Analyze Crosscutting Features

Since we are using an aspect-oriented approach to perform a feature-oriented reengineering process [10], we use aspect-feature view to specify crosscutting features affects other crosscutting and regular (i.e. non-crosscutting) features [30]. Crosscutting features are features that cut across other features. The aspect-feature view promotes the traceability of both crosscutting concerns and variability from feature model to aspect-oriented SPL architecture model, thus supporting its design and enhancing system's evolvability. The aspect-feature view enables modeling crosscutting concerns as crosscutting features thereby representing their variability. This view is derived from the feature model and its role is not to replace the feature model, but to complement it. Note that the notation is a little bit different from the feature model, since it is not hierarchical. Thus, feature variability must be represented in isolation. For instance, an alternative feature can be modeled without the other features of the group.

Figure 6: aspect-feature view
Image aofv

Leonardo Tizzei 2013-02-18