MC102 - Computer Algorithms and Programming

This page contains links to slides and videos from MC102 - Algorithms and Computer Programming.

Slides change over time and the link is always to the latest version. Therefore, the slides shown in the videos may not match the actual slides. Also, depending on the semester, the order of some classes may change in relation to the order of videos on YouTube. The site will be maintained in the order that the classes will be taught in the respective semester.

There are also some CodeForces issues with training the content. Problems marked with one or more ⭐ are more interesting than others… But more interesting doesn't necessarily mean harder.

Corrections in links and suggestions for other content, mainly CodeForces problems, are more than welcome!


  1. classrooms
    1. Unit 01 - About the Discipline
    2. Unit 02 - History of Computing
    3. Unit 03 - Introduction
    4. Unit 04 - Variables
    5. Unit 05 - Conditionals
    6. Unit 06 - Repetition
    7. Unit 07 - Functions
    8. Unit 08 - Good Code
    9. Unit 09 - Lists and Strings
    10. Unit 10 - Dictionaries and Sets
    11. Unit 11 - Arrays and Multidimensional Objects
    12. Unit 12 - Combining and Using Data Structures
    13. Unit 13 - Classes and Objects
    14. Unit 14 - Archives
    15. Unit 15 - Search and Sorting Algorithms
    16. Unit 16 - Recursion
    17. Unit 17 - Recursive Sorting Algorithms
  2. Python Installation Guides
  3. Development Environments
  4. Suggested Extensions for Visual Studio Code
  5. YouTube Channel Suggestion
  6. Other courses
  7. Competitive Programming


Unit 01 - About the Discipline

Unit 02 - History of Computing

Unit 03 - Introduction

Unit 04 - Variables

Unit 05 - Conditionals

Unit 06 - Repetition

Unit 07 - Functions

Unit 08 - Good Code

Unit 09 - Lists and Strings

Unit 10 - Dictionaries and Sets

Unit 11 - Arrays and Multidimensional Objects

Unit 12 - Combining and Using Data Structures

Unit 13 - Classes and Objects

Unit 14 - Archives

Unit 15 - Search and Sorting Algorithms

Unit 16 - Recursion

Unit 17 - Recursive Sorting Algorithms

Python Installation Guides

Development Environments

Suggested Extensions for Visual Studio Code

These are some extensions that I think are useful for people who are programming in Python or who improve the use of Visual Studio Code.


Other extensions for Python:

Ways to see code execution in Python:

Overall improvements to VS Code:


YouTube Channel Suggestion

Other courses

Competitive Programming