Empirical study execution

Figure 2 shows schematically the execution of this empirical study. The three legacy applications, namely Healthwatcher, Medwatch and DPH-LA, are the inputs to the execution of this study and the output is the Public Health Complaint SPL. This SPL can derive three products, PHC-Healthwatcher, PHC-Medwatch and PHC-LA, which correspond to Healthwatcher, Medwatch, and DPH-LA legacy applications, respectively.

Figure 2: Execution scheme of this empirical study
Image phc-operation-v04-1col

Healthwatcher was the basis for the development of Public Health Complaint SPL, as it provides several artifacts. The only new features added to Healthwatcher feature model were those belonging to either Medwatch or DPH-LA. We avoid changing Healthwatcher specification and implementation in order to minimize bias during the development of Public Health Complaint SPL.

Leonardo Tizzei 2013-02-18