Please follow these instructions in order to submit a tutorial proposal to IFIP WCC 2006:
1.Use the abstract submission interface to provide the main information on your tutorial. You
will be given an id and password which must later be used to access the system during the
subsequent steps, so be careful to remember them. Abstract size is limited to 300 words.
2.Once an abstract has been submitted, you can access the tutorial proposal submission interface to upload
the file of your tutorial proposal and/or to update this file.
The deadline for submitting a tutorial proposal is February 10th, 2006 .
Please carefully check the information provided on your abstract submission form, since this will
be used at all times to contact you.
3. Proposal format: Proposals should be at most 3 pages long,
1.5 spaced, in no smaller than 10 point font with 1 inch margins (left, right, top, bottom.) The tutorial committee may reject proposals that exceed this length on the grounds of
length alone.
Important: Tutorial proposal submission in PDF format only. Even though the submission
system does not check file content, only PDF files will be
forwarded to the tutorial committee for evaluation.