MO818 - Tópicos em Redes de Computadores

Internet das Coisas

Segundo Semestre de 2015 - Turma J


Juliana Freitag Borin (juliana @ ic . unicamp . br)


Aulas: terças e quintas-feiras às 14hs na sala CC52

Atendimento: Logo após a aula ou agendar horário alternativo por email.


18/08: Hoje a aula acontecerá na sala 316.

Bibliografia recomendada:

[1] Jean-Philippe Vasseur and Adam Dunkels. 2010. Interconnecting Smart Objects with IP: The Next Internet. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA.

[2] Zach Shelby and Carsten Bormann. 2010. 6LoWPAN: The Wireless Embedded Internet. Wiley Publishing.

Artigos científicos recomendados durante as aulas.

DateTopic (slides)Additional Resources
04/aug SECOMP e WTD
06/aug SECOMP
11/aug Course Overview. IoT Definition. Main challenges. [1] - Chapter 1
13/augOSI & TCP/IP layered models review. IoT - Physical Communication Standards - IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.11. [1] - Chapter 12
18/augPhysical Communication Standards - Bluetooth and Power Line Communication.[1] - Chapter 12 and this paper.
20/augDiscussion of this paper.
25/augContinuation of previous class discussion.
27/aug IoT - Connecting the things to the Internet.[1] - Chapters 3 and 19
01/sepNo class.
03/sep IPv6.[1] - Chapter 15
08/sep Palestra Prof. Dr. Omar Carvalho Branquinho.
10/sep 6LoWPAN.[1] - Chapter 16 and [2] - Chapter 1
15/sepDiscussion of this paper
17/sep RPL - Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks.[1] - Chapter 17
22/sep Transport Protocols.[1] - Chapters 6 and 13
24/sepNo class.
29/sep Application Protocols.
01/oct IoT, Big Data, the Cloud, and the Fog.
06/octLab activities (room 305): Lab 1 and Lab 2 - files
08/octLab activity (room 305): Lab 3 - files
13/octDiscussion of this paper.
20/octProject (room 305) Project details
22/octProject (room 305)
27/octProject (room 305)
29/octProject (room 305)
03/novProject (room 305)
05/novProject (room 305)
10/novProject (room 305)
12/novProject (room 305)
17/novProject Presentation (room 305)
19/novProject Presentation (room 305)