27 Mar 2024
09:00 Master's Defense Room 85 of IC2
Statistical Analysis of Semi-Supervised Algorithms for Tabular Data
Luan de Oliveira Silveira
Advisor / Teacher
Jacques Wainer
Brief summary
The power of supervised learning, as well as its limitations in obtaining labeled examples, has fueled the growth of the area of ​​semi-supervised learning. As the ecosystem of algorithms is developed, and their proficiencies are individually tested, their performances are usually compared between similar methods and on pre-selected data in which their performances are highlighted, lacking a rigorous statistical analysis that compares different families of methods within a varied selection of data. The present work aims to supplement the area with such analysis.
Examination Board
Jacques Wainer IC / UNICAMP
Ronaldo Cristiano Prati CMCC / UFABC
Marcelo da Silva Reis IC / UNICAMP
Anderson de Rezende Rocha IC / UNICAMP
Priscila Tiemi Maeda Saito CCET/UFSCAR