MC202E - Data Structures

This page contains links to slides and videos from MC202 - Data Structures.

Slides change over time and the link is always to the latest version. Therefore, the slides shown in the videos may not match the actual slides. Also, depending on the semester, the order of some classes may change in relation to the order of videos on YouTube. The site will be maintained in the order that the classes will be taught in the respective semester.

Corrections on links and suggestions for other content are more than welcome!


  1. classrooms
    1. Unit 1 - About the Discipline
    2. Unit 2 - C Course - Part 1
    3. Unit 3 - C Course - Part 2
    4. Unit 4 - C Course - Part 3
    5. Unit 5 - C Course - Part 4
    6. Unit 6 - C Course - Part 5
    7. Unit 7 - C Course - Part 6
    8. Unit 8 - Recursion
    9. Unit 9 - Notions of Algorithm Efficiency
    10. Unit 10 - Vectors
    11. Unit 11 - Linked Lists
    12. Unit 12 - Linked List Variations
    13. Unit 13 - Stack and Queue
    14. Unit 14 - Stack Applications
    15. Unit 15 - Binary Trees
    16. Unit 16 - Binary Search Trees
    17. Unit 17 - Red-Black Trees
    18. Unit 18 - Priority and Heap Queues
    19. Unit 19 - Sorting and Heapsort
    20. Unit 20 - Mergesort and Quicksort
    21. Unit 21 - Sorting in Linear Time
    22. Unit 22 - Hashing
    23. Unit 23 - Graphs (representation)
    24. Unit 24 - Graphs (course)
    25. Unit 25 - Graphs (algorithms)
    26. Unit 26 - Backtracking
    27. Unit 27 - B Trees
    28. Unit 28 - Choosing an ED
  2. tutorials
  3. Interesting Links


Unit 1 - About the Discipline

Unit 2 - C Course - Part 1

Unit 3 - C Course - Part 2

Unit 4 - C Course - Part 3

Unit 5 - C Course - Part 4

Unit 6 - C Course - Part 5

XKCD: Pointers

Unit 7 - C Course - Part 6

Unit 8 - Recursion

XKCD: Fixing Problems

Unit 9 - Notions of Algorithm Efficiency

Unit 10 - Vectors

Unit 11 - Linked Lists

Unit 12 - Linked List Variations

XKCD: Forgetting

Unit 13 - Stack and Queue

Unit 14 - Stack Applications

Unit 15 - Binary Trees

Unit 16 - Binary Search Trees

Unit 17 - Red-Black Trees

Unit 18 - Priority and Heap Queues

XKCD: tree

Unit 19 - Sorting and Heapsort

Unit 20 - Mergesort and Quicksort

Unit 21 - Sorting in Linear Time

Unit 22 - Hashing

Unit 23 - Graphs (representation)

Unit 24 - Graphs (course)


Unit 25 - Graphs (algorithms)

Unit 26 - Backtracking

Unit 27 - B Trees

Unit 28 - Choosing an ED



The main bibliography for the course is the book “Algorithms in C - Third Edition” by R. Sedgewick. Another interesting book is “Introduction to Algorithms - Third Edition” by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest and Stein. Other books can be found in the Discipline Development Plan.