Product Features

It should be possible to derive three software products from the core assets of the Public Health Complaint SPL: Healthwatcher [14], Medwatch [15], and DPH-LA [16]. Based on the feature model of each legacy application (Section 4.2), Table 1 was created to list all the features for each product.

Table 1: Features of each product

Features Healthwatcher Medwatcher Environmentwatcher
Public Health Complaint SPL X X X
Infrastructure Management X X
Register tables X X
Update employee X X
Register new employee X X
Change logged employee X X
Login/Logout X X
Update Health Unit X X
Complaint Management X X X
Update Complaint X X
Complaint Specification X X X
Food Complaint Specification X X X
Animal Complaint Specification X X
Drug Complaint Specification X
Special Complaint Specification X X
Support services for users X X X
Query Information X
RSS feeds X X
Publish RSS feeds X X
Receive alerts via feeds X X
Exception Handling X X X
Security X X X
Captcha X
Encryption X X X
Computer infrastructure X X X
Hardware X X X
2.0 GHz, 1GB RAM, netCard 3Com X X X
Software X X X
Ubuntu 10.4 X X X
Database X X X
Oracle X
Java Servlets X X X
Java RMI X X X
Distribution X X X
Usability X X X
User interface X X X
Compatibility X X X
Standards X X X
Performance X X X
Response time X X X
Persistence X X X
Concurrency X X X

Leonardo Tizzei 2013-02-18