Note of Concern: Joining the diverse voices of plural entities and the most diverse sectors of Brazilian society, from broad political fields, the Institute of Computing of the State University of Campinas makes public its concern about the current weakness of democracy in Brazil in the face of the various attacks that it has been suffering, including by authorities who should defend it at all costs.
The Institute, composed of professors, technical-administrative employees and students, is formed, like Brazilian society, by different strata of this society and with different political positions. All this diversity can only be embraced by Democracy and respect for others. Thus, we receive with great concern the growth of authoritarianism, denial and the political use of the armed and police forces, reinforced by the speeches of the President of the Republic and the demonstrations against democracy on the 7th of September.
As an Institute of one of the main Universities in the country, we reinforce the need to defend democratic values, Science, and the Federal Constitution of 1988.
The Constitution must be respected! Democracy defended, always.
Institute of Computing
Campinas State University