B1;2c MO444/MC886


The FINAL grades

Information about the course

Schedule: Tuesday and Thursday: from 8am to 10am

Room: 52 IC3

This course will cover in breadth many algorithms of machine learning/data mining. We will cover, in general terms, of the following machine learning "tasks": data transformation, classification, regression and clustering.

We will cover a variety of algorithms, providing some intuitions on how, why and when they work, but for only a few of them there will be a in depth study of the mathematical formulation and properties. We believe that this breadth approach will allow the student to solve the more common problems they may face in data mining.

The course will be based on the book Inteligencia Artificial: uma abordagem de aprendizado de maquina (in Portuguese) by Faceli, Lorena, Gama & Carvalho. There will be also some extra material that complements some of the topics covered in the book. .

The course will be evaluated in two forms, to be selected by the student.


  1. Exercise 1 in English, in Portuguese, due 18/3. My solution to exercise 1 is here
  2. Exercise 2 in English, in Portuguese, due 25/3. My solution to exercise 2 in python. The htlm file and the Ipython notebook file
  3. Exercise 3 in Portuguese, due 10/4 in class. The main part of my solution in Python and in R
  4. Exercise 4 in Portuguese, due 24/4 in class.
  5. Exercise 5 in Portuguese, due 8/5 in class.
  6. Exercise 6 in Portuguese, due 20/5 in class.
  7. Exercise 7 in Portuguese, due 5/6 in MY OFFICE, until 16h. This exercise cannot be turned in late.

Computer resources



Discussion groups on ML:

Deadlines for the research projects

Course materials