Relationship between nonfunctional requirements and use cases

Moreira et al. [34] proposed to establish a relationship between use cases and nonfunctional requirements in order to support the identification of crosscutting concerns. Table 5 supports the understanding of Table 6.

Table 5: Use case and nonfunctional requirements identifiers
Identifier Use case name Identifier Use case name
UC01 Query information UC02 Specify complaint
UC03 Food complaint specification UC04 Animal complaint specification
UC05 Drug complaint specification UC06 Special complaint specification
UC07 Login UC08 Logout
UC09 Register tables UC10 Update complaint
UC11 Register new employee UC12 Update employee
UC13 Update Health Unit UC14 Change logged employee
UC15 Receive alerts via feeds
Identifier Nonfunctional requirement Identifier Nonfunctional requirement
NFR01 Usability NFR02 Availability/EH
NFR03 Response time/Performance NFR04 Security/Encryption
NFR05 Standard/Compatibility NFR06 Hardware and Software/Operational Environment
NFR07 Distribution NFR08 Storage medium/Persistence
NFR09 Concurrency

Table 6: Use cases influenced by nonfunctional requirements

Use \rotatebox{90}{NFR01} \rotatebox{90}{NFR02} \rotatebox{90}{NFR03} \rotatebox{90}{NFR04} \rotatebox{90}{NFR05} \rotatebox{90}{NFR06} \rotatebox{90}{NFR07} \rotatebox{90}{NFR08} \rotatebox{90}{NFR09}
UC01 X X X X X X X
UC02 X X X X X X X X
UC03 X X X X X X X X
UC04 X X X X X X X X
UC05 X X X X X X X X
UC06 X X X X X X
UC07 X X X X
UC08 X X X X
UC09 X X X X X X
UC10 X X X
UC11 X X X
UC12 X X X
UC13 X X X
UC14 X X
UC15 X X X

Leonardo Tizzei 2013-02-18