IC student's thesis awarded at CLEI-2020

Felipe Forero's thesis, entitled Geometric Aspects and Random Delays in Probabilistic Broadcasting for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, defended last year, was awarded first place at the VI Latin American Doctoral Thesis Contest promoted by CLEI (Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios en Informática) - 2020.

The student carried out his doctorate co-guardianship with Universidad de Los Andes and UNICAMP. He was guided by Prof. Nestor M. Peña (University of Los Andes - Colombia) and co-supervised by Prof. Nelson LS da Fonseca (IC-UNICAMP).

Prof. Edmundo Madeira (IC-Unicamp) was a member of the defense board held at the Universidad de Los Andes.

Congratulations Felipe and Prof. Nelson!