Relevante |
Resulatdo |
Achado? |
Nome |
Autores |
Ano |
Relevante |
Resultado |
Questionarios |
Entrevistas |
Observações |
Provas |
Meta Analise |
Metodo-O |
Multimidia |
Distancia |
Simuladores |
Ferramenta Especifica |
Tipo-O |
Escolaridade ou Idade |
Sexo |
Grupos |
Controle |
Grupos-O |
Efetividade |
Motivação |
Tempo |
Metrica-O |
Fundamental |
5 a 8 |
Colegial |
Superior |
Grau-O |
Alunos |
Professores |
Técnicos |
Objeto-O |
Materia |
Publicação |
Local |
Ano |
Veiculo |
Resultado |
ED112839 |
Alternative Communication Network Designs for an Operational Plato IV CAI System. |
Morley,-Robert-E-,-Jr, Eastwood,-Lester-F-,-Jr |
1975 |
N |
custos de implementação entre os meios |
Relatório |
0 |
ED129281 |
Nao |
Computer Aided Learning Project: Report, Trial 3. |
1973 |
S |
Positivo |
1 |
computer aided instruction |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Biologia. |
Inglaterra. |
Relatório |
Positivo |
ED233122 |
Nao |
Evaluation of the Computer Assisted Instruction Title I Project, 1980-81. |
1981 |
S |
Positivo |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Matemática e Leitura |
Estados Unidos |
Relatório |
Positivo |
ED233693 |
A Learner-Based Evaluation of Microcomputer Software. |
Cohen,-Vicki-Blum |
1983 |
N |
Avaliação de software |
1 |
courseware (?) |
Congresso |
ED244482 |
Nao |
Teacher Versus Computer Delivered Instruction: An Analysis of Child Performance, Behavior, and Characteristics. Final Report, 5/15/82 to 11/14/82. |
Plienis,-Anthony-J, Romanczyk,-Raymond-G |
1982 |
S |
Neutro |
1 |
1 |
alunos com problemas de aprendizado e comportamento |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Estados Unidos |
Relatório |
0 |
ED247050 |
A Bibliography of Studies on Elementary and Secondary School Reading, English, and Mathematics for American Indian Students. |
Fletcher,-J-D |
1983 |
N |
0 |
ED260687 |
Nao |
Computer Assisted Instruction: A Review of the Reviews. Research Report 85-01. |
Stennett,-R-G |
1985 |
S |
Nao diz |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Canadá |
Canadá e Inglaterra |
Livro |
0 |
ED262078 |
Evaluating the Evaluators: A Study of the Evaluators and Evaluations of Educational Software. |
1985 |
N |
avaliacao de software |
1 |
2554 softwares analizados |
Congresso |
0 |
ED268507 |
Reading Achievement: Characteristics Associated with Success and Failure: Abstracts of Doctoral Dissertations Published in \Dissertation Abstracts International,\ July through December 1985 (Vol. 46 Nos. 1 through 6). |
ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, Urbana, IL. |
1985 |
N |
1 |
Relatorio |
0 |
ED268552 |
English Language Arts Skills and Instruction: Abstracts of Doctoral Dissertations Published in "Dissertation Abstracts International" |
1985 |
N |
Varios abstracts de teses |
Relatorio |
0 |
ED270080 |
Nao |
Evaluation of the TSC Dolphin Computer Assisted Instructional System in the Chapter 1 Program of the District of Columbia Public Schools. Final Report |
Harris,-Carolyn-DeMeyer |
1985 |
S |
Positivo |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Sistema Dolphin (?) |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
leitura matematica artes |
82-85 |
Relatório |
Positivo |
ED276398 |
Educational Applications of Computer Networks for Teachers/Trainers in Ontario. Education and Technology Series. |
Harasim,-Linda, Johnson,-E-Marcia |
1986 |
N |
conferencia por computador |
1 |
Canadá |
Livro |
0 |
ED281146 |
Nao |
Cost-Benefit Analysis for 1985-86 ECIA Chapter 1 and State DPPF Programs Comparing Groups Receiving Regular Program Instruction and Groups Receiving Computer Assisted Instruction/Computer Management System (CAI/CMS). |
Chamberlain,-Ed |
1986 |
S |
Negativo para custos, neutor para efetividade |
1 |
Avaliacao de custo |
Custo |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Estados Unidos |
Relatorio |
0 |
ED285250 |
The Next 6000 Days: A Perspective on Employment and Education for the 21st Century. |
Avveduto,-Saverio |
1987 |
N |
Livrp |
Positivo |
ED287161 |
Nao |
Cost-Benefit Analysis for ECIA Chapter 1 and State DPPF Programs Comparing Groups Receiving Regular Program Instruction and Groups Receiving Computer Assisted Instruction/Computer Management System (CAI/CMS). 1986-87. |
Chamberlain,-Ed |
1987 |
S |
Positivo efetividade (com restrições) negativo para custo, positivo motivação |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
custo - benefÃcio |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Estados Unidos |
Congresso |
Positivo |
ED288496 |
Nao |
A Review of Reviews of Research on Computer Assisted Instruction. ERIC Digest. |
Ely,-Donald-P |
1984 |
S |
Positivo para motivação inicial, positivo para efetividade no inicio mas nao no fim |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Estados Unidos |
Relatório |
Positivo |
ED302226 |
Nao |
Computer-Assisted Instruction Evaluation Report, 1983-1984 School Year. DRET Report No. 21. |
Gourgey,-Annette |
1984 |
S |
Poisitvo para efetividade, negativo para custos, positivo para motivação |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
CAI Newark, New Jersey |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Alunos com dificuldades pedagógicas |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Leitura linguas matemática |
Relatório |
Positivo |
ED317159 |
The State of Educational Software. A MicroSIFT Report. |
Weaver,-Dave |
1989 |
N |
Comparação de software |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
software em 84 e 89 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Software |
Varias |
84-89 |
0 |
0 |
ED328208 |
Introducing New Technology: Chasing a Dream. |
McKeown,-Edward-N |
1990 |
N |
1 |
Comparação de realidade versus planejamento |
Planejamento de implementação da tecnologia de computadores no ano de 1985. |
Sistema Planejado e Sistema Aplicado. |
Canadá |
Toronto (Canada) |
Relatorio |
0 |
ED335022 |
Cognitive Apprenticeships: An Instructional Design Review. |
Wilson,-Brent, Cole,-Peggy |
1991 |
N |
Congresso |
0 |
ED337157 |
The Use of Computers in Education Worldwide: Results from a Comparative Survey in 18 Countries. |
Pelgrum,-Willem-J, Plomp,-Tjeerd |
1991 |
N |
1 |
Infraestrutura |
paises |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Administradores. |
Holanda |
22paises |
Congresso |
0 |
ED342381 |
Nao |
What Do We Really Know about Small Group CBT? |
Shlechter,-Theodore-M |
1991 |
S |
Neutro |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Estados Unidos |
Congresso |
Positivo |
ED343580 |
Bits, Bytes, and Barriers: Tennessee Teachers\' Use of Technology. |
Associação de Educação do Tennessee |
1991 |
N |
1 |
1 |
Estados Unidos |
Relatorio |
0 |
ED356763 |
The Comparative Effects of an Introductory versus a Content-Specific Computer Course for Educators on Computer Anxiety and Stages of Concern. |
Overbaugh,-Richard-C, Reed,-W-Michael |
1992 |
N |
1 |
Spielberger Self Evaluation Instrument,Stages of Concern instrument |
1 |
ansiedade |
1 |
pos graduação |
1 |
Curso introduório de informática, materias do curso. |
Congresso |
Positivo |
ED362172 |
The Effectiveness of Instructional Orienting Activities in Computer-Based Instruction. |
Kenny,-Richard-F |
1993 |
N |
instructional organizers |
Congresso |
Negativo |
ED362211 |
Nao |
A Comprehensive Review of Learner-Control: The Role of Learner Characteristics. |
Williams,-Michael-D |
1993 |
S |
Neutro (e compara controel do computador com controel do aluno em CBI) |
1 |
1 |
Estudos publicados sobre controle do aprendiz no AC. |
1 |
Estados Unidos |
Congresso |
0 |
ED365306 |
Author Your Own!! Friendlier Software for Your Instructional Power. |
Brownstein,-Erica-M |
1993 |
N |
1 |
Comparcao de programas |
Criadores de apresentações |
Congresso |
Positivo |
ED371714 |
Understanding Technology Infusion: Comparing Rural and Urban Contexts. |
Wang,-Sherwood |
1994 |
N |
1 |
escolas urbanas e rurais |
1 |
adoção de computadores |
1 |
1 |
1 |
adminstradores |
Estados Unidos |
Revista |
Positivo |
ED371728 |
Instructional Communication: Bridging the Gap between Education and Technology. |
Greenwood,-Vanessa |
1994 |
N |
discussao da pesquisa em educação |
Congresso |
0 |
ED371730 |
Computer Simulation: Improving Case Study Methods for Preservice and Inservice Teacher Education. |
Brown,-Margaret-E |
1994 |
N |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Formação de professores para diagnose de problemas de aprendizagem |
1 |
Detecção de problemas pedagógicos |
1 |
1 |
Tese |
ED387120 |
Computers and Schools. |
Shears,-Lawrie,-Ed |
1995 |
N |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
pais e administradores |
Australia |
Livro |
ED393440 |
Statewide Technology Survey of New Hampshire Schools |
Center for Resource Management, Hampton, NH. |
1995 |
N |
1 |
1 |
Infraestrutura |
varias escolas em New Hampshire |
Infraestrutura e tipo de ultilização. |
Estados Unidos |
New Hampshire |
1994 |
relatorio |
0 |
ED396720 |
Report on the Teaching and Learning on the Internet Projects--RMIT TAFE. |
Armstrong,-Laurie |
1996 |
N |
discussao sobre implementação de um curso |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Australia |
Congresso |
0 |
ED427701 |
Navigational Patterns in Interactive Multimedia and Their Effect on Learning. |
Fenley,-Sue |
1998 |
N |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Padroes de navegação |
1 |
1 |
adultos |
1 |
Adultos |
Inglaterra |
Relatório |
ED428657 |
Nao |
Promoting Motivation and Eliminating Disorientation for Web Based Courses by a Multi-user Game |
Chen, Gwo Dong / Shen, Gee Yu / Ou, Kuo Liang /Liu, Baw Jhiune |
1998 |
S |
Positivo |
1 |
Descrição de ferramenta |
1 |
Um jogo chamado WebQuest |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Taiwan |
Congresso |
Positivo |
ED428752 |
Sim |
The Effectiveness of Interactive Distance Learning Technologies on K-12 Academic Achievement |
Cavanaugh, Catherine - S |
1999 |
S |
Positivo |
1 |
1 |
Video conferencia e telecominicação (computadores??) |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
sem informação |
1999 |
Relatorio do ERIC |
Positivo |
ED430547 |
Sim |
The Effectiveness of Interactive Distance Education Technologies in K-12 Learning: A Meta-Analysis. |
Cavanaugh,-Catherine-S |
1999 |
Igual ao ED428752 |
S |
Positivo |
1 |
1 |
Video conferencia e telecominicação (computadores??) |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Relatorio |
0 |
ED432987 |
A League of Their Own: Gender, Technology, and Instructional Practices. |
Craig,-Dorothy-Valcarcel |
1999 |
N |
1 |
busca de informacao na interntet |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Congresso |
0 |
ED446733 |
Nao |
The Effects of Training Method on Language Learning Performance. |
Chou,-Huey-Wen |
1999 |
S |
Positivo ou negativo para efetividade (nao diz qual-os que ha diferenças) 0 para motivação |
1 |
1 |
Experimento de 10 dias com 30 minutos por dia |
1 |
CALL(cooperative computer-assistd language learning) |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Comportamento, relacionamento e auto-estima |
1 |
1 |
Taiwan |
Congresso |
Positivo |
ED475919 |
Middle School Technology Use--Design Impediments versus Classroom Needs |
Abate,-Ronald-J, Bagaka\'s,-Joshua-Gisemba |
2002 |
N |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Congresso |
0 |
EJ215482 |
Microelectronics and Music Education. |
Hofstetter,-Fred-T |
1979 |
N |
1 |
aprendizado de musica |
educação musical |
Revista |
0 |
EJ291956 |
Tracking Down the \Right\ Computer: How to Choose the One That\'s Best for You. |
Bird,-Pristen |
1984 |
N |
Catálogo de compras de hadware comentado |
Aplicativos e aplicações |
Revista |
0 |
EJ291984 |
Selecting Microcomputers for the Classroom: A Rethinking after Four Years. |
Thomas,-David-B, McClain,-Donald-H |
1983 |
N |
Catálogo de compras de hadware comentado |
Revista |
0 |
EJ315999 |
The Status of the Social Studies in the Public Schools of the United States: Another Look. |
Hahn,-Carole-L |
1985 |
N |
1 |
ciencias sociais |
Revista |
0 |
EJ349696 |
Authoring Languages/Systems Comparisons. |
Burger,-Michael-L |
1986 |
N |
Comparação de software |
Autoria multimeios |
12 linguagens e sistemas de \autoridades\. |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Revista |
0 |
EJ358372 |
Equity in School Computer Use: National Data and Neglected Considerations. |
Becker,-Henry-Jay, Sterling,-Carleton-W |
1987 |
N |
comparação de uso por alunos |
grupos socio economicos |
uso |
1 |
Revista |
0 |
EJ362655 |
The Value of Supplementing Panel Software Reviews with Field Observations. |
Owston,-Ronald-D, Wideman,-Herbert-H |
1987 |
N |
Comparação de software |
Softwares |
Canadá |
Canadá Inglaterra |
Revista |
EJ363800 |
The Computerized Database: Not a Simple Solution. |
Rawitsch,-Don |
1988 |
N |
Banco de dados em escolas |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Revista |
0 |
EJ369267 |
An Investigation of Teacher Intents and Classroom Outcomes in the Use of Information-Handling Packages. |
Underwood,-Jean |
1988 |
N |
Inglaterra |
Revista |
0 |
EJ372400 |
Research Windows. |
Collis,-Betty |
1988 |
N |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Estados Unidos |
Revista |
0 |
EJ385763 |
A Field-Testing Approach to Software Evaluation. |
Dudley-Marling,-Curt |
1988 |
N |
comparação de software |
Metodologia de avaliação de software educacional |
Canadá |
Canadá Inglaterra |
Revista |
0 |
EJ385819 |
A Criterion-Based Approach to Software Evaluation.A Criterion-Based Approach to Software Evaluation. |
Owston,-Ronald-D, Dudley-Marling,-Curt |
1988 |
N |
comparação de software |
1 |
Metodologia de avaliação de software educacional |
Revista |
EJ390908 |
Microcomputer Applications in Education--A Report-in-Brief about Current Issues and Approaches in the Federal Republic of Germany. |
Frey,-Karl |
1988 |
N |
infraestrutura, etc |
Estatus do uso de computadores nas escolas. |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Alemanha |
Revista |
0 |
EJ396870 |
Desktop Publishing in Education. |
Hall,-Wendy, Layman,-J |
1989 |
N |
comparação de software |
Desktop publishing |
Revista |
EJ399491 |
Choosing the Right Database Management Program. |
Vockell,-Edward-L, Kopenec,-Donald |
1989 |
N |
comparação de software |
banco de dados |
Aplicativos |
Revista |
0 |
EJ404223 |
Nao |
Comparing the Cost-Effectiveness of Tutoring and Computer-Based Instruction. |
Niemiec,-Richard-P |
1989 |
S |
Nao diz |
1 |
computadores com peer-tutoring |
1 |
1 |
Custo |
1 |
Revista |
0 |
EJ405736 |
Comparison of Teacher and Student Ratings of Microcomputer Software. |
Callison,-Daniel |
1989 |
N |
comparação de software |
Avaliação de software por alunos e professores |
1 |
1 |
Estados Unidos |
Indiana |
Revista |
0 |
EJ412128 |
Examining Computer Configurations: Mini-Labs. |
Barba,-Robertta |
1990 |
N |
coparação de configurações |
diversas configurações de hardware |
Revista |
0 |
EJ412134 |
Nao |
Honing in on the Target: Who among the Educationally Disadvantaged Benefits Most from What CBI? |
Swan,-Karen |
1990 |
S |
Não diz |
1 |
estudantes com dificuldades |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
leitura e matematica |
Revista |
EJ416974 |
Building Electronic Communities: Success and Failure in Computer Networking. |
Riel,-Margaret-M, Levin,-James-A |
1990 |
N |
1 |
1 |
comunidades eletronicas |
comunidades que deram certo e não |
1 |
1 |
pesquisadores |
Revista |
0 |
EJ424824 |
Nao |
Effectiveness of Computer-Based Instruction: An Updated Analysis. |
Kulik,-Chen-Lin-C, Kulik,-James-A |
1991 |
S |
Positivo |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Diversas |
1 |
Revista |
Positivo |
EJ433970 |
Computers, City and Suburb: A Study of New York City and Westchester County Public Schools. |
Picciano,-Anthony |
1991 |
N |
1 |
infraestrutura, etc |
infraestrutura |
escolas em Westchester County e New York |
Estados Unidos |
Revista |
0 |
EJ438035 |
Use of Computers by Physics and Physical Science Teachers. |
Andre,-Thomas, Veldhuis,-G-Henry |
1991 |
N |
1 |
frequencia de uso |
1 |
ciencias |
Estados Unidos |
Iowa |
Revista |
0 |
EJ441819 |
Consensus on Computers in Education: Do Teachers, Parents and Pupils Share the Same Expectations and Attitudes towards Computers? |
Kristiansen,-Rolf |
1991 |
N |
1 |
professores, alunos, pais |
atitude |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Pais de alunos |
Noroega |
1990 |
Revista |
0 |
EJ443422 |
Nao |
A Review of the Research Issues in the Use of Computer-Related Technologies for Instruction: An Agenda for Research. |
Williams,-Carol-J, Brown,-Scott-W |
1991 |
S |
Não diz |
1 |
1 |
Revista |
0 |
EJ451835 |
Sim ACM |
The Effectiveness of Games for Educational Purposes: A Review of Recent Research. |
Randel,-Josephine-M |
1992 |
S |
Positivo |
1 |
1 |
Jogos(não discrimina se são computacionais ou não) |
1 |
1 |
Revista |
Positivo |
EJ457838 |
Word Processing as a Support to the Writing Process. |
Pelletier,-Pierre |
1992 |
N |
teoria |
Processador de texto |
teorico |
1 |
1 |
leitura e escrita |
Revista |
0 |
EJ461982 |
Syntactic Manipulations and Semantic Interpretations in Algebra: The Effect of Graphic Representation. |
Yerushalmy,-Michal, Gafni,-Rina |
1992 |
N |
1 |
Ferramentas gráficas |
professores utilizando gráficos e outro não. |
1 |
Professores |
1 |
Matemática-funções algébricas |
Revista |
EJ463379 |
Nao |
The Word Processor as an Instructional Tool: A Meta-Analysis of Word Processing in Writing Instruction. |
Bangert-Drowns,-Robert-L |
1993 |
S |
Positivo em efetividade 0 motivação |
1 |
1 |
Processadores de texto |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Escrita e leitura |
Revista |
Negativo |
EJ472973 |
Some Gender Issues in Educational Computer Use: Results of an International Comparative Survey. |
Reinen,-Ingeborg-Janssen, Plomp,-Tjeerd |
1993 |
N |
1 |
1 |
Revista |
0 |
EJ478077 |
Organizing Electronic Network-Based Instructional Interactions: Successful Strategies and Tactics, Part I. |
Waugh,-Michael-L |
1994 |
N |
comparação de "sites" |
1 |
Redes eletronicas de aprendizado (infatil). |
1 |
1 |
Revista |
0 |
EJ479859 |
Nao |
Computer-Mediated Communication: A Tool for Reconnecting Kids with Society. |
Riel,-Margaret |
1990 |
S |
Positivo |
1 |
1 |
Computer mediated communications |
1 |
ensino colaborativo e contexto social |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
leitura e escrita |
Revista |
Positivo |
EJ481861 |
Nao |
Can U.S. Developed CAI Work Effectively in a Developing Country? |
Royer,-James-M |
1994 |
S |
Nao diz |
1 |
1 |
habilidades diferentes |
1 |
1 |
Leitura e Matemática |
Eua e Granada |
Revista |
0 |
EJ489699 |
Working with the New Generation of Interactive Media Technologies in Schools: CD-I and CDTV. |
Plowman,-Lydia, Chambers,-Philip |
1994 |
N |
1 |
1 |
Revista |
0 |
EJ489729 |
Nao CHB |
The Use of Small Groups in Computer-Based Training: A Review of Recent Literature. |
Stephenson,-Stanley-D |
1994 |
S |
Neutro |
1 |
Small group computer based training |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Relatório |
0 |
EJ489736 |
What Makes Teachers Use Computers? |
Vockell,-Edward-L |
1994 |
N |
1 |
Professores de duas escolas vizinhas |
1 |
Indiana |
Revista |
0 |
EJ489741 |
Nao |
Evaluating the Impact of IT on Pupils\' Achievements. |
Johnson,-D-C |
1994 |
S |
Nao diz |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Inglês Geografia Matemática Ciência |
Inglaterra |
Inglaterra e Wales |
Revista |
0 |
EJ491410 |
How Exemplary Computer-Using Teachers Differ from Other Teachers: Implications for Realizing the Potential of Computers in Schools. |
Becker,-Henry-Jay |
1994 |
N |
Professores exemplares e outros professores |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Revista |
0 |
EJ491605 |
Beware the Computer Technocrats: Hardware Won\'t Educate Our Kids. |
Schrage,-Michael |
1994 |
N |
critica |
EUA e outros paises |
1 |
Uso datcnologia nas escolas |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Escolas Públicas |
Estados Unidos |
Relatório |
Negativo |
EJ493283 |
A Dutch Birthday in America. |
Van-Reeuwijk,-Martin |
1994 |
N |
alunos de diferentes paÃses |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Matemática |
Netherlands |
PaÃses Baixos EUA Alemãnha |
Revista |
0 |
EJ495121 |
Multimedia Resources in the Mathematics Classroom. |
Phillips,-R-J, Pead,-D |
1994 |
N |
1 |
Matemática |
Revista |
0 |
EJ496613 |
Teacher and Technologist Beliefs about Educational Technology. |
Lowther,-Deborah-L, Sullivan,-Howard-J |
1994 |
N |
1 |
1 |
Revista |
0 |
EJ499911 |
Learning Language on Disc. |
Desmarais,-Norman |
1995 |
N |
1 |
CDROM de linguas |
1 |
Compara caracteristicas de 2 programas |
linguas estrangeiras |
Revista |
EJ527987 |
Nao computer and education |
Are Integrated Learning Systems Effective Learning Support Tools? |
Underwood,-J |
1996 |
S |
Nao diz |
1 |
1 |
Integrated Learning System |
1 |
1 |
1 |
leitura |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Matemática e Linguas |
Inglaterra |
Revista |
0 |
EJ537960 |
Sim ACM |
Comparing Computer-Assisted Instruction and Traditional Instruction for Preparing Regular Teachers To Serve Students with Disabilities. |
Baker,-Cliff, Danley,-Bill |
1996 |
S |
Nao diz |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Alunos com necessidades especiais |
Revista |
0 |
EJ568760 |
Technology and Teaching Culture: Results of a State Survey of Foreign Language Teachers. |
Moore,-Zena, Morales,-Betsy, Carel,-Sheila |
1998 |
N |
1 |
1 |
Professores de linguas |
1 |
Linguas |
Texas |
Revista |
0 |
EJ584149 |
Designing a Hypermedia Tool for Learning about Children\'s Mathematical Cognition. |
Koehler,-Matthew-J, Lehrer,-Richard |
1998 |
N |
Descreve sistema |
1 |
1 |
Matematica |
Revista |
0 |
EJ608381 |
Make Mine a Metasearcher, Please! |
Repman,-Judi, Carlson,-Randal-D |
2000 |
N |
1 |
metapesquisa na web |
ferramentas de buscas |
1 |
1 |
Capitulo de livro |
Positivo |
EJ608386 |
Searching With Kids |
Valenza, Joyce - Kasman |
2000 |
N |
metapesquisa na web |
ferramentas de buscas |
1 |
Revista |
0 |
EJ610106 |
Staffing Up for Technology Support. |
Carter,-Kim |
2000 |
N |
Tecnicos em 2000 e 97 |
politica de funcionarios |
1 |
Funcionarios |
Revista |
0 |
EJ611609 |
The Introduction and Its Meanings of New Curriculum for Information Technology-Education from Primary to Senior High School in Japan. |
Okamoto,-Toshio |
1999 |
N |
Japao e EUA |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Internacional (Japão e EUA) |
Japão e EUA |
1999 |
Revista |
0 |
EJ666580 |
Sim ACM |
A Comparison of Student Outcomes with and without Teacher Facilitated Computer-Based Instruction. |
Powell,-Jack-V Aeby,-Victor-G-Jr |
2003 |
S |
Positivo quanto computadores + professor |
1 |
1 |
1 |
ferramenta = SuccessMaker |
com e sem intervenção do professor |
1 |
1 |
Revista |
Negativo |
EJ666630 |
Silicon Valley versus Silicon Glen: The Impact of Computers upon Teaching and Learning: A Comparative Study. |
Conlon,-Tom Simpson,-Mary |
2003 |
N |
1 |
1 |
Escolas escocesas com escolas californianas. |
1 |
Inglaterra |
EUA e Esócia |
Revista |
0 |