Algorithms for Multi-objective Optimization

MONISE’s automatically obtained Pareto frontier.

Many practical applications are better modeled as optimization problem, characterized by the existence of multiple conflicting objectives. A classical and usual example is the compromise between maximizing consumer satisfaction and minimizing service cost. Indeed, dealing with conflicting objectives is omnipresent in our lives, and a significant portion of these multi-objective problems admits a proper mathematical formulation, so that we may resort to computational resources to obtain Pareto-optimal solutions, also called non-inferior solutions.

Without any assumption from the decision maker, all non-inferior solutions are equally relevant, so what we want to research in this project are algorithms capable of find a good representative set of non inferior solutions - those methods are called a posteriori multiobjective methods. This optimization framework can be applied to logistic problems, economics and machine learning.

Marcos M. Raimundo
Marcos M. Raimundo
Professor of Machine Learning and Optimization

My research interests include Machine Learning, Multi-objective Optimization, Ethical AI, mathematical programming.