16 dez 2020
14:00 Master's Defense Fully distance
Vehicle Routing Problem Enabled with Time Windows and Stochastic Clients
Deyvison Nogueira Rodrigues
Advisor / Teacher
Flavio Keidi Miyazawa
Brief summary
This paper proposes the Vehicle Routing Problem Enabled with Time Windows and Stochastic Clients (CVRPTWSC), a variation of the Vehicle Routing Problem Enabled with Time Windows (CVRPTW) where a subset of customers are uncertain. CVRPTWSC is formulated as a two-stage stochastic integer linear programming problem, which is solved using the Integer L-Shaped Method. Computational experiments performed on instance extensions for CVRPTW demonstrate the efficiency and limits of the proposed method.
Examination Board
Eduardo Candido Xavier IC / UNICAMP
Reinaldo Morabito Neto DEP / UFSCAR
Fábio Luiz Usberti IC / UNICAMP
Rafael Crivellari Saliba Schouery IC / UNICAMP
Kelly Cristina Poldi IMECC / UNICAMP