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What happens to computer science research after it is published? Tracking CS research lines
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol 64 Issue 6Algorithms for anomaly detection of traces in logs of process aware information systems
Information Systems Volume 38, Issue 1, March 2013, Pages 33–44A Combination of Support Vector Machine and K-Nearest Neighbors for Machine Fault Detection
Applied Artificial Intelligence, Volume 27, Issue 1,Points of Interest and Visual Dictionaries for Automatic Retinal Lesion Detection
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Volume:59 , Issue: 8, p. 2244 - 2253Relationship between high-quality journals and conferences in computer vision
Scientometrics 90(2),p. 617-630Patterns of bibliographic references in the ACM published papers
Information Processing & Management, v. 47, p. 135-142ST-Audit: guideline-based automatic auditing of electronic patient records
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems Volume 36 Issue 1Ethnic Digital Exclusion in Brazil: National and Regional Data from 2001 to 2004.
Information Technologies and International Development v. 6, p. 34-47, 2010.Brazilian Computer Science research: gender and regional distributions
Scientometrics Volume 79, Number 3, 651-665,Scientific Production in Computer Science: A comparative study between Brazil and other countries
Scientometrics Volume 81, Number 2, 535-547.Empirical evaluation in Computer Science research published by ACM
Information and Software Technology Volume 51, Issue 6, June 2009, Pages 1081-1085Security Requirements for a Lifelong Electronic Health Record System: An Opinion
The Open Medical Informatics Journal, Volume 2, 2008Computador de Mão: Um Recurso Didático na Graduação em Medicina
Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação,Vol. 16 (3) 2008. In Portuguese.Empirical research in CSCW - a review of the ACM/CSCW conferences from 1998 to 2004.
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, v. 13, p. 27-36, 2007.Desvendando mitos: os computadores e o desempenho no sistema escolar
Educação& Sociedade, vol.28 no.101. In Portuguese.DW-RBAC: A formal security model of delegation and revocation in workflow systems
Information Systems, 32(3), 365-384, 2007.Modeling generalized implicatures using non-monotonic logics
Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 16(2), 195 - 216 , 2007.Decision support system for the diagnosis of schizophrenia disorders
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 39, 119 - 128, 2006. Open access.Meta workflows as a control and coordination mechanism for exception handling in workflow systems
Decision Support Systems, 40(1), 89-105,2005. Local copy
W-RBAC: A Workflow Security Model Incorporating Controlled Overriding of Constraints
International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, 12(4), 455-485, 2003.A Fully Distributed Architecture for Large Scale Workflow Enactment
International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, Vol. 12(4), 411-440, 2003. Local copyA Reuse-Oriented Workflow Definition Language
International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, 12(1), 1-36, 2003. Local copyKnowledge acquisition in schizophrenia: clinical reasoning patterns among three experts
Schizophrenia Research, 63(3), 295-296, 2003.Proclets: a framework for lightweight interacting workflow processes
nternational Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, 10(4) 443-481, 2001.Fuzzy Temporal/Categorical Information in Diagnosis
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 13(1-2), 9-26, 1999. Local copyA temporal extension to the parsimonious covering theory
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 10(3), 235-255, 1997. Local copyGoal based models of colaboration
Collaborative Computing, 1, 61 - 83, 1994.Métodos de pesquisa quantitativa e qualitativa para a ciência computação.
in Tomasz Kowaltowski and Karin Breitman. (Org.). Atualização em informática 2007. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação e Editora PUC-Rio, 2007. In portuguese. p. 221-262. Local copyPerson-to-person processes: computer-supported collaborative work
in Process-aware Information Systems, John Wiley and Sons, Inc, 2005, p. 37-60O paradoxo da produtividade
in Informatica, Organizações e Sociedade no Brasil, Cortez Editora, 2003 (in portuguese). Local copyInformatica, Organizações e Sociedade no Brasil
Cortez Editora, 2003 (in portuguese).Agent-Augmented Meetings
in Agent supported cooperative work, Yiming Ye and Elizabeth Churchill ed. Kluwer Academic Press, 2003Groupware and computer supported cooperative work
in Multiagent systems: a modern approach to distributed artificial intelligence, Gerhard Weiss ed, MIT Press, 1999Under construction