthiüka \tr child / I have made them / the ones who, / I see them / I wish. / Year \rf jod 1891:74.4 \op iüýthadaiý te aýkihoü shi umoüýthiüka wiü piý, eýde shoüý "Oüýba \tr mentioned to me / the / beyoond / again / year / one / I reached there, / but / yet / Day \rf jod 1891:74.5 \op gaýthu / watoüýbe tateý," / eheý te / iüýtexi. Thoüýzha weýthigthoü kikaýxabaýdoü \tr there / I shall see them, / I said it / difficult for me. / Though / plan / they make for themselves and «pl.» \rf jod 1891:75.1 \op iüwiüýtha iýthai tediýhi kiýzhi, shubtheý taý miüke ha. Shiüýgazhiüýga \tr to tell it to me / they send hither / by the time that, / I will go to you / . / Child \rf jod 1891:75.2 \op wiwiýta-ma uýwagithaý-ga. ... Thisoüýga nukaýthiü ha, \tr those who are my own / tell it to them. / Your younger brother / bare to the waist / \rf jod 1891:75.3 \op edaýdoü iýshkoüshkoü thiügeý. Piýxti uwiýbtha shutheýathe. Pahiý-soümaýni \tr what / by means of which he can act often / there is none. / Anew / I tell it to you. / Pahi-sa~mani \rf jod 1891:75.4 \op itiýgoü eýthoüba, edaýdoü t'oüý ki, eýskana iýe waýgazuýxti \tr his father-in-law / he too, / what, / he has / if, / oh that / word / very straight \rf jod 1891:75.5 \op xaýtha gioüýthakitheý koübtheýgoü. ... \tr back again / you cause it to be returning to me / I hope. \rf jod 1891:75.6 \ti George Merrick to @{Ke-gtheýze}, an Oto. \op Kageýha, niýkashiüýga amaý theýama wabaýzhiüoüthaiý. Ki iýe te, \tr O friend, / people / the «pl. sub.» / these «pl. sub.» / have caused me to take a message. / And / word / the «ob.», \rf jod 1891:75.7 \op kageýha, uwiýbtha tai-eýgoü / uwiýbtha taý miüke. / Niýkashiüýga amaý \tr O friend, / I tell it to you / in order that «pl.» / I will tell it to you «s.». / People / the «pl. sub.» \rf jod 1891:75.8 \op theýama iýe wiüý kinaý'oüi ha. Uthuýdoübaiý ki, kageýha, giýtexi. \tr these «pl. sub.» / word / one / have heard about themselves / . / They considered it / when, / O friend, / it was difficult for them. \rf jod 1891:75.9 \op Shoü giýtexi heýga-baýzhi eýgoü wabaýzhiüoüthaiý eýgoü uwiýbtha. Meý / pahoüýga teýdi \tr In fact / difficult for them / very / as / they have caused me to take a message / as / I tell it to you. / Spring / at the first \rf jod 1891:75.10 \op eýgoüxti, kageýha, Umoüýhoü tiýi thoüýdi thanaýzhiü. \tr just as «it came», / O friend, / Omaha / village / in the / you stood. \rf jod 1891:75.11 \op Mashteý te ithaýugtheýxti thanaýzhiü. Ki Umoüýhoü zhiüýga thiüý e'oüý thiüý \tr Warm / the / throughout / you stood. / And / Omaha / small / the «mv. ob.» / how / he was \rf jod 1891:76.1 \op shtewoüý / iýshpahoüý-xti zhoüý, / edaýdoü athiüý geý shte bthuýga iýshpahoü. \tr soever / you fully understood, / what / he had / the «pl. in. ob.» / even / all / you knew. \rf jod 1891:76.2 \op Giýtexiý-bi eheý te shoüýge thiügaiý. Ki ukiýt'e oüwoüýwataý shte \tr That it is difficult for them / I say / the / horse / there is none. / And / foreign nation / whither / soever \rf jod 1891:76.3 \op ugaýshoü-baýzhi, shi maýthe ithaýugtheýxti shi eýgoü. Aýdoü niýkashiüýga \tr they have not traveled, / again / winter / throughout / again / so. / Therefore / people \rf jod 1891:76.4 \op amaý thiýthahoüýi. Thatiý kiýzhi, noüýde wathiýxpathiü, shi niýkashiüýga-ma \tr the «pl. sub.» / they pray to you. / You come here / if, / heart / yours «is» poor, / again / the people \rf jod 1891:76.5 \op Umoüýhoü-ma noüýde waxpaýthiüwathaýthai te iýkikuhaiý, shoüý \tr the Omahas / heart / you make them poor / the / they apprehend on their own account, / in fact \rf jod 1891:76.6 \op Umoüýhoü-ma eýwathatheý-shti-maý noüýde waxpaýthiüwathaýgithe teý. \tr the Omahas / the ones, too, whom you have for kindred / heart / you will cause them, your kindred, to be poor. \rf jod 1891:76.7 \op Shoüý thatiýazhi / koüý etheýgoüýi. / Thiýthahoüýi. Shoüý thiýshoü-baýzhi aýthinaýsabaýzhi \tr Well, / you do not come / they hope. / They pray to you. / Well, / it does suit you / they do not prevent you \rf jod 1891:76.8 \op ha, thiýthahoüýi eýgoü shaýi ha. Niýkashiüýga-ma shoüýge-ma thaýbthiü \tr . / they pray to you / as / they have said it / . / the people / the horses / three \rf jod 1891:76.9 \op waýthiü-baýzhi, shoüýge-ma wathiýtoüwaýkitheý-ma eshnaýxchi waýthiüi. \tr they do not have them, / the horses / the ones which they cause to work / them only / they have them. \rf jod 1891:76.10 \op Niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü oüýgathiü goüý niýkashiüýga-ma pahoüýgadiýtoü \tr Indian / common / we who move / «use here not plain» / the people / from the first \rf jod 1891:76.11 \op / eýkithe kikaýxai / eýgoü kitoüýbai. Kitoüýbai teýdi wathaýte ki'iý, \tr they made themselves related to one another / as / they looked at one another. / They looked at one another / when / food / they gave to one another, \rf jod 1891:76.12 \op edaýdoü wiü ki'iý. Ki thasiýthathe teý. / Aýthanaý'oüzhiýxti tateý / iüthiýgaxabaýzhi. \tr what / one / they gave to one another. / And / you will think of it. / You shall not obey at all / we do not make for you that «we do not reckon you». \rf jod 1891:76.13 \op Shoüýge wathiüýgai eýgoü fthuýtoüxti uwiýbtha. Shoüý weýthigthoü \tr Horse / we have none / as / very correctly / I have told it to you. / Well, / plan \rf jod 1891:76.14 \op eneýgoü te xaýtha gthiýza-ga. \tr you have thought it / the / back again / take your own. \rf jod 1891:76.15 \ti @{Gihaýzhi} to Cornelius Rickman \dt February, 1880 \op Iýe dzhuýbaxchi wiýpaxe. Oüýbatheý te uýdoüxti eýgoü iüýthe eýgoü, \tr Word / very few / I make to you. / To-day / the / very good / as / I am glad / as, \rf jod 1891:77.1 \op aýdoü wabaýgtheze wiýpaxe. Ki aýthakiýkihiýde koübtheýgoü. Wiýshti \tr therefore / letter / I make to you. / And / you take care of yourself / I hope. / I too \rf jod 1891:77.2 \op eýgoü aýakiýkihiýde. Ki uýdoüxti moübthiüý. Winaý'oü-maýzhi iüýtoü \tr so / I take care of myself. / And / very good / I walk. / I have not heard from you / now \rf jod 1891:77.3 \op oüýba-waxuýbe te shaýpe gaýna. Ki edaýdoü-shteýshte iýwimaýxe \tr mysterious day / the / six / that many. / And / whatsoever / I asked you about \rf jod 1891:77.4 \op gethoüý wathiýshnaxti koübtheýgoü. Ki wathiýshna / tediýhi ki, / wiýshti \tr the «pl. in. ob.», in the past / very plain / I hope. / And / plain / when it shall be, / I too \rf jod 1891:78.1 \op edaýdoü-shteýshte uwiýbtha eteýgoü. Iüýtoü waxiüýha thoü waýgazuýxti \tr whatsoever / I tell to you / apt. / Now / paper / the «ob.» / very straight \rf jod 1891:78.2 \op wiýpaxu shutheýathe. Iýusiýshtoü waxiüýha paýxa-maýzhi. Niýkashiüýga \tr I write it to you / I send it to you. / To tell a lie / paper / I do not make it. / Person \rf jod 1891:78.3 \op / wabaýxuakitheý thiükeý / waýgazu eýgoü baxuýakitheý. Eýskana waxiüýha \tr the one whom I have caused to write something / straight / as / I have caused him to write. / Oh that / paper \rf jod 1891:78.4 \op unoüý teýdi, uxtheýxchi ioüýthakitheý koübtheýgoü waxiüýha wiü. Niýkashiüýga \tr you take hold of it / when, / very soon / you send hither to me / I hope / paper / one. / People \rf jod 1891:78.5 \op thithiýta shti awaýna'oü koüýbtha, e'oüý eýiüte. Shi tiý tediýhi ki, \tr your / too / I hear about them / I wish, / how / it may be. / Again / it has come / by the time that, \rf jod 1891:78.6 \op wiüý / shutheýwikitheý taý miüke. / Waweýoüthamaýxe tethoüý / weaýmaxe \tr one / I will send to you by some one. / What you asked me about in the past / I asked about \rf jod 1891:78.7 \op degoüý thiügaý-bi, ai. \tr but / that there are none, / they say. \rf jod 1891:78.8 \ti @{Ishtaýthabi} to @{Maýshoü} and @{Hexaýga-saýbe} \dt March 1, 1880 \op Maýshoü Hexaýga-saýbe ethoüýba, akiýwa wawiýpaxuýi. Oüýbatheý \tr Feather / Black Elk / he too, / both / I write something to you «pl.». / To-day \rf jod 1891:79.1 \op witoüýbai koüýbtha, oüwoüýkoüditheý-xti-moüý. Niýkashiüýga-ma \tr I see you «pl.» / I wish, / I am very impatient for it. / The people \rf jod 1891:79.2 \op shoüý etheýgoü-baýzhi thoüýzha, winaýxchi shoüý witoüýbe taiý ebtheýgoü \tr well / they do not think it / though, / only I / at any rate / I see you / will / I think it \rf jod 1891:79.3 \op umoüýthiüka theýthuaýdi. Niýashiüýga amaýdi thanaýzhiü te iüthiüýwoüpiýxtinoüý \tr year / in this. / People / with the / you stood / the / it was very good for me on that account usually \rf jod 1891:79.4 \op iüýudoüý-xti piý-noü-moüý. Shoüý edaýdoü uýshkoü thiügeý ha. \tr very good for me / I used to be there. / Well, / what / deed / there is none / \rf jod 1891:79.5 \op Nieý oüthiüýge anaýzhiü. Shoüý e'oüý thanaýzhiü te winaý'oüi koüýbtha, \tr Pain / I have none / I stand. / Well, / how / you stand / the / I hear from you «pl.» / I wish, \rf jod 1891:79.6 \op aýdoü wawiýpaxuýi. Tigoüýha thikaýge meýgoü, thiý oüýnitoüýi te \tr therefore / I write to you «pl.» about something. / O grandfather / your friend / likewise, / you / you have treated me / the \rf jod 1891:79.7 \op iüýudoü-noü-moüý. Witoüýbai-maýzhi eýgoü, waxpaýni ithaýt'?e ha. \tr it has been usually good for me. / I do not see you «pl.» / as, / poor / I die from it / \rf jod 1891:79.8 \op Oüýbatheý witoüýbai uwiýkie agthiüý te eýkigoüýxti akiýpaxe. Waxiüýha \tr To-day / I see you «pl.» / I talk to you / I sit / the / just like it / I make it for myself. / Paper \rf jod 1891:79.9 \op wiüý ioüýthakitheý taiý. Iüsh'aýgexchi akaý wakeýga te giniý, \tr one / you will send hither to me. / Very aged man / the «sub.» / sick / the / has recovered, \rf jod 1891:79.10 \op moüthiüýi ha. \tr he walks / \rf jod 1891:79.11 \ti @{Toüwoü-gaxe-zhiüga} to @{Mawataüna} \dt March 5, 1880 \op Shoü iýe wiü, negiýha, anoüýbthiü. Shoü shiüýgazhiüýga thoükaý \tr Well / word / one, / O mother's brother, / I am uncertain about it. / Well, / child / the ones who \rf jod 1891:80.1 \op wapaýxe thoükaý eý ... Weýawoü niniýba uaýket'oüý koübtheýgoü. \tr I have made them / the ones who / they / Calumet / pipe / I acquire it / I hope. \rf jod 1891:80.2 \op ... Edaýdoü shteýshtewoü iütheýshkaxe teýgoü koübtheýgoü eýgoü wiýbthahoü \tr What / soever / you do for me / in order that / I hope / as / I pray to you \rf jod 1891:80.3 \op shutheýathe. Wi shoüýgetazhiüýga wiüaýxchi abthiüý eýde nuýzhiüga \tr I send it to you. / I / colt / just one / I had it / but / boy \rf jod 1891:80.4 \op t'?eý keý goü, noüýde giýpezhi eýgoü, a'iý, Mawaýdoüthiü. Aýthiüge gaýxai. \tr he lay dead / as, / heart / bad for him / as, / I gave it to him, / Mandan. / He parted with it on account of the dead. \rf jod 1891:80.5 \ti Lion to Mrs. Mary Canfield, Aspinwall, Nebr. \dt March, 1880 \op Tizhoüýha, / thiý / wazhiüý / thiýta / shkiý / shkoüýna / ki, / uýdoü teý. / Thagthiý \tr O sister's daughter, / you / mind / your own / you return hither / you wish / if, / it will be good. / you have returned \nt starting with this text the Omaha-Ponca lines also have /-separators. [JEK] \rf jod 1891:81.1 \op tediýhi / uýshkoü / wiü / shkaýxe tateý, / niýkashiüýga-ma / utheýwiü / washtoüýbe, \tr at the time / deed / one / you shall do, / the people / assembled / you see them, \rf jod 1891:81.2 \op uxtheýxti / koübtheýgoü. / Ki / niýkashiüýga-ma / bthuýgaxti / moüýgthe \tr very soon / I hope. / and / the people / all / erect \rf jod 1891:81.3 \op thanaýzhiü-doüý / waýnahoüý te / ha. / "Iüýnoüha / mazhoüý / athiüý / thoü \tr you stand and / you will pray to them / . / My mother / land / she had / the «ob.» \rf jod 1891:81.4 \op agthiýza-doüý / edi / at'?eý / koüýbtha / aýdoü / agthi. / Waýxe / thiükeý, / mazhoüý \tr I take my own and / there / I die / I wish / because / I have returned here. / white man / the «st. one», / land \rf jod 1891:81.5 \op uweýdiaýzhi / aýbthixe thiükeý, / wagaýxthoü / abthiüý / eýkigoü, / waiüýthitoüýi \tr in a different place / the one whom I took for my husband, / servant / I have him / like it, / he works at various things for me. \rf jod 1891:81.6 \op Ki / waýxe / thiükeý / toüýwoügthoü / eýdi / washkoüxti / eýkoübtha-maýzhi; \tr and / white man / the «st. one» / village / in / making a great effort / I do not wish for him; \rf jod 1891:81.7 \op waweýkitaýta / eýgoü / moüthiüý / eýkoübtha-maýzhi," / esheý te ha. / Hoüthiý, \tr a deceiver / so / to walk / I do not wish for him, / you will say it / henry, \rf jod 1891:81.8 \op ieýska, / Wahoüýthiügeý, / Iýbahoüýbi, / wiý / sheýna, / iüýboü-baýzhi / thoüýzha, / shoüý \tr interpreter, / Orphan, / @{Iýbahoüýbi}, / I / enough, / we do not call to him / though, / yet \rf jod 1891:81.9 \op thieýwazhiü / shkiý ki, ... \tr of your own accord / you are coming back / if, \rf jod 1891:81.10 \ti The Omaha Chiefs to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs \dt March 18, 1880 \pr @{Gahiýge} said: \op Ithaýdithaiý / aýkipazoüý / wa'iý / goüýthai.... \tr agent / by themselves / to give to them / they wish. \rf jod 1891:82.1 \pr @{Duýba-moüýthiü} said: \op Tigoüýha, / pahoüýgadi / ithaýdi / oüwoüýgathiünoüýi \tr O grandfather / formerly / his father / we had them usually, \rf jod 1891:82.2 \op ki / edaýdoü / ge / weýudoüýi / eteýgoüi / ge / wetheýshkaxe / shkoüýnanoüýi. \tr and / what / the «pl. in. ob.» / good for us / apt / the «pl. in. ob.» / you do for us / / you wished \rf jod 1891:82.3 \op Ki / iüýchoüxchi / ithaýdithaiý / thiükeý / ithaýgia-maýzhi. / Shoüý / ithaýdithaiý \tr And / just now / agent / the «st. one» / I do not speak against him. / Yet / agent \rf jod 1891:82.4 \op wiüaýxchi / oügaýthiü / te / weýtexi / heýga-baýzhi. / Ki / toüýwoügthoüý / amaý \tr just one / we have him / the / hard for us / very. / And / gentes / the «po. sub.» \rf jod 1891:82.5 \op theýama / oüýba / ithaýugthe / shkoüý / moüthiüýi, / ki / sheýnuzhiüýga / toüýwoüg( / oü \tr these / day / throughout / acting / walk, / and young man / gentes \rf jod 1891:82.6 \op oüguýtai / amaý / edaýdoü / ithaýdithaiý / thiükeý / 'iýthe / waýgazhi / ki, / 'oüýa / eýgoü \tr our own / the «pl. sub.» / what / agent / the «st. ob.» / to speak about / they command us / if, / reticent because of sure failure / so \rf jod 1891:82.7 \op oümoüýthiüi. / Goüý / wetheýshkaxaiý / koüýoüthoüýthai, / tigoüýha. \tr we walk. / Still / you do it for us / we hope. / O grandfather. \rf jod 1891:82.8 \pr Two Crows said: \op Tigoüýha, / wabaýxu / wiü / tüthiýgaxaiý / weýthoü, \tr O grandfather, / letter / one / we have made to you / this «ob.», \rf jod 1891:82.9 \op eýskana / niýze / ki, / uxtheýxti / xaýtha / oünaý'oü / koüýoüthoüýthai. / Ki \tr oh that / you receive it / when, / very soon / back again / we hear it / we hope. / And \rf jod 1891:82.10 \op weýudoü taý-bi / eneýgoü / eýgoü / uýshkoü / ge / wetheýshkaxe-noüýi. / Uýshkoü \tr that it will be for our good / you think it / as / deed / the «pl. in. ob.» / you have done for us usually. / Deed \rf jod 1891:82.11 \op ge / weýudoüý-xti-baýzhi / thoüýzha, / goüý / "Witiýgoü / thiükeý / wegaýxai," goüý \tr the «po. in. ob.» / not for our highest good / though. / still / My grandrather / / the «st. one» / has done it to us / at any rate \rf jod 1891:82.12 \op oü / oüýthai ha. / Ki / uýshkoü / iüýchoü / wiü / wetheýshkaxaiý / ha. / ... Shoüý \tr we think it / . / And / deed / now / one / you «pl.» have done to us / . / Well, \rf jod 1891:83.1 \op uýshkoü / ge / witiýgoü / wadoüýba-baýzhi / wegaýxai / shoüý / weýtexi / noüýi \tr deed / the «pl. in. ob.» / my grandfather / he does not see us / he has done to us / well, / difficult for us / usually \rf jod 1891:83.2 \op thoüýzha, / iüýtoü / theýshetoüý / witiýgoü / iüdeý / oüdoüýbexti / eýskana / uýshkoü \tr though, / now / from this time / my grandfather / face / we see him indeed / oh that / deed \rf jod 1891:83.3 \op weýtexi / ge / oüguýgtha / oügoüýthai. \tr difficult for us / the «pl. in. ob.» / we tell him of our own / we wish. \rf jod 1891:83.4 \pr White Horse said: \op Niýkashiüýga / naxiýde-thiügeý / edaýbe / waýkihiýdai \tr Eople / disobedient / also / to attend \rf jod 1891:83.5 \op hiýdai / te / weýtexi. / Naxiýde-thiügeý / ki, / edaýbe / woüýdoü / waýkihiýdekithaiý \tr to them / the / difficult for us. / Disobedient / when, / also / together / to cause them to be attended to \rf jod 1891:83.6 \op te / weýtexi / heýga-baýzhi. ... \tr the / troublesome to us / very. \rf jod 1891:83.7 \pr @{Ishta-basude} said: \op ... Wetheýnishtoü / thoüýzha, / shoüý / weýtexi \tr You have finished doing it for us / though, / yet / troublesome to us \rf jod 1891:83.8 \op te / oüýguiüýthitha / oügoüýthai. ... \tr the / we tell it to you / we wish. \rf jod 1891:83.9 \ti @{Pahaüga-moüýthiü} to His Brother, Silas Wood, @{Niý-ubthaýtha} \dt March \op peýde-gaýhi / Ishtaý-basuýde / eýthoüba / uýwagithaiý / eýgoü, / nuýzhiüga / amaý \tr fire Chief / @{Ishtaý-basuýde} / he too / they have told it to them / as, / boy / the «pl. sub.» \rf jod 1891:85.1 \op giýshoüi. / "Shkiý te," / aiý. / Nuýzhiüga / amaý / eýgithoüýi. / Shoüý / goüý / theýthu \tr are satisfied. / You will be coming back, / they say. / Boy / the «po. sub.» / said it to him. / Well. / at any rate / here \rf jod 1891:85.2 \op thagthiý te / 'oüý thiügeý / thoüýzha, / shoüý / noüýde / giýudoüýi / thagthiý teý. \tr you will have returned / nothing being the matter / although, / yet / heart / theirs are good / you will have come back. \rf jod 1891:85.3 \op Tenuýga-noüýba, / Naxeýwakoüý, / Huýpetha, / Hoüýakipa, / Maxpiýya-xaýga, \tr @{Tenuýga-noüýba}, / @{Naxeýwakoüý}, / @{Huýpetha}, / @{Hoüýakipa}, / @{Maxpiýya-xaýga}, \rf jod 1891:85.4 \op Wakoüý-moüthiüý, / Waýtoü-naýzhiü, / Iüchoüýga-ska, / Piziý-thiüge, \tr @{Wakoüý-moüthiüý}, / @{Waýtoü-naýzhiü}, / Weasel, / @{Piziý-thiüge}, \rf jod 1891:85.5 \op Zhiügaý-gahiýge, / ki / aýgaha / nuýzhiüga / bthuýga / iýnaniüýi. / "Shkiý te," / aiý. \tr Boy Chief, / and / besides «them» / boy / all / are willing. / You will be / they say. \rf jod 1891:85.6 \op Sheýna / weaýpahoü / thoüýzha, / shoüý / nuýzhiüga / eýthoüskaý / amaý / etheýgoüi \tr Enough / I know about them / though, / yet / boy / of the size referred to / the «pl. sub.» / they have thought it \rf jod 1891:85.7 \op eýgoü, / uwiýbtha / shutheýathe. ... \tr as, / I tell it to you / I send it to you. \rf jod 1891:85.8 \op Nuýzhiüga / noükaýshe, / witoüýbe / Ubtheý Iý miüke. / E'oüý / thanaýzhiü \tr Boy / ye who are. / I see you / I will go to you «pl.». / How / you stand \rf jod 1891:86.1 \op te / goüý / iýwipagoüý taiý miüki. / Edaýdoü / niýtoüi / ge / niýpi / ki. \tr the / at any rate / I will know about you. / What / you work at / the «pl. in. ob.» / you do well / if, \rf jod 1891:86.2 \op iýwipahoüý / koüýbtha-xti-moüý. / Thiý / wathaýkigthiýtoüi / te / thiýudoüýi eýtai \tr I know about you / I have a strong desire. / You / you work for youselves / the / it ought to be good for you. \rf jod 1891:86.3 \op aýhoü / ebtheýgoü. / Ki / niýpi / ki, / oüýxtithakitheýgoü taiý. / Ki uýthitoü \tr ! / I think it. / And / you do it well / if, / you will think highly of yourselves / And / word \rf jod 1891:86.4 \op waýxe / athiüýi / ge / aýthakiýpa-noüý / tai. / Shoüý / witoüýbe / eteýgoü, / Kageý. \tr white people / they have it / the «pl. in. ob.» / you meet «them» / regularly / will. / Well, / I see you / apt. / O Fourthson. \rf jod 1891:86.5 \op Shubtheý koüýbtha. / Witoüýbe koüýbtha. / Waxiüýha / thoü / niýze / ki, / eýgoüxti \tr I go to you / I wish. / I see you / I wish. / Paper / the «ob.» / you receive it / when, / just so \rf jod 1891:86.6 \op waxiüýha / wiüý / uxtheýxchi / theýthuaýdi / tioüýthakitheý / koübtheýgoü. \tr paper / one / very soon / to this place / you send it here to me / I hope. \rf jod 1891:86.7 \ti Frank La Fleche, Sr., to His Daughter Susanne \dt December, 1880 \op Itiýgoüthaiý / akaýdi / noüboüý / eýdi / oügaýhii, / oüguýoükiaiý / Ki \tr Grandfather / to the «sub.» / twice / there / we reached here, / we talked to him. And \rf jod 1891:87.1 \op edaýdoü / oügaýxai / te / shetoüý / waýgazuaýzhi. / Edaýdoü / wiü / uaýwagithaiý \tr what / we have done / the / so far / is not straight. / What / one / / they have told it to us \rf jod 1891:87.2 \op eýde, / wiüýkai / ki, / shoüýshoü / ki, / noüýde / thiýudoü / eteýgoü. / Ki / &Monday \tr but, / they speak truly / if, / always / if, / heart / good for you / apt. / And / monday \rf jod 1891:87.3 \op teýdi / edaýdoü / waýgazuoüýthe taiý. / Shi / eýdi / weýboüi. / Shoüý / shiüýgazhiüýga \tr on / what / we will make it straight. / again / there / they have called us. / And / children \rf jod 1891:87.4 \op thoükaý / shti / wiüý / nieý / doüýshte / t'oüý / ki, / wazeýthe / uýwaweýshi \tr the ones who / too / one / pain / perhaps / has it / if, / doctor / pay for many \rf jod 1891:87.5 \op wathaý'i / taiý. / Eýgithe / oüthoüýthanoüýpe / taiý. / Ki / sheýna / iýe / te / shutheýwikitheý. \tr you give to them / will. / Beware / you fear me on account of it / lest. / And / enough / word / the / I send to you. \rf jod 1891:87.6 \op Noüpeýthihi / ki, / uýthize / teýdi / wagaýxe / thizaý-ga. / Oüýba \tr you hungry / if, / issue of rations / at the / debt / take it. / Day \rf jod 1891:87.7 \op shoügaýgthe taiteý / ithaýpahoü-maýzhi. / Atoüý / waýgazu / ithaýpahoü / tediýhi \tr we shall start back to you / I do not know it. / When / straight / I know it / by the time \rf jod 1891:87.8 \op diýhi / ki, / shutheýathe taý miüke. / Eskana / uýdoüxti / wigiýtoübaiý \tr when, / I will send it to you. / Oh that / very good / / I see you «pl.» my own \rf jod 1891:87.9 \op koübtheýgoü. \tr I hope. \rf jod 1891:87.10 \ti @{Moüchuý-hiü-xti}, a Ponka, to His Wife Mi~-akanda \dt December, 1880 \op Itiýgoüthaiý / akaýdi / noüboüý / oügaýhii. / Shetoüý / waýgazuaýzhi.Waýgazu \tr Grandfather / to the «sub.» / twice / we reached there. / So far / it is not straight. / Straight \rf jod 1891:88.1 \op tediýhi / ki, / uýdoü / eteýgoü / aýhoü / ebtheýgoü. / Wanaýgthe / thoükaý / eýskana \tr by the time / that, / good / apt / ! / I think it. / Domestic animals / the ones / oh that \rf jod 1891:88.2 \op iüthiüýkihiýdai / koübtheýgoü / nuýzhiüga / amaý / isoüýga / wiwiýta / amaý. \tr they attend to mine / I hope / boy / the «pl. sub.» / his younger brother / my own / the «pl. sub.» \rf jod 1891:88.3 \op Shiüýgazhiüýga / wiüý / nieý / doüýshte / t'oüý / ki, / wazeýthe / uýwaweýshi \tr Child / one / pain / even / he has it / if, / doctor / pay \rf jod 1891:88.4 \op wathaý'i taiý. / Eýgithe / oüthoüýthanoüýpe taiý. / Theýthuaýdi / thiükeý / shetoüý \tr you will give it to them / Beware / lest you fear me on account of it / In this place / the one who / so far \rf jod 1891:88.5 \op agiýtoübeý-shtewoü-maýzhi.Noüshnoüý / oüthiüý. / Iüýchoü / waýthiü. Agiý akaý \tr I have not even looked at him, my own. / Feet slipping / we are. / Now / / they have us. / The one who is coming back \rf jod 1891:88.6 \op akiýwa / uaýwagiýbtha. / Toüýbe tat / eýskoü etheýgoüi. / Goüý / thishtoüýi \tr both / I have told it to them. / I shall see him / they think it probable. / and / / they finish it. \rf jod 1891:88.7 \op tediýhi ki, / waýgazu / thanaý'oüi / eteýgoüi, / sheýnuzhiüýga-maýshe. Uýdoü \tr by the time that / straight / you hear it / apt. / O ye young men. / Good \rf jod 1891:88.8 \op doüýxti / eýgoü / Itiýgoüthaiý / akaý / weýthadaiý. / Waýgazuaýzhi / eýgoü / sheýhe \tr beyond measure / so / Grandfather / the «sub.» / mentioned to us. / Not straight / as / I have thought so \rf jod 1891:88.9 \op shetoüý / waýgazu / te / oüthoüýbahoü-baýzhi / Ki / oüýba / shagtheý / te / shti \tr so far / straight / the / we do not know about it. / And / day / I ga homeward / the / too \rf jod 1891:88.10 \op ithaýpahoü-maýzhi. \tr I do not know it. \rf jod 1891:88.11 \ti @{Moüchuý-hiü-xti} to @{Shathuý}, at Carlisle, Pa \dt December, 1880 \op Theýthu / atiý / ha, / Itiýgoüthaiý / tiýi / teýdi. / Witoüýbe / koüýbtha-xti-moüý \tr Here / I have come here / , / Grandfather / village / to the. / I see you / I strongly desire \rf jod 1891:89.2 \op eýde, / winoüýshnoü / atiý. / Itiýgoüthaiý / akaý / witoüýbe / koüýbtha / ki, \tr but, / I passed by you / I came yere. / Grandfather / the «sub.» / I see you / I wish / if, \rf jod 1891:89.3 \op uaýwagiýbtha / ki, / iýnahiü / ki, / witoüýbe / eteýgoü ha. / Thizhiüýthe / akaý \tr I tell it to him / if, / he is willing / if, / I see you / apt / . / Your elder brother / the «sub.» \rf jod 1891:89.4 \op shti / eýgoü / thitoüýshka / akaý / shti / woüýgithe / oügaýtii. E'oüý / oükiýgthiwagaýzu \tr too / so / your sister's son / the «sub.» / too / all / we have come here. / How / we correct it for ourselves \rf jod 1891:89.5 \op oügaýtii / edaýdoü / oüthiýtoü / oügaýtii / oüthiýshtoü / tediýhi / ki, oüthiýdoübe \tr we have come here / what / we work at / we have come here / we complete it / it arrives there / when, / we see you \rf jod 1891:89.6 \op eteýgoüi / ha. / Waýshkoü-eýgoü-ga / sheýhe. / Waýxe / amaý \tr apt / . / Do make an effort / I think and say that. / White people / the «pl. sub.» \rf jod 1891:89.7 \op thigoüýzai / te / uýdoü / thigoüýzai / e / wiüý / niýpi / kizhi, / wathiýxpaniaýzhi \tr have taught you / the / good / they have taught you / that / one / you do well / if, / you not poor \rf jod 1891:89.8 \op eteýgoü ha. / Oüýba / wiüý / witoüýba-maýzhi / teý / iüýtexiý-xti-noü-moüý \tr apt / . / Day / one / I do not see you / the «as» / / it is usually very troublesome to me \rf jod 1891:89.9 \op thoüýzha, / shoüý / eýgithe / aniüýta / neý / kiýta / edaýdoü / uýdoü / wiüý, / iýthathewaýthe \tr though, / yet / behold / you live / you go / on account of / what / good / one, / you can find it \rf jod 1891:89.10 \op wiü / gaýxethiýkithaiý / ki / aýkihiýda-ga. / Enaýxushi / uýdoü / ebthebtheýgoü. \tr one / they cause you to make it / if / attend to it. / It only / good / I think it. \rf jod 1891:89.11 \op Niýkashiüýga / ukeýthiü / oümoüýthiü kethoüý / thiügeý; / waýxe / amataýthishoü \tr Indian / common / we walked along «as a road» in the past / there is none; / / white people / on the side of the «pl. sub.» \rf jod 1891:89.12 \op oümoüýthiüi / eý / weýthigthoü / etaý / ke / wioüýguhaiý. / Ki / eýe ha, / waýxe \tr we walk / it / plan / their / the «ob.» / we follow them. / And that is it / , / white people \rf jod 1891:89.13 \op amaý / edaýdoü / thigoüýzai / ki, / niýpi / ki, / weýshnoüoüthaýkitheý tateý / Kageýha, \tr the «pl. sub.» / what / they teach you / if, / you do it well / if. / you shall cause me to be thankful. / O friend, \rf jod 1891:89.14 \op waýniü niükeý / shiüýgazhiüýga / wiwiýta / eýskana / tha'eýiüthiüýthakitheý \tr you who keep them / child / my own / oh that / you purposely cause him, my own, to be pitied \rf jod 1891:89.15 \op koübtheýgoü. / Wiýbthahoü, / thigaýxthoü / thiükeý / shti / akiýwaxti / wiýbthahoüýi \tr I hope. / I pray to you, / your wife / the one who / too / both, indeed / I pray to you «pl.» \rf jod 1891:90.1 \op sheýhe. / Oüýba theýthuaýdi / Itiýgoüthaiý / edi / atiý, / tiý / etaý / te. Ki / e'oüý \tr I thind and say that. / On this day / Grandfather / there / I have come, / house / his / the «ob.» / and / how \rf jod 1891:90.2 \op niü / ke / agiýtoübe / koüýbtha. / "Uýdoüxti / nazhiüý / aýhoü" / ebtheýgoü / ki, \tr you are / the / I see him, my own / I wish. / very good / he stands / ! / I think it / if, \rf jod 1891:90.3 \op iüýthexti-moüý / eteýgoü. \tr I am very glad / apt. \rf jod 1891:90.4 \ti @{Moüchuý-nita} to Mrs. Amos Ross \dt January, 1881 \op Thisoüýga / t'?e / teý / thihoüý / xageý / kigthaýt'?e / theý. / Na, / Thusiý \tr Your younger brother / is dead / the «as» / your mother / weeping / she kills herself by crying. / She goes. / Why! «alas!» / Lucy \rf jod 1891:91.1 \op Aýzhuthiýki / ethoüýba, / thigiýtoüba-baýzhi / giýtexi heýga-baýzhi. Theýaka \tr Angelique / she too, / she does not see you «pl. obj.», her own / it is very difficult for her to bear. / This one \rf jod 1891:91.2 \op &Sam / akaý / wa'uý / wiü / uýdoüxui / gthoüýi, / shiüýgazhiüýga / t'oüýi, / nuýzhiüga. \tr Sam / the «sub.» / woman / one / very good / he married her, / child / he has, / boy. \rf jod 1891:91.3 \op Thisoüýga / t'?e / teý / shoüýge / wiýta / uýdanxti / wiü / thiügeýathe. / Thihoüý \tr Your younger brother / is dead / the «as» / horse / my / very good / one / I have given away. / Your mother \rf jod 1891:91.4 \op waxpaýniaýzhi / uýdoüxti / zhuaýgthe. \tr not poor / very good / I am with her. \rf jod 1891:91.5 \ti @{Maýshoü-ska} to @{Sedaü-sabe}. \op Mazhoüý / theýthu / oügaýti / teýdi, / uxtheýxchi / thagtheý. Umoüýthiüka \tr Land / here / we came / when, / very soon / you started back. / Season. \rf jod 1891:92.1 \op wiüý / eýta / thanaýzhiü / 'ithaýthe. / "Mazhoüý / uýdoü / shteýshte / anaýzhiü / ki, \tr one / there / you stand / you spoke of it. / Land / good / soever / I stand / if, \rf jod 1891:92.2 \op shoüý / meý / teýdi / atiý taý miüke. / Atiý / tediýhi ki, / mazhoü / thoü / ubthaý \tr yet / spring / when / I will have come hither. / I have come hither / by the time that, / land / the «ev. ob.» / I tell about it \rf jod 1891:92.3 \op atiý taý miüke," / esheý. / Sheýnuzhiüýga / thithiýta-ma / theýama / nieý / shte / thiügaiý. \tr I will have come hither / you said. / young men / those who are yours / these «sub.» / pain / even / they have none. \rf jod 1891:92.4 \op Wa'uý / thithiýta / shti / waýthixa-baýzhi. / Nieý / t'oüýi / tediýhi ki, / niýta / eweýkoübthaý-xti-moüý \tr woman / your / too / she has not taken «another» husband. / Pain / it / abounds / by the time that, / alive / I have a strong desire for them \rf jod 1891:92.5 \op eteýgoü. / Wiüeýshtewoü / shiüýgazhiüýga / uiýxpatha-baýzhi \tr apt «?». / Even one / children / they did not lose him \rf jod 1891:92.6 \op thizhiüýthe / amaý / shti / akiýwa. / Oüýbatheý / thisoüýga / akaý peýzhe-hiüý-t'oü \tr your elder brother / the «pl. sub.» / too / both. / To-day / your younger brother / the «sub.» / @{Peýzhe-hiüý-t'oü} \rf jod 1891:92.7 \op wathiýtoüi. / Goüý / zhuýga / wiýxti / miükeý / iüýtexi, / itoüýge / wiwiýta / t'?e \tr he works «at various things». / And / body / I-very / I / who / difficult for me, / his sister / my / died \rf jod 1891:92.8 \op nugeýadi. / Shiüýgazhiüýga / wiwiýta / shti / t'?eý. / Wa'uý / wiwiýta / shti / t'?eý. \tr last summer. / Child / my / too / died. / Woman / my / too / died. \rf jod 1891:92.9 \op Aýdoü / iüýtoü / te / nieý / shtewoüý / thiügeý / wa'uý / shti / aýzhi / abthiüý. / Wisiýthe \tr Therefore / now / the / pain / soever / there -s none / woman / too / another / / I have her. / I think of you \rf jod 1891:92.10 \op te / iüýtexi / heýga-maýzhi-noü-moüý. Oüthaýsithatheýgoü / thaýthiüsheý, / waxiüýha \tr the / troubles me / not a little with reference to me, usually. / you remember me somewhat / you who move, / paper \rf jod 1891:92.11 \op iüýthakitheýgoü / eteý ki. / Iüýtoü / shagthaý-maýzhi tateý / ediý / hi, / wanaýshe \tr you send it to me / ought. / now / I shall not start to the place where you are / there / it has reached, / policeman \rf jod 1891:92.12 \op ueýhe, / moüýzeska / waweýshi / iügaýxai. / Waweýshi / iügaýxai / teýdi / Itiýgoüthaiý \tr I follow it, / money / pay / they have made for me. / Pay / they made for me / when / Grandfather \rf jod 1891:92.13 \op / akaý / shoüýge / wiü / oü'iýi. / Thatiý / wiýkoübth-eýde, / shoüge / ithoüýwikitheýde, \tr the «sub.» / horse / one / he gave it to me. / You come / I wished for you, but, / horse / I put aside for you, but \rf jod 1891:92.14 \op moüthoüýi, / aýdoü / wiýshti / waxiüýha / shti / wiýpaxa-maýzhi, / aýakihiýdamaýzhi. \tr it was stolen, / therefore / I too / paper / too / I did not make for you, / I paid no attention to it. \rf jod 1891:92.15 \op Toüýwoügthoü / amaýdi / waýakihiýde. / Wa'uý / wiü / agthoüý / eheý \tr Nation / among them / I attend to them. / Woman / one / I married her / I said \rf jod 1891:92.16 \op thiükeý, / Oüýpoü-toüýga / igaýxthoü / zhiügaý / thiükeý, / eý / agthoüý, / eý / abthiüý \tr the one who. / Big elk / his wife / small / the one who, / her / I have married her, / her / I have her. \rf jod 1891:92.17 \ti @{Moüchuý-hiü-xti} to @{Tenuýga-sabe}, at Ponka Agency, Ind. T \dt January, 1881 \op Mazhoüý / ke / weýahideýxti / theýthu / atiý, / Nishuýde / ke / aoüýbtha / atiý, \tr Land / the «lg. ob.» / at a great distance / here / I have come, / Missouri River / the «lg. ob.» / I abandoned it / I have come \rf jod 1891:94.1 \op Isoüýyati / mazhoüý / etaiý / keýta. / Edaýdoü / thitoüýi / te / atoüý / thishtoüý / kiýzhi, \tr santee / land / their / at the. / what / they work / the / how long / they finish it / if, \rf jod 1891:94.2 \op shakiý taý miüke / aýhoü, / ebtheýgoü / thoüýzha, / nieý / at'oüý / teýgoü-noü-moüý \tr I will reach you again / «in soliloquy»! / I think it / though, / pain / I have / apt / at intervals / I use, \rf jod 1891:94.3 \op oüwoüýkega taý miüke / aýhoü, / ebtheýgoü / agthiüý. / Shiüýgazhiüýga / thoükaý \tr I shall be sick / «in soliloquy»! / I think it / I sit. / Children / the ones who \rf jod 1891:94.4 \op nieý / ta'oü / kiýzhi, / waweýshi / te / aýshnizaýzhi eteýde. / Shetoüý-noü \tr pain / they have / if, / pay / the / you should not have grasped it lightly. / So far / I have not reached there \rf jod 1891:94.5 \op ha, / btheý / thoüýdi / aýdoü / waýgazuaýzhi / shoüteý / waxiüýha / thoü / shuýtheaýthe \tr / / I go / (the land / to which / therefore / not straight / while yet «Or at present so» / paper / the «ev. obj.» / I send it to you. \rf jod 1891:94.6 \ti @{Shahietha} to @{Shoüge-xtha} \dt January, 1881. \op Thitoüýge / nieý / t'oüý / kiýzhi, / shoüý / pi / eýsa / kiýzhi / aýkihiýde / mak'oüý \tr Your sister / pain / she has / if, / yet / again / lasting longer than was anticipated / if, / attending to it / medicine \rf jod 1891:95.1 \op 'iýwakithaý-ga, / waýxe / wazeýthe / uiýtha-ga. / Gasaýni / hoüýegoüýche / ki, \tr cause them to give to her, / white man / doctor / tell it to him. / To-morrow / morning / when, \rf jod 1891:95.2 \op miüýdoübe / saýtoü / shaýpe / doüýshteoüý, / Moüchuý-naýzhiü / toüýbe / eteýgoü. \tr hour / five / six / or, / Standing Bear / I see him / apt. \rf jod 1891:95.3 \op Ki / eýdi / thiaýdi / moüýze / ueýtiü / eýgoü / toüýbe / tate / ebtheýgoü, / Petaýxa. \tr And / there / your father / iron / I hit it for him / as / I see him / shall / I think, Live Coal. \rf jod 1891:95.4 \ti @{Moüchuý-hiü-xti} to @{Naüpaü-ska}, Omaha Agency, Nebr. \dt January, 1881 \op Oüýbatheý / wetoüýbe / koübtheýgoü-xti-moüý / eýde / winoüýshnoü / pi. / Isoüýyati \tr to day / I see you / I have a strong inclination / but / I missed you as I walked / I was coming this way. / Santee \rf jod 1891:95.5 \op mazhoüý / keýdi / atiý / ha. / Ki / eý / gaýta / Mashteý / mazhoüý / keýta \tr land / at the «lg. obj.» / I have come / . / and / that / at that unseen place / Warm / land / to the \rf jod 1891:95.6 \op btheý / ki, / edaýdoü / wiü / weýgaskoüýthe / oüýthagaýzhi. / Mashteý / mazhoüý / thoü \tr I go / if, / what / one / to test it / you commandedme. / Warm / land / the «cv. lbj.» \rf jod 1891:95.7 \op uaýgashoü / ha / eýde / iüýchoü / bthiýshtoü. / Aýdoü / eýdi / agthiüý / taý / miüke. \tr I traversed it / / but / now / I have finished it. / Therefore / there / I sit / I / will. \rf jod 1891:96.1 \op Na'oüý-ga. / Niýashiüýga / amaý / bthuýga / eýgithoüýi, / aýdoü / Moüchuý-naýzhiü \tr Hear thou it! / People / the «pl. sub.» / all / they have said it to him, / therefore / Standing Bear \rf jod 1891:96.2 \op thiükeýdi / btheý. / Theýama / niýashiüýga / amaý / wathiýthutoü / amaýdi / eýdi \tr to the «st. an. obj.» / I go. / These / persons / the «pl. sub.» / they pull things straight / among those who do it / there \rf jod 1891:96.3 \op moübthiüý, / oüýthiü / athaiý. / Ki / e'oüý / gaýxe taý-aka teý / Moüchuý-naýzhiü \tr I walk, / having me / they go. / And / how / perhaps he will do it «speaker is uncertain» / Standing Bear \rf jod 1891:96.4 \op akaý / eýdi / piý / teýdi. / Ki / eý / ithaýpahoü / koüýbtha / btheý. / Ki / niýashiüýga \tr the «sub.» / there / I reach him / when. / And / that / I know it / I wish / I go. / And / people «indians» \rf jod 1891:96.5 \op Poüýka / amaý / tha'iýthithe / chaýbe, / anaý'oü, / zhuýga / thiýxchi. / Goü / edaýdoü \tr Ponkas / the «pl. sub.» / they «?» pitied you / very, / I heard it. / body your very self. / And / what \rf jod 1891:96.6 \op wetheýshkaxe / tethoüý / gisiýthai / eýgoü / tha'eýthithe-noüýi: / eý / gaýte / uwiýbtha \tr you did for us / in the past / they remember it / as / they have usually pitied you : / that / that thing / I tell you \rf jod 1891:96.7 \op koüýbtha-xti / goüý / uwiýbtha. / Ki / theýthu / usniýkeýdi / moübthiüý / tethoüýdi \tr I wish / very / so / I tell you. / And / here / cold / in the / I walked / in the past \rf jod 1891:96.8 \op oüwoüýxpani-noü-moüý / oüshtoüýbe-noüýi / ha. / Iüýchoü / Mashteý / mazhoüý \tr I was usually poor / you saw me regularly / . / Now / Warm / land \rf jod 1891:96.9 \op keýta / piý / teýdi / oüwoüýxpani-maýzhi / miükeý / aýhoü, / ebtheýgoü. / Teýska \tr to the / I reached there / at the past time / I am not poor / I who sit / «I thought»! / I think. / Cows «oxen» \rf jod 1891:96.10 \op aýhigi / waýbthiü / ha. / Shoüýge / shti / aýhigi / waýbthiü / ha, / mazhoüý / thoüý \tr many / I have them / . / Horse / too / many / I have them / , / land / the \rf jod 1891:96.11 \op shti / uýdoüxti / abthiüý, / tiý / teý / shti / sagiýxti / abthiü. / Waxiüýha / thoü \tr too / very good / I have it, / house / the tall obj. / too / very firm / I have it. / Paper / the \rf jod 1891:96.12 \op iütheýna-noü / thoüýzha, / wi'iý-maýzhi; / oüýbatheý / wi'iý / ha. / Goüý / witoüýbe \tr you begged of me usually / though, / I did not give it to you; / to-day / I give it to you / . / And / I see \rf jod 1891:96.13 \op eýkigoüxtioüý, / noübuýwibthoüý / eýgoüxti / sheýhe / ha. \tr just like it, / I shake your hand / just so / I said that / \rf jod 1891:96.14 \ti @{Shahietha} to @{He-saü-thiüke} \dt Same Day, January, 1881. \op Gatoüýadi / thanoüý / eýiüte / wigiýkoübthaý-xti-noü-moüý / ha. / Wanaýgthe \tr At last / you may be grown / I am generally very anxious to have you, my own / . / Domestic animal / \rf jod 1891:97.1 \op iüthiüýkida / oüthiüýge. / Wisiýthe-noü-moüý / ha. / Sheýthu / Umaýhamaýdi \tr to watch over mine for me / I have none. / I am usually thinking of you / . / Yonder / among the Omahas \rf jod 1891:97.2 \op moüniüý / te / wathiýxpathiü / iýwikuheý. / Eýbe / Umaýha / wiü \tr you walk / the / you are poor / I apprehend it for you. / Who / Omaha / one \rf jod 1891:97.3 \op Poüýkata / theý / ki, / uthuýhe / iý-ga. \tr to the Ponkas / goes / if, / following him / be coming. \rf jod 1891:97.4 \ti Peter Primeau to Agent W.W. Whiting, Ponka Agency, Ind. T. \op Uaýgashoü / pi / teý / edaýdoü / oüýthagaýzhi / ki, / eýgoüxti / paýxe / koüýbtha. \tr I travel / I was coming / when / what / you commanded me / if, / just so / I do / / I wish. \rf jod 1891:98.1 \op Niýkashiüýga / amaý / shti / eýgithoüýi / aýdoü / piý / ha. / Uthuýagtheýxti / wisiýthe \tr People / the «pl. sub.» / too / they paid it to him / therefore / I was coming / . / Without intermission / I remember you \rf jod 1891:98.2 \op moübthiüý. / &Captain &Martin / shti / asiýthe / moübthiüý. / Eýskana / oüthaýsithaýthe \tr I walk. / Captain Martin / too / I remember him / I walk. / Oh that / you remember me \rf jod 1891:98.3 \op koübtheýgoü. / Moüchuý-naýzhiü / thitoüýi / te / Itiýgoüthaiý / thiükeý \tr I hope. / Standing Bear / they work / the / Grandfather / the one who \rf jod 1891:98.4 \op edaýdoü / gaýxai / te / woüýgitheýxti / waýgazuýxti / ithaýpahoü / koüýbtha, \tr what / they do / the / all very / straight-very / I know it / I wish, \rf jod 1891:98.5 \op aýdoü / niýkagaýhi / noüýba / zhuaýwagthe / moübthiüý. / ki / waýgazu / eteýgoü \tr therefore / chief / two / I with them / I walk. / And / straight / apt \rf jod 1891:98.6 \op aýhoü / ebtheýgoü. / Sheýna / eýgipe. / Ki / aýzhi / eýgipe / teý / . Wa'uý / wiwiýta \tr «in thought»!, / I think. / Enough / I have said it. / And / another / I say it / will. / Woman / my \rf jod 1891:98.7 \op &commissary / teýdi / edaýdoü / goüýthai / ki, / tha'iý / koüýb / eýgoü, / iütheýshpaxu \tr commissary / at the / what / she desires / if, / you give to her / I hope, / you write for me \rf jod 1891:98.8 \op koübtheýgoü, / wiý. / Zhoe Sherman / utheýwiü / athiüý / akaý / shti / utheýshna \tr I hope, / I. / Joe Sherman / collected / he has / the «sub.» / too / you tell it to him \rf jod 1891:98.9 \op koübtheýgoü: / wa'uý / wiwiýta / edaýdoü / goüýthai / ki, / 'iý / koüýebtheýgoü. \tr I hope: / woman / my / what / she desires / when, / he gives to her / I hope that. \rf jod 1891:98.10 \op Watoüýzi / juýba / &Joe &Sherman / wa'uý / wiwiýta / 'iý / koüýebtheýgoü. \tr Corn / dome / Joe Sherman / woman / my / me gives to her / I hope that. \rf jod 1891:98.11 \op Tenuýga-ska / asiýthe-noü-moüý: / uiýtha-ga. / Wanaýshe / te / aýkihiýdextioüý \tr White Buffalo Bull / I usually think of him: / tell him. / Policeman / the / he gives it his full / attention \rf jod 1891:98.12 \op teý. / Gasaýni / Moüchuý-naýzhiü / toüýbe / taý / miüke. \tr let. / To-morrow / Standing Bear / I see him / I / will. \rf jod 1891:98.13 \ti @{Tatoüýga-naýzhiü-zhiüýga} to Standing Bear \op Shoüý / oüýbatheý, / zhiütheýha, / iýe / wiüaýxchi / wawiýpaxu / shutheýathe. \tr well, / to-day, / elder brother, / word / just one / I write something to you / I send it to you. \rf jod 1891:99.1 \op Maýthadi / Moüýakibanoüý / amaý / shakiý / ki, / kiý / iütheýshkoünaýxtioüýi \tr Last winter / @{Moüýakibanoüý} / the «mv. sub.» / he reached you again / / when, / to reach home yonder / you had a strong desire for me \rf jod 1891:99.2 \op eýgoü / iüwiüýtha / agthiýi. / Ha. / Oüýbatheý / wawiýpaxu / shutheýathe. / Kiý \tr as / to tell my / he had come back. / . / To-day / I write something to you / I send it to you. / To reach home yonder \rf jod 1891:99.3 \op iütheýshkoünaýxti / ki, / zhiütheýha, / oüýnize / shkoüýna / koübtheýgoü. / Shoü \tr you have a strong desire for me / if, / elder brother, / you receive me / you wish / I hope. / Well, \rf jod 1891:99.4 \op Poüýka / amaý / naýkagaýhi / amaý / theýama, / zhiütheýha, / uýshkoü / iüýudoüxti \tr Ponka / the «pl. sub.» / chief / the «pl. sub.» / these, / elder brother, / deed / not very good \rf jod 1891:99.5 \op maýzhi / eýgoü. / Awaýkigthitoü / eýgoü, / zhiütheýha, / waýxe / amaý / iüwiüýkoüxtioüýi. \tr for me / somewhat. / I work for my self / as, / elder brother, / white people / the «pl. sub.» / have helped me greatly. \rf jod 1891:99.6 \op Ki / niýkagaýhi / amaý / eýe / ha, / zhiütheýha, / giýtexi / te. / Iüýudoümaýzhi, \tr And / chief / the «pl. sub.» / they are the ones / , / elder brother, / difficult for one / the. / Not good for me, \rf jod 1891:99.7 \op eheý / te. / Poüýka / amaýshagtheýamaý / oüthoüýbahoüxtioüýiý \tr I said it / the. / Ponkas / the «pl. sub.» / those who have gone homeward to you / they know full well about me \rf jod 1891:99.8 \op uýshkoü / te. / Niýkashiüýga / noübaý / niü / eýiüte, / aýma / thagtheý, / ki / aýma \tr deed / the. / Men / two / you are / perhaps, / the one / you started homeward / and / the other \rf jod 1891:99.9 \op Weýs'a-toüýga / theýthu / t'?eýe / ha. / Ti / agthiüý / te / si-uýgazhaýde / gtheýbanoüba \tr Big Snake / here / he died / . / House / I sit / the / stride / twenty \rf jod 1891:99.10 \op xaiý / te. / Aýshi / eýthoübe / piý / ki, / miüýxe / ke / toüýbe-noü-moüý \tr he was buried / the. / Out of doors / going outside again / I arrive / when, / grave / the «lg. ob.» / I see it regularly. \rf jod 1891:99.11 \op Shiüýgazhiüýga-ma / theý-ma / winaýxchi / u'oüýthiügeýxti / goüý / / tha'eýawa-githeý-noü-moüý. \tr Children «pl. ob.» / these «pl. ob.» / I alone / for nothing at all / at any rate / I pity them, my kindred, usually. \rf jod 1891:99.12 \op Awaýgitoüýbe / ha. / Shiüýgazhiüýga / theýama / uýdoüxti \tr I look after them, my own / . / Children / these / very good \rf jod 1891:100.1 \op moüthiüýi, / wakeýga-baýzhi / moüthiüýi. / Shoüý / oüýbatheý / goüý, / wisiýthe / goü, \tr they walk, / they are not sick / they walk. / Well, / to-day / at any rate, / I remember you / as, \rf jod 1891:100.2 \op wawiýpaxu / shutheýathe. / Shoüý / Moüchuý-toüga / nuýgeaýdi / t'?e. / Shoüý \tr I write to you about something / I send it to you. / Well, / Big Bear / last summer / died. / Well, \rf jod 1891:100.3 \op enaýxti / uxpaýthe, / ushteýamaý / nieý-thiügeý / uýdoüxti / moüthiüýi. / Shoüý \tr only he / has fallen, / the rest / without pain / very good / they walk. / Well, \rf jod 1891:100.4 \op zhiütheýha, / sheýama / niýkashiüýga / ikaýgewathaýthe-ma, / eýskana / washkoüý \tr elder brother, / those / persons / those whom you regard as friends. / oh that / persevering \rf jod 1891:100.5 \op zhuýwathagiýgthe / koübtheýgoü. / ... / Shoügeý-hiü-ziý / shti / anaý'oü / koü \tr you be with them, your own / I hope. / ... / Yellow Horse / too / I hear him / I \rf jod 1891:100.6 \op btheýgoü. / ... / Iüdeý / xaýga / akaý / shagtheý / 'iýthai / eýde, / ithaýnite / ha. / ... \tr hope. / ... / Face / rough / the «sub.» / to go back to you / he promised / but, / I forbade him / . / ... \rf jod 1891:100.7 \op Pahoüýgadi / shagtheý / 'iaýthe / ki, / shagthaý-maýzhi. / Shiüýgazhiüýga / iüýwakega \tr Formerly / to go back to you / I promised / when, / I did not go back yo you. / Child / sick for me \rf jod 1891:100.8 \op eýgoü, / shagthaý-maýzhi. \tr as, / I did not go back to you. \rf jod 1891:100.9 \ti @{Hexaýka-maýni} to @{Pathiü-noüpazhi} \dt 1878 \op Paýthiü-noüpaýzhi: / Kageýha, / waxiüýha / wiüý / oüthaý'i / ki, / weýthigthoü \tr @{Paýthiü-noüpazhi}: / O friend, / letter / one / you gave me / when, / plan \nt @{Paýthiü-noüpazhi} = Fears not the sight of a Pawnee [JS] \rf jod 1891:101.1 \op wiüý / uýdoüxti / wiüý / iütheýna / eýde, / iüýtoü / weýthigthoü / thiügeýxtioü / me \tr one / very good / one / you begged of me / but, / now / plan / none at all / «?» \rf jod 1891:101.2 \op «&sic» / koüýbtha / eýgoü / edaýdoü / edeýha-maýzhi / tateý / ha. / Weýthigthoü \tr I hope / «?» / what / I say something / I not / shall / . / Plan \rf jod 1891:101.3 \op piýazhi / thiügeýe / ha, / weýthigthoü / uýdoü-shnoü / shoüýshoü / oüthiüýi / ha Goüýki \tr bad / there is none / , / plan / good / only / always / we are / / and then \rf jod 1891:101.4 \op edaýdoü / uýshkoü / eý / waýthakeý / iüte / ithaýpahoü-maýzhi / ha, / kageýha. \tr what / deed / that / you mean it / perhaps / I know it / I not / , / O friend. \rf jod 1891:101.5 \op Oüthoüýtha'iüýgai / tethoüý / iüýtoü / weýthigthoü / wiüý / iütheýshkaxaiý / eýiüte \tr You «pl.» ignored me / what in the past / now / plan / one / you make for me / perhaps \rf jod 1891:101.6 \op thuýtoü / iüwiüýthashna / koüýbtha / ha. / Goüýki / iýwi'iüýga-baýdoü / thiý \tr straight / you tell me / I wish / . / And then / I ignored you «pl.» / and «pl.» / / you \rf jod 1891:101.7 \op oüthoüýtha'iüýgai / eýgoü / weýthigthoü / wiüý / uýdoü / anaý'oü / koüýbtha / ha. \tr you «pl.» ignored me / as / plan / one / good / I hear it / I wish / . \rf jod 1891:101.8 \op Hehaýka / Maýni. \tr Elk / Walks. \rf jod 1891:101.9 \ti @{Tenuýga-ziý} to the Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs (R.V. Belt). \op Itiýgoüthaiý / zhiüýga / niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü / weýthagishniýgthoü / niükeý, / shoüý \tr Grandfather / small / Indian / you decide for them, your own / you who «sit». / at any rate \rf jod 1891:102.1 \op oüýbatheý / goü / iýe / noüýba / na'oüýwikitheý / te. / Niýkashiüýga / wiüý \tr this day / so «?» / word / two / I cause you to hear / will. / Person / one \rf jod 1891:102.2 \op ikaýgeaýthe / haý. / Mr. Dorsey / wathiýtoüoüýkith / 'iýthe / goüý / iüýboü \tr I have him for a friend / . / Mr. Dorsey / to cause me to work / promised / as / called me \rf jod 1891:102.3 \op eýgoü / atiý / ha. / Ki / piýtateýdi / niýkashiüýga / amaý / unoüýshtoü / &depot \tr as / I have come / . / And / when I was about to start hither / Indian / the «pl.» / stopping place / depot \rf jod 1891:102.4 \op teýdi teýdi / aýhigiýxti / oüthoüýwoühe / atiý / Poüýka / amaý. / Ki / iýe / wiüý / uwiýbtha \tr at the / very many / following close behind me / they came / ponka / the «pl. sub.» / / And / word / one / I tell you \rf jod 1891:102.5 \op te, / aiý / Poüýka / amaý. / Naý, / Itiýgoüthaiý / thiükeýdi / shiý / te / iýe / wiüý \tr shall, / said / Ponka / the «pl. sub.» / «Intj.» see here! «?» / Grandfather / to the «st. ob.» / you reach there / when / word / one \rf jod 1891:102.6 \op utheýna / te / haý. / Mazhoüý / thoü / theýthoü / teýska / uwaý'oüsi-noüýi / eýdegoü \tr you tell to him / shall / . / Land / the plsce / this place «ob.» / cattle / / they often leap «on it» / but «&or as in the past» \rf jod 1891:102.7 \op weýtexi / chaýbai. / Ki / noüýkuýge / gtheýba-saýtoü / oüthoüýthiüwiüýi / mazhoüý \tr difficult for us / it is very. / And / only / box / sixty / we have bought it with / / land \rf jod 1891:102.8 \op thoü, / oüguýtai / mazhoüý / thoü. / Ki / zhoüthiýnoüge-'oüýsagi / mazhoüý / thoü / aýnoügai. \tr the place «ob.», / it is ours / land / the place «ob.» / And / wagon / swift / land / / the place «ob.» / runs on \rf jod 1891:103.1 \op Ugthaýdiü / te / siý / gtheýbahiýwiü / oüýguoüý'ii: / kuýge / wiüý / ki / eýdi \tr Width / the «ob.» / foot / one hundred / we lent them: «?» / box / one / and / there \rf jod 1891:103.2 \op gtheýbahiýwiü / peýthoüba / wa'iýi / ha, / uýwaweýshi. / Ki / waýxe / aýzhi / amaý / oklahoma \tr hundred / seven / were given to us / , / pay to the tribe. / And / white people / / different / the «pl. sub.» / Oklahoma \rf jod 1891:103.3 \op etaýtoü / teýska-maý / wa'iüý / agiýi / te / Poüýka / mazhoüýadi / uýbaxpaýthai \tr from / the cattle / carrying «in the cars» / were returning / the / Ponka / / on the land / they push them and make them fall \rf jod 1891:103.4 \op t'?e-maý. / Mazhoüý / thoü / piýazhi / heýgazhi, / tigoüýha, / wegaýxai. / Mazhoüý \tr the dead ones. / Land / the / bad / exceedingly, / O grandfather, / / they have made it for us. / Land \rf jod 1891:103.5 \op thoü / bthuýga / waxwiüý. / Ki / naý / ithaýdithaiý / wiüý / woüýgathiü. / Ki \tr the / whole / offensive. / And / see here! «?» / agent / one we have them. / And \rf jod 1891:103.6 \op oüýguoüwoüýgithai: "Dadiýha, / mazhoüý / thoü / piýazhi / heýgazhi / waýxai," \tr we told it to them: / O father, / land / the «ob.» / bad / very / made us, \rf jod 1891:103.7 \op oüthoüýi / thoüýzha / ithaýdithaiý / akaý / uaýwagikoüý / shtewoü-baýzhi. / Aýdoü \tr we said / though / agent / the «sub.» / helped us / at least / not. / Thereford \rf jod 1891:103.8 \op niýkashiüýga / oüýgathiü / oüguýkikiaiý / eýgoü, / "Itiýgoüthaiý / &Commissioner \tr people / who mv. / we talked together / as, / Grandfather / Commissioner \rf jod 1891:103.9 \op thiükeý / uiýtha / shteýshte / uýdoü / ha," / oüthoüýi / eýgoü, / moüýzeska / utheýwiüoükithaiý, \tr the «st. ob.» / to tell him / at any rate «?» / good / / we said / as, / money / / we collected, \rf jod 1891:103.10 \op gtheýbahiýwiü / noüýba / utheýwiüoükithaiý. / Ki / iýhuoüýthitha-baýzhi \tr hundred / two / we collected, / And / not consulting you \rf jod 1891:103.11 \op thidoüýbe / taiý / te / giýtexi / eýgoü / uwiýbtha / te, / aiý, / theýgoü / aiý / ki. \tr to see you / will / the / difficult for one / as / I tell you / shall, / they said, / thus / I have come / when. \rf jod 1891:103.12 \op Moüýzeska / iýnoüge / te / oüguýtai / ha. / Eýskana / niýkashiüýga / noübaýxchi \tr Money / "for rolling" / the «col. ob.» / is ours / . / Oh that / person / two just \rf jod 1891:103.13 \op tiý / koübtheýgoü, / uaýwagikoüý / koüý / ebtheýgoü. / Mazhoüý / thoü, \tr come hither / I hope, / to help us / I hope. / Land / the place «ob.» \rf jod 1891:103.14 \op tigoüýha, / teýska / amaý / uwaý'oüsi-noü shoüýshoüi / ha, / aýdoü / 'iýthe / iüwiüýgoüthaiý \tr O grandfather, / cattle / the «pl. sub.» / they are always leaping «on it» / , / / therefore / to speak about it / we wish them \rf jod 1891:103.15 \op ha / niýkashiüýga / bthuýga. / Eýskana / weýagithiwagaýzu / koüýoüthoüýthai. \tr . / people / all. / O that / to straighten our affairs for us / we hope. \rf jod 1891:103.16 \op ... / Edaýdoü / edeýshe / tha'eýwathaýthe / iýnigthoüý / ki / eýskana \tr ... / What / you say something / you pity su / you decide / when / Oh that \rf jod 1891:103.17 \op uxtheýxchi / moüýze / uthaýtiü-doüý / Poüýka / thoükaýta / uýwathaginaý / theýthathe \tr very soon / iron / you hit it when / ponka / to them / you tell them / you send \rf jod 1891:103.18 \op koüý / ebtheýgoü. / (Wiýshti / moüýze / uaýtiü-doüý / uaýwagiýbtha theýathe taý \tr I hope. / (I too / iron / I hit it when / I tell them / I will \rf jod 1891:103.19 \op miüke.) (Poüýka / moüýzeskaý / te / 'iaýthe / koüýbtha.) Hau. / Iýe / wiüý, \tr send.) / (Ponka / money / the / I speak about / I wish.) / / Word / one, \rf jod 1891:104.1 \op tigoüýha, / aýzhi / shi / uwiýbtha taý miüke. / Poüýka / niýkagaýhi / amaý, \tr O grandfather, / different / again / I will tell you. / Ponka / chief / the «pl. sub.» \rf jod 1891:104.2 \op tigoüýha, / theýthu / atiýi / te. / Ki / uýwathakieý / goü / geýwathaýgeshe: / "Mazhoüý \tr O grandfather, / here / they came / «past sign» . / And / you talked to them / and / / you said as follows to them: / " land \rf jod 1891:104.3 \op uthaýgthiü / thoüý / eýdi / thagthiüý taiteý. / Wakiýgthitoüýi-ga. / Tiý / kikaýxai-ga," \tr you sit in / the place «ob.» / there / you «pl.» / shall sit. / Work for yourselves. / House / make for yourselves, \rf jod 1891:104.4 \op esheý / te. / " Tiý / thakiýgthasaiý / te / kikaýxai-ga. / Eýgithe \tr you said / «past sign». / " House / you cut for yourselves with axes / when / make for yourselves. / At length \rf jod 1891:104.5 \op waweýshi / niýze taiteý," / esheý / te. / "Ki / wanaýgthe / shoüýge / washkoüýtoüga \tr pay / you shall receive, / you said / «past sign». / And domestic animal / horse / strong \rf jod 1891:104.6 \op waýniü-maýshe, / toüýde / thituýbai-ga. / Toüýde / weýgoüze / wiüý / moüýzeska \tr you who have them, / ground / work it fine. / Ground / measure / one / money \rf jod 1891:104.7 \op noüýba / iýthithaýwa taiý," / esheý / te. / "Weýgoüze / gtheýba / niýtube / ki, \tr two / shall be reckoned for you, / you said / «past sign». / Measure / ten / you work fine / if, \rf jod 1891:104.8 \op gtheýba-noüýba / niýze taiý," / esheý te. / Ki / niýkashiüýga / miükeý, / theý \tr twenty / you shall receive, " / you said «past sign». / And / person / I who am, / this \rf jod 1891:104.9 \op miükeý, / tigoüýha, / oüwoüýshkoütoüýga / heýga-maýzhi. / Shoüýge / zhoü / noüýba \tr I who am, / O grandfather, / I was strong / I was very. / Horse / wood «span» / two \rf jod 1891:104.10 \op waýbthiü / aýdoü / oüwoüýshkoütoüýga / heýga-maýzhi, / eheý / te. / Wiý-noü \tr I had them / therefore / I was strong / I was very, / I said / «past sign». / / I alone \rf jod 1891:104.11 \op pahoüýga / tiý / te / agthiýshtoü, / siý / gtheýba-noüýba / ki / eýdi / duýba / uhaý \tr first / house / the «std. ob.» / I finished mine / foot / twenty / and / there / four / length \rf jod 1891:104.12 \op te, / ugthaýdiü / te / agthiüý-shaýpe. / Hau. / Toüýde / thoü / weýgoüze / agthiüýshaýpe \tr the, / width / the / sixteen. / / Ground / the part «ob.» / measure / sixteen \rf jod 1891:104.13 \op wiýxchi / shi / akiýgthituýbe / pahoüýga. / Ki / ithaýdithaiý / akaý / oüdoüýbai \tr I myself / again / I made it fine for myself / first. / And / agent / the «sub.» / saw me \rf jod 1891:104.14 \op te / xtoüýthe / heýga-baýzhi, / oüwoüýsisiýge, / aiý, / wathiýtoü / uýdoü, / aiý. \tr when / he liked my / exceedingly, / I was active, / he said, / work / good, / he said. \rf jod 1891:104.15 \op Ithaýdithaiý / akaý / iýe / wiüý / eýgithoü: / "&Little &Warrior / tiý / wiüý / theýshkaxe \tr Agent / the «sub.» / word / one / said to «me»: / "Little Warrior / house / one / you make for him \rf jod 1891:104.16 \op taiý. / Niýshtoü / ki, / moüýzeska / agthiüý / saýtoü / niýze / te / haý," / aiý \tr shall. / You finish it / when, / money / fifteen / you receive it / shall / ." / he said. \rf jod 1891:104.17 \op Eýgoü / shi / iýe / wiüý / eýgithoü / piý / te. / "Mazhoüý / thoüý / weýgoüze / gtheýba \tr So / again / word / one / he said to «me» / I reached there / when. / "Land / the part «ob.» / measure / ten \rf jod 1891:104.18 \op theýnituýbe / te / haý," / aiý. / Goüý / paýxe / gethoüý / shi / bthiýshtoü / ha. \tr you make fine for him / please / , / he said. / And / I made / the things in the past / again / I finished / . \rf jod 1891:104.19 \op Moüýzeska / gtheýba-noüýba / shi / oü'iýi. / Ki / shiý / eýgithe / iýe / wiüý / eýgithoü \tr Money / twenty / again / he gave to me. / And / again / at length / word / one / he said to «me» \rf jod 1891:105.1 \op ithaýdithaiý / akaý: "&Macdonald / mazhoüý / weýgoüze / gtheýba / iütheýnituýbel \tr agent / the «sub.»: / Macdonald / land / measure / ten / you make fine for me \rf jod 1891:105.2 \op te / haý," / aiý akaý / ithaýdithaiý / akaý. / Eýdi / piý / eýgoü / paýxe / ha. \tr please / , / was saying / agent / the «sub.» / There / I reached / as / I made it / . \rf jod 1891:105.3 \op Bthiýshtoü / ki, / shoüýge / akaý / uzheýtha-baýzhi / shoüýakaý / washkoüýtoügaiý. \tr I finished / when, / horse / the «col. sub.» / were not weary / then, but would be so later / were strong. \rf jod 1891:105.4 \op Shoüýge / akaý / washkoüýtoüga / ushteý-xti / goüý / weýgoüze / saýtoü / wiýxchi \tr horse / the «col. sub.» / strong / remained exceedingly / as / measure / five / I myself \rf jod 1891:105.5 \op ithaýkigthiýgthoü / akiýpaxe. / Hau, / Itiýgoüthaiý-a! / Agthiüý-saýtoü / bthiýshtoü \tr deciding for myself / I made for myself. / ho, / O thou whom they call grandfather! Fifteen / I finished \rf jod 1891:105.6 \op goüý / eýdi / piý / eýgoü / ithaýdithaiý / akaý / "Moüýzeska / teý / xaýtha gtheýathe \tr as / there / I arrived / as agent / the «sub.» / Money / the «ob.» / back to the starting place / I have sent back \rf jod 1891:105.7 \op bthiýshtoü-xti-moüý," / aiý. / Poüýka / akaý / &Macdonald / akaý / shoüýge \tr I have already finished, / he said. / Ponka / the «sub.» / Macdonald / the «sub.» / horse \rf jod 1891:105.8 \op waweýshi / eweýna-noü-moüý. / "Itiýgoüthaiý / akaý / ithaýdithaiý / eýthoüba \tr pay / I asked for them often. / President / the «sub.» / agent / he too \rf jod 1891:105.9 \op waweýshi / weýna-ga," / iüthiüýge-noüýi. / Ki / shoüýge / wathiýtoüawaýkitheý-ma \tr pay / ask from them, / he said to me often. / And / horse those that I caused to work \rf jod 1891:105.10 \op duýba / wiüý / shtewoüý / gaskiý iüýt'?e, / t'?eýagitheý, / aýdoü / noüýde \tr four / one / even / mine nearly died from shortness of breath, / I killed my own / therefore / heart \rf jod 1891:105.11 \op iüýtha-maýzhi / shoüýshoü, / goüý / uwiýbtha / oüýbatheý. \tr I am sad / always, / so / I tell you / this day. \rf jod 1891:105.12 \ti @{Tenuýga-ziý} to Macdonald \dt May 16, 1889 \op Tigoüýha, / wabaýgtheze / tioüýthakitheý / thoü / bthiýze. / Shiüýgazhiüýga \tr O grandfather, / letter / you sent hither to me / the «ob.» / I have received it. / Child \rf jod 1891:107.1 \op wiwiýta / thoükaý / nieý / thiügeý-xti / esheý / uýna, / iüýthe-xti-moüý. / Ki \tr my / the ones who / pain / have none at all / you say / you tell about them, / I am very glad. / And \rf jod 1891:107.2 \op piý tateýdi / iýe / wiüý / eýgishe: / awaýshkoü / te, / esheý, / Itigoüthaiý / thiükeýdi. \tr when I was about to start / word / one / you said to «me»: / I do my best / will, / you said, / Grandfather, / at the «st. ob.» \rf jod 1891:107.3 \op Ki / aýdoü / niýkashiüýga / noüýba / theýthoüka, / &Dorsey / &Frank / eýthoüba \tr and / therefore / person / two / these, / Dorsey / Frank / he too \rf jod 1891:108.1 \op washkoüý / heýgazhi / zhuaýwagthe. / Hau. / Itiýgoüthaiý / akeý / &Commissioner \tr perservering / exceedingly / I am with them. / / Grandfather / the «sub.» / Commissioner \rf jod 1891:108.2 \op akaý / uaýwakieý. / Edaýdoü / Poüýka / mazhoüý / weýtexi / gethoüý / uaýwagiýbtha. \tr the «sub.» / I talked with them / what / ponka / land / difficult for us / the objects in the past / I told to them \rf jod 1891:108.3 \op Shoüý / wathaýshtoübe / niýkagahiý-ma / thiýdoübe / goüthaý-xti-oüýi, \tr And / you see them «?» / the chiefs / to see you / they have a strong desire, \rf jod 1891:108.4 \op eheý / uaýwagiýbtha. / Shoüý / iýe / aýhigiý-xti / Itiýgoüthaiý / thiükeý / uaýkie. \tr I said / I told to them. / And / word / very many / Grandfather / the «st. ob.» / I talked to him. \rf jod 1891:108.5 \op Shoü, / mazhoüý / thoüýdi / teýska / shti / uwaý'oüsi-noüýi / eýgoü / ge / bthuýga-xti \tr And, / land / in the cattle / too / they leap often / as / the «pl. in. ob.» / all \rf jod 1891:108.6 \op uaýwagiýbtha. / Itiýgoüthaiý / aiaý / &Commissioner / akaý / eýgithoüýi: / Shagtheý \tr I told to them. / Grandfather / the «sub.» / Commissioner / the «sub.» / said it to «me»: / I start back to you \rf jod 1891:108.7 \op tediýhi tediýhi ki, / niýkashiüýga / zhuaýgthe / shakiý taý miüke, / Itiýgoüthaiý / zhiüýga \tr by the time that / man / I with him / I will reach there again where you are, / Grandfather / small \rf jod 1891:108.8 \op wiüý. / Shoüý / niýkashiüýga-maýshe, / weýthigthoü / gaýxe / gthiüýi-ga, / uthuýdoübe \tr one. / And / O ye people, / plan / making / sit ye, / considering \rf jod 1891:108.9 \op gthiüýi-ga! / Weýthigthoüý / uneý / gthiüýi-ga! / "Itiýgoüthaiý / zhiüýga / shuhiý \tr sit ye! / Plan / seeking / sit ye! / "Grandfather / small / reaches you \rf jod 1891:108.10 \op tediýhi ki, / edaýdoü / weýtexi / gethoüý / bthuýgaxti / utheýna / taiý," / aiý \tr by the time that, / what / hard for us / the objects, in the past, / all / you tell to him / will, / said \rf jod 1891:108.11 \op &Commissioner / akaý. / Shoüý / &Commissioner / akaý / niýkashiüýga / iüýudoüýxti-oüýi, \tr Commissioner / the «sub.» / And / Commissioner / the «sub.» / person / very good to me, \rf jod 1891:108.12 \op oüýthe-xchi-oüýi / oüwoüýkie-noüýi. / Shoüý / oüýba / aýnaxchi \tr very gently / talked to me regularly. / And / day / about how \rf jod 1891:108.13 \op eýgoü / ki / shi / &Commissioner / thiükeýta / btheýtaý miüke, / shi / uaýkie \tr many / when / again / Commissioner / to the «st. ob.» / I will go, / again / I will \rf jod 1891:108.14 \op taýmiüke. / Shoüý / niýkashiüýga / theýthiü / &Daýsi / iüwiükoü / heýgazhi \tr talk to him. / And / person / this «mv. ob.» / Dorsey / helped me / exceedingly \rf jod 1891:108.15 \op egoüý, / shiý / uxtheýxchi / toüýbe taý miüke / Itiýgoüthaiý / zhiüýga / thiükeý. \tr as, / again / very soon / I will see him / Grandfather / small / the «st. ob.» \rf jod 1891:108.16 \op Wabaýgtheze / shuhiý / tediýhi / ki, / ithaýdithaiý / thiükeý / doüýbe / eýkoübtha. \tr Letter / reaches you / by the time / that, / agent / the «st. ob.» / to see it / I wish for him. \rf jod 1891:108.17 \op Ediýhi ki, / waýgazu / uthaý / tai. / Poüýka / bthuýga / shti / na'oüý / eweýkoübtha. \tr In that event, / straight / he tell it / will. / Ponka / all / too / to hear it / I wish for them. \rf jod 1891:108.18 \ti George Miller to His Wife \dt September 27, 1889 \op Iüýudoüý-xti-moüý. / Nieý / oüýthiüge-xti-moüý. / Shoüý / thiýshti / eýgizhoüýi \tr «I find» it very good for me. / Pain / I have none at all. / And / you too / you do so «pl.» \rf jod 1891:110.1 \op koüýebtheýgoü / ha, / woüýgitheý-xti, / thiaýdi / shtewoüý / thitiýnu / shtewoüý \tr I hope / , / all. / your father / even / your elder brother / even \rf jod 1891:110.2 \op eýgoüi / koüý ebtheýgoü. / Pahoüýga / atiý / tedi / eýgoü / waxiüýha / wiüý \tr they are so / I hope. / Before / I came to this house / when / so / paper / one \rf jod 1891:110.3 \op shugtheýwikitheý. / Waxiüýha / shtewoüý / tioüýthakithaýzhi. / Shiüýgazhiüýga-ma \tr I sent back to you by some one. / Paper / even / you have not sent hither to me . / The children «pl. ob.» \rf jod 1891:110.4 \op oüýba / ithaýugtheý-xti / awaýgisiýthe-noü-moüý, / awaýginaý'oü / koüýbtha, \tr day / throughout / I am even thinking of them, my own, / I hear about them, my own / I wish, \rf jod 1891:110.5 \op shoüý / e'oüýi iüteý. / Shiüýgazhiüýga-ma / eý-i / goüý / uaýgashoüý / edaýdoü \tr that is / how they may be. / The children «pl. ob.» / they are the ones / as / I travel / what \rf jod 1891:110.6 \op shteýshtewoü / uaýwagikeýt'oü / koüýebtheýgoü / goüý / uaýgashoüý. / Shi / thiýshti \tr soever / I acquire for them, my own, / I hope. / as I travel. / Again / you too \rf jod 1891:110.7 \op e'oüý / ebtheýgoü / te / eneýgoü / koüý ebtheýgoü. / Shoüý / wioüýbtha / pi / te / thiýtexi \tr how / I think it / the / you think it / I hope. / Now / I left you / I was coming hither / the / hard for you \rf jod 1891:110.8 \op te / ithaýpahoü-xti-moüý / thoüýzha, / shoü / theý / iýe / uwiýbtha / ge / siýtha-ga. / Shoüý \tr the / I know it very well / though, / yet / this / word / I tell you / the «pl. in. ob.» / remember. / And \rf jod 1891:110.9 \op thitiýnu / uthiýkoüi / te / noüýde / iüthiüýudoüý-xti / piý / thoüýzha, / iüýchoü / e'oüýi \tr your elder brother / he helped you / when / heart / very good for mine / I was coming hither / though, / now / how he \rf jod 1891:110.10 \op eýiüte / iüwiüýthana / teý. / Shoüý / Umoüýhoü-maý / shti / e'oüýi eýiüte / awaýna'oü \tr may be / you tell me / please. / And / the Omaha «pl. ob.» / too / how they may be / I hear about them \rf jod 1891:110.11 \op koüýbtha. / Miü / theý / sheýna / ki, / shoüý / moüýzeska / saýtoü / shteýshte \tr I wish. / Moon / this / enough / when, / at any rate / money / five / about «?» \rf jod 1891:110.12 \op shugtheýwiditheý / taý / miüke. / Washkoüý-ga / haý. / Aýwateýgoü / uýdoü \tr I send home to you / will / I who. / Do your best / ! / In what manner / good \rf jod 1891:110.13 \op eteýgoü / eýgoü / gaýxe / goüýtha-ga / haý. / Wahaýba / ke / thisaýzhi / shteýshtewoü \tr apt / so / to do / desire thou / ! / Ears of corn / the «ob.» / not pulled off / even if \rf jod 1891:110.14 \op e'oüý / thiügeý. / Ki / shoüý / uthiýkoü / that'oü / / kiýshte / juýba / thiseýwakithaý-ga. \tr what is the matter / there is none / and / at any rate / to help you / you have / if / some / cause them to pull off. \rf jod 1891:110.15 \op Thoüýzha / thiý / waniýtoüxtiaýzhi / koüýbtheýgoü. / Shiüýgazhiüýga-ma / waýthagikihiýde \tr Though / you / you do not work hard / I hope. / The children «pl. ob.» / you attend to them, your own \rf jod 1891:110.16 \op koüýebtheýgoü. / Wahaýba / ke / weýthiüwiü / zhuýazhi / shteýshtewoü, \tr I hope. / Ears of corn / the «ob.» / to sell / inferior / notwithstanding, \rf jod 1891:110.17 \op shoüý / goüý / thiýtexi / ki, / weýthiüwiüý-ga. / Moüýzeska / thizeý / te / wasniüýde \tr still / so / it is hard for you / if, / sell it. / Money / to take it / the / delay \rf jod 1891:111.1 \op tateý / ebtheýgoü / ha, / aýdoü / wagaýxe / thizeý-xti-aýzhi-ga. / Shoüýge-maý \tr will surely / I think it / , / therefore / on credit / do not take much. / The horses «pl. ob.» \rf jod 1891:111.2 \op shti / e'oüýi eýiüte, / shoüýge / gtheýzhe / wahiýthage / thoüýshti / e'oüý / a, / giniý \tr too / how they are, / horse / spotted / lame / formerly / how is it / «?» / recovered \rf jod 1891:111.3 \op doüýshteoüý / e'oüý / a. / Shi / thiýtexiýxti / kiýshte / iüwiüýtha / iýtha-ga. \tr perhaps / how is it / ? / Again / you have a very hard time. / if / to tell me / send hither. \rf jod 1891:111.4 \ti George Miller to His Wife \dt October 7, 1889 \op Waxiüýha / thoü / oüýbatheý / bthiýze / ha. / Shoü / iüýthe-xti-moüý / ha, / goüý \tr Paper / the «ob.» / to-day / I have taken it / . / And / I am very glad / , / as \rf jod 1891:112.1 \op winaý'oüi te. / Goüý / niýashiüýga / amaý / iýai / shteýshtewoü, / waýna'oüýzhi-ga. \tr I have heard from you «pl.» / And / people / the «pl. sub.» / they have spoken / notwithstanding, / do not listen to them. \rf jod 1891:112.2 \op Shiüýgazhiüýga / thoükaý / waýkihiýda-ga. / Eýshti / zhuýga / ukoüýadiýi / ha, \tr Children / the ones who / attend to them. / They too / body / they are apart / , \rf jod 1891:112.3 \op goü / etaiý / te / aýgikihiýde taiý; / shi / wiýshti / zhuýga / ukoüýadi / bthiüý. \tr and / their / the «pl. in. ob.» / let them attend to their own; / again / I too / body / apart / I am. \rf jod 1891:112.4 \op Thiýadi, / thitiýnu, / thizhoüýthe / shti / aýwawaýka-maýzhi, / weýdazhi-ma / aýwawaýke, \tr Your father, / your elder brother, / your elder sister, / too / I do not mean them, / those who are elsewhere «pl. ob.» / I mean them, \rf jod 1891:112.5 \op 'ioüýtha-bi / esheý-ma. / Oüýba / waxuýbe / aýma / teýdi / moüýzeska / saýtoü \tr that they talked about me / those whom you said «pl. ob.» / Day / mysterious / other one / on the / money / five \rf jod 1891:112.6 \op shugtheýwikitheý. / Niüýdahoü / thizeý / ashiý, / niýze / ki, / iüwiüýth iýtha-ga. \tr I sent home to you. / Philip Stabler / to take it / I asked him to do it / you get it / when, / to tell me / send hither. \rf jod 1891:112.7 \op Iüýtha-maýzhi / heýga-maýzhi / shoüýge-ma / thiý / wathaýkihiýde / esheý / ki. / &robert \tr I was sad / I-not a little / the horses «pl. ob.» / you / you attended to them / you said / when. / robert \rf jod 1891:112.8 \op &Michhell / uiýtha-ga / ha: / zhuýthigthe / gthiüý / tai / shoü / ge-ma / waýkihiýde \tr Mitchell / tell it to him / ! / with you / he sit / will / the horses «pl. ob.» / he attended to them \rf jod 1891:112.9 \op teý. / Iýnahiüý / ki, / iüwiüýtha / iýtha-ga. / &tom / wahaýba / thiseý / shiý-ga. \tr will. / He agrees / if, / to tell me / send hither. / Thomas Baxter / ears of corn / to pull off / employ him. \rf jod 1891:112.10 \op E'oüý / iýkigthaýwa / shteýshtewoüý / iýnahiüý-ga. / ... Shi / thiýudoüýzhi \tr How / he reckons himself / notwithstanding / be willing. / ... Again / not good for you \rf jod 1891:112.11 \op kiýshte, / goüý / waýgazu / iüwiüýtha-ga. / Thoüýzha / uxtheýxchi / shakiý tateý, \tr if, / so / straight / tell me. / Though / very soon / I shall reach you again \rf jod 1891:112.12 \op eýgithe / edaýdoü / shte / wiüý / abthiüý / shakiý-mazhi / teý. / Zhuýgthe / gthiüý / thithiüýge \tr beware / what / even / one / I have / I do not reach you again / lest. / With / to sit you have none \rf jod 1891:112.13 \op kiýshte, / thiýadi / thihoüý / doüýshte / sheýnoüba / zhuýthigthe / gthiüý / etaiý ki. \tr if, / your father / your mother / too, perhaps / those two / with you / to sit / they ought, \rf jod 1891:112.14 \op Tiýha / te / thiüwiüý-ga / haý. / Miü / theý / sheýna / ki, / moüýzeska / gtheýba \tr Tentskin / the / buy it / ! / Moon / this / enough / when, / money / ten \rf jod 1891:112.15 \op shugtheýwikitheý / taý / miüke. / Aýhigi / shugtheýathe / ta / teý / noüýape, / / eýgithe \tr I send home to you / will / I who. / Much / I send home / will / the / I fear it, / beware \rf jod 1891:112.16 \op uxpaýthe / te. / Kaxeý-giýoü / eaýtoü / xaýtha / kiýi / a. / Edaýdoü / eýwoü te \tr it gets lost / lest. / Flying Crow / why / back again / he has reached home / ! / What / caused it / the \rf jod 1891:112.17 \op waýgazu / anaý'oü / koüýbtha. / Shtoüýbe / ki, / waiüýbaxu / aýgazhi-ga. \tr straight / I hear it / I wish. / You see him / if, / to write to me / command him. \rf jod 1891:112.18 \op Miüýzhiüga / wakeýga / te / iüýtha-maýzhi / thoüýzha, / giniý / te / uýdoü / ha. \tr girl / sick / the / I was sad / though, / she has recovered / the good / . \rf jod 1891:113.1 \op Shiüýgazhiüýga-ma / oüýb-ithaýugtheýxti / awaýginaý'oü / koüýbtha. / Waxiüýha \tr The children «pl. ob.» / throughout the day / I hear about them, my own / I wish. / Paper \rf jod 1891:113.2 \op thoü / tioüýthakithaýzhi / kaýshi: / eaýtoü / eýdoü / ebtheýgoü, / kuýahe-noü-moüý / ha. \tr the / you have not sent hither to me / for a long time: / why / «in soliloquy»! / I think, / I am uaually apprehensive / . \rf jod 1891:113.3 \op Oüýba / waxuýbe / g(e) / iýthawaýxti / shiüýgazhiüýga-ma / awaýginaý'oü \tr Day / mysterious / the «pl. in. ob.» / each one / the children «pl. ob.» / I hear about them my own \rf jod 1891:113.4 \op koüýbtha / ha. \tr I wish / . \rf jod 1891:113.5 \ti George Miller to Mark Cleveland, Ponca, Ind. T \dt October 15, 1889 \op Oüýbatheý / iýe / dzhuýbaxchi / wiýpaxu / taýmiüke, / kageýha. / Umoüýthiüka \tr To-day / word / very few / I write to you / will / I who, / O friend. / Season \rf jod 1891:114.1 \op theýthuaýdi / witoüýbe / te / ebtheýgoü, / eheý-de / bthiý'a. / Theýthuaýdi \tr at this / I see you / will / I think, / I said, but / I have failed. / At this \rf jod 1891:114.2 \op Itiýgoüthaiý / mazhoüý / thoüýdi / atiý / ha. / Iüýtoü / miüý / wiüý / aýkihoü / bthiüý. \tr Grandfather / land / at the / I have come / . / Now / moon / one / beyond / I am \rf jod 1891:114.3 \op Ki / Poüýka / amaý. / Uamoüýhoü-ma / waýxe-gaýxe-ma / wiüý / Poüýka \tr And / Ponka / the «pl. sub.» / the Omaha «pl. ob.» / those living as white men / one / Ponka \rf jod 1891:114.4 \op mazhoüý / thoüýdi / hiý / ki, / gashiýbe / oüýtha / 'iýthe / hiýthai / ha. / Ki \tr land / at the / arrived / when, / outside / to leave him / spoke of it / was caused to reach there / . / And \rf jod 1891:114.5 \op shoüý / iýe / te / anaý'oü / thoüýzha, / shubtheý-xti-moüý / kiýzhi, / Thaýsi / akaý / iüýboüi \tr so / word / the / I heard it / though, / I was going to you at once / when, / Dorsey / the «sub.» / he called to me \rf jod 1891:114.6 \op eýgoü / atiý / ha. / Thoüýzha / ikaýge / wiwiýta / amaý / shatheý / 'ithaiý / ki, / / piý / ha. \tr as / I came hither / . / Though / his friend / my own / the «pl. sub.» / to go to you / spoke of it / when, / I was coming hither / . \rf jod 1891:114.7 \op Ki / shuthaý-biam / eýdegoü / shoüý / wiüý / uýshkoü / zhuýazhi / gaýxai / te / aýdoü \tr And / it was said that they had gone to see you / but / yet / one / deed / wrong / did / the past act / therefore \rf jod 1891:114.8 \op xaýtha / waýthiü / akiý-biamaý, / waxiüýha / tioüýkithaiý. / Mazhoüý / thoü / bthuýgaxti \tr back again / having them / they reached home, they say, / paper / was sent hither to me. / Land / the / all \rf jod 1891:114.9 \op niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü / oüýgathiüý / waýxe / oügaýxe toüýgathiü / ha, \tr indian / we who move / white man / we will act as we move / , \rf jod 1891:114.10 \op waýxexti / oüýthiü-baýzhi / shteýshtewoü, / waýxe-ma / wathiýtoüýi / te / eaýwagoüýi \tr real white men / we are not / notwithstanding, / the white men / they work / the / we are so \rf jod 1891:114.11 \op tediý-noü / weýudoü / oümoüýthiü taiýte. / Ki / shoüý / niýkashiüýga ukeýthiü \tr only then / good for us / we shall walk. / And / yet / Indian \rf jod 1891:114.12 \op oüýgathin / shoüý / wiüý / oükitoübaiý / teýdi / shoüý / edaýdoü / shteýshtewoü \tr we who move / yet / one / we see one another / when / yet / what / soever \rf jod 1891:114.13 \op oükiýkaxe eýtai. / Wikaýge / amaý / woüýgithe / waýxe / gaýxai / thoüýzha, / shoüý \tr we ought to do for one another / my friend / the «pl. sub.» / all / white man / they act / though, / yet \rf jod 1891:114.14 \op ukiýt'e-ma / wiüý / doüýbai / teýdi / edaýdoü / giaýxe / goüýthai / ki / giaýxenoüýi. \tr the nations «pl. ob.» / one / they see him / when / what / to do for him / they wish / when / they usually do it for him. \rf jod 1891:114.15 \op Shoü / e'oüý / niü / kiý, / winaý'oü / koüýbtha. / Shoüý / Tenuýga-ziý / shti, \tr And / how / you are / if, / I hear from you / I wish. / And / @{Tenuýga-ziý} / too, \rf jod 1891:114.16 \op anaý'oü / koüýbtha. / Sheýna / uwiýbtha. \tr I hear about him / I wish. / Enough / I tell you. \rf jod 1891:114.17 \ti George Miller to His Wife \dt October 18, 1889 \op Shoüý / waxiüýha / thoü / bthiýze / ha, / hoüýegoüýcheaýdi. / Iüýthexti-moüý / ha, \tr And / paper / the / I took it / , / this morning «past time». / I am very glad / , \rf jod 1891:115.1 \op nieý / thithiüýgai / ki. / Wiýshti / nioüýthiügeý-xti-moüý / ha. / Shiüýgazhiüýga \tr pain / you have none / if. / I too / I have no pain whatever / . / Children \rf jod 1891:115.2 \op thoükaý / wiüý / sabaýzhi / nieý / t'oüý / ki, / piýazhi / ki, / moüýze / ke / utiüý / iýtha-ga. \tr the ones who / one / suddenly / pain / has / if, / bad / if, / metal / the «lg. ob.» / hitting / send hither, \rf jod 1891:115.3 \op Theýthuaýdi / tiýtha-ga. / Oüýb-ithaýugthe / eýdi / atiý-noü-moüý, / unoüýshtoü \tr To this place / send hither. / Every day / here / I usually come, / stopping place \rf jod 1891:115.4 \op teýdi. / Thaýsi / akaý / eýdi / gthiüýi / ha. / Ithaýugtheýxti / paýze / hiý / teýdi \tr to the. / Dorsey / the «sub.» / there / he sits / . / Every «time» / afternoon / arrives / when \rf jod 1891:115.5 \op Itiýgoüthaiý / tiýithoütaý / agtheý-noü-moüý. / Shoüý / eýgoü-xui-aýzhi / thoüýzha, \tr Grandfather / to the village / I usually go back. / And / not just so / though, \rf jod 1891:115.6 \op sabeý / eýgipe / ha. / Wiýshti / shiüýgazhiüýga-ma / oüýb-ithaýugtheýxti / awaýgisiýthe. \tr as a precaution / I said it / . / I too / the children «pl. ob.» / everyday / I remember them my own. \rf jod 1891:115.7 \op Shoüý / &Wallace / anaý'oü-mazhiý-xti-moüý, / shoüý / eýta / btheý / tateý \tr And / Wallace / I have not heard at all from him, / yet / thither / I go / shall \rf jod 1891:116.1 \op shti / ithaýpahoü-maýzhi. / Sheýta / noükaýshe, / oüýb-ithaýugthe / wisiýthai. / Shoüý \tr too / I do not know. / Yonder where you are / ye who are st., / every day / I think of you «pl.» / And \rf jod 1891:116.2 \op iüýthe-xti-moüý / ha, / thitiýnu / uthiýkoü / te. / Shoüýge / miüýga / toüý, / &Nelly, \tr I am very glad / , / your elder brother / helped you / the «as» / Horse / female animal / the «std. ob.», / Nelly, \rf jod 1891:116.3 \op wathiýtoükithaýzhi-ga, / xthaý / esheý / iüwiüýthana. / Shoüý / washkoüý-ga / haý. \tr so not cause her to work, / lean / you said / you told me. / Still, / perservere / ! \rf jod 1891:116.4 \op Uýdoü / eteýgoü / gaýxe / goüýtha-ga. / Shiüýgazhiüýga-ma / waýkihiýda-ga. \tr Good / apt / to do / desire / the children «pl. / b.» / attend to them. \rf jod 1891:116.5 \op Ki / Nugaý-zhiüýga / wahaýba / thiseý / uthiýkoü, / esheý, / bthaýhoü. / Uiýtha-ga \tr And / @{Nugaý-zhiüýga} / ears of corn / to pull / helped you, / you said, / I thank him. / Tell it to him. \rf jod 1891:116.6 \op Wahaýba / uzhiý / thiügeý / ha. / Tiý / ugthiüý / ke / wahaýba / uzhiýkithaý-ga, \tr Ears of corn / to put them in / there is none / . / House / to sit in / the «lg. ob.» / ears of corn / cause him to fill it, \rf jod 1891:116.7 \op shoüý / uýhoü / tiý, / wiüoüýwa / shteýshte. / Shoüý / thiý / aýwateýgoü / uýdoü / eneýgoü, \tr and / boiling / house, / which one / soever. / And / you / how / good / you think, \rf jod 1891:116.8 \op eýgoü / gaýxa-ga. / Moüýzeska / shugtheýwikitheý / taý / miüke, / miüý / theý \tr so / do. / Money / I send home to you / will / I who, / moon / this \rf jod 1891:116.9 \op sheýna / tediýhi ki. / Waxiüýha / saýbe / shkoüýna / ki, / aýzhi / uaýne / taý / miüke. \tr enough / by that time. / paper «or cloth» / black / you wish / if, / another / I seek / will / I who. \rf jod 1891:116.10 \op Uýdoübe / te / iüýzhu-maýzhi. / Paýze / theý / eýdi / akiý / ki, / aýna / gaýxai / te \tr Sight «or sample» / the / I am dissatisfied with / Afternoon / this / there / I reach again / when, / how much / they make / the \rf jod 1891:116.11 \op ithaýmaxe / taý / miüke. / Sheýna / uwiýbtha / ha, / theý. / Shi / aýzhi / wiüý / iýwimaýxe \tr I ask a question / will / I who. / Enough / I have told you / , / this. / Again / another / one / I ask you a question \rf jod 1891:116.12 \op teý. / Sasuý / hiüskaý / iýpithaýge / theýshkaxe / te, / eheý, / piý-maýzhi \tr will. / Frank / bead / belt / you make for him / shall, / I said, / I had not come \rf jod 1891:116.13 \op teýdi. / Ki / Sasuý / akaý / oüýb-ethaýugtheý-xti, / na'oüý / goüýthai. / Ki \tr when. / and / frank / the «sub.» / every day, / to hear about it / wishes. / and \rf jod 1891:116.14 \op wiýshti / uýiügazoüýde / wiüý / ioüýthakitheý / te, / eheý. / Ki / wiý / koüýbtha \tr I too / woman's necklace / one / you send to me / will, / I said. / And / I / I desire it \rf jod 1891:116.15 \op keý / niý'a / ki, / gaýxazhi-ga. / Ki / Sasuý / theýshkaxe / koübtheýgoü, / shagthaýmaýzhi \tr the «lg. ob.» / you fail / if, / do not make it. / And Frank / you make it for him / I hope, / I do not start home to you \rf jod 1891:116.16 \op teýdi / tiýthathe / koübtheýgoü. / Sheýna / wiýpaxu / ha. / &John / iýagikiýgthe \tr when / you send it hither / I hope. / Enough / I write to you / . / John / I kiss him, my own \rf jod 1891:116.17 \op shuýtheaýthe. / Thikoüý / wa'uýzhiügaý-xti / thiükeý / iýmaxaý-ga. / Ihoüý \tr I send it to you. / Your grandmother / very old woman / the one who / ask her a question. / Her mother \rf jod 1891:116.18 \op ke / edaýdoü / izhaýzhe / athiüý / eýiüte. \tr the «recl. ob.» / what / her name / she had / perhaps? \rf jod 1891:116.19 \ti George Miller to Frank Sanssouci \dt October 19, 1889 \op Tahoüýha, / oüýbatheý / iýe / dzhuýbaxchi / wiýpaxu / taý / miüde. / Shoüý \tr O brother-in-law / to-day / word / very few / I write to you / will / I who. / And \rf jod 1891:118.1 \op nieý / oüthiüýge xti-moüý / Shoüý / thiýshti eýgizhoüýi / koübtheýgoü, / tiýuzhi / thiýta, \tr pain / I have none at all. / and / you too you do so / I hope, / household / your, \rf jod 1891:118.2 \op thiaýdi / shti. / Tahoüýha, / iüýthe-xti-moüý, / thitoüýge / utheýkoü / eý / iüwiüýtha \tr your father / too. / O brother-in-law, / I am very glad, / your sister / you helped her / that / to tell me \rf jod 1891:118.3 \op tiýthe, / shoüý / wiýbthahoü, / tahoüýha. / Edaýdoü / iýutha, / tahoüýha, / uwiýbtha \tr has sent hither, / yet / I thank you, / O brother-in-law. / What / news, / O brother-in-law, / I tell you \rf jod 1891:118.4 \op ta / teý / thiügeý. / Shoü / wiýbthahoüý / te-noüý. / Oüýb-ithaýugtheý-xti / gashiýbata \tr will / the / there is none. / Yet / I thank you / only the. / Every day / to the outside \rf jod 1891:118.5 \op piý-noü-moüý, / Thaýsi / etiýi / teýdi / piý-noü-moüý. / Paýze / teýdi / Itiýgoüthaiý \tr I usually come hither, / Dorsey / his house / to the «std. ob.» / I usually come hither. / Afternoon / when / Grandfather \rf jod 1891:118.6 \op toüýwoügthoü / thoüýdi / akiý-noü-moüý. / Sheýna, / tahoüýha, / iýe / ke / wiýpaxu. \tr town / to the place / I usualyy reach there again. / Enough, / O brother / in-law, / word / the / I write to you. \rf jod 1891:118.7 \op Shoüý / iýutha / daýdoü / shteýshtewoü / aniüý / ki, / iüwiüýtha / iýtha-ga. \tr And / news / what / soever / you have / if, / to tell me / send hither \rf jod 1891:118.8 \op Tahoüýha, / wawiýshi taý miüke / haý. / Shoüý / eýgoüxti / iütheýshkaxe \tr O brother-in-law, / I will ask you to do something / . / And / just so / you do for me \rf jod 1891:118.9 \op koübtheýgoü. / Takoüha-uiüý / iýmaxaý-ga. / Umoüýthiüka / wiüoüýwa \tr I hope. / Deer-sinew ear-ring / ask him a question. / Year / which \rf jod 1891:118.10 \op teýdi / wanaýshe / hiý / eýiüte, / baxuý / te / haý. / Wanaýshe / hiý / teýdi, \tr in the / soldier / he went to / perhaps, / let him write it / . / Soldier / he went to / when, \rf jod 1891:118.11 \op wanaýshe / daýda ü-madi / uiýhe / eýiüte: / &Dakota &City / toüýwoügthoü \tr soldier / to what ones / he joined / perhaps; / dakota city / town \rf jod 1891:118.12 \op thoüýdi / gthiüýi / teýdi / wanaýshe / nudoüýhoüga / thiükeý / shti / izhaýzhe / te; \tr at the place / they sat / when / soldier / war captain / the one who / too / his name / the; \rf jod 1891:118.13 \op ki / Muýda / wakeýga / teýdi / waýxe / wazeýthe / thiükeý / edaýdoü / izhaýzhe \tr and / Muda / sick / when / white man / doctor / the one who / what / his name \rf jod 1891:118.14 \op athiüýi / te / eýshti / ithaýpahoü / koüýbtha. / Umoüýthiüka / daýdoü / teýdi / t'?eý \tr he had / the / that too / I know / I wish. / Year / what / when / he died \rf jod 1891:118.15 \op iüte, / Muýda, / eýshti / baxuý te / haý, / shoüý / miüý / daýdoü / teýdi / t'?eý / iüte. \tr perhaps, / Muda, / that too / let him write it / , / and / moon / what / when / he died / perhaps. \rf jod 1891:118.16 \op Muýda / uýshkoü / etaý / ke / pahoüýga / e'oüý / iýbahoü / ke / baxuýte / haý. \tr Muda / deed / his / the / before / how / he knew / the / let him write it / . \rf jod 1891:118.17 \op Ki / shi / uýshkoü / Takoüýha-uiüý / etaý / ke / shi / ukoüýha / baxuý te / haý \tr And / again / deed / Deer-sinew ear-ring / his / the / again / apart / let him write it / \rf jod 1891:118.18 \op Eýgithe / iýkithiýbthoü / gaýxe teý. / Bthiý'a taý miüke / thoüýzha, / shoüý / tiý / moüýte \tr Beware / mixed / he make it / lest. / I shall fail / though, / yet / house / inside \rf jod 1891:119.1 \op ithaýmaxe / eýdi / btheý / koüýbtha. / Waxiüýha / iýthe / ki, / theýthu / tiýthe te / haý. \tr I ask a question / thither / I go / I wish. / Paper / is sent / if, / here / let it be sent / . \rf jod 1891:119.2 \op Shoüý, / tahoüýha, / waýgazuýxti / uiýtha-ga. / Eýgoüxti / gaýxe / koübtheýgoü. \tr And, / O brother-in-law, / very straight / tell it to him / Just so / he makes it / I hope. \rf jod 1891:119.3 \op Sheýna. \tr Enough. \rf jod 1891:119.4 \ti George Miller to His Wife \dt November 1, 1889 \op Wabaýgtheze / thoü / bthiýze / ha, / sidaýdi / guaýthishoü / teýdi. / Shoüý \tr Letter / the / I took it / , / yesterday / beyond / when. / And \rf jod 1891:120.1 \op iüýtha-maýzhi / heýga-maýzhi / iýe / iüwiüýthana / keý. / Shoüý / washkoüý-ga. \tr I am sad / I am very / owrd / you told to me / the. / Yet / persevere. \rf jod 1891:120.2 \op Moüýzeska / gtheýba / shugtheýwikitheý. / Gtheýba-noüýba / shugtheýathe / koübtheýdegoü \tr Money / ten / I send home to you. / Twenty / I send to you / I wished, but \rf jod 1891:120.3 \op uxpaýthe / ithaýkuheý / ha. / Miüý / theý / sheýna / ki, / shagtheý taý \tr it gets lost / I apprehend / . / Moon / this / enough / when, / I will start home \rf jod 1891:120.4 \op miüke. / Oüýba / shakiý ta / teý / uwiýbtha taý miüke, / wabaýgtheze \tr to you. / Day / I will reach you again / the / I will tell you, / letter \rf jod 1891:120.5 \op iýthoüboüý / wiýpaxe / ki. / Shoüý / thitiýnu / eýskana / oüýba / shakiý-mazhi / teý \tr a second time / I make to you / when. / And / your elder brother / oh that / day / I do not reach you again / the \rf jod 1891:120.6 \op shetoüý / aýthikihiýde / te, / bthaýhoü. / Uiýtha-ga. / Moüýzeska / thiü / bthiý'axti-moüý taý miüke. \tr so far / he watches over you / will, / I pray him. / tell him. / money / the «col. ob.» / I will altogether fail to acquire. \rf jod 1891:120.7 \op Ki / shiý / aýkihiýde / thithiüýge, / esheý-goü / eýwoü \tr And / again / to attend to / you have no one, / you said, as / it is the cause \rf jod 1891:120.8 \op goüý / uxtheýxti / shagtheý taý miüke. / Wiýshti / wisiýthai / te / oüýba ithaýugthe, \tr as / very soon / I will start home to you. / I too / I remembered you / the / every day, \rf jod 1891:120.9 \op iüýtha-maýzhi / ha. / Thiýadi / uiýtha-ga / haý, / wabaýzhiüoüýthe / te / shetoüý / agthiýbazhi. \tr I have been sad / , / Your father / tell him / ! / he caused me to bring a message / the / so far / she has not come back. \rf jod 1891:120.10 \op &December / teýdi / agthiý / 'itheý, / waxuüýha / gthiýthai, / shoü, / toüýbe \tr December / when / to come back / she promises, / paper / she has sent back, / yet / I see her \rf jod 1891:120.11 \op doüýshte-moüý / ki, / toüýba-maýzhi / doüýshte, / shagtheý taý miüke, / ebtheýgoü. \tr I may / if, / I do not see her / perhaps, / I will start home to you. / I think. \rf jod 1891:120.12 \op Moüýshihaýthiü / eý / aýwake. / Sasuý / akaý / e / te / wiuýakieý / ha, \tr the one «eagle» mv. on high / her / I mean her. / Frank / the «sub.» / that / the / I spoke to him «?» about it / , \rf jod 1891:120.13 \op iüsh'aýge / iýe / etaý / te, / goüý / Moüýshihaýthiü / uiýtha / 'iýthai, / toüýba-maýzhi \tr old man / word / his / the «ob.», / and / The one «eagle» mv. on high / to tell her / he promised / I do not see her \rf jod 1891:120.14 \op shagtheý / ki. / Theýakaý / thaýsi / akaý / eýshti / goüý / gahiý iaiý / tediýhi / ki, / eýdi \tr I start home / if. / This one / Dorsey / the «sub.» / he too / at any rate / they speak in council / by the time that / when, / there \rf jod 1891:120.15 \op uiýhe / 'iýthe, / iýgaskoüýthe / 'iýthai. / Goüý / waýbthahoü, / "Kageýha, / uiýkoü-ga \tr to join / has promised / to make an attempt / he has promised / And / I entreated him, / O friend, / help him \rf jod 1891:120.16 \op iüsh'aýge / thiükeý. / Shoüý / niý'a / shteýshtewoüý, / shoüý / eýskana / utheýkoü / koübtheýgoü," \tr old man / the «st. ob.» / and / you fail / even if, / yet / oh that / you aid him / I hope, \rf jod 1891:120.17 \op eheý / ha. / Goüý / gaýte / eýthadaý-ga, / waxiüýha / gaýthoü. / Shakiý \tr I said / . / And / that esubject / / read to him, / paper / that «writing». / I reach you again \rf jod 1891:120.18 \op tediýhi / ki, / piý / ueýbtha taý miüke. \tr by the time that / when, / anew / I will tell it to him. \rf jod 1891:120.19 \ti George Miller to George Martin \dt November 18, 1889 \op Kageýha, / iýe / dzhuýbaxchi / oüýbatheý / wiýpaxu. / Miüý / aýma / keýdi \tr o friend, / word / very few / to-day / I write to you. / moon / other one / in the \rf jod 1891:122.1 \op Sasuý / waxiüýha / shugtheýakitheý. / Iýe / juýba / uthiýtha taý-bi, / eheý. / Ki \tr Frank / paper / I sent home to him8 where you are. / Word / some / that he should tell you8 / I said. / And \rf jod 1891:122.2 \op piý ta-teýdi / eýgoü / oüthoüýwoüthaýkieý / goü / iýwimaýxe. / Wanaýshe / wabaýgtheze \tr I was about to come / just as / you spoke to me about it / so / I question you. / Soldier / paper \rf jod 1891:122.3 \op thiýmoüthoüý-bi, / esheý. / Niýkashiüýga / wiüý / eýgoü / thitoüý / gthiüý / akaý \tr that it had been stolen from you8 / you said. / Man / one / sl / to work / sits / the «sub.» \rf jod 1891:122.4 \op waýgazuýxti / uthaýgtha / tiýthathe / tediýhi / ki, / waxiüýha / thoüý / eýpaha / teý, \tr very straight / you confess / you send hither / by the time that / when, / paper / the / I show it to him / will, \rf jod 1891:122.5 \op ki / aýzhi / wiüý / thiýthize taiý. / Umoüýthiüka / daýdoü / teýdi / shoüý / shkaýxai / te \tr and / another / one / he will get for you. / Year / what / when / you finished / the \rf jod 1891:122.6 \op eýshti / baxuý-ga, / goüý / ugthaý-ga / haý, / e'oüý / waxiüýha / thoüý / uýxpathe te. \tr that too / write, / and / tell your own affair / ! / how / paper / the / was lost / the. \rf jod 1891:122.7 \op Waxiüýha / thoüý / tiýthathe / tediýhi / ki, / waýxe / thiükeý / a'iý taý miüke \tr Paper / the / you send hither / by the time that / when, / white man / the «st. ob.» / I will give it to him \rf jod 1891:122.8 \op waxiüýha / thoüý. / Moüýzeska / thaýbthiü / uýwaweýshi / goüýthai, / waxiüýha \tr paper / the. / Money / three / pay / desires, / paper \rf jod 1891:122.9 \op aýzhi / thiýthizaiý / ki. / Sheýna / haý, / thithiýta / ke, / gaýke. / Miüý / theýnaxchi \tr another / he gets for you / if. / Enough / , / your / the, / that «lg. ob.» / Moon / only this \rf jod 1891:122.10 \op theýthuaýdi / anaýzhiü taý miüke. / Iýthathe / ki, / moüýzeska / thaýbthiü / iýtha-ga. \tr in this place / I will stand. / You send hither / if, / money / three / you send hither. \rf jod 1891:122.11 \op Oüýba ithaýugthe / waxiüýha / thoüý / ubthiýxide, / eýde / tiýthathaýzhi. / Niýtoü \tr Every day / paper / the / I have looked for it / but / you have not sent it hither. You work \rf jod 1891:122.12 \op shkoüýnazhi / doüýshte-zhoüý / eýiüte. / Theýna / haýshi / iýwimaýxe / ha. / Wanaýshe \tr you do not wish / you perhaps / it may be ? / Only this / last / I question you / . / Soldier \rf jod 1891:122.13 \op daýdoü / eýdutheýhe / iüteý / eýshti / ugthaý-ga / &Hiram &Chase / waxiüýha \tr what / you joined / perhaps / that too / tell of your own, / hiram chase / paper \rf jod 1891:122.14 \op gaýxekithaý-ga. / Shoüý / Muýda / uýshkoü / etaý / ke / iýshpahoü / ke / shti / uthaý-ga. \tr cause him to make it. / And / Muda / deed / his / the / you know / the / too / tell. \rf jod 1891:122.15