22 Mar 2024
13:00 Master's Defense Room 85 of IC2
Epistemological Pluralism in economic simulations for children
Yan Prada Moro
Advisor / Teacher
Andre Santanch
Brief summary
Epistemological pluralism is an approach to the philosophy of science that recognizes the diversity of perspectives in obtaining knowledge. In computing environments, authors such as Turkle and Papert observed the expression of this pluralism in user behavior, emphasizing the importance of designing these environments to accommodate different learning styles. Although several studies have explored this phenomenon, especially in identifying behavior patterns in simulations related to learning styles, the task of identifying these specific user styles remains challenging. This work directs its focus to a research gap that we believe exists, by exploring epistemological pluralism in the context of teaching economics to children. We propose a simple economic model of supply and demand and apply it in workshops held at the Unicamp Exploratory Science Museum, aimed at children aged seven to twelve. The objective was to investigate whether the observed behavior patterns resemble the ideal types outlined by Turkle and Papert, while also exploring the learning profile of these groups. In our experiment, we identified groups of users more prone to exploration and others with a more planned approach. At the level of analysis of the coherence of their actions, we noticed a convergence between both groups. This study also contributes to the practical application of these concepts in teaching economics to children. Adapting the design of computing environments and teaching strategies based on these standards can result in more engaging and personalized learning experiences.
Examination Board
Andre Santanche IC / UNICAMP
Fabio Ferrentini Sampaio IPS
Rodolfo Jardim de Azevedo IC / UNICAMP
Julio Cesar dos Reis IC / UNICAMP
Maria Carolina de Souza Sampaio EA/UFBA