IC faculty and students are among the winners of the eighth edition of Google Scholarships - 2020

Google announces the winners of the eighth edition of Latin America Research Awards (LARA) and, among the thirteen selected Brazilian works, three are from IC Professors!

For eight years, this award has been dedicated to supporting research projects in Latin America, and has already recognized 146 initiatives that received almost US $ 3 million in all.

IC recipients are:

Profª. Sandra Ávila and student Alceu Bissoto, with the work: Rethinking the automatic classification of skin cancer with unsupervised learning of representation.

Prof. Nelson Luis Saldanha da Fonseca and student Rodrigo Augusto Cardoso da Silva, with the work: Reducing service latency by using unmanned aerial vehicles with wings

Prof. Anderson Rocha and student Antônio Theóphilo, with the work: Fighting false news through the attribution of authorship and analysis of phylogeny.

See the article and the complete list here: https://brasil.googleblog.com/2020/12/conheca-os-vencedores-da-edicao-2020-do.html

Congratulations to the winners !!