Versão de 2/5/2007
Model checking
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A new controller system is being installed to manage entry into a
tunnel, which has to periodically close. The tunnel controller sends
out signals to the approaching cars. Cars are equipped with sensors
able to read the signals. Formulate transition system models for two
sub-systems, Tunnel and Car, based on the descriptions below.
- A. The
tunnel controller emits a warning signal (closing) to approaching cars
when it is about to close. A short while after the tunnel closes. When
the tunnel is reopened, another signal (opening) is sent out.
B. When
a car is approaching the tunnel, it listens for the warning signal
from the tunnel controller system. If such a signal is received, the
car must begin to brake until fully stationary; else it proceeds at
normal speed. When the tunnel is reopened, the car waits for the
opening signal and starts driving.
Consider the models A and B that you have formulated.
- A. Construct the product of models A and B synchronised on closing and
- B. The tunnel controller system must satisfy the basic safety
requirement, i.e., the
car must be stopped when the tunnel is closed. Express this
requirement in
- C. Does your model satisfy this requirement? If not, how can the
problem be
Planejamento usando POMDP
resolva o problema 1 deste arquivo
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não precisa me mandar nada via email. é so implementar os outros
Planejamento classico
Este projeto não é exatamete de planejamento, mas sim de PDDL, que
é a linguagem de especificação de ações para a grande maioria dos
planejadores disponiveis. Um problema de planejamento completo
involveria, além da codificação em PDDL, pedido neste projeto, que os
estados inicial e final fossem definidos, e que voces baixassem um dos
planejadores disponiveis na internet.
Codifique um dos dois problema abaixo em PDDL.
We have a parcel delivery robot that can move parcels between the
Sandford Fleming, Pratt, and Bahen buildings. Assume the robot can
carry an unlimited number of parcels and the only relevant locations
are the Sandford Fleming, Pratt, and Bahen buildings. When travelling
between Bahen and the other two buildings, the robot must go
outside. In contrast, it can travel indoors between Sandford Fleming
and Pratt by using the bridge, provided it can open the door to the
bridge. The robot must use one of its parcels to keep the door propped
open as it passes through. Once through, it can safely pick up the
parcel used. Assume all other doors have a wheel chair access button
which allows the robot to go through without using any parcel to prop
them open. If the robot goes outside when it's raining, it will get
wet unless it has an umbrella. It can get an umbrella in Sandford
Fleming. Our goals can specify things about the location of various
parcels, the robot's location and the robot staying dry.
NASA needs to plan the mission of a group of robotic probes that will
be sent to Mars, as a prelude to human exploration of the planet. Two
types of probes are being send, comsats and rovers. Comsats
(communication satellites) remain in orbit and establish a
communication network, relaying data produced by the rovers on Mars to
mission control on Earth. A comsat is fixed in one of two
orientations, facing Earth or facing Mars. When facing Earth, a comsat
may send test results back to mission control; when facing Mars it may
receive test results sent by a rover. A comsat can always relay a
message to another comsat. Rovers explore the planet, perform tests,
and send test results back to the comsats. Rovers may move between
test sites on the planet's locations that have been identified as
being of scientific importance. At a test site, a rover may perform
one of two tests, a soil composition test or a mineral analysis
test. Each rover is equipped with some instruments that allows it to
perform only some of the tests. Due to memory limitations in the
rovers, if a rover has performed a test, it cannot perform another
test until it has sent the results to a comsat. Typically, mission
control will request that the results of certain tests performed at
certain sites be sent back to earth. After a test is performed the
rover must send the results back to a comsat, that in turn must relay
the message (possibly through other comsats) back to mission control.
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site lista os simtomas de 5 doenças infantis comuns. implemente um
sistema de diagnótico para essas 5 doenças.