WCAP 2006 - III Workshop on
Cryptographic Algorithms and Protocols (in conjunction with SBSeg 2006) Santos - Brazil Aug 30-Sep 1, 2006 |
- Short CV: Çetin Kaya Koç is currently the director of Information Security Research Center at Istanbul Commerce University. He is on leave from the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Oregon State University. Koç received B.S. (1980, summa cum laude) and M.S. (1982) degrees Electrical Engineering from Istanbul Technical University, and M.S. (1985) and Ph.D. (1988) degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from UC Santa Barbara. He joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Houston in 1988 as an Assistant Professor, and then moved to Oregon State University in 1992, where he has been Assistant Professor (1992-1995), Associate Professor (1995-1998), Professor (since 1998), and Honors College Faculty (since Fall 2003). Prof. Koç is the founder and director of the Information Security Laboratory at Oregon State University. He received the OSU College of Engineering Research Award for Outstanding and Sustained Research Leadership in September 2001. Prof. Koç's research interests are in cryptographic engineering, algorithms and architectures for cryptography, computer arithmetic and finite fields, parallel algebraic and numerical computation, and network security. He has co-founded the Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES) in 1999 and has been the program chair and proceedings editor from 1999 to 2003. He is currently serving in the steering committee of CHES. The Proceedings of CHES Workshops are published by Springer Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. Prof. Koç was the Guest Editor of the special issue in April 2003 of IEEE Transactions on Computers on cryptographic hardware and embedded software development. He is also in the editorial boards of IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, and Internation Journal of Network Security. Prof. Koç has been working as a consulting engineer with research and development interests in cryptographic design and high-speed computing for several organizations and companies including Intel Corporation, RSA Security, and Samsung Electronics. Prof. Koç is a senior member of IEEE and IEEE Computer Society.
- Short CV: Bart Preneel received the Electrical Engineering degree and the Doctorate in Applied Sciences in 1987 and 1993 respectively, both from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium). He is a professor at the Electrical Engineering Department of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and visiting professor at the T.U.Graz in Austria. He is heading the research group COSIC at the K.U.Leuven, which currently has about 40 members. He has held visiting professor positions at the Ruhr-Univ. Bochum (Germany), at the Univ. of Bergen (Norway) and the Univ. of Ghent (Belgium). He has also been a research fellow at the EECS Department of the University of California at Berkeley. Since 2004 he is scientific advisor at Philips Research in Eindhoven. His main research interests are cryptology and information security. He has authored and co-authored more than 200 articles in international journals and conference proceedings and is editor of eight books. He is Vice President of the International Association of Cryptologic Research (http://www.iacr.org), Chairman of the Leuven Security Excellence Consortium (http://www.l-sec.be) and he has been project manager of the European IST projects NESSIE and STORK. Currently he is project manager of ECRYPT (http://www.ecrypt.eu.org), the EU-funded European Network of Excellence on Cryptology and Watermarking. In 2003, he has received the European Information Security Award in the area of academic research, and he received an honorary Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) designation by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA). He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Cryptology, the ACM Transactions on Information Security and the IEEE Transactions on Forensics and Security. He has extensive expertise in standardization and more than 15 years of experience in consulting for the IT and financial industry.
- Short CV: To be posted
Keynotes DB-K, CK-K, TL-K, DN-K and BP-K will be given as part of the SBSeg program. Times above are still tentative. Please check the SBSeg program frequently for changes.
All WCAP short-courses given at Marte Room in Mendes Convention Center.
Registration (back to top)
Wed 30 Thu 31 Fri 1 8:30 - 10:30 BP1 CK CK 10:30 - 10:50 Coffee-break Coffee-break Coffee-break 10:50 - 12:00 Opening JL JL 12:00 - 1:30 Lunch Lunch Lunch 1:30 - 3:30 DB DB BP2 3:30 - 3:50 Coffee-break Coffee-break Coffee-break 3:50 - 5:50 TL TL Closing Crypto and beer