Polyhedral Combinatorics

This page contains links to slides and material on Polyhedral Combinatorics.

Slides change over time and the link is always to the latest version.

Corrections on links and suggestions for other content are more than welcome!


  1. Slides
  3. Useful Links


  1. About the Discipline - handouts
  2. Introduction - handouts
  3. Projection - handouts
  4. Duality - handouts
  5. Overview - handouts
  6. Faces - handouts
  7. Dimensão - handouts
  8. Aspects - handouts
  9. Vertices and Extremals - handouts
  10. Full Zip - handouts
  11. Cuts - handouts
  12. Optimization and Separation - handouts
  13. Combinatorial Optimization - handouts
  14. Polyhedron of Pairings - handouts
  15. Polyhedron of Paths and Polyhedron of Cuts - handouts
  16. Matroids Polyhedron - handouts
  17. Traveling Salesman Polyhedron - handouts
  18. Steiner Problem Polyhedron in Graphs - handouts
  19. Branch-and-Cut - handouts


  20. Polyhedral Combinatorics and Facial Cut-Planes. Carlos E. Ferreira and Yoshiko Wakabayashi. Institute of Computing, UNICAMP, 1996.
  21. Topics in Integer Optimization. Ana Flávia Uzeda Macambira, Luidi Simonetti, Rosiane de Freitas Rodrigues, Nelson Maculan. UFRJ Publisher. 2022.
  22. Polyhedral Geometry and Linear Optimization. Andreas Paffenholz. 2010.
  23. Combinatorial Optimization: Polyhedra and Efficiency., Alexander Schrijver. Springer-Verlag, 2003.
  24. Theory of Linear and Integer Programming. Alexander Schrijver. John Wiley \& Sons. 1998.
  25. Integer and Combinatorial Optimization. George Nemhauser and Laurence Wolsey. John Wiley \& Sons. 1999.
  26. Integer Programming. Laurence A. Wolsey. John Wiley \& Sons. 1998.
  27. Linear Programming. Vasek Chvatal. WH Freeman and Company. 1983.
  1. Polymake
  2. DOOR
  3. Gurobi Academic License
  4. Professor's Full Programming Class Notes Karthik Chandrasekaran