Up: John von Neumann
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- 1
Leonard M. Adleman.
Molecular Computation of Solutions to Combinatorial Problems.
SCIENCE, 266:1021-1024, Novembro 1994.
- 2
Leonard M. Adleman.
On Constructing A Molecular Computer (draft).
Relatório técnico, University of Southern California, Janeiro
- 3
Tilak Agerwala e Arvind, editores.
Computer (número especial), volume 15(2).
IEEE, 1982.
- 4
William Aspray.
John von Neumann's Contributions to Computing and Computer Science.
Em [9], págs. 189-195, 1989.
- 5
William Aspray.
The Origins of John von Neumann's Theory of Automata.
Em [16], págs. 289-309, 1990.
- 6
William Aspray e Arthur W. Burks, editores.
Papers of John von Neumann on Computing and Computer Theory, volume 12
de Charles Babbage Institute Reprint Series.
MIT Press, 1987.
- 7
John Backus.
Can Programming Be Liberated from the von Neumann Style? A
Functional Style and Its Algebra of Programs.
Communications of the ACM, 21(8):613-641, Agosto 1978.
- 8
Charles H. Bennett, Gilles Brassard, e Artur K. Ekert.
Quantum Cryptography.
Scientific American, 269(10):26-33, Outubro 1992.
- 9
Jean R. Brink e C. Roland Haden, editores.
The Computer and the Brain: An International Symposium in
Commemoration of John von Neumann (1903-1957), volume 11(3) de Annals of the
History of Computing (número especial), 1989.
- 10
Arthur W. Burks, Herman H. Goldstine, e John von Neumann.
Preliminary Discussion of the Logical Design of an Electronic
Computing Instrument, Part I.
Em [39], págs. 34-79, 1946.
- 11
Jack D. Cowan.
Von Neumann and Neural Networks.
Em [16], págs. 243-274, 1990.
- 12
David Deutsch.
Quantum theory, the Church-Turing principle and the Universal
Quantum Computer.
Proceedings of the Royal Society, A400:97-117, 1985.
- 13
J. Presper Eckert, Jr. e John W. Mauchly.
Automatic High-Speed Computing: A Progress Report on the EDVAC.
Relatório técnico, Moore School of Electrical Engineering,
University of Pennsylvania, Setembro 1945.
- 14
James Glanz.
A Quantum Leap for Computers?
SCIENCE, 269:28-29, Julho 1995.
- 15
James Glimm.
Scientific Computing: Von Neumann's Vision, Today Realities, and the
Promise of the Future.
Em [16], págs. 185-196, 1990.
- 16
James Glimm, John Impaglazzo, e Isadore Singer, editores.
The Legacy of John von Neumann, volume 50 de Proceedings
of Symposia in Pure Mathematics. American Mathematical Society, 1990.
- 17
Michael D. Godfrey e D. F. Hendry.
The Computer as von Neumann Planned It.
Annals of the History of Computing, 15(1):11-21, Janeiro 1993.
- 18
Herman H. Goldstine.
The Computer from Pascal to von Neumann.
Princeton University Press, 1972.
- 19
Herman H. Goldstine e John von Neumann.
Planning and Coding of Problems for an Electronic Computing
Instrument, Part II, Vol. I.
Em [39], págs. 80-151, 1947.
- 20
Herman H. Goldstine e John von Neumann.
Planning and Coding of Problems for an Electronic Computing
Instrument, Part II, Vol. II.
Em [39], págs. 152-214, 1948.
- 21
Herman H. Goldstine e John von Neumann.
Planning and Coding of Problems for an Electronic Computing
Instrument, Part II, Vol. III.
Em [39], págs. 215-235, 1948.
- 22
F. J. Gruenberger.
The History of JOHNNIAC.
Annals of the History of Computing, 1(1):49-64, Julho 1979.
- 23
Paul R. Halmos.
The legend of John von Neumann.
American Mathematical Monthly, 80(4):382-394, Abril 1973.
- 24
Donald E. Knuth.
Von Neumann's First Computer Program.
Computing Surveys, 2(4):247-260, Dezembro 1970.
- 25
Donald E. Knuth.
The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3: Sorting and
Addison-Wesley, 1973.
- 26
John A. N. Lee.
John Louis von Neumann.
Disponível na rede WWW sob o endereço
http://ei.cs.vt.edu:80/~history/VonNeumann.html, 1994.
- 27
Seth Lloyd.
Quantum-Mechanical Computers.
Scientific American, 273(4):44-48,50, Outubro 1995.
- 28
W. S. McCulloch e W. Pitts.
A Logical Calculus of the Ideas Immanent in Nervous Activity.
Bull. Math. Biophysics, 5:115-133, 1943.
- 29
Dénes Nagy, Péter Horváth, e Ferenc Nagy.
The von Neumann - Ortvay Connection.
Em [9], págs. 183-188, 1989.
- 30
David A. Patterson.
Microprocessors in 2020.
Scientific American, 273(3):48-51, Setembro 1995.
- 31
Nicholas Pippenger.
Developments in ``The Synthesis of Reliable Organisms from
Unreliable Components''.
Em [16], págs. 311-324, 1990.
- 32
Brian Randell, editor.
The Origins of Digital Computers.
Springer-Verlag, 1973.
- 33
Brian Randell.
The Origins of Computer Programming.
Annals of the History of Computing, 16(4):6-14, Outubro 1994.
- 34
Saul Rosen.
Electronic Computers: a Historical Survey.
Computing Surveys, 1(1):7-36, Março 1969.
- 35
Terrence J. Sejnowski.
``The Computer and the Brain'' Revisited.
Em [9], págs. 197-201, 1989.
- 36
Claude E. Shannon.
Von Neumann's Contributions to Automata Theory.
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society (volume
especial: John von Neumann 1903-1957), 64(3,2):123-129, 1958.
- 37
Peter W. Shor.
Algorithms for Quantum Computation: Descrete Logarithms and
Em Shafi Goldwasser, editor, Proceedings of the 35th Annual
Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, págs. 124-134, 1994.
- 38
Nancy Stern.
John von Neumann's Influence on Electronic Digital Computing,
Annals of the History of Computing, 2(4):349-362, Outubro
- 39
Abraham H. Taub, editor.
John von Neumann: Collected Works, volume V: Design of Computers,
Theory of Automata and Numerical Analysis.
Oxford University Press, 1963.
- 40
Alan N. Turing.
On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the
Proc. London Math. Soc., 2(42):230-267, 1936.
- 41
Stanisaw Ulam.
John von Neumann, 1903-1957.
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society (volume
especial: John von Neumann 1903-1957), 64(3,2):1-49, 1958.
- 42
John von Neumann.
First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC.
Originalmente inédito; versão editada apareceu como
[48]; primeiras cinco seções reproduzidas
Em [32], págs. 383-392, 1945.
- 43
John von Neumann.
The General and Logical Theory of Automata.
Em [39], págs. 288-328, 1948.
- 44
John von Neumann.
The Future of High-Speed Computing.
Em [39], pág. 236, 1949.
- 45
John von Neumann.
Non-linear Capacitance or Inductance Switching, Amplifying and
Memory Devices.
Em [39], págs. 379-419, 1954.
- 46
John von Neumann.
Probabilistic Logics and the Synthesis of Reliable Organisms from
Unreliable Components.
Em [39], págs. 329-378, 1956.
- 47
John von Neumann.
The Computer and the Brain.
Yale University Press, 1958.
- 48
John von Neumann.
First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC.
Annals of the History of Computing, 15(4):27-75, Outubro 1993.
Referência [42] editada por Michael
D. Godfrey.
- 49
John von Neumann e Arthur W. Burks.
Theory of Self-Reproducing Automata.
University of Illinois Press, 1966.
- 50
John von Neumann e Herman H. Goldstine.
A Numerical Study of a Conjecture of Kummer.
Em [39], págs. 771-772, 1943.
- 51
Nicholas A. Vonneuman.
John von Neumann: Formative Years.
Em [9], págs. 171-175, 1989.
- 52
Nicholas A. Vonneuman.
John von Neumann As Seen By His Brother.
Inédito, 1991.
- 53
Maurice V. Wilkes.
A Tribute to Presper Eckert.
Communications of the ACM, 38(9):20-22, Setembro 1995.
- 54
Michael R. Williams.
The Origins, Uses, and Fate of the EDVAC.
Annals of the History of Computing, 15(1):22-38, Janeiro 1993.
Tomasz Kowaltowski