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3.2 Consulting Prolog Source files

SWI-Prolog source files normally have a suffix `.pl'. Specifying the suffix is optional. All predicates that handle source files first check whether a file with suffix `.pl' exists. If not the plain file name is checked for existence. Library files are specified by embedding the file name using the functor library/1 . Thus `foo' refers to `foo.pl' or `foo' in the current directory, `library(foo)' refers to `foo.pl' or `foo' in one of the library directories specified by the dynamic predicate library_directory/1. The user may specify other `aliases' than library using the predicate file_search_path/2. This is strongly encouraged for managing complex applications. See also absolute_file_name/[2,3].

SWI-Prolog recognises grammar rules as defined in Clocksin & Melish, 1987. The user may define additional compilation of the source file by defining the dynamic predicate term_expansion/2. Transformations by this predicate overrule the systems grammar rule transformations. It is not allowed to use assert/1, retract/1 or any other database predicate in term_expansion/2 other than for local computational purposes. (6)

Directives may be placed anywhere in a source file, invoking any predicate. They are executed when encountered. If the directive fails, a warning is printed. Directives are specified by :-/1 or ?-/1. There is no difference between the two.

SWI-Prolog does not have a separate reconsult/1 predicate. Reconsulting is implied automatically by the fact that a file is consulted which is already loaded.

load_files(+Files, +Options)
The predicate load_files/2 is the parent of all the other loading predicates. It currently supports a subset of the options of Quintus load_files/2. Files is either specifies a single, or a list of source-files. The specification for a source-file is handled absolute_file_name/2. See this predicate for the supported expansions. Options is a list of options using the format
The following options are currently supported:

Load the file only if the specified condition is satisfied. The value true loads the file unconditionally, changed loads the file if it was not loaded before, or has been modified since it was loaded the last time, not_loaded loads the file if it was not loaded before.

If true, raise an error if the file is not a module file. Used by use_module/[1,2].

If all and the file is a module file, import all public predicates. Otherwise import only the named predicates. Each predicate is refered to as <name>/<arity>. This option has no effect if the file is not a module file.

If true, load the file without printing a message. The specified value is the default for all files loaded as a result of loading the specified files.

Read File as a Prolog source file. File may be a list of files, in which case all members are consulted in turn. File may start with the csh(1) special sequences ~,  <user> and $<var>. File may also be library(Name), in which case the libraries are searched for a file with the specified name. See also library_directory/1 and file_search_path/2. consult/1 may be abbreviated by just typing a number of file names in a list. Examples:

?- consult(load). % consult load or load.pl
?- [library(quintus)].% load Quintus compatibility library
Equivalent to load_files(Files, []).

If the file is not already loaded, this is equivalent to consult/1. Otherwise, if the file defines a module, import all public predicates. Finally, if the file is already loaded, is not a module file and the context module is not the global user module, ensure_loaded/1 will call consult/1.

With the semantics, we hope to get as closely possible to the clear semantics without the presence of a module system. Applications using modules should consider using use_module/[1,2].

Equivalent to load_files(Files, [if(changed)]).

Declare that this file/module requires the specified predicates to be defined ``with their commonly accepted definition''. This predicate originates from the Prolog portability layer for XPCE. It is intended to provide a portable mechanism for specifying that this module requires the specified predicates.

The implementation normally first verifies whether the predicate is already defined. If not, it will search the libraries and load the required library.

SWI-Prolog, having autoloading, does not load the library. Instead it creates a procedure header for the predicate if this does not exist. This will flag the predicate as `undefined'. See also check/0 and autoload/0.

Consult all source files that have been changed since they were consulted. It checks all loaded source files: files loaded into a compiled state using pl -c ... and files loaded using consult or one of its derivatives. make/0 is normally invoked by the edit/[0,1] and ed/[0,1] predicates. make/0 can be combined with the compiler to speed up the development of large packages. In this case compile the package using

sun% pl -g make -o my_program -c file ...

If `my_program' is started it will first reconsult all source files that have changed since the compilation.

Dynamic predicate used to specify library directories. Default ./lib, ~/lib/prolog and the system's library (in this order) are defined. The user may add library directories using assert/1, asserta/1 or remove system defaults using retract/1.

file_search_path(+Alias, ?Path)
Dynamic predicate used to specify `path-aliases'. This feature is best described using an example. Given the definition

file_search_path(demo, '~/demo').

the file specification demo(myfile) will be expanded to ~/demo/myfile. The second argument of file_search_path/2 may be another alias.

Below is the initial definition of the file search path. This path implies swi(<Path>) refers to a file in the SWI-Prolog home directory. The alias foreign(<Path>) is intended for storing shared libraries (.so or .DLL files). See also load_foreign_library/[1,2].

user:file_search_path(library, X) :-
user:file_search_path(swi, Home) :-
        feature(home, Home).
user:file_search_path(foreign, swi(ArchLib)) :-
        feature(arch, Arch),
        concat('lib/', Arch, ArchLib).
user:file_search_path(foreign, swi(lib)).

The file_search_path/2 expansion is used by all loading predicates as well as by absolute_file_name/[2,3].

expand_file_search_path(+Spec, -Path)
Unifies Path will all possible expansions of the file name specification Spec. See also absolute_file_name/3.

prolog_file_type(?Extension, ?Type)
This dynamic multifile predicate defined in module user determines the extensions considered by file_search_path/2. Extension is the filename extension without the leading dot, Type denotes the type as used by the file_type(Type) option of file_search_path/2. Here is the initial definition of prolog_file_type/2:

user:prolog_file_type(pl,       prolog).
user:prolog_file_type(Ext,      prolog) :-
        feature(associate, Ext),
        Ext \== pl.
user:prolog_file_type(qlf,      qlf).
user:prolog_file_type(so,       executable) :-
        feature(open_shared_object, true).
user:prolog_file_type(dll,      executable) :-
        feature(dll, true).

Users may wish to change the extension used for Prolog source files to avoid conflicts (for example with perl) as well as to be compatible with some specific implementation. The preferred alternative extension is .pro.

Succeeds if File was loaded using consult/1 or ensure_loaded/1. File refers to the full path name of the file (see expand_file_name/2). The predicate source_file/1 backtracks over all loaded source files.

source_file(?Pred, ?File)
Is true if the predicate specified by Pred was loaded from file File, where File is an absolute path name (see expand_file_name/2). Can be used with any instantiation pattern, but the database only maintains the source file for each predicate. Predicates declared multifile (see multifile/1) cannot be found this way.

prolog_load_context(?Key, ?Value)
Determine loading context. The following keys are defined:
module Module into which file is loaded
file File loaded
stream Stream identifier (see current_input/1)
directory Directory in which File lives.
term_position Position of last term read. Term of the form '$stream_position'(0,<Line>,0,0,0)
Quintus compatibility predicate. See also source_location/2.

source_location(-File, -Line)
If the last term has been read from a physical file (i.e. not from the file user or a string), unify File with an absolute path to the file and Line with the line-number in the file. New code should use prolog_load_context/2.

term_expansion(+Term1, -Term2)
Dynamic predicate, normally not defined. When defined by the user all terms read during consulting that are given to this predicate. If the predicate succeeds Prolog will assert Term2 in the database rather then the read term (Term1). Term2 may be a term of a the form `?- Goal' or `:- Goal'. Goal is then treated as a directive. If Term2 is a list all terms of the list are stored in the database or called (for directives). If Term2 is of the form below, the system will assert Clause and record the indicated source-location with it.
'$source_location'(<File>, <Line>):<Clause>
When compiling a module (see chapter 4 and the directive module/2), expand_term/2 will first try term_expansion/2 in the module being compiled to allow for term-expansion rules that are local to a module. If there is no local definition, or the local definition fails to translate the term, expand_term/2 will try user:term_expansion/2. For compatibility with SICStus and Quintus Prolog, this feature should not be used. See also expand_term/2, goal_expansion/2 and expand_goal/2.

expand_term(+Term1, -Term2)
This predicate is normally called by the compiler to perform preprocessing. First it calls term_expansion/2. If this predicate fails it performs a grammar-rule translation. If this fails it returns the first argument.

goal_expansion(+Goal1, -Goal2)
Like term_expansion/2, goal_expansion/2 provides for macro-expansion of Prolog source-code. Between term_expand/2 and the actual compilation, the body of clauses analysed and the goals are handed to expand_goal/2, which uses the goal_expansion/2 hook to do user-defined expansion.

The predicate goal_expansion/2 is first called in the module that is being compiled, and then on the user module.

Only goals apearing in the body of clauses when reading a source-file are expanded using mechanism, and only if they appear literally in the clause, or as an argument to the meta-predicates not/1, call/1 or forall/2. A real predicate definition is required to deal with dynamically constructed calls.

expand_goal(+Goal1, -Goal2)
This predicate is normally called by the compiler to perform preprocessing. First it calls goal_expansion/2. If this fails it returns the first argument.

Register Goal to be ran when the system initialises. Initialisation takes place after reloading a .qlf (formerly .wic) file as well as after reloading a saved-state. The hooks are run in the order they were registered. A warning message is issued if Goal fails, but execution continues. See also at_halt/1

Register Goal to be ran when the system halts. The hooks are run in the order they were registered. Success or failure executing a hook is ignored. These hooks may not call halt/[0,1].

Call Goal and register it using at_initialization/1. Directives that do other things that creating clauses, records, flags or setting predicate attributes should normally be written using this tag to ensure the initialisation is executed when a saved system starts. See also qsave_program/[1,2].

Succeeds if the system is compiling source files with the -c option into an intermediate code file. Can be used to perform code optimisations in expand_term/2 under this condition.

preprocessor(-Old, +New)
Read the input file via a Unix process that acts as preprocessor. A preprocessor is specified as an atom. The first occurrence of the string `%f' is replaced by the name of the file to be loaded. The resulting atom is called as a Unix command and the standard output of this command is loaded. To use the Unix C preprocessor one should define:

?- preprocessor(Old, '/lib/cpp -C -P %f'), consult(...).

Old = none

3.2.1 Quick Load Files

The features described in this section should be regarded alpha.

As of version 2.0.0, SWI-Prolog supports compilation of individual or multiple Prolog sourcefiles into `Quick Load Files'. A `Quick Load Files' (.qlf file) stores the contents of the file in a precompiled format very similar to compiled files created using the -b and -c flags (see section 2.10).

These files load considerably faster than sourcefiles and are normally more compact. They are machine independent and may thus be loaded on any implementation of SWI-Prolog. Note however that clauses are stored as virtual machine instructions. Changes to the compiler will generally make old compiled files unusable.

Quick Load Files are created using qcompile/1. They may be loaded explicitly using qload/1 or implicitly using consult/1 or one of the other file-loading predicates described in section 3.2. If consult is given the explicit .pl file, it will load the Prolog source. When given the .qlf file, it will call qload/1 to load the file. When no extension is specified, it will load the .qlf file when present and the fileextpl file otherwise.

Takes a single file specification like consult/1 (i.e. accepts constructs like library(LibFile) and creates a Quick Load File from File. The file-extension of this file is .qlf. The base name of the Quick Load File is the same as the input file.

If the file contains `:- consult(+File)' or `:- [+File]' statements, the referred files are compiled into the same .qlf file. Other directives will be stored in the .qlf file and executed in the same fashion as when loading the .pl file.

For term_expansion/2, the same rules as described in section 2.10 apply.

Source references (source_file/2) in the Quick Load File refer to the Prolog source file from which the compiled code originates.

Loads the `Quick Load File'. It has the same semantics as consult/1 for a normal sourcefile. Equivalent to consult(File) iff File refers to a `Quick Load File'.