Artificial Intelligence is used to diagnose COVID-19

IC's Complex Data Inference Laboratory (Recod), participates in a research group that uses Artificial Intelligence to diagnose COVID-19 and predict risk of complications

A method that allows the diagnosis of COVID-19 in about 20 minutes - at low cost and without the need for imported reagents - was described by Brazilian researchers in an article published on the medRxiv platform, still without peer review.

The system uses artificial intelligence algorithms capable of recognizing in blood samples from patients a pattern of molecules characteristic of the disease. According to the authors, it is also possible to identify, among confirmed cases, individuals with a higher risk of developing severe manifestations, such as respiratory failure.

The project supported by FAPESP involves researchers from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) and the University of São Paulo (USP), in addition to collaborators in Amazonas.

See the full article here